barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 22:20:09


1)用于结束列举,和lastly,last of all是同义的。

eg:There are three reasons why I hate him:first(ly) he"s rude,second(ly) he"s a liar,and lastly/last of all/finally he owes me money.

**这里提一点,finally和last (of all)也用于结束按时间顺序排列的一系列动作。(首先..然后..接着..最后这样的句子)

2)用于表示很长时间之后发生的事(结局可能是好事也可能是坏事),和in the end同义。

eg:He fell ill and finally/in the end he died.

**还有个词与上面几个类似的--at last.与它们的区别在于经过一段时间之后所发生的是好事。




eventually:after a long time,especially after a long delay or a lot of problems.

eg:She eventually passed her driving test.

ultimately:after everything or everyone else has been done or considered.

eg:Ultimately the decision rests with the child"s parents.最终决定要由孩子的父母来作。



2023-07-20 21:11:542


要发清音,ul发音/u028cl/ ultimately 英[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259tli] 美[u02c8u028cltu0259mu026atli] adv. 根本; 最后,最终; 基本上; 郅; [例句]Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed.
2023-07-20 21:12:181


2023-07-20 21:12:462

ultimately与finally 的区别?

ultimately最后;终极地[Z]Ultimately they did get the police to come.他们最终叫来了警察。finally1. 最后,终于They finally realized that the whole thing was a joke.他们终于意识到整个事情是场玩笑。2. 决定性地It"s not finally settled yet.这还没有彻底解决。
2023-07-20 21:12:574

这个英语单词 ultimate ultimately 怎么读阿

ultimate 英[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259t]美[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259t]adj. 最后的; 最终的; 终极的; 极端的; 最好(或坏、伟大、重要等)的; 根本的; 基本的; 基础性的;n. 最好(或先进、伟大等)的事物; 极品; 精华;[例句]He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome他说现在还无法预料最终的结局。[其他] 复数:ultimatesultimately 英[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259tli]美[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259tli]adv. 最终; 最后; 终归; 最基本地; 根本上;[例句]Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed.不管科学家们最后得出什么样的结论,他们的全部数据将会立即引起争议。
2023-07-20 21:13:184


2023-07-20 21:13:332

ultimately与finally 的区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: finally 主要指 lastly, in conclusion,“最后地”、“决定性地”、“不可更改地”; ultimately 指“最后”、“极点”、“终于”,即达到最高界线 一般可通用 举例说明After several delays, the plane finally left at six o"clock几经耽搁,飞机终于在6点钟起飞。 Ultimately people rely on science to gain an ujderstanding of biological phenomena. 最终人们依靠科学来理解生物现象。 不知道这样的解释你是否满意
2023-07-20 21:13:401

ultimate 和 ultimately 这俩 英语单词 究竟怎么读

ultimate 英[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259t]美[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259t]adj. 最后的; 最终的; 终极的; 极端的; 最好(或坏、伟大、重要等)的; 根本的; 基本的; 基础性的;n. 最好(或先进、伟大等)的事物; 极品; 精华;[例句]He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome他说现在还无法预料最终的结局。[其他] 复数:ultimatesultimately 英[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259tli]美[u02c8u028cltu026amu0259tli]adv. 最终; 最后; 终归; 最基本地; 根本上;[例句]Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed.不管科学家们最后得出什么样的结论,他们的全部数据将会立即引起争议。
2023-07-20 21:14:005


