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what are some of the characteristics of the British constitutional monarchy?求专业人士回答!!!

2023-07-25 16:14:49
The monarchy is not the rule
Parliamentary control of state power
Power separation and balance

Theu2002monarchu2002ofu2002the countryu2002hasu2002limitedu2002rightsu2002becauseu2002ofu2002Billu2002ofu2002Right.u2002Foru2002example,u2002whileu2002the officialu2002headu2002ofu2002stateu2002isu2002theu2002queen,u2002heru2002powersu2002areu2002largelyu2002traditionalu2002and symbolic. Theu2002governmentu2002atu2002nationalu2002andu2002localu2002levelsu2002isu2002electedu2002byu2002theu2002people andu2002governsu2002accordingu2002tou2002Britishu2002constitutionalu2002principles.


你想怎么回答 我翻译啊





monarchy[英][u02c8mu0252nu0259ki][美][u02c8mɑ:nu0259rki]n.君主政体; 君主国; 君主政治; In a few years we may no longer have a monarchy.几年后君主政体可能将不复存在。
2023-07-25 05:30:591


monarchy英["mu0252nu0259ku026a] 美["mɑnu025aki]n. 君主政体;君主国;君主政治例:The monarchy has to create a balance between its public and private lives.王室不得不在公众生活和私生活之间建立一种平衡。同义词:Caesarismmonarch君主,帝国
2023-07-25 05:31:061

monarchy 是什么牌子

2023-07-25 05:31:162

constitutional monarchy是什么意思?

monarchy[英][ˈmɒnəki][美][ˈmɑ:nərki]n.君主政体; 君主政治; 君主国; 复数:monarchies以上结果来自金山词霸例句But the monarchy may be in deeper trouble. 但君主制可能面临更大的麻烦。
2023-07-25 05:31:321


2023-07-25 05:31:412


2023-07-25 05:31:538


封建制是君主制的一种,君主制分君主封建制、部分君主制(政教合一)、君主立宪制。 君主制由君主,包括国王、皇帝、天皇、苏丹等担当国家元首。君主拥有至高无上的权力,君主的意志就是法律,不受任何约束。君主实行终身制,并且是世袭的。这种政治制度已有四五千年的历史。古代的奴隶制国家、封建制国家、多实行这种专制制度。 封建制又称分封制,是古代的帝王将自己开拓的疆土,分封给自己的同姓和有功的臣民,让他们在分封的疆土上建立诸侯国,以屏天子,也称“封土建国”,并按天子、诸侯、大夫、士、庶民的等级世袭爵位的一种政治制度。 就我国来说,从秦始皇统一天下开始,就实行中央集权下的郡县制,也可称为君主制下的郡县管理,基本没有分封。所以从狭义上来讲,中国从那时已经结束了封建时代,而进入了中央集权时代。后来汉高祖开国,为了安抚功臣,分封与郡县相结合,后经七王之乱,汉武撤藩。自此,中国几乎总是以郡县为主,分封为辅。然而封王权利已经有很大的收缩。
2023-07-25 05:32:501

What is the constitutional monarchy?

constitutional monarchy:君主立宪制英国有君主(女王),但同时也有宪法。女王是国家最高掌权者,但她不能一个人做所有的决定。这体现了君主立宪制和帝主制(totalitarianism)的不同(帝主一个人决定国家的一切)。英国有议会,议会在宪法的指导下作出政治决定。希望这有回答你的问题。
2023-07-25 05:33:003

帮忙找下歌词:Monarchy的Disintegration 要中文和英文的u301c

歌词:DisintegrationYou, you and meHold our breath and count to threeI want so much to give you my everythingDisintegration, suffocationMy life is taken, my annihilationTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youThere"s a fear inside of meOpen up and take it slowlyLess it"s all my realityI"m-a be, I"m-a hard my heartbeatI"m, I"m so afraid giving to you endlesslyLook for for your touchNever have I died so much muchDisintegration, suffocationMy life is taken, my annihilationTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youThere"s a fear inside of meOpen up and take it slowlyLess it"s all my realityI"m-a be, I"m-a hard my heartbeatTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youTake my love for youDisintegration, suffocationMy life is taken, my annihilation
2023-07-25 05:33:082


