barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-27 01:30:53

couple,可以指一双或一对夫妻,情侣,这时候可以看做单数,也可以看做复数,就看你要强调他们的互动还是一致性。例如: An old couple from Shanghai is moving in our apartment一对老夫妇搬进了我们的公寓。(视为单数) The young couple are quarrelling with each other.这对年轻夫妻在吵架。(视为复数) 如果couple指的是【几个】,那后面的谓语动词当然是用复数了。例如: A couple of new ideas are what we need now. 我们现在需要的就是一些新的想法。



"couple" 读作 /u02c8ku028cpl/,意为“一对,夫妇,几个”。在英语中,"couple" 还可以作为动词使用,意为“连接,结合”。连接器作为名词,"couple" 通常用来表示两个人或物体之间的关系。例如,“这对夫妇已经结婚十年了。”“我只需要几个苹果就可以了。”"couple" 还可以用来表示数量,例如,“我只需要几个苹果,大概两三个就可以了。”作为动词,"couple" 通常用来表示连接或结合两个或多个物体。例如,“这两个车厢需要连接起来。”“这个机器需要连接到电源上。”除了 "couple" 之外,英语中还有许多其他的单词和短语可以表示“一对”或“夫妇”,如 "pair"、"duo"、"twosome"、"husband and wife" 等。这些单词和短语在使用时有一些细微的差别,需要根据具体的语境来选择使用。总之,"couple" 是一个常用的英语单词,用来表示两个人或物体之间的关系或数量。了解 "couple" 的用法可以帮助人们更好地理解和使用英语。
2023-07-25 10:26:231


2023-07-25 10:26:561


couple,可以指一双或一对夫妻,情侣,这时候可以看做单数,也可以看做复数,就看你要强调他们的互动还是一致性。例如: An old couple from Shanghai is moving in our apartment一对老夫妇搬进了我们的公寓。(视为单数) The young couple are quarrelling with each other.这对年轻夫妻在吵架。(视为复数) 如果couple指的是【几个】,那后面的谓语动词当然是用复数了。例如: A couple of new ideas are what we need now. 我们现在需要的就是一些新的想法。
2023-07-25 10:27:331


2023-07-25 10:27:433


couple作名词,对,双; 配偶,夫妻。a couple of是几个的意思,比如a couple of hundred miles几百英里;this couple译作这对情侣,这对夫妻;pair指使用时彼此不能分开的两件东西构成的物品,翻译成双,只能形容两个的;a pair of是一双的意思,比如a pair of shoes/glasses一双鞋,一副眼镜;several与前两者相近的意思是“几个的”,但是用法不同:表示几个,一些时候用法为several of,后面跟可数名词,several of apples一些苹果。
2023-07-25 10:27:532

