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2023-07-27 01:37:43
TAG: 电缆









Current specifications of channel-style cable tray(fully closed-end):

250×250 150×250 150×300 100×250 150×200


100×200 150×200 100×600 150×600

100×800 150×800 100×500 150×500

100×300 150×300 100×400 150×400














2023-07-25 10:50:486


热板热镀锌 槽式
2023-07-25 10:52:222


2023-07-25 10:53:033


2023-07-25 10:53:474


盘的英语:plate。短语搭配:1、铣刀盘。facing cutter.2、调度盘。dispatcher"s supervision board.3、偏心盘。eccentric disc.4、操纵盘。control/steering handwheel.5、接线盘。patchboard.6、电缆盘。cable drum.7、手表盘。watch face.8、原行星盘。proplyd; protoplanetary disc.9、扫描盘。scan disc.10、馈电盘。feeder panel.11、磁带盘。tape reel.12、显影盘。developing tray.13、涡轮盘。turbine disc.14、小写字盘。lower case.15、沙拉盘。salad plate.双语例句:1、高山大河,盘互交锁。High mountains and great rivers intertwine with each other.2、桌上堆放着盘碗。The desk was stacked with plates and bowls.3、她无聊地旋弄着收音机上的调谐盘。She twiddled the dials on the radio.4、老手们用淘选盘淘金。The old-timers panned gold.5、她把头发盘起来以便让自己看起来更成熟些。She had put her hair up so as to look older.
2023-07-25 10:54:291

tray wall 用英语怎么说

一,导线穿管: SC-焊接钢管 MT-电线管 PC-塑料硬管 FPC-阻燃硬管 CT-桥架 MR-金属线槽 M-钢索 PR-塑料线槽 RC-水煤气管二,导线敷设方式: DB-直埋 TC-电缆沟 BC-暗敷梁内 CLC-暗敷柱内 WC-暗敷墙内 CE-沿天棚顶扳敷设 CC-暗敷天棚顶扳内 SCE-吊顶内敷设 F--地板及地面下敷设 SR-沿钢索敷设 BE-沿屋架,梁敷设三,动具安装方式: CS-链吊 DS-管吊 W--壁装 C--吸顶 R--嵌入 S-支架 CL-柱上标注安装方式的文字符号 导线敷设方式的标注(新标准) 1 K 瓷瓶或瓷珠敷设 Wiring on porcelain knob or isolator 2 PR 塑料线槽敷设 Installed in P.V.C.wireways 3 MR 金属线槽敷设 Installed in metallic wireways 4 SC 穿焊接钢管敷设 Run in welded steel conduit 5 MT 穿电线管敷设 Run in electrical metallic tubing 6 PC 穿硬聚氯乙烯管敷设 Run in rigid P.V.C.conduit 7 FPC 穿阻燃半硬聚氯乙烯管敷设 Run in flame-retardant semiflexible P .V.C.c onduit 8 CT 用电缆桥架敷设 Installed in cable tray 9 PL 用瓷夹敷设 Laying by porcelain clip 10 PCL 用塑料夹敷设 Laying by P.V.C. clip 11 FMC 穿蛇皮管敷设 Run in Flexible metal conduit 12 DB 直接埋设 Direct burial 敷设部位的标注(新标准)序  号 文字符号 中文名称 英文名称 1 M 用钢索敷设 Supported by messenger wire 2 AB 沿梁或跨梁敷设 Along or across beam 3 AC 沿柱或跨柱敷设 Along or across column 4 WS 沿墙面敷设 On wallsurface 5 CE 沿天棚面或顶板面敷设 Along ceiling or slab surface 6 SCE 吊顶内敷设 Exposed laying in hollow spaces of ceiling 7 BC 暗敷设在梁内 Concealed in beam 8 CLC 暗敷设在柱内 concealed in column 9 W 墙内敷设 In wall 10 FR 地板或地面下敷设 In floor or ground 11 CC 暗敷设在屋面或顶板内 Concealed in ceiling or slab 安装方式的标注(新标准)序  号 文字符号 中文名称 英文名称 1 W 壁装式 Wallmounted type 2 C 吸顶式 Ceiling mounted type 3 FB 嵌入式 Flush bonding 4 DS 管吊式 Conduit suspension type 旧标准1.表达线路敷设方式标注的文字代号(旧标准)用轨型护套线敷设 GBV 用塑制线槽敷设 VXC 用硬质塑制管敷设 VG 用半硬塑制管敷设 BYG 用可挠型塑制管敷设 KRG 用薄电线管敷设 DG 用厚电线管敷设 G 用水煤气钢管敷设 GG 用金属线槽敷设 GXC 用瓷夹敷设 CJ 用塑制夹敷设 VT 用瓷瓶式或瓷柱式绝缘子敷设 CP 2.表达线路敷设部位标注的文字代号(旧标准)沿钢索敷设 S 沿屋架或层架下弦敷设 LM 沿柱敷设 ZM 沿墙敷设 QM 沿天棚敷设 PM 在能进人的吊顶内敷设 PNM 暗敷在梁内 LA 暗敷在柱内 ZA 暗敷在屋面内或顶板内 PA 暗敷在地面或者地板内 DA 暗敷在不能进入人的吊顶内 PNA 暗敷在墙内 QA有不清楚的再问啊
2023-07-25 10:55:591


