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Do animals have fellings?

2023-07-24 08:24:11

yes they do

Unlike a child that can respond verbally to let you know how they feel , animals cannot talk. Through our work with animals we have learned to look for other means of communication to help us figure out their emotional state and to better understand their illness or injury. As we studied our patients over the past eleven years, we learned more than just how they communicate, but how they feel and think.

By far, the most common questions that the public asks us, are about the emotions and the intelligence of animals. This particular field of study is more than just an interest but is a passion for us.

The scientific community rejects the idea that animals have higher emotions, those emotions that humans feel. Throughout history, these feelings are what distinguished man from lower animals. Today, there are still many trainers who work with animals that will avoid acknowledgment of animalu2019s feelings and intelligence, fearing persecution.

On the other hand, the pendulum swings to the other side where people believe that animals have the same feelings as humans, such as in some Disney movies. This is called anthropomorphism.

After working with so many animals of different species we have drawn our own opinions to the subject. Some animals are definitely more intelligent than formally believed and each animal has a unique personality. As rehabilitators and surrogate parents, we have to teach many lessons to our patients to prepare them for release. Many of their lessons were believed to be instinctive, experience has proven many of these beliefs to be incorrect. We have also seen animals behave altruistic toward other animals, defying many of Darwinu2019s theories.

Many of the creatures of Hawk Creek are permanent resident due to injury or imprinting, giving us great opportunities to observe them. Here are only a few examples of our observations. We hope that you will enjoy them and drawn up your own conclusion:

"Desperado", Hawk Creek"s resident Harris Hawk, and comedian!

HARRIS HAWK - a sense of humor? a complex plan?

When Desperado arrived from Arizona, he spent the first couple of days placing all of the larger stones from the bottom of his enclosure and carefully balanced them on the top of the door. So every time we walked into his enclosure, we caused all of the stones to fall on our heads. While this was taking place, Desperado would fly to a closer vantage point and seemed to take great delight in his success. It only took about four days before we removed all of the large stones and replaced them with hacky sacks and racquetballs. Everyone was grateful since only the hacky sack could fit above the ledge above the door. It is much softer on the old head! Desperado did not get the previous loud reaction from us and took to a new game. He walked or actually stumbled around in his pool with his hacky sacks or racket balls in both feet.

"Red" checks out the camera.

RED FOX - joy, trust, and jealousy?

Our fox has complex relationships with humans that mirror our own. Red has definite opinions about certain people. Even at eight years of age he still chooses who are his family, friends and foes. With patience and respect, you can change your status from foe to family. A familiar sounding car will get his tail wagging with the intensity increasing when a friend is in view. As soon as we talk to him, his tail goes from a wag to a full propeller motion. Upon entering his enclosure for a morning scratch, he falls into a submissive position on his back, closes his eyes and actually smiles! If we stop at another enclosure first or even if we stop to talk to someone else while scratching his tummy, we are immediately reprimanded by a verbal bark or gentle tug.

Misu ("Rippling Water") is a female river otter from Iowa

RIVER OTTER - enthusiasm, attention getting schemes, forgiveness?

We recently received a one year old river otter from Iowa that is extremely intelligent and playful. We used operant conditioning (a positive form of training) to teach her husbandry behaviors. To our surprise she immediately comprehended the trainers request and within a fifteen minute period, learned 3-4 behaviors. She learned to target to the target stick, hold a position, followed a trainer and come when called! She not only learned all of these tasks, she did it with great enthusiasm and didnu2019t want to stop. She creates her own games and she even does her own laundry. Everyday, she takes her towel from inside and drags it across her enclosure and into the bottom of the pool. As a matter of fact, her bowl and all of her toys are also on the bottom, everyday. We believe that she does this to get our attention since she seems very pleased when we clean up her mess. If we catch her in the act, we tell her "wrong" and she lies her head down while pouting and pretends that she was innocent. She is a very special resident because she has somehow managed to be a very loving animal which is very unusual since she is a member of the weasel family and because of her harsh encounter with man. She lost her front leg and half of her teeth due to leg-hold trap. She has had numerous surgeries, shots, sutures, and was tested and examined for over six months. After several frightening plane rides and unexpected layovers, she arrived a frightened, growling otter. In this case most animals will either fear man for the rest of their life or require years of patient training with little gain. Within two weeks she trusted us and welcomed a scratch, roll or tug on any part of her body. We are greeted enthusiastically every time we enter the enclosure and she follows and participates in all cleaning activities. We donu2019t know why she is this way, but we do know she is very special because it just doesnu2019t happen.

From a horse that likes to tease people to a wild crow that feeds any songbird patient, our stories could go on forever but limited space allows for only a few. We feel that man has underestimate animal"s abilities to think, feel and learn. Acknowledging these higher emotions would force us to rethink our relationship with animals, our utilitarian views.

There, we said it. It"s out there now . We can anticipate all kinds of mail from this article but we feel that itu2019s about time someone said it. The sky didnu2019t fall, life goes on, so what was the big threat? Anyway, we hope that you can see animals in a different light, we certainly do.

Suggested reading:

When Elephants Weep by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Love, Miracles, and Animal Healing by Allen M. Scoen, D.V.M


Do animals have spirits?

[What follows are excerpts from two articles by President Joseph Fielding Smith. The first is from "Your Question: Do Animals Have Spirits?" Improvement Era, Jan. 1958, 16-17. An edited version of this article is found in Answers to Gospel Questions, 2:48-51. The second is a passage titled "Pre-existence of All Creatures," Doctrines of Salvation, 1:62-64. The original footnotes are included here parenthetically with the text. All emphasis is in the original.]


Do animals have spirits? Will they obtain the resurrection? Where will they go? President Smith discusses simply and succinctly the immortality of the animal world.

QUESTION: "Do animals have spirits? If so, will they obtain the resurrection and if so, where will they go?"

ANSWER: The simple answer is that animals do have spirits and that through the redemption made by our Savior they will come forth in the resurrection to enjoy the blessing of immortal life. The Bible as it has come to us through numerous translations and copies does not contain the information concerning the immortality of the animal world in the clearness which, without any doubt, it was invested with the pure inspiration of the revelations of the Lord. However, there are some passages which still remain bearing witness to the eternal nature of the animal world. Among these are the following:

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them....

