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2023-07-27 01:41:56


His ability will ensure success to him.他的能力将确保他获得成功。

▲ensure的意思是使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证,即确保某事发生(to make sure that sth.happens)。ensure后可以直接跟 that-clause,并可以用复合宾语。常用结构为:ensure sth./ensure +that -clause /en-sure +obj.(i)+obj.(d)

①To ensure the child"s quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic.为使这个孩子尽快恢复,医生给他打了一剂抗生素。

②Registration ensures delivery of mail.挂号寄邮件保证会送到。

▲ensure也可以表示确保安全,免遭伤害。 To ensure freedom against tyranny反对暴政,维护自由


insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保(to pay money to an insurance company against future disaster)。

①My house is insured against fire.我的房子保了火险。

②Are you insured for all risks?你是不是给自己保了综合险?

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



ensure 英[ɪn"ʃʊə(r)] 美[ɛnˈʃʊr]vt. 确保; 担保获得[避免]; 使(某人)获得; 使安全;[例句]Britain"s negotiators had ensured that the treaty which resulted was a significant change in direction英国谈判代表已经担保由此而签订的条约将是方向上的重大改变。[其他] 第三人称单数:ensures 现在分词:ensuring 过去式:ensured 过去分词:ensured
2023-07-25 10:58:182


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),ensure强调使人确信某个行为或力量产生的后果; insure指保险公司对于财产、货物或人身安全的保险。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完的insure和ensure基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、意义上的区别"Insure"和"ensure"有不同的含义。"Insure"通常用于财产和生命保险等方面,而"ensure"则用于确保某事发生或避免某件事发生。例句:- We insured our car against theft and accidents.(我们的车有防盗和事故保险。)- The supervisor ensured that everyone had clear instructions before they started work.(主管确保每个人在开始工作前都有明确的指示。)2、语境上的区别"Insure"和"ensure"通常出现在不同的语境中。"Insure"用于特定情境,强调对风险的保护。相反,"ensure"被用于更广泛的上下文中,强调的是确保某件事情发生的保证。例句:- We need to insure our home for fire and natural disasters.(我们需要为家庭遭受火灾和自然灾害进行保险。)- The coach ensured that the players were well-prepared for the game.(教练确保球员们为比赛做好充分的准备。)3、保险与保证的区别"Insure"通常指用金钱购买保险以保护自己免于风险和损失。"Ensure"则通常指将措施或保证付诸行动,确保某事发生或不发生。例句:- The company insured all their employees against accidents at work. (公司为其所有员工购买了在工作中发生意外的保险。)- The teacher ensured that all the students had pencils and paper for the test.(老师确保所有学生在考试时都有铅笔和纸。)4、语法上的区别"Insure"通常要求有"against"或其他类似的介词短语来指定需要保险的对象。相反,"ensure"通常不需要其他介词来表示。例句:- We need to insure our house against flood damage.(我们需要为房子购买防洪风险的保险。)- The teacher ensured that the students understood the lesson.(老师确保学生们理解了这堂课。)5、用法上的区别"Insure"用作动词时,通常强调获得保险来保护,即付款以换取某种形式的安全保障。相比之下,"ensure"的用法更广泛,指确保某件事情的发生或不发生。例句:- I forgot to insure my camera before going on vacation.(我忘记在度假前为我的相机投保了。)- He wanted to ensure that he arrived on time for the interview.(他想确保自己能准时赶到面试。)
2023-07-25 10:59:241


