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2023-05-19 17:54:29


TAG: 英语 短语

搭 配 raise one"s hand 举手
raise one"s hat to sb. 向某人举帽致敬
raise doubts in people"s minds 引起人们的怀疑
raise a child 养育孩子
raise farm/corps 饲养
raise funds 筹集资金
raise salaries 增加薪水
raise standards of service 提高服务水平

辨析 raise
lift raise
lift 指用力或机械把重物提高到较高的位置
arouse rise v.上升
arise v.发生
arouse v.激发起
真 题 Though______in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred
to record the plain facts of small-town life. 答案
A)raised B)grown C)developed D)cultivated A
意 义 vt.延伸;扩展、扩大;提供、给予;
构 词 ex(向外)+tend(伸展)
变 形 extension. n.伸出、伸展;延长部分;电话分机
extensive a. 广大的、广阔的;广泛的
intensive a.加强的,深入细致的
搭 配 extensive knowledge 广博的知识
to extend credit/visa 延长信贷限期/签证
extensive reading 泛读
extensive discussion 广泛的讨论
辨析 enlarge
expand enlarge v.扩大,放大
expand v.使膨胀,扩张
extend lengthen prolong extend 指直线状的伸展,引申指扩大势力、范围。
lengthen 指增加长度或延长时间。
prolong 指时间过程延长到超过通常或正常的限度。
真 题 It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____ knowledge. 答案
A) extensive B) expansive C) intensive D) expensive A

意 义 a.加强的,集中的,深入细致的;集约(经营)的,精耕细作的
构 词 ex(向外)+tend(伸展)
变 形 intensity
intensively adv.加强地,集中地,深入细致地
搭 配 intensive study 深入细致的研究
intensive reading 精读
intensive agriculture 集约农业
labour intensity 劳动强度
look at sb. with intensity 深情地看着某人
辨 析

含有intense的意思,但更强调“精细的;集中的”。An intense
attack 全线的攻击;an intensive attack 集中某一点攻击。
真 题 The patient"s health failed to such an extent that he was put into____care. 答案
A)tense B)rigid C)intensive D)tight C
The relationship between employers and employees has been studied________ 答案
A)originally B)extremely C)violently D)intensively D
意 义 a.现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的;可取得联系的,可得到的
构 词 a(to)+vail(value,价值)+able(后缀)----有利用价值的-----可利用的
搭 配 make sth. available to/for 使…可以享受某物;使….买得起某物
the only available room 唯一可用的房子;
辨 析 available a. 现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的
handy a. 手边的,就近的,便利的,敏捷的
at hand 在手边,在附近,即将到来
真 题 Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are______in grocery stores. 答案
A)ready B)approachable C)probable D) available D
In general,the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total ____for living expense. 答案
A)acceptable B)available C)advisable D)applicable B
意 义 n.控告,指控;主管,看管;费用,价钱;负荷,电荷,充电
搭 配 in charge of 主管,看管
in(under)the charge of 在……的掌管下
charge sb.with 指控某人………
charge(sb.)…(money)for sth. 要价,要(某人)付….(钱)买某物
take charge 开始管理,接管
a positive/negative charge 正/负电荷
be on charge 正充电
at modest charges 以公道的价格
charge for trouble 手续费
charge a battery 给电池充电
辨 析
accuse accuse 指的是严重程度不等的犯罪或冒犯行为,accuse与介词of连用,
charge charge所指的是正式控告或指责具有违法性质的行为,charge与介词with搭配.
真 题 She was complaining that the doctor was ________too much for the treatment he was giving her. 答案
A)expending B)offering C)costing D)charging D
This hotel ____$60 for a single room with bath. 答案
A)charges B)demands C)prices D)claims A

意 义 n.事例,实例,事实,情况;病例;案件;箱,盒,套;手提箱
搭 配 a case in point 有关的事例,例证
a case in point 恰当的例子
in any case 无论如何,不管怎样
in case 假使,以防(引导虚拟语气)
sum up the case 概括事实
in case of 假如,如果发生;防备
in no case 无论如何不,决不
in this/that case 如果这样.那样的话
a case of measles 麻疹病例
appeal a case 申述
pack a case 装箱
in the case of 就…..来说,至于
as the case may be 看情况,根据具体情况
辨 析
case 事实,事例,情况,其可笼统地指一个完整的论题,也可表典型的事例,也可用于表医学上的病例或法律上的案例.
instance 为正式用词,指从事实中援引单独事例,隐含其典型性
重难点 语法规则:in case意为“假使;免得,以防(万一)”。In case引导的从句可以用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,虚拟形式为should+动词原形
真 题 I was advised to arrange for insurance _____I needed medical treatment. 答案
A)nevertheless B) although C)in case D)so that C
I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _________traffic jam. 答案
A)in line with B)for the sake of C)in case of D)at the risk of C
We left the manager a note________ he wanted to know where we were. 答案
A)if B)in case C)so that D)unless B
The lawyer advised him to drop _________,since he stands little chance to win. 答案
A)event B)incident C)case D)affair C

