barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:13:05

Genetically speaking ,there are advantages to avoiding substantial height.里的avoid 为什么用ing形式?




1. There are advantages to not having servants.

2. There are many advantages to studying....

3. One advantage of studying is....

问:这里的1.& 2.中的to可以改为of吗?

答:在美国,句1的语境用of是完全错误的,应该用to;There are advantages to [noun phrase].

看个用of 的例子:

One of the advantages OF not having servants would be...


advantages [介词] not having servants

1. One of the advantages of not having servants is that you don"t become weak from inactivity.

2. There are advantages to noting that each preposition is used in a different setting. 这句不能用of

总体上说,advantage后多接of及over. 如果句子的意思是advantage to do 或 to be doing something, 那advantage可接to,如:

It is an advantage to learn swimming. A knowledge of swimming is not enough.

【注】从英美语料库BNC/ ANC来看

there are advantages to 都有;

there are advantages of 都没有;

there will be advantages of 都没有;

there will be advantages to ANC中有一例






所以句型是 there are advantages to doing sth









1. There are advantages to not having servants.

2. There are many advantages to studying....

3. One advantage of studying is....

问:这里的1.& 2.中的to可以改为of吗?

答:在美国,句1的语境用of是完全错误的,应该用to;There are advantages to [noun phrase].

看个用of 的例子:

One of the advantages OF not having servants would be...


advantages [介词] not having servants

1. One of the advantages of not having servants is that you don"t become weak from inactivity.

2. There are advantages to noting that each preposition is used in a different setting. 这句不能用of

总体上说,advantage后多接of及over. 如果句子的意思是advantage to do 或 to be doing something, 那advantage可接to,如:

It is an advantage to learn swimming. A knowledge of swimming is not enough.

【注】从英美语料库BNC/ ANC来看

there are advantages to 都有;

there are advantages of 都没有;

there will be advantages of 都没有;

there will be advantages to ANC中有一例



advantages的意思:优势。优势,拼音是yōu shì,汉语词汇,意思是比对方有利的形势。泛指处于较有利的形势或环境或在某些方面超过同类的形势,出自巴金《春天里的秋天》。能压倒对方的有利形势。 例:巴金《春天里的秋天》:“她的棋占着优势”。指超过同类事物中其他情况的形势。例:茅盾《船上》:“‘房舱"里的特色是南腔北调占了压倒的优势。”棋类术语。中国象棋、国际象棋和围棋的术语,指一方兵力多于另一方,或掌握了棋局的主动,明显好走;或指全局处于必胜的有利形势,大抵为优势之进一步扩大或明朗化。我的优点有很多,比如说我写字又有速度,又有质量,作业能及时写。我的思想也不错,我同桌的速度慢,他听写的词忘了,我能报给他。我回家吃饭时,我能帮父母盛饭。可是,人没有十全十美的,我的缺点也有很多,比如说我爱看电视,平时爱玩电脑。不过,为了学习成绩,我应该努力,努力。本人可以熟练使用办公软件,对电脑有一定的操作能力,孰练五笔输入法。两年中我利用课余时间在校外做兼职。并通过各项工作的学习让我感觉到责任的重要。生活中的风雨让我有吃苦耐劳的精神。诚实守信也是我的品格。认真负责本职工作。
2023-01-07 18:58:361

advantages怎么读 英语advantages怎么读

1、advantages英[ədˈvɑːntɪdʒɪz]美[ədˈvæntɪdʒɪz],n.有利条件; 有利因素; 优势; 优点; (局末平分后)占先; 优势分;v.使处于有利地位; 有利于; 有助于。 2、[例句]She had the advantage of a good education.她具有受过良好教育的有利条件。
2023-01-07 18:58:481


Nowadays, … is playing a more and more important role in people"s daily life. However, people"s opinions are still divided on this point.Those who are in favor of … claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, …. Secondly, …. Last but not least, ….Those who are opposed to … hold that disadvantages are many. In the first place, … . In the second place, …. Finally, ….All in all, we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros outweigh the cons. The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of … along with national economy. A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of …. 具体的原因 楼主自己可拟哦
2023-01-07 18:58:583


2023-01-07 18:59:081


n.有利条件( advantage的名词复数 );复数,所以用are
2023-01-07 18:59:146

three advantage

in scientific and technological education,ecological environment and important resources. in和后面的内容在句子当定语,当the comparative advantages 的定语. 在这里不及物动词,to the comparative advantages ,当状语,方面的状语.
2023-01-07 18:59:431

求题为Advantages of the Internet的文章,100词左右

Advantages of the InternetThe Internet provides opportunities galore, and can be used for a variety of things. Some of the things that you can do via the Internet are:E-mail: E-mail is an online correspondence system. With e-mail you can send and receive instant electronic messages, which works like writing letters. Your messages are delivered instantly to people anywhere in the world, unlike traditional mail that takes a lot of time. Access Information: The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The ‘search engines" on the Internet can help you to find data on any subject that you need. Shopping: Along with getting information on the Internet, you can also shop online. There are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using your credit card. You do not need to leave your house and can do all your shopping from the convenience of your home. Online Chat: There are many ‘chat rooms" on the web that can be accessed to meet new people, make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends. Downloading Software: This is one of the most happening and fun things to do via the Internet. You can download innumerable, games, music, videos, movies, and a host of other entertainment software from the Internet, most of which are free
2023-01-07 18:59:492


take advantage of, 单数
2023-01-07 19:00:002

advantages and disadvantages是什么意思

advantages and disadvantages[法]利弊; 利害; 利害得失; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Each of the three headsets has advantages and disadvantages but, for use in a vehicle, Istill prefer a bluetooth speakerphone. 这三款耳机各有利弊,但我在开车时仍喜欢用蓝牙免提
2023-01-07 19:00:081

product advantages是什么意思

product advantages 产品优势1.product[英][ˈprɒdʌkt][美][ˈprɑ:dʌkt]n.产品; 乘积; 结果; 作品;例句Try to get the best product at the lowest price.尽量以最低的价格买到最好的产品。2.advantage[英][ədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ][美][ədˈvæntɪdʒ]n.有利条件; 益处; 优越(性); 处于支配地位; vt.有利于; 有益于; 促进; 使处于有利地位; vi.得益,获利;例句A good crowd will be a definite advantage to me and the rest of the team.大批观众无疑将成为我和其他队员的一大优势。advantage句式归纳 have the (an) advantage over (of) 优于,比……占有优势。如:He has an advantage over me for he knows some French. 由于他懂点法语,所以比我的条件有利。You have the advantage over (of) me in experience. 你经验比我丰富。有时用动词 gain, get 等。如:They gained an advantage over the enemy. 他们比敌人占优势。2. take advantage of. (1) 利用(机会、时机等)。如:They took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis. 他们利用好天气去打了网球。(2) 利用((2) 某人的处境、弱点等)。如:He always took full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals. 他总是充分利用对手所犯的错误。(3) 欺骗(某人),捉弄(某人,捉弄),占(某人的)便宜。如:He has always been taking advantage of me. 他老是在占我的便宜。3. to sb"s advantage对某人有利。如:The present world situation is to our advantage. 目前的世界形势对我们有利。It will be to your advantage to study abroad. 出国学习将对你有利。3.此短语的结构是名词修饰名词所以 翻译成 产品优势
2023-01-07 19:00:146

