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2023-07-25 09:31:29
TAG: fail ail fai fa






















选C 1.表示“失败”,通常是不及物动词.表示在某一方面失败,通常用介词 in.如: He failed in business.他经商失败. He failed in everything he tried.他想的一切办法都没成功. 2.表示“(考试)不及格”,fail 可用作及物或不及物动词(以及物动词为多见),所以以下各例中 fail 后的介词 in 均可以省略: He failed (in) his driving-test.他驾驶考试没及格. She failed (in) her exams again.她考试又没有及格. 有时表示“使某人不及格”(及物).如: The teacher failed half the class.老师让班上一半的学生未能及格. 3.其后可接不定式,意为“不能”“没有”“忘记”等.如: He failed to pass the exam.他考试没有及格. He failed to get there on time.他未能准时赶到那儿. 4.表示“不能成功地做某事”,有时可后接 in doing sth.比较: 他未能说服她. 正:He failed to persuade her. 正:He failed in persuading her.
2023-07-24 13:09:071


fail是个英文单词,作名词时意思是:不及格、人名、葡、捷、法伊尔、法伊。作为及物动词时意思是:不及格、使失望、忘记、舍弃。作不及物动词时意思是:不及格。 具体内容fail在作不能,不会,不成功解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。 fail在作亏损销蚀解时可用于进行体,此时多指人的体质。 fail是表示状态的及物动词,不能用于被动结构。 failabjectly惨败;failabsolutely绝对不足;failapparently明显地不足;failcompletely完全地失败。 Ifyoufailme,therewillbeconsequences.如果你让我不及格,会有严重后果。MyparentswillbedisappointedinmeifIfailintheexam.如果我考试不及格,我父母将为我感到失望。
2023-07-24 13:09:221


fail是个英文单词,作名词时意思是:不及格、人名、葡、捷、法伊尔、法伊。作为及物动词时意思是:不及格、使失望、忘记、舍弃。作不及物动词时意思是:不及格。 不少的小朋友英文作业中,老师的英文批改语句有时候会出现fail这个英文单词,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。 02 fail在作“亏损”“销蚀”解时可用于进行体,此时多指人的体质。 03 fail是表示状态的及物动词,不能用于被动结构。 04 fail abjectly 惨败; fail absolutely 绝对不足; fail apparently 明显地不足; fail completely 完全地失败。 05 If you fail me, there will be consequences. 如果你让我不及格,会有严重后果。 My parents will be disappointed in me if I fail in the exam. 如果我考试不及格,我父母将为我感到失望。
2023-07-24 13:09:311


不少的小朋友英文作业中,老师的英文批改语句有时候会出现fail这个英文单词,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 fail是个英文单词,作名词时意思是:不及格、人名、葡、捷、法伊尔、法伊。作为及物动词时意思是:不及格、使失望、忘记、舍弃。作不及物动词时意思是:不及格。 详细内容 fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。 fail在作“亏损”“销蚀”解时可用于进行体,此时多指人的体质。 fail是表示状态的及物动词,不能用于被动结构。 fail abjectly 惨败; fail absolutely 绝对不足; fail apparently 明显地不足; fail completely 完全地失败。 If you fail me, there will be consequences. 如果你让我不及格,会有严重后果。 My parents will be disappointed in me if I fail in the exam. 如果我考试不及格,我父母将为我感到失望。
2023-07-24 13:09:401


fail [feil]基本翻译n. 不及格vi. 失败,不及格;衰退;缺乏;破产vt. 不及格;忘记;使失望;舍弃网络释义fail:不及格|失败|不能fail to:未能|不能,记忆|没能做成fail in:在不足,疏忽|失败|在某方面失败
2023-07-24 13:09:512


