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Casino Royale中的Royale到底是什么意思?

2023-05-19 17:57:42

007《Casino Royale》中royale是什么意思? 难道是蛋糕饰块(用作汤中饰菜)赌场?别老是摁CTRL+c和CTRL+V,ok?





casino [ca·si·no || kə"siːnəʊ]n. 娱乐场, 一种牌戏
2023-01-07 12:34:112

casino 单词来源是怎么样的?

casino 来自意大利语,本意是“小房子”,是 casa (房子)的指小形式。在意大利语中, casino 原本指的是意大利乡间小屋,类似乡村俱乐部。人们聚集在这里面唱歌、跳舞、赌博,进行各种娱乐活动。后来,赌博的人越来越多,逐渐成为了 casino 里面最主要的娱乐形式, casino 也就变成了赌场。近义词:gambling house1、读音:英 [ˈɡæmblɪŋ haʊs]   美 [ˈɡæmblɪŋ haʊs]  2、释义:赌场。3、语法:gamble用作名词的意思是“赌博; 冒险”,转化为动词意思是“赌博,打赌”“投机”“冒风险”。4、用法例句:The police raided a gambling house. 5、白话译文:警察突袭了一处赌场。
2023-01-07 12:34:191

Casino是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

<意>(设有剧场等的)娱乐场, 赌场常见用法aller au casino去娱乐场
2023-01-07 12:34:381


2023-01-07 12:34:443

逛商场看到一个 casino的牌子。服务员说是意大利的,衣服都好贵。怎么没听过呢,不会是骗人的吧。高人解

他的中文名叫卡斯诺, 由创始人Casino Di Del于1925在意大利米兰创立,最初是由只有不到十人的小作坊和寥寥无几的几个技艺不算太精湛的手工师傅组成。 在1991年由香港鸿利鞋厂收购,进军中国市场。 据说穿至过前线为战争而英勇而战的士兵脚上的军靴,很多都是出自casino皮具,卡斯诺一直延续着以生产高贵、低调和浪漫相结合的时尚产品,产品也一直以手工制作设计为主。无论是皮鞋还是皮包,在人们的心中,casino代表的是高贵、优雅、,还有精益求精的思想。 现在他的系列主要有 OL系列:个性职场 FD系列:优雅时装 ST系列:甜美时尚 LS系列:简单大方 印象中casino皮具是以细致和精湛的手工来取悦时尚的感官的,绝非一般大牌华丽奢侈的装束和引人注目的视觉基础,万千世界中的那一点星光,令人惊艳却又不失深藏不露的气质。集浪漫、气质、低调、奢华与亲民之感于一身。 你可以买件试穿下,感觉应该是可以的,因为他现在主要面对的是高级阶层人士、高收入阶层。所以他给人的感觉也是高贵的
2023-01-07 12:34:551

king"s casino是什么意思

king"s casino王的赌场casino 英[kəˈsi:nəʊ] 美[kəˈsi:noʊ] n. 赌场; 俱乐部,娱乐场; 小别墅;
2023-01-07 12:35:041


2023-01-07 12:35:107

赌场的英文究竟是gambling house,gaming还是casino

2023-01-07 12:35:342


2023-01-07 12:35:411

意大利语ti voglio un casino di bene什么意思

ti voglio bene,是我喜欢你。不用非得指相爱的人,朋友也可以是。casino是小房子的意思,un casino di有点英文那个a lot of的意思。可以翻译成:满满一屋的喜欢你~~
2023-01-07 12:35:506


系统文件丢失。解决办法如下:修复注册表1.点击【开始】→【运行】→输入“regedit”按回车键,在注册表编辑器窗口中定位到“HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain”,右键点击选择【权限】:2.在Main的权限窗口中在【安全】选项卡中点击正在使用的账户(本例以Administrator为例)→在【允许】条目下勾选【完全控制】和【读取】→点击【确定】:3.在Main的权限窗口中点击【高级】,在Main的高级安全设置窗口中,点击【添加】:4.在窗口中输入“administrator”→点击【检查名称】→点击【确定】:5.在【权限】中的【允许】条目下勾选【完全控制】→点击【确定】:6.在Main的权限窗口中点击【确定】7.点击【开始】→【控制面板】→【切换到经典视图】→【internet选项】8.在【internet属性】窗口中点击【高级】选项卡→点击【重置】→点击【确定】:
2023-01-07 12:36:111


两个,一个是Marina Bay Sands,简称MBS,金沙酒店下面,另一个是Sentosa,圣淘沙岛上,都叫Casino,赌场,没有特别的名字,就是MBS casino和Sentosa casino
2023-01-07 12:36:171


2023-01-07 12:36:238


2023-01-07 12:37:004

韩国电视剧讲的是在赌场工作的故事 里面讲的最多的就是Casino 这个词

2023-01-07 12:37:144

想换Epiphone Casino,请问这琴能胜任那些类型的摇滚?

