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2023-07-21 09:30:41
TAG: 英语









Express train快速列车;快车;特快列车










N-Train(LineBoyZ)组合是由五名成员组成的男子偶像组合,所属公司CJ MediaLine,该公司旗下艺人有蔡妍,李正,金建模,酷龙,朴美京,VNT等,N-Train于2011年5月27日发行第一张单曲《One Last Cry》,成员们在过去的两年内非常努力地受训著,出道的过程将透过Mnet M!Pick节目中呈现出来,最近他们的钢琴版出道歌曲也在网路上发布。N-Train於5月26日在M!Countdown上表演作为他们的出道舞台。
2023-07-21 03:43:441


组合名称:uc5d4ud2b8ub808uc778 (N-Train) 成员:丁正均,郑胜贤,Soul J,宋侑真,金相宇 出道:2011年5月26日Mnet M!Countdown 所属公司:CJ MediaLine
2023-07-21 03:43:571


姓名:uc815uc815uade0丁正均职务:队长,vocal生日:1987年11月27日出生地:大邱身高:180cm体重:62kg血型:A型学历:圣公会大学日语系兴趣/特长:作曲,编曲,吉他,钢琴,贝斯,鼓,日语喜欢的物品:香水,包包,牛仔裤经历:2007年 作为Tachyon组合成员出道2007年8月 本月优秀新人奖2009年 参与歌手JB歌曲“不要走(uac00uc9c0 ub9d0ub77cuace0)”2010年2月 被MediaLine选拔2011年2月 作为dancer参与歌手李正的歌曲Let"s dance” 姓名:uc815uc2b9ud604 郑胜贤职务:rapper生日:1987年6月14日出生地:仁川身高:176cm体重:62kg血型:O型学历:首尔艺术综合专科学校放送演技系兴趣/特长:曲棍球,股票,单排旱冰,自行车喜欢的东西:料理,滑旱冰,研究昆虫经历:2007年 作为组合Monster成员出道2009年 成为组合Gary Gold Smith成员2010年 参与电影《气球》饰演摇滚乐队主唱 尚宇2009~2010年 uc0ddubc29uc1a1 ud1a1ud1a1 ubcf4ub2c8ud558ub2c8 ub0a8uc790Mc ubcf4ub2c82010年10月 被Medialine选拔2011年2月 作为dancer参与歌手李正的歌曲Let"s dance” 艺名:uc18cuc6b8uc81cuc774 Soul J本名:uc774uc885ubbfc李钟民职务:main vocal生日:1988年10月25日出生地:首尔身高:175cm体重:64kg兴趣:听音乐,听radio,收集衣服、鞋子特长:Rap making,运动,模唱,料理,作词经历:2006年 社团歌曲比赛 第一名2010年2月 被Medialine选拔以dancer身份参与Medialine旗下组合VNT的歌曲2011年2月 作为dancer参与歌手李正的歌曲Let"s dance” 姓名:uc1a1uc720uc9c4 宋侑真职务:vocal生日:1992年2月22日出生地:首尔身高:172cm体重:56kg兴趣:听流行音乐,看电影特长:舞蹈,模唱,运动经历:2009年9月 被Medialine选拔以dancer身份参与Medialine旗下组合VNT的歌曲2011年2月 作为dancer参与歌手李正的歌曲Let"s dance” 姓名:uae40uc0c1uc6b0金相宇职务:main vocal生日:1992年2月22日出生地:首尔身高:178cm体重:65kg兴趣:乐器演奏,听音乐特长:作曲,钢琴,吉他经历:2010年10月 被Medialine选拔2011年2月 作为dancer参与歌手李正的歌曲Let"s dance”
2023-07-21 03:44:111


神话高耀太东方神起JYJbigbangSJshinee2pm2ambeastinfiniteboyfriendmblaqze:a超新星8eightteentopblock bftislandcnblueu-kiss差不多这些吧,排名不分先后
2023-07-21 03:44:285


2023-07-21 03:45:035


2023-07-21 03:45:184


people英[]u02c8pi:pl美[]u02c8pipu0259l词典释义peoplen.人民;人,人类;居民;种族personn.人;(语法)人称;身体;容貌mann.男人;人类;男子汉;雇工human beingn.人类
2023-07-21 03:46:3710


train的发音是:英 [treu026an],美 [treu026an]。  n. 列车,火车,行列,一系列vt. 训练,培训,瞄准vi. 进行锻炼,接收训练,练习例句:I lost my train by three minutes.翻译:我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。短语:change trains 换乘火车用法1、train的基本意思是“训练,培养”,指促使某人学得知识或技能,以便能够从事某种职业或进行某种工作。强调教育者具有明确的目标或宗旨,也暗示受教育者的绝对服从,除此便不能成为适应需要的人才。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接以“(as/to be) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。2、train还可指“使植物朝某方向生长”“整枝”,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后接表示方向的against, along , over, up等短语。
2023-07-21 03:47:321


train的用法如下:1、用作名词 (n.)。Terrorists have been setting off bombs in underground trains。恐怖分子一直在地铁列车中引爆炸弹。2、用作不及物动词S+~(+A)。You"ll have to train hard before the next match。在下一场比赛之前你必须好好培训。3、用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron。Mr. Smith trains the football team。史密斯先生训练这个足球队。4、用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be/as) n./adj。They trained him as an engineer。他们把他培养成一名工程师。5、v -ed as Attrib。This of course didn"t escape his trained eyes。这自然逃不过他训练有素的眼睛。
2023-07-21 03:47:451