2023-07-24 13:10:181


There are many fails in our life.
2023-07-24 13:10:497


fail用法如下:fail用作动词,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,表示失败,没做成某事,放弃等含义;用作名词表示不及格,没做成。fail用作动词1.fail的基本意思是“失败”,指在从事某项工作时未能达到预定的目的,常常强调做了,但是没有成功; 还可指由于某事未能在头脑里形成深刻的印象或其他原因而将某事“忘记”。fail引申可指“不足,短缺,缺乏”“衰退,衰弱”“破产”“辜负”等。2.fail可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。(1)用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。Words fail me right at the sight of this beautiful scenery.面对着如此美景,我找不到词语来表达我的心情了。You will fail French unless you work harder.你要是不再加把劲儿,法语考试就不及格了。(2)用作不及物动词He studied hard only to fail in the exam.他这么用功,结果竟然考场失利。The water supply failed during the drought.在干旱期供水不足3.fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。fail用作名词1.fail用作名词时的意思是“考试不及格”,指在考试中失利,从而没能通过考试。常以单数形式出现。2.fail常用于without fail句型,表示“一定,必定,肯定”。3.fail用作名词例句Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail.有些大学课程按及格或不及格打分。I had three passes and one fail.我考试三门及格,一门不及格。
2023-07-24 13:11:061

fail和failure ,fail词性也有名词。那两者有什么区别

2023-07-24 13:11:231


1、fail的使用与搭配: fail可以用作名词和动词,其基本意思是:“失败”,“未完成”,“评定失败”,“不及格”,“不及格”。2、“通过”,可以在后面加上一个“in”或者“不定式”,固定的搭配就是“没有完成”。“失败”,一般指不及物的动词。指在某一方面的错误,经常使用介词。比如:他的生意失败了。他所有的方法都失败了。
2023-07-24 13:11:521


fail的名词为:failure失败; 失败的人(或事物); 未做,未履行(应做之事);它本身也是名词译为失败,失误; 不及格; 不及格者; [商]期货交割失期。 扩展资料   fail的形容词:failed失败的; 不成功的;   fail没有副词形式。   fail的用法   1、fail用作名词时的意思是“考试不及格”,指在考试中失利,从而没能通过考试。常以单数形式出现。   2、fail常用于without fail句型,表示“一定,必定,肯定”。   3、fail的基本意思是“失败”,指在从事某项工作时未能达到预定的"目的,常常强调做了,但是没有成功; 还可指由于某事未能在头脑里形成深刻的印象或其他原因而将某事“忘记”。fail引申可指“不足,短缺,缺乏”“衰退,衰弱”“破产”“辜负”等。   4、fail可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。   5、fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。
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fail用作动词,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,表示失败,没做成某事,放弃等含义;用作名词表示不及格,没做成。 fail用作动词 1.fail的基本意思是“失败”,指在从事某项工作时未能达到预定的目的,常常强调做了,但是没有成功; 还可指由于某事未能在头脑里形成深刻的印象或其他原因而将某事“忘记”。fail引申可指“不足,短缺,缺乏”“衰退,衰弱”“破产”“辜负”等。 2.fail可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 (1)用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。 Words fail me right at the sight of this beautiful scenery. 面对着如此美景,我找不到词语来表达我的心情了。 You will fail French unless you work harder. 你要是不再加把劲儿,法语考试就不及格了。 (2)用作不及物动词 He studied hard only to fail in the exam. 他这么用功,结果竟然考场失利。 The water supply failed during the drought. 在干旱期供水不足 3.fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。 fail用作名词 1.fail用作名词时的意思是“考试不及格”,指在考试中失利,从而没能通过考试。常以单数形式出现。 2.fail常用于without fail句型,表示“一定,必定,肯定”。 3.fail用作名词例句 Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail. 有些大学课程按及格或不及格打分。 I had three passes and one fail. 我考试三门及格,一门不及格。
2023-07-24 13:12:061


fail的固定搭配如下:1、failure in,翻译为“……的失败”。例句:Failure in light of success is an opportunity to learn and grow.在成功的路上经历失败也是学习和成长的机会。2、success and failure,翻译为“成功与失败”。例句:That"s the thin line between success and failure.成功与失败,只有一线之悬。3、market failure,翻译为“市场失灵;市场失效”。例句:Of course there has been massive market failure.当然,市场已经失效了。4、power failure,翻译为“停电;电源故障”。例句:I don"t know when a light is on because the whole block is blacked out by a power failure.由于整个地区都停电了,我不知道这个灯什么时候会亮。5、system failure,翻译为“系统故障”。例句:For example,an administrative staff could handle an exception in a task(for example,invalid order,system failure).例如,管理员可能处理任务中的异常(例如,无效的命令、系统崩溃)。6、equipment failure,翻译为“设备故障”。例句:Equipment failure may take place either during processing or in processing.设备故障可发生在工件正在加工和加工前。无论是failure的用法,还是其它词汇的用法,我们不单单要掌握它的词性和含义,我们还应该掌握它的固定词组及其用法,这些对于高中生而言,都至关重要。
2023-07-24 13:12:141


fail [feu026al]n. 不及格v. 失败; 忘记; 不及格; 辜负, 不及格fail 同义词: decline fade flunk lose out neglect weaken反义词: succeed
2023-07-24 13:12:441