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are some very basic advantages and disadvantages to mud drilling and air drilling operations. The earliest recognized advantage of air and gas drilling technology was the increase in drilling penetration rate relative to mud drilling operations. In general,the lighter the drilling fluid the greater the drilling penetration rate. The lighter the fluid column in the annulus ( with entrained rock cuttings) the lower the confining pressure on the rock bit cutting face. This lower confining pressure allows the rock bit to be more easily advanced into the rock.Formation damage is an important issue in fluid resource recovery ( e. g. ,water well, environmental monitoring, well drilling operations, oil and natural gas, and geothermal fluids) . The lighter the fluid column in the annulus ( with entrained rock cuttings) ,the lower the potential for formation damage. Formation damage occurs when the fluid column pressure at the bottom of borehole is higher than the pore pressure of the resource fluid ( oil,gas,or water) in the rock formations. This higher bottom hole pressure forces the drilling fluid ( with entrained rock cutting fines) into the exposed fractures and pore passages in the drilled rock formations. These fines plug the immediate region around the borehole. This damage is called a“skin effect”. This skin effect damage restricts later formation fluid flows to the borehole, thus,reducing the productivity of the well.Loss of circulation occurs when drilling with drilling muds or treated water through rock formations that have fractures or large interconnected pores. If these features are sufficiently large and are not already filled with formation fluids,then as drilling progresses the drilling fluid that had been flowing to the surface in the annulus can be diverted into these fractures or pore structures. This diversion can result in no drilling fluid ( with entrained rock cuttings) returning to the surface. The rock cuttings are left in the borehole and consolidate around the lower portion of the drill string and the drill bit. If this situation is not identified quickly,the drill string will begin to torque-up in the borehole and mechanical damage to the drill string will occur. Such damage can sever the drill string and result in a fishing job to retrieve the portion of the drill string remaining in the borehole.For deep oil and natural gas recovery wells,loss of circulation can result in even more catastrophic situations. If drilling fluids are lost to thief formations,the fluid column in the annulus can be reduced resulting in a lower bottom hole pressure. This lowbottom hole pressure can cause a high pressure oil and / or natural gas kick,or geothermal fluid kick ( a slug of formation fluid) to enter the annulus. Such kicks must be immediately and carefully circulated out of the annulus ( to the surface) otherwise an uncontrolled blowout of the well could occur. Here again heavier drilling fluids are generally more prone to loss of circulation.High pore pressures are encountered in oil, natural gas, and geothermal drilling operations. Newdiscoveries of oil,natural gas,or geothermal fluid deposits are usually highly pressured. In order to safely drill boreholes to these deposits heavily weighted drilling muds are utilized. The heavy fluid column in the annulus provides the high bottom hole pressure needed to balance ( or overbalance) the high pore pressure of the deposit.Someone"s study shows that the heavier the drilling fluid column in the annulus the more useful the drilling fluid is for controlling high pore pressure . There are limits to howheavy a drilling mud can be. As was discussed above,too heavy a drilling mud results in overbalanced drilling and this can result in formation damage. But there is a greater risk to overbalanced drilling. If the drilling mud is too heavy the rock formations in the open hole section can fracture. These fractures could result in a loss of the circulating mud which could result in a blowout.In the past decade it has been observed that drilling with a circulation fluid that has a bottom hole pressure slightly belowthat of the pore pressure of the fluid deposit gives near optimum results. This type of drilling is denoted as underbalanced drilling. Underbalanced drilling allows the formation to produce fluid as the drilling progresses. This lowers or eliminates the risk of formation damage and eliminates the possibility of formation fracture and loss of circulation. In general,if the pore pressure of a deposit is high,an engineered adjustment to the drilling mud weight ( with additives) can yield the appropriate drilling fluid to assure underbalanced drilling. However,if the pore pressure is not unusually high then air and gas drilling techniques are required to lighten the drilling fluid column in the annulus.Formation water is often encountered when drilling to a subsurface target depth. This water can be in fracture and pore structures of the rock formations above the target depth. If drilling mud is used as the circulating fluid,the pressure of the mud column in the annulus is usually sufficient to keep formation water from flowing out of the exposed rock formations in the borehole. The lighter drilling fluids have lower bottom hole pressure,thus,the lower the pressure on any water in the exposed fracture or pore structures in the drilled rock formations.
2023-01-07 19:00:351

Advantages and disadvantages of a market economy

Advantages: 1) Capital flows to where it will get the greatest return, expanding the total size of the economy to its maximum level. 2) Supply and demand are closely linked: Someone who has a good idea or product can quickly put it into the market so that it is available to those who want it. Conversely, when a certain type of product is desired by enough people, it is a simple matter for someone to provide it. 3) In a market economy, it is easier for someone with initiative and virtue to create a better life for themselves and their family; economic freedom makes it easier to transform hard work and perseverance into material wealth. (It is hard to think of any actual disadvantages, but here goes:) Disadvantages: 1) Because the free market is a quasi-mirror of nature, those who are stupid, lazy, or just tragically unlucky are often relegated to poverty and misery. To redress this, it is necessary to create institutions outside of, or in addition to, the market so that the least valuable people do not become so poor and desperate that they drag down the rest of society. 2) A market economy promotes trust and openness, which leaves a society possessing it vulnerable to enemies who wish to take advantage of that society"s good will. it is the responsibility of the government to be watchful against such subversion even when the general public is not. 3) With a market economy and the freedom of choice it brings, people are able to make choices that are harmful to themselves. When parents do not teach their children to make intelligent choices, the total level of moral and physical disease, and vice in general will increase in a society. Each person can be their own worst enemy, and in a market economy, every citizen must be on guard against personal foolishness and irrationality, if they do not want to suffer the negative consequences of wrong action.
2023-01-07 19:00:401

英语单词解释 advantage当复数时后面要加s吗

2023-01-07 19:00:451


2023-01-07 19:00:512

advantages disadvantages是什么意思

advantages disadvantages优点缺点双语对照双语例句1This leads to advantages and disadvantages that we discuss further in a later section.我们将在后面的小节中进一步讨论它所带来的优点和缺点。
2023-01-07 19:00:581

advantages and disadvantages是什么意思

2023-01-07 19:01:072


个人英文自我评价优势   在学习、工作或生活中,我们都尝试过写自我评价吧,自我评价具有重要的"社会功能。那么你有了解过自我评价吗?下面是我整理的个人英文自我评价优势,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 个人英文自我评价优势1   Advantages:   1, to actively move closer to the party"s external organization, and strive to learn the basic knowledge of the party.   2, and constantly improve their self-cultivation to the strict requirements of party members themselves.   3, a positive response to the call of the party, in line with the party Central Committee, Party branch on time to complete the tasks assigned.   4, and strive to learn business, hard-working, Yong burden, to fight the bad phenomenon. 5, and actively carry out criticism and self-criticism, respect for leadership, unity, comrades. Disadvantages: the understanding of the party"s basic knowledge is not deep, the need for further study. According to this idea can be added or subtracted. We work, often to a person"s work, study and other aspects of evaluation, doing ordinary work. When we evaluate such people, we tend to say that they have nothing to preach. So it will not be too much emphasis on these people, that is, obliterate their scores. Therefore, we in the evaluation of a person, it should be comprehensive, accurate, serious and responsible. Note that the discovery of a person"s strengths, pay attention to his flash point, let him in the ordinary work, shine out more light. Stateroom self-sacrifice for the people to give birth to life and death   Strong sense of initiative, independent work ability, good communication skills, self-motivated, energetic, thoughtful, cheerful, mature and mature, capable of being honest, self-confident, self-motivated, enthusiastic, brave, eccentric, , Young, smart, energetic, hard-working, approachable 个人英文自我评价优势2   First, introverted, serious, suitable for secretary, accounting work;   Second, outgoing, good communication, suitable for public relations, marketing work;   Third, studious, good at summing up, suitable for teaching and research work;   Fourth, a strong sense of responsibility, good at helping people, suitable for services, security work;   Fifth, fair and impartial, doing things justice, suitable for law enforcement, line management work. 个人英文自我评价优势3   1. Advantages: helpful, good at unity, hard-working, approachable.   Disadvantages: work style is too cautious not bold enough   2. Advantages: respect teachers, united students, helpful, is a good helper teacher, students good friends, diligent, positive, like and students to discuss and solve problems, and actively participate in class school organization of various activities inside and outside the classroom.   Disadvantages: thinking is not mature enough, theory and practice ability is weak.   3. Advantages: kind-hearted, honest, single-minded, smart and capable, stable personality, proactive.   Disadvantages: usually doing too much attention to detail, there may be overlooked on the overall grasp.   4. Advantages: caring for others, proactive, independent and strong communication skills, willing to work under pressure and leadership qualities. Disadvantages: lack of experience in dealing with people.   5. Advantages: doing things with perseverance, perseverance, doing things have their own views, not people have cloud.   Disadvantages: theoretical learning needs to be further deepened.   6. Advantages: learning has its own way, learning new things, high efficiency, learning new skills on the fast.   Disadvantages: less work experience also need to further exercise.   7. Advantages: a positive attitude, the courage to pick the burden, willing and able to work without supervision in the case of hard work; fair and strict, motivated, have good communication skills.   Disadvantages: Sometimes want to have too many things. ;
2023-01-07 19:01:151

advantages and disadvantages 两个词的近义词

Merit virtue benefitdefect drawback demerit
2023-01-07 19:01:457

advantages ,disadvantages是什么意思

2023-01-07 19:02:098


慧讯网拥有强大的数据库,储存了超过10万家建材及设备供应商的最新信息;慧讯网参考欧美国家成熟的建材分类体系,并结合中国建筑行业的使用习惯创建出 ICC建筑标准分类码,其四级分类系统可以让用户快捷地搜索到想要的产品;慧讯网执行严格的质量控制标准,每个产品的价格均由信息员亲自搜集和核实,确保信息的准确性;慧讯网定期更新建材产品及设备资料,确保网站信息的时效性和准确性;用户可以根据规格、型号和参数进行精准的产品搜索;精心设计的人性化系统功能让用户可以轻松掌控海量信息;慧讯网专业的信息搜索团队可以为有特殊要求的客户提供快速的人工询价服务。Latest information of more than 100,000 manufacturers are stored in ICC"s database;ICC‘s unique Construction Specification Code enabled users to search for the desired products easily;ICC implements strict quality standards to ensure every product price is verified by experienced researcher;ICC updates product prices regularly to ensure their timeliness and accuracy;Users can search for products according to specifications, models and parameters;Well-designed user-friendly functions allow users to manage the vast amounts of product information;ICC"s professional research team can provide various customized services on price enquiries for customers.
2023-01-07 19:02:351