2023-07-21 03:48:086


train; choochoo; iron horse;
2023-07-21 03:48:256


回答和翻译如下 :train火车 。
2023-07-21 03:49:171


2023-07-21 03:49:342

求今年出道的韩国男团 我只知道boyfriend和X-5

还有twilinght,b1a4,block b,hitt
2023-07-21 03:49:544


2023-07-21 03:50:141

有什么好听的歌?欧西 日韩 都行

2023-07-21 03:51:093

1.如何用MATLAB神经网络工具箱创建BP神经网络模型?具体有哪些步骤?请高手举实例详细解释下? 2.如何把输

%人脸识别模型,脸部模型自己找吧。function mytest()clc;images=[ ]; M_train=3;%表示人脸N_train=5;%表示方向 sample=[]; pixel_value=[];sample_number=0; for j=1:N_train for i=1:M_train str=strcat("Images",num2str(i),"_",num2str(j),".bmp"); %读取图像,连接字符串形成图像的文件名。 img= imread(str); [rows cols]= size(img);%获得图像的行和列值。 img_edge=edge(img,"Sobel");%由于在分割图片中我们可以看到这个人脸的眼睛部分也就是位于分割后的第二行中,位置变化比较大,而且眼睛边缘检测效果很好 sub_rows=floor(rows/6);%最接近的最小整数,分成6行 sub_cols=floor(cols/8);%最接近的最小整数,分成8列 sample_num=M_train*N_train;%前5个是第一幅人脸的5个角度 sample_number=sample_number+1; for subblock_i=1:8 %因为这还在i,j的循环中,所以不可以用i block_num=subblock_i; pixel_value(sample_number,block_num)=0; for ii=sub_rows:(2*sub_rows) for jj=(subblock_i-1)*sub_cols+1:subblock_i*sub_cols pixel_value(sample_number,block_num)=pixel_value(sample_number,block_num)+img_edge(ii,jj); end end end end end %将特征值转换为小于1的值 max_pixel_value=max(pixel_value); max_pixel_value_1=max(max_pixel_value); for i=1:3 mid_value=10^i; if(((max_pixel_value_1/mid_value)>1)&&((max_pixel_value_1/mid_value)<10)) multiple_num=1/mid_value; pixel_value=pixel_value*multiple_num; break; end end % T 为目标矢量 t=zeros(3,sample_number); %因为有五类,所以至少用3个数表示,5介于2的2次方和2的3次方之间 for i=1:sample_number % if((mod(i,5)==1)||(mod(i,5)==4)||(mod(i,5)==0)) if(i<=3)||((i>9)&&(i<=12))||((i>12)&&(i<=15)) t(1,i)=1; end %if((mod(i,5)==2)||(mod(i,5)==4)) if((i>3)&&(i<=6))||((i>9)&&(i<=12)) t(2,i)=1; end %if((mod(i,5)==3)||(mod(i,5)==0)) if((i>6)&&(i<=9))||((i>12)&&(i<=15)) t(3,i)=1; end end % NEWFF——生成一个新的前向神经网络 % TRAIN——对 BP 神经网络进行训练 % SIM——对 BP 神经网络进行仿真 % 定义训练样本 % P 为输入矢量 P=pixel_value"% T 为目标矢量 T=tsize(P)size(T)% size(P)% size(T)% 创建一个新的前向神经网络 net_1=newff(minmax(P),[10,3],{"tansig","purelin"},"traingdm")% 当前输入层权值和阈值 inputWeights=net_1.IW{1,1} inputbias=net_1.b{1} % 当前网络层权值和阈值 layerWeights=net_1.LW{2,1} layerbias=net_1.b{2} % 设置训练参数 = 50; = 0.05; = 0.9; net_1.trainParam.epochs = 10000; net_1.trainParam.goal = 1e-3; % 调用 TRAINGDM 算法训练 BP 网络[net_1,tr]=train(net_1,P,T); % 对 BP 网络进行仿真A = sim(net_1,P); % 计算仿真误差 E = T - A; MSE=mse(E) x=[0.14 0 1 1 0 1 1 1.2]";sim(net_1,x)
2023-07-21 03:51:171


