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2023-07-23 05:14:09
TAG: 英文 时差

daylight savings time

美国一般在3月10号左右调整时间,就像我们原来的夏令时一样,调整一个小时,这个倒时差,美国人说是:"Fall back, spring forward" 也就是daylight savings time 为倒时差。


adapt to the time difference


jet lag






jet lag


adjust one"s cutin



Jet Lag - Joss StoneLittle angelsWhisper softlyWhile my heart meltsFor you and i"ll seeOnly sunshineOnly moonlightFor the first time its realAnd the higher you take meThe more that you make meFeel so hazyTell me what this meansI got jet lag and i never even left the groundSee it"s like that every time you come aroundOh i"m so hung over and i never even touched a dropSee i can"t get enoughThis must be love jet lag jet lagHow the time fliesHow the time fliesWhen you"re near meGet those butterflies butterfliesInside and i"ll beWhere the stars shineWhere the stars shineWhere the birds fly"Till the next time you"re mineAnd the higher you take meThe more that you make meFeel so hazyTell me what this meansI got jet lag and i never even left the groundSee it"s like that every time you come aroundOh i"m so hung over and i never even touched a dropSee i can"t get enoughThis must be love jet lag jet lagWhenever you"re with me you"re with meIt feels like gravity gravityAin"t got no hold on meTell me what does this meanThis must be loveLoveI got jet lag and i never even left the groundAnd it"s like that every time you come aroundI"m so hung over and i never even touched one dropSee i got jet lag jet lagBaby don"t cha knowYou really really got it goin" onBaby don"t cha knowYou really really got it goin" onBaby don"t cha knowYou really really got it goin" onBaby don"t you knowBaby don"t you knowI got jet lag and never even left the groundSee it"s like that every time you come aroundOh i"m so hung over and i never even touched a dropNever even left the groundI never no noJet lag jet legJet lag and i never even left the groundSee it"s like that every time you come around
2023-07-22 20:04:361


2023-07-22 20:04:4610


adjust time difference
2023-07-22 20:05:556


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.b 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20. B
2023-07-22 20:06:133


外企必备英语词汇  26,boardroom   会议室,一般没人用meeting room   27,book   订机票,订酒店   28,beverage bar   大公司喝水休息的地方   29,coffee/tea break   大公司工作时间内的小休;   30,reserve   秘书经常干的活,定餐位;   31,jetlag   越洋出差用得上这个词,意为时差造成的不适;   32,intern   实习生   33,probation 试用期   新员工试用期:3 months probation   34,operator/receptionist   前台/接线员   35,deadline   完成某项目的最后期限;   36,kick-off   启动某个项目,原指足球赛开踢;   37,stand tree 请客   “I stand tree this time.”这次我请客。   38,go dutch   各付各帐,所谓的AA制说法是中国的发明,老外听不懂;   39,handover   工作交接;   40,lunch break   午间休息;   41,stand up meeting   非正式的短会,比如说三两个人站在过道中间讨论一下事情,老外喜欢这样干;   42,sticker 便签   一种名为“post-it”的黄色小纸片,可以贴在电脑屏幕上或电话机上,办公室的小女生喜欢用它来写一些与工作无关的事;   43,Fedex/DHL/UPS   常用的快递公司;   44,gettogether   聚一聚,“Let"s have a gettogether this weekend.”   45,reminder   提醒一下,“Just a kind reminder.”表示你可能miss掉了一些事情,人家不方便指责你,所以“善意提醒”;   46,localize 本地化   这几年各大公司流行这个词,是老外挂在中层本地骨干前面的胡萝卜。“localize the management level”   47,cell 手机   对手机比较地道的说法,“Call my cell if you can"t find me in the office.” 说 mobil phone比较土,说hand phone就土掉渣了;   48,page   传呼,BB机流行的年代常用。“Page me.” 说“Call me.”的很土;   49,manuel   工作手册,指南   50,expense   费用,出差要报销的也是expense; ;
2023-07-22 20:06:351


