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2023-07-25 16:20:24

real estate

1. 不动产;房地产

2. 房地产所有权

3. = real property


1.On the other hand, to prevent possible real estate price bubble.





Real Estate


real estate


Real estate


real estate



estate是一个英语单词,可以表示“房地产,不动产”等意思。在英语中,estate通常用来指代一个人拥有的所有物品,包括房产、土地、财产等等。在英美法律中,estate也可以指代一个人去世后留下的遗产或者财产。除了以上的字面意义,estate还可以表示“社区、领地、庄园”等含义。例如,real estate estate可以表示“房地产行业”,而gated estate则表示“封闭式社区”。此外,在英语中,estate也有其他的用法和搭配,如estate agent(房地产经纪人)、estate car(旅行车)、estate sale(遗产拍卖)等等。estate
2023-07-25 05:44:281


2023-07-25 05:44:564

estate是什么牌子 品牌简介分享给大家

1、estate品牌成立于2010年,隶属于青岛恒晋进出口有限公司。estate品牌坚持海外同价的理念,100%海外原装进口,满足客户对奢侈品保真性与专业性的需求。其在高品质中表现时尚的生活方式,不仅带来手工定制的奢华盛宴,更是一种文化的传承。 2、青岛恒晋进出口公司所代理的进口皮鞋都是来自英国、意大利和法国的世界级品牌。目前,ESTATE管理的品牌已经有50余个,其中很多都有皇家认证。携手例如GeorgeCleverley,Church"s,Cheaney,Foster&Son;,JefferyWest,Santoni等重量级品牌,ESTATE已经在中国确立了极佳的品牌形象,并赢得了行业内的敬重。不仅仅是鞋履,ESTATE更引进了上乘品质的手工衬衫以及羊绒制品,为中国消费者打造了一个“TotalLook”的集合店概念。
2023-07-25 05:45:061


estate 名词 n. 1.地产[C]He is a real estate agent. 他是一个房地产经纪人。 2.财产,资产;遗产[U][C]When his father died, he left an estate of one million dollars. 他父亲去世时留下了一百万元遗产。 3.社会阶级[C]Her family was of high estate. 她出身名门。 4.庄园[C]5.人生阶段[U]6.身份,地位[U]There is no reason to believe that people of every estate will support the political platform. 没有理由相信各种社会地位的人都会拥护这个政纲。
2023-07-25 05:45:145


estate不是国家名也不是州名,尽管estate中的state在美国是州,对其他国家而言从政治角度泛指国家、政权。从政权角度来谈国家时,美国就不能说成our state了,一般会说成the States. estate相当于property,一般都和另外一个词real一起出现,即real estate, 房地产。此时完全等同于property。 一般情况下,经常会听到Real Estate Agency, 这个是房产代理机构,比如说“我爱我家”“Capita land”.也会出现real estate market, 是房地产市场。但涉及到房产权、房产登记、房产变更 这样和具体的财产紧密相关的事情时,都用property.所以 ,我认为real estate更倾向于从大方向来谈房地产,比如整个房地产的动向和走势,而property更倾向于和具体的、切实存在的财产、房产挂钩。
2023-07-25 05:45:391


estate 英[ɪˈsteɪt] S后面的清辅音浊化现象可以这样归纳:清辅音跟着一个元音,前面又有一个 s ,无论是在单词的最前面还是中间,只要是在重读音节或次重读音节里,一般都读成对应浊辅音,如stand, strike, speak, sky 等等,值得一提的是strike,要变成“dr”所发的那个音 (如dream中的“dr”所发的音)。estate单词符合上述规则,因此读音要浊化。
2023-07-25 05:45:461

property 和estate的区别

property的主要意思是财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具而estate是房产,房地产所有权
2023-07-25 05:45:541