Fail是一个常见的英语单词,它的基本含义是失败的意思,可以表示某件事情或某个人没有达到预期的目标或结果。在英语中,“fail”的用法非常广泛,下面我们来详细看一下“fail”的用法及固定搭配。1、不及格/失败Fail的最基本意思是不及格/失败。比如在考试中没能通过,就可以说“I failed the test.”(我考试不及格了)。2、失败于某个方面Fail也可以表示某人或某件事在某个方面上没有取得成功。例如,如果某个项目由于某种原因而失败了,就可以说“The project failed in the implementation stage.”(这个项目在实现阶段失败了)。3、未能做到Fail还可以表示某人或某件事情未能做到或达成某个目标。例如,如果你的手机不能连接到互联网,你可以说“My phone failed to connect to the internet.”(我的手机无法连接到互联网)。4、不符合要求Fail还可以表示某个人或事物不符合要求。例如,如果一个产品不能达到客户要求的质量标准,就可以说“This product fails to meet the quality standards set by our customers.” (这个产品不能满足我们客户设置的质量标准)。5、挂掉(计算机)在计算机领域,“fail”的含义有所不同。当程序崩溃或服务器停止运行时,将出现“fail”的消息提示,通常可以表述为“system fail”或“server fail”等。6、固定搭配在英语中,“fail”还有一些常见的固定搭配,这些搭配经常被使用,也是学习英语过程中需要掌握的重要内容。以下是一些常用的固定搭配:fail to do something 未能做某事;fail in something 在某个领域失败。fail miserably惨败;fail badly表现不佳;fail a test不及格;fail to meet expectations未达到预期;fail to comply with道德、法律标准等未能达到;fail-safe绝对安全的;epic fail惨败。综上所述,“fail”这个单词的基本含义是不及格/失败,包括在某个方面上失败,在实现目标上失败以及未能满足需求等方面;在计算机领域中,fail表示系统崩溃或服务器停止运行等情况。此外,学习英语的人应该了解常用的固定搭配,这些搭配更生动地描绘了“fail”的意义和用法,增加了语言的表达力,有助于更流畅地与英语母语人士交流。
2023-07-24 13:14:351


fail的名词是failure; 它本身也是名词 n.失败,失误; 不及格; 不及格者; [商]期货交割失期;第三人称单数: fails现在分词: failing过去式: failed过去分词: failed 扩展资料   Several students failed to reach the required standard.   有几名学生没有达到规定的标准。   The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.   政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。   It soon became clear that the programme was a failure.   没多久便可清楚地看出,这个节目不受欢迎。   The word "failure" is not in his vocabulary.   在他的词典中没有“失败”这个词。
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2023-07-24 13:15:041


failed 英[feu026ald] 美[feld] adj. 失败了的,不成功的; v. 在…中失败( fail的过去式和过去分词 ); 衰退; 衰弱; 破产; [例句]He had three tries and failed each time.他试了三回,每回都失败了。
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2023-07-24 13:15:309


