barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 04:10:43


  • 小船、艇:Boat最常见的含义是指小船或艇,包括划艇、帆船、皮艇、划子等等。例如,我们可以说:“他喜欢在湖上划船,每个周末都会租一艘小boat。”这里的boat表示小船或艇。


  • 船只类型:Boat还可以用于描述不同类型的小型船只。例如,我们可以说:“这个港口有各种类型的boat,包括划艇、快艇、游艇等等。”这里的boat表示不同类型的小型船只。


  • 船身构造:Boat还可以用于描述船身的构造。例如,我们可以说:“这艘boat的船身很结实,可以承受大风大浪。”这里的boat表示船身。




“boat”读音为/bəʊt/。它是一个名词,表示“船”,是英语中常用的词汇之一。读音规则如下:其中/b/是爆破音,/əʊ/是双元音,/t/是塞音。发音方法:首先,将嘴唇张开,舌头放平,靠近牙齿。然后,发出爆破音/b/的声音,同时将舌头向上抬起,接着发出双元音/əʊ/的声音,舌头向后缩,嘴唇向前突出,最后发出塞音/t/的声音,舌头顶住上颚,嘴唇微微闭合。拓展:1.表示船只“boat”最常见的用法是表示船只,可以用于各种类型的船只,如小船、游艇、渔船、货船等。We went out on a boat to do some fishing.(我们出海去钓鱼了。)2.表示划艇运动“boat”还可以用于表示划艇运动,如皮划艇、赛艇等。例如:He won a gold medal in the men"s single sculls boat race.(他在男子单人划艇比赛中获得了金牌。)3.表示船型“boat”还可以用于表示船的形状或类型,如平底船、拖船、快艇等。例如:The boat has a shallow draft, which makes it ideal for navigating in shallow waters.(这艘船吃水浅,非常适合在浅水区航行。)
2023-07-22 17:25:291


2023-07-22 17:25:481


boat [bu0259ut] n.1. 船;(用桨、帆或引擎推进的)小船,(小)艇(包括桨划船、帆船、摩托艇等)2. [见习船员、新水手用语]舰,大船(包括轮船、远洋班轮、汽船等)3. (一般指)有专门用途的船,供一定用途的船 (如救生艇、渔船、邮船等),大船的备用小艇(如救生艇)4. 在河流航行的船5. 【海军】潜水艇6. (盛调味汁、肉汁等的)船形碟,船形盘,船形器皿7. 【基督教】(某些教堂的)船形小香炉8. 【化学】(立体异构体中的)船式(结构),舟状构型,舟皿9. [美国俚语](大)汽车10. [俚语]脸vt.1. 把(桨)从水中收起横放在船上:boat the oars收桨[操艇口令]2. 用船装运,用船运输;摆渡:The boater boated them across the river.船夫用船把他们摆渡过河。They boated us across the bay.他们用船把我们送过海湾。3. 把(鱼)装入船内,用渔网把(鱼)拖入船内:to boat a halibut把大比目鱼拖上船vi.1. 乘船,划船,荡桨:They boated down the Nile.他们乘船顺尼罗河而下。2. 乘船游玩,坐船(游览):to go boating on the lake到湖上划船去boat [bu0259ut] n.1. a small vessel for travel on water2. a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or saucev.ride in a boat on water以上来源于: WordNet
2023-07-22 17:26:091

boat,ship,vessel有什么不同? 在中文里,它们都是船.

2023-07-22 17:26:241


一、详细释义: , n. , 小船,小艇;轮船 [C] , 例句: ,They tried to row the *** all boat off with a paddle.,他们试图用桨把小船划开。, 例句: ,The boat was dashed against the rocks.,那条船猛撞在岩石上。, v. , 划船 [I] , 例句: ,We boated down the river.,我们顺江划下去。, 例句: ,We boated down the Thames.,我们放舟直下泰晤士河。, 用船运输;用船装运 [T] , 例句: ,They boated us across the bay.,他们把我们用船运过海湾。, 二、词义辨析: , boat,ship,canoe,steamer,vessel,craft ,这些名词均含有“船”之意。boat泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。ship含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。canoe指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。steamer指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。vessel多指运货或运人的大船。craft船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。, 三、相关短语: ,boat race,n. 赛船,boat train,n. 配合船班次载运船客的火车,pilot boat,n. 领航艇,sailing boat,n. 帆船,boat hook,船拖钩,钩头篙,c *** boat,n.运河用的平底的船,fishing boat,渔船,flying boat,飞船,船身式水上飞机,guard boat,巡逻艇,巡逻艇,mail boat,邮政便船,mosquito boat,鱼雷舰,驱潜艇,motor torpedo boat,鱼雷舰, 四、参考例句: ,The boat was fast.,船(开得)很快。,The boat drowned.,船沉没了。,The boat always scends.,船总是在左右摇晃。,The boat rolled badly.,船摇晃得很厉害。,Happy Dragon Boat Festival!,端午节快乐!,Pull the boat ashore!,把船拉上岸!,Can you sail a boat?,你会驾船吗?,He beheld the boat sink.,他注视着那条船下沉。,Can you row a boat?,你会划船吗?,Ease the boat off gently.,把船缓缓地驶离岸边。
2023-07-22 17:28:191


