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2023-07-23 03:53:31
TAG: 英语

1。Today i and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服。我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香。享受着大自然带给我们的无限美好。大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天。

2。Today Mailehaoduo clothes, and parents take to the streets is happy, the parents have to pay to buy things. Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but saw the price, Ha-ha, is really very happy. I love my parents, I too thank them for the care and love. `` 今天买了好多衣服,和父母上街就是愉快,买东西有父母帮付钱。不像平时自己上街买东西碰到喜欢的但看了价钱都要考虑好久,呵呵,真的是很开心。我爱我的父母,太感谢他们对我的关心和爱戴了。

3.Flute " Robinson Crusoe " of good fortune, novelist of British, describe protagonist drift about on the island, overcome the difficulty, the legend story of pioneering an enterprise with painstaking efforts. Novel write true naturally, legendary. The protagonist plants the crops on the detached island, puts up the log cabin, has eaten the innumerable trials and tribulations, survive. Want, go back human world anxious, want to go how about go out of these damnable place only like make him to be fascinated, result fail, get back to, long separated for Britain for 28 year give me enlightenment by " Robinson"s records of adventure " on 1868 year finally, tanacity of him let me wait for a chance to cause trouble, want, march toward another goal for life, look like Robinson like that spend one"s own strength,reach ideal realm one"s own. We need possess Robinson so spirit of struggle diligently.

英国小说家笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》描述了主人公漂流海岛,战胜困难,艰苦创业的传奇故事. 小说写得真实自然,富有传奇色彩.主人公在孤岛上种庄稼,搭木屋,吃了千辛万苦,生存下来.但想回人间的心切,使他着迷般地只想到如何走出这个鬼地方,结果还是失败了,最后于1868年回到阔别28年的英国



The World"s Greatest Swordsman

At an exhibition of the world"s best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world"s greatest swordsman.

His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

"Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. "You missed!"

"Ah," replied the swordsman, "you weren"t watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father."







A Mistake

An American, a Scot and a Canadian were killed in a car accident. They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. "Give me $500 each," he said, "and I"ll return you to earth as if the whole thing never happened."

"Done!" said the American. Instantly, he found himself standing unhurt near the scene.

"Where are the others?" asked a medic.

"Last I knew," said the American, "the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay."







Pig or Witch

A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells "PIG!!" The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, "WITCH(女巫)!!" They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen.




Response Ability

An Ogden, Iowa, minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation for a cup of coffee. When asked if that didn"t constitute gambling, the minister replied, "It"s merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to commit an act of charity."

Philosopher Bertrand Russell, asked if he was willing to die for his beliers, replied: "Of course not. After all, I may be wrong."

A newspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: "If a fire broke out in the Louvre, and if you could only save one painting, which one would you carry out?"

The winning reply was: "The one nearest the exit."







Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter

A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. So its leaders sent a message to the great hunter, Jonesie, to come and kill the beast.

For several nights the hunter lay in wait for the lion, but it never appeared. Finally, he told the village chief to kill a cow and give him its hide. Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion.

In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture. As they carefully approached, they saw the hunter on the ground, groaning in pain. There was no sign of the lion.

"What happened, Jonesie? Where is the lion?" asked the chief.

"Forget the damn lion!" he howled. "Which one of you idiots let the bull loose?"








Weather Predict

A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained.

A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow storm." The next day there was a hailstorm.

"This Indian is incredible," said the director. He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.

However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn"t show up for two weeks.

Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I"m depending on you. What will the weather be like?"

The Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don"t know," he said. "Radio is broken."









I Am Acting Like a Lady

One day when women"s dresses were on sale at the FarEast Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece. But he soon found himself being battered by frantic women.

He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowed.

"You there!" challenged a thrill voice. "Can"t you act like a gentleman?"

"Listen," he said, "I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour. From now on, I am acting like a lady."







what is xi xi,



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智者 a sage; a wise man 勇士a brave warrior; the martial hero; a heart of oak剑客a swordsman
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2023-07-22 16:32:103

《武林外传》为什么叫My own swordsman?

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Swordman 笑傲江湖
2023-07-22 16:33:452

如何理解《武林外传》的英文名my own swordsman

my own swordsman 字面翻译是我自己的剑客,我觉得swords就代表我的江湖的意思而《武林外传》剧中,每个人都有了自己对江湖的理解,都有了自己心中大侠的定义,要表达的是自己心目中的Swordsman,所以my own swordsman有我自己的江湖故事的含义
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2023-07-22 16:34:025