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

"And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground." (Genesis 2:1, 4-5.)

Then, before death came upon the world, the Lord planted a garden for Adam and Eve and placed all manner of cattle and living creatures on the earth, as well as vegetation. When Adam transgressed the commandment, all things upon the earth became subject to death, as well as Adam and Eve, and the earth itself partook of this fall.

In the restoration of the original scriptures to the Prophet Joseph Smith we are given a clearer picture of conditions both before and after the fall. This is the account as it was written by Moses:

"And now, behold, I say unto you, that these are the generations of the heaven and of the earth, when they were created, in the day that I, the Lord God, made the heaven and the earth;

"And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth. For I, the Lord God, had not caused it to rain upon the face of the earth. And I, the Lord God, had created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them; and there was not yet flesh upon the earth, neither in the water, neither in the air;

"But I, the Lord God, spake, and there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." (Moses 3:4-6.)

Then to make the matter perfectly clear, the Lord added this:

"And out of the ground made I, the Lord God, to grow every tree, naturally, that is pleasant to the sight of man; and man could behold it. And it became also a living soul. For it was spiritual in the day that I created it; for it remaineth in the sphere in which I, God created it, yea, even all things which I prepared for the use of man; and man saw that it was good for food...." [(Moses 3:9.)]

When the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith many things concerning the millennium and the events which should precede and follow it, he gave the following:

"And again, verily, verily, I say unto you that when the thousand years are ended, and men again begin to deny their God, then will I spare the earth but for a little season;

"And the end shall come, and the heaven and the earth shall be consumed and pass away, and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth.

"For all old things shall pass away, and all things shall become new, even the heaven and the earth, and all the fulness thereof, both men and beasts, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea;

"And not one hair, neither mote, shall be lost, for it is the workmanship of mine hand." (D & C 29:22-25.)

What is meant by "the four beasts"?

While meeting with a group of the members of the Church one day in March 1882, the Prophet Joseph Smith was asked this question: "What are we to understand by the four beasts, spoken of in the same verse?" (i.e. Revelation 4:6.) His answer is as follows:

"They are figurative expressions, used by the Revelator John, in describing heaven, the paradise of God, the happiness of man, and of beasts, and of creeping things, and of the fowls of the air; that which is spiritual being in the likeness of that which is temporal; and that which is temporal in the likeness of that which is spiritual; the spirit of man in the likeness of his person, as also the spirit of the beast, and every other creature which God has created." (Ibid., 77:2.)

Again when commenting on the Revelation of John, the Prophet said:

"John saw curious looking beasts in heaven, he saw every creature that was in heaven ... actually there, giving glory to God. How do you prove it? (See Revelation 5:13.) " And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever."

"beings of a thousand forms"

"I suppose John saw beings there of a thousand forms, that had been saved from ten thousand times ten thousand earths like this,—strange beasts of which we have no conception: all might be seen in heaven. The grand secret was to show John what there was in heaven. John learned that God glorified Himself by saving all that His hands had made, whether beasts, fowls, fishes or men; and He will glorify Himself with them.

"Says one, " I cannot believe in the salvation of beasts." Any man who will tell you that this could not be, would tell you that the revelations are not true. John heard the words of the beasts giving glory to God, and understood them. God who made the beasts could understand every language spoken by them. The four beasts were four of the most noble animals that had filled the measure of their creation, and had been saved from other worlds, because they were perfect: they were like angels in their sphere. We are not told where they came from, and I do not know; but they were seen and heard by John praising and glorifying God." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 291-292.)

As to where the beasts, birds, and fish, and all other creatures will go after the resurrection we can only express an opinion. John saw many of them in heaven in the presence of God. It is very probable that they, like mankind, will be distributed in the various kingdoms, celestial, terrestrial, and telestial We may well believe that in each of these kingdoms such creatures will be assigned.


ALL LIFE CREATED IN THE SPIRIT. Every creature had a spiritual existence. The spirits of men, beasts, and all animal life, existed before the foundations of the earth were laid, and are living entities. (Moses 3:5-9.) As death, through the fall, has passed upon all, so the resurrection, through the mission of Jesus Christ, comes to all. (Church News, Feb. 15, 1941, pp. 1, 7: D. & C. 29:22-25.)

ANIMALS CREATED FOR MAN. I want to give you a little explanation of man"s relationship to the animals upon the earth, as the Lord has given it to us by revelation—not as it is taught by man in the world—but the true relationship which exists between man and beast. Man is the greatest of all the creations of God. He is his offspring. We are all his children. It was made known through the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, who saw it in vision, that the inhabitants of this earth and other worlds are begotten sons and daughters unto God. (D. & C. 76:24.) That ought to put an end—so far as Latter-day Saints are concerned—to all this nonsense prevailing in the world regarding the origin of man.

Man, I say, as the offspring of God, is the greatest of all his creations. He is greater than the moon, the sun, and the stars, which are the work of the fingers of God, and are made for the benefit of man. It is man"s place to rule, and stand at the head of all other dominions, powers, creations, and beings, which the Lord our God has created. (Ps. 8:1-9.)

ANIMALS HAVE SOULS. The idea prevails in general, I believe, in the religious world where the gospel truth is misunderstood, that man is the only being on the earth that has what is called a soul or a spirit. We know this is not the case, for the Lord has said that not only has man a spirit, and is thereby a living soul, but likewise the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea have spirits, and hence are living souls. But this does not make them kinsmen to the sons and daughters of God. They are our Father"s creations, not his offspring, and that is the great difference between man and beast.

It would be a very strange world where animals were not found. If, after the resurrection of the dead, we discovered that man was the only living creature with immortality, we would certainly consider it a very strange world. Yet the idea does prevail that man has a spirit and the animals have not. Some people think this is the great thing that distinguishes man from all other beings.

