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2023-07-23 04:26:08
TAG: ame gam me gay? ga game

game,运动; 比赛,竞赛; 诡计; 猎物;

adj.受伤的,瘸的; 对…有兴趣的; 雄赳赳的; 关于野味的;

v.打赌,赌输赢; 赌输;




你好!game 英[geu026am] 美[ɡem] n. 游戏,运动; 比赛,竞赛; 诡计; 猎物; adj. 受伤的,瘸的; 对…有兴趣的; 雄赳赳的; 关于野味的; v. 打赌,赌输赢; 赌输; [例句]She won six games to love in the second set.第二盘她以6比0获胜。
2023-07-22 18:01:011


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2023-07-22 18:01:435


n. 游戏,运动; 比赛,竞赛; 诡计; 猎物; adj. 受伤的,瘸的; 对…有兴趣的; 雄赳赳的; 关于野味的; v. 打赌,赌输赢; 赌输; 还有博弈的意思
2023-07-22 18:02:001


game。 给(四声)么
2023-07-22 18:02:116


GAMEabbr.glucuronide triacetyl methyl ester 葡萄糖醛酸苷三酰基甲基酯; goat anti-murine IgE 山羊抗小鼠免疫球蛋白E; game[英][geɪm][美][ɡem],运动; 比赛,竞赛; 诡计; 猎物; adj.受伤的,瘸的; 对…有兴趣的; 雄赳赳的; 关于野味的; v.打赌,赌输赢; 赌输; 第三人称单数:games过去分词:gamed复数:games最高级:gamest现在进行时:gaming比较级:gamer过去式:gamed易混淆单词:GAMEGame
2023-07-22 18:02:341


2023-07-22 18:02:554


你好! 游戏下载目录,一般大型的网游都会有这个,比如CF、泡泡卡丁车都有这种游戏下载目录! 游戏已经下载完成,就可以删除,不会有任何不良影响的,
2023-07-22 18:03:034


2023-07-22 18:03:153


noun a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck (尤指按一定规则通过技巧、力量或运气进行竞争的)游戏,运动 ■a complete episode or period of play, typically ending in a definite result 运动(项目),比赛(项目) a baseball game. 棒球比赛。 ■a single portion of play forming a scoring unit in a match, especially in tennis (比赛中,尤其是网球比赛中的)一局,一盘,一场 ■(Bridge)a score of 100 points for tricks bid and made (the best of three games constituting a rubber) (桥牌)获胜所需得分(三圈中分数最高的为一盘胜局) ■a person"s performance in a game; a person"s standard or method of play (比赛中的)场上表现,竞技水平 Rooks will attempt to raise his game to another level. 鲁克斯会努力提高他的竞技水平。 ■(games)a meeting for sporting contests, especially athletics 运动会,竞技会 the Olympic Games. 奥运会。 ■(games)(Brit.)athletics or sports as organized in a school (英)(学校组织的)运动,体育活动 a type of activity or business, especially when regarded as a game (尤指被视作游戏的)活动,事务 this was a game of shuttle diplomacy at which I had become adept. 这就是我已经很拿手的穿梭外交。 ■a secret and clever plan or trick 花招,把戏 I was on to his little game, but I didn"t want him to know. 我已经识破了他的小把戏,但我不想让他知道。 ■[often with negative]a thing that is frivolous or amusing 轻佻(或有趣)的事 a Tarot reading is not a game or a stunt. 占卜既不是哗众取宠也不是表演绝技。 [mass noun]wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food (打猎或觅为食用的)猎物 ■the flesh of thesemammals or birds, used as food (作为食物的)猎物肉,野味 [as modifier]a game pie. 野味馅饼。 adjective eager and willing to do something new or challenging 猎奇的,好斗的 they were game for anything after the traumas of Monday. 在周一受挫之后他们还是争强好胜的。 verb [no obj.][often as noun modifier](gaming)play at games of chance for money 赌博 a gaming machine. 一台赌博机。 ■play video or computer games 放录像;玩电脑游戏
2023-07-22 18:03:363


are nidie
2023-07-22 18:03:4711

game是什么意思 game的解释

1、game一词最普遍的译意为“游戏”,意为游乐嬉戏;玩耍。在英语中game一词另外一个重要意义为“竞赛”、“运动会”,如:football game(足球比赛)、the Olympic Games(奥林匹克运动会)。 2、game,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“游戏;比赛”。作形容词时意为“勇敢的”。作不及物动词时意为“赌博”。
2023-07-22 18:04:202

英文 GAME 是什么意思?

