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我输他了. 英语.

2023-07-20 22:43:07
TAG: 英语

1.I lost him.

2.I lost that important match.

lose: [ lu:z ]

v. 遗失,损失,失败

[计算机] 失去


动词过去式:lost 过去分词:lost 现在分词:losing 第三人称单数:loses


1. I lost my wallet yesterday.


2. He lost his life in the war.


3. Such behaviour will lose you everyone"s sympathy.




1. fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense

2. fail to win

3. suffer the loss of a person through death or removal

4. place (something) where one cannot find it again

同义词:misplace, mislay

5. miss from one"s possessions; lose sight of

6. allow to go out of sight

7. fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit

同义词:turn a loss

8. fail to get or obtain

9. retreat

同义词:fall back, drop off, fall behind, recede

10. fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind


11. be set at a disadvantage


lost: [ lu0254st ]

a. 失去的,遗失的,迷惑的

v. 遗失,损失,失败

vbl. 遗失,损失,失败


1. She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth.


2. It"s surprising: they lost!


3. He is hunting for his lost book.


4. It is a pity (that) he lost so much money.




1. people who are destined to die soon



1. fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense


2. fail to win


3. suffer the loss of a person through death or removal


4. place (something) where one cannot find it again

同义词:misplace, mislay, lose

5. miss from one"s possessions; lose sight of


6. allow to go out of sight


7. fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit

同义词:lose, turn a loss

8. fail to get or obtain


9. retreat

同义词:fall back, lose, drop off, fall behind, recede

10. fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind

同义词:miss, lose

11. be set at a disadvantage

同义词:suffer, lose


1. no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered

2. having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity

同义词:confused, disoriented

3. spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed

4. not gained or won

5. incapable of being recovered or regained

6. not caught with the senses or the mind


7. deeply absorbed in thought

同义词:bemused, deep in thought, preoccupied

8. no longer known; irretrievable


9. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment

同义词:baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, confused, mazed, mixed-up, at sea

10. unable to function; without help



I have failed in that important match.

lose to sb很不常见。可以说lose 什么比赛。 还可以用defeated by sb表示输给某人,被某人打败。



I was defeated by him.


I was defeated in the important match.


1. Lost, past tense, since it"s something that has already happened.

2. I lost that important match.



confounded D.J.[ku0259nu02c8faundid] K.K.[ku0259nu02c8fau028andu026ad, kɑn-] adj.糊涂的,困惑的,讨厌的(轻微的诅咒用语)(非正式,旧)[尤用于表示愤怒、烦恼]讨厌的;该死的 he was a confounded nuisance.他是个讨厌鬼。
2023-07-20 22:18:323


2023-07-20 22:18:425

frustrate confound译作“挫败”时有什么区别?

confound 是困惑,搞糊涂了frustrate 才是挫折,挫败我有挫折感,I"m so frustrated.我不知咋办, I"m confounded.
2023-07-20 22:19:073


  激动,指激荡;由于受到刺激而感情冲动,是人们很常见的一种反应。那么你知道激动的英文翻译是什么吗?现在就一起来学习激动的英语知识吧。   激动的英文翻译   激动[jī dòng]   词典excite:激发;刺激;使兴奋;使紧张不安。   词典stir:搅拌;(使)移动;(使)行动;(使)微动。   词典agitate:搅动,摇动;使不安;激烈讨论。   词典sensation:感觉;轰动;知觉;直觉。   词典be in storm:激动。   激动的网络解释   1. Excitement:10 D 常识运用逻辑推理 然而,我们都经历过这样的场合:我们向某人说出了自己的心思,确切地告诉他们我们的感觉,结果却使得我们心里充满的不是激动(excitement)、幸福快乐(happiness)、自豪骄傲(pride)、而是负有内疚(guilt)感.   2. agitation:老年人的精神科急症张景瑞 国泰综合医院精神科 老年人求诊於急诊的问题中,约有5%为各类精神及行为问题(1),有些如焦躁不安,激动(agitation),游走或走失,自我忽视(self-neglect)等,不至於立即危及生命.本文将集中讨论可能危及生命的三大急症:谵妄(delirium),   3. thrill:技能(skill)能让静静地(still)溅(spill),激动(thrill)能往寒冷(chill)里钻(drill). ...   4. excite:唉!赵薇为什么总是被拍到很狼狈的(confounded)表情呢!请问,您是哪位?我猜(guess)是胡杏儿. 这是杨千桦女士吗?只有站在领奖台前才笑到如此激动(excite)吧?首先要恭喜(congratulate)陈姐姐!娱乐圈的单身美女又少了一个.   激动的双语例句   1. Tom Hanks憋着不眨眼来传递信息,他的角色是如此的"激动于他所意识到的事情。   He"s transfixed. Tom Hanks holds back his blinks to communicate the idea that his character is THAT intense about what he"s realizing.   2. 然而,这另一种生活也有其情趣、快乐、满足,而且也偶尔伴随着平静的喜悦或者突如其来的激动。   However, this is another life with sentiment, happy, content, and company with a placeful joyance and a sudden excitement occasionally   3. 我想这是十分激动人心的。   I think it will be very excited.   4. 保龄球是热门,尤其是十几岁,因为它是非常激动人心的乐趣和发挥。   Ten pin bowling is popular, especially among teens, as it is very exciting and fun to play.   5. 维生素D受体基因多态性是肿瘤领域激动人心的新研究方向,但我并不推荐常规检测VDR的基因多态性,因为目前我们还不知道如何处理相关数据。   Pro R. Mack Harrell: I currently recommend 1000-2000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily for all adults who don`t have elevated serum calciums, calcium containing kidney stones or renal failure.   6. 这是我第一次在美国过万圣节,好激动哦。   This is the first time for me to celebrate the Halloween in USA, I am so excited.   7. 他解释道:投资者在做决定时会过分强调刚刚过去的经历;人们对亏损的痛恨胜过对盈利的喜爱;随着市场日趋动荡,投资者行为会变得更易预测;情绪激动时,投资者倾向于采取从众行为。   He explains: Investors overemphasise recent experience when making decisions; people hate to lose more than they love to win; investors become more predictable as markets become more volatile; and when they are emotional, investors tend to be herd-like in behaviour.   8. 宾克斯法兴- 2加Steadi握不激动2夸脱压力杯是理想的喷涂元件和小批量生产。   Binks SG-2 Plus Steadi-Grip non-agitated 2 quart pressure cup is ideal for component spraying and small batch production.   9. 我还记得在我家里的谈话所带来的兴奋和激动。   I remember the excitement engendered by the conversation in our home.   10. 1娇阳抛下无数柔媚的眼神摇荡运动员的心旌心湖荡漾着一波波酷似霜风染过的枫叶火红的血焰猛烈升腾谁在台上雄声铿锵谁在台下心内呯呯攒动的每颗激动的人头牵动着兴奋的心兴奋里漫长等待等待台上动听的一语运动会开始进行!   Jiao Yang into the eyes of countless star athletes sometimes sway hearts Lake Bobble Shuangfeng resembles a wave of the Maple Leaf with a fiery red blood fierce flame lifted who sonorous sound-stage in the audience who slammed heart of the fantastic save each with the emotional affect the poll excited excitement in the heart long wait for a table sounding phrase Games begin!
2023-07-20 22:19:151

英语I’ll confound怎么翻译?

confound 扩展词汇 发音:英 [ku0259n"fau028and]   美 [ku0259n"fau028and]    翻译:vt. 使困惑;混淆;挫败;诅咒
2023-07-20 22:19:369

《midnight visitor》的翻译是什么?