the couple是单数还是复数

复数,意为“一对,两个”或“这对夫妻”.如The couple are kind
2023-07-25 10:28:013


2023-07-25 10:28:383


  情侣是指相互吸引并相爱,希望在一起的两个人。情侣之间的交流方式通常有约会,互送礼物,保持亲密关系。那么你知道情侣的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面我为大家带来情侣的英语单词和相关英语表达,欢迎大家一起学习。  情侣的英语单词1:   lover   英 [u02c8lu028cvu0259] 美 [u02c8lu028cvu025a]   情侣的英语单词2:   sweetheart   英 [u02c8swi:tu02cchɑ:t] 美 [u02c8switu02cchɑrt]   情侣的英语单词3:   couple   英 [u02c8ku028cpl] 美 [u02c8ku028cpu0259l]   情侣相关英语表达:   情侣鞋 Lovers Shoes   校园情侣 campus couple   情侣隧道 Tunnel Of lover   完美情侣 perfect couples   梦幻情侣 Fantasy Couple   情侣广场 Lover"s Square   情侣套装 Couple Set   情侣的英语单词例句:   情侣靠爱情生活,正象云雀靠韭葱生活一样。   Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks.   他们在五月份相遇,不久就成为了情侣。   They met in May and became lovers soon after.   每队情侣中,必定有一个是傻瓜。   There must be a fool in each pair of lovers.   至少现在情侣间有一个典型的符号是惊人的复古表现。   At least one traditional symbol between lovers has made a striking comeback.   很多情侣都选择同居而非结婚。   Many couples decide to live together rather than marry.   我旁边的一对年轻情侣在相互喂食豆腐串。   The young couple next to me were feeding each other tofu skewers.   那对情侣将脚趾摆荡在池塘里。   The couple dangled their toes in the pond.   公园里到处可见一对对情侣在草地上拥抱亲吻。   The park was full of lovers making out on the grass.   这对情侣漫步于田野,完全忘记了时间。   The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of time.   年轻的情侣拥抱着。   The young lovers embraced.   不论是情侣之间,还是与1,000名下属之间,沟通问题在任何关系当中都是最大的挑战。   The No. 1 challenge in any relationship, whether it "s with your mate or your 1,000 employees, is communication.   他们在五月份相遇,不久就成为了情侣。   They met in May and became lovers soon after.   很多调查显示,情侣们在情人节这天常常送错礼物。   Many surveys show lovers can be out touch with what the loves of their lives really want for Valentine"s Day.   情侣们的婚姻得不到父母的支持,不得不选择秘密逃跑。   The lovers, usually not able to gain approval of marriage from parents, had to resort to a secret runaway.   在她痊愈之后,他们成了情侣。   They became lovers after she recovered.   你也许会好奇:私奔最终会有怎样的结局,那些勇敢的情侣们会有个圆满的结局吗?   Some may wonder, what eventually happened to the runaway lovers, or if there were happy endings to those brave lovers.   泰晤士报称,研究者扫描了共同生活20年的夫妇的大脑,然后将结果与扫描新情侣的结果进行对比。   The researchers scanned the brains of couples together for20 years and compared them with results from new lovers, the Times said.   除了这些实际问题外,许多情侣选择搭伴工作,是因为他们可以和真正的知己来共同探讨问题。   Apart from practical issues, many lovers are choosing to work together because they can discuss problems with someone who truly understands them.   如今它被人们作为情侣的节日来庆祝,相爱的人之间互赠糖果、鲜花或其他礼物。   It is celebrated as a lovers"holiday today, with the giving of candy, flowers, or other gifts between couples in love.   《和谁去过情人节》的演出日期跨越2008年的二月十四日情人节,力将成为献给情侣们的一份温情厚礼。   As a heart-warming gift, the show will be presented till after Feb.14, Valentine"s Day of2008, sure for the lovers.   难道你们不认为这是年轻情侣们彼此表达爱意的浪漫的情景吗?   Don " t you think" it is a romantic scene" for the young lovers" to show their love to each other?
2023-07-25 10:28:481

a couple后面的动词用单数还是负数,解释为一对夫妻的时候?

单数另: to a certain extent / in a sense, 看你用在哪里。一般用第一个
2023-07-25 10:28:563


  couple表达的意思有很多种,那么你知道couple做动词,名词分别都有哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来couple的英语意思和相关用法,希望对你有所帮助!  couple作名词的意思   对,双;配偶,夫妻   couple作动词的意思   连在一起,连接;成双,结婚   couple的英语音标   英 [u02c8ku028cpl] 美 [u02c8ku028cpu0259l]   couple的用法:   couple的用法1:couple用作名词时意思是“一对”,转化成动词则主要表示“连接,结合”,指人为地把两个有关的人或东西连接在一起。   couple的用法2:couple用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。couple偶尔也可用作不及物动词,宾语后面可接介词with或to,表示“结合在一起”。   couple的英语例句   1. The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.   为了摆脱媒体的关注,这对新人在加勒比喜结连理。   2. Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.   演奏钢琴的戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。   3. She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.   她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。   4. The couple had helped in the hunt for the toddlers.   这对夫妇曾帮着搜寻那些幼童。   5. She had written him a note a couple of weeks earlier.   她几周前给他写过一个便条。   6. I"m broke, Livy, and I owe a couple of million dollars.   我破产了,莉薇,而且我欠了几百万美元的债。   7. The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple.   那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。   8. He thumbed through a couple of pages, feigning just a slight interest.   他随手翻了几页,假装兴趣不大。   9. She even claimed the couple"s daughter was possessed by the devil.   她甚至宣称那对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附了体。   10. He placed the ball and tried a couple of feints.   他把球放好,试着虚打了几下。   11. The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is a sacred union.   夫妇俩对婚姻的看法很传统,认为婚姻是神圣的结合。   12. A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.   下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。   13. The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.   笑咧咧的夫妻把东西装上他们的红色跑车后疾驰而去。   14. The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble.   夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。   15. He managed to rustle up a couple of blankets.   他很快想办法弄到了几张毯子。 couple是什么意思相关 文章 : 1. couple的近义词 2. a couple of的意思和造句 3. model是什么意思 4. view是什么意思 5. make的用法说明
2023-07-25 10:29:031


