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3)功课上的句子 请帮我中翻英!!!!!拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下

2023-07-22 03:41:07

1 I don"t think the family is any Enmeshed or Disengaged

If you really want to choose the words may be more biased Disengaged

It may be that I don"t have a very deep understanding of the family, I can"t see any strong family ties between the family, they have not shown a stifling, over sharing and caring

But it can be determined that their family cohesion is like a general family, each family member is appropriate to participate in each other"s interaction and exchange, will not be too independent and will not be overly restricted to each other

2 they are biased towards collectivism, they attach great importance to the cultural tendency of individualism to emphasize individual rights and freedom, loyalty is the most important in collectivism culture. The women in Iran, including the young, the men and women, and the girls must wear a scarf. The atmosphere of the Iranian society is quite conservative, give an example, in the traditional family, women often as a key protection object, see very little of the outside world, coupled with religious emphasis sexual separation, the majority of small and medium-sized cities and towns of young people to marry is through the matchmaker and parents in the life, free love few, therefore, get married and move towards the society after the idea of marriage inevitable change a lot.

Although Iran women in marriage and family status is high and respected, but in Iran law, women"s status is still lower than men. In a family, if her husband died but did not leave a will, his wife is not entitled to the name of the child and her husband"s property; if the female initiative to divorce but no evidence of her husband"s fault (such as not to living expenses, drug use, etc.), if the husband does not agree, the court will not accept.

3 because they are small families so that there will not be a special class system, there is no special boss in this family, because the father and mother are the main source of economic both of them are in the work

The mother and the father in the family"s role is to go out to work and earn money

Most of the time by the mother to send their children to kindergarten, and his father if there is time, sometimes he is responsible for taking the children home, the two sides are playing the same role, no special who is responsible for children

And the role of children in this family is to be educated and slowly learn to be independent and independent.

4. I think there is no social transformation of transformation social for the family.

Because both father and mother have been in their country to get master"s degree, so for them

What kind of work you want to do will not be too big to change and challenge.

Their jobs, the class of the class, may still be the same.

5 I learned from the child"s country to their ideas is very traditional

Women are not allowed to have the skin of men outside of the family members.

They are serious about everything. They demanded that women in Iran strictly abide by the rules, face and hands completely banned from exposure, not to show off the figure and elegant long hair, need to wear a traditional black robe and a head dress in public, while the physical contact with a strange man is also strictly prohibited. Public places in Iran are even A Oman a modestly dressed is as in it"s shell pearl. Women are not only hard to find a job and will be difficult

They are very strict in religion and the right of women.

For now the family has moved to Canada, so the child"s mother does not have to be bound by the idea of their country.




I think this family is neither enmeshed nor disengaged.

If I had to make a choice I would be inclined to choose “disengaged”.

It"s probably due to my lack of in depth understanding to the situation of the family, but I can"t seem to see any strong family connections between the members of the family, or any suffocating or excessive sharing and caring they have shown towards each other.

The only thing I am sure of is that the cohesiveness of this family is just like that of any other families. Each family member is interacting and communicating with each other appropriately. They are neither too independent nor too reliant, and are not a fan of posing excessive restriction.


They incline towards collectivism. They however also pay much attention on cultures that embrace egotism and put emphasis on self-empowerment and freedom. Loyalty is the most important concept in collectivism. Women in Iran study in separated schools from boys since a very young age. Additionally, they have to wear scarves. This shows that the society is very conservative. An example is that in traditionally Iranian families, women have to be taken very good care of and are isolated from the outside world. Moreover, their traditional cultural beliefs do not allow them to have direct contact between men and women.Therefore, young people in small towns and cities find their partners and enter into their marriages through their parents" requests. Their beliefs for marriages will thus change significantly after they are married and eventually enter into the society.

Although Iranian women have a relatively high status in the society and family after their marriages, they are still inferior to men according to the laws in Iran. In an Iranian family, if the husband passes away without leaving a testament, the wife will not be able to rightfully keep the children or handle those properties under her husband"s name. If a woman voluntarily asks for a divorce without any evidence of her husband being at fault, including not providing living expenses or doing drugs, then the court will not accept her petition for divorce if the husband is unwilling.