The advantages and disadvanges of televisions 英语作文

2023-01-07 19:02:471


2023-01-07 19:02:561


2023-01-07 19:03:052


可数advantages and disadvantages
2023-01-07 19:03:182

advantages of a college degree

Most people attend college to get an education and pursue a field in which they are interested.College students study hard and learn about a variety of subjects,often expanding on what they learned in high school.Additionally,college students have many social experiences in college as they broaden their horizon on potential career choices.Consequently,there are a variety of advantages to having a good education. (1) More Job Opportunities A person with a good education or degree is most always qualified for more jobs than the average high school graduate.Each year,it seems that more employers are seeking college graduates for careers in retail management,sales and other jobs that at one time did not require a degree.Also,during economic downturns,college-educated students may have an advantage over other people for the fewer available jobs. (2) Higher Earnings A person with a college education typically earns more during her lifetime than someone with only a high school education. (3) People with an education are more likely to work in a field they enjoy.People go to college to specialize in a certain field that they choose.Those without an education have fewer options and often choose higher-paying labor jobs to support their family.However,some people without degrees have to settle for minimum wage jobs. (4) Cognitive And Communication Skills A person with an education generally has more cognitive skills than someone that does not.College courses can be challenging.Professors expect the college student to think,often including essay questions on exams that test the student"s practical knowledge beyond the scope of the textbook.People with a college education also tend to have better writing and communication skills,which are highly desired skills in the employment world. (5) Social Experiences People who have a good college education likely have better social skills than those who joined the workforce right out of high school.Many college students have to learn to live with roommates that they do not know which teaches them how to compromise and get along with others.Additionally,a number of college students are also members of social groups like sororities and fraternities,which can enhance their social skills and better prepare them for future working relationships.
2023-01-07 19:03:281

英语作文《advantages and disadvantages of the

很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的亲在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~Nowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile.However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped.Some people say that the network is a platform for information sharing. Due to it, we have a convenient channel for the dissemination of information and access to information.But some others argue that some people commit a crime by the Internet, so we should stay away from the Internet.From my point of view, I prefer to agree to the former view.现在,网络在我们的生活中已经很普通了,我们可以随时随地地利用电脑和手机上网。但是,关于网络的利弊的争论从来没有停止过。有的人说网络是分享信息的平台,有了网络,我们就有了传播信息和获取信息的渠道。但是,另外一部分人却说有的人会通过网络犯罪,我们应该远离网络。至于我个人的意见,我同意前者的观点。There are some reasons accounting for my point.Firstly, with network, we can exchange information frequently and conveniently.In the information area, information is wealth.In many cases, whether we can succeed in something, it depends on how much information we get.In addition, except for its serious functions, network is a good tool to entertain.Preciously, we only have TV or game machines to have fun, but now we have a functional platform for fun.On the Internet, we can watch TV programs and movies, or we can play online games as well as chat with friends freely, which is a good way to relax.以下的原因可以支撑我的观点。首先,有了网络,人们可以频繁、便利地交换信息。在信息时代,信息就是财富。在很多时候,我们是否能做成一件事,很大程度上取决于我们获取的信息的多少。此外,除了这样稍显严肃的功能之外,网络也是娱乐的好方式。以前,我们只有电视或游戏机可以娱乐,但有了网络,就有了一个多功能的娱乐平台。我们可以再网上看电视节目、电影,或者玩网络游戏,也 可以自由地和朋友聊天,这是一种很好的放松的方式。In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad.简单来说,无可否认地,网络有它的缺点,但我认为网络的优点远远大于其缺点,我们应该利用好网络好的方面而避免其带来的负面影响。 ———————from英语牛人团,yh3057
2023-01-07 19:03:391

what are the advantages and disadvantages ot studying abroad

advantages:1.learn foreign languages quickly their eyesdisadvantages:1.feel lonely 2.become bad and lost themselves
2023-01-07 19:03:463


Thereareadvantagestodoingsth.,做某事有很多优势。这里的to是介词,所以后面接动名词形式。例句:There are advantages to showingadegreeofleniency.对他们显示一些宽容是有好处的。Geneticallyspeaking, there areadvantages to avoidingsubstantialheight.从遗传的角度来说,防止身材过高也有一些优势。
2023-01-07 19:03:581

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?

AdvantagesBy working at home you save on many hidden costs associated with going to work. These include costs of commuting, car wear and tear, fuel, road taxes, parking as well as indirect costs such as expensive professional wardrobes and the dry-cleaning of those. Often you can also save on older children"s care arrangements although for younger children it is highly unadvisable to forgo the childcare arrangement and try to balance close care and supervision with the demands of the job.FlexibilityThis doesn"t just relate to timings either although the flexibility to determine your own work hours to some extent is the most important aspect of this. You can also determine your environment, lighting, temperature, setting, mood; basically work in the framework that suits you best and makes you happiest and most productive.Less distractionsCoworkers banter and distractions, unnecessary interruptions, unimportant meetings can all be avoided if you are safely at home and sealed off in your own environment which you have barricaded from any possible interruptions.Proximity to home and familyFor many, the physical proximity to family and the convenience of being at home are tremendously comforting. For parents it can be especially pacifying to know that they are very near to their children and available should they be needed for any reason. This also applies in the case of elderly care.Less stressThe stress of commuting in bumper-to-bumper traffic at rush hour in many countries is extremely counterproductive and can lead to disgruntled workers who are already exhausted and worn before they have even begun their day. This is especially true where the workplace is far from the office. Other stresses often cited include unfriendly coworkers, a suboptimal work environment and constant distractions.More productivityRemoved from the stresses and distractions of the workplace and working independently in their own preferred environment at their own pace, professionals are often a lot happier and a lot more productive.Better healthOften with long commutes and anywhere from 1 to 3 hours a day spent getting to and from the workplace both physical and mental health are adversely impacted; the former as the gym hours are usually the first to go and the latter due to the stresses associated with both the commute and the workplace itself. By working at home the commuting time saved enables you to resume physical exercise, to go for a long walk for example before and after work or to join a local gym.Better work/life balanceWork/life balance, the aspiration of the modern professional, is often achieved and tuned to satisfaction through a working at home arrangement, particularly when a professional has the flexibility to report into the office and work from the office partially as an option and can fine-tune the arrangement to achieve the most optimal balance.DisadvantagesIsolationOften, professionals working from home complain of isolation and loneliness given their removal from their bosses and coworkers and th is can be very depressing to some. Since the workplace provides a location to meet people and make friends for many, professionals working from home have to be more creative and resourceful in getting to know people and in staying in touch with their colleagues.DistractionsAlthough office distractions are avoided by working at home, different distractions may arise. Interruptions from children, work, neighbours, friends, family may be very disruptive and special efforts must be made to make it known that you are actually working and unavailable for interruption within work hours despite your physical presence at home.Difficulty in separating home from workThe temptation to engage in household matters since you are at home is often very strong. Suddenly you may start feeling obliged to clean the home, do the shopping, the childcare, the cooking, the home finances and the socializing all while meeting the full requirements of the job too. It is essential to draw the line between home and work so as to avoid both areas suffering.Work doesn"t endSince there is no-one looking over your shoulder enforcing strict hours you may feel tempted to work endlessly. This pressure to work endlessly may be compounded by the fact that you feel there are greater expectations made of you as a home-worker or by self-imposed pressures to prove yourself and your abilities in this arrangement. Moreover the lack of physical separation between home and work may add to this pressure to work endlessly.Alienated from daily company developmentsA lot can change from day to day in a company and you may find yourself removed from important developments such as staff changes, new business, changes in company direction, new competitive intelligence etc.Danger of being overlooked for promotionThe danger of being overlooked for promotions and career development opportunities is quite real when you are away from the office and other more visible employees are actively and aggressively vying for them. An open line of communication with management and regular visits to the office are critical in order to prove your dedication and commitment to your career and to prevent the out-of-sight-out-of-mind syndrome.Need for high self-disciplineWorking from home is not for anyone. It takes a lot of dedication, self-control and discipline to motivate yourself to persevere in working at home alone over the long run without succumbing to the distractions and losing drive and momentum. Often a partial arrangement where you report into the office once or twice a week is the optimal arrangement as it allows for close interaction with colleagues and supervisors and ensures you remain in touch with company developments while still permitting you the comfort and convenience of working from home.Hope It Helps!!~ GOOD LUCK~
2023-01-07 19:04:051


