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我要avril lavigne 艾微儿的资料

2023-07-23 05:07:05



中文名( Name ):艾微儿·拉维妮

英文名: Avril R. Lavigne


出生日( Birthday ):1984年9月27日

父母:Judy Lavigne; Dad: John Lavigne


身高:5"1" (160.3 cm)



绰号 : laven










最喜爱的电影:《Miss Congeniality》,《8 Mile》

喜爱的演员:Sandra Bullock,Tobey Maguire

最喜爱的歌手:Alanis Morissette

最喜爱的品牌:Dickies, Osiris

最喜爱购物的地方:Tillys, Pacsun, Hot Topic, or any skateshops



最喜欢的旅行的地方:New Zealand, Sardinia

音乐制作人:Sum 41, Beach Boys, Alanis Morissette, Goo Goo Dolls, Matchbox 20, System of a Down

最喜欢的歌曲(Let go): Losing Grip

最喜欢的音乐录影带(Let go): Sk8er Boi


原本AVRIL的首张专辑"let go"名为"anything but ordinary"



其中部份的"my world"歌词是AVRIL在上数学代数(algebra)堂时作的.



首次作个人演出: 14岁

开始学结他: 12岁 - 她爸爸的6弦管结他


AVRIL就读中学"Napanee District Secondary School".




AVRIL不单善於歌唱,还有 - 艺术.

AVRIL喜欢星星 - 就像她的官方网站的那些.


AVRIL曾创作一首打油诗"oops! i screwed my record producer again"

(改自歌曲"oops! i did it again")


她说"不是嘛! 钢琴太女人了!我想玩的是摇滚(rock)音乐…FxxK the piano."


14岁首次在教堂作个人圣咏:"NEAR THE HEART OF GOD".








Eminem,Justin Timberlake,Pink和Fred Durst都是AVRIL的歌迷.


AVRIL喜欢在车上唱歌就像在"sk8er boi"里一样.




专辑"Let Go"连续22周美国专辑榜Top 10销售

专辑"Let Go"连续17周超过10万张周销售

专辑"Let Go"全美5白金专辑(500万张)

专辑"Let Go"海外销售高达450万张

专辑"Let Go"8个国家认证为多白金专辑

专辑"Let Go"全球销售量超过1000万张

专辑"Let Go"2003年英国,澳洲专辑榜冠军

专辑"Let Go"2002年全年度全美唱片销售第三名

专辑"Let Go"加拿大4白金销量

专辑"Let Go"荣获2003年加拿大朱诺奖颁奖典礼「最佳流行专辑奖」




单曲"Complicated"荣获英国第48届Ivor Novello音乐奖年度国际最佳歌曲



单曲"Complicated"打入2003年MTV Asia Hitlist

单曲"Sk8er Boi"2003年新加坡播放榜冠军

单曲"Sk8er boi","I"m With You"荣获2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼2项大奖「最佳音乐录影带」

单曲"Sk8er Boi"荣获2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼「国际最佳音乐录影带(加拿大)」

单曲"Losing Grip"荣获2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼特别增设的奖项




滚石杂志Rolling Stone选为2002年度风云人物


2003年加拿大朱诺Junno颁奖典礼「最佳新人」「最佳流行专辑奖:Let Go」



2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼「最受欢迎加拿大艺人奖」

2003年迪士尼无线音乐奖「最佳原创歌曲:Complicated」「最佳女歌手」「最佳艺人奖」「最佳专辑」 2002年多次高距香港HMV销量榜top 5,至今仍未下榜(top 20)



专辑名称:Let Go







这张名为《展翅高飞(Let"s Go)》的专辑全球销售高达960万张,无俚头式的穿著迅速获得大批乐迷 的支持,滚石杂志选出艾薇儿是2002年的年度风云人物(People of the Year), 而新闻周刊(Newsweek)更提早预告艾薇儿是2003年的最佳年度艺人(Artist of the Year) .现在她还在为这张专辑做宣传,但是她丝毫不松懈地已经在为下一张专辑写歌了.?? 《Let Go》专辑中,她炫耀似的唱腔活力四射,嗓音一如水晶般清澈,歌词更是流露出纯粹的女性风格。“Anything But Ordinary”是一首赞扬个体独特性的颂歌;吉他奔驰的首支单曲“Complicated”,是首正中爱情骗子要害的简洁歌曲;沾染了弦乐色彩的“I"m With You”反映了Avril较为温和的一面; “Losing Grip”和“Unwanted”这些歌曲,勇敢地面对了拒绝与背叛这些主题所需要的沈重与悲哀;而接下来的“My World”与具有暗喻意味的“Mobile”,则是完美的舒展了Avril的生活经验.