Since they only have very small families, there normally isn"t any hierarchy in the families. There isn"t an absolute “boss” in the families either, because both the father and the mother have a job and are both the important breadwinners in the family.

The mother is responsible for taking the children to kindergarten and picking them up most of the times. As for the father, he will pick the children up and take them home whenever he is available. So both of the parents have an equal role in caring for the children and there isn"t a single person who is entirely responsible for taking care of the children. As the children, their role is to be educated and gradually develop into independent young adults who can bring about personal development.


I think there isn"t any social transformation for the family. Both of the parents have obtained master degrees, so they can basically do any work they want without undergoing too many transformations or challenges. Their status in the society will probably remain the same anyway.


I have learnt from this country that they have very traditional beliefs including that women are forbidden from having direct contact with men, and that they are very serious and conscientious with this. They ask for Iranian women to strictly follow the dressing code, which includes covering all body parts except for their face and hands. They are also prohibited from showing off their beautiful figure and hair. In public, they need to wear traditional black robes and scarves; contact with strangers of the male gender is especially not allowed. There are even signs saying “A woman modestly dressed is as a pearl in it"s shell” in public places. It is not only difficult for women to find a job, but they will also be bullied in work places.

They are extremely strict with women in terms of religious freedom.

Since this family has already migrated to Canada, the mother of the family is no longer restricted by the traditional beliefs of Iran and no longer needs to wear scarves or veils.

纯手工翻译 花了大概一两个多小时


如有疑问欢迎追问 :)


show,show out,show off,show up的区别??

show vt.展示;引导;表明;示范;到场 show off 炫耀,卖弄 show up 揭露,出现 谢谢! show out 送出(客人)
2023-07-21 23:56:032

用show off 造句

Don,t show off before your classmates.
2023-07-21 23:56:324


2023-07-21 23:56:391

show off, show up, show around, show in是什么意思

show up如约赶到; 出现; 露面; 变清晰; 变得明显; 显现出来; 使难堪; 使尴尬; 使丢脸show off炫耀; 卖弄; 表现自己; 显摆show around领…参观; 带…巡视show in把…领进
2023-07-21 23:56:462

show off+宾格还是show+宾格+off

off在这里是副词,所以此短语是动副短语,后面如果接的是代词就必须放在中间,接的如果是名词放在中间或后面均可举例:show it off show off your bag = show your bag off
2023-07-21 23:56:555

show off 是什么意思?

2023-07-21 23:57:231

show off的off是什么词性?是动副结构嘛?

动词+副词结构。show off卖弄; 炫耀这个短语可以是及物的,也可以是不及物的。也就是说可以接宾语,也可以不接宾语。如:All right, there"s no need to show off.好啦,没有必要炫耀了。It"s also another way that people show off their work.这也是人们炫耀作品的另一种途径。
2023-07-21 23:57:342

为什么一个句子show off后可以加名词,一个又不加?句子里面见,谢谢了!

The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents. 那位选手几乎没有得到什么机会展示自己的天赋也可以简写为The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off省略宾语后 仍然能完整表达此句意思的情况下可以省略
2023-07-21 23:57:423

李克勤的《Show Off》 歌词

歌曲名:Show Off歌手:李克勤专辑:破晓时份作词:潘伟源 作曲:L.Weir 编曲:鲍比达她刻意放松 凭珠光宝气首饰暂盖了倦容而心中千个破孔 用个出租恋爱汉子代替了裂缝尽量地洒 怕没人知香水作用尽量地讲 那渐流逝美梦但究竟她的心窝里面 一一皆空她的追忆 充塞太多伤痛为了她当天缤纷岁月 消失芳踪唯有去制造梦 找一个高级舞会中Show off Show off Showing off行为难自控 情怀难操纵难寻回逝去 逝去的梦梦已空她的心窝里面 一一皆空
2023-07-21 23:57:501

为什么一个句子show off后可以加名词,一个又不加?句子里面见,谢谢了!