完形填空又称综合填空,主要用以测试考生语言(词汇、语法)知识及语言运用能力,从1995年陆续公布新的替换题型后开始出现于六级考试。   一 题型特点   完形填空是连贯的短文层次上的填空,要求考生在通读全文、掌握大意和主题的基础上,综合运用所学过的词汇、语法和篇章结构知识,选择或推知答案填补空缺,使短文意思和结构恢复完整。完形填空的难易度通常可以从以下几个方面得到控制:   1.所选短文本身的难易度;   2.留出空缺的多少与间隔;   3.空缺中应填语法结构词和实义词的比例;   4.选择项之间的干扰程度等。   空缺处可以填单词、短语甚至句子片断,空缺处的单词可以是语法结构词和与上下文内容密切相关的实义词,即动词、名词、形容词和副词,但是完形填空中的连接性词语(如连词、介词)也直接与短文理解相关,也应包括在实义词之中。完形填空的真正测试立足点是理解短文,所以实义词的填空才是完型填空的命题根本。完形填空的实义词空缺占较高比例,而六级考试中的完形填空,其基于上下文理解的实义词空缺几乎占了,可见六级考试中完形填空的命题注重的是短文的理解而不是句法结构,因而使得这一题型的难度大大高于四级。   CET6填空所选文章题材、体裁均与阅读理解短文相似,难度略低于阅读理解短文,所有的空缺都与实义词和上下文理解相关。   二 答题要点与真题解析   完形填空题对考生有较高的语言知识和能力的要求:   (1)阅读理解能力。完形填空作为语篇层次上的词汇语法填空,必须以较高的阅读理解能力为前提。   (2)整体语感和语篇分析能力。完形填空是语篇层次上的完句填空,短文在结构和意义上都是一个整体,它对考生的整体语感和语篇分析能力也有较高的要求。   (3)句法结构知识。六级考试中的完形填空虽大多为词汇题,但句子和文章的理解,有时少不了一定的句法结构分析。   (4)词汇知识。包括词汇量、构词知识,近义词辨析、语义的内涵、外延、联想和搭配等。   (5)句型搭配知识。包括动词、名词、形容词的惯用句型,动词、名词、形容词、副词之间的搭配及其与介词的习惯搭配等。   解题时要注意一定的步骤和方法:   1.采用三步答题法:第一步,快速通览全文,把握短文主题和要点;第二步,逐题解答,但碰到较难确定答案的个别试题先暂时不选;第三步,检查并确定几个较难空缺的答案。   2.立足本句,不忘全文。解答每一道试题时,在分析空缺所在句子时,一定要联系上下文及全文的主题,这正是完形填空与单句填空不同的地方。   3.体会情景,顺理成章。把握文章发展的基本线索。在解题过程中,设法把自己置身于短文所构造的情景或短文扩展的写作思路之中。往往能顺理成章,比较准确有把握地确定每一空缺该填的内容。   4.注意句法结构分析。所选答案为词汇语义题时,仍可借助句法结构提供一定的选题信息。   5. 注意词汇的句型搭配和逻辑上的语义搭配。尤其是动词,不同的动词虽然语义相近也往往存在动词句型上的差别,所以即使是涉及同义词的辨析,也经常可通过不同的句型搭配作出正确的选择。而动词、名词、形容词和副词相互之间的搭配,在逻辑语义上常有一定的限制,答题时不要忘了利用这些语义搭配上的限制。   三 真题解析   Most people who travel long distances complain of jetlag(喷气飞行时差反应).Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more prone 1____ making mistakes. It is actually caused by 2____ of your“body clock”——a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 3____ .The body clock is designed for a 4 ____ rhythm of daylight and darkness,so that it is thrown out of balance when it 5____ daylight and darkness at the “wrong” times in a new time zone. The 6____ of jetlag often persist for days 7____ the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone.   Now a new anti-jetlag system is 8____ that is based on proven 9 pioneering scientific research. Dr. Martin Moore-Ede has 10____ a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone 11____ controlled exposure to bright light.The time zone shift is easy to accomplish and eliminates 12____ of the discomfort of jetlag.   A successful time zone shift depends on knowing the exact times to either 13____ of avoid bright light. Exposure to light at the wrong time can actually make jetlag worse.The proper schedule 14____ light exposure depends a great deal on 15____ travel plans.   Data on a specific flight itinerary(旅行路线)and the individual"s sleep 16____ are used to produce a Trip Guide with 17____ on exactly when to be exposed to bright light.   When the Trip Guide calls 18____ bright light you should spend time outdoors if possible.If it is dark outside,or the weather is bad,19____ you are on an aeroplane,you can use a special light device to provide the necessary light 20____ for a range of activities such as reading,wathching TV or working.   1.A.for B.from D.of   2.A.rupture B.corruption C.eruption D.disruption   3.A.actions B.functions C.reflection D.behavior   4.A.regular B.formal C.continual D.circular   5.A.retains B.encounters C.possesses D.experiences   6.A.diseases B.symptoms C.signs D.defects   7.A.while B.whereas C.if D.although   8.A.adaptable B.approachable C.available D.agreeable   9.A.broad B.inclusive C.tentative D.extensive   10.A.devised B.recognised C.scrutinized D.visualized B.through   12.A.most B.least C.little D.more   13.A.attain B.shed C.retrieve   14.A.on B.with C.for   15.A.unique B.specific C.complicated D.peculiar   16.A.norm B.mode C.pattern   17.A.directories B.instructions C.specifications D.commentaries B.on C.for D.up   19.A.or B.and C.but D.while   20.A.agitation B.spur C.acceleration D.stimulus   通读全文后可知本文是一篇有关时差反应或时差综合症及其如何克服的说明文,第一段主要讲什么是时差反应、如何引起以及反应症状,第二段引入一个反时差反应的方法系统,第三、第四段实际上是这一方法系统的具体内容,也即克服时差反应的具体做法。   把握了全文大意和主题后再逐一选词补缺就比较具有针对性。全文20道题目中除了两个连词和四个介(副)词外,其他都是实义词。连词的选定当然要基于对上下文的理解,其中两处介词实际上是实义词的延伸,属于实义词的搭配(61、74题),一处是短语动词(77题),还有一处也是基于上下文的介词意义上的用法。逐题解析如下:   1.D,形容词prone的搭配。prone“易于…的”,后面只接介词to,本句讲时差反应带来的后果。   2.B,时差反应是由于“生物钟”节奏被打乱(disruption)引起的。这是名词与动作性名词之间的逻辑上的动宾语意搭配。那么什么是“生物钟”?   3.B,名词上下文语义:是控制身体机能节律的一簇脑细胞。这是形容词与名词之间的偏正搭配:身体、生理的“功能、机能”,生理活动(actions)、生理反应(reflection)又是两码事,而我们不说生理行为(behavior)。其次,生物钟的特点是什么?   4.C,形容词上下文语义:生物钟专门适应“正常(有规律的)”白天与黑夜的交替节奏。本题易错误continual,但该词的“不断、反复”侧重“频繁”,上下文不应有此含义。   5.A,动词上下文语义,主谓语义搭配:既然生物钟有此特点,那么如果它在新的时区在与原来不同的时间“感受到”白天与黑夜的话,它就失去了平衡,也即上文的被打扰(disruption)。   6.D,名词上下文语义,名词与名词的编正搭配:时差反应的“症状”,而不可能为时差反应的“信号”、“疾博ue300或”缺陷“。   7.C,连词。这些症状持续的“同时”,体内生物钟也在慢慢根据新的时区进行调整。   8.B,形容词上下文语义,表语形容词与主语的意义搭配:对付这一时差反应的方法体系现在“可以用起来”了。其他几个选项:agreeable“令人愉快的,一致的”、adaptable“可适应的”和approachable“可接近的”均不能修饰system.   9.A,形容词上下文语义:这一方法系统建立在已被证明的“广泛的”开拓性科学实验基础之上。本题很多考生都误选tentative,但既为开拓性的实验,当然是 “试探性”的,上下文没有必要反复强调这种“试探性”,且tentative作此解时常带有“踌躇”之意,故不妥。   10.A,动词的上下文语义,动宾语义搭配:Martin Moore-Ede博士“设计出”一种实用的方法来使生物钟尽快适应新的时区。本题易误选的是C.visualize,但该词只表示“设想、想象”。   11.D,介词。根据上下文,该处介词引述这一方法的实施要点:“通过对亮光接触的控制”,本题要注意的是空缺后的controlled为定语,而非谓语动词省略be.   12.C,不定代词的上下文语义:消除时差反应带来的“绝大部分”不适,本句要注意正确理解the time zone shift,这指的是通过博士介绍的方法所实现的“时区过渡”。   13.C,动词上下文语义:时区顺利过渡的关键是要知道“获醛ue300或回避亮光的时间。本题不少参考书的答案各异,有选attain的,也有选retrieve的,但 attain表示”目标的获得“即”达到“,retrieve表示”重新得到“、”收回、取回“,与”亮光“搭配均不妥,另外连词or经常连接意义相反的两个词,这里seek与avoid互为反义,根据下文(注意千万别忘了上下文!),在没有亮光的时间要得到亮光决非易事,是要努力找寻(seek)的(参考短文最后一段)。   14.B,名词schedule的介词搭配。   15.A,形容词上下文语义:合适的接触亮光的时间表在很大程度上受利于“特定”的旅行计划。不应是复杂的(complicated)、的(unique)或奇怪的(peculiar)计划。   16.D,名词语义,名词相互搭配:“睡眠模式”英语中通常不说sleep mode“睡眠样式”、sleep style“睡眠风格”或sleep norm“睡眠标准”。   17.C,名词上下文语义:特定的飞行路线和个人的睡眠模式等数据被用来提供旅行指导(Trip Guide),其中有关于接触亮光确切时间的说明或指导,本题易错选A,那是误把directories(姓名地址录)当directions了,也可能错选D.specifications,但该词表示“规格说明”。   18.D,短语动词,上下文语义:“需要”亮光。   19.A,连词。正确选择本题需要正确理解本文最后一句,特别是if从句的语义关系:两个or引述三种不易接触亮光的情况:外面天已黑、天气不好、或在飞机上。   20.B,名词上下文语义及近义词区别:“必要的亮光刺激”。spur侧重“激励”或“激起”——即刺激的结果,agitation侧重刺激的负面性——即“煽动”、“焦燥不安”。
2023-07-22 20:06:421

