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2023-07-27 22:04:01

The 3D printing technology is used for both prototyping and distributed manufacturing with applications in architecture,construction (AEC),industrial design,automotive,aerospace,military,engineering,dental and medical industries,biotech (human tissue replacement),fashion,footwear,jewelry,eyewear,education,geographic information systems,food,and many other fields.One study has found that open source 3D printing could become a mass market item because domestic 3D printers can offset their capital costs by enabling consumers to avoid costs associated with purchasing common household objects.


fine jewelry和fashion jewelry的区别

fine jewelry一般是指高端珠宝,未必是能够有现货的,如果有需求甚至需要提前预定,在宝石材质上一般也都是以五大贵宝石为主,对于追求品质的客户,甚至可以提出对宝石级别的要求,这样也基本等同于高级定制的范畴了。而fashion jewelry一般是指款式比较时尚的珠宝,在宝石材质上也会采用五大贵宝石,但也有半宝石最为主石,一般都是批量的成品生产,有库存的现货,基本不会接受客户的特定要求。以上希望能够帮到你。
2023-07-26 08:04:131

fashion jewelry指哪些东西

fashion jewelry流行饰品;时尚首饰;时尚饰品在平价的流行饰品(Fashion Jewelry)设计中, 最常使用的宝石就属於"水晶"和"锆石"了.Watches and Clocks , Frames, Boxes, Clocks, Fashion, Jewelry.和钟表,框架,盒,钟表,时装,珠宝首饰。Our pursuit is to be a leading manufacturer and exporter in the field of fashionjewelry.我们追求是一个主要制造商及出口商须在时装首饰。主要指银饰品及宝石首饰若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}
2023-07-26 08:04:201


fashion 时尚jewelry 饰品
2023-07-26 08:04:292

小挂件 小幸运物用英语怎么说(英语翻译必须有CHARM一词)

Lucky Charms
2023-07-26 08:05:573


亚马逊官方为了确保顾客可以在亚马逊网站上放心地购买珠宝类的产品,所以对珠宝品类的新卖家提出来很多要求及限制,因此未获得批准的珠宝类卖家就不能在亚马逊上销售珠宝类商品了。销售珠宝品类的商品要求一定要注意商品的质量,品牌和消费者安全问题。遵守进出口条例也至关重要,以确保消费者能购买到真实高质量的珠宝产品。1.所有的产品都必须按照产品详情页面的描述,图片和规格出售2.所有产品必须满足Amazon"s Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards(亚马逊珠宝质量保证标准)3.所有商品必须按照Amazon"s Categorization of Fine vs. Fashion Jewelry 规定合理创建。在Amazon.com上列出的珠宝可归类为“Fine Jewelry(精品珠宝)”或“Fashhion Jewelry(时尚珠宝)”。请遵循准则,确保您的产品正确刊登。不正确的分类或歪曲精品类和时尚类珠宝首饰,可能会导致您的销售特权被暂停或删除。Fine Jewelry是指由贵重金属或镶有宝石或半宝石或养殖的天然珍珠制成:精美的首饰金属是银,金和铂的贵族金属。如果有一个或多个组件用这些贵重金属制成,或用另一种贵重金属覆盖的下层贵重金属,亚马逊将归类为“Fine Jewelry”。更具体地说,精细的珠宝金属组合物包括银、金、皮尔和铂族金属。 精美首饰还包括用下面的贵重金属制成的首饰,并镀上贵重金属。Fashhion Jewelry不是由贵重金属制成(除了贵重金属镀金以外的贵重/劣金属),并且不含有“Fine Jewelry”中列出的任何珍贵或半宝石,珍珠或其他材料。4.所有产品必须真实,亚马逊是不允许有假货的,复制品和伪劣产品也是不允许的。亚马逊尊重知识产权,所以要求所有卖家也做到。如果知识产权被他人侵犯了,可以通过this online form提交申诉。5.珠宝类目的商品listing价格不得超过$125K6.一旦申请通过,没有专业销售计划的卖家必须升级为专业销售计划。7.申请珠宝类目的卖家必须是拥有至少12个月的销售经验的亚马逊卖家,而且亚马逊的年销量至少要达$50,000。8.申请珠宝品类的卖家必须拥有至少一家实体商店的企业,而且年营业额至少达$50,000.亚马逊对产品质量有严格的要求!首先所有的产品必须是全新的,珠宝类目更不允许有使用过的产品进行售卖,当然也不接受古老珠宝的售卖。所有的产品必须满足亚马逊珠宝质量保证标准,原材料规格遵循珠宝行业的FTC标准,卖家必须确保商品都符合这两项标准。分类审核需要提前准备好以下材料:1. 5张图片。建议JPEG格式的;图片产品以外的背景纯白(255:255:255):产品占图85%以上;图片不带边框、水印;不能是电子合成的图纸;不能有与产品无关的其他配件。2. 经过授权的正规UPC码(美国商品的条形码)。3. 收据、发票、装箱单。必须是90天内的有效单据;含有供应商的地址及联系方式;含有进货商的地址及联系方式。4. 相关证书。珠宝类的镍含量证明。5. 企业网站。必须是一级域名的企业网站。6. 500美金的保证金。Fine珠宝类目的需要这个保证金;保证金是不给予退还的。7. 寄送样品。珠宝Fine类目的需要寄送样品到亚马逊的审核团队去检验。8. 产品批量表。图片,描述,标题等都需要符合亚马逊的要求,并要求至少有一款变体产品。如无特殊要求,分类审核表其实就是美国批量表。
2023-07-26 08:06:073


In fact, everything is so simple. Since the girl loves beauty, I pay more attention to fashion. However, I did not fall in love with it until one tiny piece of jewelery will make an entire person gorgeous and shining. Yes, the shine, we could not see it on a well-dressed lady without jewerery, hair and make-up. When I see this, I have to admit, I fell in love with this magic feeling. I want to be part of Malan to study designing. I believe I could be the person to make others shining. In the future, I wish I could find some talented fashion designer who has same thoughts as mine and let his fashionable clothes blooming beauty in international shows.
2023-07-26 08:06:198