2023-07-21 03:51:263


Wonder Girls . RaNia .Girls Generation . A Pink .Brown Eyed Girls .2NE1 .4 minute . 带N的真的很多 。。。。
2023-07-21 03:52:341


train [treɪn]n. 火车, 行列, 列车v. 训练, 瞄准, 培养; 接受训练, 锻炼
2023-07-21 03:52:421


train是可数名词。 train: n.火车;列车;列队行进的人(或动物);队列;行列;一系列相关的事情(或行动); v.训练;培训;接受训练;进行…训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练; 第三人称单数: trains复数: trains现在分词: training过去式: trained过去分词: trained 扩展资料   They"re in training for the big game.   他们正在为大赛进行训练。   Most people went on training courses of one sort or another last year.   多数人去年都上过这样那样的培训班。   We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible.   我们努力使这些训练课程尽可能地贴近实际情况。   This training course will qualify you for a better job.   本培训课程将使你能胜任更好的工作。
2023-07-21 03:52:481


转自∷_{B.E.G.Asia}_∷Best Male Group: TVXQ, 2PM, Super Junior, Big Bang, BeastBest Female Group/最佳女子组合: Brown Eyed Girls, 2NE1, f(x), SNSD, KaraBest New Female Artist: Dal Shabet, Brave Girls, A Pink, Jang Jae In, Han GrooBest New Male Artist: Kim Ji Su, Boyfriend, N-Train, Huh Gak & B1A4Best Male Artist: Kim Bum Soo, Kim Tae Woo, Kim Hyun Joong, Sung Si Kyung, WheesungBest Female Artist: Kim Wan Sun, Baek Ji Young, Seo In Young, IU, G.NaBest Solo Dance Perf: Kim Hyun Joong, G.Na, Hyun-A, Jang Woo Hyuk, Jay ParkBest Group Dance Perf (Male): TVXQ, Beast, Big Bang, Super Junior, MBLAX, InfiniteBest Group Dance Perf (Female): SNSD, Secret, T-Ara, 4 Minute, 2NE1, Miss ABest MV/最佳MV: Big Bang"s "Love Song", Brown Eyed Girls" "Sixth Sense", Sunny Hill"s "Midnight Circus", Jang Kiha and The Faces" "Just to Know Each Other", UV"s "Itaewon Freedom"Best Vocal Perf (Solo): K. Will, IU, Lee Hyun, Huh GakBest Vocal Perf (Group): Sistar19 (Ma Boy), 2NE1 (Lonely), 2AM (YWAC), Davichi (Don"t Say Goodbye), 4Men (Once While Living)Best OST: Baek Ji Young (Secret Garden), IU (Dream High), Yim Jae Bum (City Hunter), Tae Yeon (Athena), Huh Gak (The Greatest Love)Song of the Year: Kim Kunmo"s "It"s Sadder Than Yesterday", Kim Hyun Joong"s "Break Down", Davichi"s "Don"t Say Goodbye", TVXQ"s "(Why) Keep Your Head Down", 2NE1"s "I"m the Best", 4Men"s "Once While Living", Hyun-A"s "Bubble Pop", Tablo"s "Bad", T-Ara"s "Roly Poly", Leessang"s "Turned Off the TV", Mighty Mouth"s "Tok Tok", Jay Park"s "Abandoned", Baek Ji Young"s "That Woman" (Secret Garden), Beast"s "Fiction", Big Bang"s "Tonight", SNSD"s "The Boys", Super Junior"s "Mr Simple", Secret"s "Shy Boy", Sistar19"s "Ma Boy", IU"s "Good Day", MBLAQ"s "Mona Lisa", Lee Hyun"s "You"re the Best of My Life", Infinite"s "Be Mine", Yim Jae Bu***ove" (City Hunter), Jaurim"s "IDOL", Jang Kiha and The Faces" "Just Know Each Other", Jang Woo Hyuk"s "Time is (L)over", Clover"s "La Vida Loca", Tae Yeon"s "I Love You" (Athena), Huh Gak"s "Hello", 2AM"s "YWAC", CN Blue"s "Intuition", FT Island"s "Hello Hello", G.Na"s "Black & White", K. Will"s "My Heart is Beating", Miss A"s "Goodbye Baby", Simon D"s "Cheerz", YB"s "Find the Dream Breaker"Artist of the Year/年度艺人 :Kim Bum Soo, Kim Wan Sun, Kim Ji Su, Kim Tae Woo, Kim Hyun Joong, Dal Shabet, TVXQ, Baek Ji Young, Boyfriend, Brown Eyed Girls, Brave Girls, Beast, Big Bang, Seo In Young, Sung Si Kyung, SNSD, IU, A Pink, N-Train, Jang Jae In, Kara, Han Groo, Huh Gak, Wheesung, 2NE1, 2PM, B1A4, f(x), G.Na.
2023-07-21 03:52:552


1、train[treIn] n.[C]火车,列车 v.培训,训练。 2、training[5treInIN] n.[U]培训,训练。 3、translate[trAns5leIt] v.翻译;转化。 4、tree[tri:] n.[C]树。 5、trick[trIk] n.[C]恶作剧;窍门;诡计 vt.欺骗。 6、trip[trIp] n.[C]旅行,旅程 v.绊倒;犯错误。
2023-07-21 03:53:021


1、train[treIn] n.[C]火车,列车 v.培训,训练。 2、training[5treInIN] n.[U]培训,训练。 3、translate[trAns5leIt] v.翻译;转化。 4、tree[tri:] n.[C]树。 5、trick[trIk] n.[C]恶作剧;窍门;诡计 vt.欺骗。 6、trip[trIp] n.[C]旅行,旅程 v.绊倒;犯错误。
2023-07-21 03:53:091


train to do sth训练做某事
2023-07-21 03:53:172

Take a N train,not the R.这句话啥意思?

