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2023-07-22 02:55:54
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Dumping - Anti-Dumping


Updated: 2006-10-09 14:58

If a company exports a product at a price (export price) lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market (normal value), it is said to be "dumping" the product.

Dumping can harm the domestic industry by reducing its sales volume and market shares, as well as its sales prices. This in turn can result in decline in profitability, job losses and, in the worst case, in the domestic industry going out of business.

Often, dumping is mistaken and simplified to mean cheap or low priced imports. However, it is a misunderstanding of the term. On the other hand, dumping, in its legal sense, means export of goods by a country to another country at a price lower than its normal value. Thus, dumping implies low priced imports only in the relative sense (relative to the normal value), and not in absolute sense.

Anti dumping is a measure to rectify the situation arising out of the dumping of goods and its trade distortive effect. Thus, the purpose of anti dumping duty is to rectify the trade distortive effect of dumping and re-establish fair trade. The use of anti dumping measure as an instrument of fair competition is permitted by the WTO. In fact, anti dumping is an instrument for ensuring fair trade and is not a measure of protection for the domestic industry. It provides relief to the domestic industry against the injury caused by dumping.

Anti dumping measures do not provide protection per se to the domestic industry. It only serves the purpose of providing remedy to the domestic industry against the injury caused by the unfair trade practice of dumping.

What is anti-duThe anti-dumping duty is the provisional additional duty levied by the importing countries on the imported products which are identified as exporting dumping and bring about damage to the relevant domestic industries in order to boycott the dumping of the exporting countries and protect the domestic industries.

Dumping refers to that the imported products come into Chinese market at an export price lower than their normal value in normal trade.

According to the Regulations of the People"s Republic of China on Antidumping promulgated by the State Council on November 26, 2001 and effective as of January 1, 2002, any natural person, legal entity or relevant organization of domestic industry or representing domestic industry may apply to the MOFI"EC by law for anti-dumping investigation. Based on the results of the investigation, the MOFFEC and the State Economic and Trade Commission may make primary judgement respectively on dumping, damage and the tenability of causality of them.

Where the primary judgement confinus that the dumping is tenable and the dumping brings damages to the domestic industry, the provisional antidumping measures including levying interim anti-dumping duty may be taken.

The level of the interim anti-dumping duty should be matching with the dumping level primarily verified true.

The levying of the interim anti-dumping duty shall be suggested by MOFTEC, determined by the Tariff and Classification Committee of the State Council and then announced by MOFTEC. The Customs shall execute it from the date of its announcement.

The time period of the provisional anti-dumping measures shall be norreally 4 months starting from the date of decision announcement. In case of special circumstances, the time period may be prolonged to 9 months.

Within 60 days after the announcement of the anti-dumping investigation, no provisional anti-dumping measures should be taken.

During the antidumping investigation, the exporters dumping the imported products may promise to the MOFFEC of price change or stopping exportation at dumping price.

Where the MOFFEC believes that the price promise of the exporters may be acceptable, it may suspend or terminate the anti-dumping investigation and will not take the provisional anti-dumping measures or levy anti- dumping duty after discussion with the State Economic and Trade Commission.

Where the exporters break their price promise, the MOFFEC may, after discussion with the State Economic and Trade Connnission, immediately resmne the anti-dumping investigation. Based on the best information available, the MOFTEC may decide to take the anti-dumping measures and may retroactively pursue the anti-dumping duty on the products imported within 90 days prior to the taking of the provisional anti-dumping measure, except for the products imported before breaking the price promise.

Where the decision of the primary judgement justifies the dumping,damage and tenabihty of causality of them, the MOFFEC and the State Economic and Trade Commission should continue the investigation on the dumping and its level, damage and the level of the damage and make the final decision of judgement on basis of the results of the investigation.

Where the final decision of judgement justifies that the dumping is tenable and that it damages the domestic industry, anti-dumping duty may be levied.

The levying of the anti-dumping duty shall be suggested by MOFTEC,determined by the Tariff and Classification Committee of the State Council upon the suggestion of MOFTEC and then announced by MOFTEC. The Customs shall execute it from the date as announced.

The anti-dumping duty is applicable to the products imported after the date of the announcement of the final decision of judgement except otherwise Med.

The payers of the anti-dumping duty shall be the importing businessmen of the dumping products.

The anti-dumping duty should be determined in line with the dumping level of the exporters. In case of need to levy anti-dumping duty on the dumping importation products of exporters beyond the investigation, the antidumping duty should be determined in line with fair form. The level of the anti-dumping duty should not exceed the dumping level determined in final judgement.

Where the final judgement justifies the existence of the material damage and where the provisional anti-dumping measures have been taken before that, the anti-dumping duty may be pursued retroactively to the period of provisional anti-dumping measures.

Where the final judgement justifies the existence of threat of material damage and where the provisional anti-dumping measure have been taken for

the reason that later judgement of material damages would be made if not taking the provisional antidumping measm"es, the antidumping duty may be pursued retroactively to the period of the provisional antidumping measures.

Where the anti-dumping duty finally judged is higher than the interim antidumping duty paid or payable or than the value estimated for guaranty purpose, the part under collected shall be given up. Where the antidumping duty is lower than the interim anti-dumping duty paid or payable or than the value estimated for guaranty purpose, the part of duty overcollected should be rebated based on the practical circumstance or the duty should be recomputed.

The anti-dumping duty may be retroactively pursued to the dumping products imported within 90 days prior to the provisional antidumping measures if the following two circumstances coexist except for the products imported before the case is put on investigation:

a. The dumping products have a dumping history of damaging the domestic industries, or the imposing businessmen of the dumping products know or should know that the exporters are dumping the products and this dumping shall bring damage to the domestic industries;

b. Large quantity of the dumping products are imported in very short period and may serious damage the remedial effect of the antidumping duty.

Where the final judgement determines no antidumping duty to be levied or where the final judgement does not justify the retroactive pursue of antidumping duty, the interim anti-dumping duty already collected should be rebated.