2023-07-25 10:56:082


分类: 教育/科学 问题描述: 谁能提供UL1666的相关标准!谢谢! 解析: UL阻燃标准 UL列明的任何电缆经过测试验证若符合某种防火等级,可在电缆印上UL识别字、防火等级和批准编号。 ◎ 增压级-CMP级(送风燃烧测试/斯泰钠风道实验Plenum Flame Test/Steiner TunnelTest)这是 UL防火标准中要求最高的电缆(Plenum Cable),适用安全标准为UL910,实验规定在装置的水平风道上敷设多条试样,用87.9KW煤气本生灯(300,000BTU/Hr)燃烧20分钟。合格标准为火焰不可延伸到距煤气本生灯火焰前端5英尺以外。光密度的峰值最大为0.5,平均密度值最大为0.15。 这种CMP电缆通常安装在通风管道或空气处理设备使用的空气回流增压系统中,被加拿大和美国所认可采用。符合UL910标准的FEP/PLENUM材料,阻燃性能要比符合IEC60332-1及IEC60332-3标准的低烟无卤材料的阻燃性能好,燃烧起来烟的浓度低。 ◎ 干线级-CMR级(直立燃烧测试Riser Flame Test) 这是 UL标准中商用级电缆(Riser Cable),适用安全标准为UL1666。实验规定在模拟直立轴上敷设多条试样,用规定的154.5KW煤气本生灯(527,500BTU/Hr)30分钟。合格标准为火焰不可蔓延到12英尺高的房间的上部。干线级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般用于楼层垂直和水平布线使用。 ◎ 商用级-CM级(垂直燃烧测试Vertial Tray Flame Test) 这是 UL标准中商用级电缆(General Purpose Cable),适用安全标准为UL1581。实验规定在垂直8英尺高的支架上敷设多条试样,用规定的20KW带状喷灯燃烧(70,000BTU/Hr)20分钟。合格标准为火焰不可蔓延到电缆的上端并自行熄灭。UL1581和IEC60332-3C类似,只是敷设电缆根数不同。商用级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般仅应用于同一楼层的水平走线,不应用于楼层的垂直布线上。 ◎ 通用级-CMG级(垂直燃烧测试Vertial Tray Flame Test) 这是 UL标准中通用级电缆(General Purpose Cable),适用安全标准为UL1581。商用级和通用级的测试条件类似,同为加拿大和美国认可使用。通用级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般仅应用于同一楼层的水平走线,不应用于楼层的垂直布线上。 ◎ 家居级- CMX级(垂直燃烧测试Vertial Wire Flame Test) 这是 UL标准中家居级电缆(Restricted Cable),适用安全标准为UL1581,VW-1。实验规定试样保持垂直,用试验用的喷灯燃烧(30,000 TU/Hr)15秒钟,然后停止15秒钟,反复5次。合格标准为余火焰不可超过60秒钟,试样不可烧损25%以上,垫在底部的外科用棉不可被落下物引燃。UL1581-VW-1和IEC60332-1类似,只是燃烧的时间不同。这种等级也没有烟雾或毒性规范,仅用于敷设单条电缆的家庭或小型办公室系统中。这类电缆不应成捆敷设使用,必须套管。
2023-07-25 10:56:161


balckboard是黑板的意思 所以board可记为木板的意思,abroad 可通过记短语go abroad ji为去国外的意思 broad 是abroad少了一个a,你就想去了国外,经历丰富了,视野开阔了,所以broad是宽阔的意思,aboard 是在board后加了a,所以记为在木板上 也就是在船上 火车飞机上,把他们联系在一起 就记下来了
2023-07-25 10:52:062


moment n.片刻;瞬间;时刻; monument n.纪念碑;纪念物; difficient a. 缺乏的,缺少的,不足的; movement n.动作,活动;移动; munificent adj. 慷慨的,大方的; competent a.有能力的;应该做的 扩展资料   cogent adj. 有说服力的   coherent adj. 有条理的,紧凑的;粘着的;条理清楚的;连贯的,一致的   coincident a. 一致的,符合的,暗合的   commandment n. 戒律   commencement n. 开始,(大学的.)毕业典礼   comment n.评论,意见;注释   commitment n. 约束;责任;承诺,约定   compartment n. 间隔,个别室,小事,车厢   merriment n. 欢喜,嬉戏   misgovernment n. 失政,恶政   mismanagement n. 管理   misrepresent vt.误传,歪曲,曲解   dethronement n. 废立,废位; 权威地位的推翻   detriment n. 损害,伤害   development n. 发展;开发;生长;进展,显影;研制   different adj. 不同的   diffident a. 无自信的,客客气气的,羞怯的   diligent a.勤勉的,勤奋的   disagreement n.不一致;争论
2023-07-25 10:52:061


