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create ion 怎么发音

2023-07-20 22:57:11









美[kri_e__(_)n]英[kri"e__(_)n]美[kri_e__(_)n]英[kri"e__(_)n]n.创作;创造;创建;作品网络创新;创作物;造物弄人变形复数:creations。同义词n.formation,making,conception,construction,manufacture;反义词n.destruction。n.1. [u]创造;创建the act or process of making sth that is new, or of causing sth to exist that did not exist before2. [c]作品;创作a thing that sb has made, especially sth that shows ability or imagination3. [sing](尤指《圣经》所述由上帝)创造天地the making of the world, especially by God as described in the Bible4. [u]世界;天地万物the world and all the living things in it。
2023-07-20 22:48:361


2023-07-20 22:49:141


creation是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,可以翻译为创造,创造者,创建,创立等等。短语搭配:value creation 价值创造job creation 提供就业机会poetry creation 诗歌文本in all creation [美国英语]到底,究竟[用于加强语气]creation method 创建方法;建立方式双语例句:1、The whale is the largest mammal in creation.鲸鱼是所有哺乳动物中最大的。2、Language is the most important mental creation of man.语言是人类头脑最重要的产物。3、Zumthor"s creations exuberate with a sense of natural minimalism.祖姆特作品一向充满素朴自然的质感。
2023-07-20 22:49:221


单词拼错了吧应该是creation 创造、作品
2023-07-20 22:49:312


creation 制造,创造;创造物,产物;
2023-07-20 22:49:531


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2023-07-20 22:50:321

谁可以告诉我下面单词的形容词是什么啊 1.creation 2.emotion

1.creation 的形容词是: creative [kri"eitiv] adj. 创造性的动词是:create [kri"eit] vt. 创造,创作;造成2.emotion 的形容词是:emotional [i"məuʃənəl] adj. 情绪的;易激动的;感动人的
2023-07-20 22:50:511


2023-07-20 22:50:598


亲,主要是表达一种积极争取,奋发向上,勇于开拓的精神力量。Creation作词:金在中Have you looked in the sky 无法打开的用新的眼界嗯~~没有会过面的那个使我看起来很小的世界We*re runing runing runing without notion 在那时间之后结束一天的时候We*re fighting fighting fighting without reason 是我革命的开始害怕你的处境在不安全的不信任中你又害怕了只会不停的消失消失消失在那时间之后结束一天的时候闭上闭上闭上眼睛做梦的时候是你革命的开始In this life and far across the ocean 就算是无法打破的墙也行眼前的光被渐渐打开这里Voice faith my choice 过去了的痕迹的冲突把我拥住的翅膀聚集热量劈开黑暗跨越这时间拼命奔跑的痛苦上扭曲的残像中隐藏着的我的奇迹那是我的Creation将我拥住将我拥住的天使的翅膀我的奇迹中将新目标永远的圈住没必要再提。
2023-07-20 22:51:202


2023-07-20 22:51:292


你好是LithTech引擎( Monolith) Quake引擎 虚幻引擎
2023-07-20 22:51:393


关于创新的英语作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Innovation by commenting on Rosabeth Moss Kanter"s famous remark “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation.”You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.The Importance of Innovation“Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter"s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .Rosabeth Moss Kanter"s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being"s progress.” A philosopher once said. (202 words)参考译文:“不用心思的习惯性行为是创新的敌人”我觉得你对Rosabeth Moss Kanter的这句名言很熟悉。很明显,一个总是遵循习惯和经验的人是很难创造出新事物的。Rosabeth Moss Kanter 的这句名言目的在于告诉我们创新的重要性。为什么创新在我们的生活中扮演如此重要的角色呢? 创新可以促进个人和整个社会的进步。只有那些创新的人才能去的持续的进步并且保持竞争优势。相当多的例子可以用来证明创新的重要性,我想不出比一下这个例子更好的了:斯蒂夫.乔布斯,这个改变了我们的通讯方式、娱乐方式甚至是生活方式的天才,如果没有创新精神,他怎么可能持续地发布功能强大的电子产品呢?我们应该牢记在心,创新对于我们每个人都非常重要。因此,在我们的工作、学习甚至是生活中,我们要养成发现新事物、使用新方法、运用新思维习惯。“创新是人类进步的灵魂”一位哲学家也曾这么说过
2023-07-20 22:52:071

thisisa good plan is it your own creationuff08creatuff09?

您好,creation是名词,意为创作。这句话的意思是:这是一个好计划。这是你自己的创作吗?如果用动词create,应该说:Did you create it on your own?你是自己创作的吗?希望对你有所帮助,谢谢!
2023-07-20 22:52:152


2023-07-20 22:52:361

“account creation”是什么意思?

account creation1.意思:账户创建。2.双语例句:①Account creation delay!帐户创建延迟。②Account creation unavailable.帐户不可用。③No Account Creation.帐户不存在。④Account creation failed.帐户创建失败。⑤Account creation unfinished.帐户创建未完成。
2023-07-20 22:52:531

求救!!Image creation completed successfully是什么意思?

2023-07-20 22:54:482


content creation网络内容创作; 内容创造; 内容创建; 创立内容双语例句1Of these issues, content creation for single-instance MMOGs must be solved.在这些问题之中,必须解决单实例MMOG的内容创建问题。
2023-07-20 22:54:571

account creation是什么意思

account creation创建帐户双语对照例句:1.Object that represents the final user account creation step. 表示最终用户帐户创建步骤的。2.Gets a reference to the final user account creation step. 获取对最终用户帐户创建步骤的引用
2023-07-20 22:55:042

creation date是什么意思

reation date[英][kriu02c8eiu0283u0259n deit][美][kriu02c8eu0283u0259n det]编成日期; 网络创建时间 建立日期; 建立日期; 创建日期;
2023-07-20 22:55:121