2023-07-26 08:06:514


Fashion Week fashion entertainment circle Liang Cai loaded men love to see beautiful hair emotional underwear fashion, the entertainment circle for a woman fond of playing emotional road Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea popular jewelry trend feeling great example of what fashion Baby skin painted salon Baodianpian my physical beauty intelligence men healthy women health campaign physical fitness prescription psychological FM home parental infant nutrition and health food feature home-cooked specialties beautiful cities agent pondering beverages nutrition gourmet kitchen Star Wen-connected entertainment scene Redskins rookie pictorial archives celebrity interviews donkey to focus global human feelings line local driving customs plan Mito Chehangtianxia grade world history collection time for a cool collection of luxury golf gallery drift owners of luxury charm campaign to digital fever IN dish recommended action midnight Maria • Video game software used music circles large software就是这些了!!看看怎么样!!
2023-07-26 08:06:592


A little black dress is an evening or cocktail dress, cut simply and often with a short skirt, originally made popular in the 1920s by the fashion designer Coco Chanel. Intended by Chanel to be long-lasting, versatile, affordable, accessible to the widest market possible and in a neutral color, its continued ubiquity is such that many refer to it by its abbreviation, LBD.The "little black dress" is considered essential to a complete wardrobe by many women and fashion observers, who believe it a "rule of fashion" that every woman should own a simple, elegant black dress that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion: for example, worn with a jacket and pumps for daytime business wear or with more ornate jewelry and accessories for evening. Because it is meant to be a staple of the wardrobe for a number of years, the style of the little black dress ideally should be as simple as possible: a short black dress that is too clearly part of a trend would not qualify because it would soon appear dated.
2023-07-26 08:07:081


<style type=text/css>.baidu{font-size:14px;line-height:1.5;}a{color:#0000cc;}a.t{color: #006633;font-size:14px;text-decoration:none;} {color:#555555;}</style><script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" src=""></script>
2023-07-26 08:07:163


关于萨凡纳艺术与设计学院的系别ACG艺术小编介绍School of Building Arts建筑艺术分院:建筑艺术分院拥有6个系:建筑学系(Architecture)BFA / M.Arch、建筑史系(Architectural history)BFA / MA、MFA、家具设计系(Furniture design)BFA / MA、MFA、史迹保护系(Historic preservation)BFA / MA、MFA、室内设计系(Interior design)BFA / MA、MFA和城市设计系(Urban design)。School of Communication Arts传播艺术学院:传播艺术学院下面设有5个系:广告(Advertising) BFA、BF / MA、MFA,平面设计(Graphic design) BFA、BF / MA、MFA,插画(Illustration) BFA、BF / MA、MFA,插画设计(Illustration design) MA和连环画(Sequential art) BFA、BF / MA、MFA。School of Design设计学院:设计学院下面设有以下几个系:可持续设计(Design for sustainability)MA,设计管理(Design management)MA、MFA,纤维(Fibers),工业设计(Industrial design)BFA / MA、MFA,珠宝设计系(Jewelry and objects)BFA / MA、MFA,服务设计(Service design)BFA / MFA。这些专业都是在萨凡纳校区上课。School of Digital Media数字媒体学院:数字媒体学院下面设有5个系:动画(Animation)BFA / MA、MFA,互动设计和游戏开发(Interactive design and game development),动态媒体设计(Motion media design)和视觉效果(Visual effects)BFA / MA、MFA。School of Entertainment Arts娱乐艺术学院:娱乐艺术学院下面设有7个系,其中和美术有关的有电影和电视(Film and television)BFA / MA、MFA,产品设计(Production design)BFA / MA、MFA。School of Fashion时尚学院:时尚学院设有4个系,其中和美术相关的有配饰设计(Accessory design)BFA / MA、MFA,时装设计(Fashion)BFA / MA、MFA,奢侈品和时尚管理(Luxury and fashion management) MA、MFA。SCAD的配饰设计和时装设计在全美排名前五,非常著名。School of Fine Arts美术学院:美术学院设有油画(Painting)BFA / MA、MFA,摄影(Photography)BFA、BA / MA、MFA,版画(Printmaking)BFA / MFA以及雕塑(Sculpture)BFA / MA、MFA四个系。、School of Foundation Studies基础课程学院:基础课程学院只有基础系这一个专业。基础系的教师来自世界各地,十分热爱教育事业,关心学生日后的发展。无论学生今后选择从事的专业是什么,老师们希望他们通过这里的基础课程,对视觉语言有一个精确的理解,学会运用艺术的手法进行创作。基础系的课程由一系列实践的创作性课程组成,所有的学生都可以从中选择。由于艺术专业课程之间总有许多平行的事物,不同专业的课程与课程之间总有重叠。所以学院一开始就为学生编制了课程的序列,旨在让学生对视觉艺术有一个全面的理解和认识,而不只是获得泛泛的视觉教育。许多国际学生和本地美国学生一样,在来到萨凡纳艺术与设计学院学习之前没有任何的艺术经历和创作基础,他们可以在学院设立的基础系中学到例如雕塑、素描、印刷制作、二维设计、三维设计和色彩理论等辅修课程。School of Liberal Arts人文科学学院:人文科学学院有5个专业,和美术专业有关的主要是艺术史(Art history)BFA / MA和艺术管理(Arts administration)MA。
2023-07-26 08:07:262


