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英语里翻译:nephew 既可以指侄子也可以指 外甥…那two nephews可不可以是一个侄子

2023-07-25 13:15:57

首先,nephew确实是既可以指侄子也可以指外甥,所以two nephews在现实生活中有可能说的是一个侄子一个外甥。在精确翻译的时候会根据上下文语境,找出到底是侄子还是外甥。但是在我们日常翻译的时候我会建议您大致地翻译就可以了,所以two nephews就只翻译成“两个侄子”就行了,因为没有语境,所以不用精确翻译。


第三,煎、炸、炒的翻译也是不一样的。煎是fry,炸是deep fry,炒是stir fry。




nephew[英][u02c8nefju:] [美][u02c8nu025bfju] 生词本简明释义n.侄子,外甥复数:nephews以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义同反义词1.N-COUNT外甥;侄子Someone"s nephew is the son of their sister or brother. I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew.我在为侄子筹划他25岁的生日聚会。以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句Two weeks later they arrested narciso"s nephew.两周之后警察逮捕了narciso的侄子。
2023-07-24 22:21:041


nephew英 [u02c8nefju:] 美 [u02c8nu025bfju] n. 侄子,外甥 侄子; 外甥; 侄子,外甥; 男性晚辈 复数:nephews 可数名词外甥;侄子 Someone"s nephew is the son of their sister or brother. I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew. 我在为侄子筹划他25岁的生日聚会。1 He entrusted the task to his nephew. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。 2. The Richards I and II implants (Smith &Nephew) have a deep, trochlear groove. RichardsI和II植入物(Smith&Nephew)有一条很深的限制性的滑车凹槽。 来自互联网3. In February 1967, she began a dalliance with Robin Douglas-Home, 35, a talented and troubled pianist and the nephew of a former prime minister. 1967年2月,玛格丽特与一位前首相的侄子、才华横溢但天性伤感的钢琴家35岁的罗宾·道格拉斯-霍姆开始了一段情缘。 4. I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew. 我在为侄子筹划他25岁的生日聚会。 5. It was the nephew of Monseigneur. 是侯爵的侄子。
2023-07-24 22:21:131


词典结果:nephew[英][u02c8nefju:][美][u02c8nu025bfju]n.侄子,外甥; 复数:nephews具体读音
2023-07-24 22:21:231


2023-07-24 22:21:394


应该是:nephew 英[ˈnefjuː] 美[ˈnefjuː] n. 侄子; 外甥; [例句]Last month a shopkeeper"s nephew was shot dead上个月一名店主的侄子被枪杀了。[其他] 复数:nephews
2023-07-24 22:22:012

nep hew在英语中是什么意思

nephew 侄子niece 侄女
2023-07-24 22:22:092


2023-07-24 22:22:183

nephew的复数 用英语怎么说

nephewsn.侄子,外甥( nephew的名词复数 )nephew英 [u02c8nefju:] 美 [u02c8nu025bfju] n.侄子,外甥
2023-07-24 22:22:251


nephew[ˈnefju:]释义:n. 侄子,外甥变形:复数. nephews
2023-07-24 22:22:321


nephew对应: a son of your brother or sisternephew反义:niece private对应: privy adj personal adj intimate adj.private反义:official formal public
2023-07-24 22:23:022


2023-07-24 22:23:103


nephew侄子, 外甥cousin 1 堂[表]兄弟[姊妹] 2 远亲, 同辈, 同胞 亲戚relativeaunt 1 姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母 2 阿姨, 大妈, 大娘 unclen. 伯父, 叔父, 舅父, 姑父, 姨父
2023-07-24 22:23:207


a nephew a nephew whose mother is one"s sister
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2023-07-24 22:23:552


爸爸— Father, Daddy, Dad妈妈— Mother, Mummy, Mum哥哥— Brother(缩写是 Bro)嫂嫂— Sister-in-law侄子— Nephew大侄子— Big Nephew小侄子— Small Nephew
2023-07-24 22:24:241