d3d creation failed什么意思

D3D设备接口创造失败,建议重新装一下机器上的Direct x,看下问题能不能解决。
2023-07-20 22:55:193


2023-07-20 22:55:291

of 的用法和一个问题

我建议你搜索翻译一下这句话,pleasant 和homes,premise 好像不是平常用的最表面的意思
2023-07-20 22:52:443

Set You Free 歌词

歌曲名:Set You Free歌手:N-Trance专辑:Floorfillers - 90
2023-07-20 22:52:451


2023-07-20 22:52:465


Taiyuan --"Metropolis of Cathy" Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. Ideally situated in the Taiyuan Basin in the central part of the province, it is bordered by the Taihang Mountains in the east and the Luliang Mountains in the west. The Fenhe River flows through the city. Taiyuan has grown into a booming industrial city in the past few decades. Its network of railway lines provides a link to all parts of the country, and its coal and steel industries occupy an important position in China"s industries system. The turbulent history of Taiyuan can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period more that two thousand years ago. But it was not until the Tang Dynasty, about one thousand years ago, that Taiyuan really became Known as a "metropolis of Cathay." The first empress in Chinese history, Wu Zetian (624-705), was born here. When she came to power, she appointed Minister Cui Shenqing as governor of Bingzhou (Taiyuan). He was instructed to have a bridge built over the Fenhe River to connect the towns of Xicheng (West City) and Dongcheng (East city), making Taiyuan a true metropolis. With its mountains and its river, Taiyuan was an important military town for which war strategists of various dynasties contested. For more than a thousand years, many battles were fought here. In A.D. 975 Zhao Guanyi of the Song Dynasty dispatched 400,000 troops to conquer Taiyuan. In view of the fact that local forces of various dynasties often set up separatist regimes by force of arms, he had the town burned down pletely because of what he believed were "unduly great ambitions to rule here." Seven years later (A.D. 982), general Li Mei of the Song Dynasty began the reconstruction of the town, establishing the city of Taiyuan as we know it today. Memorial Temple of Jin (Jinsi) This temple is located at the fountainhead of the Jinshui River twenty five kilometers southwest of the city of Taiyuan. The weather here is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the land is beautiful. Ancient buildings, blue springwater, and superb clay sculpture have been attractions to tourists for centuries. Legend says that the Memorial Temple of Jin was first built in the twelfth century B.C. The first attraction here is the "Immortal Spring," so named because the spingwater has flowed steadily for centuries. If you walk along the spring and down the stone steps, you will find a big pool of crystal-clear water that gushes out from the walls. Bypassing the pool, you will e to the uniquely constructed "Flying Bridge over the Fish Pond Spring" in front of the Hall of Holy Mother (Shengmudian). This double wooden bridge in the shape of a cross is supported by thirty-four stone posts embedded in the spring. Crossing the bridge you e to the Hall of Holy mother, the center of the temple. The Holy Mother was regarded as the noble model of motherhood in feudal Chinese society. Flanking the sculpture of Holy Mother is an array of forty-two young maidens, each with distinct expression and posture. They are perfect examples of the skill of the Song Dynasty. Not far from the hall is a grove of ancient cypress trees, once of which is said to have been planted during the Western Zhou Dynasty, making it more than two thousand years old. Lofty Benevolence Monastery (Chongshansi) This monastery is located in the southern part of the city of Taiyuan. Of Ming architecture, the monastery has an area of 140,000 square meters. It was damaged by fire in 1864, and only a gate, a bell tower, two side rooms, and the Hall of Great Mercy are left. The magnificent hall contains three 8.5- meter-tall statues of Buddha. The monastery is a repository for Song and Yuan editions of Buddhist texts. Tianlongshan Grottoes There are twenty-one grottoes halfway up Tianlong Mountain. Forty kilometers southwest of Tianyuan. They were carved during the Wei, Qi, Sui, and primarily, Tang dynasties. The stone Buddhist statues are lifelike examples of fine workmanship. Longshan Grottoes Located at the top of Longshan Mountain twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Taiyuan, these are among the few Taoist grottoes in China. There are eight niches, with more than forty statues, carved during the early years of the Yuan Dynasty. Xuanzhong Monastery Located on Shibi Mountain in Jiaocheng County southwest of Taiyuan, this monastery, also known as Wanbi Monastery, has an area of six thousand squares meters. It is surrounded with steep mud brick walls and stately cypress trees. The monastery was first built I 472 during the Northern Wei Dynasty. The beautiful area is sacred to Buddhist. In fact, Japanese Buddhists regard it as the "ancestral" monastery, and visit it as pilgrims. Shuanglin Monastery This monastery is located north of Qiantou Village in Pingyao County to the south of Taiyuan. It was first built during the Northern Wei Dynasty. Its ten halls contain a treasury of painted sculpture, with 2,052 painted statues of Buddha from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Note especially the four mighty and awe inspiring Devarajas (Heavenly Guardians) and the eighteen arhats with their individual expressions and postures. Yongle Palace The original site of Yongle Palace was in the town of Yongle southwest of Ruicheng County on the banks of the Yellow River (Haunghe). When construction of the Sanmen Gorge Reservoir was begun in 1958, the town of Yongle was within the area planned to be inundated. The government organized experts and workers to move the palace to its present site at Longquan Village north of Ruicheng city in the southwestern part of Shanxi Province. The work of moving the palace was pleted in seven years, and it was reconstructed pletely according to the original design. Priceless murals of the Yuan Dynasty were thus preserved. The palace, a Taoist temple, was first built in the fourteenth century. Its main buildings are Dragon and Tiger Hall (Longhudian), Taoist Trinity Hall (Sanqingdian), Pure Sun Hall (Zhongyangdian), and Double Sun Hall (Chongyangdian). On display at Trinity Hall are Yuan Dynasty murals with more than three hundred lively, brightly painted figures. The murals in Pure Sun and Double Sun halls are picture stories about Taoi *** , rich in fairy tales and full of life. The number of murals in Yongle Palace are second only to Dunhuang in China"s northwestern province of Gansu. Rich in content, superb in execution, the murals are not only artistic treasures, but also valuable resource materials for the study of the history of Taoi *** and Yuan society.
2023-07-20 22:52:491

The winter is coming?The winter has come!什么意思

2023-07-20 22:52:504

不同国家的家园 是 homes in different countries

原文的意思是要表达在不同国家的家园而如果写成你说的那样意思则是不同国家的房子意思表达的不准确~ 比较中国式英语
2023-07-20 22:52:522

求《如果能再爱一次》中 love will show you everything 的中英文对照歌词。 谢谢。

2023-07-20 22:52:535


曲阜师范大学是一本大学。曲阜师范大学是一本大学,简称曲师大,学校始建于1955年,始称山东师范专科学校。1956年5月,学校被教育部批准升格为曲阜师范学院,同年9月迁址曲阜。办学特色:学校拥有ESI世界前1%学科3个(工程学、化学、数学),山东省一流学科6个(工程学、数学、中国史、化学、物理学、中国语言文学),18个学科入选软科2019中国最好学科排名,居全国第156位,其中教育学学科位居全国前10%。2020年10月,数学学院超过北京大学列2021US News世界大学数学学科排名全国第一。办学规模:学校拥有曲阜和日照两个校区,占地面积3061亩,资产总值13.12亿元,其中教学科研仪器设备总值2.39亿元,图书馆藏书416万册;设有28个教学机构,本科专业85个,博士招生专业34个、硕士招生专业118个;在校本科生32680人,博士、硕士研究生331人,成人教育在读生6200余人,外国留学生110人。
2023-07-20 22:52:551