当然是可数名词 advantages 基本翻译 n.优势;特点;有利;利益(advantage的复数) developments [di"veləpmənts] 基本翻译 n.发展;进展(development的复数);建设
2023-01-07 19:04:121

英语作文Advantages and disadvantages of Internet 要初二水平的

the advantages of Internet is very obvious: at first,Internet can serves as a communicative tool in our modern society .By Internet ,the communication among people are more covenient than ever before .What its more ,we can find many useful information we need on the internet.And more importantly ,we can make many new friends from all over the world by surfing on the internet.But,each coin has two sides.Internet also has some disadvantages.For example,school student ,may spend a long time on computer games,and they will fall behind in their studies.And besides,there are many deceitive informations on the Internet.So people sometime may be get cheated.
2023-01-07 19:04:182

请以Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet 为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。

Some subjects may try to participant in the same study more than once To overcome this problem, you can ask for the email addresses of each participant, and then look for duplicates. Since nowadays its easy for people to create multiple email addresses, you can also ask for name and/or address of each subject. Sometimes researchers will have a "lottery" as incentive to participate (e.g., $100 lottery prize for each 400 participants), so asking for name/address is necessary to award the lottery check. You can also collect the IP address of each participant and look for duplicates. One issue here is that sometimes DSL providers give the same IP address to multiple people. Some subjects may drop out of the study before finishing In traditional laboratory-based research its unusual for a subject to walk out of a study, but online a subject can get distracted or simply lose interest and end the study. Sometimes researchers will have a "lottery" as incentive to have the subject participate in the study, but with any type of monetary incentive IRB"s typically require a statement in the consent form saying something to the effect of "you may discontinue participation at any time without any consequences or losing your entry in the lottery." Since a certain number of online subjects wont finish the study, you can overcollect the number of subjects you think you need to offset the number of subjects who dont finish the study, usually around 10-20%. Some subjects may stop the study and then continue minutes/hours later The problem here is that some studies involve manipulations which may lose power if there is a time lag between the manipulation and measures in the study. One advantage of online studies is that you can record how long the subject is taking part in the study, so you can identify the average length of time of your study, and also identify those subjects who take an extrordinary long amount of time to finish the study. Some subjects may rush through the study Since you can record how long each subject is participating in the study, you can identify those subjects who may have rushed through the study. How do I get subjects for my online study? There is no single answer to this question and you may have to try a number of things before you find something that works for your study, depending on the subject matter and incentives you are offering. See How to recruit subjects online? for an ongoing discussion of subject recruitment.
2023-01-07 19:04:282


2023-01-07 19:04:372

advantage & disadvantage of advertisement

Advantages There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with advertising online. The first aspect of advantages is the World Wide Web opens up new communication possibilities for personalized messages to be delivered to targeted individuals (Davis 2000, 113). By positioning an [advertisement] on a website which relates to the target markets specific interests, interest and further speculation should occur. Advertising online enables target marketing, message tailoring, information access, sales potential, creativity, exposure and speed. Secondly, online advertising has the capability to reach a global audience at a fast rate. This enables extensive exposure and is an important characteristic of online advertising, and a major component of why online advertising is so successful. Thirdly, marketers undertaking new possibilities to perform traditional marketing strategies in electronic environments push higher chances to create synergy. Janal (1995, 47) mentioned that the Internet offers the best multimedia tools for presenting information, through the World Wide Web, a hypermedia environment. It is as further explained that it is a place where marketers can present their information with pictures, animation, sound and text. Indeed the power of Internet has impact on the multitude of advertising formats. This can be seen from the numerous web tools such as banners, rich media, intertials, and interactive broadband commercials as seen on the websites nowadays. These are the multiple forms of online advertising tools used by advertisers over the time aiming towards developing exciting, interactive, eye catching advertisements that can draw consumers" attention, at the same time increasing their brand or sales online. Strauss and Frost (1999, 202) states that the Net"s big strength is direct response advertising where direct response leverages the Internet"s unique opportunity for two way communication with consumers. Placing advertising in this environment will grants advertises unique opportunity for in the element of interactivity. The interactive capabilities of ‘cyberads" offer key advantages for vendors to establish and maintain dialogues with customers (Janal 1995, 269). The opportunities for creativity in online advertising are limitless. IAB (2005) on the other hand had drafted out a very comprehensive set of 28 good reasons to use interactive advertising that places the overview of interactive advertising advantages. In the list, it provides 28 points on a marketer"s potential uses of the internet and corresponds with 28 ways of measure performance. Disadvantages Even though there are many advantages for companies who advertise online, there are also some disadvantages involved. Disadvantages of advertising online include: measurement problems, audience characteristics, websnarl, clutter, potential for deception, costs, limited production quality, poor reach and lack of Intrusiveness.
2023-01-07 19:04:471

以“Advantages and disadvantages of university study” 写一篇 180 words的英语作文 急求

The advantage is that more students who want to continue their study after high school can fulfill their wish much easier than before. To some extent, this will improve the quality of young generation and benefiy the society when they turn up to be the masters. The disadvantages is obvious that double or triple of graduates will flush the job market which directly decrease the salary scale due to the demand and supply theory. The increase number of student also affect the quality of teaching and result in downgrade of graduate academic ability.
2023-01-07 19:04:533

谁帮我做个英语作文,题目是Advantages and aisadvantages of Electric dictionary

2023-01-07 19:05:094

英语作文,the advantages of getting a good education

1. First of all,getting good education,people can abtain more opportunities in the future easily,no matter the further education or getting a suitable job.Second,for students themselves,getting excellent education means they may have more relative knowledge and information in their major than those who didn"t get it.Also they may construct personal qualification to meet the all-around development. They can serve well for our modern society.---2. Nowadays, our world is getting more and more civilized. There are more people are getting education than before and the education level is higher and higher.The good thing that we get educated is that we can make our life better with knowledge, raise our personal quality and avoid the mistakes caused by ignorant.Getting a good education can also make sure that we have a saitisfied work when we finish our education, in the same time we can contribut to our society with our power and knowledge.Therefore, ducation is very important for everyone.--3. The benifits of getting a good educationFirstly, you can expand your herizon if you get good sciencific education, you can see the world more clearly than if you are not well educated. Most of the outstanding scientists are better off their excellent educational experience.Secondly, you can get a good job if you graduate from the famous university, you know, in the fierce society, getting a good job is not an easy thing even if you have the bachelor diploma. So a good education is a key to the door of the bright career.Thirdly, you would know how to get well with others if you have a good conscience education, and you would have a high EQ, and more and more people like you, that will be your big advantage to your success. And, the most important thing is that you know how to bring yourself the true peace into your heart, and how to love.All in all, never miss the chance to get the good education in your life, maybe it will be the rock of your road to the true harmony with the world.
2023-01-07 19:05:242

写一篇关于My advantage的英语作文,100字左右

Each person has their own advantages .So do I. I have many hobbies. I think painting is one of my best advantages. I was fond of drawing when I was still a child. At that time, I always drew caricatures(漫画) of others to amuse everyone.So they all like to make friends with me. Besides, I like singing and dancing. My mother is an excellent dancer. So she taught me to dance and sing . I enjoyed dancing very much and I got a prize in our school"s talent show. What"s more, Cycling is my interest.I am very good at it. In my spare time, I like to go outside cycling.I think it"s really full of fun. All above, I have many advantages and I love them very much.How about you?
2023-01-07 19:05:472

several advantages是什么意思

several advantages几个优点双语对照例句:1.This server-side approach has several advantages: it guarantees the highest level of compatibility and also allows the website to serve special mark-up/ content to mobile users. 这个服务器端方法有几个优点:它保证了最高级别的兼容性,同时允许网站为移动用户作特别的标记或内容。
2023-01-07 19:05:561


2023-01-07 19:06:233

"发展优点 改善缺点”用英语怎么说?

