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过去式疑问句。什麼时候用Did 和was/were

2023-07-25 12:18:20

原形 过去式

abide abode,

abided abode,

alight alighted,

arise arose

awake awoke

be was, were been

bear bore borne, born

beat beat beaten

become became become

befall befell befallen

beget begot begotten, begot

begin began begun

behold beheld beheld

bend bent bent

bereave bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft

beseech besought, beseeched besought, beseeched

beset beset beset

bespeak bespoke bespoken, bespoke

bespread bespread bespread

bestrew bestrewed bestrewed, bestrewn

bestride bestrode bestridden, bestrid, bestrode

bet bet, betted bet, betted

betake betook betaken

bethink bethought bethought

bid bade, bid bidden, bid

bide bode, bided bided

bind bound bound

bite bit bitten, bit

bleed bled bled

blend blended, blent blended, blent

bless blessed, blest blessed, blest

blow blew blown

break broke broken

breed bred bred

bring brought brought

broadcast broadcast, broadcasted broadcast, broadcasted

browbeat browbeat browbeaten

build built built

burn burnt, burned burnt, burned

burst burst burst

buy bought bought

can could -

cast cast cast

catch caught caught

chide chid, chided chid, chidden, chided

choose chose chosen

cleave cleaved, cleft, clove cleaved, cleft

cleave clave cloven

cling clung clung

clothe clothed, clad clothed, clad

come came come

cost cost cost

creep crept crept

crow crowed, crew crowed

cut cut cut

dare dared, durst dared

deal dealt dealt

dig dug dug

dispread dispread dispread

do did done

draw drew drawn

dream dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt

drink drank drunk

drive drove driven

dwell dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

feed fed fed

feel felt felt

fight fought fought

find found found

flee fled fled

fling flung flung

fly flew flown

fly fled fled

fly flied flied

forbear forbore forborne

forbid forbade, forbad forbidden

forecast forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted

fordo fordid fordone

forego forewent foregone

foreknow foreknew foreknown

forerun foreran forerun

foresee foresaw foreseen

foreshow foreshowed foreshown

foretell foretold foretold

forget forgot forgotten, forgot

forgive forgave forgiven

forsake forsook forsaken

forswear forswore forsworn

freeze froze frozen

gainsay gainsaid gainsaid

get got got, gotten

gild gilded, gilt gilded

gird girded, girt girded, girt

give gave given

go went gone

grave graved graven, graved

grind ground ground

grow grew grown

hamstring hamstringed, hamstrung hamstringed, hamstrung

hang hung hung

hang hanged hanged

have had had

hear heard heard

heave heaved, hove heaved, hove

hew hewed hewed, hewn

hide hid hidden, hid

hit hit hit

hold held held

hurt hurt hurt

inlay inlaid inlaid

keep kept kept

kneel knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled

knit knitted, knit knitted, knit

know knew known

lade laded laded, laden

lay laid laid

lead led led

lean leaned, leant leaned, leant

leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped

learn learnt, learned learnt, learned

leave left left

lend lent lent

let let let

lie lay lain

light lit lit

light lighted lighted

lose lost lost

make made made

may might -

mean meant meant

meet met met

melt melted melted, melten

misdeal misdealt misdealt

misgive misgave misgiven

mislay mislaid mislaid

mislead misled misled

mistake mistook mistaken

misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood

mow mowed mowed, mown

must must -

ought ought -

outbid outbade, outbid outbidden, outbid

outbreed outbred outbred

outdo outdid outdone

outeat outate outeaten

outfight outfought outfought

outgo outwent outgone

outgrow outgrew outgrown

outlay outlaid outlaid

outride outrode outridden

outrun outran outrun

outsell outsold outsold

outshine outshone outshone

outshoot outshot outshot

outsit outsat outsat

outspend outspent outspent

outspread outspread outspread

outthrow outthrew outthrown

outthrust outthrust outthrust

outwear outwore outworn

overbear overbore overborne

overbid overbid overbidden, overbid

overblow overblew overblown

overbuild overbuilt overbuilt

overbuy overbought overbought

overcast overcast overcast

overcome overcame overcome

overdo overdid overdone

overdraw overdrew overdrawn

overdrive overdrove overdriven

overeat overate overeaten

overfeed overfed overfed

overfly overflew overflown

overgrow overgrew overgrown

overhang overhung overhung

overhear overheard overheard

overlade overladed overladed, overladen

overlay overlaid overlaid

overleap overleapt, overleaped overleapt, overleaped

overlie overlay overlain

overpay overpaid overpaid

override overrode overridden

overrun overran overrun

oversee oversaw overseen

oversell oversold oversold

overset overset overset

oversew oversewed oversewed, oversewn