问题一:迪拜属于哪个洲? 亚洲,地理位置属于西亚,政治和战略位置属于中东(中东除了海湾六国GCC,还包括一些北非和西非国家),隶属于 *** 联亥酋长国,迪拜之于阿联酋的首都阿布扎比,相当于我国的上海之于北京。 问题二:迪拜属于哪个州的 楼主你好 阿联酋是个联合酋长国,迪拜是其中的一个组成部分 ,但并非首都,首都是阿布扎比 顺便说句,阿联酋在亚洲中东部分 希望我的回答对你有所帮助 问题三:迪拜属于哪个洲 亚洲,西亚的。 问题四:迪拜属于哪个国家?在哪个州 市名 迪拜市(英语:Dubai *** 语: )。又译“杜拜”。 经纬度 城市位于北纬25度16分,东经55度20分。 国家 *** 联合酋长国(The United Arab Emirates) 酋长国 迪拜酋长国(英语:Emirate of Dubai *** 语: ) 合并(城镇) 1833年6月9日 合并(酋长国) 1971年12月2日 创始人 马克图姆家族(Maktoum bin Bati bin Suhail)(1833年) 行政区 Jebel Ali、Hatta、Al Hunaiwah、Al Aweer、Al Hajarain、Al Lusayli、Al Marqab、Al Faq、Hail、Al Sufari、Ud al-Bayda、Al Malaiha、Al Madam、Margham、Urqub Juwayza、Al Qima *** 类型:君主立宪制(Constitutional monarchy) 酋长: *** u30fb本u30fb拉希德u30fb阿勒马克图姆(Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum) 王子:哈姆丹u30fb本u30fb *** u30fb本u30fb拉希德u30fb阿勒马克图姆(Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum) 面积 酋长国:4,114平方公里 都会区:1,287.4平方公里 人口 酋长国总人口226.2万(2008年),人口密度408.18人/平方公里。 种族 酋长国中42.3%的人口为印度人,17%为阿联酋公民,13.3%为巴基斯坦人,7.5%为孟加拉国人,9.1%为 *** 人,10.8%为其他种族。 时间 阿联酋标准时间(UAE standard time)(UTC+4) 迪拜(Dubai)位于 *** 半岛中部、 *** 湾南岸,是海湾地区中心,与南亚次大陆隔海相望,被誉为海湾的明珠。它沿海岸线呈西南到东北的走向,长30公里,最宽处10余公里。一条长约14公里的海汊将它分为两部分,东南部分称为迪拉,西北部叫巴尔杜拜。靠海汊的迪拉地段最为繁华。海汊从南到北,建有戈尔胡德桥、马克西姆桥和山代盍隧道,将西部连在一起。面积3980平方公里,约占全国总面积的5%。人口226.2万,约占全国人口的41.9%,为人口最多的酋长国。 迪拜是七个 *** 联合酋长国中的面积第二大酋长国(次于阿布扎比),是阿联酋的经济中心。迪拜 *** 所在地为迪拜市。迪拜市是阿联酋第二大城市。此外,该酋长国还有哈塔镇和杰贝尔阿里港等地。每年10月至来年3月是迪拜气候最好的时节,迪拜总的来说属亚热带气候,冬天气温在10-30摄氏度,夏天最高达48摄氏度。迪拜的官方语言为 *** 语,但英语是最主要的商业语言。 [编辑本段]一、历史沿革 公元前三世纪,迪拜就有人类活动。近年来,考古学家在迪拜久迈拉地区发现公元五世纪人类住区遗址及文物。 迪拜从1799年开始有村庄出现的记录。在18世纪早期,巴尼亚斯部落的Al Abu Fa *** 后裔开始迁徙至迪拜,而他们一直在阿布扎比居住直至1833年。 1833年,当时由马克图姆(Maktoum)家族所领导的共800人的巴尼亚斯部落(Bani Yas tribe)在“没有抵抗”的情形下离开了阿布扎比并迁移至迪拜,成立了新的王朝。1852年,马克图姆成为酋长,开创了该家族在迪拜的统治。从此,迪拜这个新的独立酋长国,与阿布扎比酋长国正式......>> 问题五:迪拜属于哪个州啊?非洲?欧洲?还是美洲? 亚洲, *** 半岛.迪拜是七个 *** 联合酋长国中的面处第二大(次于阿布扎比)、人口最多的酋长国,是阿联酋的经济中心。其 *** 在迪拜市,迪拜市是阿联酋最大城市。 问题六:迪拜属于哪个国家 *** 联合酋长国,简称阿联酋! UAE,迪拜是里面其中一个酋长国,其他酋长国还有阿布扎比(首都),沙迦,阿吉曼,等等。 问题七:迪拜是哪个洲的 中东,亚洲, *** 联合酋长国, *** 半岛 问题八:迪拜属于哪个国家 迪拜在中东,亚洲西部,波斯湾南海岸,沙特的东南方,与伊朗隔海相望。 迪拜是阿联酋的一个酋长国,由于石油资源贫乏,无法依赖石油经济,所以迪拜 *** 70年代开始改革,努力把迪拜打造成中东的金融、商业和物流中心。 迪拜很小,如果时间紧一天就够了,无非是迪拜塔,帆船酒店、棕榈岛和几个MALL,另外BEACH很不错。 去帆船酒店吃自助餐,全部是海鲜。还有上好的红酒,不过要另付账哦。 问题九:迪拜属于哪个国家哪个洲 迪拜位于 *** 半岛中部、 *** 湾南岸,是海湾地区中心,与南亚次大陆隔海相望,西北与卡塔尔为邻、西和南与沙特 *** 交界、东和东北与阿曼毗连,被誉为“海湾的明珠”迪拜属于亚洲,具体地理位置属于西亚,政治和战略位置属于中东地区,隶属于 *** 联合酋长国。。 问题十:阿联酋迪拜属于哪个洲_阿联酋迪拜在哪里 一起来看看吧! 说到阿联酋迪拜其实说的就是迪拜,因为迪拜在阿联酋,说起来时人们总喜欢说是阿联酋迪拜,迪拜在阿联酋是个大的城市,在阿联酋有着很重要的地位,无论是在地理位置上,还是在贸易往来上,都在阿联酋有着举足轻重的地位。这个海湾国家就位于 *** 半岛上,而且这里有丰富的石油资源,因为这里还紧挨着波斯湾,一说到波斯湾人们就知道这里为什么时候丰富了吧,也是由于这一部分原因,迪拜还是阿联酋的首都城市,在这里有着很重的地位啊。阿联酋迪拜 来到阿联酋怎么会不去迪拜呢,就这样把迪拜总说成是阿联酋迪拜。尽管不是这里的第一大酋长国,但一样有着举足轻重的地位。而且迪拜不仅石油资源丰富,还是个著名的旅游城市,这里有很多的著名景点,像举世闻名的迪拜塔就在这里,每年来这旅游的游客数不胜数,因此让这里的旅游业更加的发达,也给迪拜带来很大的经济收入,让这个国家更加的赋予,在某一程度上,阿联酋的经济还是比较依赖迪拜的。迪拜 来到这里人们还会经常说这里的海湾明珠怎么样,其实所说的海湾明珠就是说的迪拜,这是人们赋予它的美名。这个海湾地区真是蕴藏着丰富的资源,还与南亚次大陆隔海相望,这里还有一系列的山脉。来到这里你就可以真正的领略到这里的美了。我们就可以见到传说中的摩天大楼了,也就是现在的哈利法塔,又叫迪拜塔,因为位于迪拜所以取名为迪拜塔,现在的名字也是最近才起的,人们更多地知道的是迪拜塔这个名字,来这里了那就一定去欣赏一下啊,看看这个让你感叹的建筑是什么样的。
2023-07-25 05:33:141