大学英语精读《midnight visitor》(深夜访客)是一个悬疑故事,是Phililppines(菲律宾)悬疑小说作家Robert A. Arthur Jr. (1909-1969) 的作品,它说的是特工Ausable接到一个任务,要将一份有关一些新型导弹的文件转交给政府部门,中途却遇到了不速之客Max要将报告拿走,Ausable巧用计谋将Max赶走的故事。Ausable的计谋在于:1、善于用外在形象伪装自己的特工身份文中作者以Fowler的视角,描述了Ausable的形象特征。“Ausableu2002didu2002notu2002fitu2002theu2002descriptionu2002ofu2002anyu2002secretu2002agentu2002Fowleru2002hadu2002everu2002readu2002aboutu2002.u2002”奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。2、故意选了夜晚、酒店六层的狭小的房间,为后面的计谋作铺垫“Itu2002wasu2002au2002smallu2002roomu2002onu2002theu2002sixthu2002flooru2002,andu2002hardlyu2002au2002settingu2002foru2002au2002romanticu2002figureu2002.”那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。3、遇到Max时,故意埋怨,将话题引到窗户,并说窗户下还有阳台可以上来“Thisu2002isu2002theu2002secondu2002timeu2002inu2002au2002monthu2002thatu2002somebodyu2002hasu2002gottenu2002intou2002myu2002roomu2002offu2002thatu2002confoundedu2002balconyu2002!““这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”4、故意说敲门的是警察,引起max慌乱,”that will be de police“应该是警察。5、max慌乱中信以为窗户下真的有阳台,结果直接从六楼坠落。”And then as he dropped,he screamed once ,shrilly“当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。6、然而事实上确实根本没有警察,敲门只是酒店的服务员。”There never were any police“Ausable sighed."Only Henry ,whom I was expecting".“根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”扩展资料midnight visitor原文译文1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。福勒很失望地跟着他一路走过阴暗的法国旅馆的走廊,在那里奥萨博租了一套房间。那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。其次是他的口音,尽管他的法语和德语都还说的过去,但他仍然带有二十年前带到巴黎的新英格兰口音。3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。“别人说我是一个特工,一名间谍,周旋于间谍和危险之间。你期望能见到我,因为你是一个年轻,浪漫的作家。你本来以为今天晚上回碰见神秘人物,枪声,放在酒里的迷药。”4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在法国音乐餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。你一定已经无聊及了。”胖男人边低声笑着边开门,并且站到一旁让他那位失望的客人进了房间。5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。“但是我年轻的朋友振作起来。一会儿你就会看到一分文件,这份相当重要的文件曾让好几个人甘冒生命危险,送到我这儿后,我将把它转交给政府部门。很快这份文件就影响到历史的进程。有点戏剧化不是吗?”他边说边随后关上了门。然后打开灯。6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。因为在房间的中间站着一个男人,手里拿着一只小型自动手枪。7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。你在我房间里做什么?”9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。要不是那支枪,他看上去并不是太危险。10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。“今天晚上将送到你手里的那分报告是有关一些新型导弹的。我想我要把它从你手里拿走,在我手里比在你手里安全。”11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。“这次我要对管理人员不客气了,真是令我生气,”他阴着脸说。“这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”福勒的眼睛看向房里的唯一的窗户。这只是一扇普通的窗户,现在夜色已经给它蒙上了一层黑暗。12 “阳台”马克思好奇地问。“不,我有万能钥匙。我不知道什么阳台。如果我要是知道的话,可能就少了许多麻烦。”13 “那不是我的阳台”奥萨博生气地解释说。“它属于隔壁房间。”他看了福勒一眼解释说。“要知道,”他说,“这个房间是一个大套间的一部分,那扇门进去的隔壁房间曾经是卧室。卧室有阳台,并且现在延伸到我的窗户下。你可以从隔壁的空房间站到上面,上个月就有人这么做了。管理人员答应把隔壁房间锁上。但是可见他们并没有那么做。”14 马克思看了看此时正僵硬地站在里奥萨博几英尺远的福勒,并晃晃枪做出一个命令的手势。“坐下吧,”他说。“我想我们还得等半个小时。”15 “31分钟,”奥萨博不快地说道。“约定时间是12点30分。马克思,我很想知道你是怎么知道那分报告的。”16 那个小个子间谍邪恶地笑着。“我到是想知道你的人是怎么得到那分报告的。不过,好在一切平安无事。今天晚上我就可以再拿回来。什么事?睡在门口?”17 突然的敲门声使福勒惊跳起来。奥萨博只是笑笑,“一定是警察,”他说。“我认为这么一分重要的文件应该优点特别的保护。我告诉他们来检查一下以确保一切正常。”18 马克思不安地咬着嘴唇。敲门声又响起。19 “现在你怎么办,马克思?”奥萨博问。“如果我不开门的话,他们也会想尽办法进来的。门没锁。他们会毫不犹豫的开枪。”20 马克思的脸气得发青,随之快速地向窗户后退,回过手打开窗户,并把一条腿伸到外面。“把他们打发走!”他警告说。“我在阳台上等着。把他们打发走,否则我就会开枪,我会冒一下险的。”21 门外的敲门声更响了,一个声音大叫着:“奥萨博先生!奥萨博先生!”22 马克思扭动着身体,使他的枪一直瞄准胖男人和他的客人,他侧着身子把另一条腿也抬起上来,跨过窗台。23 门把手扭动了。马克思快速地用左手推了下窗台,放开自己,跳向阳台。当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。24 门开了,一个侍者站在门外,手里拿者一个托盘,上面有一个瓶子和两个玻璃杯。“这是你要的酒,先生。”他把托盘放在桌上,打开瓶子并离开房间。25 福勒被吓着脸色苍白,全身发抖,盯着他走出去。“可是……可是……怎么办……警察呢?他结结巴巴地说着。26 “根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”27 “可是阳台上那个人怎么办?”福勒又不安起来。28 “没必要了”奥萨博说,“他再也不会回来了。
2023-07-20 22:19:561

be found with

没有任何问题.with就是“带有”的意思. he"s considered with a kind heart. he"s a good lad with a kind heart. he"s found with a confounded condition eventually.
2023-07-20 22:20:101


