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apply和apply for的区别

2023-07-25 09:51:33

Apply To


apply for



apply to到底有没有申请的意思 如果有 与 apply for什么区别 求详细 求权威 拒绝百科、词典复制

apply to表示 适用于;应用于apply for表示申请,请求希望对你有帮助~·
2023-07-24 14:06:033

apply for造句

apply 不及物动词 apply for 申请 apply to 应用到 i want to apply for buying something more
2023-07-24 14:06:132

用apply for造句,带翻译

I want to apply for the job.
2023-07-24 14:06:232

apply for . sign in . enter for 的区别,能给几个实例吗

apply for 申请 请求得到He applied for a passport.他申请护照。I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship.我决定申请奖学金。sign in 通过签字(使)取得入场权 It is already five past eight but only ten office workers have signed in.已经八点五分了, 只有十个办公人员签到。Can you find someone to sign me in?你能找个人签字放我进去吗?enter for 报名参加 I shall enter for the singing competition.我将报名参加歌咏比赛。The teacher entered all his students for the examination.老师给所有的学生都报名参加考试。Are you going to enter yourself for the contest?你打算报名参加比赛吗?I want to enter my name for the high jump.我想报名参加跳高比赛。
2023-07-24 14:06:332

apply是作为申请是及物动词,为什么申请工作时apply for job不是apply job?

apply to sb/sth; apply for sthapply for + job/passport/grant等(工作、护照、拨款)apply to + company/university等(公司、大学)apply to加的是你申请的对象,比如你向谁申请。apply for后加的是你要申请要求得到的东西。望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-24 14:06:401

apply for a visa是什么意思?

2023-07-24 14:06:525

为什么填for? Applicants ( ) the job must be above the age of 21

for!适合之意! 动词apply对应的名词application申请,applicant申请人!for与apply 搭配,意为:申请什么工作或职位!其名词用法故也与for 搭配
2023-07-24 14:07:2112

claim,declare,apply for 表示“申请”时有什么区别么

说英语的国家喜欢用Claim,中国人喜欢用apply for。 做申请意思来讲两个都可以。 可是此处申请津贴用claim更好 。
2023-07-24 14:07:511


I am wondering if
2023-07-24 14:08:002

apply for become the class president语法有问题吗?

2023-07-24 14:08:496

apply for credit for previous studies 是什么意思啊???

2023-07-24 14:09:085


wait for 等待 what for 为什么
2023-07-24 14:09:253

applied for什么意思

applied for是申请的意思,它的原形是apply for,applied是它的过去分词形式,即applied的原形是:applyapply的意思是:(通常以书面形式)申请,请求;使用;应用;涂;敷;施;有关;勤奋工作;手压例如:A large number of people have applied for the job.许多人申请了这工作。She"d applied for 30 jobs at the last count.根据有关的最新消息她申请过30个职位。
2023-07-24 14:10:301


简答意思不同、发音不同。1、apply with的意思是通过……申请,apply for的意思是申请。2、apply with和apply for的发音不同,因为with和for的发音不同。
2023-07-24 14:11:061

apply for造句

apply for造句如下:1、Terry:OK. Would you like to apply for a gold or platinum card?泰瑞:好的。您想要申请金卡还是白金卡?2、I come here to apply for a manager.我是来应聘经理职务的。3、Use your peers" laziness to your advantage and apply for some free money!快点充分利用你同龄人的懒惰,申请一些无偿款项吧。4、At least I wouldn"t have to apply for planning permission to paint my house.至少现在我还不用去申请规划许可来粉刷我的房子。5、How long can I drive here before I have to apply for a NZ licence在我得到新西兰的驾照之前,我可以开多长时间的车?6、My purpose of coming here is to apply for a Personal Loan.我来此的目的就是想申请一笔私人贷款。7、I should like to apply for the position of Sales Director.我想申请销售部主任一职。8、How much does it cost if you apply for schools on Internet?在网上申请学校,大概要花多少钱?9、Be austria go to apply for membership of the common market?奥地利打算申请成为共同市场的一员吗?10、You have to apply for a passport in advance你必须提前申请护照。11、Hereby we apply for to establish a trade union特在此申请建立工会组织。12、To make or apply for an appeal.上诉,申诉进行或申请上诉13、Raoult"s law is only going to apply for the solvent.拉乌尔定律只对溶剂使用。14、You could apply for a Canadian visa with the letter of acceptance凭大学录取信你可以申请赴加拿大签证。15、Terry:OK Would you like to apply for a gold or platinum card泰瑞:好的。您想要申请金卡还是白金卡?
2023-07-24 14:11:151