Chanel Chanel origin Chanel (Cabrielle "COCO" Chanel; 1883-1971). Born in 1883 in the south of France Saumur (SAUMUR). On her birthday a specific, it was said to be on August 19, 1883, Chanel, but I insisted that he was born in the year on August 5. Her life has not always been smooth, she was born into a poor family, is the second child at home, but in that five-year-old mother died of lung disease would be, they never left, even more terrifying is that their father King left them a mysterious disappearance. Since then, Chanel started her rough, hard life of the orphanage and left many never known secret. More than a decade after the beginning of Chanel in the desert city of Lin (Moulin), a knitting store clerk when, but also dream of becoming a star, therefore, she also tried to sing a ditty bars. At this point, she has come out Chuchudongren, and are subject to a lot of help with the pursuit of the Fujiazaidi. Through her first lover, high society Chanel into the circle of communication, and to have the opportunity to get to know many powerful Fujiazidi young celebrities and the arts. Later, Gu Bo in love with the businessman, and his strong support of the path of their own success. Her design career began in 1908, first in Paris and later in Deauville (France"s southern seaside resorts). In 1910, it gave her a cute nickname - "COCO", it now has become an important Chanel brand identification. Deauville in 1913 opened its first Chanel boutiques. Since then, her career would be flourishing. In 1916, she launched a woolen sweater, his work was the first time, "Harper market" was published. In 1921, in Paris, France Kampen Street (Cambon) - the company that is now the "residence" where the well-known start-up Shop Cambon 31. This year, is also CHANEL No.5 (of Chanel No. 5 perfume) for the first time come out of the year and achieved unprecedented success, then, in 1924, we set up the CHANEL fragrance of the company. Chanel to design simple, practical and well-known clothing. As for the design of women"s pants, small Heiqun to hypotenuse and copper buttons modified collarless jacket is her style of "outstanding representatives." Chanel"s tradition of substandard goods, including a variety of exquisite pearls, gold chains, such as cotton bags. She likes gold chain as those of the backpack straps. CHANEL an election to the backpack with clothes will be any different wonderful effect. Other designers with different, like Chanel, in its jewelry design, man-made plastic and precious stones are really precious stones with use of the same, and that he will use this design concept in the apparel design. In 1939 the outbreak of World War II, during which, Chanel"s business has also been severely affected, in addition to Kampen on the 3rd Street can continue to operate, and other shops had to be driven out of business. At that time, people can only Kampen on the 3rd Street to buy perfume. In this way, until in 1953, Chanel is a 70-year-old, the other shop before re-opening. In 1971, Chanel, passed away unfortunately. After their clothing has its assistant Caston Berthelot, Ramon Esparza, Yvonne Dudel, Jean Cazaubon and others in charge of great design. However, the authority of Chanel"s "package approach", the company"s designers picked up the pace, as well as the CHANEL fashion charm in her brilliant name for the next little bit to fade. Finally in 1983, German Field design genius Karl (Karl Largerfeld) took over the "Chanel" is not only a correct grasp of the Chanel design principles and spirit and his unique freedom, arbitrary and easily design CHANEL mentality will design and develop initiatives to the Chanel brand into a powerful dynamic, incredibly so, "Chanel" products look forward the age of two. Karl"s appointment, had brought about a more CHANEL reputation, such as: 1984 CHANEL fragrance launch "COCO"; 1986 Karl Rumsfeld issued by the fashion trends for fall and winter CHANEL won the Gold Award thimble De dor; In 1987 launched "Premiere" Series watches, and the way Montaigne Montaigne opened its first shop table; Karl Lagerfeld in 1988 and won the Design Studio CHANEL designer from the United States Association of International Fashion Awards in particular; when Karl Lagerfeld appointed President of CHANEL designer, is proud to have mentioned that they are about 50% Sales from clothing sales. Of course, the members of the CHANEL future sales and also very good. Such as: in 1995 had estimated that sales of the year is expected to more than 1,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, and in fact was optimistic that its actual sales in 1995 has nearly 20 million. Eres 1996 annual sales of its branch in the 60,000,000 francs (equivalent to 12,000,000 U.S. dollars). CHANEL today"s products represent the beautiful, modern and contemporary, "COCO" is to bring people to Langlangshangkou the name of one of a small number of teachers. In the near future, and a "Chanel: Woman Ice and Fire," a new book published this love for the allegiance of the people CHANEL, is a Perfect choice. Former French Minister of Culture has been a period of evaluation are as follows: "This century France, there are three names will be forever, Charles de Gaulle, Picasso and Chanel." It was heard that every woman in their lives, to have a total of Chanel bags. Each new quarter, the number of women in the world has become a dream. Chanel (CHANLE) is the first to crack Yan process for the role of decoration added to the design of the handbag brand in such a process under which the birth of the diamond-shaped Check handbag has become a classic of classic, fashion has been The favorite, for Chanel (CHANLE) on a quarterly basis the new handbags, paris biarritz diamond-shaped double-sided zonal Check packs always get the most attention. Yan on the sewing process: Originated in the 15th century sewing Yan (Quilting) technology was first used to crack the quilt, the numerous sewing techniques through the quilt on the table cloth, cloth, and cotton in the middle of the floor, so that the three-tier firm to secure To put together will not easily move to increase the insulation properties of the quilt. In order to aesthetics, Yan also has a variety of sewing pin, S-shaped, semi-circular, cross-shaped and so on and so on. Of course, the first crack Yan is special because it features effective until the later emerging as a decorative pattern-based texture. However, now most often seen Yan seam or keep warm in winter supplies such as bedding, as well as the down jacket. To crack as Deyan clothing decoration goods are still the most successful to a number of Chanel (CHANLE) President. In February 1955, Chanel (CHANLE) introduced a simple design of the generous package, including Yan who used the diamond-shaped decorative sewing techniques for Check-to-earth common purse added to a lot of surface texture and taste, and the gold chain belt pack So that women often need to shake off the past with a handbag activities inconvenient, sought after by many people. The package is now referred to as "2.55 package," which means that its was born in February 1955.
2023-07-26 08:07:541


米黄色mǐhuángsè[off-white] 一种近似白色,但稍带淡灰色或淡黄色的颜色(如奶油、牡蛎,原色哔叽);一种黄白色或灰白色
2023-07-26 08:08:122