 ensure有担保;保证;使安全;确保等意思,那么你知道ensure的同义词有哪些吗?下面学习啦小编为大家带来ensure的同义词及辨析,供大家参考学习。  ensure同义词:  ensure, insure, assure, guarantee, pledge, promise  ensure同义词辨析:  这些动词都有"保证"之意。  ensure 侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。  insure 与ensure换用,但前者多指经济方面的保证、保险。  assure 侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感,但不如ensure普通。  guarantee 指对事物的品质或人的行为及履行义务、义务等承担责任的保证。  pledge 正式用词,指通过郑重许诺、协议或立誓等保证承担某一义务或遵守某一原则。  promise 侧重表自己的主观意向,设法用语言使人感到稳当可靠。
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assure,insure 和ensure 三个词都有“保证”的意味.assure和ensure有时可以通用,但不及ensure普通.ensure是表示“保证”最普通的动词.insure在表示保证的意思时,与ensure完全通用,只是写法不同,在美国英语中,人们常常偏爱insure这种写法.在表示“保险”的意思上,通常不用assure,而用insure.如.I can assure you of the reliability of the information.我可以向你保证这消息是可靠的.His ability will ensure success to him.他的能力将确保他获得成功.The building has been insured against fire.那幢建筑已经保了火险.这三个动词的意思互有重叠,稍一不慎很容易就搞混.assure 意为「向...保证,使确信;使...放心」 ,其主要句型有 "assure + 受词 + of + 名词 (或动名词)" 和 "assure + 受词 + (that) 子句:"He assured his parents of his ability to pass the exam." (他向他父母保证他有能力通过考试);"I can assure (that) the medicine is perfectly safe." (我可以向你保证这药物绝对安全).ensure 意为「确保,确使,使安全」:"If you want to ensure that you catch the plane,take a taxi.(如果你想要确保搭上那般飞机,那麼就要坐计程车).insure 主要意为 「为...投保,为...保险」:"My house is insured against fire" (我的房子保了火险).特别要注意的是,这三个字当中,只有 assure 有「使 (人) 放心」(set one"s mind at rest) 的意思,且经常用在 "to rest assured" 这个惯用语中:"You can rest assured that we will do all we can." (请放心/你可以放心,我们会尽力而为);"The letter from her daughter set her mind at rest." (她女儿的来信使她放心了).事情如果是这麼简单就好了.虽然英国和美国都使用 insure 来表示「投保、保险」的意思,但英国还使用 assure 来专指「投保人寿险 」;换言之,assure 只能用於投保人寿险,而 insure 则可用於各种保险,包括人寿险 -- 若以名词型态来表示,「人寿保险」在美国只有 "life insurance" 这个用语,而在英国则有 "life insurance" 和 "life assurance" 两种称呼 (insurance 和 assurance 分别为 insure 和 assure 的名词);注意:"insurance" 这个字的重音节一般字典都是标示为第二音节,但其实有不少英美人士把重音放在第一音节.再者,在美国,ensure 和 insure 往往可以互换;换言之,在美式英语中,insure 有时亦被用来表示 ensure 的意思.如果你要让事情变得简单一点,那麼我们建议你就坚持本文第一段所述各字的个别意思,别让它们另有所指,一切自然就言简意赅了:"I assure you that I have insured the house to ensure that we will be protected in case of a lawsuit stemming from an accident." (我向你保证,我已为这栋房子买了保险,以确保万一发生意外而要打官司时我们有所保障).
2023-07-25 11:00:161

ensure与 make certain与 make sure之间有什么区别,如何使用?

意思是完全一样的.ensure是书面语,在正式的信函,论文上都必须要用书面语.make certain和make sure是一般的非书面语,或者叫口语.类似的例子还有a lot of 和many, 意思也是完全一样的,信函和论文就只能用many不能用a lot of.
2023-07-25 11:00:261

ensure 的用法

assurevt.1. 向...保证,担保[(+of)][O5]I can assure you of the reliability of the information.我向你保证这消息可靠。ensurevt.1. 保证;担保[O9][+that][+v-ing]I can"t ensure his being on time.我不能保证他的准时。
2023-07-25 11:00:521

有ensure sb do这样的用法吗

可以。因为ensure that后可加宾语从句 保证后面是个完整的句子 且与前面有关联的话 that可以省略 就变成了 ensure sb do 句式。ex:Three pills should ensure that you have a good rest at night.- Three pills should ensure you have a good rest at night.
2023-07-25 11:01:001

ensure和insure 的读音有什么不同?

ensure [in"u0283uu0259]基本翻译vt. 保证,确保;使安全网络释义ensure:担保 | 使……必发生 | 保证insure [in"u0283uu0259]基本翻译vt. 确保,保证;给…保险vi. 确保;投保网络释义insure:保险 | 投保 | 保证
2023-07-25 11:01:111

make sure 与 ensure的区别

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assure就是让你去确认已完成或肯定会完成,可翻译为"保证".assure sb of sth/assure sb that ...ensure就是让你付出努力,确保完成某事,可翻译为"确保".ensure sth/ ensure that ...例如:1.You have to ensure that it is true.= you have to make sure that it is true.2.I assure that it is true= I am sure that it is true.assure的意思是:向……保证,使确信,让……放心,常用的结构是:assure sb that或者assure sb of sth,使某人相信某事.后面往往加sb.ensure虽然也解释为“确保”、“保证”,但ensure后面往往不跟sb,而加sth,解释为“确保某事”
2023-07-25 11:01:381

