barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-27 07:11:25












2023-07-26 01:04:273


stayed v. 停留,停止( stay的过去式和过去分词 ); 继续处于某种状态; [例句]I stayed the weekend with him.我在他那里度过了周末。[其他] 原型: stay
2023-07-26 01:05:081


2023-07-26 01:05:382

stayed怎么读 stayed的读法

1、stayed英[steu026ad]美[steu026ad]。 2、v.停留; 待; 保持; 继续是; 暂住; 逗留; 3、[词典]stay的过去分词和过去式; 4、[例句]Its a pity that you cant stay longer.你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。
2023-07-26 01:05:511


stayed[英][steɪd] [美][sted] stay的过去式和过去分词 stay vt.& vi.停留;停止;坚持;抑制 vi.继续处于某种状态 n.逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐 最好可以把句子发一下、 毕竟在不同的句子里、 单词的意思也是不同的、
2023-07-26 01:05:571


/steɪd/stayed是stay的过去式和过去分词stay:vt.& vi.停留;停止;坚持;抑制 vi.继续处于某种状态 n.逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐
2023-07-26 01:06:283


四得诶得stay 英[steɪ]美[ste]vt. 停留; 停止; 坚持; 抑制;vi. 继续处于某种状态;n. 逗留; 延期; 倚靠; 忍耐;
2023-07-26 01:06:381

stayed怎么读 英文单词stayed的正确发音?

在英语中,发音是非常重要的,因为不同的发音可能会导致不同的意思。因此,如果你想要正确地使用英语单词,并与英语母语者交流,那么学习正确的发音是非常重要的。在英语中,发音是非常重要的,因为不同的发音可能会导致不同的意思。因此,如果你想要正确地使用英语单词,并与英语母语者交流,那么学习正确的发音是非常重要的。在英语中,发音是非常重要的,因为不同的发音可能会导致不同的意思。因此,如果你想要正确地使用英语单词,并与英语母语者交流,那么学习正确的发音是非常重要的。stayed是一个英文单词,它的正确发音为 /steɪd/。其中,第一个音节为长元音 /eɪ/,第二个音节为清辅音 /d/。总之,正确的发音是学习英语的重要部分,而stayed的正确发音为 /steɪd/。
2023-07-26 01:06:563


2023-07-26 01:07:032


2023-07-26 01:07:137

just stayed英语怎么读

people to be useful and find their place in the world.
2023-07-26 01:07:283


2023-07-26 01:07:473


英 [steu026a] 美 [ste] vt.& vi. 停留;停止;坚持;抑制 vi. 继续处于某种状态 n. 逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐 网 络 呆; 留; 保持; 待 复数:stays 过去式:stayed 过去分词:stayed 现在分词:staying 第三人称单数:stays 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. VERB 动词停留;逗留;留下 If you stay where you are, you continue to be there and do not leave. 【语法信息】:V adv/prep"Stay here," Trish said. "I"ll bring the car down the drive to take you back."... “呆这别动,”特里西说,“我会把车开过来送你回去。”In the old days the woman stayed at home and the man earned the money. 过去,女主内,男主外。2. VERB 动词(在某城市、旅馆或别人家)暂住,逗留 If you stay in a town, or hotel, or at someone"s house, you live there for a short time. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv【语法信息】:V n【搭配模式】:usu supp NGordon stayed at The Park Hotel, Milan... 戈登下榻在米兰的帕克饭店。He tried to stay a few months every year in Scotland. 他每年都会争取在苏格兰住几个月。Stay is also a noun. An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay. 在你逗留期间为你配备了一名有经验的印度导游。
2023-07-26 01:08:211


英 [steu026a]美 [ste]vt.& vi. 停留; 停止; 坚持; 抑制vi. 继续处于某种状态n. 逗留; 延期; 倚靠; 忍耐网 络呆;留;保持;待复数: stays过去式: stayed过去分词: stayed现在分词: staying第三人称单数: stays1. You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying rent. 更多牛津你不付房租就不能永远住在这里。来自《权威词典》2. His parents won"t allow him to stay out late.他的父母不会允许他在外待得很晚。来自《权威词典》3. Warnings were issued to people living downwind of the fire to stay indoors.已经向住在火势下风处的人们发出不要出门的警告。来自《权威词典》4. His familiarity with the language helped him enjoy his stay.他通晓这种语言,所以逗留期间过得很惬意。来自《权威词典》5. to stay in high-class accommodation住在上好的住所来自《权威词典》
2023-07-26 01:08:292


2023-07-26 01:09:016


英 [steɪ] 美 [ste] vt.& vi. 停留;停止;坚持;抑制 vi. 继续处于某种状态 n. 逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐 网 络 呆; 留; 保持; 待 复数:stays 过去式:stayed 过去分词:stayed 现在分词:staying 第三人称单数:stays 词条标签: CET4 。
2023-07-26 01:09:231


2023-07-26 01:09:502


2023-07-26 01:10:192


不同动词过去式一滴的读音清,辅音后读清辅音,浊辅音和元音后读浊辅音。stayed 中的ed读[d]washed中的ed读[t]
2023-07-26 01:10:261


