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2023-07-27 22:12:24
TAG: 北京 00






  贝贝传递的祝福是繁荣。在中国传统文化艺术中, “鱼” 和 “水” 的图案是繁荣与收获的象征,人们用“鲤鱼跳龙门”寓意事业有成和梦想的实现,“鱼”还有吉庆有余、年年有余的蕴涵。


  欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥。他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。欢欢是运动激情的化身,他将激情散播世界,传递 更快、更高、更强的奥林匹克精神。欢欢所到之处,洋溢着北京2008对世界的热情。








  acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动

  athletics/track & field---田径


  boat race---赛艇

  bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇


  canoe slalom---激流划船






  downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降

  dragon-boat racing---赛龙船




  figure skating---花样滑冰



  gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动


  Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤

  gymnastic apparatus----体操器械




  hold, lock-----揪钮

  horizontal bar-----单杠

  hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛

  huttlecock kicking---踢毽子

  ice skating---滑冰


  item Archery---箭术




  mat exercises---垫上运动

  modern pentathlon---现代五项运动

  mountain bike---山地车

  parallel bars---双杠


  qigong; breathing exercises---气功

  relative work---造型跳伞

  relay race; relay---接力


  roller skating----滑旱冰





  side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马

  ski jump---跳高滑雪

  ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛







  table tennis---乒乓球













  walking; walking race---竞走

  wall bars---肋木

  water polo----水球

  weightlifting ---举重

  weights ---重量级

  winter sports -----冬季运动

  wrestling --- 摔交

  yacht --- 游艇




Double truck
2023-07-26 08:21:573


跳床Jumping bed
2023-07-26 08:22:236


1.英文为Trampoline; 2.蹦床,是一项运动员利用从蹦床反弹中表现杂技技巧的竞技运动,其属于体操运动的一种,蹦床有“空中芭蕾”之称,在2000年第27届悉尼奥运会上,蹦床被列为正式比赛项目,蹦床亦为体育器械名称; 3.蹦床分为网上和单跳项目,网上借助弹力床的弹力将人体弹向空中,在空中做各种体操动作和翻筋斗的竞技运动,分男女单人、男子双人,女子双人和团体等项目,有规定和自选各十个动作,根据动作的编排、难度和完成动作的质量评分,单跳比赛是在一条铺上厚毯的木质窄长专用跑道上完成的,在这条跑道上,运动员要连续完成一整套高难技术动作,包括前空翻、后空翻、侧空翻、前空翻接侧空翻、后空翻接侧空翻等,最后落在跑道尽头的垫子上,按照规定,整套动作应由8个以内的单个动作构成,最后必须以空翻动作结束。
2023-07-26 08:22:401


trampoline歌词想表达的意思是主人公坠入爱河,体会了恋爱的香甜味道,《Trampoline》是Shaed和ZAYN演唱的一首歌曲。SHAED是来自华盛顿特区的独立流行三人组合,乐队由双胞胎兄弟Spencer Ernst和Max Ernst以及经验丰富的女歌手Chelsea Lee组成。其中Spencer与Chelsea是一对夫妻。SHAED的名称来源于组合最喜欢的小说《Name of the Wind》,寓意是一个由阴影制成的防护斗篷。2016年前组合名为The Walking Sticks。双胞胎兄弟Spencer与Max从很小的时候就对音乐表现出了兴趣。高中时,他们组建了一个流行二重唱,名为 Trust Fall,并开始在全国各地巡回演出。2009年时,还是大西洋唱片公司签约艺人的Chelsea Lee开始与Spencer约会,她在2012年合约结束后正式加入了The Walking Sticks。
2023-07-26 08:22:541