2023-07-25 05:33:2510


2023-07-25 05:33:522


君主制以君主(皇帝、国王、大公、苏丹和沙皇等)为国家元 首的政体形式。共和制的对称。在君主制下,君主一般是世袭的,终身任职。君主制是人类历史上最古老、最普遍的政体形式。它不仅是奴隶制国家和封建制国家的主要政权组织形式,还被少数资本主义国家所采用。君主制的具体形式并不划一,也不是一成不变的。根据君主的权力大小,君主制可分为无限君主制和有限君主制。无限君主制的典型是君主专制制。有限君主制包括等级君主制和君主立宪制。奴隶制国家普遍实行君主专制制,如古代埃及、巴比伦、中国的夏商和西周。君主专制制也是封建制国家最主要的政权组织形式。在欧洲封建社会,许多国家的君主专制制是由贵族君主制经等级君主制转变而来的。在资本主义时期,君主制是资产阶级与封建贵族妥协的产物,主要表现形式为君主立宪制,具体又分为二元制君主立宪制和议会制君主立宪制。君主制在当代日趋衰落。君主制,国家最高权在实际上或名义上掌握在君主个人手中,君主终身任职并且实行世袭的政权组织形式。 君主制由君主,包括国王,皇帝,天皇,苏丹等担当国家元首.君主拥有至高无上的权力,君主的意志就是法律,不受任何约束.君主实行终身制,并且是世袭的.这种政治制度已有四五千年的历史.古代的奴隶制国家,封建制国家,多实行这种专制制度.现在世界上还有十几个君主制的国家,如沙特阿拉伯,科威特,非洲的摩洛哥,亚洲的尼泊尔,文莱,不丹等.欧洲的英国和瑞典虽然还是王国,但已经演变成了君主立宪国.元首制,也称为普林西比制,是古罗马帝国在476年灭亡前的两个政府阶段中较早的一个,在元首制中,皇帝独裁统治的实质被从罗马共和囯(公元前509年-公元前27年)时期以来的寡头自治的形式和传统所遮蔽,因此元首制就是披著共和制外衣的君主制。元首制来自拉丁字princeps,意思是首领或第一,这一头衔(全称为第一元老或第一公民)由第一位皇帝屋大维 凯撒·奥古斯都乌斯 (公元前27年 - 公元14年)最早采用。 几乎导致帝国政治上灭亡的第三世纪危机之后,戴克里先用多米那特制取代了元首制, 在多米那特制中,古老的共和制的形式的伪装被废除。
2023-07-25 05:34:116


2023-07-25 05:34:394


The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy that the Queen is the symbol of the whole nation and the Prime Minister is the man who wields real power.
2023-07-25 05:34:473

英国和美国的政体异同点的英文版 就是要800字的英语

From the legislative,judicial,administrative point of view on the three,along with British lawyer dual-system to compare the similarities and differences between British and American political system: same:have a parliament,and parliament has different:Britain is a constitutional monarchy,the United States is The Democratic Republic Britain"s head of state is King,there is no real power; President of the United States is the highest executive power and military power:a bourgeois revolution in Britain is the main contradiction with the bourgeoisie of the feudal ruling class contradictions,and the United States was the colonial ruler of the bourgeoisie with the contradictions . 2 capitalism"s development needs a stable external environment,the United Kingdom and the United States to use the monarchy as a result grew out of the colony,the founding of the initial chaos caused by wars and so they need a relatively centralized form of rule,Britain and the United States to adopt a constitutional monarchy with a republic president.3 objective,the bourgeois revolution in Britain earlier,limited the power of the bourgeoisie,the bourgeoisie is a constitutional monarchy on the feudal forces of compromise; the United States when the bourgeois revolution and capitalist development after a period of time,the force strength if the United States King also under ousted. Britain is a constitutional monarchy,the United States is a republic,because the United States in the past does not have its own independent monarchy,the British monarch as their sovereign,independent after the monarch did not. The United States is the presidential system,the Cabinet is the President of the Summit,the United Kingdom is a parliamentary system,is the prime minister heads the cabinet,the cabinet of the council.In the United States since before independence,by the British colonial presence of the Governor,but also on behalf of the Governor and the local people"s councils,the colonial government by the Governor,at the time most European countries is still the king heads the cabinet,so naturally the United States after independence Continuation of this form of organization by the President of the replacement of the Governor.Britain is due to a number of times the power of the bourgeoisie and the nobility,the king"s right to limit the strength of Parliament be strengthened. 【Evaluation:】The United States and the right to struggle from democracy,to a large extent,competition from non-class,each class conflict and the role of a direct impact on the normal operation of the United States.Their independence of the judiciary,all-round.As a result,less vulnerable to the effects of space.This is the main reason for the rapid development of it.As for Britain,by Congress itself Intervention aristocracy,it is difficult to not involve the interests of the class,plus the British monarchy but also the constitutional law,a fundamental form of the pyramid as the main political,and the development of the public,free of the limited space available,combined with the reasons for World War II,development of natural Did not prompt the United States.
2023-07-25 05:34:541

求翻译。。。。速度!!英美政体翻译...行行好呀 - -!