2023-07-26 01:10:342

判断下列每组画线部分读音,选出发音不同的一项。()A. watched B.stayed

2023-07-26 01:10:546


2023-07-26 01:11:107


在那里there; therein; whereat
2023-07-26 01:11:259


stayed at home 或was/were at home或was/were in请题主根据上下文灵活选用哈。
2023-07-26 01:12:193

英语判断ed读音是否相同 1.enjoyed learned 2.jumped stayed 3.walked talked 4.played watched

2023-07-26 01:12:342


2023-07-26 01:12:424


Everybody,good afternoon!
2023-07-26 01:12:502


  一会,这个时间概念是模糊的,并没有规定这一会的时间长短。那么你知道一会儿用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下一会儿的英语说法吧。   一会儿的英语说法   awhile   a little while   in an instant   一会儿相关英语表达   after a while;   过了一会儿   rest for a while;   歇一会儿   Please wait for a moment.   请等一会儿。   We are off for a while.   我们要离开一会儿。   I stayed for a short while.   我待了短短一会儿。   一会儿的英语例句   1. She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration.   她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。   2. I"ll make the tea and you pop off for a while.   我来备茶,你去歇一会儿吧。   3. Will you lend me your jacket for a little while?   你能把上衣借给我穿一会儿吗?   4. He was lost in the con-templation of the landscape for a while.   有一会儿,他怔怔地注视着周围的景物。   5. He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.   他喜怒无常,一会儿哭,一会儿笑。   6. A moment later, Cohen picked up the phone. "Hello?"   过了一会儿,科恩接起电话。“喂?”   7. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.   马克过了一会儿才恢复镇静。   8. Calm down for a minute and listen to me.   你安静一会儿,听我说。   9. After a pause Alex said sharply: "I"m sorry if I"ve upset you"   歇了一会儿后,亚历克斯毫不客气地说:“要是让你心烦了,那我很抱歉。”   10. He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.   他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。   11. I should lie down for a bit, if I were you.   如果我是你,我就会躺一会儿。   12. Despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous weekend.   尽管天气一会儿好一会儿差,我们仍然度过了一个美好的周末。   13. He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw.   他摸着自己轮廓分明的下巴想了一会儿。   14. I"ll drive you back to your hotel later. It"s no bother.   我一会儿会开车把你送回宾馆,举手之劳。   15. He looked up distractedly. "Be with you in a second."   他心不在焉地抬头道:“一会儿就来。” 猜你喜欢: 1. 不久之后用英语怎么说 2. 前天用英语怎么说 3. 10天用英语怎么说 4. 讲英语怎么写 5. 快点用英语怎么说
2023-07-26 01:14:171


home 英[hu0259u028am] 美[hou028am] n. 家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点; adj. 家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的; adv. 在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地; [例句]Last night they stayed at home and watched TV昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。[其他] 第三人称单数:homes 复数:homes 现在分词:homing 过去式:homed过去分词:homed
2023-07-26 01:14:241

早晨,上午,中午,下午,晚上 有英语各怎么说

morining , 上午不知道, noon afternoon ,evening
2023-07-26 01:17:1412


missed的读音:mu026ast。missed读作mu026ast,作为动词时,是miss的过去分词,意思是错过、投偏、未抓住;作为形容词时,意思是感到思念的。例句1、That car just barely missed hitting that old man!那辆车差点就撞到老人了!2、I missed the meeting!Can you get me up to speed about the content?我没能去开会。可以跟我说一下都讲了哪些内容吗?3、I thought the main dish was delicious,but the apricot dessert really missed the mark for me.我觉得主菜挺好吃的,不过杏果甜点不对我胃口。4、I missed the meeting,so Peter filled me in on the details.我错过了会议,所以Peter给我补讲了细节。5、He conflated two key ideas on the science test and missed the question科学测验的时候,他搞混了两个重要概念,所以做错了问题。6、Because I stayed up late last night,I almost missed work today.因为昨晚熬夜,我今天差点错过工作。
2023-07-26 01:18:211


