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2023-07-25 16:04:21

The lighter drive 更轻便的驾驶理念

Electric cars made from carbon fibre will be safer and go farther


They look safe in thereMARK WEBBER has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon for. When his Formula 1 car cartwheeled in a spectacular 306kph (190mph) crash at the recent Valencia Grand Prix, what helped him to escape unscathed was the immensely strong carbon-fibre “tub” that racing drivers now sit in. Carbon fibre is an expensive alternative to making things in steel or aluminium, but besides being extremely strong it is also very light. It is found in high-performance parts, like aircraft wings, bits of supercars and the frames of pricey mountain bikes. But if work by Germany"s BMW proves successful, it could also become the material of choice to mass-produce electric cars.

6月,F1瓦伦西亚大奖赛发生了惊人一幕:以每小时306公里(190英里)行驶在赛道上的马克u2022韦伯发生了严重的翻车事故。奇迹的是,韦伯本人毫发无 伤。奥妙之处就在于当下流行于F1的——碳纤维底座。虽然与铁,铝相比,它的造价较高,但是抗压及轻便性都远远好于铁和铝。目前,炭纤维材料还大多使用在 高精度领域,如飞机机翼,F1赛车,或是私人山地车等。不过这一传统观念可能会被宝马公司打破,一旦试验成功,那么碳纤维就可以率先广泛应用在电动汽车领 域。

The Bavarian carmaker plans to launch a new plug-in electric car in 2013. It will be one of the first designed from scratch to use an electric motor rather than being converted from an existing model. Reducing the weight of this four-seater car, known as the Megacity concept, will be crucial to improving its performance and range. So BMW is planning to use no steel at all. The Megacity will be built as two modules: an aluminium chassis will contain the electric drive-system and battery, and a body made almost entirely of carbon fibre will be fitted onto it.

德国汽车制造商正计划将在2013年推出一款电瓶可拆卸式环保车。这并不是从现有车型改装而来,而是设计师卧薪尝胆的一次全新尝试。更轻便的4人坐驾,完 全符合现代城市环保理念,这款“无铁”车型的设计,彰显出了它的与众不同与理念上的更新换代。但是这样一个设想目前还处在起步阶段,或许成功的那天,汽车 铝制底盘上充电驾驶装置与设备,及全身碳纤维的设计工艺,能够更好的诠释大城市的环保概念。

Carbon fibre is 30% lighter than aluminium and 50% lighter than steel. The fibres are extremely tear-resistant. When woven into a lattice structure and impregnated with resin they can produce a part that is stronger than steel. The trouble is the process is labour-intensive and slow, not least because components may have to be cured for hours under pressure in massive ovens called autoclaves. For carmakers, used to stamping out steel body-parts in a few seconds, this has ruled out carbon fibre for high-volume production. BMW, however, aims to change that.

碳纤维比铝轻便30%,是铁的50%。同时,由于纤维具有极强的抗断裂性,再融入树脂形成晶体结构后,那么它的强度就要超过铁。但是这道工序属于劳动密集 型,效率相对较低,以前车用铁制品的切割仅需要几秒钟时间就能完成,而现在则需要在高压炉内高温锻造几个小时,因此,大量生产碳纤维的可能性不高。不过, 宝马公司目前也正在试图改变这一情况。

Its production line starts with a so-called precursor: a fibre spun from a polymer. This is carbonised by heating it in multiple stages to leave individual carbon fibres just seven microns (0.007 millimetres) thick. Around 50,000 of these fibres are bundled together into a yarn which is then made into a fabric. This can be cut and handled like a textile. Strips of fabric are then overlaid to align their fibres in such a way to maximise their load-bearing characteristics as required—in effect tailoring components like a bespoke suit.

现在,宝马生产线守开先河,将聚合体加工成纤维状,这个碳化过程需要在高温下进行几道工序,最后产生的碳纤维厚度只有7微米(0.007毫米)。然后,大 概将5000根这样的纤维拧成一股就成了纤维织物,再将这样的纤维根据它的陌生能力将它切割成最合适的尺寸,实际上,这个步骤与量体裁衣有异曲同工之妙。

Along come the robots 自动机将助一臂之力

BMW uses molds, heat and pressure to produce contours in the fabric. Resin is then injected into the molds to bond the fibres together. How the resin flows through the fibres is crucial; it has to be done quickly and leave no area untreated before it starts to cure. A release agent in the resin migrates to the surface to prevent the component sticking in the mold. The whole process, which can be handled by robots, is completed in minutes.