蹦床(Trampoline)是一项运动员利用从蹦床反弹中表现杂技技巧的竞技运动,它属于体操运动的一种。蹦床有"空中芭蕾"之称。  蹦床的结构是八角双层,分有围网和无围网。围网的材料和渔网一样,但更加牢固,更有弹性,手感也更好。支撑蹦床的是镀锌管材料的钢架,外面由PVC布套包裹,床面主要是许多根隐蔽弹簧横向排列构成,由PVC布套和EVA棉覆盖。还有儿童充气蹦蹦床、家用儿童蹦蹦床、蹦蹦床、小型儿童蹦极跳床等产品。  蹦床的历史可以追溯到19世纪中叶北美的科曼契印第安人,而在中国马戏团的杂技演员使用类似的蹦床至少也有200年的历史。谢谢采纳答案。
2023-07-26 08:23:121

King Family的《Trampoline》 歌词

歌曲名:Trampoline歌手:King Family专辑:Carry Me HomeAnd who would""ve thought that a cutie-pie just like you,Would have anything to do with a smelly-dude like me?I find it hard to believe.And who would""ve thought that you ever would""ve,Kissed my cheek in your backyard,On your trampoline that night,I never put up a fight..And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart,Yeah, he tore you into pieces,But I promise you dear,I""ll never touch you like he did,So, baby, please take my hand,And you""ll never be alone again..And every single time I look into your eyes,I see a little bitufeff more sunshine,Feel a little bit more like meInstead of who it turns out to be,Wouldn""t trade it for a thing, can I call you my baby?.And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart, yeah he tore you into pieceBut I promise you dear, I""ll never touch you like he did.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.Cause I know he broke your heart,but I""ll love you till the end..So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again..
2023-07-26 08:23:191

Michael Penn的《Trampoline》 歌词

歌曲名:Trampoline歌手:Michael Penn专辑:Mp4 (Days Since A Lost Time Accident)And who would""ve thought that a cutie-pie just like you,Would have anything to do with a smelly-dude like me?I find it hard to believe.And who would""ve thought that you ever would""ve,Kissed my cheek in your backyard,On your trampoline that night,I never put up a fight..And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart,Yeah, he tore you into pieces,But I promise you dear,I""ll never touch you like he did,So, baby, please take my hand,And you""ll never be alone again..And every single time I look into your eyes,I see a little bitufeff more sunshine,Feel a little bit more like meInstead of who it turns out to be,Wouldn""t trade it for a thing, can I call you my baby?.And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart, yeah he tore you into pieceBut I promise you dear, I""ll never touch you like he did.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.Cause I know he broke your heart,but I""ll love you till the end..So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again..
2023-07-26 08:23:271

Bouncing on the trampoline is fun. 这个英语为什么用ing阿? on the trampoline是定语吗?

Bouncing on the trampoline is fun. 这是动词ing做主语 on the trampoline是定语
2023-07-26 08:23:465

Honey Trampoline 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Trampoline歌手:尼可莱 唐格专辑:Songs Wearing Clothesら撅犟襁人ζ制作 honey honey期待一个好日子工作不需我操心你随便想想东西 喔喔喝一杯茶也可以写封信也可以不做什么也可以忙碌中又想起你对我又若即若离生气了也没痕迹喔喔忽然很想拥抱你吻你措手不及这只能想像而已honey honey要对你说声对不起我总是没时间陪你honey honey你是否想亲亲密密还是喜欢这段距离虽然留点空间不见面反而能够拉紧彼此的心当我需要拥抱的时候我总希望你在这里啦......忙碌中又想起你对我又若即若离生气了也没痕迹喔喔忽然很想拥抱你吻你措手不及这只能想像而已honey honey要对你说声对不起我总是没时间陪你honey honey你是否想亲亲密密还是喜欢这段距离honey honey要对你说声对不起我总是没时间陪你honey honey你是否想亲亲密密还是喜欢这段距离虽然留点空间不见面反而能够拉紧彼此的心当我需要拥抱的时候我总希望你在这里继续期待好日子继续埋首工作里寄托在下个假期喔喔天空总是蓝蓝的心情总是快乐知道我在你心里知道我在你心里知道我在你心里知道我在你心里
2023-07-26 08:24:023


