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EMINEM 的一个MV开始有个快要死的黑人 那个黑人是谁 是2PAC吗 歌曲是叫Like Toy Soldiers??

2023-07-21 18:07:15

没错,就叫《Like Toy Soldiers》,而且有三个版本。是首残酷的歌。写的是rapper界的黑帮仇杀,那个黑人代指了他的战友,有纪念他战友的意味,不是2PAC。

Step by step, heart to heart

一步一步 一心一意

Left right left, we all fall down

左右左右 一起倒下

step by step, heart to heart

一步一步 一心一意,

Left right left, we all fall down Like toy soldiers

左右左右 一起倒下 就像玩具兵团

bit by bit, torn apart

一点一滴 全被歼灭

We never win,


but the battle wages on We"re toy soldiers

战役不断发生 我们就是玩具兵团

I am suppose to be the soldier who never blows his composure


Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders

全世界的责任 我一肩扛起

I ain"t never suppose to show it, my crew ain"t supposed to know it

我一个字都不想讲 我的兄弟根本不了解

Even if it means goin toe to toe with the Benzino

即使代表我和Benzino 一起

It don"t matter I"d never drag "em in battles that I can handle

无所谓! 我自己应付 没必要扯兄弟们加入

less I absolutely have to, I"m supposed to set an example

不论事情多大条 我就是那个箭靶

I need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide "em

我必须要带头 我的兄弟需要我

If some shit ever does pop off, I"m supposed to be beside "em

就算是我兄弟凸槌 我也要力挺到底

that Ja shit I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop it

像杰鲁那摊烂事 我试着摆平还是太迟

There"s a certain line you just don"t cross, and he crossed it

做人凡事都有一个底限 但杰鲁偏偏越线

I heard him say Hailie"s name on a song, and I just lost it

我听到他唱我女儿海莉的名字, 我就抓狂了

it was crazy the shit went way beyond some Jay-Z and Nas shit

这远比Jay Z 和 Nas所干的好事 还要超过

And even though the battle is won I feel like we lost it

虽然最后我们赢了 但我感觉像是输了

I spent so much energy on it, honestly I"m exhausted

我浪费了这么多精力 老实说我累了

and I am so caught in it, I almost feel I"m the one who caused it

我身陷其中 好像我就是那根导火线

this ain"t what I"m in hip-hop for, it"s not why I got in it

这不是我做嘻哈的目的 这不叫嘻哈

That was never my object, for someone to get killed


Why would I want to destroy somethin I helped build?


that wasn"t my intentions my intentions were good

这不是我的原意 我的原意是好的

I went through my whole career without ever mentionin {Suge}

在我的歌唱事业里 没特别提起

and that was just out of respect for not runnin my mouth

这是出于尊重嘻哈 轮不到我说话

and talking about something that I knew nothin about


plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn"t my beef

德瑞博士叫我走开 别淌这个浑水

so I did I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth

我听他的退一步 退的咬牙切齿

While he is all over TV, now I"m talkin a man


who literally saved my life like **** it I understand

他是救了我一命 我感觉变成弱智

this is business and this shit just isn"t none of my business

江湖就是如此 这淌混水 八竿子与我无关

but still knowing this shit could pop off at any minute, because

但是我知道 这场战随时要开打 因为

Step by step, heart to heart

一步一步 一心一意

Left right left, we all fall down

左右左右 一起倒下

step by step, heart to heart

一步一步 一心一意,

Left right left, we all fall down Like toy soldiers

左右左右 一起倒下 就像玩具兵团

bit by bit, torn apart

一点一滴 全被歼灭

We never win,


but the battle wages on We"re toy soldiers

战役不断发生 我们就是玩具兵团

there used to be a time when, you could just say a rhyme and

曾经有段黄金岁月 各凭本事?

wouldn"t have to worry about, one of your people dyin

不必担心 你的兄弟会因此废话

but now it"s elevated cause once you put someone"s kids in it

但今非昔比 你敢胆讲别人家的小孩

that shit gets escalated


it ain"t just words no more is it?


its" a different ballgame you call names and you ain"t just rappin

你敢指名道姓 就不是饶舌这么简单

we actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin


me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him

我和德瑞博士请杰鲁坐下 想要好好说些人话

and asked him not to start it, he wasn"t gonna go after him

叫他千万别开战 因为五角没有要怎样

Until Ja started yappin in magazines how he stabbed him


it 50 smash him mash him and let him have it

五角,你真混 你干么惹他 再让他找你麻烦

meanwhile my attentions pulled in another direction


some receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his desk

有一个在The Source杂志上班的接线生

has an erection for me and thinks that I"ll be his resurrection

说我会让他变硬 说我是他的救星

tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record


but he"s ****ed the game up, cause one of the ways I came up

他脑子是坏死了吗 虽然我之所以走红

was thought that publication, the same one that made me famous

部分要靠这家杂志 是他们把我写红

now the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin?


well **** it that mother****er could get it too, **** him then

我跟你没事跟我 去死

But I"m so busy bein pissed off, I don"t stop to think

但我实在受够不停火大 我不断的想

that we just inherited 50"s beef with Murder INC

我既然要承担 五角跟杰鲁的深仇大恨

and he"s inherited mine which is fine, ain"t like either of us mind

想锁定我 无所谓 敢情我会怕你

but we still have soldiers that"s on the front line

有一群兄弟 还在前线奋战

who"s willing to die for us as soon as we give the orders

我下一命令 就愿意为我而死

never to extort us, strictly to show they support us


and maybe shout "em out in a rap or up in the chorus

我要念首歌 叫他们姓唱他们名

To show em we love "em back and let "em know how important it is

我用歌词 让兄弟们知道他们有多重要

it is to have Runyon Avenue soldiers up in our corners

弟兄们 大家齐聚一堂

their loyalty to us is worth more than ANY award is

你们的忠诚 比任何奖项都重要

but I ain"t trying to have none of people hurt or murdered

而我不希望 有任何人为我伤亡

it ain"t worth it I can"t think of a perfecter way to word it

这真的不值得 我只能这么说

then to just say that I love y"all too much to see the verdict


I will walk away from it all, "fore I let it go any further

在悲剧发生之前 我愿意离开阻止一切

but don"t get it twisted, it"s not a plea that I"m coppin

这不是随口说说 你也不要搞错

I am just willing to be the bigger man if y"all can quit poppin

如果你可以停止杀人 我愿意做个圣人

Off at the jaws well then I can, cause frankly I"m sick of talkin

别再放冷箭 坦白讲我也非常厌倦

I am not gonna let someone else"s coffin rest on my conscience cause

我不想让某人的棺材 埋葬了我的良心

step by step, heart to heart

一步一步 一心一意,

Left right left, we all fall down Like toy soldiers

左右左右 一起倒下 就像玩具兵团

bit by bit, torn apart

一点一滴 全被歼灭

We never win,


but the battle wages on We"re toy soldiers

战役不断发生 我们就是玩具兵团




this is the new shit是什么意思

2023-07-21 16:27:104

this is the new shit翻译成中文

2023-07-21 16:27:201

求曼森的那首this is the new shirt歌词

分类: 音乐 问题描述: RT QQ:*********** 邮箱:huangkundet@163 解析: Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t fet the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t fet the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you mother *** ers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never ing This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t fet the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Are you mother *** ers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never ing This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t fet the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you mother *** ers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never ing This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you
2023-07-21 16:27:261


Marilyn Manson - This Is The New ShitAlbum:The Golden Age of GrotesqueEverything has been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex and don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonelyStick your stupid slogan in:Everybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit,Tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admitDo we get it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admitBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonelyStick your stupid slogan in:Everybody sing alongEverything has been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit,Tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admitDo we get it? NO!Do we want it? Yeah!This is the new shitStand up and admitAnd now it"s "you-know-who"I got the "you-know-what"I stick it "you-know-where"You know why, you don"t careAnd now it"s "you-know-who"I got the "you-know-what"I stick it "you-know-where"And now it"s "you-know-who"I got the "you-know-what"I stick it "you-know-where"You know why, you don"t careAnd now it"s "you-know-who"I got the "you-know-what"I stick it "you-know-where"You know why, you don"t careBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonelyStick your stupid slogan in:Everybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit,Tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admitDo we get it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admitSo,LET US ENTERTAIN YOUSo,LET US ENTERTAIN YOUSo,LET US ENTERTAIN YOUSo,LET US ENTERTAIN YOUBlah blah blah blah everybody sing along
2023-07-21 16:27:341

this is the new shit 是什么意思?

2023-07-21 16:27:423

玛丽莲曼森的那首歌《THIS IS THE NEW SHIT》歌词大概什么意思?

社会太假, 要人们表现出最本质的一面 比如SEX
2023-07-21 16:27:514

翻译This Is the New Shit歌词意思。。。

2023-07-21 16:28:085

给我点this is the new shit的评价和资料。谢谢

marilyn manson 的new shit? 在班级里?太夸张了- -!
2023-07-21 16:28:232

This Is The New S**T 歌词

歌曲名:This Is The New S**T歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:Lest We Forget (The Best Of) Deluxe PalThis is the new shit-Marilyn Manson 这是新的谎言(玛丽莲
2023-07-21 16:28:421