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2023-07-24 22:25:006


nephewn.侄子,外甥; [英][ˈnefju:][美][ˈnɛfju]Surely no one fires someone who has just done their nephew a good turn?确实没人会解雇一个刚刚对他们侄子有过恩惠的人吗?
2023-07-24 22:25:411


2023-07-24 22:25:505

surprise the nephew

2023-07-24 22:26:051


2023-07-24 22:26:136


nephew ["nevju(:), "nefju(:)]n.侄子; 外甥[古]孙; 子孙(教士的)私生子
2023-07-24 22:26:523

nephew怎么读音 nephew如何读音

1、nephew英[u02c8nefjuu02d0]、美[u02c8nefjuu02d0] 2、n.侄子; 外甥; 3、[例句]She has a nephew who is just ten years of age她有一个才10岁的侄子。 4、[其他]复数:nephews
2023-07-24 22:27:111


2023-07-24 22:27:192

nephew 外甥这个单词怎么读,音标看不懂

2023-07-24 22:27:281


nephew ["nefjuu02d0; "nevjuu02d0] n. 侄子;外甥 短语 The Nephew 完全因你 ; 亲密访客 ; 侄子 Nephew son 侄女婿 Foreign nephew 外甥 ; 正在翻译 Naughty Nephew 淘气的侄儿 Baby nephew 侄儿小宝贝 ; 宝贝侄子 Nephew relationship 叔侄关系 nephew - 侄子
2023-07-24 22:28:081


2023-07-24 22:28:163


nephew 音节划分:nephu25aaew英 [u02c8nefju:] 美 [u02c8nu025bfju]n.侄子,外甥1. "Cut her out of your will," urged his nephew. “把她从你的遗嘱中删去,”他的侄子催促道。来自柯林斯例句2. She has a nephew who is just ten years of age. 她有一个才10岁的侄子。来自柯林斯例句3. Last month a shopkeeper"s nephew was shot dead. 上个月一名店主的侄子被枪杀了。来自柯林斯例句4. He entrusted the task to his nephew. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。来自《权威词典》
2023-07-24 22:28:321


  存钱罐用来存放钱币的罐子,人们将胖乎乎的小猪存钱罐买给孩子,以培养小孩的理财能力,养成良好的财富观。那么你知道存钱罐用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来存钱罐的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   存钱罐的英语说法1:   piggy bank   存钱罐的英语说法2:   money box   存钱罐的英语说法3:   Saving pot   存钱罐相关英语表达:   企鹅存钱罐 Coin Penguin   手榴弹存钱罐 Grenade Coin Bank   两只小猪存钱罐 two Pyggy Banks   存钱罐的英语例句:   1. My nephew, George, has a box but it is always empty.   我外甥乔治有一个存钱罐,可里面老是空空如也.   2. Piggy banks are great as both teaching tools and fun toys.   存钱罐就非常好的集教学工具和可爱玩具于一体.   3. My nephew, George, has a money box but it is always empty.   我的外甥乔治有一个存钱罐,可里面老是空空如也.   4. This spiral - shaped piggy bank can be more fun than normal ones.   这个螺旋型的存钱罐会比一般的要有趣得多.   5. Only very thrifty children managed to fill up a money boxes.   只有非常节俭的孩子才会去填满存钱罐.   6. Only very thrifty children manage fill up a money - box.   只有特别节俭的孩子能把存钱罐填满.   7. Students emptied their piggy banks , rummaged pockets, scrounged behind cushions and pitched in leftover lunch money.   于是学生们倒存钱罐, 翻口袋, 翻开垫子搜寻,还将吃午饭剩下的钱也投了进来.   8. Piggybanks are used by children to save money in.   小孩子用猪形储钱罐存钱.
2023-07-24 22:29:061

your two times great-nephew

你好!your two times great-nephew你的两次大侄子
2023-07-24 22:29:362


2023-07-24 22:29:573

Smith&Nephew为什么叫 施乐辉?名字的意思是什么?