2023-07-25 10:52:062


下面都是江苏省交通厅的直属单位: · 江苏省交通厅公路局(省高速公路路政总队)    · 江苏省交通厅航道局    · 江苏省交通厅运输管理局(省交通厅运政稽查总队)    · 江苏省地方海事局(省交通厅安全生产处、省船舶检验局)    · 江苏省交通工程质量监督站    · 江苏省交通行业与产业项目招标投标管理办公室    · 江苏省铁路办公室    · 江苏省高速公路建设指挥部    · 江苏省长江公路大桥建设指挥部    · 江苏省苏通大桥建设指挥部    · 江苏省交通厅规划研究中心    · 江苏省交通通信信息中心    · 江苏省交通行业宣传教育中心    · 京杭运河江苏省交通厅苏北航务管理处    · 南京交通职业技术学院    · 南通航运职业技术学院    · 江苏省无锡交通学校    · 江苏交通高级技工学校    · 江苏汽车高级技工学校
2023-07-25 10:52:071

time seems to stand still

时间似乎停滞不前。 是这个!!o(∩_∩)o...!!
2023-07-25 10:52:081


2023-07-25 10:52:133


1 ailment n. (不严重的)疾病; 2 alignment n.队列;结盟,联合; 3 aliment n. 食物,滋养品; 4 allotment n. 分配,配给的土地,命运; 5 allurement n. 诱惑物等等。 扩展资料   6 amazement n.惊异,诧异   7 ambient a.周围的,包围着的`   8 ambivalent adj. (对人或物)有矛盾看法的;有矛盾情绪的   9 amendment n. 改正,修正   10 ament n. 智力缺陷者;精神错乱者   11 amusement,消遣,乐趣   12 ancient a.古代的,古老的   13 announcement n. 公告,发表,告知   14 antecedent n. 前情,先行词   15 apartment n. 公寓;一套公寓房间;套房,(美)一套房间;房间,间;公寓住宅,套间
2023-07-25 10:52:131

为什么一个词在Broad广告中 客户搜索量/点击量/转化率都很好,添加到EXACT之后效果就变差?

2023-07-25 10:52:141


2023-07-25 10:52:142

Down With The Trumpets 歌词

歌曲名:Down With The Trumpets歌手:Rizzle Kicks专辑:The BRIT Awards With MasterCard 2012Down With The TrumpetsRizzle KicksYo, you might hear me make a racket like WilsonCause I love summer no Rachel Bilson (YES)The winter will come,We just have parties inside it"s still fun,(We"re jammin")pump this (We"re bangin"),Chase your boyfriend let"s ‘av him,We"re rowdy, girls make our judgement cloudy,but when the sun comes up we"re still alcys,We don"t wanna be lowsy, or shameless,but we"re running round like we"re brainless,now I"ve got grass stains on my brand new white trainers(ON MY BRAND NEW WHITE TRAINERS)Ummmm… I know a few guys hate us,they"re as compelling as neighbours so laters,it"s blaters we"ve got our own sound, you know now,so go wild and get hosed down, n-no noYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWhen I get down,I get respect now,and when our tunes drops,you know it makes your head bounce,yeah I move with the flow,and when I enter the room it shows,I move sick (WHEN I DANCE)then chicks (WANNA DANCE)move in and move quick (WHEN I DANCE)at risk (WHEN I DANCE)just be careful you don"t lose your chick (WHEN I DANCE)that might just happen,so listen deep,stick with your madame,or she might just leaveCHORUSYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsUmmm… how much sound from the brass to the air,will it take, to put your bras in the air? (PARDON ME THERE)just don"t pretend that,if I wasn"t older you wouldn"t wanna dance with me yeaaahyou"re the last of my fears,I was top boy of the class in my year,well not really but I was half way there,and I coulda been the headmaster so yeahgot vibes and charisma (lighter and rizla)baccy and filter (shine for me mister)I want the sun to (SH-I-I-INE)till I"m looking at a bright blue (SKY-Y-Y)yes, and we drop it like anvils,bring your whole crew to a stand still, still,stick us on at clubs and Iguarantee that no body would stand stillYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpets
2023-07-25 10:52:151


2023-07-25 10:52:154


-ent表示"具有……性质的"或"关于……的".例如:dependent(依赖的)confident(自信的)apparent(明显的)innocent(无罪的,天真的)frequent(屡次的)  -ant表示"属于……的"或"具有……性质的".例如:tolerant(能容忍的)assistant(辅助的)ascendant(上升的)accordant(和谐的,一致的))-ant,-ent,表示"……者” merchant,agent,servant,student,
2023-07-25 10:52:211