2023-07-22 18:04:2813

good game什么意思

2023-07-22 18:04:533


2023-07-22 18:05:153


game是游戏的意思。game作为名词是游戏、比赛、猎物、野味的意思。作为形容词是勇敢的。作为不及物动词是赌博的意思。Game作为人名是指(英)盖姆、(法)加姆、(西)加梅。相关例句:These students are addicted to gaming and have no intention of learning这些学生沉迷于玩电子游戏,无心学习。
2023-07-22 18:05:241


game是游戏的意思。game作为名词是游戏、比赛、猎物、野味的意思。作为形容词是勇敢的。作为不及物动词是赌博的意思。Game作为人名是指(英)盖姆、(法)加姆、(西)加梅。相关例句:These students are addicted to gaming and have no intention of learning这些学生沉迷于玩电子游戏,无心学习。
2023-07-22 18:05:531


2023-07-22 18:06:143


"game"是一个英语单词,它可以作为名词、形容词和动词,下面将从这三个方面来介绍"game"的词性和意义。名词: "game"作为名词,表示游戏、比赛或运动等,例如:board game(桌游)、video game(电子游戏)、football game(足球比赛)等。此外,"game"还可以表示猎物、野味等,例如:wild game(野味)。形容词: "game"作为形容词,表示勇敢、有决心、有毅力等,例如:be game for anything(准备好应对任何事情)、a game fighter(一个勇敢的斗士)等。动词: "game"作为动词,表示假装、装作、欺骗等,例如:game the system(欺骗系统)、game the odds(欺骗赔率)等。
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game的读音是:英[ɡeu026am],美[ɡeu026am]。game,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“游戏;比赛”。作形容词时意为“勇敢的”。作不及物动词时意为“赌博”。短语搭配1、Game Change规则改变;游戏改变;迎接变革。2、New Game新游戏;开始新游戏;是开始新游戏;新建。3、Electronic Game电子游戏;电子游戏机;电动玩具。4、ultimatum game最后通牒赛局;最后通牒博弈;最后通牒游戏;最后通牒博弈实验。5、stochastic game随机博弈;随机对策;机遇性赛局;随机赛局。双语例句1、First, I"ll explain the rules of the game.首先我要说明一下游戏规则。2、We"ll need a flat surface to play the game on.我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。3、I"m new to this game myself.我本人对这个不熟悉。4、How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?
2023-07-22 18:07:151


游戏英文是game,play,sport,recreation。游戏相关知识如下:Electronic Game电子游戏AVG(Adventure Game)冒险类游戏Graphic Adventure图形冒险类游戏Text Adventure文字冒险类游戏PZL(puzzle game)解密类游戏STG (shooting Game)射击类游戏Doom-like三维设计类游戏FTG(Fighting Game)格斗类游戏FlightSim飞机模型类游戏RPG(RolePlaying Game)角色扮演类游戏
2023-07-22 18:07:551

game和match有什么区别 主要指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则,凡参加者均需遵守。可以是体力方面的,也可以是脑力方面的,多用于美语。英国英语则用match. 这时,game和match可以互换。a football game/matcha basketball game/matcha baseball game/matcha ping-pong match/gamea tennis match/gamea boxing match/gameAfter a game on the sports field they often become good friends.在运动场上进行一场比赛之后,他们常常变成了好朋友。They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games.他们买票或打开电视机看比赛。2game 作复数时,一般指大型的国际体育运动会、比赛会或学校的游戏课、体育课。如:the Olympic Games=the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会。3.race n. 赛跑;速度方面的比赛,如赛跑或赛车racer n. 比赛者(包括人,动物,车辆等)a horse race赛马 a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑attending the dog races.参加赛狗大会
2023-07-22 18:08:112


game模式管理的意思是:首先game不是游戏的意思,而是Goal、Measurement、Execution和Alignment。Goal 就是目标部分,意思是组织应该明确方向,中层或者各个团队、部门承接对齐组织地战略,每个员工都可以清晰地了解自己地目标以及与组织地目标地关联。Measurement 也就是衡量部分,组织需要建立衡量目标达成的机制,团队不但要衡量结果还需要衡量效率,对于个人既要衡量结果也需要衡量行为。Execution 在执行阶段组织需要通过文化去引领员工思维,团队建立高敬业的环境,员工需要不断提升能力。更重要的是Alignment,所有的环节都需要共识,目标的共识,衡量标准的共识,执行的任务的共识,结果的评价的共识。盛大公司悟出这样一个道理:在本质上,企业管理者如何鼓励员工为公司贡献的问题,其实与网游设计者考虑如何吸引玩家参与的情境十分相似,无非是将机制设计者所希望参与者做的,与参与者自己希望去做的融合起来,这样才能形成一个激励相容的机制。终于,在经过近年时间的内部酝酿后,陈天桥在一次内部会议上提出了这样的口号:我们要像管理游戏一样管理公司,像服务用户一样服务员工。
2023-07-22 18:08:271