首先这琴失真一点都不难听!Green day用casino完全没有问题,你可以看看他们的一些live,有一些场合Billie Joe会使用casino这种半空心琴来演奏的;至于老摇滚,这琴就更没问题了,你知道披头士的的John Lennon和Paul McCartney都曾经使用epiphone casino来录歌和现场演奏吗?还能有比披头士更经典的“老摇滚”吗?!还有U2的Edge也使用epiphone的casino!!!U2可是beyond乐队非常喜欢的一个乐队,你说这琴能不能弹beyond呢?使用epiphone casino的还有Gary Clark、Oasis的Noel Gallagher、还有Paul Weller……一列一大堆……是谁说这琴失真难听的呢?你说你是信“这琴失真难听、不好”的这些话,还是信你从专辑里听到的那些伟大而激动人心的声音呢?
2023-01-07 12:38:041

going to the casino 什么意思

casino n.赌场,俱乐部,娱乐场,小别墅因为casino有不同意思,故翻译出来的意思。带入“去xx”即可。
2023-01-07 12:39:361

paradise walkerhill casino是什么意思

paradise walkerhill casino 天堂华克山庄赌场casino 英[kəˈsi:nəʊ] 美[kəˈsi:noʊ] n. 赌场; 俱乐部,娱乐场; 小别墅;
2023-01-07 12:39:421

lucky casino是什么意思

2023-01-07 12:39:472

casino cage 什么意思

2023-01-07 12:39:593


2023-01-07 12:40:103


链接: 提取码: u29k导演: 马丁·坎贝尔编剧: 尼尔·珀维斯 / 罗伯特·韦德 / 保罗·哈吉斯 / 伊恩·弗莱明主演: 丹尼尔·克雷格 / 伊娃·格林 / 麦斯·米科尔森 / 朱迪·丹奇 / 杰弗里·怀特类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 惊悚 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 英国 / 捷克 / 美国 / 德国 / 巴哈马语言: 英语 / 塞尔维亚语 / 德语 / 意大利语 / 法语上映日期: 2007-01-30(中国大陆) / 2006-11-16(英国) / 2006-11-17(美国)片长: 144分钟又名: 007系列21:大战皇家赌场 / 007首部曲:皇家夜总会(台) / 新铁金刚智破皇家赌场(港) / 007大战皇家赌场 / 邦德21 / James Bond 007 - Casino Royale                                             该片讲述了英国军情六处特工詹姆斯•邦德(丹尼尔•克雷格饰)这一次的任务是在赌场上赢取俄罗斯间谍手中的巨额财富,让其背后的恐怖组织势力无法达成阴谋并且击垮恐怖组织。这次,邦德有了一个漂亮的得力女助手琳德(伊娃•格林饰)。邦德经过了赌场上的种种训练,最终来到了皇家赌场。随着赌注越来越大,这场赌局也愈来愈显示出背后交错的阴谋。邦德甚至险些死于非命。
2023-01-07 12:40:212


2023-01-07 12:40:3214

本人想玩英式老摇滚,请问一下是epiphone casino好还是Gibsones335好?那个贵

2023-01-07 12:43:012


剧情介绍三个小骗子(Faison,托马斯,Guerra)用他们的“特别的”关系进行一个拙劣的盗窃。They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...well it&#39;s a whole other matter when you live there! Eric (Eddie Guerra) and Tara (Jaime Pressly), a couple living in Vegas are really in need of a major event -- to help them breakup already! He knows she&#39;s dating someone new, but can&#39;t let her go. Desperate to win back her heart, and convinced that his unemployed status is the cause of all their problems, Eric agrees to join his buddies Stu (Donald Faison) and Alex (Eddie Kaye Thomas), whose principle talents are scamming and avoiding adulthood, and with girlfriend problems of their own, when they discover the easy score of a lifetime-a boatload of casino chips sitting in a warehouse. The casino chips belong to old-school Vegas mobster Frank Santino (Jon Polito) and just happen to be counterfeit. If it happens in Vegas, it&#39;s bound to get messy! And when the score doesn&#39;t go exactly as planned...
2023-01-07 12:43:091

如何在国内玩国外的Online Casino

2023-01-07 12:43:211


一、LV . 路易威登 . 男士休闲鞋,优质头层牛漆皮鞋面,水染头层牛皮内里。二、Gucci . 古驰 . 经典款情侣小白鞋,头层牛皮鞋面,舒适羊皮内里。三、PRADA . 普拉达 . 经典款男士短靴,头层牛皮鞋面,头层牛皮内里。四、BALLY . 巴利 . 男士休闲鞋,头层小牛皮鞋面,头层牛皮内里,码数:38-44五、Dior . 迪奥 . 高端品质男士短靴,头层开边珠牛皮鞋面,头层小牛皮内里。六、古驰七、蒙口 . 男士潮鞋,头层牛皮拼接透气网布鞋面,透气网布内里、牛皮垫脚。八、纪梵希九、Berluti . 男士休闲鞋,鞋面进口优质开边珠牛皮,优质水染头层小牛皮内里。一、veilisr(维力斯)——意大利经典皮鞋世家 二、Berluti(佰鲁提)——世界上最贵的鞋 三、John Lobb(约翰.罗布)——男士梦幻鞋履之堡 四、a.testoni(铁狮东尼)——经典的足部装饰 五、casino(卡斯诺)——全世界最好的皮具 六、Base London——英伦皮鞋新贵 七、Dr.Martens——英国男鞋大哥大 八、DR.COMFORT(舒适博士)——世界上最舒适的鞋 九、LOTTUSSE(乐途仕)——质量是成功的唯一 十、Silvano Lattanzi——“小众化”的奢侈品 Silvano Lattanz 郎丹泽——鞋中翘楚 Berluti 佰鲁提——世界上最贵的鞋 John Lobb 约翰.罗布——男士梦幻鞋履之堡 a. testoni 铁狮东尼——经典的足部装饰 casino 卡斯诺——全世界最好的皮具 Base London——英伦皮鞋新贵 Dr.Martens——英国男鞋大哥大 DR.COMFORT 舒适博士——世界上最舒适的鞋 LOTTUSSE 乐途仕——质量是成功的唯一 Salvatore Ferragamo 非格拉幕——意大利经典皮鞋世家 1.Silvano Lattanz 郎丹泽 卡斯诺 2.Berluti 佰鲁提 6.Base London 3.John Lobb 约翰.罗布 7.Dr.Martens 4.a. testoni 铁狮东尼 8.DR.COMFORT 舒适博士 9.LOTTUSSE 乐途仕 10.Salvatore Ferragamo 非格拉幕
2023-01-07 12:43:271