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2023-07-22 17:28:371


boat 英 [bu0259u028at] 美 [bou028at] n.小船,小艇; 轮船 vi.乘船,划船 vt.用船运输; 用船装运
2023-07-22 17:29:031

boat怎么读 boat的读音

1、英音[bu0259u028at] 2、美音[bot] 3、boat基本解释 n.小船,小艇;轮船 vi.乘船,划船 vt.用船运输;用船装运 4、boat的用法和例句 Can you make improvements in a used boat yourself ? 你能自己对二手船进行改善升级吗?
2023-07-22 17:29:101


2023-07-22 17:29:171


boat英 [bəʊt] 美 [bot] n. 小船;轮船vi. 划船
2023-07-22 17:29:452


2023-07-22 17:31:273


boat船常见释义英[bəʊt]美[boʊt]n.(泛指)船;小船;舟;汽艇;例句He had a new car and a boat.他有一辆新车和一条船
2023-07-22 17:31:432


boat英文的中文翻译是船。boat,英语单词,名词、不及物动词 ,作名词时意为“小船;轮船”。【短语搭配】patrol boat[船][军]巡逻艇 ; 巡逻船 ; 巡逻艇巡逻艇 ; 水警小艇Boat Quay驳船码头 ; 驳船船埠 ; 泊船码头 ; 船码头Boat People投奔怒海 ; 船民 ; 投靠怒海 ; 经常特指偷渡者missile boat导弹快艇 ; 导弹艇cargo boat货船 ; 货轮 ; 小型货船 ; 船或机载货物fishing boat渔船 ; 捕鳕鱼船 ; 小渔船 ; 钓鱼船passenger boat[船]客船 ;[船]客轮 ; 翻译stone boat石舫 ; 石肪 ; 运石平底橇rescue boat救护船 ;[船]救助艇 ; 救生艇 ; 救助庭【语例句】The next morning we offered our boat for only 6 dollars.第二天上午我们仅以6美元出卖我们的船。We are all in the same boat together, whether we like it or not, and it seems to me that our crew is polarized.我们全体一齐都在这同一条船上,不管我们喜欢还是不喜欢它,在我看来我们的船员似乎极性化了。Is this my boat?这是我的船吗?。
2023-07-22 17:33:241


boat的过去式是:boated。重点词汇:boated英[bu0259u028at]释义:n.船;船型物。v.划船;放于船上;乘船。例句:用作名词(n)They pushed the boat further into the water.他们把小船又往水里推了推。词语使用变化:n.(名词)。1、boat的基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。2、boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。3、boat与介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。
2023-07-22 17:34:001


boat n.小船
2023-07-22 17:34:431


boat是个英语单词,作名词使用的时候意思是:“小船;轮船”,作及物动词使用的时候意思是:“划船”。 很多同学在学习boat这个英文单词的时候,不知道应该是当做动词还是名词使用,究竟boat这个词应该怎么使用才正确呢?下面让我们一起去了解详细的内容吧。 详细内容 01 patrol boat[船][军]巡逻艇 ; 巡逻船 ; 巡逻艇巡逻艇 ; 水警小艇; Boat Quay驳船码头 ; 驳船船埠 ; 泊船码头 ; 船码头。 02 Boat People投奔怒海 ; 船民 ; 投靠怒海 ; 经常特指偷渡者; missile boat导弹快艇 ; 导弹艇。 03 cargo boat货船 ; 货轮 ; 小型货船 ; 船或机载货物; fishing boat渔船 ; 捕鳕鱼船 ; 小渔船 ; 钓鱼船。 04 passenger boat[船]客船 ;[船]客轮 ; 翻译; stone boat石舫 ; 石肪 ; 运石平底橇; rescue boat救护船 ;[船]救助艇 ; 救生艇 ; 救助庭。 05 The next morning we offered our boat for only 6 dollars. 第二天上午我们仅以6美元出卖我们的船。 We are all in the same boat together, whether we like it or not, and it seems to me that our crew is polarized. 我们全体一齐都在这同一条船上,不管我们喜欢还是不喜欢它,在我看来我们的船员似乎极性化了。 Is this my boat? 这是我的船吗?
2023-07-22 17:35:021