  couple,可以指一双或一对夫妻,情侣,这时候可以看做单数,也可以看做复数,就看你要强调他们的互动还是一致性.例:An old couple from Shanghai is moving in our apartment.一对老夫妇搬进了我们的公寓.(视为单数)The young couple are quarrelling with each other.这对年轻夫妻在吵架.(视为复数)u200d
2023-07-25 10:29:181


为您解答不用a couple
2023-07-25 10:29:262


2023-07-25 10:29:461


2023-07-25 10:29:533


2023-07-25 10:30:011


couple 是一个集合名词,当它表示整体概念是就是单数,如果指的是这个集体中的每个成员,就用复数。
2023-07-25 10:30:211


夫妻词典spouse:配偶,夫或妻。词典man and wife:夫妻;夫妇;[法] 丈夫和妻子。词典consort:配偶;伙伴;僚舰;合作。词典husband and wife:夫妇;鸾凤;两口儿;俪。
2023-07-25 10:30:313

The old couple _________ live next to us have four grandchildren

2023-07-25 10:30:473

couple 是什么意思

couple的意思是:对;夫妇;数个。couple,英语单词,名词、动词。作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。couple的例句:1. It"s only a couple blocks away.那地方离这里只有几个街区。2. The couple have no children.这对夫妇没有孩子。3. They were an odd-looking couple.这对夫妇长相奇特。4. He dashed off a couple of novels.他匆匆地完成了几本小说。5. The couple met at a party.这对夫妇相识于一个派对。
2023-07-25 10:32:011


2023-07-25 10:32:191


couple,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。作为名词,"couple" 通常用来表示两个人或物体之间的关系。例如,“这对夫妇已经结婚十年了。”“我只需要几个苹果就可以了。”"couple" 还可以用来表示数量,例如,“我只需要几个苹果,大概两三个就可以了。”作为动词,"couple" 通常用来表示连接或结合两个或多个物体。例如,“这两个车厢需要连接起来。”“这个机器需要连接到电源上。”除了 "couple" 之外,英语中还有许多其他的单词和短语可以表示“一对”或“夫妇”,如 "pair"、"duo"、"twosome"、"husband and wife" 等。这些单词和短语在使用时有一些细微的差别,需要根据具体的语境来选择使用。总之,"couple" 是一个常用的英语单词,用来表示两个人或物体之间的关系或数量。了解 "couple" 的用法可以帮助人们更好地理解和使用英语。
2023-07-25 10:32:391


couple,可以指一双或一对夫妻,情侣,这时候可以看做单数,也可以看做复数,就看你要强调他们的互动还是一致性。例如:AnoldcouplefromShanghaiismovinginourapartment一对老夫妇搬进了我们的公寓。(视为单数)Theyoungcouple are quarrellingwitheachother.这对年轻夫妻在吵架。(视为复数)如果couple指的是【几个】,那后面的谓语动词当然是用复数了。例如:Acoupleofnewideasare what weneednow.我们现在需要的就是一些新的想法。
2023-07-25 10:33:411

couple的意思 couple是什么意思

1、couple,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“对;夫妇;数个”,作动词时译为“结合;成婚;连接;连合”。2、couple的读音:英[?k?pl]美[?k?pl]3、Fantasy Couple 幻想情侣 ; 梦幻的情侣 ; 梦幻情侣 ; 幻想的情侣4、The couple 两口子 ; 两夫妻 ; 小两口 ; 结婚新人
2023-07-25 10:33:491


couple,可以指一双或一对夫妻,情侣,这时候可以看做单数,也可以看做复数,就看你要强调他们的互动还是一致性。例如: An old couple from Shanghai is moving in our apartment一对老夫妇搬进了我们的公寓。(视为单数) The young couple are quarrelling with each other.这对年轻夫妻在吵架。(视为复数) 如果couple指的是【几个】,那后面的谓语动词当然是用复数了。例如: A couple of new ideas are what we need now. 我们现在需要的就是一些新的想法。
2023-07-25 10:34:431

couple怎么读 英语couple怎么读

1、couple英[u02c8ku028cpl]美[u02c8ku028cpl],n.夫妇; 两人; 两件事物; 几个人; 几件事物; (人)一对; (尤指)夫妻,情侣;v.(把车辆或设备等)连接,结合; 性交; 交配 2、[例句]It is believed that the couple have left the country.据信那对夫妇已经离开了这个国家。
2023-07-25 10:34:571


2023-07-25 10:35:171

the couple是单数还是复数?