FORM OF ANIMAL SPIRITS. The fish, the fowl, the beasts of the field, lived before they were placed naturally in this earth, and so did the plants that are upon the face of the earth. The spirits that possess the bodies of the animals are in the similitude of their bodies. In other words, the bodies of animals conform to the spirits which possess them, and which existed before they were placed on the earth; "that which is spiritual being in the likeness of that which is temporal; and that which is temporal in the likeness of that which is spiritual; the spirit of man in the likeness of his person, as also the spirit of the beast, and every other creature which God has created." (Gen. & Hist. Mag., vol. 17, pp. 152-154; D. & C. 77:2.)

[Above are excerpts from two articles by President Joseph Fielding Smith. The first is from "Your Question: Do Animals Have Spirits?" Improvement Era, Jan. 1958, 16-17. An edited version of this article is found in Answers to Gospel Questions, 2:48-51. The second is a passage titled "Pre-existence of All Creatures," Doctrines of Salvation, 1:62-64. The original footnotes are included here parenthetically with the text. All emphasis is in the original.]

posted by R. Gary on 5/31/2005 11:41:00 AM


sure, they have feelings, but the feelings are hard for us to understand, just like they can"t understand us.


of course they have!




yes they do


yes, they have.



2023-07-24 02:00:263


submissive[英][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av][美][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av]adj.顺从的,唯命是从的; 柔顺; 帖; 贴; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It produces the submissive subject. 它产生出顺从的人。
2023-07-24 02:00:331


submissive,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“顺从的;服从的;柔顺的”。短语搭配:submissive personality 屈从性人格;obsequiously submissive 屈从的 ; 下心屈服于人;Submissive Woman 愿意渺小;submissive e 顺从的 ; 服从的;submissive display 屈服炫耀。Submissive attitude 服从性;almost submissive 近似服从;professional submissive 专业臣服;Submissive Urination 惊吓性撒尿 ; 小便 ; 罚以免造成惊吓性排尿。双语例句:1.A submissive wife says yes to everything her husband says .顺从的妻子对她丈夫所说的一切都唯唯诺诺。2.Vietnamese girls are seen in much of asia as the paradigm of the submissive foreign bride .亚洲大部分地区都把越南女孩视为恭顺的外籍新娘。3.However it requires very sharp map awareness and more submissive hero positioning .但是这需要很尖锐地图的认识和更柔顺的英雄定位。4.After the goldstone controversy he cannot afford to be perceived as weak and submissive .在《goldstone报告书》争议之后,他不能再被人觉得软弱和逆来顺受。
2023-07-24 02:00:411


顺从的英语可以是“compliant”,这个词意为“服从的,顺从的”,通常用于形容人或事物。例如,a compliant child(一个顺从的孩子),a compliant device(一个顺从的设备)。这个词可以用来形容一个人或组织愿意遵从规则、法律或领导的命令,没有反抗或抵抗的倾向。例如,The employees were compliant with the new company policy.(员工们顺从地遵守新公司政策。)除了“compliant”外,还有一些类似的词可以用来形容顺从,如“obedient”、“submissive”等等。这些词语的用法略有不同,例如“obedient”更多地强调遵从权威、尊重规则,而“submissive”则更多地强调顺从、听从他人的意愿。例如,The obedient student always followed the teacher"s instructions.(顺从的学生总是遵循老师的指示。)顺从总之,顺从是一个用于描述人或事物服从、顺从的词语,可以用来形容他们的态度、行为等特征。在不同的语境中,可以选择不同的词语来表达同样的意思,以丰富我们的语言表达。
2023-07-24 02:00:591

submissive and obedient son 翻译的理解

submissive and obedient son是指顺从听话的儿子submissive 英[su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av] 美[su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av]adj. 顺从的,唯命是从的;柔顺;帖;贴obedient 英[u0259u02c8bi:diu0259nt] 美[ou02c8bidiu0259nt]adj. 顺从的,服从的;忠顺的;孝顺的;驯良的submissive and obedient son字面上看来是没有贬义的,都是优良品质。但是在具体语境可能会有变化。如: Be the submissive and obedient son.做你听话顺从的儿子去吧。如果在吵架中,就是贬义,不会是褒义。Be a submissive and obedient son.一定要做个乖巧听话的儿子。就不是贬义,而是褒义。
2023-07-24 02:01:181


2023-07-24 02:01:261

they never become submissive like dogs and houres。语法分析

这句话的主句是they never become submissive(顺从的,驯服的),意思:他们从来没有变的驯服like 不是动词,只起连接作用,算作连词,和as的意思查不多,大意是他们从没像狗或马(?)那样变得驯服。
2023-07-24 02:01:467


2023-07-24 02:02:002


2023-07-24 02:02:531

《Submissive Beauty》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: s9y7书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322
2023-07-24 02:03:011


《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: cc6u书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322
2023-07-24 02:03:131


2023-07-24 02:03:273

新概念3英语求解。。。大神们来呀- -

falls是动词,以为不是他们掉下去好几次么……ability to survive,to survive用的是不定式不做谓语成分is才是系动词翻译:猫从高处摔下来并能够生还的本领是基于事实情况的。
2023-07-24 02:03:494


译文:exercise英 ['eksu0259sau026az]释义:n. 运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼vt. 锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐vi. 运动;练习[ 过去式 exercised 过去分词 exercised 现在分词 exercising 复数 exercises 第三人称单数 exercises ]短语:Love Exercise 爱的练习语 ; 爱的练习曲 ; 爱的练习语专辑 ; 爱的练习曲专辑扩展资料:词语辨析:drill,exercise,practice,training,discipline这些名词都有“练习、训练、锻炼”之意。1、drill侧重进行有系统的,严格和重复的练习。2、exercise主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼,也可指进行练习以保持已经获得的技巧。3、practice指把所学的理论或知识用于实践以获得技艺与技巧。4、training普通用词,泛指为从事某种职业而进行的身体或智力方面的训练。5、discipline既可指训练又可指为达到某种熟练程度而进行约束。
2023-07-24 02:04:101