如何理解《武林外传》的英文名my own swordsman

好久没回答关于武林外传的问题了,今天突然上知道,看到这个问题,我忽然抽了一支烟,秋天来了,感到这个世界的凉意。在前几年反复看武林外传的时候,我留意到了这个英文翻译,my own swordsman,我固执的认为这一定处于宁财神之手,不过没得到证实。我的翻译是:我自己的江湖。看到这句话,忽然觉得好悲凉,你金庸古龙梁羽生的武侠里,到处都是大侠,到处都是为国为民。他们不食人间烟火,仗剑天涯,快意恩仇。但是,谁能理解,财神笔下的大侠,这里的大侠,可能为了一个鸡腿和别人脸红脖子粗,这里的女侠可能为了40辆银子,被逼干20年苦力,这里的五岳盟主可能为了糖葫芦和人使出自己最厉害的武功。总之这里的大侠嬉笑怒骂,人情练达。这里的大侠天天在你面前,所有的传说,所有的盛名,似乎不值一提。更多的还是柴米油盐,五谷杂粮。最后用崔永元 的一本书名给你作为结束语:我自己的江湖,我自己的大侠,《不过如此》,希望你能释怀
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本剑不才,曾以此身破万军可以用英文表达为:I, a humble swordsman, once broke through countless armies with this body.翻译中,本剑不才用 humble swordsman 表示,曾以此身破万军用 broke through countless armies 表达。这里的 broke through 是一个短语,表示“突破、战胜”的意思,with this body 则是表示“用这个身体”的意思。整个句子表达的意思就是,作为一个不才的剑客,我曾经用自己的身体突破了无数大军。
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刀剑神域桐人(Kirito)的详细个人如下:姓名:桐人(Kirito)年龄:14岁(游戏内)生日:7月7日身高:173厘米体重:59公斤职业:剑士(Swordsman)游戏:《刀剑神域》(Sword Art Online)武器:黑色剑“厄运之爪”(Elucidator)、银色剑“命运之笛”(Dark Repulser)特点:擅长单打、拥有极高的反应速度和战斗力桐人是《刀剑神域》中的主角之一,是游戏世界中顶尖的剑士之一。他具有出众的反应速度和战斗力,独自闯荡游戏世界,成长为优秀的战士和领袖人物。他在游戏中曾拯救了无数玩家,成为了众多玩家的榜样和领袖。
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额 谁要是回答得了 我再给他加100不过要有说服力,要有权威。
2023-07-22 16:35:162


剑士的读音是:jiàn shì。 剑士的拼音是:jiàn shì。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄢ_ㄕ_。 结构是:剑(左右结构)士(独体结构)。剑士的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】善于击剑的勇士。二、引证解释⒈善于击剑的勇士。引《庄子·说剑》:“昔赵文王喜剑,剑士夹门而客三千_人。”汉赵晔《吴越春秋·王僚使公子光传》:“何须私备剑士,以捐先王之德。”唐元稹《桐花》诗:“剑士还农野,丝人归织_。”《新五代史·南唐世家·李_》:“_事徐温甚孝谨,温尝_其诸子不如_,诸子颇不能容,而知训尤甚,尝召_饮酒,伏剑士欲害之。”三、国语词典精通剑术的人。四、网络解释剑士(游戏《英雄无敌》中的兵种)剑士(Swordsman)从《英雄无敌1》开始一直是人类(骑士族)的标识单位之一,在二代和三代也继续被沿用,定位一直是四级部队。但是自从三代版本推出十字军这个升级模式之后,四代开始就被十字军给取代了,到了五代硬是和十字军合二为一弄出了个”护卫“单位,算是重新定位了一个拿剑的”精锐步兵“,除了没升级的时候有个称呼Footman跟剑士差不多之外,六代干脆给十字军也骑上了马,唯一的近战步兵拿起了短枪,剑士的痕迹更是消失的无影无踪了。剑士(汉语词语/基本战斗职业)剑士在近距离展现他娴熟的剑术和华丽的技能跟对方打斗,可以说是最有男子气概的勇猛无比的人物。一般来说,剑士是用剑的,但想成为一名剑士,光有好的武功和法术是不够的,还要有黄金也换不去品德。只有拥有了良好的德行,才有资格成为剑士。关于剑士的诗词《减字木兰花·烧烛看剑士女》关于剑士的诗句锦衣腰剑士成围老我不才称剑士剑士还农野关于剑士的成语悬剑空垄案剑瞠目刀山剑树案剑_目上方宝剑弹剑作歌项庄舞剑关于剑士的词语剑拔弩张悬剑空垄丰城剑气项庄舞剑书剑飘零弃书捐剑刃树剑山风刀霜剑刀山剑树上方宝剑关于剑士的造句1、现在的他,是可以极速移动的火焰魔剑士,用剑攻击敌人的前方,用火焰攻击敌人的后方,前后夹击往往使得冒险勇士们束手无策。2、墨?闻言,扑哧一笑,轻声说道“我挺好奇,你明明是一个剑士类型的职业者怎么会有傀儡类型的能力呢?”。3、雷吉?郎曼在剑士一途也颇有心得,至于石头嘛,四个字,勤能补拙。4、高地贵族剑士为苏格兰军中精锐,身穿链甲,挥舞双手巨剑。5、甚至不顾妖王的怒气,命人将女儿和人类剑士的事迹加油加醋的写成一本畅销小说。点此查看更多关于剑士的详细信息
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中文名:沉默之剑士-沉默剑士日文名:沈默の剣士—サイレント·ソードマン英文名:Silent Swordsman卡片密码:-卡片种类:特殊召唤/效果怪兽星级:4属性:光种族:战士攻击力:1000守备力:1000罕见度:金字UR卡包:DP17特殊召唤/效果:这张卡不能通常召唤。把自己场上1只战士族怪兽解放才能特殊召唤。①:自己·对方结束阶段发动。这张卡的攻击力上升500。②:1回合1次,魔法卡发动时才能发动。那个发动无效③:这张卡被战斗或者对方的效果破坏的场合才能发动。从手卡·卡组把「沉默之剑士-沉默剑士」以外的1只「沉默剑士」怪兽无视召唤条件特殊召唤。 中文名:沉默剑士 LV3日文名:サイレント·ソードマン LV3英文名:Silent Swordsman Lv3卡片密码:01995985卡片种类:效果怪兽星级:3属性:光种族:战士攻击力:1000守备力:1000罕见度:金字UR,立体UTR,银字R卡包:EE03,RDS(402),DT09,MB01,DP17效果:①:只要这张卡在怪兽区域存在,这张卡为对象的对方的魔法卡的效果无效化。②:自己准备阶段把场上的这张卡送去墓地才能发动。从手卡·卡组把1只「沉默剑士 LV5」特殊召唤。这个效果在这张卡召唤·特殊召唤·反转的回合不能发动。 中文名:沉默剑士 LV5日文名:サイレント·ソードマン LV5英文名:Silent Swordsman LV5卡片密码:74388798卡片种类:效果怪兽星级:5属性:光种族:战士攻击力:2300守备力:1000罕见度:金字UR,立体UTR,面闪SR,NKC,DP17卡包:EE03,FET(403),DT10,MB01效果:①:这张卡不受对方的魔法卡的效果影响。②:这张卡直接攻击给与对方战斗伤害的场合,下次的自己回合的准备阶段把场上的这张卡送去墓地才能发动。从手卡·卡组把1只「沉默剑士 LV7」特殊召唤。 中文名:沉默剑士 LV7日文名:サイレント·ソードマン LV7英文名:Silent Swordsman LV7卡片密码:37267041卡片种类:特殊召唤/效果怪兽星级:7属性:光种族:战士攻击力:2800守备力:1000罕见度:银碎SER,金字UR,面闪SR卡包:DT11,MB01,DP17,其他特殊召唤/效果:这张卡不能通常召唤。「沉默剑士 LV5」的效果才能特殊召唤。①:只要这张卡在怪兽区域存在,场上的魔法卡的效果无效化。
2023-07-22 16:35:301