Where the importers of the dumping import products have evidence proving that the anti-dumping duty paid is over the dumping level, they may apply to the MOFTEC for rebate of the duty. Upon examination, checking up and suggestion of the MOFTEC, the Tariff and Classification Committee of the State Council may decide to rebate the duty based on the suggestion of the MOFTEC. The rebate shall be executed by the Customs.

After levying anti-dumping duty on imported products, if the new exporters who do not export to China those products during the investigation can prove that they have nothing to do with the exporters subject to antidumping duty, they may apply to the MOFTEC for separate determination of the dumping level. The MOFTEC should quickly examine that and make final decision of judgement. During the examination, no anti-dumping duty should be levied on those products.

The time period for levying the anti-dumping duty is 5 years at maximum. However, the levying period of the anti-dumping duty may be extended properly if the termination of the levying might lead to continuity or recur rnce of the dumping and damage.

After the effectiveness of the anti-dumping duty, the MOFTEC may,after consulting with the State Economic and Trade Commission and under the condition of fair argument, decide to review the necessity of continuing to levy anti-dumping duty, or may, after fair length of time, decide to re iew the necessity of continuing to levying the anti-dumping duty at the request of the interest party and after examination of the evidence provided by the interest party.

Based on the review result, the MOFTEC shall put forward the suggestions as to maintain, revise or abohsh the anti-dumping duty. The Tariff and Classification Committee of the State Council shall make decision upon the suggestions of the MOFTEC and then the decision shall be announced by the MOFTEC.

mping duty Duties?




Anti-dumping measures are a common mechanism used by countries to protect their domestic industry from unfair trade practices. Canada, in 1904, was the first country to pass modern anti-dumping laws, followed by Australia, France, the U.S. and Britain.

For members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), anti-dumping actions are undertaken through domestic laws but the determinations are subject to WTO rules and scrutiny. Article VI of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs 1994, which serves as the model for anti-dumping laws of countries worldwide, provides detailed rules governing the investigation, application, and determination of anti-dumping actions.

What is Dumping?

If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges in its own home market, it is said to be "dumping" the product. In the simplest case, dumping is determined by comparing prices in two markets. However, in most cases, a series of complex analytical steps are undertaken to complete the appropriate price comparison.

When Are Anti-Dumping Duties Applied on Imported Goods?

Broadly speaking, the WTO agreement allows governments to impose an anti-dumping duty on an imported product if, after investigation, it is determined that dumping is taking place. The extent of dumping is calculated (how much lower the export price is compared to the exporter"s home market price), and there is genuine ("material") injury or threat of injury to the importer"s domestic industry.

What is Injury?

There is no universal definition of "material " injury. Under the WTO, the determination of injury requires an objective investigation, based on evidence of the volume and price effects of dumped imports and the consequent impact of dumped imports on the domestic industry. The examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the domestic industry usually takes into consideration a number of relevant economic factors including the impact on output, sales, market share, profits, capacity utilization, inventories and employment.

How Does the Anti-Dumping Process Work?

The anti-dumping process begins when a formal complaint is received by government (in Canada, it is the Canada Border Services Agency) from a domestic producer that suspects that it is being injured by an imported good it believes is being dumped. An association of producers may also file a complaint. In order to proceed, a complaint must provide appropriate supporting evidence detailing the allegations of dumping and subsequent injury to the domestic market. A complaint must also receive certain levels of support of the producers in the specific industry.

In Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal are jointly responsible for seeing a complaint through from the initial stages of investigation to imposing duties (if any). It is determined whether there is sufficient evidence of dumping, and if so, if the dumped good causes, or threatens to cause, injury to the complaining industry.

Three methods are available to determine the level of dumping. The main one is based on the price in the exporter"s domestic market. When this cannot be used, two alternatives are available - the price charged by the exporter in another country, or a calculation based on the combination of the exporter"s production costs, other expenses and normal profit margins.

In determining if the dumped good is causing injury, all relevant economic factors that have a bearing on the state of the industry must be examined. If the investigation finds that a good is being dumped and that it causes, or threatens to cause, injury to the complaining industry, anti-dumping duties are applied. Anti-dumping duties must expire five years after the date of imposition unless an investigation shows that ending the measure would lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury.





临时决定Provisional decision
2023-07-21 22:09:271


2023-07-21 22:09:402


provisional:供给的;预备的 由provide(提供)变名词provision+al 构成的。
2023-07-21 22:09:531

temporary;transient; contingent; provisional; temporal都表临时的,在英语中有什么区别?

temporal表示“当时或某个时候呈现的状态或动作时的时间”,意味“当时的”provisional 表示“暂时的、尚未解决的”,多用于合同、协议的条款中contingent 表示“可能发生但不一定发生需要依赖一定的环境条件的一种临时状态”transient强调的是“时间短暂”temporary表示“短暂的时间或状态”,强调缺乏持续性,耐性。
2023-07-21 22:10:421


在英国, Provisional Certificate.是实习驾驶员的证书。持有这种证书的人, 必须有教练陪同时才可以上路练习驾驶。但是不能上高速路驾驶。
2023-07-21 22:10:543

provisional patent是什么意思

2023-07-21 22:11:073

provisional rule是什么意思

provisional rule[英][pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259nu0259l ru:l][美][pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259nu0259l rul][法]暂行规定; 双语例句1Regarding CPA legal liability appraisal, the related contents in provisional rule of Chinese CPA legal liability appraisal council should be open to deliberation.对于注册会计师执业责任的鉴定,中注协出台的中国注册会计师执业责任鉴定委员会暂行规则相关规定的内容值得商榷。
2023-07-21 22:11:181

provisional acceptance是什么意思

provisional acceptance临时验收
2023-07-21 22:11:411

provisional result是什么意思

2023-07-21 22:12:054

provisional accept是什么意思

provisional accept的中文翻译provisional accept 临时接受
2023-07-21 22:12:141

provisional payment是什么意思

provisional payment 临时付款临时支付双语例句1.Until such time as each current cost index is available, the Engineer shall determine a provisional index for the issue of Interim Payment Certificates. 在获得所有现行费用指数之前,工程师应确定一个期中支付证书的临时指数。2.Until such time as an appropriate rate or price is agreed or determined, the Engineer shall determine a provisional rate or price for the purposes of Interim Payment Certificates. 在商定或决定了一合适的费率或价格之前,工程师还应为期中支付证书决定一临时费率或价格。
2023-07-21 22:12:242


对啊 behalf 不能做动词滴吧 whoever is out of office 这个偶认为是对的
2023-07-21 22:12:345

外贸合同中的provisional payment,怎么翻译,如果是临时支付款项的话,什么是临时支付啊?