比如50度灰里面,有男和女之间kun绑、鞭*打等nue待式的画面,有些不正常*的 行为
2023-07-24 02:04:352

曾子曰:协肩谄笑,病于夏畦 求翻译

曾子说的原话应该是:“胁肩谄笑,病于夏畦。”(曾子名参,春秋时鲁国人,孔子弟子之一。参看“三省吾身”) 胁肩,耸肩缩颈的样子;谄笑,谄媚假笑。形容对人低头哈腰、讨好巴结、虚伪做作,装成恭敬的姿态。夏畦,是说夏天在田间劳动。夏天烈日当空,在田间劳动当然很辛苦。但“胁肩谄笑”的卑劣姿态,在正直不阿的人看来,却比夏畦还要难受,所以叫做“病于夏畦”。 所以这句话可以译作:Zengzi (Tseng-tzu) said, (to those of integrity,) it is better to toil on the farm with the scorching sun overhead, rather than curry favor by behaving obsequiously and submissively.好不容易翻出来的~
2023-07-24 02:04:451


《Fantasies of a Young Submissive》(Young, Rosaleen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:v2e6书名:Fantasies of a Young Submissive作者:Young, Rosaleen出版社:Bookworld Services页数:256
2023-07-24 02:05:071


2023-07-24 02:05:204

switch sado maso sub dom区别是什么?

2023-07-24 02:05:436


2023-07-24 02:06:157


中文: 1、如果你渴望得到某样东西,你得让它自由,如果它回到你身边,它就是属于你的,如果它不会回来,你就从未拥有过它。 2、当你拼命想完成一件事的时候,你就不再是别人的对手,或者说得更确切一些,别人就不再是你的对手了,不管是谁,只要下了这个决心,他就会立刻觉得增添了无穷的力量,而他的视野也随之开阔了。 3、我的朋友,我还有一点疑虑——你是不是因为太懦弱了,才这样以炫耀自己的痛苦来作为自己的骄傲? 4、上帝给了人们有限的力量但却给了人们无限的欲望。 5、假如我们分手的话,绝不是出于我的意思,要知道,树是不愿离开花的,是花离开树。 6、法利亚神父说,欲知谁想害你,想想你的被害对谁有利。 7、恶人是不会简单的死的,因为上帝似乎还要关照他们,他要用他们来作他报复的工具。 8、聪明的人,不该知道的绝不多问,不愿相信的一概不信。 9、无情的教训,教会人用怎样的眼睛才能观察危险,用怎样的忍耐才能忍受痛苦。 10、幸福就是一双鞋合不合适只有自己一个人知道。 11、这个世界上无所谓幸福与无所谓不幸,只有一种状况和另一种状况的比较,如此而已。只有体验过极度不幸的人,才能够品尝到极度的幸福,只有下过死的决心的人,才能懂得活着是多么得快乐。幸福的活下去吧,请你们永远别忘记,直至天主垂允为人类揭示未来图景的那一天来到之前,人类的全部智慧就包含在这五个字里面:等待和希望! 12、一切罪恶只有两帖药---时间和沉默。 13、学习并不等于认识,有学问的人和能认识的人是不同的。记忆造就了前者,哲学造就了后者。 14、人生何所求,致富和自由。 15、凡是一个深陷在爱情里的人,是决不肯让他的钟表安安稳稳地向前走的。 16、痛苦的经历一旦有人分担,痛苦就减少了一半。 17、什么东西才能称其为奇妙呢?那就是我们无法了解的东西。而什么东西才是我们真正想要的呢?就是我们无法得到的东西。 18、别理会那些陈归俗套,它们只会使优柔寡断的人延迟建立他们的未来生活。 19、有两种视觉:肉体的视觉和心灵的视觉。肉眼看到的东西有时会忘却,心灵看到的东西是永远记在心里的。 20、让人见你自重,你就会被看重。在我们的社会里,这句格言可要比希腊人的箴言人贵自知管用一百倍,时至今日,自知要比知人难得多,而知人要比自知有用得多。 21、开发人类智力的矿藏是少不了要由患难来促成的。 22、人生的全部意义只有五个字:期望和等待。 23、在这个世界上,人人都有自己的见解,这种见解妨碍他去看待别人的见解。 24、只有那些喜欢在痛苦中消磨时间,在泪水中度过生活的人才会这样,这种人一直逆来顺受,想必上帝会帮助他们的。 但是那些想改变命运的人,肯定不会把时间浪费在伤心难过痛苦上。他们会立即奋起反抗。 25、我们做过的每件事,果然都留下了它的痕迹,有的模糊,有的清晰!我们在人生历程上每走过一步,就像爬虫在沙地上蠕行,留下的是一条长长的印痕! 26、当一个人有了相当程度的财产以后,奢侈生活就成了必需的了;当一个人有了相当优越的地位以后,他的理想也才会越亮。 27、仇恨使人盲目,愤怒使人失去理智,凡是泄恨报仇的人,最后有可能是自己喝下苦酒。 28、耐心的等待加之希望带来的动力,必然能迎来黎明的曙光。 29、我宽恕你,因为我也需要别人的宽恕。 30、因为每天早晨,我就会想到你会来,而到了晚上,我会想起你曾经来过。 英文: 1. If you desire something, you have to set it free. If it comes back to you, it belongs to you. If it doesn"t come back, you never have it. 2. When you desperately want to accomplish something, you are no longer an opponent of others, or to be more precise, others are no longer your opponent, no matter who it is, as long as you make this determination, he Immediately, he felt that infinite power was added, and his vision also broadened. 3. My friend, I have some doubts - are you too weak to show off your pain as your pride? 4. God has given people limited power but unlimited desires. 5. If we break up, it is definitely not my intention. You must know that the tree is reluctant to leave the flower, and the flower leaves the tree. 6. Father Faria said, if you want to know who wants to harm you, think about who benefits from your harm. 7. The wicked will not simply die, because God seems to take care of them, and he will use them as a tool for his revenge. 8. Smart people never ask more about what they shouldn"t know, and don"t believe anything they don"t want to believe. 9. The ruthless teaching teaches people what kind of eyes can be used to observe danger and what kind of patience can be used to endure pain. 10. Happiness is only one person who knows whether a pair of shoes is suitable or not. 11. There is no happiness or unhappiness in this world, there is only a comparison between one situation and another, and that"s it. Only those who have experienced extreme misfortune can taste extreme happiness, and only those who have made the determination to die can understand how happy it is to live. Live happily, please never forget that until the day when God allows to reveal the future picture for mankind, all the wisdom of mankind is contained in these five words: wait and hope! 12. There are only two medicines for all sins - time and silence. 13. Learning does not mean knowing. There is a difference between a learned person and a person who can know. Memory makes the former, philosophy makes the latter. 14. What do you want in life, get rich and free. 15. Anyone who is deeply in love will never let his clock move forward steadily. 16. Once the painful experience is shared by someone, the pain is cut in half. 17. What can be called wonderful? That"s what we can"t understand. And what do we really want? It"s something we can"t get. 18. Ignore the clichés, they only delay the indecision from building their future life. 19. There are two kinds of vision: the vision of the body and the vision of the mind. What the naked eye sees is sometimes forgotten, but what the mind sees is always remembered in the heart. 20. When people see your self-esteem, you will be valued. In our society, this adage is a hundred times more effective than the Greek dictum, knowing oneself. Today, knowing oneself is much more difficult than knowing one another, and knowing one another is more useful than knowing oneself. 21. The development of the mines of human intellect must be brought about by adversity. 22. The whole meaning of life is only five words: expectation and waiting. 23. In this world, everyone has his own opinion, which prevents him from looking at other people"s opinions. 24. Only those who like to spend time in pain and spend their lives in tears will do this. Such people have always been submissive, and presumably God will help them. But those who want to change their destiny will definitely not waste time on sadness and pain. They will rise up immediately. 25. Everything we have done has indeed left its traces, some blurred, some clear! Every step we take in the course of life is like a reptile creeping on the sand, leaving a long imprint! 26. When a person has a considerable amount of property, luxury life becomes necessary; when a person has a relatively superior position, his ideal will be brighter. 27. Hatred makes people blind, anger makes people irrational, and those who vent their hatred and revenge may end up drinking bitter wine by themselves. 28. Patient waiting and the motivation brought by hope will surely usher in the dawn of dawn. 29. I forgive you because I also need forgiveness from others. 30. Because every morning, I will think that you will come, and at night, I will think that you have come.
2023-07-24 02:06:481