2023-07-26 08:24:205

求一首英文歌,成熟的女声,中间有点口哨的,歌词里有never be(只听出这个)

2023-07-26 08:24:364


一些程序员认为在另一个函数内部定义一个函数称为“嵌套函数”。但是现实是它不是嵌套函数,它被视为词汇作用域。在C语言中,词法作用域无效,因为编译器无法达到/找到内部函数的正确内存位置。C不支持嵌套函数,因为我们无法在C中的另一个函数内定义一个函数。我们可以在一个函数内声明一个函数,但它不是嵌套函数。由于嵌套函数定义无法访问周围块的局部变量,因此它们只能访问包含模块的全局变量。这样做是为了不必在目录中查找全局变量。与C中一样,有两个嵌套作用域:本地和全局(除此之外,内置函数)。因此,嵌套函数只有有限的用途。如果尝试在C中使用嵌套函数,则将得到编译时错误。输出:编译时错误:未定义对“视图”的引用GNU C编译器的扩展允许声明嵌套函数。在GCC扩展名下的嵌套函数的声明需要以auto关键字为前缀/开头。另外,gcc主要通过Trampoline实现函数嵌套功能,那么什么是Trampoline呢?Trampoline其实就是一段存在于栈上的可执行代码,它由运行时动态生成,通过运行栈上的这段代码跳转到真正的目的代码处。至于函数嵌套为何要通过Trampoline去实现,这还得从嵌套函数的特点说起,因为它能够访问容器函数中的局部变量:其中offset就是容器函数中的变量,可以在嵌套函数中直接引用,这看起来似乎不难实现:通过sp+offset即可轻松访问容器函数的栈变量,但还有一种情况必须要考虑,那就是嵌套函数不仅仅可以在容器函数中直接调用,还可能通过函数指针在其他函数中间接调用,这时活动栈帧布局跟容器函数就不一样了,通过sp+offset访问到的不再是容器函数中的对应变量位置了,这样就会得到意想不到的结果。Trampoline可以有效的避免这种情况,因为Trampoline存在于容器函数的栈上,相对于要访问的容器函数的变量相对位置是固定的,所以不管怎么调用嵌套函数,执行的都是栈上的Trampoline,这样访问到的容器函数的变量位置总是正确的。不过这要求在嵌套函数调用时容器函数不能退出,否则栈上的Trampoline可能会被覆盖,同样会得到意想不到的结果。
2023-07-26 08:24:511


2023-07-26 08:25:112


The first time I play trampoline was last year"s June 1 children"s day. That day in the beginning, I step on the soft bed like feet standing on cotton, top-heavy stand, heart, very frightened to get around his waist, bow, with his head down, looking at the foot, did not dare to jump. At this time, father and mother encouraged me to say: "children, do not be afraid, bold jump..." I try to, gently dance a few on the trampoline, think is fun, it"s not so terrible. Slowly adapted to the, I jump higher and higher. Usually falls on the ground is very painful, but on the trampoline fall off is not painful, but also can play up his body. This kind of feeling, just go up nursery school, in the arms of his dad"s a happy I a thrown up, and gently I as sweet. At that time, I always let dad throws in a row, row, until I smiled whine, dad tired tired out. In trampoline jump jump much higher than on the ground. Looking at mom and dad praise eyes and smile, my interest in the high jump. Fun trampoline as though for my magic power, heartily jumped up, play up, it was kind of like a big big sun story turn bar head clouds of the skies as air. Although I jumping full head big sweat, but didn"t feel a bit tired. The June 1 children"s day I am very happy memories. 我第一次玩蹦蹦床是去年的六一儿童节。 那天一开始,我踩在软软的床上就像脚下踩着棉花一样,头重脚轻站不稳,心里很害怕,只顾得弓着腰,低着头,看着脚下,不敢蹦。这时,爸爸和妈妈鼓励我说:“孩子,不要怕,大胆跳……”我尝试着,轻轻地在蹦蹦床上跳了几下,觉得挺好玩的,也不是那么可怕。慢慢地适应了,我蹦得越来越高。平时在地上摔得很痛,可是在蹦蹦床上摔得一点也不痛,而且还能把身子再弹起来。这种感觉,就同上幼儿园时,爸爸一高兴把抱在怀里的我向上一抛,又轻轻地把我接住一样甜美。那时,我总是让爸爸连续抛,连续接,直到我笑得嘎嘎响,爸爸累得精疲力尽为止。 在蹦蹦床跳得也比在地上跳得高多了。看着爸爸妈妈夸赞的目光和笑容,我的兴致越跳越高。好玩的蹦蹦床仿佛给了我神奇的功力,尽情地往上跳,往上弹,真有点像大闹天空的孙大圣翻筋头云那样的神气。虽然我蹦得满头大汗,但是却一点也没有觉得累。 那个六一儿童节给我留下非常快乐的记忆。
2023-07-26 08:25:181