2023-07-21 22:12:532


问题一:一时间的近义词 一时间的近义词 一霎那 一瞬间 一个时期 时间的近义词:工夫、光阴、时分、时候、时刻 找近义词最好是放在原句里,这样会准确些, 问题二:新鲜一时的近义词 新鲜的近义词:新颖 簇新 鲜嫩 崭新 问题三:一时间 同义词 词目:一时间 拼音:yī shí jiān 解释:短时间之内。 近义词: 一下子:1.突然,指时间短暂或动作迅速。2.犹言一次,一回。 一会儿:在很短的时间之内。 一忽儿:一会儿。 问题四:一时半刻 近义词 一时半刻 近义词:一时半霎、一时半晌。 释义:指很短的时间。 出处: 元u30fb吴昌龄《张天师》:“吾今用你坛前仗剑等待,休错吾一时半刻。” 举例造句: 你这么个明白人,怎么一时半刻的就不会体应该人。(清u30fb曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十二回) 问题五:临时近义词是什么 临时 [lín shí] 基本释义 1.事到临头 2.[temporary;casual;contingent;impromptu;provisional;tentative;temporary;occasional;forthetimebeing]非正式的;短期的、暂时的 详细释义 谓当其时其事。 一时;暂时;非正式的。 近义词 且则 偶尔 暂且 暂时 权且 问题六:一时语塞的近义词是什么 无言以对 ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 问题七:显赫一时近义词 显赫一时近义词:@赫一时、盛极一时、名噪一时 显赫一时 【拼音】xiǎn hè yī shí 【释义】显赫:有名声有权势地位的。在一个短时期内名声权势极大 【典故出处】南朝u30fb宋u30fb范晔《后汉书u30fb窦宪传》:“权贵显赫,倾动京都。” 【语法用法】作谓语、定语;指一时名气 【举例造句】他的名气显赫一时
2023-07-21 22:13:021

什么是Provisional_account?拜托了各位 谢谢

虚账e7b (nominal accounts),又称“损益表帐户(income statement account)”、“临时帐户” “ 实账户 ”的对称。期末无余额的账户。 账户按其是否有期末余额分类, 可以分为期末有余额账户与期末无余额的账户。 期末无余额的账户是指期末 结账 时,将本期汇集的借(贷) 方发生额分别从其贷(借)转也,结转后期末没有余额的账户。 损益 类账户一般为期末无余额账户,因此,虚账户通常指损益类账户。 虚账户的发生额反映 会计主体 一定期间的损益情况。记得采纳啊
2023-07-21 22:13:261


申请程序有临时申请(Provisional)和正常申请(non-provisional)、继续申请(continuing application )、部分继续申请(Continuation-in-Part Application)、再颁程序(Reissues)临时申请Provisional:1、为了早日获得申请日,可以没有权利要求,费用与正常申请相比较低。2、可以转变为正常申请。3、自申请日起12月内不要求转为正常申请,则视为放弃且不得恢复。4、正常申请能够要求临时申请的优先权,反之不可。5、只有发明才能享受临时申请的优先权,外观设计没有临时申请。正常申请(non-provisional):1、临时申请可以转变为正常申请。2、收到第一次OA之前都可以主动修改(preliminary amendment)。正常情况下都在18个月公开,实审从申请自动开始(排队等候审查),一般14个月发出第一次OA,只要申请人要求不提前公开,那么PTO不提前公开,ISSUE时再公开。3、在涉及专利性的OA之前,可能发出其他OA,如分案等。期限为一个月。4、OA一般为两次,第二次OA通常就是final OA, final OA答复的期限一般为三个月,申请人最好在两个月内答复,由此审查员会在3个月的答复期限内发出advisory action,这样申请人的下一步行动可以不超出三个月,不用支付延期费用。在advisory action中,会告诉答复“final office action”时的修改是否接受、权利要求的状态以及申请人答复的结果。即便“final office action”的意见为否定的,也应及时答复。5、在答复final OA时的修改,审查员一般不允许进入(即便是能够克服通知书中指出的缺陷),因为审查员需重新检索。申请人可以通过提出继续审查(RCE)克服final OA中的缺陷。6、对advisory action 的答复:1) 如果申请人认为通过修改克服缺陷的可能性大,则提出继续审查RCE;2)如果认为通过修改克服缺陷的可能性不大,且不同意审查员的观点,则考虑提出appeal (很少采用);3)提出继续申请,可以一方面获得审查员同意的权利要求,对于不同意的继续争论,避免被全部驳回。4)必要时会晤。一般是提出RCE,很少用appeal, 因花费高,时间长。继续申请(continuing application ):继续申请: 说明书不能增加新的内容,权利要求可以不相同,但是必须与母案的权利要求涉及相同的主题。主要在以下两种情况下申请a)在final rejection 后,申请人要修改权利。b)审查员允许了部分权利要求,而驳回了部分权利要求(如范围较宽的权利要求),申请人为了使被允许的权利要求早日获得授权,可以在答复OA时删除被驳回的权利要求。对于删除的被驳回的权利要求,申请人可以提出继续申请,同时可以修改权利要求。部分继续申请(Continuation-in-Part Application):说明书增加了新的内容,可以根据说明书中增加的新内容概括出新的权利要求。与重新提出一个新申请没有什么区别,保护期限从母案申请日计算。再颁程序(Reissues):u2022 纠正授权专利的错误和修改授权专利u2022 专利权人提出u2022 不容许增加新内容u2022 授权后两年不容许扩大权利要求范围
2023-07-21 22:13:371

