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大家来帮忙推荐好歌 高分

2023-07-22 03:11:27




3、刘嘉玲——别让我最后一个才知道(已经是一首很老的歌了,但我依然不愿意从mp3中删掉,歌曲很简单,很清新,她唯一的一首 好歌,我喜欢!)



6、邹芮——让爱重来(电视剧“离婚女人”中的主题歌,我找了好久,去听听吧,看电视的时候还以为是苏芮唱的,虽然没听过这个歌 手,但歌真的好听)







13、钟汶——刺猬(一个新歌手,她的音色很好,歌也不错!我想她会红起来的!还有她的赔偿、过冬都值得听!喜欢她就好象喜欢马 郁一样的)






19、韩红—醒了、那片海(她的好歌太多了,但最爱的还是这两首,特别是前一首,那空灵的声音,真的是太绝了!这就是音乐的魔力 !)

20、顺子——only one(不是英文歌喔!是“第101次求婚”的主题曲,她的音色就不用介绍了吧,“回家”是她的经典歌曲,我认为这一首也算吧! )

21、裘海正——懂爱的人(这首歌已经爱了很多年了,好象是刚谈恋爱时最喜欢听的歌,现在女儿已经6岁了,可依然还是百听不厌, 这也应该算经典吧!不信去听一听!)





24、金莎——第三滴眼泪(有着甜甜嗓音的小女孩,她的歌中我只喜欢这一首,可能是因为词写得好吧,“第一滴眼泪流下的时候你转 身准备走,第二滴眼泪流下的时候你已经离开了”那第三滴泪呢,由听者自己去体会吧!)



27、刘若英—决定(她有很多好歌,可能听得太多的原因,但我一直认为最好的还是应该算这一首吧,我自己喜欢就行了,每次k歌的 时候我都没有唱烦喔)







我看见鲜艳的玫瑰芬芳遍地,我感觉这样的情景那么熟悉,我惊异满街的情人如此甜蜜 我记得这一天你是那么美丽 。红玫瑰 黄玫瑰 盛开在2月14,也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 我的情歌曾为你夜夜唱起 。也许会遇见你 让一切再继续 我的心在原地等待奇迹,我想可以抽完这支烟就忘记 我想可以喝完这杯酒就忘记 ,我想可以唱完这首歌就忘记 我想可以不闭上眼就会想起

红玫瑰,黄玫瑰,哪一束不会枯萎,也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 爱情是生命的一道痕迹。也许会遇见你,让一切再继续 我的心在原 地等待奇迹 。也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 我的情歌只为你夜夜唱起 。也许会遇见你 让一切再继续 我的心在原地等待奇迹。我会去那棵榕树下等候你 我会去那唱片店里等候你 。我会在今夜梦中等候你 2月14的夜晚你会在哪里

(因为近两个月一直在听,那音乐太舒服了!所以忍不住成为今天的首推,歌的意境和旋律真的让我感觉太美了!多听几遍 相信你一定会喜欢的!)


白键是那一年海对沙滩浪花的缱绻,黑键是和你多日不见 弹指间 海岸线你的泪 我的眼 ;模糊 天边 每个人心中都有架钢琴,尘封在回忆,任凭我只是你的插曲 时间偶尔提起 钢琴偶尔哭泣 那些零乱 片段 如果爱还能再重来 我期待澎湃 oh 每次 琴盖打开 便有歌来自大海 如果爱已不存在 我希望有一段精彩 让回忆有所感慨白键是现在我哀悼 昨天成全你改变 ;黑键是原谅我的原谅好想再 弹一遍 手指却 只听见你的道歉

(也是我一直舍不得删掉的歌,特别是歌词,下吧,绝对没错的!我认为这首歌可以和他的i belive同样堪称精典.音乐真的是一种好东西,可以让人这么沉醉、这么享受!


生命就像一条大河 时而宁静时而疯狂 现实就像一把枷锁 把我捆住无法挣脱

这谜样的生活锋利如刀 一次次将我重伤 我知道我要的那种幸福 就在那片更高的天空

我要飞得更高飞得更高 狂风一样舞蹈挣脱怀抱 我要飞得更高飞得更高 翅膀卷起风暴心生呼啸

飞得更高 一直在飞一直在找 可我发现无法找到 若真想要是一次解放 要先剪碎这有过的往

我要的一种生命更灿烂 我要的一片天空更蔚蓝 我知道我要的那种幸福 就在那片更高的天空 我要飞得更高飞得更高 狂风一样舞蹈挣脱怀抱 我要飞得更高飞得更高 翅膀卷起风暴心生呼啸


(真的是令人 荡气回肠啊!很大气的一首歌,这才是男人应该唱的歌,给予人生活的方向,人活着就应该飞得更高!抱着希望听他其它歌,就差远了! )


爬升速度将我推向椅背 模糊的城市慢慢地飞出我的视线 呼吸提醒我活着的证明 飞机正在抵抗地球我正在抵抗你 远离地面快接近三万英尺的距离 思念像粘着身体的引力 还拉着泪不停地往下滴 逃开了你我躲在三万英尺的云底每一次穿过乱流的突袭 紧紧地靠在椅背上的我


回忆像一直开着的机器 趁我不注意慢慢地清晰反覆播映 后悔原来是这么痛苦的 会变成稀薄的空气 会压得你喘不过气 要飞向那里能飞向那里 愚笨的问题 我浮在天空里自由的很无力

(他的歌中这一曲是我最最喜爱的,虽然他是个翻唱王,但这一曲绝对是原汁原味的。第一次听已经是几年前了,老公推荐的,现在依然 百听不厌!这么好听的歌,老公每次k这支歌的时候都必定会引起掌声不断,我感觉比迪克唱得还要投入一些,迪克的稍觉颓废一点!)

5、零点乐队—— 你的爱给了谁

忘了吧曾有过的幸福,算了吧 一切已结束.我知道 她不属于我,我的心 却被带走.失去了一生中 的最爱,想起来叫人心碎.天空漂着冰雪,无法冻结 我的思念.你的爱 到底给了谁,我的心为你 流着泪.

所有的痛 留给伤悲,像你曾经的美丽.你的爱到底给了谁,我的心为你流着泪.谁能 做到不顾一切,像我那样 爱着你.

(听这支歌会有想哭的冲动,一个失恋男人发自心灵的呐喊!如果你心情不好,真的应该去k这支歌,或许能够唱出你的心声,释放坏的 情绪,唱好了这支歌或许能让一个男人更具沧桑感!真的是越听越心碎,越听越爱听啊!)



8、孙楠—留什么给你(一直比较关注他,高亢的歌喉,音域宽广,能高能低,收放自如,他的经典歌太多了,只是我比较偏爱这一首罢 了!还有他的“我爱的她不爱我”、“燃烧”、“拯救”,还是很爱听。我相信你会喜欢他的)

9、张智成—放我的真心在你手心(好象已经是很久很久以前的歌了,但最近听过后,便又不忍心删掉了,那温馨的旋律,轻柔舒缓的音 乐,真的让人沉醉于其中。去享受一下吧!)


11、黄品源—那么爱你为什么(突然觉得这首歌曲的风格好象志上一首歌有几分相似,喜欢就行了!还有他的“狠不下心”也不错的, 虽不是他的主打歌,但不会让你失望的)



14、韩磊—千百年后谁还记得谁(也算一首颇有气势的歌,汉武大帝的主题曲,真的是一首震撼人心的好歌,唱出了男人,英雄的侠义 柔情,刚中有柔,穿越无尽沧桑 。在那种场景之下,音乐响起,再坚强的心也不能不潸然泪下。好歌,真的是好歌!还有一曲“向天再借五百年”,没听过的值得一听)

15、屠洪刚—放手(和韩磊算是一种歌路的歌手,颇有男儿气慨,但我还是喜欢他刚中有柔的歌曲,相信大家都听过他的“你”了,而 我力荐的这一首我相信你一定没听过,多听两遍你会发现很耐听!)


17、小刚—不要问我分手后一个人怎么过(他的经典歌太多了,但我最钟爱他这一首,耐听!以前喜欢他的“黄昏”、“我的心太乱” ,都不错)

18、阿木—某个女人的美(差点忘了推他,从一个组合中单独出来发展的歌手,音色不错,特别喜欢这曲,“我想最难跨越的不是路途 遥远,而是某个女人的美”写得好亦唱得好!还有他的“i love you”也算他的经典之作吧!)

19、林峰—我是一个被爱伤过的人(一个朋友推荐的,也不知是老歌还是新歌,反正好听就行了,喜欢悲伤歌曲的人一定不要错过喔! )


先到这儿吧,因为时间原因,我没有贴歌词了,但相信这都是好歌,都是我十几年来的最爱,现在隆重推出,还在想什么,顶啊!我才有 信心继续啊!先谢谢朋友们!

21、水木年华—一生有你(听一遍便不由自主喜欢上了这支歌,特别喜欢“等到老去那一天,你是否还在我身边,看那些誓言谎言,随 往事慢慢飘散”,它所蕴含的东西太多了!一生有你,其实是很奢侈的,对吧?)

22、谢霆锋——我们这里还有鱼(有一天在朋友的车上听见的,又是一首一听钟情的歌,唱出了男人的痴情,敢爱敢恨!听到这支曲子 一响起我的心就会很平静,变得异常安静。下吧,谁都会喜欢的!)


24、迪克牛仔——最后一首歌(“最后一首歌,我累得不想再使力气,我好想你,更想爱你,只是我早放弃,生命会有奇迹 !”他的歌极具男人的沧桑,每次老公在k这支歌的时候,我都会沉醉于其中,真的是好歌!)


26、黄征——地铁(他的新专辑的歌,我觉得比那首主打歌曲“一个人的战役”值得听,还有他的爱情诺曼底和奔跑,闲时不妨去听听 )



29、李天华—七天七世纪(无意中听到的,却一下子就被吸引了,歌词写得特别好!喜欢悲伤歌曲的人不听会是你的遗憾喔!我想悲伤 的情歌只要用心去唱都会是好歌的!)

30、东来东往——忘了怎么哭(又是一首伤情歌,我真喜欢这首歌,很感性的歌词和旋律,让人感动!伤到极至才会忘了怎么哭吧?虽 然他只是一个网络歌手,但歌不错!)


1、郭峰——在你面前我好想流泪(他有很多好歌,但这支歌最是用情,太投入的话可能你真会流泪喔!"告诉我沧桑后还有的滋味", 喜欢!如果还没听过他的”移情别恋”的快去下吧!)

2、娃娃——飘泮过海来看你(前部分的旋律很美,词曲都不错,其实每次听都会有不同的感受,安静的坐在房间里听这首歌,你会发现不管你是否有同样的经历,你都会感动 !)

3、任贤齐——流着泪的你的脸(其实这首歌好老了,以前听起觉得视觉上挺好。可当再一次听到,突然之间颇为感触,非常耐听。当年 没有流行起来可能是因为被“心太软”给掩盖了,我个人觉得心太软比它差远了!)


5、she——他还是不懂(听第一遍就喜欢上了这歌,特别是歌词和旋律都非常舒服,算是好听的歌吧!基于爱国精神,本来不推她们 的,但对歌不对人吧!理解吗?)