Blaze:玩家扮演的角色,Osea空军第108战术战斗机中队飞行员,代号为“Blaze”,在任务关的第3个任务接替Bartlett成为Wardog中队的新长机。Kei Nagase:Wardog中队的2号僚机飞行员,Sand岛空军基地惟一的女飞行员,代号Edge,23岁,167cm,47kg,黑发棕眼。沉着冷静,责任感很强,爱好读小说写日记。Jack Bartlett:Wardog中队的长机飞行员,代号Heartbreak One,42岁,178cm,70kg,黑灰头发棕眼。参加过15年前的Belkan战争。在任务关的第2个任务中被击落,由Blaze接替其长机职务。其本人在被击落后被敌军俘获,在游戏的后期返回。Alvin H Davenport:Wardog中队的3号僚机飞行员,代号Chopper,29岁,185cm,89kg,黑发蓝眼。贫嘴多舌但情深义重。在任务关第17个任务中为了保护平民 坠毁在体育场中,阵亡。Hans Grimm:Wardog中队的4号僚机飞行员,代号Archer,19岁,163cm,52kg,棕发绿眼。在任务关的第4个任务中临时起飞加入Wardog中队成为第4名僚机飞行员。在战争中磨练了自己,变得渐渐成熟。Peter N Beagle:Sand岛空军基地飞机整备员,代号Pops,56岁,170.5cm,73kg,秃头黑发蓝眼。参加过15年前的Belkan战争。他总是默默照顾着年轻的飞行员们,并且总能在他们最需要的时候提出最合适的建议。Marcus Snow:Osea第7航空母舰战斗群第206战术战斗飞行队分队长。航空母舰茶隼号(Kestrel)的飞行队长。代号Swordsman,34岁,190cm,85kg,高大的黑人,黑发棕眼。严于律己,爱国,极富正义感。任务关的第19个任务中在Wardog中队和Pops被8492中队追赶的时候帮助他们诈死摆脱了追踪,随后在Razgriz中队里替补Wardog时代战死的Alvin H Davenport飞3号机。Albert Genette:自由记者,在Sand岛采访Jack Bartlett时遭遇不明国籍飞行编队袭击,目击Jack Bartlett指挥空战后由于保密条令而被迫成为Sand岛随军记者,后成为Wardog中队以及后来的Razgriz中队故事的讲述者。Nicholas Andersen:61岁,177cm,72kg,灰发蓝眼。Osea第三舰队航空母舰“茶隼”号(Kestrel)的舰长。老练而优秀,对下属非常信任,是个深藏不露的老人,在关键的时刻接纳了小队成员们。而且是一位反战的人士,假意迎合国内鹰派力量,其实秘密制定了救出Osea总统的计划。Orson Perrault:48岁,180cm,106kg,棕发绿眼。Osea空军第596部队所属中校,Sand岛基地司令。一个秃顶的大胖子,脾气暴躁,迎合上级意思办事,在部下里很没人望。Allen C Hamiltion:28岁,178cm,65kg,金发绿眼。Osea空军第596部队所属大尉,Sand岛基地副司令。帅哥一个,看上去很好说话,孤独主义者。其实他是8492中队出身的飞行员,Belka在Sand岛基地的内线。Vincent Harling:Osea联邦总统。在秘密出访Yuktobania时被8492中队抓住,并被秘密囚禁在Belka直到被救出。空中管制机AWACS Thunderhead:Sand岛空军基地的空中管制、指挥机,型号不明,代号Thunderhead,任务关中任务第1至18的我方空中管制机。在随后的第19个任务中由于玩家领导的Wardog中队叛逃Sand岛,而使Thunderhead成为了玩家的敌人。 Seryozha Viktrovich Nikanor:Yuktobania联邦共和国总理。受到国内反战组织和Bartlett的帮助,在Razgriz小队的空中掩护下冲破Belka的层层阻挠,顺利踏上茶隼号同Vincent Harling会晤,并同Harling一起发表了和平声明。Nastasya Vasilievna Obertas:代号“Major(少校)”,Yuktobania情报部少校,Bartlett的老情人。为Razgriz小队提供了关于超级武器SOLG的情报。空中管制机AWACS Oka Nieba:Yuktobania的一架空中管制、指挥机,型号为E-767,代号Oka Nieba,在游戏中按Osea的语言的意思为“SkyEye”(与前作的AWACS代号相同)。在任务关中的倒数第二个任务出现并引导Razgriz中队进行战斗。 Ashley Bernitz:原Belka空军第6航空师第4战斗飞行队(通称Grabacr队)队长、王牌飞行员,53岁。受Osea政府雇佣成为8492中队队长。在Belka战争中曾击落Bartlett,对Bartlett和Snow有恶评,座机为F-15S/MTD和S-32。Michael Heimeroth:原Belka空军第6航空师第5战斗飞行队所属,38岁。Ofnir队长,在上一次战争中受Belka王牌飞行员Dietrich Kellerman指导,以新人的身份在B7R空域击落25架,被誉为天才的飞行员,战后帮助Yuktobania提高空军实力。 Razgriz:皇牌空战5故事中设定的虚构恶魔,在最后一关的最后的旁白中为:“当历史见证巨变的时候,Razgriz展现了自己,起初作为一个黑暗恶魔,它用自己的力量把死亡撒向大地,随后就死了。然而,当它再次苏醒过来后,Razgriz回来了,而这一次成为了一名伟大的英雄。”本作最后一关的与本作副标题完全同名的背景音乐The Unsung War以拉丁语演唱,气势雄壮,歌词大意就是上述内容。Razgriz这个名字出自北欧神话,是21名英灵女神Valkyrie(英灵传唤使)之一,排行15,象征“计划破坏者”。
2023-07-22 16:35:461