apply for,ask for,apply for的中文

词典释义apply for申请ask for索要;求见举例:1.居住五年后可申请公民资格。You can apply for citizenship after five years" residency. 2.申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?What"s the form when you apply for a research grant? 3.今年的申请标准很低。The standard of this year"s applications is very low. 4.申请做教学工作的人数越来越少。The number of applicants for teaching posts has tapered off. 5.申请表应不迟于6月7日交回。The application form is returnable not later than 7th June.
2023-07-24 14:11:481


applyfor和on的区别1.apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请 apply for申请 apply to 适用.2.arrive on 到达 arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大地方);
2023-07-24 14:12:091

apply for 和 file for 的区别?

apply for: 申请eg.`How do I apply for this licence?" `You want inquiries." ‘怎样申请许可证?"‘你得到问讯处打听." The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order. 处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 而file for同样有申请的 意思 但主要意思倾向于参加竞选、申请政府工作eg.He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。 5. Don"t apply for that job: you"re in danger of overreaching yourself. 不要申请那份工作, 以免有不自量力之嫌.
2023-07-24 14:12:331

apply for being a volunteer这句话对吗(申请成为一名志愿者)

你好,谓语动词不能直接写在开头,你还要再加上主语,I apply for being a volunteer.这样子写句子就完整了,祝你生活愉快。
2023-07-24 14:12:571

apply for和 bid for,两个申请有什么区别?谢谢!

bid for: 是指竞价购买...apply for: 申请...(工作职位,入学资格等等,范围很广)
2023-07-24 14:13:082


2023-07-24 14:05:431


lovestoned - rising girl
2023-07-24 14:05:452


2023-07-24 14:05:501


World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport. The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.
2023-07-24 14:05:532

求down by the water的歌词,the decemberists唱的~

See this ancient riverbedSee where all our follies are ledDown by the water and down by the old main dragI was just some towhead teenFeeling around for fingers to get in betweenDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragSweet descend this rabble roundPretty little patter of a seaport townRolling down the water and rolling down the old main dragAll dolled up in gabardineThe last flashing lee to appear nineteenQueen of the water and queen of the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main drag
2023-07-24 14:05:562


  GTX是Nvidia家 Geforce 消费级显卡的前缀,HD开头的显卡是 AMD家 Radeon系列的前缀; HD开头的还有Intel家的集成显示核心 从sandy bridge时代开始就用HD 开头的核心显卡。x0dx0a  GTX: 一般可以理解为GT eXtreme,代表了极端、极致的意思,用于nVIDIA最高级别的型号。通常是用于高端系列的产品命名。x0dx0aGTS: 超级加强版 “Giga-Texel Shader”的缩写,千万像素的意思,也就是每秒的像素填充率达到千万以上 。GTS最早出现在Geforce2产品中,代表当时的最高端的Geforce2。而后来一般用于表示GTX的缩减版,级别在GTX之后。如GTS450x0dx0aGT: 频率提升版本"GeForce Technoloty"的缩写,级别低于GTS,也是广为用户群体所接受的产品型号之一,主打中端——中高端的消费市场。x0dx0aGS/GSO:GS/GSO一般用于命名nVIDIA的主打产品——中低端产品,一般可以看作是GT的缩减版,级别低于GT。值得注意的是,采用GS命名的显卡,其核心架构可以和GT一样,只是在运行频率上落后于GT,但也可以是在核心架构上直接缩减,这在5字头 6字头这些新显卡中已见不到x0dx0aLE:"Limit Edition"的缩写,表示限制版本,代表某一产品系列中的低端产品,主要是频率与标准版本相比有一定的下降。这也是新一代显卡中不用的后缀了。x0dx0a  HD开头的显卡是 AMD家 Radeon系列的前缀。所有的显卡名字目前都有个HD。x0dx0a我想当初是因为对高清播放的非常好的优化而起的名字。因为在最开始的时候 播放高清电影方面 比Nvidia家显卡强得多。NVIDIA家的显卡根本就不怎么支持高清播放 连内置的HDMI声音都没有。x0dx0aIntel家的集成显示核心 从sandy bridge时代开始就用HD 开头的核心显卡x0dx0a从最开始的 HD graphic (sandy bridge)也就是常说的 HD 1000 历经 HD2000 HD3000 HD2500 HD4000
2023-07-24 14:05:591