karachev造句 karachevの例文 "karachev"是什麼意思

Leonid, was also from Karachev . Under his direction, Fr. Dmitriy speedily captured Karachev , Bryansk and other towns. GD fought around Karachev before being transferred back to XLVIII Panzerkorps in late August. In the 13th century the fortress became a part of the Zvenigorod district of the Karachev Principapty. Popsh historian Jan DBugosz asserts that Ivan of Karachev , first hu *** and of Jupana, was murdered by Vytautas in order to marry her. Soon after, he spent 16 years defending a Russian city named Karachev from the Chimeran onslaught before being " pberated " by SRPA agents. Her first hu *** and was Ivan of Karachev . German chronicle of Johann von Posilge and Popsh historian Jan DBugosz asserted that Ivan was murdered so that widowed Upana could marry Vytautas. Army reported that they had bypassed Bryansk and were heading toward Karachev . Bock ordered Guderian to press on toward Tula, but within hours this order had been reversed by High Command. With the assistance of his ally, Yuri Dolgoruki, and his father-in-law, Aepa Khan, Sviatoslav began a war against his cousins, but was forced to flee to Karachev . There on January 16, 1147, Sviatoslav defeated the Davidovichi brothers. In 1943 as part of the 16th Army ( since April, 16th, 1943 11th Guards Army ) the division attacked the Oryol direction, on August, 15th, 1943 participated in clearing the city of Karachev . It then took part in Operation Bagration and the Gumbinnen operation. It"s difficult to see karachev in a sentence. 用 karachev 造句挺难的 In the secondary Trophy class, elve class wins in sixteen races enabled Riccardo Brutschin to take a dominant championship win, as he finished 21 points clear of Aleksey Karachev , who took his only class win at the final race of the season in which Brutschin was absent as he peted in the Cup class. The main forces led by Batu Khan passed through Dolgomost 30 km East of Smolensk, then entered the Chernigov Principapty on the upper Gums, burned Vshchizh, but then abruptly turned to the North-East, bypassing the Bryansk and Karachev , at the end of March 1238 went to the Kozelsk on the river Zhizdra. When season started, the team participated with 3 cars, driven by Riccardo Brutschin, Aleksi Tuukkanen and Alexei Karachev . Brutschin finished within the top 9 ice ( 9th lap-N黵burgring, 14th lap-EuroSpeedway Lausitz ); in Renault Word Series champion Mikhail Aleshin joined the team as a guest star and finished on 11th place.
2023-07-20 22:52:561

2023-07-20 22:52:581


满意请采纳,谢谢Topic5 Interpersonal RelationshipA: Hello everyone! B: Hello everybody!A: I am happy to see you. BC: Happy to see you!A: How things go on?C: Well. I just feel time flies. Yesterday never comes back.B: That"s true. And we never know what will happen tomorrow. A: Oh, sounds so sentimental. Ok. We are here. Let"s pay attention on today.BC: Ok.A: Today we talk about Interpersonal Relationship: How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship?B: In my opinion, first we should respect others, as an old saying: if you want others to respect you, you need respect others first. C: En, that"s right. And I think it"s the first step to build relationship with others. Because if you don"t respect others, they"ll never be in contact with you, and naturally you have no friends.A: And second, what should we do?C: Sincerity. I found in dealings with others, somebody is lack of sincerity and considers friendship between others as play game. There would be no deep psychological communication no matter with whom.A: And be enthusiastic. Right? If you are active and say hello to others when you meet a person, it will be easier to be acquainted.B: Good. And we shouldn"t be selfish. If we are selfish we can not make a true friend. In fact true friends are not measured by what obtained. Give more and you will get what you unexpected and more precious one day.A: That makes sense. We should also listen to others" opinion with an open mind. And we have to always ready to help. C: I feel we shouldn"t feel inferior. We need to be outgoing and friendly. Because of looks, build and other factors, some people have a feeling of inferiority during communication. B: And sometimes they cannot explain their own views, hesitate to do things, lack of courage and don"t have their own minds. As a result, they can"t offer valuable comments and suggestions, gradually, other people would feel that it is a waste of time when getting along with them and will naturally shy away.A: Good talk! And we"d better follow these rules: praise other people"s strong point and achievements. We, including you, all want to get others approve and praise. Because that makes you feel you are important in other people"s eyes.B: If possible we should ask them to point out our advantages and disadvantages so that we can improve ourselves.C: Ok. I learned a lot from you. How about you my friends?ABC: well, thanks for you listening.
2023-07-20 22:53:011