1. 解答: 形容词ultimate的副词形式是在词尾直接加字母组合ly,即:ultimately。2. 知识:英语常见的构词法有合成法、派生法、转化法和缩略法,派生法是其中最重要的一种。所谓派生法,就是在某一单词的前面或后面加上词缀以此构成新词的方法。加在前面的称为前缀,加在后面的称为后缀。前缀常常改变词义,后缀常常只改变词性。以常见的后缀-ly为例。① 加在名词后面构成形容词:brother - brotherly 兄弟似的,friend - friendly 友好的,sister - sisterly 似姐妹的。② 加在形容词后面构成副词:beautiful - beautifully 出色地,nice - nicely 舒适地,real - really 真正地,final - finally 最终。3. 例句:① What a beautiful flower it is! 多美的花儿啊!(形容词beautiful)She sings beautifully. 她唱得极好。(副词beautifully)② I am reading the final chapter of the novel. 我正在读这部小说的最后一章。(形容词final)We arrived at the train station in time finally. 我们最终还是及时赶到了了车站。(副词finally)
2023-07-20 21:14:141


ultimately的形容词是ultimateultimate英 ["ʌltɪmət]美 [ˈʌltəmɪt]adj. 最后的;极限的;首要的;最大的n. 终极;顶点;基本原理;基本事实
2023-07-20 21:14:213

utimately,however …………

ultimately = 最后 however = 但是but in the end = 但最后 finally = 终于 nevertheless = 不管怎么样(nevertheless的意思与题不太一样)
2023-07-20 21:14:291


2023-07-20 21:14:374

statutory ;auditorium;ultimately ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?

statutory;思待车去commonwealth;靠闷歪欧思firstly;佛思特力 抢首赞
2023-07-20 21:14:453

statutory ;auditorium;ultimately ;这英语用谐音怎么读?

Statutory四代出脱瑞,auditorium熬的拖睿翼耳目,ultimately奥特模特里,这些是英语谐音,希望楼主采纳,thank you very much.
2023-07-20 21:14:591


2023-07-20 21:15:194

statutory ;auditorium;ultimately 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-07-20 21:15:271


问题一:“遗憾的是”用英语怎么翻译?? unfortunately 令人遗憾地 adv.副词 问题二:然而最终令我们遗憾的是英文 然而最终令我们遗憾的是 But ultimately we regret that ultimately 英 [??lt?m?tli] 美 [?u028clt?m?tli] adv. 根本; 最后,最终; 基本上; 郅 Ultimately, we can change the shape of people"s lives. 最终,我们可以改变人们的生活状况。 问题三:令人遗憾的是我和她失去了联系英语翻译 令人遗憾的是我和她失去了联系 It"s a pity that I lost contact with her. 问题四:但是遗憾的是 ,用英语怎么说 But unfortunately 问题五:但令人遗憾的是他再也不能唱歌了 用英语怎么说 but it"矗 a shame that he could never sing again 英文口语的原则要力求简洁,用最简单的方式表达 问题六:遗憾的是从没被人坚定的选择过用英语怎么翻译 It is a pity that never been determined choice 问题七:非常令我遗憾的是 ....英语翻译 I regret very much 如回答满意请采纳谢了
2023-07-20 21:15:341

destroy ;ruin; ultimately 这英语用谐音怎么读?

迪斯投瑞 destroy如吟 ruin奥贴美特列 ultimately
2023-07-20 21:15:423


然而最终令我们遗憾的是But ultimately we regret thatultimately英 [ˈʌltɪmətli] 美 [ˈʌltəmɪtli] adv.根本; 最后,最终; 基本上; 郅Ultimately, we can change the shape of people"s lives. 最终,我们可以改变人们的生活状况。
2023-07-20 21:15:511


ultimate副词是什么?ultimately 英[ˈʌltɪmətli] 美[ˈʌltɪmətli] adv. 最终; 最后; 终归; 最基本地; 根本上;
2023-07-20 21:16:581

ultimately与finally 的区别?