  恐龙是出现于二亿四千五百万年前的动物,恐龙消失的这个谜至今仍无人能解。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起学习关于恐龙的英语知识吧。    恐龙英语说法   dinosaur    恐龙的相关短语   恐龙危机 Dino Crisis ; Dino-Rampage ; Project Crynosaurs   恐龙湾 Hanauma Bay ; HanumanBay ; Dinosaur Cove ; Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve   恐龙世纪 Raptor ; Dinosaur ; Dinocroa ; DragonAge   三角恐龙 Triceratops ; triceratops   小恐龙 nme mnosaurs ; Dinosaur Jr ; Tiny Toots ; PLEO   恐龙朋友 A Dinosaur Friend ; DINOSAUR FRIENDS   恐龙远征 Dinosaur Safari ; Dino S Free ; Dinosaur S Free ; Dinosaur expedition    恐龙的英语例句   1. Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in "Walking With Dinosaurs".   在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。   2. A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs.   新一代科学家对恐龙研究著了迷。   3. The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstones.   恐龙峡谷中的化石都嵌在坚硬的砂岩中。   4. Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.   现在按照体型由小到大的顺序画出或是临摹出10只恐龙。   5. How can you go out with her? She"s a real dog.   你怎么能和她谈恋爱呢?她简直就是个恐龙。   6. How did the dinosaurs die out?   恐龙是如何灭绝的?   7. The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs.   雷龙是所有恐龙中最大的一种.   8. Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.   恐龙绝种已有几百万年了.   9. Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusia *** for dinosaurs.   电影公司趁著刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着赶拍怪兽电影。   10. This report is from David Cook of our Science Unit: "Why did the dinosaurs bee extinct?"   以下是来自我们科学部的戴维·库克的报道:“为什么恐龙灭绝了?”   11. With the changes in the world"s climate, dinosaurs died, but many *** aller animals lived on. It was the survival of the fittest.   随着世界气候的变迁, 恐龙绝迹了, 但许多较小的动物却继续活了下来. 这就是适者生存.   12. Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.   恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。   13. In the course of millennia, the dinosaurs died out.   在几千年的时间里,恐龙逐渐死绝了。   14. New evidence supports the traditional idea that dinosaurs were cold - blooded.   新的证据支援恐龙是 冷血动物 这种传统的看法.   15. The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram.   最大的恐龙脑子大约有一公斤重.   关于恐龙的英文阅读:科学家深度研究恐龙巢穴   Tons of dinosaur fossils have been unearthed over the last hundred years. These long-buried bones tell us about the physical build and eating habits of dinosaurs. But to tell how dinosaurs lived and behaved, you often need more than bones. That"s why the earliest dinosaur nests found to date are giving up secrets about dinosaurs that lived one hundred ninety million years ago.   过去的一百年来,大量恐龙化石被发掘。这些长埋的骨头告诉我们恐龙的体质和饮食习惯。但为了弄清恐龙的生活习性,你通常需要更多的骨头。这就是为什么迄今为止发现的最早的恐龙巢穴能够披露生活在一亿九千万年前的恐龙的秘密。   3 Hundred Pound Dino   三百磅重的恐龙   Massospondylus, whose name means “longer vertebrae,” was a two legged, omnivore that was from thirteen to twenty feet long and weighed three hundred pounds. Its *** all head was perched on a long neck and its forelimbs were armed with sharp thumb claws.   大椎龙,顾名思义,就是有更长的椎骨,两条腿,长13到20英尺,重达300磅的杂食动物。它的小脑袋长在长长的脖子上,前肢装备着锋利的拇指爪子。南非金门高地国家公园的考古遗址一直是科学家的资讯宝库。   An archeological site at Golden Gate Highlands National Park in South Africa has been a treasure trove of rmation for scientists. Ten nests have been unearthed at several levels of the site. Each contains up to thirty four round eggs tightly clustered. Both eggs and dinosaur embryos have been examined.   这里的几个地方曾出土了10个不同等级的巢穴,每个巢穴中有多达三、四十枚紧密聚集在一起的圆蛋。蛋和恐龙胚胎都做了检测。   Nest Building   筑巢   The site not only gives us physical rmation, it shines some light on the behavior of these early dinosaurs. It confirms that even early dinosaurs built nests in groups, similar to colonial birds nesting today. Despite their menacing claws, Massospondylus mothers kept highly organized nests, suggesting that they may have arranged the eggs in their nest after laying them.   这些遗址不仅给我们提供物体资讯,还指引我们弄清早期恐龙的习性。它证实了即使是早期恐龙也是集体筑巢的,与今天殖民鸟类筑巢相似。尽管有具威胁性的爪子,长椎龙妈妈在筑巢时礽保持着高度的组织性,这可能暗示着她们产蛋后会将其整理好。   Nest locations within the strata indicate that the dinosaurs returned to the site year after year. This behavior is known as nesting fidelity. Footprints around the nest are also giving us an idea about young dinosaur behavior. Hatchlings didn"t leave the nest site immediately, but stayed in the area until they were at least double their hatching size.   筑巢点的地层表明恐龙会年复一年的返回筑巢地。这种行为被称为栖息地忠实性。巢穴周围的脚印也能帮我们了解小恐龙的习性。幼仔不会立刻离开巢穴,而是一直在该区待到至少是孵化时两倍大小才离开。 1.霸王龙的英文单词怎么说 2.关于恐龙的谜语 3.恐龙科普知识 4.恐龙知识大百科 5.鳄鱼的英文单词
2023-07-26 01:18:331