overshoot overshot overshot

oversleep overslept overslept

overspend overspent overspent

overspread overspread overspread

overtake overtook overtaken

overthrow overthrew overthrown

overwind overwound overwound

overwrite overwrote overwritten

partake partook partaken

pay paid paid

precast precast precast

prechoose prechose prechosen

prove proved proved, proven

put put put

quit quitted, quit quitted, quit

read read read

reave reaved, reft reaved, reft

rebuild rebuilt rebuilt

recast recast recast

reeve rove, reeved rove, reeved

relay relaid relaid

rend rent rent

repay repaid repaid

reset reset reset

retell retold retold

rid rid, ridded rid, ridded

ride rode ridden

ring rang rung

rise rose risen

rive riven riven, rived

run ran run

saw sawed sawn, sawed

say said said

see saw seen

seek sought sought

sell sold sold

send sent sent

set set set

sew sewed sewn, sewed

shake shook shaken

shall should -

shave shaved shaved, shaven

shear sheared shorn, sheared

shed shed shed

shine shone, shined shone, shined

shoe shod, shoed shod, shoed

shoot shot shot

show showed shown, showed

shred shredded, shred shredded, shred

shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk, shrunken

shrive shrove, shrived shriven, shrived

shut shut shut

sing sang, sung sung

sink sank, sunk sunk, sunken

sit sat sat

slay slew slain

sleep slept slept

slide slid slid, slidden

sling slung slung

slink slunk slunk

slit slit slit

smell smelt, smelled smelt, smelled

smite smote smitten, smote

sow sowed sown, sowed

speak spoke spoken

speed sped, speeded sped, speeded

spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled

spend spent spent

spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled

spin spun spun

spit spat, spit spat, spit

split split split

spoil spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled

spread spread spread

spring sprang, sprung sprung

stand stood stood

stave staved, stove staved, stove

steal stole stolen

stick stuck stuck

sting stung stung

stink stank, stunk stunk

strew strewed strewn, strewed

stride strode stridden, strid

strike struck struck, stricken

string strung strung

strive strove, strived striven, strived

swear swore sworn

sweat sweat, sweated sweat, sweated

sweep swept swept

swell swelled swollen, swelled

swim swam swum

swing swung swung

take took taken

teach taught taught

tear tore torn

tell told told

think tought thought

thrive throve, thrived thriven, thrived

throw threw thrown

thrust thrust thrust

tread trod trodden, trod

unbend unbent unbent

unbind unbound unbound

unbuild unbuilt unbuilt

underbid underbid underbidden, underbid

underbuy underbought underbought

undercut undercut undercut

underdo underdid underdone

underfeed underfed underfed

undergo underwent undergone

underlay underlaid underlaid

underlet underlet underlet

underlie underlay underlain

underpay underpaid underpaid

underrun underran underrun

undersell undersold undersold

underset underset underset

undershoot undershot undershot

understand understood understood

undertake undertook undertaken

underwrite underwrote underwritten

undo undid undone

undraw undrew undrawn

unfreeze unfroze unfrozen

ungird ungirded, ungirt ungirded, ungirt

unhang unhung unhung

unknit unknitted, unknit unknitted, unknit

unlade unladed unladed, unladen

unlay unlaid unlaid

unlearn unlearnt, unlearned unlearnt, unlearned

unmake unmade unmade

unreeve unrove, unreeved unrove, unreeved

unsay unsaid unsaid

unset unset unset

unsling unslung unslung

unspeak unspoke unspoken

unstick unstuck unstuck

unstring unstrung unstrung

unswear unswore unsworn

unteach untaught untaught

unthink unthought unthought

untread untrod untrodden, untrod

unweave unwove unwoven

unwind unwound unwound

upbuild upbuilt upbuilt

upcast upcast upcast

uphold upheld upheld

uppercut uppercut uppercut

uprise uprose uprisen

upset upset upset

upsweep upswept upswept

upswing upswung upswung

wake waked, woke waked, woken, woke

waylay waylaid waylaid

wear wore worn

weave wove woven

wed wedded, wed wedded, wed

weep wept wept

wet wetted, wet wetted, wet

will would -

win won won

wind winded, wound winded, wound

wit wist wist

withdraw withdrew withdrawn

withhold withheld withheld

withstand withstood withstood

work worked worked

work wrought wrought

wring wrung wrung

write wrote written





那个did was were是常用的引导词

did 准确地说是助动词,和那个was were还有点小差别



就说Where did you go yesterday?

当然用were 也不是不可以,如

Where were you staying yesterday?



Did you sleep well last night?

Do you have a good sleep last night?也未尝不可







Do you smoke?

谓动词是be动词时当然多数用was, were啦



I didn"t go to school yesterday.

提问:Did you go to school yesterday ?

He was smart as a young boy.

提问:Was he smart when he was young?

She was injured.

提问:What"s the matter with her?


I have got a headache last night.

