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2023-07-27 08:48:47
TAG: 英文


? “生病了”的25种英文说法

1 have:表示“生病”,后常跟表示疾病的名词,是最通俗的说法,多用于口语。

例句:As I remember, my pother and sister both had severe asthmatic attacks in the childhood.


2 take/catch:均可表示“生病”,且含有“感染”之意。美国人多用take ,英国人多用catch 。

例句:Mary takes cold easily. 玛丽易患感冒。

Towards the end of the year, his son caught scarlet fever.快到年底的时候他儿子得了腥红热。

3 contract:较正式的“生病”用语,常用于书面语。

例句:The patient may contract acute bacterial peritonitis, in which case a

surgical intervention should be considered. 该病人可能患有急性细菌性腹膜炎,在此情况下就得考虑手术处理。

4 get: 常作“生病”讲,后接表示疾病的名词。

例句:I think she"s got epidemic meningitis. 我怀疑她得了流行性脑膜炎。

5 suffer from: 常用来表示“患病”,后接疾病名词,多用于医生与病人的交谈之中。

例句:Is there anybody in your family who has suffered from the same eye disease as you? 你家中还有没有人得过跟你一样的眼病?

6 (be) ill with: 如表示“患...... 病”的时候后面须跟with ,多见于英式英语。

例句:The patient is ill with influenza. 病人患流行性感冒。

7 (be) sick with: 多用于美式英语,与be ill with可以相互替换,但sick with不能改为sick of。

例句:The doctor told me that I was sick(ill) with hypertension.医生说我患有高血压。

8 fall ill(sick) with; fall ill(sick): 表示“患...... 病”时,后面须加with 。

例句:Jackie fell ill with a fever last week and has been in bed ever

since. 杰基上星期发烧,一直躺在床上。

9 be seized with: 一般表示“突然患...... 病”。

例句:The patient was seized with apoplexy yesterday afernoon.病人昨天下午忽患中风。

10 be attacked with: 基本意是“为...... 疾病所侵袭”,常译成“患...... 病”。

例句:Attacked with acute myocardial inraction, the patient was surveilled for a week in hospital. 病人患急性心肌梗塞后,在医院里监护了一个星期。

11 be troubled with: 意为“患...... 病”。

例句:The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep, regular time for meal and proper mastication of food. 便秘病人应有足够的睡眠,进食定时,对于食物要细嚼慢咽。

12 be vulnerable to: 一般常用来表示“易患...... 病”。

例句:Fipes from the macular region of the retina are particularly vulnerable to inflammation. 视网膜斑区的纤维特别易患炎症。

13 (be exposed to): 以为“使...... 易患...... 病”,“易患...... 病”。

例句: An attack of fever weakens a c

hild and exposes it to all kinds of

infections. 发烧使患儿虚弱,易患各种感染。

When having cold, children are exposed to pneumonia. 孩子感冒时易患肺炎。

14 suspect...of: 一般表示“怀疑...... 患...... 病”。

例句:On examination the patient was suspected of carcinomaof the

caetum. 经检查,怀疑病人患盲肠癌。

15 fall (a) victim to: 其基本意为“成为...... 的牺牲品”,常可用来表示“患...... 病”。

例句: The longer a person has smoked, the greater becomes his liability to fall a victim to long cancer. 一个人吸烟的时间越长,患肺癌的可能性就越大。

16 Be (come) down with/be taken down with: 意为“患...... 病而病倒”。

例句:After being in the rain, Tom came down with a bad cold.在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了。

17 be stricken (down) with; be stricken with: 意为“为...... 疾病所侵袭”或“患...... 病”。

例句:She was stricken with fever yesterday. 她昨天发烧了。

18 be afflicted with:

其基本意为“为...... 病所折磨”,常用来表达“患...... 病”,其特征是,不仅表示患病的开始,还表示患病过程中所受之苦,特别是精神上的痛苦。

例句:For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis. 哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。

19 be affected with (by): 一般用来表示“患...... 病”或“被...... 感染”。

例句:Both the lungs are affected by the infection. 两肺均已被感染。

20 be infected with: 意为“被...... 所感染”,“被...... 所侵袭”,可译成“患...... 病”。

例句:On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well. 尸检发现病人还患过结核病。

21 be laid up with: 一般用来表示“患...... 病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。

Daniel was laid up for nearly a month with chronic appendicitis.


22 be pulled down by: 意为“患...... 病而病倒”。

例句:Mozart was pulled down by anaphylactoid shock suddenly at 3 yesterday afternoon. 莫扎特昨天下午三点多患过敏性休克而病倒。

23 be confined to bed with: 意为“患...... 病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。

例句:His wife was confined to bed with pyogenic osteomyelitis. 他妻子因患化脓性


24 be bedridden with: “患...... 病而卧床”。

例句:Preston is bedridden with rheumatic heart disease, and the doctor fear he will soon be no more. 普雷斯顿因患风湿心脏病卧床不起,医生们担心他生命垂危。