2023-07-24 14:06:013


Zheng Jie (born 5 July 1983) is a Chinese professional female tennis player. She was born in Chengdu, Sichuan province. She made her WTA rankings debut in 2000. She turned professional in 2003 and ended the year for the first time in the top 100[1]. As of 9 March 2009, she is ranked world number 17, making her China"s and Asia"s highest-ranked women"s singles player ahead of Ai Sugiyama of Japan, who is ranked 25.[1]At Wimbledon in 2008, Zheng gained recognition when she became the first Chinese player ever to reach the semifinals of a Grand Slam singles tournament, defeating World No. 1 Ana Ivanoviu0107 en route.[2] She donated her winnings to the victims of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in her native province. She has won three career WTA singles titles: Hobart in 2005, Estoril, Portugal and Stockholm in 2006. She has also won eleven WTA doubles titles, all with Yan Zi, including Grand Slam tournaments Australian Open and Wimbledon in 2006. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Zheng Jie and her partner Yan Zi won the bronze medal in women"s tennis doubles, the second time that China has won an Olympics tennis medal.2009Seeded 4th at the Moorilla Hobart International, Zheng defeated Marina Erakovic 6-1 4-6 6-1 in the first round. However, she was defeated by Gielsa Dulko 6-3 6-3 in the second round, after which all of the tournament seeds were eliminated.In January at the Australian Open, Zheng was seeded 22nd in women"s singles. She defeated unseeded Camille Pin of France 6-3, 6-3 in the first round, unseeded Melinda Czink of Hungary 7-6 (7-0), 5-7, 6-3 in the second round, and unseeded Kateryna Bondarenko of Ukraine 6-2, 6-2 in the third round. The next day, she and her partner Yan Zi were eliminated from the doubles competition in the third round, with a 7-5, 6-4 loss to Nuria Llagostera Vives and Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez. In her women"s singles fourth round match against 8th seed Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia, Zheng trailed 1-4 in the opening set, but was forced to retire with a left wrist injury after hitting the court while reaching for a ball. This was the furthest that Zheng progressed at women"s singles at this tournament in her career.Zheng was forced to withdraw from China"s first round Fed Cup tie with Russia due to the aforementioned injury. The team was also without a replacement for the Zheng, and this meant China"s campaign was to be led by Yan Zi, the-then World No. 119. China ended up losing to Russia, the defending champions, 5-0.Zheng returned to action at the Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships, crushing qualifier Anastasia Rodionova 6-1, 6-1. She reached the third round after defeating Samantha Stosur 3-6 7-5 7-5, where she lost to World No. 1 Serena Williams, 6-4 