2023-07-26 01:18:544


1. 以关于手写能力为内容的英语作文 Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in.i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.when i was sophomore,i found web design very interesting,so i learned it very hard .to weaver a homepage for myself,i stayed with my pesonel puter for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage.forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence.during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day,no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.。 2. 英语作文,手写 Movie Hero. I think Sherlock Holmes is very suit. In fact Sherlock Holmes is not a real person in this world. First he is a character in a novel. Then, people make a movie about it.Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective character, He is very a brilliant detective. First he is shaped by the British detective writer Arthur Conan Doyle in the end of the 19th century. Conan wrote the novel. The movie is based on the novel. It tells the story in the bustling metropolis of London. It is about detective Sherlock Holmes and his right-hand man, John Watson subjected to a series of dangerous and unusual adventure.Sherlock Holmes, a household name. He is clever and very lonely. The story in the movie is still in London, but is not in the 19th century. It came to the 21st century.I think the most exciting part is The Hound of the Baskervilles.This is an eerie legend, and a gruesome case. People can not tell fantasy or realistic. It would bee a nigare lingering in the one side of the Baskervilles. I like this kind of story best.I like the main character Sherlock Holmes. I want to bee a considerate person like him. When I have trouble, I hope that I can be calm like him. I also pay my respects to Sherlock"s best friends Watson. He treat Sherlock with earnestness. I really like them.。 3. 英语作文,会写的手写发图片 嗯 对了,几天前帮我指导的ABC夫下口语的导师才和我提过 如果想将英语学好应该是不费力地 一定需要个恰当的学习情境及熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 标准口音才是最好,保持每天练习口语,1v1针对性教学才会有更.好.的学习效果。 上完课需要复习听取课堂录音档 好巩固知识点~然后要是真的没有练习对象的状况下 可以去 VOA或爱思得到课外教材学习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,一下子英语水平会进步许多 学习效益肯定会达成目标的~As can be seen from the picture, there is a mother and her daughter who are danging happily together in the f缉偿光锻叱蹬癸拳含哗orest. They wears the clothes of the same style. And they both have fair hair. There are so many trees and flowers around them. Flowers are blooming around them where it is like a paradize. I tnk the picture is so beautiful for the homouniou relationsp among mother, daughter and environment. It cathes my eyeballs at once. I imaging dancing there together with them, breatng fresh air wity my soul singing. I tnk the harmonious relationsp bween parents and cldren is very important for cldren"s growth physically and psychologically. What cldren lacking of most may not be much much money but parents" love and attention. How much time do you spare to acpany your cldren if you are a father or a mother? Have you ever danced with your or played with your cldren like the mother in the picture? Do you notice the sweetest *** ile on kids" face. Your ampany will be the best present to your cldren and their *** iles will also be the best present to you. Therefore, no matterh how busy you are, never fet to stay with your cldren.。 4. 英语作文用英语怎么写 要知道,英语写作对于培养一个人的英语思维方式是至关重要的。 在没有任何外界压力的情况下,学习者可以充分思考句子结构;反复推敲所要表达的内容。经过长期的训练,就可达到量变到质变的目的。 所以说,英语写作往往不在于写作本身,而是可以帮助学习者复习,活用和创新所学的知识,更为重要的是,写作能力的培养可以直接影响学习者英语口语能力的形成。这是广大业界有识人士,特别是部分英语教师的共识。 大部分中国在校生,由于教材对作文的要求不十分强烈,教师的要求也不十分明确,作文的训练也就自然不十分充分,造成考试时的作文成绩不能尽人愿。而大部分的社会上的英语培训机构更是忽略了英语作文在英语学习中的重要意义,他们更加强调英语能力的外在表现,诸如,口语和听力等。 而莱曼英语教学理念则非常重视英语写作,并为此专门撰写了莱曼英语写作系列教程,目的在于提高学生的语言创作力。莱曼英语在多年的教学实践中总结出了一系列的有关英语写作的实战经验,并参阅了大量不同地区的英语试卷,特别是作文课题,认为下列英语作文的目标和要求是学生在写作文时首要要达到的:1.首段引人:尽自己最大的可能使得第一自然段引人入胜,做到“语不惊人誓不休”。 要想做到这一点,就要求学生要大量地阅读课外书籍,包括中文和英文,做到知识面宽泛,观点灵活,写技高超。2.词组句型:在英语作文中,词组和句型的运用可帮助呈现写作者的英语水平。 这就要求学生要在基础知识方面进行系统的学习。现举例说明:prefer doing>enjoy doing>like doing 由此可以看出,不同类型和不同水平的词组句型可表现出写作者不同的观点及英语水平。 3.复合句:在英语写作中,对于主从复合句的运用也是必不可少的。小学英语作文中可以没有主从复合句,但从初中开始,必须在写作中运用主从复合句(至少1——2个)。 因为,只有主从复合句才能表达更为复杂的观点;只有主从复合句才能是阅卷者看出写作者真实的英语水平高度。4.转联词:所谓的转联词是指那些用于承上启下的副词,连词以及大量的介词词组等。 英语作文中转联词的必要使用,可以使得句子与句子之间更加流畅,避免了各个句子的分割独立,使得文章顺理成章,一气呵成。中国学生在学习中,掌握了大量的此类单词和词组,但除了but,because,等,很少主动使用,使得所写文章颇显干巴和唐突。 5.时态:毋庸置疑,时态是英语基础知识的重要范畴之一,也是区别于汉语的重要特点之一。而英语作文又是对学生综合能力的考核。 因而,在作文中,必须加入时态的准确运用,才能使自己的观点和所叙述的情节更加精准。因为中文中没有时态的概念,中国学生极易在英语时态方面出现失误或忽略事态的运用,这将是所写的英语作文大打折扣。 6.汉译英:在莱曼英语教学理念中,我们更加强调翻译训练的重要性。无论是英译汉,还是汉译英都是英语学习着必备的基本能力,或者说,都是顶尖级能力。 所以,在英语作文中,汉译英技巧的运用,毫无疑问地会帮助写作者更加充分地表达自己的观点。而这种翻译的训练又是大部分教学资料和英语课堂所极为缺乏的。 莱曼英语总结了一些特效直观的汉译英技巧,将安排在后续的讲座中进行讲解。7.书写排版:尽人皆知,书写排版是人的第二张脸。 一篇作文的书写和排版直接影响到阅卷人的情绪,不可避免地会影响到作文的最后成绩。8.课外阅读和长期训练课外要广泛地涉猎不同种书籍,特别是对一些精品文章的阅读,以增加自己的信息量。 同时,还要通过日记,周记,书信,便条,通知,短信以及命题写作等方式进行长期不断地训练,才能逐渐地提高英语写作水平。综上所述,英语作文是一种基础知识的输出,是一种综合能力的体现。 是一个大量信息积攒的过程,是一个不断修炼的过程。 5. 求一篇关于上了初三如何好好学习的英语作文,一定是手写的 Since i am going to be a Grade 3 student, it is very important to develop a good habit in learning. Here is how I can study well in the third year of middle school. First of all, get ready for the class before class. I should learn everything in class by heart and listen carefully in class so that I can understand what the teachers says. Secondly, I should go over the lessons after class and do my homework in time. And learn to ask questions about some difficult points. Last, I should learn to solve problems by myself. In this way I can make great progress. By doing so,I will surely be a good leaner. 因为自己马上就要成为一名初三学生,拥有一个好的学习习惯是很重要的. 下面是我如何在初三学习的一些方法。首先,要课前预习,用心记并且上课认真听讲,这样才能够听懂老师讲的内容。第二,要课后复习。并按时完成作业。针对一些困难,要学会提出疑问。 最后,学会自主学习。这样才能真正掌握并取得进步。做到这些, 我肯定能成为很好的初三人. 6. 要一篇手写的保护环境的英语作文,300字左右,手写,谢谢 Protection of the Environment Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited. Today things are different. The world has bee too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive. We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers. We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won"t be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them. The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control. Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner pla in the future.。
2023-07-26 01:19:101