专辑名称:Under My Skin






一首很好听的英文歌,女生唱的,副歌有you do not try try try。

Pink - Try
2023-07-22 19:42:554


2023-07-22 19:43:053


P!nk是美国一位著名女歌手,前期风格为R&B、Hip-Hop、Ballads为主,后期转向Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚)。她是一个常有着惊世装扮,性感劲酷的新世代辣妹,虽然年纪轻轻,但已被媒体赞誉为“下一个麦当娜”。自信、率真、直言不讳的Pink就是这样一个中气十足的女生。她以自己重节奏风格和桀骜不驯的性格深受美国青少年喜爱。代表作是So What,Get the Party Started,Fucking Perfect等。
2023-07-22 19:43:231

where there is desire.为什么又有where又有there?

这是Pink的一首歌Try的歌词,这是上半句,还有下半句的there is gonna be a flame. 上下半句连在一起才是一个完整的句子. Where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame. 而Where在这个完整的句子里做关系副词,where there is desire是副词子句,你可以看成是一个词组,用来修饰这个下半句there is gonna be a flame这个主句的. 连起来翻译是,哪里有……哪里就有……. Where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame, 哪里有(爱的)欲望,哪里就会有(爱的)火焰 好好理解一下关系副词,从句这个概念,
2023-07-22 19:43:361


求一些适合做视讯的浪漫背景音乐 1、《Could This Be Love 》艾薇儿 2、《Can"s s love》 3、《ALL OF ME》 BLAKE 4、《Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You》方大同 5、《暖心》郁可唯 6、《一家一 》梁静茹 7、《表达爱》 林俊杰 8、《 这就是爱》张杰 9、《I wanna be with you 》徐捷儿 10、《天空之城》 八音盒 11、《stay gold 》 宇多田光 12、《浪漫窝》弦子 求一些英文歌曲,适合做伤感的视讯的背景音乐? 9 crimes,it seemed the better way,hey you 求一首适合做爬山游玩视讯的背景音乐 杨坤的<牧马人>个人认为很适合游! 求比较适合做开场视讯的背景音乐 rulnaja temka。这才叫节奏,找节奏音乐,你找对人了,417352320,空间有更多,不够找我要,纯节奏音乐达人! 能推荐一些适合做视讯用的背景音乐吗? 《ClassicRiver》《the glorious death 冯曦妤》《Molly"s Heart 茉莉心》《aphrodite 神思者》《neptune 海王星》《风居住的街道》《Tears眼泪》《爱的谐奏曲》《天空之城 李家祥》《受了点伤》《星空 (克莱德曼)》 试试看!看能不能用上! 找一些适合做视讯背景音乐的歌曲 pink的《try》怎么样?寓意也好,励志歌曲,我觉得旋律也很好听 【急】求适合做舞蹈类游戏视讯的背景音乐 1. 2:00 am(bin) 2. sexy back 3. any star(李孝利) 4. irony(wonder girls) 5. hey ma big(李孝利) 6. u go girl(李孝利) 7. 花火 8. hiphop(爵士舞) 9. TOC TOC TOC 10. 10 minutes 11. any 12. Nobody 13. Gee(少年时代) 推荐几首适合做足球视讯的背景音乐 天下足球过去常用小泽正澄的《attraction》 冠军欧洲中用的《Requiem For A Tower》 新浪网近期经常用的有stratovarius 的《eagleheart》,009 Sound System的《Dreamscape》、《with a spirit》,joe satriani的《if i could fly》等 腾讯世界杯中也有一些不错的,不过我只记住了Jim Brickman的《seranade》 求个适合做社团宣传视讯的背景音乐 风居住的街道,summer,the rain ,绿色通道,神秘园之歌,风之通道,Explosive
2023-07-22 19:43:481