this is the new shit中文歌词

  this is the new shit中文歌词所有东西都说过了再没有什么可以说了 当一切都是一样的 你只要靠名字就能找到了(喻世间事物均已失去个性) 唠叨唠叨婊子婊子 叛逆叛逆派对派对 性、性、性,不要忘了还有暴力 等等等等 让你的小情人心痛寂寞 继续念你的傻逼口头禅 大家一起唱 唠叨唠叨婊子婊子 叛逆叛逆派对派对 性、性、性,不要忘了还有暴力 等等等等 让你的小情人心痛寂寞 继续念你的傻逼口头禅 大家一起唱! 你他妈准备好了吗?接受这新的垃圾 站起来承认!明天根本就不会到来 这就是新的垃圾! 站起来承认! 我们得到了吗?不! 我们想要吗?对!这就是新的垃圾! 站起来承认! 唠叨唠叨婊子婊子 叛逆叛逆派对派对 性、性、性,不要忘了还有暴力 等等等等 让你的小情人心痛寂寞 继续念你的傻逼口头禅 大家一起唱 所有东西都说过了 再没有什么可以说了 当一切都是一样的 你只要靠名字就能找到了 你他妈准备好了吗?接受这新的垃圾 站起来承认!明天根本就不会到来 这就是新的垃圾! 站起来承认! 我们得到了吗?不! 我们想要吗?对! 这就是新的垃圾! 站起来承认! 你知道那是谁 我知道你知道那是什么 我坚持你知道那在哪里 你知道那是为什么,但你不在乎 你知道那是谁 我知道你知道那是什么 我坚持你知道那在哪里 你知道那是为什么,但你不在乎 你知道那是谁 我知道你知道那是什么 我坚持你知道那在哪里 你知道那是为什么,但你不在乎 你知道那是谁 我知道你知道那是什么 我坚持你知道那在哪里 你知道那是为什么,但你不在乎 唠叨唠叨婊子婊子 叛逆叛逆派对派对 性、性、性,不要忘了还有暴力 等等等等 让你的小情人心痛寂寞 继续念你的傻逼口头禅 大家一起唱! 你他妈准备好了吗?接受这新的垃圾 站起来承认!明天根本就不会到来 这就是新的垃圾! 站起来承认! 我们得到了吗?不! 我们想要吗?对! 这就是新的垃圾! 站起来承认!那就让我们 娱乐你吧 那就让我们 娱乐你吧   this is the new shit英文歌词Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Babble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you  this is the new shit这是新的谎言  原唱玛丽莲·曼森  玛丽莲·曼森,原名布赖恩·休·华纳(Brian Hugh Warner),出生于美国中西部的俄亥俄州,在俄亥俄州的Canton度过孩童时代。Marilyn Manson乐队主唱。  shit  [英][u0283u026at][美][u0283u026at]  n.屎,粪便; 拉屎,排便; 胡说八道; 不幸或麻烦;  vi.大便,拉屎;  vt.拉屎弄脏(某物),排便于…; 取笑; 欺骗,哄骗; 对…胡扯;  int.胡扯!放屁!讨厌![用以表示厌恶、轻蔑、失望、愤怒等];
2023-07-21 16:28:491

it is the new shit中文歌词

Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you 所有的一切以前都已说过没有什么再可说得了您可能自讨苦吃 咿呀作声时, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家沿 咿呀作声唱歌的偏僻的 棍子, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家唱歌 是您 贱人,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 不! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站立并且承认它 咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家沿 一切唱歌的偏僻的 棍子说,在 没什么左再之前说 当它完会一样 您可能自讨苦吃名义上 是您贱人,准备好新的粪时? 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 否! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 现在你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您不关心 咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的宝贝鸽子哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家唱歌 是您 贱人们,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子? 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 否! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 让我们 有趣的您让 我们我们 有趣的您的我们
2023-07-21 16:28:561

this is a new shit 歌词(完整的)谁能说一下啊

Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameBabble Babble Bitch BitchRebel Rebel Party PartySex sex sex don"t forget the violenceBlah blah blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongBabble Babble Bitch BitchRebel Rebel Party PartySex sex sex don"t forget the violenceBlah blah blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shitStand up and admit it tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it NO!Do we want it YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itBabble Babble Bitch BitchRebel Rebel Party PartySex sex sex don"t forget the violenceBlah blah blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongEverything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shitStand up and admit it tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it NO!Do we want it YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why you don"t careNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereYou know why you don"t careBabble Babble Bitch BitchRebel Rebel Party PartySex sex sex don"t forget the violenceBlah blah blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shitStand up and admit it tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it NO!Do we want it YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itLet usWe"re entertaining youLet usWe"re entertaining you-=Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit=-
2023-07-21 16:29:042

Theis The New 跪求曼森此歌歌词~~~这里有、系统提示【无法提示,含有不恰当词】
2023-07-21 16:29:124


1.screamin-tokiohotel2.lamb of god3.this is new shit4.sweet dreams5.noise6.leave a scar7.ready set go 这些都蛮符合楼至的要求的哦。希望喜欢啊。
2023-07-21 16:29:332


this is a new shit 比较有节奏感,唱着唱着就开吼了。。。。
2023-07-21 16:29:404


2023-07-21 16:29:496


应该是arch enemy(大敌乐队)的《Taking Back My Soul》吧。
2023-07-21 16:30:103

节奏感够强 而且好听的歌 谁能告诉我一些

linkin park(林肯公园)的"numb"很劲爆很好听
2023-07-21 16:30:191


我写几首吧,楼主找来听听即可:Spit It Out-slipknotTear Away- Drowning Pool(k)now F(orever)-MudvayneSouth Of Heaven-slayerCemetery Gates-panteraSolitaire/Unraveling- MushroomheadIch Will-Rammstein本着可以从网上找到试听的名字给你写了几首。如有需要可以HI我。
2023-07-21 16:30:323


2023-07-21 16:30:4115


<TIK TOK > <3>
2023-07-21 16:31:066

This Is The New Shit、 中文意思是什么?

这是一种比较粗俗的口语表达方式, “this is new shit ”的意思是: “这是新鲜的玩意儿” “shit”其实代表某件“东西”了. 不是很高雅的说法,知道即可.不要学为好,
2023-07-21 16:31:481

this is the new shit什么意思

这是一种比较粗俗的口语表达方式,“this is new shit ”的意思是:“这是新鲜的玩意儿”
2023-07-21 16:31:561

This Is The New Shit、 中文意思是什么?

这是一种比较粗俗的口语表达方式, “this is new shit ”的意思是: “这是新鲜的玩意儿” “shit”其实代表某件“东西”了。 不是很高雅的说法,知道即可。不要学为好,呵呵~
2023-07-21 16:32:041

this is the new shit求这首歌LRC歌词,要有中文翻译的

Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereLet usWe"re entertaining you所有的一切以前都已说过没有什么再可说得了您可能自讨苦吃咿呀作声时, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家沿咿呀作声唱歌的偏僻的棍子, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家唱歌是您贱人,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子站立并且承认它, 明天从未来这是新的粪站起来并且承认它我们需要它? 不!我们是否想要它? 呀!这是新的粪站立并且承认它咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家沿一切唱歌的偏僻的棍子说,在没什么左再之前说当它完会一样您可能自讨苦吃名义上是您贱人,准备好新的粪时?站立并且承认它, 明天从未来这是新的粪站起来并且承认它我们需要它? 否!我们是否想要它? 呀!这是新的粪站起来并且承认它现在你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您现在不关心你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您现在不关心你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您现在不关心你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您不关心咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的宝贝鸽子哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家唱歌是您贱人们,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子?站立并且承认它, 明天从未来这是新的粪站起来并且承认它我们需要它? 否!我们是否想要它? 呀!这是新的粪站起来并且承认它让我们有趣的您让我们我们有趣的您的我们
2023-07-21 16:32:111

this is the new shit 求这歌的罗马音翻译或者中文歌词翻译的歌词。

this is the new shit 歌手:marylin manson 专辑:the golden age of grotesque Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Marylin MansonBabble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you
2023-07-21 16:32:181

this is the new shit

我也是从别的地方找的。所有的一切以前都已说过 没有什么再可说得了 您可能自讨苦吃 咿呀作声时, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家沿 咿呀作声唱歌的偏僻的 棍子, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家唱歌 是您 贱人,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 不! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站立并且承认它 咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家沿 一切唱歌的偏僻的 棍子说,在 没什么左再之前说 当它完会一样 您可能自讨苦吃名义上 是您贱人,准备好新的粪时? 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 否! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 现在你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您不关心 咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的宝贝鸽子哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家唱歌 是您 贱人们,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子? 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 否! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 让我们 有趣的您让 我们我们 有趣的您的我们
2023-07-21 16:32:261

this is new shit 的歌词加翻译 谁有?发来吧 都别藏着

Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Everything"s been said before There"s nothing left to say anymore When it"s all the same You can ask for it by name Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Now it"s you-know-who I"ve got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don"t care Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you Let us We"re entertaining you 所有的一切以前都已说过 没有什么再可说得了 您可能自讨苦吃 咿呀作声时, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家沿 咿呀作声唱歌的偏僻的 棍子, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家唱歌 是您 贱人,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 不! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站立并且承认它 咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家沿 一切唱歌的偏僻的 棍子说,在 没什么左再之前说 当它完会一样 您可能自讨苦吃名义上 是您贱人,准备好新的粪时? 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 否! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 现在你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您现在 不关心你知道我有 的它是你知道什么 我黏附它在你知道 您知道为什么, 您不关心 咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗 反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党 性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力 胡说, 胡说, 胡说 得到了您的宝贝鸽子哀伤,并且您 愚笨的口号在大家唱歌 是您 贱人们,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子? 站立并且承认它, 明天从未来 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 我们需要它? 否! 我们是否想要它? 呀! 这是新的粪 站起来并且承认它 让我们 有趣的您让 我们我们 有趣的您的我们记得采纳啊
2023-07-21 16:32:331


This is the new shit-Marilyn Manson 这是新的谎言(玛丽莲·曼森)Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymore还有很多,只是输不上了。你在QQ音乐里面搜歌词,就可以找到了
2023-07-21 16:32:521


00.00.02 开场:André Popp -《Sous son chapeau cloche》00.01.10 懵智出场:Leessang -《我们现在见面吧》00.01.38 周一情侣牵手&星出场:星 -《uadc0uc5ecuc6cc(可爱)》00.02.46 尴尬的哈哈:HAHA&SKULL&10cm -《Beautiful Girl》00.04.03 大神的同伴是国儿:Paul Anka -《Crazy Love》00.04.50 争吵的国儿和蚂蚱&easy兄弟组合:西游记归来ost -《kidding(piano.ver)》00.05.45 孙俊浩&金素贤夫妇:疑似Izi -《急救室》00.19.13 到达第一个任务场所:Survivor -《Eye Of The Tiger》00.24.46 哈星couple:哈哈 -《ub108ub294 ub0b4 uc6b4uba85(你是我的命运)》00.24.50 周一couple:Leessang -《我这家伙的答案是你》00.25.19 周一情侣VS真实情侣:Survivor -《Eye Of The Tiger》00.28.49 哈哈的回忆:Bill Conti -《The Final Bell (Instrumental_2006 Digital Remaster)》00.29.52 哈星couple成功:Whitney Houston -《Greatest Love of All》00.31.46 王鼻子叔VS蚂蚱:Survivor -《Eye Of The Tiger》00.32.28 再见,王鼻子:朴振英 -《你住的那个家》00.33.18 招棍子喜欢的长颈鹿:冢越晋 -《Theme of False Emperor》00.34.19 金俊浩VS Gary:Various Artists -《Marilyn Manson-This Is The New Shit》00.34.44 Gary被击中:Leessang -《谦逊很难》00.37.30 燃魂的哈哈:ubc15ud61cuc131-《Legend Of The Hero (Main Theme)》00.39.23 突进的哈哈:Tyler Bates -《To Victory (Album Version)》00.39.50 星VS蚂蚱:Skrillex -《Bangarang》00.42.29 到达第二任务场所:佐藤直纪 -《愉快な暗杀计画》00.43.02 唱歌的大神和孙俊浩:孙俊浩 -《This Is The Moment》 原唱曹承佑01.04.26 戒指消除时间:James Newton Howard -《War》01.05.06 情侣名牌战争奋战的哈星couple:中田ヤスタカ-《 Desert Road》01.07.01 最终挑战:金范秀 -《出现》01.09.16 哈哈&星出动:Andrea Bocelli -《Mai Piu" Cosi" Lontano》01.11.57 剩余四队的心灵感应:Leessang -《Leessang Blues》01.13.06 哈哈&星分别乘坐电梯:曹承佑 -《This Is The Moment》 01.15.57 哈星夫妇成功:Barry White -《You"re The First Last My Everthing》
2023-07-21 16:33:001