-10uff1a1 oneu30012 twou30013 threeu30014 fouru3001 5 fivexu3001 6 six u3001 7 sevenu3001 8 eightu30019 nineu3001 10 ten 11-20uff1a11 e
2023-07-26 01:19:538


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2023-07-26 01:20:556

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2023-07-26 01:21:3311


十一英语单词读作:u026au02c8levn。十一的英语单词为eleven,读音为u026au02c8levn,它作为名词和数词时,意思是十一、十一个;作为形容词时,意思是十一的、十一个的。例句1、马的怀孕期大约为十一个月。The gestation period of a horse is about eleven months.2、我们接着去了巴黎,在那里停留了十一天。We went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days.3、会议在十一点散会。The meeting broke up at eleven o"clock.4、我们为2到11岁的孩子提供免费度假活动。We are offering free holidays for children aged two to eleven inclusive.5、当你十一岁时,你将进入中学。When you are 11,you would move on to a secondary school.6、确切地说,她一生写了十一部小说。She wrote,to be exact,eleven novels in her lifetime.
2023-07-26 01:22:341


庹 tuǒ①量词,成人两臂左右平伸时两手之间的距离,约合五尺。②(Tuǒ)姓。
2023-07-26 01:16:216

SAP ECC 是做什么用的?

SAP ECC是全球第二大软件提供商SAP推出的新一代产品,其前身是SAP R/3,包含FI,CO, MM, SD, HR,Basis,PP, PS, PM, TR, IM等多个模块及子模块。SAP ECC系统与SAP SRM、CRM、SCM、PLM和MES系统等可以无缝集成。实施也非常简便,用户几乎感受不到不同系统之间的差异。SAP的多个系统组成的企业应用平台可以极大降低用户的总体拥有成本,为企业带来真正的效益。可以说SAP ECC 是SAP公司划时代的新产品。扩展资料:SAP ECC与R3、A1的区别:1、SAP ECC是ERP Central Components的缩写,其中文名称为SAP 企业核心组件。从2004年发布的ERP系统开始使用ECC这一说法。基于netweaver 2004,称为ECC 5.0。 之后SAP于2005年发布了有较多改良的netweaver 2004s平台(现已更名为netweaver 7.0),并在此平台上发布了ERP 6.0,也称为ECC6。2、ECC6就相当于在Netweaver上实现的R/3。Netweaver 实际上可以看成一个平台,在平台上实现各个模块的服务。因为原来r/3使用的是c/s结构,而现在为了更好的融入网络和由于项目越来越复杂,需要实现的服务越来越多,大部分开始使用services-orientedarchitecture这样可以更好的添加各种不同的模块和服务。3、SAP ECC与SAP All-in-One(简称SAP A1)这两者的区别在于All-in-One(简称SAP A1)就是按照标准业务流程预先设置好配置的R3。实际本质还是R3。参考资料来源:百度百科-SAP ECC
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2023-07-26 01:16:292