2023-07-26 08:25:296


体操的英文是 "gymnastics"。体操是一项体育运动,旨在通过展示灵活性、力量、协调性和技巧,表演各种动作和技巧的运动项目。下面是有关体操的一些介绍和相关术语的英文解释:1. Artistic gymnastics: 艺术体操,这是最常见的体操项目之一。它包括跳马、单杠、双杠、高低杠、平衡木和自由操等项目。2. Rhythmic gymnastics: 韵律体操,这是一种以舞蹈为基础的体操项目。它包括舞蹈、操和各种操具的表演,如绳子、球、圈和棒等。3. Trampoline: 蹦床,这是一种利用弹跳床进行空中动作的体操项目。选手可以进行高度和旋转的各种技巧。4. Vault: 跳马,这是一项艺术体操项目,选手通过跑道冲刺,并在跳马上完成各种技巧和动作。5. Bars: 杠,这是一项艺术体操项目,包括单杠和双杠。选手通过各种动作和技巧在杠上表演,展示力量和协调性。6. Beam: 平衡木,这是一项艺术体操项目,选手在窄而高的平衡木上完成各种技巧和动作,要求保持平衡和稳定。7. Floor exercise: 自由操,这是一项艺术体操项目,在一个较大的平底区域上,选手通过跳跃、旋转、翻滚和舞蹈等动作表演技巧。8. Parallel bars: 双杠,这是一项艺术体操项目,选手通过双杠上的各种动作和技巧来展示力量和协调性。9. Gymnast: 体操运动员,参与各种体操项目的运动员。10. Balance: 平衡,体操运动中一个重要的技巧要素,意味着保持身体的平衡和稳定。
2023-07-26 08:25:461


2023-07-26 08:26:213

蹦怎么组词 蹦的组词有哪些

1、蹦的组词:蹦高、蹦床、蹦跶、蹦跳、蹦达、蹦子、蹦极、蹦套、蹦迪、蹦走。 2、蹦达,意为奔跑跳动;活跃。 3、蹦高是一个汉语词语,读音是bèng gāo,指跳跃。 4、蹦床(Trampoline)是一项运动员利用蹦床的反弹在空中表现杂技技巧的竞技运动,属于体操运动的一种,有“空中芭蕾”之称。
2023-07-26 08:26:411


2023-07-26 08:26:502

奥运会的项目 你能用英语写有哪些????????