《THE dawn》绝对好听!!
2023-07-21 16:33:094


2023-07-21 16:33:194

oh ha this is my shit all 英文歌

Welcome to New York - Taylor SwiftWalking through a crowd the village is aglowKaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coatsEverybody here wanted something moreSearching for a sound we hadn"t heard beforeAnd it saidWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkIt"s a new soundtrackI can dance to this beat (beat)ForevermoreThe lights are so brightBut they never blind me (me)Welcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWhen we first dropped our bags on apartment floorsTook our broken hearts put them in a drawerEverybody here was someone else beforeAnd you can want who you wantBoys and boys and girls and girlsWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkIt"s a new soundtrackI can dance to this beat (beat)ForevermoreThe lights are so brightBut they never blind me (me)Welcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkLike any great love it keeps you guessingLike any real love it"s ever-changingLike any true love it drives you crazyBut you know you wouldn"t change anything anything anythingWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkIt"s a new soundtrackI can dance to this beatThe lights are so brightBut they never blind meWelcome to New York New soundtrackIt"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkThe lights are so brightBut they never blind meWelcome to New York So brightThey never blind meWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York
2023-07-21 16:33:271


Colette Carr - Like I Got A Gun uff08featuring YGuff09Come on make the mess of me,You know I got the recipeCooking up u2026 I keep it moving like a centipedeNo Iu2019m not a center piece, bitch what you looking atKisses to my enemies, kiss, kiss on your assHey, hey, give me that, hey, hey, bring it backCheck the address, Iu2019ma check itu2019s sent to meSame place heu2019s sent to beCherry, cherry boom boomAll I see is clap clap, all I here is boom boomThis is what Iu2019m used to, ah, ahUh, uh, hotches bending over backwardsJust to set the goose, gooseSame party, same shit, new dj, new boyMy life is harder than a bustierEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunLike I got a gun, yeah, like I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunstop Like I got a gun, yeahLike I got a gunKeep it coming, keep it comingI got cases by the dozenPicking up ideas, like the brainu2019s in the ovenWith the recipe, whoop, whoop, recipeSomeone help me out and tell the fucking ninja enter pleaseOops, I forgot to breathe, inhale, exhale, ah, let it beYo, yo, what what, skeezers in the back, yeah, bitches in the frontSee, this is not a game this is just for funWanna see you put your arms up like I got a whatStop, drop, clap, clap, low, then bring it backNow take your clothes offWhy? Cause I said so,Shh, quite, u2026 give that culo some besosEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunLike I got a gun, yeah, like I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunstop, like I got a gun yeahLike I got a gunStop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap, Stop, drop, clap, clap, low, then bring it backStop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap, low, then bring it backEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunLike I got a gun, yeah, like I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunstop, like I got a gun yeahLike I got a gunStop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap, low, then bring it backStop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap, low, then bring it backEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunLike I got a gun, yeah, like I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunstop, like I got a gun yeahLike I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunLike I got a gun, yeah, like I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunstop, like I got a gun yeahLike I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunLike I got a gun, yeah, like I got a gunEverybody put your hands up like I got a gunstop, like I got a gun yeahLike I got a gun Stop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap, Stop, drop, clap, clap, , low, then bring it backStop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap,Stop, drop, clap, clap, low, then bring it backEverybody put your hands up like I got a gun, stopLike I got a gun.
2023-07-21 16:33:591

sexual heling谐音歌词 谁能帮我用中文谐音翻译下 感激不尽 急需 谢谢!

[Dre (Em)]Yeah(Definately, definately, definately, definately definately K-mart)Yeah, yeah[Eminem (Dr. Dre):]You find me offensive? I find you offensiveFor finding me offensiveHence if I should draw a line on any fencesIf so to what extense ifAny, should I go? "Cause it"s getting expensiveBeing on the other side of the courtroom on the defensiveThey say that I cause extensive Pshycological nerve damage to the brain when I go to lenghts this,Far at other people"s expensesI say your all just too god damn sensitiveIt"s censorshipAnd it"s down right blasphomousListen to shit now cause I won"t stand for thisAnd Chirs-stiff-pher Reeves won"t sit for this neitherAnd let"s clear this up too I ain"t got no beef with him eitherHe used to be like a hero to meI even believe I, had one of those 25 cent stickers on my re--fridgeratorRight next to Darth VaderAnd Darth must have put a hex on him for laterI feel like it"s my fault cause of the way thatI stuck him up in between him and Lex LutherI killed Superman, I killed Super--manAnd how ironic, that I"d be the bad guyKryptonite: The Green Chronic[Chorus:]Cause I ain"t got no legs!Or no brain, nice to meet youHi, my name is...I forgot my name!My name was not to become what I became with this level of fameMy soul is possessed by this devil my new name is....Rain ManNow in the Bible it saysThou shalt not watch two lesbians in bed,Have homosexual sexUnless of course you were given the consent to join inThen of course, it"s intercourseAnd it"s bi-sexual sexWhich isn"t as bad, as long as you show some remorse for your actionsEither before, during or after peforming the act of that whichIs normally referred to have such, more commonly known phrasesThat are more used by today"s kidsIn a more derogatory way butWho"s to say, what"s fair to say, and what not to say?Let"s ask Dr. Dre Dr. Dre? (What up?)I gotta question if I may? (Yeah)Is it gay to play Putt-Putt golf with a friend (Yeah)And watch his butt-butt when he tees off? (Yeah)But, ut! I ain"t done yetIn football the quarterback yells out hutt-huttWhile he reaches in another grown man"s assGrabs on his nuts but just what ifIt was never meant it was just an accidentBut he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went inHis teeny tiny little round hiney but he didn"t mean itBut his little weenie flinched just a little bitAnd I don"t mean to go in into any more details butWhat if he pictured it as a females butt?Is that gay? I just need to clear things upTil then i"ll just walk around with a manly strut because...[Chorus]You find me offensive, I find you offensiveShit, this is the same verse I just did thisWhen am I gonna come to my good senses?Probably the day Bush comes to my defencesesMy spider senses telling me Spiderman is nearbyAnd my plan is to get him nextAnd open up a whip ass canisterGod damn it Dre where is the god damn beat? (Yeah)Anyway, anyway I don"t know how else to put itThis is the only thing that I"m good atI am the bad guy, Kryptonite: The Green ChronicDemonic, yep yep, don"t worry I"m on itI got it, high five Nick LacheyStuck a pen in Jessica"s head and walked awayAnd she blew around the room like a balloon-aGrabbed the last can of chicken tunaOut the trash can and screw myHead is straight back to the Neverland RanchWith a peanut butter, jelly, chicken, tuna sandwhichAnd I don"t gotta make no god damn senseI just did a whole song and I didn"t say shit[Chorus]Cause IIIAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAAA AAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHYo, Rain ManDefinately, definately Dr. Dre super dope beat maker two thousand andTwo thousand four hundred and eighty seven millionNine hundred and n seventy three thousand four hundred and sixty threeAnd seventy (Yeah)
2023-07-21 16:34:101

谁可以告诉我一下后街男孩的Disco Inferno的歌词啊~~

(L. Green/ R. Kersey) Producers: Chris Lord-Alge, Tina Turner and Roger Davies Album: What"s Love Got To Do With It (93) To my surprise one hundred stories high People getting loose now, getting down on the roof Folks screaming, out of control It was so entertaining when the boogie started to explode I heard somebody say (Burn baby burn) Disco Inferno (Burn baby burn) Burn that mother down (Burn baby burn) Disco Inferno (Burn baby burn) Burn that mother down Satisfaction came in a chain reaction I couldn"t get enough, so I had to self-destruct The heat was on, rising to the top Everybody is going strong, and that is when my spark got hot I heard somebody say (Burn baby burn) Disco Inferno (Burn baby burn) Burn that mother down (Burn baby burn) Disco Inferno (Burn baby burn) Burn that mother down Up above my head I hear music in the air That makes me know There"s a party somewhere (Just can"t stop) When my spark gets hot (Just can"t stop) When my spark gets hot
2023-07-21 16:34:182

求有一首英文歌刚开始是一个女的歌词好像是 on the firstday so vivo 歌中间部分是一个男的说唱!麻烦了!

