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i feel attach to you和i feel attached to you 哪个对?

2023-07-21 18:41:02

feel attached to you正确







attach to是什么意思

一、attach to释义:vt. 依附,附属;加入;使依恋;把?放在二、短语:1、attach cuff to sleeve 车袖头到袖子上 ; 车鸡英到袖子上 ; 车袖头到袖管上2、attach importance to pay 关注3、Attach Data to Blocks 将数据附着到图块上4、attach importance to sth 对某事非常重视 ; 认为某事物重要5、attach h to 使一连 ; 使属于 ; 附属于 ; 系上扩展资料一、attach to同义词:hang onto依附;继续保留;紧紧抓住二、短语1、Hang onto burning wires 倔强将火中之栗在手中紧握2、Hang Onto Your Hats 紧紧抓住你帽子3、Hang onto it 被4、Hang Onto Your Dreams 坚持你梦想
2023-07-21 17:58:311


2023-07-21 17:58:441


2023-07-21 17:58:511

attach to和connect with的区别是什么?

attach to表示“相关,依附” 一般表示一种人的关系 或者 物体的物理关系一般讲人 比如 They are very attached to each other. 他们关系特别密切。但是也可以讲东西的附着关系,比如 The cheque is attached to the letter. 支票已经被附在信件上了。而 connect with 是连接,一般讲的是电器,但是也可以说两个人的思维连接比如 I connect with her idea of.... 我对于她的这一想法有共鸣。如果还有什么问题可以找我~
2023-07-21 17:59:021


Please attach the label to your luggage
2023-07-21 17:59:121

有Importance is attach to 这个句子么 Attach 后面接的是to么 还

attachedattach sth to sth
2023-07-21 17:59:312

become attached to是什么意思

become attached to结缘;对…有依赖;喜爱例句1.attach or become attached to a stem word; of grammatical morphemes.依附于词根上;是一种语法现象。2.Once biofilms become attached to the surfaces of medical devices, they are extremely difficult to expunge.生物膜一旦粘附到医疗器械表面,去除将变的非常困难。3.So when we consume plants, their magnetic fields do not become attached to us.所以我们吃植物,不会被它们的磁场黏住。4.If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem.如果你找到了一个好的方法,并且依附着它,这个方法也许会成为你的下一个问题。5.Without knowing why, I had become attached to the White Tara.不知为何,我开始依赖白度母。6.Sometimes it will be merely the direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you.有时候,你得只是你的想法的方向进入,由低已成为连接到你的振动提示。
2023-07-21 18:00:091

attach importance to do还是doing?

attach importance to 后面如果加上动词do,应该使用其动名词形式 doing,而不是动词原形 do;因为该短语意思是“认为...重要”,其中的 to 视为介词,所以后面加动名词(短语)才对。如:I attach importance to (learning) English. 我认为(学)英语很重要。
2023-07-21 18:00:311

MAYA高手帮下忙,关于Attach to motion path!!!

2023-07-21 18:00:573

It took me quite a long time to ________ the new environment here. A.adapt to B.relate to .

A 试题分析:考查词组:A. adapt to适应B. relate to和…有关,C. apply to适用于D. attach to附上,句意:花了我很长时间才适应这里的新环境。选A。点评:这题考查词组辨析,学生要特别注意同样动词搭配不同的介词和副词的不同。词组的考查没有捷径,只有加强平时的背诵,包括词组本身的含义,一词多义,以及词组和动词的搭配,做题时别忘了弄懂句意和上下文的逻辑关系,进行判断。学生平时要特别注意这方面的积累。
2023-07-21 18:01:041

attach importance to是什么意思

attach importance to是什么意思 重视
2023-07-21 18:01:131

l am attached to you是什么意思?有人回答一下吗?