English essay 50 words
2023-07-22 16:36:003


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2023-07-22 16:36:365


SwordsmanZhao guest, unadorned Hu Hu, Wu hook, frost and snow ming.The silver saddle as the white horse, SA Da such as meteor.The ten step, kill a person, thousands of miles do not stay.Things go, clothes go, deep hide and name.Idle Xinling Yin, off the sword horizontal knee.The hot taste of Zhu Hai, a calligrapher advised Hou ying.Three cups spit promise, the five mountains fall into light.Eyes blurred and ears hot, energy-saving.Save Zhao, hammer, Handan first shock.A two warrior, Xuan Hector girders city.Vertical die darling fragrance, not ashamed in the world english.Who can you book, Whitehead taixuan sutra.希望采纳
2023-07-22 16:37:021


2023-07-22 16:37:104

如何理解《武林外传》的英文名my own swordsman

好久没回答关于武林外传的问题了,今天突然上知道,看到这个问题,我忽然抽了一支烟,秋天来了,感到这个世界的凉意。在前几年反复看武林外传的时候,我留意到了这个英文翻译,my own swordsman,我固执的认为这一定处于宁财神之手,不过没得到证实。我的翻译是:我自己的江湖。看到这句话,忽然觉得好悲凉,你金庸古龙梁羽生的武侠里,到处都是大侠,到处都是为国为民。他们不食人间烟火,仗剑天涯,快意恩仇。但是,谁能理解,财神笔下的大侠,这里的大侠,可能为了一个鸡腿和别人脸红脖子粗,这里的女侠可能为了40辆银子,被逼干20年苦力,这里的五岳盟主可能为了糖葫芦和人使出自己最厉害的武功。总之这里的大侠嬉笑怒骂,人情练达。这里的大侠天天在你面前,所有的传说,所有的盛名,似乎不值一提。更多的还是柴米油盐,五谷杂粮。最后用崔永元 的一本书名给你作为结束语:我自己的江湖,我自己的大侠,《不过如此》,希望你能释怀
2023-07-22 16:37:271