很明显是love the way you lieⅡ
2023-07-21 16:34:263

有谁能帮我找下 lets get it star的歌词 谢谢了哦

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 谢谢 找到告诉我地址 或帮我粘过来 谢谢大家啦~~~ 解析: 应该是:黑眼豆豆 - 《Lets Get It Started》 艺术家:the black eyed peas 歌词: Lets Get It Started, in here... And the base keep runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and... In this context, theres no disrespect, so, when I bust my rhyme, you break your necks. We got five minutes for us to disconnect, from all intellect collect the rhythm effect. Obstacles are inefficient, follow your intuition, free your inner soul and break away from tradition. Coz when we beat out, girl its pullin without. You wouldnt believe how we wow shit out. Burn it till its burned out. Turn it till its turned out. Act up from north, west, east, south. [Chorus:] Everybody, everybody, lets get into it. Get stupid. Get it started, get it started, get it started. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Yeah. Lose control, of body and soul. Dont move too fast, people, just take it slow. Dont get ahead, just jump into it. Yall here a body, o pieces to it. Get stutted, get stupid. Youll want me body people will walk you through it. Step by step, like youre into new kid. Inch by inch with the new solution. Trench men hits, with no delusion. The feelings irresistible and thats how we movin. [Chorus:] Everybody, everybody, lets get into it. Get stupid. Get it started, get it started, get it started. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Yeah. Runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin and... Cmon yall, lets get woohoo! Lets get woohoo! (in here) Lets get woohoo! Lets get woohoo! (in here) Lets get woohoo! Lets get woohoo! (in here) Ow, ow, ow! Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya... Lets get ill, thats the deal. At the gate, well bring the bud top drill. (Just) Lose your mind this is the time, Yall test this drill, Just and bang your spine. (Just) Bob your head like me APL de, up inside your club or in your Bentley. Get messy, loud and sick. Yall mount past slow mo in another head trip. (So) Come then now do not correct it, lets get ignant lets get hectic. [Chorus:] Everybody, everybody, lets get into it. Get stupid. (Come on) Get it started (e one), get it started (yeah), get it started. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started in here. Lets get it started (ha), lets get it started (woah, woah, woah) in here. Yeah. Lets get woohoo! Lets get woohoo! (in here) Lets get woohoo! Lets get woohoo! (in here) Lets get woohoo! Lets get woohoo! (in here) Ow, ow, ow! Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya... Runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin, and runnin runnin [fade]
2023-07-21 16:34:541


On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬And this thing turned out so evil, I don"t know why I"m still surprised.但是天意弄人 面对如今这急转直下的爱情我已愕然失措Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes.我现在才明白就连最善良的天使也会恶作剧我对未来已经失去了信仰But you"ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.但就算你变得狂暴你也仍然是我的挚爱Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,我已然五脏如焚而你只会冷眼旁观But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts.不过没有关系我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉ust gonna stand there and hear me cry,我已然痛哭流涕而你却置若罔闻But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.不过没有关系我就是喜欢这种欺骗I love the way you lie.我宁愿爱上你的谎言Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight.争吵之中我们唇枪舌剑In this tug of war, you"ll always win, even when I"m right.而你总是苦战中的胜者即使本是你犯了错Cause you feed me fables from your hand,你总是用谎言抚慰我With violet words and empty threats and it"s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied.充满暴力的语言 凭空而来的恐吓但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts.Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.Ohhh, I love the way you lie.[副歌见上]So maybe I"m a masochist也许我就是个受虐狂I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave.我尝试逃跑却从未真正想离开Til the walls are goin" up in smoke with all our memories.氤氲之中脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困[Eminem 阿姆说唱部分]This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经颓然hush baby, speak softly, tell me you"ll be sorry that you嘘 心爱的 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上我只好反过来把你推开try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me你试着过来拥抱我逼我怒吼理我远一点run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy你跑出了屋子让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后baby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the我可以理解你会推开我destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we破坏性的争吵让你心存余震know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs我们俩就像是一对神经病 不管我们彼此诅咒杀千刀that we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that lucky我们仍然拥有对方我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起together, we move mountains, let"s not make mountains out of molehills,我们可以解决各种大难 告诉我你不会小题大做you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin"你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count也许我会一生气反过来打你三次 but together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain但是我们会在一起 永远在一起因为我们找到了永存的秘方our love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counselin"我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我怙恶不悛this house is too huge, if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand这座房子很大 如果你搬走了square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it我会把整个两千平方英尺的土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由with you I"m in my f–kin" mind, without you, I"m out it和你在一起我会疯狂 失去你 我会一片空白
2023-07-21 16:35:022


gala-young for you
2023-07-21 16:35:093


2023-07-21 16:35:188

marilyn manson有一首歌他在高潮的时候在不停的叫fucking fucking 的歌是什么歌请高人回答下!!!!1

2023-07-21 16:35:333


2023-07-21 16:35:432

请英语高手翻译when i wake up的歌词

你说的那首when i wake up啊?
2023-07-21 16:36:065

wiz khalifa 的when im gone和get your shit的歌词

GET YOUR SHITI"m tired of arguing and fighting girlEvery night you keep calling me with the same shitI"m going insaneI swear I love but this ain"t right for usI never thought it would end this wayIts gonna kill me to say but you gottaPack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.I"ve told you that I"m moving onYou did it where, you had to know.To how to shape and mold you i admit was my missionBut everything went wrong dear"cause you started acting differentThe day you ran up on me I was smokinchillin, swore you was tryin to roll aint know what was so appealin"Fast forward, I"m on the roadYou at home calling me back forthCan"t deal with this relationshipBut this what you asked forask for them pictures of them b*tches, shitI probably wouldn"t be with them If your ass wasn"t trippin"Not to mention you"re acting like a kidIs the f*ck shit I gotta deal withsend a text, leave me a message try not to listenBring the rap you was the main player I had to bench youWhen I showed your ass how to ballthat Louie I bought it all.Chorus:I"m tired of arguing and fighting girlEvery night you keep calling me with the same shitI"m going insaneI swear I love but this ain"t right for usI never thought it would end this wayIts gonna kill me to say but you gottaPack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.I"ve told you that I"m moving onYou did it where, you had to know.Gone on the road that I"m hardly home on the weekendYou be blowing my phone up tryin to see who I"m seeingBut I"m chasing this paper so for this paper I"m reachingmight f*ck one or two b*tches but don"t consider it cheatinI consider the fact that we"ll break up anyway, anywayBased on all that shit you don"t appreciateMe switching states, working hard, meetin dates,You were thinking everything was sweet piece of cakeWell that all changed, what we had was bigbut you"re gonna miss the small thingsand that little cash I spent that was small changebut above all things i still love youjust gotta do my own thing.[Chorus:]I"ll go, I"ll never come backNow when you call.. I never call back"cause I got a new girl, yeah I got a new girlEverything was all good, .. then went all badAnd no I don"t think about the times that we had"cause I got a new girl, yeah I got a new girl.Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Oh (x8)WHEN I"M GONEAnd they say all I rap about is bitches and champagne,他们说我rap的都是女人和香槟,纸醉和金迷You would too if every night you seen the same thing我说如果你每晚都看到同样的事,你也会像我这样Money wall to wall, young famous n-gga, spend it all,堆积成墙的钱,年少成名的黑人,尽情花掉when you die you can?t take it with ya因为你死了一切都不能带走Bottle of Rose if I"m drinking with ya我会跟你喝着葡萄美酒Cause most n-ggas is broke, their bank is injured因为很多人都穷得响叮当,银行里没多少存款Then bitches gonna ride with who they think‘s a winner美女会抢着跟她们认为是赢家的人去驾车兜风And I"ll be smiling in case they take a picture我会维持微笑好让他们拍下我的帅照Oh, I‘m smoking weed drinking liquor make a hundred喔,我还会吸着大麻喝着酒在台上赚个几百块,on a show spend it all on my n-ggas再把它花在我的兄弟身上When I go shopping I tell them pick one当我去血拼的时候,会跟他们说”随便挑一个“Cause they was with me when nobody seen a vision因为没有人看好我的时候他们就在我身旁了Always about my business don"t play the cards总是关注我的事业,不会玩桥牌游戏I talked to the n-ggas who dealed them, uhh因为我只跟负责发牌的老大讲话Royal flush, now look up them n-ggas and baby girl you see us, yeah老子就是同花顺,膜拜我吧!I"m gonna spend it all why wait for another day我要财散人安乐,为什么要等到明天再挥霍?I‘m a take all this money I own and blow it all away我要带走我的钱,散尽千金Cause I can‘t take it when I"m gone, gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走No I can‘t take it when I"m gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走I‘m gonna spend it all why wait for another day我要财散人安乐,为什么要等到明天再挥霍?I"ma take all this money I own and blow it all away我要带走我的钱,散尽家财Cause I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走No I can?t take it when I‘m gone, gone, gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走Hella hoes in my car, they wanna feel that maximum speed美女在我的车上,她们想要领教什么是最高速度Never had an absence of weed大麻永远不会缺席Tired of being at the bar, everything Louie V,你看,我已经厌倦了呆在酒吧,周围都是LVPlus the most exclusive treat in my jar所到之处都是最高款待Making my bank, spending it all自己开间银行,再把里面的钱提光and that expensive shit you paid for, she had it on看着妞们穿着你买的贵价东东She taking it off, most of these n-ggas just talk and taking it off再脱掉,很多穷鬼只敢搭讪Back in the day money was short, I"m making it taller想起当年没什么钱,我拼命去赚you know what I mean, some say it‘s a problem你知道吗?有人说这是个问题Blowings my greens, not saving my collards耗费我的时间,但却赚不回面包( collard greens 也是蔬菜一种,这里将green 和collard拆开了)No NBA, they say I"m a baller没有参加过NBA,他们都说我是个球员Live for today, it‘s not like my father不像父辈一样,我要活在当下I?m gonna spend it all why wait for another day我要财散人安乐,为什么要等到明天再挥霍?I?ma take all this money I own and blow it all away我要带走我的钱,散尽家财Cause I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, gone因为到了离开的时候我什么都不能带走No I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, goneI?m gonna spend it all why wait for another dayI?ma take all this money I own and blow it all awayCause I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, goneNo I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.No I can?t take it when I?m gone
2023-07-21 16:36:221


歌手:Air Supply 歌名:Good Bye 歌词: I can see the pain living in your eyes And I know how hard you try You deserve to have so much more I can feel your heart and I sympathize And I"ll never criticize all you"ve ever meant to my life I don"t want to let you down I don"t want to lead you on I don"t want to hold you back From where you might belong You would never ask me why My heart is so disguised I just can"t live a lie anymore I would rather hurt myself Than to ever make you cry There"s nothing left to say but good-bye You deserve the chance at the kind of love I"m not sure I"m worthy of Losing you is painful to me I don"t want to let you down I don"t want to lead you on I don"t want to hold you back From where you might belong You would never ask me why My heart is so disguised I just can"t live a lie anymore I would rather hurt myself Than to ever make you cry There"s nothing left to say but good-bye You would never ask me why My heart is so disguised I just can"t live a lie anymore I would rather hurt myself Than to ever make you cry There"s nothing left to try now it"s gonna hurt us both it"s no other way than to say goodbye
2023-07-21 16:36:313