2023-07-25 05:46:031


e sta te 照着拼音读就好了啊 e 斯搭de100%正确请采纳
2023-07-25 05:46:101


1.manor noun (亦作 manor house)a large country house with lands; the principal house of a landed estate 庄园宅第,庄园府第 ■(chiefly historical)(especially in England and Wales) a unit of land,originally a feudal lordship,consisting of a lord"s demesne and lands rented to tenants (主史)(尤指英格兰和威尔士封建领主的)领地;庄园 ■(historical)(in North America) an estate held in fee farm,especially one granted by royal charter in a British colony or by the Dutch governors of what is now New York State (史)(北美,尤指在英国殖民地由皇家特许的或由荷兰总督在今纽约州授予的)永久租地 (一般作 one"s manor)(Brit.informal)the district covered by a police station (英,非正式)警署辖区 ■one"s own neighbourhood or home territory 居住区;地盘 they were the undisputed rulers of their manor.他们是自己地盘无可争议的统治者.2.farmstead noun a farm and its buildings 农庄 从解释可以看出,farmstead突出的是“农”或“农场”;而manor表示“乡间宅第”,就像四川刘文彩的大庄园.
2023-07-25 05:46:181

女生叫Estate 好不好?

别光顾着意大利文的意思啊,作为英文名不大合适,因为 Estate 在英语是一个有特定意思的常见单词(和财富、家产相关;尤其Real Estate 是房地产的专用词);对英语系国家的人而言,会觉得有点儿奇怪。补充:这还得你自个儿细细挑选了,英语女孩儿名字有不少尾音都和(rui)相近的。 Sheri / Sherry / Maury / Rhea 这些都可考虑
2023-07-25 05:46:251

estate和home 有什么区别?

2023-07-25 05:46:451


2023-07-25 05:46:531

英语Vercetti Estate怎么翻译?

2023-07-25 05:47:012


诶死大嘚ei s da dei
2023-07-25 05:47:126

皇冠Sport/Sedan/Estate最新消息 将于2023-2024年陆续发布

易车讯 日前,我们从相关渠道获得了皇冠家族旗下Sport、Sedan、Estate三款新车的最新消息,其中Sport和Sedan将会在2023年正式发布,Estate将会在2024年正式发布,预计其中的部分,或者是全部车型,有可能会引入中国市场销售。皇冠Sport预计会在2023年夏季正式发布,新车预计会是一款有着与宝马X3和奥迪Q5L相似定位的中型SUV产品,主打丰田最新的家族式设计,预计会拥有更具豪华感的内饰,可能会搭载2.4T发动机和2.4T混动系统。皇冠Sedan预计会在2023年秋季正式发布,新车拥有与丰田Mirai相同的车身比例和轮廓,预计长度可能超过5000毫米,轴距超过2900毫米,大概率基于前置后驱平台打造,可以说是最正统的新一代皇冠轿车,同时有传言称,在燃油和混动版之外,该车或许还可能推出纯电版。皇冠Estate的发布时间会更晚一些,可能会在2024年春季到来,该车是一款融合了SUV和旅行车设计的跨界产品,应该会提供三排座椅,满足全家出行需求,未来可能会同时提供混动、插混和纯电车型。易车超级评测体系重磅上线!专业、硬核、全面的汽车评测内容云集,易车年度车型榜单新鲜出炉!上易车App搜索“超级评测”,等你来看!
2023-07-25 05:47:411

The holy estate of matrimony这怎么翻译 Matrimony婚姻

2023-07-25 05:48:593


rush rice state抢大米的状态
2023-07-25 05:49:082


Estate的记忆方法如下:1、词根词缀记忆词根e加强 + stat站,立+e-立住不动……estate不动产,财产(e出+state=站出来的东西=房子等不动产)st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, 表示“站,立”2、谐音联想记忆e,是一个;state,州;estate,有一个州的人,是做房地产的……3、词性拓展记忆/词形拓展记忆原形:estate;复数:estates。短语和例句:real estate(不动产);real estate industry(房地产);Westate agent(地产经纪人);real estate agent(房地产经纪人); planned housing estate(规划住宅区);real estate investment(房地产投资);estate management(房地产管理);an industrial estate (工业地产);real estate speculator(房地产投机者);to live on an estate (在…住宅区居住)。1、I entrusted my estate to him.我将财产委托他代管。2、This document spells out who gets what from your estate.这个文件阐述了谁会从你的财产中拿到多少份额。3、I do not hope this website is do for estate business, it should be done for the user.我不希望这个网站是为房地产商而做,它应该是为用户而做的 。4、He had an estate with footmen in Russian livery and carriages.他有一座庄园,内有身穿俄罗斯制服的仆人和马车。5、Close by are the estate"s farmhouses and cottages.近旁是庄园上的农舍和小屋。
2023-07-25 05:50:501


2023-07-25 05:52:011

house estate 还是 housing estate

应该是housing estate 意思是:n. (统建的)住宅区,住宅群; [例句]Our housing estate is the most beautiful in our city.我们的住宅区是我们城市中最美的。house是房屋、住宅等意思,还可以做动词,表示“给...房子住, 收藏, 覆盖”和“住, 躲藏”(up)housing有住房供给的意思
2023-07-25 05:52:191

Wallaroo Estate澳洲红酒2013年酿的多少钱?