2023-07-20 21:17:062


美[u02c8u028cltu0259mu026at]ultimate是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“终极;根本;基本原则”,作形容词时意思是“最终的;极限的;根本的”。Ultimate Factories超级工厂 ; 终极工厂 ; 终级工厂全系列 ; 终级工厂系列Vista Ultimate旗舰版 ; 终极版 ; 最终版 ; 指挥舰版ultimate consumer最后消费者 ; 末级消费者 ;[贸易]最终消费者 ; 较后消费者1、All of this is for one ultimate goal: revenge.为一这全部都是终极的目标报仇。2、Happiness is the ultimate aim of everything we do.我们所做一切的最终目的就是幸福。3、Finally, if you ask me if there is anything more difficult, I can tell you that there"s one more thing that"s ultimately hard - knowing when and what to do.最后,如果你问我还有什么事情比这些更难吗?我可以告诉你还有一件顶级难的事情——知道什么时候该做什么事。
2023-07-20 21:17:141

statutory ;auditorium;ultimately ;这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-07-20 21:17:273


旗舰版的意思,这种命名从微软的VISTA操作系统开始,意味着顶级版,功能最为全面,用户体验更为丰富,同时微软提供的支持与服务也相应增加,比如可以下载其他国家的语言包,这样可以在多种语言环境下使用。ultimate英 [ˈʌltɪmət] 美 [ˈʌltəmɪt]adj.最后的; 极限的; 首要的; 最大的n.终极; 顶点; 基本原理; 基本事实终极;最终的;最后的;极致复数: ultimates派生词:ultimacy ultimately 双语例句1. Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary. 他们最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。2. He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters. 他在神学和政治事务上都是最终的仲裁人。3. As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares. 作为最高的处罚,他们可以出售他们的股份。4. The ultimate aim is to expand the network further. 最终目的是为了进一步拓展该网络。5. Caviar and oysters on ice are generally considered the ultimate luxury foods. 一般认为,鱼子酱和冰镇牡蛎是顶级美味。
2023-07-20 21:17:341


2023-07-20 21:18:087


As an AI language model, I don"t have a preference for the colors of robots as I do not have the ability to see or perceive. However, from a general perspective, some people might prefer robots in certain colors that appeal to them or convey a certain image or emotion, such as white for cleanliness and purity, blue for trust and stability, or red for energy and excitement. Ultimately, the color of a robot is less important than its functionality and ability to perform the tasks and functions t_
2023-07-20 21:18:303


2023-07-20 21:18:404

50分 英语翻译 不要网站智能翻译 先给一半分

2023-07-20 21:18:484

Lack the tune of lyrics, ultimately not perfect 是什么意思呀

缺少旋律的歌词,最终也是不完美的。lack缺少,tune of lyrics 歌词的旋律,ultimately最终,not perfect 不完美
2023-07-20 21:19:022

请问这句话是什么意思?it is only that dialogue that matters

这是强调句式,够成为,It"s 。。。。。that
2023-07-20 21:19:103


2023-07-20 21:19:291

Finally 的同义词

Finally 最后;终于;决定性地 同义词eventually, ultimately, lastly
2023-07-20 21:19:392


1.As time goes on, you will adapt to college life.2, the day back English words and translate the sentence, we will ultimately improve the English level.Three, you"ll soon adapt to college life.4, there is more to participate in social practice, we can adapt to the society and faster.Five, we practice more, we can quickly to improve his English.6 and the first to participate in the English speech contest, I won the second place.7, seems more and more people realize the seriousness of the pollution.8, only we ponder earnestly, to find the solution to the problem
2023-07-20 21:19:594