1, the same constitution, is bourgeois dictatorship; 2, the same properties, are government representative, reflect decentralization bourgeois and balancing principle; 3, establish the same way, through the legal documents established, from man to the rule of law. 4, legislative are made by congress or parliamentary mastery. Second, different 1, the regime is different form: the British constitutional monarchy, hereditary monarchy, unified died. Parliament is the highest organ of state power, implement the responsibility system cabinet, cabinet and prime minister responsible for parliament. American history President a republic and implement separation, President of the constitution by the voters elected, responsible, master executive power. Congress, the Supreme Court mastery mastered legislative and judicial power. Three independent equality, mutual restrict. 2, the executive authorities and legislature relation between administrative organs: the British prime minister and the cabinet, parliament lawmaking authority parliament is responsible for supervision and cabinet, but the prime minister has the right to dissolve parliament. The prime minister and the cabinet and parliamentary check each other. American administrative organs responsible for constitution, President of congressional bill veto, but not the right to dissolve parliament. Congress can two-thirds reconsideration through a presidential veto legislation. Congress and the President have equal status and expediency. Each other 3, the prime minister of the country is different position: the British monarchy, the prime minister of the country unified does not treat, is a national symbol. The President of the United States set national heads of state or government, military commanders at a suit, has the real power.
2023-07-25 05:35:021


The Glorious Revolution saw the official overthrow of absolute monarchy in England and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy.King James II was trying to reverse many of the anti-Catholic laws and constitutional changes brought by his older brother Charles II. The English, associating Catholicism and Absolute Monarchy with despotism and tyranny invited William of Orange (married to James II"s daughter Mary) to England, promising support if he overthrew James and took the crown in his stead.William of Orange obliged them. James II was driven out, and William of Orange became William III of Great Britain, reigning jointly with his wife, who became Mary II of Great Britain. This final overthrow of absolute monarchy and the official establishment of a constitutional monarchy became known as the Glorious Revolution.
2023-07-25 05:35:121

急求 卢浮宫三宝的英文介绍 胜利女神,维纳斯,蒙罗丽莎画像

Liberty Leading the People French romantic painter Eugène Delacroix was inspired to paint Liberty Leading the People after the French Revolution of 1830, which ended France"s absolute monarchy.Venus de Milo Venus de Milo (about 150-100 bc) is considered by many art historians to be the ideal of Hellenistic beauty. It was carved out of marble and stands approximately 205 cm (6 ft 10 in) high. It is housed in the Louvre in Paris, France.Mona Lisa Mona Lisa (1503-1506), painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, was also known as La Gioconda, possibly referring to the subject"s husband, banker Zanobi del Giocondo. The artist"s use of very deep space in the background with a close-in portrait is typical of Renaissance painting style. The painting hangs in the Louvre, Paris
2023-07-25 05:35:201


君主立宪制(英语:Constitutional monarchy),亦即“有限君主制”,是相对于君主专制的一种国家体制。君主立宪是在保留君主制的前提下,通过立宪,树立人民主权、限制君主权力、实现事务上的共和主义理想但不采共和政体。可分为二元制君主立宪制、议会制君主立宪制。世界上最早的君主立宪制国家是英国,但是英国的君主立宪制已经名存实亡。英国采用君主立宪制可以从以下几个条件分析:1、经济基础:15世纪以来英国资本主义生产关系得到发展(资本主义自由宽松的政治环境.在这个过程中,资产阶级和新贵族的力量逐渐壮大,他们逐渐要求改变在经济上受束缚、在政治上遭排斥的地位.)(1640年资产阶级革命的根本原因就是专制王权阻碍了资本主义的发展,阶级矛盾总爆发以内战的形式表现出来.) 2、政治前提:1640年英国资产阶级革命爆发1649年国王查理一世被处死1660年斯图亚特王朝复辟1668年辉格党和托利党发动政变,被称为光荣革命,这次革命最重要成果是君主立宪制的建立; 3、历史传统: 议会起源于中世纪; 13世纪议会制度基本形成;《自由大宪章》提出了“法律至上、有限王权”的原则,14世纪上半期英国议会分为上院和下院没有限制的王权是可怕的,从中世纪开始,英国贵族就有通过议会与专制王权作斗争的传统,1215年《自由大宪章》的签订确立了“法律至上”和“有限王权”的基本原则,成为了立宪政治的基础. 4、理论依据:17世纪英国启蒙思想家的声音则成为了实行君主立宪提供了理论上的依据洛克、霍布斯等主权在民/否定君权神授/主张分权
2023-07-25 05:35:474


  立宪制和共和制是资本主义制度的两种政治体制,立宪制保留国家君主为国家元首,像日本英国,但并无行政管理权力,一般由首相管理事务,所以君主立宪制是带有封建主义的资本主义制度。共和制是完全废除君主制有两个或多个政党在民主共和的基础轮番执政。   君主立宪制(英语:Constitutional monarchy),亦即“有限君主制”,是相对于君主专制的一种国家体制。君主立宪是在保留君主制的前提下,通过立宪,树立人民主权、限制君主权力、实现事务上的共和主义理想但不采用共和政体。可分为二元制君主立宪制、议会制君主立宪制。
2023-07-25 05:35:551