更多外文片名:Alysidoti antidrasi.....Greece (DVD title)影片类型:剧情片长:USA:87 min / Germany:85 min (European Film Market)国家/地区:美国对白语言:英语色彩:彩色级别:Italy:T拍摄日期:2005年8月 - 2005年11月摄影机:Sony HDW-F900 演员 Actor:· Philippe Caland ....Amer Atrash· 福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker ....Philip· 维吉妮娅·马德森 Virginia Madsen ....Sherry· 明妮·德里弗 Minnie Driver ....Kitty· Kali Rocha ....Alex· 约翰·比灵斯列 John Billingsley ....Brad· Jerry Katell ....Gordon· Orlando Seale ....Brian· 琦普·帕杜 Kip Pardue ....Tyler· Betsy Clark ....Amy· 乔安娜·克鲁帕 Joanna Krupa ....Victoria· Ken Sylk ....Ronald· Robin Arcuri ....Andrea· Denise Crosby ....Ronald"s Wife· 埃莲娜·萨汀 Elena Satine ....Sophia· Michael Weiss ....Michael· Gwendolyn Bailey ....Lara· Kelli Nordhus ....Sylvia Myron· Ilona Alexandra ....Makeup Artist· Bryan Black ....Promoter· Johnny D. Boyd ....Attorney· Evans Butterworth ....Ad Salesman· Charley Mae Caland ....Charley· Stacy Cunningham ....Susan· Timothy Donovan ....Tim· Emily Johnson ....Bar Girl· Don Le ....Partygoer· Maisie Pacia ....Student· Joe Roach ....Tatooed Cowboy· Becca Sweitzer ....Jewelry clerk· Kimberly Van Luin ....Girl 2 at the Party· Michael Weiss ....Michael 导演 Director:· Philippe Caland编剧 Writer:· Philippe Caland ....writer制作人 Produced by:· Trevor G. Allen ....line producer· Neil Alumkal ....associate producer· Jan Henric Buettner producer· Evans Butterworth· Philippe Caland ....producer· Pierre Caland ....executive producer· 明妮·德里弗 Minnie Driver ....executive producer· Wayne Levy producer· 维吉妮娅·马德森 Virginia Madsen ....executive producer· Joseph Semense· 福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker ....executive producer原创音乐 Original Music:· Anthony Marinelli摄影 Cinematography:· Daron Keet剪辑 Film Editing:· Yvan Gauthier· Joseph Semense选角导演 Casting:· Lindsay Chag艺术指导 Production Designer:· Shirley Leong服装设计 Costume Design by:· Asia Ahearn副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:· Tiffany Bordelon ....second second assistant director· Dino Bozikovic ....first assistant director· Chris Brandt ....second second assistant director· Natalie Hsieh ....second assistant director· 贾斯汀·琼斯 Justin Jones ....first assistant director· J. Patrick Kanehann ....second assistant director 中文版园时尚巨设计师艾莫歧,袖正经历婚姻和事宴业马上档的盐双重危机怯,他癌把哉这种霉运鸯归恍结为是十五钦年前凰自己父做冒错绷事藻的惺报应。为泳此他使打漱算躯弥辱补粤过错,正视瞎过去陋,并在此沟过隅程鱼中波,灭经彬历柜了良心鸡灵罩的咒救清赎循……英文版Fashion designer Amer Atrash, perpetually on the verge of success, is undergoing a personal crisis in both his marriage and his business. Attributing his misfortune to bad karma from a wrongdoing committed fifteen years prior, he sets out to correct his mistake, and in doing so, experiences a spiritual awakening.
2023-07-26 08:08:401


是1908到2008吧 如果是的话 [近代风云]风云百年——中国1908-2008
2023-07-26 08:08:542


2023-07-26 08:09:011

亚马逊美国站fine jewelry和fashion 有什么区别

fine jewelry一般是指高端珠宝,未必是能够有现货的,如果有需求甚至需要提前预定,在宝石材质上一般也都是以五大贵宝石为主,对于追求品质的客户,甚至可以提出对宝石级别的要求,这样也基本等同于高级定制的范畴了。而fashion jewelry一般是指款式比较时尚的珠宝,在宝石材质上也会采用五大贵宝石,但也有半宝石最为主石,一般都是批量的成品生产,有库存的现货,基本不会接受客户的特定要求。
2023-07-26 08:09:111


tin soldiers, toy soldiers 小锡兵trainset 小火车skip 打水漂儿catapult 弹弓 (美作:slingshot)cops and robbers 警察与小偷popgun 玩具枪doll 娃娃doll"s house 小家家to skip 跳绳skipping rope 跳绳用绳子ball 球tag 捉人游戏hide and seek 藏猫猫hopscotch 跳房子hoop 铁环stilts 高跷spinning top 抽陀螺kite 风筝plasticene, plasticine 橡皮泥meccano 组合玩具,装配玩具aeromodelling 航模scooter 速可达,单脚滑行车swing 秋千slide 滑梯sledge 雪撬 (美作:sled)snowball 雪球snowman 雪人yo-yo 约约diabolo 空竹THE CHRISTMAS DAY圣诞节CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS圣诞装饰物christmas wreath圣诞花环christmas trees 圣诞树christmas gift圣诞礼品christmas garland圣诞花环christmas crafts圣诞工艺decorations装饰品decorate box装饰盒lamp decorations 灯饰物holiday decorations 节日装饰物decorative paper 装饰纸品fashion decorations 时尚饰品jewellery box首饰盒home decorations家族装饰工艺品hang decorations挂饰gold fashions金饰silver fashions银饰hair decorations发饰ornaments,jeadgear,jewelry首饰repoussage,repousse work 凸纹饰物ratable,altarpiece 组塑,祭坛装饰toy 玩具electronic toys 电动玩具plastic toys 塑料玩具intelligence toys 益智玩具staff toys 毛绒玩具stuffed toy 填充玩具Dolls 娃娃electronic toys 电动玩具Outdoor leisure 户外娱乐Handicrafts 手工艺品plastic toys 塑料玩具intelligence toys 益智玩具stuff toys 毛绒玩具soft toys 软体类玩具stuffed toy 填充玩具fancy toy 益智玩具Capsule Toys 扭蛋Shokugan 食玩Action Figure 可动人形Designer Toys 潮流玩具vinyl Toy 搪胶玩具Brick 积木人garage kits 首版military figure 兵人bust 胸像
2023-07-26 08:09:291

hard sleep的歌词和翻译

hard sleep硬睡
2023-07-26 08:09:512

in holiday 和 on holiday的区别

in holiday 泛指放假,但说话人说话的时候并不在放假.如,i"d like to stay with my families in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续.如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries.In the holiday,people usually stay with their families.on holiday 处于放假的状态如,i"m on holiday now.类似有on duty 上班中 另外补充一下,如果你前面曾经提起过某个节日,而现在针对这个节日说on,就要用on the holiday,特指在这个节日.否则,用on holiday.via @khylpe
2023-07-26 08:09:271