意 义 n.结果、效果; v.实现、使生效
变 形 effective
effectively 有效地、起作用地
搭 配 bring/carry/put into effect 实行、实现
take effective measures 采取有效措施
effective range 有效射程;
effective ways of reducing pollution 降低污染的有效方法;
take effect 生效、起作用
to the effect that 大意是
effective 有效的、起作用的
in effect 实际上、实质上
come/go into effect 生效
to no effect 无效;毫无结果
辨析 effect
consequence effect 指明显的原因所产生的后果。
consequence 可指没有明确原因的后果或效果。
effective valid
effective 表示能产生实际的效果。
valid 指仍为权威部门认可,可以继续使用,是法律用语。
真 题 They took _______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. 答案
A) fruitful B) beneficial C) valid D) effective D
Though the long-term___ can not be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee. 答案
A)affect B)effect C)result D)consequence B
The new appointment of our president ______from the very beginning of next semester. 答案
A)takes effect B)takes part C)takes place D)takes turn A
意 义 vt.播送、发射;传送、传染
构 词 trans(从…到….)+mit(发送)
变 形 transmission 播送、发射 ;传送、传染
搭 配 transmit knowledge from one generation to another 把知识由一代传给另一代
transmission of news 消息的传播;
transmit news by radio 由无线电发送消息
真 题 American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _________ from the United States. 答案
A)transfer B) deliveries C) transportation D) transmissions D
Some diseases are ___ by certain water animals. 答案
A) transplanted B) transformed C) transported D)transmitted D
Communication is the process of_______a message from a source to an audience via a channel. 答案
A)transmitting B)submitting C)transforming D)switching A
Cultural________indicates that human beings hand theirs languages down from one generation to another. 答案
A)translation B )transition C)transmission D)transaction C
意 义 vi.有关联;适应,和睦相处;vt.使互相关联;讲述,叙述
变 形 relative 相关的,有关的;相对的,比较的;亲属
all human values are relative,so beauty is relative to the beholder"s eyes.
relatively 相关地,有关地;相对地,比较地
relation 亲属
搭 配 relate to/with 有关联
relative to 有关,涉及
in/with relation to 有关,涉及
close/near relation 近亲
distant relation 远亲
真 题 It is difficult to______cause and effect in this case. 答案
A)unite B)think C)relate D)describe C

意 义 vt.使改观、改革;变换
构 词 trans(从….到….)+form(形式)
变 形 transformation n. 改观、改革;变换
transformable a.能改变的,能改造的
搭 配 transform….into….. 把…变成…
辨 析 transform
change 两词有时可互换,但在骤然改变和神秘地改变时,须用transform
真 题 The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural 答案
A) tradition B) transportation C) transmission D) transformation D
The coming of railways in the 1830s______our society and economic life. 答案
A)transformed B)transported C)transferred D)transmitted A
意 义 vt.搬、转移;调动、转移;转让、过户 vi.转移;调动、转移;转车、转程
构 词 trans(转移)+fer(运送,传送)
变 形 transference n.转移,转让
transferable a.可转移的,可转让的
transferer n.转让者
搭 配 transfer one"s affection 变心
transfer company 转运公司
transfer from a bus to a train 由公共汽车换乘火车
transfer title to land 转让土地所有权
transfer the property 转让财产
辨析 transfer

move 表示从静止状态开始移动,可以是短距离、小范围或长距离、大范围的移动,也可指不改变位置的活动。
真 题 He hoped the firm would ______ him to the Paris branch. 答案
A) exchange B) transmit C) transfer D) remove C
意 义 vt.使适应,使适合;修改,改编 vi. (to)适应
变 形 adaptable a.能适应的,适应性强的
adaptive adj.适应的
adaptation n.适应,适合,改编
adaptor n.编剧者,改编者
搭 配 adapt to 使适合,使适用
adapt from 根据……改写/改编
adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于
辨析 adapt 指作出较大的修改或改变以达到目的。如:She had to adapt herself to local conditions.她必须使自己适应当地的情况
adjust 指作些不重要的轻微调整以便符合要求或适应新情况。如:adjust one"s watch/glasses对表/扶眼镜
fit 多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”
suit 多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”
match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称”
真 题 The newcomers found it impossible to ________themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country. 答案
A)suit B)adapt C)regulate D)coordinate B
I suggested he should________himself to his new conditions. 答案
A)adopt B)suit C)regulate D)adapt D