法国大革命,是1789年在法国爆发的资产阶级革命,统治法国多个世纪的君主制封建制度在三年内土崩瓦解。法国在这段时期经历着一个史诗式的转变:过往的封建、贵族和宗教特权不断受到自由主义政治组织及上街抗议的民众的冲击,旧的观念逐渐被全新的天赋人权、三权分立等的民主思想所取代。关于其结束时间尚存争议,正统观点认为1799年的雾月政变为革命终结的标志;另有观点认为1794年7月雅各宾派统治的结束为革命的终结;还有观点认为1830年七月王朝建立是革命终结的标志。The French revolution, the bourgeois revolution broke out in 1789 in France, centuries of feudal monarchy ruled France system collapse in three years. French experience during this period a epic shift: the feudal past, noble and religious privileges being liberal political organization and the people took to the streets in protest, the old concept gradually by the new talent was replaced by the democratic ideals of human rights, separation of powers, etc. About its end time controversial, orthodox view is that the fog of 1799 coup as a sign of revolution put an end to; Another view is that in July 1794 the end of the jacobin reign for the end of the revolution; And view July dynasty set up in 1830 as the symbol at the end of the revolution.
2023-07-25 05:36:031


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2023-07-25 05:37:453

韩非子 八奸 英文翻译

哇... 这不是普通人能翻译的。
2023-07-25 05:38:033


2023-07-25 05:38:101


  我们如今所学习到的 英语 短语 之中,你知道stand for所讲的就是象征的意思吗?下面就由我为大家带来象征的英语短语表达,希望大家能有所收获。   象征英语(短语篇)   象征 stand for   死亡象征 symbols of death ; symbolization of death   象征意义 symbolic meaning   王权象征 symbol of the throne   象征作用 symbolic effect   寓意象征 implication symbol   国家象征 National Symbols   象征的英语(例句篇)   1、这枚戒指是他们爱情的象征,对她是重要的。   The ring was important to her as an emblem of their love.   2、枫叶是加拿大的象征。   The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada.   3、作为那些公司的拥有者,她被视为财富的象征。   Being the owner of those corporations, she is regarded as an emblem of mammon.   4、这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。   The bell tower is the emblem of this city.   5、橄榄枝是和平的象征。   The olive branch is the emblem of peace.   6、我们把蒲公英看作希望的象征。   We regard dandelion as an emblem of hope.   7、鸽子象征和平。 (代表。象征)   The dove represents peace.   8、艺术的生成活动是在其审美象征意境中完成的。   The generative process of art depends on the symbol of its aesthetic conception.   9、他们享有所有象征财富的东西。   They enjoyed all the trappings of wealth.   象征的英语(短句篇)   1. In some works, flowers take on a powerful emblematic quality.   在一些作品中,花具有强烈的象征意义。   2. His bristling determination has become a symbol of England"s renaissance.   他精力旺盛,坚毅顽强,已经成为英格兰文艺复兴的一个象征。   3. T-shirts, the epitome of American casualness, have moved upscale.   象征美国休闲风格的T恤,已经向高端消费市场迈进。   4. The island"s ruggedness symbolises our history and the character of the people.   这个岛屿的凹凸险峻象征着我们的历史和民族性格。   5. He suggested that the shapes represented a map of Britain and Ireland.   他暗示这些图形象征了英国和爱尔兰的地图。   6. For twenty-nine years, Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War.   29年来,查理检查站一直是冷战的象征。   7. King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice.   金是全世界非暴力抗议种族不平等运动的象征。   8. To them, the monarchy is the special symbol of nationhood.   在他们看来,君主制是独立国地位的特殊象征。   9. In Norman England, the greyhound was a symbol of nobility.   灵犭是在诺曼时期的英格兰是高贵的象征。   10. They were waving V-signs for victory.   他们打着象征胜利的V字形手势。   11. Dogs are emblematic of faithfulness.   狗象征着忠诚。   12. I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.   我经常用向日葵来作为力量的象征。   13. The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality.   火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。   14. Computers have always represented the latest in technology.   计算机向来是最新科技的象征。   15. Each circle symbolically represents the whole of humanity.
2023-07-25 05:38:281