make sure 和ensure的区别

To make sure that +句子To ensure+名词或名词短语
2023-07-25 11:01:462


assure, ensure, 和 insure这三个词在含义上有很大程度的重叠,比较容易混淆。但其实仔细看它们的释义,还是有很大差别的。我们来一起看一看吧~Assure:通常用来表示某人对...深信不疑。它一般指“很自信的告诉某人...,并且无可怀疑。”如果你想要使某人信服你,相信你,可以用“assure”。该词的宾语一般是人。例:I assure you, I am not dead.Can you assure me that you will be here?Having never been on a plane before, Delilah was anxious. A more experienced traveler assured her that flying was safe.Ensure:通常用来表示被保证、担保的...它指“确保某事会发生”。宾语一般接物,而不是人。如果你想采取行动来确保你想要的结果,用“ensure”。例;To ensure your cooperation, we have posted armed guards throughout the facility.I ensured our safety by locking the door.Cooking meat to the proper temperature ensures that you don"t become ill.Insure:通常用于金融保险类内容中。它指“给…投保”。尽管,这个发音跟其它两个词的发音很相似,但是它在用法上更多地是用于金融协议这类文章中。例:Tippecanoe Mutual will insure your vehicle for accidental damage or theft.I make regular payments to a company so that my home is insured against damage. If lightning strikes my home, the company will pay me to compensate for the damage.现在大家对这三个词的用法是不是已经有大致的了解了呢~
2023-07-25 11:01:561


ensure的意思是:确保;保证;担保一、短语搭配to ensure 保证 ; 以保证 ; 表示目的performance ensure 建设保障Ensure health 确保健康Ensure efficiency 保证效率ensure measure 保障措施quality ensure 质量保障 ; 销售网络Ensure profitability 确保盈利二、双语例句1、But how can you ensure that?但是如何才能确保这点呢?2、How do you ensure quality?你们怎样保证质量呢?3、What do you do to ensure availability?你用什么办法来保证可用性呢?
2023-07-25 11:02:471


2023-07-25 11:03:101


ensure的用法:ensure的基本意思是指某人向其他人作出口头或书面上的承诺,强调使人确信某个行为或力量的后果会肯定地、不可避免地、有把握地出现。ensure既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词和that从句作宾语,that从句可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。ensure也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语。用作不及物动词时,后可接介词from〔against〕,表示“保护某人不受危害”。ensure的搭配:ensure against (v.+prep.)保护…免受(某种)危害,防止,防备如:Vaccinations ensure one against diseases.接种可以预防疾病。ensure from (v.+prep.)保护…免受危险如:No one can ensure you from failure.没有人能保证你不会失败。词义辨析:ensure,assure,insure,secure这组词的共同意思是“保证”。其区别是:ensure强调使人确信某个行为或力量产生的后果。insure指保险公司对于财产、货物或人身安全的保险。assure通常指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心。secure指采取使人感到安全、安心或可靠的行动。
2023-07-25 11:03:181


同意楼上的看法 没有区别
2023-07-25 11:03:499


assure是“向某人保证”的意思,而ensure是“保证、确定”的意思。1. assure用来表示向某人保证某事将要发生,既可以用来确证某事,也可以表示使某人确信。(1)assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,所以不能直接用that从句。其常用结构为:assure sb of sth(2)assure后面还可以跟抽象名词做宾语,此时与ensure同义,表示确保。(3)assure在英国英语中作为专业术语,可以表示“投人寿保险”,to insure /assure against death。2. ensure的意思是使某行为或某事的结果得以保,即确保某事发生。(1)ensure后可以直接跟that从句,并可以用复合宾语。常用结构为:ensure sth / ensure that / ensure+宾语+宾语(2)ensure也可表示“确保安全、免遭伤害”的意思。
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2023-07-25 11:06:051