2023-07-22 17:35:1311


2023-07-22 17:35:511

by sea和by boat的区别

"By sea"和"by boat"都是描述运输方式的短语,但它们有些微妙的区别。"By sea"是指通过海运进行货物运输,可以使用各种类型的船只,例如货轮、集装箱船等等。这个短语通常用于描述较长距离的国际运输,而不是短距离的海上运输。"By boat"则是指通过任何类型的船只进行运输,包括小艇、皮艇、划艇等。这个短语通常用于描述短距离的海上或河流运输,例如在旅游或娱乐活动中乘坐小艇或划艇。因此,"by sea"更适用于描述大型货物或国际贸易运输,而"by boat"更适用于描述小型船只或短距离的运输活动。
2023-07-22 17:36:002


boat[英][bu0259u028at] [美][bot] 生词本简明释义n.小船,小艇;轮船vi.乘船,划船vt.用船运输;用船装运复数:boats易混淆的单词:BOATBoat以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT船;小船A boat is something in which people can travel across water. One of the best ways to see the area is in a small boat...游览该地区的一个最好方式是乘坐小船。The island may be reached by boat from the mainland.
2023-07-22 17:37:021


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2023-07-22 17:38:006


boat的读音是:英[bəʊt],美[boʊt]。常见句型:1、He boated some bags of rice across the river.他将几袋稻米载送过河。2、The boat pitched about in the storm.船在风暴中上下颠簸。3、Can you make improvements in a used boat yourself?你能自己对二手船进行改善升级吗?4、The old man boated me across the river.那老人将我摆渡过河。5、We"ll ship your order to the address we print on your cheques.我们将把你预订的货物送到我们印在你单据上的地址。6、The next morning we offered our boat for only 6 dollars.第二天上午我们仅以6美元出卖我们的船。7、The vessel is sailing from Hongkong to Shanghai.这船从香港开航驶往上海。8、He won a gold medal in the men"s single sculls boat race.他在男子单人划艇比赛中获得了金牌。9、The boat has a shallow draft, which makes it ideal for navigating in shallow waters.这艘船吃水浅,非常适合在浅水区航行。
2023-07-22 17:38:161


boat读作 [bu0259u028at] 。n小船(尤指可被大型舰船携带的划桨船、帆船、摩托艇等);大船(如车辆渡船等);潜艇;(盛肉汁、调味汁等的)船形碟(或盘);(某些基督教堂用来盛香的)船形小香炉;vi(尤指为娱乐或消遣)乘船航行,划船vt将(鱼)捕获入船。同义词:boat泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。ship含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。canoe指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。steamer指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。vessel多指运货或运人的大船。craft船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。例句:1、We go boating on the lake every weekend 。我们每个周末都到湖上划船。2、He shouted to me that the boat was sinking 。他对我喊着说船要沉了。3、The boat was moving quickly toward the shore 。小船往岸边快速行进。4、He sailed the boat between the islands 。他驾驶着船在两岛之间航行。5、Sometimes someone would speak in a boat 。偶尔一只船上有人在说话。6、The boat made slow headway against the tide 。那船逆着潮水缓慢地前进。7、She untied the rope and set the boat adrift 。她把绳索解开,放开小船。8、The crocodiles boated around in the lilies 。鳄鱼在百草丛中浮游。9、We travel in a small boat against the wind 。我们坐在顶风行驶的小船里。10、The burning boat lit up the waters 。这条着火的船把这一片水域照得通亮。11、All the boats and carts started off at the same time 。车船齐发。
2023-07-22 17:38:431


ship 和 boat 都有“船”的意思,但是作为“船”,它们有非常大的区别,而且有一些人经常混用两者。当大家谈到它们的区别时,第一反应是它们的大小的区别,传统上人们认为 ship 是远洋的大船,而 boat 的尺寸相对较小。ship 可以载 boat,而反过来不行。从技术上讲,重量至少为500吨或以上的水上运输方式被归类为 ship。相比之下,boat 在结构尺寸和排水量上相当紧凑。ship 是指在海洋区域和公海作业的船舶。它们通常包括游轮、军舰、油轮、集装箱船、滚装船和近海船舶,主要用于海上货物/旅客运输;而 boat 只可在较小/受限水域作业,包括渡船和拖船、帆船、划桨船、皮划艇、独木舟、巡逻船等。boat 主要用于较小的用途,主要在靠近海岸的区域航行。
2023-07-22 17:39:581


boat英 [bəʊt] 美 [boʊt]n.小船,小艇; 轮船vi.乘船,划船vt.用船运输; 用船装运
2023-07-22 17:40:061


He was asleep in the boat. 他在船里睡着了。
2023-07-22 17:40:151


划龙舟Dragon Boat
2023-07-22 17:40:263


第一答案是 boat同义词 ship第二,boat意思是“船”他的同义词是ship第三,所以作为名词,boat和ship是同义词,都代表“船”ship作名词时意为“船,舰;三(或多)桅帆船;艇(尤指赛艇);宇宙飞船;飞机”。作动词时意为“(用船、飞机、卡车)运送;遣送(某人);(使)上市;乘船;(水手)在船上工作;舷侧进水;把(浆架中的浆)放在船内;给船安装(舵、桅杆等); 提供船只;上船;乘船旅行;(军事命令)继续航行;在船上服役”。综上所以boat的同义词是ship
2023-07-22 17:41:071


