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2023-07-23 10:14:13
TAG: low ow ll fo follow






































2023-07-23 07:44:542


follow 英[u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a] 美[u02c8fɑ:lou028a] vt. 跟随,接着; vt. 继承; (按时间、顺序等) 接着; 从事; 采用; vi. 理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人; (或物)去(或来) [网络] 关注; 跟随; 追随; [例句]I frequently follow my subjects returning through deep waters, making the photographs at the remains of their homes.我经常跟随我的拍摄对象穿过深水,返回他们被洪水淹没的家园,用照片记录下留下的一切。[其他] 第三人称单数:follows 现在分词:following 过去式:followed过去分词:followed 形近词: hollow fallow fellow
2023-07-23 07:45:011


2023-07-23 07:45:083


2023-07-23 07:45:182


follow是遵守的意思。follow英 ["fu0252lu0259u028a]     美 ["fɑu02d0lou028a]    v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意;遵循;沿着;明白。If you want to complain, you"d better follow the correct procedure.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn left.沿着这条路走到拐角处,然后向左转。用法follow可表示“在……之后”,常作及物动词,后面不需要再加介词after。The duckling followed its mother everywhere.小鸭子们紧跟着母鸭到处走。as follows属于固定的习惯用语,在以词组形式出现的时候,follow不可以单数形式出现,不管句子主语是单数或复数,只可以as follows的形式出现。The rule is as follows.规则如下。
2023-07-23 07:45:421


He was cancelled 他被拉He was cancelled他被拉黑了cancel 的含义是取消和终止,cancel the appointment 的意思就是取消约会。计划可以被取消,但人不可以被取消,毕竟人是有生命力的,someone be cancelled 可不能翻译为某人被取消,这里的 cancel 应当理解为拉黑,他被拉黑了的英文就是 he was cancelled.It pissed me off thatI was cancelled by my bestie.气死我了,我的闺蜜拉黑了我。block[blɑk]v. 拉黑;拦截;堵住;挡住;妨碍block his path 挡住他的路block email 拦截邮件block phone number 拦截电话号码block 的含义是阻止一些事情发生或妨碍别人的行动,拦截消息、拦截邮件、挡住别人的路和拉黑别人都可以用 block,我想拉黑他就是 I want to block him.I found out thatMark blocked me on Wechat.我发现马克拉黑了我的微信。name and shamev. 公布黑名单shame 是耻辱,让人觉得丢脸的名单当然不是什么光荣榜, name and shame 的真正意思是公布黑名单。大家要注意,这是个动词短语,不是名词。blacklist [blklst] 黑名单;把……列入黑名单whitelist/wat.lst/ 白名单;把……加到白名单blacklist 也有拉黑人的意思,但现在用的并不多。These companies were blacklistedby the bankbecause ofavoiding paying their debts.由于欠钱不还,这些公司被银行列入了黑名单。ghost 为什么也可以表达拉黑?ghost[ɡost]n.鬼魂;幽灵;(可怕的)回忆v.突然失踪;不再联系除了鬼魂,ghost 还有突然失踪不联系的意思。我们可以看看剑桥词典对 ghost 的解释, end a relationship with someone suddenly by stopping all communication with them,意思就是说为了终结一段关系而和别人断了所有联系方式。ghost 常用于恋人之间和朋友之间,女朋友突然不接电话不回短信的行为就是ghost ,朋友突然和你断了联系再也不理你也可以说 ghost,名词形式就是 ghosting.突然断联和拉黑的效果是一样的,都属于单方面和别人断绝社交上的联系,所以 ghost 也可以理解为拉黑。My girlfriend always ghosts me after the quarrel.吵架后,我女朋友总是会拉黑我。被一个人拉黑是拉黑,但被全行业全社会拉黑就可以说是封杀了,那么封杀的英语是什么呢?封杀的英语不是 killforce out封杀;迫使离开force out 来源于体育运动里的封杀出局,现在也可以指代生活中的各种封杀。be shut out把……排除在外;把……关在门外封杀的目的就是让某人在某个领域无法立足,让人无路可走,而 be shut out 的意思就是关上门,两者的含义是一样的。ban[bn] 禁止;取缔封杀就是严格禁止某人参与特定的活动,ban 的意思是禁止,所以 封杀也可以翻译成 ban.This actor was shut out by most mediabecause of a sexual scandal.由于性丑闻,这个男演员被大部分媒体封杀了。在微信上拉黑和删除到底哪个更绝情呢?有人说拉黑绝情,也有人说删除绝情。相信不同的人也有不同的答案。不过我们既然学会了拉黑的英文,也一定要掌握删好友的英文表达,删微信联系人不要说 delete friends 哦。删微信不是 delete friendunfriend删除好友unfollow取关follow关注删除好友这一行为传达出的意思是我们不再是朋友了,所以我们要说 unfriend.follow 的意思是跟随,如果你关注一个公众号,就会不断追随它,看最新的推文,所以取消关注的英文很简单,直接说 unfollow 就可以了。May I have your WeChat ?我能加下你的微信吗?I unfriended herwhen I found out that she blocked me.我发现她拉黑我后就删除她了。实用微信口语official accounts 公众号alias 群昵称moments 朋友圈spend time on moments 刷朋友圈browse moments 刷朋友圈unfollow 取关chat history 聊天记录unfriend 删除好友blacklist/block 拉黑invite you into a WeChat group 把你拉进微信群block one"s moments 屏蔽某人的朋友圈you were mentioned 有人@你give a like/thumbs-up 点赞share the article on moments 分享这篇文章到朋友圈repost 转发comment 评论send a sticker 发一个表
2023-07-23 07:46:002