对last night.提问:

When did you get headache?







riven英 ["ru026avu0259n]美 ["rivu0259n]v. 撕裂(rive的过去分词)n. (Riven)人名;(罗)里文[网络短语]Riven 雷玟,放逐者瑞芬,神秘岛IIRiven Turnbull 驱牛士瑞文Sister Riven 鹰女瑞雯希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-07-24 19:51:531


2023-07-24 19:52:234


The Exile - Riven
2023-07-24 19:52:318


2023-07-24 19:53:064


2023-07-24 19:53:246


2023-07-24 19:53:551


2023-07-24 19:54:054


2023-07-24 19:54:131


  英国地处欧洲西岸,地理位置优越,每年都吸引着大量来自世界各地的留学生。爱丁堡大学作为英国大学的佼佼者,他的学术发展怎么样呢?的我在这里为大家整理了英国爱丁堡大学学术介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。    一、爱丁堡的招生要求门槛高吗?爱丁堡学术研究水平如何?   不愿意透露姓名的爱丁堡大学毕业生:近年来爱大在扩招学生,但是其实offer的conditions(附加条件)会越来越高的。其实学术这个你可以看诺奖拿的多不多——爱丁堡的King"s building校区(主要是理科)那边还出了好几个诺奖的,六个物理两个化学。    二、爱大的学院分别有哪些?有没有一些特色课程?   Riven:爱大有三个学院——Humanities & Social Science(人文社会科学)在和城市合为一体的George Square;Medicine & Veterinary Medicine (医学&兽医)在较偏远的Little France校区以及 Science & Engineering(科学与工程)在King"s Building。爱大医学院的校友有柯南道尔和达尔文。达芬奇也是我们校友!爱大有一栋楼是孔子学院,平时有安排中国特色的一些课程。我记得有一次还请了安妮宝贝来开讲座哈哈!    三、爱大的学制是怎样的?转校和交换生项目是怎么一回事?   不愿意透露姓名的爱丁堡大学毕业生:苏格兰本科要读四年(英格兰是三年,因为苏格兰的中学比英格兰少一年),可以不读大一,不过要参加一些考试来跳级。大一二学分不算入总分(课程也简单),所以看大三和大四成绩。但是大一二成绩可以用来申请交换生。这个项目为期一年,所以申请了交换生的话大三会没成绩,最后百分百看大四。然后你本科毕业的时候,给你的title(文凭)是“Master of xxx with honor”,其实还是个学士学位啦。这是古老的学校一直不变的title啦。   (注:爱大的交换项目在全球有超过350个合作对象、分布在超过40个国家,且申请交换项目的竞争较为激烈。)   Riven:数学系的话,如果要本科只读三年,高数能考到A*就可以了,虽然我考炸了……而且读三年最好,可以少选一门选修。没有太多了解交换生这方面,不过转校在英国是非常非常难的。    四、第一次听说英国的学校还有选修的课程,介绍一下吧?   A:啊对,这就是我大荒郊野岭苏格兰和英格兰除了口音之外最大的不同,有点像美国学校,会有各种乱七八糟的选修课程。不像英格兰大部分学校都只能学自己所学的专业的课程,要是你学数学就每天只能遨游在数学的海洋里。大家听到这里可能会觉得我校很幸福吧,不用整天都是同一个专业的课程疯狂loop。    五、拿first class难吗?学业压力如何?   不愿意透露姓名的爱丁堡大学毕业生:我那个专业(硕士:金融模型与最优化,本科:经济与数学)大概有百分之二十的几率拿吧。我拿了个second upper吧。因为大一大二课程你会觉得不难,所以大三的时候心态可能会飞。这时要小心成绩下降噢。不过当你适应了这个教育模式之后就好了。选课我建议还是去问自己专业的学长学姐,问问哪些容易拿学分,哪些难。   Riven:对于数学系而言,高中有高数基础的就会相对轻松,别的学科应该也是类似的。爱大数学系没有帝国理工数学系那么累,虽然学的都一样,但是毕竟四年学完,我们比他们多一年嘛。
2023-07-24 19:54:331


2023-07-24 19:54:582

Riven.the exile翻译中文

Riven.the exile翻译中文是:瑞文。放逐,见下图百度翻译
2023-07-24 19:55:081


lol绣春刀是Tommy Ho,也就是Best Riven NA。Best Riven NA是北美的一位英雄联盟高玩,放逐之刃(锐雯)是他最拿手的英雄,他研发的光速QA更是所有锐雯玩家追求的究极操作技巧,传说当他玩锐雯时实力是2600+,但是其他英雄(除了盲僧和豹女还有黛安娜)实力只有1600+。Best Riven NA中文意思是在北美最好的瑞文。其中best是最好,riven是放逐之刃英文名字,NA是北美的缩写。可想当他取这个名字是抱着专精这一个英雄的心态的,事实证明他成功了。Best RivenNA的锐雯激起了一阵英雄联盟里玩放逐之刃的狂潮,原先是冷门的放逐之刃又重新焕发了她的光彩,开始了与众不同的“暴力流”,被其激励的人不计其数。
2023-07-24 19:55:231