2023-07-25 05:52:302


2023-07-25 05:52:481

stata如何estate common命令怎么解读

stata如何estate common命令怎么解读一般用ttest. . sysuse auto . ttest mpg==20 . webuse fuel3 . ttest mpg, by(treated) . webuse fuel . ttest mpg1==mpg2 // (immediate form; n=24, m=62.6, sd=15.8; test m=75) . ttesti 24 62.6 15.8 75test有不同的用法,下面是一些例子:Examples after single-equation estimation Setup . webuse census3 . regress brate medage medagesq i.region Test coefficient on 3.region is 0 . test 3.region=0 Shorthand for the previous test command . test 3.region Test coefficient on 2.region=coefficient on 4.region . test 2.region=4.region Stata will perform the algebra, and then do the test . test 2*(2.region-3*(3.region-4.region))=3.region+2.region+6*(4.region-3.regio > n) Test that coefficients on 2.region and 3.region are jointly equal to 0 . test (2.region=0) (3.region=0) The following two commands are equivalent to the previous test command . test 2.region = 0 . test 3.region = 0, accumulate Test that the coefficients on 2.region, 3.region, and 4.region are all 0; testparm understands a varlist . testparm i(2/4).region In the above example, you may substitute any single-equation estimation command (such as clogit, logistic, logit, and ologit) for regress. Examples after multiple-equation estimation commands Setup . sysuse auto . sureg (price foreign mpg displ) (weight foreign length) Test significance of foreign in the price equation . test [price]foreign Test that foreign is jointly 0 in both equations . test [price]foreign [weight]foreign Shorthand for the previous test command . test foreign
2023-07-25 05:53:191