旧约--以赛亚书(Isaiah)--第 24 章24:1 看哪,耶和华使地空虚,变为荒凉。又翻转大地,将居民分散。Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.24:2 那时百姓怎样,祭司也怎样。仆人怎样,主人也怎样。婢女怎样,主母也怎样。买物的怎样,卖物的也怎样。放债的怎样,借债的也怎样。取利的怎样,出利的也怎样。And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.24:3 地必全然空虚,尽都荒凉。因为这话是耶和华说的。The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word.24:4 地上悲哀衰残,世界败落衰残,地上居高位的人也败落了。The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.24:5 地被其上的居民污秽。因为他们犯了律法,废了律例,背了永约。The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.24:6 所以地被咒诅吞灭,住在其上的显为有罪。地上的居民被火焚烧,剩下的人稀少。Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.24:7 新酒悲哀,葡萄树衰残,心中欢乐的,俱都叹息。The new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merryhearted do sigh.24:8 击鼓之乐止息,宴乐人的声音完毕,弹琴之乐也止息了。The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth.24:9 人必不得饮酒唱歌。喝浓酒的,必以为苦。They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.24:10 荒凉的城拆毁了。各家关门闭户,使人都不得进去。The city of confusion is broken down: every house is shut up, that no man may come in.24:11 在街上因酒有悲欢的声音。一切喜乐变为昏暗。地上的欢乐归于无有。There is a crying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone.24:12 城中只有荒凉,城门拆毁净尽。In the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction.24:13 在地上的万民中,必像打过的橄榄树,又像已摘的葡萄所剩无几。When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done.24:14 这些人要高声欢呼。他们为耶和华的威严,从海那里扬起声来。They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the LORD, they shall cry aloud from the sea.24:15 因此你们要在东方荣耀耶和华,在众海岛荣耀耶和华以色列神的名。Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel in the isles of the sea.24:16 我们听见从地极有人歌唱,说,荣耀归于义人。我却说,我消灭了,我消灭了,我有祸了。诡诈的行诡诈,诡诈的大行诡诈。From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously.24:17 地上的居民哪,恐惧,陷坑,网罗,都临近你。Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.24:18 躲避恐惧声音的必坠入陷坑。从陷坑上来的必被网罗缠住。因为天上的窗户都开了,地的根基也震动了。And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.24:19 地全然破坏,尽都崩裂,大大的震动了。The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.24:20 地要东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人。又摇来摇去,好像吊床。罪过在其上沉重,必然塌陷,不能复起。The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.24:21 到那日耶和华在高处必惩罚高处的众军,在地上必惩罚地上的列王,And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.24:22 他们必被聚集,像囚犯被聚在牢狱中,并要囚在监牢里,多日之后便被讨罪。(或作眷顾)And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.24:23 那时月亮要蒙羞,日头要惭愧。因为万军之耶和华必在锡安山,在耶路撒冷作王。在敬畏他的长老面前,必有荣耀。Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.
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some people think that...some people regard that...some people consider that...
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  莎士比亚在华人社会常被尊称为莎翁,莎翁的十四行诗结构技巧和语言技巧都很高,每首诗都有独立的审美价值,让人沉醉于优美的文字当中。下面是我为大家带来莎翁经典十四行诗,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!   莎翁经典十四行诗1:   Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,   既然铜、石、或大地、或无边的海,   But sad mortality o"er-sways their power,   没有不屈服于那阴惨的无常,   How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,   美,她的活力比一朵花还柔脆,   Whose action is no stronger than a flower?   怎能和他那肃杀的严重抵抗?   O, how shall summer"s honey breath hold out   哦,夏天温馨的呼息怎能支持   Against the wreckful siege of battering days,   残暴的日子刻刻猛烈的轰炸,   When rocks impregnable are not so stout,   当岩石,无论多么么险固,或钢扉,   Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays?   无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?   O fearful meditation! where, alack,   哦,骇人的思想!时光的珍饰,   Shall Time"s best jewel from Time"s chest lie hid?   唉,怎能够不被收进时光的宝箱?   Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?   什么劲手能挽他的捷足回来,   Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?   或者谁能禁止他把美丽夺抢?   O, none, unless this miracle have might,   哦,没有谁,除非这奇迹有力量:   That in black ink my love may still shine bright.   我的爱在翰墨里永久放光芒。   莎翁经典十四行诗2:   When I have seen by Time"s fell hand defaced   当我眼见前代的富丽和豪华   The rich proud cost of outworn buried age;   被时光的手毫不留情地磨灭;   When sometime lofty towers I see down-razed   当巍峨的塔我眼见沦为碎瓦,   And brass eternal slave to mortal rage;   连不朽的铜也不免一场浩劫;   When I have seen the hungry ocean gain   当我眼见那欲壑难填的大海   Advantage on the kingdom of the shore,   一步一步把岸上的疆土侵蚀,   And the firm soil win of the watery main,   汪洋的水又渐渐被陆地覆盖,   Increasing store with loss and loss with store;   失既变成了得,得又变成了失;   When I have seen such interchange of state,   当我看见这一切扰攘和废兴,   Or state itself confounded to decay;   或者连废兴一旦也化为乌有;   Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate,   毁灭便教我再三这样地反省:   That Time will come and take my love away.   时光终要跑来把我的爱带走。   This thought is as a death, which cannot choose   哦,多么致命的思想!它只能够   But weep to have that which it fears to lose.   哭着去把那刻刻怕失去的占有。 莎翁经典十四行诗欣赏相关 文章 : 1. 莎翁十四行诗精选译文 2. 莎士比亚经典十四行诗欣赏 3. 莎士比亚经典十四行诗附译文 4. 莎士比亚十四行诗精选译文 5. 经典英语诗歌欣赏
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1.表示能力(could)是过去式 2.表示猜测“可能”,一般用于疑问句和否定句(could是过去式) 3.表示允许或请求允许,常用于第一人称或第二人称. 4表示请求允许时,与can相比,could语气更委婉,没有时态,意义上的区别. 5表示允许某人做某事时,用can而不用could. 表示惊异,怀疑,或不信任的态度,主要用于疑问句或否定句
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The Longest MovieJay ChouOur startIs a very long movieLasted for three yearsMy tickets still keptBallet on iceStill going round and round in my brainLooking at you as I forget you slowlyFaraway timeHow far we travelled?Skates drewWhose change was circled?If anything can have a new startWill it be a bit confounded?Is it closing a mouth that makes love valued?Again give me two minutesLet me make my memory frozenDon"t thaw the tearsYou all melted well and how should you make me remember?Remember you let me forget itRemember you let me forget itYou said you will cryBut didn"t because you care
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不知所措:be at a loss Examples: 1.她突然提出此事,我感到惊奇而不知所措. I was dazed by her sudden offer. 2.我听到那坏消息,一直全然不知所措. I"ve been in a complete daze since hearing the sad news. 3.他在新学校中感到茫然不知所措. He felt completely at sea in his new school. To overwhelm or amaze. 使不知所措,使吃惊 cause to be perplexed or confounded. 致使不知所措或者困惑. She was flummoxed by the question. 问题弄得她不知所措. I was terrified out of my wits. 我被吓得不知所措. He was so mazed that he didn"t know what to do. 他昏乱得不知所措. He is so maze that he do not know what to do. 他昏乱得不知所措. He is so mazed that he does not know what to do. 他昏乱得不知所措. at that juncture he had no idea what to do; he must be made to realize that the company stands at a critical point. 在紧急时刻他不知所措. The news broke me all up. 这消息弄得我不知所措. He was confused with his blunder. 他因做错事而不知所措.
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问题一:原木英语怎么说? 板材:plank stuff 原木:crude wood问题二:原木木架包装用英语怎么说 packaged by real wood frame.原木木架包装 问题三:木头用英语怎么说 wood 英 [w?d] 美 [w?d] n. 木材; 树林; 木制品vi. 收集木材 vt. 在…植树造林; 给…添加木柴 adj. 木制的; 失去理智的 网络 森林; 原木; 形容词Their dishes were made of wood. 他们的盘子是木制的问题四:木头的英文怎么说 木头: 1. wood 2. log 3. timber Examples: 1. 那人用斧头把一块木头劈成两半。 The man cleft a block of wood in two with an axe. 2. 船的木头舵坏了。 The wood rudder of the ship was broken. 3. 这件家具的木头表面上布满了斜纹。 The wood surface of the furniture is full of diagonal stripes. 4. 农舍是用木头建造的。 The farmhouse was built of wood. 5. 木头在河上放流。 The logs floated down the river. 6. 就连你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。 The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands. 7. 这两块木头已用金属丝捆在一起了。 The two pieces of wood were wired together. 8. 这木头潮得点不著. This wood is too wet to kindle. 9. 木头烧着了。 The wood caught fire. A blockhead; a dolt. 笨蛋;傻瓜 A dunce; a fool. 笨蛋;傻瓜 A foolish or stupid person. 傻瓜和笨蛋 A stupid person. 笨蛋 Ye fools! 你们这些笨蛋! He"s dense. 他是笨蛋。 A fool; a dolt. 蠢人;笨蛋 A confounded fool. 十足的笨蛋 A damned fool. 十足的笨蛋问题五:木头用英语怎么说 wood 问题六:原木木架包装用英语怎么说 原木木架包装Wood wooden packaging 原木木架包装 Wood wooden packaging问题七:原木色,英语翻译 原木色_有道词典 原木色 burlywood更多释义>> [网络短语] 原木色 sandal wood;burlywood;TAUPE OKE 原木色哑光 Unpolished Natural 原木色- SANDAL WOOD 详细用法>>问题八:木头的英语翻译 翻译是:wood 问题九:再原木上英语怎么写,谢谢 on circle wood 问题十:木材有很多用途 用英语怎么说 Wood can be used in many ways!
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16 A. 17 C.18 D.19 A.20 A.21 C.22 B.23 B.24 C.25 A. 26 C.27 A.28 B.29 C.30 C.
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大学英语精读《midnight visitor》(深夜访客)是一个悬疑故事,是Phililppines(菲律宾)悬疑小说作家Robert A. Arthur Jr. (1909-1969) 的作品,它说的是特工Ausable接到一个任务,要将一份有关一些新型导弹的文件转交给政府部门,中途却遇到了不速之客Max要将报告拿走,Ausable巧用计谋将Max赶走的故事。Ausable的计谋在于:1、善于用外在形象伪装自己的特工身份文中作者以Fowler的视角,描述了Ausable的形象特征。“Ausableu2002didu2002notu2002fitu2002theu2002descriptionu2002ofu2002anyu2002secretu2002agentu2002Fowleru2002hadu2002everu2002readu2002aboutu2002.u2002”奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。2、故意选了夜晚、酒店六层的狭小的房间,为后面的计谋作铺垫“Itu2002wasu2002au2002smallu2002roomu2002onu2002theu2002sixthu2002flooru2002,andu2002hardlyu2002au2002settingu2002foru2002au2002romanticu2002figureu2002.”那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。3、遇到Max时,故意埋怨,将话题引到窗户,并说窗户下还有阳台可以上来“Thisu2002isu2002theu2002secondu2002timeu2002inu2002au2002monthu2002thatu2002somebodyu2002hasu2002gottenu2002intou2002myu2002roomu2002offu2002thatu2002confoundedu2002balconyu2002!““这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”4、故意说敲门的是警察,引起max慌乱,”that will be de police“应该是警察。5、max慌乱中信以为窗户下真的有阳台,结果直接从六楼坠落。”And then as he dropped,he screamed once ,shrilly“当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。6、然而事实上确实根本没有警察,敲门只是酒店的服务员。”There never were any police“Ausable sighed."Only Henry ,whom I was expecting".“根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”扩展资料midnight visitor原文译文1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。福勒很失望地跟着他一路走过阴暗的法国旅馆的走廊,在那里奥萨博租了一套房间。那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。其次是他的口音,尽管他的法语和德语都还说的过去,但他仍然带有二十年前带到巴黎的新英格兰口音。3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。“别人说我是一个特工,一名间谍,周旋于间谍和危险之间。你期望能见到我,因为你是一个年轻,浪漫的作家。你本来以为今天晚上回碰见神秘人物,枪声,放在酒里的迷药。”4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在法国音乐餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。你一定已经无聊及了。”胖男人边低声笑着边开门,并且站到一旁让他那位失望的客人进了房间。5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。“但是我年轻的朋友振作起来。一会儿你就会看到一分文件,这份相当重要的文件曾让好几个人甘冒生命危险,送到我这儿后,我将把它转交给政府部门。很快这份文件就影响到历史的进程。有点戏剧化不是吗?”他边说边随后关上了门。然后打开灯。6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。因为在房间的中间站着一个男人,手里拿着一只小型自动手枪。7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。你在我房间里做什么?”9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。要不是那支枪,他看上去并不是太危险。10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。“今天晚上将送到你手里的那分报告是有关一些新型导弹的。我想我要把它从你手里拿走,在我手里比在你手里安全。”11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。“这次我要对管理人员不客气了,真是令我生气,”他阴着脸说。“这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”福勒的眼睛看向房里的唯一的窗户。这只是一扇普通的窗户,现在夜色已经给它蒙上了一层黑暗。12 “阳台”马克思好奇地问。“不,我有万能钥匙。我不知道什么阳台。如果我要是知道的话,可能就少了许多麻烦。”13 “那不是我的阳台”奥萨博生气地解释说。“它属于隔壁房间。”他看了福勒一眼解释说。“要知道,”他说,“这个房间是一个大套间的一部分,那扇门进去的隔壁房间曾经是卧室。卧室有阳台,并且现在延伸到我的窗户下。你可以从隔壁的空房间站到上面,上个月就有人这么做了。管理人员答应把隔壁房间锁上。但是可见他们并没有那么做。”14 马克思看了看此时正僵硬地站在里奥萨博几英尺远的福勒,并晃晃枪做出一个命令的手势。“坐下吧,”他说。“我想我们还得等半个小时。”15 “31分钟,”奥萨博不快地说道。“约定时间是12点30分。马克思,我很想知道你是怎么知道那分报告的。”16 那个小个子间谍邪恶地笑着。“我到是想知道你的人是怎么得到那分报告的。不过,好在一切平安无事。今天晚上我就可以再拿回来。什么事?睡在门口?”17 突然的敲门声使福勒惊跳起来。奥萨博只是笑笑,“一定是警察,”他说。“我认为这么一分重要的文件应该优点特别的保护。我告诉他们来检查一下以确保一切正常。”18 马克思不安地咬着嘴唇。敲门声又响起。19 “现在你怎么办,马克思?”奥萨博问。“如果我不开门的话,他们也会想尽办法进来的。门没锁。他们会毫不犹豫的开枪。”20 马克思的脸气得发青,随之快速地向窗户后退,回过手打开窗户,并把一条腿伸到外面。“把他们打发走!”他警告说。“我在阳台上等着。把他们打发走,否则我就会开枪,我会冒一下险的。”21 门外的敲门声更响了,一个声音大叫着:“奥萨博先生!奥萨博先生!”22 马克思扭动着身体,使他的枪一直瞄准胖男人和他的客人,他侧着身子把另一条腿也抬起上来,跨过窗台。23 门把手扭动了。马克思快速地用左手推了下窗台,放开自己,跳向阳台。当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。24 门开了,一个侍者站在门外,手里拿者一个托盘,上面有一个瓶子和两个玻璃杯。“这是你要的酒,先生。”他把托盘放在桌上,打开瓶子并离开房间。25 福勒被吓着脸色苍白,全身发抖,盯着他走出去。“可是……可是……怎么办……警察呢?他结结巴巴地说着。26 “根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”27 “可是阳台上那个人怎么办?”福勒又不安起来。28 “没必要了”奥萨博说,“他再也不会回来了。
2023-07-20 22:25:001