lag 是什么意思?

2023-07-22 20:06:545


让·雷诺姓名:让·雷诺 Jean Reno   生日:1948年7月30日  性别:男  国籍:法国  地域:欧美  出生地:摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡  职业:演员  星座:狮子座   身高:191 cm   代表作品:《暗流2:天使启示录》 《暗流》《浪人》 《事先张扬的身后事件》《职业特工队》 《云上的日子》《我们的故事》 《这个杀手不太冷》《爱情的魔力》 《哥斯拉》《你丫闭嘴》【所有作品 】  《票子 Cash》 (2008)   《玛格丽特 Margaret 》 (2007)   《飞行小将/空战英豪 Flyboys 》 (2006)   《冲走小老鼠 FlushedAway》 (2006)   《达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code》 (2006)   《新粉红豹 The Pink Panther 》(2006)   《老虎与雪 Tigre e la neve, La》 (2005)   《豺狼帝国 Empire des loups, L" 》(2005)   《暗流2:天使启示录 Crimson Rivers 2: Angels of the Apocalypse 》(2004)   《鬼武者3 Onimusha 3》 (2004)   《这个警察不太冷 Enquête corse, L" 》(2004)   《请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! 》(2003)   《时差 Jet Lag 》(2002)   《极速风暴 Rollerball》 (2002)   《绿芥刑警/极速追杀令 Wasabi 》(2001)   《时光隧道 Just Visiting 》(2001)   《暗流 Crimson Rivers, The》 (2000)   《时空急转弯 2 Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2, Les》 (1998)   《浪人 Ronin 》(1998)   《哥斯拉 Godzilla 》(1998)   《魔恋 Un amour de sorcière 》(1997)   《排队上天堂 Roseanna"s Grave 》(1997)   《谍中谍 /不可能完成的任务Mission: Impossible》 (1996)   《Vis, La 》(1996)   《豹神 Jaguar, Le》 (1996)   《云上的日子 Al di là delle nuvole》 (1995)   《情定巴黎 French Kiss 》(1995)   《这个杀手不太冷 Leon》 (1994)   《时空急转弯 Visiteurs, Les 》(1993)   《Opération Corned-Beef, L" 》(1991)   《碧海情天 Grand bleu, Le 》(1988)   《魔恋 I love you 》(1986)  《Strictement personnel 》(1985)   《地下铁 Subway》(1985)  《最后决战 Dernier combat, Le》 (1983)   《La Passante du Sans-Souci》 (1982)   《追梦人dreamcatcher》
2023-07-22 20:07:441