然后,再利用模具与高温将纤维织物打造成型。首先,将树脂注入模具粘合纤维,这里有两个细节非常关键,一是动作要快不能拖泥带水,二是在没有粘合之前确保 模具内的树脂流向均匀。树脂中混有的隔离剂此时发挥功效,避免了纤维与模具发生粘连。整道工序,在自动仪器的协助下,仅需几分钟便可完成。

The resulting carbon-fibre parts are bonded together to construct the body of the car. Besides their lightness, BMW"s experimental vehicles have exceeded expectations in crash tests, says the company. During front- and rear-impact-tests the aluminium chassis crumples to absorb energy, but leaves the rigid carbon-fibre passenger compartment intact. Even extreme side-impacts protected the crash dummies and the battery (automatically switched off when the airbags trigger). In many cases crash damage is reparable by cutting out broken sections of carbon fibre and bonding in new ones.

此时的碳纤维就可以应用于汽车制造。宝马公司声称:除了超轻便的特性之外,碳纤维的抗挤压能力也令人惊叹。在对车头车尾抗冲击测试中发现,一方面是铝制底 盘受到挤压而变形,缓冲了部分能量,而坚硬的碳纤维能够保证车身安然无恙。即使是侧面来的强力冲击,也能够有效保护车厢内假人模型及电瓶毫发无伤(当然, 气囊装置启动电瓶能够自动断电)。即便是车身有所受损,也不用担心,切割掉受损部分再粘合上新部件,完全可以让车体恢复原状。

At some point, however, carbon-fibre cars will be scrapped. Steel and aluminium is easy to recycle, but carbon fibre is tricky. Carmakers are working with aerospace firms on ways to do it. BMW has pioneered a process to reuse offcuts by breaking them up with heat to turn them back into raw material. This can be used to make composites with about half the strength of new carbon fibre.

铝的回收再利用技术已经非常成熟,但是从某角度来说,碳纤维这方面的技术还有待研究。目前,制造商正和宇宙空间机构合作,试图填补这一空白。眼下,处理碳 纤维“边脚料”最先进的方法还是来自宝马公司,他们通过高温分解,能够使之退回成未加工状态。通过此种方法生产出的复合材料也具有碳纤维一半的硬度。

Another advantage of a carbon-fibre body is that it will not corrode. So, apart from the battery wearing out in ten years or so, electric cars could last for decades (electric motors need little servicing). This will make it even harder for car designers to persuade those driving electrically to trade in their rustless, tough-as-old-boots vehicles for a new model.

碳纤维的另一优势在于不易腐蚀,如果不考虑电瓶10年左右的使用寿命,这种碳纤维电瓶汽车可以使用长达几十年(当然马达还是需要检修的)。与结实耐穿的靴 子让人不忍丢弃一样,当设计理念再有突飞猛进的发展时,如何让使用者放弃碳纤维电瓶汽车,设计者可要好好动一番脑筋喽。




autoclave[英][u02c8u0254:tu0259u028akleu026av][美][u02c8u0254:tou028akleu026av]n.压热器; 高压蒸气灭菌器; 如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-25 05:07:264


autoclave, 高压灭菌锅又名高压蒸汽灭菌锅,可分为手提式灭菌锅和立式高压灭菌锅。利用电热丝加热水产生蒸汽,并能维持一定压力的装置。主要有一个可以密封的桶体,压力表,排气阀,安全阀,电热丝等组成。
2023-07-25 05:07:351


autoclavedn.压热器v.用高压锅消毒[烹煮等]网络:蒸压轻质加气混凝土楼板;热压处理过的复数:autoclaves 过去分词:autoclaved 现在分词:autoclaving 例句1.Many chemicals will partially decompose when autoclaved .高压消毒时许多化学药品会受到一些破坏。2.The autoclaved material has an excellent combination of strength and density .该高压材料是一种强度和密度的完美结合。3.Optimization design of the curing system for autoclaved fly ash brick蒸压粉煤灰砖养护制度的优化设计
2023-07-25 05:07:452

Product will not be sterilized, but has autoclave requirement.

2023-07-25 05:07:543


2023-07-25 05:08:021

9/16 autoclave 母扣,母扣螺纹是1-1/8-12UNF,第二句话,我能理解,但是第一句话,就不清楚

2023-07-25 05:08:102

谁能帮我解释一下NIKE ACE 83 AUTOCLAVE 都代表什么

ACE 代表网球系列 83年出的 款式 复古的板鞋Nike便推出此鞋.经典的网球鞋配以现代的外形.现在也有出,属于80年代的再版.AUTOCLAVE 代表 灭菌的科技,防臭等!
2023-07-25 05:08:171