亚历山大·仲马(Alexandre Dumas, père, 1802年7月24日—1870年12月5日),称大仲马,法国19世纪浪漫主义作家。大仲马自学成才,一生写的各种著作达300卷之多,主要以小说和剧作著称于世。大仲马信守共和政见,反对君主专政。由于他的黑白混血人身份,其一生都受种族主义的困扰。 大仲马,法国19世纪积极浪漫主义作家。其祖父是候爵德·拉·巴那特里,与黑奴结合生下其父,名亚历山大,受洗时用母姓仲马。 法国大革命爆发后,亚历山大·仲马屡建奇功,当上共和政府将军。大仲马终生信守共和政见,一贯反对君主专政,憎恨复辟王朝, 不满七月王朝,反对第二帝国。他饱尝种族歧视,心中受到创伤。家庭出身和经历使大仲马形成了反对不平、追求正义的叛逆性格。 大仲马自学成才,一生写的各种类型作品达300卷之多,主要以小说和剧作著称于世。 大仲马的剧本《享利第三及其宫廷》(1829)比雨果的《欧那尼》还早问世一年。这出浪漫主义戏剧,完全破除了古典主义“三一律”。 大仲马小说多达百部,大都以真实的历史作背景,以主人公的奇遇为内容,情节曲折生动,处处出人意外,堪称历史惊险小说。异乎寻常的理想英雄,急剧发展的故事情节,紧张的打斗动作,清晰明朗的完整结构,生动有力的语言,灵活机智的对话等构成了大仲马小说的特色。最著名的是《三个火枪手》旧译《三剑客》,(1844)、《基督山伯爵》。 大仲马被别林斯基称为“一名天才的小说家”,他也是马克思 “最喜欢”的作家之一。英文:Alexandre Dumas pere 1824 Alexandre, (, in 1802 July 24 - in 1870, December 5), says DaZhongMa, 19th century French romantic writer. DaZhongMa self-taught, various had written books of up to 300 rolls, mainly novels and plays with known to the world. DaZhongMa keep republican politics, against the dictatorship of the monarchy. Because of his black and white mixed identity, his life beset by racism.DaZhongMa, 19th century French actively romantic writer. His grandfather is weathering, spyker DE la baal, and slaves that terry combination gave birth to his father, name, Alexander, with mother"s name when 1824 were baptized. After the outbreak of the French revolution, Alexander 1824 repeatedly constructs the republican government departments, when the general. DaZhongMa lifelong keep republican politics, consistently opposed monarch dictatorship, hate restoration dynasty, discontent against a second empire, July dynasty. His heart full of racial discrimination, trauma. Family background and experience made DaZhongMa formed against uneven, pursue justice rebel character. DaZhongMa self-taught, had written all types of works of up to 300 rolls, mainly novel and drama known to the world.DaZhongMa"s play "Henry third and palace" (1829) than the uefa that Hugo, "also came early for one year. This romantic drama, completely from breaking down the classicism "three uniformity.As many as 100 DaZhongMa novels, mostly with true history background, with hero"s adventure for content, plots vivid, everywhere is surprising, historical breathtaking novel. Unusually, rapid development of the ideal hero story, tense fight movement, the integrity of the wide-awake structure, the vivid strong language, flexible witty dialogue is composed of the DaZhongMa novel features. The most famous is the three musketeers" old translation, the three musketeers (1844), the JiDuShan earl ". DaZhongMa was BieLinSiJi called "a gifted novelist", he is also Marx"
2023-07-25 05:38:371


2023-07-25 05:38:451


2023-07-25 05:39:031


集体名词people,cattle,group,family,government,team,police等等 sheepdeer当然是属于集体名词的:) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 附:集体名词表示一群人或一类东西的集合体,如audience(听众,观众),committee(委员会),family(家庭),nation(国家),cattle (牛,牲口),police(警察),foliage(叶子),furniture(家具),machin-ery(机器)等。集体名词有的有复数形式并可计数,如a commit-tee,two committees。但也有许多集体名词没有复数形式,不可以计数。例如不可以说* a furniture,* two furniture,也不可以说* a police,* two police。如果要把police,furniture这类的集体名词分成个体,只能说a policeman,two policemen,a piece of furniture,two pieces/artieles of furniture等。 集体名词作主语的主谓一致问题依不同的集体名词而定。可分为下面三种情况:第一,有些集体名词,如police,people,cattle,militia(民兵),poultry(家禽),vermin(害虫)等,通常作复数。例如: The British police have only very limited powers. 英国警察权力范围极其有限。 Domestic cattle provide us with milk,beef and hide. 畜牛为我们提供牛奶、牛肉和皮张。 The militia were called out to guard the borderland. 召集民兵保卫边疆。 Such vermin as bugs and rats are hard to get rid of. 臭虫和老鼠那样的害虫难以灭绝。 第二,也有一些集体名词,如foliage,machinery,equipment(设备),furniture,merchandise(商品)等,作单数。例如: The furniture in the room has been made to order. 室内的家具是定做的。 All necessary machinery has been brought to the construction site. 所有必要的机器都已运到工地。 第三类集体名词,如audience,committee,class(班级),crew(全体船员),family,government,public(公众)等,既可作单数,也可作复数。如将集体视为一个整体,动词用单数: The football team is being reorganized.足球队正在重新组建。 The government has done its best to boost production. 政府已作最大努力来促进生产。 The audience was enormous.听者人数众多。 如将侧重点放在组成集体的成员上,动词用复数: The team are having baths and are then coming back here for tea. 队员们正在洗澡,随后即将回到这里喝茶。 The government have asked the country to decide by a vote. 政府要求全国投票表决。 The audience are listening to a Beethoven symphony. 听众们正在听贝多芬交响曲。
2023-07-25 05:39:122


2023-07-25 05:39:215

英语问题 这单词 estimate 有好多种音标,究竟哪种正确?

2023-07-25 05:36:162

维度机器人操作系统 EwayOS是什么?

是全国产操作系统,一维弦科技自主研发的, 智能机器人开发及二次设计而生的。
2023-07-25 05:36:171

苹果days matter怎么弄到桌面上

days matter弄到桌面的方法如下:工具/原料:iPhone SE2、iOS14.2、days matter1.4。1、打开手机已安装的days matter。2、点击界面右上角【+号】,添加新日期。3、添加完成后,点击【完成】按钮。4、返回手机桌面,长按空白位置,进入【编辑模式】。5、在库里找到【days matter】,点击添加。6、选择自己喜欢的风格,点击【添加小组件】。7、在屏幕任意位置点击,退出编辑模式。
2023-07-25 05:36:201