以下是我从网络上查找到的. 度 duó 基本字义 1. 计算,推测:忖~.揣~.审时~势.~德量力. 详细字义 〈动〉 1. 估计,推测 [estimate] 度我至军中,公乃入.——《史记·项羽本纪》 他人有心,予忖度之.——《诗·小雅·巧言》2. 又如:忖度(猜测,揣度);测度;度空儿(趁空儿,瞅空儿)3. 衡量 [judge;measure;weigh] 度地居民.——《礼记·王制》.释文:“量也.”4. 量;计算 [measure;calculate;count] 不度民械.——《礼记·少仪》.释文:“计也.” 郑人有欲买履者,先自度其足而置之其坐.——《韩非子·外储说左上》5. 另见 dù 常用词组 1. 度长絜大 duócháng-xiédà [compare length and size] 比较长短大小 试使山东之国与陈涉度长絜大,比权量力,则不可同年而语矣.—— 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》2. 度德量力 duódé-liànglì [estimate one"s own moral and material strength;make an appraisal of one"s own position] 衡量自己的品德能否令人信服,估计自己的能力能否胜任工作 盘庚不为怨者故改其度,度义而后动,是而不见可悔故也.—— 宋· 王安石《答司马谏议书》 襄公不度德量力.—— 汉· 应劭《皇霸》
2023-07-26 08:09:271


二区期刊的有chemical communications, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, journal of material chemistry等等。二区的有chemical communications, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, journal of material chemistry等等。中科院期刊分区依据也是基于一个期刊的影响因子,但是采用的是三年平均影响因子,优点是减少了有些期刊影响因子逐年波动较大带来的不稳定因素。具体方法:根据13个大类学科,分别将各大类的SCI期刊由3年平均影响因子划分为1区(最高区)、2区、3区和4区四个等级。中科院分区的1区到4区的期刊数量不等,呈金字塔状分布。前5%为该类1区、6%~20% 为2区、21%~50%为3区,其余为4区。中科院分区表的大类分区中还会遴选出一些优秀的Top期刊:1区期刊直接划入Top范围内;2区中2年总被引频次指标位于前10%的期刊也归入Top期刊集合。以下为一区的介绍1.JACS(全称:Journal of the American Chemical Society)网址美国化学会)旗下杂志投稿要点:思想新颖,JACS上较多有机的文章,也有高分子领域的2.德国应化(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,全称:Angewandte Chemie International Edition)网址虽然德国应化不如JACS来得权威和悠久,但是其IF暴涨到10以上是大家有目共睹的德国应化也强调新颖,虽然不是特别新但结果很好的也有发表的可能据说很多人是JACS掉下来投他家的另外德国应化上高分子方面的文章比JACS的多3.美国科学院院刊(PNAS)网址:http://www.pnas.org生物,物理类的甚至社会科学的,是个全能期刊。一般要求学术水平高,思想原创。4.先进材料(Adv. Mater.,全称:Advanced Materials)网址也是wiley旗下的品牌杂志,也是属于顶级也是要新颖、结果好5.先进功能材料(ADV FUNCT MATER,全称:Advanced Functional Materials)网址跟先进材料一个系列的,文章基本都是全文表征一定要全面,做到无懈可击6.纳米快报(全称:Nano Letters)网址这个比较适合做纳米材料
2023-07-26 08:09:281


2023-07-26 08:09:281


尤吉欧和爱丽丝都是STL制造的世界(UW)的居民,桐人做STL测试时记忆被篡改从婴儿开始与他们一同长大,当测试中断时这个记忆又被删除了。后来桐人被坑后其实被菊岗绑架去与STL连线(实际上是在治疗),又开始了在UW生活,但此时已经没有了第一次来这里的记忆。于是乎就开始了漫漫的探索回家之旅。《刀剑神域 Alicization》是电视动画《刀剑神域》的第3期,改编自川原砾原作、abec插画的轻小说。于2017年10月1日举办的“电击文库 秋之祭典2017”中发表制作企划。该动画讲述原作小说第9卷开始“Alicization篇(UW)”,即《刀剑神域》《刀剑神域—ExtraEdition—》《刀剑神域Ⅱ》《刀剑神域 -序列之争-》之后的故事。
2023-07-26 08:09:301


2023-07-26 08:09:327

in holiday,in the holiday和on holiday的区别 具体点

in holiday 泛指放假,但说话人说话的时候并不在放假.如,i"d like to stay with my families in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续.如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries.In the...
2023-07-26 08:09:341


2023-07-26 08:09:3711


PS一般指的是一种图像处理软件,它全称叫AdobePhotoshop。Photoshop主要处理以像素所构成的数字图像。使用其众多的编修与绘图工具,能够有效的的进行图片编辑工作。AdobePhotosho有许多功能,在图像、图形、文字、视频等各个方面都有所涉及。Photoshop的专长在于图像处理,而不是图形创作。图像处理是对已有的位图图像进行编辑加工处理以及运用一些特殊效果,其重点在于对图像的处理加工;图形创作软件是按照自己的构思创意,使用矢量图形来设计图形。扩展资料:2003年,Adobe Photoshop 8被更名为Adobe Photoshop CS。2013年7月,Adobe公司推出了最新版本的Photoshop CC,自此,Photoshop CS6作为Adobe CS系列的最后一个版本被新的CC系列取代。此软件可分成图像编辑、图像合成、校色调色及基本功能色效制作部分等。图像编辑是图像处理的基础,能够对图像做各类改变,如调大、变小、旋转、倾斜、镜像、透视等;也可进行拷贝、清除斑点、修补、修饰图像的残损等。
2023-07-26 08:09:382


2023-07-26 08:09:401

求助一个JACS投稿的cover letter好吗?感谢!