2023-07-25 10:52:211

描写色彩的英文散文800字 在线等 谢谢各位大神

Summer colors in my heart precipitation, and finally I do not know what kind of text into the kind of use of a colorful hot inside. As night fell, the expulsion of the daytime heat invasion, adjusted irritable mood, into a cool, warmth in a given night.With longing threshold, setting the moonlight, in one deep ink watching the stars shine. A bright lasting from deep and shallow place festooning their own areas, alternately together in the air, according to the viewer"s mind, speechless beckons called eternal things.Changes in people"s eyes away from the plane of the senses is an alternative, and the sun and a bright, a magnificent, occasionally flashing a transformation. World of light, shadow blurred, the actual situation to a show to the world the self-righteous attitude redeployment eye, night black streaks of light due to render even more heavy, the night colors are put into the depths of memory and nostalgia companions.Dreams take a lot of road, I woke up still in bed, but also a beautiful process.I like this weekend without incident, waking from a dream, watching the sun slowly spilled into the room through the curtains, he does not illuminate the spacious cabin, a bright world in my eyes, because of this indifferent mood, and rare leisure, to be with an appreciative look at his well-furnished room.Clivia on the balcony flag leaf green and graceful crystal clear, an aging green stacked up, scattered to the casting played a solipsistic landscape. Just blooming flowers, the fullness of Huarong from the inside out yellow, orange, orange, light red, dark red gradient with sequential manner, yellow and white inner core made filaments wore a small cluster of a small cluster of yellow anthers , people can not bear to touch the delicate petals. Overall flowers with bright colors positive enchanting the cracks remain among the leaves, like peacocks, in a beautiful solitary line across, roots, stems, leaves, flowers are combined, such as grass-like simplicity, like a blooming flower, ranging in between swaying flowers to another style decorate our lives. Confucius" quality wins wen, Ye, Wen-Sheng quality is history, gentle, and then a gentleman, "the teachings of the world, presumably due to its unique quiet, elegant demeanor bar.The window is full of green, deeply shallow competing rivalry, elegant curtains coupled to another color, with vivid, cheerful cabin, but also cheerful little house this seeding me.The last of the students admitted to the university out, score down, for the three years of hard but unforgettable stick, once stood for the dedication, they brought me flowers and celebrate together late last happy moments, beautiful The color transient beauty of the living room, rich fragrance of lily of the festive atmosphere, the children were about to start a new journey, I was surrounded by this happiness a long time ......心静自然凉, the passage of the glory, the heart suddenly many spacious. At this time of the summer heat, wind thin, grass-filled, follow this simple breathing, gradually realize that scattered in the surrounding nature, flowers have flowers in the breeze, the gentle wind and wind, there is clear halo month of May, the tree has tree green, all begin with the existence of natural colors, beauty and. I have to look at the years of rampant indifferent, Xuan Jian a pen, walking minds of Juan show.Ever since my summer fun colors.
2023-07-25 10:52:221

辽阔、开阔、广阔、宽阔 他们有什么区别

2023-07-25 10:52:227


比尔·盖茨[1] (Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世,简称比尔或盖茨。1955年10月28日出生于美国华盛顿州西雅图,企业家、软件工程师、慈善家、微软公司创始人。曾任微软董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔·盖茨13岁开始计算机编程设计[1] ,18岁考入哈佛大学,一年后从哈佛退学,1975年与好友保罗·艾伦一起创办了微软公司[2] ,比尔盖茨担任微软公司董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔·盖茨1995-2007年连续13年成为《福布斯》全球富翁榜首富[3] ,连续20年成为《福布斯》美国富翁榜首富[4] 。2000年,比尔·盖茨成立比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会,2008年比尔盖茨宣布将580亿美元个人财产捐给慈善基金会[5] ,2014年比尔·盖茨辞去董事长一职[6] 并击退卡洛斯·斯利姆重回世界首富。[7] 2015年美国当地时间9月29日,《福布斯》发布美国富豪400强榜单显示,微软公司创始人盖茨凭借760亿美元净资产,连续第22年高居榜首[8-10] 2016年3月1日,福布斯公布了最新一期全球富豪榜单,虽然比尔·盖茨的个人财富比2015年少了42亿美金,但他这次以750亿美金个人财富仍连续三年位居榜首。[11] 2016年10月,《福布斯》发布“美国400富豪榜”,比尔·盖茨以资产810亿美元,第23年蝉联榜首。[希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-07-25 10:52:291

Memory Lane Mix 歌词

歌曲名:Memory Lane Mix歌手:林忆莲专辑:林忆莲MMXI演唱会Artist: NasAlbum: IllmaticSong: Memory Lane (Sittin" in Da Park)Typed by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash(Check that shit)Aight fuck that shit, word wordFuck that other shit, youknowhatI"msayin?We gon" do a little somethin like this, yaknahmsayin?(Is they up on this?)Keep it on and on and on and on and..KnowhatI"msayin? Big Nas, Grand Wizard, God what it is?(What it is like?) Hah, knowhatI"msayin?Yo go "head, do that shit niggaI rap for listeners, blunt heads, fly ladies and prisonersHenessey holders and old school niggaz, then I be dissin aunofficial that smoke woolie thaiI dropped out of Kooley High, gassed up by a cokehead cutie pieJungle survivor, fuck who"s the liverMy man put the battery in my back, a differencem from EnergizerSentence begins indented.. with formalityMy duration"s infinite, moneywise or physiologyPoetry, that"s a part of me, retardedly bopI drop the ancient manifested hip-hop, straight off the blockI reminisce on park jams, my man was shot for his sheep coatChildhood lesson make me see him drop in my weed smokeIt"s real, grew up in trife life, did times or white linesThe hype vice, murderous nighttimes, and knife fights invite crimesChill on the block with Cog-nac, hold strapwith my peeps that"s into drug money, market into rapNo sign of the beast in the blue Chrysler, I guess that means peaceFor niggaz no sheisty vice to just snipe yaStart off the dice-rollin mats for craps to cee-loWith sidebets, I roll a deuce, nothin below (Peace God!)Peace God -- now the shit is explainedI"m takin niggaz on a trip straight through memory laneIt"s like that y"all .. it"s like that y"all .. it"s like that y"allChorus: repeat scratches 4X"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge"One for the moneyTwo for pussy and foreign carsThree for Alize niggaz deceased or behind barsI rap divine Gods check the prognosis, is it real or showbiz?My window faces shootouts, drug overdosesLive amongst no roses, only the drama, for realA nickel-plate is my fate, my medicine is the ganjaHere"s my basis, my razor embraces, many facesYour telephone blowin, black stitches or fat shoelacesPeoples are petrol, dramatic automatic fo"-fo" I let blowand back down po-po when I"m vexed somy pen taps the paper then my brain"s blankI see dark streets, hustlin brothers who keep the same rankPumpin for somethin, some uprise, plus some failJudges hangin niggaz, uncorrect bails, for direct salesMy intellect prevails from a hangin cross with nailsI reinforce the frail, with lyrics that"s realWord to Christ, a disciple of streets, trifle on beatsI decifer prophecies through a mic and say peace.I hung around the older crews while they sling smack to dingbatsThey spoke of Fat Cat, that nigga"s name made bell rings, blackSome fiends scream, about Supreme Team, a Jamaica Queens thingUptown was Alpo, son, heard he was kingpin, yoFuck "rap is real", watch the herbs stand stillNever talkin to snakes cause the words of man killTrue in the game, as long as blood is blue in my veinsI pour my Heineken brew to my deceased crew on memory laneChorus"Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Now let me take a trip down memory lane" -> BizMarkie"Comin outta Queensbridge""Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is.."Comin outta Queensbridge" -> scratchedThe most dangerous MC is..Me numba won, and you know where me from
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2023-07-25 10:52:054