2023-07-24 22:30:041


How old are you?
2023-07-24 22:30:138


2023-07-24 22:30:281


2023-07-24 22:30:379

汉译英 翻译

When the old man heard his nephew"s brave words, which were unyielding and unyielding, he was shocked by the emotion of excitement and pain and could not help crying .
2023-07-24 22:31:083


‘Merry Christmas,uncle!God bless you!"cried a happy voice.Scrooge"s nephew had arrived.‘Bah!"said Scrooge crossly.‘Humbug!"‘Christmas is humbug!Surely you don"t mean that, uncle?"said his nephew.‘I do,"said scrooge.‘Why do you call it“merry”Christmas?You"re too poor to be merry."‘Well,"replied the nephew,smiling,‘why are you so cross?You"re too rich to be unhappy."‘of course I"m cross,"answered the uncle,‘when I live in a world full of stupid people like you!You say“Merry Christmas”!But what is Christmas?Just a time when you spend too much,when you find yourself a year older and not an hour richer,when you have to pay your bills.Everyone who goes around saying“Merry Christmas”should have his tongue cut out.Yes,he should!"‘Uncle!Please don"t say that!"said the nephew.‘I"ve always thought of Christmas as a time to be helpful and kind to other People.It"s the only time of the year when men and women open their hearts freely to each other.And so,uncle, although I"ve never made any money from it,I think Christmas has been and will be a good time for me!And I say,God bless Christmas!"Bob,in the cupboard,agreed loudly,without thinking.He immediately realized his mistake,and went quickly back to his work,but Scrooge had heard him.‘If I hear another sound from you,"said Scrooge,‘you"ll lose you job!"‘Don"t be angry with him,uncle,"said the nephew.‘come and have dinner with us tomorrow."‘Dinner with you?I"ll see you dead first!"‘But why won"t you come?Why?"‘Because Christmas is humbug!Good afternoon!"‘I want nothing from you.I ask nothing of you.Why can"t we be friends?"‘Good afternoon!"said Scrooge.‘I am sorry,with all my heart,to find you like this.I have never wanted to argue with you.But I came to see you and invite you because it"s Christmas,and so I"ll say,a merry Christmas,uncle!"‘Good afternoon,"said Scrooge.‘And a happy new year!"‘Good afternoon!"said Scrooge.His nephew left the room,without an angry word,stopping only to wish Bob Cratchit a merry Christmas.Then two other gentlemen came in.They were large,round,comfortable-looking men,with books and papers in their hands.‘This is Scrooge and Marley"s,I think,"said one of them, looking at the papers that he was carrying.‘Am I speaking to Mr Scrooge or Mr Marley?"‘Mr Marley is dead,"scrooge replied.‘He died seven years ago today,on Christmas Eve."‘I"m sure that you are just as kind to the poor as your partner,"said the gentleman,smiling.What was true was that Scrooge was just as mean as Marley,and Marley had been just as mean as Scrooge.‘At this happy time of year,Mr Scrooge,"the gentleman went on,taking up his pen,‘we should help poor people who have no food or clothes or homes."‘Are there no prisons?"asked Scrooge coldly.‘Plenty of prisons,"said the gentleman.‘And the workhouses,where poor people can live and work?Are they still open?"‘Yes,they are,I"m sorry to say."‘I"m happy to hear It,"said Scrooge.‘I thought,from what you said at first,that perhaps these useful places were closed,for some reason."‘But some of us feel,"replied the gentleman,‘that these places don"t offer enough to poor people.We"re hoping to give some meat and drink,and wood for a fire,to people who need all these things.This is a time when we should all be able to enjoy ourselves.How much will you give,sir?"‘Nothing!"scrooge replied.‘I don"t have a merry Christmas myself,and I won"t pay for other people to be merry.We all have to pay for prisons and workhouses—they cost enough.The poor will have to go there."‘Many can"t go there,and many prefer to die."‘If they prefer to die,why don"t they die,then?There are too many people in the world,so it"s a good thing if some of them die.All this is none of my business!It"s enough for a man to understand his own business,and not to think about other people"s.I"m a very busy man.Good afternoon,gentlemen!"The gentlemen shook their heads a little sadly,and left the office.Scrooge went back to his work,feeling pleased with himself.Now the fog was at its thickest outside,and the cold was biting.Lights shone brightly from the shop windows.People were hurrying here and there—rich and poor alike-to buy what they needed for tomorrow"s Christmas dinner.At last it was time to close the office.Scrooge got up slowly from his desk.Bob was waiting for this moment,and he immediately put on his hat.‘You"ll want a holiday all day tomorrow,I suppose?"said Scrooge.‘If you don"t mind,sir."‘I do mind.It"s not fair.I have to pay you for a day"s work when you don"t do any work."‘It"s only once a year,sir,"said Bob politely.‘That"s no reason for robbing me every twenty-fifth of December!"said Scrooge,putting on his coat.