6、梁朝伟——你是如此难以忘记(可能是因为喜欢他人的原因吧,爱乌及屋,所以特别喜欢他的歌,他的沧桑和他的男人味已充分融入 到歌中,还有他的“一天一点爱恋”、“为情所困”,不喜欢都不行!)


8、李碧华——分手 (也是一曲怀旧的经典歌,一直以来都很喜欢这首歌,记得还在念书的时候听过,这么多年了一直没忘记。喜欢这类型歌的人可以一听! )


10、王筝——你还要什么(一个新歌手,朋友给我推荐她的“糖纸”,而我却爱上了这一首歌曲.应该说她的歌都还可以听,去下她的 专辑吧,不会失望的!)


1、易欣——下辈子不要做男人(其实很早就想推这支歌了,只是一直感觉这歌名太给男人丢脸了吧,所以一直压着。其实歌手的声线和 歌的旋律都很不错,还有他的“不顾一切爱你”、”别再说你还爱着我”都算好的情歌吧!)

2、邝文珣——失恋了怎么办(她自己写的曲子,不错吧?她的声音很透彻,很舒服,很适合失恋的人听喔“到底是我不够勇敢,还是你 本来就不爱”最后这句歌词我最喜欢)

3、苏慧伦——相见恨晚、就要爱了吗(一直比较喜欢苏慧伦,但她的歌听得太多了,以前喜欢她的“哭过的天空”、“满足”、“鸭子 ”,但似乎这两首更让我怀念,虽然不比彭佳慧的那首相见恨晚,但也不会让你失望的!)

4、成龙、金喜善——美丽的神话(最好先去看这部电影,然后再听这支歌,你才能体会到歌曲和电影的完美结合,否则你是体会不到歌 的意境的.飞翔时的那情那景会自然而然蹦入你的脑海,一个字:美!)

5、车继铃——最远的你是我最近的爱(老得不能再老的歌了,悲情、伤感、充满磁性的歌声,尽管离今天已经整整15年了,但当车继 铃的歌声复又重来时,似乎他从来没有离开过,值得你再去听一听的)

6、杨林——她比我更好吗(一个太有女人味的歌手,一个温柔甜蜜得有点过分的声音,但当年好喜欢听,现在复又听见,对歌本身还是 那么感兴趣!)


8、徐怀钰——分飞(我喜欢这个歌,歌词的每一句话好象都有它的含义,旋律很简单,但听来感觉很好听,是很容易k的一首歌 "一瞬间,我决堤在今夜,泪底垂,垂在手心里是你的余味"歌词写得太好了!)

9、 温兆伦——随风缘(典型的温式情歌, 很多年前听过这首歌,一直忘不掉,很喜欢歌中那份随意中的感伤,突然间我想到一句话“花自飘零,水自流”难道世间的缘分真的如此 ! 最好在夜里静静地聆听,你会醉在其中!)


1、梦飞船——不值得(虽然听起来好象是运用假声唱的,但有种飘渺的感觉,会让你情不自禁醉于其中,很适合在一间灯光微弱的酒吧 听,音乐环绕在整个酒吧,会特别有味道的!不信去试试!)

2、弦子——醉清风(我知道这歌好听的原因了,是因为它的前奏和孙燕姿的“遇见”如出一辄,会让你不知不觉跟着哼,对于太熟悉的 旋律会有一种亲切感,但还是略逊一筹!不觉得吗?)



4、庞龙——吹眼睛(老公为我推荐的,其实庞龙的音域宽、厚,有种与生俱来的沧桑感,很甜蜜的歌曲都会被唱出沧桑的感觉,他的歌 好听,很大众化。“而如今风又迷了我的眼睛 ,你却早已去远行......”一生能有几人会为你吹眼睛?珍惜吧!)

5、飞儿乐团—lydia(这首歌虽然悲伤,但充满希望,不管怎样,希望和梦想还在,对吗?”你会感受爱感受恨感受原谅 ,生命总不会只充满悲伤”很乐观喔,旋律也好!听一下吧!)


1、候湘婷——暧昧(已经忘记她很长一段时间了,无意见再次听见,就好象邻家女孩那么亲切,清清淡淡的感觉,很恬淡、很舒服!好 象一个纯纯的女孩在轻声诉说她的初恋, 也算一支伤感的情歌吧!还有她的“我是如此爱你”还是可以听的!)

2、苏永康——爱一个人好难(康式情歌中最经典的!最好静静地去细品,足以打动你的心。他不同歌曲有与众不同的尾音,极有吸引力 ,不觉得吗?)

3、张敬轩——断点(他的歌曲很有他独特的个性 ,就象他的长相一样,虽然不是很帅的那种,但是很有个性。同样是一首以旋律见长的歌曲,让人在听第一次的时候就难以忘记。再去体 会其中的深意,方能明白歌中的隐忍与沉重。“静静地陪你走了好远好远,连眼睛红了都没有发现,听著你说你现在的改变,看著我依然 最爱你的笑脸。”笑脸还是那张笑脸,但已经不再属於你时,也许,只有放弃。)

4、陈奕迅——十年(歌词很宿命,却也真实。“情人最后难免沦为朋友……直到和你做了多年朋友,才明白我的眼泪,不是为你而流, 也为别人而流。”他的歌能给人一种很温暖的感觉,亦能把很平淡的歌,唱得很有味道。)

5、萧亚轩——最熟悉的陌生人(我听她的歌不是听歌,而是听她的声音,这是我的一种享受,他的声音非常有磁性,这支歌不是她最优 秀的,但却是我心中最经典的,不管是旋律还是歌词,“因为爱过,所以不会是敌人;因为伤过,所以不会是朋友,只能是最熟悉的陌生 人。”可能是对这首歌最好的诠释。


1、齐秦——往事随风(听齐氏秦歌十几年了,也喜欢了十几年,他出色的声线,略带沙哑,能将刚柔同时达到极致,空灵、优雅... ...但最爱的还是他的“往事随风,心随你动......"太美了!虽然当年不羁的狼已经不复存在,但此时的狼还是一样有成熟男 人的魅力,对吧?)

2、庾澄庆—春泥(喜欢他的表情,喜欢他唱歌时的投入,特别这首歌又是伊能静作的词,旋律和歌词都喜欢,可能是因为喜欢他们的爱 情吧?那是一种经过等待和付出后的相濡以沫,是漫无边际的深爱,她在告诉他,请珍惜! 这歌其实应了一句“落红不是无情物,化做春泥更护花”,还有“情非得已”还是很好听的!)

3、徐婕儿——我可以忍受(又是一个能自己作词的才女!唱功还待提高,但歌非常好听,让人感动的爱情!很少有新人的歌让我听一次 就爱上的,《我可以忍受》做到了 。)

4、关心妍 ——终点(小刚作曲,张敬轩作词,你能说出不好听的理由吗?尤其喜欢“诺言还是抵不过时间”这一句,只是她的粤语歌太多,所以以 前不太关注,听了这支歌便一发不可收拾地喜欢上了她和终点!)

5、许慧欣——7月7日睛(无意间在商场听见的,但自从我一听这一首歌就被它那独有的伤感和美丽所征服! 经典的情歌!歌曲开始很平淡,到了高潮很好听`但好听中还夹杂着凄凉的感觉,就象喜欢一个人一样,给你带来快乐的同时也带来了忧 愁。有一种冰天雪地的感觉 ,好冷!但好听就行了,对吗?)


1、凤凰传奇——月亮之上(第一次是听纪敏佳唱的,感觉不错!结果在网上却意外发现了这个组合,有点天籁之音的感觉,和纪敏佳的 风格炯然不同,韵味更足,感觉好象自己在银色月亮之下的大草原上,尽情的唱歌似的,心情随之飞扬...... )

2、张宇——消息(一首老歌,但却依然感觉亲切,特别最后几句,深情的演绎,特别耐听!“如果说再见是你唯一的消息,我仿佛可以 预见我自己,越往远处飞去,你越在我心里,而我却是你不要的回忆!)

3、袁惟仁——坦白(听他的歌,有点淡谈的感伤,犹如在品淡淡的咖啡,感觉又回到了从前。很多歌星的歌都出自于他,很厉害吧?他 的“征服”、”旋木“强过那两个天后,不信去听一听!而这首坦白却是可以让你听很久很久的歌。)

4、凌飞——印度洋的眼泪(一个网络原创歌手,他的声音有种狂傲不羁的感觉,但又不失细腻,绝对是可以流传的那种音乐。而这首是 为纪念印度洋海啸的,很大气,很悲壮,令人震撼的音乐,你应该去听一听的!还有他的“男人心、傻女人、我的爱有罪”也很好听的! )

5、梁咏琪—— 胆小鬼(曾经最爱她的“短发”,而这支歌第一次听便喜欢上了,特别是她的声音和歌的旋律,让我常常不由自主地哼几句,很轻松!)

1、瞿颖——加速度(这是一首节奏感很强的歌,旋律有点轻快,瞿颖的声线比较适合唱快歌,给人悦心悦耳的感觉,相信我,不管你是 谁,都会喜欢这支歌的!)

2、杨坤——我比从前更寂寞(他的新歌,其实单就歌名就已经吸引了我。旋律感人,词锋特别犀利,真实地刻划了现代人的心理,再加 上他特别的音色,真是把这歌演绎得太好了!以前特别喜欢他的无所谓——“无所谓,谁会爱谁......”风格很是洒脱,我喜欢! )

3、伍佰——挪威森林、浪人情歌、痛哭的人(都是老歌了,但却非常耐听,歌词又是如此完美而富有哲理,音色有一点颓废,有一点酷 。每个人都能在不同的心情去喜欢他不同的歌,我想这也叫经典吧?)

4、孙燕姿——眼泪成诗(这首歌把那种无奈诠释到了极致,音乐,作词,都充满了一种淡淡的惆怅,很抒情的慢歌,也许有人不喜欢这 种风格 但是我说 这首歌真的把我感动了!从她的天黑黑到遇见再到眼泪成诗,似乎看到了一个邻家女孩成长过 程。一个很有味道的女歌手!)

5、林忆莲——默读伤悲(她的嗓音条件得天独厚,音域宽广,风格多变,既有劲爆的快节奏歌曲,也有柔情无比的抒情歌曲。可以豪放 ,可以婉约,既可以大江东去,也可以晓风残月。喜欢听着默读伤悲,再加上一杯热咖啡,静静品尝那种独特的滋味。她的经典太多了: 夜太黑、远走高飞、伤痕、纸飞机......慢慢去听吧!)