Try Try Try - Jason Mraz
2023-07-22 19:43:563

求一首节奏感很强的慢嗨英文歌中间的英文好像是sexful sexful you are sexful 什么的

2023-07-22 19:44:173

潜25 潜39 潜49哪个好一点

首先是潜25 一耳朵下来感觉很惊艳 但是对比39 45之后感觉确实它只卖25是有道理的 煲完后低频量略有增加 总得量和质都介于潜39和潜49之间 不过煲完还是有一股浓浓的塑料感 感觉声音很脆 很单薄然后是潜39 煲完低频量有很大提升 甚至超过了潜25 不过质确实一般 音量稍微开大一点就有明显的嗡嗡的感觉 难道是传说中的轰头? 量和质均逊色于森海的CX200 人声更女毒一点 感觉男声没49来的醇厚 算是和49术业有专攻吧 配合听金莎的爱的魔法等歌曲有咬耳朵的感觉 个人认为是目前三款耳机中我最喜欢的最后是49 49煲完后低频略有提升 量大大小于25和39 但是质却是比25和39要好 渡口开始的那几声鼓点 很干脆 一点都不拖泥带水 然后是人声明显靠前 量大于音乐 总得来说男声的表现比较醇厚 要优于女声 尤其是俞灏明的其实我还好 呼气 口水声听得真真切切 但是听pink的try这类比较high的歌词 完美没有歌曲要表达的那种感觉
2023-07-22 19:44:242

一首欧美歌曲,开头音乐是当当当当很有节奏 歌词里面高潮总是重复一句英文 音是什么啊踹 啊踹什么with me

you belong with me ?
2023-07-22 19:44:3213


Kelly Clarkson - Get Ups club 7 - never had a dream come trueMaria Arredondo - BuringBritney Spears - Till The World EndsCall Me Maybe -- Carly Rae JepsenJewel - Stay Here ForeverTaylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble奥斯卡金曲 - 我心永恒艾薇儿新专辑 - InnocenceBritney Spears - I Wanna GoLucky Twice - Me And You希望你会喜欢!
2023-07-22 19:44:566

找一首英文歌高潮部分是踹踹踹踹踹,na na na na na~很欢快的音乐

pink 的try?
2023-07-22 19:45:104


【pink-- runaway】 逃离 (手动翻译)I"ve got my things packed打包行装My favorite pillow拿上我最喜欢的枕头Got my sleeping bag带上睡袋Climb out the window爬出窗口All the pictures and painI left behind留下一切回忆与痛苦,抛在脑后All the freedom and fameI"ve gotta find向往的自由与名声一定会寻得And I wonderHow long it"ll take them to notice that I"m gone我想知道多久他们才发现我的离去And I wonderHow far it"ll take me我想知道我又能行至多远To run away逃离It don"t make any sense to me生活无趣没有意义Run away逃离This life makes no sense to me生活乏味毫无意义Run away逃离吧It don"t make any sense to me逃离无意义的生活Run away逃离吧It don"t make any sense to me逃离无意义的生活I was just trying to be myself我只是想做我自己Have it your way I"ll meet you in hell以自己的方式活着It"s all these secrets that I shouldn"t tell I"ve got to run away我不该告诉你我将离去的秘密It"s hypocritical of you你太虚伪Do as you say not as you do你总是光说不做I"ll never be your perfect girl我永远不是你的好女孩I"ve got to run away我要逃离 逃之夭夭I"m too young to beTaken seriously因为太小,我总是不被当回事But I"m too old to believeAll this hypocrisy可是我又难以相信你的伪善,因为我已成熟And I wonderHow long it"ll take them to see my bed is made我想知道多久他们才发现我的床铺整理的好好的And I wonderIf I was a mistake我不知道如此之举是否误入歧途I might have nowhere left to go我无处可去But I know that I cannot go home但我知道我更不能回家These words are strapped inside my head这些话深深的印在脑海Tell me to run before I"m dead在死去之前 一直奔跑Chase the rainbows in my mind追逐着内心美好的彩虹And I will try to stay alive我会努力好好活着Maybe the world will know one day也许有朝一日 世界会我意识到我的存在Why won"t you help me run away为何你不帮我逃走呢?It don"t make any sense to me生活无趣没有意义Run away逃离This life makes no sense to me生活乏味毫无意义Run away逃离吧I could sing for change我为改变而歌唱On a Paris street在巴黎的街道上Be a red light dancer做一个红灯舞者In New Orleans在新奥尔良I could start againTo the family我能重新开始I could change my name修改姓名Come and go as I please我行我愿In the dead of night在死寂的黑夜You"ll wonder where I"ve gone你不会知道我去了何方Wasn"t it you不是么Wasn"t it you不是么Wasn"t it you that made me run away不是你逼走了我么I was just trying to be myself我只是想做我自己Have it your way I"ll meet you in hell以自己的方式活着It"s all these secrets that I shouldn"t tell I"ve got to run away我不该告诉你我将离去的秘密It"s hypocritical of you你太虚伪Do as you say not as you do你总是光说不做I"ll never be your perfect girl我永远不是你的好女孩I"ve got to run away我要逃离 逃之夭夭To run away逃离It don"t make any sense to me生活无趣没有意义Run away逃离This life makes no sense to me生活乏味毫无意义Run away逃离吧It don"t make any sense to me逃离无意义的生活Run away逃离吧It don"t make any sense to me逃离无意义的生活This life makes no sense to meIt don"t make no sense to meIt don"t make any sense to meLife don"t make any sense to me
2023-07-22 19:45:321