Your time to adjust it
2023-07-22 20:07:555

If you have ever flown across several tme zones,

2023-07-22 20:08:132


第一条 睡前一小时左右洗个热水澡(据英国专家研究表明,睡前洗个热水澡,温度先升高,然后出来温度变低,变低到一个低点的时候,你就想睡觉了)第二条:如果不想睡觉,尽量少去床上躺着,尽量在别的房间活动。就是限制去接近床的机会,只在该睡觉的时候才去睡。第三条:睡不着,就尽量多打几次盹;主要是要在下午2-5点间打盹。第四条:饮食,尽量少喝咖啡之类的。饮酒也不能太多,只是帮助我们更快入睡,但是酒不能帮助我们保持深度睡眠。第五条:光线会引起眼睛里的细胞对黑色素的分泌,同时影响大脑的反应。要想睡眠好,一定拉好窗帘。要想早起有精神,需要买一盏蓝光灯。第六条:碳水化合物(土豆,面食)的食物更容易让人入睡。摄取蛋白质(鱼)的话,会让觉得更清醒。所以不想午睡的话,吃高蛋白,想晚上睡得好,就多吃碳水化合物。不然吃高蛋白的话,需要提前4小时左右吃。第七条:对于长期出差,有jet lag的同学们很有用。就是禁食,据哈佛研究人员分析禁食16个小时候后人的生物钟会被重新激活,所以下了飞机正常按照当地进食时间进食会让你的生物钟与当地的同步(但是真的就只喝水的话,16个小时会不会饿晕在飞机上??)第八条:在睡前15分钟,放松肌肉,做一些舒暖的运动。 第九种:植物,薰衣草等泡脚。--看来浴盐还是有道理的,比如薰衣草浴盐。第十种:打呼噜的,但是需要吃药。。。所以。。。
2023-07-22 20:08:241


2023-07-22 20:09:063

求Brazzaville “3Jane”的歌词 专辑为《jetlag poetry》

3Jane, You"re my QueenLounging around With a W magazineNo doubt You are the bestLooking so good in 10 euro summer dress3Jane3Jane, you"re it for meHot summer nights outside the New BeverlyOld Chevy Nova drivesUnder the stars, way up the 3953Jane3JaneIt"s hard to seeBut things in the world are just as their meant to beWe"re born and die aloneSurrounded by stars, we"re never away from home.
2023-07-22 20:09:191

suffering jetlag是什么意思

2023-07-22 20:09:272


2023-07-22 20:09:492


2023-07-22 20:10:062

一首英文歌开头就唔啊,唔啊 ,what time is it where you are

看看是不是这个 Plan - Jet Lag (feat. Natasha Bedingfield)What time is it where you are?I miss you more than anythingBack at home you feel so farWaitin for the phone to ringIt"s getting lonely living upside downI don"t even wanna be in this townTrying to figure out the time zones making me crazyYou say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my head alone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetIt"s driving me mad I miss you so badAnd my heart heart heart is so jetlaggedHeart heart heart is so jetlaggedHeart heart heart is so jetlaggedSo jetlaggedWhat time is it where you are?5 more days and I"ll be homeI keep your picture in my carI hate the thought of you aloneI been keeping busy all the timeJust to try to keep you off my mindTrying to figure out the time zones making me crazyYou say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my head alone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetIt"s driving me mad I miss you so badAnd my heart heart heart is so jetlaggedHeart heart heart is so jetlaggedHeart heart heart is so jetlaggedSo jetlaggedI miss you so bad I miss you so badI miss you so bad I miss you so badI miss you so bad I wanna share your horizonAnd see the same sunrisingTurn the hour hand back to when you were holding meYou say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my head alone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetIt"s driving me mad I miss youWhen you say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my head alone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetIt"s driving me mad I miss you so badAnd my heart heart heart is so jetlaggedHeart heart heart is so jetlaggedHeart heart heart is so jetlaggedSo jetlagged
2023-07-22 20:10:201