其实迪亚斯-蒙特西诺的反对者比他还要大胆,比如自称有ATLANTIS-埃及血统的葡萄牙裔加拿大人Riven,他发现了一柄800BC的权仗,属于伊特鲁斯堪文化,在上面的铭文里有Araklum的字样,他认为这就是Oreichalkós的原始拼写方法。klum似乎等于chalcum/chalkós,Arac的含义,在伊特鲁斯堪语中代表鹰,类似地,哥特语中的ara,立陶宛语中的aras,赫梯语中的haras都表示鹰。Riven的看法是,如果Oreichalkós表示鹰之铜,那它或许和宗教祭祀有关系,因为鹰和牛(还有蛇)都是被神化了的动物,比如宙斯大人那只鹰就很有名气嘛。至于Araklum/Oreichalkós在宗教祭祀上的作用,估计是装饰神器用的。在梵文中有Arka一词,代表阳光;古埃及的Ahah是安拉一词的源头;希伯来语中有Arah,表示方舟或者约柜;约柜材料之一的精金有可能是orichalcum,而约柜顶盖之上就装饰两只伸展着飞鹰之翼的基路伯。  Riven的好友印度人Rajesh也提出了自己的看法,他把Araklum拆解成AraKulam,并进一步拆解为HarKulam。Har=太阳神或者山神,Kulam=家族;Araklum=神族。这样的解释倒也新奇,可他竟然把大力神也扯了进来:Hercules=HarKulEs=Har Kul Esh,Har=神,Kul=家族,Esh=神,所以Hercules=神族——这哪里是词源学考证,简直成了拼字游戏,太无趣了。
2023-07-24 19:55:381


2023-07-24 19:56:171


视角一:主人公炼丸收到了“2012年5月20日的正午儿时玩伴MYUU会被杀”的短信。炼丸迅速赶往预告的地方“integral”,在那里从神秘男子的手中救下了MYUU,但却跳跃到了24小时后的未来,并且,那是一个时间停止、人迹消亡的世界。两人究竟能否回到原来的世界去呢…… 年龄:17岁 身高:174CM 职业:高中三年级学生炼丸篇的男主人公。平时虽然是一幅冷酷的模样,但到关键时刻就会变成无所畏惧的热血男儿。视力不是很好,双眼视力只有0.1,因此平时带着隐形眼镜。在INTEGRAL处从神秘男子的手中救下了MYUU的时候,被拉入了时间停止的世界中。 姓名MYUU(高江缪)年龄 17岁 身高:158CM 职业:不太清楚炼丸篇的女主人公,炼丸的青梅竹马。性格开朗单纯,有时也会任性爱哭,对各种东西都会表示出兴趣,并且沉迷其中。这种孩子般的性格使得大家都很喜爱她。拥有超能力Ψ,不过自称已经‘封印"了。也因此,她受到了Ψクリミナル(Ψcliminal)组织的‘关注"。 姓名舞菜(Maina)年龄:自称27岁 身高:不详 职业:自称是小说家炼丸和缪在无人世界遇到的女子,比两人早几天来到这里。见到时,突然大哭了起来,之后三人一同行动。知识很渊博(自称是为了写小说)。有一个很喜欢的大哥哥,曾经和自己定下了‘一定会再见面"的约定 年龄:17岁 身高:176CM 职业:文理六高三年级学生冷酷无情的超级理性主义者。身为“Ψクリミナル”这一组织的领导,想要取MYUU的性命。和缪一样,拥有超能力Ψ,在游戏一开始就展现了Ψ的奇异能力,把炼丸,鸣海等人都玩弄于鼓掌之间。 年龄:16岁年 身高:147CM 职业:女王...?炼丸等人在无人世界遇到的团体‘幻象"的队长。她在无人世界建立了王国‘幻象",并自称为女王。在众人面前很凶猛,而且很有组织才能,是个大大方方的女孩,其实本性很温柔。和同在无人世界的团体‘志村俱乐部"关系不是很好,计划在凌晨进攻。 职业:志村俱乐部主宰 其余不详组织志村俱乐部的主宰,生活在无人世界,真实身份很不明确。他对于这个世界了如指掌,但又迟迟不肯告诉炼丸等人如何回到原来的世界。总之这个人一切都是个迷。(顺便一说,他长得和某个人很像)视角二:主人公鸣海从后辈那里收到了“犯罪集团正准备要某个少女的命”的短信,前往integral。然而,迟了一步的她,眼睁睁地看着面前的少女千里遇袭并陷入昏迷,犯人男子留下了“第二Eclipse计划”(第二日蚀计划),“明日正午,世界将会终结”等神秘词句后逃走了。这些词句的意思是……?如今,鸣海的搜查开始了。 年龄:27岁 身高:165CM 职业:公安第十二课警官性格乐天的女刑警。鸣海篇的主人公。和学妹兼同事雪绩真琴关系很好,常一起出去游玩。是记忆超强症候群患者,有着过目不忘的能力,不过很怕血。有着喜欢玩弄内衣带子的习惯。和同事大手町在前一天晚上似乎发生了什么...... 年龄:32岁 身高:总之比鸣海高 职业:公安第十二课警官鸣海的同事,在intergral事件之后协助鸣海进行调查。两人之前交往过,不过因为一些原因分手了。即便如此,对鸣海也很友善,也是少数见到鸣海玩内衣带子能够没反应的人。 姓名伊野濑 御目贺(Omega)年龄:17岁 身高:157 CM 职业:文理六高学生千里的弟弟。在得知千住院后试图闯入手术室。之后当被鸣海问到时,发现已经失忆了。年龄等完全不明。在鸣海线里,经测试,他对各项能力适性都是S,是鸣海的得力助手。 年龄:17岁 身高:160 CM 职业:高中三年级学生Ψ超能力使用者之一,最开始在和冥的战斗中被暴虐一通后枪击,因而住院,但却时常出现在炼丸线里。能够往返于无人世界和原来的世界,不过只有12分钟。很喜欢喝饮料玫瑰补。 年龄:25岁 身高:165CM 职业:公安第十二课警官鸣海的同事,也是大学的后辈。在游戏的最初给鸣海发了短信,请求她去integral解救缪,还说了类似于‘谢谢一直以来的照顾,会再次相见的"这样貌似遗言的话。两人第一次见面是在游泳池,当时真琴的头发被卷住,是鸣海下水救了她。之后关系就变得很好,时常一起外出,并且和鸣海约定要一起看金星凌日。
2023-07-24 19:56:251