2023-07-21 18:01:343

attach sth to sth

attach sth to sth使与...相关联
2023-07-21 18:01:513


attach importance to doing /something重视;着重于…;对…给予重视例如:1.Politically, both sides attach importance to deepening the bilateral all-roundstrategic partnership. 政治上,双方都重视深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系。2.Li said the Chinese government will continue to attach importance to thedevelopment of bilateral ties with Bulgaria. 李肇星表示,中国政府将一如既往地重视发展同保加利亚的关系。
2023-07-21 18:02:111

attach importance to是什么意思

2023-07-21 18:02:207


2023-07-21 18:03:192

Xcode 调试之附加到进程

xode 上的debug选项中的Attach to Process Attach to Process by PID or Name 直接根据进程的名字和PID附加
2023-07-21 18:03:261

问sth attaches to sth和sth be attached to sth 的区别?

2023-07-21 18:03:331

be attached to造句?

The hospital is attached to that university .这医院附属于那所大学。The school is attached to the normal college .这所学校附属于师范学院。An electrode is attached to the stylus .针上接着一个电极。The camera is attached to a device .摄象机与一台装置相连。No blame is attached to his act .他的行为无可非议。It"s difficult to find be attached to in a sentence. The stigma of failure is attached to a cost reduction program .降低成本的计划有了失败的痕迹。The connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin .连杆与活塞的连接是采用活塞销。You will be attached to this department until the end of the year .你在年底前将暂属于这一部门。A rigid, precise turntable is attached to the laboratory floor .一架坚固的精密的转台被固定在试验室地上。These elongate sand bodies are attached to a bulge of the mainland .这些长条形砂体连接于主陆的突出部位。Every animal is attached to nothing so much as to its own interest .每一个动物爱无别物,只有他自己的利益。This led to the conclusion that the virus is attached to leukocytes .这就引出结论,病毒是附着在白细胞上的。
2023-07-21 18:03:401


有两种使用RecyclerViewHeader的方法:普通方法(使用起来非常简单,但是它会添加额外的布局,因此效率略低于第二种方法):为header创建一个xml布局(可以包括任意view或者ViewGroup)<FrameLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp"> <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center" android:text="header"/></FrameLayout>使用静态初始方法从xml中创建RecyclerViewHeaderRecyclerViewHeader header = RecyclerViewHeader.fromXml(context, R.layout.header);将RecyclerViewHeader Attach 到RecyclerView,搞定!RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;// set LayoutManager for your RecyclerViewheader.attachTo(recyclerView);Header-already-aligned approach (不会引入任何额外布局):将RecyclerViewHeader布局放在RecyclerView的上层。<FrameLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> < android:id="@+id/recycler" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal|top" /> <com.bartoszlipinski.recyclerviewheader.RecyclerViewHeader android:id="@+id/header" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal|top"> <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:text="header"/> </com.bartoszlipinski.recyclerviewheader.RecyclerViewHeader></FrameLayout>获得RecyclerViewHeader对象:RecyclerViewHeader header = (RecyclerViewHeader) findViewById(;把RecyclerViewHeader赋予RecyclerViewRecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;// set LayoutManager for your RecyclerViewheader.attachTo(recyclerView, true);注意事项RecyclerViewHeader必须在RecyclerView设置了LayoutManager之后调用。目前该库适用于LinearLayoutManager,GridLayoutManager和StaggeredGridLayoutManager布局的RecyclerViews。只支持垂直布局LayoutManager
2023-07-21 18:04:121

be attached to 的翻译及举例

be attached to sb/sth非常喜欢某人或某物 be attached to sth参与某件事或者是某个物体的组成成分 It is easy to be attached to the children you work with
2023-07-21 18:04:221

有attach attention to这个短语吗?