ensurevt.确保; 担保获得[避免]; 使(某人)获得; 使安全; insurevt.保证; 确保; 为…保险; 投保; vi.买卖或卖保险; assure, insure 和ensure 三个词都有“保证”的意味。assure和ensure有时可以通用,但不及ensure普通。ensure是表示“保证”最普通的动词。insure在表示保证的意思时,与ensure完全通用,只是写法不同,在美国英语中,人们常常偏爱insure这种写法。在表示“保险”的意思上,通常不用assure,而用insure。如。I can assure you of the reliability of the information.我可以向你保证这消息是可靠的。His ability will ensure success to him.他的能力将确保他获得成功。The building has been insured against fire.那幢建筑已经保了火险。这三个动词的意思互有重叠,稍一不慎很容易就搞混。assure 意为「向...保证,使确信;使...放心」 ,其主要句型有 "assure + 受词 + of + 名词 (或动名词)" 和 "assure + 受词 + (that) 子句:"He assured his parents of his ability to pass the exam." (他向他父母保证他有能力通过考试);"I can assure (that) the medicine is perfectly safe." (我可以向你保证这药物绝对安全)。ensure 意为「确保,确使,使安全」:"If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi. (如果你想要确保搭上那般飞机,那麼就要坐计程车)。insure 主要意为 「为...投保,为...保险」:"My house is insured against fire" (我的房子保了火险)。特别要注意的是,这三个字当中,只有 assure 有「使 (人) 放心」(set one"s mind at rest) 的意思,且经常用在 "to rest assured" 这个惯用语中:"You can rest assured that we will do all we can." (请放心/你可以放心,我们会尽力而为);"The letter from her daughter set her mind at rest." (她女儿的来信使她放心了)。事情如果是这麼简单就好了。虽然英国和美国都使用 insure 来表示「投保、保险」的意思,但英国还使用 assure 来专指「投保人寿险 」;换言之,assure 只能用於投保人寿险,而 insure 则可用於各种保险,包括人寿险 -- 若以名词型态来表示,「人寿保险」在美国只有 "life insurance" 这个用语,而在英国则有 "life insurance" 和 "life assurance" 两种称呼 (insurance 和 assurance 分别为 insure 和 assure 的名词);注意:"insurance" 这个字的重音节一般字典都是标示为第二音节,但其实有不少英美人士把重音放在第一音节。再者,在美国,ensure 和 insure 往往可以互换;换言之,在美式英语中,insure 有时亦被用来表示 ensure 的意思。如果你要让事情变得简单一点,那麼我们建议你就坚持本文第一段所述各字的个别意思,别让它们另有所指,一切自然就言简意赅了:"I assure you that I have insured the house to ensure that we will be protected in case of a lawsuit stemming from an accident." (我向你保证,我已为这栋房子买了保险,以确保万一发生意外而要打官司时我们有所保障)。
2023-07-25 11:06:261

assure ensure insure这三个单词有什么区别?

assure,ensure,insure与reassure这四个单词可谓是形近意似,但用法却不无区别。 一 assure ▲assure用来表示向某人保证某事将要发生,既可以用来确证某事,也可以表示使某人确信(If you ASSURE a person of something,you promise them or tell them that)。assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,所以不能直接搭用that - clause。其常用结构为:assuresb.ofsth./as-。 ①He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题。 ②We booked early to assure ourselves of(getting)good seats.我们及早订座以保证我们能得到好座位。 ▲assure后还可跟抽象名词作宾语,此时与ensure同义,表示确保。 ①Weeks of practice assured /ensured success in the match.几个星期的训练确保了在比赛中获得成功。 ②Nothing can assure permanent peace.没有什么能确保永久和平。 ▲assure在英国英语中作为专业术语,可表示投人寿保险。 to insure /assure against death投保寿险(life assurance /insurance人寿保险) 二 ensure ▲ensure的意思是使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证,即确保某事发生(to make sure that sth.happens)。ensure后可以直接跟 that-clause,并可以用复合宾语。常用结构为:ensure sth./ensure +that -clause /en-sure +obj.(i)+obj.(d) ①To ensure the child"s quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic.为使这个孩子尽快恢复,医生给他打了一剂抗生素。 ②Registration ensures delivery of mail.挂号寄邮件保证会送到。 ▲ensure也可以表示确保安全,免遭伤害。 To ensure freedom against tyranny反对暴政,维护自由 ▲在美语中ensure常拼写为insure。 三 insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保(to pay money to an insurance company against future disaster)。 ①My house is insured against fire.我的房子保了火险。 ②Are you insured for all risks?你是不是给自己保了综合险? 四reassure 表示安慰忧虑不安的人,使其安心,放心,恢复信心(to comfort someone who is anxious and make him /her free from fear or wor- ry;to bring back confidence to...)。常用结构为: reassure sb.(about sth.)/reassure sb.+ that-clause ①I was worried that my work wasn"t good enough,but the teacher reassured me(about it).我担心我的作业不够好,可是老师却让我放心。 ② The captain reassured the passengers about the strength of the ship.那位船长向乘客保证船很坚固,要他们安心。
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▲assure用来表示向某人保证某事将要发生,既可以用来确证某事,也可以表示使某人确信(If you ASSURE a person of something,you promise them or tell them that).assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,所以不能直接搭用that - clause.其常用结构为:assuresb.ofsth./as-.ue80bue80b①He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题.ue80bue80b②We booked early to assure ourselves of(getting)good seats.我们及早订座以保证我们能得到好座位.ue80bue80b▲assure后还可跟抽象名词作宾语,此时与ensure同义,表示确保.ue80bue80b①Weeks of practice assured /ensured success in the match.几个星期的训练确保了在比赛中获得成功.ue80bue80b②Nothing can assure permanent peace.没有什么能确保永久和平.ue80bue80b▲assure在英国英语中作为专业术语,可表示投人寿保险.to insure /assure against death投保寿险(life assurance /insurance人寿保险) 二 ensure ue80bue80b▲ensure的意思是使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证,即确保某事发生(to make sure that sth.happens).ensure后可以直接跟 that-clause,并可以用复合宾语.常用结构为:ensure sth./ensure +that -clause /en-sure +obj.(i)+obj.(d) ue80bue80b①To ensure the child"s quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic.为使这个孩子尽快恢复,医生给他打了一剂抗生素.ue80bue80b②Registration ensures delivery of mail.挂号寄邮件保证会送到.ue80bue80b▲ensure也可以表示确保安全,免遭伤害.To ensure freedom against tyranny反对暴政,维护自由 ue80bue80b▲在美语中ensure常拼写为insure.
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ensure 没有副词形式。 ensure vt. 保证,确保;使安全;例句:Our role is to ensure liaison between schools and parents.
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make sure
2023-07-25 11:07:588