By irrevocable L/C at sight, provisional: 98%, final: 2%

2023-07-21 22:13:462

什么叫provisional admission

2023-07-21 22:13:552

provisional invoice可以作为结汇单据吗

如果信用证明确接受这种单据,那是可以的,不过它一般是会与final invoice一起使用的。正常情况下,provisional invoice不是正式发票,一般不可以做为结汇单据被接受。
2023-07-21 22:14:061

英国 车险 provisional driving license 和 full driving license

以很确定的告诉你,你有了FULL的以后,那个PROVISIONAL 的就没有用了,你用那个上路,警察依然会找你麻烦。你拿到FULL 的以后就通知你现在的保险公司让他们升级,是必须的。一般会追加一些钱的。FULL 的第一年不便宜,甚至更贵,看你投的保险公司的具体条款了。加分吧,我在英国开了2年的车,小心小心,否则麻烦多多
2023-07-21 22:14:182

provisional sums是什么意思

provisional sums 意思provisional sums暂定金额; 如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-21 22:14:291

Provisional headers are shown 解决方法

做一个pc项目 调用某个接口 报错 Provisional headers are shown ,网上查阅了很多资料和解决方案 都行不通,最后发现原因出在 withCredentials 的设置上。 因为所有接口都需要带有cookie信息 所以在创建axios请求时 都设置 withCredentials: true,并封装了通用接口请求 后来有个接口接入 是不需要带有cookie的 ,继续用封装的接口请求就会报错 Provisional headers are shown ,打开浏览器检查发现接口请求报错的原因显示未 CORS error
2023-07-21 22:14:411

随母亲移民持澳洲provisional resident(临时居留签证)!可以回国吗 可以回多久

你好,临时居住签证,是与Permanent visa(永久签证)相对的。临时居留签证时一种临时签证,持有这种签证的人可以在澳大利亚临时居留一段时间,比如475签证(Skilled-Regional Sponsored(Provisional visa),3年临时。Temporary resident:持有temporary visa,称为临时签证,允许持有人进入澳洲或在澳大利亚暂时停留。这种临时签证与临时居留签证(provisional visa)是不同的的。首先这种签证的签证期比较短,例如476签证[Skilled-Recognised Graduate(Temporary)visa],只有18个月;其次这种签证比临时居留签证的限制要多一点。望采纳谢谢! 本司加拿大技术移民30万人民币,不成功不收费!!
2023-07-21 22:15:221

请教一下香港的provisional tax assessment是什么意思?

2023-07-21 22:15:321


2023-07-21 22:15:452


临时的解释[temporary; casual; contingent; impromptu; provisional; tentative; temporary; occasional; for the time being] 非正式的;短期的、暂时的 临时总统 这本参考书临时借用一下 临时办法 详细解释 (1).谓当其时其事。 《后汉书·段熲传》 :“臣每奉诏书,军不内御,愿卒斯言,一以任臣,临时量宜,不失权便。” 唐 张九龄 《敕西州都督张待宾书》 :“自外临时皆委卿量事。” 《 水浒传 》 第二六回:“你到临时,只做去送丧,张人眼错,拿了两块 骨头 ,和这十两 银子 收着,便是个老大证见。” 茅盾 《林家铺子》 三:“我们也算是老主顾,今天先透一个信,免得临时多费口舌, 大家 面子上 难为情 。” 沉从文 《从文自传· 辛亥 革命 的一课》 :“但临时却因军队方面谈的条件不妥,误了大事。” (2).一时;暂时;非正式的。 《后汉书·桥玄传》 :“虽临时戏笑之言,非至亲之笃好,胡肯为此辞哉?” 唐 无名氏 《水部式》 :“其旁支渠,有地高水下,须临时暂堰溉灌者,听之。” 巴金 《寒夜》 二二:“一个破茶杯倒立着,做了临时烛台,现在也被大堆烛油焊在桌上了。” 孔厥 《新儿女 英雄 续传》 第一章:“ 大水 、 小梅 找到这村,天色 已经 黑了,只 依稀 看得见临时支起来的几条电话线通进村去。” 魏巍 《东方》 第四部第十九章:“大批伤员不得不临时 安排 在 朝鲜 的民房里、临时搭成的棚子里, 甚至 桥洞里。” 哭吊之时。 《史记·孝文本纪》 :“非旦夕临时,禁毋得擅哭。” 词语分解 临的解释 临 (临) í 从上向下看,在高处朝向低处:照临。临渊羡鱼(看着深潭里的鱼,很 希望 得到;喻只作空想,不做 实际 工作)。 到,来: 光临 。 莅临 。亲临。 遭遇 ,碰到:临时。面临。 挨着, 靠近 :临近。临街。临终 时的解释 时 (时) í 一切事物不断发展变化所 经历 的过程: 时间 。时不我与。 较长的时间:时代。古时。 泛指一段时间:时光。时令。时分。 现在的,当前的:当时。时下。时务。 时宜 。 常常:时常。学而时习之。 一年
2023-07-21 22:16:091


1 尽职,尽本分 take one"s responsibility2 驱赶 to force out3 暂时;一度 temporarily, once4 在...的时刻 when, at...time
2023-07-21 22:16:162

详解Provisional headers are shown

我们在发送异步请求遇到问题的时候,都会先打开Chrome的控制台来看一下http请求,有时候会在请求头看到 Provisional headers are shown 的报错 这个问题字面意思是“显示了临时报文头”,浏览器第一次发送这个请求,请求被阻塞,未收到响应。当要求浏览器再次发送这个请求时,上个同样的请求都还没有收到响应,浏览器就会报这个警告。 简而言之,就是 请求并没有发出去 。 这种情况出现的情况很多,但原因是多样的,一般有如下几种: 1. 跨域请求被浏览器拦截 现在网站的静态资源都会存在专门的静态域名下面,和实际访问的域名可能不一致。 这种情况基本发生在ajax请求,都是基于CORS来解决这个问题。 可以替换为 2. 服务器未及时响应(超时) 这种特定情况下才会出现,跟服务器关联不大。 3. 请求被浏览器插件拦截 作为一个开发人员,大家的chrome上肯定装了不少的插件。我们可以通过 chrome://net-internals 来根据关键字查找相关请求,然后具体去看相关状态。 4. 该数据直接采用了缓存,并没有发送请求 只从缓存中获得的通信显示为“显示临时标题”(或“执行”),因为该文件是从缓存中获取的,并且未进行通信,所以并不会显示详细标头。 如果上一个资源加载失败,可能导致从缓存加载的资源失败,即缓存资源请求之前的请求不能失败。强缓存from disk cache或者from memory cache,此时也不会显示。 前面提到的那么多情况,其实都是与服务器没有进行或者完成正确的通信,所以只展示临时信息。
2023-07-21 22:16:231

美国布法罗大学provisional Admission(临时入学)是怎么回事?我该怎麽办?求大神帮助解答!!!