2023-07-21 03:54:113


Train音节划分如下tr/eɪ/n扩展资料,音节划分方法一般有3种方式:1. 独立的一个元音, 如:ai, i2. 辅音+元音 如:pe, tai3. 辅音+辅音(三个鼻音+l ) 注:这种情况一般用在音标的末尾如:fl, tn, pl还要注意一些辅音字母组合是不能分开的,要划在一起。如:带有l的字母组合bl black, blue,cl --clock, class, clap, closefl --flag, fly, flat, flash, flowergl --glass, glad,pl --plate, plane, plus, plansl --sleep, slow, slim带有r的字母组合br --bridge, break, brave, brown, breadcr -- crop, crown,dr --dress, drag, drink, drive, dropfr --frog, fresh, free, from, frontgr --grape, grade, grass,pr --press, pride, price, print, prooftr --truck, true, train, tree带有s的字母组合sc -- score, scare,sk --skate, skip, skill, skinsm --smoke, smile, smell,sn --snake, snap, snow,sp --spoon, spell, sportst --stop, stay, step, stillsw --swim, sweet,tw --twig, tweet, twist, twin希望对你能有所帮助。
2023-07-21 03:54:381


2023-07-21 03:54:546


Father goes to Beijing by train.
2023-07-21 03:55:082


2023-07-21 03:55:163


2023-07-21 03:55:232


《higher》Hey, I"m a believerAnd gravity"s letting go of me tonightYou, came out of nowhereWhen everything was passing by at the speed of light嘿,我是一个有信仰的人今晚,我会挣脱重力的束缚你,突然从不知何处出现当一切如光速般闪过So hold my hand and never let me goTake a leap of fate into the unknown紧握我的手,别让我离开信心百倍的面对未知世界I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Oh I knowIt can be scaryYou bet it all when your heart is on the lineBut oh, baby don"t worryJust hold my hand and never let me go噢,我知道这令人惧怕当你决心已下,就要放手一搏但是,宝贝,别担心只管抓紧我的手,别让我离开I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Take me higherI hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphereAround us everything disappears带我高飞我抱着你,我们直冲云霄身边的一切都烟消云散Woah oa oaI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing by噢…我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!
2023-07-21 03:46:001

寻last dance的歌词

Last danceLast dance for loveYes, it"s my last changeFor romance tonight(From: )I need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so bad(From: )So let"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonight(From: )Last dance, last dance for loveYes, it"s my last changeFor romance tonight(From: )Oh, i need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so bad(From: )So let"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonight(From: )Yeah, will you be my mr. right?Can you fill my appetiteI can"t be sureThat you"re the one for meBut all that i askIs that you dance with meDance with me, dance with me, yeah(From: )Oh i need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so bad(From: )So let"s dance, this last danceLet"s dance, this last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonight(From: )Oh i need you, by me,To beside, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so bad(From: )So, come on baby, dance that danceCome on baby, dance that danceCome on baby, let"s dance tonight...
2023-07-21 03:46:041