2023-07-20 22:53:031


Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Beauveria bassiana using an herbicide resistance gene as a selection marker. Weiguo Fang, Yongjun Zhang, Xingyong Yang, Xuelian Zheng, Hui Duan, Yi Li, and Yan Pei*. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2004, 85:18–24Cloning of Beauveria bassiana Chitinase Gene Bbchit1 and Its Application To Improve Fungal Strain Virulence. Weiguo Fang, Bo Leng, Yuehua Xiao, Kai Jin, Jincheng Ma, Yanhua Fan,Jing Feng, Xingyong Yang, Yongjun Zhang, Yan Pei*. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005, 71(1):363–370Construction of a genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of fiber-related traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Zheng-Sheng Zhang, Yue-Hua Xiao, Ming Luo, Xian-Bi Li, Xiao-Ying Luo, Lei Hou, De-Mou Li, Yan Pei*. Euphytica 2005, 144: 91–99The maize Knotted1 gene is an effective positive selectable marker gene for Agrobacterium-mediated tobacco transformation. Keming Luo, Xuelian Zheng, Yongqin Chen, Yuehua Xiao, Degang Zhao, Richard McAvoy, Yan Pei*, Yi Li. Plant Cell Rep 2006,25:403-409Leaf senescence is delayed in tobacco plants expressing the maize knotted1 gene under the control of a wound-inducible promoter. Keming Luo, Wei Deng, Yuehua Xiao, Xuelian Zheng, Yi Li, Yan Pei*. Plant Cell Rep 2006, 25: 1246–1254Psc-AFP, an antifungal protein with trypsin inhibitor activity from Psoralea corylifolia seeds. Xingyong Yang, Jun Li, Xiaowen Wanga, Weiguo Fang, Michael J. Bidochka, Rong She, Yuehua Xiao, Yan Pei*. Peptides 2006, 27(7):1726-1731Isolation and characterization of a novel thermostable non-specific lipid transfer protein-like antimicrobial protein from motherwort (Leonurus japonicus Houtt) seeds. Xingyong Yang, Jun Li, Xianbi Li, Rong She, Yan Pei*. Peptides 2006, 27: 3122-3128Transformation of Metarizium anisopliae mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Weiguo fang, Yan Pei and Michael Bidochka. Can. J. Microbiol. 2006, 52: 623-626Direct amplification of intron-containing hairpin RNA construct from genomic DNA. Yue-Hua Xiao, Meng-Hui Yin, Lei Hou, Yan Pei*. BioTechniques 2006, 41:548-552Functional Expression of the Cotton Gibberellic Acid Oxidase Homologous Gene GhGA20ox1 in Tobacco. XIAO Yue-Hua, YE Ying-Fu, FENG Yi, LI Xian-Bi LOU Ming, HOU Lei, LUO Xiao-Ying, LI De-Mou, PEI Yan*. Journal of Physiology and Molecular Biology 2006, 32(5): 563-569Overexpression of an Arabidopsis magnesium transport gene, AtMGT1, in Nicotiana benthamiana confers Al tolerance. Wei Deng, Keming Luo Demou Li, Xuelian Zheng, Xiaoyang Wei, William Smith, Chandra Thammina, Litang Lu, Yi Li, Yan Pei*. Journal of Experimental Botany 2006, 13: 4235-4243In vitro regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of Euonymus alatus. Yougqing Chen, Litang Lu, Wei Deng, Xingyu Yang, Richard MeAvoy, Degang Zhao, Yan Pei, Keming Luo,Hui Duan, William Smith, Chandra Thammina, Xuelian Zheng, Donna Ellis, Yi Li. Plant Cell Rep 2006, 25:1043-1051Increased Insect Virulence in Beauveria bassiana Strains Overexpressing an Engineered Chitinase. Yanhua Fan, Weiguo Fang, Shujuan Guo, ,Xiaoqiong Pei, Yongjun Zhang, Yuehua Xiao, Demou Li, Kai Jin, Michael J. Bidochka, Yan Pei*. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2007,73(1): 295–302‘GM-gene-deletor": fused loxP-FRT recognition sequences dramatically improve the efficiency of FLP or CRE recombinase on transgene excision from pollen and seed of tobacco plants. Keming Luo, Hui Duan, Degang Zhao, Xuelian Zheng, Wei Deng, Yongqin Chen, Neal Stewart Jr, Richard McAvoy, Xiangning Jiang, Yanhong Wu, Aigong He, Yan Pei, Yi Li. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2007,5(2): 263-374A regulator of a G protein signalling (RGS) gene, cag8, from the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is involved in conidiation, virulence and hydrophobin synthesis. Weiguo Fang, Yan Pei, Michael J. Bidochka. Microbiology 2007, 153: 1017–1025Asymmetric overlap extension PCR method bypassing intermediate purification and the amplification of wild-type template in site-directed mutagenesis. Yue-Hua Xiao, Meng-Hui Yin, Lei Hou, Ming Luo, Yan Pei*. Biotechnology Letters 2007 29: 925–930Cotton flavonoid structural genes related to the pigmentation in brown fibers. Yue-Hua Xiao, Zheng-Sheng Zhang, Meng-Hui Yin, Ming Luo, Xian-Bi Li, Lei Hou, Yan Pei*. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2007, 358: 73–78The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter sequence alters the level and patterns of activity of adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoters. Xuelian Zheng, Wei Deng, Keming Luo, Hui Duan, Yongqin Chen, Richard McAvoy, Shuiqing Song, Yan Pei*, Yi Li. Plant Cell Rep 2007, 26: 1195–1203Directed evolution for increased chitinase activity. Yanhua Fan, Weiguo Fang, Yuehua Xiao, Xingyong Yang, Yongjun Zhang, Michael J. Bidochka, Yan Pei*. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2007, 76: 135-139GhDET2, a steroid 5a-reductase, plays an important role in cotton fiber cell initiation and elongation. Ming Luo, Yuehua Xiao, Xianbi Li, Xiaofeng Lu, Wei Deng, Demou Li, Lei Hou, Mingyu Hu, Yi Li, Yan Pei*. The Plant Journal 2007, 51: 419–430Sequential Amplification of Flanking Sequences by Y-shaped Adaptor Dependent Extension Using Multiple Templates. XIAO Yue-Hua, PENG Yi, LUO Ming, LI De-Mou, HOU Lei, PEI Yan*. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology 2007, 33(1): 85-90Expression of a Beauveria bassiana chitinase (Bbchit1) in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris. Yanhua Fan, Yongjun Zhang, Xingyong Yang, Xiaoqiong Pei, Shujuan Guo, Yan Pei*. Protein Expression and Purification 2007, 56: 93–99Cloning and Characterization of a Balsam Pear Class I Chitinase gene (Mcchit1) and Its Ectopic Expression Enhances Fungal resistance in Transgenic Plants. Yue-Hua Xiao, Xian-Bi Li, Xingyong Yang, Ming Luo, Lei Hou, Shao-Hui Guo, Xiao-Ying Luo, and Yan Pei*. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2007, 71(5): 1211 -1219A cuticle-degrading protease (CDEP-1) of Beauveria bassiana enhances virulence. Yong-Jun Zhang, Ming-Guang Fang, Yan-Hua Fan, Zhi-Bing Luo, Xing-Yong Yang, Di Wu and Yan Pei*. Biocontrol Science and Technology 2008, 18: 543-555Implication of a regulator of Gprotein signaling (BbRGS1) in Conidiation and conidial thermotolerance of the insect pathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana. Weiguo Fang, Lisa R. Scully, Lei Zhang, Yan Pei and Michael J. Bidochka. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2008,279: 146–156Functional characterization of a cotton late embryogenesis-abundant D113 gene promoter in transgenic tobacco. Keming Luo, Guofang Zhang, Wei Deng, Fengtao Luo, Kun Qiu, Yan Pei*. Plant Cell Rep 2008, 27: 707-717Characterization of a Highly Active Promoter, PBbgpd, in Beauveria bassiana. Xing-gang Liao, Wei-guo Fang, Yong-jun Zhang, Yan-hua Fan, Xing-wei Wu, Qun Zhou, Yan Pei*. Current Microbiology 2008, 57: 121-126An improved method for Beauveria bassiana transformation using phosphinothricin acetlytransferase and green fluorescent protein fusion gene as a selectable and visible marker. Kai Jin, Yongjun Zhang, Zhibing Luo, Yuehua Xiao, Yanhua Fan, Di Wu, Yan Pei*. Biotechnol Lett 2008, 30: 1379–1383SCFP, a novel fiber-specific promoter in cotton. HOU Lei, LIU Hao, LI JiaBao, YANG Xia, XIAO YueHua, LUO Ming, SONG ShuiQing, YANG GuangWei and PEI Yan*. Chinese Science Bulletin 2008, 53(17): 2639-2645Functional analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana poly(A) binding protein PAB5 gene promoter in Nicotiana tabacum. Keming Luo, Wei Deng, Shan Xu, Yan Pei*. Plant Cell Rep 2008 27: 1811-1819Light stimulates conidiation of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Yong-Jun Zhang, Zun-Hua Li, Zhi-Bing Luo, Jian-Qing Zhang, Yan-Hua Fan, Yan Pei*. Biocontrol Science and Technology 2009,19(1): 91-101The size and ratio of homologous sequence to non-homologous sequence in gene disruption cassette influences the gene targeting efficiency in Beauveria bassiana. Jin-Cheng Ma, Qun Zhou, Yong-Hong Zhou, Xing-Gang Liao, Yong-Jun Zhang, Dan Jin and Yan Pei*. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2009, 82: 891–898Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase hog1 in the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana Regulates Environmental Stress Responses and Virulence to Insects. Yong-Jun Zhang, Jianhua Zhao, Weiguo Fang, Jian-Qing Zhang, Zhi-Bing Luo, Mi Zhang, Yan-Hua Fan and Yan Pei*. Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 2009, 75: 3787-3795注:加*的为通讯作者
2023-07-20 22:53:031