I-20上会显示provisional admission吗,这样是否会影响签证
2023-07-21 22:16:302

provisional certificate是什么意思

2023-07-21 22:16:492

provisional application是什么意思

provisional application临时申请请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-21 22:16:582

什么是 prime cost sum & provisional sum

Prime cost sum = sum provided for works to be carried out by nominated sub-contractor and goods to be supplied by nominated supplier 例如电梯工程 雇主通常会属意由特定的公司负责 那根据 standard form of building contract 建筑师有权指明承判商雇用指定的次承判商负责电梯工程. 在出标时 QS 会在 BQ 预算相关的费用 投标者无须落价 而只是落一个 % 作为profit (如标书准许) 及一笔 fix sum 作 attendance. 而做 Interim valuation 及 Final account 时 QS 会将原本的 prime cost sum 扣除 加回真正的做价 (包括 main contractor 的 profit & attendance). Provisional sum = sum provided for works which cannot be entirely foreseen defined or detailed at time of tendering. 例如一些 underground works 未掘地前很多细节及数量都不能准确预计 就可以 provision sum 的形式去处理 到知道实际详情后做回 measurement 及计回实际价钱. 另外 亦有可能是设计未完便赶招标 那未完的部份亦可用 provisional sum 去涵盖. 出标时 QS 会在 BQ 预算相关的费用 投标者无须落价 而只是落一个 % 作为他们的 overheads & profit. 做 Interim valuation 及 Final account 时 QS 会将原本的 provisional sum 扣除 加回真正的做价. Provisional Sum 参考:
2023-07-21 22:17:041

临时董事会是interim 还是provisional board?

provisional board
2023-07-21 22:17:122


想在英国得到驾驶执照,首先要认识一下英国的DSA (Driving Standard Agency)。北爱尔兰的名称是DVTA (The drive & Vehicle Testing Agency)。 DSA(DVTA)是英国的"交通大队",驾照的事都归它管。官方网址是: DSA: DVTA: 下面我们开始申请驾照: Step 1. Get your Provisional License 在你得到英国的正式驾照之前,你要先申请一个Provisional License。可以在就近的Post Office领取申请表格,把填好的表,支票和passport一起寄给DSA就可以了。也可以在当地的DSA申请。价钱27.5磅。有时会有变化。 有了这个驾照,你可以: 驾驶有明显"L"标志的摩托车(125cc以下)。 在有教练陪同情况下,可以驾驶有明显"L"标志的汽车。 教练要具备以下条件: 1. 拥有full-driver license 三年以上。 2. 年龄超过21周岁。 Provisional License有效期两年。如果两年内你没能拿到你的full license,你需要重新申请你的Provisional License。 有了Provisional License,才是刚刚迈出了第一步。接下来就和国内差不多了,考交规,考路考。 Step 2 Pass Your Theory Test 最简单的办法,买一本Official Theory Test 的书,400页左右,考试的题都是从书上出的。电话或寄信申请考试,价格15.5镑。 计算机考试,采用触摸式屏幕。要求考生在40分钟内,完成35道题,正确30道题以上。考试结束马上知道结果。 通过的话会得到一张 "Driving Theory Test Certificate"。有了这张纸你就可以申请路考了。 Step 3 Pass Your Practical Test 申请程序同上。价格50镑左右。(用自己的车) 这一项考试就比较难了,建议参加正规的培训。因为英国的路考要求十分严格,几乎苛刻。 The driving test lasts approximately 38 / 40 minutes (Extended tests will last about 70 minutes)
2023-07-21 22:17:181

如何解决Provisional headers are shown问题

前台测试代码index.html:[html] view plain copy<!DOCOMENT html> <html> <head> <title>测试</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <input type="button" onclick="test();" value="ajax"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function test(){ $.ajax({ type:"get", url:"http://localhost/php5.5/test.php", success:function(data){ alert(data); }, error:function(data){ alert("error"); } }) } </script> </body> </html> 后台模拟数据:[php] view plain copy<?php echo "hello"; ?>
2023-07-21 22:17:262


2023-07-21 22:17:351


澳大利亚移民系统里没有“准绿卡”的说法。一般澳大利亚签证分为:1,provisional visa,这是一种临时签证,持有者只能在澳大利亚境内呆一段时间。海员签证,工作签证等都属于这种签证2,temporary visa,这是一种临时签证,但与provisional visa不同的是,此签证往往和permanent visa配套使用,即先持有临时签证,一段时间之后持有者满足一定条件即可转为永久签证。3,permanent visa,永久签证,相当于美国的“绿卡”
2023-07-21 22:17:451