是Riven。放逐之刃(锐雯)是美国Riot Games开发的3D大型竞技场战网游戏《英雄联盟》中的一名英雄。锐雯本身附带群体控制性技能,并且灵活性也不错,在大招开启的情况下锐雯就是个很强力的团战冲锋者,让很多脆皮英雄都不敢靠近。能给团队吸收伤害和限制对方输出。但操作难度比较大,对于切入时机的要求非常高,本身很脆,如果找不到一个合适的机会容易被集火带走。瑞文团战思路:侧面和后面切入:在团战开启时,基本情况都是双方前排扭打在一起,然后敌方后排也在输出我方前排,用这种切入方式,可以直接排除敌方前排对锐雯的干扰,成功率就会非常高,切入前应该使用卡Q技巧,确保进场第一时间能给出控制。正面打团:当没有机会从侧后方切入,需要正面打团时,应该先拉扯等待机会,留着三段Q的击飞和W的眩晕,来配合我方C位先处理掉敌方前排,最后再依靠着锐雯强大的追击能力,完成团战的收尾。
2023-07-24 19:56:511


兔女郎锐雯,魅影之刃炫彩礼包使用方法:1:用E 取消大招后摇。意思你先E然后瞬间开大。你是能不用延迟马上A的到人的。2:大家可以发现此睾玩开完大火拼的时候,非常喜欢用Q的第三段去取消大招甩刀片的后摇。于是总是能看见大跟打飞一起甩出去。3:对线的时候 很少看他落后。 但是他只要一被人单杀了 就会马上放弃上路。 或许大家都觉得很逗B。。。但是他会莫名其妙去别的路支援。然后能杀就杀。杀不到就抢下路兵(人渣啊。。。。但是奇怪每次他都能杀人)4:基本上我看到他打得时候全是主Q,很少出防御装备(春哥除外)。 打贾克斯的时候QW对点,有点奇怪,但是莫名好用。5:锐雯的攻击后摇很长很长,但他却可以很快的攻击到别人,导致某些玩家总感觉他出了狂战鞋+红叉,其实完全是手速以及用技能取消后摇导致的很快的攻速。6:再说说他的手指按键习惯,据美服知情玩家透露他的按键操作方式,小拇指无名指中指食指依次放在qwer上方,大拇指控制df ,他很少用鼠标点击去补兵或杀敌,都是用A和S键,a一下,s一下(s可以让英雄停止行动)导致攻速很快。7:他的QAQA是听声音来打的。有时候你看不见他刀砍出去 他就用移动来取消后摆了。但是听声音却是有刀砍刀的声音。8:对近战的时候,时常看他用大招增加的攻击距离放风筝——没错,近战风筝。就是丝血开大。等技能CD的时候,他A你一下往后退,然后你就是够不着。9:对伤害判断奇准,非常理解这个英雄在什么等级什么装备打什么样的对手的时候能造成什么伤害,经常看他把技能全甩到兵上,然后诱惑别人来杀他,被人干到丝血,CD一好对面就再见了。10:如果你只是玩的好,那你就不叫BEST RIVEN了。必须打2500跟打儿子一样才叫BEST RIVEN,遇到吸血鬼出布甲,遇到XX之手出魔抗,有一次我点进去一看他装备——鞋子多兰剑小吸血枪,我直接斯巴达了。11:RIVEN 的Q 如果鼠标指到目标他会朝目标Q,然后你就可以很帅的往回走一步Q甩个兵,往回走一步Q甩个兵,俗称回马Q。12:所谓的QAQAQA并不是用Q去刷新普攻僵直,而是用Q去取消普攻后摆,听起来好像差不多 但是做起来差别会很大,你会下意识的在A的那瞬间Q 跟你Q完以后等普攻,心态上就决定了你QA 的速度怎么比起别人慢那么多。13:一般RIVEN是EQWA然后往回Q也好原地QA也好,高端点的是EQAW,感觉好像差不多,但是操作起来难度却大大不同,这得有相当的自信不会晕空。BEST RIVEN却是直接走你脸上A起手,他总会让自己感觉起来劣势,你也会莫名他想做啥,然后莫名其妙丝血杀人。14:BEST RIVEN NA 很喜欢游走中路。草丛里蹲着,原地QQ两下。然后冲、闪现、Q第三段,一瞬间甩超远距离打中中单法师身后,导致法师往回弹,然后再见。他从来都不喜欢出防御装,不管顺风还是逆风(春哥除外)所有的目的只有一个,切死对面后排。15:一般RIVEN在优势的时候,对别人塔下磨血喜欢靠近距离,A晕然后E走。 BEST RIVEN 喜欢直接QA晕QA,然后反身EQ 跑路。动作快的有时候塔都打不到。或者一下打到罩子上。shift+右键=A 人。但是你Q的时候你手指很难QAQA 一般人都是Q然后右键点人,我按照他的方法拿瑞文打野的时候,就感觉QAQA比Q右键Q右键挥刀速度要快好多,基本一秒一刀。16:右键一直按住不放,就不会变成点击状态,鼠标知道敌对目标就会砍,所以你只要鼠标能对准敌人,你可以按住鼠标右键对着别人一顿光速QA。17:"`"这个逗号键是用来只攻击英雄用的。我不知道他用没有用。但是既然他是BEST RIVEN 那必须得该用就用啊。比方你入塔强杀。别人绕塔后小缝。"`"就派上用场了。18:他喜欢的出装:出门草鞋+3红,帮蹲一下后回程再来一红,很少看他出布甲5红,第一次回家多兰,一般是两把多兰过度之后转残暴、减cd鞋,护甲和水银鞋很少出,偶尔后期会转水银,有时候直接饮血,残暴很少转幽梦,然后春哥有时会针对的做出穿甲弓,小冰锤有时也会出,除了春哥我还见过他出过军团盾和皇冠。根据具体问题类型,进行步骤拆解/原因原理分析/内容拓展等。具体步骤如下:/导致这种情况的原因主要是??
2023-07-24 19:57:081