最后一句Listen to me,set you free 什么呜哦哦 男的英文歌,节奏感强

艾米阿姆的 lose yourself
2023-07-20 22:53:083


What is Cloning? 什么是克隆技术?Cloning(克隆技术) is the most attractive story of the new biotechnologies(生物技术) and the one which causes the most heated discussion over its worth. Here are answers to the most common questions about cloning.1. What is cloning?Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA(脱氧核糖核酸) from a single "parent", bypassing(绕道而行) the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent.2. Is cloning unnatural?No. Clones are always produced by natural means in the shape of identical twins(同卵孪生).3. How are clones created?The most common process takes DNA from one cell and puts in a hollowed-out(挖空的;掏空的) egg. Chemicals and electricity are then used to encourage the new DNA to fuse with(与…合并) the egg and develop into an embryo(胎儿). This technique is called nuclear transfer(核迁移).4.Why was Dolly(世界上的第一只克隆羊) important?The sheep was the first mammal(哺乳动物) to be cloned using DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously(以前), animals had only been cloned using embryo cells which already have the potential(潜力) to become a complete embryo in its own right(继承父母的). The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell - in this case from a female goat"s udder(乳房).5. Are clones normal, healthy animals?Dolly is, but scientist do not yet know whether this is the exception(例外) or the rule. Some early evidence suggest that clones may have health problems and that they may age prematurely(早衰的,未老先衰).6.Could a human clone be born soon?In theory, yes. The techniques used to create Dolly could be applied to(运用;适用) humans. But the technology of reproductive cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. It took more than 200 attempts(努力;试验) to make Dolly. The other embryos failed to implant(播种) in the surrogate(代理;代替) mother or were miscarried. Even if a clone makes it to birth, at present it has a very low chance of surviving into adult life.7.Has anyone said they will make live human clones?A number of people have, including Chicago physicist Dr Richard Seed. However, few experts believe that these people have the skills to succeed.8. Are there any benefits from cloning?Yes. The techniques used have already demonstrated(展示) benefits. Polly, another sheep clone at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh has had a human gene(基因) inserted so that it produces a blood clotting((血的)凝结) agent needed by haemophiliacs(血友症) in its milk. Cloning of human cells in a laboratory could offer perfectly-matched tissue((动物的)组织) for surgical or genetic repair of humans.9.Where does the law stand on live human clones?In the UK, human cloning is already banned(禁止) by law. President Bill Clinton has proposed banning research into producing human clones in the US for five years. Some measures have also been made to establish international agreements banning live human clones.
2023-07-20 22:52:422

Set You Free (Remastered) 歌词

Set You Free作词:Jeno Liu(刘力扬),Dexter King作曲:Dexter King演唱:刘力扬Only you can set you freeHold your breatheCuz we"re divingdeep into your brainWanna see What"s insideAnd what you think of meI"m running on the streetsRunning in the rainTrying to find a way to balanceMy love and my dreamsI"m running to the seaI"m running to be freeThinking of you gives me strength and energy
2023-07-20 22:52:382


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Whether you are a popular football player or the person who often runs after the bell rings, afraid of getting a wedgy, the Black/White Varsity Royal is the ideal pair of shoe for you.If you want something that is cooler to the eye (and an eye-candy to the thieves!) then you might want to consider getting this kick.There may be generally a massive amount of contemporary advances incorporated of their design, using the nike Air Max 90 infrared and fins intended for feel and deal with concerning the ball. include to the the lighweight carbon Air Max 90 infrared soleplate with regards to the Top notch wide-ranging assortment and you also get even additional bang to the greenback.The use of patent leather on the Nike Air Max 95 Black, although minimal, definitely help add some depth to the shoeisdesign. 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2023-07-20 22:52:354


2023-07-20 22:52:322


What is Cloning?关于克隆方面,参考:)~Cloning(克隆技术) is the most attractive story of the new biotechnologies(生物技术) and the one which causes the most heated discussion over its worth. Here are answers to the most common questions about cloning.1. What is cloning?Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA(脱氧核糖核酸) from a single "parent", bypassing(绕道而行) the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent.2. Is cloning unnatural?No. Clones are always produced by natural means in the shape of identical twins(同卵孪生).3. How are clones created?The most common process takes DNA from one cell and puts in a hollowed-out(挖空的;掏空的) egg. Chemicals and electricity are then used to encourage the new DNA to fuse with(与…合并) the egg and develop into an embryo(胎儿). This technique is called nuclear transfer(核迁移).4.Why was Dolly(世界上的第一只克隆羊) important?The sheep was the first mammal(哺乳动物) to be cloned using DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously(以前), animals had only been cloned using embryo cells which already have the potential(潜力) to become a complete embryo in its own right(继承父母的). The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell - in this case from a female goat"s udder(乳房).5. Are clones normal, healthy animals?Dolly is, but scientist do not yet know whether this is the exception(例外) or the rule. Some early evidence suggest that clones may have health problems and that they may age prematurely(早衰的,未老先衰).6.Could a human clone be born soon?In theory, yes. The techniques used to create Dolly could be applied to(运用;适用) humans. But the technology of reproductive cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. It took more than 200 attempts(努力;试验) to make Dolly. The other embryos failed to implant(播种) in the surrogate(代理;代替) mother or were miscarried. Even if a clone makes it to birth, at present it has a very low chance of surviving into adult life.7.Has anyone said they will make live human clones?A number of people have, including Chicago physicist Dr Richard Seed. However, few experts believe that these people have the skills to succeed.8. Are there any benefits from cloning?Yes. The techniques used have already demonstrated(展示) benefits. Polly, another sheep clone at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh has had a human gene(基因) inserted so that it produces a blood clotting((血的)凝结) agent needed by haemophiliacs(血友症) in its milk. Cloning of human cells in a laboratory could offer perfectly-matched tissue((动物的)组织) for surgical or genetic repair of humans.9.Where does the law stand on live human clones?In the UK, human cloning is already banned(禁止) by law. President Bill Clinton has proposed banning research into producing human clones in the US for five years. Some measures have also been made to establish international agreements banning live human clones.
2023-07-20 22:52:321