2023-07-23 07:46:265


follow 英[u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a] 美[u02c8fɑ:lou028a]vt. 跟随,接着;vt. 继承; (按时间、顺序等) 接着; 从事; 采用;vi. 理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人(或物)去(或来);[例句]We followed him up the steps into a large hall我们跟着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。[其他] 第三人称单数:follows 现在分词:following 过去式:followed过去分词:followed
2023-07-23 07:46:411


首先,as follow 和 as follows 都是介宾结构短语,在意思和用法上基本没有差别,都是“依下列各项,如下”(说用于单数和复数的区别也是不准确的,单复数两者都可以用)两者的区别如下 follow是非正式的英语用语,通常在口语中运用,但是在正式英语(如书面写作)中有时候会认为是错误的2.而as follows是英语中的固定搭配,约定俗成的固定短语用法,在英语正式和非正式表达中都可用,因此,as follows 的适用范围更加广泛扩展资料:follow:VERB(动词)Go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.追赶(前进的人或事);移动或在后面移动。‘she went back into the house, and Ben followed her"“她回到屋里,本跟在她后面。”‘the men followed in another car"“那些人开着另一辆车跟在后面”2.Come after in time or order.按时间或顺序跟在后面。‘the six years that followed his restoration"“他复辟后的六年”‘the rates are as follows"‘费率如下"3.Act according to (an instruction or precept)按照(指示或戒律)行动‘he has difficulty in following written instructions""他在遵循书面指示方面有困难"4.Pay close attention to.密切注意。‘I"ve been following this discussion closely""我一直在密切关注这个讨论"5.Practise (a trade or profession).从事(行业或职业)。资料来源:牛津词典-follow
2023-07-23 07:46:481


  follow有跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意;遵循;沿着;明白等意思,那么你知道follow的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    follow的用法:   follow的用法1:follow的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。   follow的用法2:follow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。   follow的用法3:follow作“从事,经营”解时,不直接以行业名称作宾语,而应以profession或trade等作宾语。   follow的用法4:follow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。   follow的用法5:follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。   follow的用法6:as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。   follow的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   as follows   follow after (v.+prep.)   follow in one"s footsteps (v.+prep.+n.)   follow into (v.+prep.)   follow on1 (v.+adv.)   follow on2 (v.+prep.)   follow out (v.+adv.)   follow through (v.+adv.)   follow to (v.+prep.)   follow up (v.+adv.)   follow的用法例句:   1. "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."   “在那儿等着!”凯瑟琳站起身来,“不,我改主意了。跟我来。”   2. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   3. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.   他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后再要一份苹果派。   4. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.   这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况 报告 会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。   5. All we had to do was follow the map.   我们所要做的就是按照地图走。   6. I respect his judgement and I"ll follow any advice he gives me.   我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。   7. They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.   他们正在灌录他们1989年畅销专辑的续篇。   8. Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next.   无论今世还是来生,好运都会伴随你。   9. Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.   抓紧我的手,跟着我。   10. He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.   他给自己定下了男子汉的任务,并希望别人效之。   11. Where eastern Germany goes the rest will surely follow.   东德怎样做,其他地方一定会效仿。   12. He decided to follow through with his original plan.   他决定把最初的计划执行到底。   13. Take your time, don"t cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.   慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。   14. The patient was seen for follow-up visits once every three months.   这位病人每三个月接受一次随访就诊。   15. "Get in your car and follow me," he com-manded.   “上你自己的车,跟在我后面。”他命令道。
2023-07-23 07:47:031


follow的用法归纳想:1. 表示“跟随”,可用作及物或不及物动词。如:Summer follows spring. 春去夏来。Follow close behind. 紧跟在后面。The dog follows me wherever I go. 我不论到哪里,这狗都跟着。表示某人或某物跟在另一人或另一物后面,一般不与介词behind 或after 连用,以免构成用词重复(尽管偶尔可见到这类用法,但在现代英语中很少见,初学者最好不用)。但有时可后接用作副词的behind。如:You go ahead. We"ll follow behind. 你们先走,我们随后就来。2. 不要按照汉语习惯,将汉语表达中的“跟着某人做某事”直译为 follow sb to do sth, 而应根据情况选用适当的句型。如:我跟他去了车站。误:I followed him to go to the station.正:I followed him to the station.我跟着他读生词。误:I followed him to read the new words.正:I read the new words after him.3. 有时与there搭配使用, 构成类似there be的结构。如:There followed a long silence. 然后是一阵冗长的沉默。There will follow an interval of five minutes. 随后将有5分钟休息。
2023-07-23 07:47:101


