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mr.brown. isok,too同义句转换

2023-07-24 12:40:03


Mr. Brown is also OK .

Mr. Brown is fine ,too .


Mr Brown is my father的同义句

是I am the son of Mr Brown

Mr Green is from the USA.(同义句转换)

Mr Green comes from the USA.

Mr Green is from England.(同义句转换)

Mr Green comes from England

Mr Brown goes to work by train every week.(同义句转换)

Mr Brown takes the train to work every train= take the train


Mr. Brown is also OK .

Mr. Brown is fine ,too .



2023-07-24 12:10:391

mr brown是什么意思中文翻译

2023-07-24 12:10:553


2023-07-24 12:11:143


2023-07-24 12:11:312


2023-07-24 12:11:403

Mom,this is my teacher,Mr.Brown的中文意思是

2023-07-24 12:11:572


2023-07-24 12:12:201


What does Mr.Brown do?
2023-07-24 12:12:315


2023-07-24 12:12:474

Mr Brown ( ) a house if he had enough money.

2023-07-24 12:13:134

why do people call Mr Brown“.Mr Going-to-do”?

回答在此:Mr Brown usually says he is going to do something, but he never does it.因为Mr Brown从来都是说好了要去做什么事,但是从来都光说不做。Mr Going-To-Do  (原文在此)The Browns live next to the Smiths. Mr Brown"s name is John. But when everyone talks about him, they call him "Mr Going-To-Do". Do you know why? Mr Brown usually says he is going to do something, but he never does it. Every Saturday Mr Brown goes to the Smiths" back door and talks to Mr Smith. He usually says he is going to do something: "I"m going to clean my house today", "I"m going to wash my car tomorrow", or "These trees in front of my house are too big, I"m going to cut them down next week".Mr Smith usually says, "Are you, John?" He knows he is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, "Well, excuse me, John. I"m going to do some work in the house. " And so he does.Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick, "Are you going to do something? Then do it! Don"t be another "Mr Going-To-Do"! "
2023-07-24 12:13:201


Is this Mr Brown?
2023-07-24 12:13:288


Mr. Brown is my english teacher. He comes from America, who has taught english more than one year. He is thirty years old, tall and handsome. He enjoys playing basketball, climbing and swimming. His lesson is very lively and interesting . He always teaches us to sing english songs , and talks english stories to us. We all like him, because he is very kind and willing to help others . Now he has been our good friend.
2023-07-24 12:14:051

英语高手求指点!!谁对谁说英语翻译是什么,例如Mr Brown 对Mrs Brown说……

Mr Brown said to Mrs Brown:XXXX……
2023-07-24 12:14:225

翻译:Mr Brown花了长达三年的时间完成了这本书.

spent three years finishing this book
2023-07-24 12:14:396

英语阅读短文MrBrown and Mr Smith

Mr Brown and Mr Smith Mr Brown has a big apple tree in his garden with lots of fruit on it. His neighbour Mr Smith has an apple tree too. But there is not much fruit on it.Mr Brown is pointing to (指向) Mr Smith"s tree and laughing. “There aren"t many apples on your tree this year ” he says “I have a lot of fruit on my tree."But now the wind is blowing (刮风) . It is very strong. Mr Brown"s tree is falling down and the tree is lying on the ground. Mr Brown is very angry. But Mr Smith is laughing.“I don"t have much fruit on my tree ” he says “but it is still standing.”布朗先生和施密特先生。布朗先生在他的花园里种了一棵大大的苹果树。果树上有很多苹果果实。他的邻居,施密特先生也有一棵苹果树,可是在树上却没有太多的果实。布朗先生指着施密特先生的苹果树,哈哈大笑,说:“今年你的苹果树看来没有太多的果实啊”。“我的就有很多哦~”他继续说。风吹得很强劲,真的很强劲。布朗先生的苹果树倒下了,树木倒在地上。布朗先生很生气,可是施密特先生却笑着,说:“我的果树没有太多的果实,但是我的苹果树还是站着的(屹立不倒)。”
2023-07-24 12:15:001

goodmorning,Mr. brown! 是什么意思

2023-07-24 12:15:552

英语阅读题,急,Ⅰ:Read the passage and finish the exercises.Mr Brown?