狼族的族语为什么是winter is coming

2023-07-20 22:52:291


院校专业:曲阜师范大学 1955年创建于济南,始称山东师范专科学校。1956年5月,被教育部批准升格为曲阜师范学院,同年9月迁址曲阜,开启了兴办本科教育的历程。1970年9月至1974年4月,与山东大学文科合并成为新的山东大学。1974年4月恢复曲阜师范学院建制。1981年,被山东省人民政府确立为重点建设的六所高校之一;同年,被批准为全国首批招收研究生的高校。1982年,取得硕士学位授予权。1985年11月,学校更名为曲阜师范大学。2002年,建设日照校区。2003年,取得博士学位授予权。2004年,获得教育部本科教学水平评估优秀成绩。2012年以来,先后入选山东省应用型人才培养特色名校、全国第二批创新创业教育示范高校、教育部实施卓越中学教师培养高校、全国创新创业教育典型经验高校50强、山东省首届文明校园、山东省“强特色”高水平大学、全国文明校园、山东省智慧教育示范校创建单位。建校66年来,积淀形成了“学而不厌、诲人不倦”的校训精神,目前已经发展成为一所基础文理优势突出、文理工管等多学科协调发展、以弘扬优秀传统文化和培养卓越教师为鲜明特色的省属重点综合性师范大学。在U.S.News2020、2021世界大学排行榜中先后位列国内高校第86位、73位,在2020、2021“软科中国大学”排名中先后位列全国地方高校第92位、80位。,学校拥有 ESI世界前1%学科5个(工程学、化学、数学、计算机科学、材料科学),山东省一流学科6个(工程学、数学、中国史、化学、物理学、中国语言文学),山东省高水平学科4个(其中,教育学为“高峰学科”,体育学、中国史、数学为“优势特色学科”),17个学科入选软科2020“中国最好学科排名”,教育学学科位居全国前10%。设有博士一级学科11个,博士专业学位授权类别1个,硕士一级学科25个,硕士专业学位授权类别15个,博士后流动站11个,本科招生专业69个,形成了涵盖文、理、工、法等10大学科门类的综合性学科专业体系。建有国家级一流本科专业建设点18个,国家级一流本科课程3门,国家虚拟仿真实验教学中心2个,国家级精品资源共享课程1门,国家级特色专业建设点6个,国家级综合改革试点专业1个,国家级大学生校外实践基地1个。建有省部级协同创新中心5个,9个省级重点实验室,2个省级工程技术研究中心,2个山东省“十三五”高校人文社科研究基地,1个省级重点智库,教育部、国家体育总局、山东省政府在我校设有8个省部级研究基地。,学校聘请诺贝尔奖获得者丁肇中先生为名誉校长;现有教职工 2545人,其中教授305人,副教授657人;现有双聘院士2人,入选国家“万人计划”、长江学者、国家杰青、全国文化名家暨“四个一批”人才、国家百千万人才工程等国家级人才项目25人次,国家教学名师2人,国务院学位委员会专业学位教育指导委员会委员1人,教育部高校专业教学指导委员会副主任委员1人、委员1人,国家和山东省有突出贡献中青年专家24人,泰山学者特聘教授11人,泰山学者青年专家18人,省智库高端人才专家8人,享受国务院特殊津贴37人,全国模范教师5人,全国教育硕士优秀教师5人,凝聚了一支高层次的人才队伍。,学校占地面积 3337.18亩(含在建曲阜校区扩建项目),固定资产总值17.53亿元,其中教学科研仪器设备总值10.62亿元,图书馆纸质藏书447万册、电子图书236万册;公开出版《齐鲁学刊》(第二批国家社科基金资助优秀期刊)、《曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)》、《中学数学杂志》和《现代语文》等学术刊物。,学校始终把人才培养作为根本任务,不断深化教育教学改革,打造了过硬的教育教学质量。建校以来,累计为社会培养输送毕业生 50万余人,广大毕业生以“基础厚实、作风朴实、业务扎实”受到社会广泛好评。“十三五”以来,荣获国家级教学成果奖2项、山东省教学成果奖特等奖2项、一等奖13项;在第一至五届全国大学生数学竞赛中连续获得一等奖,与北大、复旦、南开等高校为连续获得一等奖的高校;在2013至2020年举办的八届山东省师范生教学技能大赛中,六次获得一等奖数量和获奖总数的“双料冠军”;520人次获“互联网+”、挑战杯、数学建模等全国竞赛奖项;本科生1600余人次参与发表科研论文;在全国第三批汉字应用水平测试中,我校一级甲等通过率在试点单位中名列第一;原创舞蹈作品荣获第九届中国舞蹈“荷花奖”表演银奖;英语专业八级通过率高达85%,高出全国平均通过率35个百分点;法学专业司法考试通过率达到42%;连续13年入选山东省优秀博士学位论文;毕业生就业率始终保持在省属高校前列;被团中央授予“全国五四红旗团委”荣誉称号。,学校历来重视科学研究,取得一大批具有广泛影响的重要成果。建校初期的 “公社数学”曾受到毛主席的赞扬,离子交换法制备碳酸钾获1978年全国科学大会奖,高性能晶体偏光器件获2002年国家科技进步二等奖。先后承担了国家“973”计划、“863”计划、国家重点研发计划项目在内的一大批高层次科研项目,在应用数学、激光偏光、电气信息、生物资源开发与利用、土地规划、物理化学、孔子儒学、教育科学、体育科学等学科领域达到了较高水平。“十三五”以来,累计承担省部级以上纵向科研项目969项,科研经费近2亿元,其中国家社科基金项目140项,包括重大招标项目2项、重大招标滚动资助1项、重点项目9项;国家自然科学基金项目205项,山东省重大科技项目4项,参与国家重点研发计划项目等4项。获省部级科研成果奖145项。特别在人文社会科学研究方面具有独特优势,2020年以第一单位获得第八届教育部人文社科优秀成果奖一等奖1项、二等奖3项,居省属高校第1位,打破了山东省属高校12年来一等奖空缺的局面;近五年国家社科基金课题和教育部人文社科项目立项总数居省属高校前3位,连续10年获得山东省社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖。自然科学方面,2019年,获山东省属高校唯一1项国家自然科学奖二等奖;2019、2020连续两年获省自然科学奖数量居省属高校第1位,自然指数排名全国83位。,学校秉承中国实学传统,切实履行大学服务社会职能。从上世纪 50年代的“土蒸馏釜”到70年代的“跳流鼻坎”最优解,到80年代的“长清模式”、90年代的黄河三角洲可持续发展战略模式,对经济社会建设产生了重要影响。特别是我校运筹所的“优选法”和“统筹法”在支援成昆铁路建设中发挥了重要作用,于1978年获国家科技进步特等奖。近年来,学校主动服务山东省新旧动能转换重大工程,积极对接“十强”产业,参与山东省文化和科技融合示范基地、山东半岛蓝色经济带、黄河三角洲高效生态经济区、鲁西经济隆起带建设,实施服务地方行动计划,在山东省新农村建设、土地利用规划、黄河三角洲生态农业综合开发、南四湖生态环境保护和生物资源利用、优秀传统文化传播等方面取得重大成果。“十三五”以来,获批横向课题230项,项目经费6000余万元,30余项智库咨询报告被省部级及以上政府部门采纳。,学校注重依托孔子故里独特历史文化资源优势,在传承创新优秀传统文化方面形成特色优势。坚持将传统文化的精华渗透到教育教学全过程,坚持立德树人,注重文化育人,构建了 “以文化人”通识教育体系,积淀形成了人文特色鲜明的优良教风学风校风。在孔子及儒学研究领域形成了特色和优势,建成了国内唯一的学士、硕士、博士、博士后儒学专门人才培养机制,以孔子儒学为主要研究方向的专门史(思想史)学科是博士学位授权点、山东省优势特色学科,建有博士后流动站。与山东大学联合申报省部共建儒家文明协同创新中心,建有“孔子与山东文化强省战略协同创新中心”“山东省中国外交遗产研究基地”等省部级研究基地3个。2013年以来,获批儒学与传统文化领域省部级以上课题192项,其中“历代孔府档案文献集成与研究及全文数据库建设”“《尚书》学研究”等国家社科基金重大招标课题3项,5项成果入选国家哲学社会科学成果文库,3项研究入选首批国家社科基金冷门“绝学”专项。首倡并规划建设了全国唯一的教师文化主题、师德教育特色的综合性专题博物馆——中国教师博物馆,入选全国十所“教育部师德师风建设基地”之一,获批全国唯一的“中外青少年交流基地”。与省教育厅共建山东省教师优秀传统文化教育基地、山东省大中小学优秀传统文化传承发展研究指导中心。,学校是教育部首批外国留学生定点招生高校,是教育部中外语言交流合作中心国际中文教师奖学金、山东省政府外国留学生奖学金项目高校,先后入选公派留学 “省校联合培养计划”、山东省“外专双百计划”。建有加拿大、韩国2所孔子学院。多年来,学校坚持兼容并包,兼收并蓄的学术方针,以广阔的胸襟,开放的眼界,广泛吸纳多元文明成果,先后与韩国、日本、美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大等近20个国家87所高校建立了校际友好关系,在联合办学、教师和学生互派、文化学术交流等领域建立了广泛而深入的合作。其他信息:曲阜师范大学位于山东省曲阜市,每年都有不少考生报考没那么,曲阜师范大学算名校吗?有哪些比较好的专业呢? 曲阜师范大学算名校吗 曲阜师范大学是山东省一所知名高校,也是山东省属重点大学之一。学校办学实力较强,是每年山东考生们青睐的报考对象之一。曲阜师范大学不算全国范围内的重点名校,但是属于山东省一所实力较强的省属重点大学。 虽然由于目前山东省已合并了所有本科批次,学校在本省属于“几本”级别也就不好确定了;但在其他的招生省份,学校一般都属于“二本”,不过校内少数专业的录取分数达一本线上。因此,很多人认为该校属于二本院校。 曲阜师范大学哪些专业比较好 学校现有87个本科专业,涵盖文、理、工、法等10大学科门类。其中,3个学科(工程学、化学、数学)进入ESI全球排名前1%,6个学科为山东省一流学科(工程学、数学、中国史、化学、物理学、中国语言文学)。目前校内入选“双万计划”的专业共有20个。 国家级一流本科专业建设点: 教育学、物理学、思想政治教育、教育技术学、体育教育、汉语言文学、数学与应用数学、统计学; 省级一流本科专业建设点: 经济学、英语、翻译、历史学、化学、地理科学、自动化、计算机科学与技术、软件工程、生物工程、工商管理、美术学。
2023-07-20 22:52:251