6-2. She and her partner, Yan Zi, lost in the first round in doubles to the Bondarenko sisters.Seeded 4th at the 2009 Monterrey Open, she beat wildcard Urszula Radwańska of Poland 6-3, 6-3 in just over an hour in the first round. She then defeated unseeded Hungarian Melinda Czink 6-3, 6-4 to advance to the quarterfinals, where she faced seventh seed Gisela Dulko of Argentina. She easily beat her 6-3, 6-2. In the semifinals, she then lost to second seed Marion Bartoli with the score of 7-5, 6-3, despite serving for the first set at 5-4, because of her strong performance in the tournament she rose up to world no. 17, her highest so far in the tour.Seeded 15th at the BNP Paribas Open and receiving a bye in the first round, she lost to unseeded Vera Dushevina of Russia in the second round 6-2, 6-2.郑洁 (生于1983年7月5日)是中国专业的女网球选手。 She was born in Chengdu , Sichuan province.她出生在成都 , 四川全省。 She made her WTA rankings debut in 2000.她使她WTA的排名在2000年首次亮相。 She turned professional in 2003 and ended the year for the first time in the top 100 [1] .她在2003年转为职业,并结束了今年第一次在排名前100位[ 1 ] 。 As of 9 March 2009, she is ranked world number 17, making her China"s and Asia"s highest-ranked women"s singles player ahead of Ai Sugiyama of Japan, who is ranked 25. [ 1 ]截至2009年3月9日,她是世界排名第17位,使她我国和亚洲排名最高的女单选手提前杉山爱日本,谁的排名25 。 [ 1 ] At Wimbledon in 2008, Zheng gained recognition when she became the first Chinese player ever to reach the semifinals of a Grand Slam singles tournament, defeating World No. 1 Ana Ivanoviu0107 en route. [ 2 ] She donated her winnings to the victims of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in her native province.在温网在2008年,郑获得了承认,她成为第一个中国选手晋级四强的大满贯单打冠军,击败了世界排名第一的伊万诺维奇的途中。 [ 2 ]她她的奖金捐赠给受害者的2008年四川地震在她的祖国省。 She has won three career WTA singles titles: Hobart in 2005, Estoril, Portugal and Stockholm in 2006.她已经赢得了三个WTA的职业生涯单打冠军: 荷伯特在2005年, Estoril ,葡萄牙和斯德哥尔摩在2006年。 She has also won eleven WTA doubles titles, all with Yan Zi , including Grand Slam tournaments Australian Open and Wimbledon in 2006.她还获得11 WTA的双打冠军,所有的阎资 ,其中包括大满贯赛事澳大利亚网球公开赛和温布尔登在2006年。 At the 2008 Beijing Olympics , Zheng Jie and her partner Yan Zi won the bronze medal in women"s tennis doubles, the second time that China has won an Olympics tennis medal.在2008年北京奥运会 ,郑洁和她的伙伴闫资获得铜牌的女子网球双打,第二次中赢得奥运会网球金牌。[ edit ] 2009 [ 编辑 ] 2009年 Seeded 4th at the Moorilla Hobart International , Zheng defeated Marina Erakovic 6-1 4-6 6-1 in the first round. 4号种子在Moorilla霍巴特国际 ,郑击败滨海Erakovic 6-1 4-6 6-1在第一轮。 However, she was defeated by Gielsa Dulko 6-3 6-3 in the second round, after which all of the tournament seeds were eliminated.然而,她输给了Gielsa杜尔科以6-3 6-3击败在第二轮后,所有的比赛被淘汰的种子。 In January at the Australian Open, Zheng was seeded 22nd in women"s singles.今年1月在澳大利亚网球公开赛,郑和是22号种子在女子单打。 