the way we conduct our business ultimately defines us 怎样翻译比较好

2023-07-20 21:20:174


总结一些常用的衔接词,虽然不能涵盖所,但如果把这十类词的关系搞清楚,把列举的具体衔接词背诵并会用的话,就能把一篇文章的逻辑意思表达得非常通顺了:一、表逻辑上的先后顺序 1) 首先first,firstly,in the first place,in the first instance,to begin with 2) 其次secondly,in the second place 3) 最后,最重要的是at last,finally,last,lastly,most importantly 4) 最后但并非最不重要的(一点)是,最后要说的是last but not least    二、表递进关系 1) (副词)也;而且,还also,too,besides 2) (并列连接词)而且and 3) 此外in addition to,apart from 4) 此外furthermore,what"s more 5) 不仅……而且……not only…but also… 6) 既……又……,也both…and…,as well as    三、表转折或比较关系 1) (并列连接词)但是but 2) (副词)然而(and)yet,while,whereas 3) (副词)然而nevertheless,however 4) (从属连接词)尽管,虽然though,although 5) 相反,正相反,恰恰相反to the contrary,on the contrary,quite the contrary 6) 与……形成对比,与……截然不同in contrast with/to 7) 相反(but)rather 8) 反而,代替,而不是instead,instead of 9) 毕竟after all 10) 同样地equally,likewise,similarly    四、表例证关系 1) 也就是说namely,that is,that is to say 2) 例如for example,for instance 3) 举例来说to illustrate 4) 例如such as 5) 以……为例(来说)take…as an example    五、表因果关系   1) (后接表原因的从句)因为because 2) (后接表原因的并列分句)因为for 3) 因为……because of…,,owing to…,on account of… 4) 因为这个那个,这些那些原因for this(that,these,those)reason(s) 5) (从句1)为了……in order that 6) (副词)因此,所以thus,hence,therefore 7) 那么then 8) 结果(是)as a result;so that(后接表结果的从句) 9) 因此,结果(是)consequently 10) 因此,相应地(就)accordingly    六、表观点 1) 在我看来in my opinion,in my view 2) 我本人认为,我个人的看法是personally,as far as I"m concerned 3) 我认为I think(that从句),as a rule 4) 一般来说generally(speaking),in general 5) 坦率地说frankly speaking,to be frank    七、表强调 1) 显而易见obviously,apparently,clearly,certainly 2) 肯定地,当然surely,to be sure,of course 3) 事实上,实际上,真正地actually,as a matter of fact,indeed 4) 自然地naturally 5) 毫无疑问no doubt,undoubtedly    八、表时间关系   1) 首先first 2) 起初at first 3) 然后,后来,在那之后,随后then,later,after that,afterwards,consequently 4) 同时,与此同时at the same time,in the meantime,meanwhile 5) 最后finally,at last 6) 最终,最后eventually,ultimately 7) 就在那以后(不久)just then,shortly after that,immediately after that 8) 不久,很快before long,soon 9) 从那以后from then on 10) 从现在起from now on 11) 暂时,暂且for the time being 12) 在以后/未来的日子里in the days to come 13) 在下星期/月in the coming week/month
2023-07-20 21:20:581


我服了你英文说法是I surrender.双语例句:我投降了,我无力继续战斗。I surrender, I am unable to continue the fight.面对强大的敌人,我决定投降。Faced with a formidable enemy, I decided to surrender.在这场无法胜利的战争中,我选择了投降。In this unwinnable war, I chose to surrender.尽管努力了很久,最终我还是选择了投降。Despite my efforts, I ultimately chose to surrender.战争已经使我们筋疲力尽,只有投降才能保全生命。The war has exhausted us, and surrender is the only way to save our lives.当我看到无数战友倒下时,我明白了投降的必要性。When I saw countless comrades fall, I understood the necessity of surrender.投降并非懦弱,而是明智的选择。Surrendering is not cowardice, but a wise choice.虽然投降让我感到羞愧,但我知道这可以避免更多的伤亡。While surrendering fills me with shame, I know it can prevent further casualties.我宁愿投降,也不愿意见到更多人为这场战争失去生命。I"d rather surrender than see more lives lost in this war.投降并不意味着失败,而是一种为和平寻求妥协的举动。Surrendering doesn"t mean failure; it"s an act of seeking compromise for peace.
2023-07-20 21:21:071