Mylène Farmer的《California》 歌词

歌曲名:California歌手:Mylène Farmer专辑:Mylenium TourMylene Farmer - CaliforniaAéroport, aérogareMais pour tout l"or m"en allerC"est le blues, l"coup d"cafardLe check out assuréVienne la nuit et sonne l"heureEt moi je meursEntre apathie et pesanteurOù je demeureChanger d"optique, prendre l"exitEt m"envoyer en AmériqueSex appeal, c"est SunsetC"est Marlboro qui me souritMon amour, mon moi, jeSais qu"il existeLa chaleur de l"abandonC"est comme une symphonieC"est sexy le ciel de CalifornieSous ma peau j"ai L.A. en overdoseSo sexy le spleen d"un road movieDans l"rétro ma vie qui s"anamorphoseJ"ai plus d"I.D., mais bien l"idéeDe me payer le freewayC"est l"osmose, on the roadDe l"asphalte sous les piedsVienne la nuit, c"est le jet lagQui me décaleL.A.P.D. me donne un blameC"est pas le drameSe faire un trip, s"offrir un streapSous le soleil en plein midiSix a.m., j"suis offsetJ"suis l"ice dans l"eau, j"suis mélo, disMon amour mon WessonMon artificeLa chaleur du canonC"est comme une symphonieC"est sexy le ciel de CalifornieSous ma peau j"ai L.A. en overdoseSo sexy le spleen d"un road movieDans l"rétro ma vie qui s"anamorphoseC"est sexySo sexy
2023-07-22 20:10:431


2023-07-22 20:10:562


adjust oneself to time differenceadjust oneself to the jet lag
2023-07-22 20:12:322

很嗨的一首英文歌 一开始是 galagetget gallagletget。

Tonight(Best You Ever Had) - John Legend&LudacrisAin"t this what you came for难道你不是为此而来吗Don"t you wish you came oh你不就期望这样吗 哦Girl what you"re playing for ay女孩 你为何还迟疑呢Come on come on let me kiss that来吧 让我给你一吻Ooh I know you miss that哦 我知道这是你想要的What"s wrong let me fix that到底怎么了 让我们一起解决吧Twist that一起缠绵Baby tonight"s the night I let you know宝贝 今晚就要让你知道Baby tonight"s the night we lose control宝贝 今夜无拘无束的一夜Baby tonight you need that tonight believe that宝贝 今夜你会需要 今夜你会相信Tonight I"ll be the best you ever had今夜 我将会是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人I hit you with the best throw,为你激起最兴奋的高潮Freestyle and the breast stroke在公共洗手间里自由欢爱Til you blowing cigarette smoke直到你突出一口烟雾And now the bad"s gone所有不欢快都随之而去So what we gon" do now现在我们要做什么F-ck it round two now再来一次Work it out then we cool down精疲力尽后 我们激情退去Cool down慢慢冷却Baby tonight"s the night I let you know宝贝 今晚就要让你知道Baby tonight"s the night we lose control宝贝 今夜无拘无束的一夜Baby tonight you need that tonight believe that宝贝 今夜你会需要 今夜你会相信Tonight I"ll be the best you ever had今夜 我将会是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人Luda Listen路达 听着You aint even gotta text me你没必要发私信传情Knowing me and you got that mental telepathy知道我们心心相印Me be up at the spot I"ll be sending over the chauffeur我随叫随到 我将由专车接送Rich n*gga bread stay popping like a toaster丰盛的黑人面包 像土司炉般砰砰作响Nobody come close to me and you together没人来打扰我们Step under my umbrella we"ll make it through any weather步入我的保护伞之内 我们能经历风吹雨打Except when I make it storm sex in the greatest form除非我引起狂风骤雨 在高潮中欢爱And hibernate under my body在我怀里取暖Yep I keep it warmer than a chinchilla是的我的怀抱比毛皮大衣还要温暖She know I beat it up like the thriller in Manila她知道我会像马尼拉的惊悚片一样充满暴力Flying my private jet to villas in Anguilla开着我的私人飞机到安全的别墅Than throw you on a grill然后把你扔在烤肉架上Cause seven days a week you"re my 5 course meal宝贝 今晚就要让你知道Baby tonight"s the night I let you know因为七日一周里你都是我的主菜Foreal真心实意Baby tonight"s the night we lose control宝贝 今夜无拘无束的一夜Baby tonight you need that tonight believe that宝贝 今夜你会需要 今夜你会相信Tonight I"ll be the best you ever had今夜 我将会是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人I don"t wanna brag but I"ll be我不是自夸 我确实能力非凡The best you ever had是你拥有最棒的男人
2023-07-22 20:12:401


haven"t got over the jet-lag.
2023-07-22 20:12:485


I"ve been to the United States, and now I am in the jet lag.
2023-07-22 20:13:021


问题一:时差用英语怎么说? 最地道的说法:jet lag Since the jet lag between China and your local time, I missed the game. 问题二:调整时差用英语怎么说 1.time difference (between places of different time zones) 2.equation of time (Astronomy) 3.jet lag 搭长途飞机产生的时差 问题三:时差用英语怎么说 时差_百度翻译 时差 [词典] [天] equation of time; time difference; [例句]由于人体生物钟不能迅速对时差作出调整,因而产生了飞机时差反应。 Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change. 双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义 问题四:英国和中国有8个小时的时差用英文怎么说 The time difference between China and UK is 8 hours. There is 8 hours of time difference between China and UK. What is the time difference between China and UK? 问题五:“时差”怎么翻译? 偿和某人之间有时差 time difference就可以了 倒时差的时差是jet lag 问题六:我们有13个小时的时差 用英语怎么讲 We have thirteen hours between us.
2023-07-22 20:13:151