game是游戏,本身就是单数。元音字母a在重读相对开音节里发合口双元音/e/的音,这个音由两个音组成,第一个音是前元音/u025b/,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,向第二个相当于/u026a/的音滑动,不到第二个音即告发音结束。牙床由半开半合之间向半合接近,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,两个音合在一起成一个合口双元音,如:grapes 葡萄snake 蛇cake 蛋糕plane 飞机,平面lake 湖(被陆地围着的大片积水)gate 大门plate 盘子wave 挥动,海浪希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
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2023-07-22 18:08:551


柏拉图的游戏定义游戏是一切幼子(动物的和人的)生活和能力跳跃需要而产生的有意识的模拟活动。亚里斯多德的游戏定义游戏是劳作后的休息和消遣,本身不带有任何目的性的一种行为活动。拉夫.科斯特的游戏定义(拉夫.科斯特索尼在线娱乐的首席创意官)游戏就是在快乐中学会某种本领的活动。胡氏的游戏定义游戏是一种自愿参加,介于信与不信之间有意识的自欺,并映射现实生活跨入了一种短暂但却完全由其主宰的,在某一种时空限制内演出的活动或活动领域。 以直接获得快感为主要目的,且必须有主体参与互动的活动。这个定义说明了游戏的两个最基本的特性:1、以直接获得快感(包括生理和心理的愉悦)为主要目的。2、主体参与互动。主体参与互动是指主体动作、语言、表情等变化与获得快感的刺激方式及刺激程度有直接联系!
2023-07-22 18:09:021


游戏 n. recreation, game, sporting, play
2023-07-22 18:09:5711


2023-07-22 18:10:343


The period after supper was given over to games . 晚饭后是游戏时间。 The game was postponed because of the rain . 比赛由于下雨而延期了。 We need one more point to win the game . 我们再得一分就能胜这一局。 Come on! you"ve getting into kid games . 算了罢,你把它当做儿戏了! He played a good game and a generous one . 他打得不错,不计较输赢。 The school team won five games successively . 校队先后胜了五场球。 The game was aired to all parts of the country .. 比赛实况向全国广播。 Which country is hosting the games this year ? 今年的运动会由哪国主办? Can i interest you in a game of golf ? 你有兴趣和我打高尔夫球吗? It"s the biggest con game in the world . 这是世界上的一个大骗局。 She is already served o aces this game . 她在这一局中已两次发球得分。 The winner won three games out of five . 优胜者在五局中胜了三局。 The olympic games are always televised . 奥林匹克运动会一向经电视播放。 The game was closer than the score suggests . 比赛比得分显示的更加接近。 Researchers have drawn upon the theory of games . 研究人员引用了对策论。 Two mistakes are allowable in this game . 这种游戏允许犯规两次。 This is a rotten game we play, isn"t it ? 我们演的这场戏坏透了,不是吗? A game pke that tested our strength . 像那样的一场球赛考验了我们的力量。 The game will be staged in the gymnasium . 竞赛将在体育馆举行。 His fingers itch at the sight of a game of chess ... 看见下棋他就馋得慌。 There was a game of chess on a table . 在一张桌子上摆著一盤棋。 The players get everything ready for the game . 准备参加比赛。 We went all out to win the game . 我们全力以赴赢得了这场比赛。 We are into a whole new ball game . 我们正处于一种全新的局面。 Instinctively i knew he was the game warden . 凭直觉,我知道他是个护猎员。 The ball game was postponed because of rain . 球赛因雨推迟了。 The gruesome german game is up . 那个可怕的德国花招被揭穿了。 The result of the game was three-nothing . 比赛结果是三比零。 One careless move loses the whole game . 一著不慎,满盤皆输。 I can see through your pttle game . 我已经看穿了你的小把戏。 In the football game we won by 8 points to 3 . 我队以八比三赢了那场足球赛。 You"re sure to get to hit the ball to win the game . 你一定要顺利赢得比赛。 Alex decided he would play the game . 亚历克斯决定实话实说。 Beeen them they had invented a great game . 他们想出了一种精彩非凡的游戏。 He takes pride in his skills at games . 他以球艺精湛而自豪。 The final score in the baseball game was 5 to 0 . 棒球赛的最后比分是五比零。 The game ended in a tie, 2 to 2 . 这场比赛结果平局,二比二。 Yet there is not very much sport in the game . 说是娱乐其实也没有什么好玩的。 There is quite a knack in the game . 这种游戏的花头真不少。 There lay the hazard of the game . 这个游戏的难点就在这里。 Though the game was lost , score was very near . 比赛虽然输了,但比分很挨近。 How people design puter games is beyond me . 我不明白电脑游戏是怎么设计的。 Time was money in this game . 在这个行当中,时间就是金钱。 She was just the games mistress . 她不过是个体育教师而已。 The game is scheduled for saturday . 比赛定于星期六举行。 The game has lost its appeal . 这游戏已引不起人们的兴趣。 The host team was clobbered in last night"s game . 东道主队在昨晚的比赛中惨败。 The result of the game was three-nil . 比赛结果是三比零。 Are you game for a ten-mile walk ? 你有兴趣走十英里路吗? Tom was studious of watching the game with nacy . 汤姆非常想和纳西一起去看比赛。
2023-07-22 18:11:591