Mitcham Estate Shiraz中文意思是什么

2023-07-25 05:53:284

房地产 英语怎么说

real propertyreal estate
2023-07-25 05:54:052


2023-07-25 05:54:181


  物业与物业管理的概念  (一)物业的概念  “物业”一词来自于香港方言。它评自 Real Property或Real Estate,(1.Property:Property一词的意思为财产或财产权,包括有形财产、财产权,如土地、房屋、货物、金钱等;无形财产、财产权,如版权、专利权等。英语单词与其他单词组合成词组时,可以表明特定的事物。如“Real Property”意为真实存在的不动财产或不动财产权(包括土地、房屋及其设备、设施);也有翻译成房地产、房地产权的,这里的“产”字是指财产,而不是指产业。随着事物的发展,在特定的范围内,如在不动财产范围内,省掉Real,只提Property,则皆知是指不动财产。为翻译简捷,其中“财”字省略,即译成不动产,如不动产管理的英文为“Property Management”2.Estate  Estate意为财产、财产权。但有两点与Property不同:一是没有无形财产的含义,与real组成词组仅指不动产,或人们称谓的房地产;二是有“产业”的含义,而产业是创造物质财富的,或追求利润的。因此,不动产(房地产)开发,往往用“Real Estate Development”(Real亦可省略),而不用“Property Development”。从英语Property与Estate两词的同与异可以看出,第一译者译成“不动产”、“不动产权”更为恰当。其中不含开发经营业务的不动产用Property,含开发经营业务的不动产用Estate,而翻译成“物业”,似乎不太准确,因为汉语的“物”太广泛。尽管与“业”字连用,使物的形体规模化,但有些大规模的“物”,如工业设备、动力设备、运输设备、通讯设备等,并非“物业”可定义其特征,更与英语原意不符。因为其主要功能已属另一种行业或产业。但是,“物业”一词在中国已经约定俗成,现在需要的是有一个明确的含义界定)表示房地产或不动产。在港澳及东南亚一些国家,物业一词往往作为房地产或不动产的别称或同义词。在《香港房地产法》一书中,作者李宗锋先生称“物业”是单元性的房地产。它既可以是单元性的地产,也可以是单元性的房产;既可以是一套住宅,也可以是一栋楼宇或房屋,故而物业所涉及的范围非常广泛。 应注意的是,尽管物业词常常作为房地产的同义词,但是物业的概念与房地产的概念 在很多方面还存在着差别。一般来说,房地产一词涉及宏观领域泛指一个国家或地区的整 个房地产;而物业则是一个微观的概念,它一般是指一个单项的房地产,或一项具体的实 物资产。  1.物业的特征。物业与其他事物一样,也有自己独特的性质。首先是它的自然属性,即物业是一种区别于其他物质的物质形式,它具有以下特征:  (1)固定性。表现于土地、建筑物的不可移动性或位置的确定性。  (2)耐久性。表现于长久的使用寿命期。  (3)多样性。表现于建筑物构造、外观、功能等形式的多样性。  2.物业的社会属性。物业的社会属性,主要包括以下内容:  (1)经济属性。表现于物业的商品属性,即物业是一种商品,物业的生产、经营、交换、分配及消费等,必然也是商品化的运行过程,物业的一切运行须符合市场经济的客观要求。  (2)法律属性。表现于房地产的物权关系。在中国的法律中,房地产物权即为房地产物权人在法律范围内享有房屋的所有权,及其占有土地的使用权。  中国大陆第一次从立法上对“物业”作出全面界定的是1998年制定的《广东省物业管理条例》。该条例规定,“本条例所称物业,是指已建成并交付使用的住宅、工业厂房、商业用房等建筑物及其附属的设施、设备和相关场地”。目前,“物业”一词基本上已为中国大陆地区的民众所接受,而且房地产法学界和有关物业管理的规范性文件,对“物业”概念的内涵和外延的理解基本趋于一致,即物业泛指各类房屋、附属设施及相关的场地,即可以是整个住宅小区全部与住宅相关的整体产业,也可以是单体的房屋财产,如高层或多层住宅单位、综合大楼、写字楼、商业大厦、宾馆、厂房、仓库等。  综上并结合国内其他各类著述的提法,一般认为物业主要包括以下要素:  1.已建成并具有使用功能的各类供居住和非居住的屋宇;  2.与这些屋宇相配套的设备和市政、公用设施;  3.屋宇的建筑(包括内部的多项设施)和相邻的场地、庭院、停车场、小区内非主干交通道路。  根据国务院《物业管理条例》(2003年9月1日起实施)第二条的规定:物业是指“房屋及配套的设施设备和相关场地”。其中的“房屋”是指“土地上的房屋等建筑物及构筑物”[3],即指能够遮风避雨并供人们居住、工作娱乐、储藏物品、纪念和进行其他活动的空间产所,包括住宅房屋,如居民楼、公寓、别墅;也包括非住宅房屋、加工业厂房、仓库、商店、饭店、宾馆、教学楼、医院、体育馆、公共建筑、办公楼等。各类房屋可以使一个建筑群,如住宅小区、工业区等;也可以是单位建筑,如一幢高层或者多层住宅楼、停车场等。  具体来说,物业是指与上述建筑物相配套或者为建筑物使用者服务的室内外各类设备、市政公用设施(包括水塔、锅炉房、配电室等)和与之相邻的场地、庭院、甬路、干道等。这些“物业”应该有明确的所有权人,即说明“物业”处在一定建设用地范围内、已建成并确定业主权益、有特定四至界限。“已建成”是形成可供使用、需加管理的物业的前提;“已确定业主权益”表明已建成的物业是经过法定竣工验收程序验收合格并对物业的权益归属已从法律上给与了确定(通常以颁发产权证为标志)。  这个含义说明“物业”由四部分组成:(1)供居住或非居住的建筑物本体即房屋,包括建筑物自用部位和共用部位;(2)配套附属设备,同样包括自用设备和共用设备。自用设备指由建筑物内部业主、非业主使用人[4]自用的门窗、卫生洁具以及通向总管道的供水、排水、燃气管道、电线等设备;共用设备指建筑物内部全体业主和非业主使用人共同使用的供水、排水、落水管道、照明灯具、垃圾通道、电视天线、水箱、水泵、电梯、邮政信箱、避雷装置、消防器具等设备;(3)配套公共设施,指物业区域内业主、非业主使用人共有共用的设施,如道路、绿地、停车场库、照明管道、排水管道等设施;(4)相关场地,指物业所占用的场地。  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Dream200168  2006年01月20日  [1] 参见(中国香港)李宗锷著:《香港房地产法》,商务印书馆香港分馆1988版,第9页。  [2] 参见周珂主编:《物业管理法教程》,法律出版社2004年版,第2页。  [3] 《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》第2条。  [4] 本书所称的非业主使用人,是指物业的承租人和实际使用物业的其他人,另有说明的除外。  (二)物业管理  物业管理的英文表示有很多形式,诸如 Property Management, Real Easte Management。其概念也有多种解释。目前比较趋于一致的是广义的物业管理和狭义的物业管理两种概念。  1.广义的物业管理,是指在物业的寿命周期内,为发挥物业的经济价值和使用价值,管理者采取多种科学技术方法与管理手段,对各类物业实施全过程的管理,并为物业所有者或使用者提供有效周到的服务。广义物业管理的范畴相当大,它涉及到物业全部寿命周期内的多种管理与服务活动。如物业的开发建设管理,租售管理、装修管理、修缮管理、以及为物业使用者的经营、生产、居住而提供的多种形式的服务。  2.狭义的物业管理,是指专业组织或机构,受业主委托,按合同或契约,运用现代经营手段和修缮技术对已建物业及其业主或用户进行管理和服务。狭义的物业管理,一般包括对房屋建筑及附属配套设备、设施及场地以经营的方式进行管理,对房屋周围的环境、清洁卫生、安全保卫、公共绿化、公用设施、道路养护统一实施专业化管理,并向住用人提供多方面的经营服务。  从以上概念的比较可见,广义物业管理与狭义物业管理的区别,在于其管理范围的大 小不同。广义物业管理涵盖较宽,包括了物业的产生到寿命终止的全部过程。在大多数的 企事业组织或机构内,其内部物业的管理均体现出这种广义性的特征。而狭义的物业管 理,则多体现在物业建成并投入市场后,专业的物业管理企业接受业主或用户的委托,而 进行的物业使用期的管理与服务。我国物业管理行业起步较晚,物业管理的市场体系正在 建立中,目前开展的物业管理,多属于狭义的物业管理。随着我国物业管理业的进一步发 展,广义范畴的物业管理也将出现并呈发展的趋势。
2023-07-25 05:54:591