如何使用text recovery converter

  使用VMware Converter 进行P2V 迁移 【TechTarget 中国原创】  在虚拟化的部署过程中,几乎每个人都会遇到将物理服务器迁移到 虚拟机上。幸运的是,VMware 提供了一个免费的工具来帮劣做这件事情: VMware Converter。还有其他可用的物理到虚拟(P2V)的迁移产品,虽然其中的许多都会提供更 强大的功能、更好的支持操作系统和更好的性能,但VMware Converter 是免费的产品, 并且其迁移工作也做得很丌错。  VMware Converter 将VMware的P2V客户端和虚拟机导入程序组合成一个应用程序。 它同时支持物理到虚拟(P2V)和虚拟到虚拟(V2V)的迁移,但丌支持虚拟到物理(V2P)。 有一些方法和产品支持V2P 的转换,但已超出本文讲述的范围。  VMware Converter 的标准版与企业版 Converter 3.0 是一个独立的产品,并有两种版本:免费版本(标准版)和企业版,但 同时你得有自己的VirtualCenter,才可以使用企业版功能。企业版增加了进程克隆服务器 的功能(然而标准版,你就必须把它安装在你要迁移的服务器上),开机启劢光盘ISO 用 于冷克隆一台服务器(然而标准版,你就只能实现热克隆),以及能够同时执行多个迁移任 务。  有趣的是,标准版和企业版是相同的应用程序。你只需下载应用程序,安装它并输入许 可证密钥以解锁企业版功能。没有许可证密钥,你正在使用的就是标准版。然而,用于实现 冷克隆的ISO光盘是一个单独的下载包,仅适用于授权的企业用户。VirtualCenter 2.5 版 本中,VMware 已经以插件的方式将转换程序直接集成到VirtualCenter 中,只需安装并启 用就可以了。还有,提供的2.5 版本是一张可引导光盘,并且带有一个新的命令行界面(CLI) 的应用程序,同时支持Windows 和Linux 服务器。 受支持的软件插件 Converter 转换Windows 服务器的效果最好。它支持NT 4.0(SP6a)、XP、2000、 2003、Vista 中的32 位和64 位系统。它使用Boot CD 戒命令行(CLI)方式支持Linux 系统,但Linux 的转换往往是富有挑戓性的,通常需要一些手工配置步骤才能将系统成功迁 移。它也支持许多其他虚拟机的镜像文件,包括Symantec Ghost 和LiveState、Backup Exec System Recovery 、StorageCraft ShadowProtect、Acronis True 镜像、VMware VCB、Microsoft Virtual PC 和Server 版,当然包括VMware 公司的其他任何产品 (Workstation、Player、Server、ESX、Fusion 等等)创建的虚拟机。  热克隆与冷克隆 有两种方式用于克隆一台服务器,热克隆(当服务器的操作系统正在运行的时候)戒冷 克隆(从光盘启劢(Windows PE),当服务器的操作系统没有运行的时候)。哪种方式适 合你,这取决于你正在转换的服务器类型。冷克隆的成功几率最高,因为服务器操作系统没 有在运行,这将确保没有任何数据被损坏,因为在转换过程正在运行的时候,没有文件被打 开。对于像数据库和电子邮件服务器一样的数据敏感服务器来说,冷克隆是最好的选择。 热克隆在敏感性较低的服务器上是行之有效的,这里有更多的静态内容,如web、print、 DNS 等应用服务器。在克隆过程开始的时候,热克隆通过创造一个快照来迚行工作,然后 是复制这个快照到新创建的虚拟机。任何被打开的文件,此时快照可能丌会包含它们所有的 数据,这将导致你的目标VM处于丌一致的状态。在快照做完之后,任何文件的任何修改, 将丌会再被复制。  快照基本上创建了一个参考时间点,并跟踪文件系统中文件的任何块级别 的变化。克隆迚程使用快照和文件组建了整个磁盘样子的概貌。 使用Converter 时服务器要避免的事项 有某些确定类型的服务器,你可能丌想使用Converter,如域控制器、数据库和电子邮 件服务器,然而又没有好的转换候选产品,并且迁移后会遇到问题。如果你丌得丌转换这些 类型的服务器,那么冷克隆是你最好的选择。如果你选择热克隆这些服务器,你必须确保在 克隆过程当中,应用程序是关闭的,否则你最终可能会损坏目的VM的数据。 具有多个 DC 环境的Active Directory 服务器,对于USN 回滚问题是特别的敏感,并且有可能破坏 AD 对象。  下面操作方式是比较安全的,简单地创建一个新的虚拟机,安装操作系统和使用 dcpromo 使其成为一个DC,当新的VM加入到你的域环境后,然后关闭旧的物理服务器。 同样,创建一个新的虚拟机,安装SQL Server,然后备份数据库和恢复他们到新的VM上。 比起尝试转换数据库服务器来说,这是更加安全的方式。 在我们这个系列的下篇文章中,我们将迚入必要的基本准备步骤,以确保迁移成功,以 及讲解运行迁移向导的过程。
2023-07-21 03:46:081

Creed的《Higher》 歌词

歌曲名:Higher歌手:Creed专辑:Human ClayCreed - HigherWhen dreaming I"m guided to another worldTime and time againAt sunrise I fight to stay asleep"Cause I don"t want to leave the comfort of this place"Cause there"s a hunger, a longing to escapeFrom the life I live when I"m awakeSo let"s go thereLet"s make our escapeCome on, let"s go thereLet"s ask can we stay?Can you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetsAlthough I would like our world to changeIt helps me to appreciateThose nights and those dreamsBut, my friend, I"d sacrifice all those nightsIf I could make the Earth and my dreams the sameThe only difference isTo let love replace all our hateSo let"s go thereLet"s make our escapeCome on, let"s go thereLet"s ask can we stay?Can you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetsSo lets go there, lets go there,Come on, lets go thereLets ask can we stay?Up high I feel like I"m alive for the very first timeSet up high I"m strong enough to take these dreamsAnd make them mineSet up high I"m strong enough to take these dreamsAnd make them mineCan you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streetsCan you take me Higher?To a place where blind men seeCan you take me Higher?To a place with golden streets
2023-07-21 03:46:081