高压蒸汽灭菌:目前常用下排气式高压灭菌器,使用方法等介绍如下: 手提式高压灭菌器:是实验室、卫生医疗单位常用的小型灭菌器。由铝合金材料制造,为单层圆筒,内有一铝质的盛物捅,直径28cm,深28cm,容积约181,全重18kg,使用压力<1.4kg/cm2。主要部件有;压力表1个,指示高压锅内压力。排气阀1个,下接排气软管,伸至盛物桶下部,用以排除冷空气。安全阀1个,当高压锅内压力超过1.4kg/cm2时,可自动开启排气。使用方法:在高压锅内放入约4cm深的清水,将消毒物品放入盛物桶内,装物不宜太多,且应使物品间留有空隙,盖上锅盖,注意将排气软管插入盛物桶壁上的方管内,拧紧螺丝。当加热到表压为5~10磅/英寸2*时,打开排气阀。放冷空气,至有蒸气排出,即关闭排气l倒,待上升至所需压力,调节热源,维持到预定时间。结束后排气至0,打开盖子,取出物品。消毒液体时,最好慢慢冷却,以免减压过快液体外溢或瓶破裂。高压灭随应注意以下各点: (1)必须将灭菌器内冷空气抽尽或排尽,空气的排尽程度与温度的关系极为密切(表22)。 高压灭菌器内压力和冷空气排放与温度的关系  表 压 排出不同程度冷空气时高压锅内温度(℃) 磅/英寸2 kg/cm2 全排出 排出2/3 排出1/3 未排出10 0.70 115 109 100 9015 1.05 121 115 109 100(2)合理计算时间。其时间的计算,应从灭菌器内达到温度要求时算起,至完成灭菌为止。一般下排气式高压灭菌器为121℃15min或ll5℃30min。(3)包装与容器不宜过大,过紧,也不宜将物品放于铝饭盒内。 (4)合理布放物品。不宜过多,一般为85%,且物品间留有空隙。(5)注意安全操作,每次灭菌前应检查灭菌器是否处于良好的工作状态,尤其是安全阀是否良好,盖是否关紧。加热宜均匀,灭菌后减压不可过猛。压力表退回“O”处才可打开盖。6)为监测灭菌教果,可采用留点温度计或嗜热脂肪芽胞菌生物指示菌片。
2023-07-25 05:08:491