25 be in bed with: 意为“患...... 病而卧床”。

例句:Maxwell is in bed with pulmonary emphysema. 麦克斯韦因患肺气肿而卧床。



2023-07-26 04:49:171


Dolly ( July 5, 1996--February 14,2003), a ewe, was the first mamml to be cloned froma an adult somatic cell. The cell used was a mammary cell, which is why she was named Donlly, after the curvaceous country western singer dolly Parton. she was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, and lived there until her death at age six. Her birth was announced in February 1997Doly"s remains as exhiited in the Royal Museum of Scotland. On February 15,2003, it was announced that Dolly had been euthanised bcause of a progressive lung disease and crippling arthritis. A finnDorset such as Dolly would have had a life expectancy of about 12 years, but Dolly only lived to 6 years of age. A necropsy confirmed she had Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma, a fairly common disease of sheep caused by the retrovirus JSRV. Roslin scientists stated that they did not think there was a connection with Dolly being a clone, and that other sheep on the farm had similar ailments. Such lung diseases are especially a danger for sheep kept indoors, as Dolly had to be for security reasons. 参考资料:
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  去医院的时候,你们会想起多少个有关生病的 英语 短语 ?下面是我给大家整理的有关生病的英语短语表达,供大家参阅!   生病的英语短语句型   1. have:表示“生病”,后常跟表示疾病的名词,是最通俗的说法,多用于口语。 例句:As I remember, my brother and sister both had severe asthmatic attacks in the childhood.   我记得,我弟弟和妹妹小时候都得过严重的哮喘病。   2. take/catch:均可表示“生病”,且含有“感染”之意。美国人多用take,英国人多用catch。 例句:Mary takes cold easily. 玛丽易患感冒。   3. contract:较正式的“生病”用语,常用于书面语。   例句:The patient may contract appendicitis, in which case a surgical intervention should be considered.   该病人可能患有阑尾炎,在这种情况下就得考虑手术处理。   4. get:常作“生病”讲,后接表示疾病的名词。   例句:I think she"s got epidemic meningitis. 我怀疑她得了流行性脑膜炎。   5. suffer from:常用来表示“患病”,后接疾病名词,多用于医生与病人的交谈之中。 例句:Is there anybody in your family who has suffered from the same eye disease as you? 你家中还有没有人得过跟你一样的眼病?   6. (be) ill with:如表示“患u2026u2026病”的时候后面须跟with,多见于英式英语。   例句:The patient is ill with influenza. 病人患流行性感冒。   7. (be) sick with:多用于美式英语,与be ill with可以相互替换,但sick with不能改为sick of。   例句:The doctor told me that I was sick(ill) with hypertension.   医生说我患有高血压。   8. fall ill(sick) with; fall ill(sick):表示“患u2026u2026病”时,后面须加with。   例句:Jackie fell ill with a fever last week and has been in bed ever since. 杰克上星期发烧,一直躺在床上。   9. be seized with:一般表示“突然患u2026u2026病”。   例句:The patient was seized with apoplexy yesterday afternoon.   病人昨天下午忽患中风。   10. be attacked with:基本意是“为u2026u2026疾病所侵袭”,常译成“患u2026u2026病”。   例句:Attacked with acute myocardial infraction, the patient was warded for a week in hospital. 病人患急性心肌梗塞后,在医院里监护了一个星期。   11. be troubled with:意为“患u2026u2026病”。   例句:The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep, regular time for meal and proper mastication of food. 便秘病人应有足够的睡眠,进食定时,对于食物要细嚼慢咽。   12. be vulnerable to:一般常用来表示“易患u2026u2026病”。   例句:Fibres from the macular region of the retina are particularly vulnerable to inflammation. 视网膜斑区的纤维特别易患炎症。   13. (be exposed to):以为“使u2026u2026易患u2026u2026病”,“易患u2026u2026病”。   例句: An attack of fever weakens a child and exposes it to all kinds of infections. 发   烧使患儿虚弱,易患各种感染。   14. suspect...of:一般表示“怀疑u2026u2026患u2026u2026病”。   例句:On examination the patient was suspected of carcinoma of the cecum. 经检查,怀疑病人患盲肠癌。   15. fall (a) victim to: 其基本意为“成为u2026u2026的牺牲品”,常可用来表示“患u2026u2026病”。 例句:The longer a person has smoked, the greater becomes his liability to fall a victim to lung cancer.   一个人吸烟的时间越长,患肺癌的可能性就越大。   16. Be (come) down with/be taken down with:意为“患u2026u2026病而病倒”。   例句:After being in the rain, Tom came down with a bad cold.   在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了。   17. be stricken (down) with; be stricken with:意为“为u2026u2026疾病所侵袭”或“患u2026u2026病”。 例句:She was stricken with fever yesterday. 她昨天发烧了。   18. be afflicted with:其基本意为“为u2026u2026病所折磨”,常用来表达“患u2026u2026病”,其特征是,不仅表示患病的开始,还表示患病过程中所受之苦,特别是精神上的痛苦。   例句:For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis.   哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。   19. be affected with (by):一般用来表示“患u2026u2026病”或“被u2026u2026感染”。   例句:Both the lungs are affected by the infection. 两肺均已被感染。   20. be infected with:意为“被u2026u2026所感染”,“被u2026u2026所侵袭”,可译成“患u2026u2026病”。 例句:On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well. 尸检发现病人还患过结核病。   有关生病的英语短语表达   He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。)   He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。)   He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。)   He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。)   She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家几天了。)   Her head is pounding. (她头痛。)   His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever   and chills. (他的症状包括没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。) He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. (他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。)   He has been lacking in energy for some time. (他感到虚弱有段时间了。) He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。)   He feels as though everything around him is spinning. (他感到周围的东西都在打转。)   He has noticed some loss of hearing. (他发觉听力差些。)   She has some pains and itching around her eyes. (她眼睛四周又痛又痒。)   His both hands and feet ache all over. (他两手两脚都很酸痛。) He has pain on the sole of his feet. (他脚底很痛。)   There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot. (我右脚底有个像肉疣般的硬块。)   His ankles look puffy and they pit when he presses them with his finger. (他的足踝好像肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕。) (pit = small dent form) (句里的 they 和 them 都是指 ankles)   The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling. (左脚酸痛,并有红肿。)   The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. (指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。)   He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers. (他的手和指头感到麻木和刺痛。)   His legs become painful following strenuous exercise. (激烈运动后,他的腿就痛。)   His knee is misshapen or unable to move. (他的膝盖有点畸形,也不能动。)   There are some swellings in his armpit. (他的腋窝肿大。)   He is troubled with painful muscles and joints. (他的筋骨和关节都痛。) She is troubled by the pains in the back and shoulders. (她的后背和肩膀都痛。)   有关生病的英语短语常见句型   He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. (他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。)   His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing. (他眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。)   He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. (他有发烧,筋骨酸痛和常常咳嗽。) (hacking = constant)   He coughed with sputum and feeling of malaise. (他咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱。) (malaise = debility)   He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. (他伤风咳嗽。)   He has a headache, aching bones and joints. (他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。) He has a persistent cough. (他不停地在咳。) 或   He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. (他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。) He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. (他声音嘶哑,有时失声。)   He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. (他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。)   His breathing is harsh and wheezy. (他呼吸时,有气喘似的呼哧呼哧作响。)   He has a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples. (有时突然间太阳穴刺痛。)   He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat. (他流鼻水,打喷嚏和喉咙沙哑。)   铁锈色痰rusty phlegm   黄绿色痰 greenish-yellow phlegm   打喷嚏 be sneezing   发烧 have a fever   感冒 have a cold   浓痰 sputum   不停地咳嗽 constant/hacking/persistent cough   咳嗽有血 cough up blood   肌肉痛 aching muscle   骨头痛 aching bone   关节痛 aching joint   失声 lose the voice   嗓子痛 a sore throat   声音嘶哑 hoarse voice   喉咙沙哑 a scratchy throat   刺痛 a stabbing pain/a sharp pain   鼻子流水 a runny nose   小便频繁 frequent urination   弯腰 bend over   躺下 lie down   过度出汗 excessive sweating   意外疲惫 unexpected tireness   难以解释的疲倦 unexplained tireness   反常地疲倦 unusual tireness   复视 a double vision   肿胀 be buldging   头痛 headache   耳朵痛 earache   越来越。。。increasingly   喘气 be out of breath/be breathless   头晕 be light-headed   体重减轻 loss of weight   食欲减退 loss of appetide   听力减退loss of hearing   虚弱 be lacking ing energy   发痒 be itchy   阴道痒 feel vaginal itching   一个肿块 one lump   月经量多 heavy bleeding with her periods   痛经 painful periods   气味不好 unpleasant smell   阴道分泌物 vaginal discharge
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最近寒流来袭、天气变化很大,很多朋友都生病了,但是此“生病”非彼“生病”,这里面的学问可大了,你知道英文里描述“生病”有25种说法吗? 13. (be exposed to):以为“使……易患……病”,“易患……病”。 例句: An attack of fever weakens a child and exposes it to all kinds of infections. 发烧使患儿虚弱,易患各种感染。 When having cold, children are exposed to pneumonia. 孩子感冒时易患肺炎。 14. suspect...of:一般表示“怀疑……患……病”。 例句:On examination the patient was suspected of carcinoma of the cecum.经检查,怀疑病人患盲肠癌。 15. fall (a) victim to: 其基本意为“成为……的牺牲品”,常可用来表示“患……病”。 例句:The longer a person has smoked, the greater becomes his liability to fall a victim to long cancer. 一个人吸烟的时间越长,患肺癌的可能性就越大。 16. Be (come) down with/be taken down with:意为“患……病而病倒”。 例句:After being in the rain, Tom came down with a bad cold.在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了。 17. be stricken (down) with; be stricken with:意为“为……疾病所侵袭”或“患……病”。 例句:She was stricken with fever yesterday. 她昨天发烧了。 18. be afflicted with:其基本意为“为……病所折磨”,常用来表达“患……病”,其特征是,不仅表示患病的开始,还表示患病过程中所受之苦,特别是精神上的痛苦。 例句:For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis. 哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。 19. be affected with (by):一般用来表示“患……病”或“被……感染”。 例句:Both the lungs are affected by the infection. 两肺均已被感染。 20. be infected with:意为“被……所感染”,“被……所侵袭”,可译成“患……病”。 例句:On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well. 尸检发现病人还患过结核病。 21. be laid up with:一般用来表示“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。 Daniel was laid up for nearly a month with chronic appendicitis. 丹尼尔患慢性阑尾炎卧床近一个月。 22. be pulled down by:意为“患……病而病倒”。 例句:Mozart was pulled down by anaphylactoid shock suddenly at 3 yesterday afternoon.莫扎特昨天下午三点多患过敏性休克而病倒。 23. be confined to bed with:意为“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。 例句:His wife was confined to bed with pyogenic osteomyelitis. 他妻子因患化脓性骨髓炎而卧病在床。 24. be bedridden with:“患……病而卧床”。 例句:Preston is bedridden with rheumatic heart disease, and the doctor fear he will soon be no more. 普雷斯顿因患风湿心脏病卧床不起,医生们担心他生命垂危。 25. be in bed with:意为“患……病而卧床”。 例句:Maxwell is in bed with pulmonary emphysema. 麦克斯韦因患肺气肿
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it is pretty crucial解释

2023-07-26 04:49:575


  病是指生物体发生不健康的现象。我们每个人都有生病的经历,那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    病英语说法1:   illness    病英语说法2:   sickness    病英语说法3:   fall ill    病英语例句:   病人常常虚弱无力。   A sick person is often feeble.   水痘是一种常见的儿童期疾病。   Chicken pox is a mon childhood sickness.   他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。   His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.   我儿子生病时,丈夫给了我极大的安慰。   My hu *** and was a great fort to me when my son was ill.   这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。   The poor man has a serious disease of the liver.   他刚抵达就病倒了。   No sooner had he arrived than he fell sick.   红皮病病因不同直接影响该病的病程和预后。   Etiopathogenesis directly determines the course and prognosis of this disease.   尸检发现病人还患过结核病。一般用来表示“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。   On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well.   糖尿病是一个社会性疾病,全世界有数百万人罹患此病。   Diabetes is a social disease that affects several million people worldwide.   最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。   Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.   但接下来的几项有些令人不安:患有慢性病或残疾,紧随其后的是延长产假或陪产假,研究称后者“对职业前景的损害超过了离职进修,甚至是被解雇。”   But what came next on the list is more disconcerting: a chronic illness or disability, followed closely by having taken an extended maternity or paternity leave, which the study says “ was deemed more harmful to career prospects than leaving the workforce to get an advanced degree or even being laid off. ”   通过昆虫传播、导致昏睡病的微生物   The insect-borne organi *** s that cause sleeping sickness   医生治好了她的病。   The doctor straightened out her trouble.   这场病对他的人生观产生了深刻的影响。   The illness had a profound effect on his outlook.   这种病引起的生理和心理的问题   The physical and mental problems caused by the illness   正当我开始觉得自己永远都好不了了的时候,我的病开始好转了。   Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede.   1894年,她的病确诊为癌症。   In 1894 her illness was diagnosed as cancer.
2023-07-26 04:50:111