武德的英文:martial ethics。武德是从事武术活动的人,在社会活动中所应遵循的道德规范和所应具有的道德品质。武德作为习武者所应具备的一种美德,渗透在习武者的思想和言行中,重武德是武术发展的先决条件,也是培养社会所需的文武双全、德智体全面发展的新型建设人才的先决条件。武德的实质亦是社会公正原则,即正义、公平、公道,是人类最古老的道德观念之一。武德同样是通过社会舆论的作用,大众的压力,良心的不安,使人们“择其善者而从之,择其恶者而攻之”,来调整人与社会之间的关系。自从有了中国最早的成文法律《隋律》、《唐律》至今,武德从未与法律发生过冲突。和道德一样,武德的实用范围也比国家法律更广泛。我们提倡武德,应在国家法律前提下,和国家宪法及其相应的一切规章制度相统一、相一致。双语例句:1、唐武德四年(621年)改名梧州。In 621, the place acquired its present name.2、扶贫济困是习武之人最基本的武德。The basic virtue of a swordsman is to help the weak and the poor.3、桑福德伯恩斯坦的安德鲁武德,一家投资研究公司,认为这个不可能。Andrew Wood , of Sanford Bernstein, an investment - research company, does not think that is likely.4、通过声波在气液两相流中传播速度试验证明,武德近似公式可以用来计算声波在该两相流中的传播速度。The testing of transmission speed of sonic wave in the gas-liquid two-phase flow indicates that Wood formula can be used to calculate the transmission speed of sonic wave in the two-phase flow.5、英国的哲学家和历史学家罗宾·乔治·柯林武德提出确切的历史知识来自于历史学家的心灵重演过去的观点。The England philosopher and historian R. GCollingwood maintained that precise historical knowledge come from the re-enactment of historian mind.6、目前人们对武德教育的实效性普遍评价是低效的,造成这种现象发生的原因有人为的因素,也有承载武德教育的平台因素。Now in general evaluation of wushu morality education effectiveness is inefficient, the cause of this phenomenon for the factor, also has a bearing wushu morality education platform.
2023-07-22 16:37:341


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2023-07-22 16:38:414

我会成为世界第一的大剑豪翻译成英文,i will be the top of swordsman,有错吗?

I will become the world"s first big Jianhao translation.
2023-07-22 16:38:483


侠 [xiá]基本翻译 chivalrous swordsman
2023-07-22 16:39:076

请问 烈焰侠 和 超时空侠 在英文里叫什么?怎么拼?

Blazing flame chivalrous swordsman Surpass the space-time chivalrous swordsman
2023-07-22 16:39:233


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2023-07-22 16:40:111


绿色史来姆 生命 35攻击 18防御 1金 1 红色史来姆 生命 45攻击 20防御 2金 2 小蝙蝠 生命 35攻击 38防御 3金 3 骷髅人 生命 50攻击 42防御 6金 6 初级法师 生命 60攻击 32防御 8金 5 骷髅士兵 生命 55攻击 52防御 12金 8 中级卫兵 生命 100攻击 180防御 110金 50 初级卫兵 生命 50攻击 48防御 22金 12 骷髅队长 生命 100攻击 65防御 15金 30 兽人 生命 260攻击 85防御 5金 18 大蝙蝠 生命 60攻击 100防御 8金 12 大史来姆 生命 130攻击 60防御 3金 8 高级法师 生命 100攻击 95防御 30金 22 兽人武士 生命 320攻击 120防御 15金 30 石头人 生命 20攻击 100防御 68金 28 大乌贼 生命 1200攻击 180防御 20金 100 幽灵 生命 320攻击 199防御 66金 144 吸血鬼 生命 444攻击 140防御 20金 30 大法师 生命 4500攻击 560防御 310金1000 双手剑士 生命 100攻击 680防御 50金 55 战士 生命 210攻击 200防御 65金 45 鬼战士 生命 220攻击 180防御 30金 35 骑士 生命 160攻击 230防御 105金 65 魔龙 生命 1500攻击 600防御 250金 800 骑士队长 生命 120攻击 150防御 50金 100 高级巫师 生命 200攻击 380防御 130金 90 魔法警卫 生命 230攻击 450防御 100金 100 初级巫师 生命 220攻击 370防御 110金 80 吸血蝙蝠 生命 200攻击 390防御 90金 50 史来姆王 生命 360攻击 310防御 20金 40 黑暗骑士 生命 180攻击 430防御 210金 120 高级卫兵 生命 180攻击 460防御 360金 200 魔王 生命 8000攻击5000防御1000金 500 魔王 生命 800攻击 500防御 100金 500 魔王 生命 5000攻击1580防御 190金 500
2023-07-22 16:40:211


《武林外传》My Own Swordman看下面网址里面那图
2023-07-22 16:40:299


The World"s Greatest Swordsman At an exhibition of the world"s best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world"s greatest swordsman. His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile. "Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. "You missed!" "Ah," replied the swordsman, "you weren"t watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father." 世界上最伟大的击剑手 在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名第三的击剑手上场了。一只苍蝇放了出来,剑划了一个弧,他将苍蝇劈成了两半。观众欢呼起来。紧接着排名第二的人将一只苍蝇切成了四半。现场一阵沉默,人们期盼着世界上最伟大的击剑手出场。 他的剑锋以一个巨大的弧线划了下来--然而那只昆虫还在继续飞行!观众被惊呆了。最伟大的击剑手完全错过了他的目标,然而他还在微笑着。 “你为什么这么高兴?”有人嚷道,“你没击中!” “啊,”剑手答道,“你刚才没有很仔细地看。苍蝇还活着,是的--但他永远也做不成爸爸了。”
2023-07-22 16:40:461