She defeated unseeded Camille Pin of France 6-3, 6-3 in the first round, unseeded Melinda Czink of Hungary 7-6 (7-0), 5-7, 6-3 in the second round, and unseeded Kateryna Bondarenko of Ukraine 6-2, 6-2 in the third round.她战胜非种子选手卡米耶品的法国6月3日, 6月3日在第一轮,种子选手梅林达Czink匈牙利以7-6 ( 7-0 ) , 5月7日, 6月3日第二轮比赛中,与非种子选手Kateryna邦达连科的乌克兰6月2日, 6月2日在第三轮。 The next day, she and her partner Yan Zi were eliminated from the doubles competition in the third round, with a 7-5, 6-4 loss to Nuria Llagostera Vives and Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez .第二天,她和她的合伙人阎兹被淘汰的双打比赛的第三轮比赛中,以7-5 6-4输给努里亚Llagostera韦斯和玛丽亚何塞马丁桑切斯 。 In her women"s singles fourth round match against 8th seed Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia, Zheng trailed 1-4 in the opening set, but was forced to retire with a left wrist injury after hitting the court while reaching for a ball.在她的女子单打第四轮比赛8号种子库兹涅佐娃 ,俄罗斯正落后1月4日在首盘,但就被迫退役,与左手腕受伤,一度触及法院而达成的一个球。 This was the furthest that Zheng progressed at women"s singles at this tournament in her career.这是最远的进展郑在女子单打在本次比赛在她的职业生涯。 Zheng was forced to withdraw from China"s first round Fed Cup tie with Russia due to the aforementioned injury.郑被迫撤出中国的联合会杯第一轮比赛,俄罗斯由于上述损伤。 The team was also without a replacement for the Zheng, and this meant China"s campaign was to be led by Yan Zi , the-then World No. 119.该小组还没有更换为正,这意味着中国的运动是由颜姿 ,是当时世界排名第119 。 China ended up losing to Russia, the defending champions, 5-0.中国最终输给了俄罗斯,卫冕冠军, 5:0 。 Zheng returned to action at the Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships , crushing qualifier Anastasia Rodionova 6-1, 6-1.郑返回行动在巴克莱迪拜网球锦标赛 ,粉碎预选赛米斯基娜诺娃 6月1日, 6月1日。 She reached the third round after defeating Samantha Stosur 3-6 7-5 7-5, where she lost to World No. 1 Serena Williams , 6-4 6-2.她达到了第三轮击败萨曼莎斯托瑟 3-6 7-5 7-5 ,在那里她输给了世界排名第一的小威廉姆斯 , 6-4 6-2 。 She and her partner, Yan Zi , lost in the first round in doubles to the Bondarenko sisters.她和她的伙伴, 晏资 ,失去了在第一轮双打的邦达连科姐妹。 Seeded 4th at the 2009 Monterrey Open , she beat wildcard Urszula Radwańska of Poland 6-3, 6-3 in just over an hour in the first round. 4号种子在2009年蒙特雷公开赛 ,她击败通配符Urszula Radwańska波兰6月3日, 6月3日在短短一个多小时的第一轮。 She then defeated unseeded Hungarian Melinda Czink 6-3, 6-4 to advance to the quarterfinals, where she faced seventh seed Gisela Dulko of Argentina.然后,她战胜非种子选手匈牙利梅林达Czink 6-3 6-4晋级四分之一决赛,她在那里面临的7号种子杜尔科阿根廷。 She easily beat her 6-3, 6-2.她以6-3轻松战胜她, 6月2日。 In the semifinals, she then lost to second seed Marion Bartoli with the score of 7-5, 6-3, despite serving for the first set at 5-4, because of her strong performance in the tournament she rose up to world no.在半决赛中,然后,她输给了2号种子巴托丽的评分的7月5日, 6月3日,尽管服务的第一批在5月4日,因为她出色的表现的比赛,她奋起世界。 17, her highest so far in the tour. 17日,她的最高迄今在巡回赛。 Seeded 15th at the BNP Paribas Open and receiving a bye in the first round, she lost to unseeded Vera Dushevina of Russia in the second round 6-2, 6-2.种子15日在法国巴黎公开赛和接收轮空在第一轮,她输给了非种子选手薇拉杜舍维娜 ,俄罗斯在第二轮比赛中以6-2 , 6-2 。
2023-07-24 14:06:021