懂不懂 英文

2023-07-25 10:52:027


以下是 为大家整理的关于少儿英语小故事:愚蠢的驴子的文章,供大家学习参考。 The foolish Donkey 愚蠢的驴子 It is a bright sunny morning. A man is loading a bundle of salt onto his Donkey. He is going to sell the salt at the market. The man is very excited. He hopes to get a good price for the salt. 一个阳光明媚的早晨。一个人将一捆盐放到他的驴子的背上。他要到市场上去卖盐。那个人非常兴奋。他希望他的盐能卖个好价钱。 Donkey: Hee-haw! Hee-haw! 驴子:咿吼------咿吼------ Man: Stand still, Donkey! 人:不要动,驴子! Donkey: (murmur) How heavy it will be! 驴子:(喃喃)那有多重啊! Man: Don"t worry. It isn"t very heavy. 人:别担心。这不会很重的。 Donkey: (murmur)I don"t believe you. It is always heavy. 驴子:(喃喃)我不相信。总是很重。 Man: Let"s go, Donkey! 人:我们走吧,驴子! The two are on their way. The man is very happy, but the Donkey is not. The salt on his back is very heavy. 他们两个出发了。人很高兴可以驴子不高兴。在它背上的盐很重。 Man: Oh, what a beautiful morning! Look at the beautiful flowers. I shall sell the salt and buy some new shoes. 人:哦,多么美好的早晨!看着那些美丽的花。我 应该把盐卖了,然后买些新鞋。 Donkey: What a terrible morning. The sun is shining and my back is heavy. I am hot and tired. I want to rest. 驴子:真是个糟糕的早晨!阳光普照儿我的背上这 么重。我又累又热。我要休息。 Man: Let"s go fast, Donkey. I need some new shoes. 人:我们快点走吧,驴子。我需要一些新鞋子。 Donkey: I can"t go any faster. My legs are getting weak. Where is the market? Why is it so far away? 驴子:(喃喃)我没办法走得更快了!我的腿越来 越没力了。市场在哪里?为什么这么远? The two keep walking. There is a stream ahead. They must cross it. 他们两个继续走着,前面有条小溪。他们必须横渡它。 Man: We must cross that stream. 人:我们必须要横渡那条小溪。 Donkey: Oh no! A stream!I am tired and weak. The stream will be hard to cross. 驴子:(喃喃)哦,不!一条溪!我又疲惫又虚弱。 那条溪会很难渡过的。 Man: Don"t be worry, Donkey. It won"t be too hard. I will help you. 人:别担心,驴子。那不会太困难。我会帮你的。 The two are at the stream. 他们两个在溪流中。 Man: Be careful, Donkey! Just follow me. Walk slowly step by step. 人:小心,驴子!跟着我。一步一步慢慢走。 Donkey: The rocks are very slippery. What if I fall? I am afraid. 驴子:(喃喃)石头好滑!如果我滑到怎么办?我 好怕啊! Man: Watch out, Donkey! It is very slippery here. 人:小心,驴子!这里非常地滑。 Donkey: Hee-haw! 驴子:咿吼------(啪唰) The Donkey slips and falls. It can"t get up. 驴子滑了一跤,并跌倒了。它站不起来。 Man: Oh, no! Get up, Donkey! Get up quickly! Get up before the salt melts! Now! 人:哦,不!起来,驴子!快起来!在盐溶化前站起来!马上! Donkey: I can"t. I can"t get up. The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak. 驴子:(喃喃)我不行啊!我站不起来。石头好滑, 而且我的腿没有力。 Man: Come on! Get up at once! 人:加油!马上站起来! The man keeps pulling at the donkey, but it is no use. After a while the Donkey finally gets up and they cross the stream. 那人一直拉着驴子,可是没有用。过了一会,驴子终于站起来。而且他们渡过了溪流。 Man: Look! All the salt is gone. What shall I do? 人:你瞧瞧,所有的盐都没了。我该怎么办? Donkey: Hey! My back is light. What happened? I fell in the stream and my back became light. This is great! 驴子:(喃喃)嘿,我的背上变轻了。发生了什么事?我跌入溪中,然后我的背变轻了。太棒 了! However, the next day, the Master loads more salt onto the Donkey and heads for the market again. 然而,第二天。