呵呵 我们单位让我做了个廉价的无线覆盖就是用TP的3320做的,总共用了13台3320,一台关闭无线做主机,单位是两条20M的专线宽带。要说控制宽带感觉家用路由很蛋疼,我们单位平常在线ip 60个左右,高峰快90左右试过3320的宽带控制但是失败好像就没有用是的,最后我才建议单位买了台Wayos路由,建议还是弄台专业的qos设备,家用的估计没有效果
2023-07-25 05:36:242


2023-07-25 05:36:241


  下面是由我为大家整理的“秘书求职信英文范文”,欢迎大家阅读,仅供大家参考,希望对您有所帮助。更多文章在个人简历栏目,希望您关注与阅读。   秘书求职信英文范文【一】 ear Sir or Madam,   I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.   My name is . I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What"s more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the .If I could have the opportunity to get the I will be quite appreciative.   Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.   Yours faithfully   秘书求职信英文范文【二】 Respect yourpany leadership:   How do you do!   My name is ××, 29, is ×× university ×× college enterprise management professional graduates.   Yourpany is the famous Chinese and foreign joint venture, chairman of the board to use its fruits, I traveled already a long time. When I saw yourpanys recruitment notice , the more inspired confidence in my application, I am eager to serve yourpany, chairman of the board of directors for effectiveness.   I during her study at school, pay attention to ideological and moral cultivation, strict demands on themselves, and positive to participate in social practice, the academic record outstanding, 3 times get excellent student scholarship. I studied the system of enterprise management, industrial management, business management, tourism management, marketing management, market research, the secretary study, marketing, public relations practice, document processing and other disciplines, familiar with this article writing, deal with the official document knowledge. Learning aputer operation technology, can adapt to the modern office work need.   I am cheerful, warm honest, familiar with English, last year already through national level 4 English exam. My hobby is widespread, like recreational and sports activities, participated in literature and art performances, was awarded the second prize of college studentspositionpetition, On behalf of the school to take part in college students speech contest won honorable mention. I successive vice-monitor, youth corpsmittee, student propaganda department chief and so on. I am willing to do work enthusiasm, actual extensive, also use holiday to make social investigation and part-time work, accumulated some social work experience. I especially like secretarial and propaganda work. How article in ×× daily, weekly, ×× ××, ×× WenCui selections from newspapers, magazines, such as published. I am the city registered permanent residence, unmarried, no burden, a set of ErFang living, such as yourpany hired, can go to work. In thepanys culture, I will do a good job.   秘书求职信英文范文【三】 Dear Sir,   I have learned from China Daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in English I would like to apply for the post.   My name is Fu Tao and I"m 25, I"ve been working as an English guide since I graduated from the English Department of Zhejiang University four years ago. I am hard working and I have learned to operate computer and I can type both in English and Chinese. I seek a position more challenging and with more opportunities than my current one. I think I am fit for the post.   Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no efforts to acquit myself to your satisfaction.   Yours truly,   Wu xxx   秘书求职信英文范文【四】   Hello! First of all thank you for taking the time to read me the cover letter.   I HU over the 2008 session of vocational and technical schools, professional secretarial fresh students, in July 2011 will face graduated, the following is my basic situation.   I chose this school is in the form of work-study, in such an environment, both in knowledge and ability, personal qualities or accomplishments, I have benefited greatly. Three years, the teacher"s strict teachings and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge; in learning to master a certain amount of my professional knowledge, familiar with foreign affairs common etiquette, proficiency in operating a computer office software, 3ds max Flash photoshop and so on. At the same time, in my spare time involved extensive measures of the large number of books, not only to enrich themselves, but also to develop their abilities in various, more importantly, rigorous study and correct learning attitude shaped my simple, stable personality characteristics.   I have a half years of working experience in the United States, Sony internship, there are certain social practices, through the year and a half of work I learned a lot, but also to develop my perseverance and hard work spirit, enhance their sense of responsibility, communication skills and ability to learn, cultivate a spirit of solidarity, so that I can continue to work to overcome difficulties.   I want my energy to get your loyalty and recognition, I am more rich social experience and helpful personality can get you to enjoy!   I look forward to your flying the sky, I will use my sweat to prove your wise choice!
2023-07-25 05:36:241


没了吧~~那些所谓的同类都和死亡笔记没的比的~~等等吧 以后会有的~~ 记得采纳啊
2023-07-25 05:36:322


2023-07-25 05:36:332

求一英语作求一英语作文!高中水平! 用英文起草一份通知。主要内容:你所在的学校要举行一次英语演讲比赛

NoticeBoys and girls, pay attention, please.On the afternoon of May 4th (Wednesday),there will be a English Speech Competition themed for life in the future in the hall.Every class should choose one or two student to take part in it. Everycompetitor should prepare a speech within 3 minute. That all, Thank you foryour attention!希望你只是参考一下
2023-07-25 05:36:342