问题一:木条用英语怎么说 wooden stick 你这个“条”,很难界定诶 问题二:木条箱用英语怎么说 如果是指装运时的木条箱,板条箱的话,那么应为 Crate 如果是普通箱子的话可以用 Wooden Case 注意, box 一般指“盒子”。 仅供参考。 问题三:木头用英语怎么说 wood 英 [w?d] 美 [w?d] n. 木材; 树林; 木制品 vi. 收集木材 vt. 在…植树造林; 给…添加木柴 adj. 木制的; 失去理智的 网络 森林; 原木; 形容词Their dishes were made of wood. 他们的盘子是木制的 问题四:木头的英文怎么说 木头: 1. wood 2. log 3. timber Examples: 1. 那人用斧头把一块木头劈成两半。 The man cleft a block of wood in two with an axe. 2. 船的木头舵坏了。 The wood rudder of the ship was broken. 3. 这件家具的木头表面上布满了斜纹。 The wood surface of the furniture is full of diagonal stripes. 4. 农舍是用木头建造的。 The farmhouse was built of wood. 5. 木头在河上放流。 The logs floated down the river. 6. 就连你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。 The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands. 7. 这两块木头已用金属丝捆在一起了。 The two pieces of wood were wired together. 8. 这木头潮得点不著. This wood is too wet to kindle. 9. 木头烧着了。 The wood caught fire. A blockhead; a dolt. 笨蛋;傻瓜 A dunce; a fool. 笨蛋;傻瓜 A foolish or stupid person. 傻瓜和笨蛋 A stupid person. 笨蛋 Ye fools! 你们这些笨蛋! He"s dense. 他是笨蛋。 A fool; a dolt. 蠢人;笨蛋 A confounded fool. 十足的笨蛋 A damned fool. 十足的笨蛋 问题五:屋面木条英文怎么写 屋面木条 Roof battens 屋面木条 Roof battens 问题六:木头用英语怎么说 wood 问题七:木头英文怎么读 按拼音读法为 wu de wood 英[w?d] 美[w?d] n. 木材; 树林; 木制品; vi. 收集木材; vt. 在…植树造林; 给…添加木柴; [例句]Their dishes were made of wood 他们的盘子是木制的。 [其他] 复数:woods 问题八:木头英文怎么写? wood 问题九:在木头上用英语怎么说 on ?a ?tree
2023-07-20 22:26:271


double是双倍的意思。double含义:adj. 双重的;成双的;两倍的v. 翻一番;使 ... 加倍n. 两倍;双份例句:I ordered the coffee in double before you come.你来之前我点了双份咖啡。近义词:paired、twice、twin。一、paired1、含义:adj. 成对的。动词pair的过去式和过去分词形式.2、举例Each individual paired gland can become infected and lose productivity.每一个成对的腺体都可能被感染导致失去产乳能力。二、twice1、含义:adv. 两倍;两次2、举例The length of the table is twice its breadth.桌子的长度是它的宽度的两倍。三、twin1、含义:adj. 孪生的;紧密联系的。n. 双胞胎之一。2、举例I always confounded him with his twin brother.我总分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。
2023-07-20 22:26:361


Could的词性:助动词、动词。一、基本用法:作助动词的意思是能够,可以;可能;差点就,本来有可能;很想;作动词的意思是能(can的过去式)。二、短语动词:1、Could be可能的;有可能;可能是。2、nobody could没人能做到。3、could not help禁不住;忍不住。4、could break早已破碎。5、could do with需要;渴望得到。6、could have done本来能做成的(却没做成)。Could的造句:1、I could do it now, if you like.如果你愿意的话,我现在就可以做这事。2、The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.数据库可以用作大学里的一种教学辅助手段。3、We could hear sounds of revelry from next door.我们能够听到隔壁纵饮狂欢的声音。4、She confounded her critics and proved she could do the job.她驳倒了批评者的看法,证明自己能够胜任那项工作。5、I could hear the sound of his ragged breathing.我能够听到他那急促的呼吸声。6、She could not move unassisted.她不能够独力活动。
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known unto god 什么意思