Down By The Water 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The Water歌手:The Decemberists专辑:We All Raise Our Voices to the Air (Live Songs 04.11-08.11)The Decemberists - Down By The WaterSee this ancient riverbedSee where all my folly"s ledDown by the water and down by the old main dragI was just some tow-head teenFeeling "round for fingers to get in betweenDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragSweet descend this rabble "roundThe pretty little patter of a seaport townRolling in the water and rolling down the old main dragAll dolled up in gabardineThe lash-flashing Leda of pier nineteenQueen of the water and queen of the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main drag
2023-07-24 14:06:031


2023-07-24 14:06:061


2023-07-24 14:06:078


2023-07-24 14:06:116

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Pulp专辑:Countdown 1992-1983Neil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:06:131


GTX和GT显卡的区别:1.两者在类型上不同:GT实际上是增强或者快速的缩写,这个名词以前用在汽车型号上,像有些跑车上就有GT的代号;而为了和中、低端相区别,在GT前面又加了一个X,表示这是中端或者中高端的代名词。2.两者在功能上不同:GT 型号, 代表“次高端”产品,意为 Graphics Processor protoType ,图形处理器原型,在完整版芯片的基础上为提高晶圆切割良品利用率小幅阉割而来的GPU。GTX 型号为“最高端”产品,意为 Graphics Processor protoType eXtreme ,Extreme一词意为极致,因此芯片的所有计算单元都被提升至极限。3.两者在性能上不同:X指的是Extreme,Gtx是Nvidia同系列显示芯片中最高端的型号。因此GTX的性能与GT相比较而言GTX的性能更好,优势更为突出,GTX是作为中高端的显卡。扩展资料:目前桌面显卡由“数字+字母”组成,其中前面的数字分为GTX和GT两种;GTX代表中高端显卡而GT则代表入门级显卡;后面的数字为3位数,其中百位代表着代数,十位代表级别,个位一般为0,也有可能是5。另外,数字的后面有可能会有“Ti”,“Ti”一般指性能加强版的显卡,“Ti”符号常见于中端显卡和顶级旗舰。举例来说,“GTX 750Ti”就代表GTX 700系列的中端显卡,性能强于GTX 750,但弱于GTX 760。参考资料:GTX-百度百科参考资料:GT-百度百科
2023-07-24 14:06:151

美国 fad 是什么意思

2023-07-24 14:06:161


2023-07-24 14:05:421


2023-07-24 14:05:416

let me down slowly是什么歌

我最喜欢的是蔡健雅的被驯服的象我最喜欢的一手歌应该就是现在抖音很火的《酒醉的蝴蝶》朋友们你是不是也爱听呢?可以一起分享呀!展开全部Let Me Down Slowly是由创作型歌手亚历克·本杰明录唱的一首流行歌曲,单曲于2018年5月25日通过华纳音乐集团发行附上mv歌词:I was once a man with dignity and grace我也曾是有尊严的男人Now I"m slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace如今却陷足于你那已出现裂纹的冷漠怀抱中So please, please我请求你Could you find a way to let me down slowly?能不能不让我失望地如此彻底A little sympathy, I hope you can show me我想得到你的安慰,那怕只有一点点If you wanna go then I"ll be so lonely你的离开会让我陷入孤独If you"re leaving baby let me down slowly宝贝如果你要离去,能不能不让我失望地如此彻底Let me down, down我已沉迷于你无法自拔Let me down, down如今你就这样离我而去Let me down, let me down可不可以Down, let me down, down可不可以再给我一点时间Let me down我无法接受这失望的深渊If you wanna go then I"ll be so lonely你的离开使我孤独一人If you"re leaving baby let me down slowly我不愿如此失望Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile我如行尸走肉般在这冰冷的瓷砖上前行As I"m walking down the corridor我已到了走廊尽头And I know we haven"t talked in a while我知道我们交谈寥寥So I"m looking for an open door所以我正在寻找走向你的入口Don"t cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste不要让我支离破碎,不要把我丢在原地,不要留我独自一人I was once a man以下为翻唱版本
2023-07-24 14:05:381