2023-07-21 18:04:301

rtx启动后提示:could not attach to the interrupt for this device

2023-07-21 18:04:381


本文主要介绍采用RecyclerView配合PagerSnapHelper实现短视频滑动播放内容。 主页布局文件定义RecyclerView,为RecyclerView建立对应适配器。 适配器条目中添加视频播放容器FrameLayout及封面ImageVIew. PagerSnapHelper 结合 LinearLayoutManager 实现滑动管理,实现监听任务。 PagerSnapHelper can help achieve a similar behavior to ViewPager. Set both RecyclerView and the items of the RecyclerView.Adapter to have android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams#MATCH_PARENT height and width and then attach PagerSnapHelper to the RecyclerView using #attachToRecyclerView(RecyclerView)}. RecyclerView管理器为LinearLayoutManager 时,默认为纵向滑动,如果想采用横向滑动,就设置其滑动方向为RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL。同理,我们也可以这样采用setOrientation(RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL) 方法去改变滑动方向。 为RecyclerView 设置管理器PagerLayoutManager,设置其Adapter数据内容,进行封面展示,且此时会回调onPageInitComplete()方法,进行首个视频播放。对RecyclerView进行滑动,当页面滑动结束后,会先回调管理器中onPageRelease()方法,此时可对进行中播放器进行停止释放;然后,回调onPageSelected()方法,对选中页面内容进行展示播放。 当滑动后取消时,要进行判断当前位置,避免当前页视频停止或重复播放。 初始化播放器内容 开始播放视频内容,进行播放器视图加载 停止播放,移除视图 例子中采用了自定义空布局的播放器继承自GSY开源播放器,单纯进行视频播放,当然也可以采用其它的播放器饺子或者IjkPlayer等。 布局文件 简单的滑动播放这些就完成了,例子也只是仅仅提供了实现的方法和思路,供大家进行学习参考,实际使用中可以对其进一步地进行封装及处理,接下来也会补充一些滑动播放适配器的数据加载处理以及多布局内容展示等内容。
2023-07-21 18:04:521


宁德时代英文:Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.,Limited宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司成立于2011年,是国内率先具备国际竞争力的动力电池制造商之一,专注于新能源汽车动力电池系统、储能系统的研发、生产和销售,致力于为全球新能源应用提供一流解决方案,核心技术包括在动力和储能电池领域,材料、电芯、电池系统、电池回收二次利用等全产业链研发及制造能力。2017年该公司动力锂电池出货量全球遥遥领先,达到11.84GWh。已与国内多家主流车企建立合作关系,并成功在全球市场上占据一席之地,也成为国内率先进入国际顶尖车企供应链的锂离子动力电池制造厂商。2018年6月11日,深交所公告,宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司人民币普通股股票创业板上市。2019年,宁德时代上榜《财富》中国500强,位列290位。2019年6月11日,宁德时代入选“2019福布斯中国最具创新力企业榜”。2019年10月23日, 2019《财富》未来50强榜单公布,宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司排名第4。2019年12月,宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司入选2019中国品牌强国盛典榜样100品牌。
2023-07-21 18:01:441

英文唔识 帮下忙

1. When Teresa was running in the park she saw an old friend. (While) running in the park Teresa saw an old frined. 2. After she had read the manual she knew how to fix the printer. Ater reading the manual she knew how to fix the the printer. (Having read the manual she knew how to fix the printer). 3. Karen switched off all the lights and air-conditioner and then she left home. After switching off all the lights and air-conditioner Karen left home. (Having switched off all the lights and air-conditioner Karen left home.) 4. When I looked out of the classroom I saw Bessy. Looking out of the classroom I saw Bessy. 5. Kelvin had been hurt in the accident and was sent to hospital. Having been hurt in the accident Kelvin was sent to hospital. 6. Since they knew that the project deadline was ing they worked very hard. Knowing that the project deadline was ing they worked very hard. 7. As Candy had seen this movie before she did not want to watch it again. Having seen this movie before Candy did not want to watch it again. 8. Roger slept in the class and was punished by the teacher. Having slept in the class Roger was punished by the teacher. (Roger was punished by the teacher for sleeping in the class). 9. As Wilson saw the teacher he ran back to his seat at once. Seeing the teacher Wilson ran back to his seat at once. 参考: my experience 1. When Teresa was running in the park she met an old friend. 2. After she read the manual she knows how to fix the printer. 3. Karen switched off all the lights and air-conditioner before she left home. 4. I looked out of the classroom I saw Bessy. 5. Kelvin got hurt in the accident and he was sent to hospital. 6. They worked very hard because they know the project deadline very soon. 7. Candy didn"t want to see this movie again because she watched it before. 8. As Roger was sleeping during the class so he was punished by the teacher. 9. Wilson ran back to the seat when he saw the teacher. 希望帮到你.
2023-07-21 18:01:461