2023-07-20 21:21:351


and ultimately
2023-07-20 21:21:552


The water ultimately flowed into the ocean.
2023-07-20 21:22:064


(3) in the EDM die casting manufacturing process is an indispensable method. EDM for quenching after the deep cavity of small-scale processing is still valid. Japan"s Sodick linear servo motor-driven EDM CNC machine tools with a quick drive, transmission and high-precision positioning, and so on the merits of small thermal deformation.瑞士夏米尔"s EDM with the P-E3 adaptive control system, PCE energy control systems and automated programming systems experts, in the casting mold manufacturing in its irreplaceable role. (4) sophisticated, complex, large-scale development of mold, testing equipment have become increasingly demanding. Now the accuracy of precision molds has reached 2 ~ 3μm, precision die casting has reached 10 ~ 20μm. At present, domestic manufacturers to use more testing equipment in Italy, the United States, Germany, with the digital scanning of the CMM. If the FAW Foundry Co., Ltd. Die Casting plant has a production in Germany 1600mm × 1200mm CMM with digital scanning, can be measured from the physical to the mathematical model set up, NC code output, and ultimately the whole process of mold manufacturing, successfully The realization of reverse engineering technology in the manufacture of molds in the development and application. This device include: Renishaw"s high-speed scanner (CYCLON SERIES2), the scanner can be laser-contact probe and probe each other"s advantages, precision laser scanning for 0.05mm, contact scanning probe accuracy Up to 0.02mm. The use of reverse engineering to produce molds with a short production cycle, high-accuracy, consistency and a good many of the advantages of low prices. (5) rapid prototyping die has been cast into the practical stage, LOM, SLS and other methods of application reliability and technical indicators have reached the level of similar foreign products. (6) Mold Manufacturing Technology Fast blank. There is dry sand-casting, EPC-casting, resin sand EPC technology. (7) User mold requested delivery period is becoming shorter and shorter, more and more low-price mold. In order to ensure the delivery schedule to effectively manage and control the cost of mold has become a business survival and development. The use of advanced information management system to achieve integrated management of the mold enterprises, especially large-scale enterprises die, has been one of the most to be resolved. FAW, such as die casting plant is basically realized the computer network management, production planning, technology development, to quality inspection, inventory, statistics, accounting, and so on, the widespread use of a computer management system, the factory sector through the computer network to share information. The use of information technology and other high-tech transformation of the traditional mold of the enterprise production has become inevitable.
2023-07-20 21:22:151


2023-07-20 21:22:231

求“As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone"全文及答案

2023-07-20 21:22:322


The rest of my life英文缩写troml
2023-07-20 21:22:531


After graduation from university, should I stay in a big city or a small city? This is a dilemma that many graduates will face. My personal opinion is that it depends on individual preferences and career goals.For those who enjoy the fast-paced lifestyle, opportunities and diverse cultures, staying in a big city is a good option. Big cities provide a hub of economic and cultural activities and many job opportunities for professionals. They also offer excellent facilities and services, such as world-class universities, modern hospitals, and recreational amenities. In addition, the diversity of the population in big cities can make for a vibrant social life.However, big cities also come with some disadvantages. The cost of living in a big city can be very high, especially for housing, transportation, and food. The high demand for goods and services in a large metropolitan area often comes with crowded public spaces, polluted air, and traffic congestion. Plus, the lifestyle can be very hectic and stressful, which can take a toll on personal well-being and relationships.On the other hand, small cities offer a more peaceful and close-knit community that some people prefer. Small cities may have fewer amenities, but they offer a slower pace of life, cheaper cost of living, and a greater sense of community. The people can be friendlier and more supportive, and the environment can be cleaner and more relaxed. Small cities offer the chance to relax and rejuvenate after the stressful university years.However, small cities may have fewer job opportunities in certain industries, and it may be harder to find a suitable job that fits your career goals. Also, the small population can limit the chance for networking and social activities, which may result in a more monotonous lifestyle.In conclusion, the choice of staying in a big city or a small city after graduation is a personal preference. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that aligns with your career goals and personal values. Ultimately, both types of cities have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be based on individual considerations.
2023-07-20 21:23:161

no ultimately trusted keys found什么意思

英语no ultimately trusted keys found中文没有最终信任的密钥
2023-07-20 21:23:241


It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly"s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon haifway around the world. ——Chaos Theory据说,一些微如蝴蝶振翅的小事,能引起横扫半个地球的风暴。 ——混沌理论
2023-07-20 21:23:323