The World"s Greatest Swordsman At an exhibition of the world"s best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world"s greatest swordsman. His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile. "Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. "You missed!" "Ah," replied the swordsman, "you weren"t watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father." 世界上最伟大的击剑手 在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名第三的击剑手上场了。一只苍蝇放了出来,剑划了一个弧,他将苍蝇劈成了两半。观众欢呼起来。紧接着排名第二的人将一只苍蝇切成了四半。现场一阵沉默,人们期盼着世界上最伟大的击剑手出场。 他的剑锋以一个巨大的弧线划了下来--然而那只昆虫还在继续飞行!观众被惊呆了。最伟大的击剑手完全错过了他的目标,然而他还在微笑着。 “你为什么这么高兴?”有人嚷道,“你没击中!” “啊,”剑手答道,“你刚才没有很仔细地看。苍蝇还活着,是的--但他永远也做不成爸爸了
2023-07-22 16:40:561


The Roman Colosseum- The Roman Colosseum -The Flavius amphitheatre is the biggest and most imposing in the Roman world, but is also the most famous monument in Rome and is known as the "Colosseum" or "Coliseum". Started by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavia family, it was opened by his son Titus in 80 A.D.The highly ostentatious opening ceremony, lasted one hundred days during which people saw great fights, shows and hunts involving the killing of thousands of animals (5000 according to the historian Suetonius). For the opening, the arena space was filled with water for one of the most fantastic events held in Roman times, naumachias – real sea battles reproducing great battles of the past.The Coliseum is one of the most imposing ancient structures. Imagine it all white, completely covered in splendid travertine stone slabs. It is elliptic in shape in order to hold more spectators. It had four floors; the first three had eighty arches each; the arches on the second and third floors were decorated with huge statues.What we see nowadays is just the skeleton of what was the greatest arena in the ancient world. Three-fifths of the outer surrounding brick wall are missing. In the Middle Ages, when no longer in use, the Colosseum was transformed into an enormous marble, lead and iron quarry used by Popes to build Barberini Palace, Piazza Venezia and even St. Peter"s.The holes still seen in many columns are just the holes made to extract the lead and iron used by the Romans for the nails inside the marble blocks.The amphitheatre could hold up to seventy thousand spectators. The tiers of seats were inclined in such a way as to enable people to get a perfect view from wherever they sat. Entry was free for all Roman citizens, but places were divided according to social status, the seats at the top were for the people, the nearer you got to the arena the higher your social status.After the VI century, with the Empire"s decline, the Coliseum fell into disuse and its walls housed confraternities, hospitals, hermits and even a cemetery. From the Middle Ages onwards, the Coliseum has been one of Rome"s and the world"s greatest marvels, attracting hoards of visitors.Threatened with demolition by Sixtus V for town-planning reasons, it was declared a sacred monument dedicated to the Passion of Christ by Benedict XIV, placing a cross on a pedestal, as a symbol of the sufferings of all Christian martyrs. This cross is still the starting point for the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Since then, it has become an object of worship for Christians and was protected from further destruction and ruin; in fact, Popes after that restored and consolidated it.
2023-07-22 16:41:052

2023-07-22 16:41:272

英语故事短文带翻译 150字左右

楼主你好·!The World"s Greatest Swordsman At an exhibition of the world"s best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world"s greatest swordsman. His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile. "Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. "You missed!" "Ah," replied the swordsman, "you weren"t watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father." 世界上最伟大的击剑手 在一场世界最佳击剑手表演中,排名第三的击剑手上场了。一只苍蝇放了出来,剑划了一个弧,他将苍蝇劈成了两半。观众欢呼起来。紧接着排名第二的人将一只苍蝇切成了四半。现场一阵沉默,人们期盼着世界上最伟大的击剑手出场。 他的剑锋以一个巨大的弧线划了下来--然而那只昆虫还在继续飞行!观众被惊呆了。最伟大的击剑手完全错过了他的目标,然而他还在微笑着。 “你为什么这么兴奋?”有人嚷道,“你没击中!” “啊,”剑手答道,“你刚才没有很仔细地看。苍蝇还活着,是的--但他永远也做不成爸爸了。”
2023-07-22 16:41:361