2023-07-25 10:35:541

水晶男孩的《COUPLE》 歌词

歌曲名:COUPLE歌手:水晶男孩专辑:亚洲音乐杂辑Couple(恋人)水晶男孩夫你の君ye jeon bo daji geum ni gadeo wook gwaen cha neul gyo yaheo jeo nae deonna yeu bin go seuli jyen chea wo jwe si nia reum da woonsye sang e seoma ni wui ro wo ha myeonae ban jjo geulcha ja he men gyeonmo du ye nal ae gin gyeolnae saeng ae ixi gan ma neuleol ma na gi da ryeo neun jima qi ggum man ga teun geoli jyen na hon ja ga a nineo wa ham ggye ha neun geo yaoh love wuae i jye seo yama ni ui rob deonna reul cha ja on geo yaoh love neo reul sa rang haei jye mo deun xi gan deu reulna wa ham ggye haeAll right, all rightWhen I saw you one time I lost my heart to you Oops baby I"llbe loving you forever with you nowBaby, don"t go too far I won"t let you go Please don"t go I wantto hold you tight and I need you loveeol ma na su ma neun na reulgi da ryo wa neun jul a nii jyen mo du a pye seona yeu so neul ggok bu jab kowu rin ham ggye ha neun geo yaoh love wuae i jye seo yama ni ui rob deonna reul cha ja on geo yaoh love neo reul sa rang haei jye mo deun xi gan deu reulna wa ham ggye haegwa geo dda wuin mo du i ko na wa ham ggye halma neun xi ga neul chu eo keu ro man deu reooh love wuae i jye seo yama ni ui rob deonna reul cha ja on geo yaoh love neo reul sa rang haei jye mo deun xi gan deu reulna wa ham ggye hae
2023-07-25 10:36:031


a lovers三楼,你怎么知道2楼答题的是妇女??难道。。
2023-07-25 10:36:138


都可以,视情况而定. 这是集合名词之一,侧重整体“一对夫妻/男女朋友”+ sing.v; 侧重两人/夫妻俩/小(老)两口 + pl.v
2023-07-25 10:36:371


可以的。couplen. 对;夫妇;数个; vi. 结合;成婚; vt. 结合;连接;连合couplingn.结合,联结; v. 连接(couple的ing形式)
2023-07-25 10:37:022


couple:作名词用时 ,意为“对,夫妇”, 表示的是单数,谓语动词也要用单数. 同义词是mates,pair 例句: 1、They are a nice couple. 他们是很美满的一对. 2、The couple is going to Shanghai next week . 这对夫妇下周要去Shanghai.
2023-07-25 10:37:131


ucee4ud50c [couple] [uba85uc0ac]uc9dduc774 ub418ub294 ub0a8ub140 ud55c uc30d. ‘ubd80ubd80", ‘uc30d", ‘uc9dd"uc73cub85c uc21cud654.
2023-07-25 10:37:235


couple:作名词用时 ,意为“对,夫妇”, 表示的是单数,谓语动词也要用单数. 同义词是mates,pair 例句: 1、They are a nice couple. 他们是很美满的一对. 2、The couple is going to Shanghai next week . 这对夫妇下周要去Shanghai.
2023-07-25 10:37:381