hr爱好者意思是:人力资源(Human Resources)爱好者。重点词汇:Resources英[ru026a'su0254:su026az]释义:n.[计][环境]资源;物力(resource的复数)。v.向……提供资金(resource的第三人称单数)。短语:Water Resources[环境]水资源;水利资源。词语辨析:wealth,assets,estate,goods,property,resources。这些名词均有“财产、财富”之意。1、wealth普通用词,含义广。既可指大笔的钱财或物质财富,也可指抽象的精神财富。2、assets法律和商业用词,指包括全部动产和不动产的资产。3、estate多指地产或建在地面上的房产。4、goods含义较窄,主要指个人动产。5、property含义较estate宽,指个人或团体合法拥有的财产,包括动产与不动产,或临时的财产。6、resources指在需要时可以动用的财产,包括国家土地、矿藏、水力等自然资源或个人的存款及其他财产。
2023-07-25 05:55:071

全新梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 Estate谍照 有望于2022年内首秀

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了全新梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 Estate谍照,新车有望于2022年内首秀,将不再搭载4.0T V8发动机,转而换装2.0T四缸混动系统,最新的谍照也确定了此前的消息。外观设计方面,全新梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 Estate由于覆盖着较厚的伪装,因此只能从细节上进行判断,前脸造型应该会比常规版C级更具视觉冲击力,尾部设置双边共四出的排气以及扩散器,运动感更加突出。除此之外,全新梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 Estate车身的“HYBRID”标识,确定了将会搭载混动系统,这也是一个非常重要的信息。动力方面,全新梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 Estate将不在搭载V8发动机,而是选择四缸2.0T发动机+电动机的组合,最大功率410千瓦,最大扭矩800牛·米,百公里加速3.5秒的成绩相较之前有所提升,在纯电模式行驶下,其续航里程可达64公里。同时,得益于全新梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 Estate不再使用V8发动机,加上电池组和电动机的布局,新车可能会实现前后50:50的完美重量分配,并搭载四驱系统,对于操控方面或有所提升。
2023-07-25 05:55:241