casino dealer是什么意思

2023-01-07 12:43:322


2023-01-07 12:43:412


检查一下你的路由器设置是否正确。如果你确信路由器设置没问题,那么就是网络的问题,试试直接插网线能不能上网。 设置无线路由器的方法如下: 1、把外网网线(或者从ADSL猫的WAN口接出来的网线)插到路由器的WAN口上。再随便用一台电脑,用一条网线把路由器的LAN口(随便哪一个)和电脑连起来。 2、在电脑上打开浏览器,在地址栏输入192.168.1.1,(有个别品牌的路由器的默认IP地址是192.168.0.1),回车,进入路由器的登录界面。输入用户名和密码(假如你的路由器是新的,别人没动过,或者经过了复位,那么就都是admin),你就进入了路由器的设置界面。 3、点击左边菜单里的“网络参数”,点击“WAN口设置”,在上网账号和上网口令里填上你家的宽带账号和密码,保存。 4、点击DHCP服务器,选择启用(如果已经是启用的就不用点了) 5、点击无线参数,在开启无线功能和允许SSID广播前面打勾。SSID号就是你家的路由器的名称。记住它,以后连接的时候别跟别人家的混了。 6、在下面的开启安全设置前面打勾。安全类型选那个最长的。其他都选自动选择就可以。 然后在下面的密码栏里输入你设计的密码。点击保存。路由器会重启。 到此为止,无线路由器就设置好了。你的电脑搜到你家的SSID就可以点击连接并上网了。如果你的电脑以前设置过固定IP地址,就把它改为自动。(这个你一般不用管,你没做过固定IP的话,默认就是自动获取的) 当然,如果你不想使用无线功能,而想让电脑直接插网线上网,第5和第6步就不需要操作。而把电脑直接连到路由器的LAN口就可以直接上网了。希望采纳
2023-01-07 12:43:551

Casino No Limit

2023-01-07 12:44:002

Casino Dealer

2023-01-07 12:44:122


没有办法 卡西欧行货电子词典没有词典扩展能力 卡西欧用的都是版权词典 估计在中国 没有人买了产品之后 还有花钱扩展的觉悟 不符合中国国情 日版的可以扩充 有破解的
2023-01-07 12:44:211

OLE777 Live Casino是什么意思?是一个图标

OLE 777 Live Casino 这是一个 角子机真人娱乐赌博网站,赌注用的是真金白银!
2023-01-07 12:44:271


2023-01-07 12:44:353


方法/步骤 1 将你现在的帐户提升为管理方法:右键“我的电脑”→在选项中选择“管理”→在计算机管理窗口中依次展开 。 2 系统工具→本地用户和组→单击“组”→右边框里面有一个Administrators这样的名称的组是管理员组→双击"Administrators"→按一下左下角的添加→然后按高级 3 单击右边的立即查找按钮→看到下面框中有你刚建的帐户名选中它然后按确定→看到框里有了你刚才的帐户名再按确定→最后一定要按应用就行了。 4 点记事本左上角的“文件”- 另存为 ,在另存为窗口下面的:文件名(N)中输入:管理员授权.reg ,再点:保存。这时桌面上会有一个:管理员授权.reg的注册表文件。我们左键双击:管理员授权.reg文件,在弹出的:注册表编辑器窗口点:是(Y)。 5 在点是以后弹出的窗口中点:确定,我们右键单击一个文件夹,会看到右键菜单中有:管理员授权的菜单。如果我们要删除文件夹,则右键该文件夹 - 运行管理员授权,再删除该文件夹就可以顺利地删除了。
2023-01-07 12:44:462


2023-01-07 12:44:541


2023-01-07 12:44:591


2023-01-07 12:45:251

侠盗飞车圣安地列斯攻略大全 在此送上5分谢了

2023-01-07 12:45:313

请问人的casino royale 中的 royale 是什么意思?找个高人解答。

英语中的 皇家赌场的意思 royale是皇家的意思 网络上也有蛋糕饰块的意思
2023-01-07 12:45:421

to launch the casino, you must have adobe flash

为了登入casino,你必须有Adobe flash player 。Ps.你电脑里是不是没装这个应用程序
2023-01-07 12:45:481

esball casino总是出现《请确认网络连线能力》?