1 Mr Black.friends. 2 Because Mr Brown often says he is going to do something but he never does it. 3 his friend isn" t going to do them. 4 Don"t be Mr Going-to-do like Mr Brown.,4,1、Mr Black"s. friends 2、Because Mr Brown often says he is going to do some thing,but he never doesit. 3、He konws that Mr Brown wouldn"t do it. 4、I am going to do---,0,英语阅读题,急, Ⅰ:Read the passage and finish the exercises. Mr Brown lives next to Mr Black.They are good firends.Mr Black and some other people often call Mr Brown"Mr Going-to-do".Do you know why?Because Mr Brown often says he is going to do some thing,but he never does it. Every Saturday,Mr Brown goes to take to Mr Black,“I‘m going to clean my car tomorrow.Also I"m going to do some cleaning in my house."Mr Black usually says,"Are you ,Mr Brown?"He knows his friend isn"t going to do them. Mr Brown often says to his son,Dick"__________" Mr Brown is _______ neighbour.They are good____. 2.Why do people call Mr Brown "Mr Going-to-do"? ____________________________________________ 3.When Mr Black says"Are you,Mr Brown?",he means________________________________. 4.What does Mr Black often say to his son?Guess and write it in your own words. Mr Black often says to his son,Dick,"____________________________"
2023-07-24 12:16:021

goodmorning Mr.Brown!nice tosee you. good

2023-07-24 12:16:113

mr brown comes

Mr.Brown comes home earlier than Mrs.Brown.(保持句意不变) Mrs.Brown comes home_later_ _than_Mr.Brown.
2023-07-24 12:16:251


Mr brown goes back(布朗先生回去了)变成否定句是:Mr brown does not go back.
2023-07-24 12:16:332


2023-07-24 12:16:501


2023-07-24 12:17:553


Dear Mr.Brown, I am so sorry about that I have to pick one of my old classmates up from railway station for interviewing. So, I possibly can"t join the British literature lecture which be hold on the Sunday morning. I have great interest in it and feel pity of losing this opportunity. Could you send me the Video tape or PPT for better learning if possible. Thank you very much. yours Li Hua.
2023-07-24 12:18:032

Mr Brown came to china last year and he soon ()()()()喜欢上 this great country

1.has been living这里是现在完成进行式,表示从某一时间点到另一时间点,并还在继续,这句话表示brown到中国后,就一直居住在北京,现在仍是这样2.had left过去完成式,这句话说的是在我到那的时候,他已经离开了,在我去之前,我去是过去式,那么他离开是过去的过去,就是过去完成式
2023-07-24 12:18:102

1.Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town

2023-07-24 12:18:171

One day Mr Brown sees................求全文!!!!!!!

One day Mr Brown sees a young woman in the street with some children. He is very surprised (惊讶)because all the children are wearing the same clothes, white caps, blue coats and yellow trousers. “Are all the children yours?” he asks the woman. “Yes, they are.” she answers. “Do you always dress them in the same clothes?” asks Mr Brown. “Yes,” answers the mother, “When we have four children, we dress them in the same clothes, because we don"t want to lose any of them. It"s easy to see our clildren among (在….当中) other children because they are all wearing the same clothes. And now we have ten, we dress them like this because we don"t want to take other clildren home by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them because their clothes are different.
2023-07-24 12:18:252


today sure size buys short hear这个不太确定,如果有更好的填原型就可以 medium busy walked part
2023-07-24 12:18:342

May I speak to Mr Brown是什么意思

May I speak to Mr Brown我找布朗(接电话) 【电话用语】双语对照例句:1.Can I speak to the chef? 我能和大厨谈谈吗?2.May I speak to john smith please. 请找约翰.史密斯听电话。
2023-07-24 12:18:421

Everyone in Mr Brown"s family is busy this weeken布朗先生家里的每个人都很忙,这个周末d.Mr Brown is going to theD.布朗先生要去Bank in the morning.Mrs Brown is going to buy some food.Their daughter Ann is going tofinish her homework.Ann"s brother Tom is going to play computer games.And then,thery"regoing to visit Ann and Tom"s grandparents in the afternoon.They"re going to go by subway bucause the Brown"s house is far from theirs.在上午的银行。布朗夫人要去买一些食物。他们的女儿安去完成她的作业。安的弟弟汤姆正在玩电脑游戏。然后,thery"regoing下午去探望安和汤姆的祖父母。他们要去坐地铁因为布朗的家远离他们的。1. Is everyone busy on the weekend? 2. What"s Mr Brown going to do?1。每个人都忙碌的周末?2。布朗先生打算做什么?3. Do Mr and Mrs Brown have two children? 4. Does Tom have a sister?3。做布朗夫妇有两个孩子?4。汤姆有一个妹妹?5. Are the children going to play in the morning? 6. How are they going to visit Ann"s grandparents?5。孩子们都要去玩吗?6。他们打算怎样去安的爷爷奶奶吗?
2023-07-24 12:18:491