解释如下follow和follow up可以翻译为关注。例句:the millions of people who follow football because they genuinely love it...数以百万计的人关注足球,因为他们发自内心地热爱足球
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2023-07-23 07:47:413


follow可以作为及物动词vt.也可以作为不及物动词vi.及物动词 vt.1.跟随 My dog follows me to school.2.接在...之后 Night follows day.3.沿着...行进 Follow this road to the bridge.4.追赶;追逐;追求 The dogs followed the fox.5.注视;密切注意 The cat followed every movement of the mouse.6.倾听7.听懂;领会 Do you follow me?8.听从;采用;信奉 Follow my advice.9.因...而产生 Disease often follows malnutrition.10.从事(职业等)不及物动词 vi.1.跟随 He leads; we follow.2.接着3.听懂;领会4.结果产生 He is wrong,but it does not follow that you are right.你说的follow sb to do sth 是对的,这里是作为及物动词,to do sth是最为宾语补足语.
2023-07-23 07:47:501


follow 英[u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a] 美[u02c8fɑ:lou028a] vt.& vi. 跟随,接着 vt. 继承, (按时间、顺序等)接着, 从事, 采用 vi. 理解, 发生兴趣, 由此产生, 跟着人(或物)去(或来) [例句]Let germany and japan follow.让德国和日本紧随其后。
2023-07-23 07:48:111

follow i错在哪里

是me,不是i(指称自己,作动词的主语)我。follow me,因为follow是动词,动词后面用宾格 follow v.跟随;跟着;(指时间或顺序)在…后发生,因…而发生;在…后做 第三人称单数: follows现在分词: following过去式: followed过去分词: followed 扩展资料   例句:   I don"t see how that follows from what you"ve just said.   根据你刚才所说的,我不明白怎么会产生那样的结果。   The TV series has a cult following among young people.   那部电视连续剧在年轻人中拥有一批狂热的"迷恋者。   The government which followed the election was a very different animal.   选举后的政府与前一届的截然不同。   Take the first road on the left and then follow the signs.   走左边的第一条路,然后循着路标走。   I remember little of the days that followed the accident.   那次事故以后的日子我记不大清楚了。
2023-07-23 07:48:181

follow和follow up都可以翻译为追踪吗

我认为追踪最好用“trace”这个词。1跟踪,追踪:The murderer was traced to Paris.那个凶手被追踪到巴黎。2追溯;探索:The book traces the history of social development.这本书追溯了社会发展史。They tried to trace the rumour to its source.他们试图追查谣言的根源。3查出,探出,找到,发现(或探查出)(史前遗迹等):Her annoyance can be clearly traced in her letter.在她的信中可以很清楚地看出她的不快。The family are trying to trace the missing dog.全家人正在设法找寻失踪的狗。下面把follow和follow up的意思贴出了供你参考。followvt. 跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意,注视;注意;倾听vi. 跟随;接着n. 跟随;追随follow up1穷追,紧追不舍:The hunter is following up a wolf.那猎人正在追踪一条狼。2用进一步行动来加强…的效果,对…采取进一步行动:After Mary sent a letter to apply for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager.玛丽发出求职信后,她接着还找人事部经理面谈。3追究到底;干到底:to follow up a lead, clue,rumour4顺着头绪、线索、谣言进行调查进一步照…行事:I think we should follow up his suggestions;it sounds reasonable.我想我们应该进一步照他的建议去干,它听起来可行。5对(病人)随访;继续;继承6(足球队员)靠近盘球队员作后援
2023-07-23 07:48:261


As follows (not as follow ) is the established form of the idiom, no matter whether the noun that precedes it is singular or plural: As follows (不是 as follow )是惯用语的构成形式, 而不管前面的名词是单数还是复数形式: The regulations are as follows. 规则如下所述。as follows只是一种固定搭配,所以可以不符合语法。像这类固定搭配都是约定俗称的,根本没办法从语法角度去分析,比如还有一句“long time no see”是“好久不见”的意思,这也是一种固定句式,不需要用语法去分析。总之,as follows就是一种固定说法,本身的词性不需要具体分析。具体在句子当中做的成分应该理解成表语,因为“主语+be动词+表语”是一种基本句子结构。
2023-07-23 07:48:331

follow是什么意思 翻译

follow的意思是:跟随;跟着;(指时间或顺序)在…后发生,因…而发生;在…后做;跟随是…的必然结果;接着是;沿着(道路、小径等);沿着…延伸;接受,遵循,听从(忠告、指示等);接受…为指导(或领导、榜样);理解,明白(说明或意思);密切注视;对…产生浓厚兴趣而关注;涉及…生活;按…方式(或方向)发展n.跟随;(撞球)跟球;添菜添菜拓展:ollow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。2、follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。3、as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。
2023-07-23 07:48:401