I Shalt Become ,Silencer,Wedard,Lurker of chalice,Strid,Anti,Shining,Forgotten tomb,Secretly in pain,Xasthur,Be Persecuted,Leviathan,Devilish Era,Kaltetod,Draugar,Nortt,Bethlehem,Trist,Nargaroth,Svartthron,Sterbend,Thy light,Vargnatt,Helvetespine, Forgotten woods,Life neglected,Nocturnal necropsy Durthang,Blood red fog,Lidande .......这些都是在别人那里打听到的。我也不懂这些,因为我不喜欢阴暗的、死亡气息的音乐。。。
2023-07-26 04:50:192

上古卷轴5法术特效代码大全 法术技能代码秘籍攻略

上古卷轴5游戏中可以使用代码获得一些物品、属性等,以下是法术技能特效代码大全,包括法师、战士、弓箭手、刺客等职业的元素魔法、召唤流派、潜行技能等全方位法术代码,大家 可以按Ctrl+F快速检索想要的法术名称 ,希望能帮到大家。 上古卷轴5法术技能特效代码: 寒霜元素(Frost Atronach FX) 能力寒霜元素(Ab Atronach Frost) 104d4b 能力风暴元素(Ab FX Atronach Storm) 7f423 能力松嘉德光辉(Ab FX Sovengarde Glow) 10b2de 能力树精(Ab Spriggan) 9aa38 能力树精地母(Ab Spriggan Earth Mother) x013b75 【DG】 能力树精叶群(Ab Spriggan Swarm) 9aa46 灵魂吸取(AE Soul Drain) x00844d/x00844f/x008b2e/x008b2f/x00d20f 【DG】 迪贝拉的药水(Agent of Dibella) 对异性造成10%额外战斗伤害 10a766 【任务迪贝拉之心(The Heart of Dibella)】 玛拉的媒介(Agent of Mara) 法力抵抗提高15% cc79a 【任务爱情之书(The Book of Love)】 仇恨斗篷(Aggro Cloak DMG) x0265ad 【DB】 阿兹达尔的天赋(Ahzidalu2019s Genius) 穿任意阿兹达尔服装时附魔技能提高10点 x027332 【DB,阿兹达尔(Ahzidal)套装】 远古知识(Ancient Knowledge) 穿全套矮人盔甲时获得25%额外护甲,铁匠技能升级速度提高15% 10eb60 【任务高深莫测(Unfathomable Depths),矮人(Dwarven)套装】 灰烬喷射(Ash Spray) x027f89 【DB】 奥瑞尔神殿法术(Auriel Shrine Spell) x00d664 【DG】 蝙蝠(Bat) x0038b9 【DG】 蝙蝠(Bats) x00e653 【DG,蝙蝠护符(Amulet of Bats)】 狐狸隐形的祝福(Blessing of the Fox Invisibility) x018cdb 【DB】 牡鹿王子的祝福(Blessing of the Stag Prince) x01bfec 【DB,牡鹿王子的玻璃弓(Glass Bow of the Stag Prince)】 先祖之血(Blood of the Ancients) x01419b 【DG,血石圣杯(Bloodstone Chalice)】 波耶西亚的祝福(Boethiahu2019s Blessing) 无声移动,过于靠近的敌人受到每秒5点的毒素伤害 81183 【乌木链甲(Ebony Mail)】 楚阿克的呼吸(Breath of Nchuak) 消耗耐力爆发出灼热的蒸汽,造成每秒5点伤害 x03b00d 【DB,尊之面容(Visage of Mzund)】 布莱丽娜的练习法术(Brelynau2019s Practice Spell) 106b10/ea5ea 【慎用】 呼唤巨龙-全部(Call Dragon-All) 46b85/fead2 镇龙(Calm Dragon) x0202cc 【DB】 野性的呼唤(Call of the Wild) e5f6c/e5f6d/e5f6e 英勇呼唤(Call of Valor FX) 1a296 查鲁斯伏兵(Chaurus Ambush Goo FX) x002b57 【DG】 查鲁斯效果(Chaurus Effects) c5a9f 净空(Clear Skies 1) 3f50b 净空(Clear Skies 2) 3f50c 净空(Clear Skies 3) 3f50d 学院练习结界(College Practice Ward) e8449 召唤古人(Conjure Ancients) x031853 【DB】 召唤灰烬守卫(Conjure Ash Guardian) x017782/x03d473 【DB】 召唤龙祭司(Conjure Dragon Priest) 10fc16 【科纳瑞克(Konahrik)】 召唤矮人机械球(Conjure Dwarven Sphere) x0142c1 【DG】 召唤使徒(Conjure Familiar) 100e75/9e2ab 召唤探索者(Conjure Seeker) x030ce0/x033c66 【DB】 召唤幽灵龙(Conjure Spectral Dragon) x0265a0 【DB】 旋风(Cyclone) x01aaae 【DB】 黑暗灵魂生命加成(Dark Souls Health Bonus) cab5c/cab5d/cab5e/cab5f/cab60 探测灰烬源头(Detect Ash Source) x01961a 【DB,内洛思的追踪指环(Nelothu2019s Ring of Tracking),任务老朋友(Old Friends)】 死亡猎犬(DLC 1 Ab Death Hound) x00c5f3 【DG】 死亡猎犬(Death Hound FX) 能力死亡猎犬(DLC 1 Ab Death Hound FX) x0028eb 【DG】 缴械(Disarm) 8bb27/8bb28/8bb29 恐慌(Dismay-Faas) 2395b 恐慌(Dismay-Ru) 2395e 恐慌(Dismay-Maar) 23967 能力熔炉大师百夫长(DLC 1 Ab Forgemaster Centurion FX) x00f66e 【DG】 能力守卫幽魂斗篷(DLC 1 Ab Keeper Wisp Cloak) x005160 【DG】 被迷惑的圣蛾祭司(Enthralled Moth Priest FX 1) 能力圣蛾祭司奴仆(DLC 1 Ab Moth Priest Thrall FX 1) x004599 【DG】 被迷惑的圣蛾祭司(Enthralled Moth Priest FX 2) 能力圣蛾祭司奴仆(DLC 1 Ab Moth Priest Thrall FX 2) x00459b 【DG】 灵魂石冢能力守卫头(DLC 1 Soul Cairn Ab Keeper Head) x008944 【DG】 灵魂石冢能力守卫头+头盔(DLC 1 Soul Cairn Ab Keeper Head with Helmet) x008945 【DG】 灵魂石冢能力死灵骷髅(DLC 1 Soul Cairn Ab Skeleton Necro) x006aef 【DG】 灵魂石冢能力死灵骷髅召唤(DLC 1 Soul Cairn Ab Skeleton Necro Summon) x011bd6 【DG】 灵魂石冢幽灵能力(DLC 1 Soul Cairn Ghost Ability) x019ab2 【DG,添加后变为幽灵,移除后变为半透明】 能力侍祭龙祭司(DLC 2 Ab Acolyte Dragon Priest) x03911b 【DB】 能力灰烬守卫(DLC 2 Ab Ash Guardian) x027bfb 【DB】 能力潜伏者能力(DLC 2 Ab FX Lurker) x028e7c 【DB】 能力潜伏者能力(DLC 2 Ab Lurker) x03ca72 【DB】 灰烬魔怪自身(DLC 2 Ash Spawn Self FX 01) x02c29e 【DB】 潜伏者魔法抵抗(DLC 2 Cr Lurker Magic Resistance) x02622d 【DB】 潜伏者吐(DLC 2 Cr Lurker Spit 01) x028e8a 【DB】 潜伏者吐(DLC 2 Cr Lurker Spit 02) x035bf0 【DB】 潜伏者吐(DLC 2 Cr Lurker Spit 03) x035bf1 【DB】 潜伏者吐(DLC 2 Cr Lurker Spit 04) x035bf2 【DB】 潜伏者践踏(DLC 2 Cr Lurker Stomp) x02622e 【DB】 乐器能力(DLC 2 Dun Instruments Ab) x02969a 【DB】 柯布乔恩巫术戒指能力(DLC 2 Dun Kolbjorn Ring Necromancy Ability) x027329 【DB】 火焰斗篷蜘蛛能力(DLC 2 Exp Spider Fire Cloak Ab) x017075 【DB】 寒霜斗篷蜘蛛能力(DLC 2 Exp Spider Frost Cloak Ab) x0206e0 【DB】 毒斗篷蜘蛛能力(DLC 2 Exp Spider Poison Cloak Ab) x01cacc 【DB】 闪电斗篷蜘蛛能力(DLC 2 Exp Spider Shock Cloak Ab) x026d66 【DB】 冒险潜伏者黏液法术(DLC 2 Hazard Lurker Slime Spell) x01ae9e 【DB】 潜伏者黏液(DLC 2 Lurker Slime) x01ae98 【DB,可用】 潜伏者喷射(DLC 2 Lurker Spray) x02aa10 【DB】 潜伏者践踏(DLC 2 Lurker Stomp) x03cef5 【DB】 商人牡鹿之弓祝福(DLC 2 Merch Bow of the Stag Blessing) x01bfec 【DB】 米拉克长袍能力法术(DLC 2 MK Miraak Robe Ability Spell) x039152 【DB】 莫拉斗篷法术(DLC 2 MK Moras Cloak Spell) x03b546 【DB】 龙能力(Dragon Abilities) 57b48 龙吐息(Dragon Breath) x0265a3 【DB】 龙注入(Dragon Infusion) f5ffa 【伊思本的药剂(Esbernu2019s Potion)】 龙祭司能力(Dragon Priest Abilities) 能力龙祭司(Ab Dragon Priest) 9bcca 龙风暴(Dragon Storm) x0265a8 【DB】 屠龙者的祝福(Dragonslayeru2019s Blessing) e76e0 【伊思本(Esbern)处获得】 吸取生命(Drain Life) 8d5c7 尸鬼能力(Draugr Abilities):2431d,能力尸鬼魔法(Ab Draugr Magic) f71d1 【代码为蓝眼、周围光线轻微变暗】 恐怖斗篷(Dread Cloak) ed0a9 矮人百夫长能力(Dwarven Centurion Abilities) 能力矮人百夫长(Ab Drawven Centurion FX) 30fbe 【全身蒸汽】 矮人蜘蛛能力(Dwarven Spider Abilities) 能力矮人蜘蛛(Ab Dwarven Spider FX) 4efc1 【腿部蒸汽】 乌木刃警示(Ebony Blade Alert) ea28f 弹出玩家推力(Eject Player Push) x010cf7 【DG】 蒸汽爆炸发射器(Emitter Steam Blast) x01533f 【DG】 虚灵法术(Ethereal FX Spell) 米拉克虚灵法术(DLC 2 Miraak Ethereal FX Spell) x01e0c7 【DB】 他人消失(Fade Other) 28532 假龙破(Fake Dragonrend) cd9fc 雪精灵能力(Falmer Abilities) 52ff4 使徒火焰斗篷(Familiar Flame Cloak) ed5f1 使徒视觉效果(Familiar Visuals) ed5f3 火龙能力(Fire Dragon Abilities) 57b4b 火焰流(Fire Flow) x028587 【DB】 火焰溪流(Fire Stream) x030ce6 【DB】 火球(Fireball) 1c789/7e57f 火球测试(Fireball Test) a041e 火球术风暴/火焰雨术(Firebolt Storm) d07cd 火焰元素能力(Flame