Mr. Brown is our English teacher.He come from Holland.
2023-07-24 12:18:583

13. Mr. Brown learned____about Chinese history. A

答案: C用 a lot 去修饰动词, 如: Thanks a lot. / It rains a lot in summer.翻译:布朗先生学了很多关于中国的历史。*********************************************************祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!*********************************************************
2023-07-24 12:19:051

翻译 一句一句翻译!

jones先生和brown先生在同一个办公室工作,一天jones先生对brown先生说,星期一晚上我要在家里举行个小聚会,你和你的妻子愿意来参加吗?brown先生说,非常感谢,我愿意参加,但是先让我问问我的妻子,于是brown先生去了另一个房间给他妻子打电话,然后他回来,看起来非常的焦急,“怎么啦”jones先生问,“你的妻子在家吗?” "没" brown先生回答道,“她没在家,是我的小儿子接的电话,我对他说,你的妈妈在家吗?David”,他回答说“没,他没在房间里呢”“她在那里啊?”我问道,“他在外面呢”,“他正在做什么啊?”"他正在在找我"
2023-07-24 12:19:263

54. Mr. Brown wished he _____ longer this morning, but he had to get up early to attend a meeting.

2023-07-24 12:19:355

A Mr. Brown came to see you this morning.为什么用a Mr. Brown而不用the 啊

你看清楚A是不是选项符号,不然就是表示“有一个叫Mr. Brown 的人今早来找你”。
2023-07-24 12:19:502


brown sent us their company"s new production ,and want to how it is.hope you can offer some advice
2023-07-24 12:20:052

英语阅读改错题,如下: Dear Mr.Brown,

I am writing to you to thank you for your kind help. Before your coming to teach us, I was not interested in English. My pronunciation was terrible. I could only say a few words. But one and a half year later, I thought English was fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I will always remember what you have told us. You said,“If you try to,you can be No.1!”I hope you will have a pleasant journey home and will come to China again in the future. I will write to you again and will send you the photos we took together.
2023-07-24 12:20:152

I want to( have a speeh)with Mr Brown括号中可换talk with,talk to,talk about吗?说明各词区别及联

I want to talk to Mr Brown, 我想跟Brown说话,这个倾向于打电话的时候,或者通过别人找Brown的时候。I want to talk with Mr Brown, 这个比较正式,意思是我想和Brwon先生谈谈。I want to talk about Mr Brown, 我想聊聊Brwon先生,这里Brwon先生是谈话的主题
2023-07-24 12:20:382

mr.brown is fine句子正确吗

是正确的。Mr. Brow is fine.布朗先生很好。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-24 12:20:461


扮演该部新剧的主角艾柯(Echo)的是女演员艾丽莎·杜什库(Eliza Dushku)。“玩偶特工”艾柯是个非法的智能机器,但由于那些想借其强大能力逾越法律界限操纵世事的人极力卫护,而使得她幸存于世。“玩偶特工”会依照客户的要求执行各种任务,这些要求自然是法律能力所不能触及的。这部新剧首集是关于心理/惊悚类的情节的,而非乔斯·威登之前的作品,充满了枪战和打斗。在首播集里,观众会了解到“玩偶特工”艾柯究竟为何人,并在其执行任务中,共睹其惊人的身手。该集她所执行的任务是,解救一个被绑架的富翁之女。“玩偶特工”是在被输入了执行程序之后才具备行为能力,但是随着改进,“玩偶”便开始有了自主意识,这也为之后的故事做好了铺垫。 除了“玩偶特工”这一主要角色之外,剧中还有一些重要角色。如女演员奥利维亚·威廉姆斯(Olivia Williams)扮演冷酷的玩偶操纵者艾黛儿·德威特(Adelle DeWitt),弗兰·克兰兹(Fran Kranz)扮演一个没有道德原则的程序员托弗·布林克(Topher Brink),亨利·莱尼克斯(Henry Lennix)扮演一位前任警官,现为“玩偶”的驯化者的博伊德·兰顿(Boyd Langton)。此外,这部剧集也参杂了一些分支分故事线路,曾饰演《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(Battlestar Galactica)中西洛(Helo)的塔莫·潘尼凯(Tahmoh Penikett)在这部剧中扮演一位联邦调查局特工,他意外发现了“玩偶”,之后对“玩偶特工”艾柯产生了热切的迷恋,在今后的剧集里,将会解释个中缘由。 如果你喜欢《吸血鬼猎人巴菲 Buffy the Vampire Slayer》或者《天使 Angel》或者《宁静号 Firefly》,那么你一定不能错过这部由同一制作人Joss Whedon打造的新剧《玩偶特工 Dollhouse》。当然如果你是当红科幻剧集《太空堡垒卡拉狄加 Battlestar Galactica》的Fans,这部剧中也有Helo的扮演者Tahmoh Penikett。
2023-07-24 12:17:011