2023-07-24 19:57:245


2023-07-24 19:57:541

日本ACG的《Human》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Human歌手:日本ACG专辑:12Riven -the Ψcliminal of integral-オリジナルサウンドトラック我爱歌词网 www.5***.comshayne ward - humanLRC制作:紫族苏紫晨 QQ:756181314You are not alone ooh oohLet"s go outsideThere"s something beautiful to seeGo outsideWhere there"s room to breatheLet"s find somewhereWhere we can talk it overI"m on your side...When your heart is hurtingWhen nothing is workin"Let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeWhen your world is shakingAnd your energy is fadingJust let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeYou are not alone ooh oohYou are not alone ooh oohWe"re just humanOn the insideI am you and you are meOn the insideThis kindness one could seeWe"re all hurtingThere"s no one new to thisOh turn to me turn...When your heart is hurtingWhen nothing is workin"Let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeWhen your world is shakingAnd your energy is fadingJust let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeYou are not alone ooh oohYou are not alone ooh oohWe"re just humanYou are not alone ooh oohYou are not alone alone aloneHuman human humanWe are all all the sameWe are human human human humanDifferent faces different namesWe are human human human humanWe can never be replacedWe are human human human humanWe are all all the sameWhen your heart is hurtingWhen nothing is workin"Let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeWhen your world is shakingAnd your energy is fadingJust let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeWhen your heart is hurtingWhen nothing is workin"Let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeWhen your world is shakingAnd your energy is fadingJust let me through the doorCause i"ve been there beforeYou are not alone ooh oohWe"re just humanYou are not alone ooh oohWe"re just humanYou are not alone ooh oohWe"re just humanYou are not alone ooh oohhttp://music.b***.com/song/25700541
2023-07-24 19:58:041


2023-07-24 19:58:112

peane rwen钢琴

2023-07-24 19:58:372

Reanl Riven的钢琴怎么样?国产的吗?

2023-07-24 19:58:452

《Ageof Ambition》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Age of Ambition》(Evan Osnos)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: juep书名:Age of Ambition作者:Evan Osnos豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Bodley Head出版年份:2014-6-26页数:416内容简介:A young army captain who risked execution to swim from free-market Taiwan to Communist China. A barber who made $150 million in the gambling dens of Macau. The richest woman in China, a recycling tycoon known as the "Wastepaper Queen". Age of Ambition describes some of the billion individual lives that make up China"s story - one that unfolds on remote farms, in glittering mansions, and in the halls of power of the world"s largest authoritarian regime. Together they describe the defining clash taking place today: between the individual and the Communist Party"s struggle to retain control. Here is a China infused with a sense of boundless possibility and teeming romance. Yet it is also riven by contradictions. It is the world"s largest buyer of Rolls Royces and Ferraris yet the word "luxury" is banned from billboards. It has more Christians than members of the Communist Party. And why does a government that has lifted more people from poverty than any other so strictly restrain freedom of expression? Based on years of research, Age of Ambition is a stunning narrative that reveals China as we have never understood it before.作者简介:Evan Osnos joined The New Yorker as a staff writer in 2008. He was the magazine"s correspondent in China, where he lived in a restored house in Beijing north of the Forbidden City, from 2005 until 2013 when he moved to Washington, D.C. He has received many prizes, including the Asia Society"s Osborn Elliott Prize for Excellence in Journalism on Asia and the Livingston Award for Young Journalists. Osnos previously worked as the Beijing Bureau Chief of the Chicago Tribune, where he contributed to a series that won a 2008 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting.
2023-07-24 19:59:001


- -大小写之类的看看。。
2023-07-24 19:59:151

real riven钢琴是什么牌子的钢琴?