2023-07-21 23:57:582

请辨析一下show off和lay out作为“展示”时的区别

show off表示炫耀,暗含贬义色彩。lay out 展示,一般色彩。
2023-07-21 23:58:172

show off himself放在哪里

中间。用短语show off,是个动副短语,她自己用反身代词herself,放中间,再者这是说客观事实用一般现在时,主语是she三单,故答案是shows herself off。主语为三单,故用shows;"自己"和man相对应应该用himself,即shows off himself;"从不"用否定副词never置于主语who的后面;故空处完整表达为:a modest man who never shows off himself。
2023-07-21 23:58:241

blow out和show off 有什么区别

blow about 英[bləu əˈbaut] 美[blo əˈbaʊt] [词典] 使吹走,被吹散; [例句]If I"d heard that I should have fetched him a swift blow about the ears!如果让我听到了,我会狠狠地打他一记耳光。show off 英[ʃəu ɔf] 美[ʃo ɔf] [词典] 使突出; 炫耀,卖弄; [例句]All right, there"s no need to show off好了,没必要炫耀。[其他] 第三人称单数:shows off 现在分词:showing off 过去式:showed off过去分词:shown off
2023-07-21 23:58:312

show off能不能有被动

2023-07-21 23:58:394


1.My brother always comes up with a variety of ideas.2.An modest student never shows off his talent.3.It"s impossible to let the persistent lady change her decision.4.I think that he isn"t able to organize this conference.5.You should be confident enough to do the job well.
2023-07-21 23:58:504

show off off 的是介词还是副词

off,about,on,down,up即是介词又是副词,at只能是介词 宾语,名词,代词加在介词后
2023-07-21 23:58:591


  up短语   eat up 吃光   clean up 打扫   drink up 喝光   get up 起床   give up 放弃   make up 组成   hurry up 赶快   show up 出现   think up 想出   end up 结束   take up 开始从事   ring up 打电话   fix up 修理;修补   hang up 挂断电话   bring up 教育;培养   cheer up 使……开心   grow up 成长;长大   look up 查阅;向上看   mix up 混合在一起   put up 张贴;建造;举起   set up 搭建;建立;设立   out短语   put out 扑灭   sell out 卖光   take out 取出   work out 解决   blow out 吹灭   point out 指出   get out 出去;离开   go out 出去;熄灭   hand out 分发;发放   hang out 闲荡;闲逛   run out 用尽;耗尽   check out 查明;结账   clear out 清理;丢掉   set out 出发;启程   keep out 不让……进入   bring out 使显现;使表现出   come out 出版;发表;结果是   cut out 删除;删去;切断   find out 查明;发现;了解   try out 参加……选拔;试用   clean out 清除;把……打扫干净   break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生;爆发   away短语   go away 走开   take away 拿走   get away 逃离   throw away 扔掉   run away 逃跑;跑掉   give away 赠送;分发   put away 把……收起来;整理   on短语   put on 穿上   turn on 打开   fight on 坚持   pass on 传递   keep on 继续(进行)   try on 试穿;试试看   work on 从事;忙于   depend on 依赖;依靠   come on 来吧;赶快;加油   hold on 等一等(别挂电话)   down短语   cut down 砍倒   fall down 倒下   sit down 坐下   break down 发生故障   calm down 保持冷静   put down 记下;放下   let...down 使……失望或沮丧   turn down 把……调小;关小   write down 写下;记下;放下;镇压   in短语   arrive in 到达   call in 拜访   believe in 信任;信赖   hand in 交上;提交;呈送   join in 参加(=take part in)   take in 吸入;吞入;欺骗   take part in 参加……;参与……   take pride in 对……感到自豪(=be proud of)   off短语   cut off 切除   turn off 关掉   go off 响;离开   keep off 勿踏;勿踩   take off 脱下;起飞   put off 推迟;拖延 把……擦掉   show off 炫耀;卖弄   pay off 付清(欠款等)   run off 跑掉;迅速离开   break off 突然中止;中断   set off 动身;起程;使爆发   get off 脱下(衣服等);下车   about短语   think about 考虑   care about 关心;在意   talk about 谈论;讨论;议论   worry about 担心;烦恼   back短语   get back 回来   give back 归还;送回   pay back 偿还(借款等)   talk back 回嘴;顶嘴   come back 回来;想起来   bring back 恢复;使想起;归还   call(sb.) back(给某人)回电话   for短语   wait for 等候;等待   ask for 要;要求;请求   thanks for 为……而感谢   prepare for 为……做准备   care for 关心;关怀;照顾   pay for 付……账;付买……的钱   from短语   come from 来自   hear from 收到……的来信   learn...from... 向……学习……   prevent from 妨碍;阻止;制止   separate...from... 从……分开   keep/stay...away from 避免接近;远离   into短语   fall into 落入;陷入   knock into 与……相撞   turn...into 变成……   divide into... 把……分成   change into 转换成;把……变成   get into 进入;陷入;习惯于   look into 向……里面看;调查   of短语   hear of 听说   think of 思考;考虑   take care of 照顾;照看   over短语   fall over 绊倒   look over 检查   come over 顺便来访   get over 克服;使(渡过)   go over 仔细检查;复习   to短语   belong to 属于   listen to... 听……   stick to 坚持;固守   talk to... 跟……说 把……加到……上   lead to 导致;通向 借……给…… 喜爱……更甚于……   help oneself to 随便吃点......   hold on to 继续;坚持;保持   pay attention to 对……注意;留心   with短语   deal with 处理;应付   begin with 以……开始   connect with 与……相连   provide...with 给……提供……   agree with 赞同;持相同意见   compare...with... 把……与……作比较;把……与……作对比   catch up with 赶上   fall in love with 爱上   get along/on with 与……相处   make friends with 与……交友
2023-07-21 23:59:081