teflon-lined autoclave 指的是平常所用的反应釜么

2023-07-25 05:09:401

耐克/NIKE ACE 83 AUTOCLAVE 319578-162 这双鞋的专柜价格是480还是580呢

商品原价市 480 产品名称 ACE "83 AUTOCLAVE 货号 319578162 零售价 480
2023-07-25 05:10:024


2023-07-25 05:10:113


乙酸营养型(Acetotrophic):能利用、消耗乙酸的营养型。 乙酰辅酶A途径(Acetyl-CoA pathway):一种自养营养型固定CO2的途径,广泛存在于专性厌氧 的产甲烷细菌、同型乙酸和硫酸盐还原细菌中。 酸性矿排出的水(Acid mine drainage):微生物氧化硫铁矿产生的含有H2SO4的酸性水。 嗜酸菌(Acidophile):生物体能在较低pH下生长得最好。 活化能(Activation energy):使底物达到反应状态所需的能量。 激活蛋白(Activator protein):一种调控蛋白,在正调控中,它与DNA上专一位点结合,激活 转录。 急性(Acute):短期感染,通常是以剧烈发作为特征。 好氧菌(Aerobe):生物体在呼吸中利用O2,一些生长时需要O2。 耐氧厌氧菌(Aerotolerant):不能呼吸氧气但是有氧气存在时也不会影响生长的微生物。 藻类(Algae):光合营养型真核微生物。 嗜碱菌(Alkliphile):能在高pH下生长得最好的生物体。 变构酶(Allosteric enzyme):具有两个结合位点的酶。这两个位点分别为活性位点(底物结合 位点)和变构位点(效应物结合位点)。 阿米巴样运动(Amoeboid movement):生物体以细胞质流动进行移动的一种运动方式。 氨酰-tRNA合成酶(Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase):一组酶,每一种酶能催化一种正确的氨基酸 与tRNA连接。 氨基糖苷类抗生素(Aminoglcoside):同链霉素相同的一类抗生素,含有糖苷键连接的氨基糖基团。 合成代谢(Anabolism):细胞内所进行的全部生物合成反应。 厌氧菌(Anaerobe):生物体在呼吸中不需O2,它们的生长可以被O2抑制。 厌氧呼吸(Anaerobic respiration):由SO42-或NO3-等物质代替O2作为最终电子受体的呼吸 作用。 无氧氨氧化(Anammox):无氧条件下氨的氧化。 无氧的(Anoxic):指缺乏氧的环境,通常也是高度还原的环境(低的E0")。 不生氧光合作用(Anoxygenic photosynthesis):不产生O2的光合作用。 天线色素(Antenna):在光复合物中,将能量传递至反应中心的捕光色素分子。 抗生素(Antibiotic):一种由微生物体产生的化学物质,可以杀死其它微生物或抑制它们的生长。 反密码子(Anticodon):在tRNA分子中的三个碱基序列,它在蛋白质合成中与密码子碱基配对。 抗原性漂变(Antigenic drift):由于流感病毒基因突变而引起的抗原微小变化。 抗原性转变(Antigenic shift):由于流感病毒基因再分配而引起的抗原较大变化。 抗菌剂(Antimicrobial agent):一类能够杀死或抑制微生物体生长的化合物 抗菌药物抗性(Antimicrobial drug resistance):微生物体获得的一种能力,能够在原来敏 感的抗菌药物存在的情况下生长。 反向平行(Antiparallel):在双链DNA中,一条链方向由5"→3",另一条链方向由3"→5"。 防腐剂(Antiseptic,germicide):能够杀死或抑制微生物体生长并且对活体组织没有毒害作用 的化学试剂。 古细菌(Archaea):一群在系统发育上相关的原核生物,与细菌截然不同。 人工染色体(Artificial chromosome):一个克隆载体能够携带非常大的外源DNA片段的插入而 存在于细胞内,非常像细胞内染色体。应用最广的有细 菌人工染色体(BACs)和酵母人工染色体(YACs)。 无菌操作技术(Aseptic technique):在整个操作过程中使培养基及其他无菌物体保持无菌的方法。 天冬苯丙二肽酯(Aspartame):由天冬氨酸和苯丙氨酸组成的一种非营养增甜剂,后者作为甲酯。 ABC(ATP-结合盒)转运蛋白[ATP-Binding Cassette)transporter]:由三种蛋白组成的膜转运 系统,其中一种水解ATP运输特异的营养物进入细胞的蛋白。 ATP合成酶(ATP synthase):一种镶嵌在细胞质膜上的多蛋白酶复合体,能够将催化ATP的合成与质 子动力的消耗偶联起来。 弱化作用(Attenuation):控制基因表达的一种机制。在转录起始后,全长mRNA产生前这段时间区域 内典型的转录被终止。 高压灭菌锅(Autoclave):利用高温和高压蒸汽杀死微生物体的一种灭菌设备。 自溶(Autolysis):自发的细胞溶解现象,通常是由例解素的作用引起。 自养生物(Autotroph):能够以CO2作为唯一碳源进行合成自身所需原料的生物。 营养缺陷型(Auxotroph):突变后表现出对某一种营养物质需求的微生物个体。 B细菌(Bacteria):一群在系统发育上相关的原核生物,与古细菌截然不同。 类菌体(Bacteroid):指在豆科植物根瘤中形态上畸形的根瘤菌细胞,能够固氮。 细菌视紫红质(Bacteriorhodopsin):一种含有视黄醛的膜蛋白,由某些极端嗜盐菌产生,能够形 成由光介导的质子动力。 细菌叶绿素(Bacteriochlorophyll):不生氧光养生物的叶绿素色素。 杀菌剂(Bacteriocidal agent):一类能杀死细菌的试剂。 抑菌剂(Bacteriostatic agent):一类能抑制细菌生长的试剂。 嗜压的(Barophilic):指生物体在压力大于1atm下也能生长很好。 耐压性(Barotolerant):指生物体在提高压力下也可以生长,但在大气压下生长得最好。 分批培养(Batch culture):在一固定体积的封闭系统内培养微生物。 二分裂(Binary fission):细胞扩大到最小体积的二倍后进行的细胞分裂。 生物催化(Biocatalysis):利用微生物来完成特定的化学合成。 生化需氧量(Biochemical oxygen demand,BOD):水样本微生物耗氧特性。 生物膜(Biofilm):带有多孔黏液物质并且附着于一个表面上的微生物细胞菌落。 生物地球化学(Biogeochemistry):研究以生物为媒介的化学转化。 生物信息学(Bioinformatics): 运用计算机工具去获得、分析、存储和访问DNA和蛋白质序列。 生物战争(Biological warfare):使用生物试剂使人失去战斗力或杀死他们。 生物整治(Bioremediation):通过微生物清除油、有毒化学物质和其他污染。 生物合成青霉素(Biosynthetic penicillin):提供特异侧链前体物给生物体,来进行青霉素特 异形式的生产。 生物技术(Biotechnology):利用基因工程改造的生物体进行特定的化学反应以用于工业生产。 生物转化(Biotransformation):利用微生物完成化学反应,这个化学反应是非常昂贵的或非生物 手段不能完成的。 β内酰胺抗生素(β-lactam antibiotic):一类化学结构中含有β内酰胺杂环的抗生素,青霉素 便是其中一种。 黑烟囱(Black smoker):指极端热(250-350℃)的深海温泉喷发出的热水和各种矿物质。 肉毒杆菌中毒(Botulism):因摄取含有肉毒梭菌(clostridium botulinum)所产毒素的食物而引起的食物中毒。 酿造(Brewing): 生产酒精饮料,如将麦芽通过发酵生产啤酒。 广谱抗生素(Broad-spectrum antibiotic):能同时作用于革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌的抗生素
2023-07-25 05:10:272