抖音怎么充值?抖音目前是比较主流的刷视频的软件了,大家都喜欢在上面进行点赞和评论,那么抖音怎么充值的呢?下面就和我一起来看看吧! 抖音怎么充值 1.首先打开抖音,然后在我的页面上点击右上角的三条杠。 2.接着点击“钱包”。 3.然后点击“充值”。 4.然后选择自己需要充值的数额进行支付就可以了。
2023-07-21 18:01:461


Hack,顾名思义是修改的意思。 这次普通的词汇在IT上得到了很广泛的应用: 1、针对Discuz!系统,Dvbbs系统等论坛软件的二次修改。 Hack是基于开源的程序的基础,对其代码进行增加、删除或者修改、优化,使之在功能上符合新的需求。 目前,Hack大多和插件混为一谈,其实二者是有很大区别的:插件一般是利用程序的API(接口),复用程序底层,利用一些程序既有的函数和类制作新的小作品,一般有文件的增加,且符合标准的插件,其目录结构和文件名都是有一定格式的(如Discuz!的插件文件需放在plugin目录下)。而Hack则是针对原程序文件的直接修改,在格式上也自然没有太严格的规定,且一般没有文件的增加。 由于基础是开源免费的,一般的Hack也都是开源免费的,许多程序爱好者会根据自己或者朋友的需求,去制作一些小Hack在各个程序的官方交流论坛发布(比如动网的hack就会发布在动网的交流论坛的插件区),以获得站长们和官方的肯定和鼓励。
2023-07-21 18:01:478


2023-07-21 18:01:531


2023-07-21 18:01:541

使命召唤4里的Lock-On Required是什么意思

2023-07-21 18:01:573


GSM为第二代 (2G)移动电话系统,也是当前应用最为广泛的移动电话标准。UMTS是3G标准,属于第三代(3G)移动电话技术。无论是WCDMA还是TD-SCDMA都属于此标准。LTE(FDD与TD)是4G网络,是第四代(4G)移动电话技术,其中分为FDD-LTE和TD-LTE。
2023-07-21 18:02:011

わたしは、あなたを爱しています?Vraiment?Mannequin?Pas?Est-ce vrai!这是什么意思?

わたしは、あなたを爱しています是 我爱你!Vraiment?Mannequin?Pas?Est-ce vrai!这些就不是什么语言了,(不是英语)
2023-07-21 18:02:032

LOCK ON中怎么开启苏25t的雷达

2023-07-21 18:02:052

Candy Paint 歌词

歌曲名:Candy Paint歌手:Too $Hort专辑:Chase The CatBone Thugs-n-harmony - Candy Paint圆咕噜+大屁股=幸福。。。Woo yea, yea,Excuse me, is that candy paint?Them Bone Boys is backCLEVELAND!!!FULL SURFACE!!!Rollin, rollin, roliinHey keep rollin, rollin, rollinHey keep rollin, rollin, rollinHey keep rollin, rollin, rollinWhat you say?I I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!Here come grandaddy alway classin ain"t no nigga badda than thatthey know i"m gangsta 24 on my black caddilacAnd as a matter of fact, flipped it and dipped it in some candy paintsuckas get mad cause they cain"tYour boy Lil Layzie comin through all in that black Monte CarloI"m swtichin lanes, givin lanes like it ain"t no tomorrowIma tryna get around cars with no regards for this trafficlook how i yank it, yea i yank it makin it look like it"s magicIf you see that dash strong ya know what to do, ya know what to do, ya know what to doWe was fittin to roll not gon let me roll ?? watchin for them popos mashin down that 71I I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!Stomp it bash it with my 350 rocket, Cutlaswhite on white it"s tight from bumper to bumper can"t touch thisFor a little for juice i supercharge ityea his rides tight but ain"t tight like mine cause we workin on different ??I swing my doors open, my doors openmy niggas out in Cleveland swing them doors open, doors openBig bumps, big bumps big trunksTry to let off take it to the other sidelets get high, pimpin while i"m deep into my vibeI"ma come with the cleanest I ain"t gon be seen with these niggas don"t know who the team isI love that i breath with Swizz and Bone, nigga that"s whowe isWhatever the purpose it"s Full Surface what chu call architectsto hard to check and if you don"t move we startin shitI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!Gotta have it nigga my weapon is automatic nigganigga stepped his game up when he came up should have thought about it niggaCause these 24 inches spinnin is usually good for makin they heads twirljust try to be nigga when i journey this worldSwitchin lanes, pimpin, switchin lanes, pimpin, switchin lanes, pimpin, switchin lanesWe rollin through your hood like Bone Thugand i doubt if we ever need a gangbang it"s becauseI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!大肉肉~
2023-07-21 18:02:051