主人在驴背上载了更多的盐 并再度朝市场出发。 Man: Stand still. Today, I will load more salt. 人:别动,今天,我要载更多的盐。 Donkey: It is heavier than yesterday. 驴子:(喃喃)这比昨天还要重。 Man: let"s go quickly. I have to sell all of this salt today. 人:我们快点走吧。我今天要把这些盐都给卖了。 Again, they come to the stream. 他们又再次来到小溪。 Donkey: I have an idea. I will fall down here on purpose. Then my back will become light again. 驴子:(喃喃)我有个点子了。我要故意在这里跌倒。然后我的背又会变轻。 Man: You better not fall down again, Donkey. Just follow me and be careful. One step at a time. 人:你不要再跌倒了,驴子。跟着我并小心点。 一步一步来。 This time, the rocks weren"t slippery at all, but the Donkey fell down on purpose. 这回石头一点儿不滑,可是驴子故意跌了一跤。 Donkey: Hee-haw. 驴子:咿吼------(啪唰) Man: Be careful, not gain. 人:小心!别又来了! Donkey: Hee-haw., hee-haw. 驴子:咿吼------咿吼------ Man: Come on, Donkey! Get up! Get up now! 人:拜托,驴子!起来!马上起来! The man pulled at the Donkey, but it didn"t get up for a long time. Afterwards all of the salt was melted. 那个人拉着驴子。但是它好一段时间都不起来。最后所有的盐都溶化了。 Man: Oh my goodness! All of my salt is melted again! What shall I do? 人:哦,我的天!我的盐又都溶化了!我该怎么办? Donkey: Heh, heh, heh. It worked again. I will keep falling down in the stream. 驴子:(喃喃)嘿嘿,又成功了。我要一直在溪里 跌倒。 Man: I know what you are thinking, Donkey. You can"t trick me. I will teach you a lesson. 人:(喃喃自语)我知道你在想什么,驴子。你骗不了我的。我要给你一个教训。 Both the man and the Donkey had a grin on their faces. 人和驴都在脸上露出了笑容。 The next day, the man loaded the Donkey"s back again. 第二天,人又在驴子背上载东西。 Man: Come here, Donkey. We are going to the market again. This is very light. 人:过来,驴子。我们今天要再去市场。这非常轻。 Donkey: Hey, he is right this time.This is light. But it will become even lighter later. Heh, heh, heh. 驴子:(喃喃)嘿,他这次是做对了。这是轻的。 但是待会儿会变得更轻的。嘿嘿。 After a while, the two reach the stream once again. 过了一会儿,他们俩再度来到溪边。 Man: there"s the stream. Don"t fall down again today. If you do, you will be sorry. 人:那里有条小溪。今天别再跌倒了。如果你跌倒, 你会后悔的。 Donkey: I don"t believe you. I will fall down on purpose again. Then my back will become even lighter. Hee-haw. 驴子:(喃喃)我不相信你。我要故意再跌倒一次。然后我的背就会变轻多了。咿吼------ This time, the Master didn"t help the Donkey get up. Instead, after a while, the Donkey tried to get up by itself. 这一次,主人并没有帮驴子起来。反而,过了一会儿,驴子想要自己站起来。 Donkey: I will get up now. Hey! What is wrong? I can"t get up. My back is so heavy. 驴子:(喃喃)我现在要起来了,嘿!怎么回事? 我起不来了,我的背好重啊! Man: Get up, you foolish Donkey! 人:起来,你这只笨驴。 Donkey: Why is my back so heavy? I don"t understand. 驴子:(喃喃)为什么我的背上这么重?我不懂。 Man: Poor Donkey! Plain cotton is light. But wet cotton is very heavy. 人:可怜的驴子!平常的棉花是轻的。可是湿棉花 就很重! Donkey: Oh, I didn"t know. I shouldn"t have fooled my Master. 驴子:(喃喃)我哪知道啊!我不该骗主人的。 Man: Come on, Donkey! Let"s go! The market is still far away. We have a long way to go. 人:来吧,驴子!我们走了!市场还很远呢。我们有好一段路要走呢! Donkey: Oh nooooooo! 驴子:哦,不。。。 MORAL: Don"t fall for one"s own tricks. 寓意:不要耍小聪明。
2023-07-25 10:52:001