2023-07-20 21:20:092


2004年 MBC放送演艺大奖(《nonstop4》) MBC演技大奖新人奖(《爱尔兰》) 2005年 MBC演技大奖 最受欢迎情侣 玄彬/金善雅(《我叫金三顺》) MBC演技大奖最具人气男演员 (《我叫金三顺》) MBC演技大奖最优秀男演员演技奖(《我叫金三顺》)2006年KBS演技大赏 最佳人气奖 (《雪之女王》) KBS演技大赏网上投票最受欢迎男演员 (《雪之女王》)KBS演技大赏最佳情侣奖 玄彬/成宥利 (《雪之女王》) 第42届百想艺术大赏 人气奖(《我叫金三顺》) 2010年SBS演技大赏最佳情侣奖 玄彬/河智苑 (《秘密花园》)SBS演技大赏浪漫kiss奖(《秘密花园》) SBS演技大赏网络最高人气男演员(《秘密花园》)SBS演技大赏最优秀男演员演技奖(《秘密花园》)SBS电视台演技大赏10大明星奖 (《秘密花园》)2011年2月电影《爱,不爱》入围柏林电影节主竞赛单元2月电影《晚秋》入围柏林电影节展映(非竞赛)单元3月电影《晚秋》在第25届瑞士佛里堡国际电影节上获得“特别提名奖”和“审查委员会奖”4月入围第47届百想艺术大奖“男子最优秀演技奖”与“男子人气奖”(《秘密花园》)5月获得第47届百想艺术大赏电视剧部门大赏最高奖(秘密花园够清楚的吧!我也喜欢玄彬~可惜去当兵了!555
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分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 电视 问题描述: 谁知道欧阳振华演的所有电视剧的名字! 解析: 欧阳震华个人档案 欧阳震华1982年毕业于“无线”第11期艺员训练班,个头高大的他并非靓仔,因此一直不受重用,那时过得非常苦,不仅赚不到钱,还要承受那种不知何时会红及前途迷茫的心理压力,以致他现在回想起来眼角依稀闪有泪光。不过,在最艰苦的时候,他依然没有想过要放弃,正是抱着对演戏的钟爱,欧阳挨过了多年的甲、乙、丙等小角色,最终等到了出头日。 “十年蛰伏,一飞冲天”,一连在五辑《壹号法庭》中的出色表现,使欧阳成为大受欢迎“师奶杀手”,不仅片约不断,且部部剧都演男主角,如《天降财神》中的财神、《缉私群英》里的海关人员叶天华、《醉打金枝》中的郭暧、《皇家反千组》中的反千组督察江一菊、《扫黄先锋》里的扫黄组探员江楚帆和《陀枪师姐》中的陈小生等,都得到相当高的评价。 初入行拍《警花出更》时,才十几岁的欧阳震华饰演郑裕玲的弟弟,还是个大反派。18年后的今天,欧阳震华却和郑裕玲站在同一个奖台上。这是缘分。当演员的,是红是黑,也很靠一份与观众的微妙缘分。 成名后的欧阳震华接戏越来越多。他一般不挑剔角色,只要合适的都演。经常演喜剧片的欧阳震华在生活中也是开开心心的,虽然他的头发开始变得越来越少。作为无线当红小生之一,欧阳震华表示很喜欢演员这一职业,并希望能一直演到老。 生日 : 1961年7月28日 出生地 : 香港 星座:狮子座 就职于:tvb 官方网站:没正式的官方网站 欧阳震华原名欧阳耀泉 1982 《假日风情Fool"s Paradise》 1983 《警花出更Woman Of The Beat》 1983 《射雕英雄传Condor Heros1983》——陆家庄家丁;丐帮污衣派乞丐 1983 电影《第八站》 1983 《北斗双雄Angels And Devils 1984 《生锈桥王United We Stand》——织衣厂少东 1984 《鹿鼎记The Duke Of Mountain Deer》——少林和尚 1984 《笑傲江湖Smiling Proud Wanderer》——余人彦 1984 《决战玄武门The Foundaction》——李建成 1984 《秋瑾A Woman To Remember-QinJin》——林宽 1984 《魔域桃源The Other Side Of The Horizon》 1984 《闭门一家亲The Friendly Halves》 1985 《挑战The Rough Ride》——电视节目主持人 1985 《武林世家The Fallen Family》——方尚文 1985 《楚河汉界The Battle Field》——龙且 1985 《观世音The