BDSM是一个缩略词,代表一组性别和性行为偏好的实践和交流方式。它包括以下四个主要元素:束缚与纺织(Bondage and Discipline)、支配与服从(Dominance and Submission)、受虐狂和施虐狂(Sadism and Masochism)。束缚与纺织(Bondage and Discipline):指的是通过使用约束工具和规则来限制和控制参与者身体自由度的行为。这可能包括使用手铐、绳索或其他道具来固定或限制身体活动。支配与服从(Dominance and Submission):涉及到在性关系中建立权力不平衡的角色扮演。支配者(dominant)扮演主导地位,而服从者(submissive)愿意接受和遵循支配者的指令和要求。受虐狂和施虐狂(Sadism and Masochism):描述了对于肉体或心理上的痛苦、屈辱和羞辱感的欲望和享受。受虐狂(masochist)获得满足感和快感,当他们被施虐狂(sadist)给予疼痛或控制时。需要强调的是,BDSM在性行为中强调的是自愿、安全和双方同意。参与者之间建立了明确的边界和约定,以确保所有活动都在双方的同意和舒适范围内进行。BDSM并不等同于虐待或侵犯他人的行为。它是基于互相尊重、信任和沟通的一种性实践方式。参与者经常使用安全词(safe words)来表达他们的感觉和需求,以确保双方的身心健康和满意度。对于那些对BDSM感兴趣的人来说,建议他们深入了解相关的道德、伦理和法律问题,并寻找可靠的资源和社区支持。这样可以帮助他们更好地理解和处理这种性别和性行为偏好,并确保参与的活动是安全、健康和互相愉快的。
2023-07-24 02:07:081


顺从的 双语对照 词典结果: submissive [英][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av][美][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av] adj.顺从的,唯命是从的; 柔顺; 帖; 贴; 以上结果来自金山词霸 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词 1.ADJ-GRADED顺从的;恭顺的;听话的If you are submissive,you obey someone without arguing. Most doctors want their patients to be submissive. 大部分医生希望病人能听从医嘱. submissively The troops submissively laid down their weapons. 各部队服从命令,放下了武器. 收起 例句: 1. It produces the submissive subject. 它产生出顺从的人. 2. Vietnamese girls are seen in much of asia as the paradigm of thesubmissive foreign bride. 亚洲大部分地区都把越南女孩视为恭顺的外籍新娘. 3. However it requires very sharp map awareness and more submissivehero positioning. 但是这需要很尖锐地图的认识和更柔顺的英雄定位. 4. He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his everywish. 他正在寻找一个娴静而温顺的妻子,她愿意对他百依百顺. China will no longer remain servile and submissive. 中国不会再卑躬屈膝、俯首帖耳. 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. 互相帮助如果满意记得采纳哦·
2023-07-24 02:07:381

submissive 与 obedient都为服从的意思,有什么区别?

如果对敌人的话,就用submissive对上司,爸妈什么的,用OBEDIENTSUBMIT, OBEY 是两者的词根
2023-07-24 02:07:483


比如地铁:subway,这里sub就作为前缀形成单词。写全一点就是下面这些:(下面这些是百度出来的)① 表示“在下面,次一等,副手”subdue 征服;减轻(sub+due 从属→从属在下面→征服)subjugate 镇压;征服(sub+jug 牛轭+ate→套上牛轭→镇压)subliminal 潜意识的(sub+limin 门槛+al→在门槛下→在意识之下→潜意识的)submerge 沉没,淹没(sub+merge 淹没→淹没下去)submissive 恭顺的(sub+miss 给→ive→在下面给→恭顺的)subordinate 附属的(sub+ordin 顺序+ate→顺序在下→附属的)suborn 收买,贿赂(sub+orn 装饰→在下面装饰→贿赂)subscribe 捐献,订购(sub+scribe 写→在下面写上名字→订购)subside 下陷;平息(sub+terr 地+anean→地下的)subterranean 地下的(sub+terr 转→转下去→推翻)subcontinent 次大陆(sub+continetn 大陆)subtropics 亚热带(sub+tropics 热带)subtitle 副标题(sub+title 标题 副的的标题)subeditor 助理编辑(sub+editor 编辑)suboffice 分办事处(sub+office 办公室)② 表示“接近,靠近”subcentral 接近中心的(sub+central 中心的)subaratic 近北极的(sub+arctic 北极的)subadult 接近成年的(sub+adult 成年人)subacid 略酸的(sub+acid 酸)subarid 有点干燥的(sub+arid 干燥的
2023-07-24 02:07:561