follow 读音

2023-07-23 07:49:164


关于follow是什么意思分享如下:Follow是一个英语单词,它的意思有很多种。它的基本含义是“跟随、追随”,在不同的语境中,follow还可以表示“遵循、执行、关注、订阅、追踪”等意思。下面我们将对这些含义进行详细的解释。1、跟随、追随Follow最常用的含义就是“跟随、追随”。例如,“He followed the leader to the top of the mountain.”(他跟着领袖爬上山顶。)、“She followed her heart and chose the career she loved.”(她按照自己的内心选择了她所热爱的职业。)2、遵循Follow也可以表示“遵循、依据”。例如,“We need to follow the rules if we want to succeed in this game.”(如果我们想在这个游戏中获胜,就需要遵循规则。)You should always follow your doctor"s advice when taking medicine.(服药时,你应该始终遵循医生的建议。)3、执行Follow还可以表示“执行、执行任务”。例如,“The detective followed the suspect for hours without being noticed.”(侦探跟踪嫌疑人数小时而没有被发现。)、“I"m just following orders from my boss.”(我只是按照老板的命令行事。)4、关注在一些社交媒体或网络平台上,Follow常用来表示“关注、追踪”。例如,“I followed my favorite singer on Instagram and received the latest updates from him.”(我在Instagram上关注了我最喜欢的歌手,获取了他最新的动态。)5、订阅在视频或音频网站上,Follow也可以表示“订阅”。例如,“I followed this podcast and got notified of new episodes.”(我订阅了这个播客,收到了新的剧集通知。)6、追踪Follow还可以用来表示“追踪、追踪某人或物的位置或状态”。例如,“The GPS system allows us to follow the location of our vehicle in real-time.”(GPS系统能够让我们实时追踪车辆位置。)除了以上几种常见含义,Follow还有一些其他含义。例如,在工业领域中,Follow可以表示加工、跟进等意思;在法律、政治领域中,Follow可以表示“制定、实施”等意思。总之,这个单词的含义非常广泛,我们需要根据具体的语境来判断其含义。
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2023-07-23 07:50:402


2023-07-23 07:50:503


《follow》歌词如下:我没转身一直走 一直梦一直疯 一直没停留那些美好的越靠近 越沉溺越来越 不想放手Wherever you goWherever you goFollow每到晚上理智变得感性我编了这条短信说不在乎不过是我嘴硬总是期待你有什么反应对你没法保持那份冷静偷偷想着我们之间关系的远近我的心里没有任何的侥幸我知道我的爱对你来说就好像软禁我们都闭口不提这跨不过的距离我们不停的一再复习着那些感情里俗套的剧情你那里是怎么样的天气夜空是否还是那么透明我说的又开始不着了边际可是没有你我真的不行就请你把我当成贪得无厌把我当作得寸进尺每当难过表情在你脸上浮现我也难过得像照着一面镜子多么希望和你在一起的时间那些快乐可以突然静止多么希望时间可以快点带我和你一起体验生老和病死我想过下次会更好也开始更加了解了你的脾气可是下次 我们还是争吵下次可能还是不留余地我爱你不遗余力在爱里不停期待奇迹不忍看你这么痛苦又不愿离去and i willFollow《Follow》简介《Follow》是由梨冻紧、Wiz_H张子豪演唱的歌曲,由梨冻紧/Wiz_H张子豪作词,梨冻紧作曲,收录于2020年6月20日发行的专辑《Follow》中。
2023-07-23 07:50:571


fóu lou轻声
2023-07-23 07:51:362


follow. 美国:folw
2023-07-23 07:52:012


followvt.1. 跟随2. 接在...之后3. 沿着...行进4. 追赶;追逐;追求5. 注视;密切注意6. 倾听7. 听懂;领会8. 听从;采用;信奉9. 因...而产生10. 从事(职业等)
2023-07-23 07:52:081


follow[英][u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a][美][u02c8fɑ:lou028a]vt.& vi.跟随,接着; vt.继承; (按时间、顺序等)接着; 从事; 采用; vi.理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人(或物)去(或来); n.追随,跟随; [台球]推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法); 第三人称单数:follows现在分词:following过去式:followed过去分词:followed双语例句、I frequently follow my subjects returning through deep waters, making the photographs at the remains of their homes.我经常跟随我的拍摄对象穿过深水,返回他们被洪水淹没的家园,用照片记录下留下的一切。2When I say the word, follow me down.我一发话,就跟着我下来。
2023-07-23 07:52:322


follow[英][u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a][美][u02c8fɑ:lou028a]vt.& vi.跟随,接着; vt.继承; (按时间、顺序等)接着; 从事; 采用; vi.理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人(或物)去(或来); n.追随,跟随; [台球]推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法); 第三人称单数:follows过去分词:followed现在进行时:following过去式:followed例句:1.Do they follow a pattern? 它们遵循一个模式吗?
2023-07-23 07:52:431


念服落伍 是跟随的意思
2023-07-23 07:52:534


2023-07-23 07:53:282


vt. 跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意,注视;注意;倾听vi. 跟随;接着n. 跟随;追随
2023-07-23 07:53:363


follow的用法和固定搭配如下:1、follow的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。2、follow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。3、follow作“从事,经营”解时,不直接以行业名称作宾语,而应以profession或trade等作宾语。4、follow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。5、follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。6、as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。解释二:1. follow 可解释【跟随 跟从】 直接加人称代词或人名 如: He followed her with anger. 他一脸怒气地跟着她。2 可解释【服从 遵守】 后接名词 如: follow the rules 遵守规则3 可解释【明白 领会】 后接名词 如: Your words are so profound that I can"t follow (you). 你的话太深奥了,我不明白。4 可解释【接在。。之后】 后接名词 如:Diseases often follow wars. 疾病总是紧接着战争的。5 可解释【沿着】 后接名词 如:Follow this road and you"ll meet him. 沿着这条路走,你会看见他的。6 可解释【倾听】 后接名词 如:I follow his speech all the time. 我一直倾听着他的演讲。
2023-07-23 07:53:551