game复数形式是games。名词是人、动物、事物、地方、状态、品质或动作的名称。它可以表示具体的东西,也可以表示抽象的东西。由于英文单词有许多外来词,所以许多名词的复数会有不同变化。 扩展资料 一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,它取单数形式,如pen,dog,tree,fact,church,kiss.如果表示两个或更多的这类东西,则需要用名词复数形式,如pens,dogs,trees,facts,churches,kisses.构成名词复数,大多数在单数形式后加-s或-es。
2023-07-22 18:12:061


2023-07-22 18:12:349


不能,game是名次,不像中文的游戏可以是名次也可以是动词,要表现正在玩游戏,就是playing games
2023-07-22 18:12:512


2023-07-22 18:13:017


2023-07-22 18:13:181


1、game作“游戏、比赛”解,指有一定规则的游戏或运动,且以输赢为主要目的.指球赛时,美国英语用game,英国英语用match.game还可指大型的国际体育运动会、比赛. the Asian Games 亚运会the Olympic Games 奥运会 2、match一般指竞技比赛,较正式的球类比赛(网球、高尔夫球等)、拳击等常用match. They are having a football match.他们举行一场足球比赛.
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game3.0 Game3.0是索尼娱乐在GDC(Game Developers Conference,游戏开发者大会)2007上提出全新游戏制作理念。该理念的核心在于将游戏内容提供商的地位由世界的构架者转变为了平台的提供者;相比传统游戏制作理念,Game3.0融入了更多的玩家创造元素,使玩家主导了游戏世界的发展。 Game3.0与传统网络游戏与模拟经营游戏的最主要区别在于: 1、 游戏虚拟世界的发展完全由玩家所决定; 2、 游戏虚拟世界的构架依托于网络,游戏世界中的大部分角色都由真正的玩家扮演,任何玩家的任何行为都会对世界中的其他玩家产生影响。 在GDC2007上,索尼娱乐用简单的案例对Game3.0进行了描述,房间定制:玩家可以自由的设计自己在虚拟世界中的房间,但所有用于房间装饰的元素都可以自主设计,例如硬盘上的图片、电影等,而同一个游戏世界的其他玩家可以访问该玩家的房间,并分享其成果。同时,索尼还展示了基于Game3.0理念的两款成品游戏: 《Sing Star》这款累计销量达到700万套的游戏在加入了Game3.0理念后,卡拉OK已经不再是游戏的唯一乐趣,现在,玩家可以在游戏中录制自己的唱片,并通过游戏虚拟世界进行散播。实力不俗的玩家完全可以通过游戏世界成为知名的歌手。 《Little Big Plant》这款新游戏的知名度并不是很高,其游戏方式类似于传统的经营游戏,玩家可以运用多种元素建造一个属于自己的虚拟世界,同时该世界可以开放给其他玩家,其他玩家如果愿意,可以生活在这个已经构建完成的游戏世界中,并对该世界的发展产生影响。 对Game3.0理念最简单的描述是: Game1.0是单机游戏时代,玩家在一个被严格设定规则的世界中进行游戏,同时不产生与其他玩家的任何互动; Game2.0是网络游戏时代,玩家通过互联网可以与其他玩家产生互动,但游戏世界的架构由游戏内容提供商完成,玩家不会参与到游戏世界、游戏规则的建立之中; Game3.0是玩家参与游戏创作的时代,游戏内容提供商提供简单的平台,玩家按照自己的意愿进行游戏世界的建设、游戏规则的制定,并通过玩家间的交流使游戏虚拟世界不断的发展。 该理念目前已得到了游戏业界的广泛认同,并被普遍认为是网络游戏发展的趋势所在,其所倡导的社区理念、游戏深层无限制发展理念是网络游戏生命得以延续的关键所在。由美国林登实验室推出的《Second Life》是目前运作最为成功的Game3.0作品,其营造的虚拟世界已接纳了相当数量的居民,并形成了独有的社会系统。中国市场对Game3.0理念的接触同样较早,其中比较具有代表性的为《浪漫庄园》、《Uworld》等。
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2023-07-22 18:14:561