P!nk的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:P!nk专辑:Greatest Hits...So Far!!!TroubleTrouble all around the cityTrouble all around meTrouble all around the dark skyTrouble every everywhereI follow my wayBlue blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I Had to explainAh....Trouble all around your backsideTrouble when you kissing meTrouble when I fallen into youTrouble yes it"s everywhereI follow my wayBlue Blue sky outsideWell,I could not explain itBut I had to explainAh....(Trouble all around the city)Ah....(Trouble all around dark sky)Ah....(Trouble when you kissing me)Ah....(Trouble all around your backside)Ah....   艾蕾莎·贝丝·摩儿(Alecia Beth Moore),艺名P!nk。美国歌手,唱作人,演员,女权主义者。  2000年发行首张专辑《Can‘t Take Me Home》,该专辑第二支单曲《Most Girls》在澳大利亚单曲榜夺冠。2001年11月20日发行第二张录音室专辑《Missundaztood》。2003年11月11日发行第三张录音室专辑《Try This》。2006年4月4日发行第四张录音室专辑《I"m Not Dead》。第五张专辑《Funhouse》在英国专辑榜夺冠,首支单曲《So What》在美国、英国、澳大利亚、德国、加拿大等国夺冠。第六张专辑《The Truth About Love》于2012年9月18日正式发行,在美国公告牌专辑榜夺冠,全球销量700W。第三只单曲《Just Give Me A Reason》在美国、德国、加拿大、澳大利亚等17国夺冠。
2023-07-22 19:45:412

p!nk Pink 的 Try歌词翻译 求高手!!!

Are you just getting by? 可以译成“现在你是否还过得去”get by :通过;设法;继续存在;过得去:尚可话说这歌真是适合单曲循环啊~很耐听啊...
2023-07-22 19:46:054

Pink最近有一首歌中间有try try的叫什么?

就叫 Try 、新专辑的二单。。
2023-07-22 19:46:222


第一首歌是 Try ,第二首 是just give me a reason
2023-07-22 19:46:303


2023-07-22 19:46:382

一首英文歌 女声 很激昂 歌词里面有……your eyes好像还有try try try~节奏蛮

2023-07-22 19:46:462

求F(x) pink tape 全部歌曲~ 这个网址可以下载到专辑中的所有歌曲!有超高品质哦!求采纳
2023-07-22 19:46:543


Pink - FunhouseI dance around this empty houseTear us downThrow you outScreaming down the hallsSpinning all around and now we fallPictures framing up the pastYour taunting smirk behind the glassThis museum full of ashOnce a tickleNow a rashThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downI"m gonna burn it down9" 8" 7" 6 5 4" 3" 2" 1" funEchoes knocking on locked doorsAll the laughter from beforeI"d rather live out on the streetThan in this haunted memoryI"ve called the moversCalled the maidsWe"ll try to exorcise this placeDrag my mattress to the yardCrumble tumble house of cardsThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downI"m gonna burn it down9" 8" 7" 6 5 4" 3" 2" 1" funOh" I"m crawling through the darkest homeMy key don"t fit my life no moreI"ll change the drapesI"ll break the platesI"ll find a new placeBurn this fucker downdo do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dodo do do do dadadadado do do do dodo do (9" 8" 7" 6 5 4" 3" 2" 1)do do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dooThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downI"m gonna burn it down
2023-07-22 19:47:132

Tsubaki house 是什么?