Mac Miller的Talk About 的歌词

Mac Miller u2013 Talk About Lyrics[Chorus]What type of music should I make? It generates love and it generates hateWhat kind of topics should I stress? I can talk about the money and the girls and the sex.Talk about life or talk about death. Living care free or I can talk about stressWhat kind of picture should I paint? What kind of music should I make?[Verse 1: Mac Miller]So many things to say not a lot of times that I can say emu2019I can talk about the fact that Iu2019m a rapping caucasian.Talk about going to school and getting bad grades.Talk about breaking the rules and having bad days.I could talk about girl problems.I could talk about hoes from the ugly to the hot ones.Or I could talk abut this dream I have.Or I could talk about my homies when I seem emu2019 last.Say Iu2019m the illest on the mic, how I kill it when I write.Or how the lights when they film it so bright.I could talk about the fame and the hoes.Or all the name brands on my clothes.Talk about the highs, talk about the lows.Talk about the highs that you get when you smoke.I talk about a lot of shit when I write.. because itu2019s part of my life.[Chorus]What type of music should I make? It generates love and it generates hateWhat kind of topics should I stress? I can talk about the money and the girls and the sex.Talk about life or talk about death. Living care free or I can talk about stressWhat kind of picture should I paint? What kind of music should I make?[Verse 2: Mac Miller]I could talk about the parties that I go to.Talk about how itu2019s so different from the old school.I could talk about the pop and the whack rap.Or I could talk about some ounces in a backpack.Talk about a fitted, talk about a snap back.Something simple, or something real abstract.About the war, talk about politics.Or I could tell you how full my Louis wallet is.I could talk about a few religions.Or how to turn a Jew into a Christian.I could talk about the shit that make you cry.Or I could make it all up and just talk about lies.[Chorus]What type of music should I make? It generates love and it generates hateWhat kind of topics should I stress? I can talk about the money and the girls and the sex.Talk about life or talk about death. Living care free or I can talk about stressWhat kind of picture should I paint? What kind of music should I make?
2023-07-24 14:05:371


2023-07-24 14:05:361

请问, binary tournament, n-size tournament and linear ranking.的汉语意思是什么

二进位的巡回赛, n-大小的巡回赛和线的排名
2023-07-24 14:05:342

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Massive Hits!: AlternativeDragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:05:301


gtx的意思是GTX是英伟达公司的高端显示芯片(GPU)的命名前缀,显卡厂家使用英伟达公司的GPU制作的显卡会标识使用的GPU,所以会看到GTX标识。gtx是指高端显卡的意思,它是由nvidia公司推出的最高端显卡所用的代号,全称为GT extreme,翻译过来就是最强的一个版本,并且沿用至今,最早的gtx显卡是295、280等等,而现在最新的是3080等等,并且还在不断的变化。显卡中gtx和rtx是两个比较常见的类型,两者存在架构、特点、标识上的不同,但现在主流的则是前者。gtx和rtx显卡的区别1、架构不同gtx显卡使用的是帕斯卡架构,而rtx使用的是nvdia架构,也叫作图灵架构,也是较为强悍的一种。2、显存不同gtx使用的是gddr5x显存,而rtx使用的是gddr6的显存,后者要更先进一点。
2023-07-24 14:05:301

call it out的歌词

I hear you talking bout the nothing that you heard from your friendsYour living in a game of telephone until endSuspicious awful business that you think Im inLost in another life that wasnt yours to beginYou talk, you lie, the brunos that you flyCan never be a thorn in the side,You gossip, you mock it, you think Im in your pocketIm never payin you know whyWhy dont you call it out if you really mean it,(Call it out, call it out)Youre never gona see things the way I see it(Call it out, call it)Say it to my face still you cant break what Im all aboutSo call it out, call it outI know you are so curious about my businessInstead Im running yours girl just worry bout thisI never know if I can find in your headJust what you think is true is just so very realYou talk, you lie, the brunos that you flyCan never be a thorn in the side,You gossip, you mock it, you think Im in your pocketIm never payin you know myWhy dont you call it out if you really mean it,(Call it out, call it out)Youre never gona see things the way I see it(Call it out, call it)Say it to my face still you cant break what Im all aboutSo call it out, call it out
2023-07-24 14:05:291