水晶男孩的《Couple》 歌词

歌曲名:Couple歌手:水晶男孩专辑:CoupleCouple(恋人)水晶男孩夫你の君ye jeon bo daji geum ni gadeo wook gwaen cha neul gyo yaheo jeo nae deonna yeu bin go seuli jyen chea wo jwe si nia reum da woonsye sang e seoma ni wui ro wo ha myeonae ban jjo geulcha ja he men gyeonmo du ye nal ae gin gyeolnae saeng ae ixi gan ma neuleol ma na gi da ryeo neun jima qi ggum man ga teun geoli jyen na hon ja ga a nineo wa ham ggye ha neun geo yaoh love wuae i jye seo yama ni ui rob deonna reul cha ja on geo yaoh love neo reul sa rang haei jye mo deun xi gan deu reulna wa ham ggye haeAll right, all rightWhen I saw you one time I lost my heart to you Oops baby I"llbe loving you forever with you nowBaby, don"t go too far I won"t let you go Please don"t go I wantto hold you tight and I need you loveeol ma na su ma neun na reulgi da ryo wa neun jul a nii jyen mo du a pye seona yeu so neul ggok bu jab kowu rin ham ggye ha neun geo yaoh love wuae i jye seo yama ni ui rob deonna reul cha ja on geo yaoh love neo reul sa rang haei jye mo deun xi gan deu reulna wa ham ggye haegwa geo dda wuin mo du i ko na wa ham ggye halma neun xi ga neul chu eo keu ro man deu reooh love wuae i jye seo yama ni ui rob deonna reul cha ja on geo yaoh love neo reul sa rang haei jye mo deun xi gan deu reulna wa ham ggye hae
2023-07-25 10:37:481

急求couple用法 (在线等)

couple 本身的意思就是“一对”,最常见的用法:1)作名词用,指一男一女(未必有任何关系)例:Do you know the couple that just walked in?2)短语 a couple of ;意思是“两三个”(并非一定两个、但肯定不止一个)例:He told me that he"s coming to visit for a couple of weeks.
2023-07-25 10:37:571


2023-07-25 10:38:051

couple 作主语的时候,谓语用三单吗

liday break, the
2023-07-25 10:38:332

a couple的用法?

2023-07-25 10:38:442


The relationship between husband and wife.
2023-07-25 10:38:543


2023-07-25 10:39:021


360客服电话号码如下:360硬件客服:400-6822-360360手机技术:400-011-1366360软件技术:400-6693-600总机:010-58781000010-82055857360综合客服:kefu@360.cn合作联系:hezuo@360.cn媒体采访:media@360.cn扩展资料:奇虎360是(北京奇虎科技有限公司)的简称,由周鸿_于2005年9月创立,主营360杀毒为代表的免费网络安全平台和拥有问答等独立业务的公司。该公司主要依靠在线广告、游戏、互联网和增值业务创收。2014年1月15日,奇虎360宣布进军台湾,授权希悦资讯为台湾地区总代理。2015年2月4日,内部人士确认,奇虎360公司斥巨资收购国际顶级域名,收购价格为1700万美元,约合人民币1.1亿元。目前360.com的whois信息已经更改为北京奇虎科技有限公司。奇虎360拥有360安全卫士、360安全浏览器、360保险箱、360杀毒、360软件管家、360手机卫士、360极速浏览器、360安全桌面、360手机助手、360健康精灵、360云盘、360搜索,360随身WiFi等一系列产品。2015年中国互联网协会和网络安全公司“奇虎360”共同举办的中国互联网大会在北京召开。2015年12月,奇虎360与投资者集团达成私有化协议,奇虎360的全现金私有化交易估值大约在93亿美元(约合595亿元人民币),有61%投票权的股东将对交易进行投票,交易价格比6月16日收盘价高出16.6% 。2016年4月26日,据国家发改委投资项目在线审批监管平台披露,奇虎360私有化项目已经获得国家发改委通过,进入公示阶段。参考资料:360官网-官方客服
2023-07-25 10:34:081