田径 Athletics 赛艇 Rowing 羽毛球 Badminton 棒球 Baseball 篮球 Basketball 拳击 Boxing 皮划艇/静水 Canoe/Kayak -- Flatwater 皮划艇/激流 Canoe/Kayak -- Slalom 自行车/场地 Cycling -- Track 自行车/公路 Cycling -- Road 自行车/山地 Cycling -- Mountain Bike 自行车/小轮车 Cycling -- BMX 马术/障碍 Equestrian -- Jumping 马术/舞步 Equestrian -- Dressage 马术/三项赛 Equestrian -- Eventing 击剑 Fencing 足球 Football 体操/竞技体操 Artistic Gymnastics 体操/蹦床 Gymnastics -- Trampoline 体操/艺术体操 Rhythmic Gymnastics 举重 Weightlifting 手球 Handball 曲棍球 Hockey 柔道 Judo 摔跤/古典式 Wrestling -- Greco-Roman 摔跤/自由式 Wrestling -- Freestyle 游泳/游泳 Aquatics -- Swimming 游泳/花样游泳 Aquatics -- Syn. swimmin 游泳/跳水 Aquatics -- Diving 游泳/水球 Aquatics --Water-polo 现代五项 Modern Pentathlon 垒球 Softball 跆拳道 Taekwondo 网球 Tennis 乒乓球 Table Tennis 射击 Shooting 射箭 Archery 铁人三项 Triathlon 帆船 Sailing 排球/排球 Volleyball 排球/沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball 仰泳 backstroke 蛙泳 breaststroke 蝶泳 butterfly 自由泳 freestyle 个人混合泳 individual medley 掷铁饼 discus throw 链球 hammer throw 跳高 high jump 标枪 javelin throw 跳远 long jump 马拉松 marathon 撑竿跳高 pole vault 铅球 shot put 三级跳远 triple jump
2023-07-26 08:28:465


链接: 提取码:5C3f 小猪威比的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  他有一双可爱的耳朵,还有圆滚滚胖乎乎的身体,还有一只可爱的大鼻子,他就是小猪威比(Wibbly Pig),充满天真幻想的善良的好宝宝。影片开始的时候,威比总是躲起来,让电视机前的小朋友找他。找到他后,威比就跳出来和小朋友做着各种各样的游戏,或者画画,或者唱歌,或者跳舞,欢快美妙的歌声引领着小朋友们进入威比神奇梦幻的童话世界。在这一过程中,我们还将认识威比的朋友们和他最喜欢的玩具宝宝。千万不要错过,威比等着你我他的到来……本片由英国BBC频道制作,根据英国作家米克·英克潘的儿童绘本改编。
2023-07-26 08:29:032


Microsoft Addresses Justice Department AccusationsREDMOND, Wash. -- Oct. 21, 1997 -- In direct response to accusations made by the Department of Justice, Microsoft Corporation announced today it will be acquiring the Federal Government of the United States of America for an undisclosed sum. "It"s actually a logical extension of our growth," said Microsoft chairman and CEO Bill Gates. "It"s a positive arrangement for everyone." Microsoft representatives held a briefing at the Oval Office with US President Bill Clinton, and assured members of the press that changes to US Government policy will be "minimal." The United States will be managed as a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corp. An initial public offering is planned for July 4 of next year, and the Federal Government is expected to be profitable by 1999, according to Microsoft president Steve Ballmer. In a related announcement, President Bill Clinton stated that he had "willingly and enthusiastically" accepted a position as vice president of USA Operations with Microsoft, and will continue to manage the United States government, reporting directly to Microsoft chairman and CEO Bill Gates. When asked how it felt to give up the mantle of executive authority, Clinton smiled and referred to it as "a relief." He went on to say that Gates has a "proven track record," and that US citizens should offer Gates their "full support and confidence." In his new role at Microsoft, Clinton will reportedly be earning several times the $200,000 annually he currently earns as US president. Gates dismissed a rumor that the US Capitol be moved to Redmond as "silly," though he did say he would make executive decisions for the US government from his existing office at Microsoft headquarters. Gates did say, however, that the US House and Senate would "of course" be abolished. "Microsoft isn"t a democracy," Gates said, "yet look how well we"re doing." When asked if the rumored attendant acquisition of Canada was proceeding, Gates would only say that Microsoft doesn"t comment on unannounced products. Microsoft representatives closed the conference by stating that United States citizens will be able to expect lower taxes, increases in government services, discounts on all Microsoft products, and the immediate arrest of all executive officials of Sun Microsystems Inc. and Netscape Corp. About MicrosoftFounded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers, and democratic government. The company offers a wide range of products and services for public, business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing and mostly free society every day. About the United StatesFounded in 1776, the United States of America is the most successful nation in the history of the world, and has been a beacon of democracy and opportunity for over 200 years. Headquartered in Washington, DC, the United States is a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation. "The United States of America" and "Microsoft" are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
2023-07-26 08:29:172