中国人看重排名,美国人,英国人考虑大学的因素:是否就读过GMY艺术预科?是怎样进的GMY艺术预科?离家近否?有没有想学的专业?到底是怎样的老师?教学环境?教学设备?譬如说美国罗德岛设计学院,美国本土的学生都想进入,可是钱是个大问题。参观罗德岛设计学院图书馆。曾经在从纽约去罗德岛设计学院的高铁上碰到一个纽约女孩,她妈妈陪她去RISD看学校,这个女生对于RISD非常的挚爱,可是就是碰到了一个根本的问题,就是资金的问题。这是个很贵的学校,实话说,很多美国人都上不起。她妈妈讲,她的父亲在纽约证券交易所工作,一周工作七天,每天工作12个小时,依然负担不起罗德岛设计学院高昂的学费。这个女生也坦言,如果RISD能给她半奖,她也会考虑来RISD就读。毕竟,离家近,又是很好的学校。当时领我们SCHOOL TOUR的是一个特别精神,短小精悍的英国女生。右一,英国女生带领大家游览参观RISD.再讲另外一个英国女生,大老远从英国伦敦飞到帕森斯,穿的很时尚,拿出自己的作品集,与美国小个子沟通学校申请事宜。申请时装设计专业。就是左边这个小个子。房地产讲究位置,艺术与设计类的院校也是一样,美国纽约一带的东部地区,商业金融都很发达,艺术与设计类院校也很集中,实际上,都还可以。
2023-07-26 01:16:307


1、如果可恨的挫折使你尝到苦果,朋友,奋起必将让你尝到人生的欢乐。 If hateful setbacks make you taste bitter fruits, friends, rise up will surely make you taste the joy of life. 2、磨难是训练意志和力气的砺石。 Tribulation is the stone of training will and strength. 3、懒惰受到的惩罚不仅仅是自己的失败,还有别人的成功。 Laziness is punished not only by its own failures, but also by the successes of others. 4、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。 No Pearl shines. It"s painted by others. 5、向前吧,荡起生命之舟,不必依恋和信泊,破浪的船自会一路开放常新的花朵。 Go ahead, sail the boat of life without attachment and mooring. The boat that breaks the waves will open new flowers all the way. 6、生活的激流已经涌现到万丈峭壁,只要再前进一步,就会变成壮丽的瀑布。 The torrent of life has sprung up to a cliff of ten thousand feet, and as long as one step further, it will bee a magnificent waterfall. 7、我以为挫折、磨难是锻炼意志、增强能力的好机会。 I think setbacks and hardships are good opportunities to exercise willpower and enhance ability. 8、患难困苦,是磨炼人格之最高学校。 Adversity and hardship is the highest school to hone one"s personality. 9、即使跌倒一百次,也要一百零一次地站起来。 Even if you fall a hundred times, you have to stand up one hundred and one times. 10、成功也好,失利也好,期望它们留在大家心中的不是句号。 Success or failure, expect them to stay in your hearts is not the end. 11、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 The pebbles bee more beautiful and *** ooth after the sea"s grinding. 12、挫折也有好的一面,它教给我们真理。 There is also a good side to frustration, which teaches us the truth. 13、拉磨的驴了行程虽然要以千里核算,但永久不能进入新的静心界。 Although the journey of a donkey to be pulled and milled must be counted in thousands of miles, it will never enter a new realm of meditation. 14、苦难是人生的老师,通过苦难,走向欢乐。 Suffering is the teacher of life, through suffering, to joy. 15、与自己斗争教师最最困难的斗争,同时战胜自己才是最伟大的胜利。 Teachers struggle with themselves the most difficult struggle, while defeating themselves is the greatest victory. 16、成功是陡峭的阶梯,两手插在裤袋里爬不上去。 Success is a steep staircase. You can"t climb it with your hands in your pockets. 17、当你被失利拥抱的时分,成功也能够在一边等着吻你。 When you are hugged by failure, success can also wait to kiss you. 18、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。 Now that you have identified a road, why go and ask how long it will take? 19、波折是块磨石,把强者磨得愈加刚强,把弱者磨得愈加软弱。 Turbulence is a millstone, which makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker. 20、越是成功,我就越觉得本人一触即溃。 The more successful I am, the more I feel that I will collapse at the first touch. 21、掌声仅仅成功的喜讯,却不是成功的源泉。干实事是最可先靠的成功诀窍。 Applause is only the good news of success, but not the source of success. Practice is the first reliable recipe for success. 22、如果把才华比作剑,那么勤奋就是磨刀石。 If talent is pared to a sword, diligence is the sharpening stone. 23、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。 If we have accepted the worst, there will be no further loss. 24、生计的方针,是仅有值得寻觅的财富。 The policy of livelihood is to have only wealth worth looking for. 25、走过了绵长弯曲的开辟之路,泉流的心灵才显得分外纯真。 After a long and winding road of opening up, the soul of the spring appears to be very pure. 26、惯于攀交的藤即便爬山入云端,了不会成为参天巨树。 A vine that is used to climbing will not bee a giant tree even if it climbs into the clouds. 27、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。 Every frustration or disadvantageous mutation carries the same or larger beneficial seeds. 28、让咱们毫无惧怕,满心愉悦地掌握命运。 Let us seize our destiny without fear and with joy. 29、盆景秀木正因为被人溺爱,才破灭了成为栋梁之材的梦。 Bonsai Xiumu has been spoiled by people, only to break the dream of being a pillar. 30、斗争是掌握本领的学校,挫折是通向真理的桥梁。 Struggle is the school of mastery, and frustration is the bridge to truth. 31、成功是不会向咱们走来的,我有必要本人走向成功。 Success will not e to us. I need to go to success myself. 32、许多赛跑的人失利,都是失利在最终几步。 Many runners fail in the final steps. 33、被克服的困难就是胜利的契机。 The difficulty overe is the chance to win. 34、山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。 The springs in the mountain streams sing a wonderful song after all the ists and turns. 35、成功的最佳捷径是让人们清楚地知道,你的成功符合他们的利益。 The best way to succeed is to let people know clearly that your success is in their interest. 36、只要刚强的人,才干在弯曲中奋时,取得加倍的补偿。 As long as the strong person, ability in the bending struggle, get double pensation. 37、一切幸福都并非没有烦恼,而一切逆境也绝非没有希望。 All happiness is not without trouble, and all adversity is not without hope. 38、弯曲是人生的清醒剂,在弯曲的道路上取得教益,是你一往无前时难以得到的。 Bending is the sobering agent of life. It is difficult for you to gain lessons on the bent road. 39、就象海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。 Like the ocean, only a strong-willed man can reach the other shore.
2023-07-26 01:16:171