  游戏(yoc)是幻想与现实之间的桥梁。  游戏是一种基于物质满足之上的,在一种特定时间、空间范围内遵循某种特定规则的,追求精神满足的行为活动。  游戏有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分,又翻译为Play,Pastime,Playgame,Sport,Spore,Squail,Games,Gamest,Hopscotch,Jeu,Toy体育运动的一类。现在的游戏多指各种平台上的电子游戏。  游戏:yóu xì  (1)[Amuse one self;Play]:嬉戏;  如:游戏酒食。——宋·苏轼《教战守》  托儿所的游戏时间。  (2)游乐,玩耍;  (3)[Recreation;Game]:娱乐活动,如网球游戏;  (4)电子游戏。  游戏有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分,前者如下棋、积木、打牌等,后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。当前日常用语中的“游戏”多指各种平台上的电子游戏。电子游戏有单机版和网络游戏。
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match一般指竞技比赛,指事先安排好的正规比赛。如球类比赛、拳击等。如:I saw the box match on TV.我在电视上看到了那场拳击比赛。Game常指游戏、运动、若指每个比赛中的一局、一场等要用game.如:The children are playing games. 孩子们在做游戏。Our team won the first- three games. 我们队赢了头三局。Competition指通过个人的体力、智力、技能的竞赛而获得名次的各种比赛,可以是体育方面的,也可以是其他方面的。如:He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race. 他与十个人竞争,他跑得快,才赢得了比赛。I won a handwriting competition set by a paper in town. 我赢得了城里一家报纸举办的书法比赛。
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2023-07-22 18:07:113