tsubaki house系列Angel Vol.1 : 白鳥奈未門Vol. 3 :藤崎里美Versus : 中條華奈Vintage - An Ultimate Collection Vol.1門Vol. 2 : 沙里奈ユイ門Vol.1 : 小野谷実穂,島谷愛梨衣: 相田はるかSand Bag :藤沢理名鬱: 宇美野ひかり,海野ひかり上海夜會 : 稲森麗奈Sakura Sakura: 桜田さくら,Try Vol.3: 広澤なつみ夜桜苺 : 苺みるくColors: 中里愛菜Angel Vol.3 可愛ひなMizore : 白石ひよりTry Vol.2: 藍澤舞音Try Vol.1: 桜田さくらThe Battle 乙女梨緒,可愛ひな白石ひより TheaterBian : 白石ひより, 岡崎美女Vintage III - An Ultimate Collection Vol.3MAGNUM Body : レイナ男装麗人 LADY MAN -男と女二つのエクスタシー- : 得津江梨佳My Darling : フジワラナギサ99イトウアンナFirst Class 2 : 蛯原舞Love Time : - 少女が豹変した夜 - : 中村みりClub Naked : : 和田陽子, 福西舞子門Vol.7 : 赤坂ルナFirst Class : 七瀬彩門Vol.6 : 高宮あんPink ☆ Hall : 杉木彩Cream Punch: 春日澪Bitter Hall : リオナVintage II - An Ultimate Collection Vol.2門Vol. 5 : 月羽理名PRIDE : 成宮夏恋お嬢と召使い : 相楽ひかる,サクライミキ蠢荘( うごめくそう ) 守永未明門Vol. 4 : 大城楓
2023-07-22 19:47:231


i so youshabu
2023-07-22 19:47:3111


Roses have had meaning since the dawn of time. Everyone knows that a red rose is a symbol for love but did you know that when you give a bouquet of white and red roses, it means unity? Read on to learn what your favorite roses mean in the very special language of flowers.In Victorian times, suitors would present a bouquet to their intended that held much meaning once the flowers were looked at. These bouquets were called "tussie-mussies" and every courtship began with their presentation. The content of these tokens often changed as the relationship did until the bride walked down the aisle with the most meaningful bouquet. . Red roses say “I love you” and also stand for respect and courage. Rosebuds symbolize beauty, youth and a heart innocent of love or: “You are young and beautiful.” Red rosebuds mean “pure and lovely” and white rosebuds signify girlhood or “too young to love.” The moss rosebud stands for confessions of love. A single rose stands for simplicity. In full bloom, it means “I love you” or “I love you still,” and a bouquet of roses in full bloom signifies gratitude. White roses have several meanings: “Youu2019re heavenly,” reverence and humility, innocence and purity, “Iu2019m worthy of you,” and secrecy and silence. Red and white roses together, or white roses with red edges, signify unity. Pink roses in general symbolize grace and gentility. For more subtle shades of meaning, choose deep pink to stand for gratitude and appreciation. Light pink conveys admiration and sympathy. Yellow roses usually stand for joy and gladness, but can also say “try to care.” Red and yellow blends stand for jovial and happy feelings. Coral or orange roses denote enthusiasm and desire. A deep burgundy rose means “unconscious beauty.” Pale colors convey sociability and friendship. Hybrid tea roses mean “Iu2019ll remember you always” and sweetheart roses symbolize just what their name implies. Two roses taped or wired together to form a single stem signal an engagement or coming marriage. A full blown rose placed over two buds forms a combination that signifies secrecy. Withered white roses have two meanings: fleeting beauty and “you made no impression.” A crown made of roses signifies reward or virtue. Rose leaves are a symbol of hope.
2023-07-22 19:48:121

有首歌里面有个歌词是“bebebe。。”“try try ry,,”貌似狠古老的歌,女生唱的。歌名叫什么?

2023-07-22 19:48:312

求 Try -pink 的歌曲空间链接

Try -pink请留下联系邮箱,好发歌链给你
2023-07-22 19:48:381

Pink 所有经典歌曲

1.Can"t Take Me Home 《Can"t Take Me Home》已经成为白金唱片。 2.There You Go 首支单曲《There You Go》就已经进占告示牌排行前10名并热卖了50万张之多 3.I"m Not Dead 《I"m Not Dead》还在上周的英国榜中首周上榜即获得季军的好成绩。 《Try This》,首周销量为14万7千张,名列Billboard 200专辑榜的第九位。 4.Get the party started 5.Stupid Girls 单曲是《Stupid Girls》,是Hot 100单曲榜中销量增量最大的单曲 6.U + Ur Hand 最具Rock气质的《U + Ur Hand》 7.Don"t Let Me Get Me 8.I Got Money Now 慢版R&B歌曲《I Got Money Now》都是可以在任何一张流行音乐专辑中作为主打歌的单曲 9.I"m Not Dead 《I"m Not Dead》不仅是Pink所有专辑中最为出色的一张,而且也是当今流行乐坛不可多得的佳作之一 10.Live In Europe 11.Dear Mr. President 《Dear Mr. President》是这张专辑中需要特别介绍的歌曲。 12.Leave Me Alone(I"m Lonely) 13.The One That Got Away 民谣曲风的《The One That Got Away》
2023-07-22 19:48:451