2023-07-20 22:28:244


大学英语精读《midnight visitor》(深夜访客)是一个悬疑故事,是Phililppines(菲律宾)悬疑小说作家Robert A. Arthur Jr. (1909-1969) 的作品,它说的是特工Ausable接到一个任务,要将一份有关一些新型导弹的文件转交给政府部门,中途却遇到了不速之客Max要将报告拿走,Ausable巧用计谋将Max赶走的故事。Ausable的计谋在于:1、善于用外在形象伪装自己的特工身份文中作者以Fowler的视角,描述了Ausable的形象特征。“Ausableu2002didu2002notu2002fitu2002theu2002descriptionu2002ofu2002anyu2002secretu2002agentu2002Fowleru2002hadu2002everu2002readu2002aboutu2002.u2002”奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。2、故意选了夜晚、酒店六层的狭小的房间,为后面的计谋作铺垫“Itu2002wasu2002au2002smallu2002roomu2002onu2002theu2002sixthu2002flooru2002,andu2002hardlyu2002au2002settingu2002foru2002au2002romanticu2002figureu2002.”那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。3、遇到Max时,故意埋怨,将话题引到窗户,并说窗户下还有阳台可以上来“Thisu2002isu2002theu2002secondu2002timeu2002inu2002au2002monthu2002thatu2002somebodyu2002hasu2002gottenu2002intou2002myu2002roomu2002offu2002thatu2002confoundedu2002balconyu2002!““这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”4、故意说敲门的是警察,引起max慌乱,”that will be de police“应该是警察。5、max慌乱中信以为窗户下真的有阳台,结果直接从六楼坠落。”And then as he dropped,he screamed once ,shrilly“当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。6、然而事实上确实根本没有警察,敲门只是酒店的服务员。”There never were any police“Ausable sighed."Only Henry ,whom I was expecting".“根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”扩展资料midnight visitor原文译文1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。福勒很失望地跟着他一路走过阴暗的法国旅馆的走廊,在那里奥萨博租了一套房间。那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。其次是他的口音,尽管他的法语和德语都还说的过去,但他仍然带有二十年前带到巴黎的新英格兰口音。3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。“别人说我是一个特工,一名间谍,周旋于间谍和危险之间。你期望能见到我,因为你是一个年轻,浪漫的作家。你本来以为今天晚上回碰见神秘人物,枪声,放在酒里的迷药。”4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在法国音乐餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。你一定已经无聊及了。”胖男人边低声笑着边开门,并且站到一旁让他那位失望的客人进了房间。5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。“但是我年轻的朋友振作起来。一会儿你就会看到一分文件,这份相当重要的文件曾让好几个人甘冒生命危险,送到我这儿后,我将把它转交给政府部门。很快这份文件就影响到历史的进程。有点戏剧化不是吗?”他边说边随后关上了门。然后打开灯。6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。因为在房间的中间站着一个男人,手里拿着一只小型自动手枪。7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。你在我房间里做什么?”9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。要不是那支枪,他看上去并不是太危险。10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。“今天晚上将送到你手里的那分报告是有关一些新型导弹的。我想我要把它从你手里拿走,在我手里比在你手里安全。”11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。“这次我要对管理人员不客气了,真是令我生气,”他阴着脸说。“这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”福勒的眼睛看向房里的唯一的窗户。这只是一扇普通的窗户,现在夜色已经给它蒙上了一层黑暗。12 “阳台”马克思好奇地问。“不,我有万能钥匙。我不知道什么阳台。如果我要是知道的话,可能就少了许多麻烦。”13 “那不是我的阳台”奥萨博生气地解释说。“它属于隔壁房间。”他看了福勒一眼解释说。“要知道,”他说,“这个房间是一个大套间的一部分,那扇门进去的隔壁房间曾经是卧室。卧室有阳台,并且现在延伸到我的窗户下。你可以从隔壁的空房间站到上面,上个月就有人这么做了。管理人员答应把隔壁房间锁上。但是可见他们并没有那么做。”14 马克思看了看此时正僵硬地站在里奥萨博几英尺远的福勒,并晃晃枪做出一个命令的手势。“坐下吧,”他说。“我想我们还得等半个小时。”15 “31分钟,”奥萨博不快地说道。“约定时间是12点30分。马克思,我很想知道你是怎么知道那分报告的。”16 那个小个子间谍邪恶地笑着。“我到是想知道你的人是怎么得到那分报告的。不过,好在一切平安无事。今天晚上我就可以再拿回来。什么事?睡在门口?”17 突然的敲门声使福勒惊跳起来。奥萨博只是笑笑,“一定是警察,”他说。“我认为这么一分重要的文件应该优点特别的保护。我告诉他们来检查一下以确保一切正常。”18 马克思不安地咬着嘴唇。敲门声又响起。19 “现在你怎么办,马克思?”奥萨博问。“如果我不开门的话,他们也会想尽办法进来的。门没锁。他们会毫不犹豫的开枪。”20 马克思的脸气得发青,随之快速地向窗户后退,回过手打开窗户,并把一条腿伸到外面。“把他们打发走!”他警告说。“我在阳台上等着。把他们打发走,否则我就会开枪,我会冒一下险的。”21 门外的敲门声更响了,一个声音大叫着:“奥萨博先生!奥萨博先生!”22 马克思扭动着身体,使他的枪一直瞄准胖男人和他的客人,他侧着身子把另一条腿也抬起上来,跨过窗台。23 门把手扭动了。马克思快速地用左手推了下窗台,放开自己,跳向阳台。当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。24 门开了,一个侍者站在门外,手里拿者一个托盘,上面有一个瓶子和两个玻璃杯。“这是你要的酒,先生。”他把托盘放在桌上,打开瓶子并离开房间。25 福勒被吓着脸色苍白,全身发抖,盯着他走出去。“可是……可是……怎么办……警察呢?他结结巴巴地说着。26 “根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”27 “可是阳台上那个人怎么办?”福勒又不安起来。28 “没必要了”奥萨博说,“他再也不会回来了。
2023-07-20 22:28:521


Topic(题目):Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.Model Essay(范文):"Save it for rainy day." That"s my motto. When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank, I always put it in the bank.I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education, travel, and unforeseen emergencies. I need to have money set aside for these expenses.Education is expensive. I can"t depend on my parents to pay all my bills. I have tuition, room and board, books, and incidental expenses to pay for. I"ll try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs, but I know I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses. If I spend my money now, I won"t be able to pay for my education. I need to save money for my education.Travel is also very expensive. I don"t mean vacation travel. I mean travel to get to and from school. Transpacific airfare costs a lot even special reduced fares. I first have to get to school and then, of course, I want to return to my family for important festivals and occasions. Going back and forth will be costly, but worth it. I need to save money for these trips.Emergencies could arrive at any moment. I might have an unexpected illness while I am at school. There might be costs that won"t covered by the school insurance. One of my family members may need help, I will have to send them money. You can"t predict emergencies like this, but you can be prepared. I need to save money for these emergencies.When you are not rich, you cannot spend your money carelessly. You must plan ahead. I know in my life, I will have expenses for my schooling and for travelling to and from my home. I know that I will also have unexpected expenses related to unforeseen emergencies. I must be prepared. I need to save money for these events.
2023-07-20 22:29:141


在充满竞争的东京人才市场上,一份大学文凭从来没有像现在这样重要。 由于带来了大量外汇,旅游业一直在国民经济中占有比较重要的位置。 历届爱尔兰政府都认识到提供适当的基础设施和促进有利的商业环境的重要。 由于出口占到了80%的对外出口,所以人们对爱尔兰高效率的分销网络就不感到惊讶了。 机票价格在这个国家没有统一的规定,所以各大航空公司都推出了特别服务以吸引顾客。 应当看到正在逐渐增加的对改变我们的汽车文化并发展其他形式的交通工具取而代之的需求。 任何索赔买方在货物到达目的港后应在10天内提交货物已发送并交付的资料。 按第12条所规定的销售合同,货款应在收到货运单据10天内有效。 此医疗器械有致密性和便于携带的特点。 一个认真的作家不会与一个严肃的作家相混淆。
2023-07-20 22:29:303