从前有一个孩子真的是天生的。因此有一天他问上帝` ` Y告诉我你是播种我到地球的明天,但我应该如何去生活有如此小和无助。”上帝说` `在众多的天使中,我选择了一个给你。她会等待你和照顾你。”但是这个孩子不知道他是否真的想去。` `但是告诉我,在天堂,我什么都不做,除了唱歌和微笑,这就足以让我感到幸福了。”` `你的天使将为你歌唱eceryday也会对你微笑,你会感受到你的天使的爱和快乐。”` `和我怎么能够理解,当人们对我说话,”孩子继续说,` `如果我不懂他们说的语言,“上帝拍着他的头,` `说,你的天使会告诉你最美丽和最甜蜜的词语,带着最大的耐心和关怀,你的天使将教会你怎样说话。”` `我听说地球上有坏人,谁会保护我的` `你的天使会保护你,即使冒着生命危险",momeng天堂是如此的宁静,但是已经可以听到来自地球的声音。这孩子知道他已经开始他的旅程很快。他问上帝一个问题,轻轻地,` `哦,上帝,如果我现在离开,请告诉我我的天使的名字"上帝拍着孩子的肩膀,回答` `你的天使的名字并不难记,你可以简单的叫她“妈妈。
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2023-07-26 01:16:041


