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2023-07-23 11:29:16
TAG: 英文 文章

China"s military strategy is active defense. The world is in the process of major changes and adjustments. Peace and development remains the principal theme in today"s world and the overall international security environment remains stable. But, uncertainties and destabilizing factors are on the increase. Traditional and non-traditional security issues are intertwined and the international community is increasingly facing comprehensive, diverse and complex security threats.

China"s overall security environment remains sound. There is no real threat of large-scale enemy invasions. However, China"s security still faces challenges that must not be neglected.

Modernizing a huge country of 1.3 billion people is an unprecedented exercise and China faces security issues that arise in the process of social, economic, ecological and other developments. Reform in China is at a critical stage, as there is much room for improvement in market economy, and we have become more dependent on the global economy. The three vicious forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism pose an increasingly grave threat to security in China"s border areas. While traditional security threats driven by military and political motives still exist, non-traditional security concerns on economy, information, energy resources, strategic shipping channels, ecology and terrorism are on the rise.

As a country that is yet to achieve ultimate unification, China is faced with an arduous task of opposing independence of Taiwan. The Taiwan issue concerns China"s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and therefore involves China"s core interest. It is the most important task for China to firmly oppose and stop separatist activities in Taiwan.

In order to adapt to the changes of international strategic situation and national security environment, China instituted the military strategy of active defense in the new period. Its main contents are as follows.

First, take winning information-centric local wars as the overall objective. The principal contradiction faced by the Chinese People"s Liberation Army (PLA) in its modernization drive is that the level of modernization cannot match the requirements of winning information-centric local wars. Going with the tide of the world"s military development and steer the modernization drive toward information-centric defense, the PLA will promote the simultaneous development of information warfare and mechanization; gradually complete the transition from mechanized and semi-mechanized to information-centric defense; and achieve overall capability improvement in the fields of firepower, assault, mobility, protection and information.

Second, prevent conflicts and wars. In order to secure the key strategic window of opportunities for national development and the overall national interests, the PLA is committed to complementing political, economic and diplomatic endeavors with any military strategy and tactics necessary to prevent conflicts and wars. China will always follow the nuclear policy of never to be the first to use nuclear weapons and the strategy of nuclear arms for self-defense only. Its fundamental goal is to convince any country planning and threatening to use nuclear weapons against China that it is suicidal to start a nuclear war. And China will never join a nuclear arms race with any other country.

Third, enhance the capability of conducting joint operations and accomplishing diversified military tasks. In order to meet the requirement of modern warfare and deal with various security threats, the PLA bases its battle preparedness on joint operations, focuses on enhancing deterrent and real-war operational capabilities of the armed forces as well as the capability to conduct military operations without a war.

Fourth, push forward the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics. In order to meet the challenges of the worldwide revolution in military affairs, the PLA implements a strategy to improve the quality of the armed forces and build a strong military by means of science and technology. The PLA tries to enhance the innovative capability and develop national defense science and technology; conduct training for information-centric warfare and rear a generation of high-caliber military personnel primed for the future.

Fifth, develop the strategy and tactics of people"s war. China"s real advantage and strength comes from relying on the people to develop and fortify national defense. In face of the ever-changing modern warfare, China exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense, paying great attention to the development of reserve forces and the militia. It has created and perfected a unified and highly-efficient defense mobilization mechanism in accordance with the principle of combining peacetime needs with wartime needs and the army with the people, and having reserve soldiers among the people; and is working on new battle tactics suitable for the people to participate in under modern conditions and exert the overall might of people"s war.

Sixth, foster a security environment conducive to China"s peaceful development. Implementing the strategy and foreign policy of peaceful development, the PLA develops cooperative military relations that are non-aligned, non-confrontational and not directed against any third party, opposes power politics and hegemony. China participates in UN peacekeeping operations, international counter-terrorism cooperation and international disaster relief operations.