《三笑三国》开场介绍: Ladies and gentlemen,let me introduct the actor. The first is zhaoyun,he is the most actor tonight.and his black brother zhangfei ,and there boss liubei .don"t forgot the other side Mr cao,and his adviser JiangGan,and the most strong XiaHou Dun.At last,don"t forget who behind the scenes ME----the Director. 第一幕:人物,赵云 夏侯惇 曹操 蒋干   旁白:就在刚才不久,一个黑大汉从曹操军中救出刘备之子刘阿斗,现在正向这里杀过来,他就是张飞!!!(赵云出场)Not too long ago,a black general saved the son of LiuBei ,Liu A,he is coming. His name is Zhangfei.   赵云:no!本人姓赵名云,乃常山子龙也! no! my family name is zhao my middle name is yun and my given name is zilong ~ (赵云从背后拿出一坨布,代表阿斗) 赵云:看!这就是主公的最后一点骨血!刘阿斗!我从火场之中把他救出,而我自己的脸却早已……唉……化作焦炭!(顾影自怜状)look! this is the last blood of the boss ! liu e dou . i took him out from the fire ,but my face hane already ~. (夏侯敦挺着枪呈猫腰状杀出) 夏侯敦:小贼,莫跑,要不然我就大开杀戒了(冲到) Children, stop there or i will kill you (赵云左手抱阿斗,右手与之搏斗) 赵云:可恶!居然敢偷袭我!fuck,!! you bitch dare to attack me ?? (二人装腔作势打斗数招) 赵云:看我九阴白骨爪!!stop!! wait!!! one two three... nine dark white bone fingers!! 夏侯敦:唔!(倒地) oh my gad i"m over 赵云:此地不宜久留,还是快去寻主公!(下)yeah~ bitch i will go to look for my boss , goodbye~ (曹操、蒋干二人上) 曹操:没想到我们初次出兵便杀得敌人望风而逃!真可谓出师未捷身先死。长使英雄泪满襟! I didn"t expect that we can beat the enemy with our first attack.It reminds me of a poem, "Dead Before the Ship Even Sank. Long the hero Tearful" 蒋干:丞相,您说这话,真不见得怎么吉利。 Prime minister,It does not sound good about what you have said; (曹操险些被地上的夏侯敦绊倒) 曹操:咦?这是谁扔的西瓜皮?(转身,看见倒在地上的夏侯敦)Huh? Who threw the banana rind? 曹操:是夏侯爱卿。难道他又在搞什么行为艺术??Do not Xiahou Dun?Is he engaged in what is called performance art? (蒋干上前将夏侯敦一顿拍打,二人站起) 曹操:夏侯爱卿为何要在地上装西瓜皮??Why do you want to install banana rind on the ground? 夏侯敦:有一人脸如黑炭 手抱孩子there is a very black people witha baby in his band 蒋干:是敌人的保姆!还带个孩子!!!it Is enemy"s maid with a child in his arm. 曹操:那你呢?What did you do?  夏侯敦:i i i…… i rushed to him and fight with him i"mfightting fightting fightting我 我…… 我冲上去与之打斗 打 打 打 曹操:然后呢?What then?  蒋干:丞相,看来是夏侯将军杀退了敌人! Prime minister, it is likely that general Xiahou has defeated the enemy 夏侯敦:唔唔!(手势如下:指指门外,右手作“九”的样子,随即作全身发冷状,然后指向自己的衣服,再指向曹操,作爪击状)  曹操:然后呢? Then what happened?  夏侯敦:no no no I was defeated he used the nine cloud white bone finger ,it"s so terrible (曹操、蒋干二人将夏侯敦拉起) 曹操:如此看来,敌人应该还没有走远。咱们乘胜追击!(慷慨状)It seems that the enemy should not go far. Let"s run after them. 蒋干:有时候我真的很佩服丞相您这乐观的心理……(赞同状) Sometimes I really admires prime minister very much about your optimistic psychology ...... 夏侯敦:唔!唔唔唔~!(抡起两拳,作欲与敌人搏斗状)(三人下)第二幕:人物:刘备 张飞 诸葛亮 赵云  (刘备、张飞、诸葛亮三人上)旁白:这是的刘备一行人正在军营外观看敌情~~~LiuBei and his team are looking something out of his military camp.  、(诸葛亮走在前面,张飞、刘备二人紧跟其后) 诸葛亮:(转头)主公啊,按理说是您走先啦!(恭敬状)old liu ah,you should walk in front of us! Is not it?刘备:不啦,军师您身后有好大块荫凉,躲在这里避避暑也不错。No,it"s very cool that I stand just behind you,I can avoid summer heat 诸葛亮:(眺望状)主公,如果我所料不错,现在马上就要下雨了!liu ah,come here! I tell you a secret! I think it is about to rain! 刘备:先生神算!人所不及!不知先生如何知道将要下雨?great prediction!No one can compare with you!just wonder how do you know it"s going to rain? 诸葛亮:首先,天气预报说今天有雨;其次,(以手指前方)看天,那边有一块黑云来了!First,the weather report told us it is going to rain today;second,look at the sky,so many dark clouds are coming! (赵云上) 张飞:哇!那就是子龙啊,想不到这一会不见子龙就换了个新桌面啊!Ha! That is person who called long ah, I could not believe that you have changd a new tabletop without a minute! (张飞迎上) 张飞:子龙! long 赵云:翼德救我! help!!! brother three. (张飞下) 赵云:主公!云殊死力战,方保得小主人在此!只是这许久不见啼哭,怕是已经……(悲愤状,取出布包,打开并捧着) boss, i have trid my best to protect the little boss. but it have a long time to hear nothing. i am afraid... 赵云:kao!这小没良心的,居然还能睡的着!就跟他爹一样!! oh ~ can the son of bitch get in asleep.just like his father 刘备:咳咳!(赵云转身面向刘备) 诸葛亮:子龙,不是我说你,你嘴上就是少个把门儿的,总不能啥实话都往外说啊!?Zilong,not I tell you, although it is true,you should not say it out!(刘备怒视诸葛亮,诸葛亮恍如不知,赵云上前,将阿斗递给刘备,刘备捧着阿斗) 刘备:为了你这倒楣孩子,几乎损我一员大将啊!我还留着你赶什么啊,我摔死你吧!!because of you,I almost lose a brave general!Why do I keep you alive,let me kill you!!(阿斗摔下)(赵云上前,对准阿斗狂踹数脚,诸葛亮上前拉住,赵云始终作势欲踢,诸葛亮用身体压住赵云后,走上前去一脚将阿斗踢飞) 旁白:从今以后,阿斗的智力便出现了明显的发育迟缓……This is why liu a dou is so foolish that lost his country. 赵云:咦?怎么不见关二哥呢? yi ~~ where is brothe two GuanYu? 刘备:二弟昨天为军师摆下一个八卦阵去,不过在冲出去撞马的时候闪着腰了,现在还在休养呢!:He layout the BaGuaZhen for military adviser yesterday, but when he rushed out , he get his waist twisted, now he stay in bed. 诸葛亮:哎,太糟糕了,看我,多健康,多健壮!告诉他,多喝三鹿奶粉!(自恋状)!Oh,It is so bad! Look at me,so healthy,so strong!tell him to drink more sanlu milk powder!  赵云:就给这孩子喝成这样儿了!!!(走上前,抚摸诸葛亮,做怜惜状) so you drink to be a foolish? 曹操(在台下):啊~!!!(惨烈地)刘备:难道三弟又重操旧业了?咱们快去看看!Did zhangfei return to one"s former career ?Go to see what happen?(三人下)第三幕: 人物 张飞 曹操 夏侯 蒋干 刘备 诸葛亮  旁白:时间拨回到三分钟之前,张飞大战长坂坡……Go back to three minutes before the time set aside,zhangfei fight with caocao"s army on changbanpo (张飞上,在台上转一圈后,如京剧拿柱般亮相,定格) 曹操和蒋干:嘿嘿嘿嘿!(奸笑中) 夏侯敦:唔唔唔唔……(奸笑中) (三人奸笑上台)代写剧本 张飞:哇!火腿肠你回来拉!! Wa!You, The hot dog, come back ! 夏侯敦:我靠,又一个黑人,黑人都是很牛x的,我怕了。。。 black man come again , Blacks are very powerful,i"m afaid 曹操:阁下是何人,何以竟有如此美妙的声音!Excuse me. May I know your name? What a wonderful voice you have! 张飞:我便是那燕(yān)人张翼德!(咬牙)I am Zhang Yide from jingdu! (clenches teeth) 曹操:阉人??原来只是一个太监……夏侯敦,上去解决他!You are the so called coward,aren"t you?xiahou,beat it! (夏侯敦低头猫腰冲出) 夏侯敦:唔!唔~唔! (二人打在一起)(定格)蒋干:丞相,这一仗咱们必输,一会还有桥断水倒流呢!快叫夏侯将军下来吧。 Prime minister, we must have lose this Campaign , the bridge will also cut off the water soon!Let"s call Xiahou general to get down quickly曹操:你怎么知道?How dou you know it? 蒋干:《真三国无双叁》,长坂的任务啊!! "Really,it is the game"s duty of Three countries Unparalleled Three"!! 曹操:干啊,我看你是太沉迷于网络游戏了。这样既浪费时间又上海身体,你还是听为丞相的一句话吧!珍爱生命,远离三俗啊!I think you are too addicted to online games. What a waste of time, and It"s harmful,listen to me ,You must take good care of yourself. (张飞与夏侯敦二人继续,张飞一枪击中夏侯敦) 夏侯敦:oh my gad i am over again又被打败了 (蒋干上前将夏侯敦拖回) 曹操:唉,如今这世道变了,太监都这么厉害啦!?Why does that coward become so brave?   张飞:曹贼听着!今日汝等必不能生过此桥! cao ,stops talking! Today you all can"t pass this bridge with a live one! 曹操:汝休得猖狂!今日要不是我手下典韦身死,许诸拉稀,于禁肺炎,李典麻疹,文聘肝癌,张辽痔疮,才不会输给你!shut up!If general dianwei was still alive,We would not be defeated! 张飞:你手下终究无人可用!啊,面对此景次请,我真想赋诗一首——Nobody may go to battle for you ,Facing this scenery,i really want to sing a, on ......On ......(音乐起)only you ~~~~~only……you…… (夏侯敦跃起) 夏侯敦:唔唔唔……(以手捂耳,跑下) 曹操:啊!(惨厉的叫声,并以手捂耳) 蒋干:啊!(惨厉的叫声,并以手捂耳) 曹操:这难道就是传说中的门得尔松的c大调《鬼叫》协奏曲!何以如此震撼!(惊惶状)Why is this so shocking! 蒋干:(一手指张飞)快看!丞相!桥断了!水也开始倒流啦!!(转过身去,以手捂耳) Look, Prime minister! The bridge broke! The water also starts to flow backwards(音效:山崩地裂之声) 曹操:aaaaaaaaaa(痛苦吐血状)(定格) (诸葛亮、刘备、赵云三人上)诸葛亮:别唱啦!再唱下去就把曹操给唱死啦!Do not sing more,ok?if you go on singing,CaoCao will die because of your song!刘备:三弟快打住!!(以手捂耳)Stop,stop!!(以手捂耳) 张飞:only you ~~~~~only……you……(余音不绝) 刘备:子龙,快把三弟扛回去。Zilong,carry zhangfei back quickly。 赵云:好的! ok (赵云上前,以手捂住张飞的嘴,扛走,张飞依旧唱个不停) (张飞、赵云二人下)旁白:从此以后有一首歌传唱至今 经久不衰,叫做:only you~~~~ since then, a song become very very famous.The name is《Only You》.(歌声再次响起,众人谢幕~~)。
2023-07-21 16:36:411