时差用英语怎么说? 最地道的说法:jet lag Since the jet lag between China and your local time, I missed the game. 三个小时时差,用英语怎么说 There is a 3 hour time difference 我们有13个小时的时差 用英语怎么讲 We have thirteen hours between us.关于时差的(英文版) ,蔚蓝的天空,清澈的河水。但随着经济的发展,人类对地球的破坏也越来越大。水变黑了;空气变得乌烟瘴气;垃圾到处都是……我们要还给地球妈妈一个漂亮美丽的空间。 垃圾,我们每个人都是垃圾的制造者,这一座座的... 倒时差,英文怎么说呢 Jet Lag 短语 如何倒时差 How to deal with jet Lag 为校对倒时差 To Counteract Jet Lag 倒时差工作者 Shift Workers 双语例句 1.各国的运动员都有充足的时间来倒时差。 Athletes from other countries are spared enough time to e over jet lag. 2.你看起来很疲劳。也许是你昨天倒时差的关系。 You look tired . Maybe it"s jet lag from yesterday . 3.是的,要是飞机上睡倒时差就要辛苦很多了… Nodnod, I am the person who cannot sleep on most moving tranporters . ”时差”用英语怎么说? 1.time difference (between places of different time zones) 2.equation of time (Astronomy) 3.je紶 lag 搭长途飞机产生的时差 何为经济时差? 经济学家对时差的看法有3个方面。1、时光倒流2、跨越时空3、敏锐的洞悉、观察、分析能力经济学家还对这3点做了解释。1、时光倒流如果时光倒流20年,你现在就是个亿万富翁!应该如果你比比尔早一年发现个人电脑和软件将会是大趋势的秘密,今天的世界首富就不是小比,而是你!如果时光倒流10年,你就是个千万富翁!因为如果你回到10年前,你的房子翻了好几倍,哪几支股票涨幅最大,哪里的商铺生意最旺,你一定会一清二楚,你一定会抓住商机,及时投资!即使时光倒流1个星期你也会成为百万富翁!怎么讲?因为今天,上周的体育彩票已经开奖号码你也已经知道,如果时光倒流1个星期,你就可以花几块钱把这个号码买下来,那么你就是百万富翁了,可是你不可能让时光倒流哪怕只是1分钟!!!2、跨越时空同样如果你能够跨越时空到2008年,2010年的中国去看看,哪些商机最值得把握!哪些生意最红火!哪些行业最吸引人!哪些工作最吃香!你也会很清楚,那么你就会把握这些机会。可是你并不可能有这个本事,谁也没有这样的特异功能!即使上面的两点无法做到,那就要看第3点了…………3、敏锐的洞悉、观察、分析能力洞悉什么,观察什么,分析什么呢?——信息!正确的信息很重要!那么正确的信息从哪里来?我们通过什么途径来获得这种信息呢?这里告诉大家一个非常重要的工具叫经济时差。你只要利用好经济时差这个工具,你就能获得准确的信息!那么什么是经济时差呢?我告诉大家:在这个世界上,因为时间差,地区差,观念差,造成的一种贫富差距中和起来叫做经济时差。怎么解释呢? 美国——港台——国内前沿城市, 上海——内地从美国到港台到上海再到内地,他们之间就存在经济时差,在内地生活,想知道未来2的流行趋势,可以到上海这些沿海城市看看在上海要想把握未来几年生意的趋势,那你就应该到港台,到美国去看看!那里经济领域正在发生什么事情,那些生意比较火几年后同样一定也会在中国大地上演和流行!如果现在在美国都已经不流行,那么你在中国也不要去从事这个行业,因为淘汰很快就会来临!我们国家每年都会派很多考察团到欧美去考察,就是希望不要闭门造车:很多企业家每隔一段时间就会到发达国家去转转,是他们真的有这么悠闲吗?不对,他们是要亲身去感受那些地方经济脉搏的跳动!最后告诉大家掌握好这个工具不管你从事什么行业你都会成功,所以敏锐的洞悉、观察、分析能力非常重要。 “时差”怎么翻译? 偿和某人之间有时差 time difference就可以了 倒时差的时差是jet lag 中英时差是几个小时? 因为伦敦在本初子午线上 也就是0时经线上. 而北京是东八区,所以相差8个小时~~ 北京比伦敦早8小时 伦敦现在实行的夏令时,时间要拨快 1 小时。 所以现在北京比伦敦早7小时 回答满意的话请及时采纳为满意答案~~ 如何用时差算经度差 向东1个经度早4分钟,如杭州东经120地方时8点时,伦敦0经度地方时0点,另外注意国际日期变更线就可以了
2023-07-22 20:13:221