It plays an active part in maintaining global and regional peace and stability. Since 2002, China has held 18 joint military exercises with 11 countries. Since 1990, China has sent more than 9,000 personnel to participate in 18 UN peacekeeping operations. Eight lost their lives on duty. Among the five permanent members of UN Security Council, China has become one of the countries that sent the most peacekeeping troops. At present, China has 1,700 military peacekeeping personnel serving in UN peacekeeping operations.

In addition, PLA personnel have joined in international rescue operations after the Indian Ocean Tsunami and the earthquakes in Algeria, Iran, Indonesia and Pakistan. They are also active participants in rescue work in domestic disasters such as earthquakes and floods.

The author is a researcher with PLA"s Academy of Military Science



使命召唤系列是lnflnityWard开发的FPS游戏,使命召唤19现代战争于2022年9月25日在steam平台开启免费试玩,英文名:Call of Duty
2023-07-23 10:55:245


2023-07-23 10:55:391


使命召唤4:现代战争;使命召唤6:现代战争2;使命召唤8:现代战争3。使命召唤7:黑色行动;使命召唤9:黑色行动2;使命召唤12:黑色行动3;使命召唤15:黑色行动4。使命召唤5:战争世界;使命召唤14:二战。使命召唤10:幽灵。使命召唤11:高级战争。使命召唤13:无限战争。《使命召唤4:现代战争》:推出日期:2007年11月7日:《使命召唤4:现代战争》(Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)是系列中的第四款作品,重新由Infinity Ward开发。该作是系列中第一款故事并非设定在二战的作品,亦是系列中第一款被娱乐软件分级委员会评定为“成人”(Mature)的作品。截至2008年6月,该作共售出了1000万份,成为“使命召唤”系列最畅销的游戏。
2023-07-23 10:55:461

modern warfare 3 bundle什么意思

2023-07-23 10:56:042


2023-07-23 10:56:111


2023-07-23 10:56:191

使命召唤4现代战争(Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare)6项属性修改器如何使用

如果开修改器就没什么游戏性了。难度不是很高,其实可以从简单难度打起,如果有困难可以去看看攻略。如果经常在一个地方挂掉,可以考虑下把换个打法,比如换个位置拦截敌人,比如换个姿势去开火。我经常是蹲姿,而且经常移动。游戏这东西一通百通,如果cod4打顺手了,cod5 cod6都不是问题的,如果对自己的枪法不自信,可以从简单难度打起,通关一次后,找到手感了,就再通一边高难度和普通难度。象最高难度也就是“老兵”难度,比较自虐的。多换打法,不要一条路走到黑。每个游戏的关卡都会设计几个比较紧要的位置,如果找到了那个位置,不论什么难度,只要枪法过得去,通关很简单。
2023-07-23 10:56:552

使命召唤8弹出 modern warfare 3 couldnt write a file. the hard drive is probably full.

2023-07-23 10:57:054


2023-07-23 10:57:173

求【Call of Duty: Modern Warfare】【使命召唤6:现代战争2】正版联机各种游戏模式说明翻译

2023-07-23 10:57:345

刚装上使命召唤6一点开就出现It appears that Modern Warfare 2 did not quit properly the lasr time等等

2023-07-23 10:57:503

使命召唤modern warfare和Modern warfare launcher的区别?

2023-07-23 10:58:001


warfare的意思为战争。短语搭配:psychological warfare。心理战。germ warfare。细菌战。trench warfare。堑壕战。asymmetrical warfare。不对称战争。electronic warfare。电子战;电子作战;电子战争。modern warfare。现代战争;使命召唤。chemical warfare。化学战。class warfare。阶级斗争;阶级战争。submarine warfare。潜艇战。conventional warfare。常规战争。双语例句:1、He had long held a morbid fascination with the horrors of contemporary warfare.他长时间一直对当代战争的恐怖有一种病态的专注。2、The king had at his disposal plunder and tribute amassed through warfare.国王通过战争为自己攫取了战利品和贡赋。3、Christina felt bound to interject before there was open warfare.克里斯蒂娜觉得有必要在公开冲突发生前及时介入。4、Conventional warfare is conducted by using conventional military weapons instead of nuclear weapons.常规战争使用的是用常规武器而不是核武器。5、Racism, income inequality, warfare... I could go on but you know this list.种族主义、收入不平等、战争……我可以继续说下去,但你们也清楚。
2023-07-23 10:58:191