2023-07-22 17:27:451


留学生在韩国生活成本较高,以下是几个省钱小窍门:1. 住房:选择离学校或学习工作地点较近的地方,公寓或者 share house 尤其省钱,因为它可以把房租和账单分摊。另外,在网上寻找租房信息,也可以使用租房APP以及租房网站,可以比较方便地选择住所。2. 饮食:在韩国,学生饮食支出可能比较高,可以去便利店购买便宜的食物,或者去学校的学生餐厅,享受学生优惠价;同时注意节省食物的浪费。3. 打折:学生可以申请学生证,并受益于许多打折优惠券或者折扣,如去影院看电影时,或者乘坐公共交通时等等。4. 购物:在购物时可以选择离开市区来寻找实惠的物品,并购买各种主流打折商品。不过在网购时需要注意收税的问题,因为像亚马逊等网上购物平台并不免税。5. 运动:韩国有很多免费的公共运动场,可以在那里去锻炼后,也可以在运动内衣和防晒霜上省钱。总之,留学生在韩国生活时要学会精打细算,掌握一些省钱小窍门,以便在日常生活中节约开支,避免浪费。
2023-07-22 17:27:463


ANDY: the food sucks!Brain:com"on. you are in china and you need to get used to the food here.Chinese: definitely. the Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee is the best in our city. have a try.ANDY:i like yam(sweet potatoes). tastes good. but why are chinese reataurants so noisy? i can barely bare it.brain: oh, can you just stop complaining about everything and concentrating on the food?chinese: we chinese like to talk over meals. we believe it a great time to communicate with each other. and we want to make each other feel warm and welcome.andy:well, ok. that"s fine. then i guess i will have to go to a western restaurant next time.after dinnerbrain: thanks chou for bringing us here. i really enjoy the food.chinese: my pleasure. and it is my treat this time. thanks for helping me with my english.andy:you have also helped us a lot since we were in china. why don"t we go dutch? chinese: oh yea, sure!
2023-07-22 17:27:481


Distinguished Leadership : you!Thank you most sincerely for this in his busy schedule to read my curriculum vitae, and wish you good health and Guidanwei thriving!When I was manager of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of fresh graduates 2007 session.In four years of university, I have tried to strengthen their quality, and enhance their own cultural training to improve their practical abilities.seize the opportunity to participate in extracurricular school activities and the use of the practice and training internships.2, a supplement to the students so that my organization, there have been different degree of coordination;Acting through one year of business school, my business processes, work flow have a clearer idea;Through several major competitions, so I teamwork, communication and cooperation have gained a deeper understanding;The 3rd through internships, I become more aware of their behaviors, and skills they acquired important.I firmly believe that such practice would give me faster and better adapted to the advantage of the future.At the school, I study hard expertise, majoring in e-business, not only has mastered the use of application software,Computer and smooth passage of the provincial secondary examinations.In English, I would rather focus on the spoken language, and actively participated in activities, had passed CET - 6 testEnglish interpretation is preparing examinations.Amateur in learning, I passed the driving test C1, Chinese Language and Literature examination and public relations qualifying examination.I love to study and work in the freshman has not been able to find a balance between the helpless; Through sophomore in. I do not know the loss and better students; through the church, I love the job anxieties of the woods.Come today, I can gain a firm, careful, passion, confidence, courage : : University,rich social life and orderly but tense atmosphere of learning, I have been tempered and tested in many aspects;I strive to be a man of integrity and principle; I have the attitude that people should be calm and cool; I feel very many friends;I can make a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility in the face of difficulties and challenges.I sincerely hope to join your company, I will work with full enthusiasm and tenacious personality in your company"s step-by-step manner,Accumulation further enrich themselves and effectively contribute to your company, to create the future!For interviews with you, I would be very grateful.While awaiting your good news!Respectfully salute!
2023-07-22 17:27:494

The Asian Games 初三作文

2023-07-22 17:27:502

F1 DRS和KERS是什么东西,有关系么?