“确保”的英文为“ensure”或者“make sure”。“确保”可以翻译为“ensure”或者 “make sure”。其中,“ensure” 的发音为 [u025bnu02c8u0283u028ar],“make sure” 可以读作 [meu026ak u0283u028ar]。“确保”在英语中可以使用动词 ensure 和动词短语 make sure 来表示,根据语境和需要灵活运用。“确保”在不同语法结构中的用法1、无论如何,我们必须确保所有学生都能参加这次考试。(Anyway, we must ensure all the students can take this exam.)2、我们需要采取一些措施来确保项目的顺利进行。(We need to take some measures to ensure the smooth progress of the project.)3、他们的确保了所有的机器都得到了正确的维护。(They made sure that all the machines received the right maintenance.)4、确保您把其他文件保存好,以免数据丢失。(Make sure you save the other files to prevent data loss.)5、我们正在努力确保工作质量高且按时交付。(We are working hard to ensure the quality of work is high and delivered on time.)
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ensure作及物动词,后面常加名词或句子作宾语。The rules are there to ensure everyone"s safety and enjoyment.这些规定是为了保证每个人的安全和快乐。We tried to ensure that everyone got a fair deal.我们曾尽力保证每个人都受到公平待遇。
2023-07-25 11:09:002

有ensure sb do这样的用法吗?

可以。因为ensure that后可加宾语从句 保证后面是个完整的句子 且与前面有关联的话 that可以省略 就变成了 ensure sb do 句式。 ex:Three pills should ensure that you have a good rest at night. - Three pills should ensure you have a good rest at night. 其他常用法如下:
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根据后半部分的时态,前半句要用过去将来时态. To ensure 是动词不定式,后接它自己的一个宾语从句.从句的内容是表示过去将来,“为了保证这孩子能快点恢复”To ensure that the child would recovers quickly,
2023-07-25 11:09:181


assure和ensure这两个词都是“保证”的意思,但在什么情况下用哪一个词,考生就往往选不准了.如果考生学习了下面的例句就会清楚它们之间的区别.例句1:I want to assure you that nothing will go wrong tomorrow. 例句2:1 want tO ensure that nothing will go wrong tomorrow.assure是“向某人保证”(make someone confident)的意思,而ensure是“保证上,确定”(make certain)的意思希望采纳哦!
2023-07-25 11:09:251