意 义 v.改变,改动,变更
变 形 alterable adj.可变的,可改的
alterant adj.改变的
alteration n.变更,改造
辨析 alter 部分地改变,不失去本性;
change 本质地变化,甚至失去本性,或一种东西退换了另一种东西;
vary 由更替、多样化或生长的变化而引起的一个或一连串变化。
convert 指从一种状态或情况转变为另一种,尤指用于新的目的或用途。
真 题 If your new coat is too large ,a tailor can _____it to fit you.
A)alter B)exchange C)alternate D)change A
She had to _______her dress because she had lost weight. 答案
A)transform B)shift C)alter D)cut C
意 义 vi.(1)产生,出现,发生;(2)(from)(由……)引起,(由….)产生,起源于;(3)起身,起床
变形 arose arise的过去式
arisen arise的过去分词
辨析 arise
rise 常用于具体的场合
raise 是及物动词,意为“举起;使起来;提高;提出”
arouse 也是及物动词,意为“唤醒;激起;引起”
搭配 arise from/out of 由….引起,起源于
真 题 Many difficulties have _____as a result of the change over to a new 无效 of fuel. 答案
A)risen B)arisen C)raised D)arrived B
A completely new situation will ______when the examination system comes into existence. 答案
A)rise B)arise C)raise D)arouse B
意 义 vi.集合,聚集;vt.集合,聚集,召集;装配
构 词 as(到)+semble(一起)
变 形 assembly
形似词 resemble 像,类似
搭 配 assemble the jury 召集陪审团
assemble evidence/material 收集证据/材料
assemble the parts of a watch 装配表的零件
assembling shop 装配车间
assemble a machine 组装一台机器
assemble in the school garden 在校内集合
gather (常用词)指“收集”、“聚集”、“集合在一起”
collect 指“有计划、有选择地收集”
assemble 指“为某一特定目的而收集”
muster 特指“召集部队”或“为检阅、检查而召集”
真 题 If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to _____in the courtyard. 答案
A)assemble B)converge C)crowd D)accumulate A
Everybody ________in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. 答案
A)assembled B)accumulated C)piled D)joined A
adopt (最近出现在2002年12月28日34题)
意 义 vt.采纳,采用;采取(态度等;收养
变 形 adoptable a.可采用的
adoption n.采用,收养
adoptive a.采用的,收养的
adoptee n.被收养者
adopter n.养父母
搭 配 adopt a strong attitude 采取强硬态度
adopt an idea 采纳意见
adopt measures 采取措施
adopt new methods 采用新方法
adopt a child 收养孩子
adopt the report 正式通过这篇报告
adopt a resolution unanimously 一致通过一项决议
辨 析 adopt
两词都有“采纳"、“采取”的意思。adopt 指采纳别人的意见、技术等。
embrance embrance表示自愿地或急切地采纳或接受。
真 题 The old couple decided to _____a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own. 答案
A)adapt B)bring C)receive D)adopt D
意 义 vt.给…..深刻的印象;铭记;印,压印
构 词 im(里面)+press(压)
变 形 impression n.印象,感想;印记,压痕
impressive a.给人印象深刻的,感人的
搭 配 impression of(about) 对….的印象
impression on 给……留下的印象;
make an impression on 给某人留下印象
impress sb. with …. 以(因)….给某人留下印象
impress….on sth. 给某物盖上…..(印)
be impressed by(with) 对…..留下印象,惊叹
真 题 What_____me most during my visit in your country was the friendship your people have for our people. 答案
A)depressed B)expressed C)oppressed D)impressed D
意 义 vt.把 看作,对待,认为 (as);尊重,尊敬
变 形 regardless 无论如何,不计后果的
regarding 关于
搭 配 without regard to 不考虑
regard………… 把….认为
regardless of 不惜,不顾
in/with regard to 关于,就…..而论
give one"s regards 代某人向…..问好
in the regard 在这点上,关于此事
as regards 关于,至于
辨 析 regard 强调从外表形象得到的认识
consider 强调经过仔细考虑而认为
真 题 Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ____the color of his skin. 答案
A)with the exception of B)in the light of C)by virtue of D)regardless of D
The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable his financial situation 答案
A)with the respect to B)in accord with C)regardless of D)in terms of C
After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute_______. 答案
A)being settled B)to be settled C)had settled D)as settled D
In that country, guest tend to feel they are not highly______if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. 答案
A)admired B)regarded C)expected D)worshipped B
意 义 vi.升起,上升;起立,起床;上涨,增高,增加;反抗,起义
搭 配 give rise to 引起,导致,为……的原因
rise above 克服,不受……的影响
rise to 起而应付,证明能够应付
辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物
rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”
raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)
真 题 Last year the advertising rate________by 20 percent.
A)raised B)aroused C)arose D)rose D
Your improper words will give_________to doubts concerning your true intentions. 答案
A)rise B)reason C)suspicion D)impulse A
Our hopes ________and fell in same instant. 答案
A)arose B) raised C)rose D)aroused C

意 义 n.结果,效果




2023-01-04 09:09:334


收养的英文为:adoption。他被一家有声望的人家收养。He was adopted into a respectable family. 被收养的孩子有权看自己的出生证明。The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate. 调查人员已经发现了证明她对强制收养儿童事件负有责任的文件。Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forcedadoption of children. 这本敏感的书谨慎、简洁地讨论了收养这一微妙问题。This sensitive book tackles the delicate issue of adoption with care and simplicity.这使将我们自己的规定凌驾于该国收养法之上的做法显得十分荒谬。It makes nonsense of our own rules governing laws of adoption in this country.
2023-01-04 09:09:476


adoptive是形容词,意思是”收养的,收纳的“其名词形式是adoption。 adoption和foster同为名名词,意思相近,但不相同。 adoption意思是 收养,领养(收养后就会成为主体的一部分,不用还回去) foster是培养,代养(代养是暂时养育,是要还回去的)。
2023-01-04 09:10:081

领养的英语翻译 领养用英语怎么说

adopt:领养一个孩子adopt a child收养adoption他被一家有声望的人家收养。He was adopted into a respectable family. 被收养的孩子有权看自己的出生证明。The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate.
2023-01-04 09:10:132

收养 怎么写?英文

2023-01-04 09:10:234


2023-01-04 09:10:437


adopt 词根 领养 词义 adaption 近形 意思是适应 名词
2023-01-04 09:11:051


adoption format采用格式双语例句1Aim at the type characteristics of geology diagram, adoption sketch format from definition of way, and study the draw way of Column-map buffer line, rock Column, fault structure etc. and make the sketch be able to satisfy request of dissimilarity customer.针对地质图件的类型特点,采用图形格式自定义的方式,并探讨了柱状图缓冲线、岩性柱状、断层构造等的绘制算法,使生成的图形可以满足不同用户的要求。
2023-01-04 09:11:112

increasing returns to adoption 是什么意思

increasing returns to adoption 收养报酬增加adoption 英[əˈdɒpʃn]美[əˈdɑ:pʃn]n. 采用,收养;[例句]It makes nonsense of our own rules governing laws of adoption in this country.这使将我们自己的规定凌驾于该国收养法之上的做法显得十分荒谬。[其他] 复数:adoptions
2023-01-04 09:11:191

adoption model 怎么翻译?