‘But I suppose you must have it.Be here early next morning."‘Yes,sir,I will,I promise,"Bob said happily.Scrooge walked out,without another word.When bob had closed the office,he ran home to his family in Camden Town as quickly as possible.Scrooge always used to eat his dinner alone,in the same miserable little eating-house.Tonight was no different from other nights.He read the newspapers,looked at his bank books, and went home to bed.He lived in rooms which had once belonged to his dead partner.They were in an old,dark building in a lonely side street,where no one except Scrooge lived.In the blackness of the night,through the fog and the frost, Scrooge had to feel his way along the street with his hands.He finally reached his front door and put the key in the lock.Suddenly,to his great surprise,he saw that the knocker was not a knocker any more,but had become the face of Jacob Marley!He had not thought of his partner for seven years,until that afternoon,when he spoke Marley"s name to his visitors.But there in front of him was Marley"s face,white and ghostly, with terrible staring eyes.As Scrooge looked,it became a knocker again.He was afraid,but he did not show his fear.He turned the key, opened the door and walked in.He did look around before he shut the door,and he did look behind the door,to see if anyone was hiding there.But there was nothing there.He shut the door with a bang,to show that he was not afraid.With his one candle he went slowly up the stairs.It was impossible to see into all the dark corners.Darkness was cheap, and Scrooge liked it.But he remembered the face,so he walked through all his rooms,checking that everything was all right.Nobody under the table or the bed,nobody behind the door!On the small fire in the bedroom there was a pot of soup,and Scrooge"s bowl was ready on the table.Nobody in any of the rooms!Sure that he was safe now,Scrooge shut and locked his bedroom door behind him.He sat down by the fire to eat his soup.The fireplace was an old one,with hundreds of pictures on the tiles around the fire.But Scrooge could only see Marley"s face on every tile.‘Humbug!"said Scrooge to the tiles,and walked across the room.When he sat down again,he noticed a bell on the other side of the room.As he looked,he saw,with great surprise and fear,that the bell was slowly beginning to move from side to side.Soon it was ringing loudly,and so was every bell in the house.Suddenly they all stopped ringing at the same moment,and then came a strange noise from down below.It sounded like someone pulling heavy chains across the floor.Scrooge remembered hearing that ghosts in old houses sometimes pulled chains behind them.Then a door below opened with a crash,and the noise started coming up the stairs.It was coming towards his door.‘It"s humbug still!"cried Scrooge.But the colour left his face when,without stopping,it came straight through the heavy,locked door,and appeared in front of him.It was Marley"s ghost!Scrooge could see right through its body.Around its middle was a long chain,which had money-boxes,keys,bank books, and heavy purses on it.The ghost"s death-cold eyes stared fixedly at Scrooge.‘Well!"said Scrooge,trying to pretend that nothing strange was happening.‘What do you want?And who are you?"‘In life I was your partner,Jacob Marley."‘It"s humbug,I tell you!"said Scrooge.‘There are no ghosts!"But when he said this,the ghost gave a terrible cry, and shook its chain in a very frightening way.At once Scrooge fell on the ground in great fear,crying,‘Yes!Yes!You are real!I see that now!Why have you come?Why do ghosts come back from the dead?Tell me,Jacob!"‘The spirit of every man who does not help other people in life has to travel endlessly through the world after his death.We have to carry the chains that we made for ourselves in our lifetime.Do you,Ebenezer Scrooge,recognize my chain?It is very like the one that you wear!"Scrooge looked around him,but could see no chain.‘Jacob,"he said,‘please tell me more!"‘I cannot help you much,Ebenezer!I cannot rest,I cannot stay anywhere for long.I have been dead for seven years and all that time I have been travelling on the wings of the wind! No peace,no rest for me in death,because I was never good or kind in life!"‘But you were always a good man of business,Jacob,"said Scrooge,who was now beginning to worry about his own life.‘Business!"cried the ghost miserably.‘Why didn"t I think of people as my business?I thought only about making money,not about being kind and helpful to other people.Listen to me,Ebenezer!I am here tonight to warn you.You still have a chance to save yourself from what has happened to me.Three spirtis will come to visit you:the first tomorrow at one o"clock,the second at the same time the next night,and the third at midnight the following night.You will not see me any more,and for your own peace after death,remember what I have told you!"
2023-07-24 22:31:171