in their homes的表达对不对

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分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 >> 其他软件 问题描述: 就是Preferences->Display->Title Formatting->Playlist里用的关键字,比如%“title%”“%album artist%”之类的,我不知道学名叫什么……麻烦熟悉foobar自定义项目的大大提供一个列表,最好有中文的说明……其实我英文还是比较差劲的…… 解析: 安装目录下面有个文件,里面都有。 Table of Contents * Syntax reference for title formattingo Generic fields o Context-specific fields o Functions o Variable operations o Other Syntax reference for title formatting Generic fields Syntax Description %title% Title of the track. If “title” metadata field is missing, file name is used instead. %artist% Name of the artist of the track. Checks following metadata fields, in this order: “artist”, “album artist”, “poser”, “performer”. %album artist% Name of the artist of the album specified track belongs to. Checks following metadata fields, in this order: “album artist”, “artist”, “poser”, “performer”. The difference beeen this and %artist% is that %album artist% is intended for use where consistent value across entire album is needed even when per-track artists values vary. %track artist% Name of the artist of the track; present only if %album artist% is different than %artist% for specific track. Intended for use together with %album artist%, to indicate track-specific artist info, e.g. “%album artist% - %title%[ "" %track artist%]” - in this case, last part will be displayed only when track-specific artist info is present. %album% Name of the album specified track belongs to. Checks following metadata fields, in this order: “album”, “venue”. %date% Recording date (year) of the album specified track belongs to, using “date” metadata field. %genre% Genre of the album specified track belongs to, using “genre” metadata field. %tracknumber% Two-digit index of specified track within the album. Available only when “tracknumber” field is present in track"s metadata. %totaltracks% Two-digit number of tracks within the album specified track belongs to. Available only when “totaltracks” field is present in track"s metadata. %disumber% Index of disc specified track belongs to, within the album. Available only when “disumber”/”disc” field is present in track"s metadata %totaldiscs% Number of discs within the album specified track belongs to. Available only when “totaldiscs” field is present in track"s metadata. %codec% Name of codec used to encode the track. If exact codec name is not available, file extension is used. %codec_profile% Additional information about encoding settings used. Not always available. %filename% Name of file, excluding directory path and extension. %filename_ext% Name of the file, including extension but excluding directory path. %directoryname% Name of the directory the file is in. %path% Full path of the file. Note that %path_sort% should be use for sorting instead of %path%. %subsong% Index of the track within the file, for use with file formats that support multiple tracks within single physical file (e.g. chapters or a cuesheet). %path_sort% Path of the file; for use with sorting, where order of subsongs within a file needs to be preserved; exact value returned by it is undefined and should not be relied on. %length% Length of the track, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS. %length_seconds% Length of the track, in seconds, formatted as an integer. %bitrate% Bitrate of the track; includes dynamic VBR bitrate display for currently played track. %channels% Number of channels in the track (mono/stereo/etc). %samplerate% Sample rate of the track, in Hz. The above list is not plete, there are other less relevant fields as well as generic %field% u21d2 metadata and %__field% u21d2 tech info remappings provided for backwards patibility. Context-specific fields Syntax Description %list_index% Index of the item on the list it belongs to. Applies to: playlist, list of items processed by masstagger/massrenamer, e Padded with zeros to match max. width of possible index within the list. %list_total% Number of items on the list specified item belongs to. Applies to: playlist, list of items processed by masstagger/massrenamer, e %isplaying% Present if e.g. a playlist item is currently being played, absent otherwise. Meant to be used as a switch for $if(). %ispaused% Present if e.g. a playlist item is currently being played and is paused, absent otherwise. Meant to be used as a switch for $if(). %playback_time% Current playback time, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). %playback_time_seconds% Current playback time, in seconds, formatted as integer. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). %playback_time_remaining% Remaining playback time, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). Not available when length of currently playing track is not known. %playback_time_remaining_seconds% Remaining playback time, in seconds, formatted as integer. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). Not available when length of currently playing track is not known. Functions Syntax Description Example $abbr(X) Returns an abbreviation of X. $abbr(%album%) $abbr(X,Y) Returns an abbreviation of X if X is longer than Y characters; otherwise returns full value of X. %abbr(%album%,5) $lower(X), $upper(X) Converts X to lower/uppercase. $upper(%title%) $num(X,Y) Displays X as a number and pads with zeros up to Y characters (useful for track numbers etc). $num(%tracknumber%,3) $caps(X) Converts first letter in every word of X to uppercase, and all other letters to lowercase, e.g. “blah BLAH”→“Blah Blah”. $caps(%title%) $caps2(X) Similar to $caps, but leaves uppercase letters as they are, e.g. “blah BLAH”→“Blah BLAH”. $caps2(%title%) $if(X,Y,Z) If X contains at least one present field, executes/displays Y, otherwise executes/displays Z. $if(%artist%,%artist%,unknown artist) $if2(X,Y) Same as $if(X,X,Y). $if3(X,Y,Z,..) Returns first of parameters that contains at least one present field. $ifgreater(A,B,C,D) If number A is greater than number B, executes/returns C, otherwise executes/returns D. $iflonger(A,B,C,D) If string A is longer than B characters, executes/returns C, otherwise executes/returns D. $longest(A,B,C,....) Compares lengths of of A,B,C... and returns the longest one. $longest(%title%,%filename%) $len(X) Returns length of the string X in characters. $pad(X,Y), $pad_right(X,Y) Pads X with spaces up to Y characters. $pad(X,Y,Z), $pad_right(X,Y,Z) Pads