《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: uapa书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322
2023-07-24 02:08:031

以mit miss为词根的单词

以mit miss为词根的单词介绍如下:miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”mission n "派遣;使命(miss+ion,送出→派遣)"missionary a 传道的n. 教士(mission使命+ary→[传教]使命的)commission n 委员会;委任(com共同+miss+ion→共同送出[选出]的人→委员会)dismiss v 解散;罢免(dis分开+miss→分开送→解散)emissive a 发出的,放射的(e出+miss送+ive→送出去)emission n 发出,放射(e+miss+ion)emissary n 使者,密使(e出+miss+ary人→送出去的人→使者)remiss a 怠慢的;粗心的(re不+miss→不送出去→怠慢的)remission n 宽恕;赦免(re再+miss+ion→再一次放过[别人]→宽恕)omission n 省略(o出+miss+ion→放出去→省略)permission n 允许(per始终+miss+ion→始终放入→允许)permissive a 准许的;纵容的(per+miss+ive)submission n 屈服(sub下面+miss+ion→放在下面→屈服)submissive a 服从的(sub+miss+ive)transmission n 转送;传达(trans横+miss+ion→横着送→传送过去)premise n 前提(pre预先+mise→预先送出→前提)promise n 答应;保证(pro前面+mise→在做事前送出的话→允诺)surmise v 推测,猜测(sur在下面+mise→在下面说出的话→猜测)demise v 让与;遗赠(de分开+mise→分开送→遗赠)admit v 许可入学等;承认(ad+mit→送来→许可进入)commit v 委托;委任(com共同+mit→共同送→委任)committee n 委员会(commit+t+ee)emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e出+mit→送出[气味]等)intermit v 一时停止,间断(inter在中间+mit→在中间送东西→打断,间断)intermittent a 间歇的(intermit+t+ent)omit v 省去,略去(o出+mit→送出→省略)permit v 许可,允许(per始终+mit→始终放出来→许可)remit v 汇款;饶恕(re再+mit→[把钱]再送出去→汇款)submit v 使屈服;提出(sub下面+mit→送下去→屈服)transmit v 寄送;传达(trans横+mit→横送过去→传达)
2023-07-24 02:08:161


"Sado" 和 "maso" 是指性偏好上的两种类型,分别为"Sadomasochism" 的缩写。"Sadomasochism" 是一种性行为上的倾向,包括对痛苦和虐待的感官或心理上的刺激和满足。"Sado" 表示"Sadist",这指的是对于给予痛苦、控制和支配他人的快感或满足感。一个"Sado" 喜欢扮演支配或控制的角色,在性行为中,他们可能会对伴指的是对于接受痛苦、被,指的是喜欢扮演支配制的角色。"Sub" 表示"submissive",指的是喜欢服从的角色。这些角色通常在之下展开互动以满足彼此愿望和需求。需要指出的是,参与性行为时,所有的行为都应该是
2023-07-24 02:08:462


比如地铁:subway,这里sub就作为前缀形成单词。写全一点就是下面这些:(下面这些是百度出来的)① 表示“在下面,次一等,副手”subdue 征服;减轻(sub+due 从属→从属在下面→征服)subjugate 镇压;征服(sub+jug 牛轭+ate→套上牛轭→镇压)subliminal 潜意识的(sub+limin 门槛+al→在门槛下→在意识之下→潜意识的)submerge 沉没,淹没(sub+merge 淹没→淹没下去)submissive 恭顺的(sub+miss 给→ive→在下面给→恭顺的)subordinate 附属的(sub+ordin 顺序+ate→顺序在下→附属的)suborn 收买,贿赂(sub+orn 装饰→在下面装饰→贿赂)subscribe 捐献,订购(sub+scribe 写→在下面写上名字→订购)subside 下陷;平息(sub+terr 地+anean→地下的)subterranean 地下的(sub+terr 转→转下去→推翻)subcontinent 次大陆(sub+continetn 大陆)subtropics 亚热带(sub+tropics 热带)subtitle 副标题(sub+title 标题 副的的标题)subeditor 助理编辑(sub+editor 编辑)suboffice 分办事处(sub+office 办公室)② 表示“接近,靠近”subcentral 接近中心的(sub+central 中心的)subaratic 近北极的(sub+arctic 北极的)subadult 接近成年的(sub+adult 成年人)subacid 略酸的(sub+acid 酸)subarid 有点干燥的(sub+arid 干燥的
2023-07-24 02:09:021

cats never become submissive___ 1 as dogs and horses 2 in the way that dogs and horses do

2023-07-24 02:09:254


2023-07-24 02:09:535


Star Museum.旗下艺人有SJ(我最爱!!!!) 神起 少时 shinee 宝儿。蛮成功的经纪公司
2023-07-24 02:10:596


1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming. 外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛. 2.We"re the luckiest sons-of-*es in the world. 我们是真*走运极了.(地道的美国骂人) 3.There is nothing I couldn"t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you"re heart to me. 如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以.把你的心交给我吧. 4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband. 读大学的目的是找一个好丈夫.(好像有些片面,但比较真实) 5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you"re in the club. 只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。 6.All life is a game of luck. 生活本来就全靠运气。 7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what"s going to happen, or who I"m going to meet, where I"m going to wind up. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。 8.I figure life is a gift and I don"t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you"re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。 9.To make each day count. 要让每一天都有所值。 10.We"re women. Our choices are never easy. 我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。 11.You jump, I jump. (another touching sentence) 你跳,我就跳. 12.Will you give us a chance to live? 能不能给我们留一条生路? 13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away. 上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪.死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生死离别,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣. 14.You"re going to get out of here. You"re going to go on and you"re going to make lots of babies and you"re going to watch them grow and you"re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. 你一定会脱险的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看着他们长大.你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上,而不是今晚在这里,不是像这样的死去。
2023-07-24 02:11:153