日本有什么地图app,除了谷歌 我是说日本自己研发的,比如中国大陆的百度

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2023-07-22 18:07:083

you wanna battle me 开头歌词,hiphop歌曲

不知道你要的是哪首啊,找到两首歌词有you wanna battle me的。希望对你有帮助哈!歌曲: Battle 歌手: Gang StarrWhat? What? What? You wanna battle ME?Yo man, how much money you got?What? What? What? You wanna battle ME?Yo man, how much money you got?I used to guzzle 40"s, and own a beat up CaddySince the hood still love me, I"ll turn the heat up daddyI went from mackin fly honies on the trainto straight relaxin on the beach, countin money gettin brainSoon as you rappers get a chance you wanna floss a lotYou buy a iced out watch because it cost a lotThen you in the club, stylin with doughProfilin with hoes that we boned, a while agoYou rookies haven"t done enough laps around the trackYou had one hot single, but then your album sounds wackSon you bore me with your war storiesYou ain"t even do that shit, so that"s just more storiesHow you expect us to take you seriously?The look in my eye punk, has got you scared of meI"m blastin your sons, I"m snatchin your fundsYou catch a royal ass-whoopin, you"ve been askin for oneI"m bout to slap rappers around and bruise the gameWhat.. what? We thorough to the endYo man..You know the drillI"m bout to slap rappers around and bruise the gameWhat.. what? You wanna battle me?Yo man..How much money you got?Bitch you don"t even know, the half about meI bring it straight to your chest, ask your staff about meI"m just a little bit older, plus a whole lot wiserI might advise ya, or I might pulverize yaI can visit any city, get respect in the streetWhile you alone in your room, shook to death of the streetsI"ll take a second to speak, I keep my weapon in reachI ain"t talkin romance but you"ll get swept off your feetI keeps a ghetto chick, that loves to blast and she peddle shitGroupies fake moves, I get her to settle shitYou can"t compare to the status right hereLegendary worldwide, we can battle right hereListen junior, I"ma tear back your wigThis ain"t TV but I"ll show you what a "Fear Factor" isStop grillin me, and all that frontin is killin meYou leave me no choice but to hurt your feelings GI"m bout to slap rappers around and bruise the gameWhat.. what? You wanna battle me?Yo man..How much money you got?What.. what? We thorough to the endYo man..You know the drillI"m bout to slap rappers around and bruise the gameI"m bout to slap rappers around and bruise the gameWe thorough to the endI"m bout to slap rappers aroundYou know the drillWe thorough to the endI"m bout to slap rappers around and bruise the gameYou know the drill歌曲: Lunchroom Take-Out 歌手: Arsoniststalking in the lunchroom cafeteriaSo you wanna battle me, you wanna battle me bring itDon't talk to nobody bring it to me, if you wanna battle....Whateva' kid stop trying to show-off....Who's you first of all?? nobody knows you up in here....Whateva kid, don't matter who i am....I'm Swel Boogie, whos you?? yo Q give me a beatHe wanna battle me, give me a beat Q....You ain't nothin' kid, you a ugly muthafucka, say your shit kid....Come on super belly, fat man....Whateva' fix your teeth, see the tooth fairy....Looka here we got fruitcakes in the house, yo check it, check itQ-Unique beating on the lunchroom tablesFreestyling....Man please, come on you just a bitch tryna flipAnd I can tell your nervous, why you got a twitch in your lip'cause you ain't got nothing for me, you corny, I know you saw meHitting up your moms, 'cause she was horny, and it was forny, funnyShut up dummy, learn how to speakThat's why your girl and your moms told me to sperm on her cheekNow you done did it, try to battle me and you got calm looksYou 'bout to come get burnt like all the food that your mom cooksAnd then one minute later, your gonna end up on the floor deadYou gased, the only thing that's big about you is your foreheadI'm fed up with all the things about you and I just heard one tuneAnd you supposed to be the illest nigga that rhymes in this lunchroomLike everyone in this lunchroom including you better beware i'm the bestJust from looking at you, I can tell your mom's got hair on her chest'cause your eyebrows connect and their so long your lips will feel itI'm on some shit that when i flipping......I got that shit that you can't deal with, see you need me to save youYou know why?? 'cause you don't have a flow, your breath smells like a platanoHOLD UP ASSHOLE, don't be tryna cut me off, 'cause you softAnd, that's the second time you did that, ima send yo ass to the northPole where it's freezing, and it's come on, bad for your healthSomebody pass him a tissue, he's drooling on himselfWhat, come and get it, your debted than somebody with aidsI'ma play you like spades, hang your ass like dreads or braidsYou don't want it, if you did, then your ass be a foolI'ma embarass you so bad, your gonna transfer to another schoolEmbarassed never that, i'm too dope, hell yeahAnd you ain't going no where but the lunchline or welfareYou ain't even passing your classes, your brain is rusty, oil itAnd you couldn't drop no shit, if you was sitting on the toiletYou ain't nothing, look at all the rhymes that you be hitting withMy little sister burned your freestyle, my freestyle burned your writtenShitSoon you'll be in denial, and you're not gonna recallThat I burned you, and I can tell by 21 you'll be baldI'm off the wall, with all the off the head shit that I make upYou need one haircut, plus about 33 shape upsSo go ahead and laugh at him, and i'ma come and take propsI'm the magnificent M.C., that's why they call me GR8 ScottWhy's you tellin' me your name, your friendlessYou ????, you gotta ???? and you call him your princessYou a ????, you cheesy like a doritoTo get higher than me, come on you gotta smoke weed yoFuck battlin', i'ma whip yo ass you punkTo battle me, you don't need a mic, you need a asthma pumpMoney grip, when i come around you seein' the bombsYou a pervert, jerking off the pornos of me and your momsMoney you wack, and umm I think it's best you prayYou the type to get beat up, even if it ain't freshmen dayCome on man, ahh come on, I ain't scared a yaYou so poor the only time you eat is in the lunchroom cafeteriaYou ain't even graduating, opportunity doors will slam in your faceYou been in the school so long, you'll take the janitors placeMoney grip, and you talking about my hair, look at your dumb curlI'm surrounded by females, you don't even got one girlYou talking all that shit, and yet you still sound weakThe only reason you got any girls, 'cause they think you be around meEvery since the beginning of battle, your best best was to run paulAs this one girl told me, you went to the hospital and they cut off one ballMatter fact, fuck that, I can tell I was wreckingI'ma just leave and burn this muthafucka, eat steak um in a secondTalking til fade
2023-07-22 18:06:581