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 用英语表格的形式介绍一下世界杯的举办国,冠亚军及金靴得主。 解析: World Cup (soccer), o international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international petition in the sport. The men"s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to bee one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women"s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women"s sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.The FIFA World Cup (often called Football World Cup, The World Cup, or simply World Cup) is the most important petition in international football (soccer), and the world"s most repreteam sport event. Organised by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport"s governing body, the World Cup is contested by men"s national football teams which are FIFA members. The World Cup is held every four years, but the qualifying rounds of the petition take place over a three-year period, using regional qualifying tournaments. 197 national teams entered the qualification tournaments for the 2006 World Cup. The final tournament phase involves 32 national teams peting over a four-week period in a previously nominated host nation. The World Cup final petition (often called the "Finals"), which has been held every four years since 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was cancelled due to World War II, is the most widely-viewed and followed sporting event in the world. It has a global audience of more than 3 billion people (half the world"s population) exceeding even the Olympic Games. Only seven nations have won the World Cup. Brazil is the most successful World Cup team, having won the tournament five times. Germany and Italy follow with three titles each. Argentina and Uruguay have o titles each. Finally, France and England have one title each. The next football World Cup will be held in Germany beeen June 9 and July 9, 2006.
2023-07-24 14:05:261


2023-07-24 14:05:261


2023-07-24 14:05:241


  工业吸尘器是一种经常运用在工业上面的保洁设备,一般运用在纺织行业和化工行业的情况比较多。工业吸尘器可以吸收粉尘、碎屑保持工作环境的洁净度,保证员工的健康。今天小编要带大家了解的是汇乐工业吸尘器。    汇乐工业吸尘器的优势有哪些  经典结构,坚固耐用  汇乐工业吸尘器采用经典的电机后置式设计,电机置于封闭的电机箱体内,安全可靠,降噪性好。  主体钣金采用2.0mm厚SPCC材质,静电喷涂,高温烘烤。  收集桶采用足1.2mm厚304不锈钢材质,美观耐用,耐腐蚀性强,5年内非人为损坏免费更换。  涡轮电机,连续工作  汇乐工业吸尘器用了国际先进的精铸铝合金技术,采用宽压双频,保护等级IP55,绝缘等级F,可24小时连续工作,吸力强劲。  内置旋风分离器,为过滤器“减负”  汇乐工业吸尘器集尘上桶内部设置旋风分离器,灰尘从吸尘口进入经过旋风分离器,首先将大颗粒粉尘过滤,可以为后置的滤筒式过滤器减轻负担。    HEPA级过滤,拒绝“透尘”  汇乐工业吸尘器采用日本进口东丽‘TORAY"聚酯纤维滤纸基材,表面进行PTFE覆膜处理,过滤精度对0.3μm粒径大小的粉尘过滤精度达99%以上,而且PTFE覆膜后表面光滑,粉尘及少量水分不易吸附。  全自动脉冲反吹清灰系统,效果最佳  汇乐工业吸尘器采用全自动气动脉冲反吹清灰系统,通过将压缩空气瞬间释放击打滤筒内部,进而是粘附在滤筒外壁上的粉尘脱落,此方法是目前为止最佳的滤筒清灰方法。  简洁操作界面,高品质电控元件  汇乐工业吸尘器具有简单美观的操作界面,除启动停止按钮外还设置电源指示和运行指示灯,而且电路设计有断相和缺相保护功能。电控元件包括交流接触器、热过载继电器、启动停止开关等都使用国际著名的施耐德品牌,品质保证    日常对工业吸尘器应该经常性的进行清洗,尤其是吸尘器的过滤网和布袋这两个地方。如果长期不进行清洗的话,会导致过滤网堵塞,造成吸尘器吸力降低的情况。在清洗完成之后,要将其放置在阴凉干燥处进行晾干。土巴兔在线免费为大家提供“各家装修报价、1-4家本地装修公司、3套装修设计方案”,还有装修避坑攻略!点击此链接:【】,就能免费领取哦~
2023-07-24 14:05:231


2023-07-24 14:05:221

one direction的Drag me down真的上太空了吗?

2023-07-24 14:05:221