2023-01-04 09:11:244


技术采用生命周期(Technology Adoption LifeCycle) ==技术采用生命周期概述[ http://cdnet. pat_A100.htm David.技术采用生命周期及死亡之井对新产品行销启示. 科技产业资讯室]==
2023-01-04 09:11:371


  翻译:市场采纳战略  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-01-04 09:11:422

behavioral intention和adoption intention的区别

2023-01-04 09:11:531

Adoption Agreement 是什么意思? 求除收养协议以外的解释。。。在一份贸易协议中出现的。。是供应商与买方

2023-01-04 09:11:591


Another reason that adoption is less popular today is the legality of abortion. 请问这句话里面的that从句引导的是定语还是同位语?答:that引导定语从句时,that为关系代词,在从句中不是作主语就是作宾语。that引导同位语从句时,that只是一个标志,后面的是由一个完整的陈述句变来的一个从句。that在从句中不作句子成分。这里adoption is less popular today. 不缺乏主语,不缺乏宾语,所以只能看作是同位语从句。不过翻译出来是一样的:现在收养孩子不怎么流行的另一个原因是流产的合法性。Another reason why adoption is less popular today is that abortion is legalized. why 引导的是什么从句? why 从句和that 从句有什么区别吗?答:这个why引导的是定语从句。Why是关系副词=for which意为“因为这个理由”。译:现在收养孩子为什么不怎么流行的另一个原因是流产是合法的。其实 引导同位语从句的不仅仅是连词that, 还有Wh-词。不过,that引导的同位语从句是由一个陈述句变过来的,而wh-词引导的同位语从句必定是由一个疑问句变过来的,其先行词多为the quesion, 译作。。。。的这个问题I have no idea when he will come. 中when -从句是一个名词性从句,只所以将它理解为名词性从句是因为它前面的是一个名词idea, 其实这句话=I don"t know when he will come. 这时候的when 从句是宾语从句了。回复 独爱凡尘:不一样。作为名词性从句,wh-词引导的有两种情况,一种是纯名词性质=一个名词+wh-定语从句,还有一种是由疑问句变过来的,带有疑问特征的。而that引导的名词性从句是由一个陈述句变过来的。wh-词引导的同位语从句却是由一个疑问句变过来,片决定了其先行词应为一个表示问题的名词:question之类的。 其实你说的when, where, why词引导同位语从句时,前面必定不是表示时间、地点、和理由的名词也没有说错。但是除了I have no idea 这个idea之处,似乎找不出别的名词来。而fact, news, 等等常常后跟同位语从句的名词后是不会跟wh-引导的同位语从句的。而the question后面跟的同位语从句必定是由wh-词引导的。不只限于when, where, why这三个。 补充回答:同位语原来叫同谓语,这个谓是称谓的谓,由于和谓语相混淆,现在都改称同位语了。同位关系应理解成相同的内容,不同的称谓,比如:We students should do sth. 我们就是学生,这一道题目所谓的同位语和由why引导的定语从句,其实是出题者特意造出来的。只是从形式上(从that在从句中作不作成分)来判断的。翻译及实际作用都是定语。作为同位语从句,是有一点牵强的。它和:The fact that he is ill 他生病的这个事实 不太一样。它更象:The way that he talks to his father 他跟他父亲说话的方式,这个大家公认是定语从句,这个that=in which 还可以省略。为什么the reason that adoption is less popular today 中的reason不能理解=for which也可以省略呢?其实是可以省略的。因为这样的句子很少见(因为the reason有关系副词why,而the way没有关系副词【不知道为什么,how不是关系副词】),所以我们说它是同位语从句了。你的责疑是有道理的。现在我倒是怀疑说它是同位语从句的合理性了。
2023-01-04 09:12:047


啊 你也喜欢这首歌么?我超喜欢的Kate St John的Indescribable night迷离的夜色A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes蒙住我眼睛的面纱已消失,The folds that lay over me no longer lie我心中的伤痕也慢慢抚平,Your infinity is revealed to me你把你的浩瀚无际展示给了我,It shines in your infinite smile你无尽的微笑在闪耀 。It was like a gift floating down through the dark你像一个冲破黑暗的礼物,A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart又像一只鸽子栖息在我的心房,A feeling inside, an invisible guide,Had shown me a way to survive 你内心的感受和无形的引导给我指明了生存的方向Indescribable night夜色迷离,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Is it you?那是你吗?You and me in the circle of everyday life你在日复一日的生活中伴着我,Climbing through moments of death and delight和我一起穿越了无数痛苦和快乐的时光,Now I"ve found my good night in the spiral of light现在我终于在婆娑的灯光里找到了美好的夜色,That shines in your intimate smile而你那熟悉的微笑在闪耀,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Indescribable night夜色迷离。Sailor oh sailor won"t you be proud水手啊水手, 你难道不值得骄傲?To now find a light in the deadliest cloud在那最死寂的云朵里发现了光明,The wisdom you"ve found, a surrendering sound在屈服的声音中发现了睿智,Sings through the surrendering night歌声穿越那征服的夜晚,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Indescribable night夜色迷离,Is it you?那就是你吗?
2023-01-04 09:12:2811


采购份额(Adoption share)配套份额(Match-up shares)市场份额(market share)一汽大众(faw-volkswagen) 上海大众和一汽大众,是中国第一大和第二大轿车企业,大众的优势显而易见;论品牌接受度,20年来大众的“W”标志驰骋华夏大地,一汽大众的奥迪宝来(Bora) .这里有介绍到一汽大众,可以看看:)~~
2023-01-04 09:13:041


2023-01-04 09:13:122


2023-01-04 09:13:194


Thinkadoption是英国一个民间小组织,收集信息,为那些想领养孩子的家庭或个人服务。情况英文解释:【Who are thinkadoption】Thinkadoption are a group of seven Local Authorities in north east London and a number of voluntary agencies who are working together to provide for children in our areas who need adoptive families and for those who want to adopt.
2023-01-04 09:13:361

这句英语句子的结构怎么分析?最后那个“adoption over time of digital media”是什么意思干吗用的?

adoption over time of digital media跟前面的resources是并列的,做in the use of 中of的宾语意思是在运用内部和外部资源及数码传媒方面提高成本效率,直译的话是数码传媒的使用或采用
2023-01-04 09:13:411