develop advantages and improve shortages
2023-01-07 19:06:356

求150字英语作文:advantages of taking libertal arts cour

In our school, quite a few students who major in the humanities are required to take liberal arts courses. Some of them hold the view that those courses are often useless when they take their next steps into the world in the future. In my perspective, taking liberal arts courses benefits students in several ways but two stand out.Firstly, liberal arts students usually have a good ability of writing which is an advantage of employment. Many companies have requirements for writing. Students should not only have the ability to write documents, but also to write a summary report. Of course, it"s also a good way that liberal arts students gain multi-disciplinary knowledge to enhance their core competitiveness because the information in the job market shows that more and more employers favor of arts and science complex talent.Another important advantage is that student can learn a lot about how to be in harmony with others from liberal arts courses. In modern society, the ability of communicating with others is indispensable. For example, students majoring in liberal arts usual make more friends than science students.In brief, writing and communication are the two primary advantages that only arts students own. Moreover, by exchanging experiences with the seniors they can acquire more useful skills that will benefit them in the future.
2023-01-07 19:06:592


The network is everywhere, such as: speed up the information query, convenient communication, reduce the world, twenty-first Century is the era of the E, the future society is a network society.Network abuse, strictly speaking, wrong, some people are using network "benefit" to carry on the network on the fraud crime, poor dissemination of information, which is a manifestation of one network problems. In addition, some people use the net is not healthy, indulging in online games, especially the young, too much to waste time in the network, on both physical and mental damage, this is the embodiment of network problems.Should say that the network itself is not wrong, wrong is to use network. This is like a knife, the initial production must be in order to solve some problems in life, but someone has to use knife sharp this property to murder, while the knife is not wrong in itself.
2023-01-07 19:07:123

速求英语作文 Advantages and disadvantages of the internet 自己写的

若满意,请及时采纳(*^__^*) (还望好+5星)!有疑问,欢迎追问!谢谢 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet Those who welcome the Internet hold that it brings us great convenience and efficiency. Firstly, we can send e-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes us at least a week and costs much. Secondly, we can take friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. While people speak highly of the Internet, its drawbacks should not be neglected. For one thing, it leads to psychological problems. An Internet-addicted person tends to be isolated, self-centered and unsociable. For another, there is a sharp rise in the number of cyber crime. More and more financial crimes are committed via the Internet. In my opinion, the Internet has more disadvantages. It gives rise to people"s mental problems. It results in various computer crimes.
2023-01-07 19:07:351

英语作文:以Advantages and Disadvantages of the Int

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet  Internet is now coming into our life. It brings us not only a lot of convenience, happiness but also troubles. Some students use Internet as a tool to study. They look up the meanings of the words, a translated form of a sentence, the background of an event or a story, the information of a company or a famous person, etc. . They also read news or send e-mails through it. Internet helps them learn more and study well.  On the other hand, some students play games, chat with friends, see the pictures or films even the unhealthy ones on the Internet the whole day. They are not interested in their subjects. It"s very dangerous for them!  The Internet"s advantages and disadvantages are shown clearly to us. I think we should make good use of it and stay away from the unhealthy websites.
2023-01-07 19:07:401

have an advantage in sth.是什么意思

have an advantage in sth在某事上有优势have an advantage in sth在某事上有优势
2023-01-07 19:07:492

Advantages and disadvanges of online communication 求此英语作文一篇 100-500字

The Internet has created a means for people to come closer together. Rather than spending money on phone services, people in different states or even different countries can hop on messenger services, social networking or email to communicate. The Internet allows people to find old friends, classmates, and family members, or meet new people.With the growing popularity of the Internet more and more people are communicating via email. This fast and efficient method of communication is perhaps the preferred method of online communication at the present with thousands upon thousands of emails being sent each day. The many uses of email are what make it so appealing and so versatile. Whether you are sending a greeting to a grandparent or sending files to a coworker, you can easily utilize email to do so. Email has come quite a long way since its introduction, yet it is still used for many of the same reasons. Basic electronic communication has essentially evolved into a more resourceful tool as one has the ability to do much more now then they once could. Along with the usual sending of files and text messages through email, one can send greeting cards, manage their emails by assigning them to folders or classifying them as junk and even organize and manage their daily tasks on some email servers. This wonderful tool is not without its downside however. Some people choose to send worms and viruses via email and in the process infect and damage quite a lot of computers. A virus email can often be very difficult to detect, especially to someone with very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. If you notice that you have an anonymous email or an email with a name foreign to you then you may not want to open this email as may likely be a viruses and the mere act of opening the email makes your computer susceptible to infection. Along with the abovementioned problems privacy has also become an issue with email activity. Virtually every email that you send has to go through a number of computers before it reaches the inbox of the intended receiver and along the way there exists a distinct possibility that an individual could hack into your email and read it. Thus it is imperative that you have a bullet proof password. Online communication does not allow users to see one another or speak face-to-face. Though the use of video chat can allow users to speak face-to-face virtually, chat programs and email do not always allow it. An online friendship does not have the same contact as a physical one, such as meeting up in person, contacting over the telephone, and having a conversation, nor does it allow you the physical experience and comfort of having a friend by your side.
2023-01-07 19:07:571

The advantages and disadvantages of advertising 写一篇英语作文 120-180个词

Firstly,advertising is informative,which provides the customers with a quick access to the product needed.Secondly,consumers can expect to have a best price by comparing and contrasting the prices and specifications of the commodity advertised by different suppliers.However,advertising involves some defects and I would like to list two of them herein.Initially,the popularity of advertisements has been growing along with the increased layout of design as well as showing up in the marketplace more frequently.The cost will definitely be passed on to the customers.Furthermore,the generation Y would probably lose their individuality because many of them buy the same goods advertised constantly in media during a certain period of time,which makes them appear alike.
2023-01-07 19:08:062

the advantage and disadvantage of advertising

Advantages There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with advertising online. The first aspect of advantages is the World Wide Web opens up new communication possibilities for personalized messages to be delivered to targeted individuals (Davis 2000, 113). By positioning an [advertisement] on a website which relates to the target markets specific interests, interest and further speculation should occur. Advertising online enables target marketing, message tailoring, information access, sales potential, creativity, exposure and speed. Secondly, online advertising has the capability to reach a global audience at a fast rate. This enables extensive exposure and is an important characteristic of online advertising, and a major component of why online advertising is so successful. Thirdly, marketers undertaking new possibilities to perform traditional marketing strategies in electronic environments push higher chances to create synergy. Janal (1995, 47) mentioned that the Internet offers the best multimedia tools for presenting information, through the World Wide Web, a hypermedia environment. It is as further explained that it is a place where marketers can present their information with pictures, animation, sound and text. Indeed the power of Internet has impact on the multitude of advertising formats. This can be seen from the numerous web tools such as banners, rich media, intertials, and interactive broadband commercials as seen on the websites nowadays. These are the multiple forms of online advertising tools used by advertisers over the time aiming towards developing exciting, interactive, eye catching advertisements that can draw consumers" attention, at the same time increasing their brand or sales online. Strauss and Frost (1999, 202) states that the Net"s big strength is direct response advertising where direct response leverages the Internet"s unique opportunity for two way communication with consumers. Placing advertising in this environment will grants advertises unique opportunity for in the element of interactivity. The interactive capabilities of ‘cyberads" offer key advantages for vendors to establish and maintain dialogues with customers (Janal 1995, 269). The opportunities for creativity in online advertising are limitless. IAB (2005) on the other hand had drafted out a very comprehensive set of 28 good reasons to use interactive advertising that places the overview of interactive advertising advantages. In the list, it provides 28 points on a marketer"s potential uses of the internet and corresponds with 28 ways of measure performance. Disadvantages Even though there are many advantages for companies who advertise online, there are also some disadvantages involved. Disadvantages of advertising online include: measurement problems, audience characteristics, websnarl, clutter, potential for deception, costs, limited production quality, poor reach and lack of Intrusiveness.=================================================One definition of advertising is: "Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media."So much for academic doubletalk. Now let"s take this statement apart and see what it means. NONPERSONAL First, what is "nonpersonal"? There are two basic ways to sell anything: personally and nonpersonally. Personal selling requires the seller and the buyer to get together. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The first advantage is time: the seller has time to discuss in detail everything about the product. The buyer has time to ask questions, get answers, examine evidence for or against purchase. A second advantage of personal selling is that the seller can see you. the person rhe"s selling to. Rhe can see your face, see how the sales message is getting across. If you yawn or your eyes shift away, you"re obviously bored, and the seller can change approach. Rhe can also see if you"re hooked, see what features or benefits have your attention, and emphasize them to close the sale. Finally, the seller can easily locate potential buyers. If you enter a store, you probably have an interest in something that store sells. Street vendors and door-to-door sellers can simply shout at possibilities, like the Hyde Park (London) vendors who call out, "I say there, Guv"nor, can you use a set of these dishes?", or knock at the door and start their spiel with an attention grabber. From there on they fit their message to the individual customer, taking all the time a customer is willing to give them. Disadvantages do exist. Personal selling is, naturally enough, expensive, since it is labor-intensive and deals with only one buyer at a time. Just imagine trying to sell chewing gum or guitar picks one-on-one; it would cost a dollar a stick or pick. In addition, its advantage of time is also a disadvantage. Personal selling is time-consuming. Selling a stereo or a car can take days, and major computer and airplane sales can take years. Nonetheless, although personal selling results in more rejections than sales, and can be nerve-racking, frustrating and ego destroying for the salesperson, when the salesperson is good it is more directed and successful than advertising. From the above, it appears that personal selling is much better than advertising, which is nonpersonal. This is true. Advertising has none of the advantages of personal selling: there is very little time in which to present the sales message, there is no way to know just who the customer is or how rhe is responding to the message, the message cannot be changed in mid-course to suit the customer"s reactions. Then why bother with advertising? Because its advantages exactly replace the disadvantages of personal selling, and can emulate some of the advantages. First let"s look at the latter. First, advertising has, comparatively speaking, all the time in the world. Unlike personal selling, the sales message and its presentation does not have to be created on the spot with the customer watching. It can be created in as many ways as the writer can conceive, be rewritten, tested, modified, injected with every trick and appeal known to affect consumers. (Some of the latter is the content of this book.) Second, although advertisers may not see the individual customer, nor be able to modify the sales message according to that individual"s reactions at the time, it does have research about customers. The research can identify potential customers, find what message elements might influence them, and figure out how best to get that message to them. Although the research is meaningless when applied to any particular individual, it is effective when applied to large groups of customers. Third, and perhaps of most importance, advertising can be far cheaper per potential customer than personal selling. Personal selling is extremely labor-intensive, dealing with one customer at a time. Advertising deals with hundreds, thousands, or millions of customers at a time, reducing the cost per customer to mere pennies. In fact, advertising costs are determined in part using a formula to determine, not cost per potential customer, but cost per thousand potential customers. Thus, it appears that advertising is a good idea as a sales tool. For small ticket items, such as chewing gum and guitar picks, advertising is cost effective to do the entire selling job. For large ticket items, such as cars and computers, advertising can do a large part of the selling job, and personal selling is used to complete and close the sale. Advertising is nonpersonal, but effective.
2023-01-07 19:08:191