个人经验:4P 是电机级数
2023-07-25 11:02:072


【 #英语资源# 导语】我们在一天天的成长,在我们的成长道路上总会有那么难忘的一天,这一天是高兴的,感动的亦或伤心的。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.难忘的一天英语日记   One Saturday a week ago, it was not bright. There is still a trace of cold air in the sky, and there are still some hazy clouds in the sky. When I get up, you will ask, "why do you get up so early? Today is Saturday." Let me tell you, mom and dad are going to play in the mountains with me today. I must get up early, or mom and dad will play tricks.   Everything is ready except mom and dad get up. "Mom and dad are up and going!" I called. My mother shouted forcefully, "it"s only six o"clock and I"ll sleep for a while." I had expected mom and dad to say so, so I called mom and Dad up with a hundred decibels.   It was dawn. Under the gentle sunshine of father-in-law Yang, we set off. At the foot of the mountain, a tall pine stands on the top of the mountain, as if waving to us. After a section of mountain road, we were on a flat lawn. Our family was playing here. I looked around and saw the farmer uncle shuttling in the golden rice field.   I was rolling on the lawn and eating the biscuits I brought. It was 6 o"clock. I had to go home. At my request, my mother and father promised to take me to play next week. 2.难忘的一天英语日记   Ding Ding, the alarm clock rang. I rubbed my bleary eyes, opened my weak sleeping eyes, put on my clothes and trousers, and jumped out of bed. "Dong Dong Dong", what is this sound? I walked up step by step with the sound, and I unknowingly walked up the roof garden. Oh, my God! She gets up so early today. Usually, isn"t she a super lazy person who likes to sleep? How did you become so diligent today? Do you want to know who she is? She is my mother. I walked up and asked, "Why are you so diligent today? Should you make up your mind and never sleep in again?" Mother replied anxiously, "no! It"s because you made me eat so many cream cakes yesterday that I became fat. Now, I"m trying to lose weight." "No! It was you who made me give you a few more pieces because you felt delicious yesterday." I answered with indifference.   This time, my mother only said, "I want to run. Don"t disturb me." She didn"t speak any more. She ran for almost an hour and was sweating hot. She seemed to have a marathon PE class. My mother looked at her stomach again and finally lost a little weight. "Dong Dong Dong". I seemed to hear someone knocking at the door. I opened the door. My mother saw the super large cream cake in her father"s hand in front of her, Quickly ran into the room and locked the door. My father was still confused with the cream cake, but I hid in the room and laughed. 3.难忘的一天英语日记   Everyone will experience many different mood days in his life, including happy day and interesting day... And the most unforgettable day I have not forgotten is: unforgettable day.   Early that morning, my mother pulled me up and said to me, "daughter, get up! The sun is shining!" I quickly got up, touched the * stock and said, "Mom, you lied to me again!" "I don"t want to tell you. I"m going to the bank to do something. Aren"t you going to the bank to open a card? Get up quickly!" I put on my clothes and finished breakfast. I went to the bank with my mother. I didn"t know what to do when I went to the bank. I often watch others open the card. When it"s my turn, I can"t do anything. My mother said to me, "first ask my sister to get a form. After filling it out, you give the form to my sister..." I filled out the form according to my mother, and I handed it to my sister. Looking at my sister"s serious appearance, I"m afraid I filled it out wrong. At this time, my sister smiled and said to me, "little sister, you are great! You can fill out the form by yourself!" I was so happy that my heart blossomed with joy. After a long "card opening", I finally got my own bank card! I"m so happy for me!   How hard did you think it was for me to open the card? But the taste of hard work and happiness is unforgettable to me. 4.难忘的一天英语日记   What a nice day today! Blue sky and white clouds float. Many small animals came to play on the green grass. Now the amusement park began to be lively!   The kitten and the dog were fishing. The kitten caught one after another. He was so happy that his eyes narrowed into a seam, his beard turned up, and kept "Miao! Miao!"   However, none of the puppies on one side were caught. It drooped its ears, but it didn"t give up. Finally, a fish got on the hook. Seeing the lively fish caught, the dog smiled happily.   In the other corner, the lovely little rabbit was teaching the chicken to jump the stump. A chicken jumped bravely. The little rabbit clapped his hands happily and said, "you"re great!" The other chick couldn"t jump over any of them. The little rabbit cheered: "don"t lose heart, as long as you insist, you will succeed!"   The little monkey is performing acrobatics. It is throwing peaches. The peaches are turning like a windmill. The little squirrel is stunned. The little animals had a great time. 5.难忘的一天英语日记   Today, I went to the Chess Academy to play chess for a busy day. Suddenly, the teacher called and said to meet at Xinhua Bookstore at 7:00 p.m. When I got there, the teacher was already waiting. It turned out that teacher Lei wanted to take me, Xia Zihao, Lei tingjun and others to KFC.   When I walked into the KFC store, I didn"t understand why the teacher invited us to eat? Later, we learned that it was our excellent performance in the provincial children"s go competition, and the teacher rewarded us. Mr. Lei brought many delicious dishes. I thought while eating. Although I ate with relish, I was under great pressure. I was absent-minded when eating. The teacher found out. The teacher said, "what"s the matter? Didn"t you have a happy meal today?" I quickly replied, "no, it"s because you are so kind to us. You really take care of us like a loving father." I think the reason why I won the prize this time is that the teacher has a good education. I"m worried about whether I will win the prize next time. It"s like fifteen buckets of water. I can"t be happy. Therefore, I am secretly determined to make persistent efforts to improve my chess skills again, have the courage to win the championship in the next competition and achieve better results, so as to repay the teacher"s education.   Today is an unforgettable day for me. With the encouragement of my teacher, I must study chess hard, become a national chess player in the future, win the championship in international competitions, win glory for the country and let the five-star red flag rise slowly.
2023-07-25 11:02:071