  单词vision是什么中文意思1   vision的中文意思   英 [vn] 美 [vn]   第三人称复数:visions   名词 视力,视觉; 美景,绝妙的东西; 幻影; 想像力   及物动词 在幻觉中看到; 幻想,想象; 梦见   例句   1. She really is a vision.   她真是个美人。   2. He is a man of great vision.   他是位有远见的人。   3. The lady was a lovely vision.   这位贵妇模样儿长得很美。   4. The vision of the table loaded with food made our mouths water.   看见桌上堆满了食物使我们垂涎欲滴。   vision的词典解释   1. 想象;展望   Your vision of a future situation or society is what you imagine or hope it would be like, if things were very different from the way they are now.   e.g. I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice...   我希望建立一个没有剥削和不公的社会。   e.g. That"s my vision of how the world could be...   那是我对未来世界的想象。   2. 想象;幻想   If you have a vision of someone in a particular situation, you imagine them in that situation, for example because you are worried that it might happen, or hope that it will happen.   e.g. He had a vision of Cheryl, slumped on a plastic chair in the waiting-room...   他想象谢里尔瘫坐在候诊室的一把塑料椅子上。   e.g. Maybe you had visions of being surrounded by happy, smiling children.   也许你曾幻想过被快乐嬉笑的孩子所包围的情景。   3. 幻觉;幻象   A vision is the experience of seeing something that other people cannot see, for example in a religious experience or as a result of madness or taking drugs.   e.g. It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision.   1981年6月24日那天,年轻的村民们首次报告说看到了圣母马利亚的幻象。   4. 视力;视觉   Your vision is your ability to see clearly with your eyes.   e.g. It causes blindness or serious loss of vision...   这能导致失明或视力严重受损。   e.g. In spite of his otherwise excellent vision, he found he was colour-blind.   尽管他视力很好,他却发现自己是个色盲。   vision的双语例句   1. But this may be acquired by a vision of today and tomorrow in Shanghai?   但是这可能是后天的一个远景,今天和明天上海怎么办?   2. In our team, our vision is to strive for quality.   在我们的团队中,我们的愿景是为质量而努力。   3. Board members with vision and experience can rely on some guideposts to help navigate the way to success.   董事会成员可以利用他们的视野和经验,凭着一些信息,把公司带向通往成功的道路上。   4. Color vision is one of the basic modules of machine vision and color information plays a very important role in the techniques of content-based image retrieve, humancomputer interface, virtual and argument reality.   颜色视觉是机器视觉的基本模块之一,它的重要性随着人机交互、基于内容的图像检索、虚拟及增强现实等领域的兴起而日见呈现。   5. When the sun sets, the best removed sunglasses, or we place in low light vision will be affected.   当太阳下山的时候,最好移去太阳眼镜,否则,我们在光线较弱的地方视力都会受到影响。   词根   vis,vid   1= to see 看   advisev. 劝告   ad 做… + vis 看 + e → 使〔别人〕看到 → 劝告   advisoryadj. 劝告的   ad 做… + vis 看 + ory …的 → 劝告的   envisagev. 想像   en 使… + vis 看 + age 表行为 → 看 → 想象   evidencen. 证据   e 出 + vid 看 + ence 性质,状态,行为 → 证据   evidentadj. 明显的   e 出 + vid 看 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 看出来了 → 明显的   improvidentadj. 浪费的.   im 不 + provident 深谋远虑的 → 没有远见的,有钱就花 → 浪费的   invidiousadj. 易招嫉妒的   in 使… + vid 看 + ious …的 → 让人看 →〔易〕招嫉妒的   previsev. 预知   pre 预先 + vis 看 + e → 预先看 → 预知   providev. 预备;供给   pro 在前 + vid 看 + e → 提前看好 → 预备   providentadj. 深谋远虑的   pro 向前 + vid 看 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 向前看的 → 有远见的 → 深谋远虑的   provisionaladj. 临时的;备用的   pro 向前 + vision 眼界 + al …的 → 眼前的 → 临时的   revisev. 修正   re 一再 + vis 看 + e → 一看再看 → 一改再改 → 修正   revisionn. 修正;校订本   re 一再 + vis 看 + ion,revise 的名词 → 修正;校订本   supervisev. 监督   super 上 + vis 看 + e → 在上面看 → 监督   visibleadj. 可见的   vis 看 + ible 可…的 → 可见的   visionn. 视力;眼界   vis 看 + ion 表名词 → 视力;眼界   visionaryadj. 幻想的   vision 视力;眼界 + ary …的 → 幻想的   visualadj. 视力的   vis 看 + ual 有…性质的 → 视力的   visualizev. 使具体化   visual 视力的 + ize …化 → 使〔大家〕看到 → 使具体化   2= to separate 分开   devisev. 设计;想出   de 加强 + vis 分开 + e → 由古义“分开”转化而来   dividev. 分开   di 二 + vid 分开 + e → 一分为二 → 分开   divisionn. 分开   di 二,两 + vis 分开 + ion 表名词 → 分开   dividendn. 股息,红利   di 二,两 + vid 分开 + end 表抽象名词 → 一变二,二变多 → 股息   individualadj. 个人的   in 不 + di 二,两 + vid 分开 + ual 有…性质的 → 不能分开的 → 个人的   individualn. 个人   单词vision是什么中文意思2   名词   1. 视力;视觉   2. 看见;看见的事物   3. 幻觉;幻象;【宗】幽灵   4. 幻想   5. 目光;看法;眼力   6. 绝好的人(或事物)   7.(电视的)图像;回忆场面   及物动词   1. 梦见;想象   2. 显示   词形变化   形容词visional   副词visionally   时态visioned,visioning,visions   单词分析   这些名词均含“视力、视觉”之意。   vision书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识。   eyesight普通用词,指眼睛的正常功能。   sight普通用词,与eyesight同义,可换用,指由实实在在的事物引起的视觉。   perception指视觉,也可泛指其它器官的功能,或引申指敏锐的理解力。   英语解释   a vivid mental image   the ability to see; the visual faculty   a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance   the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses   the perceptual experience of seeing   相似短语   by vision用视觉   tunnel visionn.[医](眼科)管状视,视野狭隘   have vision of想象到   binocular vision双目视觉,双目视觉   color vision彩色视觉,色觉,色视觉   daylight vision明视觉,昼光觉,昼视觉   direct vision直视   mesopic vision黄昏黎明视觉   World Vision世界宣明会 e.g. In Pakistan, 7 aid workers from the Christian group World Vision were killed during   spatial vision立体视觉   相似单词   visionn. 1. 视力;视觉 2. 看见;看见的事物 3. 幻觉;幻象;【宗】幽灵 4. 幻想 5. 目光;看法;眼力 6. 绝好的人(或事物) 7.(电视的)图像;回忆场面 v.[T]   hi vision(日本研制的高清晰度电视系统)高品质电视   after vision后视觉   Hi vision高保真电视   Hi Vision(日本研制的高清晰度电视系统)高品质电视   stereo(scopic)vision立体观察   day vision【医】 昼视症, 夜盲
2023-07-21 22:18:031