Atronach Abilities):d7d56,能力矮人机械球(Ab Dwarven Sphere FX) 4bb4d 【脚底蒸汽】,能力火焰元素(Ab Flame Atronach) 2f3b5 【脚底火焰】,萨塔尔火焰形态(Dun Saarthal Flame Form) ed2fe 【全身火焰】 燃烧使徒爆炸(Flaming Familiar Explosion) 9ce2c 折翼(Flightlessness) 8358a 寒霜(Frost) b7a00/b7a01 寒霜元素能力(Frost Atronach Abilities) 2f3b6/ed2fd 寒霜斗篷冻结(Frost Cloak Freeze) 2b38a 霜龙能力(Frost Dragon Abilities) f77f9 寒霜流(Frost Flow) x028589 【DB】 寒霜溪流(Frost Stream) x030ce8 【DB】 寒霜袭击(Frost Strike) x02822c 【DB】 雪巨魔能力(Frost Troll Abilities) b556a 霜月本能(Frostmoon Instinct) x035b1b 【DB,本能之戒(Ring of Instinct)】 冰封尸体能力(Frozen Corpse Abilities) d4ff8 满月升起(Full Moon Rising) e5f64 召唤英雄的视觉效果(FX Visuals for Summoned Hero) a98fa 石像鬼视觉效果(Gargoyle Visual FX) x005137/x005138 【DG】 巨型雪蜘蛛能力(Giant Snow Spider Abilities) e0fbd 幽灵能力(Ghost Ability):5030b/d2060 【第一个代码添加后变为幽灵,移除后变为半透明】,幽灵能力火焰(Ghost Ability Fire) d2064 【添加后变为火焰幽灵,移除后变为半透明】,幽灵能力寒霜(Ghost Ability Frost) d339b 【添加后变为寒霜幽灵,移除后变为半透明】,幽灵能力新(Ghost Ability New) d2056 【添加后变为幽灵,移除后变为半透明】,幽灵能力(MG Ghost Ability) 6a157 【添加后变为幽灵,移除后变为半透明】 幽灵能力火焰不透明(Ghost Ability Fire No Alpha) 10f5a7 幽灵能力风暴(Ghost Ability Storm) d339f 幽灵能力紫罗兰色(Ghost Ability Violet) 1034cc 发光蜘蛛能力(Glowing Spider Abilities) x02747f 【DB】 哈尔孔圣洗池吸收(Harkon Font Absorb) x00d1c6 【DG】 魔族(HM Daedra FX) x023f82 【DB】 三牙海象能力(Horker Abilities) 8caca 冰斗篷冻结(Ice Cloak Freeze) 6445c 冰棘术(Ice Spike) 2b96c/7e592 冰风暴(Ice Storm) 45f9c/7e597 冰狼能力(Ice Wolf Abilities) b5569 冰霜幽魂能力(Ice Wraith Abilities) a26f3 冰霜幽魂能力(Ice Wraith FX Abilities):能力冰霜幽魂(Ab Ice Wraith FX) caf8a 【脚底结冰、体型变大】,卡斯塔格能力冰霜幽魂(DLC Dun Karstaag Ab Ice Wraith FX) x029ee6 【DB,脚底结冰、体型变大】 冰齐射(Icy Volley) efc5f 祭品(Immolation) x020e9d 【DB】 基尔克瑞斯光束(Kilkreath Light Beam) 994db 知识吸取(Knowledge Drain) x028e85 【DB】 大型雪蜘蛛能力(Large Snow Spider Abilities) e0fbb 闪电球(Lightning Bolt) 2dd29/7e59c 闪电斗篷吸取(Lightning Cloak Drain) 2b392 死亡印记(Marked for Death-Aus) 1862b 死亡印记(Marked for Death-Krii) 1861f 死亡印记(Marked for Death-Lun) 18627 大师的凝视(Masteru2019s Gaze) x0038bb 【DG】 狗能力(MG 07 Dog Abilities) f9067 时间冻结(MG Time Freeze) ec352 时间传送入法术(MG Time Teleport In Spell) ef963 时间传送出法术(MG Time Teleport Out Spell) ef964 贝丘火炬(Midden Torch) 44a04/74a04 迷雾形态(Mist Form) x0038ba 【DG,迷雾形态护符(Amulet of Mist Form)】 莫拉的诅咒(Morau2019s Curse) x03b548 【DB】 摩洛克伊频道(Morokei Channel) f82b4 蛾汁(Moth Juice) x018cea 【DB】 泥沼蟹能力(Mudcrab Abilities) 8cacb 死灵骷髅能力(Necro Skeleton Ability):能力死灵骷髅(Ab Skeleton Necro) eb86f【红眼、全身黑烟】,能力死灵骷髅祭司(Ab Skeleton Necro Priest) ebea9 【脚底黑烟】 内洛思的生命增加(Nelothu2019s Health Boost) x01bd0a 【DB,任务实验主题(Experimental Subject)】 内洛思的生命法术(Nelothu2019s Health Spell) x01c075 【DB】 内洛思的记忆法术(Nelothu2019s Memory Spell) x01c066/x01c067/x01c073 【DB,第一、二个代码为任务荆棘之心验尸(Briarheart Necropsy)】 夜视(Night Eye) 6b10e 夜莺盔甲全套(Nightingale Armor Full Set) 1711f 【夜莺(Nightingale)套装,任务三人组恢复(Trinity Restored)】 噩梦能力(Nightmare Abiity) bf741 傲达威英低生命治愈(Odahviing Heal at Low Health) 守护之兆(Omen of Warding) x01e803 【DB】 幽灵形态(Phantom Form-3) 2f2de 毒斗篷(Poison Cloak) f23c8 【乌木链甲(Ebony Mail)】 毒气(Poison Gas) a036e 变形雪鼠(Polymorph Skeever) 变成雪鼠 6e205 【不可侧行,只可打开菜单栏、任务栏等】 小偷的利益(Prowleru2019s Profit) f20be 【任务想方设法(No Stone Unturned)】 复生法术(Reanimate Spell) 1050ee 海尔辛之戒(Ring of Hircine) 额外变成狼人 f8306 水手的安眠(Sailoru2019s Repose) 恢复系法术多治愈10% d397f 【任务霜流深渊(Frostflow Abyss)】 斯克里布毒(Scrib Poison) x020e92 【DB】 探索者吸取(Seeker Drain) x028e84 【DB】 盾牌充能(Shield Charge) 10caaf 遮蔽盔甲全套(Shrouded Armor Full Set) 1711d 【黑暗兄弟会(Dark Brotherhood)套装如远古遮蔽(Ancient Shrouded)套装、遮蔽(Shrouded)套装、破损遮蔽(Worn Shrouded)套装、不倒翁克星手套(Tumblerbane Gloves)】 沉默/寂静(Silence) 105f25/x01cde5 【第二个代码为DB,慎用】 辛德瑞恩的宝藏(Sinderionu2019s Serendipity) 使用炼金技能时有25%机会额外制作一瓶相同的药剂 10bf09 【任务落叶归根(A Return To Your Roots)】 骷髅能力(Skeleton Abilities) d7fbb/x014cc4 【第一个代码为100%毒素抗性、蓝眼、水下呼吸,周围光线不变暗;第二个代码为DG】 雪剑齿虎能力(Snow Sabrecat Abilities) f93db 雪蜘蛛能力(Snow Spider Abilities) e0fbc 灵魂剥离(Soul Tear) x0038bd 【DG】 幽灵箭(Spectral Arrow) ab23d 【法术书b3165】 树精喷射(Spriggan Spray) a041f 树精野性的呼唤(Spriggan Call of the Wild) cb12d 树精地母喷射(Spriggan Earth Mother Spray) x013b7e 【DG】 树精守卫能力(Spriggan Matron Abilities) 能力树精守卫(Ab Spriggan Matron) 1090f7 树精守卫喷射(Spriggan Matron Spray) 1090fb 冲刺法术(Sprint FX Spell) x03cef1 【DB】 摇晃乐趣(Stagger Fun) f3f0a 斯丹达尔之光(Stendarru2019s Aura) x0038b5 【DG】 停止符文/定身符文(Stop Rune) x01ed9a 【DB】 风暴元素能力(Storm Atronach Abilities):能力风暴元素(Ab Storm Atronach) 2f3b7,萨塔尔风暴形态(Dun Saarthal Storm Form) ed2fc 风暴元素攻击(Storm Atronach Attack)50cfa 风暴呼唤(Storm Call-Bah) 1860a 风暴呼唤(Storm Call-Qo) 16d40/1860d/b2388/e771a 风暴呼唤(Storm Call-Strun) 18609 风暴流(Strom Flow) x02858a 【DB】 召唤卡斯塔格(Summon Karstaag) x024812/x029709/x02970a 【DB,任务召唤卡斯塔格(Summoning Karstaag)】 召唤幽灵刺客(Summon Spectral Assassin) 618c6 【任务至死不渝(Bound Until Death)】 超级魔光术(Super Magelight) x015412 【DG】 超自然反应力(Supernatural Reflexes) x0038bc/x00599e/x0068b6 【DG,超自然反应力护符(Amulet of Supernatural Reflexes)】 脚踏实地(Surefoot) 9379c 尾巴摇晃(Tail Stagger) 39d42 先祖污染之血(Tainted Blood of the Ancients) x0149a7 【DG,血泉(Bloodspring)】 隔空取物能力(Telekinesis Ability) 1a4ca 慈善的回报(The Gift of Charity) 1小时内口才技能提高10点 eef58 变形(Transmogrify) 1092a2 巨魔能力(Troll Abilities) 2f617 不懈之力(Unrelenting Force-Fus) 103963 不懈之力(Unrelenting Force-Fus Ro Da) 16d45 吸血鬼变化摇晃(Vampire Change Stagger) x012d18 【DG】 吸血鬼的克星(Vampireu2019s Bane) x0038b6 【DG】 第十眼视野(Vision of the Tenth Eye) b323e 天空之声(Voice of the Sky) 10a2da 瓦巴杰克能力(Wabba Ability) 蓝色宫殿瓦巴杰克发光能力(Dun Blue Palace Wabba Glow Ability) 9b2b5 【红烟】 噩梦苏醒(Waking Nightmare) f650a 狼人饲食受害者(Werewolf Feed Victim) 106396 旋风冲刺(Whirlwind Sprint 1) 2f7be 旋风冲刺(Whirlwind Sprint 2) 2f7bf 幽魂能力(Wisp Abilities):能力幽魂(Ab Wisp) 8cc8c 【白烟】,能力幽魂阴影(Ab Wisp Shade) f1184 【白烟】 魔光能力(Witchlight Abilities) 能力魔光(Ab Witchlight) 8cdd1 备注: 火元素火焰的附带效果为靠近的敌人着火、被敌人杀掉时爆炸一次u2026矮人百夫长的附带效果为对自己用kill时变成一团蓝光然后消失u2026u2026
2023-07-26 04:50:401