英语showing off怎么翻译?

2023-07-21 23:59:175


1. show off 炫耀,put off 推迟,set off 出发,turn off 关掉2.噢林匹克运动会不会得到,只会带来机会3.是从过去到现在,不是从过去的过去到过去4.had not they也不对,应该是hadn"t they?是过去完成时,不是一般过去时。5.keep A off B 意思是让A远离B,protect A from B意思是从A保护B。6.宾从说的是过去的事7.这句中的end up 不能延续,所以不能和until用在一起。就算能用,那意思就是“不解研究死不到医院,借了才可以。” 用if ,意思是“如果不戒烟,就会生病住院病死在那里。”
2023-07-21 23:59:384

“They lack of confidence, they are afraid of showing off. ”这句话中的“show off”是

2023-07-21 23:59:551

boost your run and show off什么意思

你好。boost your run and show off翻译成中文是:提高你的运行和炫耀。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-22 00:00:041


Well, it"s not necessary to show off.
2023-07-22 00:00:132


show off (炫耀) show up (显眼,揭露) show one"s face(出席)
2023-07-22 00:00:214

Can you make a sentence to______ the meaning of the phrase? off B.turn out C.bring

C 试题分析:句意,你能造一个能呈现出这个词组意思的句子吗?show off 炫耀 turn out 结果是 bring out 呈出 take in 欺骗,根据题意,故选bring out。点评:解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。
2023-07-22 00:00:301


turn up调大turn off关掉break up分手break off中断,中止call up打电话,召集call off取消放弃
2023-07-22 00:00:383