2023-07-26 08:09:431


2023-07-26 08:09:471


朵不是多音字朵的解释[duǒ ] 1.植物的花或苞:花~。~儿。2.量词,指花或成团的东西:三~花。
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  五卅惨案因为发生于5月30日而得名,也称为五卅血案,或写作“五·卅”惨案、五·卅惨案,是反帝爱国运动五卅运动的导火索。  【五卅惨案的历史背景】  1925年1月中国共产党第四次全国代表大会以后,群众运动蓬勃发展,2月至4月,上海、青岛的日本纱厂工人在中国共产党领导下,先后组织数万工人举行大规模罢工斗争,取得了重大胜利,同时也遭到日本帝国主义和北洋军阀的镇压。日本帝国主义勾结北洋军阀政府企图破坏工人运动,酝酿新的血腥屠杀。  5月14日,上海日本纱厂工人为抗议日本资方无理开除工人再度罢工,日本资本家开枪打死工人顾正红(共产党员),打伤10余名工人,激起上海工人、学生和市民的愤怒。同时,在上海的帝国主义者提出有损中国主权,打击中国民族工商业的“四提案”(增订印刷附律,增加码头捐,交易所注册及所谓“取缔重工法案”),并决定于6月2日在上海纳税外人会上通过,引起了包括民族资产阶级在内的上海各阶层人士的强烈反对。  【五卅惨案和五卅运动简介】  5月28日,中共中央根据运动发展形势,及时决定进一步动员群众开展反对帝国主义的政治斗争。5月30日,上海学生两千余人在租界内散发传单,发表演说,抗议日本纱厂资本家镇压工人大罢工、打死工人顾正红,声援工人,并号召收回租界,被英国巡捕逮捕100余人。下午万余群众聚集在英租界南京路老闸巡捕房门首,要求释放被捕学生,高呼“打倒帝国主义”等口号。英国巡捕竟开枪射击,当场死11人,被捕者、受伤者无数,造成震惊中外的五卅惨案。  五卅惨案的消息迅速传遍全国,各大、中城市纷纷罢工罢课,声援上海人民的反帝斗争。从而形成了更大规模的五卅反帝爱国运动,严重打击了帝国主义,大大提高了中国人民的觉悟,揭开了大革命高涨的序幕。  【五卅惨案和五卅运动经过】  〖上海日本纱厂工人大罢工〗  帝国主义对中国的侵略,以经济剥削为主,中日甲午战后,中国被迫签订马关和约,准许日本在中国各口岸设立工厂,利用中国的原料和廉价劳工进行经济侵略。其他列强随之跟进,纷纷在中国各口岸设立工厂。日本人仅在上海一地就设有23家纱厂,占全上海纱厂三分之二。日本厂主对待工人非常苛刻,工人每日工作12小时以上,工资每日仅一角五分,还要扣存百分之五储蓄厂中,需至工作满十年方始归还,半途辞工者储蓄金即被没收。  2月,日商内外棉纱厂第八厂推纱间发现一名童工尸首,胸部受重伤十余处,系被纱厂日籍管理员用铁棍殴打死亡,工人们目睹惨状,群情大愤,全体罢工。后经上海总商会出面调停,日厂主答允不打骂工人,同时每两周发放工资一次,工人即恢复工作。5月间日本各纱厂以男工屡起风潮,竟将男工尽行开除,换为女工,这一来引起22家工厂的大罢工。由上海各团体调停,以改良工人待遇,发还储金为条件恢复工作,不料内外棉纱厂第八厂又开除工人数十名,工人不服,推举代表顾正红等八人向厂主交涉,在交涉中发生争执,日人突开枪击毙顾正红,其余七人受伤,受伤工人向公共租界工部局请求援助,工部局不仅不予以公平处理,反而控以扰乱治安罪名,这一来群情更为愤激。  〖从学生运动到全面的反帝爱国斗争〗  5月22日上海各团体开会追悼顾正红,上海各大学学生均往参加,路经公共租界时有四人被捕。于是上海学生会开会,决议组织演讲队,出发租界宣传。5月30日学生联合会分派多队在租界内游行讲演,当天下午,一部分学生在南京路被捕,其余学生及群众共千余人,徒手随至捕房门口,要求释放被捕者,英捕头爱伏生竟下令开枪向群众射击,当场死学生四人,重伤30人,租界当局更调集军队,宣布戒严,任意枪击,上海的大学校竟遭封闭,这就是“五卅惨案”。惨案发生后全国震动,北京学生第二天即响应,全国各大都市学生也先后罢课,风起云涌,进行反帝国主义示威运动,民意沸腾。  当夜,中共中央立即召集会议,决定扩大斗争规模,号召上海人民举行罢工、罢课、罢市,以抗议英帝国主义的大屠杀。在共产党人蔡和森、李立三、刘少奇等的领导下,31日晚上海有组织的20余万工人成立了上海总工会,并选举李立三为委员长。6月1日,上海全市的总罢工、总罢课和总罢市开始了,其中包括20余万工人的总同盟罢工,5万学生罢课,绝大部分商人参加罢市。  6月7日,由上海总工会、全国学生联合会、上海学生联合会和各马路商界总联合会推举代表,组成“工商学联合委员会”,提出了惩办凶手并赔偿、取消领事裁判权,永远撤出驻沪的英、日海陆军等17项交涉条件。同时运动继续发展和扩大,北京、天津、南京、青岛、杭州、开封、郑州、重庆等全国各大城市和几百个城镇的人民,纷纷游行示威,罢工,罢课,罢市,通电,捐款,表示支援,形成了全国规模的反帝怒潮,并得到国际工人阶级的支援。  〖上海谈判和事件的处理结果〗  6月1日北京外交部向驻京公使团领袖意国公使提出抗议:“为照会事,据报告本年五月三十日上海各大学生因为学生被捕及工人受伤两事,在公共租界捕房门首游行演说,以示抗议。而捕房竟以武力干涉,捕去学生四十余人,登时击毙学生四名,击伤学生六名,已死二名,路人受伤者十七名,已死三名等情。本总长得悉之余,至深骇异,似此不幸之事,应请贵公使特别注意。查该学生等,均系青年子弟,热心爱国,并不携带武器,无论其行为之性质如何,断不能以暴徒待之。乃捕房未曾采取适当方法,和平劝阻,遽用最激手段,实为人道及公理所不容,自应由租界官吏完全负责。为此本总长不得不向贵公使提出最正式之抗议,并声明保留俟查明详情后,再提出相当之要求,并请贵公使将前项情形转达驻京有关系各公使查照,迅饬上海领事团速将被捕之人全行释放,并就地与特派江苏交涉员妥商办理,免再发生此类情事,是所至盼,须至照会者。