2023-01-07 12:45:538

strong的反义词 strong是什么意思

1、strong的反义词:weak,weak的意思是虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的;易损坏的;易破的;易受影响的;懦弱的;软弱无力的。 2、英文单词,strong: adj.强壮的;强大的;粗鲁的,蛮横的等。通常用来形容人物身体。
2023-01-07 12:43:511

How Porn Fuels Sex Trafficking

In a worldview of slavery, society generally agrees that it is inhumane and degrading, and most people are astonished that there have been times in history where slavery was accepted as normal and acceptable. Somehow, still, many people are accepting of a form of modern-day slavery: human sex trafficking. And while many people claim to be opposed to human sex trafficking, what many don"t know is that the demand for human sex trafficking is fueled by pornography and the porn industry. Though no one knows its true origins,  The Willie Lynch Letter  declares itself over three-hundred years old.  [1]  According to the story, Virginia colonists in 1712, unable to control their slaves, reached out to a slave owner named Willie Lynch for help. “Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies,” he responds, “where I have experimented with some of the newest, and still the oldest, methods for control of slaves.” The letter is essentially a slavery instruction manual—how to “break” slaves, how to organize, brainwash, and set them against one another to make them easier to subject. Despite questions about its authenticity,  [2]  the letter has found its way into everything from Hollywood scripts to political speeches, and from college reading lists to Hip-Hop albums. It"s as if the letter takes all of the objectification, dehumanization, and inhumanity in the worldview of slavery and encapsulates them in just a few short pages. “We will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse,” the letter explains. “What we do with horses is that we break them from one form of life to another; that is, we reduce them from their natural state in nature.” Whether or not the letter is real, it seems noteworthy that when Corey Davis, a New York pimp, was arrested by federal investigators in December of 2006, a copy of  The Willie Lynch Letter  was sitting in his Mercedes. Other titles on Mr. Davis" reading list included  The 48 Laws of Power  and  Whoever Said Whoring Wasn"t Easy ? The books weren"t the only things seized. Investigators also took his $91,000 watch, the Timberland boots he used to stomp girls when they didn"t obey (pimps call it “timming”), and of course, the tee shirt Davis was wearing when he was arrested. It said, “The Beatings Will Continue.”  [3] Why would a modern New York pimp be reading a 300-year-old set of instructions for how to break a slave? Considering the degree of intimidation, coercion, brainwashing, and violence that that accompanies sex trafficking today, it makes a lot of sense. Sex trafficking activists occasionally have to defend their use of the word “slavery.”  [4]  Some people don"t believe the sex trafficking problems we have today rise to a level that would merit such an emotionally charged word. Others feel the word somehow romanticizes the problem. In fact, believe it or not, arguing about the word “slave” is just one small part of the larger debate about sex trafficking, especially in the United States. Some people question whether the problem is really as bad, or as big, or as widespread, as the reports make it sound.  [5]  Others question the motives of the abolitionists and human rights activists on the front lines of the fight.  [6] Here at Fight the New Drug, we know sex trafficking is a huge global problem and that this modern form of slavery is inherently, inseparably linked to the problem of pornography. Because this is an underground issue numbers are harder to come by, but if anything, the numbers reflecting what is actually happening around the globe are bigger than what has been reported.  And isn"t even just one person being trafficked, one too many? Our goal is to give you the facts, so consider this your one-stop read to learn all the basics about sex trafficking and its relationship to porn. Then you"ll and have the information you need to draw conclusions and join the conversation about how porn fuels sex trafficking. The legal definitions get technical, but sex trafficking is a type of  human  trafficking, and human trafficking is exactly what it sounds like: trafficking in humans. If “trafficking” means buying and selling things, or moving things so they can be used for profit, then “human trafficking” means buying or selling humans, or moving humans so they can be used for profit. It"s the purest form of objectification—the literal commoditization of a person. Whether you knew it or not, chances are very good that, at some point in your life, you have eaten fruit that was picked by a slave, worn a shirt that was made by a slave, used a device that was partially produced by a slave, or stood in a building that was built by a slave. Estimates of the number of slaves worldwide are between 21 and 32 million.  [7]  The vast majority of them come from vulnerable populations like immigrants, refugees, the impoverished, and children. They may be forcibly taken or lured away with promises of good jobs, only to find themselves powerless, in a foreign place, with nowhere to turn. Often they owe money to the people—the traffickers—who brought them. Traffickers will hold the debt over their heads, confiscate their immigration papers, threaten them with legal action or deportation, threaten them or their families with violence, and even inflict violence if the victims do not place themselves in servitude. The traffickers are often the only ones around who speak the victims" language, and the victims find themselves in a foreign land, cut off from home or help. Working in these circumstances, they earn an estimated $150 billion every year for their abusers in all kinds of industries and settings, from factories and farms to hotels and brothels—even in the United States.  [8] Of those millions of global human trafficking victims, a little less than a quarter—about 22 percent—are trafficked for sex acts. (Those 22 percent earn a whopping 66 percent of the global trafficking profits!  [9] ) That"s what sex trafficking is: the roughly 22 percent of human trafficking wherein the victims are exploited for sexual purposes. Now, before we go any further, we know what you"re thinking.  This  is the part where most people start visualizing the Hollywood version of sex trafficking: young boys and girls kidnapped or tricked in some Third World or Eastern European country, kept in chains and forced to perform in black market pornography, or to work as prostitutes in some massage parlor, seedy motel, or other makeshift brothel—or boys and girls from the same backgrounds, smuggled into the United States and abused in similar ways. And yes, those stories  do  exist. They"re not just real; they"re closer to home than you imagine. Just read the way one police raid of a quiet little house in a middle-class New Jersey suburb was described in the New York Times: Those are the types of situations most people envision when they hear the phrase, “human sex trafficking.” And you can see why filmmakers would gravitate to that version. It"s viscerally disturbing. Most people would be shocked just to learn that a scene like that was possible right in the heart of a modern American suburb. But here"s the thing: if that “Hollywood” version is all you know about sex trafficking, then you"re only seeing one part of a much more complex picture. Many Hollywood depictions, and even many of the examples of sex trafficking in this article, represent situations where women and girls were victims, but it"s important to note that men and boys are also victims of human sex trafficking and part of this bigger, more complex picture. And to understand that picture, you have to understand the TVPA. In the year 2000, in response to reports of international human trafficking, one of the broadest bipartisan coalitions in history came together to pass the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, or TVPA.  [11]  The landmark legislation identified “severe forms” of human trafficking, imposed harsh criminal penalties for offenders, and provided support systems for the victims.  [12] The TVPA defines sex trafficking as a situation in which “a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age.”  [13]  It was designed in response to  international  sex trafficking like the New Jersey example we just described, but it had an interesting result. It ended up shining a light on  every  form of sex trafficking in the United States. Here"s how one article described the effect: Remember Corey Davis? The pimp with the slavery manual in his Mercedes? His victims weren"t smuggled from other countries. They weren"t held in servitude by complicated immigration situations or kept constantly imprisoned by armed guards. They were Americans. At various times in their ordeals, they were physically free to come and go. Davis kept them in servitude through a combination of fraud, physical violence, and psychological intimidation to the point that they felt they had no choice but to obey.  [15]  Another pimp who was prosecuted under the TVPA had victims ranging from a twelve-year-old runaway to a university coed on a track scholarship.  [16]  By identifying the practices that constitute human trafficking, the TVPA brought attention to all instances of trafficking, regardless of where the victims were from. But there"s more. Look again at the TVPA"s definition of sex trafficking: “a commercial sex act induced by force, fraud, or coercion.” That last word, coercion, is important. It means that a commercial sex act can be sex trafficking, even if no one was physically assaulted, even if no one was tricked or defrauded. All it takes is coercion. The moment a victim is coerced or intimidated into a commercial sex act against his or her will, sex trafficking has occurred. Once again, this aspect of the TVPA cast new light on all the little forms of pimping and exploitation that might otherwise fly under the radar. An individual bullies their spouse into prostituting themselves. Trafficking. A boyfriend or girlfriend pressures their partner into stripping on a live webcam show and then threatens to show the partner"s family and friends if they don"t do it again. Trafficking. A porn performer shows up on set to discover that the scene is much more degrading than they"d been told, and their agent gets them to go through with it by threatening to cancel their other bookings. Again: trafficking. And this is where the connections to pornography begin. There are all kinds of connections, big and small, between pornography and sex trafficking. There are incidental connections, like the fact that exposure to pornography has been shown to make viewers less compassionate toward victims of sexual violence and exploitation. [18]  (See  How Consuming Porn Can Lead To Violence .)  There are “supply-and-demand” connections: the simple fact that pornography—especially when viewing habits and fantasies involve violence or other fetishes—increases the demand for sex trafficking, as more and more viewers want to act out what they see. There is the “training manual” connection: the well-documented fact that porn directly informs what goes on in trafficking. Traffickers and sex buyers get ideas from porn, and then make their victims watch as a way of showing them what they"ll be expected to do, so that the violent fantasy concocted by some porn director and his or her actors becomes the reality for some trafficking victim.  [19]  And then there is the risk factor connection: the fact that, along with poverty and substance abuse, a child growing up in a home where pornography is regularly consumed is far more likely to be trafficked at some point in his or her life.  [20] But what"s the biggest, most surprising connection between pornography and trafficking? It"s this: they"re often the same thing. We can spend hours and hours pointing out these cause-and-effect, symbiotic relationships between trafficking and porn. Those connections are real, and that"s an important conversation to have. But let"s not allow that to entrench the idea that porn and sex trafficking are always separate. Far more often than people realize, they"re not. To begin with, the victim is not going to turn to the camera and announce they are being trafficked, and these images and videos make their way onto mainstream porn sites, where they are indistinguishable. In fact, even if the victim does register their distress, it"s still impossible to know, because rape and abuse-themed porn have now become mainstream. One female survivor, whose captor slept on top of her at night so she wouldn"t escape, watched her through a hole when she went to the bathroom, and listened to her phone calls with a gun pointed at her head, was forced to appear in a video that made the Sinclair Intimacy Institute"s list of “sex positive productions”!  [21]  “Every time someone watches that film,” she said, “they are watching me being raped.” (See  The Porn Industry"s Dark Secrets .) Two more examples: The July 2007 issue of Taboo, a publication owned by Hustler, featured a multi-page feature of a young woman being held prisoner and severely sexually abused by her captors. They took photos and videos of her and sold them as porn.  [22]  In another case, a Miami jury convicted two men of luring women to Florida to audition for modeling jobs, drugging them, filming them being raped, and selling the footage as porn online and to stores across the U.S. This went on for five years.  [23]  How many of those videos, in five years, were viewed by individuals who would never dream of contributing to