1. A worm hole could open in space, providing a short cut from one side of the universe to the other. Verdict: Mostly true打开的虫洞可以撕裂空间,给我们提供穿越宇宙的捷径。判定:基本正确Worm holes are a pretty well-accepted part of modern cosmology and it"s Thorne"s theorems that have helped make them that way. The idea is that if you think of space-time less as a void than as a sortof fabric—which it is—it could, under the right circumstances fold over onitself. Punching the necessary holes in that fabric so that you could make your universe-transiting trip would be a bit more difficult. That would require what"s known as negative energy—an energetic state less than zero—to create the portal and keep it open, says Princeton cosmologist J. Richard Gott. There havebeen attempts to create such conditions in the lab, which is a long way from areal worm hole but at least helps prove the theory。虫洞是现代宇宙学中普遍接受的概念,而它的流行主要得益于索恩定理。虫洞的主要观点是:当时空被当作一种布料而不是空间时,只要时机合适,它就可以折叠。然而,在布料上开一个可以穿越宇宙的口子并不容易。为此,普林斯顿的宇宙学家理查德·戈特表示,我们需要一种负能量,即一种低于零的能量状态,去打开并维持时空之门。我们可以在实验室尝试制造这种状态,可是这与真实的虫洞相差甚远,但我们可以以此来证明这种理论。One bit of license the Interstellar story didtake concerns how the worm hole came to be. It takes a massive object to generate a gravity field sufficient to fold space-time in half, and the one inthe movie would have to be the equivalent of 100 million of our suns, says Gott. Depending on where in the universe you placed an object with that kind of mass, it could make a real mess of the surrounding worlds—but it doesn"t in the movie。《星际穿越》未曾注意到的一点是虫洞是如何产生的。为了折叠时空,我们需要一个巨大的物体去建造一个重力场,而在电影中,这个物体要相当于100万个太阳,戈特说。我们在何处安放这样一个庞然大物会决定周边世界是否混乱,但在电影中,这种混乱显然并没有发生。2.Getting too close to the gravity well of a massive object like a black hole causes timeto move more slowly for you than it would for people on Earth. Verdict: True像黑洞那样的庞然大物,如果离它的重力场太近,时间就会比地球上的走得更慢。判定:正确For this one, stay with space-time as a fabric—astretched one, like a trampoline. Now place a 500-lb. cannon ball on it. That"syour black hole with its massive gravity field. The vertical threads in theweave of the fabric are space, the horizontal ones are time, and the cannonball can"t distort one without distorting the other, too. That means that everything—including how soon your next birthday comes—will be stretched out.Really, it"s as simple as that—unless you want to spend some time with the equations that prove the point, which, trust us, you don"t。继续将时空当作一张像弹簧床一样展开的的布料,并在上面放上一颗五百磅的炮弹。这就像黑洞和它的重力场。布料上竖线是空间,横线是时间,只有布料其他部分扭曲,炮弹才会扭曲。这就意味着所有的一切都会被延长,包括你下一个生日到来的时间。这是个简单的事实,除非你想花些时间用各种公式去证明它,但相信我,你不会这样做的。3.Itwould be possible to communicate to Earth from within a black hole. Verdict:Maybe在黑洞里可以和地球通信。判定:可能The accepted truth about a black hole is that its gravitational grip is so powerful that not even light can escape—which is howit got its name. But even physics may have loopholes, and one of them is something known as Hawking radiation, discovered by, well, guess who. When aparticle falls into a black hole, the fact that it"s falling creates another form of negative energy. But nature hates when its books are unbalanced—a negative without a corresponding positive is like a debit without a credit. Sothe black hole emits a particle to keep everything revenue- neutral. Zillions of those particles create a form of outflowing energy—and energy can be encoded to carry information, which is how all forms of wireless communication work.That"s hardly the same as being able to radio down to Houston from within ablack hole"s maw, but it takes you a big step closer。关于黑洞普遍被接受的观点是黑洞的引力太强大,连光线也无法逃脱,这也黑洞名称的由来。然而,即使物理学定律也有漏洞,其中有一个著名的就是霍金辐射(猜猜是谁发现的)。当一个物质掉入黑洞之后,它会产生另一种反物质。但是,自然界讨厌一切不平衡,就像借钱不还债一样,自然界不喜欢只有反面而没有正面。所以黑洞释放出一种颗粒来中和所有物质。不计其数的颗粒形成倾泻而出的携带信息的能量,这就是黑洞中无线通讯进行的方式。这几乎就像从黑洞的大嘴中向休斯敦发送无线电波一样,但你需要迈更大的一步。4.Itwould be possible to survive the leap into the black hole from which you hopeto do your communicating in the first place.Verdict: False—except…跳入黑洞后,你可能还有时间发个通讯,然后再尸骨无存。判定:错误——除非……Cosmologists vie for the best term to describe what would happen to you if youcrossed over a black hole"s so-called event horizon, or its light-gobbling threshold. The winner, in a linguistic landslide:spaghettification—which does not sound good. But that nasty end may not happen immediately. “Most people would agree that a person who jumps into a black holeis doomed,” says Columbia University cosmologist and best-selling author Brian Greene, “but if the black hole is big enough, you wouldn"t get spaghettified right away。”That"s small comfort, but for a good screenwriter, it"s all the wiggle room youneed。宇宙学家一直绞尽脑汁来形容跨越黑洞“视界”或者“光线吞噬界线”之后的后果。他们搞出了一个听起来不怎么样的词:“意大利面化”(指在强引力场中物体因潮汐力作用产生的拉伸形变)。不过,这么恶心的事情可能不会立即发生,“大部分人都相信跳入黑洞后必然尸骨无存”,哥伦比亚大学宇宙学家和畅销书作者布赖恩·格林说,“但是如果黑洞足够大,你不会立刻被绞成意大利面那样”。 当然,这只是一个小小的安慰,但是作为一个优秀的编剧,说话总是要有余地的。5.And finally: Anne Hathaway could move through time and space and help save all ofhumanity and her hair would still look fabulous.Verdict: Who cares? Wewouldn"t have it any other way最后,安妮·海瑟薇穿越时空拯救全人类之后,发型依旧完美。判定:谁在乎?我们可不希望她蓬头垢面。
2023-07-26 08:29:241