Gangsta Rap的发展历史

二十世纪七十年代——俚语早在1973年,Huslter"s convention的成员Ligtinin" Rod和Joran Clark就精选歌词:诸如街头生活,吸毒嫖娼等,写入歌中。The Last Poets的成员Jalal Mansur Nuriddin也把脏话俚语作为旋律,放进歌中,他们都影响了包括后来的Hip-Hop乐队,如公敌乐队(Public Enemy)。Ice-T和Mac Dre也在此时在歌词中写到了作家兼皮条客Iceberg Slim以加强自己歌曲的影响。 Rudy Ray Moore的直立式喜剧则帮他的关于妓院的拉皮条及经营的电影Dolemite”打下了基础,这同样影响了Gangsta rap,这至今依然是Gangsta Rap的经典采样来源。 最后,上世纪七十年代的对黑人兴趣的利用(Blaxploitation)的电影,靠着他们活灵活现的描述了黑人的地下生活,大大的鼓舞了黑人。如:Snoop Dogg的Dogg Pound的名字就取自与1972年的电影,Super Fly中的大名鼎鼎的浴盆场景,The Notorious B.I.G的别号:Biggie Smalls,也是来源于电影Let"s Do It Again。其实熟悉街球游戏的人们也知道,也有一位身高仅5"3的球员的昵称“Biggie Littles”。可见Blaxploitation的影响深刻。蓄势待发在Run DMC揭开New School Rap的大幕后,城市中的暴力很快成为了Gangsta Rap从West Coast Hip-Hop中剥离且成型的最大主题。这都在Schoolly D的歌曲Gangsta Boogie (1984),P.S.K. What Does It Mean?/Gucci Time (1985)和 Saturday Night (1986)中有所反映,同时还有像Boggie Down Production的专辑Criminal Minded。这时,Gangsta Rap形成的条件已经一一俱全,只等一颗重磅炸弹出场。 创世----Ice-T与Schoolly D在1986年,来自洛杉矶的Ice-T发行了歌曲6‘N the morning,这首歌通常被认为是第一首Gangsta Rap歌曲,歌曲不断的被后人在歌曲中所提到,不愧为匪帮经典。事实上Ice-T在二十世纪八十年代早期便成为了一名MC。在Ice-T接受采访PROPS杂志时他说:让我们来看看正真的顺序:第一张带来这样的歌词的专辑是Schoolly D的“P.S.K.”。我将其中的切分音用在了制作6‘N The Moring上,声音都是一样的。 "...P.S.K. is makin" that green", "...six in the morning, police at my door"我刚刚听说这张专辑时感觉就是:Oh Shit,然后就准备去埋了它。我的专辑不像P.S.K.,但是我喜欢这种方式。他讲述了帮派杀手,但让人感觉太遥远了。这就是Schoolly D和我的区别 by one, I"m knockin" em out. 他所做的一切都是想在专辑中表现Gangsta,所以搞了一张有关枪支,射杀群众,就如6‘N The morning一样的专辑。就在同时,Boogie Down Production发行了Criminal Minded,这专辑是基于Gangsta上的,它不是有关什么信息或这是你必须学习的,而是真正的匪帮。 (Here"s the exact chronological order of what really went down: The first record that came out along those lines was Schoolly D"s P.S.K. Then the syncopation of that rap was used by me when I made 6 in the Mornin". The vocal delivery was the same: "...P.S.K. is makin" that green", "...six in the morning,police at my door". When I heard that record I was like Oh shit! and call it a bite or what you will but I dug that record. My record didn"t sound like P.S.K., but I liked the way he was flowing with it. P.S.K. was talking about Park Side Killers but it was very vague. That was the only difference, when Schoolly did it, it was by one, I"m knockin" em out. All he did was represent a gang on his record. Ithat and wrote a record about guns, beating people down, and all that with 6 in the Mornin". At the same time my single came out, Boogie Down Productions hit with Criminal Minded, which was a gangster-based album. It wasn"t about messages or You Must Learn, it was about gangsterism) 在接下来的10年中,Ice-T继续发行了他的一些专辑,如他的Rhyme Pays,Power,The Iceberg/The Freedom Of Speech...Just Watch What You Say等专辑。其中他的歌词都有着强烈的政治味道, 且一直游走于赞扬和斥责Gangsta Rap两者之间Boggie Down ProductionBoggie Down Production(摇滚制造,简称BDP)在1986年发行了他们的第一张专辑Say no brothers(Crack attack don"t do it)。后来跟随发行的还有South BornX/P is Free和9mm Goes Bang。三者被称为当时最黑帮的歌曲。在这之中,KRS-one开始吹嘘他一枪将合作者打死的事(Krs称这是自我防卫)。 并在1987年的专辑,Criminal Minded的封面上,放上了枪支。发行专辑不久后,BDP的DJ,斯科特.拉洛克(Scott LaRock)便遭枪击身亡。 在之后的专辑中BDP便尽量删除一些不正当的理由。一作成名最早称得上“杰作”的无疑是1988年N.W.A(全称Niggaz With Attitude)的Straight Outta Compton,这张专辑发行与1988年,这张专辑发行以后建立了West Coast Hip Hop这种充满活力类型,并使洛杉矶成为了长时间的Hip-Hop中心。这张专辑中的Fuck the Police使FBI产生关注后引发了第一次的对Hip-Hop歌词的广泛争论。FBI的董事助理Milt Ahlerich表达了警察对歌曲的愤慨。应当认为Ice-T和N.W.A使人们记住了West Coast现象。尽管Boggie Down Production率领的East Coast已经逐渐成型。在一鸣惊人后,Ice Cube便用他的Hardcore长远影响了Gangsta Rap,他在专辑中的带有政治风格的独唱,则暗示了城市中的年轻人,让他们也来参与其中。N.w.a后来的专辑Efil4zaggin甚至打破了Rap专辑发行后不上全美专辑排行第一的怪圈,勇登No.1。 其他除去N.W.A和Ice-T,像Too Short,Kid Forst,来自南部的Latino Rapper组合:Cypress Hill,也都成为West Coast Rap先驱。Above the Law的专辑Livin" Like Husiters更加大了Gangsta Rap在全美的影响力, 这张专辑几乎可以媲美Efil4zaggin。同时也为Dr.Dre后来的专辑,The Chronice做了很好的铺垫。The Beasite Boy是第一个认为自己试Gangster的团体。其专辑的充斥了充满了性,毒品,枪支,暴力(滚石杂志也这么认为)。滚石杂志认为他们是Gangsta Rap发展的基石。  而The Beasite Boy在1989年的专辑 Paul"s Boutique中的单曲Car Thief,Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun,等等也运用同样手法。早在地下rap时期,洛杉矶(Los Angeles)团体C.I.A.便翻唱一些The Beasite Boy的歌曲,如:My Posse 和Ill-Legal,N.W.A早期的专辑中也有着Beasite Boy对他们的影响。可见The Beasite Boys影响之大。  纽约说唱团体Run DMC则在歌曲里大力推广普及了有关对抗的Hardcore和歌词,他们穿着华丽,具有匪帮风格的衣服。他们制作音乐的方式成为了之后Gangsta Rap制作的资本。在此之后Public Emeny选取其中的政治,具有侵略性的风格,产生了对gangsta Rap极大的影响。