  张靓颖:如果爱下去 想你,零点零一分 这该死的爱

  弦子:风筝 是我不可爱 颓废 醉清风



  徐若瑄:亲爱的 别爱我

  蔡淳佳:等一个晴天 蝴蝶


  龚诗嘉:再一次拥有 放不下


  Sister Garden花园精灵:谢谢爱

  林稷安 程于伦:我一直都在

  张玉华:原谅 那又怎么样呢

  杨丞琳:习惯 左边 可爱 找不到 失眠的睡美人 过敏

  GIGI:谢谢你这些日子 不理时间的人

  江美琪:对你有感觉 那年的情书 亲爱的你怎么不在我身边


  TANK:给我你的爱 专属天使



  梁心颐(南拳妈妈LARA):what can i do

  王蓝茵 :恶作剧 遇到

  蜜雪薇琪 :如果不能爱



  容祖儿:别说爱我 爱情复兴 隐形情人


  萧潇:握不住的他 忽略


  爱乐团:放开 LOVING YOU

  苏慧伦:不想想太多 找到幸福那年

  窦智孔 戴爱玲:你和我和他之间

  徐婕儿:错误的相遇 我可以忍受


  飞轮海/hebe: 只对你有感觉

  宫村优子:It"s only the fairly tale



  仓木麻衣:tonight i feel close to you


  Secret of my heart

  happy days

  七公主:love song

  S.E.S:Dreams Come True

  Thank you for everything(不知道是谁的。。)

  dido:thank you

  藤田惠美:Down By The Salley Garden


  薛凯琪: 奇洛李维斯回信

  元若蓝:我好了 绿袖子

  恶作剧之吻:全世界的人都知道 靠近一点点(另一个版本是南拳妈妈的橘子汽水)



  侯湘婷:两个冬天 冷战 我是如此爱你


  顺子:dear friend 写一首歌 only one

  五月天:天使 知足 温柔 纯真 彩虹 超人 忘词 米老鼠 而我知道(很喜欢五月天)

  韩雪:飘雪 一个人的抒情歌 孤单的机票

  罗志祥:灰色空间 小丑鱼 几分

  蔡依林:我要的选择 假装 天空 好想你 心型圈(很多我都喜欢)

  孙燕姿:眼神 雨天 同类 很好 任性

  梁静茹:别人的天长地久 不想睡 一夜长大

  王心凌:我会好好的 当你


  Twins:女人味 我很想爱他 黑色喜剧 你不是好情人 自以为是



  王菲:Eyes On Me

  殷悦:爱多少早知道 爱不在


  徐怀钰:分飞 失踪日记 友情卡片





  SHE:我们怎么了 他还是不懂 我爱你 星光

  范玮琪 :我们可不可以不勇敢

  戴佩妮:怎样 街角的祝福 淡水河边(很多都喜欢)

  阿桑:叶子 一直很安静

  黄淑惠 :热气球 地图 祝你快乐


  Maroon 5 :She Will be Loved

  Lene Marlin :Sitting down Here

  Train :Drops of Jupiter

  Westlife:If i let you go


  If your hearts not in it

  We Are One


  Britney Spears: Everytime

  Mariah Carey:Without you

  Jesse McCartney:Because you live

  Backstreet Boys:How did I fall in love with you

  I want it that way

  Just Want You To Know


  as long as you love me

  Devotion:My Prayer

  Tamas Wells:Valder Fields

  Angela Ammons:Always Getting Over

  Sarah Connor:Just one last dance

  C21:Don`t wanna lose you

  M2M:The day you went away

  Lene marlin:A place nearby

  Toni Braxton:Unbreak my heart

  Donna Lewis:I could be the one

  Darin Zanyar:Sail the ocean

  B What U Wanna B(也叫Peerless)

  Avril Lavigne:Tomorrow

  Timo Tolkki:Are You The One

  Alizee Jacotey:I"m not twenty

  Cry on my shoulder

  The Cranberries:Dying In The Sun


  Fiona Fung:Proud of you

  Sweetbox:More than love

  Groove Coverage: Far Away from Home

  Only love

  7 years and 50 days


  Never had a dream come true(中文版有冯玮君的《一直在找一个人》)

  blue :all rise

  One Love

  You Make Me Wanna

  Kelly Clarkson :Because Of You

  Elvis Presley :Always On My Mind

  Shakira : Underneath Your Clothes



1. 菊花台 (周杰伦) 2. 死了都要爱 (信乐团) 3. 千里之外 (周杰伦)

4. 月亮之上 (凤凰传奇) 5. 秋天不回来 (王强) 6. 离歌 (信乐团)

7. 求佛 (誓言) 8. 今天你要嫁给我 (陶喆/蔡依林) 9. 隐形的翅膀 (张韶涵)

10. 不怕不怕 (郭美美) 11. 黄金甲 (周杰伦) 12. 香水有毒 (胡杨林)

13. 爱的最真 (铁石) 14. 只对你有感觉 (飞轮海/hebe) 15. 为爱而生 (五月天)

16. 听妈妈的话 (周杰伦) 17. 梦里花 (张韶涵) 18. 将军令 (吴克群)

19. 认真的雪 (薛之谦) 20. 暖暖 (梁静茹) 21. 狼爱上羊 (汤潮)

22. 我要为你戒烟 (东来东往) 23. 我想更懂你 (潘玮柏/苏芮) 24. 连哭都是我的错 (东来东往)

25. 蝴蝶泉边 (黄雅莉) 26. 爱 (谢霆锋/蔡卓妍) 27. 爸爸妈妈 (王蓉)

28. 大城小爱 (王力宏) 29. 好姑娘 (李晓杰) 30. 真爱 (张学友)

31. 我不后悔 32. 天使 33. 九公主 (后弦)

34. QQ爱 ( 35. 难道爱一个人有错吗 (郑源) 36. 在你身边 (张学友)

37. 北京一夜 (陈升) 38. 手放开 (李圣杰) 39. 有一种爱叫做放手 (阿木)

40. 西厢 (后弦) 41. 一万个理由 (郑源) 42. 不得不爱 (潘玮柏)

43. 爱我别走 (张震岳) 44. 放开 (爱乐团) 45. 退后 (周杰伦)

46. 为什么相爱的人不能在一起 (郑源) 47. 傻瓜 (苏慧伦) 48. 生日快乐 (刘若英)

49. 海阔天空 50. 夜曲 (周杰伦) 51. 天路 (韩红)

52. 让泪化作相思雨 (南合文斗) 53. 表白 (萧亚轩) 54. 生日礼物 (江涛)

55. 约定 56. 诀别诗 (胡彦斌) 57. 忘记

58. 那一夜 (谢军) 59. 第一次爱的人 (王心凌) 60. 独立 (蜜雪薇琪)

61. 菠萝菠萝蜜 (谢娜) 62. 曹操 (林俊杰) 63. 痛彻心扉

64. 童话 (光良) 65. 不值得 (梦飞船) 66. 三国恋 (Tank)

67. 黑色毛衣 (周杰伦) 68. 不要再来伤害我 (张振宇) 69. 真的爱你 (beyond)

70. 完美世界 (水木年华) 71. 樱花草 (Sweety) 72. 寂寞沙洲冷 (周传雄)

73. 面具 (安七炫) 74. 亲亲 (梁静茹) 75. 发如雪 (周杰伦)

76. 爱我就别伤害我 (刘嘉亮) 77. 上海滩 78. 过火 (张信哲)

79. 我会好好的 (王心凌) 80. 大海 (张雨生) 81. 怎么办 (SHE)

82. 想起 (江美琪) 83. 笔记 (周笔畅) 84. 精舞门 (罗志祥)

85. 一眼万年 (S.H.E) 86. 飘雪 87. 太早 (刘允乐)

88. 简单爱 (周杰伦) 89. 天涯 90. 广岛之恋 (莫文蔚/张洪量)

91. 本草纲目 (周杰伦) 92. 富士山下 (陈奕迅) 93. 对不起我爱你

94. 北极星的眼泪 (张栋梁) 95. 感恩的心 96. 你一定要幸福 (何洁)

97. 如果你不再爱我 (东来东往) 98. 触电 (S.H.E) 99. 恭喜发财 (刘德华)

100. 飞舞 (王冰洋) 101. 希望 (陈慧琳) 102. 反转地球 (潘玮柏)

103. 爱你 (王心凌) 104. 吻别 (张学友) 105. 断点 (张敬轩)

106. 我很想爱他 (Twins) 107. 大喜宙 (花儿乐队) 108. 好久不见

109. 舞娘 (蔡依林) 110. 心雨 111. 好心分手 (卢巧音)

112. 水手 (郑智化) 113. 就是爱你 (陶喆) 114. 后来 (刘若英)

115. 香飘飘 (香香) 116. 光辉岁月 (beyond) 117. 夜的第七章 (周杰伦)

118. 珊瑚海 (周杰伦) 119. 霍元甲 (周杰伦) 120. 曾经最美

121. 桃花朵朵开 (阿牛) 122. 不想长大 (S.H.E) 123. 大舌头 (吴克群)

124. 知足 (五月天) 125. 爱的那么深 (应子栋) 126. 冰雨

127. 念奴娇 (伊能静) 128. 借口 (周杰伦) 129. 暧昧

130. 不痛 (张韶涵) 131. 拯救 (孙楠) 132. 路边的野花不要采 (邓丽君)

133. 睫毛弯弯 (王心凌) 134. 原来爱情这么伤 (梁咏琪) 135. 朋友

136. 如果爱下去 (张靓颖) 137. 老婆老婆我爱你 138. 爱如空气 (孙俪)

139. 那么爱你为什么 (黄品源) 140. 谁动了我的琴弦 (周笔畅) 141. 男佣 (吴克群)

142. 醉清风 ( 弦子) 143. 披着羊皮的狼 (谭咏麟) 144. 一直很安静 (阿桑)

145. 红颜 (胡彦斌) 146. 亲爱的你怎么不在我身边 (江美琪) 147. 七月七日晴 (许慧欣)

148. 没有情人的情人节 (孟庭苇) 149. 勇气 150. 美人鱼

151. 一千年以后 (林俊杰) 152. 一剪梅 (张明敏) 153. 世界末日 (周杰伦)

154. 包袱 (胡彦斌) 155. 蝴蝶 156. 爱很简单 (陶喆)

157. 回来我的爱 (阳一) 158. 第一次 (光良) 159. 吉祥三宝 (布仁巴雅尔)

160. 突然的自我 (伍佰) 161. 爱我的人和我爱的人 162. 一生有你 (水木年华)

163. 冬天快乐 (李宇春) 164. 东风破 (周杰伦) 165. 七里香 (周杰伦)

166. 千千阙歌 (陈慧娴) 167. 一千遍我爱你 (伊能静) 168. 白色风车 (周杰伦)

169. 寂寞在唱歌 (阿桑) 170. 天下无双 (张靓颖) 171. 你到底爱谁 (亮亮)

172. 江南 (林俊杰) 173. 独一无二 (郑秀文) 174. 两只蝴蝶 (庞龙)

175. 一个人哭 (郑源) 176. 我们的爱 (F.I.R) 177. 白色恋人 (游鸿明)

178. 做你的男人 (张信哲) 179. 安静 (周杰伦) 180. 我对天空说 (潘玮柏)

181. 最初的梦想 (范玮琪) 182. 狐狸精 (罗志祥) 183. 小乌龟 (张栋梁)

184. 死性不改 (Twins) 185. 香水百合 (张韶涵) 186. 倒带 (蔡依林)

187. 东南西北风 (黄安) 188. 假如 (金城武) 189. 新回心转意 (黑龙)

190. 今天 (刘德华) 191. 痴心绝对 (李圣杰) 192. 我们能不能不分手 (花儿乐队)

193. 十年 (陈奕迅) 194. 黄昏 195. 祝我生日快乐 (温岚)