楼主,我来帮你回答吧(本人系广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院研究生,专攻各类型的英汉笔译,请楼主放心,我绝不对不是机器翻译或胡译乱译!!)1. 九阴真经:The essence of nine yin,which represents the negative and soft elements of Chinese Kongfu. (楼主不要激动,这里的“阴”首先作为中华文明的传统要素,直接拼音“yin”即可,但后面必须附上解释性文字,即“negative and soft elements of Chinese Kongfu,也就是 “中国功夫文化中的隐性和柔的元素”,这种翻译策略是常见的,也是易于应用的。)2. 九阳真经:The essence of nine yang, which represents the positive and overt forces of Chinese Kongfu.(同理,“阳”是中国传统文化的一个信息符号,你首先可以翻译成拼音的“yang”,但后面必须附上说明性的文字,即“中国功夫刚性和外在的力量”--the positive and overt forces of Chinese Kongfu.)3. 降龙十八掌: 18 dragon-strike palms (这里要注意,欧美文化中的“龙”不同于我们中国传统文化中的龙,他们认为龙是邪恶的,霸道的,是经常会带来灾难的一种不吉祥的生物,故翻译的时候可以用dragon-strike,这是没问题的,还有“掌”,这里直接用“palm”即可,其实这也是国外通用的译法了。)4.易筋经: The classics of tendon changing (这是“易筋经”国外通行的标准译本,这无需附上任何解释性文字,老外自然就会明白的,所以情楼主放心使用)5. 玉女心经: Jade Heart Manual (这个就需要动脑筋了,首先,“玉女心经”经结构之后应是“玉女心 经”这种结构, 这也和玉女心经当时的背景完全吻合:玉女心经是由当年古墓派祖师林朝英独居古墓时所创下,林朝英虽然是为了克制全真派的武功而创立此经,但最终却敌不过对王重阳的思念,无法达到双双克敌的境界。其中最有名的剑法是玉女素心剑法。所以根据这一背景,我们完全可以将玉女之心经解构为Jade Heart Manual,这也是老外易于接受的翻译版本之一。)6. 葵花宝典:Sunflower Bible(这无需解释,是国外通行的译法,我们中国文化中的宝典也就是相当于老外口中的“圣经”,这个对等是文化对等,这是没问题的。)2.金庸和古龙的英语介绍:楼主你想要言简意赅版本的,那就可以参照我一下的版本:Born in Feburary of 1924, Mr. Jin Yong is one of the most famous martial art fictionist in modern China. Besides being a prolific writer in historical and martial art fictions, he is also famous for his abundant knowledge and research results in traditional Chinese culture and ancient Chinese history. He wrote more than 15 long novels, all of which were remembered well by both domestic and overseas readers as Chinese martial art fiction classics.“Condor Hero” and “Eight Guardians of Buddhism” were among his most favored list.接下来是我写的关于古龙的介绍,楼主亦可参考:Born in June of 1937, Mr.Gu Long is another martial art fiction talent who shares the same reputation as Jin Yong. He focuses on writing excellent and elegant novels that gives out full sensation of Chinese culture essence like royalty, faith and undying love between true lovers. He introduced creative literature method that combines traditional Chinese novels with modern western fictions, and achieved great results in its novelty and publicity. “The legend of Chu Liuxiang”and “The Sentimental Swordsman” were his most beloved works.已经非常简要的了,主要介绍一下出身年月、作品风格、主要作品就够了,你要短点的,这也符合要求,其实就是要简短一些的。老外喜欢这种“直来直去”的风格。至于文字方面,我也是尽量从简,但核心内容和主要信息我还是传递到位了,主要是你上面那几个翻译,的确费了我一番周折,因为楼主你要知道,很多译文都是直译或自己根据形态于结构进行拆译,其实这些金庸名著中的经典是有据可循的,但是,需要在网上反复地查才能找到最标准、也就是国外读者最易接受的译文版本。总而言之,翻译这些内容是一项非常有意思的尝试!!谢谢楼主!!n_n。
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中文名:护封剑之剑士日文名:护封剣の剣士(ごふうけんのけんし)英文名:Swordsman of Revealing Light卡片密码:64605089卡片种类:效果怪兽星级:8属性:光种族:战士攻击:0防御:2400罕见度:面闪SR卡包:DP14效果:对方怪兽的直接攻击宣言时才能发动。这张卡从手卡特殊召唤。并且这张卡的守备力比那只攻击怪兽的攻击力高的场合,再把那只攻击怪兽破坏。此外,场上的这张卡为素材作XYZ召唤的怪兽得到以下效果。●这张卡1回合只有1次不会被战斗破坏。
2023-07-22 16:42:181


2023-07-22 16:42:312


四人组 :佐哥>西岚>布万加>巴恩 根据剑士衣服颜色而定(德罗斯剑士的长袍颜色依照剑术高低,从上至下分别为:黑,紫,红,蓝,绿,白)
2023-07-22 16:42:502


虚拟现实技术(英文名称:Virtual Reality,缩写为VR),又称虚拟实境或灵境技术,是20世纪发展起来的一项全新的实用技术。虚拟现实技术囊括计算机、电子信息、仿真技术,其基本实现方式是以计算机技术为主,利用并综合三维图形技术、多媒体技术、仿真技术、显示技术、伺服技术等多种高科技的最新发展成果,借助计算机等设备产生一个逼真的三维视觉、触觉、嗅觉等多种感官体验的虚拟世界,从而使处于虚拟世界中的人产生一种身临其境的感觉 。随着社会生产力和科学技术的不断发展,各行各业对VR技术的需求日益旺盛。VR技术也取得了巨大进步,并逐步成为一个新的科学技术领域。所谓虚拟现实,顾名思义,就是虚拟和现实相互结合。从理论上来讲,虚拟现实技术(VR)是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机仿真系统,它利用计算机生成一种模拟环境,使用户沉浸到该环境中。虚拟现实技术就是利用现实生活中的数据,通过计算机技术产生的电子信号,将其与各种输出设备结合使其转化为能够让人们感受到的现象,这些现象可以是现实中真真切切的物体,也可以是我们肉眼所看不到的物质,通过三维模型表现出来。因为这些现象不是我们直接所能看到的,而是通过计算机技术模拟出来的现实中的世界,故称为虚拟现实。虚拟现实技术受到了越来越多人的认可,用户可以在虚拟现实世界体验到最真实的感受,其模拟环境的真实性与现实世界难辨真假,让人有种身临其境的感觉;同时,虚拟现实具有一切人类所拥有的感知功能,比如听觉、视觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等感知系统;最后,它具有超强的仿真系统,真正实现了人机交互,使人在操作过程中,可以随意操作并且得到环境最真实的反馈。正是虚拟现实技术的存在性、多感知性、交互性等特征使它受到了许多人的喜爱。5G时代的到来,注定将成就虚拟现实技术。未来的生活趋势将会更多的在虚拟与现实之间切换。
2023-07-22 16:43:003