2023-07-24 22:31:267


不能,who要紧跟the boy ,否则不通顺
2023-07-24 22:31:423

The picture__on the wall is painted by my nephew.

2023-07-24 22:31:503


1. 侄字怎么组词 侄 拼音: zhí 笔划: 8 部首: 亻 五笔输入法: wgcf 弟兄的儿子,同辈男性亲友的儿子:侄儿。侄女。叔侄。子侄辈。侄孙。 brother"s sonnephew 详细解释: 侄 侄、妷 zhí 【名】 (侄为侄的俗字)弟兄或其他同辈男性亲属的子女〖nephew〗 侄,兄之女也。从女,至声。——《说文》 女子谓兄弟之子为侄。——《尔雅》 谓吾姑者,吾谓之侄。——《仪礼·丧服传》 大夫不名世臣侄娣。——《礼记·曲礼》。疏:“侄是妻之兄女。” 继室以其侄。——《左传·襄公二十三年》 侄其从姑。——《左传·僖公十五年》 则我皇妣大姜之侄。——《国语·周语》。注:“女子谓昆弟之子,男女皆曰侄。”朱按,受侄称者,男女皆可通,而称人侄者,必妇人也。男子称兄弟之子曰从子。 侄其从姑。——《左传·僖公十五年》 又如:侄少爷(旧时对侄子的尊称);侄儿(侄子);侄儿子(侄儿,侄子);侄哥(对侄子的爱称);表侄;内侄;世侄 侄妇 zhífù 〖nephew"swife〗侄媳妇 侄女 zhínǚ 〖niece〗兄弟或同辈男性的女儿 侄女婿 zhínǚxu 〖niece"shu *** and〗侄女的丈夫 侄孙 zhísūn 〖grandnephew〗兄弟的孙子 侄孙女 zhísūnnü 〖grandniece〗兄弟的孙女 侄外孙 zhíwàisūn 〖grandnephew〗姐妹的孙子 侄外孙女 zhíwàisūnnü 〖grandniece〗姐妹的孙女 侄媳妇 zhíxífu 〖nephew"swife〗侄子的妻子 侄子 zhízi 〖nephew〗兄弟或同辈男性亲属的儿子 相关词语: 子侄 宗侄 侄女 侄妇 侄媳妇 侄娣 侄兽 侄外孙 侄男 侄哥 侄女儿 族侄 侄儿子 侄孙女 侄外孙女 侄孙妇 侄子 侄女婿 侄孙 侄儿 侄儿媳妇 侄少爷 再从侄 淫侄 小侄 乡侄 贤侄 甥侄 表侄 表侄女 从侄 从表侄 弟男子侄 娣侄 孤侄 皇侄 门侄 内侄 内侄女 年侄 女侄 2. 侄字组词有哪些 侄字组词有哪些 : 侄子、 子侄、 侄女、 侄妇、 侄孙、 侄兽、 从侄、 侄儿、 族侄、 宗侄、 甥侄、 贤侄、 蠪侄、 年侄、 女侄、 侄哥、 孤侄、 娣侄、 门侄、 皇侄、 小侄、 乡侄、 侄娣、 侄男、 阿侄、 内侄女、 侄媳妇、 表侄女、 侄女婿、 侄外孙、 再从侄、 侄儿子、 侄女壻、 侄孙妇、 侄少爷、 从表侄、 侄女儿、 侄儿媳妇、 弟男子侄、 侄外孙女
2023-07-24 22:31:571