在表格应该总结数据从,显示为每个测试小组体重、显示毒力的其他标志动物的死亡时间各自的动物在不同的药量水平,毒性作用的数字,描述和尸体检验研究结果。 应该指定和参考为LD50或任何其他参量的演算的所有使用的方法。在网站上弄得~~
2023-07-26 04:50:471


嘿嘿,那你就放LADY GAGA的歌。。。
2023-07-26 04:50:565

2023-07-26 04:51:091


生病的25种英语说法 最近寒流来袭、天气变化很大,很多朋友都生病了,你知道英文里描述“生病”有25种说法吗? 1. have:表示“生病”,后常跟表示疾病的名词,是最通俗的说法,多用于口语。 例句:As I remember, my pother and sister both had severe asthmatic attacks in the childhood. 我记得,我弟弟和妹妹小时候都得过严重的哮喘病。 2. take/catch:均可表示“生病”,且含有“感染”之意。美国人多用take ,英国人多用catch 。 例句:Mary takes cold easily. 玛丽易患感冒。 3. contract:较正式的“生病”用语,常用于书面语。 例句:The patient may contract appendicitis, in which case a surgical intervention should be considered. 该病人可能患有阑尾炎,在这种情况下就得考虑手术处理。 4. get:常作“生病”讲,后接表示疾病的名词。 例句:I think she"s got epidemic meningitis. 我怀疑她得了流行性脑膜炎。 5. suffer from:常用来表示“患病”,后接疾病名词,多用于医生与病人的交谈之中。 例句:Is there anybody in your family who has suffered from the same eye disease as you? 你家中还有没有人得过跟你一样的眼病? 6. (be) ill with:如表示“患……病”的时候后面须跟with ,多见于英式英语。 例句:The patient is ill with influenza. 病人患流行性感冒。 7. (be) sick with:多用于美式英语,与be ill with可以相互替换,但sick with不能改为sick of。 例句:The doctor told me that I was sick(ill) with hypertension. 医生说我患有高血压。 8. fall ill(sick) with; fall ill(sick):表示“患……病”时,后面须加with 。 例句:Jackie fell ill with a fever last week and has been in bed ever since. 杰克上星期发烧,一直躺在床上。 9. be seized with:一般表示“突然患……病”。 例句:The patient was seized with apoplexy yesterday afternoon. 病人昨天下午忽患中风。 10. be attacked with:基本意是“为……疾病所侵袭”,常译成“患……病”。 例句:Attacked with acute myocardial infraction, the patient was warded for a week in hospital. 病人患急性心肌梗塞后,在医院里监护了一个星期。 11. be troubled with:意为“患……病”。 例句:The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep, regular time for meal and proper mastication of food. 便秘病人应有足够的睡眠,进食定时,对于食物要细嚼慢咽。 12. be vulnerable to:一般常用来表示“易患……病”。 例句:Fipes from the macular region of the retina are particularly vulnerable to inflammation. 视网膜斑区的纤维特别易患炎症。 13. (be exposed to):以为“使……易患……病”,“易患……病”。 例句: An attack of fever weakens a child and exposes it to all kinds of infections. 发 烧使患儿虚弱,易患各种感染。 14. suspect...of:一般表示“怀疑……患……病”。 例句:On examination the patient was suspected of carcinoma of the cecum. 经检查,怀疑病人患盲肠癌。 15. fall (a) victim to: 其基本意为“成为……的牺牲品”,常可用来表示“患……病”。 例句:The longer a person has smoked, the greater becomes his liability to fall a victim to lung cancer. 一个人吸烟的时间越长,患肺癌的可能性就越大。 16. Be (come) down with/be taken down with:意为“患……病而病倒”。 例句:After being in the rain, Tom came down with a bad cold. 在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了。 17. be stricken (down) with; be stricken with:意为“为……疾病所侵袭”或“患……病”。 例句:She was stricken with fever yesterday. 她昨天发烧了。 18. be afflicted with:其基本意为“为……病所折磨”,常用来表达“患……病”,其特征是,不仅表示患病的开始,还表示患病过程中所受之苦,特别是精神上的痛苦。 例句:For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis. 哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。 19. be affected with (by):一般用来表示“患……病”或“被……感染”。 例句:Both the lungs are affected by the infection. 两肺均已被感染。 20. be infected with:意为“被……所感染”,“被……所侵袭”,可译成“患……病”。 例句:On necropsy the patient was found to have been infected with tuberculosis as well. 尸检发现病人还患过结核病。 21. be laid up with:一般用来表示“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。 Daniel was laid up for nearly a month with chronic appendicitis. 丹尼尔患慢性阑尾炎卧床近一个月。 22. be pulled down by:意为“患……病而病倒”。 例句:Mozart was pulled down by anaphylactoid shock suddenly at 3 yesterday afternoon. 莫扎特昨天下午三点多患过敏性休克而病倒。 23. be confined to bed with:意为“患……病而卧床”或“卧病在床”。 例句:His wife was confined to bed with osteomyelitis. 他妻子因患骨髓炎而卧病在床。 24. be bedridden with:“患……病而卧床”。 例句:Preston is bedridden with heart disease, and the doctor fear he will soon be no more. 普雷斯顿因患心脏病卧床不起,医生们担心他生命垂危。 25. be in bed with:意为“患……病而卧床”。 例句:Maxwell is in bed with heart disease. 麦克斯韦因患肺气肿而卧床。
2023-07-26 04:51:161