Reincarnated Princess》——阿南尊者 1986 《陆小凤之凤舞九天Lok Siu Fung》——老实和尚 1986 《黄金十年The Turbulent Decade》——宋仕良 1987 《大运河The Grand C *** 》——瓦岗寨大寨主翟让 1988 《太平天国Twilight Of A Nation 1989 《飞虎群英Flying Tiger SWAT Team》 1989 《万家传说The Vixen"s Tale》——包金 1989 《上海大风暴Shanghai Conspiracy》——向南 1989 《侠客行Hap Hak Hung》——赏善罚恶使李四 1989 《龙廷争霸Lung Ting Tsang Pa》——明英宗朱祈镇 1990 《茶煲世家Three in a family》 电视电影《江湖狂澜The deadly passager》(《杀戮江湖》)——白羽 电影《护花情狂Love Quardrendo》 1991 《横财三千万The Poor Rich Man》——Franco 1991 《卡拉屋企》 1991 《命运快车Beyond Trust》——阮惠乔 1991 《今生无悔The Breaking Point》——同庆 1991 《闭门一家千The Confidence Man》 1992 《卡拉屋企 》(TVB) 《壹号皇庭 》(TVB) ----- 余在春Ben Yu 《我爱牙擦苏》 (TVB) 《奇情小男人 》(TVB) 1993 《壹号皇庭II 》(TVB) ----- 余在春Ben Yu 1994 《壹号皇庭III 》(TVB) ----- 余在春Ben Yu 《前世冤家 》(TVB) ------- 唐天就 1995 《壹号皇庭IV 》(TVB) ----- 余在春Ben Yu 《缉私群英 》(TVB) 1996 《天降财神Money Just Can"t Buy》——财神/杨济才 1996 《缉私群英Nothing To Declare》——叶天华 1997 《皇家反千组Corner The Conman》——江一菊 1997 《醉打金枝Taming Of The Princess》——郭暧 1997 《壹号皇庭V File of JusticeV》——余在春Ben Yu 1997 《美味天王A Recipe Of The Heart》 ——金一山/田味吉/田味橙 1998 《陀枪师姐Armed Reaction》——陈小生 1998 《网上有情人Web Of Love》——郭浩东 1998 《扫黄先锋Crimes Of Passion》——江楚帆 1999 《金玉满堂Happy Ever After》——戴东官/戴八宝 1999 《反黑先锋Anti-Crime Squad》 2000 《陀枪师姐II Armed ReactionII》——陈小生 2000 《金装四大才子The Legendary Four Aces》——祝枝山 2000 《洗冤录Witness To A Prosecution》 ——宋慈 2000 《我来也Heros In Black》(《怪侠神偷》)——冯破布 2001 《娱乐反斗星Screen Play》——白创世 2001 电视电影《热血狙击The Final Shot》-----——叶祖彦Joe Yip 2001 2001《陀枪师姐IIIArmedReactionIII》——陈小生 2001 《上有老Love On The Sky》——李成初 2002 《谈判专家Take My Word For It》——彭国栋 2002 《洗冤录II Witness To A ProsecutionII》——宋慈 2003 2003《陀枪师姐IV Armed ReactionIV》 ——陈小生 2003 《青出与蓝Shine On You》——贾济材 2004 《鸭寮街的金蛋Hidden Treasures》/《翻新大少》——戴少良 2004 《月上江南——狄仁杰洗冤录》——狄仁杰 2005 《福禄寿三星报喜》—— 梅寿全 (寿星公) 2005 《施公奇案》—— 施世纶 2005 《法证先锋》—— 高博彦
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