《Pull up》,蔡徐坤演绎压抑到极致但又充盈着丧甜的感觉

第一次听这首歌是在去年暑假,我经常听着它,穿过长廊,走到车间尽头,等我爸妈回家吃饭。我爸妈工作的公司是做建材生意的,那个长廊的一侧放置的就是生产其中一种产品的机器。长廊的一侧是机器设备,另一侧是砖头砌的墙壁,上方是铁皮盖子,这首歌在这样的环境里响起,怎么说呢,就有种奇特的颓丧感,惊艳得很。你看,并不奇怪,好像蔡徐坤唱的歌就是这个样子,放哪儿都觉得还挺适配的。又比如我炒菜的时候听这首歌,外放,光听节奏和歌唱就足够了,不懂歌词不要紧,要的就是这种压抑到极致但又充盈着丧甜的感触,痒痒的,挠得心疼,却又舒爽,非得给自我割裂出一个口子来释放这个骄傲又卑微的灵魂不可,不然浑身不痛快。啧,饮鸩止渴。心头却也痛快得很。这让我想起之前看的一个视频,下着雨的街头华灯初上,商店的招牌忽闪忽闪的,女青年抱着把吉他自弹自唱,仔细一听,《没有意外》,好像所有的灯红酒绿都无法圈禁她的快意,她可以畅快淋漓地把自己的心情分享出来,无关风月。就是为了学会这首歌,整个暑假,我炒菜也放,洗衣服也放,睡觉之前都得听一遍,有没有效果先不讨论,青年人嘛,做事情就得讲究个坚持到底,结果就是歌没学会,倒是迷上了听蔡徐坤唱歌的声音,还生发出类似于“这部分蔡徐坤是怎么唱的、他唱的时候在想什么”这种无关痛痒的恶趣味。我错了下次还敢。嘻嘻!我还有救嘛。我不想有救。蔡徐坤的IKUN想唱就唱,不会唱还可以瞎唱、乱唱,只要不祸害他的心头好《It"s you》就好了。这首歌就这么伴着花露水的味道,机器轰隆的声音,以及我兴起了就跟着乱唱几句的状态,成了我的独家记忆。上头了,上头了。看了EP《YOUNG》的MV海报,我又燃起了“啊啊啊啊啊啊这歌我也可以但就是唱不来”的恶趣味之魂!嘎嘎!《Pull up》写于07.20.2019 撰稿:陇饱了 文稿版权所有
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2023-07-25 11:02:131