2023-07-21 18:02:101

hack 是什么意思是干什么用的

hack vt. 1. 劈,砍;乱砍 One of the police officers was hacked to death by the mob. 一名警官被暴徒砍死了。 2. 开辟(道路、土地) We hacked our way through the thick jungle. 我们在茂密的森林中辟出了一条道路。 3. 【美】【口】对付;处理 I"ve been doing this job for years but I just can"t hack it anymore. 我这份工作已做了好几年,但我再也做不了了。 vi. 1. 劈,砍;乱砍[(+at/away)] He hacked away at the trees all night. 他砍树砍了一晚上。 2. 短促频繁地干咳 n.[C] 1. 劈,砍 2. 劈或砍的工具;斧头 3. 砍痕;刻痕指示 4. 频频的干咳 hack n.[C] 1. 出租的马;骑用的马;老马 2. 【口】出租车;出租车司机 3. 出租马车;出租马车赶车人 4. 雇佣文人;唯命是从的工作人员 That party hack is just in politics for the money. 那位政客从政的目的只是为了钱。 vt. 1. 出租(马等) 2. 雇...写文章 3. 用旧;使变陈腐 vi. 1. 【英】(用普通速度)骑马 2. 【美】【口】驾驶出租车(或出租马车) a. 1. 出租的 2. 雇佣文人做的 3. 陈腐的;用旧的 hack n. 1. 晒架;晒砖台[C] vt. 1. 把...放在架上晒
2023-07-21 18:02:104


2023-07-21 18:01:403

Contemporary World是外刊吗?

您好!可能是国内刊物。 当代世界出版社 的英语翻译为 The Contemporary World Press当代世界出版社始创于1993年9月,由中共中央对外联络部主管主办,是以出版社会科学类图书为主的中央级出版社,出版重点内容为国际政治、世界政党及世界各国的政治、经济、军事、历史方面的有关事件、人物传记等。另外,本社还出版《当代世界》月刊。
2023-07-21 18:01:351


2023-07-21 18:01:351

lock on无法发射导弹

2023-07-21 18:01:284


好经典的片子,最起码有两个一模一样的剧情的. 叫做木头美人.小学还是初中时看的啊.
2023-07-21 18:01:266


2023-07-21 18:01:251


2023-07-21 18:01:224


抖音官网抖币充值在钱包哪里,具体操作方法如下:品牌型号:iPhone12。系统版本: iOS 15.3。软件版本:抖音20.7.0。1、打开手机上的抖音app,在抖音我的页面里点击右上角三横图标后找到钱包功能。2、在抖音钱包的内容里点击抖音币。3、在抖音币的页面里选择充值的金额后再点击立即充值。抖音的特点抖音,是一款音乐创意短视频社交软件,是一个专注年轻人的15秒音乐短视频社区。用户可以通过这款软件选择歌曲,拍摄15秒的音乐短视频,形成自己的作品。抖音App是一款社交类的软件,通过抖音短视频App你可以分享你的生活,同时也可以在这里认识到更多朋友,了解各种奇闻趣事。抖音实质上是一个专注年轻人的音乐短视频社区,用户可以选择歌曲,配以短视频,形成自己的作品。它与小咖秀类似,但不同的是,抖音用户可以通过视频拍摄快慢、视频编辑、特效(反复、闪一下、慢镜头)等技术让视频更具创造性,而不是简单地对嘴型。
2023-07-21 18:01:211