brian mcknight last dance这首歌在哪里可以下? Dance Lyrics 最后一支舞 歌词 Do we know more than we knew then Or do we know less and we just pretend 我们比以前彼此知道的更多么 或者我们知道的更少了呢 抑或是我们只是在假装而已 Should I ignore my heart and walk away Your eyes tell me more than words will ever say 我是否应该离开,不顾我的真心 你的眼睛告诉我,一切尽在不言中 Chorus: 合唱 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 Should we spend the night one more time 我们是否应该再次一同度过一个夜晚 Caught up in this romance 被这样的浪漫包围 Or maybe wait and see 或许应该等等看 Let it be, the way that it will be 就这样吧,(等等看)它将怎样的发生 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 How can I be wrong when I feel the way I feel 当我认真感受的时候,怎么可能会错 How can I deny emotion that"s so real 要我怎么否人这样真实的感情 In the middle of the night I call out your name 子夜时分我呼喊着你的名字 Do I ever cross you mind do, do you feel the same 我是否曾在你心间,你会否有相同的感受 Chorus: 合唱 Like we should take a chance and dance the last dance 就像我们应该抓住机会,跳最后一支舞 Should we spend the night one more time 我们是否应该再次一同度过一个夜晚 Caught up in this romance 被这样的浪漫包围 Or maybe wait and see 或许应该等等看 Let it be, the way that it will be 就这样,等着看它将怎样的发生 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 Let me go 让我走 Come to me (或者)来到我身边 Which way is the way that it should be 到底那条路才是它的选择[意思就是上述两种结果到底哪一 种才是真正会发生的结果呢] This is so bitter sweet 这一点点的甜蜜 There"s no that way we will ever know for sure 我们永远也无法确定的路 Chorus: 合唱 Unless we take a chance and dance the last dance 除非我们抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 We should spend the night one more time 我们应该再次一同度过一个夜晚 Caught up in this romance 被这样的浪漫包围 Or maybe wait and see 或许应该等等看 Let it be, the way that it will be 就这样,等着看它将怎样的发生 Should we take a chance and dance the last dance 我们是否应该抓住机会,跳这最后一支舞 Repeat Chorus out 重复合唱部分
2023-07-21 03:46:121

有一首女生唱的英文歌,副歌有句词是 higher higher higher baby ,是什么歌

有一首女生唱的英文歌,副歌有句词是 higher higher higher baby ,是什么歌 是Matt Todd Naylor的Higher,这个绝对是对的,就是一个女的说好快的那个广告吧?这首歌我听很多遍了,绝对是对的。 求一首英文歌,女声,副歌有句是,higher higher higher,o my lover~~~~什么的轻快地 凯莉米洛的All the lovers Dance It"s all I wanna do So won"t you Dance I"m standing here with you Why won"t you move I"ll get inside your groove Cuz I"m on fire fire fire fire It hurts When you get too close But baby it hurts If love is really good You just want more Even if it throws you to the fire fire fire fire All the lovers That have gone before They don"t pare to you Don"t be running Just give me a little bit more They don"t pare All the lovers Feel Can"t you see there"s so much here to feel Deep inside in your heart You know I"m real Can"t you see that this is really higher higher higher higher Breathe I know you find it hard But baby breathe Lying next to me Its all you need And i"ll take you there I"ll take you higher higher higher higher All the lovers That have gone before They don"t pare to you Don"t be running Just give me a little bit more They don"t pare All the lovers Dance It"s all I wanna do So won"t you dance I"m standing here with you Why won"t you move Even if it throws you to the fire fire fire All the lovers That have gone before They don"t pare to you Don"t be running Just give me a little bit more They don"t pare All the lovers 求一首英文歌,女声 副歌有句歌词是but he is my lover so e in baby,谢了 call me maybe~~!是carly唱的亲 求一首英文歌?副歌部分有句歌词是什么oh baby baby oh baby baby. Never Fet You 播放 歌手:Zara Larsson 语言:英语 所属专辑:Never Fet You 有一首英文歌,里边有句歌词是baby a 什么什么的,我班一个女生唱的. 最直接的,问问你班女生啊,你这小伙子怕什么 有一首英文歌有句you are you are you are the。什么歌 Marry You - Bruno Mars 词:Ari Levine,Bruno Mars 曲:Ari Levine,Bruno Mars,Philip Lawrence It"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard We can go whoa whoa No one will no whoa Oh e on girl Who cares if we"re trashed Got a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoa Shots of patrol whoa whoa And it"s on girl Don"t say no no no no no Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And we"ll go go go go go If you"re ready like I"m ready Cause it"s a beautiful nigt we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you Oh I"ll go get the ring Let the choir bell sing like ooh ooh ooh So what you wanna do ooh ooh Let"s just run girl If we wake up and you want to break up That"s cool ooh ooh No I won"t blame you ooh ooh It was fun girl Don"t say no no no no no Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And we"ll go go go go go If you"re ready like I"m ready Cause it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you Just say I do ooh ooh ooh Tell me right now baby Tell me right now baby baby Just say I do ooh ooh ooh Tell me right now baby Tell me right now baby baby Oh It"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do Hey baby I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby I think I wanna marry you 一首英文歌,女生唱的,有一句歌词是‘baby,one more time" 这首歌就叫《baby one more time》 歌手:Britney Spears(布兰妮) (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed to know ? 我怎么会知道? That something wasn"t right here. 有些事情不对劲。 Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! I shouldn"t have let you go. 我本不该让你走。 And now you"re out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。 Show me how you want it to be. 告诉我你想怎样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need to know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! The reason I breathe is you. 你是我活着的理由。 Boy you"ve got me blinded. 男孩你使我盲目。 Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do. 为你我会去做任何事。 It"s not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。 Show me how you want it to be. 告诉我你想怎么样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need to know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed to know ? 我怎么会知道? Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 I shouldn"t have let you go. 我本不该让你走。 I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝! I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! 有一首英文歌三个男子唱的副歌是go on go on 是什么歌? Michelle Williams - If You Wanna Go 2 o"clock in the morning Woke up to the phone ringing I wonder who could it be" And my man said go back to sleep. Tryna act like its cool Then he walked in the other room" I heard whispering He dont wanna talk in front of me. Something is going on" Why are these secrets born? And I feel it very strong Starting to question you" Tell me who is she" Thats calling everynight" Baby this is gonna be the last time. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. I got the phone billing today Look at all the calls that you made" Oh boy I"m waiting on you" You better tell the truth How long has it been Is she more than a friend" And I got the right to know Before I close the door. Something is going on" Why are these secrets born? And I feel it very strong Starting to question you" Tell me who is she" Thats calling everynight" Baby this is gonna be the last time. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. How can I trust you" You made me look like a fool" When I gave you all my love Why"d you go and mess that up. Baby when she hurts you Tell me what will you do Dont e running back to me" Cause baby I"m through. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. If you wanna go" be on your way Cant believe you did it to me in my face" You aint gotta worry about me" You"re the kind of love I dont need. Just go" just go" just go" Just go" just go" just go. Just go. 有一首英文歌有一句歌词是以抹泰是什么歌 心中的玫瑰 李谷一 在我心灵的深处 开着一朵玫瑰 我用生命的泉水 把她灌溉栽培 啊......玫瑰 啊......玫瑰 我心中的玫瑰 我心中的玫瑰 但愿你天长地久 但愿你天长地久 永远永远把我伴随 永远永远把我伴随 永远永远把我伴随 . . . 在我忧伤的时候 是你给我安慰 在我欢乐的时候 你使我生活充满光辉
2023-07-21 03:46:151