The opening ceremony will be in new Jinan Olympic Sports Center Stadium. While the closing ceremony in the Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Opening and closing program will be through open tender to the public assembly, and strive to embody the innovation, best, economical, national traditions and embodies the spirit of the times to display the Chinese culture and style of Qilu culture, show business and sports achievements in economic and social development. August 2008 will be publicly invited for the opening ceremony of the community sports performance program, in April next year to determine the specific program of the opening ceremony. Mascot emblem unveiled in October 2008 In October 2008, the Eleventh National Games emblem, mascot, theme slogan, posters announced. At the same time, the establishment of the Eleventh National Games countdown card, held a countdown to the second anniversary of promotional activities. September 2008, open call for the Eleventh flame fire collection ceremony for the National Games, the torch design and delivery of programs. Song of the month will be announced. May 2009, held flame fire collection ceremony will be held in August torch ceremony to start the ignition and starting the torch relay activities, each by the end of September after the torch together in Jinan, October 11 at the opening ceremony in the main torch lit . Jinan will host 23 events Eleventh National Games a total of 33 large, 360 small items, located in the province will be held 17. Bid in the cities on the basis of the overall balance, as they shall be reported to the approval of the State Sports General Administration, identified the main stadium in Jinan, the city of 17 to participate in, the province set up 60 sub-division of the project layout. Jinan, which will host 23 events, including track and field, swimming (diving, men"s water polo), badminton, basketball, boxing, equestrian (speed race), men"s soccer (and the 1-4 group name), gymnastics (artistic gymnastics, trampoline ), men"s handball, tennis, men"s volleyball, women"s volleyball, weightlifting, wrestling, shooting, hockey, baseball, softball. Qingdao will host the 11, six of sunshine, the other 1-3 cities. Marathon and some snow and ice project, will be held from provinces and cities. Total of 41 new stadiums
2023-07-26 08:29:441