Use of domestication translation method, not only to allow the reader to understand the content of the work, can let the reader through reading, understanding of another new culture, because culture communication is the basic task of translation. From the cultural point of view, using the domesticating method, not only can make the translation more perfect, more can make do not know people by reading the translation, to understand another culture, promote each nation to communication between people and understanding. Translation is not only linguistic conversion, is a cross-cultural communication. Sometimes, from the point of view of language as a translation, from the angle of culture may not make the perfect. This article from the angle of translation strategies, to show people to the understanding and application of domesticating methodAdaptation is defined, abide by the target language culture and the mainstream values, by means of conservative assimilation, to cater to local canon, publishing trends and political trends. The domesticating method is as far as possible not to disturb the reader, and allows the author to the readers together ( the translator leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him ).Domesticating translation aims to convey to the readers the basic spirit and semantic content, is not in the language or in individual details of the one one reproduction. Domesticating translation aims at minimizing the exotic, as the target language reader provides a natural and fluent translation. Venuti thinks, domesticating method from the famous translation discourse," try not to interfere with the reader, author of the reader to near" ( Schleiermacher 1838 / 1963 / 47, 1838 / 1977: 74; Venuti: 1995 19-20 ). However, for Venuti, domestication pejorative, because the domesticating method actually embodies the dominant culture commonly found in social policy, namely "the blind use of monolingual, in the foreign culture to resist outside". He also thinks, the dominant culture society" accustomed to receiving coherent and intelligible translation, the foreign text values hidden in their values, make the reader with his country"s culture, still indulge in self-delusion to enjoy their own culture" ( 1995: 15). Here the " occult" is an important concept, because it illustrates the role of translator in translation. In order to domestication as the standard translation of culture, it is the translator"s" occult" make it come very naturally to naturalized in the culture of target language and not be readers find ( 1995: 16-17 ).
2023-01-04 09:13:463


2023-01-04 09:14:202


adopt的名词是adoption。adopt的基本意思是将属于别人的东西化为己有,如收养他人的孩子,采纳他人的建议等。adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词; 作“正式通过或接受”解时,后面常接报告、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。词汇搭配:adopt an attitude 采取一种态度adopt the budget 通过预算adopt Eastern forms of dress 采用东方的服装样式adopt the homeless orphan 收养无家可归的孤儿adopt measures 采取措施adopt methods 采用方法adopt the new rule 通过新章程adopt a policy 采取方针
2023-01-04 09:14:381


adoptive是形容词,意思是”收养的,收纳的“其名词形式是adoption。adoption和foster同为名名词,意思相近,但不相同。adoption意思是 收养,领养(收养后就会成为主体的一部分,不用还回去)foster是培养,代养(代养是暂时养育,是要还回去的)
2023-01-04 09:14:491


post-adoption behavior意思是采纳后行为。词汇解释:post 英[pəʊst] 美[poʊst] n. 岗位; 邮政; 邮件; 柱,桩,杆; vt. 张贴; 邮寄; 宣布; 设岗; vi. 快速行进; [例句]You"ll receive your book through the post.书会邮递给你。adoption 英[əˈdɒpʃn] 美[əˈdɑ:pʃn] n. 采用,收养; [例句]It makes nonsense of our own rules governing laws of adoption in this country.这使将我们自己的规定凌驾于该国收养法之上的做法显得十分荒谬。behavior 英[bɪ"heɪvjə] 美[bɪˈhevjɚ] n. 行为; 态度; (机器等的) 运转状态; (事物的) 反应; [例句]His behavior was terrible.他的行为很糟糕。
2023-01-04 09:14:541

dependency adoption是什么意思

dependency adoption从属收养dependency[英][dɪˈpendənsi][美][dɪˈpendənsi]n.属国,属地; 从属,从属物; 复数:dependenciesadoption[英][əˈdɒpʃn][美][əˈdɑ:pʃn]n.采用,收养; 复数:adoptions
2023-01-04 09:15:001


Position and Adoption Speed Justification位置与到达成熟期速率的理由justification美 [.dʒʌstɪfɪ"keɪʃ(ə)n]英 [.dʒʌstɪfɪ"keɪʃ(ə)n]n.正当理由例句筛选1."There can be no justification for such a senseless act of violence, " he said.“如此愚蠢的暴力行动不会有正当理由,”他说道。2.The court"s justification was that the war was a crime of aggression.而法院的理由是,战争是侵略罪行。
2023-01-04 09:15:061