5寸、7寸、10寸等多种照片尺寸如图所示。照片的尺寸是以英寸为单位,照片的“寸”指的是“英寸”,1英寸=2.54厘米 5英寸=12.7厘米讲多少寸,是指长边的英寸数,比如5 x 3.5就是5寸。如果想要批量修改图片尺寸,照片尺寸对照厘米表如图所示,电脑端点击这里免费下载—>> 【AI智能修改标准尺寸,三秒出图】AI智能批量修改尺寸软件,电脑端点击这里免费下载—>> 【AI智能修改标准尺寸,三秒出图】1、点击上方链接直接获取绿色官方正版软件,运行软件安装到本地,启动软件;进入软件主界面可以看到多个功能,可以根据我们的图像选择对应功能,如人像抠图、物品抠图、图章抠图等多种场景;2、软件支持单张添加或者批量添加两种模式,添加完成后AI智能识别边缘区域,直接扣取需要处理的背景,保留发丝细节、根根分明;3、作图区域右侧支持更换背景、更换底色、修改图片尺寸等功能,我们可以根据自己的需求调整,处理完成后点击右下角的保存按钮,直接保存图片即可。以上就是分享给大家的一键修改标准尺寸的方法,大家可以根据自己的需求选择对应的方案,希望分享的方法可以帮助到有需要的小伙伴~
2023-07-21 18:01:202


2023-07-21 18:01:184

The Mixed Tape (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Mixed Tape (Album Version)歌手:Jack"S Mannequin专辑:The Mixed TapeThe Mixed TapeJack"s MannequinEverythingInTransitMixed Tape LyricsJack"s Mannequin-<Everything In Transit>This is mourningThat"s when I spend the most timeThinking "bout what I"ve given upThis is a warningWhen you start the day just to close the curtainsYou"re thinking "bout what I"ve given upWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI"m writing you a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I rearrange the songs againThis mix could burn a hole in anyoneBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofI read your letterThe one you left when you broke into my houseRetracing every step you madeAnd you said you meant itAnd there"s a piece of me in every singleSecond of every single dayBut if it"s true then tell me how it got this wayWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI"m writing you a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I rearrange the songs againThis mix could burn a hole in anyoneBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofAnd I can"t get to youI can"t get to youI can"t get to youyou, youWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI conduct a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I"m cutting through you track by trackI swear to God this mix could sink the sunBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofWhere are you now?(you now)Where are you now?(where are you now?)And this is my mixed tape for herIt"s like I wrote every noteWith my own fingers
2023-07-21 18:01:161


2023-07-21 18:01:122


您好,1.打开驾驶人侧车门,拔出点火钥匙。2.在5秒内插入并拔出点火钥匙2次3.40秒内关闭并打开驾驶人侧车门2次4.插入点火钥匙,并再次拔出5.40秒内关闭并打开驾驶人侧车门2次6.插入点火钥匙。7.关闭所有车门。8.以一秒的间隔转动点火开关,将点火开关由LOCK位转到ON位来选择匹配模式:LOCK-ON 1次为添加模式;LOCK-ON 2次为改写模式;LOCK-ON 3次为确认模式。9.拔出点火钥匙10.40秒内同时按下遥控器上的LOCK键和UN-LOCK键,5秒后放开。11.重复步骤1012.如果遥控器匹配成功,则中控门锁会锁上和开启1次13.如果遥控器匹配不成功,则中控门锁开启和锁上2次14.打开驾驶人侧车门,完成设定。希望可以帮到您,望采纳。
2023-07-21 18:01:115