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描写雨声的优美句子精选   雨像是“黄河之水天上来”,横着冲过来,像惊涛,像骇浪,虽比不上钱塘江大潮,却也凶猛无比;雨又像一块透明大布,被风一吹,起了无数道波痕,被闪电照得亮闪闪白花花,煞是好看。以下是由我J.L为您整理推荐的描写雨声的优美句子,欢迎参考阅读。   雨心碎,风流泪,梦缠绵,情悠远。   雨依然在下着,却没有了上一次的甜蜜。   雨越下越大,地上的水汇成了一条条小溪,“咯咯”地笑着唱着跳着,向前奔去。   雨越下越大,越下越猛。向外望去,只见天地间迷蒙蒙的一片。   雨珠顺着小草的茎滚下来,一滴钻到土里,又一滴钻到了小草的嘴里,找不到了。   早上下过一阵小雨,现在虽放了晴,路上还是滑得很,两边地里的秋庄稼,却给雨水冲刷得青山绿水,珠烁晶莹,空气里也带有一股清新湿润的香味。   这时,雷声雨声风声搅和在一起,真是太可怕了,好像天就要塌下来似的。   只见北海怒涛翻滚,咆哮奔腾。骤雨抽打着地面,雨飞水溅,迷潆一片。   转眼间雨声连成一片轰鸣,天像裂开了无数道口子,暴雨汇成瀑布,朝大地倾泻下来。   只见北海怒涛翻滚,咆哮奔腾。骤雨抽打着地面,雨飞水溅,迷潆一片。   窗外的天气就像是你多变的表情。   窗外下着蒙蒙细雨,滴滴的小雨点,好像伴奏着一支小舞曲,我不禁被窗外的世界所诱惑。   春雨,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着。   春雨是一年雨季中最温的。春雨下起来,就如千缕万缕细细的银丝,带着冬季残留下来的微微寒意,还带着春天的喜讯,微笑着温柔的下起来,冲刷着冬天遗留下来的痕迹,迎来春天。   春雨像千万条银丝,从轻悠悠的南风中降落。   春雨潇潇地下着,树木干枯的枝条朦朦胧胧有了一层淡绿的色彩,雨水顺着树尖滴下来,变成了一串串水灵灵的音符。   地面也湿润了许多,散发出一种沁人心脾的芳香气息。小草也偷偷地钻出地面,开始编织绿色的地毯。春雨潇潇地下着,它正轻轻地唤醒大地,悄悄地带走寒冷,慢慢地抚慰树木上严冬的创伤。春雨洗去了冬日的残迹,万物在春风的吹抚下醒来了,在春雨的滋润下生长了。   大滴大滴的雨水如子弹一般射来,打得树叶子哗哗地响,落到人身上也有些痛。   大雨疯狂地从天而降,黑沉沉的天就像要崩塌下来。   大雨像一片巨大的瀑布铺天盖地地卷了过来。   等待雨,是伞一生的宿命;等待你,是我一生的追求。   电光由天边移到天顶,雷声由远而近,不一会儿,雨点就“叭叭”地落下来。   多神奇的春雨呀。它是朦胧的,又是清晰的。它给万物披上一件缥缈的纱衣,它又把万物洗涤得清新明亮。我的心情也好像被雨水清洗了擦亮了,一种明朗欢快的感觉在滋长。   整个世界就像一个刚刚出生的婴儿,好像一切都重新开始了,树是新的,新得绿芽满枝;草是新的,新得娇嫩纤弱;花是新的,新得含苞欲放。甚至连心情也是新的,心中只有一种清爽愉快的感觉。   而冬雨,更像一位吝啬的财主,总是吝啬的留着雨水,不愿让大地接受雨水的洗礼。即使心情不快时,亦只是挥落点点滴滴的小雨,夹杂着冬日的寒风,打到人身上,感到冰冷刺骨,有着说不出的寒意。   风呼呼的吹着好似一个奏乐家,雨一边附和着一边创造出一的意境。   风夹着雨星,像在地上寻找什么似的,东一头,西一头地乱撞着。路上行人刚找到一个避雨之处,雨就劈劈啪啪地下了起来。雨越下越大,很快就像瓢泼的一样,看那空中的雨真像一面大瀑布!一阵风吹来,这密如瀑布的雨就被风吹得如烟如雾如尘。   风雨能摧残樱花,但是冲风冒雨,樱花不是也能舒开笑脸么?   风越刮越猛,雨越下越大,一道道闪电划过天空,像金蛇狂舞。“轰”一声霹雳,震得地动山摇,同学们吓得紧缩脖子,用手紧捂着耳朵。   风追着雨,雨赶着风,风和雨联合起来追赶着天上的乌云,整个天地都处在雨水之中。   寒蝉凄切。对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。   寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。   几场潇潇的春雨,山青了,水绿了,山下那汩汩流动的一条溪水,愈发湍急秀丽起来。   狂风卷着暴雨像无数条鞭子,狠命地往玻璃窗上抽。   狂风在空中不停地刮着,雨,蒙蒙的下着共同汇出了一幅自然画。   雷声响过,大雨就像断了线的珠子一样不断地往下落。   冷酷与疯狂,绝望与希望,毁灭与重生,都在这风暴与雨水中相遇!汇聚!融会!交锋!   离开你我安静的抽离不忍揭晓的剧情我的泪流在心里学会放弃。   六月的雨,像孩子的脸,说变就变。   乱箭似的急雨打在窗玻璃上,从上到下流出了一道道弯弯曲曲的水痕。   落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。   落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。   毛毛细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。   猛烈和骤响,挣扎和加剧,都在这狂风和暴雨中呈现!突临!发泄!踏跳!旋转的像暴风,旋转的像暴雨,脚步象大雨点泼哒泼哒的落在地下   绵绵春雨把大地染绿了,软软春风把河水熨暖了。   幕后传来了一阵轰天的鼓声——那是雷,它像闪电的忠实追随者,冲着它,也冲着我们喊着——似乎叫我们好好听一听自然界的哭声。   那阵大雨不久就停了,因为是沙土地,雨一住,路就能行人。我跑到村头张望,一道彩虹挂在天空,美丽极了。各处的水流汩汩作响,远处的蛙声交织成一片。   怒发冲冠,凭栏处潇潇雨歇。   滂沱大雨像开了闸门似的泻下来,地上射起无数箭头,房屋上落下千万条瀑布。   七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。   瞧,又下起雨来了。雨像绢丝一样,又轻又细,听不见淅淅的响声,也感觉不到鱼浇的淋漓。只觉得好像这是一种湿漉漉的烟雾,轻轻滋润着大地和人心。在春雨的滋润下,麦苗长得更翠绿,菜花儿开得更金黄。在一条纵横交错的田沟里,春水淙淙地淌着。扬树,柳树在春雨中舒展着枝叶,贪婪地吮吸着甜甜的雨水。   倾盆大雨下个不停,从房檐上流下来的雨水在街道上汇集成一条条小溪。   清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。   秋雨,淅淅沥沥地下着,像一幅没有尽头的画卷。   秋雨如同满天发亮的珍珠,飘飘扬扬地挥洒着。   秋雨如烟如雾,无声地飘洒在那空地上的瓦砾堆里枯枝败叶上,淋雨像是“黄河之水天上来”,横着冲过来,像惊涛,像骇浪,虽比不上钱塘江大潮,却也凶猛无比;雨又像一块透明大布,被风一吹,起了无数道波痕,被闪电照得亮闪闪白花花,煞是好看。   秋雨沙沙地下着,这是它在演奏。奏黄了一片片稻田,奏红了一棵棵枫树,奏出了遍地金黄,奏出了象征着成熟丰收的秋色。   秋雨像一位害羞的小姑娘,总是迈着缓慢的脚步,姗姗来迟。来时,她或许会带了一袭秋风,雨中透着丰收的喜悦,偷偷的躲在云中,任由雨水滴到人间,看着大地喜悦的接受雨水的滋润。   如果你是早春的雨,那么你一定要学会珍惜;如果你是晚秋的雨,那么你一定要学会忘记。不要等到最后,你再感伤一句:风,刮出了彻骨的寒意;心,抖落了一地的凄凉。   霎时间,雨大的像是天上的银河泛滥了一般,从天边狂泻而下!   天边呈现出像条长龙似的亮晶晶的闪电。随后便是“隆”的一个雷声。闪电越闪越亮,雷声越打越响。不一会儿,黑云滚滚,遮住了半边天,下雨了。   天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。   听,雨淅淅沥沥的下着看,人间多少真情在?闻,雨中遍布萧瑟见,世间人情犹在为,落雨而叹问,世间情为何物?愿,有情人共尚婵娟。   听雨的声音一滴滴清晰你的`呼吸象雨滴渗入我的爱里   突然,一道闪电,天空被撕裂了,一片惨白,紧接着是一串闷雷,闷雷过后,铜钱大的雨点,铺天盖地似的洒下来。   突然一阵北风吹来,一片乌云从北部天边急涌过来,还拌着一道道闪电,一阵阵雷声。刹那间,狂风大作,乌云布满了天空,紧接着豆大的雨点从天空中打落下来,打得窗户啪啪直响。又是一个霹雳,震耳欲聋。一霎间雨点连成了线,哗的一声,大雨就像塌了天似的铺天盖地从天空中倾斜下来。   顽皮的雨滴最爱在雨伞上尽情的跳舞。   微风吹过,雨帘斜了,像一根根的细丝奔向草木,墙壁。   我的泪流在心里,学会放弃。   我透过玻璃窗向外望去,天地间像挂着无比宽大的珠帘,迷蒙蒙的一片。雨落在对面的屋顶的瓦片上,溅起一朵朵水花,像一层薄烟笼罩在屋顶上。   乌云和闪电,狂风和暴雨,海浪和天空,都在火焰和箭光中爆发!喷射!倾泻!挣脱!   乌云连成一片,像巨大的黑布遮住了天空   舞榭歌台,风流总被,雨打风吹去。   细细的柔柔地雨丝织成了一张大网,从云层里一直垂挂到地面上。   下雨了雨陪我哭泣看不清我也不想看清。   夏雨落在大地上,卷起一阵轻烟,土地好像绽开了一个个笑窝。   夏雨恰恰与春天相反,总是急匆匆的,他喜欢毫无预兆的来,又喜欢悄悄的离去,来时急暴的,不时呼来狂风,唤来雷电。倾诉自己的不悦。   小雨滴把荷叶当成了他的天然溜冰场,在上面欢快的挥洒自己的笑容。   一个闪电,白亮亮的雨点紧跟着落来,砸在黑瓦上,嘀嘀哒哒地响;砸在池塘里,浮起一串串的水泡。   一会儿,粗大的雨点儿落下来了,打在玻璃窗上叭叭直响。   一霎时,雨点连成了线,"哗"的一声,大雨就像天塌了似的铺天盖地从天空中倾泻下来。   一蓑烟雨任平生,也无风雨也无晴。   一天深夜,阴云密布,响雷一个接着一个,闪电在天空中闪着。风,使劲地吹着,树枝被风吹得喀嚓喀嚓作响,顷刻之间,倾盆大雨就落了下来。   一万颗雨滴的距离,很彻底,眼泪消失无息。   一阵狂风卷过,带来了骤雨,雨丝像铁条一样又粗又直,从天空刷拉拉洒下来。   已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。   雨,像天庭飘下来的千万条银丝。   雨滴就像千万个伞兵,从空中跳下来,安全地降落在地面上。   雨点打在池塘里,溅起了无数朵洁白的水花。   雨点连在一起像一张大网,挂在我的眼前。   雨过天晴,太阳露出了笑脸,一道艳丽的彩虹,在草原上空,搭起一座美丽的桥梁。   雨如万条银丝从天上飘下来,屋檐落下一排排水滴,像美丽的珠帘。   雨水洒下来,各种花草的叶子上都凝结着一颗颗晶莹的水珠。   雨水顺着房檐流下来,开始像断了线的珠子,渐渐连成了一条线。地上的水越来越多,汇成了一条条小溪。   雨水顺着屋檐慢慢流下来,开始是一滴一滴的,渐渐地形成了一条条细线。   雨淅淅沥沥不停地下着,像是在窗外挂了一层帘子。 ;
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2023-01-07 12:43:542