是on the beach还是in the beach

2023-07-22 20:05:381


2023-07-22 20:05:402


Pay有两个词性,动词和名词固定短语 pay for Sthpay +金钱+for Sth
2023-07-22 20:05:423


2023-07-22 20:05:432


2023-07-22 20:05:434


2023-07-22 20:05:441


Sleeping BeautyOnce upon a time, there was a King and Queen. And when their baby daughter was born they were so happy they decided1 to have a big party. They invited all their family, all their friends and all the fairies in the land. Now there were 13 fairies altogether but the king but queen only invited 12. They forgot about the 13th. And that was something they should not have done.Well, it was a splendid party! There were silver dishes piled high with delicious food and golden plates at every place. And when everyone had finished eating, the fairies gathered around the baby"s cradle2 and they each made a magic wish. The princess shall be beautiful said the first. And happy, said the second. And kind, said the third. And so they went on. The princess was to be brave, and clever and truthful3. She was to have a sweet singing voice and light dancing feetAnd, then, just as the twelfth fairy was about to make her wish, in came the thirteenth. She was furious4, because she had not been invited to the party. Here is my wish, she said. "When the princess is 16 years old, she will prick5 her finger on a spindle and she will die." And with that, the thirteenth fairy vanished.hen the 12th fairy said, "I cannot change all of the wicked fairies powerful magic." So the princess will prick her finger but she will not die! She slept for a hundred years. The king and queen thanked the fairy for her kindness but they were not happy. They did not want their daughter to sleep for a hundred years. So they ordered that every spinning wheel and spindle in the land must be chopped up and burnt. Then they thought that the princess was safe.The years passed and the princess grew up. She was very beautiful and clever at lots of different things. She was, in fact, everything the fairies had wished her to be. On her sixteenth birthday, the princess was exploring the castle when she came to a little room at the top of a tall tower. And in that room was an old woman sitting by a spinning wheel. "What are you doing?" asked the princess?""I am spinning," said the old woman, who was really the wicked thirteenth fairy, "would you like to try?""Oh yes," said the princess, and she sat down by the spinning wheel. But as soon as she touched the spindle, the sharp point pricked6 her finger and she fell asleep.And the old woman vanished. At that same moment, the king and the queen, the servants, the cats and the dogs all fell asleep! Even the fire stopped burning and the roasting meat stopped sizzling. Everything slept.Then a hedge of wild roses grew up around the castle. It grew and it grew until the castle was hidden.One hundred years passed and then a prince came riding by and saw the top of the tower rising up above the hedge of roses. How strange, he said, I never knew there was a castle here!He jumped off his horse and lifted his sword to cut away the hedge. But as soon as the sword touched the branch, a path opened up in front of him. So prince walked freely through the hedge. He entered castle, and walked from room to room. Imagine his surprise, everyone and everything was fast asleep.At last he entered a little room at the end of a tall tower and he saw the sleeping princess. She was so very beautiful that he bent7 down and kissed her. Then the spell was broken and the princess opened her eyes.At the same moment, everyone and everything in the castle awoke! The king yawned, the queen blinked8, the cats had a good stretch and the dogs wagged9their tails.The servants began to work, the fire began to flame, and the roasting meat began to sizzle. A hundred years had not changed anyone or anything.And what happened next? Why the beautiful princess married the prince, who had woken her from such a long deep sleep.The End.
2023-07-22 20:05:471


future的美式发音为[u02c8fjutu0283u0259r],英式发音为[u02c8fjuu02d0tu0283u0259(r)]。1、释义名词释义为未来;将来;前景;前途。形容词释义为将来的;未来的;将来发生的。2、近义词形容词为upcoming,forthcoming,coming,imminent,impending。名词为prospect,outlook,potential。3、反义词形容词为past。future的造句:1、The meat was salted away for future use.肉腌了起来,以备日后食用。2、Today"s events bespeak future tragedy.今日之事件乃预示他日之不幸。3、That "s the best tidings for the future.那对前途说来是最好的消息。4、One"s thoughts must be directed to the future.一个人应当考虑未来。5、A torch symbolizes the brightness of the future.火炬象征光明。
2023-07-22 20:05:491


2023-07-22 20:05:564


2023-07-22 20:05:571

I am at a payphone trying to call home句子结构分析,介词短语

你想的复杂了,trying是因为非谓语才加的ingam 是谓语 try 是非谓语就这么简单或者可以这么理解I am at a payphone我在电话亭 trying to call home试图给家里打电话(修饰在电话亭做什么)
2023-07-22 20:05:572

at the beach 与on the beach 有什么区别

2023-07-22 20:06:043


北华大学是一本还是二本介绍如下:北华大学是一本还是二本大学要根据生源地录取批次来决定。北华大学在内蒙古、安徽、江西、河南、广西、四川、贵州、西藏、陕西、宁夏、新疆的录取批次是本科第二批次,所以北华大学在这些省市是二本大学。北华大学在北京、河北、辽宁、上海、江苏、福建、湖北、湖南、广东、海南、重庆的录取批次是本科批次,所以北华大学在这些省市是本科院校。在2023年中国最好大学排名中,北华大学排名全国第228名。北华大学是全日制普通高等学校,坐落在吉林省吉林市,是吉林省省属综合性重点大学,吉林省省级博士立项建设单位。北华大学(Beihua University),简称北华,坐落在吉林省吉林市,为全国首批“卓越医生教育培养计划”和“卓越农林人才教育培养计划”改革试点高校、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划实施院校、国家大学生文化素质教育基地。截至2022年9月,学校有东、南、北三个校区和一所附属医院,占地面积268.4万平方米(含教学实验基地),建筑面积52.82万平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值5.6亿元,馆藏图书383.1万册;有28个学院,1个工程训练中心;有一级学科硕士学位授权点20个,硕士专业学位类别(领域)15个,本科专业89个;各类全日制在校生28015人,其中硕士研究生2831人,本科生24558人,专科生194人、来华留学生432人。专任教师1369人。截至2022年9月,学校有专任教师1369人,其中高级职称807人;博士生导师18人,硕士生导师493人;共享4名两院院士,拥有美国国际木材科学院院士1人,获“国家特支计划”百千万工程领军人才、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(一层次)、国务院政府特殊津贴等国家级人才称号49人次,省(资深)高级专家、省拔尖创新人才、省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才等省级人才称号百余人次。
2023-07-22 20:06:051