fail可以用作及物动词和不及物动词而且,意义也不同。fail用作不及物动词时后面不能跟宾语。比如 意思是“失败”。比如:He tried but failed.他努力尝试但失败了。 意思为“不及格”。比如:He failed in the English examination.他英语考试不及格。I got three passes and one fail.我考试三门及格,一门不及格。3.fail指“出故障,失灵;衰弱,衰退”。比如:Her energy failed after her illness.她病后精力衰退了。4. fail指“不足,缺乏”。比如:Our crops failed because there was no rain.因为没下雨,我们的庄稼欠收。5.fail用作及物动词时,可以表示“不,未能”。比如:She failed to understand its significance. 她没有懂得它的意思。6.fail表示“使失望”。比如:I thought we could rely on him for help, but he failed us.我想我们可以依赖他,但他让我们失望。要点:1.fail表示“不,未能”时后面常跟不定式。 He failed to satisfy his examiners.他使他的主考人失望。2.fail后跟in + 动词ing形式。He failed in reaching his aim. 他没有达到目的。3.fail表示“失败;未能(做到)”时,也常与in+sth连用。I failed in my attempt to persuade her.我未能说服她。4.fail后也可跟动词不定式。Her brother failed to get into art college last year. 去年她弟弟未能进入艺术学院。5.fail做“衰退”讲时,可以跟进行时态。Her eyesight is failing.她的视力日渐衰退。
2023-07-24 13:16:121

fail和fail in用法 什么时候加in什么时候不加in,

fail the exam 是考试不及格,fail in the exam 是在考试中失败,两者不一样 fail [feIl] vi,vt 失败;不及格 The teachers failed me on the written composition. 教师们评我的笔头作文不及格. He failed his English examination. 他的英语考试不及格. 不足;无法做到;(作物)歉收 Last year the crops failed. 去年农作物歉收. "They fail to recognize that our population is increasing faster than the supply of food,available resources and job opportunities." 他们没有认识到我们人口的增长超过了粮食的供给|资源的开发和就业的机会. 使失望;辜负 His courage failed him in the end. "到最后,他泄气了." We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us. 我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望. His friends failed him when he most needed them. 当他最需要朋友的时候,他们却令他失望. 衰退;衰弱 The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness. "风停了,海面上恢复了一片寂静." (事业)倒闭,破产
2023-07-24 13:16:191

征求好看 动画片

2023-07-24 13:13:237

iphone的Night shift有什么用?是不是晚上关灯玩手机会护眼?

2023-07-24 13:13:305


public boolean isFile()是一个公共函数。其参数路径名表示是一个文件,函数的作用是判断该文件是否是一个标准文件。如果这个文件路径中的文件是存在的而且是一个txt的标准文件,那么就应该返回true。根据返回为false的情况看,有以下几种可能: 1、因为是文件路径错误,不存在该文件路径。 2、不存在该txt文件,后缀名错误。建议:主要看看路径名是不是有问题。
2023-07-24 13:13:311


app store?app store是分区域的,和app id对应,用哪个区的id登录就进入哪个区的store。设置-itunes store和app store,点app id,选注销,然后用中国区id重新登录。。
2023-07-24 13:13:313


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2023-07-24 13:13:4215

奔驰s450l什么价格(奔驰s450l价格及图片 4matic)

一辆奔驰s450l多少钱?奔驰S系列有300350名流500600还有外国550。40的数字是GL450我不知道你问的是哪个。S400当前版本没有四轮驱动。超过100万s500两百万GL450大约15万元奔驰s450的落地价是多少?帮我算一下奔驰s450和迈巴赫s450的落地价差。谢谢大家!目前奔驰S450官方指导价120.18万元,目前优惠4万元,优惠116.18万元。落地必要费用:裸车116.18万元+保险13315元+购置税102814元+登船500元+车船使用税1800+交强险950=落地价约128.1279万元。迈巴赫450目前官方指导价为145.88万元。落地必要费用:裸车145.88万+商业保险16547元+购置税12.9097万+车船使用税1800元+交强险950 =落地价约160.7694万元。奔驰450多少钱?2020最新平行进口GLS450售价约130万。90 ~ 140瓦左右奔驰s450l是几缸?根据制造商的模型参数,进口奔驰S级S450L车型是8缸V型发动机。奔驰450多少钱?奔驰ML 450双模混合动力汽车这款漂亮的奔驰M级(L 450)搭载了宝马、通用和奔驰联合研发的双模混合动力传动系统。混合动力系统的最大功率为340马力,最大扭矩为354磅-英尺,油耗低于7.8升/100公里。在混合动力领域,汽车行业的鼻祖奔驰一向保守。不过,在对混合动力越来越重视的影响下,奔驰也将推出旗下的混合动力汽车——ML450 Hybrid。在欧洲,主要汽车制造商主要使用柴油技术作为解决燃料危机的方法,因此混合动力的研发落后于日本的丰田、本田和美国通用汽车。但是德国汽车的先进技术永远不会被怀疑,只要他们想,就能做出好的产品。奔驰ML450 Hybrid就是这样一款产品,它将冲击全球最经济的高端SUV市场,而竞争对手将是保时捷卡宴混动SUV。采用油电双模混合动力驱动,经济舒适。其混合动力系统最大功率输出为250kw(340hp),最大扭矩高达480Nm,动力性能无可挑剔。同时,ML450 Hybrid的百公里油耗将低于7.7L,二氧化碳排放仅为185g/km,在燃油经济性和环保性方面也表现突出。除了这款ML450 Hybrid车型之外,在本届法兰克福车展上,奔驰还将呈现为Smat elf车型开发的未来混合动力方案,或称“微型混合动力驱动”,将于今年10月投入使用。届时,采用该技术的Smart Fortwo车型二氧化碳排放将比cdi柴油车型(88g/km)低78g/km。价格在100万左右。百万购车补贴
2023-07-24 13:13:451