It appears that Call of duty4 :modern warfare did not quit properly the last time it ran.

2023-07-23 10:59:091

我安装的使命召唤6安装完 打开有就出现MODern Warfare 2 Console 怎么·解决 什么意思

2023-07-23 10:59:242

使命召唤4缺少文件ERROR:Could not find zone F:Call of Duty 4-Modern Warfareonechinese'

2023-07-23 10:59:413

your computer appears to have changed since the last time you ran modern warfare3的意思?

2023-07-23 10:59:492


Gamersky 游民星空,游戏下载网站Call_of_Duty_Modern_Warfare_2 使命召唤6现代战争2 .HD 扩展名为.hd的文件不存在,可能你无意中将扩展名.hdp中的最后一个字母给删掉了,扩展名为.hdp的文件是一个Raster 图像文件,其打开程序因为操作系统的不同而略有不同,如下:Mac OSAdobe Photoshop CS5 with HD Photo plugin WindowsMicrosoft Photo InfoMicrosoft HD Photo Device Porting KitAdobe Photoshop CS5 with HD Photo pluginAlchemy Mindworks Graphic Workshop ProfessionalFastPictureViewer
2023-07-23 10:59:581


2023-07-23 11:00:174

我安装完使命召唤8没法打开,弹出一个框:It appear that Modern Warfare 3 did not...

2023-07-23 11:00:272


方法一:部分用户加速使命召唤:现代战争(COD16)/使命召唤:战域这两款游戏后会出现游戏内跳ping严重、延迟波动大、丢包等情况;若您出现上述情况,请在进入游戏后,打开计算机的任务管理器--性能,查看其中的CPU利用率是否接近100%或已达到100%,如下图:解决办法:1. 首先打开任务管理器,找到相应的游戏进程,右键选择“转到详细信息(G)”,进入详细信息界面,找到使命召唤:现代战争(COD16)/使命召唤:战域的游戏进程(ModernWarfare.exe)2.选中ModernWarface.exe,右键选择设置相关性,可以看到游戏默认勾选了所有已有的CPU3.手动取消勾选一个CPU(可视自身情况决定取消勾选的数量),点击确定后继续游戏就可以啦!方法二:1.首先我们需要进入“我的电脑”,然后点击文档目录,找到"Call of Duty Modern Warfare"文件夹,选择"players"后就可以找到"config.cfg"文件,然后右键选中,用记事本的方式打开。2.用记事本方式打开之后使用"Ctrl+F"键查找功能搜索“1836731280”,将后面引号内的数据修改为“12”,修改之后选择保存。保存之后重启战网的客户端,然后点击开始游戏尝试。
2023-07-23 11:00:361

it appears that modern warfare 2 did not quit properly the last time it ran. do you want to run the

it appear that modern warfare 2 did not quit properly the last time it ran. do you wanr to run the game in safe mode
2023-07-23 11:02:032