2023-01-04 09:15:111


  民事合伙 civil partnership   隐名合伙 sleeping partnership; dormant partnership   私营企业 private enterprise; proprietorship   法人 legal person   企业法人 legal body of enterprise   企业集团 group of enterprise   关联企业 affiliate enterprise   个人独资企业 individual business establishment   国有独资企业 solely state-owned enterprise   中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise   中外合作企业 Sino-foreign contractual enterprise   社团法人 legal body of mass organization   财团法人 legal body of financial group   联营 joint venture   法人型联营 association of legal persons   合伙型联营 coordinated management in partnership   协作型联营 cooperation-type coordinated management   合作社 cooperative   民事法律行为 civil legal act   单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act   双方民事法律行为 bilateral civil legal act   多方民事法律行为 joint act civil legal act   有偿民事法律行为 civil legal act with consideration   无偿民事法律行为 civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award   实践性民事法律行为 practical civil legal act   诺成性民事法律行为 consental civil legal act   要式民事法律行为 formal civil legal act   不要式民事法律行为 informal civil legal act   要因民事法律行为 causative civil legal act   不要因民事法律行为 noncausative civil legal act   主民事法律行为 principal civil legal act   从民事法律行为 accessory civil legal act   附条件民事法律行为 conditional civil legal act   附期限民事法律行为 civil legal act with term   生前民事法律行为 civil legal act before death   死后民事法律行为 civil legal act after death   准民事法律行为 quasi-civil legal act   无效行为 ineffective act   可撤销民事行为 revocable civil act   违法行为 illegal act; unlawful act   侵权行为 tort   欺诈 fraud   胁迫 duress   乘人之危 taking advantage of others" precarious position   以合法形式掩盖非法目的 legal form concealing illegal intention   恶意串通 malicious collaboration   重大误解 gross misunderstanding   显失公平 obvious unjust   误传 misrepresentation   代理 agency   本人 principal   被代理人 principal   受托人 trustee   代理人 agent   本代理人 original agent   法定代理人 statutory agent; legal agent   委托代理人 agent by mandate   指定代理人 designated agent   复代理人 subagent   再代理人 subagent   转代理人 subagent   代理权 right of agency   授权行为 act of authorization   授权委托书 power of attorney   代理行为 act of agency   委托代理 agency by mandate   本代理 original agency   复代理 subagency   次代理 subagency   有权代理 authorized agency   表见代理 agency by estoppel; apparent agency   律师代理 agency by lawyer   普通代理 general agency   全权代理 general agency   全权代理委托书 general power of attorney   共同代理 joint agency   独家代理 sole agency   居间 brokerage   居间人 broker   行纪 commission; broker house   信托 trust   时效 time limit; prescription; limitation   时效中止 suspension of prescription/limitation   时效中断 interruption of limitation/prescription   时效延长 extension of limitation   取得时效 acquisitive prescription   时效终止 lapse of time; termination of prescription   期日 date   期间 term   涉外民事关系 civil relations with foreign elements   冲突规范 rule of conflict   准据法 applicable law; governing law   反致 renvoi; remission   转致 transmission   识别 identification   公共秩序保留 reserve of public order   法律规避 evasion of law   国籍 nationality   国有化 nationalization   法律责任 legal liability   民事责任 civil liability/responsibility   行政责任 administrative liability/responsibility   刑事责任 criminal liability/responsibility   违约责任 liability of breach of contract; responsibility of default   有限责任 limited liability   无限责任 unlimited liability   按份责任 shared/several liability   连带责任 joint and several liability   过失责任 liability for negligence; negligent liability   过错责任 fault liability; liability for fault   单独过错 sole fault   共同过错 joint fault   混合过错 mixed fault   被害人过错 victim"s fault   第三人过错 third party"s fault   推定过错 presumptive fault   恶意 bad faith; malice   故意 deliberate intention; intention; willfulness   过失 negligence   重大过失 gross negligence   疏忽大意的过失 careless and inadvertent negligence   过于自信的过失 negligence with undue assumption   损害事实 facts of damage   有形损失 tangible damage/loss   无形损失 intangible damage/loss   财产损失 property damage/loss   人身损失 personal damage/loss   精神损失 spiritual damage/loss   民事责任承担方式 methods of bearing civil liability   停止侵害 cease the infringing act   排除妨碍 exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle   消除危险 elimination of danger   返还财产 restitution of property   恢复原状 restitution; restitution of original state   赔偿损失 compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss   支付违约金 payment of liquidated damage   消除影响 eliminate ill effects   恢复名誉 rehabilitate one"s reputation   赔礼道歉 extend a formal apology   物权 jus ad rem; right in rem; real right   物权制度 real right system; right in rem system   一物一权原则 the principal of One thing, One Right   物权法定主义 principal of legality of right in rem   物权公示原则 principal of public summons of right in rem   物权法 jus rerem   物 property   生产资料 raw material for production   生活资料 means of livelihood; means of subsistence   流通物 res in commercium; a thing in commerce   限制流通物 limited merchantable thing   禁止流通物 res extra commercium; a thing out of commerce   资产 asset   固定资产 fixed asset   流动资产 current asset; floating asset   动产 movables; chattel   不动产 immovable; real estate   特定物 res certae; a certain thing   种类物 genus; indefinite thing   可分物 res divisibiles; divisible things   不可分物 res indivisibiles; indivisible things   主物 res capitalis; a principal thing   从物 res accessoria; an accessory thing   原物 original thing   孳息 fruits   天然孳息 natural fruits   法定孳息 legal fruits   无主物 bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods   遗失物 lost property   漂流物 drifting object   埋藏物 fortuna; hidden property   货币 currency   证券 securities   债券 bond   物权分类 classification of right in rem/real right   自物权 jus in re propria; right of full ownership   所有权 dominium; ownership; title   所有权凭证 document of title; title of ownership   占有权 dominium utile; equitable ownership   使用权 right of use; right to use of   收益权 right to earnings; right to yields   处分权 right of disposing; jus dispodendi   善意占有 possession in good faith   恶意占有 malicious possession   按份共有 several possession   共同共有 joint possession   他物权 jus in re aliena   用益物权 real right for usufruct   使用权 right to use; right of use   土地使用权 right to the use of land   林权 forest ownership   采矿权 mining ownership   经营权 managerial authority; power of management   承包经营权 right to contracted management   相邻权 neighboring right; relatedright   地上权 superficies   永佃权 jus emphyteuticum; right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract   地役权 servitude; easement   人役权 servitus personarum; personal servitude   担保物权 real right for security   物的担保 security for thing   物的瑕疵担保 warranty against defect of a thing   抵押权 hypotheca; hypothecation; right to mortgage   抵押权的设定 creation of right to mortgage   抵押人 mortgagor   抵押权人 mortgagee   抵押标的物 collateral; estate under mortgage   抵押权的效力 deffect of right to mortgage   抵押权的次序 sequence of right to mortgage   抵押权的抛弃 abandonment of right to mortgage   抵押权的让与 alienation of right to mortgage   抵押权的实现 materialization of right to mortgage   抵押权的消灭 extinction of right to   mortgageregistration of estate under mortgage   抵押物登记 registration of estate under mortgage   抵押优先权 priority of mortgage   留置权 lien   一般留置权 general lien   特别留置权 special lien   质权 hypotheque; pledge; right of pledge   佃权 tenant right   债权 jus in personam; right to give or procure; claim; creditor"s right   债权人 creditor   债务人 debtor   相对人 counterpart; offeree   给付 give; pay   债务 debt; liability; obligation   债务的偿还 payment of debt   债务的偿清 discharge of debt   债务的`担保 guarantee of debt   债务的合并 consolidation of debt   债务的给付日期 debt maturity   债务的免除 exemption of debt   债的分类 obligatio; obligation   法定之债 legal obligation   任意之债 voluntary obligation   简单之债 simple obligation   选择之债 alternative obligation   主债 prime/principal obligation   从债 accessory obligation   单一之债 single obligation   按份之债 several obligation   连带之债 joint obligation   特定之债 certain obligation   种类之债 indefinite obligation   合同之债 contractual obligation   侵权行为之债 tort obligation   损害赔偿之债 obligation of compensation for injury; obligation of damages   人身损害 damage to person   精神损害 moral/mental/spiritual damage   医药费 hospital treatment expense   医疗费 medical charge   抚恤金 pension   慰问金 consolation money   产品瑕疵 defect of product   不当得利 unjust enrichment   无因管理 voluntary service   债的担保 guarantee of obligation   财产担保 property guarantee   信用担保 credit guarantee   让与担保 alienation guarantee   保证 guaranty   明示保证 express guaranty   默示保证 implied guaranty   保证人 guarantor   保证合同 contract of guaranty/suretyship   保证金 guaranty bond; security deposit   押金 deposit; foregift   预付款 advanced payment   定金 earnest money; deposit   违约金 liquidated damages   法定违约金 liquidated damages by law   约定违约金 liquidated damages by agreement   债的履行 performance of obligation   实际履行原则 doctrine of specific performance   情事变更原则 doctrine of change of circumstances   不当履行 misfeasance   清偿 discharge; satisfaction   提存 debtor"s submission of the subject matter of obligation to competent authority   抵销 setoff   知识产权 intellectual property   知识产权国际保护 international protection of intellectual property   国民待遇原则 doctrine of national treatment   优先权原则 a right of priority doctrine   自动保护原则 doctrine of automatic protection   特许权使用费 royalties   智力成果 intellectual property   著作权 copyright   版权 copyright   著作权人 copyright owner   创作 creation   作品 opus; product; work   著作人格权 right of personality of copyright   发表权 right of publication   署名权 right of authorship; right of paternity   修改权 right of modification; right of revision
2023-01-04 09:15:171