2023-07-22 17:27:523


《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》第三十五条 本法自1989年5月1日起施行。由中华人民共和国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议于2010年4月29日修订通过,修订后的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》公布,自2010年10月1日起施行。
2023-07-22 17:27:542

tyrwhitt造句 tyrwhittの例文 "tyrwhitt"是什麼意思

He was transferred to the Cape Verde Islands on Admiral Tyrwhitt . Tyrwhitt eventually rose to the position of a director of Newmont. Tyrwhitt -Drake was mayor of Victoria from 1876 to 1877. Tyrwhitt -Drake died in Victoria at the age of 78. In 1934 Tyrwhitt was promoted to Admiral of the Fleet. She died after giving birth to Joan and Arthur Tyrwhitt . Patrons included George Steevens, Thomas Crofts, John Hoole and Thomas Tyrwhitt . The ship was assigned to the Commodore Reginald Tyrwhitt "s Harwich Force. Tyrwhitt -Drake came to British Columbia in 1863, settpng in Victoria. In 1862, Tyrwhitt -Drake married Joanna Tolmie. It"s difficult to see tyrwhitt in a sentence. 用 tyrwhitt 造句挺难的 Charles Tyrwhitt was founded as a mail order pany in 1986 by Bristol University. Manners married Robert Tyrwhitt in secretly in 1594. Captain Reginald Tyrwhitt took over the mand of the destroyer flotillas in December 1913. After her death in 1962, Agnew married secondly Lady ( Nancy ) Tyrwhitt . Initially Tyrwhitt was convinced that they were authentic, and pressed for pubpcation in 1777. He died childless and was succeeded by his niece Harriet Tyrwhitt , the elfth Baroness. The German objective was to bombard Tyrwhitt . Tyrwhitt was ordered to join Warrender with his destroyer flotilla but bad weather prevented this. Her second hu *** and was Sir Robert Tyrwhitt . Tyrwhitt was jailed for circumventing the queen. In 1986 he estabpshed the Charles Tyrwhitt pany and shirt brand, which he owns. Tyrwhitt turned back to assist Keyes on receipt of the signal that he was being chased. Denham took Tyrwhitt with him on an excursion to the southern tip of the Lake Chad. I"ve added the first names for Commodores Tyrwhitt and Goodenough and Rear Admiral Moore. He won the Tyrwhitt Hebrew Scholarship, the Mason Hebrew Prize, and the Jeremie Septuagint Prize. This brought him into association with Buckminister Fuller, Arnold Toynbee, Margaret Mead and Jaqupne Tyrwhitt . He was a descendant of John Tyrwhitt , brother of the first Baro of the 1808 creation. The Tyrwhitt -Drakes organised family and estate games at their property at Shardeloes, in Amersham. Friendship with John Henry Parker led Tyrwhitt into the debate over the Roman catabs and their significance. Tyrwhitt immediately turned his ships around and fled south, but not before the cruiser sustained severe damage. It"s difficult to see tyrwhitt in a sentence. 用 tyrwhitt 造句挺难的 The Tyrwhitt Road site was gazetted for conservation by the Urban Redevelopment Authority ( URA ) in 2007. The LSRCA also increased the size of the Baldwin and Tyrwhitt properties as well as the Zephyr Wetlands. When that Bill became the Great Reform Act of 1832, Tyrwhitt -Drake thereby lost his seat. Tyrwhitt wrote for periodicals, for example on art critici *** in the " Contemporary Review ". It was only when the third edition was pubpshed that Tyrwhitt changed his mind and pronounced the poems forgeries. Sir Phipp Tyrwhitt , who paid the cost initially, reportedly bought one bell and undertook to buy another. St . John Reginald Joseph Tyrwhitt and would have had a plement of 183 to 218 seamen and officers. Tyrwhitt became manding officer of the destroyer in 1904, of the scout cruiser First Fleet in December 1913. The weather had moderated earper that morning and Tyrwhitt was en route to reinforce the cruisers with eight destroyers. Thomas Tyrwhitt died in 1833; his vision, to generate agricultural development on the moor, had failed. It took a cash settlement from Robert Manners, Earl of Rutland, to secure Tyrwhitt "s release. He died unmarried as a sitting MP in 1796 and was replaced in January 1797 by Thomas Tyrwhitt Jones. In 2011, OVA organized the Victoria School 135th Anniversary Celebration Dinner at the former VS campus at Tyrwhitt Road. His friends and colleagues included Thomas Tyrwhitt , George Steevens, John Hoole and the anatomist and numi *** atist Wilpam Hunter. A third version, owned by the Tyrwhitt -Drake family, may have been missioned by Sir Francis Drake. The repeated appearances by the German cruisers caused Tyrwhitt to ask for assistance from the ships detached from the Grand Fleet. The first, on 22 August, attributed blame on the mander of " Arun ", Reginald Tyrwhitt . Drake Island, which is named after Justice Montague Wilpam Tyrwhitt -Drake, ( Mayor of Mount Waddington Regional District. Tyrwhitt -Drake"s portrait as Mayor of Maidstone is contained in the collection of Maidstone Museum & Art Gallery. A British fleet of 31 destroyers and o cruisers under Commodore Reginald Tyrwhitt and submarines manded by Commodore Roger Keyes was dispatched. It"s difficult to see tyrwhitt in a sentence. 用 tyrwhitt 造句挺难的
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2023-07-22 17:28:014