亲爱的同事,很高兴能在CMEF2009的展览会中认识你我们已经熟悉了你的产品(高压锅),我们认为你会按照我们的要求做:1.垂直载荷2.真空的功能. 意思是空气延伸出高压锅在使用后,因此提供水蒸气的穿透在各个空间.(这句翻译不能确定对不对)3.高压锅的体积不能小于50公升4.气温-130度5.2 大气压力.(不确定翻译)6.杀菌的周期在一小时就可以了7.能量消耗的能力在合理的限定内(4-10KW)8.没有中文没有高压锅我说过我们销售高压锅在整个俄罗斯地区有两个方法:1.销售给医院,从参加地区的和政府的活动2.销售给公司根据我们对于销售你的产品的丰富经验和两大有关医院准备购买高压锅的政府项目,我等你的回答有关这个产品的可能性如果这是可能的,我们希望能收到你的样品.如果你的产品让我们感到满意,我们肯定会买最少1000个在这一年我们的来自中国的同事寄样品给我们,这样我们可以在俄罗斯测试.如果一切顺利我们会办好相应的全部手续等待你的回复,期待互相进一步有利的合作.(后面就是那个人的落款,和名字)我尽力翻译了。..希望能帮助你
2023-07-25 05:10:441


如果是培养微生物,那么不要理那沉淀,不会影响细菌生长的,我们也遇到过类似问题。或者你为了好看 舒服,那就用滤纸过滤。
2023-07-25 05:10:534


Hr:According to the company"s development and change, assist hr manager to establish hr strategy planning,Second, formulate plans and procedures for organization and staff recruitment activities to ensure the staff to establish talents database, and guards for company reserve talents;Third, company staff personnel changes, accepts the employee complaints and Suggestions, completes the work assigned upload,Fourth, to establish a company hr management system,Five, plan, guidance, coordination company internal and external training, training and training effective execution process; regulatingSix, assist department performance appraisal system, make regular staff appraisal,Seven, regularly for human resource data analysis, timely report to the company all aspects of work and the situation, for the company management decision-making reference,Eight, the planning staff in companies, enterprises and formation of cultural philosophy.Administration:A, implement company annual administrative plan, control administrative expenses,Second, the purchase of office equipment, office supplies, printed CARDS, managing and distributing,Third, the management of files, documents and administration, computer disk, CD badge is an important material, etc.Four, environmental, health and safety management company,Five, the staff, departments and the communication between the superior work,Six, assist external liaison and reception working,Seven, responsible for the daily maintenance and fixed assets of water, electricity, etc resources management,Eight, responsible for the management of public resources telephone and cost control,Nine, responsible for the relevant certificates and careful work,Ten, the important activities of the organization and visitor reception,
2023-07-25 05:11:011


2023-07-25 05:11:274

耐克Nike 女子运动文化鞋 WMNS ACE _83 AUTOCLAVE穿了两天鞋面起泡可以换吗?

2023-07-25 05:11:352

2023-07-25 05:12:094


无菌技术 无菌技术是预防医院感染的一项重要而基础的技术,无菌技术的目的是保持无菌物品不被污染,防止病原微生物传播。医护人员必须时刻保持无菌概念,正确熟练掌握无菌技术,这一集包括洗手技术和无菌技术基本操作方法两部分。 洗手的目的是清除手上的微生物,切断感染途径,在操作前后洗净双手,既可以有效的防止病人之间发生交叉感染,又可以保护医护人员的自身安全。正确的洗手步骤和方法分六步进行,再用流动自来水冲淋双手后,取无菌皂液洗手。
2023-07-25 05:12:323