2023-07-22 20:05:371


UVB,波长275~320nm,又称为中波红斑效应紫外线 。中等穿透力,它的波长较短的部分会被透明玻璃吸收,日光中含有的中波紫外线大部分被臭氧层所吸收,只有不足2%能到达地球表面,在夏天和午后会特别强烈。UVB紫外线对人体具有红斑作用,能促进体内矿物质代谢和维生素D的形成,但长期或过量照射会令皮肤晒黑,并引起红肿脱皮。紫外线保健灯、植物生长灯发出的就是使用特殊透紫玻璃(不透过254nm以下的光)和峰值在300nm附近的荧光粉制成。
2023-07-22 20:05:362


2023-07-22 20:05:321


future美式读音[u02c8fjuu02d0tu0283u0259r]和英式读音[u02c8fjuu02d0tu0283u0259(r)].future,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时意为“未来;前途;期货;将来时”。作形容词时意为“将来的,未来的”。单词用法编辑。1.N-SING The future is the period of time that will come after the present, or the things that will happen then. 将来2.ADJ Future things will happen or exist after the present time. 未来的。3.N-COUNT Someone"s future, or the future of something, is what will happen to them or what they will do after the present time. (某人、某事物的) 未来。4.N-PLURAL When people trade in futures, they buy stocks and shares, commodities such as coffee or oil, or foreign currency at a price that is agreed at the time of purchase for items which are delivered some time in the future. 期货 [商业]5.PHRASE You use in the future when saying what will happen from now on, which will be different from what has previously happened. 在将来。双语例句:1、As an investment for the future, the books are cheap at the price.作为对未来的投资,这些书物超所值。2、She lodged this idea in the back of her mind for future reference.她把这个想法记在心里供日后参考。3、The future of Europe should not hang on a referendum by the French.欧洲的未来不应取决于法国人的一次全民公决。4、[with clause]he was quick to perceive that there was little future in such arguments.他很快意识到这样的争论不会有什么结果。5、We are persisting with policies that will create jobs for the future.我们坚持今后能创造工作机会的政策。
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2023-07-22 20:05:273


uvb是户外紫外线。UVB是根据生物效应的不同,将紫外线波长划分出来的一个波段,人们在室外活动时直接射入皮肤。没有被臭氧层吸收掉的UVA和UVB会照射到地球表面,给我们的肌肤带来伤害。UVB的伤害和防护已经得到彻底的研究,它可以使皮肤在短时间内晒伤、晒红,SPF是UVB防护能力的标志。 uvb是户外紫外线。UVB是根据生物效应的不同,将紫外线波长划分出来的一个波段,人们在室外活动时直接射入皮肤。没有被臭氧层吸收掉的UVA和UVB会照射到地球表面,给我们的肌肤带来伤害。UVB的伤害和防护已经得到彻底的研究,它可以使皮肤在短时间内晒伤、晒红,SPF是UVB防护能力的标志。
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2023-07-22 20:05:161

Onthebeach 作文

英文原文: Sunday, a group of children came to the beach to play. Hans and Jack rowing at sea. Jane, Jimmy and Peter to play soccer on the beach. Anna Anhe Mike at the beach listening to guitar. Fishing in the side of Tony. On the back in, and bring them food. There are apples, bread, bananas, coffee and fish to catch Tony. 中文翻译: 星期天,一群小朋友来到海边玩耍。 汉斯和杰克在海上划船。简,吉米和彼得在沙滩上踢足球。安和安娜在沙滩上听迈克弹吉他。托尼在一边钓鱼。在安的后面,有他们带来的食物。有苹果,面包,香蕉,咖啡和托尼钓的鱼。
2023-07-22 20:05:161


紫外线中的一种波段UVB波段,波长275~320nm,又称为中波红斑效应紫外线 。中等穿透力,它的波长较短的部分会被透明玻璃吸收,日光中含有的中波紫外线大部分被臭氧层所吸收,只有不足2%能到达地球表面,在夏天和午后会特别强烈。UVB紫外线对人体具有红斑作用,能促进体内矿物质代谢和维生素D的形成,但长期或过量照射会令皮肤晒黑,并引起红肿脱皮。紫外线保健灯、植物生长灯发出的就是使用特殊透紫玻璃(不透过254nm以下的光)和峰值在300nm附近的荧光粉制成。 摘自 白癜风光疗论坛 - Powered by PHPWind
2023-07-22 20:05:132

he got a pay raise for his work hard

he got a pay raise for his working hard
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