如Ice Cube,还有一些East Coast Rapper,如:Rakim,LL Cool J,Kool G Rap,EPMD,Bigg Daddy Kane,Slick Rick,这也反映了二十世纪八十年代后期的,Hip-Hop发展的趋势,强烈打击感的,政治风的,具有侵略性的歌词,围绕于街头的暴力,贫穷和枪战。来自休斯敦的Geto Boys在二十世纪八十晚期组建,深受N.W.A影响。则创作了许多围绕暴力自夸的歌曲,中间包含许多详细描述谋杀的歌词。这远早于Mafioso Rap,和Scarface”这首描写可卡因和谋杀敌对帮派成员的歌曲。Geto Boys同样因为是第一个采样电影Scarface声音的说唱团体而著名,后来这部电影也确实让众多Mafioso Rapper重复的采样。 Ice-TIce-T于1991年发行了一张精选专辑O.G.Original Gangster。 这支Ice-T一手组建的鞭挞金属乐队在1992年发行了同名专辑Body Count。 他们靠着单曲Cop Killer吸引了诸多媒体的关注。而第二张专辑Born Dead则因为社会中的争议而推迟至1994年发行。 这张专辑是他当时最政治的一张专辑。至此之后他便离开了Warner Bors。他随后的专辑又又回归了匪帮风,但一直没能达到之前发行的专辑的热度。他在参与进“金属(metal)”之后逐渐疏远了他的核心听众。当G-Funk盛行的时候,他使用uptempo Bomb-Squad的beat,并将重心移到他的政见上。1994年,他出版了一本书:The Ice Opinion: Who Gives a Fuck? 。 G-Funk与Death Row1992年-,前N.W.A的成员,Dr.Dre发行专辑The Chronic,这张3白金专辑 证实了Gangsta Rap也能制造出比主流Rapper譬如MC Hammer,The Fresh Prince,Tone Lōc这些人更加好的成绩。这张专辑被公认为是West Coast Gangsta Rap,Death Row和Dr.Dre的标志。同时还展示了Death Row的新生代歌手的实力。这张专辑的另一个作用便是开创了风格:G-Funk。这种慢吞吞,悠哉,痞子气的风格,在这一时期中主导了Hip-Hop界。它广泛采样了一些P-Funk乐队的音乐诸如:Parliament和Funkadelic这两支乐队。 G-Funk的声音是多层的,但还是比较容易制作的。它表达的是生活中的问题,如枪支,酗酒,大麻,热爱这种音乐的,多数是青少年。Dr.Dre的单曲Nuthing but a G thang却开创了一个幽默的风格。另一个成功的G-Funk专辑则是Ice Cube的The Predator,与Dr.Dre的The Chronic同时发行与1992。 这张专辑靠着It was a good day这首单曲,大卖200万张以上。 尽管Ice Cube并非Death Row歌手。这一时期风格的大飞跃始于Dr.Dre的门徒Snoop Dogg所唱的生机勃勃的,派队式的歌曲如:Gin and Juice。1996年,2pac签约Death Row并发行双白金专辑All Eyez on me。但不久之后,他却死于枪杀。他的死亡,不仅上了全国报纸头条,还使了他死后的专辑:The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory(用pac的别名Makaveli发行,封面是2pac被定在十字架上)登上全美榜首。 Mafioso RapMafioso Rap是由Kool G Rap在二十世纪八十年代晚期创建的一种Hardcore Hip-Hop的分支风格。被认为是East Coasthardcore rap的伪~延伸 ,并且审慎的借鉴了 West Coast G-Funk rap。Mafioso Rap的特点是自我吹捧的,奢华的,吹嘘的并引用了暴徒匪帮,唯物主义,组织犯罪,昂贵的香槟,毒品。虽然Mafioso Rap没几年便衰亡了,但是Wu-Tang Clan的成员Raekwon在1995年发行了一张成功的,具有批判性的独唱专辑Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...和Nas的门徒AZ发行了专辑Doe or Die后,Mafioso Rap被渐渐带为了主流类型。其创作灵感也影响了许多东海岸的歌手,诸如:Nas,The Notorious B.I.G,Jay-Z,他们利用同样的主题创作了一些专辑: It Was Written,Life After Death 和Reasonable Doubt。虽然Mafioso Rap还是免不了在上世纪90年代晚期逐渐脱离主流,但是Ghostface Killah的Fishscale,Jay-Z的American Gangster,,Rick Ross的Deeper than Rap和Raekwon的Only Built 4 Cuban Linx II还是让Mafioso Rap看到了些许希望。同样的,近一些Rapper诸如:T.I.,Jadakiss,Jim Jones和Cassidy也用了关于城市中的匪帮的生活方式的歌词维护Mafioso Rap的尊严。Hardcore与东西海岸的仇恨同时,许多来自NYC的歌手如:Wu Tang Clan,Oynx,Mobb Deep,Nas,The Notorious B.I.G.,The L.O.X等等歌手与团体首创被称为East Coast Hardcore Hip-Hop的“grittier sound(坚韧之声)” 。Wu-Tang Clan,Biggie和一些Bad Boy旗下的歌手铺好了路,准备从West Coast手中夺回优势。1994年,在The Independent对Wu-Tang Clan的成员GZA的采访中评论了时下的Gangsta Rap所关联的事物和他所在的团体:我们的音乐不是Gangsta Rap。它不是这样的。这是新闻界创建的我们可以说的极限(的一种音乐)。我们只是表达了残暴生活的事实,目标是年轻的黑人男性。Snoop(Doggy Dogg)有四张白金专辑,他赚了超过总统的钱。于是这帮人都讨厌Gangsta Rap,所以你能听到“禁止!禁止!”我们挑起了民众的情绪,带给他们真实的生活表演。就如我所说一般,这是激情。 (Our music is not "gangsta rap". There"s no such thing. The label was created by the media to limit what we can say. We just deliver the truth in a brutal fashion. The young black male is a target. Snoop (Doggy Dogg) has gone four times platinum and makes more money than the president. They don"t like that, so you hear "ban this, ban that". We attack people"s emotions. It"s a real live show that brings out the inside in people. Like I said, intense.) 在这些话盛传随后的Death Row vs Bad Boy的东西海岸战争直接导致了Death Row的2pac和Bad Boy的The Notorious B.I.G.被枪杀。甚至在这之前Death Row就开始解体,Dr.Dre在1996年初离开,在2pac被枪杀后,Death Row的老板Suge Knight也因言语过激被送进了班房。而后Death Row随着Snoop的离开,更加快速的解散了。Dr.Dre更是在MTV Video Music Awards(VMAs)上宣称“Gangsta Rap was dead(Gangsta Rap已死)”尽管Puffy Diddy的Bad Boy表现得好于West Coast的对手,但最终也在世纪末渐渐失去支持与声望。由于对主流声音的追求,有更多的挑战从亚特兰大和新奥尔良来到,Master P的No Limit Records尤其基于流行Rapper之上。南部与中西部的Gangsta Rap在2pac和BIG之死与新闻界的大力关心后,Gangsta Rap愈发称为了强大的商业武器。然而,大部分的大厂牌都倒闭,销声匿迹,动荡不安。新的厂牌开始在这一时期兴起。Atlanta早已推出Outkast,Ludacris,Goodie Mob。他们的都在世纪交接时获得了极佳的名声。Atlanta又搞出了像Gucci Mane,T.I. ,Young Jeezy。Jermaine Dupri这位Atlanta的唱片制作人和星探,在他发现了Kris Kross正在大堂中演出后,成功的对音乐届的新星进行了垄断,并为他的厂牌So So Def 制造了一大串的名单。尽管他比较倾向于pop rap& R&B,旗下歌手有像Da Brat和他自己。Master P的No Limit厂牌基于新奥尔良,虽然缺少一些关键性的成功,但还是在二十世纪九十年代晚期靠着Mystikal这样的Rapper做了一些弥补。No Limit成功崛起并成为公认的流行厂牌靠的是Master P自己的专辑The Ghetto Is Trying to Kill Me!