求翻译 高分追加~

压力氢化的PLASTICS制造使用的校长advantages的反作用技术在朝派氢化的塑料学我们富人某样的人a为特定目标的东西目标打算在朝派我们工作阿特a减少的反作用参数例如压力温度氢消耗和催化剂应用用同时定量故障的烃控制感情杂原子向湿透石蜡和塑料单体某样的人a渴望result.8下列的塑料废物即 polyvinylchloride(PVC)缆绳被浪费聚乙烯(PE)缆绳被浪费使用 “Trabant”小汽车躯体聚酯和酚醛树脂混合用是老机油工业废物石油和氯苯从损坏石油提高过程和后来被统治在压热器中使用浆的可处理的催化剂系统 totemperatures向上的移动向500oC和20 MPa的压力使氢化定相和基础一样好分析和拔出的对塑性材料的人物塑造涉及was,首先全面的对废物油画的人物塑造被实行PVC缆绳废物was是多达40%的引人注目到期装填者目录比较起来因此调查是执行也是用纯粹PVC小粒PE和PVC的在tetrals的面前转换过程的温度附属国被在图2中展示.禁止重要的塑料学was was的改变在450oC以下观察是在500oC的情况的聚乙烯温度中是对必要的得到一完整转换
2023-07-25 05:12:416


2023-07-25 05:12:565


就是 太吝啬了
2023-07-25 05:13:236


电脑主板上面的 电池没电了;换个 电池(一个2元左右)换一下,换好后在 设置一下,bios保证你 以后不用按 f1
2023-07-25 05:13:384

谁知道B11培养基以及BM培养基配方~ 急用~~

2023-07-25 05:13:484

autoclave curing是什么意思

autoclave curing高压蒸汽养护; 网络释义1. 高压釜养护2. 高压蒸汽养护.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-25 05:14:031

out of autoclave 中文什么意思

out of autoclave从高压釜out of autoclave从高压釜
2023-07-25 05:14:101

PTFElined autoclave 什么意思

PTFE lined autoclave 聚四氟乙烯衬里的高压釜
2023-07-25 05:14:191

Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave是什么仪器

2023-07-25 05:14:391


1,closestool toilet bout2,upper berth lower berth 3. laundry powder4.faster heat5.induction cooker;electric rice cooker ;pressure cooker6. swob;besom
2023-07-25 05:14:473

soundness autoclave expansion是什么意思啊

2023-07-25 05:14:542

虽能介绍一下英国CCA 生物工程公司

Under the background of New Zealand Timber Protection Technique Support, on the base of Domestic industry Professionals, and adheres to the management principal of “Precise, Practical and Win-Win ”. Jiangxi Maelong Timber Protection Co., Ltd (Yintan Timber Preservative and Pressure Vessel Plant under Ministry of Railways), a necessary for Timber Preservative Plant and Fireproof Door Plant, is a professional company engaged in production and sales of Timber protection equipment sets (noncorrosibility, fire resistance, fireproof, charing, autoclave for building material), various preservative, mildewcide and fire retardant. We can serve as following items: ●Establishment of Plant Construction Scheme ●Implement of Plant Construction Plan ●Supply for Timber Protection Equipments ●Supply For Anti-Septic Agent ●Matching Process Flow ●Staff Training ●Ensuring the Follow-Up Service ●Merchandises on Hand Since establishment, We have undertook over ten timber anti-septic plants, which including domestic complete function timber experiment equipment used by Nanjing Forestry University Teaching Test. processing, installation, technical support, personnel training and follow-up technique guidance, we all unanimously flavored by our users. The factory per capita investment achieved good Profits, and our consumers are spread over the whole nation: Hainan, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Henan, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, Beijing, Xinjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Chongqing, Shanxi, etc. The company also exports to oversea countries like Indonesia. According to the original prescription in New Zealand, Our Company choose the imported ACQ、CCA timber anti-septic agent, which has been tested by China Forestry Institution Key Lab, and fully consistent with the United States AWPA standards. Our anti-septic agent has been adopted in Wood Structure Maintenance of 2005 National Key Project---Tibet Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and Norbu Lingka. In Addition, we can also offer the anti-septic timber and wooden garden Commodities to our VIP consumers from the nearest location. Our Products have sold to Japan, South Korean, and Taiwan Region. We are appreciated all the friends both in the broad or at home, thank you for your support, concern, trust for our company"s development. At the meantime, we also sincerely hope that our industry fellows work together for the timber protection undertaking, for a more bright future. Our objective is not only “Stand out of the sales capacity”, but also to satisfy our consumers. Congratulations on successful purchasing the branch factory production right of Wood Preservation pressure vessels that from Ministry of Railways Yingtan Anti-septic Plant.
2023-07-25 05:15:011


2023-07-25 05:10:382


2023-07-25 05:10:392

see for help 另外 有seek for help这个词组吗 能否举例

see sb for help 会见某人以得到帮助. Tom went to see a doctor for help. seek for help 寻求帮助 Tom went to hospital to seek for help. see的宾语是人.seek的宾语是help,后面跟for时作不及物动词讲.这样你理解吗?
2023-07-25 05:10:401