2023-07-24 13:13:541


2023-07-24 13:13:593

Club Med里的G. O.相当于其他度假村里的什么职位?相应的职称是什么?

Club Med里的G. O. 是指:Club Med亚布力,用百度搜索一下:亚布力孟哥,让他帮你忙。
2023-07-24 13:14:002

苹果night shift有什么用

Night Shift作用  iOS9.3版本中的Night Shift功能可以通过iOS设备的时钟和定位来判定当地日落的时间,从而让系统自动地将设备屏幕的色彩调校至较为暖和的状态,从而让眼睛更加舒服。当太阳再次升起的时候,屏幕就会自动调整至原来的标准设置。  研究表明,屏幕蓝光正是导致产生数码视觉疲劳的主要原因,而iOS9.3 Night Shift模式的工作原理是苹果会通过减弱通常被设备所忽略的蓝光光线,从而阻止蓝光对用户的生物钟造成影响,这从理论上来说可以帮助用户更好地入睡。iOS9.3 Night Shift有什么用?新功能作用详解控制中心中的Night Shift  简单来说,Night Shift功能就是可以让用户调整屏幕色温。长久以来,不少用户在买到iOS设备的时候都会第一时间检查设备的屏幕是否达到所谓的逗完美地,其中一个标准就是对于逗冷暖屏地(冷暖屏主要和屏幕色温有关)的评定。  需要注意的是,iOS9.3 Night Shift目前只支持64位处理器(A7或更新的处理器)的iOS设备,这意味着只有下列设备支持用户手动调整屏幕色温:
2023-07-24 13:14:031

「我的工作是我生活的中心」,以英文说应该是my life revolve around my wo

2023-07-24 13:14:073

Out Of This Club 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of This Club歌手:R. Kelly&The Pussycat Dolls&Polow Da Don专辑:Doll DominationPussycat Dolls - Out Of This Club (feat. R. Kelly Polow Da Don)R.O.B.....PussycatsI got some moneyI"m in a clubToss some moneyLike in a busBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with youBaby let me take you out of this clubI make your dreams come trueBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with youI smiled enoughI flirted enoughI posed enoughGot freaky enoughTook pictures enoughConversated enoughI sipped enoughGot down enoughI see a cute boy chilling in some jeans and T"sI think i like him and i just might leave this club with himAnd his swagger tight, i"m feeling the tattoos on himMake me wanna, wanna, wanna got with himIn the VIP like "Hey"Dissing with my girls like "Hey"Then i call him off to meet meI couldnt resist, so sexyDJ get on the micAnd make them ... from the front to the rearYall ain"t gotta go homebut you gotta get the hell up outta hereI drank enoughI danced enoughI partied enoughI sweated enoughI stuttered enoughI flossed enoughI snapped enoughTwo stepped enoughNow I want this awesome woman up in this clubAnd i like her and I wanna leave this club with herEver since the mama broke it down to the floorI say she ready she ready she ready to go, to goThen i got behind her like "hey"She pushed it on me like "hey"And she ain"t scared to get dirtyEven though she"s so purdyDJ get on the micAnd give us head from the front to the rearYall ain"t gotta go homeBut you gotta get the hell up outta hereIf you aint got no moneyTake your broke ass homeIf you aint got no moneyThen you be all alone{Rap}
2023-07-24 13:14:071


2023-07-24 13:14:081

2. smat, dog,is, your that (?)