2023-07-24 02:11:252

求翻译 英译汉

共享精神障碍的第一次是在1877年的疯狂à deux.10这是一种罕见的疾病,两个或更多的人共享紧密的情感联系。案件涉及三名或以上的人是非常少见。 1942年,出版了4 Gralnick11共享精神障碍的亚型分类: 亚型一个被称为疯狂imposée。以妄想为主人施加一个更年轻,更顺从的人,他或她的幻想。两个人都密切相关,与受援国的幻觉消失后分离。 B亚型称为疯狂simultanée。一个相同的精神面貌发生密切相关的同时,并倾向于个人在两个病态。 C亚型称为疯狂communiquée。收件人开发后的抵抗精神和保持长期甚至离职后的症状。 D亚型称为疯狂induite。新的错觉是通过个人与精神病谁下了另一个人与精神病的影响。 关于信息共享的发生率和精神障碍的患病率不足,作为文学完全由案件reports.1218的障碍的特点是从一人由妄想转移到另一个地方。关于案件的百分之95之间出现的同一家庭的成员,超过百分之七十之间的丈夫,妻子,母亲和儿童,或者两个sisters.19在已婚或同居夫妇的发病率是相同,但在兄弟姐妹。兄弟姐妹之间,这种疾病是比brothers.19更多的姐妹共同的几乎所有的案件涉及一个family.20成员 个人谁第一个有妄想(该指数的情况下)往往是长期病患者,通常是一个更耳根人(第二案)的密切关系有影响力的成员,谁后来发展了的错觉。主要案件往往有诊断精神分裂症和妄想狂显示事件。其他诊断可能包括妄想症或情绪与精神功能紊乱。该共享的妄想内容可以对原发性病例的诊断依赖,可以包括奇异的幻觉,情绪一致的错觉,或不奇怪的错觉。 据报道,第二例是典型的年轻,那么聪明,更容易上当,更被动的,低自我比指数情况自尊,虽然这些研究结果并没有影响一直replicated.19个人经常住在一起,通常有一个陷入他人的关系,他们分离,这种情况有助于通过others.19的检测缺乏受损程度较轻,通常在第二案(第比指数的情况下)。
2023-07-24 02:11:332


progressive 有进展的 aggressive 有攻击性的 impassive 无动于衷的 submissive 恭顺的 excessive 过分的,过度的 successive 连续的 incisive 一针见血的,锐利的 conclusive 决定性的,结论性的 exclusive 排他的,专有的 inclusive 包括在内的 reclusive 隐居的 excursive 离题的,散漫的
2023-07-24 02:12:131


2023-07-24 02:12:201


楼上说的很对,再详细点的方式比如说皮鞭、滴蜡等等。。 这个你可以参考 我们隔壁岛国的爱情动作大片 以及欧美的爱情动作大片。。
2023-07-24 02:12:293


2023-07-24 02:11:583

put on 、 put off、 put up、 put down、哪个有 减肥 的意思

2023-07-24 02:11:593


feed:To supply with something essential for growth, maintenance, or Melting snow feeds the reservoirs.陡峭的山坡周围覆盖了厚厚的雪,溶化的雪水形成两条溪流...
2023-07-24 02:12:007


2023-07-24 02:12:004


注意: yuan 属于整体认读音节。不应分解为声母韵母。汉语拼音共有63个。其中声母23,韵母24个(单韵母6个,复韵母8个,特殊韵母1个,前鼻韵母5个,后鼻韵母4个,)整体认读音节16个。(以汉拼音小学课本为基础)所以一般学习汉语拼音就他学习拼音分为三大类,声母,韵母以及整体认读节。汉语拼音韵母表分为:单韵母:a、o、e、i、u、ǔ,复韵母:ai、ei、ui、ao、ou、iu、ie、üe特殊韵母:er鼻韵母:an、en、in、un、ǔn(5个 前鼻韵母)ang、eng、ing、ong(4个 后鼻韵母)另有,16个 “整体认读音节”:zhi、chi、shi、ri、zi、ci、si、yi、wu、yu、ye、yue、yin、yun、yuan、ying。yuan 属于整体认读音节。若你一定要分解,则分为 y-u-an, u上无两点。
2023-07-24 02:12:061


玩游戏或3维设计的瓶颈主要是显卡记得一定要选择中高端独立显卡5000以内的中高端独立显卡的机器最高只能配A卡:ATI 5650 ,ATI 6650N卡:gt445,gt550(或gt555)楼主看好 配置里面有这里面其中一个就说明奸商没坑爹CPU i3即可 不必过分最求 现在商家在推销自己产品的时候都宣称有1G显存但千万别被忽悠了 最好看清显卡是不是以上几款。GT540比GT550差5%左右,也是中端显卡,不错的选择。像GT520这样低端的显卡楼主就不必考虑了,希望我的回答对您有帮助! qq404508644华硕A43EI231SV-SL i3的cpu,2g内存,500G硬盘中高端独立显卡GT 540M现在价格4000出头 很超值用U盘带好鲁大师,试机的时候看看硬盘使用时间是不是少于20小时,多了就不正常了。另外,看看配置是不是符合他们说的那样,以防止挂羊头卖狗肉
2023-07-24 02:12:102

求俄罗斯乐队 vitas 星星风 原文歌词 谢谢~!