第一章 疯狂精神篇crazySpirit——激励自我,不断进取My Pledge,My Oath(VⅢ)我的誓言(八)李阳老师特别奉献(一)——美好未来的10条建议第二章 疯狂准备篇Crazy Preparation——摩拳擦掌,迎接挑战!第一节 50大辩论句型集中突破——掷地有声,铿锵有力!第二节 20大商战单词完全破解——充分透析,彻底玩转!第三节 10大长句难句彻底掌握——庖丁解牛,游刃有余!第四节 纯正地道发音逐个揭秘——意群梳理,有务有理!第五节 高级地道成语一网打尽——形式丰富,生动贴切!Kim老师特别奉献(一)——疯狂购物第三章 疯狂提升篇Crazy Improvement——听说读写译,全面提升!第一节 重点语法轻松演绎——一篇短文突破V-ing和V-ed的形容词用法!第二节 地道短文脱口而出——最清晰、最大声、最快速!第三节 高级文章倒背如流——包揽财富,彻底攻克!第四节 国际时事新闻解说——标准英语,全面模仿!第五节 精彩广告片段模仿——打造一流广告配音人才!李阳老师特别奉献(二)——我对人生的认识第四章 疯狂实战篇Crazy Battle——固若金汤,展翅飞翔第一节 辩论擂台高手——唇枪舌战求真理,铁齿铜牙辩是非!第二节 代理权谈判专家——立足当地,面向世界!第三节 国际展会交流高手——专业素质,展会精英!第四节 国际会议主持人——掌控全局,所向披靡!第五节 叱咤风云演讲家——挑战自我,实现梦想!第六节 中华文化传播专家——弘扬中华文化,广结天下朋友!Kim老师特别奉献(二)——手机当道第五章 疯狂卖弄篇Crazy Showoff——优美英文,疯狂卖弄第一节 沟通交流大师——多一点倾听,多一分理解!第二节 职场成功秘诀——自强不息的推动力!第三节 健康幸福人生——健康快乐轻松获得!第四节 人生智慧感悟——实现人生的价值!第六章 疯狂挑战篇Crazy Challenge——挑战自我,迈向成功!第一节 商务会议能手——各抒己见,轻松应对!第二节 外交部发言人——展现超级国际风采!第三节 中英同声传译——最高境界,指日可待!李阳老师特别奉献(三)——生活哲理A to Z第七章 财富大统计Fortune Accumulation附录:美、英元音对照表
2023-07-22 00:00:471


"Show", "show out", "show off" 和 "show up" 都是带有 "show" 的动词短语,它们的区别如下:1. "Show" 表示展示或显示某物,强调的是主体呈现出某物。例如:"He showed me his new car."(他向我展示了他的新车。)2. "Show out" 表示引导或陪伴某人离开某个地方,强调的是陪同或引导某人离开。例如:"She showed me out of the room."(她引导我离开了房间。)3. "Show off" 表示炫耀或卖弄某物或某人的某种技能或才能,强调的是向他人展示自己的能力或财富。例如:"He always shows off his wealth."(他总是炫耀自己的财富。)4. "Show up" 表示出现或到达某个地方,强调的是某人到达某个地方的事实。例如:"He finally showed up at the party."(他最终到了聚会上。)因此,这些动词短语的区别在于它们所强调的方面不同,分别是展示、陪同离开、炫耀、到达等。
2023-07-22 00:02:291

show off 是什么意思?

2023-07-22 00:03:322

show off 的用法

都可以,关键看语境show off用法1. 陈列;展览:例句: the exhibits that show off被展示的陈列品2. 使显眼,使夺目:例句: The blue dress show you off.那条蓝裙子使你光彩夺目。3. 卖弄,炫耀:例句: to show off one"s talent卖弄才华
2023-07-22 00:05:581

show off, show up, show around, show in是什么意思

show up如约赶到; 出现; 露面; 变清晰; 变得明显; 显现出来; 使难堪; 使尴尬; 使丢脸show off炫耀; 卖弄; 表现自己; 显摆show around领…参观; 带…巡视show in把…领进
2023-07-22 00:07:062

show off,take off,turn off,put off分别是什么意思?