法语Je t`aime,Je t`adore 中文什么意思?

Je t`aime和Je t`adore的中文意思都可以用来表达“我爱你”。法语的Je t"aime, Je t"adore! 意思是我爱你,我敬佩你! 根据语言习惯, 可译成: "我爱你,我喜欢你!" 各词的原形: je 我 、tu 你 、aimer 爱 、adorer 崇拜,敬佩,爱慕。不过法语翻译有很大程度上要看语言环境,adorer的意思是热爱,爱慕,放在这里是想表达比 je t"aime更高一级的爱慕之情,所以翻译成中文也可以是“我爱你,我为你痴迷”。 扩展资料:aimer词义解析:v.t.1、钟爱,爱恋2、喜欢,爱好:aimer(à) lire 喜欢阅读3、爱,热爱,爱戴 s"aimer1、爱自己2、相爱,互爱3、感到合意,喜欢adorer词义解析:1、v.t. 崇拜,崇敬;热爱,宠爱,爱慕,钟爱;喜爱,很喜欢,互相爱慕2、v.t.1. 崇拜,崇敬3、热爱,爱慕4、(俗)喜爱:Il adore la musique. 他挺喜欢音乐。
2023-01-07 12:43:486

renewable energy is... to fossil fuels

renewable energy is... to fossil fuels可再生能源…化石燃料renewable energy is... to fossil fuels可再生能源…化石燃料renewable energy is... to fossil fuels可再生能源…化石燃料
2023-01-07 12:43:461


在这里是“很、极”的意思! ● 精 jīng ㄐㄧㄥˉ ◎ 上好的白米:“食不厌~”. ◎ 细密的,与“粗”相对:密.细.确.制.读.选.心.研.雕细镂. ◎ 聪明,思想周密:悍.敏.明. ◎ 物质中最纯粹的部分,提炼出来的东西:华.英.神(a.指人主观世界,包括意识、思维活动和一般心理状态;b.内容实质,主要的意义;c.指人表现出来的活力). ◎ 人表现出来的活力、生气:力.会神.打采. ◎ 专一,深入:诚.忠.炼.湛.严. ◎ 雄性动物体内的生殖物质:子. ◎ 很、极:湿.瘦.光. ◎ 完美,最好:美.妙.益求~. ◎ 明朗,清明:“天~而见景星”. ◎ 神话传说中的妖怪:灵(a.鬼怪;b.机灵).. ◎ 古同“菁”,花
2023-01-07 12:43:452