没有games文件夹还是没有games文件夹里面的数据包?没有games文件夹的话 自己新建一个名叫games的文件夹就可以了,不影响游戏的正常使用没有games文件夹里的数据包的话,看你什么游戏,然后去网上下载,放进games文件夹里面就行了(有很多其他的游戏数据包不是放到games文件夹里面的 你可以根据游戏数据包存放地址说明,把它放进指定的文件夹里面就好了)望采纳
2023-07-22 17:27:421


 KERS是动能回收系统(Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems)的英文缩写。其基础原理是:通过技术手段将车身制动能量存储起来,并在赛车加速过程中将其作为辅助动力释放利用! 为了鼓励、推动KERS技术的发展,FIA给予了车队充足的发挥空间。在今年7月11日发布的2009版F1技术规则中,国际汽联只对KERS几项技术指标做了规定,其余所有环节都是开放的。按照莫斯利的说法,KERS的发展几乎不受限。下文便是新规则中仅有的约束条款:  1,KERS系统的最大输出和输入功率不得超过60KW,每圈的能量释放总量不得超过400KJ。(规则原文5.2.3)  2 赛车在进站加油的过程中,不得向KERS的系统增加能量存储。(规则原文5.2.4)  3 赛车引擎、变速箱、离合器、差速器和KERS以及所有的相关激活机构,必须由FIA指定的ECU供应商提供的ECU控制(即迈凯轮提供的标准ECU)。(规则原文8.2.1)
2023-07-22 17:27:411


关于container怎么读解答如下:英ku0259nu02c8teu026anu0259(r),Container,平时指箱子,同时也表示容器,也有时以集装箱的名字出现。所谓集装箱,是指具有一定强度、刚度和规格专供周转使用的大型装货容器。使用集装箱转运货物,可直接在发货人的仓库装货,运到收货人的仓库卸货,中途更换车、船时,无须将货物从箱内取出换装。按所装货物种类分,有杂货集装箱、散货集装箱、液体货集装箱、冷藏箱集装箱等;按制造材料分,有木集装箱、钢集装箱、铝合金集装箱、玻璃钢集装箱、不锈钢集装箱等;按结构分,有折叠式集装箱、固定式集装箱等,在固定式集装箱中还可分密闭集装箱、开顶集装箱、板架集装箱等;按总重分,有30吨集装箱、20吨集装箱、10吨集装箱、5吨集装箱、2.5吨集装箱等。箱号:集装箱箱体上都有一个11位的编号,前四位是字母,后七位是数字。此编号是唯一的。集装箱(又称货柜)的种类:按规格尺寸分:目前,国际上通常使用的干货柜(DRYCONTAINER)有:外尺寸为20英尺X8英尺X8英尺6寸,简称20尺货柜;40英尺X8英尺X8英尺6寸,简称40尺货柜; 及近年较多使用的40英尺X8英尺X9英尺6寸,简称40尺高柜。20尺柜:内容积为5.69米X2.13米X2.18米,配货毛重一般为17.5吨,体积为24-26立方米.40尺柜:内容积为11.8米X2.13米X2.18米,配货毛重一般为22吨,体积为54立方米.40尺高柜:内容积为11.8米X2.13米X2.72米.配货毛重一般为22吨,体积为68立方米.45尺高柜:内容积为:13.58米X2.34米X2.71米,配货毛重一般为29吨,体积为86立方米.20尺开顶柜:内容积为5.89米X2.32米X2.31米,配货毛重20吨,体积31.5立方米.40尺开顶柜:内容积为12.01米X2.33米X2.15米,配货毛重30.4吨,体积65立方米.20尺平底货柜:内容积5.85米X2.23米X2.15米,配货毛重23吨,体积28立方米.40尺平底货柜:内容积12.05米X2.12米X1.96米,配货毛重36吨,体积50立方米.20尺可折叠平台用货箱:内部尺寸5.946米X2.216米X2.233米,配货毛重27.1吨。40尺可折叠平台用货箱:内部尺寸12.080米X2.126米X2.043米,配货毛重29.2吨。
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《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》于1990年4月25日以国家保密局令第1号发布。2014年1月17日,中华人民共和国国务院令第646号公布《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》。该《条例》第45条决定,废止1990年4月25日国务院批准、1990年5月25日国家保密局发布的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》。《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》于1990年4月25日以国家保密局令第1号发布。该《办法》分总则,确定密级、变更密级和解密,保密制度,奖惩,附则5章41条,自发布之日起施行。2014年1月17日,中华人民共和国国务院令第646号公布《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》。该《条例》第45条决定,废止1990年4月25日国务院批准、1990年5月25日国家保密局发布的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》。法律依据:《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》现公布《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》,自2014年3月1日起施行。第一条 根据《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》(以下简称《保密法》)的规定,制定本办法。第二条 国家保密工作部门是国务院的职能机构,根据《保密法》和本办法主管全国的保密工作。第十六条 对于上级机关或者有关保密工作部门要求继续保密的事项,在所要求的期限内不得解密。第三十九条 中央国家机关和各省、自治区、直辖市政府,可以根据本系统、本地区的实际情况,根据《保密法》和本办法制定实施细则。第四十条 本办法由国家保密工作部门负责解释。第四十一条 本办法自发布之日起施行。 第四十五条 本条例自2014年3月1日起施行。1990年4月25日国务院批准、1990年5月25日国家保密局发布的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》同时废止。
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用全英文介绍苹果iPod Touch(8GB)