2023-07-23 11:02:124


游戏的BUG很多,时不时就会有一些错误导致无法正常游戏,下面我们就为大家带来使命召唤16战区遭遇错误怎么办的介绍,一起来看看吧!报错解决方法汇总一览6036错误1.删除Call of Duty ModernWarfareink2w64.dll。2.删除Call of Duty ModernWarfareMAINfileSysCheck.cfg。3.执行暴雪战网平台的扫描与修复,然后会重新下载这两个文件。4.完成后开始游戏!安全模式重新开游戏的时候,开一次安全模式即马上退出,重新启动即可!5759错误1.虚拟内存调大一些!2.8GB内存玩家调成8-16GB即可。3.16GB内存玩家调成2-5GB即可。6164错误1.DX着色器缓存清理,可以从C盘的属性《磁盘清理》清理,勾选上着色器缓存,其它的不要打勾。注意,DX着色器缓存清理,基本可以解决很多各种不明问题。如果经常出现问题,可以多次操作重复清理即可。D3D11.DLL错误1.重置一下显卡驱动里面的设置,恢复出厂!2.重置完成后启动电脑。即可运行!D3D11.DLL这是个BUG,跟着色器缓存清理,两步操作,可以一起操作一下。注意要战网调成繁体字!
2023-07-23 11:02:191


3DM论坛的使命召唤6:现在战争2 BT种子的名字....不知道问这个是什么意思??
2023-07-23 11:02:413


alt + enter
2023-07-23 11:02:525


使用专属服务器。使命召唤现代战争3专用服务器使用专属服务器进。《使命召唤:现代战争3》(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)是由Infinity Ward、Sledgehammer Games以及Raven Software三家工作室共同开发。
2023-07-23 11:03:121


论坛或者某些专业游戏站都有的 不过懒的话。。。你直接拿我整合好的吧
2023-07-23 11:03:343

英语作文。 国家与地区战争的原因,结果,如何避免

War and Peace is the eternal theme of human history. What kind of international structural reasons lead to war? How to prevent war? Ancient War and Modern Warfare What are the similarities and differences? What is the purpose of the national war? For centuries scholars have been pursued answers to these questions.So far, international relations scholars to produce some of the more popular explanations. For example, some scholars have proposed a theory to explain the reality, the main focus of this interpretation is that the strength or the status of forces between countries, most notably the new realism and power transfer theory. New Realism scholars believe bipolar system can promote stability in international relations, such as the United States during the Cold War bipolar system and the Soviet Union, but this theory has a lot of problems. For example, the bipolar system of the Cold War did not last long; and finally the decline of the Soviet Union more of a change in its domestic politics have a relationship, rather than competitive relationship with the United States.Power Transition theory held the opposite conclusion. This theory holds that the balance of power will not bring stability and peace; on the contrary, when the war broke out most likely is that when the dominant great powers and the rise of great powers when considerable strength. The reason is the rise of great powers tend to the international regime or rules are dissatisfied, this dissatisfaction with the rise of the country"s strength will increase, when the rise of state-owned sufficient strength to challenge the dominant powers, dissatisfaction will be converted into a war. On the other hand, they are often not willing to own dominant powers fading, easy to launch a preventive war has not been a full-fledged country during the rise to maintain their dominant position.About another genre of war and peace is the concern of the international system or systems within countries. On the domestic system, the most famous is the "democratic peace" theory, that is not a war between democracy and the spread of democracy would bring an era of peace. The reason is not a war between democracies because democracies share common values, democratic state system of internal checks and balances to restrain militant leaders, or the exchange of information between democracy more transparent and so on. Currently, controversy about a great democratic peace theory. Moreover, on the causes of the war issue, "democratic peace" theory is only one negative: it does not tell us is why the war broke out.The theory of war and peace in the international system as the core fulcrum is another more familiar genre, the so-called "neo-liberalism" or, more precisely, in international politics, "the international school system." However, for many reasons scholars who study the war, "the international school system" is more discussion "after the war," the institutional arrangements, the reason for the outbreak of war, "the International Regime School" and "Democracy and Peace", as It is a "negative theory."
2023-07-23 11:04:331