首先,as follow 和 as follows 都是介宾结构短语,在意思和用法上基本没有差别,都是“依下列各项,如下”(说用于单数和复数的区别也是不准确的,单复数两者都可以用)两者的区别如下 follow是非正式的英语用语,通常在口语中运用,但是在正式英语(如书面写作)中有时候会认为是错误的2.而as follows是英语中的固定搭配,约定俗成的固定短语用法,在英语正式和非正式表达中都可用,因此,as follows 的适用范围更加广泛扩展资料:follow:VERB(动词)Go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.追赶(前进的人或事);移动或在后面移动。‘she went back into the house, and Ben followed her"“她回到屋里,本跟在她后面。”‘the men followed in another car"“那些人开着另一辆车跟在后面”2.Come after in time or order.按时间或顺序跟在后面。‘the six years that followed his restoration"“他复辟后的六年”‘the rates are as follows"‘费率如下"3.Act according to (an instruction or precept)按照(指示或戒律)行动‘he has difficulty in following written instructions""他在遵循书面指示方面有困难"4.Pay close attention to.密切注意。‘I"ve been following this discussion closely""我一直在密切关注这个讨论"5.Practise (a trade or profession).从事(行业或职业)。资料来源:牛津词典-follow
2023-07-23 07:54:091


follow与there搭配使用,构成类似there be的结构。如:There followed a long silence.然后是一阵冗长的沉默。There will follow an interval of five minutes. 随后将有5分钟休息。follow表示“跟随”,可用作及物或不及物动词。如:Follow close behind.紧跟在后面。表示某人或某物跟在另一人或另一物后面,一般不与介词behind 或after 连用,以免构成用词重复。但有时可后接用作副词的behind。
2023-07-23 07:54:241

follow的用法 follow的用法有哪些

1、follow的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。 2、follow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。 3、follow作“从事,经营”解时,不直接以行业名称作宾语,而应以profession或trade等作宾语。 4、follow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。 5、follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。 6、as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。
2023-07-23 07:54:501


follow中文翻译为如下作名词时意为“跟随;追随”,作及物动词时意为“跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意,注视;注意;倾听”,作不及物动词时意为“ 跟随;接着”。短语搭配follow suit学样子 ; 鹦鹉学舌 ; 学样FOLLOW FOCUS跟焦 ; 跟焦器 ; 按键跟焦 ; 否跟随焦点Follow Path跟随路径 ; 沿路径 ; 制作动画 ; 路径跟随FOLLOW KING追随国王follow time间隔时间 ; 跟随时间follow scanner跟踪扫描器 ; 同步跟踪扫描装置 ; 跟随调焦装置Follow order执行命令 ; 服从命令 ; 跟随阶数follow vi连同 ; 听从 ; 听得懂The Follow跟踪 ;例句In order to deal with after, please follow the orders of the total amount of money into the account of the Company.在订单处理完后,请按照订单的总金额汇款进本公司帐号。May God richly bless you as you follow Him in obedience.愿上帝丰富地赐福与你,因你顺服地跟从他。TiVo will always follow user directives for the shows to record regardless of any of its adaptive behavior responses.TiVo将总是遵循用户的节目指令来记录,与任何其自适应行为响应无关。词态变化第三人称单数: follows;过去式: followed;过去分词: followed;现在分词: following;
2023-07-23 07:56:271


首先,as follow 和 as follows 都是介宾结构短语,在意思和用法上基本没有差别,都是“依下列各项,如下”(说用于单数和复数的区别也是不准确的,单复数两者都可以用)两者的区别如下 follow是非正式的英语用语,通常在口语中运用,但是在正式英语(如书面写作)中有时候会认为是错误的2.而as follows是英语中的固定搭配,约定俗成的固定短语用法,在英语正式和非正式表达中都可用,因此,as follows 的适用范围更加广泛扩展资料:follow:VERB(动词)Go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.追赶(前进的人或事);移动或在后面移动。‘she went back into the house, and Ben followed her"“她回到屋里,本跟在她后面。”‘the men followed in another car"“那些人开着另一辆车跟在后面”2.Come after in time or order.按时间或顺序跟在后面。‘the six years that followed his restoration"“他复辟后的六年”‘the rates are as follows"‘费率如下"3.Act according to (an instruction or precept)按照(指示或戒律)行动‘he has difficulty in following written instructions""他在遵循书面指示方面有困难"4.Pay close attention to.密切注意。‘I"ve been following this discussion closely""我一直在密切关注这个讨论"5.Practise (a trade or profession).从事(行业或职业)。资料来源:牛津词典-follow
2023-07-23 07:56:481