该说的草莓都说了- -我只是插一句,那几个乱七八糟复制的家伙也不知道给出处,还胡乱冠名- -
2023-07-24 02:11:567


2022北京下半年小客车摇号申请时间为8月1日至10月8日,具体时间如下:1、提交申请(8月1日至10月8日期间):登录“北京市小客车指标调控管理信息系统”提交小客车指标配置申请。2、查询审核结果(11月9日9:00起):在“北京市小客车指标调控管理信息系统” 申请页面查看审核结果。3、资格复审(11月9日至11月23日期间):若对审核结果有异议,可在上述时间内提交资格复核申请。4、查询摇号结果(12月26日):12月26日10:00普通指标摇号,摇号结束后申请人可查询摇号结果。申请条件:1、本市户籍人员申请小客车配置指标需具备哪些条件?本人名下没有本市登记的小客车,本人名下没有应当报废而未办理注销登记的机动车,且持有公安交管部门核发的有效的机动车驾驶证。2、驻京部队现役军人和现役武警申请小客车配置指标需具备哪些条件?本人名下没有本市登记的小客车,本人名下没有应当报废而未办理注销登记的机动车,持有公安交管部门核发的有效的机动车驾驶证;且同时满足下列条件:持有有效的军(警)身份证件和在部队办理的北京市公安机关核发的居民身份证。
2023-07-24 02:11:511

ip default-network和ip route默认路由的区别

指定默认路由(last resort gateway)的指令供有3种,可以分成两类:1、ip default-gateway当路由器上的ip routing无效时,使用它指定默认路由,用于RXBoot模式(no ip routing)下安装IOS等。或者关闭ip routing 让路由器当主机用,此时需要配置默认网关2、ip default-network和ip route两者都用于ip routing有效的路由器上,区别主要在于路由协议是否传播这条路由信息。比如:IGRP无法识别0.0.0.0,因此传播默认路由时必须用ip default-network。当用ip default-network指令设定多条默认路由时,administrative distance最短的成为最终的默认路由;如果有复数条路由distance值相等,那么在路由表(show ip route)中靠上的成为默认路由。同时使用ip default-network和ip route双方设定默认路由时,如果ip default-network设定的网络是直连(静态、且已知)的,那么它就成为默认路由;如果ip default-network指定的网络是由交换路由信息得来的,则ip route指定的表项成为默认路由。最后,如果使用多条ip route指令,则流量会自动在多条链路上负载均衡。via 51cto@xiong2127
2023-07-24 02:11:501


你好,这个字的读音的有很多,夺duó抢,强取:抢夺。掠夺。巧取豪夺。强词夺理。 争先取到:夺得最后胜利。夺魁。夺冠(guàn )。冲开:夺门而出。 丧失,削除:剥夺。褫夺(剥夺)。夺志(改变志向或意愿)。 晃动:光彩夺目。 决定如何处理:请予裁夺。 漏掉(文字):第八行夺一字。朵duǒ植物的花或苞:花朵。朵儿。 量词,指花或成团的东西:三朵花。 动:朵颐(指动腮颊嚼东西吃的样子)。 姓。朶duǒ同“朵”。刴duò同“剁”。剁duǒ用刀向下砍:剁肉。剁饺子馅。咄duō〔咄咄〕表示惊怪,如“咄咄怪事。 陊duò古同“堕”:程巧致功,期不陁陊。陏duò瓜类植物的果实。饳duǒ〔馉饳〕见“馉”。哆duō〔哆嗦〕发抖,战栗,如“冷得打哆哆”(“嗦”读轻声)。哚duǒ〔吲哚〕见“吲”。垛duǒ,duǒ墙或某些建筑物突出的部分,有支撑或掩蔽作用:垛子。垛堞(城墙上凹凸状矮墙,即“女儿墙”)。城垛。 土筑的箭靶子:箭垛。射垛。中(zhòng )垛。垜duǒ同“垛”。尮duò跛。 脊背骨骼弯曲。挅duò同“挆”。挆duǒ度量。 摇动。我们生活中的常见字有多,朵,夺。它们有什么具体解释呢?首先多字的解释:1. 数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。  2. 数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。  3. 有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。  4. 过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~此一举。  5. 相差的程度大:好得~。  6. 表示惊异、赞叹:~好。  7. 表示某种程度:有~大劲儿使~大劲儿。 朵的解释有:〈名〉(象形。小篆字形,下面是“木”(树),上面象花实之类。本义:花朵。朶为朵的俗字)树木枝叶花实下垂貌。今指花朵,即植物的花或苞朶,树木花朶朶也。——《说文》又如:朵云(对他人书信的敬称);朵作千叶(花瓣极多)耳朵。如:朵子(首饰名)转指两旁。如:朵廊(大殿的左右走廊);朵殿(大殿的东西侧堂);朵楼(正楼两旁的楼)〈量〉花朵及花朵状物的计量单位千朵万朵压枝低。——唐·杜甫《江畔独步寻花》又如:一朵花;两朵云〈动〉我将观其往事之卒而朵焉。——《马王堆汉墓帛书》又如:朵颐(动腮颊,吃东西的样子)夺字这个字开头解释过了,就不做过多的解释了。如有不明白的可追问,满意请采纳。
2023-07-24 02:11:482


时尚主义的FED出自意大利制鞋大师之手笔FED品牌在简约的主题下设计易于搭配的流行女鞋。FASHION、EXCLUSIVE、DESIGN是FED的品牌灵魂。 时尚设计与精良材质相结合,在简约的风格中追求完美的品质,塑造表现自信、优雅的职场女性形象。
2023-07-24 02:11:433


问题一:多肉植物用英文怎么说吖 Succulent plants 问题二:多肉植物的专业英语,拉丁语 多肉植物基本知识 多肉植物(Succulent ,其中的词根出自拉丁语succos --- 汁, 液)范围涵盖60多科300多属 ,指那些进化出了特殊的贮水组织,拥有肥厚的叶片、或膨大的茎干,或硕大的块根的植物 问题三:多肉植物黄丽用英语怎么说 多肉植物黄丽 英文翻译 Succulents Huang Li 问题四:多肉陶瓷花盆用英语怎么说 Meaty ceramic flower pot. 问题五:这个多肉植物的英文和中文叫什么名字? 两个图都不是一个品种,上面草玉露【H. cymbiformis var. obtusa】,下面的是普通的姬玉露【H.obtusa var.pilifera】。后面的是拉丁文学名,一般不会用英文名。H.是Haworthia,十二卷属的属名;后面是种名,var.的意思是变种,var.后面是变种的名称。 问题六:多肉植物种植基地用英语怎么说 多肉植物种植基地 Succulent plants planting base 问题七:怎样用英文描述多肉植物 多肉植物 生词本 multicapacity process 网 络 Succulents; succulent plant; succulent; succulent plants 问题八:多肉怎么翻译为英语 curvy 曲线丰满 curvy 曲线丰满curvy 曲线丰满
2023-07-24 02:11:421