中华民国外交总长沈瑞麟。中华民国十四年六月一日。”  6月4日公使团复函竟婉拒中国之抗议,认为上海租界当局已很宽大,于是北京外交部于4日再提第二次抗议:“为照会事,上海公共租界枪击华人一案,业经本总长于本月一日向贵公使提出抗议,并请迅饬上海领事团速将被捕之人全行释放,并就地与特派江苏交涉员妥商办理,免再发生此类情事在案。乃续据上海报告,租界捕房于本月一日复枪毙三人,伤十八人,其以前被捕之人,仍未完全释放。又据报告所有伤毙之人,枪弹多从背入,巡捕无一死伤,显系任意轰击,毫无理由各等情。查公共租界官吏出此激烈行为,迫动公愤,致发生商工各界多数罢市罢工之不良效果,似此蔑视人道,自应由租界官吏完全负责。为此本总长不得不再向贵公使提出严重抗议,并请转达驻京有关系各国公使,迅电上海领事团立饬停止枪击,以免再肇惨祸,是为至要,须至照会者。”  6月6日公使团答复仍不着边际,北京外交部再于6月11日提第三次之抗议: “为照会事,接准本月四日及六日来照,内开贵公使及有关系各国公使,深愿对于此次上海不幸之事故,与中国政府具同一和平之观念,并准贵公使声明,关于禁用武器一节,业经重行训令上海公共租界捕房,以后必采恪守各等因,本总长业经阅悉。惟查当初租界官吏所采取对于学生和平行动之取缔办法,系属失当,毫无疑义。又如五月三十日及六月一日等捕房之举动,实可谓为激成事变之肇端。因老闸捕房,既未预先鸣号,警告群众,又非如来照所称,该捕房处于危在俄顷,不得不用武器之境遇,竟贸然出此激烈之举动。故欲以上星期惨事之责任,诿诸一般和平行动并不携带武器之人,而不由租界官吏负之,本总长绝对不能承认,仍当继续抗议。中国政府鉴于此次案情之严重,民情之悲愤,佥以为租界官吏,至少须自动的先行取消当地戒严令,撤退海军陆战队,并解除商团及巡捕之武装,释放被捕之人及恢复被封与占据各学校之原状,庶上海地方,得于最短时间内,自然停止非常之状态。而来照所称同具和平之观念,亦足以资证明,以便进行交涉。为此照会贵公使查照,希即转达有关系各国公使,饬知驻沪领事团,遵照办理。是所至盼,须至照会者。”  最后将此案做为地方事件处理,即在上海谈判,北京政府乃派专使蔡廷干、郑谦、曾宗鉴南下,英日等国亦派委员六人至上海。6月16日开会,中国代表提出解决办法十三条:  (一)撤销非常戒备。  (二)所有因此案被捕华人,一律释放,并恢复公共租界被封及占据之各学校原状。  (三)惩凶,先行停职,听候严办。  (四)赔偿,赔偿伤亡及工商学因此案所受之损失。  (五)道歉。  (六)收回会审公廨。  (七)洋务职工及海员工厂工人等,因悲愤罢工者,将来仍还原职,并不扣罢工期内薪资。  (八)优待工人,工人工作与否,随其自愿,不得因此处罚。  (九)工部局投票权案,(甲)工部局董事会及纳税人代表会,由华人共同组织之。纳税人代表额数,以纳税多寡比例为定额,其纳税人会出席投票权与各关系之西人一律平等。(乙)关于投票权,须查明其产业为己有的或代理的,己有的方有投票权,代理的,其投票权应归产业所有人有之。  (十)制止越界筑路,工部局不得越租界范围外建筑马路,其已筑成者,由中国政府无条件收回管理。  (十一)撤销印刷附律,加征码头捐,交易所领照案。  (十二)华人在租界有言论集会出版之自由。  (十三)撤换工部局总书记鲁和。  双方在上海一共开了三次会议,六国委员最后竟拒绝继续谈判,于是谈判中断,交涉移北京进行。最后上海公共租界仅将总巡麦高云、捕头爱伏生免职,中国收回了上海会审公廨。而顾正红案由上海交涉员与上海日本领事谈判,至8月12日始行解决,由日本纱厂与工人订立条件六款,附件三款,包括赔偿工人损失费1万元,补助罢工损失费10万元,日人入厂不准携带武器,不得无故开除工人,提高工资等。  〖运动的结束和余波〗  在帝国主义和买办资产阶级威胁利诱下,民族资产阶级开始动摇。6月26日,商界停止罢市,破坏了反帝统一战线。工人罢工坚持了3个多月。中国共产党和总工会为了保存力量和巩固已有的胜利,决定停止总同盟罢工,到八九月间各业工人逐渐复工。  自五卅惨案发生后,举国同愤。但英国仍继续援用武力压迫政策。6月11日汉口惨案发生,6月13日九江冲突发生,6月23日沙基惨案发生,7月2日重庆惨案发生,7月31日南京惨案发生。其中最严重的冲突为广州发生的沙基惨案。自五卅惨案、汉口惨案相继发生后,6月21日香港与广州沙面之华工同时总罢工,香港重要事业多呈停顿状态。香港及沙面的英人且作军事准备,以图压制。6月23日广州各界7万余人在广州政府领导下为沪、汉死难烈士开追悼会,当场提出废除不平等条约,为解决惨案之根本办法。会后举行大游行,工商各界在先,学生及黄埔军校学生随后,于下午3时行抵沙基对岸,当时英兵方严阵以待,遽向群众射击,同时停泊在白鹅滩的英兵舰也发炮助威,当场死伤军民二百余人,惨祸之烈,过于沪汉。  【五卅惨案的意义】  五卅运动沉重打击了帝国主义,对中华民族的觉醒和国民革命运动的发展起了巨大的推动作用,大大提高了中国人民的觉悟,揭开了大革命高潮的序幕。中国共产党在领导五卅运动的斗争中受到很大锻炼,培养造就了一大批干部,党组织也得到极大发展,在斗争实践中总结了宝贵的经验,为以后党领导大规模的群众斗争奠定了基础。
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电磁辐射分两个级别 其中工频段的单位是μT,测试50赫兹频率以下的工频电磁波。(比如家电、高压线) 如果辐射在0.4μT以上属于较强辐射 辐射在0.3到0.4μT之间,属于警戒值 至于0.3μT特别是0.1μT以下,可以认为是安全的 而射频电磁波的单位是μW/㎝2(比如微波炉、手机、广播电视的基站, 测的一般是几百到上千赫兹的频段) 10μW/㎝2 以上就会对人体产生危害
2023-07-26 08:09:211