snoops upside ya head的歌词

[Intro:]I think it"s bout" time that we hit these n***as upsidethe head with some of that west coastgangsta" sh......... Ooh.....Wee!!!!!!!!!![1st Verse:]It"s a whole "nother dayI"m back up in ya"Snoop D-O-Double GI representa"Been away for a while but you all knowI"m still doggystylin" on Death RowGot shit locked downSewed upSo If you plan on comin" out nigga hold up.This a stick updick upThey got yo" shit on the shelf, oh mine is tooand guess who they gon" pick up?Some niggas think they know they shitBut they don"tSome M-A"s escape Some won"tBumpin" heads with niggasWhere you from?East Side Long Beach, nigga, 2-1The homie just got paroledAnd he got more stories than the highway patrolTellin" me about the money Suge Knight stoleBut I"ll make that shit lateCause nigga I get swoleNiggas tryin" to get in, to get out.Put me up on game tellin" me who gon" jack meBut ever since I was a puppytill I was paroledI never had no other dog pullin" on my chrome.[Chorus:]Say Snoop"s upside yo" head, say Snoop"s upside yo" head. [4x][2nd Verse:]Niggas in the game be doin" way too muchAkin" tough with this east-west coast stuff.See MeI"m all about my money maneI stay fly and dryI don"t get caught up in the rainCuz game recognize gameNo matter where you fromWe all can get dumb, insane andturn the party outwithout a doubtUnless you them niggas who ain"t got no cloutLBC and B what?Uh, my crewCuz uh, we out there smokin" on the krazy glueUpside yo" head like oopsSnoop"s The shit, that you hear them bumpin" in the hoops.Can"t afford ithomeboyThis is finishedI representedFrom V-A to VeniceSo when it"s timidAnd cold outsideRely on the Doggy DoggTo put the heat in yo" life[Chorus][3rd Verse:]It takes a whole lotto be number oneI can"t walk down the streetwithout my gunI can"t trust these niggas foolIt ain"t no funI"m sittin" up in courtCuz somebody got dumpedWhat really counts is how the crowd bounceGo home and saySnoop rocked the parte`Nobody got kiltIt"s what got annoucedI guess they got a chance to see Dr. BombayBut I keep my heat in case niggas get coldWarm you up with the sheetZip you up and rollNow Doggystyle records is now officialGettin" money at the Pliz-ate with my initialsShippin" weapons overseasI"m makin" G"sWhat who you make call enemiesBut ISee nothing funny aboutmakin" moneyCuz uhWe all know it don"t grow on treesSo IGotta" get what I gotta" get when I canUp homie in the mo"ning wit" the gat vanBurning rubber down to get a new carSo don"t get jealous when you see me in thedouble R.[Chorus (3x)]
2023-07-21 16:36:481