iPod touch lets you enjoy everything you love about an iPod, and then some. Watch your movies and TV shows on a brilliant 3.5-inch display. Use the revolutionary Multi-Touch interface to flick through your music in Cover Flow. And anytime you"re itching for more entertainment, just tap iTunes to browse and buy on the fly. Music With room for up to 14,000 songs and up to 30 hours of audio playback time, iPod touch gives you nonstop musical entertainment.* And the new Genius Mixes and Voice Control features add even more ways for you to experience your music. Genius Mixes Now the Genius feature is even more powerful. Introducing Genius Mixes. All you do is sync iPod touch to iTunes, and Genius automatically searches your library and finds songs that sound great together. Then it creates multiple mixes you"ll love. These mixes are like channels programmed entirely with your music. Genius PlaylistsSay you"re listening to a song on your iPod touch that you really like and want to hear other tracks that go great with it. Just tap the Genius icon. Genius automatically finds songs on your iPod touch that go great with your selected song and makes a Genius playlist for you. Voice Control You listen to music, and now your music listens to you. The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models feature Voice Control. So you can tell iPod touch to play songs from a specific playlist or artist. Or speak simple commands such as “shuffle,” “pause,” and “next song.” You can even ask for the name of the track that"s currently playing (and hear iPod touch answer you). Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models come with the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic, which are perfect for using the Voice Memos app and Voice Control.Movies + TV Shows Your very own private screening awaits you on iPod touch. Watch the latest film release or an episode of your favorite sitcom anytime you want. Store up to 80 hours of video and get up to 6 hours of video playback time on the new iPod touch.* iTunes Part of what makes iPod touch so amazing is that iTunes is literally at your fingertips. A Wi-Fi connection and a quick tap are all it takes to get instant access to millions of songs and thousands of movies and TV shows. Not to mention applications, audiobooks, and free podcasts and iTunes U lectures. Preview and buy that album you"ve been wanting. Rent that film everyone raved about, or make it part of your collection. iTunes on iPod touch is your doorway to endless entertainment possibilities. Most of what you do online with a computer can easily be done on iPod touch. Built-in Wi-Fi means you can check your favorite blogs, write an email with a photo attached, or find out how to get to that new restaurant. When you think about it, iPod touch is a computer in your pocket. How handy is that?Improved Performance The new iPod touch — available in 32GB and 64GB models — is up to 50 percent faster than the previous-generation iPod touch. So apps launch faster and web pages load in a fraction of the time.Wireless If you"re somewhere with a wireless network, iPod touch instantly recognizes it. If it"s free Wi-Fi, you"re good to go. Launch any one of your Wi-Fi-dependent apps, such as Safari or iTunes, and you"re on. Some wireless networks may require a password, but iPod touch has that covered, too. Just enter the password once, and iPod touch remembers it. So the next time you"re within range of that network, you"re connected automaticallySafariSafari — an advanced web browser designed for Mac and PC computers — also comes on iPod touch. Safari on iPod touch lets you carry the full-size power of the Internet in your pocket. Just connect to a Wi-Fi network, and you can use Safari for nearly everything you do using a web browser on a computer. In fact, web pages look exactly the same on iPod touch as they do on your computer.Mail Email on iPod touch looks and acts just like email on your computer. View your messages in rich HTML, including attachments. Mail recognizes file types such as .doc, .jpg, .mp3, and many others. And setting up Mail is easy because iPod touch automatically enters settings for popular accounts including Gmail, MobileMe, Yahoo!, AOL, and Microsoft Exchange. Keyboard Typing on iPod touch is easy. That"s because it has an intelligent keyboard that predicts and corrects words as you type. Writing something lengthy? When you turn iPod touch on its side, the keyboard switches from portrait to landscape with larger keys and more room to type.MapsKnow where you are