还有就是Silkk The Shocker和C-Murder这两位悍将。同样基于新奥尔良之上的,是在同样上世纪九十年代晚期靠着一成不变的音乐风格和数量高于质量的一些厂牌所带来的巨大经济效应。孟菲斯(Memphis)的Hypnotize Minds,由Three-Six Mafia和Project Pat领导,他们将Gangsta Rap带向了更加黑暗的极端。靠着DJ Paul和Juice J,Hypnotize Minds的活力,来势汹汹的Beat,毫不妥协的凶残歌词而被人们所熟知。然而在2000年前十年的中期,厂牌终于靠着Three-Six Mafia专辑Hustle and Flow中的单曲It"s Hard Out Here for a Pimp获得Academy Award(奥斯卡金像奖)而渐渐走向主流。中西部的Gangsta Rap(Midwest gangsta rap )在二十世纪九十年代中期崛起,并发展于两千年早期。Midwest gangsta rap 开始时以其与众不同的快节奏而独树一帜。这在Midwest gangsta rap的rapper的早期专辑中十分明显,比如像芝加哥的Twista和克里兰夫的Bone Thugs-n-Harmony。Bone Thugs,依靠这他们独特的快速风格和超快的交接而名声很大,并因为1995年的专辑E 1999 Eternal获得极大的成功——被精选为获得格莱美奖的电影Tha Crossroads的歌曲 。休斯敦(Huston)在二十世纪八十年代后期靠着Geto Boys讲述的暴力与使人不安的故事逐渐进入国民的实现,后来他们的成员Scarface也复制了他们的成功。在休斯敦二十一世纪的早期,也被称为3rd coast。休斯敦爆炸般的成为南部说唱的第一线,像Mike Jones,UGK,Slim Thug,Lil Flip,Chamillionaire和Paul Wall都获得了巨大的商业成功。UGK把休斯敦称为他们的故乡,事实上他们来自于Port Arthur(波特港监狱),Texas(德克萨斯)。这其实经过了Bun B和Pimp C两人的周密考虑,因为 德克萨斯的地下说唱传奇一直持续到二十世纪八十年代晚期。Chopped and Screwed这种风格由DJ Screw发展于休斯敦,是一种与地区关联相当重的风格。DJ Screw在这种风格上做了不少尝试性的实验,后来又制作了一些放慢的歌曲,并开创了Screwed Up Click这种子风格 。这位南方说唱的事业提供了不少悍将,如:Big Moe,Lil Flip,E.S.G.,UGK,,Lil" Keke 和Z-Ro。同样的,这还使使他们的名气大大提升。主流时代在二十世纪九十年代年晚期之前的Gangsta Rap,作为一种大盈利的说唱风格,同样也被认为是基于主流之外的一种说唱风格。这些歌手所代表的inner-city(城市中心)生活方式一直都没能登上主流销售榜。然而Bad Boy厂牌的崛起,特别是它们的领头Sean”Puffy“Diddy(Puffy.Diddy)在1997年发行的合唱专辑No Way Out, 尾随2pac和The Notorious B.I.G.的枪击案,引起了媒体的广泛注意,成为了Gangsta Rap风格的巨大转变(East Coast Rap和Hardcore Hip-Hop亦同)。Gangsta Rap渐渐演变成一种更能使人接受,商业盈利更加巨大的Hip-Hop风格。而在早些时候,一些争议也因为流行的Gangsta Rap歌曲Jin And Juice而使Gangsta Rap在上世纪九十年代后期逐渐成为大众化的Hip-Hop风格。再比如The Notorious B.I.G在1994年发行的Ready 2Die到1997年他死后发行的Life After Death中的声音,都从原来黑暗的,绝望而偏执的,都因大众化的缘故而变为更干净的,懒散的,流行的。这时的R&B风格的采样很容易的可以辨认出是采自二十世纪七十年代到八十年代的soul和pop歌曲。这些都在Puffy后来在Biggie的专辑No Money,No Problem和Mase的Feels So Good,及非Bad Boy旗下的Jay-Z的Can I Get A...和Nas的Street Dreams有显著体现。同样的,Master P在新奥尔良(New Orlean)的No Limit厂牌,也靠着相似的声音,获得了相似的成功。同在新奥尔良的upstart Cash Money厂牌也获得了类似的成功。歌手,The B.G从上世纪九十年代后期盛行Bling-Bling开始,为主流Hip-Hop捕捉了许多主流观点而在1999年推广了catch phrase。而过去的Gangsta Rapper都已控诉城市的肮脏为观点,上世纪90年代后期的Gangsta Rap更是极端到了极点,女人,唯物主义,享乐主义,酒,漂亮衣服,都成为了Gangsta Rap的歌词,MTV的密切主题。但许多歌手都在21世纪实现了主流化Gangsta Rap,如:DMX,Jay-Z,50 Cent,G-Unit,而起源于西海岸的坚韧之声,也被The Notorious B.I.G.,Wu Tang Clan,Nas强烈影响。Cam Ron和Mase那典型的悠哉的风格,休闲的flow,成为了pop-Gangsta的标准。相比较DMX和Eminem因为描写越来越多可怕的暴力死亡故事而在上世纪九十年代后期获得巨大的商业成功,为了维护商业关联的尝试,颠覆,争论,也使惧核说唱(Horrorcore Rap)在上世纪九十年代中期快速发展。 1986年 P.S.K. What Does It Mean随Schoolly D的同名专辑发行,被Ice-T认为是Gangsta Rap的参考原型。1986年 经典Gangsta Rap歌曲6 in the Mornin"随Ice-T的另一首单曲Dog "N the Wax (Ya Don"t Quit-Part II)发行。1987-11-04 Ice-T的专辑Rhyme Pays发行。 1987-11-06 N.W.A的与The Fresh Fila Crew合作的第一张专辑N.W.A and the Posse发行。1988-01-31 Too Short至今最受欢迎,评价最高的专辑Life is...Too Short发行。1988-08-08 N.W.A的第二张,也是影响最大的专辑Straight Outta Compton发行。1989-03-12 Scarface加入Geto Boys后的第一张专辑Grip It! On That Other Level发行。1989-03-14 Kool G Rap的处子专辑Road to the Riches发行。1991-03-14 Ice-T的最经典的专辑O.G.Original Gangster发行。 1990-03-16 Ice Cube的专辑AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted发行。1991-05-30 N.W.A的专辑Efil4zaggin发行,此后不久,N.W.A解散。 1992-12-15 Dr.Dre的专辑The Chronic发行。 1993-01-12 Dr.Dre发行了与Snoop Doggy Dogg合作的单曲Nuthin" but a "G" Thang。1993-10-25 Eazy-E发行歌曲Real Muthaphuckkin G"s回击Dr.Dre和Snoop Dogg的Diss(后还有It"s On和Down 2 Tha Last Roach以及侮辱Death Row整个公司的Wut Would You Do)1993-11-23 Snoop Doggy Dogg的经典专辑Doggystyle发行。 1994-09-13 Biggie最佳的专辑Ready 2 Die发行。1995-03-14 2pac最经典的专辑Me Against The World发行。 1995-03-23 Three-Six-Mafia的首张正式专辑Mystic Stylez发行。1995-03-26 Eazy-E因为艾滋逝世。 1995-07-25 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony至今评价最高的的专辑E 1999 Eternal发行。 1995-08-09 Coolio的Gangstas" Paradise发行。1996-06-14 2pac的经典Diss song——Hit "Em Up随另一首单曲How Do U Want It发行。1996-09-07 2pac在拉斯维加斯遭到枪击。 1996-09-13 2pac逝世。 1996-10-01 Xzibit的处子专辑At the Speed of Life发行。 1997-03-09 The Notorious B.I.G.被枪击,于次日清晨逝世。 1997-03-25 Biggie的专辑Life After Death发行,获得十白金。 2003-03-14 50 cent的第一张专辑Get Rich or Die Tryin"发行。2003-11-14 Beg for Mercy——G-Unit的第一张专辑发行。 2003-11-26 Soulja Slim在其母亲家门口被枪手谋杀。 2004-11-01 Mac Dre遭枪击当场死亡。2005-01-18 Game的第一张专辑The Documentary问世。
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