  前往异国他乡留学,对于家庭经济条件不错的家庭来说,可能会选择买车作为代步工具。那么怎么考取当地的驾照呢?接下来,我就以澳洲为例,给大家介绍一下澳洲驾照考取的方法。   如果你已经有中国驾照了,又懒得考澳洲驾照,也是可以用的,但需要去澳洲当地认证的翻译机构翻译才能使用。用中国驾照的好处是违规不扣分只罚款,但如果之后你考了澳洲驾照,那么这些分数会统统算进去,说不定你刚拿到驾照就被停用也是有可能的。    考取澳洲驾照的第一步——L牌   L也就是Leaner,Learner license。想要考取澳洲驾照的同学,需要先去附近的RTA (Residential Tenancies Authority)预约或者登陆网上预约交通规则考试(机考),顺利通过后就可以拿到学习驾照,同时会拿到一个日志本。   持L牌的同学必须在有全照的人的陪同下,在各种道路情况下开车,至少进行120个小时的驾驶学习,需要有全照的人签署log book,才允许进行后面的路考。    第二步——红色的P牌   Provisional P1驾照。路考合格以后,就可以拿到 Provisional P1驾照独自驾驶上路了,但开车的时候需要在车前后都贴一个红色的P标志,所以俗称红P牌。   红P是有限制的。无论路况如何,道路限速多少,最高时速不能超过90;驾照只有4分可扣,一旦分被扣光,驾照就会被吊销。红P驾照有效期18个月,持红P驾照12个月以后,就可以申请考Provisional P2驾照了。    第三步——绿色的P牌   也就是Provisional P2驾照。P2驾照是绿色的,驾驶的时候需要在车前后贴绿色的P牌。要取得绿P,需要通过Hazard Perception Test,上机考试大概就是到电脑模拟一个车在前进的路况,电脑显示的是司机的视角,路面上会出现各种情况,需要驾驶员作出反应的时候,就轻点屏幕,根据你是否对需要作出反应的地方都作出反应了,来评判你是否通过。   绿P有效期30个月,最少持有24个月才可以进行下一步。绿P驾照,限速100,有8分可以扣。   持有24个月以后,就可以考最后一个考试Driver Qualification Test(DQT)了。这个是综合考L牌时的交规考试和考红P时的反应考试的综合考试,难度上比前两个要难一些。听起来跟科目四有些像呢~   DQT考试合格以后,你就可获得全照full license了。   感觉澳洲驾照和中国驾照考试流程差不多,需要的同学最好找专业人士指导比较保险。
2023-07-21 22:18:131


一、 美国发明专利申请的流程1.准备申请文件 → 2.向美国专利商标局提交申请 → 3.受理(美国专利商标局发出受理通知书)→ 4.公开(自申请日起18个月,美国专利商标局对专利申请公开)→ 5.实质审查(美国专利商标局对专利申请进行实质审查,申请人须对审查意见通知书答辩)→ 6.授权与公告(如专利申请符合相关法律要求,美国专利商标局对该发明创造授予专利权并公告授权专利)二、 美国外观专利申请的流程1.准备申请文件 → 2.向美国专利商标局提交申请 → 3.美国专利商标局发出受理回执 → 4. 美国专利商标局发出受理通知书 → 5. 美国专利商标局对外观专利申请进行实质审查 → 6. 如美国专利商标局发现申请存在缺陷,就会发出审查意见通知书,申请人须对审查意见通知书答辩 → 7. 如果美国专利商标局对申请审查后没有发现驳回理由,或申请人的答辩意见成功说服了审查员,即向申请人发出授权通知书(在没有授权审查意见通知书就发授权通知书的情形下,时间约为提交申请后15-18个月) → 8. 申请人须在规定时限内缴纳授权费和完成授权手续 (授权通知书邮寄日三个月内) → 9.下发证书
2023-07-21 22:18:243


美国专利三类: 1.发明Utility patent; 2.植物发明Plant patent; 3.外观设计Design patent。 申请程序有临时申请(Provisional)和正常申请(non-provisional)、继续申请(continuing application )、部分继续申请(Continuation-in-Part Application)、再颁程序(Reissues)。 临时申请Provisional: 1、为了早日获得申请日,可以没有权利要求,费用与正常申请相比较低。 2、可以转变为正常申请。 3、自申请日起12月内不要求转为正常申请,则视为放弃且不得恢复。 4、正常申请能够要求临时申请的优先权,反之不可。 5、只有发明才能享受临时申请的优先权,外观设计没有临时申请。 正常申请(non-provisional): 1、临时申请可以转变为正常申请。 2、收到第一次OA之前都可以主动修改(preliminary amendment)。 正常情况下都在18个月公开,实审从申请自动开始(排队等候审查),一般14个月发出第一次OA,只要申请人要求不提前公开,那么PTO不提前公开,ISSUE时再公开。 3、在涉及专利性的OA之前,可能发出其他OA,如分案等。期限为一个月。 4、 OA一般为两次,第二次OA通常就是final OA, final OA答复的期限一般为三个月,申请人最好在两个月内答复,由此审查员会在3个月的答复期限内发出advisory action,这样申请人的下一步行动可以不超出三个月,不用支付延期费用。在advisory action中,会告诉答复“final office action”时的修改是否接受、权利要求的状态以及申请人答复的结果。即便“final office action”的意见为否定的,也应及时答复。 5、在答复final OA时的修改,审查员一般不允许进入(即便是能够克服通知书中指出的缺陷),因为审查员需重新检索。申请人可以通过提出继续审查(RCE)克服final OA中的缺陷。 6、对advisory action 的答复: 1) 如果申请人认为通过修改克服缺陷的可能性大,则提出继续审查RCE; 2)如果认为通过修改克服缺陷的可能性不大,且不同意审查员的观点,则考虑提出appeal (很少采用); 3)提出继续申请,可以一方面获得审查员同意的权利要求,对于不同意的继续争论,避免被全部驳回。 4)必要时会晤。一般是提出RCE,很少用appeal, 因花费高,时间长。 继续申请(continuing application ): 继续申请: 说明书不能增加新的内容,权利要求可以不相同,但是必须与母案的权利要求涉及相同的主题。 主要在以下两种情况下申请: a)在final rejection 后,申请人要修改权利。 b)审查员允许了部分权利要求,而驳回了部分权利要求(如范围较宽的权利要求),申请人为了使被允许的权利要求早日获得授权,可以在答复OA时删除被驳回的权利要求。对于删除的被驳回的权利要求,申请人可以提出继续申请,同时可以修改权利要求。 部分继续申请(Continuation-in-Part Application): 说明书增加了新的内容,可以根据说明书中增加的新内容概括出新的权利要求。与重新提出一个新申请没有什么区别,保护期限从母案申请日计算。 再颁程序(Reissues): ? 纠正授权专利的错误和修改授权专利 ? 专利权人提出 ? 不容许增加新内容 ? 授权后两年不容许扩大权利要求范围
2023-07-21 22:18:441