The adoption of this policy would relieve them of

2023-01-04 09:15:251


they have doubled their steel production quantity than last year because of the new technichal.
2023-01-04 09:15:357


Adopt pets
2023-01-04 09:16:014


management practices 这是固定用法,管理,控制的意思。
2023-01-04 09:16:162


2023-01-04 09:16:254

cloud adoption是什么意思

一种可以远程提取方便用户随时随地的获取他们上传的资料的技术,而且价格低廉,简单的来说就是大家常说的云储存技术,我们iphone的i cloud就是这种服务的代表
2023-01-04 09:16:392

消费者采用曲线consumer-adoption curve,表示什么意思

consumer-adoption curve需求曲线,即随着商品价格上升需求减少的一条曲线需求曲线表示在每一价格下所需求的商品数量。需求曲线是显示价格与需求量关系的曲线,是指其他条件相同时,在每一价格水平上买主愿意购买的商品量的表或曲线。其中需求量是不能被观测的。需求曲线可以以任何形状出现,符合需求定理的需求曲线只可以是向右下倾斜的。 需求曲线通常以价格为纵轴(y轴),以需求量为横轴(x轴),在一条向右下倾斜、且为直线的需求曲线中,在中央点的需求的价格弹性等于一,而以上部份的需求价格弹性大于一,而以下部份的需求价格弹性则小于一。
2023-01-04 09:16:511

Free adoption 什么意思

2023-01-04 09:16:562

She put the boy up for adoption 高手解释put up 在此是啥意思

put up 把。。。。陈列出来 (待售)她把那位男孩摆出来寻求领养。------希望可以帮到你,满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!
2023-01-04 09:17:052


2023-01-04 09:17:176


我来试试 呵呵/Dumping and trade barriers are we cannot avoid the pain. Wenzhou foreign trade not only on quantity, more should improve product quality. In practice, promotion and using international standards, is to reduce the international trading friction, technical barriers to trade, expanding the basic way of export commodities. Until 2001, China national standards in 19744, only 8621 with the international standard and advanced standard, CaiYongLv only to 43.7%, while the proportion of WTO most member number at about 70%, In this 8621 by a double standard, the majority is not equivalent or equivalent, the proportion of equivalent in by 10%. This should take the following measures: (1) into standard. Both organizations dedicated manpower and material resources seriously study and promote the international standard or developed countries use the advanced standard, and translated into Chinese equivalent to determine the standards of production and technical transformation of enterprises, to promote the enterprise purpose and direction of the technology progress, and improve the quality of products and technology level, (2) actively participates in the international standards. At present, based on the international standard of many is the developed countries of the national standards or the enterprise standard and the developed countries, and fully reflect the interests and economic and technological level, and our leading by the international standard for only a few, this is adverse to China, and actively participate in international standards, revised and coordination, which can reflect the interests of China and the request, will break TBT restrictions
2023-01-04 09:17:405

英语SSD Adoption Rate怎么翻译?