求 莎士比亚的《凤凰与斑鸠》的英文原版诗

The Phoenix and the Turtle 凤凰和斑鸠by William ShakespeareLet the bird of loudest lay,On the sole Arabian tree,Herald sad and trumpet be,To whose sound chaste wings obey.But thou, shrieking harbinger,Foul pre-currer of the fiend,Augur of the fever"s end,To this troop come thou not near.From this session interdictEvery fowl of tyrant wing,Save the eagle, feather"d king:Keep the obsequy so strict.Let the priest in surplice white,That defunctive music can,Be the death-defying swan,Lest the requiem lack his right.And thou, treble-dated crow,That thy sable gender mak"stWith the breath thou giv"st and tak"st,"Mongst our mourners shalt thou go.Here the anthem doth commence:Love and constancy is dead;Phoenix and the turtle fledIn a mutual flame from hence.So they lov"d, as love in twainHad the essence but in one;Two distincts, division none:Number there in love was slain.Hearts remote, yet not asunder;Distance, and no space was seen"Twixt the turtle and his queen;But in them it were a wonder.So between them love did shine,That the turtle saw his rightFlaming in the phoenix" sight:Either was the other"s mine.Property was thus appall"d,That the self was not the same;Single nature"s double nameNeither two nor one was call"d.Reason, in itself confounded,Saw division grow together;To themselves yet either-neither,Simple were so well compounded.That it cried how true a twainSeemeth this concordant one!Love hath reason, reason noneIf what parts can so remain.Whereupon it made this threneTo the phoenix and the dove,Co-supreme and stars of love;As chorus to their tragic scene.威廉·莎士比亚阿拉伯独有一树,树上有鸟最激越。请它做先导和号角,贞禽会朝它飞聚。可是嘶叫的枭,魔鬼的前驱和仆从,死亡将临的兆征,不许你来骚扰。禁止闯入我们的队伍,一切霸道的翅膀,除了鹰,羽族之王,葬礼必须肃穆。让白衣黑袍的牧师,来唱死亡之歌,他懂得对哀乐应和,否则安魂缺少仪式。还有你长命的乌鸦,对嘴就生黑毛后裔,只靠一口呼吸,请你也来参加。现在来诵葬词:爱和忠贞已经死亡,凤和鸠化作了火光,双双飞腾,离开人世。它们彼此相爱,本质乃是一体,分明是二,又浑然为一,数已为爱所摧。两心远隔,却不分离,虽有距离,但无空间,在风和鸠之间,就是这样神奇。爱情之光照耀两体,鸠借凤的火眼,看自己得到了所恋,彼即是此,此即是彼。物性变得离奇,已身已非原身,同质而有异名,不叫二,也不称一。理智也感到困惑,眼见是分,却又合一,两者也难说我或你,简单变成了繁琐。于是理智喊道:“看似一体,却又成双,爱有理而理无常,但愿分而不倒!”接着唱起这曲哀歌,献给凤凰和斑鸠,爱的双星,至上无俦,为悲壮的结局伴乐。
2023-07-20 22:29:381


大学英语精读《midnight visitor》(深夜访客)是一个悬疑故事,是Phililppines(菲律宾)悬疑小说作家Robert A. Arthur Jr. (1909-1969) 的作品,它说的是特工Ausable接到一个任务,要将一份有关一些新型导弹的文件转交给政府部门,中途却遇到了不速之客Max要将报告拿走,Ausable巧用计谋将Max赶走的故事。Ausable的计谋在于:1、善于用外在形象伪装自己的特工身份文中作者以Fowler的视角,描述了Ausable的形象特征。“Ausableu2002didu2002notu2002fitu2002theu2002descriptionu2002ofu2002anyu2002secretu2002agentu2002Fowleru2002hadu2002everu2002readu2002aboutu2002.u2002”奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。2、故意选了夜晚、酒店六层的狭小的房间,为后面的计谋作铺垫“Itu2002wasu2002au2002smallu2002roomu2002onu2002theu2002sixthu2002flooru2002,andu2002hardlyu2002au2002settingu2002foru2002au2002romanticu2002figureu2002.”那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。3、遇到Max时,故意埋怨,将话题引到窗户,并说窗户下还有阳台可以上来“Thisu2002isu2002theu2002secondu2002timeu2002inu2002au2002monthu2002thatu2002somebodyu2002hasu2002gottenu2002intou2002myu2002roomu2002offu2002thatu2002confoundedu2002balconyu2002!““这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”4、故意说敲门的是警察,引起max慌乱,”that will be de police“应该是警察。5、max慌乱中信以为窗户下真的有阳台,结果直接从六楼坠落。”And then as he dropped,he screamed once ,shrilly“当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。6、然而事实上确实根本没有警察,敲门只是酒店的服务员。”There never were any police“Ausable sighed."Only Henry ,whom I was expecting".“根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”扩展资料midnight visitor原文译文1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。福勒很失望地跟着他一路走过阴暗的法国旅馆的走廊,在那里奥萨博租了一套房间。那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。其次是他的口音,尽管他的法语和德语都还说的过去,但他仍然带有二十年前带到巴黎的新英格兰口音。3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。“别人说我是一个特工,一名间谍,周旋于间谍和危险之间。你期望能见到我,因为你是一个年轻,浪漫的作家。你本来以为今天晚上回碰见神秘人物,枪声,放在酒里的迷药。”4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在法国音乐餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。你一定已经无聊及了。”胖男人边低声笑着边开门,并且站到一旁让他那位失望的客人进了房间。5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。“但是我年轻的朋友振作起来。一会儿你就会看到一分文件,这份相当重要的文件曾让好几个人甘冒生命危险,送到我这儿后,我将把它转交给政府部门。很快这份文件就影响到历史的进程。有点戏剧化不是吗?”他边说边随后关上了门。然后打开灯。6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。因为在房间的中间站着一个男人,手里拿着一只小型自动手枪。7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。你在我房间里做什么?”9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。要不是那支枪,他看上去并不是太危险。10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。“今天晚上将送到你手里的那分报告是有关一些新型导弹的。我想我要把它从你手里拿走,在我手里比在你手里安全。”11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。“这次我要对管理人员不客气了,真是令我生气,”他阴着脸说。“这已经是这个月第二次有人从那个该死的阳台上进入我的房间了。”福勒的眼睛看向房里的唯一的窗户。这只是一扇普通的窗户,现在夜色已经给它蒙上了一层黑暗。12 “阳台”马克思好奇地问。“不,我有万能钥匙。我不知道什么阳台。如果我要是知道的话,可能就少了许多麻烦。”13 “那不是我的阳台”奥萨博生气地解释说。“它属于隔壁房间。”他看了福勒一眼解释说。“要知道,”他说,“这个房间是一个大套间的一部分,那扇门进去的隔壁房间曾经是卧室。卧室有阳台,并且现在延伸到我的窗户下。你可以从隔壁的空房间站到上面,上个月就有人这么做了。管理人员答应把隔壁房间锁上。但是可见他们并没有那么做。”14 马克思看了看此时正僵硬地站在里奥萨博几英尺远的福勒,并晃晃枪做出一个命令的手势。“坐下吧,”他说。“我想我们还得等半个小时。”15 “31分钟,”奥萨博不快地说道。“约定时间是12点30分。马克思,我很想知道你是怎么知道那分报告的。”16 那个小个子间谍邪恶地笑着。“我到是想知道你的人是怎么得到那分报告的。不过,好在一切平安无事。今天晚上我就可以再拿回来。什么事?睡在门口?”17 突然的敲门声使福勒惊跳起来。奥萨博只是笑笑,“一定是警察,”他说。“我认为这么一分重要的文件应该优点特别的保护。我告诉他们来检查一下以确保一切正常。”18 马克思不安地咬着嘴唇。敲门声又响起。19 “现在你怎么办,马克思?”奥萨博问。“如果我不开门的话,他们也会想尽办法进来的。门没锁。他们会毫不犹豫的开枪。”20 马克思的脸气得发青,随之快速地向窗户后退,回过手打开窗户,并把一条腿伸到外面。“把他们打发走!”他警告说。“我在阳台上等着。把他们打发走,否则我就会开枪,我会冒一下险的。”21 门外的敲门声更响了,一个声音大叫着:“奥萨博先生!奥萨博先生!”22 马克思扭动着身体,使他的枪一直瞄准胖男人和他的客人,他侧着身子把另一条腿也抬起上来,跨过窗台。23 门把手扭动了。马克思快速地用左手推了下窗台,放开自己,跳向阳台。当跳下的时候,他发出凄厉的尖叫。24 门开了,一个侍者站在门外,手里拿者一个托盘,上面有一个瓶子和两个玻璃杯。“这是你要的酒,先生。”他把托盘放在桌上,打开瓶子并离开房间。25 福勒被吓着脸色苍白,全身发抖,盯着他走出去。“可是……可是……怎么办……警察呢?他结结巴巴地说着。26 “根本没有什么警察。”奥萨博松了口气。“就只是亨利,我正在等的人。”27 “可是阳台上那个人怎么办?”福勒又不安起来。28 “没必要了”奥萨博说,“他再也不会回来了。
2023-07-20 22:30:051