推荐几首好听的英文歌 超好听的 不要特劲爆的

哈,我此刻听的energy 还不错哦,是澳洲的女歌手唱的。
2023-07-26 04:51:425

earn什么意思 earn的短语搭配

1、earn,英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得”,作名词时意为“人名;(泰)炎”。 2、短语搭配 earn mfirsty 挣钱; Micro earn 微赚; strath earn 厄恩河谷; earn livelihood 自行谋生; earn recognition 得到肯定; earn XP 赚取XP的; earn enough 挣够; earn criminally 非法获得; Earn Achievements 获得成就。
2023-07-26 04:51:261


on prep.在...上a painting on the wall 墙上的一幅画在...旁, 靠近the inn on the road 路旁的旅店the town on the river 临河的城镇向着...march on London 向伦敦前进smile on sb. 对着某人笑在...时候; ...之后立即on the morning of May 5th 在五月五日早晨on arriving home 刚到家就...on analysis 经分析后根据; 凭; 靠act on principles 照原则办事live on 靠...生活On what ground? 凭什么理 由?关于; 论述a book on grammar 语法书是...的成员be on the committee 担任委员在从事...中, 处于...情况中on duty 值班on guard [the watch] 看守通过, 以...方式hear music on the radio 用收音机听音乐on the quiet 偷偷地由...支付, 由...承担All the expenses fall on me. 全部费用由我支付。It is incumbent on me to reclaim him. 劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。一个又一个, 又, 累加loss on loss 一再损失heaps on heaps 许许多多冒...危险on pain of death 冒生命危险You bet she could cook, She was just on it. 她当然会烧菜, 她正好学会了这种手艺。短语:and so on等等be on at 不断地找岔[唠叨]be on it [美口]准备就绪; 决定动手做; 熟练(某事)be on to 知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与...联系[商谈]get on to 知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与...联系[商谈]have sth. on sb. 掌握某人的一些事实[证据]just on 差不多neither off nor on 优柔寡断的; 三心二意的; 没有关系的off and on (=on and off) 断断续续地; 不规则地on and after 自...起, ...以后on and on继续不断地on with 穿戴上; 开始; 继续
2023-07-26 04:51:271

高中高三作文600字:How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试)

作文标题: How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试) 关 键 词: 如何 考试 高中高三 600字 字 数: 600字作文 本文适合: 高中高三 作文来源: 本作文是关于高中高三600字的作文,题目为:《How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 a  good  way  to  pass  an  exam  is  to  workhard  every  day  ang  go  over  your  lessons  in  may  fail  in  the  exam  if  you  are  lazy  for  a  few  days  befre  the  get  up  and  go  to  bed  early  will  help  to  keep  you  full  of  you  would  better  not  stay  up  to  go  over  your  lessons.when  taking  the  exam,be  sure  to  read  the  paper  carefully.try  to  grasp  the  exact  meaning  ofeach  question.when  you  have  finished  the  paper,check  the  answers,correct  any  mistakesyou  can  find  and  make  surethat  you  have  not  missed  out  anything译文  如何通过考试  通过考试的一个好方法是每天努力学习并且及时复习功课.如果你一年中大部分时间都很懒惰,而只是在考试前的一段时间努力学习,那么你可能会在考试中失败.早起早睡将会有助你保持充沛的精力.所以你最好不要熬夜去复习功课.当你考试时,一定要认真地阅读试卷,努力领悟每个问题的准确意思.当你做完后,要检查答案,改正你所发现的任何错误,并且确保你没有漏掉任何东西  ps:如果有什么语法问题,请多包含
2023-07-26 04:51:291


2023-07-26 04:51:291


  EMS即“Express Mail Service”,是邮政特快专递服务,由万国邮联管理下的国际邮件快递服务,在我国境内是由中国邮政提供的一种快递服务。EMS主要是采取空运方式,加快递送速度,一般来说,根据地区远近,可1-4天内到达收货地址。    EMS的优点   1、EMS可以说是中国范围内最广的快递,到全国各大中城市为4天,到县乡5天。   2、网络强大,全国2000多个自营网点。任何地区都能到达。   3、EMS限时速递,相当快。100个城市之间的速递,能送货到手。   4、EMS的货物丢失损坏率一直维持在百分之一以下,安全性较高。   5、EMS为了保证客户服务质量,法定节假日均保持营业,天天配送(农村地区节假日除外)。    如何查询ems包裹   1、拨打EMS客户服务电话查询。   2、登陆网站查询查询。查询国际EMS邮件时,还可通过查询链接,进入相关国家和地区邮政网站查询。   3、登陆EMS网站进入用户留言,在留言中提供邮件号码和收件人具体地址,客服会帮助查询,并在回复留言时告知查询结果。   在多种查询未果的情况下,寄件人可以持EMS邮件详情单(寄件人存联)和收据到所交寄EMS邮件的邮局办理查询。
2023-07-26 04:51:301


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:在…的上面翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触)above在...的垂直上方(不接触)总在最上面always on top在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon在一上面小时图片up in an hour印在最上面的色彩over hue睡在上面sleep on it在文本上面Above Text这边在上面this side up悬挂在上面over天在上面Heaven in the Above;在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed你的手在上面Your hand above妈的它在上面Funky It Up我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly above you标在上面的superscript盖在上面的superjacent横在上面的superincumbent装在上面的middle engine印在最上面的色彩over hue百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-07-26 04:51:341