   Part VI Translation   Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.   Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2   注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答,只需写出译文部分   82. We can say a lot of things about those who have spent their whole lives on poems (毕生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.   83. Mary couldnu2019t have received my letter, or she should have replied to me last week (否则她上周就该回信了).   84. Nancy is supposed to have finished her chemistry experiments (做完化学实验) at least two weeks ago.   85. Never once has the old couple quarreled with each other (老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago.   86. The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于) the quality of education of its people    Part 1 Writing    范文一   Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology, and thereby E-books have wound their way into our daily life. Because of the wide and quick popularity of E-books, there has been an increasing controversy over the question of whether E-books will replace traditional books or not.   Many people hold the idea that it will not take long for E-books to replace traditional books because E-books have quite a few advantages over traditional ones. First, E-books are more accessible to readers, because the readers just need to log onto the internet and read online. Second, thanks to the advanced technology, the cost of E-books is much lower, so it takes readers far less money to buy E-books. Last but not the least, reading E-books has developed into part of our daily life, which is particularly appealing to young users, who are the body part of the users of electronic products.   As far as Iu2019m concerned, it is not likely for E-books to replace traditional books for lots of reasons. For example, long time of reading E-books will do more harm to our eyes, and readers will find themselves more accessible to printed materials because computers and the internet havenu2019t yet been popularized to every corner of our life.    范文二   E-books, or electronic books, have the same information and need the same reading experience as the traditional books, which you actually hold in your hands. E-books have so many benefits that they will replace traditional books.   E-books can be created on a shoestring budget while the authors of traditional books will have to overcome a tough sales target before they even consider making a profit on the book. E-books are quicker to create because they could be written and published in as little as a week while the time span between starting a traditional book and writing it could take around a year or two. E-books are easier to target a wide market because they may be sold on the Internet to anyone with a credit card and an Internet connection in any place in the world, while with a traditional book it may be difficult to expand to new markets, since it will involve further significant costs on distribution and marketing.   To conclude, E-books are a very valuable tool that could be used as a profit centre, as a publishing tool or as a marketing tool. They have many advantages over the traditional books. E-books will replace traditional books.    Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)   1. D) Scientistsu2019 vision of the world in half a century.   2. B) may not come true   3. A) humans wonu2019t have to donate organs for transplantation   4. C) live to 100 and more with vitality   5. C) alien life will likely be discovered   6. A ) might survive all catastrophes on earth   7. D) lost fingers and limbs will be able to regrow   8. artificial intelligence   9. weapons   10. religion    Part 3 Listening Comprehension   Section A   11. D) The man is a fan of world-famous football players.   12. D) Solve his problem by doing a part-time job.   13. C) A real nuisance.   14. A) The errors will be corrected soon.   15. B) He has to type his paper once more.   16. A) They might have to change their plan.   17. D) They are not late for a loan application.   18. C) The quality of air will surely change for the better.   19. B) Numerous varieties of food.   20. B) A world of antiques.   21. D) It generates 70% of the electricity it uses.   22. B) 30,000   23. C) Thinking about doing a different job.   24. A) She has finally got a promotion and a pay raise.   25. B) He changed his mind about marriage unexpectedly.   Section B   Passage 1   26. D) They are getting more popular as a means of water recreation.   27. A) Water scooter operators lack of experience.   28. B) They produce too much noise.   29. D) Enforce necessary regulations.   Passage 2   30. D) They are changing.   31. B) Not many of them stay in the same place for long.   32. C) Keep a friendly distance.   Passage 3   33. D) It may lead to a lack of properly educated workers.   34. B) It affects both junior and senior high schools.   35. C) Rewarding excellent academic performance.   Section C   36. survive   37. complicated   38. offenders   39. whereby   40. incurring   41. influence   42. serving   43. restore   44. The alternative to capital punishment is longer sentences. But they would certainly cost the tax payers much money.   45. that does not mean that person isnu2019t guilty of the crime, or that he shouldnu2019t pay society the debt he owes.   46. a large part of it in prison for acts that he committed while not in full control of his mind.    Part 4 Reading in Depth   Section A   47. causing a reaction   48. an emotional debate   49. The approval of every victimu2019s family   50. exploiting a national tragedy   51. raise awareness   Section B   Passage 1   52. B) Their currency has slumped.   53. C) They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.   54. D) They think of it as a good tourist destination.   55. C) They vacation at home rather than abroad.   56. A) The dollaru2019s value will not increase in the short term.   Passage 2   57. D) They care more about which college their children go to than the children themselves.   58. A) They want to increase their childrenu2019s chances of entering a prestigious college.   59. C) Kidu2019s actual abilities are more important than their college backgrounds.   60. B) Degrees of prestigious universities do not guarantee entry to graduate programs.   61. C) they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduation   Part 4 Reading in Depth   Section A   47. causing a reaction   48. an emotional debate   49. The approval of every victimu2019s family   50. exploiting a national tragedy   51. raise awareness   Section B   Passage 1   52. B) Their currency has slumped.   53. C) They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.   54. D) They think of it as a good tourist destination.   55. C) They vacation at home rather than abroad.   56. A) The dollaru2019s value will not increase in the short term.   Passage 2   57. D) They care more about which college their children go to than the children themselves.   58. A) They want to increase their childrenu2019s chances of entering a prestigious college.   59. C) Kidu2019s actual abilities are more important than their college backgrounds.   60. B) Degrees of prestigious universities do not guarantee entry to graduate programs.   61. C) they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduation    Part 6 Translation   82. We can say a lot of things about those who are devoted to poems in their whole lives (毕生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive and unique.   83. Mary couldnu2019t have received my letter, or she should have made a reply last week. (否则她上周就该回信了).   84. Nancy is supposed to have finished her chemistry experiment(做完化学实验) at least two weeks ago.   85. Never once has the old couple quarreled with each other (老两口相互争吵)since they were married 40 years ago.   86. The prosperity of a nation depends largely on (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于) the quality of education.
2023-07-25 10:34:091