保险受益人own estate 什么意思

保单上受益人选项, own estate的大致意思就是类似于国内保险使用的“法定”。即法定受益人。也就是不指定具体受益人,而是根据《民法》的规则来排序或者分配。
2023-07-25 05:56:031


etc上显示id1estate是id1状态处于正常状态的意思。将ETC卡片插入到ETC电子标签里,车主能够听到一声“嘀”的声音,接着ETC电子标签的屏幕就会显示“记账卡”或“金额”的字样,这就说明设备是正常状态的。如果车主在插了卡片进去后发现屏幕是没有亮或者ETC一直是黑屏的但设备又是处于开启的状态,那么有可能是设备没有电量或者内部电子元件有损坏的问题了。ETC系统原理:ETC系统通过安装于车辆上的车载装置和安装在收费站车道上的天线之间进行无线通信和信息交换。主要由车辆自动识别系统、中心管理系统和其他辅助设施等组成。其中,车辆自动识别系统由车载单元又称应答器或电子标签、路边单元(Road side unit,RSU)、环路感应器等组成。OBU中存有车辆的识别信息,一般安装于车辆前面的挡风玻璃上,RSU安装于收费站旁边,环路感应器安装于车道地面下。中心管理系统有大型的数据库,存储大量注册车辆和用户的信息。当车辆通过收费站口时,环路感应器感知车辆,RSU发出询问信号,OBU做出响应,并进行双向通信和数据交换。中心管理系统获取车辆识别信息,如汽车ID号、车型等信息和数据库中相应信息进行比较判断,根据不同情况来控制管理系统产生不同的动作,如计算机收费管理系统从该车的预付款项账户中扣除此次应交的过路费,或送出指令给其它辅助设施工作。
2023-07-25 05:56:291


2023-07-25 05:57:135

英语作文:My housing estate 8句话

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Where do you live now? Do you like your housing estate? why or why not 解析: I am living in (自己写). It has a wonderful envirnment. I can see flowers and trees from my house. There is a playground right in front of my block. Children always play there and senior citizens do exercises. Public transport is convience. School, hospital and super market are only a few minutes away. I like my housing estate very much.
2023-07-25 05:57:581

Espier estate红酒多少钱?是澳大利亚的红酒?~~

产地: 澳洲 酒精度:13.5%规格:750ml香味:香味中带着浓浓的蓝莓,丁香气和一点点淡淡的辛辣味色泽:深紫色搭配菜肴:各种烤肉,熏肠以及奶酪和甜点建议醒酒时间:30分钟最佳品尝温度:16-18℃酒品介绍:味觉温和且清淡可口,扎实的口感有蓝莓,梅子,巧克力和香草豆等材料的味道。其价格在300元左右。
2023-07-25 05:58:151

什么是遗产计划(Estate Planning)?