2023-07-26 08:09:211


它是多音字 两个音都可以读的
2023-07-26 08:09:203


我要投JACS的啊!pauldli(站内联系TA)Cover Letter并没有固定格式,投通讯主要强调两点: 1、创新点所在 Cover Letter并没有固定格式,投通讯主要强调两点: 1、创新点所在 我知道cover letter 很多,到处都有 我要投JACS的啊! 没有的所谓的投J
2023-07-26 08:09:191


KARL MARX 1818-1883FRIEDRICH ENGELS 1820-1895Although Robert Owen"s movement had adopted the physical trappings of religion, erecting church-like "halls of science" where sermons were delivered at Sunday services, Marx and Engels achieved the far more profound breakthrough of imbuing socialism with something of the intellectual and spiritual force of the great religious texts.In 1844, two young German writers met in Paris and became close friends and collaborators. Karl Marx was a genius, capable of arresting flights of prose and evocations of human suffering. But he was also a snarling, angry man and, though born Jewish, a violent anti-Semite. Son of a successful lawyer, Marx made criticizing the middle class “bourgeoisie” a mainstay of his life"s work.Communist Manifesto page containing quote "history of…class struggles" in GermanCommunist Manifesto page containing quote "history of…class struggles" in German (1848, IISH)Friedrich Engels was a debonair ladies" man who loved fine wine and riding horses during weekends in Manchester. While less well known today, Engels was no less important to the development of the socialist idea. Sure that Marx"s powerful mind held the crown jewels of the doctrine they shared, Engels supported Marx and his family by working at a hated job in his family"s business. But, it was Engels" skills as an organizer, interpreter and popularizer that brought Marx"s ideas to the world.In 1848, Marx and Engels released the Communist Manifesto. Marx described history through the lens of “class struggle,” a perpetual conflict between those that owned the means of production and a working class that provided the labor but derived none of the benefits. The Communist Manifesto predicted that as capitalism progressed, the working class would become so large and so poor that revolution would be inevitable. The result: socialism, a new workers" state where people contributed according to their ability and received according to their need. In time, government itself would become unnecessary and give way to a new stateless society, a final evolutionary stage called “communism.” It took Marx nearly twenty years to complete his next work, the first volume of Das Kapital, published in 1867. It was Marx"s attempt to analyze all aspects of life through the economic forces of history.Karl Marx, author of Das Kapital and The <i>Communist Manifesto</i>Karl Marx, author of Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto (1867, Marx Memorial Library) Friedrich Engels"Friedrich Engels (1877, Marx Memorial Library)Two centuries later, critics and supporters continue to argue over Marx"s logic and relevance. His theories have been applied to literary, artistic and social criticism. Separate from its evolution as a system of government, Marxism and the controversy accompanying it, continue to influence academic approaches to nearly every area of life.
2023-07-26 08:09:161

什么是PE? PS?他们是做什么用的呢?

PE或PS是缩写,不同的内容有多种解释:在这标准专题里属于:产品/项目工程  PE是一个工种,英文是productEngineering产品工程,但也有人翻译成projectEngineering项目工程.  productEngineering产品工程,是技术员,就叫PE技术员;是工程师,就叫PE工程师。这个职位在工厂里主要是解决生产过程中出现的问题,及做作业指导书。属于职位比较低级的。  projectEngineering项目工程。是专对某个产品,进行统筹,及专案管理。往往在公司中的级别较高。
2023-07-26 08:09:161


2023-07-26 08:09:141

Nature Materials详细介绍,中文译为《自然科学》么? JACS中文译为什么?是《美国化学杂志》么?

Nature Materials:自然-材料JACS:美国化学会志
2023-07-26 08:09:112


Piggy 或者Piggie。。
2023-07-26 08:09:111


2023-07-26 08:09:113


Gabrielle Anwar (加布里埃尔·安瓦) 加布里埃尔·安瓦 Gabrielle Anwar电影作品列表:(一共 43 个电影作品) 作为演员加布里埃尔·安瓦 Gabrielle Anwar的电影作品(数量:42)iMurders ------- (2008) "Burn Notice" ------- (2007) The Tudors: Royal Stylemakers ------- (2007) "The Tudors" ------- (2007) 9/Tenths ------- (2006) Long Lost Son ------- (2006) 湿地 The Marsh ------- (2006) 探险奇兵2: 所罗门王的宝藏 The Librarian: Return to King Solomon"s Mines ------- (2006) 疯狂的八人帮 Crazy Eights ------- (2006) 神秘岛 Mysterious Island ------- (2005) Try to Remember ------- (2004) Save It for Later ------- (2003) "John Doe" ------- (2002) Sherlock ------- (2002) 蜂机/亚马逊谜案 Flying Virus ------- (2001) 危机任务3/插翅难飞3 Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal ------- (2001) 趁「基」亲亲你 If You Only Knew ------- (2000) How to Marry a Billionaire: A Christmas Tale ------- (2000) North Beach ------- (2000) 错杀 Without Malice ------- (2000) 法网杀机 The Guilty ------- (2000) Kimberly ------- (1999) My Little Assassin ------- (1999) The Manor ------- (1999) Beach Movie ------- (1998) 深海惊魂 Sub Down ------- (1997) The Ripper ------- (1997) 内华达风暴 Nevada ------- (1997) 死神宝藏 The Grave ------- (1996) 追求荣耀 In Pursuit of Honor ------- (1995) 飞越惊魂阵 Innocent Lies ------- (1995) Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Playback ------- (1995) 你不在后丹佛事 Things to Do in Denver When You"re Dead ------- (1995) 新三剑侠/三个火枪手/豪情三剑客 The Three Musketeers ------- (1993) 小生护驾/小生护花/都是钱闹的 For Love or Money ------- (1993) The Making of "The Three Musketeers" ------- (1993) 外星人入侵/异形基地 Body Snatchers ------- (1993) 闻香识女人/女人香/女人的芳香 Scent of a Woman ------- (1992) 勇闯魔鬼城/谍中谍之雾水小子 If Looks Could Kill ------- (1991) 跃马英雄 Wild Hearts Can"t Be Broken ------- (1991) Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader ------- (1989) 爱之夜 Manifesto ------- (1988) 作为制片人加布里埃尔·安瓦 Gabrielle Anwar的电影作品(数量:1)内华达风暴 Nevada ------- (1997)
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唐僧:Monk Tang 比较正规的说法是Xuanzang or Hsuan Tsang(建议写前者) 猪八戒:Piggie 沙僧:the Sha Monk
2023-07-26 08:09:041

in the holidays和on holidays的区别

in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续.如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries. In the holiday, people usually stay with their families.on holiday 处于放假的状态如,i"m on holiday now.类似有on duty 上班中
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