dancing in the moonlighttoploader
2023-07-26 04:51:362

苏打绿the monent is over的歌词

2023-07-26 04:51:384


1、东南大学成贤学院在哪2、东南大学成贤学院是几本3、东南大学成贤学院是几本,4、东南大学成贤学院的二本专业有哪些?5、东南大学成贤学院如何?东南大学成贤学院在哪东南大学成贤学院地址:江苏省南京市江北新区东大路6号东南大学成贤学院始创于1998年,2003年经教育部批准更用现名,是由“985”“211”重点建设高校东南大学用全新的办学理念和运行模式举办的独立学院,培养普通全日制本科学生。它是东南大学发展事业的重要组成部分,是其在本二层面培养高水平应用型人才、服务国家和社会经济发展的重要窗口。东南大学成贤学院是几本东南大学成贤学院是二本。东南大学成贤学院(Southeast University Cheng Xian College)位于江苏省南京市,是经中华人民共和国教育部批准、由东南大学举办的全日制普通本科高校(独立学院)。学院始建于1998年,时名东南大学中大学院,2003年经教育部和江苏省教育厅批准更名为东南大学成贤学院。截止2022年9月,学院现有学院占地面积1200亩,在校生8000余人,截止2022年9月,学校教职工数总计746人,具有高级职称的330人,占教师总数的56%。学院拥有以东南大学专家教授为核心的教师管理团队,坚持选聘学术水平高、教学经验丰富的高级职称教师担任学科带头人和专业负责人。截止2022年9月,学院校舍建筑面积30万平方米,建有计算中心、物理实验中心、电工电子实验中心三个院级公共实验中心和金工实习基地总面积约5万平方米,各专业均建有综合实验室。图书馆藏书110万余册,并共享东南大学的全部电子图书资源。东南大学成贤学院是几本,东南大学成贤学院是二本。2007年教育主管部门批准东南大学成贤学院东南大学成贤学院的17个专业列入江苏省本二批次招生东南大学成贤学院,2014年全部专业(含方向)列入本二批次招生,是全国列入本二批次招生专业和人数最多的独立学院。东南大学成贤学院设有建筑与艺术设计学院、电子与计算机工程学院、土木与交通工程学院、机械与电气工程学院、制药与化学工程学院、经济管理学院、基础部等7个院(部),9个党政管理部门,2个直属单位,设有30多个本科专业,现有师生员工1万余人。东南大学成贤学院起源于1998年成立的东南大学中大学院。2003年4月,教育部下发《关于规范并加强普通高校以新的机制和模式试办独立学院管理的若干意见》的通知。2003年6月,经教育部批准,东南大学中大学院由公有民办二级学院转设为独立学院,并更名为东南大学成贤学院。东南大学成贤学院的二本专业有哪些?二本的专业共计十九个,分别是: 计算机科学与技术; 自动化; 电子科学与技术; 电子信息工程; 电气工程及其自动化(电力系统); 电气工程及其自动化(继电保护); 土木工程(建筑工程); 土木工程(道路与桥梁); 工程管理; 交通运输; 机械设计制造及其自动化(机电一体化); 机械设计制造及其自动化(汽车工程); 机械设计制造及其自动化(模具设计与制造); 化学工程与工艺; 制药工程; 物流管理; 国际经济与贸易; 会计学; 财务管理。拓展资料东南大学成贤学院(Southeast UNiversity Chengxian College),简称东大成贤,坐落于南京市,是经国家教育部批准由"985""211"重点建设高校东南大学用全新的办学理念和运行模式举办的独立学院。2007年教育主管部门批准17个专业列入江苏省本二批次招生,2014年全部专业(含方向)列入本二批次招生,是全国列入本二批次招生专业和人数最多的独立学院。东南大学成贤学院起源于1998年成立的东南大学中大学院。2003年4月,教育部下发《关于规范并加强普通高校以新的机制和模式试办独立学院管理的若干意见》的通知。2003年6月,经教育部批准,东南大学中大学院由公有民办二级学院转设为独立学院,并更名为东南大学成贤学院。截至2015年6月,东南大学成贤学院占地面积1200亩,拥有东南大学浦口校区西区;设有9个系(部),拥有30个本科专业;有全日制在校生10000余人。是一所以工科为主的应用型本科高校。东南大学成贤学院如何?东南大学成贤学院(SoutheastUNiversityChengxianCollege),简称东大成贤,坐落于南京市,是经国家教育部批准由"985""211"重点建设高校东南大学用全新的办学理念和运行模式举办的独立学院。2007年教育主管部门批准17个专业列入江苏省本二批次招生,2014年全部专业(含方向)列入本二批次招生,是全国列入本二批次招生专业和人数最多的独立学院。东南大学成贤学院起源于1998年成立的东南大学中大学院。2003年4月,教育部下发《关于规范并加强普通高校以新的机制和模式试办独立学院管理的若干意见》的通知。2003年6月,经教育部批准,东南大学中大学院由公有民办二级学院转设为独立学院,并更名为东南大学成贤学院。学院拥有以东南大学专家教授为核心的一流教师管理团队,坚持选聘学术水平高、科技创新能力强、教学经验丰富的高级职称教师担任学科带头人和专业负责人,坚持选聘相关领域的高层次人才担任专业建设委员会咨询顾问,各专业拥有由高水平学术带头人领衔、优秀中青年学术骨干为主体、实践经验丰富的行业企业专家组成的结构合理、业务精湛、爱生敬业的专任教师队伍。学院建有制度化、常态化的教师专业发展平台,确保了高质量的课堂教学和实践教学。学院牢固树立教学质量生命线意识,建有完善的教学质量保障体系,由东南大学资深教授组成的教学督导组全面指导学院的人才培养工作。学院教职工数总计746人,其中专任教师555人、外聘教师38人。专任教师中,具有高级职称的305人,占教师总数的55%。学院主持完成了国家自然科学基金、国家863高技术计划、国家863CIMS示范工程、江苏省十五攻关项目、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省CAD应用示范工程等二十多项国家级及部省级科研项目。
2023-07-26 04:51:401


2023-07-26 04:51:401


2023-07-26 04:51:464

Ge yun was wrong good!fail to live up to什么意思

Production and operation of Tivoli Dynamic CorporationSpar ore, gold, manganese ore, pyrite, bauxite ore, mercury and nickel-molybdenum ore and other 12 kinds of mineral resources development and utilization of corporate conduct special campaigns to crack down on exploitation of mineral resources in the environmental violations, to curb the development of mineral resources, harm the environment and endanger public health and safety behavior and promote ecological restoration and environmental pollution control and gradually embark on a healthy track, mine environmental quality can be improved. (Hanyu Jiang) Tivoli Corporation intends to develop the use of dynamic production and management in low-grade phosphate resources in order to extend mine life to save phosphate rock resources,mulberry outlet, Tivoli Corporation phosphorus chemical industry in accordance with national development needs, the feasibility of the project started years ago. research, development and utilization to be low-grade phosphate rock,air jordan high heels, construction of 50 million t / a phosphate project. Wengfu phosphate ore has reached an annual output of more than 400 million t. In recent years, with the depth extension of the main mining level, increase the difficulty increased, decreased quality of phosphate rock, a large number of low grade phosphate rock to be abandoned, not only a waste of resources, but also cause environmental pollution. Development and utilization of low grade phosphate rock, many domestic and foreign mining companies have become pressing problem. The key advantage of low grade phosphate rock beneficiation process is complex, difficult to select the beneficiation agents. Hongfu company developed wF a flotation agent 01 has been put into use after the original design of selected ore grade 30.72% to 25% concentrate recovery rate from 87% to 93.3%. After years of production practice through continuous improvement, Tivoli flotation beneficiation process and pharmaceutical production technology is improving, for the utilization of low grade phosphate rock to provide technical support. Ying Ping mine was standardized a national security company by the China Academy of Safety Science experts in the field visits,Oakley sunglasses sale, the British Wengfu phosphate pit floor passed the national standardization of a metal and nonmetal mine safety assessment company, was awarded the national metal and nonmetal mine safety standards a business. Innovative technology for the rapid growth of AP Tivoli Tivoli Corporation rely on scientific research institutions and technology center,Salvatore Ferragamo outlet, insist on the introduction and innovation combined with self-developed innovative technology for the rapid growth of ammonium phosphate, 6-year production to 30% annually. DAP complete sets of equipment for the equipment operation rate, large amount of ammonia loss, the status of environmental pollution, Tivoli joint research with Sichuan University, the exhaust gas purification process a simple transformation of diammonium phosphate diammonium phosphate phosphate cogeneration exhaust gas purification ammonium, the MAP increase production capacity by a third. Successful cooperation with Sichuan University, developed a complementary. The promotion of technology and equipment in the country, the annual production capacity of China"s MAP fast from 2.4 million t to 800 million t, so that high concentrations of phosphate and compound fertilizer in China has basically achieved self-sufficiency. Increase investment to enhance the ability of technological innovation Tivoli Corporation to increase investment to enhance technological innovation in 2008, plans to invest 66.7 million yuan to carry out 52 research projects, scientific research over the previous year growth of 38.5 million yuan, will focus on recycling economy and industrial upgraded to Tivoli Corporation recently signed a cooperation agreement with Sichuan University, the two sides together key energy saving technology research, development, Especially the generation of sulfuric acid and phosphogypsum into CAN fertilizer technology, will enable the annual use of Tivoli phosphogypsum residue reached 100 million t. (He Quanji) Kailin Group dynamic production and management to achieve double-digit growth in 2007 Kailin Group in 2007, firmly grasp the rare opportunity for development of phosphatic compound fertilizer industry, timely adjustment of product structure and marketing strategy, business indicators of the economic and technical double-digit growth, has been formed mining, phosphate, coal chemical, construction open house, trade,MBTシュ?ズ ??店, and six industrial property, the annual sales revenue of 4.13 billion yuan, up 35 percent over the previous year, a profit of 2 .38 billion, up 36% over the previous year, paid tax 262 million yuan, up 24% over the previous year. Especially the Kailin Fertilizer Co., Ltd. was awarded the 2007 The success of energy saving technological transformation of ammonia Kailin Group to optimize the energy, vigorously promote clean coal chemical production, the implementation of energy-saving technological transformation of ammonia system optimization projects, respectively, washed 39 More articles related to topics: tods shoes outlet nmk ugo jlkf qjz fake oakley sunglasses vbh zwf yido xtt
2023-07-26 04:51:462