so what还算可以,其他我个人看不上眼~额
2023-07-22 19:48:547


Pink - Try uff1f
2023-07-22 19:49:474


P!nk是美国一位著名女歌手,前期风格为R&B、Hip-Hop、Ballads为主,后期转向Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚)。她是一个常有着惊世装扮,性感劲酷的新世代辣妹,虽然年纪轻轻,但已被媒体赞誉为“下一个麦当娜”。自信、率真、直言不讳的Pink就是这样一个中气十足的女生。她以自己重节奏风格和桀骜不驯的性格深受美国青少年喜爱。代表作是So What,Get the Party Started,Fucking Perfect等。
2023-07-22 19:50:011

今天在夜店听到的一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词大概是try try try哦哦哦,很舒情,听着有点伤感

楼上正解 就是这样
2023-07-22 19:50:143

try pink现场版后面的女吉他手是谁

2023-07-22 19:50:211


2023-07-22 19:50:292

好听英文歌,like《try try》or《we are young》

强力推荐 <imagine me without you>和 <someone like you>....
2023-07-22 19:50:473


2023-07-22 19:50:574


2023-07-22 19:51:042

求try-pink 空间链接

P!nk - Try链接已发网页右上角“私信”如果有什么问题请追问或hi我如果没收到消息可以留下邮箱满意的话还请光速采纳~加分、点赞什么的就更好了...你的肯定是我继续答题的动力哦! 【乐之章】xingzouriyue 为您解答_______________________________________________________其它要链接的亲,可在我头像下点击【向TA求助】,留歌名+歌手+邮箱
2023-07-22 19:51:351

听到一首英文歌,最后结尾好像是on try~!on try~!

2023-07-22 19:51:435


使用iOS开发者授权和申请证书:在缴费成功后会收到一份来自Apple Developer Suport的确认邮件,如下图:在邮件里有一个Login按钮,点击后可以进入Apple Developer会员中心。点击图中的iOS Provisioning Portal,进入开发者授权设置系统。在设置界面中,可以选择点击页面下方的助手来运行向导。使用开发者授权是一套完整而且相对合理的流程,它可以分为下面几个阶段:授权设备,将开发者授权与指定的设备绑定在一起,使得这些设备可以自由安装开发者发布的IPA。生成授权文件.mobileprovision,这个文件会被打包进入IPA,实现设备与授权开发帐号的绑定。生成证书文件.p12,这个文件也会被打包进入IPA,实现应用发行商的签名以及身份验证。授权设备点击左侧导航的Device,进入授权设备的页面,点击右上方的Add Device按钮可以添加一个设备。添加设备的时候可以指定设备的名字(随便写),以及设备的UID(Unique Identifier)。每一个Apple的设备都有一个唯一的识别码。添加App ID,点击左侧导航的App IDs按钮可以进入应用程序ID的配置页面,可以点击页面右方的New App ID按钮添加一个新的应用。这个ID对应的是即将开发和测试的应用程序。开发者授权系统还提供了开发(Development)和发布(Distribution)两个不同的渠道。开发测试的时候需要设备的绑定而实现在设备上单独安装IPA,发布的时候则不需要绑定设备。所以开发与发布用不同的.mobileprovision与.cer文件。
2023-07-22 19:47:561

keep the world peaceful.keep peace 中的keep用法有什么讲么?哪种情况下接名词?

keep 做实义动词的时候,意思是维持,保持,维护。宾语是维护的对象,如这里keep the world peaceful 维护世界和平。keep 作系动词的时候,后面跟形容词,表始终维持某种状态,如keep silent. 一直沉默不语。keep warm保持温暖。
2023-07-22 19:47:591

nationality at birth什么意思

2023-07-22 19:48:003


nobita kage wo hodou ni narabe yuuyami no naka wo kimi to aruiteru te wo tsunaide itsumademo zutto soba ni ireta nara nakechau kurai kaze ga tsumetaku natte fuyu no nioi ga shita sorosoro kono machi ni kimi to chikadzukeru kisetsu ga kuru * kotoshi, saisho no yuki no hana wo futari yorisotte nagamete iru kono toki ni shiawase ga afuredasu amae toka yowasa ja nai tada, kimi wo ai shiteru kokoro kara sou omotta kimi ga iru to donna koto demo norikireru you na kimochi ni natteru konna hibi ga itsumademo kitto tsudzuiteku koto wo inotte iru yo kaze ga mado wo yurashita yoru wa yuriokoshite donna kanashii koto mo boku ga egao e to kaete ageru maiochite kita yuki no hana ga mado no soto zutto furiyamu koto wo shirazu ni bokura no machi wo someru dareka no tame ni nanika wo shitai to omoeru no ga ai to iu koto wo shitta moshi, kimi wo shinatta to shita nara hoshi ni natte kimi wo terasu darou egao mo namida ni nureteru yoru mo itsumo itsu demo soba ni iru yo * repeat
2023-07-22 19:48:082