留言么很简单1 留言者2 留言给谁3 内容4 标题5 日期6 是否回复基本就这些了这就是一张表跟你的用户表做一下关联就可以了,引两个外键就OK当然 如果你想显示呢称或者留言中带图片的话,就另加两个字段就OK了就是这样的思路
2023-07-25 05:10:402

几个老头的组合,假声为主,歌词里有 never be alone,求组合名和歌名

Never Be Alone演唱:Shawn MendesI promise that one day I"ll be aroundI"ll keep you safeI"ll keep you soundRight now it"s pretty crazyAnd I don"t know how to stop or slow it downHeyI know there are some things we need to talk aboutAnd I can"t stayJust let me hold you for a little longer nowTake a piece of my heartAnd make it all your ownSo when we are apartYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneWhen you miss me close your eyesI may be far but never goneWhen you fall asleep tonightJust remember that we lay under the same starsAnd heyI know there are some things we need to talk aboutAnd I can"t stayJust let me hold you for a little longer nowAnd take a piece of my heartAnd make it all your ownSo when we are apartYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneAnd take a piece of my heartAnd make it all your ownSo when we are apartYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be alone
2023-07-25 05:10:441


2023-07-25 05:10:481


ncre是全国计算机等级考试(National Computer Rank Examination)的缩写
2023-07-25 05:10:482

用法上seek sth 就行,还是必须要seek for sth

2023-07-25 05:10:492


Anyone Of Us、When you told me you loved me、lubov、Night、she"s gone、the day you went away、Timeless、everytime we touch、my love、big big worl、Yesterday once more - Carpenters 、Lemon tree、Good time、See you again、Because I love you - Shakin" Stevens、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon、A Place Nearby。
2023-07-25 05:10:517

最近总是听到的一首英文歌,开头很抒情,第一句有个long time,希望大家帮忙找一下

see you again吗
2023-07-25 05:10:523

Never Be Replaced这首歌谁帮我翻译下准确点

Baby I love you and i"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你,不会让你离开But if I have to boy I think that you should know但是如果我不得不这样,我想你应该知道 All the love we make can never be erase 我们的爱是不能被抹去的And i promise you that you will never be replaced而且我向你保证,你永远不会被取代 Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你,不会让你离开But if I have to boy I think that you should know但是如果我不得不这样,我想你应该知道 All the love we make can never be erase 我们之间的爱不能被抹去And i promise you that you will never be replaced 我保证你永远不会被人取代I love you yes i do 我爱你 是的, 我爱你I"ll be with you as long as you want me too 只要你愿意我将和你在一起Until the end of time 直到永远From the day I met you 从我遇到你的那天起I know we"ve be together 我知道我们会在一起And now I know I wanna be with you forever 而且现在我知道我要永远和你在一起I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids 我要嫁给你,我想要有你的孩子Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses I can say i"m truly happy to the same 我可以说我真的很开心You"ve made me think I"ll die and live my life hesitate 你让我相信,我将生活得很踌躇There"s never been no doubt in my mind 在我心里从来没有过怀疑That i"ll regret ever having you by my side 我将感到遗憾你曾经在我的身边But if the day come that i"ll have to let you go 但是如果那天到来了,我将不得不让你走I think that something I should probably let you know 我想有些事我应该让你知道With everything that i spent with you 我和你一起经历的每一件事Then i will miss you cuz i"m happy that i have you at all 我将怀恋你,因为我完全拥有你而感到开心I feel for you yes i do 我为你感觉,是的,为你感觉I"ll be with you as long as you want me to Until the end of time 只要你愿意我将一直陪伴你,直到时间的尽头
2023-07-25 05:10:353