帝门影业公司恶搞的电影还有:这不是斯巴达 波拉特 反斗神鹰系列 邮政孔部(故意写错,否则发不出)份子 猪头逛大街
2023-07-22 16:43:344


“穿靴子的猫三剑客”,这是“穿靴子的猫》外传,大冒险经过一系列的冒险后,剑客靴猫上了一个新的旅程。这一次,他来到了一个巨大的壮丽的荒凉,当他是马驰骋,但由一组武装士兵停止在验证身份。在剑客靴猫被带进一个华丽庄严的宫殿,看到亚历山德拉·俄勒冈公主。公爵小姐贝拉,一个皱眉,伤心,原来她冠的熔火红宝石是来自法国的小偷偷。在追捕耳语大盗的过程中,保安捉到小偷三退休三超级看似无辜的年轻的猫来了。"The puss in boots the cat cat come three musketeers", this is "wear boots cat" gaiden, after a series of adventure after the big adventure, swordsman boots cat on a new journey. This time he came to a vast magnificent desolation, and when he was the horse gallop, but by a group of armed soldiers stopped in verified identity. After swordsman boots cat was brought into a luxuriant solemn"s palace, and see a Alexandra · Oregon princess. The princess Bella, a frown, sad, originally she crown of melting fire heart ruby is from France thieves steal. After whisper thieves whisper thieves in the process, the guards caught the thieves three pensioners-three super seemingly innocent young cat come.
2023-07-22 16:43:462


my own swordsman
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xian jian qi xia zhuan
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1980 通天老虎Tong tian lao hu 程小东导演的《江山美人》1982 彩云曲Once Upon a Rainbow   1983   星际钝胎Xing ji dun tai   生死决Duel to the Death   1984 雪儿Xue er   1986 奇缘Witch from Nepal   1987   英雄本色续集(英雄本色2) A Better Tomorrow II   倩女幽魂A Chinese Ghost Story  1988   铁甲无敌玛利亚(铁甲无敌) I Love Maria   八星报喜The Eight Happiness   1989秦俑(古今大战秦俑情) A Terracotta Warrior   1990   倩女幽魂I I:人间道Sinnui yauman II   笑傲江湖Swordsman   1991   倩女幽魂Ⅲ:道道道 Sinnui yauman III: Do Do Do   财叔之横扫千军Cai shu zhi huang sao qian jun   1992 笑傲江湖2:东方不败(笑傲江湖之东方不败) Swordsman 2   新龙门客栈New Dragon Inn   东方不败风云再起(东方不败之风云再起) Swordsman 3: East Is Red 程小东 出席活动(20张)  踢到宝Ti dao bao   审死官Justice, My Foot   1993   现代豪侠传Xian dai hao xia zhuan   济公Mad Monk   1996冒险王Dr.Wei and the Scripture Without Words 1997 最长的一天The Longest Day七金刚7 jin gong   1998 碧血蓝天   2000 中华赌侠Chung wa diy hap   2002 赤裸特工Naked Weapon 程小东详解李宁在奥运开幕式的表演2003 飞刀又见飞刀   潜龙轰天3野兽之腹Belly of the Beast   2005   风云2   天下第一   中华英雄   2007   投名状(刺马) The Warlords   少林寺传奇之乱世英雄(少林寺传奇)   江山美人An Empress and The Warriors   2008   剑蝶(武侠梁祝)Butterfly Lover   大灌篮(功夫灌篮/ 灌篮) Kung Fu Dunk   2010 大笑江湖   2011 白蛇传说 参加演出1966 大醉侠Big Drunk Hero   1974 成记茶楼Cheng ji cha lou   1975 天才与白痴Crazy Money   1979 出笼马骝Chu long ma liu   1980   通天老虎Tong tian lao hu   醒目仔Young outcasts   古灵精怪小鬼头   1990 玩命双雄Wan ming shuang xiong   1991   豪门夜宴Party of a Wealthy Family   财叔之横扫千军Cai shu zhi huang sao qian jun   1992双龙会Twin Dragons担任制作人1992 新龙门客栈 New Dragon Inn   1993   东方三侠 The Heroic Trio   现代豪侠传 Xian dai hao xia zhuan担任副导演/助理导演1980 第一类型危险程小东为编剧的电影   1983生死决   1992 鹿鼎记   1994 七金刚   2007 末日危城
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