show off 炫耀take off 脱; 起飞; 移去; 休假turn off 关掉put off 推迟;拖延
2023-07-22 00:07:153


一,off核心意思87%介词/副词用法;13%其他用法介词:离开副词:1,离开;2,距,离;3,中断,取消形容词:不新鲜的二,词组用法cut off 使隔绝fall off减少、下降get off下车;动身kick off 开始;开球;踢掉keep off 避开put off推迟;使反感;使失去兴趣pay off取得成功pay sb off付清工资后解雇他set off引爆、动身、出发show off 炫耀slip off from分离turn off 关掉turn up出现;露面;音量调高take off起飞;成功;脱下let off使爆炸;允许不做leave off 停止;中断;不包括be off 离开;走开break off 突然中止;中断clean...off把..擦掉day off(因病或节假日)休息go off(闹钟)发出响声kick sb. off 开除ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话run off 跑掉;迅速离开shut off 关闭;停止运转see off 送行三,off案例应用作为介词:离开1离开具体事物(物体、地点等)Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草坪。2,离开某抽象概念I"m off smoking.我戒烟了。作为副词1,离开Take your coat off.把外套脱了。2,距、离(在时间或空间上)Summer is not far off now.夏天已经不远了。3,中断、取消The wedding is off.婚礼取消了。作为形容词: 不新鲜的The milk smells off.牛奶不新鲜了。
2023-07-22 00:07:331

show off+宾格还是show+宾格+off

同学: 如果你的宾格是具体的事物 那么既可以放在中间 也可以放在后面 show your bag off 或者show off your bag 但是如果宾格是代词的话,像it 就必需放在中间! eg:show it off 明白了吗?我是初中英语老师,
2023-07-22 00:07:521

show off 的用法 可以用show off oneself 或是show oneself off 吗? 如果可以,哪个对?

A 他得知了很多关于他老师的事情 learn about 得知 What
2023-07-22 00:08:001

show to/show off/show around/show up什么意思?

show to 把什么什么给谁看show off 炫耀show around 带领某人参观某地show up 揭露
2023-07-22 00:08:071

他喜欢炫耀 he likes to show off? 这样翻译对吗 更地道的英语翻译是啥

翻译的对。他爱在别人面前显摆。show off 好表现自己,炫耀,显摆。
2023-07-22 00:08:141


belong to
2023-07-22 00:08:461

If we tre our best, our dream will____one day out B.come ture C.put up off

B 如果我们尽自己最大的力量去做,有一天我们的梦想将会实现。
2023-07-22 00:09:124


问题一:“秀恩爱”用英语怎么说? show affection 或者 show off love 问题二:“秀恩爱”用英语怎么说 展现某人的恩爱:show somebody`s` love 秀他们的恩爱:show their love 问题三:秀恩爱,用英文怎么说 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . show love 秀恩爱 问题四:“秀恩爱”英文怎么说 秀恩爱 Show of affection 亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。 如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦 问题五:秀恩爱、分得快, 用英语怎么说? Showing sweet makes that a couple of lovers broke up fast 问题六:学校是公共场合,请勿秀恩爱.用英文怎么说 The school is a public place, do not show affection 学校是公共场合,请勿秀恩爱 问题七:如果有人在我面前秀恩爱,那么别来找我 这句话用英文怎么翻译 Anyone who wants to show off their sweet love in front of me should get out of my way. 问题八:秀恩爱死的快英文 你好, 秀恩爱死的快。 1) 依字面意思:Show off the love will die soon. 2) 如果想表达的意思是:老是秀恩爱,也会分手的快。 The couple were always flirting in the public. They would usually break up soon. 以上,供你参考。 问题九:用英文秀恩爱的说说 50分 pinterest/...uotes/ 这网站多得是
2023-07-22 00:09:191


show around参观,show in领进,show off突出,show up显而易见,show through显露出。 扩展资料   The visitor be be show around the city.   客人们正被领着去参观这城市。   Give me a second, I"ll show you around.   等我一下,我带你四处转转。   Dawn is beginning to show in the east.   东方露出了曙光。
2023-07-22 00:09:261