196. 挪威的森林 (伍佰) 197. 愿望 (胡彦斌) 198. 独唱情歌 (Tank)

199. 练习 (刘德华) 200. 留什么给你 (孙楠)








avril:slipped away who knows girlfriend fall to pieces my happy ending

孙燕姿:我不难过 奔 绿光 遇见 天黑黑 同类 我得爱 眼神 我也很想他 tme moment 完美的一天 第一天 梦不落

周杰伦:暗号 晴天 轨迹 断了的弦 最后的战役 搁浅 借口 白色风车 双刀 菊花台 珊瑚海

王菲:蝴蝶 笑忘书 当时的月亮 执迷不悔 人间 红豆 棋子 不留 旋目 怀念 天空 暧昧 宽恕 英雄

梁静茹:勇气 分手快乐 亲亲 暖暖 宁夏 我喜欢 燕尾碟 丝路 爱你不是两三天 听不到

菜依林:看我七十二变 说爱你 海盗 倒带 马德里不思议 舞娘 今天你要嫁给我 就是爱 布拉格广场 玩美 假装

王力宏:唯一 一首简单的歌 好心分手 大城小爱 花田错 心中的日月 盖世英雄 星座 你不在 kiss goodbye

陈奕迅:谢谢侬 你的背包 富士山下 爱情转移 十年 明年今日 夕阳无限好

she:触电 痛快 月桂女神 紫藤花 我们怎么了 super star 侯鸟 天灰 绿洲 远方 北欧神话

twins:饮歌 下一站天后 我们相爱6年 瓶中沙 风筝与风 飘零燕 朋友仔

张韶涵:mama mama 欧若拉 不痛 梦里花 泪光 c大调 隐形的翅膀 呐喊 寓言 香水百合 如果的事 遗失的美好

linkin park: numb

green day:wake me up when september ends

boulevard of broken dreams

groove coverage:god is a girl 7years and 50 days

moonlight shadow

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
逆さまの蝶 - snow
No Regret - 幸田来未
プラネタリウム - 大冢爱
seasons 四季 - 滨崎步
Growing of my heart - 仓木麻衣
明日へ架ける桥 - 仓木麻衣
白い雪 - 仓木麻衣
Time after time ~花舞う街で - 仓木麻衣
fall apart again - 大野爱果
Shadows of Dreams - 大野爱果
仆らの街で - KAT-TUN
SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! - KinKi Kids
【2006.11.15】しるし - mr.children
Result - 玉置成実
Pureyes - 伊藤由奈
precious - 伊藤由奈
i"ll be the one - 滨崎步(棋魂)
千の夜をこえて - Aqua Timez
Harmony of December - KinKi Kids
ありがとう - kokia
sad tango - rain
Shake It Up - 幸田来未
うたわれるもの(传颂之物) - Suara
Folly - 坂本真绫
万物初始之风 - 彩云国物语
I Believe - 绚香ayaka
POP STAR - 平井坚
七武士 samurai
ヒトミノチカラ - 观月ありさ
get over - 滨崎步
Only Human - K
みんなひとり - 松たか子
三日月 - 绚香
一色 - 中岛美嘉
keep tryin - 宇多田光
金鱼火花 - 大冢爱
情深意坚 - 平井坚
梦的点滴 - 松隆子


大多数可以在 www.y*****.com 上找到

. 我们相爱6年 (Twins) 2. 青春无敌 (张含韵) 3. 连哭都是我的错 (东来东往)

4. 飘零燕 (Twins) 5. 你要好好的 (侯湘婷) 6. 该死的温柔 (马天宇)

7. 跨越挫


a modren mantra (2)


a moment like this (2)


against all odds--westlifemariah carey (2)


all at once (2)


alone (2)


amarantine (2)


american pie (2)


angels (2)


animal instinct (2)


another day (2)


another day in paradise (2)


anyone of us--gareth gates (2)


anything but ordinary (2)


are you lonesome tonight (2)


beat it (2)


beautiful day (2)


because of you--kelly clarkson (2)


believe (2)


beyond the invisible (2)


big big girl (2)


blue - u make me wanna (2)


blue foundation - as i moved on (2)


blue night (2)


bonnie winds (2)


bop bop baby (2)


bressanon (2)


can u help me (2)


cant get over you (2)


can"t fight the moonlight (2)


careless whisper (2)


casablaca (2)


celebrate the day (2)


chant of the magic flute (2)


cinderella (2)


civil war (2)


climbing the walls (2)


colours of the wind (2)


come on over (2)


cranberries-dying in the sun (2)


crawling (2)


creep (2)


curtain falls (2)


do re mi (2)


do something (2)


dont cry joni (2)


don"t know much (2)


don"t stay (2)


don"t turn off the light (2)


down by the salley gardens (2)


drowning (2)


earth song (2)


earthsong (2)


espiritu (2)


evergreen (2)


evergreen tree (2)


everything i do,i do it for you (2)


falling (2)


father,hear the prayer we offer (2)


feel (2)


feel ) (2)


ferry me across the water (2)


fighter (2)


fix you (2)


fool again--westlife (2)


force of nature (2)


forever at your feet (2)


from this moment on (2)


get it all (2)


give me your love tonight (2)


go west (2)


gortoz a ran (2)


groove coverage - only love (2)


groove coverage - she (2)


guilty (2)


gwerz ar vezhinerien (2)


have a nice day (2)


hello (2)


hey juilet (2)


hey juliet (2)


hey juliet--lmnt (2)


holy virgin (2)


how deep is your love (2)


how you remind me (2)


i always love you (2)


i believe can fly (2)


i believe i can fly (2)


i do it for you (2)


i don"t want to miss a thing (2)


i don"t want to miss a thing--aerosmith (2)


i don"t want to say (2)


i knew i love you (2)


i lay my love on you (2)


i started a joke (2)


i still (2)


i swear (2)


i want to know what love is (2)


i was born to love you (2)


i will come to you (2)


if tomorrow never comes (2)


if you come back (2)


if your hearts not in it--westlife (2)


in bloom (2)


inside of my guitar (2)


it is my life (2)


it"s never rains in southern california (2)


i"ll be there for you (2)


i"m gonna getcha good (2)


jeanette - porque te vas (2)


joe (2)


johnny hates jazz - turn back the clock (2)


journey (2)


jump (2)


just my imagination (2)


kelly clarkson - because of you (2)


kent - quiet heart (2)


killing me softly with his song (2)


kiss me (2)


last christmas (2)


le papillon (2)


letting the cables sleep (2)


let"s get it started (2)


life (2)


life is like a boat (2)


living to love you (2)


ll cool j - i need love (2)


lose yourself (2)


lost without you (2)


love in december (2)


love is blue (2)


love is color blind (2)


love is color blind--sarah connor (2)


love me for a reason (2)


love profusion (2)


may it be (2)


moi lolita (2)


moonlight flower (2)


morphing thru time (2)


my love (2)


my december (2)


my generation (2)


my humps (2)


my love--westlife (2)


my world (2)


mylove (2)


naturaleza muerta (2)


naughty by nature (2)


never had a dream come ture (2)


nobody"s home (2)


nothing gonna chang my love for you (2)


nothing"sgonnastopusnow (2)


o (2)


one (2)


one better (2)


only when i sleep (2)


papercut (2)


points of authority (2)


prayer (2)


pretty young thing (2)


promises don t come easy (2)


promises dont come easy (2)


proud of you (2)


rains & tears (2)


rhythm of the rain (2)


right here waitting (2)


river of babylon (2)


rivers of babylon (2)


all rise

better man

Brown eyes (真命天女)

bye bye bye

Change The World—犬夜叉

colors of winds

Daniel Powter - Bad Day

dragostea din tei

Endless Rain


Here I Am

HINATA VS NEJI-火影三代葬礼的背景音乐


Love is color blind-Sarah Connor

my love

no matter what

one love

Only Love-Trademark

Rhythm of the rain-Cascades

Scarborough fair-Sarah Brightman


the reason


Truly Madly Beeply


Words (男孩地带)



























































KAT-TUN《我们的街道》《I"ll be with you》《绊》







SHE《一起开始的旅程》《围巾》《I"ve never been to me》




日本:blue bird,M<滨崎步>;暗恋,蓝色天空<川岛茉树代> 欧美:my love,the day you went away,pretty boy,It"s Not Goodbye......都是老歌,不过有点不适合压力大的情况下听,平时听一听,节奏感蛮强的~~;my heart will go onwill go on <电影铁达尼号主题曲>适合你的,我也只能说出这些~ 中国;我还是比较倾向光良,陶喆的~我觉得你可能也会喜欢的,先陶喆;寂寞的季节<偶最喜欢的>,MELODY,爱很简单,爱我还是他,angel<很温柔>...... 光良:约定,童话<红啊>,第一次,都是你<我最喜欢的>,如果你还爱我<应该适合你的,很温柔>~ 韩国;这我也不太清楚,只能写下几首流行的:no.1,七色の明日<BOA>;命运<浪漫满屋>;面具<安七炫>;说一声感谢<刘承俊>...... 我就说这些,过多反而听不进,音乐能放松你,希望你压力不要过重~我也蛮像你的,用亢奋的音乐来激活自己~~哈哈,加油!!!!!!!!

















心墙 - bae fong

















































我是SHE的FANS,就给你推荐几首SHE的吧。《我爱你》,《远方》,《候鸟》,《怎么办》,《绿洲》,《天灰》,〈长相思〉,〈落大雨〉,〈我和幸福有约定〉,〈围巾〉,〈谢谢你让我爱过你〉,〈花都开好了〉,〈触电〉,〈我们怎么了〉,〈goodbye my love>。还有就是TANK和SELINA唱的〈独唱情歌〉和HEBE和飞轮海唱的〈只对你有感觉〉。