2023-07-22 19:48:083


1.Mission to XiongnuNot much is known about Su"s early life or career. The first reference to him was the incident that he is most well-known for—a mission to Xiongnu that would turn out to be drastically more trying and lengthy than anyone would have expected.In 100 BC, there was a short-lived détente between long-term adversaries Han and Xiongnu. One year earlier, in 101 BC, there had been a new chanyu who came into power in Xiongnu—Chanyu Qiedihou (且鞮侯), who had expressed interest in peace with Han and who, as a goodwill gesture, had allowed some Han diplomats who had been detained by Xiongnu to return to Han, along with gifts from the chanyu.In response, in 100 BC, Emperor Wu commissioned Su, then the deputy commander of the imperial guards, to serve as an ambassador to Xiongnu. His deputy was fellow deputy commander Zhang Sheng (张胜), and the third in command was Chang Hui (常惠). However, once they arrived at the Xiongnu chanyu"s headquarters, Chanyu Qiedihou was far more arrogant than expected, which angered Zhang. In response, Zhang plotted with two Xiongnu officials, the Prince of Gou (缑王) and Yu Chang (虞常), to assassinate Chanyu Qiedihou"s half-Chinese advisor Wei Lü (卫律) and kidnap the chanyu"s mother.The Prince of Gou and Yu Chang carried out their plot while the chanyu was away on a hunt, but someone alerted the chanyu, who quickly returned and killed the Prince of Gou in battle and captured Yu. Yu admitted to plotting with Zhang. Zhang, alarmed, informed Su, who had been unaware of Zhang"s plot. Aware that the chanyu was planning on forcing him to surrender to Xiongnu, Su tried to preserve his dignity by committing suicide with his sword. Wei, who had wanted Su to surrender and become an advisor to the chanyu as well, quickly summoned doctors and barely saved Su"s life. Chanyu Qiedihou, impressed with Su"s heroism, also sent messengers to care for Su"s recovery, while putting Zhang and Chang under arrest.After Su recovered, Chanyu Qiedihou decided to publicly executed Yu as an example and to force the entire Han mission to surrender. Zhang became apprehensive and surrendered. Su, however, was not shaken even when Wei put his sword onto Su"s neck, and tried also to reason that as the chanyu"s advisor, he would be greatly honored. Su rebuked him for his faithlessness to Han and refused to surrender.2. Life in exileUnable to force Su to surrender, Chanyu Qiedihou decided to try to torture him by starvation, and so put him in a cellar without food and drink. However, for several days, Su survived by consuming wool from his coat and the snow that fell into the cellar. The chanyu was further surprised and thought that the gods were protecting him. The chanyu then exiled him to Lake Baikal and ordered him to tend a flock of rams—telling him that he would be allowed to go home when the rams would produce milk. (It is conjectured, with some evidence based on correspondence later between Su and Li Ling (李陵) that the chanyu gave Su a Xiongnu wife, and she bore him children.)During exile, Su often lacked food, as the food supplies coming from the Xiongnu headquarters were not arriving steadily. He often had to resort to eating grass roots and wild rodents. Regardless of the difficulties, however, Su always held onto the imperial staff (节) given to all imperial messengers, and he used it as the shepherd"s rod—that the decorative hairs on the staff eventually all fell off.Twice, during exile, the chanyu sent Li Ling, who had surrendered to Xiongnu after being defeated on the battlefield in 99 BC, to visit Su. The first time, Li informed Su that his two brothers had both been accused of crimes and committed suicide; that his mother had died; and that his wife had remarried. He tried to convince Su to surrender, but Su refused. On the second occasion, Li informed him of Emperor Wu"s passing, and Su was so despondent that in mourning that he vomited blood.3.Return to HanIn 81 BC, Han was again in a détente with Xiongnu, when Han ambassadors inquired of Su"s fate. The Xiongnu government claimed that Su had long died. However, Su"s old assistant Zhang secretly informed the ambassadors of Su"s exile, and the ambassadors, under Zhang"s suggestion, told then-chanyu Huyandi (壶衍鞮) that Emperor Zhao had killed a migratory bird while hunting, and that a letter from Su seeking help was found on the bird"s foot. Surprised, Chanyu Huyandi admitted that Su was in fact still alive, and recalled him and allowed him to go home. In all, he was in exile for 19 years.Once Su returned to Han, he was given the position of Director of Colonization (典属国), a high-ranking official post. He remained in that post at least until the early years of Emperor Xuan"s reign—late 70s BC. In 51 BC, when Emperor Xuan, in gratitude to 11 key officials who served him well, had their portraits painted onto the main gallery of the main imperial palace, Su was one of the 11 so portrayed.
2023-07-22 19:48:101