In the early morning of May 1 2011 local time a team of 40 Navy SEALs successfully pleted an operation to kill Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad Pakistan. President Barack Obama later confirmed the death of Bin Laden but did not directly mention the involvement of Navy SEALs saying only that a " *** all team" of Americans undertook the operation to bring down Bin Laden. 当地时间2011年5月1日凌晨,一支40人的海豹突击小分队,在巴基斯坦击毙了基地组织头号人物本拉登。虽然美国总统奥巴马并没有特别提到海豹突击队,只说是“一小队”美国人完成了这项任务,但各方消息确认,这“一小队人”正是世界上最为神秘、最具震慑力的特种作战部队——美国海豹突击队。作为世界十大特种部队的领军者之一,至今外界也很少有人知道海豹突击队会在什么地方出现,执行什么任务,或是他们的基地在哪里,然而这支神秘的力量总是在国家最需要他们的时刻出现。 The United States Navy SEa Air and Land (SEAL) Teams monly known as Navy SEALs are the U.S. Navy"s principal special operations force. The unit"s acronym ("SEAL") is derived from their capacity to operate at sea in the air and on land – but it is their ability to work underwater that separates SEALs from most other military units in the world. The experience gained from operating in the ocean and freshwater battlefields has shaped their identity and as a result they are regarded as being amongst the most highly skilled and trained amphibious units in the world. 美国海军海豹突击队,简称海豹突击队(Navy Seals),其中Seals是“Sea、Air、Land”即“海、空、陆”的简称,是美国海军最主要的一支特种部队。海豹突击队的名称来源于他们能够海陆空三栖作战,但真正将其区别于世界上其它部队的是他们超强悍的水下战斗力。无论是在深海还是潜水,水下作战的经验造就了如今的海豹突击队,他们被视为全球训练最严格、技术最精湛的作战部队。 The Special Warfare insignia also known as the “SEAL Trident” or its more popular nickname "The Budweiser " is one of the most recognizable military badges of the United States Navy. 海豹突击队的队徽又称海豹三叉,由于队徽很像某啤酒厂牌的标签,所以海豹队员都戏称它为"百威徽章",这是美国海军中最具威望的一枚徽章。 The Special Warfare insignia consists of a golden eagle clutching a U.S. Navy anchor trident and flintlock style pistol. 海豹队徽是由一只金色的老鹰,两脚分别抓着枪与三戟叉,围绕着海锚所组成。(海锚代表美国海军,老鹰则代表美国自由的精神,枪象征着捍卫美国的坚定信念,鱼叉则代表海豹蛙人在海上战斗的本能。) Navy SEALs are trained and have been deployed in a wide variety of missions including direct action and special reconnaissance operations unconventional warfare foreign internal defense hostage rescue counter-terrori *** and other missions. 海豹突击队肩负着各种使命,他们的主要任务包括:直接行动、特殊侦查任务、非常规战争、国内外防御、人质解救、反恐怖主义行动及其它任务。 Training 训练 SEAL training is very rigorous one of the toughest training programs for special operations in the world. The drop out rate for SEAL classes is regularly 80 percent. 海豹突击队的训练异常严格,可以说是世界上训练最艰苦的特种部队。最后80%的学员将被淘汰,留下的都是精英中的精英。 All Navy SEALs must attend and graduate from their rating"s 24-week "A" United States Navy SEAL selection and training course known as Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) school and then the 28-week SEAL Qualification Training (SQT) program. SQT qualifies all BUD/S graduates in basic SEAL skillsets in MAROPS Combat Swimmer Communications Close Quarters Combat Land Warfare Staticline/Freefall Parachute Operations. 所有学员首先都要参加为期24周的海豹突击队特训,训练课程包括:基本水中爆破训练(Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL school BUD/S);然后还要通过为期28周的专业的海豹资格训练(SEAL Qualification Training SQT),训练包括游泳作战、通讯、近身格斗、陆地作战、空降作战在内的各项技能。 In total from the time a prospective SEAL enters military service to the time he finishes his first pre-deployment training cycle it can take as much as 30 months to pletely train a Navy SEAL for his first deployment. 一位海豹突击队的学员想要完成第一轮训练,最长可以共耗时30个月。 Principle 原则 Loyalty to Country Team and Teammate Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield Ready to Lead Ready to Follow Never Quit Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation Train for War Fight to Win Defeat our Nation"s Enemies Earn your Trident everyday. 在战争或非战争时期,要对于国家、队伍单位、队友满怀尊敬与忠诚。永远领导、永远跟从、永不离弃。对自己对于队友或著任何事物的行为负责,不论纪律或是创新都要比一个勇士突出。为战争训练、为胜利争斗、为国家抗敌,每日为海豹三叉而奋斗! "In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation"s call. A mon man with unmon desire to succeed. Fed by adversity he stands alongside America"s finest special operations forces to serve his country the American people and protect their way of life. I am that man." “在战争或是非战争时期,将会有一类特种士兵准备听令国家指挥,而一个平凡的人将会以不平凡的想法成功。他在逆境中锻炼,他与美国杰出的特种部队同一边,为美国、为美国人民服务,并且捍卫他们的生命!而我就是那一个人。” "My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day." “我的海豹三叉是忠诚以及命运的象征,也代表着我是被以前的英雄所赋予,而且包含着唯一的真相就是我必须誓死捍卫。当我带上了海豹三叉佩章时,我也同时接受了这样的使命并且将它作为我一生的职业。这样的殊荣是我每天必须努力争取的。” "Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail." “一个勇敢的战士在战斗时丧生时,将会建立起骄傲的传统并且让我义务维持的名声产生敬畏。在最坏的情况下,队友所遗留下的信念,将会增强我的决心并且隐隐的指引我完成每一个行动,我不会失败的。”
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2023-07-25 11:02:151

pull up反义词 急急急急

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2023-07-25 11:02:031


**是的**,pullup飞机有活下来的情况。虽然pullup是飞机飞行中最危险的警告等级,但并非所有的PULL UP都会导致空难。在某些情况下,优秀的机长冷静的态度和正确的处置方式能够挽救飞机,使得飞机安全降落。
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总计2654元cpu AMD Athlon II X2 255 409元显示器 冠捷(AOC)E2043f 20英寸刀锋系列宽屏LED背光液晶显示器 黑色 800元主板 微星880GM-E41 460元内存 G.SKILL 芝奇 Ripjaws-X DDR3 1600 (2Gx2) 台式机内存 319元硬盘 西部数据(Western Digital)500G WD5000AADS 279元机箱 金河田(Golden field)电脑机箱 赤豹8512R(含355WB额定230W电源)169元光驱 先锋 DVR-118CHV 160元cpu散热器 超频三(pccooler)红海 多平台热管CPU散热器 69元键盘 HP键鼠套装 28元
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