follow的用法是不是follow sb to do sth

follow可以作为及物动词vt.也可以作为不及物动词vi.及物动词 vt. 1.跟随 My dog follows me to school. 2.接在...之后 Night follows day. 3.沿着...行进 Follow this road to the bridge. 4.追赶;追逐;追求 The dogs followed the fox. 5.注视;密切注意 The cat followed every movement of the mouse. 6.倾听7.听懂;领会 Do you follow me? 8.听从;采用;信奉 Follow my advice. 9.因...而产生 Disease often follows malnutrition. 10.从事(职业等)不及物动词 vi. 1.跟随 He leads; we follow. 2.接着3.听懂;领会4.结果产生 He is wrong, but it does not follow that you are right. 你说的follow sb to do sth 是对的,这里是作为及物动词,to do sth是最为宾语补足语。
2023-07-23 07:57:013


follow网络的解释是:跟随。follow英 ["fu0252lu0259u028a]     美 ["fɑu02d0lou028a]    v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意;遵循;沿着;明白。The little boy followed his father out.小男孩跟随他父亲出去了。They blew up the bridge so that the enemy couldn"t follow them.他们炸毁了桥梁,使敌人无法追赶他们。辨析:followed和following在句中作状语时,其逻辑主语应该是句子的主语。如果主语是follow的执行者,应该用following; 如果主语是follow的承受者,就应该用followed。试比较:Tom came in, followed by his father.汤姆进来了,后头跟着他的爸爸。Tome came in, following his father.汤姆跟着他的爸爸进来了。
2023-07-23 07:57:081


首先,as follow 和 as follows 都是介宾结构短语,在意思和用法上基本没有差别,都是“依下列各项,如下”(说用于单数和复数的区别也是不准确的,单复数两者都可以用)两者的区别如下 follow是非正式的英语用语,通常在口语中运用,但是在正式英语(如书面写作)中有时候会认为是错误的2.而as follows是英语中的固定搭配,约定俗成的固定短语用法,在英语正式和非正式表达中都可用,因此,as follows 的适用范围更加广泛扩展资料:follow:VERB(动词)Go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.追赶(前进的人或事);移动或在后面移动。‘she went back into the house, and Ben followed her"“她回到屋里,本跟在她后面。”‘the men followed in another car"“那些人开着另一辆车跟在后面”2.Come after in time or order.按时间或顺序跟在后面。‘the six years that followed his restoration"“他复辟后的六年”‘the rates are as follows"‘费率如下"3.Act according to (an instruction or precept)按照(指示或戒律)行动‘he has difficulty in following written instructions""他在遵循书面指示方面有困难"4.Pay close attention to.密切注意。‘I"ve been following this discussion closely""我一直在密切关注这个讨论"5.Practise (a trade or profession).从事(行业或职业)。资料来源:牛津词典-follow
2023-07-23 07:57:481


follow的固定搭配:1、follow的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。2、follow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。3、follow作“从事,经营”解时,不直接以行业名称作宾语,而应以profession或trade等作宾语。4、follow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。5、follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。6、as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。解释二:1. follow 可解释【跟随 跟从】 直接加人称代词或人名 如: He followed her with anger. 他一脸怒气地跟着她。2 可解释【服从 遵守】 后接名词 如: follow the rules 遵守规则3 可解释【明白 领会】 后接名词 如: Your words are so profound that I can"t follow (you). 你的话太深奥了,我不明白。4 可解释【接在。。之后】 后接名词 如:Diseases often follow wars. 疾病总是紧接着战争的。5 可解释【沿着】 后接名词 如:Follow this road and you"ll meet him. 沿着这条路走,你会看见他的。6 可解释【倾听】 后接名词 如:I follow his speech all the time. 我一直倾听着他的演讲
2023-07-23 07:58:501


follow[英][u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a][美][u02c8fɑ:lou028a]vt.& vi.跟随,接着; vt.继承; (按时间、顺序等)接着; 从事; 采用; vi.理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人(或物)去(或来); n.追随,跟随; [台球]推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法); 第三人称单数:follows过去分词:followed现在进行时:following过去式:followed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Let germany and japan follow. 让德国和日本紧随其后。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-23 07:59:251


following 形容词 a.[B] 1.接着的,其次的。follow发音:英 [u02c8fu0254lu0259u] 美 [u02c8fɑlo] vt.跟随;(表示时间,次序等)接着;以…为结果;听从;领悟vi.追随a.其次的n.跟随[例句]Nick, don"t try to follow!尼克,别老想跟着!
2023-07-23 07:59:551

follow怎么读 follow如何读

1、follow 英[u02c8fu0252lu0259u028a]美[u02c8fɑu02d0lou028a] 2、v.跟随; 跟着; (指时间或顺序)在…后发生,因…而发生; 在…后做; 3、[例句]He followed her into the house.他跟随她走进房屋。 4、[其他]第三人称单数:follows 现在分词:following 过去式:followed 过去分词:followed
2023-07-23 08:02:321


follow与there搭配使用,构成类似there be的结构。如:There followed a long silence.然后是一阵冗长的沉默。There will follow an interval of five minutes. 随后将有5分钟休息。1、follow表示“跟随”,可用作及物或不及物动词。如:Follow close behind.紧跟在后面。表示某人或某物跟在另一人或另一物后面,一般不与介词behind 或after 连用,以免构成用词重复。但有时可后接用作副词的behind。2、follow不要按照汉语习惯,将汉语表达中的“跟着某人做某事”直译为follow sb to do sth,而应根据情况选用适当的句型。如:我跟他去了车站。误:I followed him to go to the station.正:I followed him to the station.3、follow的用法很多,除表示“跟着”外,还可表示“听从”“遵循”“沿着”“仿效”“听懂”“明白”等义。如:Do you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?Follow the traffic rules. 遵循交通规则。
2023-07-23 08:02:561