test specification是什么意思

test specification试验规范;测试规格;测试规范测试分析报告;试验规格;测试规格说明书例句筛选1.The developers drafted a unit test specification for each test.开发人员为每一个测试起草一个单元测试说明。2.Major Job Responsibilities: 1. Understand the test specification and testrequest; 2.主要工作职责:1。理解测试规范和测试申请。
2023-07-22 19:48:161

《The Ambassadors》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Ambassadors》(Henry James)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:1jb4书名:The Ambassadors作者:Henry James出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:1987-03-03页数:528内容简介:This complex tale of self-discovery--considered by the author to be his best work--traces the path of an aging idealist, Lambert Strether. Arriving in Paris with the intention of persuading his young charge to abandon an obsession with a French woman and return home, Strether reaches unexpected conclusions. Astute, humorous, and intelligent, this masterpiece from the pinnacle of James" long and brilliant career remains ever vital.作者简介:亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James,1843—1916),美国小说家、评论家。其父为著名神学家老亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James,Sr.),兄弟是著名的心理学家和哲学家威廉·詹姆斯(William James),这样的背景大概只有德国的曼(Mann)家族可与之相匹。詹姆斯从小受到良好教育,接受其父的“世界公民”概念,常到欧洲游历,后定居伦敦。詹姆斯于1864年开始写作生涯,他以国际间人与人的关系为主要题材。其代表作品有长篇小说《一个美国人》《一位女士的画像》《卡萨玛西玛公主》等。他的写作在晚年进入一个高峰期,陆续发表了以美国人在欧洲为题材的三部杰作:《鸽翼》《使节》《金碗》。詹姆斯丰富的创作奠定了20世纪现代文学的基石,影响了乔伊斯、伍尔芙等现代派大师,是当之无愧的现代文学先驱。译者袁德成,任四川大学外语学院英语系教授,博士生导师分别于 1987-1988 、 1996-1997 、 2005-2006 年在美国哈佛大学、加州大学柏克利分校、堪萨斯大学和英国剑桥大学、约克大学等校的英文系做研究工作。主要研究方向为英美现代主义文学和当代西方文学理论。
2023-07-22 19:47:551

啫啫煲为什么念jue 啫啫煲怎么做好吃

食材明细三黄鸡半只泡发香菇6个洋葱半个红椒1个姜3片蒜3瓣葱1根香菜适量生抽适量白酒适量胡椒粉适量盐适量鸡粉适量香油适量蚝油适量食用油适量咸鲜口味煲工艺半小时耗时普通难度啫啫鸡煲的做法步骤1将鸡处理干净斩小件用料酒,胡椒粉,盐,姜,蒜,生粉抓匀腌制半小时。2红椒切圈,姜蒜切片,葱切花备用。3香菜清洗干净,洋葱切块,香菇提前泡好清洗后节片备用。4烧热煲仔,放入适量的油。5油热后放入姜蒜片爆香。6倒入鸡块焗炒至色黄肉香。7从一旁倒入香菇入洋葱拌匀。8盖上盖焗五分钟。9加入蚝油,红椒拌匀。10调入适量香油拌匀放上葱和香菜即可。小窍门1. 腌制鸡肉时一定要放适量生粉,这样会使肉质更嫩滑。2. 腌制鸡肉时有高度白酒最好用高度白酒,这样烹饪出来的肉更香
2023-07-22 19:47:522

群星的《Gospel》 歌词

歌曲名:Gospel歌手:群星专辑:The Visitation: Live From The Church Of The Visitation Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.
2023-07-22 19:47:501


2023-07-22 19:47:481


2023-07-22 19:47:472

Apple Developer Program Enrollment ID 是什么东西哦

字面意思上看。应该是你的 APPLE ID..就是在 apple develop center 中 登陆用的
2023-07-22 19:47:461