2023-07-25 10:51:572


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2023-07-25 10:51:563

Running To Stand Still (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Running To Stand Still (Live)歌手:U2专辑:Live From ParisU2 - Running to Stand StillFrom The Joshua TreeAnd so she woke upWoke up from where she was lying stillSaid I gotta do something about where we"re goingStep on a steam trainStep out of the driving rainMaybe run from the darkness in the nightSinging ha, ah la la la de dayAh la la la de dayAh la la de daySweet the sinBitter, the taste in my mouthI see seven towersBut I only see one way outYou got to cry without weepingTalk without speakingScream without raising your voiceYou know I took the poison from the poison streamThen I floated out of hereSinging ha la la la de dayHa la la la de dayHa la la de dayOooooh...She runs through the streets with her eyes painted redUnder a black belly of cloud in the rainIn through a doorwayShe brings me white gold and pearlsStolen from the sea she is raging, she is ragingAnd the storm blows up in her eyesShe will suffer the needle chillShe"s running to stand stillEnd
2023-07-25 10:51:531


CLR 清除 ESC 退出键 SET 设定键 ENT 确认键 ALM 报警键ESC,是Escape的缩写,意思是退出.CLR,是Clear的缩写,意思是清除.ALM,是Alarm的缩写,意思是警告.ENT,是Enter的缩写,意思是进入(同时也是电脑的回车键).
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TMIS就是铁路运输管理信息系统. 铁路运输管理信息系统(TMIS)主要包括确报、货票、运输计划、车辆、编组站、货运站、区段站、分局调度、货车实时追踪、机车实时追踪、集装箱实时追踪、日常运输统计、现在车及车流推算、军交运输等子系统。简单地说就是通过建立全路计算机网络,将全路部、局、分局、主要站段的计算机设备联成一个整体,从而实现对全路近50万辆货车、1万多台机车、2万多列列车、几十万个集装箱及所运货物实施追踪管理。计算机系统可以随时提供任何一辆货车、一台机车、一列列车、一个集袋箱及所运货物的地点及设备的技术状态,并预见它们3天内的动态变化,随时提供车流的动态变化情况,特别是预见编组站、分界口、限制口的车流变化,从而为铁路系统运输指挥人员提供及时、准确、完整的动态信息和决策方案,同时也为货主服务。 铁路走向市场需要两个基本条件:一是转换经营机制,充分发挥基层的经营活力;二是要有适应市场变化的能力,提高对客户的服务质量。在TMIS建成之前的铁路运输犹如一个“黑洞”,车辆、集装箱和所运货物,一经发出就不容易知道在何处,直到到达目的地后才从“黑洞”中冒出来,这种服务质量远不能满足市场经济的需要。有了TMIS,这种状况将得到彻底改变,它可以提供车辆、集装箱和货物的实时查询。 中国铁路所承担的巨大运量,决定了中国铁路运输管理信息系统将是世界铁路中最复杂、最庞大的运输管理系统。TMIS的总体结构由4部分组成: 信息源部分 TMIS采用集中建库与分布处理相结合的模式,完成中央数据库系统,站段系统,铁道部、铁路局、铁路分局应用系统,计算机通信网络系统的建设。中央数据库通过中央系统直接经铁路专用通信网,从编组站、区段站、货运站、分界站、车务段、机务段、车辆段等2200个联网报告点(非联网报告点向车务段或分局上报)等收取列车、货车、机车、集装箱、货票等实时信息。这些站段的信息系统除了向中央系统报告信息之外,还承担处理本站段的业务。 中央处理部分 在铁道部建立中央处理系统,实时收集信息源点的信息并进行处理,建立实时信息库。实时信息库包括以下主要文件:车辆文件——按车号存储50万辆车的每一辆车的基本信息和实时动态信息,实现车辆追踪管理。机车文件——按机车号码存储每台机车的基本信息和动态信息,实现机车实时追踪管理。列车文件——按车次存储每列列车的组成信息和动态信息,实现对列车的实时追踪管理。车站文件——按主要站存储车站现车信息,实现现在车的实时管理。货票文件——实时收集每辆重车的货票摘要信息和按日收集整个货票信息,实现货票信息共享,与车辆追踪系统配合,实现货物追踪管理。集装箱文件——按箱号存储每个集装箱的基本信息和动态信息,实现集装箱的追踪管理。按用户需求实时或分阶段向铁道部、铁路局、铁路分局及站段发送,实现节点式实时追踪管理,为全路各级运输生产人员提供及时、准确、完整的信息和辅助管理决策方案,以实现均衡运输,提高运输能力和效率,提高运输管理水平。 应用系统部分 铁道部、铁路局、铁路分局及主要站段从中央处理系统获得有关信息并开发各自的应用程序,从而实现对车辆、列车、机车、集装箱及所运货物的实时追踪管理,实现货票信息、确报信息全路共享,实现现在车和车流推算信息自动化,有预见的组织车流以及实现日常运输统计自动化。 车辆信息系统。由于系统建立车辆技术履历并使车辆编号规范化,可实现车辆的精确管理。系统将使全路138个车辆段、23个工厂、13个车辆处调度与铁道部联网,由部车辆局通过网络统一分配车号,更新车号后车辆的详细履历可通过网络传到部车辆履历库。此系统可帮助用户迅速查询到车辆的各种信息,运输部门可利用此系统实现车号自动识别。 确报系统。系统目标是使车站信息系统自动生成确报,通过计算机网络传递,以取代电报确报。由此可撤消全部确报所,节省电报员约4000人。并可扩大运输生产所需要的确报点,彻底解决确报不及时、不准确、不完整的问题。 货票系统。全路可实现微机制票并联网,建立分局、铁道部货票信息库,进行货票交换,使货票信息价值得到综合利用,最终实现取消货票甲、乙、丙联,实现车长不带货票。 铁路运输计划信息系统。系统将1500多个主要货运站和车务段与铁路分局、路局、铁道部联网,并将主要货主引入网络,通过网络随时接收货主要车计划表。建立分局(局)货源数据库,同时收集到铁道部建立全路货源数据库,铁道部根据货源数据库下达装车轮廓计划,分局根据轮廓计划做到随到随批,最后用装车实际来考核计划和修改货源数据库。 部、局运输信息系统。实现对部、局18点信息进行收集、处理、查询及台帐编制,自动形成部、局日班计划,对全路运输信息的处理及实时查询。 分局调度综合信息系统。将货运工作日班计划、列车工作日班计划、机车工作日班计划和列车运行辅助调整通过局域网形成自动编制和调整的一个整体,彻底解决分局调度手段落后状况。 站段信息系统。编组站、区段站、货运站、分界站、车务段等的现车管理系统、货运管理系统、集装箱管理系统等相关内容的应用,既解决站段管理又更好地为TMIS提供数据源,它是TMIS建设成败的关键。 网络部分 建立全路数据通信网,将上述三部分联成一个整体,实现信息的交换和共享。 TMIS系统掌握全面运输信息,详实、准确、全面,故可在统计、分析、结算等方面,为决策支持系统提供方案
2023-07-25 10:51:461