How advertising works1. First time a man looks at an ad he doesn"t see it2. Second time he doesn"t notice it3. Third time he is conscious of its existence4. Fourth time he faintly remembers having seen it5. Fifth time he reads the ad6. Sixth time he reads it through and says ‘oh bother"7. Seventh time he says ‘here"s that confounded ad again"8. Eighth time he wonders if it amounts to anything9. Ninth time he asks his neighbour if he"s tried it10. Tenth time he will wonder how the advertiser makes it pay11. Eleventh time he will think it must be a good thing12. Twelfth time he thinks it might be worth something13. Thirteenth time he remembers he once wanted such a thing14. Fourteenth time he is tantalised because he cannot afford it15. Fifteenth time he thinks he will buy it someday16. Sixteenth time he make a note of it17. Seventeenth time he swears at his poverty18. Eighteenth time he counts his money19. Nineteenth time he walks into the shop and has a look20. Twentieth time he buys the article or asks his wife to buy it for him Now clearly times have changed over the last 100 years. The methods of advertising have expanded and the volume of advertising messages we receive each day is now off the scale. But the principles are still the same. The main theme here is that getting through to prospects is all about persistence and consistency. All too often we try some form of advertising or marketing for a short period of time and because it doesn"t bring immediate results we stop. Clearly budget has a role to play here – but the initial investment could be completely wasted if the activity isn"t given a real chance to work.Making advertising work for youAdvertising isn"t a one hit wonder – neither is marketing. It does take proper thought, consideration and planning and you need to stick at it with consistent messages. You need to be in your potential customer or client"s mind, perhaps even subliminally, to be considered. You need effective ways of informing them about what you have to offer, at the time they are thinking about purchase and you need to be available so that they can buy from you in the way they want to buy. With the advent of consumer credit and the internet the last 4 steps in the list above are the only ones that might be really different today.
2023-07-20 22:30:213


I had to wait a full hour for the bus . 我等公共汽车足足等了一小时。 Wait a moment , let me give you a demonstration . 先让我做一下示范。 Wait a minute, i have a bone to pick with you . 且慢,我要和你算帐。 He waited a moment and cleared his throat . 他等了一会,清了清嗓子。 Waiting any longer could be even more dangerous . 再等就会更加危险。 Hurry up and get ready we "re waiting ! 快点准备好我们在等著呢。 Hang the doubts, the misery of waiting ! 让疑惧,等待的痛苦见鬼去吧。 I waited in repance on your promise . 我相信你答应过的话而等待著。 Do not leave her waiting outside in the rain . 别让她在外边雨中等著。 Please wait : i am just finishing a letter . 请稍候,我马上就写完信。 Wait a minute. i have to tidy myself a bit . 等一会儿,我梳理一下。 I waited in repance on your promise . 我因相信你答应过的话而等待。 A pleasant country girl waits on me . 一个很活泼的乡下姑娘服侍我。 I have been waiting here for a whole hour . 我在这儿等了整整一个钟头。 A lot of people will be alert and waiting . 许多人都将提高警惕等待著。 We are waiting for a more prosperous moment . 我们在等待更有利的时刻。 Wait until all the excitement has settled . 等到激动情绪平静下来再说。 The period of waiting was not pmitless . 等待的时候不会是没有尽头的。 Your train is waiting at platform 5 . 你要坐的那趟火车在第5站台。 Wait a minute , let me finish what i have to say . 且慢,等我把话说完。 Do n"t hurry , i can wait your leisure . 别急,我可以等你有闲空时再说。 He cpmbed heavily onto his waiting horse . 他很吃力地爬上了马。 I am sick of waiting around pke this . 我腻烦像这样在一旁等著。 Wait a minute. i have to tidy myself up a bit ... 等一会儿,我梳理一下。 Everything would seem waiting and expectant . 一切似乎都在等待和企望著。 If you do n"t bepeve it , wait and see . 如若不信,请拭目以待。 I "ve been kept waiting a confounded long time .. 叫我傻等多时。 We are waiting until the weather picks up a bit . 我们等到天气好些再说。 He waited in the pght of the stove . 他在火炉子发出来的亮光里坐著等候。 In a still suspense she waited on . 她静静地心中不安地等了又等。 He has been waiting here for a long time . 他在这儿等了许久。 I waited an hour just to see you . 我等了一小时就是为了见你。 They talked among themselves while they waited . 他们一边等著一边互相谈话。 You just wait here . he will run the errands . 你就在这儿等著,他去跑一趟。 Hunger and thirst could wait . 饥饿和口渴的问题可以拖延一下。 The school bus leaves at six sharp and won"t wait . 校车六点开车,过时不候。 You may have to wait a pttle while . 你可能得等上一小会儿。 Keesh waited until the noise went . 季奚等到吵杂声平息下来。 Wait till i catch the pttle perisher ! 等我逮住那个小讨厌! Sam fpcked through a magazine while he waited .. 萨姆一边等著一边翻阅杂志。
2023-07-20 22:30:301

shoot the poets歌词及翻译

2023-07-20 22:21:051


剧场版幪面超人剑 MISSING ACE(石森PRO、朝日电视台、ADX、东映、2004年)饰演栗原天音,9-10岁。PARK AND LOVE HOTEL(PFF Partners、2007年7月19日公映) 为第29回PIA Film Festival中的PFF Scholarship(第17回)作品。冰冷热带鱼(2011年2月)中饰演信介的女儿光子。 Heart(日本放送协会、2000年)。滚动的银子(NHK综合、2003年)饰演お雪(小雪;7岁)。周一Mystery剧场 早乙女千春的导游报告书(12)“仙台松岛温泉旅游杀人事件”(东京广播公司、2002年4月1日)。假面骑士剑(朝日电视台、2004-2005年)饰演栗原天音。女王的教室(日本电视台、2005年)饰演佐藤惠里花。子だくさん刑事(东京电视台、2006年6月21日)。演歌女王(日本电视台、2007年)饰演欺负五味贞子的同级生。Sexy Voice and Robo(日本电视台、2007年)饰演むーちゃん(NIKO(林二湖)的同级生)。BATTERY(日本放送协会、2008年)饰演伊藤春菜。ナツコイ(东京广播公司、2008年)饰演平田佐和子(摄影学会的同级生)。学校学不到的事(日本电视台、2008年)饰演绘裏香。爱的剧场 LOVE LETTER(东京广播公司、2008年)饰演并木敦子。假面骑士W(第12集)(朝日电视台、2009年)饰演绘画教室的学生。左目探侦EYE(7话u30fb8话)(2010年、日本电台) 饰演公车上被抢劫的高中生高中生餐厅(日本电视台、2011年春季档土九)饰演 鸟羽裕子 (三年纪)假面骑士Fourze(9、10、25话)(朝日电视台、2011年) 饰演 鹈坂律子三色猫福尔摩斯的推理(第8、9集)(日本电视台、2012年)饰演滨野牧子。 杂志式书籍“Prolog Vol.26 2005 SUMMER”(Prolog)定价800日元。
2023-07-20 22:21:061

2023年云南成考手机报名入口 成人高考手机怎么报名

2023-07-20 22:21:061


说白了就是测试你的打字速度!一般都是一分钟60 如果好的录入员的话 一般都能80或者80以上!这样说你应该能理解吧!应该是用五笔的比较多 当然也不是固定的!
2023-07-20 22:21:063

一篇关于My Dream 的英语作文100字左右

My Dream It is seven danys to hold the olympic games!Last night,I dreamed to take part in the olympic games ,to be an anthlete,I tried my best to get 100-metera race,aithough I didn"t get the first,but I tried.I will do my best to train more hard to prepare for the next olympic games,Ihope to get a gold medal then. This morning,when I gent up ,Icome to the real world,to be a student,Ishould study hard to get more knowlege ,to be the first in my study,that"s my best support to the olympic games!
2023-07-20 22:21:121