2023-07-21 16:34:495


1807 ○W·H·沃拉斯顿绘画暗箱“显画器”问世。1826 ○法国光学机械商舍瓦利耶制造出世界第一架“照相机”,供J·N·尼埃普斯拍摄出世界上第一幅照片《窗外景色》。1839 ○法国A·吉鲁制作的“达盖尔式照相机”问世。机身是两个套在一起可前后抽动的木质方盒,镜头则是1829年谢瓦利埃磨制的“沃拉斯顿”消色差透镜,焦距是375mm,光圈为f/14,快门是置于镜头前一圆形铜片。 ○塞基埃设计成功“蛇腹式照相机”。 ○12月,一种8×12cm的袖珍型“达盖尔照相机”问世。1840 ○匈牙利数学家匹兹沃尔首次用数学方法进行镜头设计,设计成功世界上第一个f /6.3人像镜头。 ○美国人A·S·沃尔科特制造出不用镜头,用一面凹镜面的“镜式摄影机”。 ○法国谢瓦利埃制造出世界最早的木质折叠型照相机。拍摄165×216mm的画面。 ○J·佩茨法尔用自己设计的双合透镜消色差镜头制造出世界首台单轨式皮腔照相机。1841 ○圆锥体金属暗箱式佛克特连德照相机上市。 ○奥地利数学家培兹瓦尔设计出f/3.7肖像镜头(其通光量比达盖尔所用的镜头高出16倍)和与之匹配可拍圆形照片的照相机。1844 ○F·F·马顿斯发明能拍摄150°弧度的“全景照相机”。1850 ○斯帕林格设计制造供旅行拍摄用的“软片式照相机”面世。1851 ○(一说1849年)D·布鲁斯特发明单镜头立体照相机。1852 ○法国推出双镜头木质推拉抽屉式座机,画面为120×240mm,立体摄影开创性相机。1853 ○J·B·丹塞和A·柯涅特的双镜头立体照相机问世。1854 ○A·A·E·迪斯特里设计成功四个镜头,一底可拍8幅照片的“名片式照相机”。 ○5月,A·J·美利休和J·B·斯宾塞成功制造出一种适用胶卷的照相机。1856 ○英人T·斯卡夫发明“手枪照片照相机”;1858年拍摄出“枪口型照片。”1857 ○D·A·伍德瓦德的“太阳照相机”问世。1858 ○汤姆逊巨型照相机问世。1859 ○T·摩里斯制造出19世纪最小体积(3.81×3.81×5.08cm),画面仅4.8386cm2的“袖珍照相机”。1860 ○博尔奇的“机械式照相机”面世。 ○英国J·基布尔制造出镜头由A·罗斯特制1800mm焦距,325mm口径,能拍摄900×1100 mm玻璃湿版的照相机,为当时之最。1861 ○W·伊格伦发明了可变光圈的焦平面快门。 ○沙顿取得“反射式照相机”专利。1866 ○英国达尔迈耶和德国施泰因海尔同时独立研制出对称型快速消畸变 (齐明)镜头。1880 ○R与J·贝克推出画面为80×100 mm世界最早的双镜头反光照相机。1882 ○美柯达公司生产世界第一台彩色园盘胶片照相机。1883 ○英国原始双镜头反光照相机问世。1884 ○西德“米诺斯”公司研制略大于拇指16×26×65mm的体积,重量只有36克超小型照相机—“阿梅尔M型”。 ○E·J·马雷设计制造出专拍动体的“摄影枪”。 ○E·麦布里奇成功制作出十二镜头照相机。 ○A·鲍荷镜头快门照相机问世。1885 ○德国耶那公司的阿贝和肖特发明了钡冕光学玻璃,使照相机镜头的设计和制造迅速发展,产生了正光照相镜头。1886 ○英国J·兰卡斯特/桑公司推出使用4.5mm平板感光材料的M·兰卡斯特型相机。 ○美国R·斯特恩推出供偷拍用的斯特恩盘式照相机。1888 ○伊斯曼公司推出‘柯达一型照相机"。它的光圈为f/9,速度为1/25〃,固定焦距,2.5米以外都能结象清晰;箱内可装6米长(可拍100幅底片)的‘美国胶卷"。 ○S·D麦凯伦制造出世界首台反光镜自动弹起的单反照相机。 ○奥地利维也纳的X·弗成格制造出24个镜头的“邮票照相机”(问世时间有说为1890年)。1889 ○美国柯达公司推出第一代可携带式照相机。 ○法国N·孔蒂摄影公司推出“球面(亦译作“光球”)摄影9·12型”照相机。 ○法国R·杜布罗公司生产的摄影运动型相机上市。 〇法国H·肯斯坦公司生产出使用90×120mm平板感光材料的“面颊式” 折叠皮腔照相机1890 ○德国蔡斯公司的鲁道夫和阿贝研制出消象散镜头(亦有作1889年)。 ○美国伊斯曼公司N·4柯达相机面市。 ○供偷拍用的领带型照相机在法国面市。 ○法国C·M·让特公司推出“旅行家”木制折叠座机。1891 ○英国双镜头反光镜问世。 ○罗斯商会出品“德瓦第德”照相机。1892 ○美国艾夫斯发明分色负片照相机和分色正片观察器,首次拍摄和观看了全色影象。1893 ○英国人泰勒研制出三片分离透镜组成的消象散柯克镜头。1896 ○德国蔡斯公司鲁道夫设计出双高斯对称型物镜。1897 ○美国柯达牛眼Ⅱ型相机上市。1898 ○W·沃森制造出性能较完善的“坎比尔·博尔顿”牌单反照相机。1899 ○法国L·D·奥伦和莱索尔共同制作成功用作拍摄加色法彩色照片,牌子为“麦朗”的相机。1900 ○德国大型座机问世。 ○法国奥古斯特和吕米埃研制出能拍摄360°照片的全景照相机。 ○美国柯达公司推出第一架布郎尼照相机。 ○照相机史上最大的“猛玛”巨型照相机在美国芝加哥问世,拍摄的唯一一张照片在巴黎博览会上获当年“世界第一大奖”。 ○一直沿用至今的光圈级数,如f/22,f/16……被国际镜头制造商在巴黎决定为镜头光圈的统一级数。 ○美国伊斯曼公司N·3Cartridge柯达相机上市。 ○意大利生产出米勒新快照型相机。 〇英国纽曼·卡蒂亚公司推出一款使用90×120MM平板感光材料,机身折叠后可装入皮套中的“纳蒂亚” 牌照相机。1901 ○伊斯曼柯达公司成立。1902 ○德国蔡斯公司的“天塞”f/4.5摄影镜头问世。1903 ○法国D·马丁型可折叠袋装相机问世。1905 ○布特勒彩色片照相机问世。 ○美国伊斯曼可达生产N·1折叠便携式相机上市,使用116型胶卷。1907 ○美国干版单镜头反光照相机问世。1908 ○皮革复面木质侧向装片的“公牛眼”照相机面世。1909 ○英国木制反光型相机面市。 ○美国伊斯曼公司推出柯达N·3折叠袖珍小仙童相机。 ○德国生产Pocket Tenax便携式相机。1910 ○法国PHYSIONOTRACE型偷拍用(机身似望远镜,45mm·60mm)相机问世。1912 ○德国德克尔研制出具有快、慢两种速度的“康普尔”中心快门。 ○柯达口袋型照相机面世。1913 ○法国于勒·查理公司生产世界首台使用带齿孔的35mm胶卷的Homeos型立体照相机。1914 ○柯达可书写型相机上市。 ○法国生产出摄影、显影同在机内完成的“FASA”牌全金属机身相机。 ○美国生产世界上首架使用24mm·36mm规格的胶卷相机——辛普莱克斯照相机。 ○德国雷比罗斯推出35 mm胶卷拍摄18·24 mm50张照片的“小胶版”照相机。1916 ○世界上第一台带有测距器的照相机在伊斯曼柯达公司问世。1917 ○伊斯曼柯达公司开发出供航拍的照相机。1921 ○伊斯曼柯达公司生产出第一批放大机。 ○法国“摄影箱(PHOTOTANK)”35mm照相机面世。1922 ○f /2-1.8小机身ER-ma-nox相机上市,为世界上第一部袖珍快照照相机。1924 ○德国莱茨公司推出35mm 莱卡A型照相机,首次使用带齿孔的35毫米电影胶片。片幅规格为24×36mm,后即成为20世纪标准通用规格。(有材料作1914年为O·巴纳克研制)。 ○德国伊尔尼曼公司的“伊尔曼诺克斯”照相机面世。 ○儿内曼—韦克公司生产出小型相机“儿诺斯”。 ○德国德勒斯登耶尔内曼推出“伊尔马洛克斯”型相机。1925 ○德国莱茨公司推出徕卡A型35mm照相机。 ○苏联推出建国后第一架自己生产的照相机—FOTO-GOZ型折叠式35mm照相机,它由新建的国家照相机厂制造的。 ○德国E·沃克公司的Ermanox6.5×9型照相机上市。 ○镜头口径为f/1.8的小型照相机“儿玛诺斯”上市。1926 ○莱茨公司推出35mm专用放映机。 ○德国伊卡A·G公司的折叠式185型皮腔式相机上市。同时又推出折叠式266型相机。1927 ○蔡司推出一款外形酷似单筒望远镜的爱戈侦察用照相机。1928 ○世界上第一台使用双镜头反光120照相机是德国“萝莱”,由“弗兰克和海德克”公司推出。 ○美国韦士顿光电测光表设计成功。1929 ○德国罗莱公司的使用胶卷的罗莱弗莱克斯120双镜头反光照相机问世,其设计原理一直沿用至今。 ○J·奥兹特迈尔在德国制造出世界上第一个摄影用铝箔闪光泡。1930 ○A·沃尔科德反光照相机于3月间推出,是世界上第一种取得美国专利的照相机,底片为50mm2。 ○苏联生产出名为“第一号摄影通讯员”照相机。 ○柯达推出女性专用的“伊阿华彩虹2型”折叠照相机。 ○德国莱茨公司生产莱卡1型照相机。1931 ○德国蔡斯公司铝合金压铸工艺制造的康太克斯照相机问世。 ○美国麻省理工学院的艾加顿设计出闪光灯的刍型——频闪放电管。 ○德国伊阿格公司推出第一台“EXAKTA - A型”单反照相机。1932 ○德国库瑞列120单镜头反光照相机问世。 ○美国韦斯顿电器公司研制出世界上第一只光电测光表。 ○我国钱景华设计的“环象照相机”问世。 ○柯达“雷克玛尔133型”折叠式小型照相机面世。 ○德国蔡斯·伊康公司推出世界首架装有连动测距器,可更换镜头的小型相机“孔塔斯”。 〇德国奔茨公司生产使用127型胶卷拍摄8张40×65MM照片的PRIMARETTE型照相机。 〇德国F·海德克公司的“禄莱运动” 型双镜头120反光照相机问世,它是首台手柄卷片的照相机。1933 ○徕卡3型照相机问世。 〇德国I·卡迈罗韦克公司推出拍摄规格为40×65 MM“艾柯塔” 牌照相机。1934 ○德国爱克赛太120单镜头反光照相机问世。 ○苏联135照相机“费特”上市。 ○荷兰菲利普公司生产出金属细丝闪光泡。 ○德国蔡司伊康公司推出世界著名的发条(折合式)照相机“IKONTA SUPERC”120照相机。 ○艺术面板盒式“SIX—20少年棕仙”问世(有材料作1938 年面世)。 ○德国威尔塔公司设计制造的可开合的双反照相机泼菲克塔面市。 ○德国欧托·伯宁公司生产出“Robot”型相机,用齿孔胶卷可拍24×24 mm画幅照片24张。 ○日本第一代高级布帘快门35照相机“KWANON”为佳能公司前身“精机光学研究所”研制成功并推向市场。1935 ○德国蔡斯公司带测光表的35mm中心快门单镜头反光潘太克斯Ⅲ型照相机问世。 ○日本佳能公司推出“佳能”35mm焦点平面快门照相机。 ○第一代板片式135镜头反光照相机爱克山泰问世。1936 ○德国伊阿格公司推出闪光与快门同步,卷片和上弦以板手取代旋钮的135型“EXAKTA-B”单反照相机。 ○柯达A·G公司的雷金特型折叠式相机上市。1937 ○德国意赫格公司的尼希特兰 、赫费希特和格劳舒博研制出世界上第一架35mm单镜头反光照相机——基内爱克赛太照相机,成为后来流行的35mm单反照相机的先驱。也有材料说是埃萨塔、罗莱和莱卡。 ○日本推出集平视、俯视取景于一体的米苏派双取景器照相机。 ○德国蔡斯·伊康公司推出Contax1型相机。1938 ○日本理光公司生产出自己第一个品牌“奥林匹克”照相机。1939 ○美国艾加顿发明了柯达电子快速闪光灯,其它各种闪光灯从此淡出。 ○法国马丁发明照相机自动光圈。1940 ○伊斯曼柯达公司的柯达35型相机上市。 ○仿莱卡机型的“理光1型(Ricohlmod.1)”照相机问世。1941 ○柯达公司推出世界首架镀膜镜头照相机——埃克塔照相机。 ○法国L·贝吉斯公司的拍摄规格为90×120 mm的“绿波”型照相机面世。1943 ○A·沃尔科特发明放大翻拍机。可将达盖尔摄影法拍的小照片翻拍成不同规格的放大照片。1946 ○苏联GOMZ厂成功制造出首型6×6cm双镜头反光照相机——伏特兰(Voigtlahder)照相机。1949年改名”鲁比特尔”(Lubitel)。1947 ○美国的兰德博士发明了黑白即显(一步成象)摄影法,世界上第一架波拉即显照相机问世。 ○西德康太克斯五梭镜取景照相机问世。1948 ○瑞典生产出哈苏1600F型照相机。 ○波拉公司推出改良后的“波拉95型”一次成像照相机。 ○瑞典W·哈苏公司推出“哈苏1500F型”(有材料作1600F 型照相机)。 ○日本美能达推出f /2.8镜头,铰链机背和热靴闪光同步装置等功能的135照相机。 ○宝丽来公司生产出宝丽来95型相机,机内装有胶片、显影剂与相纸,实现了机内冲洗的自动化,为该类相机第一部,可视为“一步成象”之祖。 ○法国D·L莫里斯公司生产出特尔卡Ⅲ豪华型相同。1949 ○蔡斯·伊康公司推出屋脊棱镜取景器“康泰克斯S型”单反照相机。 ○苏联KMZ厂在1934年生产的FED相机的基础上,推出其改进型“FED-ZORKi(卓尔基)”照相机。1950 ○东德蔡斯公司发明屋脊型五棱镜取景器并用于康太克斯S型35mm单反相机上,一举解决了棘手的光路转换问题,使单反相机由俯视取景变为平视取景。 ○西德道普勒立体照相机问世。 ○德国伏龙达公司推出维梯萨L型照相机。 ○法国设计成功摄影用的远摄镜头。 ○理光弗莱克斯反光式照相机上市。1952 ○理光微型镀金相机“ColdenRicohl 6”相机问世。1953 ○英人格尔谢利发表了利用极小的负片保存信息的构想。1954 ○西德莱茨公司的莱卡M3型照相机问世。该机是世界上第一架快门速度控制机构与独立式曝光表联动的35mm照相机。 ○日本旭光公司研制出瞬时复位反光镜机构,解决了单反相机的一大缺陷——遮光问题,最早组装在Asahiflex反光Ⅱ型照相机上市。日本照相机工业由此开始摆脱仿制德国相机的局面,走上了具有自己独创风格的发展道路。 ○瑞典哈苏1000F单反照相机上市。为首台可更换镜头和片盒的机种。不久,镜间快门的500C型相机问世。 ○德国生产出微距镜头。1955 ○西德威德鲁摇头照相机问世。 ○柯达推出“凯克特拉”照相机。 ○中国北京大莱精制厂成功仿制徕卡2型照相机,定名“大莱135照相机”上市,成为新中国第一台135照相机(也有资料说该型机生产于1956年)。 ○法国推出拍摄16mm胶片拍摄18张10×10 mm黑色电木制作的“Stylophot”“笔型照相机”。1956 ○西德阿克发公司,试制成功机械式全自动照相机,阿克发电测光(EE)照相机问世。 ○西德罗莱带测光表的双镜头反光照相机问世。 ○中国自制的第一架照相机——“七一”牌120折迭式照相机在天津照相机厂问世。 ○中国制造的“红梅”牌照相机上市。1957 ○苏仿制哈苏1000F的“Saliut(萨柳特)”6型照相机。 ○尼康公司推出首架钛金属帘幕快门,电池启动式马达,速度高达每秒可拍3张底片的SP型照相机。 ○中国北京大莱精制厂又推出新中国第一台120双镜头反光照相机——“大莱120照相机”。有资料说该型机生产于1956年。后更名为“长虹照相机”,并分I、II两种型号。1958 ○蔡司推出康太力克斯135单反照相机。 ○澳大利亚推出设计独特的双反微型照相机—高兹微型可得3型照相机。 ○中国上海轻工业局生产出“上海58-I”双反120照相机。 ○法国罗伊公司推出Savoyflex Ⅲ Automatique型相机。1959 ○西德阿克发奥普蒂玛照相机实现了程序控制自动曝光。 ○美国F·拜克推出第一个135相机36-82mm变焦头(有材料说:研制出世界上第一个照相机用的变焦镜头是奥地利沃特伦德公司)。 ○日本佳能公司推出该公司第一款35mm单镜反光照相机—“Canon Flex型”照相机。 ○日本美能达公司研制出美能达SR——1型照相机,首次使用了“自动跳跃的光圈”。 ○日本光学公司推出尼康F型照相机,凭借其先进的性能开始了一场用“尼康的F型”代替“莱卡M型”的演变。日本由此建立起在照相机世界的霸主地位。 ○中国“珠江60—1型”120折叠照相机面市。 ○中国上海照相机厂推出“上海582—II”135照相机。同时该厂又生产出“上海201”普及型折叠式照相机。 ○中国推出天津照相机厂的“晨光”,南京照相机厂(当时称南京电影机械厂)的“紫金山”,吉林长春光学研究所的“天池”等三款单镜头反光照相机。其中“天池”只生10台,用以纪念建国10周年,而“紫金山” 一共生产了1000台。1960 ○日本旭光学公司研制出世界上第一架通过镜头内测光的TTL测光式单镜头反光照相机——潘太克斯SP Otmatic型照相机。 ○日本小西六公司研制成功第一架金属幕帘(纵走式钢片)快门照相机——柯尼卡F,快门速度首次达到1/2000秒。 ○苏联卫星立体照相机问世。 ○蔡司公司装有“牛眼”的康太力时照相机面世。 ○中国上海照相机厂推出“202”普及型照相机;西安西北光学仪器厂生产出“华山”普及型135照相机。1961 ○瑞典康柯弗公司推出重5盎司的“泰西娜”35mm双镜 头反光照相机。 ○中国西北光学仪器厂推出120普及型“长乐”双镜头反光照相机。 ○中国“珠江60—2型”照相机面世。 ○中国上海照相机厂的“上海——IV”双镜头反光照相机上市。 ○德国蔡斯·伊康推出镜头可以互换,幕帘快门,装有蜂窝状光电光装置的新型Contax 1型单反照相机。1962 ○美能达装有程序自动曝光系统的美能达Hi—matic型照相机上市,后用于苏联“友谊7号”太空船上的拍摄。1963 ○美国波拉公司正式生产即显彩色胶片,并在即显照相机上第一次装上了电子快门。 ○柯达生产出画幅为26×26mm的126照相机。 ○美国柯达公司使用126胶卷的因斯特马蒂克照相机问世。 ○美国宝丽来公司制造出世界首台电子快门照相机。 ○日本托普推出首台通过镜头内测光的35mm的单反照相机—“RE Super”照相机。 ○日本佳能自动调焦AF样机问世。 ○中国上海照相机厂推出“上海203”折叠式照相机,后更名“海鸥203”照相机。 ○我国“珠江60—3型”照相机面世。1964 ○日本柯派尔和精工舍都研制成功电子快门。 ○中国上海照相机厂开始生产单镜头反光照相机—“上海7型“照相机。此外,还推出“上海202”、“上海58—III”、“上海201”等相机。又上海厂的“海鸥203”更名为“海鸥—4”。 ○中国“珠江60—4型”照相机面世。 ○中国北京照相机厂的“北京”135单镜头反光照相机上市。 ○理光推出“自动射手”照相机。1965 ○莱茨公司首次生产单镜头反光小型照相机——莱卡弗莱克斯。 ○柯达公司的“英斯坦斯蒂克”照相机上市。 ○中国上海“海鸥205”照相机上市。 ○世界首架分区测光的“美能达SR—T101”135单反照相机面世。 ○中国天津照相机厂的“东方”135旁轴照相机面市。1966 ○中国上海照相机厂生产的“上海7型”照相机改标为“DF”照相机面市(有材料称该机型面市时间为1965年)1967 ○平均测光与点测模式可互换的“玛米亚EKOR1000DTL” 问世。 ○中国上海照相机厂上市“海鸥4A”和“海鸥4B”两种照相机。1968 ○西德蔡斯公司推出康太克斯SE照相机,首次使用了电子幕帘式快门。 ○中国北京照相机厂推出“北京SZ—1”照相机。 ○中国上海照相机厂推出“海鸥501”120普及型照相机和“海鸥4C”两种照相机。 ○中国四川军工“峨眉”双镜头反光照相机面市。 ○日本小西六写真株式会社推出世界首台通过镜头测光的自动曝光单反相机“柯尼卡T型”该类相机从此跨入电子自动化时代。1969 ○美国首次登月拍照,并将一架特制500EL型哈色勃莱特照相机留在月球上。 ○日本雅西卡推出首部“光圈优先”型135照相机。 ○中国北京照相机厂的“北京SZ-1”更名为“长城SZ-1”上市(有资料说是在1970年上市)。 ○中国上海照相机厂推出“东风”120单反照相机。并制造出271台“红旗20”135照相机以纪念建国20周年(有资料说是在1970年上市),此外又向市场推出“DF-1型”照相机。1970 ○西德照相机行业开始广泛使用塑料材料,由此开始了照相机塑料化热潮。 ○中国江西光学仪器厂将“上海205”改版为“海鸥205”上市。至1983年更名“凤凰”,形成系列。 ○中国广州照相机厂仿制禄来福来克斯双镜头照相机的“珠江—7型”照相机面世,为我国该类相机之极品。1971 ○日本旭光学公司的世界上第一架光圈优先、TTL测光、自动曝光单镜头反光照相机——潘太克斯ES型问世。 ○尼康F2型照相机上市。 ○日本佳能公司超薄型钛金属帘幕快门第一代专业35mm单反照相机上市。1972 ○美国柯达公司的柯达110袖珍照相机问世,同时生产的110胶卷投放市场,推动了110摄影的发展。 ○美国波拉公司推出长期保密的拳头产品—波拉SX—70彩色即显照相机,该机采用了大规模集成电路和电子快门。 ○美国柯达公司生产出13×17mm的110普及型照相机。 ○中国“孔雀”DF1、“珠江”S—201型照相机问世。 ○中国北京照相机厂试制成功“长城35”照相机。1974 ○日本美能达110单镜头反光照相机问世。 ○中国西湖PT-1小型全金属平视取景的135照相机问世,它重530克。1975 ○日本佳能公司研制成功世界上第一架内装微型电脑的高度电子化单镜头反光照相机-佳能AE-1型,该机是世界 上第一架实现闪光摄影的全自动照相机。 ○日本小西六公司推出内藏闪光灯平视取景照相机——柯尼卡C35EF。 ○日本奥林巴斯公司推出自动动态测光和闪光联动的奥林巴斯OM——2型照相机。1976 ○日本佳能公司研制出第一架带电子微处理器(CPU)的“时间先决、光圈自动”的佳能AE——1P型照相机。该机是首次靠高效率的自动化机器生产而不是用人工生产的照相机,同时创造了单反相机销量的世界记录。 ○日本美能达公司的世界第一架使用110胶卷的小型单镜头反光照相机问世。 ○日本潘太克斯公司推出首架ME Super照相机,其快门纽以上调、下调键代之。 ○中国长春第二光学仪器厂推出“梅花牌”平视取景135 照相机。1977 ○日本小西六公司研制出世界上第一架自动调焦(AF)照相机——柯尼卡C35AF,成为照相机调焦自动化的里程碑。 ○日本美能达公司将时间自控和光圈自控结合于一体,首创出具有二种自动曝光方式的单镜头反光照相机——美能达XD7。 ○中国北京照相机厂的“长城SZ—2”照相机上市。1978 ○日本佳能公司推出世界上第一架集程序自动曝光、光圈优先自动曝光、快门速度优先自动曝光和手动曝光等模式于一体的,有六种曝光模式的自动化程度最高的135单镜反光照相机—“A-1型”单镜头反光照相机。 ○日本美能达公司内藏电子闪光灯并有日期摄入机构的平视取景照相机——美能达HI—MATIC SD型问世。 ○美国波拉公司超声波自动测距调焦即显照相机问世。 ○我国西湖YC-1一步成像双镜头反光照相机面世,重达8公斤。1979 ○日本佳能公司推出曝光、卷片、倒片和闪光全部自动化的佳能AF35M型自动调焦照相机,该机是世界上第一架采用红外线主动式自动调焦方式的平视取景照相机。 ○日本小西六公司研制出世界上第一架在不改变小型轻量机身的前题下,内装自动卷片器、自动曝光、全电子控制的单镜头反光照相机—柯尼卡FS—1。 ○中国江西光学仪器厂生产出“JG301”单反照相机纪念建国30周年。 ○中国海鸥照相机厂推出“海鸥4A—107”金机纪念收藏版照相机。1980 ○日本富士公司研制出装有四位微机处理系统的富士卡AX—3单镜头反光照相机,这标志着照相机现自动化和操作智能化的时代已经开始。 ○日本光学公司推出尼康F3型照相机,首次将液晶显示元件用在取景器的资料显示上。 ○西德莱茨公司的莱卡R4照相机问世,该机将多项先进技术集于一身,再次显示了莱卡的雄厚实力。 ○北京照相机厂推出“长城120DF1”照相机。 ○具有“放大倍率锁定”功能的首型照相机“奥林巴斯AZ -300”面世(有材料认为韩国的701型袖珍变焦照相机为首型机)。 ○中国北京照相机厂的“长城120DF—1”上市。 ○日本小西六公司推出自动装片的“柯尼卡FS—1”型相机,135相机从此实现了自动化。 ○理光推出获欧洲声象协会奖的理光XR—10 AE 135(即CR—10)单反照相机上市。1981 ○西德罗莱公司可调换底片匣莱弗莱克斯SL2000F照相机问世。 ○日本佳能公司推出世界上第一架装备了大孔径镜头(40mm,f /1.9mm)佳能35ML型全自动平视取景照相机。同时上市的还有佳能公司的“佳能AE-1 program型”和“佳能New F-1型”和“佳能型”三款照相机。 ○日本美能达公司研制出电脑程序式高级单反相机—美能达x—700。 ○日本索尼公司发明了世界上第一架不用感光胶片的磁盘照相机——静态视频“马维卡”照相机是模拟信号放大及纪录方式,为非银盐摄影开辟了一条新路,为现今数码照相机的鼻祖(问世时间有作1982年)。 ○日本潘太克斯推出世界上首款商品化附有电子检测焦点装置的135单反照相机——“ME?F型”照相机。 ○中国上海照相机厂生产的“DF-1型”改进型“DF-2”照相机上市。 ○理光XR—S太阳能电池与机内电池并用的光圈优先AE 135单反相机上市。1982 ○美国柯达公司推出世界第一台彩色圆盘胶片照相机。○美国柯达公司推出世界第一台彩色圆盘胶片照相机。 ○日本美能达X-700型高速程序自动曝光模式TTL程序闪光自动曝光模式的照相机上市。 ○日本光学公司推出尼康FM2照相机,采用柯派尔钛膜高速快门和1/200秒闪光同步。 ○日本“富士”公司生产出能说话的“F—55”即显照相机。 ○中国北京照相机厂的“长城120DF—2“上市。 ○中国上海照相机厂的“DF-3型”样机问世,该机型只试制出3台。至90年代初,该系列中带有TTL测光系统的照相机改称为“ETM”型照相机面世。1983 ○日本光学公司研制世界上第
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