be proud of you cry on my shouldermoonlight
2023-07-25 05:10:348


2023-07-25 05:10:332


气相色谱- 质谱- 选择离子监测模式( GC- MS- SIM )
2023-07-25 05:10:302


you are my love 日文版歌词: 雨に濡れた頬は 涙のにおいがした やさしい眼差しの 旅人 静かに响いてる 懐かしい音楽 思い出せない记忆 彷徨う 梦は飞び立つの小さな翼で 想いの消えない场所まで 二人で 远い海を空を越えて 暗い夜の中で 私を照らしてる 优しい眼差しの 贵方に 会いたい…… 日文歌词翻译: 被雨水打湿的脸颊上 散发出泪水的气息 眼神温柔的旅人 静静回想著难忘的音乐 在忘却了记忆中旁徨 梦乘著飞上天空的小小的羽翼 一直飞到记忆不会消失的地方 两人越过遥远的海洋和天空 我想与漆黑的夜里照亮我的 眼神温柔的 你相见... 日文版注音歌词 ameni nureta hohowa namida no nioi kashita yasashii manazashi no tabibito shizukani hibiiteru natsukashii ongaku omoi dasenai kioku samayou yumewa tobidatsu no chiisana tsubasade omoino kienai bashyomade futaride toi umiwo sorawo koete kurai yoru no nakade watashiwo terashiteru yasashii manazashi no anatani aitai... 英文版歌词: kiss me sweet I"m sleeping in silence all alone in ice and snow in my dream I"m calling your name you are my love in your eyes I search for my memory lost in vain so far in the scenery hold me tight, and swear again and again we"ll never be apart if you could touch my feathers softly I"ll give you my love we set sail in the darkness of the night out to the sea to find me there to find you there love me now if you dare.... kiss me sweet I"m sleeping in sorrow all alone to see you tomorrow in my dream I"m calling your name you are my love... my love... tsubasa英文版歌词:演唱:织田かおり(FictionJunction KAORI) 作词、作曲、编曲:梶浦由记(Yuki Kajiura)第一部第三集Far in the light, I can see it In every scene of the night A tiny feather of love I gotta go Destiny never finds the way for me, my love Even in the night I see your face, in the dark So I never lose my way to you I never close my heart The light is always there Time goes by, we can never stay the same Now we"re come so far from love memory Though your smile has gone, we will never be apart In our hearts we are one, for love memory The future arrives with your love Willing to go to the place Where you never need to cry I"ll take you there Willing to find an answer In all the winding road we have come through In the heat of summer, cold winter, I"m here So you never lose your way to me Never close your heart Your light is always here Time goes by, we can never stay the same In the shades of hope, in love memory Though your smile has gone, we will never be apart In our hearts we can hear the love melody The future still shines, close to you... 日文版歌词: ユメノツバサ こんなにも远くへ二人は来てしまって あの顷の 幼い君の微笑みにもう帰れないね 君が笑う世界がすきで 侧にいたい、それだけ 忘れかけた痛みを胸に time goes by 时の流れは二人を変えて行くけれど 失くしたものも梦见るものも その手を取って思い出すよ いつも君の侧で 悲しいことさえ覚えておきたいから 君の地図に 私の为のベージを残しておいてね 未来から吹き付ける风を 君はあの日信じた 明日はもっと高く舞い上がれ…… time goes by 时が过ぎてもきっと変わらぬものがあるの 届かないから、见つけたいから 梦の翼を探しに行く 侧にいてね、ずっと…… 侧にいるよ、ずっと…… 罗马拼音: konnanimo tookuhe futari wa kiteshimatte ano koro no osanai kimi no hohoemini mou kaerenaine kimiga warau sekaiga sukide sobaniitai、soredake wasurekaketa itamiwo muneni time goes by toki no nagare wa futari wo kaete yukukeredo nakushita monomo yumeniru monomo sonotewo totte omoi dasuyo itsumo kimi no sobade kanashii kotosae oboete okitaikara kimi no chizuni watashi no tame no pe-ji wo nokoshiteoitene oitene miraikara fukitsukeru kazewo kimi wa anohi shinjita ashita wa motto takaku maiagare…… time goes by tokiga sugitemo kitto kawaranu monoga aruno todokanai kara、mitsuketai kara yume no tsubasa wo sagashini yuku sobani itene、zutto…… sobani iruyo、zutto…… 歌词中文翻译:中文: 无论有多远 两个人也要携手同行 哪个时候 难以抵抗你幼小的笑脸 喜欢你微笑的世界 虽然想流在你身边 可是心中有难以释怀的伤痛 time goes by 流年轻逝 失去的东西 梦想的东西 牵起那双手 便能回想起来 想要一直在你的身边 伤心的往事陪伴着我们共同度过 在你的心中 我是那么的重要 从未来袭来的大风 你坚信着那一天 未来将飞舞得更高更远 time goes by 流年轻逝 一定还会有不曾改变的东西 传达不到 却想要找到 寻找到梦想的翅膀 想要在你身边 永远 虽然改变了彼此 失去的东西 梦想的东西 牵起那双手 便能回想起来 time goes by 时光流逝 一定还会有不曾改变的东西 传达不到 却想要找到 去寻找梦想的翅膀 留在你身边 永远
2023-07-25 05:10:273

The wole class______ a dolphin show there

2023-07-25 05:10:261

S----- for. 填一个s开头的单词

2023-07-25 05:10:264


2023-07-25 05:10:252

有一首歌他的前调和周杰伦的以父之名的调子是一样的 但是后面就不一样 是首英文歌 谁知道歌名

shape of my heart ?但是这个前奏是和夜曲很像 后面就不一样了
2023-07-25 05:10:132