provisional status student是什么意思?

我想可能是 “借读生” 的意思吧...
2023-07-21 22:18:522

http请求 Provisional headers are shown 跨域 CORS

请求报错 Provisional headers are shown 发现是图片跨域报错了 但是我在OSS里明明加了跨域信息了为啥还会报错? 如果在CDN里设置header跨域信息会覆盖OSS里的,而且CDN只能设置一条白名单记录,http https只能选一个 所以我只能在CDN里 origin设置为 * 就好了
2023-07-21 22:19:001

求问,这个付款方式100% provisional payment (Based on lp analysis) + balance to be 怎么翻

100%支付,暂定依据lp金额,尾款单独安装CIQ金额L/C议付,使用T/T汇款。以上仅仅是翻译,但是这个句子表达问题很多,不建议这样显示在SC或者PI里,最好写的严密点,预付款?%(USDXXX.XX), by T/T 尾款?%(USDXXX.XX),并且写上支付时间
2023-07-21 22:19:071

申请工科硕士,新南威尔士大学给我发了个provisional offer到底代表什么?

2023-07-21 22:19:162

美国专利oa中怎么retrieve claims

美国专利三类:发明Utility patent;2.植物发明Plant patent;3.外观设计Design patent。申请程序有临时申请(Provisional)和正常申请(non-provisional)、继续申请(continuing application)、部分继续申请(Continuation-in-Part Application)、再颁程序(Reissues)。临时申请Provisional:1、为了早日获得申请日,可以没有权利要求,费用与正常申请相比较低。2、可以转变为正常申请。3、自申请日起12月内不要求转为正常申请,则视为放弃且不得恢复。4、正常申请能够要求临时申请的优先权,反之不可。5、只有发明才能享受临时申请的优先权,外观设计没有临时申请。正常申请(non-provisional):1、临时申请可以转变为正常申请。2、收到第一次OA之前都可以主动修改(preliminary amendment)。正常情况下都在18个月公开,实审从申请自动开始(排队等候审查),一般14个月发出第一次OA,只要申请人要求不提前公开,那么PTO不提前公开,ISSUE时再公开。3、在涉及专利性的OA之前,可能发出其他OA,如分案等。期限为一个月。4、OA一般为两次,第二次OA通常就是final OA, finalOA答复的期限一般为三个月,申请人最好在两个月内答复,由此审查员会在3个月的答复期限内发出advisoryaction,这样申请人的下一步行动可以不超出三个月,不用支付延期费用。在advisory action中,会告诉答复“final officeaction”时的修改是否接受、权利要求的状态以及申请人答复的结果。即便“final officeaction”的意见为否定的,也应及时答复。5、在答复final OA时的修改,审查员一般不允许进入(即便是能够克服通知书中指出的缺陷),因为审查员需重新检索。申请人可以通过提出继续审查(RCE)克服final OA中的缺陷。6、对advisory action 的答复:1) 如果申请人认为通过修改克服缺陷的可能性大,则提出继续审查RCE;2)如果认为通过修改克服缺陷的可能性不大,且不同意审查员的观点,则考虑提出appeal (很少采用);3)提出继续申请,可以一方面获得审查员同意的权利要求,对于不同意的继续争论,避免被全部驳回。4)必要时会晤。一般是提出RCE,很少用appeal, 因花费高,时间长。继续申请(continuing application ):继续申请: 说明书不能增加新的内容,权利要求可以不相同,但是必须与母案的权利要求涉及相同的主题。主要在以下两种情况下申请:a)在final rejection 后,申请人要修改权利。b)审查员允许了部分权利要求,而驳回了部分权利要求(如范围较宽的权利要求),申请人为了使被允许的权利要求早日获得授权,可以在答复OA时删除被驳回的权利要求。对于删除的被驳回的权利要求,申请人可以提出继续申请,同时可以修改权利要求。部分继续申请(Continuation-in-Part Application):说明书增加了新的内容,可以根据说明书中增加的新内容概括出新的权利要求。与重新提出一个新申请没有什么区别,保护期限从母案申请日计算。再颁程序(Reissues):? 纠正授权专利的错误和修改授权专利? 专利权人提出? 不容许增加新内容? 授权后两年不容许扩大权利要求范围
2023-07-21 22:19:341

跪求,英语翻译~~在线等 ,急

Placed the district painted Actinomyces Placing qualified core area Provisional release of finished area Car to place the district Impregnation qualified temporary release zone goods Provisional release undesirable chemicals District Forklift to place the district Material placed District Rework Area
2023-07-21 22:19:423


2023-07-21 22:19:491

adroid 在eclipse下建工程出错

1.是android不是adroid2.你的竟然是GNU libgcj 4.4.1?下一个jdk1.6啊 ,别用gcj,如果是哪个地方有gcj就删掉(不会是Linux吧,删了删了,用jdk)3.装好jdk后,配置好环境变量后再装ADT插件(之前的那个Eclipse删了,重新下一个,因为可能被ADT搞坏了)。4.好了,再有问题我也没办法了。ps:貌似你的真是linux?(OS=linux),linux默认都是gcj或者openjdk的,你下一个sun的jdk1.6最好了。gcj和eclipse很不兼容的。
2023-07-21 22:19:561


2023-07-21 22:20:063