2023-07-25 05:58:372


2023-07-25 05:50:282


【 #英语资源# 导语】防汛防台抗旱工作坚持“以人为本,安全第一,预防为主,防抗结合,确保重点,统筹兼顾”的原则。以下是 整理的《关于抗洪救灾的英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。 1.关于抗洪救灾的英语作文   Early in the morning, I was awakened by a loud noise. I got up reluctantly and found that the house was already full of water. I couldn"t help but be startled.   At the moment, I was completely sleepless and hurriedly put on my slippers to help. Grandma asked me to shout Dad up. I ran to my father and shouted, "flood fighting and disaster relief! daddy! Come on! " But they didn"t respond at all. They thought I was teasing him. Or grandma was so powerful that she came over and said, "get up quickly. Do you think Xiaoyan is teasing you? Come on! "   I stood at the door of my house and looked at it. It was already watery outside. I walked in the water with an umbrella and thought I should go to my father to help. When I was walking towards my father, I accidentally threw out my slippers. I jumped forward and wanted to get my shoes, but every time I jumped, the water splashed on me. Finally, I had to walk barefoot to get my slippers. Alas, I was so embarrassed when I didn"t help.   When the door of the living room was stuffed with sand, I began to be really busy because I had to pour water out. I have a spoon in one hand and a basin in the other. I don"t know. I thought I was a chef! After a while, all the water was cleared out, and I was very tired.   In the afternoon, the water gradually disappeared, and the weather became sunny. We were finally relieved. Looking at the streets that have been washed away by the flood and become a mess, I really hope that the flood will not happen again in the future! 2.关于抗洪救灾的英语作文   It was the summer of 1998, a summer that the Chinese people will never forget. The Yangtze River Basin in China has suffered from the great flood disaster which has not been encountered for many years. The dangerous situation along the river, especially in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, is constantly increasing, and the property and life of the people are seriously threatened. At this critical juncture, hundreds of thousands of PLA officers and soldiers have been working day and night, fighting floods and fighting against evil waves with millions of people, which has started the great river defense war of Qizhuang river. Officers and soldiers carry heavy sandbags and travel back and forth in mud. Some of them run barefoot for fast walking. The jagged rubble cut the toes, they ignored it completely, and they had only one idea in their mind: "big lift, keep big lift!" They jumped into the water, built a wall of human with their flesh and blood. In the surging river, the wall seemed so spectacular and magnificent! Dajiang, always remember the summer of 1998, once again expressed people"s patriotism( No one would have expected that May 12, 2008 was written into history. Looking at the number on the time plate a little bit close to the gold rescue after the earthquake 72 hours, everyone"s heart was caught in the throat. We are eager to see a new compatriot be saved, and we are eager to break down and save all the lives in crisis. Pray, bless, mourn, help, peace, rise - we repeat these words, the prime minister cried, the people cried, and all those with conscience cried.   At this moment, life is higher than everything, and what we pray for is human life. Only in the face of such devastating disasters can we deeply appreciate the precious life. At this stage, the core of disaster relief is to save people, and no matter how deep "reflection", it is so luxurious at this time. It is based on the incomparable respect for life, let us see and hope for the growth in the sense of "national difficulties and prosperity".   More moved, from the earthquake scene, the victims of self-help and mutual help, volunteer initiative assistance, children and soldiers bravely struggle“ The kindergarten teachers are willing to be the cement board that the children have been blocked from falling, the private clinic doctors take out all the drugs to save people, Chengdu taxi drivers spontaneously rush to the disaster area to participate in rescue, private owners from other places rush to the disaster area to participate in the transfer and rescue of the injured, and an entrepreneur in Tangshan organizes employees and medical personnel to go down the South all night "Mianyang citizens bring food and clothing to the victims of the resettlement site"... In the process of earthquake relief, the rudimentary of the force of civil organizations has been further developed, and its "natural transparency and efficiency" is an important supplement to the government"s disaster relief force. 3.关于抗洪救灾的英语作文   I opened my beloved photo album and introduced me to the long river of memory. At this time, my eyes stay on a moving color photo. In early May this year, our county suffered the worst flood disaster in a century. The surging Xiangjiang river ran through the streets of the county and ruthlessly swallowed up a large number of houses and farmland. The flood is roaring and people are calling... At this critical juncture, the people"s government led the masses in an indomitable struggle against the flood. Look, on the left side of this photo, on the rescue and relief ship, several cadres stood in the bow of the ship and asked everyone to sit down.   An uncle of the people"s Liberation Army was carrying an old woman across the water to get on board. Tears of excitement flashed on her weather beaten face; A police aunt, carrying a medicine box, is bandaging a child"s wound... On the right of this picture, a large truck is parked beside the road, loaded with bags of daily necessities for disaster relief, such as rice, vegetables, clothes, etc. Beside the truck, an old man leaned on a crutch and took the clothes he had received, as if to say, "good Communist Party! Socialism is good! " This is really "no lover in the flood"! The Chinese people responded to the call of the party and the government to "one side is in trouble and all sides support", and all kinds of disaster relief materials are continuously transported to us.   This news color photo not only records the once-in-a-century flood disaster in Hengshan, but also leaves the true feelings of the world. Comments this paper expands the descr iption of the degree of flood damage, "the surging Xiangjiang River water passes through the streets and lanes, ruthlessly swallows large areas of houses and farmland, and there is a vast sea everywhere", which paves the way for the theme display of "no lover in the flood". Then, three flood fighting scenes were expanded, "wading in the water with an old grandmother on his back", "dressing a child"s wound with a medicine box on his arm", "the boss was leaning on a crutch and holding the clothes he had received, as if to say:" good Communist Party! Socialism is good! " It vividly describes the vivid picture of "one side is in trouble and all sides support", which makes the content of color photos more colorful.
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2023-07-25 05:50:361