The picture _____ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having hung B. hanging C. hang D hung

2023-07-24 22:32:175

The picture __________ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

The picture "that is hanging" on the wall is painted by my nephew.
2023-07-24 22:32:323

WOW 天灾军团和燃烧军团什么关系

2023-07-24 22:32:468


2023-07-24 22:22:531


肺腺癌基因突变ALK,黄金突变会像慢性病一样长期生存。对于不同情况的基因突变,自己也可以用不同的药物进行治疗。不少年轻人都有吸烟的习惯,这也是对自己的身体不负责任。自己不要去大量吸烟,一定要减少自己吸烟的次数。身体里已经有了基因突变,而且也会像慢性病一样长期的存在。自己也要去查一查看一看还有没有其他疾病的存在,不能够让肺部疾病变得越来越多。许多人都不明白肺腺癌基因突变ALK 是一种什么样的疾病,其实是有不同含义的。在这种疾病当中,如果黄金突变的话也可能会缩小自己的肺癌。有这种疾病一定要早发现早治疗,这样的效果才会比较好一点千万不能够一拖再拖。不同种类的疾病自己治疗的感觉是不一样的,而且要吃一定的要进行克制。发现自己身体一日不如一日的时候,就得及时的去医院做手术。不能够不把黄金突变当回事儿,这个时候自己也会很严重。年轻人一定要让自己有一个好习惯,不能够去时常糟蹋自己的身体。身体里如果有融合基因的话,自己也要防止染色体的变化。在发生突变的时候是谁也往往想不到的事情,但自己一定要坚持治疗。保持一个良好的心态,这样自己才能够战胜疾病才不会让自己越来越糟。不管什么时候,一定要及时的去体检有疾病才能够及时的发现。总的来说肺部出现疾病的就是因为自己没有克制住自己,总是去吸很多的烟。年轻时不把自己的身体当回事,等到老了之后自己就会非常的后悔。有疾病之后再想着去改掉一切的东西就已经晚了,要时时刻刻的叮嘱自己。
2023-07-24 22:22:561

prefer todo还是prefer doing?

prefer to do和prefer doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.prefer to do意思:更喜欢;宁愿2.prefer doing意思:宁愿做二、用法不同1.prefer to do用法:基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“”结构,相当于like better或place before the others,因此不能用more或most来修饰它。2.prefer doing用法:作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语,也可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词一般需用现在时的虚拟语气,但当prefer前有should时,其后从句可不必用虚拟式。三、侧重点不同1.prefer to do侧重点:to do表示一次性,表示一时性的喜欢。2.prefer doing侧重点:doing表示经常性,表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢。
2023-07-24 22:22:561


01 honey,英语单词,主要意思是蜜蜂、亲爱的、宝贝,主要用作名词、动词、形容词。特殊指定情况下,honey也可作为人名和歌曲名使用。 作名词时意思是“蜂蜜;宝贝;甜蜜”; 作及物动词时意思是“对u2026说甜言蜜语;加蜜使甜”; 作不及物动词时意思是“奉承;说甜言蜜语”; 特殊指定情况下,Honey也可作为人名和歌曲名使用。
2023-07-24 22:22:511

vmware workstation不可恢复的错误

出现vmwareworkstation不可恢复的错误的解决方法/步骤:1、将另一台机器的 VMware文件拷贝至本机,打开虚拟机出现;2、选择”我已复制该虚拟机“选项,结果出现如下错误;3、svga经查询为 显示器显示模式SuperVGA的缩写形式。估计应该是硬件显示出了问题,于是打开VMware Workstation配置选项;4、去掉"3D加速图形“前面的对勾。5、再次打开虚拟机中的”Ubuntu.vmx“文件,结果出现lock错误,该错误主要是VMware 的加锁机制,为了使虚拟文件同一时刻只能为一台虚拟机使用。6、只要删除虚拟文件下的一些lock文件就可以了。7、删除文件后,再次打开”Ubuntu.vmx“文件,OK,ubuntu1204已经能完美运行了。
2023-07-24 22:22:501