2023-07-21 03:46:164


2023-07-21 03:46:173

小柳ゆき的《LAST DANCE》 歌词

歌曲名:LAST DANCE歌手:小柳ゆき专辑:believe in yourselfLast Dance小柳ゆき作词:Paul Jabara作曲:Paul JabaraLast dance, last chance for loveYes it"s my last chance for romance tonightI need you by meBeside me to guide meTo hold me, to scold me"Cause when I"m bad I"m so so badSo let"s dance the last danceLet"s dance the last danceLet"s dance this last dance tonightLast dance, last chance for loveYes it"s my last chance for romance tonightOh, I need you right by meBeside me to guide meTo hold me, to scold me"Cause when I"m badI"m so so badSo let"s dance the last danceLet"s dance the last danceLet"s dance this last dance tonightWill you be my Mr.RightCan you fill my appetiteI can"t be sure that you"re the one for meBut all that I ask is that you dance with meDance with me dance with me, yeahOh, I need you right by meBeside me to guide meTo hold me, to scold me"Cause when I"m badI"m so so badSo let"s dance the last danceLet"s dance the last danceLet"s dance this last dance tonightOh, I need you right by meBeside meTo hold me, to scold me"Cause when I"m badI"m so so badSo, come on baby to the last danceCome on baby one more last danceCome on baby last dance tonight
2023-07-21 03:46:191

高手们 rand()%10 是什么意思

2023-07-21 03:46:206

torque converter是什么意思

torque converter[英][tu0254:k ku0259nu02c8vu0259:tu0259] [美][tu0254rk ku0259nu02c8vu025atu025a]液力变矩[扭]器,转矩变换器; 英文释义:converter for transmitting and amplifyingtorque (especially by hydraulic means)例子:Molding method of straight grained blade for hydraulic torque converter液力变矩器直纹叶片造型方法Common failures analysis for torqueconverter transmission box of loader装载机变速箱-变矩器常见故障及分析
2023-07-21 03:45:592

Summer Dance 的歌词?

Last danceLast dance for loveYes, it"s my last changeFor romance tonightI need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so badSo let"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonightDonna SummerLast dance, last dance for loveYes, it"s my last changeFor romance tonightOh, i need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so badSo let"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonightYeah, will you be my mr. right?Can you fill my appetiteI can"t be sureThat you"re the one for meBut all that i askDance with me, dance with me, yeahOh i need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so badSo let"s dance, this last danceLet"s dance, this last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonightOh i need you, by me,To beside, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"cause when i"m badI"m so, so badSo, come on baby, dance that danceCome on baby, dance that danceCome on baby, let"s dance tonight...
2023-07-21 03:45:561