Is that your smart dog
2023-07-24 13:13:152


2023-07-24 13:13:155

西门子plcs7-200 smat控制器怎么做电脑控制画面

控制画面 应该与你使用的 控制屏 有关系。应该使用 控制屏 对应的编辑软件。
2023-07-24 13:13:071

M U 是什么意思

M和U代表的是笔记本的bai处理器,M代表标压du版的处理器,U代表低压版的处理器。zhii5-2xxx代表i5二代,依次类推三代dao,四代,后面的三位数越大说明改进的更多。Intel笔记本CPU后缀含义:多达10种不同后缀:M的意思是Mobile,处理器是为笔记本设计的,功耗和发热量较低,适合笔记本使用。X表示 Extreme,表示性能最高的L表示Low voltage,指的是低电压版CPU,发热量跟标准版的相比大约只有一半。U表示Ultra Low Voltage,超低电压版CPU,发热量和功耗比L系列的还要低。Q表示Quad,强调这颗CPU是四核心的,而且标明Q的处理器只有笔记本系列的CPU,因为笔记本的处理器一般是双核的。扩展资料:英特尔旗下另外一款主打处理器为至强系列,两者区别如下:1、市场定位不一样,至强系列是服务器CPU,比酷睿系列拥有更为丰富的指令集,更为出色的性能和支持更多的并发连接数,特别是在需要多线程运行的场景中优势相比酷睿系列是很明显的(例如处理大量的数据交换,视频压制转码,处理网站大量的IIS连接请求)。这类CPU一般主频比较低,也无法超频,最多是有个睿频加速功能。这是因为服务器CPU一般都是需要长时间不关机全天候运行,所以功耗的控制必须要得当,而主频的高低是影响CPU功耗的一大因素。而且服务器CPU并无超频的需求,只需要变态的稳定。2、酷睿相对于至强来说,发热比较大,相对来说也没有至强系列稳定。低端的赛扬甚至连虚拟化技术也阉割掉了。相对于至强来说,酷睿系列CPU更为适用于用来玩游戏,市面上绝大部分游戏只会针对酷睿系列CPU优化游戏架构和性能而忽略了至强系列。
2023-07-24 13:13:053


2023-07-24 13:13:001


2023-07-24 13:12:5812


2023-07-24 13:12:571

求一首叫club DJ 叫的歌!

Akon Sorry, Blame It On Me Lyrics *** Complimentary Sorry, Blame It On Me Ringtone *** As life goes on I"m starting to learn more and more about responsibility And I realize that everything I do is affecting the people around me So I want to take this time out to apologize for things that I"ve done things that haven"t occurred yet and things that they don"t want to take responsibility for I"m sorry for the times that I left you home I was on the road and you were alone I"m sorry for the times that I had to move I"m sorry for the fact that I did not know That you were sitting home just wishing we Could go back to when it was just you and me I"m sorry for the times I would neglect I"m sorry for the times I disrespect I"m sorry for the wrong things that I"ve done I"m sorry I"m not always there for my sons I"m sorry for the fact that I"m not aware That you can"t sleep at night when I am not there Because I"m in the streets like everyday I"m sorry for the things that I did not say Like how you are the best thing in my world And how I"m so proud to call you my girl I understand that there"s some problems And I"m not too blind to know All the pain you kept inside you Even though you might not show If I can"t apologize for being wrong Then it"s just a shame on me I"ll be the reason for your pain And you can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me Said you can put the blame on me Said you can put the blame on me Said you can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me I"m sorry for the things that he put you through And all the times you didn"t know what to do I"m sorry that you had to go and sell those bags Just trying to stay busy until you heard from dad When you would rather be home with all your kids As one big family with love and bliss And even though pops treated us like kings He got a second wife and you didn"t agree He got up and left you there all alone I"m sorry that you had to do it on your own I"m sorry that I went and added to your grief I"m sorry that your son was once a thief [Sorry, Blame It On Me lyrics on] I"m sorry that I grew up way to fast I wish I would of listened and not be so bad I"m sorry that your life turned out this way I"m sorry that the feds came and took me away I understand that there"s some problems And I"m not too blind to know All the pain you kept inside you Even though you might not show If I can"t apologize for being wrong Then it"s just a shame on me I"ll be the reason for your pain And you can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me Said you can put the blame on me Said you can put the blame on me Said you can put the blame on me You can put the blame on me I"m sorry that it took so long to see But they were dead wrong trying to put it on me I"m sorry that it took so long to speak But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani I"m sorry for the hand that she was dealt And for the embarrassment that she felt She"s just a little young girl trying to have fun But daddy should of never let her out that young I"m sorry for Club Zen getting shut down I hope they manage better next time around How was I to know she was underage In a 21 and older club they say Why doesn"t anybody want to take blame Verizon backed out disgracing my name I"m just a singer trying to entertain Because I love my fans I"ll take that blame Even though the blame"s on you Even though the blame"s on you Even though the blame"s on you I"ll take that blame from you And you can put that blame on me And you can put that blame on me You can put that blame on me You can put that blame on me And you can put that blame on me And you can put that blame on me 是不是这个???????
2023-07-24 13:12:541