2023-01-04 09:18:012


The information society new economy development, the Internetpopularization application has brought the challenge to enterprise"sdevelopment. The network marketing the new marketing way whichtransforms as adaption network technological development and theinformation network age society, is overcoming the traditionalmarketing way the flaw, the coordinated enterprise and customer"srelations, aspect and so on promotion enterprise development isplaying the vital role. The on-line market expansion, produces thepattern to the traditional enterprise, manages the idea, theorganization way and the marketing method and so on all is one kind ofchallenge. The network marketing development has brought the newoperation world for the real estate enterprise not only the influencereal estate enterprise"s marketing, simultaneously to the enterpriseinterior management, operation flow product itself has even broughtthe profound influence. This article mainly from tripartite carries on the analysis facing.One, our country real estate present situation analysis, in the middleof this, mainly is the question which and exists to the real estatemarket superiority carries on the analysis. Two, our country realestate network marketing basic strategy. Separately from theenterprise brand promotion strategy, the on-line set price strategy,the product development strategy, the on-line marketing channelstrategy, on-line promotes sales the strategy these five aspects tocarry on the analysis. Three, strengthens me through somecountermeasures to give up for adoption the real estate networkmarketing strength. Through the above three aspects introduction and showing, the realestate network marketing and the traditional network marketingcompares, not only the cost must be low, moreover has the latent hugeopportunity.
2023-01-04 09:18:093

second parent adoption是什么意思

2023-01-04 09:18:212

消费者采用曲线consumer-adoption curve,表示什么意思

2023-01-04 09:18:291

put him up for adoption 是什么意思

2023-01-04 09:18:351

adoption rate怎么计算

broadband deployment大概宽带覆盖率另一个宽带普及率 用户数基本都是用numbers of subscribers,普及率这里应该是adoption rate,中文的宽带用户数量应该不是broadband deployment的意思,而是有这个意思引申出来的,即宽带的分布率broadband deployment rate提供了,用户数量当然也就提供了这是我的理解
2023-01-04 09:18:521

英语高手 救命啊~~~ 关于 语法的问题啦~~~ 请帮助我!!

see 在英语中有“见证”的意思此时的主语通常为时间或城市或国家见证的内容通常为重大事件,或较大变化如, Shanghai saw the 2010 World Expo.The late 1990s saw China"s great changes.
2023-01-04 09:18:587

She put the boy up for adoption !高手解释put up 在此是啥意思?

2023-01-04 09:19:244


Pachelbel in his 10 a few years old, stray to Britain is a British small village luthiers adoption, he every day to listen to that he after playing, and also learn the piano.Next to them in the town of a girl called Barbara Gabler, the home has money and power, Barbara Gabler also is the most beautiful girl in town, since to church to hear the music, the Pachelbel fell in love with him. So many rich people the door to Barbara Gabler sister were rejected, because Barbara Gabler heart only like Pachelbel. But the girl shy, from small to large spoiled Barbara Gabler didn"t dare to vindicate, later Barbara Pachelbel Gabler will find a reason, says to want to go Pachelbel there lessons, she said to you love music Pachelbel, hope can learn skills from master. Pachelbel is happy to take the disciple.But Barbara Gabler her purpose is not to play, so the energy cost almost not on the piano, was scolded Pachelbel again and again. Barbara Gabler injustice, but was still in the heart with Pachelbel, hope can understand his own mind Pachelbel. Finally one day to Barbara Pachelbel Gabler said: "you go, you really don"t suitable for playing the piano. And you also don"t like piano." Barbara Gabler after listen to, say to yourself: "don"t say I can"t! Pachelbel. I go back to certain be good friends with good play, after half year I want to get the first name of the local piano!!!!!" Six months, Barbara Gabler practice everyday, hungry call home take food of choose and employ persons, sleepy will lay prone to sleep for a while. Then suddenly the past six months, Barbara Gabler took part in the games, and sure enough, the took prize.Barbara Gabler want to take the trophy to express his Pachelbel to his love Pachelbel has already gone. It was war, Pachelbel was conscripted to war, Barbara Gabler said: "good, waiting for him to come back." So the Pachelbel3 Barbara Gabler, etc.During this time the son of village are Gabler Barbara, village head son very clear Barbara Gabler already taken, call people from the back of a dead body the broken, say that is Pachelbel, but no one can bluff, Barbara Gabler believe Pachelbel really was dead, on "Pachelbel" corpse cry for three days and three nights, at that time, the village head son bought a lot of gifts to find Barbara Gabler propose, Barbara Gabler not paying attention.Three days later in the evening, Barbara Gabler cut wrist committed suicide. And in Barbara Gabler leave Pachelbel six months, he found no Barbara Gabler in the side, himself a lot less of a lot of happiness. Pachelbel Barbara Gabler leave before the discovered that he has unwittingly love Barbara Gabler, only because she doesn"t try to the piano so they bury her love. He was going to write a song, as Barbara Gabler gift to marry him, when he finished in a third of the time. He was called to go to the war, and in war, his life DuoCi are dying, whenever in the heart of the uncomfortable when Barbara Gabler, can think of thought of the melody of teach her day...... Time is really one to remember it. After he finished in the rest of the 2/3.Barbara Gabler suicide in the second month, after Pachelbel returned to the village. From the mouth of the villagers he knew the stories and her Barbara Gabler for ourselves all the event, he growled and burst into tears. He found the Barbara Gabler family, asked her now where is buried. Her family refused to tell Pachelbel, a subsequent weeks, gather their village and Barbara Pachelbel Gabler murakami, all of the people, he sat before brimming with tears, piano pop up in the "Canon (D Major)".看到 采纳下 啊
2023-01-04 09:19:396