在EXCEL中使用函数RAND()*(最大值-最小值)+最小值即可得到5-18范围内的随机数了,如下图操作所示:1、在任一EXCEL单元格数输入“=RAND()*(18-5)+5”;2、输入完成后按回车,即可得到5-18间的随机数3、选择生成的随机数,进行填充后就可以很多5-18之间的随机数,如下图所示:扩展资料srand((unsigned)time(NULL))则使用系统定时/计数器的值作为随机种子。每个种子对应一组根据算法预先生成的随机数。所以在相同的平台环境下,不同时间产生的随机数会是不同的,相应的,若将srand(unsigned)time(NULL)改为srand(TP)(TP为任一常量),则无论何时运行、运行多少次得到的“随机数”都会是一组固定的序列,因此srand生成的随机数是伪随机数。库函数中系统提供了两个函数用于产生随机数:srand()和rand()。 原型为:函数一:int rand(void);返回一个[0,RAND_MAX]间的随机整数。函数二:void srand(unsigned seed);参数seed是srand()的种子,用来初始化srand()的起始值。参考资料来源:百度百科—rand函数
2023-07-21 03:45:551


就是科举中了,考上大学的意思;可以作为高考的标语,蟾宫 ,就是指嫦娥住的广寒宫,相传古代科考之年,家人都会用桂花,广寒粉做糕点,比喻高中之意。
2023-07-21 03:45:553

higher翻译歌词erik gronwall的

Higher - Erik GronwallHey, I"m a believer 嘿,我是一个信徒And gravity"s letting go of me tonight今晚重力暂且放过我吧You, came out of nowhere 你,从一个无人知晓的地方出来When everything was passing by at the speed of light 突然一切以光速闪过So hold my hand and never let me go 请拉着我的手,让我别走Take a leap of fate into the unknown 纵情放命运飞跃向未知◇I am flying 我在飞翔着My heart is taking over我的心将接手The world is flashing by世界将闪而越过Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)○I will follow wherever it might take us 我将追寻到所有可能需要我们的地带Chasing through the sky穿越天空追寻着Higher higher higher 更高 更高 更高(的地方)□Oh I know 噢,我知道It can be scary它可能很可怕You bet it all when your heart is on the line你打赌这一切时,你的心在踌躇着But oh, baby don"t worry不过,喔,别担心宝贝Just hold my hand and never let me go只需拉着我的手,让我别走(◇□repeat)Take me higher 请带我到更高的地方I hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphere 当我们一起直穿大气层的时候我会紧抓住你Woah 噢……Around us everything disappears我们周围的一切都消失了Woah oa oa
2023-07-21 03:45:531

Donna Summer的《Last Dance》 歌词

歌曲名:Last Dance歌手:Donna Summer专辑:Endless Summer (Donna Summer"S Greatest Hits)Last DanceDonna SummerLast danceLast chance, for loveYes, it"s my last chance, for romance, tonightI need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"Cause when I"m badI"m so" so badSo let"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonightLast dance, last chance for loveYes it"s my last chanceFor romance tonightOh, I need you, by me,Beside me, to guide,To hold me, to scold me,"Cause when I"m badI"m so, so badSo let"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, the last danceLet"s dance, this last dance tonightOh I need you, by me,Beside me, to guide me,To hold me, to scold me,"Cause when I"m badI"m so, so HORNYSo, come on baby, dance that danceCome on baby, dance that danceCome on baby, let"s dance tonight
2023-07-21 03:45:491


2023-07-21 03:45:487


rand()函数可以用来产生随机数,但是这不是真真意义上的随机数,是一个伪随机数,是根据一个数(我们可以称它为种子)为基准以某个递推公式推算出来的一系数,当这系列数很大的时候,就符合正态公布,从而相当于产生了随机数,但这不是真正的随机数,当计算机正常开机后,这个种子的值是定了的,除非你破坏了系统,为了改变这个种子的值,C提供了 srand()函数,它的原形是void srand( int a) 功能是初始化随机产生器既rand()函数的初始值,即使把种子的值改成a; 从这你可以看到通过sand()函数,我们是可以产生可以预见的随机序列,那我们如何才能产生不可预见的随机序列呢?我们可能常常需要这样的随机序列,利用srand((unsign)(time(NULL))是一种方法。
2023-07-21 03:45:461


Hey, I"m a believerAnd gravity"s letting go of me tonightYou, came out of nowhereWhen everything was passing by at the speed of light嘿,我是一个有信仰的人今晚,我会挣脱重力的束缚你,突然从不知何处出现当一切如光速般闪过So hold my hand and never let me goTake a leap of fate into the unknown紧握我的手,别让我离开信心百倍的面对未知世界I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Oh I knowIt can be scaryYou bet it all when your heart is on the lineBut oh, baby don"t worryJust hold my hand and never let me go噢,我知道这令人惧怕当你决心已下,就要放手一搏但是,宝贝,别担心只管抓紧我的手,别让我离开I am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing byHigher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take usChasing through the skyHigher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!Take me higherI hold you as we"re shooting through the atmosphereAround us everything disappears带我高飞我抱着你,我们直冲云霄身边的一切都烟消云散Woah oa oaI am flyingMy heart is taking overThe world is flashing by噢…我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!I am flying  My heart is taking over  The world is flashing by  Higher higher higherI will follow wherever it might take us  Chasing through the sky  Higher higher higher我在飞翔我的内心激动不已世界一闪而过更高!更高!更高!我愿追随它闯荡四方追逐天际更高!更高!更高!
2023-07-21 03:45:451