皇后与梦想 166336 ↓-15% 23701304 174 156963 评论 铃声

2 不哭 148062 ↑+3% 4717744 51 3721 评论 铃声

3 等一分钟 145636 ↑+4% 5320592 81 71900 评论 铃声

4 香水有毒 139091 ↑+9% 81042195 318 213269 评论 铃声

5 爱情乞丐 113955 ↑+38% 2269542 57 30670 评论 铃声

6 我的乌鸦男友 102875 ↑+1% 2964405 57 41173 评论 铃声

7 菊花台 101971 ↑+3% 10180692 179 67422 评论 铃声

8 谁动了我的琴弦 97120 ↑+0% 5797353 119 63708 评论 铃声

9 死心塌地 93672 ↑+12% 4848466 133 4928 评论 铃声

10 死了都要爱 89948 ↑+5% 16736060 336 31341 评论 铃声

11 我们都是好孩子 82701 ↓-1% 12002340 245 44785 评论 铃声

12 月亮之上 70973 ↑+5% 3346200 65 90438 评论 铃声

13 千里之外 68040 ↑+1% 18978758 195 112969 评论 铃声

14 秋天不回来 55742 ↑+5% 61833513 316 213220 评论 铃声

15 god is a girl 55046 ↑+5% 16041669 416 33772 评论 铃声

16 今天你要嫁给我 53179 ↑+5% 7022866 212 36578 评论 铃声

17 我要为你戒烟 51277 ↑+949% 3416700 65 92344 评论 铃声

18 隐形的翅膀 49290 ↑+6% 13922374 316 48009 评论 铃声

19 不怕不怕 48372 ↑+4% 20885068 345 65471 评论 铃声

20 离歌 48251 ↑+1% 8020518 182 36292 评论 铃声

21 菠萝菠萝蜜 47093 ↓-14% 2934228 62 79304 评论 铃声

22 真爱 44031 ↑+6% 9364133 234 22952 评论 铃声

23 求佛 43225 ↑+1% 31715453 331 96400 评论 铃声

24 冰吻 40562 ↑+8% 2493748 91 30788 评论 铃声

25 梦里花 39284 ↑+5% 1473251 56 39818 评论 铃声

26 飞舞 37694 ↑+1% 4768852 138 14151 评论 铃声

27 认真的雪 37317 ↑+5% 12060522 262 50253 评论 铃声

28 黄金甲 36830 ↓-4% 1618654 65 43748 评论 铃声

29 火花 36557 ↑+6% 5054273 172 14483 评论 铃声

30 你的选择 36485 ↑+4% 4197115 108 13852 评论 铃声

31 不想让你哭 33978 ↑+5% 3814094 81 71965 评论 铃声

32 有一种爱叫做放手 32905 ↑+8% 1169463 62 25424 评论 铃声

33 如果爱下去 32633 ↓-62% 12774940 91 107353 评论 铃声

34 狼爱上羊 32608 ↑+2% 23357191 445 48560 评论 铃声

35 好姑娘 31779 ↑+6% 8773522 261 34678 评论 铃声

36 为爱而生 29238 ↓-11% 905439 60 22636 评论 铃声

37 分手那天 29152 ↓-7% 2138584 58 26403 评论 铃声

38 缘分五月 28844 ↑+3% 2030488 91 11036 评论 铃声

39 蝴蝶泉边 28617 ↑+3% 1607005 81 30321 评论 铃声

40 my love 28465 ↑+2% 8452460 237 17946 评论 铃声

41 只对你有感觉 28227 ↑+6% 2355344 71 17193 评论 铃声

42 对不起,我爱你 28196 ↑+3% 6548302 168 9789 评论 铃声

43 我不后悔 27277 ↑+8% 15477465 458 26548 评论 铃声

44 单车恋人 26908 ↓-3% 1374395 74 25932 评论 铃声

45 三国恋 26735 ↑+6% 3200794 85 10034 评论 铃声

46 听妈妈的话 26154 ↑+5% 5302631 177 35117 评论 铃声

47 爱我就别伤害我 25557 ↑+3% 9218350 110 35051 评论 铃声

48 将军令 25458 ↑+4% 2204066 88 27211 评论 铃声

49 天使 25011 ↓-10% 3592831 48 2834 评论 铃声

50 北京一夜 24208 ↑+3% 3946963 65 8139 评论 铃声



我找了很久 是个人劳动成果


0.1 .david usher-black black heart



2.rhythm of the rain (绿箭口香糖广告歌曲)

3.英文groove coverage - far away from home


5.a-teens_- _fire_fly

6.a-teens-around the corner of your eye

7.five days(赤沙印记插曲)

8.布兰妮-pretty young thing(酸酸甜甜的是我英文原唱)


10.Only When I Sleep

11.sister garden 花园精灵-谢谢爱 花样少年少女










21.simple plan - perfect world

22.Only This Moment - Royksopp

23.The End Has Only Begun - Lifehouse

24.wild dances

25.the only things we share

26.enya-amid the falling snow

27:情人节...黄淑惠 唱









slipped away什么意思

意思是溜走,逃走,悄悄离开例句:①Once again, she slipped away.(她又一次逃走)②She quietly slipped away and went home.(她悄悄地溜走,回家去了。)
2023-07-21 22:48:081

艾薇儿 slipped away 歌词中文翻译

Slipped Away<爱已不在> (translator by:angel18) Lyrics offer: 假装没感觉) Na na Na na na na I miss you 我想你 I miss you so bad 我真的好想你 I don"t forget you 无法忘记你 Oh it"s so sad 悲伤 无尽的蔓延 I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的思念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh Na na Na na na na I didn"t get around to kiss you 我不在你的身边 Goodbye on the hand 亲吻你的手 跟你告别 I wish that I could see you again 多盼望 能再见你一面 I know that I can"t 我知道 再也见不到你 I... I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的想念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh I"ve had my wake up 我已经如此清醒 Won"t you wake up 多希望 你和我一样清醒 I keep asking why 我不停的问 到底为什么 I can"t take it 我无法承受 It wasn"t fake 这残酷的事实 It happened you passed by 让我们擦肩而过 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere I can"t bring you back 去了一个我找不到你的地方 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere you"re not coming back 你去了一个不能回来的地方 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same[Chorus2x] 日子 再也不一样了 Oh~~Na na na na na na I miss you 我真的好想你 AvrilLavriling:This song is dedicated in loving memory to my grandpa 艾薇儿:仅以这首歌纪念我亲爱的爷爷,这是我第一次流着泪去完成一首歌~~ Tomorrow 明天...... (translator by:angel18) And I want to believe you 我想要相信你 When you tell me that it will be ok! 当你告诉我那一切都会好的! Yeah I try to believe you 我试着去相信你 But I don"t! 但我不能! When you say that it"s gonna be, 当你说一切会像那样, It always turns out to be a different way. 结果总是不同的方向。 I try to believe you, 我尝试着去相信你, not today.... 不是现在... I don"t Know how I"ll feel, 我不知道怎么感觉到, tomorrow,tomorrow. 不久的,明天。 I don"t Know what to say, 我不知道说了些什么, Tomorrow,tomorrow is a different day. 明天,明天是个不同的一天。 It"s always been up to you.(decide) 总是由你决定。 It"s turning around it"s up to me! 现在轮到我决定一切! I"m gonna do want I have to do 我要去做自己想做的事 Just don"t 或许不要 Give me a little time 给我一点点时间 leave me alone a little while 让我独处一会儿 Maybe is not to late 可能还不晚 no today... 不是现在... I don"t Know how I"ll feel, 我不知道怎么感觉到, tomorrow,tomorrow. 不久的,明天。 I don"t Know what to say, 我不知道说了些什么, Tomorrow,tomorrow is a different day. 明天,明天是个不同的一天。 Hey yeah yeah...... and I know I"m not ready 我知道我没有准备好 Hey yeah yeah...... Maybe tomorrow
2023-07-21 22:48:151

slipped away的中文翻译

2023-07-21 22:48:221

艾薇儿有首歌里面有句话叫什么the day you slipped away.....开头是NaNaNaNaNa......叫什么名了????

歌曲:slipped away歌手:avril lavigne 专辑:under my skin slipped away na nana na na na na nai miss youi miss you so badi don"t forget youoh it"s so sadi hope you can hear mei remember it clearlychorusthe day you slipped awaywas the day i foundit won"t be the sameohna nana na na na nai didn"t get around to kiss yougoodbye on the handi wish that i could see you againi know that i can"ti hope you can hear mei remember it clearlychorusi"ve had my wake upwon"t you wake upi keep asking whyi can"t take itit wasn"t fakeit happened you passed bynow you"re gonenow you"re gonethere you gothere you gosomewhere i can"t bring you backnow you"re gonenow you"re gonethere you gothere you gosomewhere you"re not coming backchorusna nana na na na na nai miss you
2023-07-21 22:48:291

slipped away的歌词 艾微儿的

Slipped Away" I miss you, miss you so bad I don"t forget you, oh it"s so sad I hope you can hear me I remember it clearly The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won"t be the same Ooooh Nah nah la la la nah nah I didn"t get around to kiss you Goodbye on the hand I wish that I could see you again I know that I can"t Oooooh I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won"t be the same Ooooh I had my wake up Won"t you wake up I keep asking why And I can"t take it It wasn"t fake It happened, you passed by Now your gone, now your gone There you go, there you go Somewhere I can"t bring you back Now your gone, now your gone There you go, there you go, Somewhere your not coming back The day you slipped away Was the day i found it won"t be the same noo.. The say you slipped away Was the day that i found it won"t be the same oooh... Nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah I miss you
2023-07-21 22:48:361

slipped away背后的故事

在艾薇儿都柏林演唱会的时候她爷爷去世了,她在演唱会前得到这个消息很难过,然后唱完tomorrow便走了.然后她在自己的第二张个人专集的最后一首歌,为自己的爷爷写了一首Slipped Away
2023-07-21 22:48:441

求Long 2 way 中文歌词

Long long way to go中文歌词——畅想式 You held my hand and then you slipped awayz 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开) And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸 So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚) Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?) And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道 We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的 I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 ) All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you , to you... 对你说... From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲) Turn on the tv and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你) In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象) Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you,I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切) And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你) I only hope you think of me sometimes,oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我) And even through I feel the pain 即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛) I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 ) The time will come ,oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )
2023-07-21 22:48:501

有没有类似艾薇儿Slipped Away的歌,好听的

像girl friend,smile,never say never,overboard,pocer face ,the day you went alway,pretty boy,baby,love me有很多,我刚刚推荐的大部分都是贾斯汀比伯的,最后倒数第四首和第三首比较温柔。当然这也是我的意见,你自己去听听看吧
2023-07-21 22:48:593

5月的Promo Only 有一首歌叫Slipped Away

是Mighty Mystic
2023-07-21 22:49:171


以下是一些孙女悼念奶奶的歌曲:* 《忘不了的奶奶》。* 《晚安,奶奶》。* 《奶奶的澎湖湾》。* 《奶奶的咖啡杯》。* 《奶奶的爱》。* 《奶奶的故事》。* 《奶奶的帽子》。此外,还有《听闻远方有你》,这首歌由刘均创作,刘艺文演唱,也是一首悼念逝去奶奶的歌曲。
2023-07-21 22:49:242


捕风汉子   歌手:温拿&Mr.&草蜢   语种:暂无   所属专辑:38大跃进演唱会   审批文号:暂无 歌词内容  温拿乐队-捕风汉子     昨天有位彷似是   关心我的女子   昨天我于她眼内   找到千篇爱诗   但是象片风的她飘到后   转眼却要飘走象片风疾驰   谁人长夜里苦追忆往事   现她不想要知
2023-07-21 22:49:335

garden promise的歌词

Within Temptation - The Promise LyricsOn behalf of her loveShe no longer sleepsLife had no longer meaningNothing to make her stayShe sold her soul awayI held you tight to meYou slipped awayYou promised to return to meAnd I believedI believedAfter the night he diedI wept my tears until they driedBut the pain stayed the sameI didn"t want him to die all in vainI made a promise to revenge his soul in timeI"ll make them bleed down at my feetI held you tight to meYou slipped awayYou promised to return to meAnd I believedSometimes I wonderCould I have known about their true intentions?As the pain stayed the sameI"m going to haunt them down all the wayI made a promise to revenge his soul in timeOne by one they were surprisedI held you tight to meYou slipped awayYou promised to return to meAnd I believed
2023-07-21 22:49:502