Beautiful Disaster 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Disaster歌手:Jon Mclaughlin专辑:IndianaJon McLaughlin - Beautiful Disasterlrc 编辑 Memphis 314522711She loves her mama"s lemonade,Hates the sounds that goodbyes make.She prays one day she"ll find someone to need her.She swears that there"s no difference,Between the lies and complements.It"s all the same if everybody leaves her.And every magazine tells her she"s not good enough,The pictures that she sees make her cry.And she would change everything, everything just ask her.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,And she needs someone to take her home.She"s giving boys what they want, tries to act so nonchalant,Afraid they"ll see that she"s lost her direction.She never stays the same for long,Assuming that she"ll get it wrong.Perfect only in her imperfection.She"s not a drama queen,She doesn"t want to feel this way, only seventeen but tiredShe would change everything for happy ever after.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,But she just needs someone to take her home.Cuz she"s just the way she is, but no ones told her that"s ok.And she would change everything, everything just ask her.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,And she would change everything for happy ever after.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,But she just needs someone to take her homeAnd just needs someone to take her home.
2023-07-25 05:50:371


一、写出下列单词的复数形式。1.pig pigs2.sheep sheep3.tomato families7.rice men9.window windows10.dictionary dictionaries 11.beef beef12.knife knives13.dress oranges15.potato potatoes16.policeman policemen17.people people二、原形与三单1.爱好 like likes2.骑自行车 ride bikes /rides bikes3.跳水 dive/dives4.拉小提琴 play the violin/plays the violin5.制作风筝 make kites/makes kites6.集邮 collect stamps/collects stamps7.居住 live/lives8.教 teach/teaches9.去 go/goes10.观看 watch/watches11.阅读 read/reads12.歌手 singer/singers13.作家 writer/writers14.男演员 acter/acters15.女演员 actress/actresses16画家 artist/artists17.电视台记者 TV reporter/TV reporters18.工程师 engineer/engineers19.会计 accountant/accountants20.警察 policeman/policemen21.销售员 salesman/salesmen22.清洁工 dustman/dustmen23.在哪里 where 24.工作 work/works25.下雨 rain/rains26.云 cloud/cloud27.蒸汽 steam/steam28.太阳 sun/sun29.小河 river/rivers30.来自…… from31照耀 shine/shines32.变成 become/becomes33.种子 seed/seeds34.土壤 soil/soil35.苗 seedling/seedlings36.植物 plante/plantes37.应该 should38.然后 then
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2023-07-25 05:50:234


some rice是不可数名词。 some rice:米饭;水稻; rice: n.大米;稻米;稻; vt.筛选; 第三人称单数: rices现在分词: ricing过去式: riced过去分词: riced 扩展资料   Should we order some rice with it?   我们应该点一些米饭来吃他吗?   Could you give the rice a stir?   你把米饭搅一搅好吗?   The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.   这里的人们主要种植稻子和豆类。   As a rough guide, allow half a cup of rice per person.   大致定个标准,就是每人半杯米。
2023-07-25 05:50:231


自然灾害 Natural Disaster :地震 earthquake雪崩 avalanche火山泥流 lahar泥石流 mudflow/landslide超级火山爆发 supervolcano洪水 flood大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom海啸 Tsunami 暴风雪 blizzard (呵呵)干旱 Drought 雹暴 Hailstorm热浪 heat wave飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm龙卷风 tornado冰河时代 ice age森林大火 wildfire流行病 Epidemic 饥荒 Famine 太阳耀斑 Solar flare 回答完毕 ,感谢你的提问,希望对你有帮助,记得给采纳给好评呦,祝你学习进步!
2023-07-25 05:50:232

武装突袭2箭头行动免安装版提示bad serial number given in setup

Wow6432Node 把这个字段加入到SOFTWARE和Bohemia之间
2023-07-25 05:50:224


2023-07-25 05:50:211

推荐几个关于爱情的动漫 守护甜心,SA特优生,会长是女仆大人,水果篮子,魔法留学生吸血鬼骑士 绯色恋等

2023-07-25 05:50:1715