苹果的night shift 的明天前手动启用是什么意思

意思night shift明天前智能手动启用,不会自动启动。操作方法如下:1、首先打开苹果手机,然后在手机上找到并点击设置。2、然后在设置页面,找到并点问击显示与答亮度。3、然后在显示与亮度页面下,找到并点击NIGHT SHIFT选项。4、有一个明天前手动启用这一专栏。将明天前手动启用这一栏的键往右滑动开启。5、同属理,如果需要关闭这个功能,将明天前手动启用这一栏的键往左滑动关闭,就可以了。
2023-07-24 13:12:521


2023-07-24 13:12:521


false的名词是falseness。false翻译:adj.错误的;不正确的;不真实的;非天生的;人造的;假的;伪造的;表里不一的;不忠实的;adv.欺诈地;叛卖地;例句1.Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false.认为房屋市场很快就有好转的预测结果证明是错误的。2.His actions were based on a false assumption. 他的行为基于错误的设想。3.He used a false name to get the job. 他用假名得到了这份工作。4.She gave false information to the insurance company. 她向保险公司提供了不真实的资料。5.The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm. 消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。6.Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. 标出下列说法是对还是错。7.He conned his way into the job using false references. 他用假的推荐信骗取了那份工作。8.One false move and the bomb might blow up. 一步弄错,炸弹就可能会爆炸。9.Buying a cheap computer is a false economy. 买廉价计算机看似省钱,但其实并不划算。10.It"s a false economy to buy cheap clothes. 买便宜衣服实际上划不来。11.Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family. 电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。12.The figures clearly show that her claims are false. 这些数字清楚地表明,她的说法是错误的。
2023-07-24 13:12:511

Ma Baker (Club Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Ma Baker (Club Mix)歌手:boney M专辑:Barbra Streisand (Goes Club)ma baker词曲:boney M在这里,祝大家好人一生平安!She was the meanest catIn old Chicago townShe was the meanest catShe really mowed them downShe had no heart at allNo no no heart at allShe was the meanest catOh she was really toughShe left her husband flatHe wasn"t tough enoughShe took her boys along"cos they were mean and strongMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to dieThey left a trail of crimeAcross the U.S.A.And when one boy was killedShe really made them payShe had no heart at allNo no no heart at allMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to dieAnd then a man she likedshe thought she"d stay with himwhen he informed on themthey did away with himshe didn"t care at alljust didn"t care at all- Here is a special bulletin.- Don"t anybody move! The money or your lives!One day they robbed a bankit was their last foraythe cops appeared too soonthey couldn"t get awayand all the loot they hadit made them mighty madand so they shot it outMa Baker and her sonsthey didn"t want to hangthey died with blazing gunsand so the story endsof one who left no friendsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to dieMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she taught her four sonsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - to handle their gunsMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - she never could cryMa Ma Ma Ma - Ma Baker - but she knew how to die
2023-07-24 13:12:471

false的名词形式是哪个? 是falsity还是fault?

2023-07-24 13:12:451


2023-07-24 13:12:401