千年帝国之兴亡[ADVANCED_WORLD_WAR_SENNENTEIKOKU][千年帝国之兴亡].mdf 646.4MB [ADVANCED_WORLD_WAR_SENNENTEIKOKU][千年帝国之兴亡].mds 2.5KB可以下.我测试了.如果你下不来.等我下完传给你.
2023-07-25 10:34:091

阿斯美 复方甘草片

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SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");System.out.println(sdf.format(new Date()));
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问题一:不在岗证明怎么写,要范本 证明 某某单位(公司): 兹委托我单位(公司)某某同志(身份证号:)前往你处办理某某合同备案手续,请予以接洽。 特此证明! 某某埂位(公司)盖章 时间: 问题二:不在职证明怎么写 药店从业人员不在岗证明怎么写 问题三:因工作单位要求写不在职证明怎么写 写你这段时间干啥了 干的事全是与工作无关的 不如说出国旅游 比如说生病休假 问题四:没有职位怎么办理在职证明 从事什么岗位工作写明,这就可以了呀,如会计、出纳、驾驶员等。 问题五:公司拒绝开具在职证明, 怎么办 我国法律法规没有明文规定公司有类似开具在职证明的义务。事实上如果你能提供与在职公司签订的劳动合同,也就能证明你在这家公司工作,但签证机构可能不能接受这种文件。为职工工具在职证明并不会导致公司不利后果,因此,公司拒绝开具在职证明让人难以理解。 要解决你的问题,要么是跟公司好好协商,达成谅解,开具证明;要么,如果你必须得到这个证明文件,得走法律程序,申请劳动仲裁,或者提起诉讼,通过司法裁决责令公司开具在职证明。 问题六:在职证明怎么写? 正文格式如下: 标题:在职证明 姓名:某某;性别;出生年月日;职位;就职年月日。 特此证明上述之人在我公司(单位)工作 公司(单位)法人代表(领导)或人事部门 签字或盖章 某某公司(单位)公章 问题七:在职证明怎么写 去哪个国家,要求中文还是英文 我贴个,美国旅游签证的给你 Letter of Guarantee Mar. 20, 2006 This is to certify Mr. XXX, Male, he was born on Aug. 5, 1949. The passport No. is GXXXXX. He is the XXXXX of XXXXX, with annual ine of about 80,000 RMB. Mr. XXX is planning to attend America for 10 days touri *** from May. 15 to May. 24, 2006. His position will be retained during his absence and he will assume the same position when he returns. Our academy guarantee that he will observe the local laws in America. He will e back to China on scheduled time after this touri *** . All the expenses of this touri *** will be borne by himself. pany:XXXXX Add: XXXX Tel: XXX Fax: XXX (主管负责人签名盖章) 备注:此证明需用有公司抬头信纸打印 ,并加盖公章 问题八:辞职了,不能提供在职证明.怎么办 这个应该是可以的,你找下你们公司的行政。如果实在不行,你去面试,直接把你的工作经验说出来就行了。人家看的是你的工作能力,而不是看你的工作经历。加油!(先前我自己也没有工作证明,反正你又能力,能给公司创造价值,人家没理由不要你。加油吧!少年) 问题九:单位不给开在职证明,我想自己p一个…有什么后果吗? 发现了证明无效,单位以你私刻公章伪造证明报到公安机关应该行政拘留或罚款。 问题十:法人的在职证明 该如何写? 在职证明 兹证明,***,19**年**月**日出生,**年开始在我**设备厂参加工作,现担任我厂法人一职,我厂于**年成立,主要经营***,注册资金**,我厂自经营以来效益良好,经营完善,得到社会人士好评. 特此说明 ****设备厂 法人代表: **年**月**日 不好意思,我是直接粘贴别人的答案
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