2023-07-22 00:09:413

show off your personality and fashion翻译成中文什么意思

2023-07-22 00:10:172


妈妈常告诉我,既不要炫耀自己,也不要轻视别人,英语翻译:My mother always told me not to show off, not to belittle anyone,
2023-07-22 00:10:383


die可以和介词of、from、for搭配。die from:死于,外界原因致死。die of:死于,内部原因致死。die for:死亡、凋谢、熄灭。die作动词的意思有:死亡、熄灭、凋零、枯萎、渴望、盼望。over可用于die和over中间
2023-07-22 00:10:532

you got big big bubble什么歌

pink champagneYou got that big, big bubble butt, Better keep my mouth shut, I"ll just watch you do your thing, Sippin" on that pink champagne, yeah.
2023-07-22 00:11:202

show off ,it加哪?

show it off
2023-07-22 00:11:344


基本解释   一:1. [bright;shining]∶光耀的样子   牛尾炬火光明炫耀。——《史记·田单传》   旌旗炫耀。——《广东军务记》   2. [bravery]∶华丽奢侈   去炫耀,除雕琢。——《盐铁论》   3. [show off]∶夸耀   想炫耀他的新轿车   详细解释   1. 亦作“ 炫曜 ”。亦作“ 炫耀 ”。   1.闪耀;光彩夺目。《楚辞·远游》:“建雄虹之采旄兮,五色杂而炫燿。”《汉书·司马相如传上》:“众色炫燿,照烂龙鳞。” 颜师古 注:“言采色相耀,若龙鳞之间杂也。” 宋 周密 《癸辛杂识别集·汴京宫殿》:“殿上椽柱一色皆金也,炫燿夺目。” 胡也频 《光明在我们的面前》:“一种红色的革命的火花,在他的思想里炫耀着。”   2. 照耀。   《文选·宋玉<高唐赋>》:“仰视山颠,肃何千千,炫燿虹蜺。” 李善 注:“言山高,如虹蜺炫燿其上。”   3. 华丽。   清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·公孙夏》:“自念监生卑贱,非车服炫耀,不足慑曹属。”   4. 惑乱。   汉 王符 《潜夫论·潜叹》:“及欢爱、苟媚、佞说、巧辩之惑君也,犹炫燿君目,变夺君心。” 三国 魏 曹植 《车渠碗赋》:“虽 离朱 之聪目,内炫曜而失精。”   5. 显扬;夸耀。   汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·崇礼》:“炫燿奇怪,所以陈四夷,非为民也。”《北史·和跋传》:“羣臣皆敦尚恭俭,而 跋 好修虚誉,炫曜於时。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·素秋》:“甲至,裘马驺从,炫耀闾里。” 靳以 《雅会》一:“时时炫耀着自身美丽的春天,在严寒的后边来到了。”   英文   peacock, prick up oneself, flaunt, display, parade, show off, splurge, trot out
2023-07-22 00:12:066

only to 是什么意思 He went there only to show off how wealthy he was.这里的only to 翻译起来的时候

他去那儿只是为了表现他很富有。only 是仅仅的意思,to表目的,这句话如果把only 去掉你就能理解了。
2023-07-22 00:12:395

next holiday英语作文语句简单易懂

How I shall spend my next holidaysI have already decided how to spend my next holidays. Usually I wait for the holidays to come, and then make up my mind where to go, what to do, and when to leave. What usually happens is that I leave for some place with a group of friends and then begin to wish I had gone somewhere else. This time I am going with William to Mersing.William has a huge bungalow by the seaside in Mersing. Usually his bungalow is crowded during the holidays because William likes his friends around. This time, however. William wants the bungalow all to himself because he wants to try scuba diving. He is new at scuba diving. He wants me to go along because he knows I have only been there once before and that I like to learn more about sea sports. William loves to show off his skill in sea sports. William proposes to stay in Mersing for at least two weeks. This means that I shall have to take quite a number of cloths and other necessities with me. I may have to take back my suitcase from Albert.
2023-07-22 00:12:561

`秀一下` 用英语怎么说?

strike a pose
2023-07-22 00:13:062