不是不是重制版 ,和使命召唤6现代战争2完全不同的两个游戏,只是游戏名字相仿。  使命召唤4.6.8是老版现代战争系列三部曲,16.19是新版本现代战争系列,它们直接的关系就是有一些相同的人物和类似的剧情故事,但是世界观和故事线是完全独立的两个,打个比方,19中的普莱斯就是6里面平行时空的普莱斯  从名称来看一个是modern warfare 2一个是modern warfare II.  《使命召唤19:现代战争2》将在发布后的某个时间重制2009年版本的《使命召唤:现代战争2》的所有地图。这对粉丝群体来说无疑是个好消息。
2023-07-23 11:04:431

it appears that modern warfare 2 did not quit properly the last time it ran. do you want to run the

2023-07-23 11:04:571


2023-07-23 11:05:051

安装使命召唤4出现一个英文框 高手速来

2023-07-23 11:05:255


内存至少为8GB。使命召唤6要求处理器为IntelCorei3-3225,3.3GHz或更高,或AMDRyzen51400。最低配置要求内存至少为8GB。显卡最低配置要求显卡为NVIDIAGeForceGTX6602GB或更高,或AMDRadeonHD78502GB。存储空间的最低配置要求存储空间为175GB。《使命召唤:现代战争2》(CallofDuty: ModernWarfare2)是一款由InfinityWard开发的第一人称射击游戏。游戏出版商美国动视2009年11月10日在全球发布游戏的Xbox360、PS3、PC版。
2023-07-23 11:05:401


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2《决胜时刻:现代战争2》的所有特种任务里,最难也最机车的关卡就在Echo之中。最后三个看似简单的任务,其中就有二个要玩家硬干总计25名的阿诺。不过别担心,Echo篇有几招「撇步」可用,大家轻松就能拿到最后的9星评价。Wetwork:如果使用笔者所教玩家的撇步打其余二个任务的话(后述),Echo任务的首战Wetwork算是所有任务中最难完成的。任务开始时,玩家要Breach左侧的房间,并且杀掉房间内挟持人质的敌人;接着门外警铃声大作,大批敌人会从外头的铁门杀出,建议玩家可尽量使用枪榴弹攻击,让他们统统回老家。距检查点19M处,会有几名敌人从二楼甲板下来。因为敌人处于制高点,所以玩家不要太靠近楼梯太近,避免被敌人的盲射给扫死。来到下一个检查点61M的转角处,在玩家尚未把最后方的敌人给清光时,最好不要超过上图所标示的触发线;一旦玩家超出触发线时,不仅甲板上方会有敌人垂降下来,还会引来一架轻型直升机来攻击玩家。在处理转角处的第一批敌人时,可以射击后方的储油槽引发爆炸,这样可以减少敌人从右侧房间绕过来攻击的机率。
2023-07-23 11:05:471

使命召唤6提示you have been banned from modern warfare 2怎么解

2023-07-23 11:05:573


2023-07-23 11:06:051

pleas make sure Modern Warfare 2 is run from the correct folder

2023-07-23 11:06:213


2023-07-23 11:06:291


2023-07-23 11:06:519


2023-07-23 11:07:111


2023-07-23 11:07:181


2023-07-23 11:07:251

使命召唤打开出现这个东西It appears that Modern ……无法启动,直接黑屏

2023-07-23 11:07:353


使命召唤10灭绝模式一开就闪退可能是盗版,如果是的话就一定进不去,90%网上下载的都是盗版,你想玩灭绝模式必须是正版游戏,去买光碟吧 ...
2023-07-23 11:07:433


warfare[英][u02c8wu0254:feu0259(r)][美][u02c8wu0254:rfer]n.战争,战争状态; 斗争,冲突; 军事行为; 兵火; 例句:1.Satellites are crucial to modern warfare. 卫星是现代战争的关键。2.Office gossip can be a form of reputational warfare. 办公室里的闲言碎语可以作为声誉战的一种形式。
2023-07-23 11:07:521


2023-07-23 11:08:022


2023-07-23 11:08:167


2023-07-23 11:09:104


2023-07-23 11:09:191