broad road是什么意思

broad road宽阔的道路双语对照词典结果:broad road[英][bru0254:d rou028ad][美][bru0254d ru0259u028ad]阳关道;康庄大道; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Once on Wiley Road make the first right onto Broad Road and stop at the Military Policecheckpoint..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-25 10:51:463

固步自封 英语 谢谢

stand still and refuse to make progress; be complacent and conservative
2023-07-25 10:51:452


2023-07-25 10:51:421

devils never cry 求这首歌中开头女声部分的歌词

似乎是火星文,听了半天翻译成中文拼音 a e i ce u i gi ce qi i o en a i gi ce ie(a ce i) i a e ce(ce i) i ma e i e i gia(ce i ce se i) a men me iqi(i qi) a ma o i ge i ce抱歉只能用拼音,耳朵都麻了还是同情一下我收下这答案吧。可以自己照着歌听一下,还是挺准滴。
2023-07-25 10:51:412


感叹号(数学运算符号) 数学中的阶乘符号,与标点符号中的“!”写法相同。“n!”表示n的阶乘。定义 阶乘(factorial)是基斯顿·卡曼(花笭羔蝗薏豪割通公坤Christian Kramp, 1760 – 1826)于1808年发明的运算符号。阶乘,也是数学里的一种术语。阶乘指1×2×3×4×···×n;所得乘积即为n的阶乘!
2023-07-25 10:51:413


1984年7月,任江苏省南京交通学校教师。1989年4月,在江苏省交通规划设计院道路室工作。1991年4月,先后担任江苏省交通规划设计院道路二室副主任、主任。996年10月,任江苏省交通规划设计院副院长。2000年6月,任江苏省交通规划设计院院长、副书记。2000年12月,任江苏省交通厅综合计划处处长。2005年7月-2012年5月任江苏连云港常委、市港口管理局局长、党委书记,市交通运输局党委书记。 2012年7月-2016年2月任江苏省铁路办公室副主任(副地级)。2016年2月任江苏省交通运输厅副厅长。
2023-07-25 10:51:401

形容词变名词 以th结尾

2023-07-25 10:51:383

Time Stand Still 歌词

歌曲名:Time Stand Still歌手:Rush专辑:ChroniclesRick Springfield-Time Stand Still★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Time stand still freeze your hands,bend your will change your plansBurning seconds into minutes on my way to seize the dayStolen moments as a lifetime seems to fly awayWait for me a little longer I"m" not sure ifI"m awake pinch me if it"s all a dreamTicking clocks and wake up calls tell me that I"m growing oldWhy don"t you let time stand stillTime stand still raise your glassA quarter till a future pastTurning hours into weekends hoping for a better dayFrozen moments in a lifetime that has run awayWait for me a little longer I"m not sure ifI"m awake pinch me if it"s all a dreamMTV and shopping malls tell me that I"m growing oldWhy don"t you let time stand stillBurning seconds into minutes on my way to seize the dayStolen moments as a lifetime seems to fly awayTurning hours into weekends hoping for a better dayFrozen moments in a lifetime that has run awayWait for me a little longer I"m not sure ifI"m awake pinch me if it"s all a dreamTicking clocks and wake up calls tell us that we"re growing oldMTV and shopping malls tell me that I"m growing oldEmpty words on telephones the greatest story never toldWhy can"t you let time stand stillTime Stand Still
2023-07-25 10:51:361


2023-07-25 10:51:341

There are many green l( ) on the tree in summer

填 leaves 夏天树上有许多绿色的叶子. 叶子、树叶:leaf 复数形式为:leaves 谢谢您的支持!
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