找首英文歌 女声唱的开头是baby baby baby when you 什么的 蛮轻快的

少女时代有首baby baby,你看看是不这首
2023-07-21 22:49:585

寻找:艾薇儿SLIPPED AWAY歌曲的钢琴谱。

2023-07-21 22:50:155


《老人与海》最经典的句子出现在老人战胜第一条鲨鱼之后。老人是这么说的: A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 这句话被很多人引用过,以证明老人具有“硬汉”精神。用汉语表达,它的意思是:一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。 第三次冲向大鱼的是铲鲨。它有一张巨大的嘴巴,老人先让它咬住大鱼,而后用绑在船桨上的刀子刺进它的脑袋。这一次,战斗很快结束了,但老人的刀锋也出现了卷刃。 此后的一段时间里再没有出现鲨鱼。不过,老人已经累坏了:‘You"re tired, old man," he said. " You"re tired inside." (“老家伙,你累了,”他说。“连里面的骨头都累了。”) 黄昏降临,又有鲨鱼向小船游过来。这次是两条: The old man saw the brown fins coming along the wide trail the fish must make in the water. They were not even quartering on the scent. They were headed straight for the skiff swimming side by side. He jammed the tiller, made the sheet fast and reached under the stern the tern for the club. It was an oar handle from a broken oar sawed off to about two and a half feet in length. He could only use it effectively with one hand because of the grip of the handle and he took good hold of it with his right hand, flexing his hand on it, as he watched the sharks come. The two sharks closed together and as he saw the one nearest him open his jaws and sink them into the silver side of the fish, he raised the club high and brought it down heavy and slamming onto the top of the shark"s broad head. He felt the rubbery solidity of bone too and he struck the shark once more hard across the point of the nose as he slid down from the fish. The other shark had been in and out and now came in again with his jaws wide. The old man could see pieces of the meat of the fish spilling white from the corner of his jaws as he bumped the fish and closed his jaws. He swung at him and hit only the head and the shark looked at him and wrenched the meat loose. The old man swung the club down on him again as he slipped away to swallow and hit only the heavy solid rubberiness. "Come on, " the old man said. " Come in again." The shark came in in a rush and the old man hit him as he shut his jaws. He hit him solidly and from as high up as he could raise the club. This time he felt the bone at the base of the brain and he hit him again in the same place while the shark tore the meat loose sluggishly and slid down from the fish. The old man watched for him to come again but neither shark showed. Then he saw one on the surface swimming in circle. He did not see the fin of the other. (老人看见棕色的鲨鱼鳍沿着鱼在水里必须留下的宽阔痕迹游过来。他们甚至没有为寻找气味而停顿过。他们并排朝小船直奔而来。 他控制住舵柄,系好帆脚索,把手伸到船尾拿出棍子。这是一把从断桨上锯下来的桨柄,长约两英尺半。由于能握的部分太短,他只好用一只手有效地使用它。他一边看着鲨鱼游过来,一边用右手紧紧地握住桨柄。 两条鲨鱼紧逼过来。当他看见离他最近的鲨鱼张开大嘴,咬向银色的鱼腹,就高高地举起棍子,狠狠地打下去,砸在鲨鱼宽大的头顶上。他感觉到了橡胶般坚韧的鲨鱼骨。趁鲨鱼从鱼身上滑下来,他又一棍打到鲨鱼的鼻尖上。 这功夫,另一条鲨鱼窜过来又溜走了,现在又张着大嘴杀回来。他直撞到鱼身上,合起嘴巴,老人可以看到白色的鱼肉从他的嘴角冒出来。他朝鲨鱼挥动桨柄,只击中了他的头部。鲨鱼看着他,把咬在嘴里的肉硬扯了下来。在他转身离开吞食鱼肉时,老人再次挥动桨柄,打在他身上,却只打在了那像橡胶层般厚重的表面。 “来呀,”老人说,“再过来。” 鲨鱼冲了过来。老人在他合上双颚之际击中了他。他打得很结实,桨柄尽举得很高。这一次,他感觉到了鲨鱼大脑底部的骨头,在同一个地方又打了一下。鲨鱼缓慢地把肉撕开,从鱼身上滑了下去。 老人等着他再来,可是两条鲨鱼都没有露面。后来他看见有一条鲨鱼在水面打起了圈圈。而另一条,连鳍也没看到。) 老人与鲨鱼的搏斗到此依然没有结束。到了第三天夜里,更多的鲨鱼成群结队而来。老人根本看不清它们,只能凭借它们的游动和吞咬声判断它们的位置,用手里仅有的桨柄进行几近绝望的击打。最后,桨柄竟然被一条鲨鱼咬住,掉进海里,使老人完全失去了武器。 在随后的航行中,由于鱼肉已经被鲨鱼撕扯的所剩无几,老人放弃了继续跟鲨鱼周旋: He sailed lightly now and he had no thoughts nor any feelings of any kind. He was past everything now and he sailed intelligently as he could. In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table. The old man paid no attention to them and didn"t pay any attention to anything except steering. (他现在航行得很轻松,没有任何思想,也没有任何感情。他现在已经把一切都抛在脑后了,只尽其聪明所能地航行着。夜里仍然有鲨鱼袭击大鱼尸体,就像有人从餐桌上捡取面包屑一样。老人对他们毫不理会,除了掌舵,他已经对任何事情都不感兴趣了。) 《老人与海》属于悲剧。它描写的是一个孤独的老人,他面对的是贪婪凶残的鲨鱼。尽管他拼尽所有,展示出面对惊险时个人所具有的高贵品格,但最终的结局,却是不折不扣的失败。 有评论者说,《老人与海》具有深刻的象征性,其中老人象征人类,鲨鱼象征磨难。这样说有一定的道理。但对于文学作品的解读从来就不能搞一言堂, 你可以这样解释,别人也可以那样解释,正所谓:一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特。 所以,我用这么长的篇幅介绍了《老人与海》,却对里面的描写手法和意象背后的含义言之甚少,主要原因,就是希望读者自己去发现,免得被我误导。 突然想起美国作家福克纳的一句名言:我从不看评论家的文章。他们头头是道,却从来就写不出一篇像样的小说。 我可不希望成为被海明威鄙视的评论家。
2023-07-21 22:50:451

If You Could 歌词

歌曲名:If You Could歌手:nemesea专辑:The Quiet Resistance5. If You CouldSadness fills up my empty heartBut you are the one that stole my tearsSafe in your arms I found my peaceOh, and I"m so alone with all my fears nowNot cryingLyingTo find my way throughIf you could see meIf you could hold meFor one last time I"d be okayBut you just left meYou took your chance and slipped away(You softly slipped away)I try to find it in my heartSomething to slowly carry onAnd I"m still cryingLyingI can"t seem to find my wayIf you could see meIf you could hold meFor one last time I"d be okayBut you just left meYou took your chance and slipped awayAnd I know you are goneBut it"s so damn hard for meThough I know you are goneYou are always on my mindSee me, hold meI promise I will be okayIf you could hear meWould you answer me today?If you could, if you could see meIf you could hold meFor one last time I"d be okayBut you just left meYou took your chance and slipped awayIf I could only get the chance to tell youI"m growing stronger everydayIf you could hear meI"d try to tell you in a wayOne day I"ll be okay
2023-07-21 22:50:521

我记得有首歌,末尾总是出现far the way from什么的,这是啥歌啊

far away from home
2023-07-21 22:51:002

silp away什么意思

溜走Time slips away.时间溜走。
2023-07-21 22:51:083

Judith Hill - I Will Always Be Missing You歌词

I Will Always Be Missing You (Lyrics)they took the boxes off the stagemy heart was crushed in disarraythe world was frozen and engagedto find the king had slipped awayi walk through the streetsi feel so alone with questions and painbut the only thing i knowi will always be missing youand your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing youyou held my hand a little whilewe sang a song of lover"s vowsyou looked at me with a graceful smileand then you gave your final bowyou exit the building to never returnand i"m here alone as the memory starts to burni will always be missing youand your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing youyou inspired a dream to make the world a better placei"ll do my best today to carry oni will always be missing youand your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing youi will always be missing you, Michaeland your love will last forever in my hearti will always be missing youcause you changed my life for the betteri will always be missing you-Judith Hill
2023-07-21 22:51:161


第一张:《Let Go》1、Losing Grip 失去控制2、Complicated 超复杂3、Skater Boy 滑板男孩4、I"m with you 跟随你5、Mobile 流浪动物6、unwanted 没人要7、tomorrow 明天8、Anything But Ordinary 决不平凡9、Things I"ll Never Say 难以启齿的话10、My world 我的世界11、Nobody"s Fool 别想玩弄我12、Too much Too ask 要求太过分13、Naked 赤裸裸第二张:《Under My Skin》1、Who Knows 谁懂2、Together 一起3、Take Me Away 带我远去4、Slipped Away 5、Nobody"s Home 没人在家6、My Happy Ending 我的完美结局7、I Always Get What I Want 我总是得到我想要的8、How Does It Feel 是什么感觉9、He Wasn"t 10、Freak Out 11、Fall to Pieces 12、Don"t Tell Me 不要告诉我 是自己翻译的 可能有错别字或不完整 望采纳
2023-07-21 22:51:231

Avril Lavigne好听的歌! 越多越好!

girlfriendinnocencewhat the hellwhen you"re gonehotmy happy endingComplicatedwhyKeep Holding Onwho knows附送一句,Taylor swift 的歌也很好听!^ ^
2023-07-21 22:51:312

艾薇儿Slipped Away空间背景音乐链接。

2023-07-21 22:51:381

One Step Away 歌词

歌曲名:One Step Away歌手:The Mavericks专辑:Music For All OccasionsJulian Drive - One Step AwayA thousand steps from You, saying what"s the useNo matter how I try, I slip and fall and don"t know whyTime and time again, I run from You, trying to liveI do it on my own, in a crowd but feel so alone(I wanna go back)I turn around, I see Your face, open arms for my embraceYou were only one step awayThere is no yesterday, I look ahead without the painYou were only one step awayI think of all I"ve done, I turn again to runHow could You still love me, I"m someone I don"t want to beA whisper in my ear, says release all my fearGrace is here for you, the choice is yours, what will you do?(I wanna go back)I turn around, I see Your face, open arms for my embraceYou were only one step awayThere is no yesterday, I look ahead without the painYou were only one step awayEven though I slipped away, thank you God for saving graceYou were only one step awayI turn around, I see Your face, open arms for my embraceYou were only one step awayThere is no yesterday, I look ahead without the painYou were only one step awayI turn around, I see Your face, open arms for my embraceYou were only one step awayThere is no yesterday, I look ahead without the painYou were only one step awayYou were only one step awayYou were only one step away
2023-07-21 22:51:571


love to be loved by you!
2023-07-21 22:52:058


The olive branch has slipped from my hand, my gun is point to you.
2023-07-21 22:52:204