2023-07-24 19:59:373

2023-07-24 19:59:464


猫之俱乐部 电玩巴士 多玩 都有
2023-07-24 20:00:043


2023-07-24 20:00:3615


2023-07-24 20:01:522


Reanl Riven
2023-07-24 20:02:304

Arrive by 的意思

ANS.: 个人意见 Arrive by 15-12-2006 是 15/12 当日 或 之前到达 。 因为常用的 Arrive at / arrive in 是用于 特定一天 / 一刻到达的 意思。 dictionary.reference/browse/Arrive ar·rive (u0259-rīv") Pronunciation Key intr.v. ar·rived ar·riv·ing ar·rives To reach a destination. To e at length; take place: The day of reckoning has arrived. To achieve success or recognition: He had finally arrived as a designer. Phrasal Verb(s): arrive at To reach through effort or a process: arrive at a decision after much thought. [Middle English ariven from Old French ariver from Vulgar Latin *arrīpāre to reach the shore : Latin ad- ad- + Latin rīpa shore.] 参考: dictionary.reference/browse/Arrive by (a certain date) 是指在最迟在(某日) Your package will arrive by December 15 -- 你的包裹会在12月15日或之前抵达 Please mail your application by December 15 -- 请在12月15日或之前寄出你的申请表 by 也可用于年份,月份,星期或时间: by 2007 by December by Monday by 4pm You should know your results by the end of the week. 在星期未之前你会知道成绩。 If you plan to attend the ceremony please respond by Thursday December 14. 如若你打算赴宴,请在12月14 日(星期四)或之前作出通知。 因为日子所连用的介词是on,所以 arrive by December 15 也可以写成为 arrive on or before December 15
2023-07-24 20:02:541


2023-07-24 20:03:029


Best Riven NA。北美第一锐雯创始人Best Riven NA,中文意思是在北美第一锐雯。瑞文光速qa的创造者是Best Riven NA ,是北美最强锐雯之一,放逐之刃(锐雯)最拿手的英雄,操作相当流畅,手速之快惊为天人,提到联盟中的锐雯,不得不说Best Riven NA,改变了大家对锐雯的认识,所创立的光速QA能打出更高的伤害。都是锐文碾压对面取得胜利的。激起了一阵玩放逐之刃的狂潮。
2023-07-24 20:03:251

求高中英语演讲稿,3分钟左右,题目lost and found 50分重赏,希望原创

非原创Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I would like to begin with a story.There was once a physical 1) therapist(临床医家) who traveled all the way from America toAfrica to do a 2) census(调查) about mountain 3) gorillas(大猩猩). These gorillas are a mainattraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of 4)poaching(偷猎) and being put into the zoo.She went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination todevote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. She witnessed a scene, a scenetaking us to a place we never imaged we"ve ever been, where in the very depth of the Africanrainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5) cuddled(拥抱)their babies。Yes, that"s a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called Gorillas in the Mist, basedon a true story of Mrs. Dian Fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in Rwanda to protect theecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a 6) timeless(永恒的) reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of ourecoenvironment.Today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems. On theone hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, providespeople with the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place thereis to go. It has become a lifestyle for some people, and has turned out to be the driving force inGDP growth. It has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity. But onthe other hand, many problems can occur---natural scenes aren"t natural anymore.Deforestation to heat lodges is devastating Nepal. Oil spills from tourist boats are pollutingAntarctica. Tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to U2 on Walkmanand wear Nike and Reeboks.All these 7) appalling(令人震惊的) facts have broughtus to the realization that we can no longer stand byand do nothing, because the very thought of it hasbeen 8) eroding(侵蚀) our resources. Encouragingly,the explosive growth of global travel has puttourism again in the spotlight, which is why theUnitedNations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the world"sattention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.Now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, 9) plumbers(水管工人), ambulancedrivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 10) invalids(残疾人), Some of them can not afford tosend the money but they do.These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering fromecological damage in their neighborhood. Why? Because they care.Because they still want their Mother Nature back. Because they know it still belongs to them.This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, andlooks like it, it"s all coming from a scene to remember, a scene to recall and to cherish.The other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into theinvisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, butto some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grasswhere no one seem to have been except the deer.And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it"s lime for us to dosomething, for our own and our coming generation.Once again, I have come to think of Mrs. Dian Fossey be- cause it"s with her spirit, passion,courage and strong sense of our ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into theworld.And no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, there"s always a sceneto remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.Thank you very much.
2023-07-24 20:02:211