and where you"re going with Maps on iPod touch. If you"re connected to a wireless network, you can find your location and get a list of turn-by-turn directions. Maps also finds points of interest from a keyword search. Say you and your friends have a craving for pizza. Tap Search, type in “pizza,” and Maps shows you restaurants nearby. Social NetworkingiPod touch is the only iPod that helps you stay connected. So anytime you find yourself saying “I need to make that my Facebook status” or “This deserves a tweet,” pull out your iPod touch. Social networking apps such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and AIM are available for free from the App Store. Games for iPod touch are made to take advantage of its built-in technologies such as the accelerometer, Multi-Touch, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. The result is truly immersive gameplay — whether you"re playing alone or with others in multiplayer mode. And with an App Store that offers thousands of games ready to download and play, the fun of iPod touch never ends. Performance and Graphics The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models feature improved performance and support for OpenGL ES Version 2.0, which lets developers create games with superior graphics. So games launch noticeably faster, and you experience richer, more lifelike textures and detail.App Store Make your iPod touch even more amazing with the App Store. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection. Browse over 75,000 games and apps, and buy whatever you like with just a tap.Genius Recommendations for Apps A new feature of iPod touch makes finding cool new apps even easier. It"s Genius for apps, and it works just like Genius for your music. Tap the Genius icon and get recommendations for apps that you might like based on those you already downloadedAccelerometerThe accelerometer inside iPod touch detects when you rotate iPod touch from portrait to landscape, then automatically changes what you see onscreen. But the beauty of the accelerometer comes into play when you"re actually in play. For instance, in racing games where your entire iPod becomes the steering wheel. Or balance games, such as Topple.Multi-TouchWhat sets iPod touch apart from traditional handheld gaming devices is its revolutionary Multi-Touch interface. It means you"re not just playing a game, you"re interacting with the game. Turn your fingers into an expert skateboarder. Test your reflexes as you"re challenged to tap through the beats of a song. You can even transform iPod touch into a musical instrument such as a drum set or a guitar. It"s all thanks to the brilliance of Multi-Touch technology.Wireless and Bluetooth You already know how much fun it is to play games on iPod touch when it"s just you. Multiply the fun by playing with your friends over Wi-Fi — whether they"re two cubicles or two continents away. You can also use Bluetooth for close-range head-to-head gaming. Over 100,000 applications. With thousands of games available on the App Store, your iPod touch is an arcade in your pocket. Choose from game types such as puzzle, strategy, role-playing, and more. In addition to games, you can shop for apps in categories such as music, entertainment, social networking, and a host of others. All of which make your iPod touch uniquely yours, and the best iPod you"ll ever own. GamesPlay a round of singles or doubles tennis with Tennis Slam. Dodge oncoming traffic in the arcade classic Frogger.Music + EntertainmentCreate your own melody with Ocarina or Band. Paint a mini masterpiece with Colors! or Brushes.Social NetworkingAccess your connections and business network with LinkedIn. Pass the time chatting with friends on AIM.
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给出英文的时髦词汇:比如躲猫猫什么的。 要50个,不然不会给分的,有参考资料就说。

帮你个忙,不给就不给吧躲猫猫:hide and seek踢毽子:hacky sack剪子布包锤:clippers,paper and stoneAA制:go Dutch大哥大(就是老大):Rolls-Royce(就是罗尔斯罗伊斯,看电影看来的,不知道对不对)容易的课程:a Micky Mouse course校花:campus belle放学,完工:call it a day言归正传:get down to business温习:brush up on something混合物:cocktail(鸡尾酒,我听BBC新闻听来的,不知道准不准确)女性电影:a chick flick(同上)抱佛脚:bone up for the exam不及格:flunks饿死了:not half特别少:once in a blue moon说定了:rain or shine放我鸽子:stand me up不见不散:wait till the cows come home划算:a good buy交通堵塞:traffic jam酒鬼:drink like a fish酩酊大醉:drink till all"s blue不舒服:be under the weather跑腿,打杂:gofer外快:side money被加薪:get raised(看报纸看来的,不确定)内行:know one"s job被炒鱿鱼:get the boot(好像还有一种表达是get the rain ticket)风雨同舟:in the same boat累死了,不打了,不给分就不给吧
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