伦敦大桥跨下来 London Bridge Is Falling Down 不过动漫里是改了歌词的!
2023-07-24 12:17:023

ltps lcd和ips哪个屏幕好?

ltps lcd的屏幕更好一些。它是由TFT LCD衍生的新一代的技术产品。LTPS屏幕是通过对传统非晶硅(a-Si)TFT-LCD面板增加激光处理制程来制造的,元件数量可减少40%,而连接部分更可减少95%,极大的减少了产品出现故障的几率。这种屏幕在能耗及耐用性方面都有极大改善,水平和垂直可视角度都可达到170度,显示响应时间达12ms,显示亮度达到500尼特,对比度可达500:1。lcd构造是在两片平行的玻璃当中放置液态的晶体,两片玻璃中间有许多垂直和水平的细小电线,透过通电与否来控制杆状水晶分子改变方向,将光线折射出来产生画面。ltps指的并不是屏幕,而是液晶屏的一种工艺,是一种制作技术。LTPS是低温多晶硅技术的缩写,这个技术有效的提高屏幕可操作性,同时PPI可以达到500以上,主要运用在手机中。LTPS LCD的特性:LTPS-TFT LCD具有高分辨率、反应速度快、高亮度、高开口率等优点,加上由于LTPS-TFT LCD的硅结晶排列较a-Si有次序,使得电子移动率相对高100倍以上,可以将外围驱动电路同时制作在玻璃基板上,达到系统整合的目标、节省空间及驱动IC的成本。同时,由于驱动IC线路直接制作于面板上,可以减少组件的对外接点,增加可靠度、维护更简单、缩短组装制程时间及降低EMI特性,进而减少应用系统设计时程及扩大设计自由度。LTPS-TFT LCD最高技术是做到Systemon Panel,第1代LTPS-TFT LCD利用内建驱动电路和高性能画素晶体管而达到高分辨率和高亮度效果,已使得LTPS-TFT LCD和a-Si产生极大差别。以上内容参考:低温多晶硅
2023-07-24 12:17:031


2023-07-24 12:17:071


2023-07-24 12:17:085


2023-07-24 12:17:091


fairy这个英文单词的意思是:仙女、小仙子、小精灵、美丽的、可爱的、仙女似的。 相信不少人在观看英文动画片的时候,经常会看到fairy个英文单词,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们共同去了解这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 单词音标: 英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] 。 02 He truly is a hairy fairy godmother ! 他真是个多毛的仙女教母啊! Then the good fairy vanished . 然后,好心的仙女消失了。 03 (in stories) a creature like a small person, who has magic powers a good/wicked fairy (故事中的)小仙人,仙子,小精灵 04 see alsotooth fairy 善良的仙子;邪恶的精灵 The snail was the blue-haired fairy "s pet . 这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。 05 They thanked the fourth fairy for her gift . 他们感谢第四个仙女送上的礼物。 If you "re isabelle , you think about fairy dust . 如果你是伊莎贝尔,你会想到仙女魔法粉。
2023-07-24 12:16:571


2023-07-24 12:16:561


2023-07-24 12:16:562

"斯巴达" 什么意思?是动漫术语那边的“斯巴达”

2023-07-24 12:16:555

高中英语选修8 unit4的那课文讲的电影的名字叫啥

高中英语选修8是从unit22开始的 没有unit4
2023-07-24 12:16:552