2023-07-23 08:02:402


1、生老病死,一切都是自然现象;人生自古谁无死,只要常活我心中。 Life, old age, sickness and death are all natural phenomena; life has never been dead since ancient times, as long as it lives in my heart. 2、生老病死,自然规律!不好太伤悲,你的孝心他会感应得到的! Life, age, illness and death, natural law! Not so sad, your filial piety he will feel! 3、生者幸福是对逝去亲人最好的安慰,为了老人家的期望你必须要发奋让自我快乐起来! Happiness of the living is the best fort to the deceased. In order to meet the expectations of the elderly, you must work hard to make yourself happy. 4、她老人家是解脱了,去享福了,人死不能复生,奶奶在天之灵肯定不期望儿孙如此悲哀的。 Her old man is free, to enjoy happiness, death can not be resurrected, Grandma in the Spirit of Heaven certainly does not expect children to be so sad. 5、人死如灯灭,节哀顺便,不要太伤心鸟,要记得他你心中。 Death is like a lamp out. Festival mourning is convenient. Don"t be too sad. Remember him in your heart. 6、人之常情,每个人都无法去体会失去亲人的痛苦,我们只能在心里为死去的人默默祈祷,希望他们在另一个天堂也活过的很好。 Everyone can"t feel the pain of losing loved ones. We can only pray silently for the dead in our hearts, hoping that they will live well in another paradise. 7、为了爱你的人和你爱的人,一定要坚强的走下去。 In order to love the people you love and the people you love, you must be strong. 8、天变,地变,海变,人变,世界更是变,变,变,独一永久的是,我对你的情,我对你的爱,还有一颗早已为你沉溺的心。 Change of the day, change of the earth, change of the sea, change of the people, the world is change, change, change, the only permanent thing is, my feelings for you, my love for you, and a heart that has long been addicted to you. 9、节哀顺变,我们现在应该对去世者的真诚祝愿,祝他老人家一路走好,在九泉之下安息吧! Festival sadness and change, we should now sincerely wish the deceased, wish him a good journey, rest under the Jiuquan bar! uuuuuuuuuuu 10、每个人都有这一次,其实每个人都会面对,也许对老人来说离开是另一种生活的开始,而他们将会留在我们的心里。 Everyone has this time. In fact, everyone will face it. Maybe for the old people, leaving is the beginning of another kind of life, and they will stay in our hearts. 11、家人会在那边过的很好。一定不希望看到大家太难过。 Family members will have a good time there. I don"t want to see you too sad. 12、生老病死是自然现象,要节哀顺变!保重身体。 Birth, old age, illness and death are natural phenomena. Take care. 13、亲爱的,可能你会因为过去而悔恨,会因为失去而悲伤,但请在最悲伤的时候学会坚强。 Honey, maybe you will regret for the past and grieve for the loss, but please learn to be strong when you are saddest. 14、生老病死是自然规律,去世是她最终的规宿,不必太悲哀。 Birth, old age, illness and death are natural laws, and death is her ultimate destiny, not too sad. 15、亲人失去痛离别,苦为人之湿短袖。不知何时再相见,天上人间月满花。 Family members lose their painful parting and suffer for their wet sleeves. I don"t know when to meet again, the moon is full in heaven and earth. 16、亲人以乘黄鹤去,人去音存楼不空。但以笑颜慰慈恩,从来此恨最无穷。 Relatives go by yellow crane, people go to Yincun building is not empty. But to fort kindness with a *** ile is never the end of hatred. 17、别太难过了,我接下来我们最应该做的就是振作起来,一切都挽回不了了,我们还要继续生活下去,为自己,好好活下去! Don"t be so sad. What we should do next is to cheer up. Everything can"t be saved. We should continue to live, for ourselves, and live well. 18、当现实不能改变,我们只能学会坚强,花开花落,世间万物都有始有终,属于自然规律,请不要伤心,生活还要继续。 When the reality can not change, we can only learn to be strong, flowers blossom and fall, everything in the world has its beginning and end, belongs to the natural law, please do not be sad, life will continue. 19、他是到另一个地方完成自我的任务,咱们就应祝福他。正因他在与大自然亲密的接触。天天开心是最好的。 He is going to another place to acplish his own task, and we should bless him. Because he is in close contact with nature. Happy every day is the best. 20、生老病死是最寻常不过的事,人死不能复生,活着都人就应该好好活着,不然老人也不会安息。 Birth, old age, sickness and death are the most mon things. Death can not be resurrected. Everyone who lives should live well, otherwise the old people will not rest. 21、人都是要去的,活着或者是死都不是你能够决定的,他老人家了去了另外一个地方生活比在人间快乐,节哀顺变。 