2023-07-21 22:52:448


1、与其找错误的人相伴,不如选择单身。 It"s better to be single than to be with the wrong person. 2、来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。 Come by chance, go by necessity. So you must, follow the fate unchanged, unchanged follow the fate. 3、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。 Even if the world is deserted, there will always be someone who will be your follower. 4、终于为那一身江南烟雨覆了天下,容华谢后,不过一场,山河永寂。 Eventually for that whole body of Southern mist and rain covered the world, after Rong Huaxie, but for one time, the mountains and rivers are silent forever. 5、幸福就是和爱人一起漫步,幸福就是吃到妈妈的拿手菜,幸福就是孩子在你的脚跟打转。 Happiness is walking with your lover. Happiness is eating your mother"s favorite dishes. Happiness is the children"s turning around your heels. 6、我愿变成一个瞎子,我不想看任何东西,却只想看得到你,我的眼里只要能看到你就够了。 I want to be blind. I don"t want to see anything, but I just want to see you. I just want to see you in my eyes. 7、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。 Every day heartbeat for you, every moment is touched by you, every second worries about you. It"s good to have you. 8、我即将悄然离开这世界,任何饶舌鬼也说不出我在何处。 I"m leaving the world quietly, and no rapper can tell where I am. 9、最凄凉最弄人的不是你知道,失去所爱的那一刻,而是你还在徘徊,犹未知道已经失去。 The saddest and most touching thing is not that you know that the moment you lost your love, but that you are still wandering, still unknown that the road has been lost. 10、我看不见阳光,我闻不到花的芬芳,没有色彩的灰色大地,好荒凉。 I can"t see the sunshine, I can"t *** ell the fragrance of flowers, the grey earth without color, so desolate. 11、愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。 May every meteor in the sky shine for you. 12、只有不伤手的立白,没有不分手的恋爱,没有记不住的表白。 There is no love without breaking up, no expression that can"t be remembered. 13、望穿你眼中的流年,我相信你真的爱过我,就像我当初真的为了你,可生可死。 Looking through the years in your eyes, I believe that you really loved me, just like I was really for you, can live or die. 14、左手倒影,右手年华,执子之手,与子偕老! Left-handed reflection, right-handed years, holding hands, old together with son! 15、女人对男人往往会朝思暮想;男人对女人往往会朝秦暮楚。 Women tend to miss men day and night; men tend to miss women day and night. 16、难道你真的没有感觉到,你对我来说是多么的重要,我的爱不需要再说什么天荒天地老。 Don"t you really feel how important you are to me? My love needs no more to say that the world is old. 17、若你这般温柔地握住我的手,是因为我掌中所有茧的记忆,你能懂。 If you hold my hand so tenderly, it"s because you can understand all the cocoons in my palm. 18、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。 When love is about to end, it will end itself, and then you can"t do without drawing a full stop. 19、我难过,并不是我不能走进你的内心,我难过的是,原来你从来没有相信过我。 I"m sorry, not that I can"t walk into your heart, I"m sorry that you never believed me before. 20、我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么。 I wonder what flashes in your mind when my name slips through your ear. 21、第一次见到你,你似曾相识;第二次,你原来是我的梦中情人;第三次,我已经离不开你! The first time I saw you, you seem to have met; the second time, you were my dream lover; the third time, I can not leave you! 22、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world. 23、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你! You are everything when you are, and everything is you when you are not! 24、你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。 You know, I"ve been lonely for a hundred years only to sing love songs waiting for you for thousands of nights. 25、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己。 At least once in your life, you fet yourself for someone. 26、日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。 Sunrise, East China Sea, West Hill, sorrow and joy are also one day; when things happen, people are fortable, and their hearts are fortable. 27、你轻轻地来,伴随着深邃地眼哞而来,你走到了我地的身边,跨进了我的心扉。 You came gently, with deep eyes, you came to my side, stepped into my heart. 28、也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 Only then can we find the most suitable person for you, who can get along with you for a lifetime. 29、别人能给你的,我不一定能给你。但我保证我能给你的,别人永远给不了!我保证。 I don"t necessarily give you what others can give you. But I promise you what I can give you, no one else can give it forever! uuuuuuuuuu By my troth. 30、很想多陪陪你,无奈身不由己。请谅解,我爱你! I want to acpany you more, but I can"t help myself. Please five me, I love you! 31、如果可以请不要念念不忘,伤口好了,就要舍得离开。 If you can, please don"t fet, the wound is healed, you have to leave. 32、我希望,离别的离别的离别之后,我们总能再相聚。 I hope that after parting, we can always get together again. 33、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。 Loneliness is not born, but begins when you love someone else. 34、有时,我只是想能有个人,紧紧抱着我不放,直到我的心情真的好起来。 Sometimes I just want someone to hold me tight until I feel really good. 35、真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做很多爱你的事。 The person who really loves you will not say many words, but will do many things that love you. 36、人总是在幸福的时刻并没有那么多的幸福感,在失去的时候才感觉那已经是相当的幸福了。 People don"t always have so much happiness in happy moments, but they don"t feel so happy until they lose it. 37、我最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人。你纵容我的习惯,并爱着我的一切! My happiest moment is to find the right person. You indulge my habits and love everything about me! 38、再让我多活一秒,让我和你在一起,拥抱薰衣草在风中的味道。 Let me live another second, let me be with you, embrace the *** ell of lavender in the wind. 39、既然不能够给她婚姻,就不要给她遐想的机会。 Since she can"t get married, don"t give her the chance to daydream. 40、你不是塑料袋,不要总是装啊装啊装啊装的。 You"re not a plastic bag. Don"t always pack and pack. 41、你就像一颗美丽的水晶,洁白无瑕,我就像别人手里的擦布。不擦你就不够漂亮。 You are like a beautiful crystal, white and flawless, and I am like a wipe in the hands of others. You"re not beautiful enough without scrubbing. 42、有时候,露出笑脸,只是不想让你担心或难过。但其实,我没有你想象中那么坚强。 Sometimes, *** ile, just don"t want you to worry or sad. But in fact, I am not as strong as you think. 43、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。 I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because I miss you so much. 44、抓住机会,全心付出,不留遗憾的离开。 Seize the opportunity, give your heart and leave without regret. 45、我们明明不是陌生人,却装旳比陌生人还陌生。 We are not strangers, but pretend to be stranger than strangers. 46、当你特别在乎一个人的时候,他就不会在乎你了,你怎么就永远不懂? When you especially care about a person, he will not care about you, how can you never understand? 47、你是我繁华人生中唯一让我如此心动的男人,你便是我漫长生命里的所有。 You are the only man in my busy life who makes me so excited. You are everything in my long life. 48、我想将对你的感情化作暖暖的阳光,期待那洒落的光明能温暖你的心房。 I want to turn your feelings into warm sunshine and hope that the sunshine will warm your heart. 49、爱情最是让人捉摸不定,两个人好着好着就分了;两个人吵着吵着就好了。 Love is the most elusive, o people are good, they will be separated; o people quarrel just fine. 50、如果有来世,我愿意做你的瞳孔,在你照镜子的时候,可以把你最深情的注视给我! If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil, when you look in the mirror, you can give me your most affectionate gaze! 51、爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。 Love is my own perfection, I no longer lack something. 52、最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。 The most annoying feeling is not to be a stranger, but to be gradually unfamiliar with the attitude. 53、我知道爱要自由才能快乐,我却宁愿留在你身边,陪你,陪你走过。 I know love needs freedom to be happy, but I would rather stay with you, acpany you, acpany you through. 54、爱是缘分,爱是感动,爱是习惯,爱是宽容,爱是牺牲,爱是体谅,爱是一辈子的承诺。 Love is fate, love is touching, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifelong mitment. 55、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 Love is a burden I can"t afford. Love words are just lies cashed by chance. 56、很后悔认识了你,你让我感受到你不在我身边时的痛苦。 I regret knowing you. You made me feel the pain when you were not around me. 57、我还在原地,用温情和寂寞织一张相思的网,等你。 I am still in place, with warmth and loneliness to weave a neork of love, waiting for you. 58、地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。 The earth is still turning, the world is still changeable, and I love you forever. 59、我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。 The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you. 60、你以为,我可以什么都不在乎。其实,我也只是一个女孩,也是会偷偷地掉泪的。 You think I can care nothing. In fact, I am only a girl, and I will secretly shed tears. 61、为什么在这个时候你会说想我,感情的缘份已经溜走,我爱你的时候你在哪里! Why do you say at this time that you miss me, the fate of feeling has slipped away, where were you when I loved you? 62、有的人对你好,是因为你对他好,有的人对你好,是因为懂得你的好。 Some people are good to you, because you are good to him, some people are good to you, because they know your good. 63、请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 Please tell me you are mine. Every year, I belong to you, forever and ever. 64、当我真正爱上了你,我发现,最终我想要的,只是你能快乐。哪怕,不是与你。 When I really fell in love with you, I found that, in the end, all I wanted was that you could be happy. Even if it"s not with you.
2023-07-21 22:53:091

SLIPPED AWAY 是什么意思???急!!!

2023-07-21 22:53:282

Slipped Away 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Let Go/Under My SkinSlipped AwayNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:53:351

Slipped Away 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Under My SkinSlipped AwayAvril LavigneNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:53:421

Slipped Away 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Diamond CollectionSlipped AwayAvril LavigneNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:53:491

Slipped Away 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Bonez Tour In Osaka JapanSlipped AwayAvril LavigneNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:53:561


2023-07-21 22:54:031

Slipped Away 歌词

Slipped Away<爱已不在> (假装没感觉) Na na Na na na na I miss you 我想你 I miss you so bad 我真的好想你 I don"t forget you 无法忘记你 Oh it"s so sad 悲伤 无尽的蔓延 I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的思念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh Na na Na na na na I didn"t get around to kiss you 我不在你的身边 Goodbye on the hand 亲吻你的手 跟你告别 I wish that I could see you again 多盼望 能再见你一面 I know that I can"t 我知道 再也见不到你 I... I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的想念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh I"ve had my wake up 我已经如此清醒 Won"t you wake up 多希望 你和我一样清醒 I keep asking why 我不停的问 到底为什么 I can"t take it 我无法承受 It wasn"t fake 这残酷的事实 It happened you passed by 让我们擦肩而过 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere I can"t bring you back 去了一个我找不到你的地方 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere you"re not coming back 你去了一个不能回来的地方 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same[Chorus2x] 日子 再也不一样了 Oh~~Na na na na na na I miss you 我真的好想你<收起
2023-07-21 22:54:101

Slipped Away (Ballad Of Lauretha Vaird) 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away (Ballad Of Lauretha Vaird)歌手:G. Love & Special Sauce专辑:Yeah, It"S That EasySlipped AwayNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:54:171

艾薇儿的 的歌词翻译谁有?