1、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。 Life is a hero and death is a hero. So far, I have been thinking about it and refused to cross Jiangdong. 2、信念是鸟,它在黎明仍然黑暗之际,感觉到了光明,唱出了歌。 Faith is a bird. It feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. 3、许多人都是由于自身软弱而做出问心有愧的事来的并非都是蓄意言而无信。 Many people do things with a sense of shame because of their weakness. It is not all deliberate words and di *** elief. 4、当我们遇到挫折,陷入困境时,只要心头有一个坚定的信念,努力拼搏,就是一定会渡过难关,取得成功。 When we encounter setbacks and fall into difficulties, as long as we have a firm belief and strive hard, we will surely overe difficulties and achieve success. 5、一个人的长大是敢于惨烈地面对真实的自己:在选择前,有一张真诚坚定的脸;在选择后,有一颗不抛弃不放弃的心。 A person"s growth is daring to face the real self miserably: before choosing, there is a sincere and firm face; after choosing, there is a heart that never abandons and never gives up. 6、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。 Those who set up great events in ancient times must have perseverance as well as transcendental talents. 7、原本充实的世界、只因你的离开而变的空虚;让我平静的心而变的焦虑;但我只有默默的等你回来。 The full world, emptiness only because of your departure; let my calm heart bee anxious; but I only silently wait for you to e back. 8、路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。 The road is stepped out, and history is written out by man. Every movement of man is writing his own history. 9、拿它没办法,信念。但是没有它什么也做不成。 There"s no way to take it, faith. But nothing can be done without it. 10、常求有利别人,不求有利自己。 Always seek to benefit others, not ourselves. 11、人生没有能不能,只有要不要。只要你一定要,你就一定能。 Life can not be, only do not want. As long as you have to, you can. 12、有什么样的信念,就有什么样的人生;没有正确新年的人,将过着迷失的一生。 What kind of belief, what kind of life; without the right New Year, people will live a lost life. 13、我在等那么一天,当我足够优秀足够勇敢,我能坚定的从你面前走过,且带着一份从容,那将会是你从没见过的我。 I"m waiting for that day, when I"m good enough and brave enough to walk steadfastly in front of you, and with a sense of calmness, it will be me you"ve never seen before. 14、生命的全部的意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西。 The whole meaning of life is to explore endlessly what is unknown. 15、信念是以人的意志为前提的,它是人生的一种精神支柱,人的一生在它的支持下才能够更加光彩夺目,才能更完美。 Belief is based on the will of people. It is a spiritual pillar of life. Only with the support of it can a person"s life be more brilliant and perfect. 16、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is to strive for an ideal. 17、人活着总是有趣的,即便是烦恼也是有趣的。 It"s always interesting to live, even to worry. 18、这种信念是空的,只因生命在继续才盲目地产生信念。 This belief is empty. It is only because life continues that beliefs are blindly generated. 19、外界虽不能把握,行动却可以产生力量,这力量的源泉就是来自坚强的信念!真正的信念是永远不可战胜的。 Although the outside world can not grasp, action can produce strength, which es from strong beliefs! True faith is invincible. 20、坚持自己的信念就一定能成功,这就是我得到的启示。 Sticking to one"s beliefs is bound to succeed, which is the inspiration I get. 21、坚定的信念是战胜困难的前提。 Firm belief is the prerequisite for overing difficulties. 22、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。 A person"s value should depend on what he contributes, not on what he obtains. 23、扭曲的身影,企望太阳光来赐予正直,那是徒劳的。 It is futile for a distorted figure to expect the sun to bestow integrity. 24、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。 I hope every time I remember, I don"t feel guilty about my life. 25、命运把握在你的手中,路,就在你的脚下。就看你怎样选择,留下什么,放弃什么,你的选择决定你的方向。 The fate is in your hands, the road is at your feet. It depends on how you choose, what you leave behind, what you give up, and your choice determines your direction. 26、而是坚信得到协助的信念,对我协助最大的并不是朋友们实际协助。 Instead, I firmly believe in the belief that I can be assisted. It is not my friends who actually help me the most. 27、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。 Life should be like a candle, from top to bottom, always bright. 28、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口! Life is like this cup of strong wine, without three or five refining, it will not be so delicious! 29、人生最困难的事情是认识自己。 The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. 30、爱情是美好的、但它也可能是伤人的武器。爱情最重要的是不让对方受到伤害,要让她得到快乐,得到幸福。 Love is beautiful, but it can also be a weapon to hurt people. The most important thing in love is not to let the other party get hurt, to let her be happy and happy. 31、有一种爱是寡言的,它的付出是由于一种希冀。希冀所爱的人,拥有比自己更加幸福的生活。 There is a kind of love is silent, its pay is due to a hope. I hope that the people I love will have a happier life than myself. 32、信念只有在积极的行动之中,才干才能得到加强和磨励。 Belief can only be strengthened and inspired by positive actions. 33、信念是成功的前提条件,只有我们拥有信念,即使再苦的环境,我们都能坚持并适应它。 Faith is the prerequisite for success. Only we have faith, even in the bitter environment, can we stick to it and adapt to it. 34、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 The ideal of life is to live an ideal life. 35、如果你曾经把失败当成清醒剂,就千万别让成功变成迷魂汤。 If you have ever used failure as a sobering agent, don"t let success bee a soup of ecstasy. 36、理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。 Ideal people should not only satisfy their material needs, but also their spiritual interests. 37、人们似乎每天在接受命运的安排,实际上人们每天在安排着自己的命运。 People seem to accept their destiny every day. In fact, people are arranging their own destiny every day. 38、人生从坚定信念出发,生活从选顶方向开始。 Life starts with a firm belief, and life begins with a choice of the top direction. 39、没有风浪,就不能显示帆的本色;没有曲折,就无法品味人生的乐趣。 Without wind and waves, we can"t show the nature of sails; without ists and turns, we can"t taste the joy of life. 40、喷泉的高度不会超过它源头;一个人的成果不会超过他信念。 The fountain will not exceed its source; a man"s achievements will not exceed his beliefs. 41、对我协助最大的并不是朋友们实际协助,而是坚信得到协助的信念。 The greatest help to me is not the actual help of my friends, but the belief in being helped. 42、一个人的真正伟大之处就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。 The real greatness of a man is that he can realize his insignificance. 43、人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的。 The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. 44、人的强烈愿望一旦产生,就很快会转变成信念。 Once a person"s strong desire es into being, it will soon turn into belief. 45、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you. 46、带着信念出发,是一种幸福。 Starting with faith is a kind of happiness.
2023-07-26 01:15:561