People are going to go, living or dying is not your decision, he went to another place to live happier than in the world, sad and obedient. 22、以实际行动来回报老人家,只有好好工作才对得起他的在天之灵。 In return for the old man"s actions, only by doing a good job can he stand up to his spirit in heaven. 23、生老病死乃人之常情。生老病死,自然规律,不要太伤悲,你的孝心他会感应得到的。 Birth, age, illness and death are human nature. Life, age, illness and death, natural law, don"t be too sad, your filial piety he will feel. 24、天下无不散之筵席。爷爷虽然离开他了,但是爷爷留下了许多东西,永远活在他的心中。 All the world is a feast. Grandpa left him, but he left a lot of things and lived in his heart forever. 25、上帝对每个人都是公平的,你在失去一些东西的时候,也获得了一些宝贵的东西。人人都要拥有一颗感恩的心。 God is fair to everyone. When you lose something, you gain something valuable. Everyone should have a heart of gratitude. 26、走了的人他们只是去了另外个世界。他们依然在看着你。 The people who have left are just going to another world. They"re still looking at you. 27、尽人事!听天命!万事终究有始有终!随缘。 Do your best! Listen to destiny! Eventually everything begins and ends! Follow suit. 28、当现实不能改变,咱们只能学习并领悟坚强,花开花落,世间万物都有始有终,属于自然规律,请不好悲哀,生活还要继续。 When the reality can not change, we can only learn and understand the strong, blossom and fall, all things in the world have a beginning and end, belong to the natural law, please do not grieve, life will continue. 29、亲爱的,不管如何,当你累了,当你孤单时,我都会陪在你的身边。 Honey, anyway, when you are tired, when you are lonely, I will acpany you. 30、人总有天走会走,如果他走的开心,那他也没什么放心不下的了。 A man will walk someday. If he walks happily, he has nothing to worry about. 31、死去的人安息了,活着的人要鼓起勇气重新面对生活,我会在你身边陪着你,支持你的!节哀顺变! Dead people are at rest, the living people have to muster up courage to face life again, I will acpany you and support you in your side! uuuuuuuuuuu Restrain one"s grief and accord with inevitable changes! 32、人生都要经历这一刻,我为你母亲的离去感到悲痛,作为朋友我祝福你的母亲在天国得到永生和幸福。 Life is going through this moment. I feel sorry for your mother"s departure. As a friend, I wish your mother eternal life and happiness in heaven. 33、你的亲人去世了,不好太悲哀难过,在天国,他不会喜欢你这样消沉的,打起精神,发奋吧,为了你的亲人。 It"s sad that your loved one has died. In heaven, he won"t like you so depressed. Cheer up and work hard for your loved ones. 34、亲戚或余悲,他人亦已歌。死去何所道,托体同山阿。 Relatives or sorrows, others have also sung. Where is the way to die? 35、生老病死本来就是应该的啊,所有人都会经历死亡,所以不要太伤心的,他/她也不希望看到你这样的。 Birth, age, illness and death are supposed to be. Everyone will experience death, so don"t be too sad. He or she doesn"t want to see you like that. 36、不要太难过,他老人家可看着我们呢。我们幸福了,他才能安心,这是他老人家最大的愿望,不是吗? Don"t be so sad. His old man can look at us. Only when we are happy can he feel at ease. That"s his greatest wish, isn"t it? 37、节哀顺便,不要太难过了。照顾好身体。 By the way, don"t be too sad. Take care of your health. 38、亲的亲人了,相信我,我一定负起责任让你幸福的,一定让你感受到家的温暖。 Dear relatives, believe me, I will take responsibility to make you happy, you must feel the warmth of home. 39、亲人一直都会在你身边。只是你看不到他了。 Families will always be around you. But you can"t see him. 40、人生就是这样,想要拥有却不能够拥有,或许会使人们自暴自弃。 Life is like this, want to have but can not have, may make people abandon themselves. 41、亲人会在天上注视着你。陪伴着你。亲人一向都会在你身边。只是你看不到他了。 Families will watch you in the sky. Acpany you. Families are always around you. But you can"t see him. 42、人死不能复生,别那么难过,应该用你的表现来安慰他在天之灵,虽然他离开了,但是我们活着的人依然要好好活下去。 Don"t be so sad that death can"t be reborn. You should fort him with your performance. Although he left, the people we live still have to live well. 43、不好让他们挂念就好了,你也不好悲哀,毕竟人死不能复生,加油吧! If you don"t let them miss you, you can"t be sad. After all, people can"t e back to life. Come on!
2023-07-23 08:02:411

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2023-07-23 08:02:392

经济学问题.关于optimal quantity的.求大牛帮忙解释下原因.

生产草坪机数量和边际收益边际成本的关系 cost of producing lawn-mowing就是假设中的生产草坪机的成本 经济学中最基本的边际成本、边际收益的最优量就是optimal quantity
2023-07-23 08:02:381