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2023-07-26 04:51:474


2023-07-26 04:51:471


2023-07-26 04:51:522


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2023-07-26 04:51:531

sabbatical officer造句 sabbatical officerの例文

Sabbatical officers are usually provided with a pving allowance or stipend. It is run by a team of eight elected sabbatical officers . Paid sabbatical officers are pmited to o terms of office. The paper has no sabbatical officers or paid staff. Unusually, the Postgraduate sabbatical officer works part-time, but is paid. However, sabbatical officers have continued to maintain relationships with counterparts in other unions. The poptical direction of the Students"Association is done through the Sabbatical Officers . The editor is elected by members of the students"union as a paid sabbatical officer . The College Officer will bring the issues raised to the relevant Sabbatical officer or SU department. Students"unions tend to be run by a team of student-elected sabbatical officers . It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的 This is made up of five full-time sabbatical officers and five part-time officers. The current University of Manchester Students"Union Exec Team contains eight full-time sabbatical officers . All positions, bar the five sabbatical officers , work on a part-time voluntary basis. The Students"Union is run by six sabbatical officers and fifteen part-time unpaid officer positions. The main representatives are the three Sabbatical Officers who work full-time to represent and support students. There are now four student trustees, four external trustees and all six sabbatical officers are also trustees. It is run by a team of four sabbatical officers , who are elected annually from the student population. This sabbatical officer also attends a large number of university mittees so that the student voice can be heard. Following another occupation of Exam Schools in January 2004, the university pursued discippnary action against five OUSU sabbatical officers . Some Further Education colleges also have *** all numbers of sabbatical officers but these are rare, partly due to funding restrictions. Instead the Sabbatical officers are free to lead the organisation and drive the popcy agenda, rather than to administer it. A university students"union may have one or more sabbatical officers , with as many as eight being not unheard of. Along with the three full-time sabbatical officers , there are currently nine part-time officers responsible for specific areas. The Sabbatical Officers are elected for one year in office and work full-time either during or after pleting their degree. In 2013, Jamie Green and Ian Stewart became the first sabbatical officers to successfully run for and win re-election. The SU holds o sets of elections throughout the academic session, in October and March, to elect new officers and sabbatical officers . The sabbatical officers of University of Warwick Students"Union missioned a Kevin Gately memorial painting which still hangs in the student union building. The Union Officers Group consists of six sabbatical officers , and no non-sabbaticals, as of the 2009 / 10 academic year. The members of the Union elect annually a Student Officer Committee of five full-time sabbatical officers and thirteen non-sabbatical officers. The members of the Union elect annually a Student Officer Committee of five full-time sabbatical officers and thirteen non- sabbatical officers . It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的 The Athletic Union has four full-time staff members and one sabbatical officer , the incumbent for 2015-16 is Luke Thomson. RamAir annually broadcasts the"Questions to Candidates"( Hustings ) for the student union elections of sabbatical officers and NUS conference delegates. As with most if not all Students"Unions, a yearly election takes place in which a number of sabbatical officers are elected. The OUSU Executive Committee includes six full-time salaried sabbatical officers , who generally serve in the year following pletion of their Final Examinations. In addition, recently staff from the Students"Union have been permitted to sit with the full-time Sabbatical Officers on various mittees. The UPSU Executive Officers or" Sabbatical Officers "are elected in March and decide the day-to-day running of the union. There are six part-time, non- sabbatical officers of the Students"Union who work to represent groups of students and their interests. This has e from the idea that they are simply a group of officers who seek to support one another during their time as sabbatical officers . The Students Union supports and represents the students of the University of Lincoln, sabbatical officers are elected by the student body and supported by the staff. Although most university student unions in the UK usually have paid, sabbatical officers , all positions within the mittee are held on an unpaid voluntary basis. Both portraits feature outgoing sabbatical officers from the Student Union at the university and were missioned as part of the celebrations marking the University s centenary year. It is entirely written and edited by student volunteers, except for the chief editor, which is a paid sabbatical officer position at the Students Union. The Union obtained charitable status in 2010 and is overseen by a Board of Trustees made up of student-elected sabbatical officers and full-time staff. Continuing professional staff, speciapsing in their own area of expertise, has replaced the Sabbatical officer " jack of all trades and master of none " philosophy. Previously a weekly pubpcation, since 2007 it has been fortnightly, when the role of editor changed from a paid sabbatical officer to a student volunteering position. It turned them into offices for non- sabbatical officers , which mean the station could not now produce anything off-air, from debates to trails. There are 18 Executive officers, seven of which are full-time Sabbatical Officers , with the remaining eleven being student"non-sabbatical"officers. These sabbatical officers are held accountable for the actions and decisions of the union, and often work closely with members of the Student Representative Council and other boards. The Union has an annual turnover of approximately ? milpon, the profit from which is used to provide services to students and to employ its staff and sabbatical officers . There have been a number of Young Green sabbatical officers with Student Unions such as LSE, Port *** outh, Keele Postgraduate Association, Manchester, Warwick, Teesside and Edinburgh. It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的
2023-07-26 04:51:541


2023-07-26 04:51:541


2023-07-26 04:51:216

ems 是什么快递

01 邮政特快专递服务 在中国大陆境内提供EMS服务的为中国邮政速递物流公司,是中国邮政集团公司直属全资公司,主要经营国际、国内EMS特快专递业务。是中国速递服务的最早供应商,中国速递行业的最大运营商。公司全国员工近万人,EMS业务包括国内所有市县,延伸亚洲地区。EMS快递拥有首屈一指的航空和陆路运输网络。依托中国邮政航空公司,建立了以南京为集散中心的全夜航航空集散网,现有专用速递揽收、投递车辆20,000余部。覆盖最广的网络体系为EMS快递实现国内300多个城市间次晨达、次日递提供了有力的支撑。 EMS快递具有高效发达的邮件处理中心。全国共有200多个处理中心,其中北京、上海和广州处理中心分别达到30,000平方米、20,000余平方米和37,000平方米,同时,各处理中心配备了先进的自动分拣设备。亚洲地区规模最大、技术装备先进的中国邮政航空速递物流集散中心也已于2008年在南京建成并投入使用。EMS快递还具备领先的信息处理能力。建立了以国内300多个城市为核心的信息处平台,与万国邮政联盟(UPU)查询系统链接,可实现EMS邮件的全球跟踪查询。建立了以网站、短信、电话三位一体的实时信息查询系统。 EMS一贯秉承 “全心、全速、全球”的核心服务理念,为客户提供快捷、可靠的门到门速递服务,最大程度地满足客户和社会的多层次需求。2005年先后荣获“中国消费者十大满意品牌”、“全国名优产品售后服务十佳”和“中国货运业快递信息系统和服务规范金奖”等奖项。
2023-07-26 04:51:212


2023-07-26 04:51:201

Milky Bar Kid应该翻译成什么 好像是一个专有名词

Milkybar is a white chocolate confection that is produced by Nestlé and sold in Australia, New Zealand, India, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Milkybar 是一种白色巧克力甜食,是有雀巢公司生产销往澳大利亚,新西兰,印度,爱尔兰和英国。
2023-07-26 04:51:193


2023-07-26 04:51:151

if that idea is wrong,the project is bound to fail,__good all the other ideas might be.

2023-07-26 04:51:157


not... any more thannot ...any more than 是“不能;正如……不能”的意思例句1.He is not a poet any more than I am a scholar.他不是诗人,正如我不是学者一样“no more ... than”是“ 不 …… 也不 ” 的意思。例如:He is no more diligent than you. 你不勤奋,他也不勤奋
2023-07-26 04:51:102


2023-07-26 04:51:101

gain acquire win 和earn的区别

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2023-07-26 04:51:081

帮我翻译 这段 布莱尔在女王80寿辰时的祝词 谢谢!

Her Prime Ministers have better reason than most to know and appreciate her knowledge and experience. I am the tenth Prime Minister to serve her. Like each of my predecessors, I am profoundly grateful for her wise counsel. She has superb judgment, an intuitive empathy with people and, above all, an unshakeable and profound sense of duty. It is this sense of duty that motivates her and defines her reign and, since it communicates itself unobtrusively but none the less obviously to her subjects, brings her, I believe,the love of the people of this country. It is difficult in this day and age for the monarchy to balance the natural demands for accessibility and openness with the dignity and majesty of the monarch, but it is a balance that she has struck with immense skill. So I know that I speak for the whole House and, indeed, a grateful nation when I convey to Her Majesty the Queen our best wishes on her 80th birthday and say, "Long may she reign over us
2023-07-26 04:51:024


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2023-07-26 04:51:001

开机的时候显示start pxe over IPv4 press esc to exit~

2023-07-26 04:50:596

LED中的 reflow是什么意思

LED很多专业英文得结合上下文来理解,单独一个词语恐怕翻译不准确reflow-LED中一般指回流焊工序incumbent design应该说目前采用的设计incumbent light sources目前采用的光源CA bulb可能是要有认证的灯泡LED中的分bin:LED在生产后期会根据光色进行分Bin(自动分光机),Bin就是人为给分光机设置的一个筛选标准,会有很多个Bin。这样分光出来的LED在波长 色温 电压等参数上才更加细化精准
2023-07-26 04:50:543


2023-07-26 04:50:5214

Job aborted due to stage failure: Task not serializable

If you see this error: The above error can be triggered when you intialize a variable on the driver (master), but then try to use it on one of the workers. In that case, Spark Streaming will try to serialize the object to send it over to the worker, and fail if the object is not serializable. Consider the following code snippet: This will trigger that error. Here are some ideas to fix this error: 原文链接:
2023-07-26 04:50:501


2023-07-26 04:50:463