2023-07-20 22:21:131


2023-07-20 22:21:141


不可以。completely adv.完全地,一干二净地,全部地,彻首彻尾地。通常修饰动词。very adv. 很,非常,十分。可修饰形容词,副词。比如,①. She completely lost her mind. 她彻底失去理智。②. Her elder sister is very beautiful. 她姐姐很美。
2023-07-20 22:21:141

听到一首歌,有一句歌词应该是someone tell me why,不知哪位高手知道

网易 still waiting
2023-07-20 22:21:154

my dream英语作文带翻译100词

不同的人有不同的梦想。有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等。下面是我整理的my dream 英语作文 带翻译100词,供参考。my dream英语作文150字 Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream.I want to be a computer programmer.Because I like playing computer games,and then I want to make my own games.Of course,I know it is difficult to be a good computer programmer.So,I have to learn more the knowledges about the computer.For example,I"ll have some computer lessons when I have time.And I will read more computer books everyday.What"s,I"ll join the computer club in high school.In conclusion,I will do some things to improve my computer operation.I am sure my dream will come true one day. my dream英语作文150字 I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there"s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.” My dream英语作文110词 Dream, is an interesting word. It means the things somebody wants to do. Also, I have some dreams. Some are easy, and some are difficult. When I was eight years old, I have some dreams. Such as to be a Super Man, or fly in the sky. Now, I think they are silly. But I think it was cool and may be come true before. Now, my dream is to be better or be successful. From this, I think the dreams will be more constructive as the time go. Now, my dreams are difficult, but I will do it as well as I can. 英语作文:My Dream Home I have two kinds of dream homes. One is quiet, and the other is on a busy street. I want a quiet home because I want to have a rest there. The house is on the grass. In front of the house, there is an apple tree. I want to have many apples to eat every autumn. I also want to play the swing at the tree. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two sitting rooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a big study. There are lots of books in the study and there is a computer in it. I can read books, surf the Internet and play computer games there. I want a flat on the busy street. It"s close to my school. I have seven rooms. The biggest one is the sitting room. There is a TV and a comfortable armchair opposite the TV. After dinner, I sit in the armchair and watch TV. It"s very nice. I have a balcony. I can enjoy the sunshine on it.
2023-07-20 22:21:031

reply to打头加ing吗

reply to 一般后面接名词,是“回答”、“回复”的意思。它开头是否加ing,要看具体情况。1.动词+宾语 做主语,那么这个动词后面需要加ing。Listening to music can relax you.2.动词+宾语 做祈使句,加强语气的,是不需要加ing的。Listen to music!纯手打,望采纳!
2023-07-20 22:21:011


2023-07-20 22:20:591


2023-07-20 22:20:581

my dream小学英语作文

  你的梦想是什么呢?你有多少个梦想?大家不妨以my dream为题写一篇 英语 作文 吧。以下是我为大家整理的,有关my dream的 小学英语作文 ,希望大家喜欢。   my dream的小学英语作文一   When I grow up, I"m going to do what I want to do. I"m going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could that enjoy. There are lots of art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist .   So how am I going to do it? First, I"mgoing to find a part-time job for a year or tow and save some money.   Then I"m going to be a student at an art school in Paris.   my dream的小学英语作文二   I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge.   They can help students to enrich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream.   my dream的小学英语作文三   Every little girl will have her dream about prince. I always dream of a half-blood prince comes to me, just like the snow white and Cinderella in the fairy tale.   I hope there will be a prince wearing white clothes to ask me to live happy life with him. And in the following days, I really have a happy life.   Why I want a half-blood prince not just prince? I think half-blood prince would be more handsome. Hehe.   my dream的小学英语作文四   I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world.   I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well.   I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there s an old saying where there is a will, there is a way.   my dream的小学英语作文五   I want a quiet home because I want to have a rest there. The house is on the grass. In front of the house, there is an apple tree. I want to have many apples to eat every autumn. I also want to play the swing at the tree. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two sitting rooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a big study. There are lots of books in the study and there is a computer in it. I can read books, surf the Internet and play computer games there.   I want a flat on the busy street. Itu2019s close to my school. I have seven rooms. The biggest one is the sitting room. There is a TV and a comfortable armchair opposite the TV. After dinner, I sit in the armchair and watch TV. Itu2019s very nice. I have a balcony. I can enjoy the sunshine on it.   my dream的小学英语作文六   My dream is to be a good doctor,because the doctor can cure many diseases,save a lot of people,when the doctor is a glorious occupation.   If I really realize the dream of becoming a doctor.I let the elderly health,longevity.I let the adult body strong,hard work.I let the child physical bang bang,happy growth.   In order to achieve this goal,I must first learn,make progress every day.Make fullpreparation to become a good doctor.Come on!.mydream小学英语相关作文: 1. 我的理想英语作文4篇 2. my home小学英语作文 3. My classmate英语作文5篇 4. 介绍我的学校的英语作文4篇 5. 关于我的中国梦英语作文4篇
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一、2020年云南高考志愿在线填报网址入口 高考志愿填报期间很多学生不知道如何填报,找不到云南高考志愿填报的网址入口,我帮大家整理了云南高考志愿填报网址登陆入口,考生和家长请切记,云南高考志愿填报入口只有唯一的登陆系统,即云南招考频道高考志愿填报系统,网址为: ,或者聚志愿网站 二、2020年云南高考志愿填报指南 在讲解压线分数的时候,我们分为一批压线生和二批的压线生。 一批压线生。成绩刚够一本线的考生在报考上更加为难。一本压线生要“冲一保二”。要仔细研究报考院校近三年的录取分数线,研究各个学校的录取数据,把不同的院校进行分类,最后选择录取线较低且相对稳定的学校报考。一方面,要利用好分数,争取被上线批次的大学录取;另一方面,要重视二本志愿的填报,而且要将此作为重点来考虑,可以选择二本中的好学校和好专业去报。在选择学校时,“压线”考生由于竞争力不强,最好选择可以接受的较为冷门一些的学校和专业,这样可以增加其被录取的几率。 二批压线生。二本及以下批次的“压线”考生,不妨选择外省院校,这样既可以保院校又可以选择一个相对理想的专业。从近年来的录取数据来看,省内院校的报考人数众多,第一志愿上线率极高,录取分数逐年上涨,竞争压力很大。而位于外省的一些院校,录取分数线相对稳定,很多院校和本省院校在办学水平上没有差别,甚至其中的一些院校要优于本省院校。二本及以下批次的“压线”考生一定要关注“大小年”。考生在衡量近几年的分数线之后,还要看所选的院校各专业近三年高出本省批次线的平均分,在往年的分数上留有余地。对二本批次“压线”考生而言,中外合作办学是条路径,高考分数分刚压着二本分数线的考生,进二本学校的机会相对较小。另外,家庭经济比较好的考生可以关注各个学校的中外合作办学,这类学校因为收费过高,常常会在第一次录取中无法录满。 当然这些学生也必须在报考中注意以下事情,不仅仅是心态上的稳定,更重要的是 无论是一本还是二本及以下批次的“压线”考生,都要避开热门院校、热门专业和热点地区。专业建议选“农、林、水、地、矿、油”相关的院校,避免填报北京、上海、天津、广州、南京等地院校,重点关注中西部地区院校。要珍惜“服从专业调剂”带来的机会。这点二批本科“压线”考生要格外注意,从某种程度上说,各地独立学院与普通类本科无论是在学费上还是办学水平上都是有区别的。在服从调剂选项上不要轻易选择“不服从”。一本压线考生对师范类、小语种、公安司法、军队武警、航海类专业感兴趣的,可以选择报考提前批。提前未录取,也不影响其他批次的报考。 首先是刚达到本一批次线考生,不要再考虑录取分数线较高的专业了。这样的考生应该自己找一本线内分数线最低的院校,或者是找院校里面录取分数线相对较低的专业。可以选择没有在发达地区的重点院校来填报,避免了地区的竞争热。退而求其次,不过是为了求稳。游走在一本线的同学,在二本线中就占有很大的优势了。一批求稳,二批就可以报好院校和好专业了,由于分数高,录取的可能性也会大。省内的院校很容易被炒热。不想离开本省的同学,就会把第一志愿放在本省,填报的人数过多,学校基本就会被炒热。一般在志愿填报之前,都会分析一下所报专业3到5年的分数线,如果是压线的同学,一定要报平均分和自己成绩差不多的专业,给自己留后路,让分数绰绰有余。压线的同学切忌选择热门专业、热门学校、热门地区。避免落榜的话就该冷热结合,不能追求十全十美。另外,服从调剂会让自己增加录取机率。
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