Slipped Away<爱已不在> (translator by:angel18) Lyrics offer: 假装没感觉) Na na Na na na na I miss you 我想你 I miss you so bad 我真的好想你 I don"t forget you 无法忘记你 Oh it"s so sad 悲伤 无尽的蔓延 I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的思念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh Na na Na na na na I didn"t get around to kiss you 我不在你的身边 Goodbye on the hand 亲吻你的手 跟你告别 I wish that I could see you again 多盼望 能再见你一面 I know that I can"t 我知道 再也见不到你 I... I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的想念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh I"ve had my wake up 我已经如此清醒 Won"t you wake up 多希望 你和我一样清醒 I keep asking why 我不停的问 到底为什么 I can"t take it 我无法承受 It wasn"t fake 这残酷的事实 It happened you passed by 让我们擦肩而过 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere I can"t bring you back 去了一个我找不到你的地方 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere you"re not coming back 你去了一个不能回来的地方 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same[Chorus2x] 日子 再也不一样了 Oh~~Na na na na na na I miss you 我真的好想你
2023-07-21 22:54:251

Slipped Away 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away歌手:Toto专辑:TambuSlipped AwayNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:54:321

Slipped Away 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped Away歌手:Toto专辑:The EssentialSlipped AwayNa naNa na na na na naI miss youI miss you so badI don"t forget youOh it"s so sadI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyThe day you slipped awayWas the day I foundIt won"t be the sameOhNa naNa na na na naI didn"t get around to kiss youGoodbye on the handI wish that I could see you againI know that I can"tI hope you can hear meI remember it clearlyI"ve had my wake upWon"t you wake upI keep asking whyI can"t take itIt wasn"t fakeIt happened you passed byNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere I can"t bring you backNow you"re goneNow you"re goneThere you goThere you goSomewhere you"re not coming backNa naNa na na na na naI miss you
2023-07-21 22:54:521

slipped away中文翻译 歌词

2023-07-21 22:54:592

艾薇儿 slipped away 的中英文歌词对照

na na na na na 艾薇儿I miss you   我想你   miss you so bad   真的很想你   I don"t forget you, oh it"s so sad   我一直都不曾忘记你,这又是多么令人感伤   I hope you can hear me   我希望你能听到我的思念   因为我是如此深刻地记得   The day you slipped away   你离开的那天   Was the day I found it won"t be the same   我也发觉一切的一切都不同了   Nah nah la la la nah nah   I didn"t get around to kiss you Goodbye on the hand   我没有守在你身边,吻你粗糙的手作最后的诀别   I wish that I could see you again   我多么希望能再到你那慈祥的脸   I know that I can"t   虽然我清楚地明白这永远都只能是个梦了   I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly   我希望你能听到我 因为我脑子清晰着你的影子   I had my wake up   我已经彻底醒来   Won"t you wake up   你却永远不能   I keep asking why   我一直问着为什么   And I can"t take it   我真的不能接受   It wasn"t fake   但这又不可否认
2023-07-21 22:55:072

avril lavigne slipped away的歌词翻译

我想你 我真的好想你 无法忘记你 悲伤 无尽的蔓延 多希望 你可以听见我的思念 昨日 依然这样清晰 那天 你就这样离我而去 我蓦然发现 日子 再也不一样了 我不在你的身边 亲吻你的手 跟你告别 多盼望 能再见你一面 我知道 再也见不到你 多希望 你可以听见我的想念 昨日 依然这样清晰 我已经如此清醒 多希望 你和我一样清醒 我不停的问 到底为什么 我无法承受 这残酷的事实 让我们擦肩而过 现在 你已经离去 现在 你已经离去 你走了 你走了 去了一个我找不到你的地方 x2 我真的好想你
2023-07-21 22:55:141

谁有Slipped Away的歌词,英汉对照的

Nana nanana nanaI miss you, miss you so bad I don"t forget you, oh it"s so sad I hope you can hear me I remember it clearly The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won"t be the same OhNana nanana nanaI didn"t get around to kiss you Goodbye on the hand I wish that I could see you again I know that I can"t OhhhhhI hope you can hear me, cause I remember it clearly The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won"t be the sameOhh I"ve had my wake up Won"t you wake up I keep asking why And I can"t take it It wasn"t fake It happened, you passed by Now you"re gone, now you"re gone There you go, there you go Somewhere I can"t bring you back Now you"re gone, now you"re gone There you go, there you go, Somewhere you"re not coming back The day you slipped awayWas the day I found it won"t be the sameNoThe say you slipped away Was the day that I found it won"t be the sameOh Nana nanana nanaI miss you
2023-07-21 22:55:213

求一首英文歌 高潮时I got alone ~~~ 然后是 before i can see your love 重复两遍 男声 速度较快

Def Leppard - Long Long Way To GoYou held my hand and then you slipped away 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开)And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸)So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚)Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?)And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的)I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 )All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走)Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, to you 对你说...From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲)Turn on the TV and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你)In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象)Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 )Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切)And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你)I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我)And even though I feel the pain即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛)I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 )The time will come, oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )I got a long, long way to go 我有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to you 在我与你道别之前Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go 真的有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye 在离别之前To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew 曾经一样I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go 很长很长.....Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you 别离之前Say goodbye, say goodbye 别离Oh, I got a long, long way to go 说再见Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前
2023-07-21 22:55:291

Slipped Away

Slipped Away<爱已不在> (假装没感觉) Na na Na na na na I miss you 我想你 I miss you so bad 我真的好想你 I don"t forget you 无法忘记你 Oh it"s so sad 悲伤 无尽的蔓延 I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的思念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh Na na Na na na na I didn"t get around to kiss you 我不在你的身边 Goodbye on the hand 亲吻你的手 跟你告别 I wish that I could see you again 多盼望 能再见你一面 I know that I can"t 我知道 再也见不到你 I... I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的想念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh I"ve had my wake up 我已经如此清醒 Won"t you wake up 多希望 你和我一样清醒 I keep asking why 我不停的问 到底为什么 I can"t take it 我无法承受 It wasn"t fake 这残酷的事实 It happened you passed by 让我们擦肩而过 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere I can"t bring you back 去了一个我找不到你的地方 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere you"re not coming back 你去了一个不能回来的地方 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same[Chorus2x] 日子 再也不一样了 Oh~~Na na na na na na I miss you 我真的好想你
2023-07-21 22:55:411

求艾薇儿的《slipped away》的钢琴谱,五线谱的,谢谢!| [C] [G] [Em] [D] A| 4|----e----d----------F----|--B| 4|----c---------------d----|--N| 3|----g----g----g-----a----|--A| 3|----e----d----e-----d----|--B| 3|----c--------------------|--B| 2|---------b----b----------|--E| 2|---------g----e----------|--R| .| Chord Key (for Electric w/ Distortion, if you so desire)C| [C] [G] [Em] [D]O| 4|----c---------------d----|--M| 3|----g----g----e-----a----|---| 3|----c----d----------d----|--T| 2|---------g----b----------|--A| 2|--------------e----------|--B| N| A| Intro: **piano transcribed to guitar**B| 4|-------------------------|-FB| 3|--b-g-db-g-db-F-db-F-d---|-E| Na na, Na na na na na. R| .| Verse:C| O| I miss you. I miss you so bad. M| I don"t forget you. Oh it"s so sad-| T| A| PreChorus:B| N| [C] [G]A| I hope you can hear meB| [C] [G]B| I remember it clearlyE| R| .| Chorus:C| [Em] [C] [G] [D]O| M| The day you slipped away-| T| [Em] [C]A| B| Was the day I foundN| [G] [D](r)A| It won"t be the same Ohhhhh....B| B| E| Verse 2: (Intro Piano Piece Again, can also hear violin)R| .| C| Na na, Na na na na na.O| I didn"t get around to kiss you,M| Goodbye on the hand.-| I wish that I could see you again.T| I know that I can"t.A| B| N| PreChorus 2:A| B| [C] [G]B| I hope you can hear meE| [C] [G]R| I remember it clearly.| C| O| Chorus:M| [Em] [C] [G] [D]-| T| The day you slipped awayA| B| [Em] [C]N| A| Was the day I foundB| [G] [D](r)B| It won"t be the same E| R| .| Bridge: (I really don"t hear any guitar here, just drums and violin. But ifC| anyone can contribute any chords for this, feel free.) O| M| I"ve had my wake up-| Won"t you wake upT| I keep asking whyA| I can"t take itB| It wasn"t fakeN| It happened you passed byA| Now you"re goneB| Now you"re goneB| There you goE| R| There you go.| C| Somewhere I can"t bring you backO| Now you"re goneM| Now you"re gone-| There you goT| A| There you goB| N| Somewhere you"re not coming backA| B| B| Chorus:E| [Em] [C] [G] [D]R| .| The day you slipped awayC| O| [Em] [C]M| -| Was the day I foundT| [G] [D](r)A| It won"t be the same Ohhh....B| [Em] [C] [G] [D]N| A| The day you slipped awayB| B| [Em] [C]E| R| Was the day I found.| [G] [D](r)C| It won"t be the same Ohhh....O| M| -| Outro: Piano partT| A| Na na, Na na na na na naB| [G]N| I miss youA| B| B| E| R| .|
2023-07-21 22:55:481

Long Long Way To Go 歌词

歌曲名:Long Long Way To Go歌手:Lionel Richie专辑:Just For YouDef Leppard - Long Long Way To GoYou held my hand and then you slipped away 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开)And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸)So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚)Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?)And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的)I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 )All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走)Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, to you 对你说...From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲)Turn on the TV and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你)In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象)Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 )Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切)And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你)I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我)And even though I feel the pain即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛)I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 )The time will come, oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )I got a long, long way to go 我有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to you 在我与你道别之前Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go 真的有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye 在离别之前To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew 曾经一样I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go 很长很长.....Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you 别离之前Say goodbye, say goodbye 别离Oh, I got a long, long way to go 说再见Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 For阿姝
2023-07-21 22:55:561

long long way to go 歌词

Long long way to go中文歌词——畅想式 You held my hand and then you slipped awayz 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开) And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸 So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚) Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?) And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道 We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的 I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 ) All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you , to you... 对你说... From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲) Turn on the tv and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你) In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象) Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 ) Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 ) And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你) I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前) Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走 Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前 To you,I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切) And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你) I only hope you think of me sometimes,oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我) And even through I feel the pain 即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛) I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 ) The time will come ,oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )
2023-07-21 22:56:151

When it slipped away between my fingers, I began to regret.帮忙翻译2

2023-07-21 22:56:222

Fish Out Of Water 歌词

歌曲名:Fish Out Of Water歌手:Nicola Roberts专辑:Cinderella"S EyesFish Out Of WaterNicola RobertsI"m a day, a day without the nightI"m a day, a day without the nightYou"re my childhood sweetheartEveryday I dream of youNow we"re living apartYou took a part of me with youAnd since I"m not doing youThey"re finding things for me to doBut you"re my childhood sweetheartYou took a part of me with youSo what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeAm I supposed to start a new?So what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeI"m tired of jumping through your hoopsI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyYou"re my childhood sweetheartThe one I chased for so many yearsFeels like you"ve got your hands lockedOver my lips and earsAll those lovely words sangturned into frustrated tearsBut you"re my childhood sweetheartI will chase youYeah I"ll chase you, I will chase youSo what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeAm I supposed to start a new?So what happens now?You"re turning down the volumeI"m tired of jumping through your hoopsThe clock struck 12 and you,you just slipped awayAnd all I ever knew, told me I couldn"t playSo what am I to do find another game?You made me all that I became,I really want you back againI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterMusic you are my lifeI can"t handle a goodbyeI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyI"m a day without the nightA fish out of waterNow you"ve left me and it"s likeA la-la-la lullabyEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknownEven, if I have to go aloneI"d rather that then let you goSo I"ll face the road unknown
2023-07-21 22:56:301

Slipped away from the idea of flash murmur.的中文意思

2023-07-21 22:56:371