2023-07-24 20:02:221


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2023-07-24 20:02:253


2023-07-24 20:02:282


tail的意思如下:尾巴;漂移名词意思为,尾巴;末节车厢;尾端;屁股;硬币的反面。动词意思,偷偷跟踪;盯…的梢;漂移;飞去;拉紧 。 读音:英 /teu026al /,美 /teu026al /短语搭配:turn tail(危急时刻)转身逃跑,逃逸,临阵脱逃with your tail between your legs无地自容;垂头丧气;灰溜溜tail end末端;尾部tail fin尾鳍;垂直尾翼;汽车尾翼tail off逐渐减弱双语例句:1、It is more couth to hold your shrimp genteelly by the tail when eating。吃虾时轻握其尾部更斯文些。2、The salamander"s tail may be broken off at a weak spot near the base。蝾螈的尾巴很容易在根部的脆弱部位断掉。3、My wife thinks going out with you guys will keep me from chasing tail。我妻子认为我和你们这些人出去就能防止我在外面找女人。4、The tail looks like a fan when it is opened out fully。当尾巴完全展开的时候看上去就像一把扇子。5、The bird"s body is black, relieved only bywhite under the tail。鸟全身一片黑,只有尾巴下面的一点白色打破。
2023-07-24 20:02:291

Softly Whispering I Love You 歌词

歌曲名:Softly Whispering I Love You歌手:The Congregation专辑:This Is... 1971"Softly Whispering I Love You" SONGSoftly whispering “I love you”Echoes of your voice are callingStill from my dreamsSoftening the chill of the breezeThrough my windowI can see the moon glowPainting silver shadowOn a rose-coloured landA world that weWalk hand in handIn a day of gold colouredBy the glow of new loveI can feel your warm faceEver close to my lipsAnd the scent of youInvades the cool evening airI can close my eyes & you"re thereYou"re in my arms stillOh, I know your soft kissTurning into musicEvery beat of my heartWhen I hold you close to my heartAnd I hear your voiceWhispering “I love you”I can feel your warm faceEver close to my lipsAnd the scent of youInvades the cool evening airAnd I feel you there in my arms stillAnd I know your soft kissTurning into musicEvery beat of my heartAnd I hear your voiceWhispering “I love you”I know I need you, my loveI feel you there in my arms stillI feel you there ….I love you
2023-07-24 20:02:301

webstorm 10 怎么调出菜单栏图标

好的,现在图解如下 在这一列的任意一个图标右键,然后点击新建-->(最下面的一个选项)Edit File... 然后出现这个对话框 你一定看到了右上角的Name和Ex... 你要做的就是修改这个Name 并且把后面的Ex,,,改为css 然后确定 退出后在按第一步右键--...
2023-07-24 20:02:301

How far from here,语法对吗

How far from here,语法不对。how far is it from here才对。就是How开头的特殊疑问句,不是要求你“直接引语变为间接引语”什么的没有关系.就用特殊疑问句的句式就是了.例如你会说How is everything?(情况怎么样了?)而你不会问How everything is. 道理一样.例如,特殊疑问句 What are you talking about?直接引语变为间接引语 I don"t know what you are talking about.这两个不是一类句式。
2023-07-24 20:02:321


expected 英[u026aku02c8spektu026ad] adj. (用作定语) 预期要发生的,期待中的; v. 预料; 期望( expect的过去式和过去分词 ); 要求; 认为(某事)会发生; [例句]As expected, it rained.果不其然下了雨。[其他] 原型: expect
2023-07-24 20:02:161


2023-07-24 20:02:165

哈,WebStorm for Mac 怎么不能直接输入中文标点

2023-07-24 20:02:151


2023-07-24 20:02:152


My mother is the most beautiful mother.
2023-07-24 20:02:1413

in the lost and found是什么意思

2023-07-24 20:02:143


tail的意思是:后部;尾巴;尾部;辫子;跟随者。一、词性区分1、tail用作名词的基本意思是“尾巴”“尾部”“后部”,常指动物的尾巴,也可指具体物的尾部,是可数名词。用于比喻指人时可作“尾随的人”“暗探”解,指物时可作“尾巴似的东西,尾状物”解。2、tail用作动词意思是“跟踪,盯梢”,指跟踪的人像尾巴一样紧紧地尾随着目标,观察其所作所为。这种跟踪可以表示较短暂的、较远距离的行动,含有动机不良的意味或暗示一种尾随而一直不被察觉的愿望。二、时态区分1、过去式:tailed。2、过去分词:tailed。3、现在分词:tailing。4、第三人称单数:tails。三、相关例句1、He drove into the back of my truck and smashed the tail light.他开车撞进我卡车的后部,把我的尾灯撞得粉碎。2、Lizards have four legs and a long tail.蜥蜴有四条腿和一条长尾巴。3、I have notified them to watch and tail him.我已通知了他们监视跟踪他。
2023-07-24 20:02:101


expected[英][u026aku02c8spektu026ad] 生词本简明释义adj.(用作定语)预期要发生的,期待中的v.期望( expect的过去式和过去分词 );预料;要求;认为(某事)会发生例句Pickydomains is expected to hit six figures this year.挑剔域名期望今年业绩能达到六位数。
2023-07-24 20:02:091