X with Z character up to Y characters. $cut(X,Y) Truncates X to Y characters. $padcut(X,Y), $padcut_right(X,Y) Pads X to Y characters and truncates to Y if longer. $insert(A,B,N) Inserts string B into string A after N characters. $add(X,Y), $sub(X,Y), $mul(X,Y), $div(X,Y), $mod(X,Y), $min(X,Y), $max(X,Y) Various math operations. $left(X,Y) Returns Y first characters of string X. $right(X,Y) Returns Y last characters of string X. $and(X,Y), $or(X,Y), $xor(X,Y), $not(X) Various logical operations, for use with $if(). $fix_eol(x), $fix_eol(x,y) Truncates multiline strings, adding ” (...)” (version 1) or y (version 2) at the end. $meta(X) Returns value of metadata field named X. $meta(artist) $meta_sep(X,Y), $meta_sep(X,Y,Z) Returns metadata field named X, with custom separators for multiple values $meta(artist,", "," and ")u21d2“artist1, artist2 and artist3” $meta_num(X) Inserts number of present values for metadata field X. $info(X) Returns tech info field named X. $info(bitrate) $char(X) Inserts Unicode character no. X. $char(9674) $strcmp(X,Y) Returns “1” when strings X and Y are identical, empty string otherwise; intended for use with $if(). $stricmp(X,Y) Non-case-sensitive version of $strcmp(X,Y). $directory(X), $directory(X,N) Extracts directory name from file path X, optionally goes up by N directory levels. $directory(%path%,2) $greater(X,Y) Compares o integers, tests if X>Y, intended for use with $if() and logical operators. $longer(X,Y) Compares o strings, tests if X is longer than Y, intended for use with $if() and logical operators. $strchr(X,Y) Finds first occurrence of character Y in string X. $strrchr(X,Y) Finds last occurrence of character Y in string X. $strstr(X,Y) Finds first occurrence of string Y in string X. $progress(A,B,C,D,E) Creates a progress bar. $progress(%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%,20,"#","=") u21d2“====#===============” $progress2(A,B,C,D,E) Creates a progress bar, alternate version. $progress2(%playback_time_seconds%,%length%,20,"#","=") u21d2“#####===============” $select(N,A,B,C,....) Returns N-th of A,B,C... parameters. $repeat(X,N) Repeats X N times. $replace(A,B,C) Replaces all occurrences of string B in string A with string C. $ext(X) Extracts extension from file path / file name. $ext(%path%) $substr(A,B,C) Returns substring of string A, starting from B-th character and ending at C-th character $substr(blah,1,2) u21d2“bl” $rgb(), $rgb(R,G,B), $rgb(R,G,B,RS,GS,BS) Generates a color code. Parameters are integral numbers from 0-255 range, specifying values of red/green/blue ponents. Zero-parameter version reverts to default colors. 6-parameter version allows you to override colors for selected items in playlist etc (by default, selection text color is inverted). Warning: $rgb should not be used as a parameter to any text-processing functions, results of doing so are undefined and may change beeen versions. $rgb(255,0,0)asdf$rgb() u21d2 “asdf” $transition(A,B,C) Generates color codes beeen characters in string A, interpolating colors from B to C. $transition(%title%,$rgb(255,255,255),$rgb(0,0,0)) $blend(A,B,C,D) Generates a color in C/D beeen colors A and B. $blend($rgb(0,0,0),$rgb(255,255,255),50,100) $rand() Generates a random number in range from 0 to 2^32-1. $trim(A) Trims leading/trailing spaces from A. $trim(%title%) $tab() Generates a tab character; equivalent to $char(9). See “tab character” explanation below for more info about its use. $tab() Variable operations * Variables allow you to store intermediate results of text processing in order to reduce size of your formatting string. * Variables are not kept beeen instances of title formatting process and modifying actual file info with them is not possible. Syntax Description Example $put(name,text) Sets variable named <name> to <text> and returns <text>. “$put(x,blah)” sets variable x to “blah” and returns “blah”. $puts(name,text) Silent version of $put(). Same as $put(name,text), but returns an empty string. $get(name) Returns value of variable <name>. “$puts(x,blah)$get(x)$get(x)” will return “blahblah” Other Syntax Description Example [ .... ] Discards contents of the bracket when no fields referenced inside are present. Commonly used to create parts of formatting scripts that are active only when relevant fields are found. %artist% - [%album% / ]%title% " (single quotation mark) Inserts specified text bypassing syntax processing; allows special characters such as %,$,[,] to be inserted. In order to insert a quotation mark character, use "" (o single quotation marks). Comments, can be placed only at the beginning of a new line; prevent any characters following them until the end of line from being parsed. End-of-line characters Ignored; you can make your script more readable by splitting it into multiple lines, without affecting its output. Tab character Used to control text alignment in certain contexts such as playlist or status bar; monly used to separate left-aligned artist/album/title display from right-aligned length/time display in playlist. Can be used multiple times to generate pseudo-columns. See also: $tab(). %title%$tab()%length%
2023-07-20 22:52:221

winter is coming简单作文

Winter is ing,the weather will get colder and colder.In winter,we must wear thick clothes,scarfs and gloves.Also,we will see the snow.We can have a good time playing snow together.In winter,we have a cold easily ,so we should do much exercise.
2023-07-20 22:52:221

Set You Free (Outtake From Crack A Smile) (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Set You Free (Outtake From Crack A Smile) (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Poison专辑:Crack A Smile...And More!爱内里菜 - SET YOU FREE作词:爱内里菜作曲:corin.信じぬく気持ちを力にし进んでゆこう信じるものだけが真実になるから SET YOU FREE心に响かせてファンファーレ “愿えば叶う”思い込みこそがまず最大のパワー振り返るたびにね失くしたもの眩しく见え都合のいい场面へと心钝らせないでいろんな空の下 缲り広がる悲剧よ信じるという光だけが闇を照らしてゆける自由を抱きともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!谁もが胸に叶う梦持ってる恐れを解き希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!谁のねものでもない未来をつかむためSET YOU FREE後悔となるのは失败することじゃなくて真剣に挑めずにいた心の方期待されてるとか あきらめられてるだとか谁かのね満足のために生きてるわけじゃない谁かが诱ってる 优しいね道だとか谁かが口にする真実さえ置いてくんだ自由を抱きともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!梦はね 热い本音しか闻かない恐れを解き希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!必要なものはすべて君が持っているSET YOU FREESET YOU FREESET YOU FREEともにStand up 热くHeat up 快感へRun up!希望Get up 梦をGrow up 胜ち取れHands up!SET YOU FREESET YOU FREE
2023-07-20 22:52:191