My community lifeIncomparable excitement, I finally ushered in the dream of college life.In my impression, college life is colorful and challenging. Here, you can make a lot of good friends, can learn much knowledge, can join many activities. Can say, college life is the best four years in life.About university life, community, is an essential part of. Community is our ability to develop the individual elegant demeanour, exercise the platform. Are we improve personal qualities, towards society of important ways. Talking about community life, I have a lot to talk about.Just entering college, face numerous communities, I from personal interest, choose joined the college students" English association. Since the childhood, I"ve been to English learning arms with great enthusiasm, when I heard someone can speak fluent English, I always envy. In order to exercise their English, I attended many activities, such as English speech contest, English drama, etc. Can say, English to accompany me grow up, become a part of my life.Join the English association, I always remember oneself since is a member of the association. I have been active in all kinds of activities and association. Opening soon, I participated in the corporate orientation party, representing English associations organized show English drama, and the smooth be judges selected, performance at the party. The English drama performance impresses me. We write the script to rehearse, from every part of preparation, script changed again and again, drama row again and again, finally surrendered a satisfactory answer. In this activity, I realized the importance of teamwork, exercise their organizational ability, also felt the joy of success.This semester, I participated in our college English speech contest. After careful preparation, I with excellent performance won third prize. As I stood on the platform passionate speech, I mean, I not only represent myself, I also representing English association, I must show the best condition, redound for association. I do, and I am very happy.Recently, I was preparing for a new English association called movies, activities, learn English. Me and some of the English association members worked on a long efforts, I believe this activity will be held successfully.Can say, English association offered me a good exercise opportunity, let me grow up, let me learn a lot. I always will remember I was a member of the English association, I will always strive to do everything I can, believe that English association will be getting better and better!Input content has reached length limitationStill can input 1-9999 wordInsert the pictures to delete picture insert map video video map delete map insert
2023-07-25 05:36:115


2023-07-25 05:36:061


新星女超人是电视剧《supernova超新星》。这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。也就是从这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。结局最后,一颗向善之心传遍整座城市,所有人的意识都清醒而来,并为自己的行为向卡拉道歉。然而诺恩最后加大了信号力度企图灭绝人类,卡拉在无从选择下为了保护市民,她选择牺牲自己来阻断信号本以为自己死了,其实没有,她被艾利克斯救了回来。在所有灾难结束的时候,山姆对卡拉彻底的改观,乔恩也得到赦免,所有人都在庆祝胜利。“女超人”的形象也深深的印在市民心中。
2023-07-25 05:36:061


2023-07-25 05:36:0514


2023-07-25 05:36:004

estimate 算法计算肿瘤纯度

最近在一篇文献中看到了肿瘤纯度,当作背景知识补充一下。 ESTIMATE算法,可以根据表达数据估计肿瘤样本的基质分数(stromal score )和免疫分数(immune score),用于代表基质和免疫细胞的存在。两个分数相加即得到estimate score,可用于估计肿瘤纯度。 该算法于2013年发表在NC上: 2015年又有一篇NC: 。 用4种方法计算了TCGA样本的肿瘤纯度,其中就有ESTIMATE。 但作者的提供的帮助文档里只有芯片数据计算方式,而未提到转录组数据如何处理。我探索了一下发现,是可以计算的,作者在estimate网站上也提供了部分TCGA project的计算结果。 一番搜索找到曾老板写的帖子,可谓一站式找齐了: 关于算法: ,介绍了算法的基本原理和方法。 关于R包的用法: ,介绍了芯片数据如何得到三个score和肿瘤纯度 转录组数据计算: ,介绍了转录组数据如何得到三个score和肿瘤纯度 找了TCGA的ACC count数据作为示例数据。如果你想要我的示例数据,请在生信星球公众号后台回复“est766”。u200b用自己的count数据也可以噢。u200b 这是曾老板写的函数,转录组数据与芯片数据计算过程不同的地方是 platform 是illumina。 affy芯片输出结果是有这一列的。 我对比了一下15年的那篇NC的方法部分,他们计算使用的是 level 3 RNA-seq profiles (RNAseqV2 normalized RSEM)数据,用estimate包计算了scores,用13年NC文章中的公式计算了肿瘤纯度。 公式是: Tumour purity=cos (0.6049872018+0.0001467884 × ESTIMATE score) 不要忘了R语言是个好计算器 15年的文章给出了计算结果,我复现一下他的计算。RNAseqV2 normalized RSEM 数据不好找,我是从firehouse浏览器找到的,并进行了一些整理,让它变成了规范的表达矩阵。 我把这个计算结果与15年的NC做了比较,一毛不差,开心。 我把两个数据处理得到的结果组成一个表格来比较一下: 相差无几咯。非常完美的结果。 illumina输出结果不带有Tumorpurity列,这是包自身的设置。 在biostars上面看到一个讨论,有人认为estimate score 计算肿瘤纯度的公式是根据Affymetrix的芯片数据得出的,是专门针对芯片数据使用,因此不可以用于转录组。建议只计算出estimate score,用这个分数来代替肿瘤纯度的绝对数值用于后续分析。 原帖讨论见: 然而NC 15年就已经发了这篇文章,五年来没人反对,可以认为人家做的是可用的,用就是了呗。
2023-07-25 05:35:591


2023-07-25 05:35:541


新星女超人是电视剧《supernova超新星》。这部剧主要讲的是来自外星球的Kara Zor-El在自己的星球被毁灭的时候她逃到地球,并且一直在小心翼翼的隐藏着自己具有超能力这个事情。直到在她24岁的时候,她不愿一直隐藏着超能力,后来在一次意外灾难中,她在多数人面前使用超能力,这也就暴露她有超能力的事实。也就是从这一刻开始,她也不把自己的超能力隐藏着,而是彻底的激发了英雄本能,并且慢慢的帮助城市里里需要帮助的人们,人们逐渐地认识她。结局最后,一颗向善之心传遍整座城市,所有人的意识都清醒而来,并为自己的行为向卡拉道歉。然而诺恩最后加大了信号力度企图灭绝人类,卡拉在无从选择下为了保护市民,她选择牺牲自己来阻断信号本以为自己死了,其实没有,她被艾利克斯救了回来。在所有灾难结束的时候,山姆对卡拉彻底的改观,乔恩也得到赦免,所有人都在庆祝胜利。“女超人”的形象也深深的印在市民心中。
2023-07-25 05:35:511