uc870uc6a9ud544 - Bounceuadf8ub300uac00 ub3ccuc544uc11cuba74ub450 ub208uc774 ub9c8uc8fcuce60uae4cuc2ecuc7a5uc774 Bounce Bounceub450uadfcub300 ub4e4ub9b4uae4c ubd10 uac81ub098ud55cucc38uc744 ub9dduc124uc774ub2e4uc6a9uae30ub97c ub0b4ubc24uc0c8uc6cc uc900ube44ud55c uc21cuc560ubcf4 uace0ubc31ud574ub3c4 ub420uae4cucc98uc74c ubcf8 uc21cuac04ubd80ud130 ub124 ubaa8uc2b5uc774ub0b4 uac00uc2b4 uc6b8ub801uc774uac8c ub9ccub4e4uc5c8uc5b4Baby You"re my trampolineYou make meBounce~Bounce~uc218ub9ceuc740 uc778uc5f0uacfc ubc14uafbcub108uc778 uac78uc0acub791uc774 ub0a8uae34 uc0c1ucc98ub4e4ub3c4 uac10uc2f8 uc904uac8cuc5b4uca4cuba74 uc6b0ub9b0 ubc8cuc368 uc54cuace0 uc788uc5b4uadf8ud1a0ub85d ucc3euc544 ud5e4ub9e8 uc0acub791uc758 uafc8uc678ub86duac8cub9cc ud558ub294 uac78You make me~ BounceYou make me BounceBounce Bounce ub9dduc124uc5ecuc838ub098 ud63cuc790ub9ccuc758 uac10uc815uc77cuae4cub0b4uac00 uc798ubabb uc0dduac01ud55c uac70ub77cuba74uc5b4ub5a1ud558uc9c0 ub208ubb3cuc774ub098ubcc4ucc98ub7fc ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ub208ub9dduc6b8ub3c4uc218uc90duc5b4 ub2ecucf64ud558ub358 ub124 uc785uc220ub3c4ub0b4uac90 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc740 uac78You make me~(Bounce~)uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc6b0ub9b0 ubc8cuc368 uc54cuace0 uc788uc5b4uadf8ud1a0ub85d ucc3euc544 ud5e4ub9e8 uc0acub791uc758 uafc8uc678ub86duac8cub9cc ud558ub294 uac78 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc6b0ub9b0 ubc8cuc368You make me~Oh You make me~
2023-07-26 08:29:531


法律主观:在官网注册登录后,在首页搜索栏中输入企业的名称点击查阅。(或输入注册号、社会统一信用代码)点击搜索后,上方显示需求栏目,可根据条件筛选企业;下方显示符合条件的所有企业,在下方点击企业名称即可查询该企业工商信息。法律客观:《 公司法 》第二十六条第一款 有限责任公司 的注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的全体股东认缴的出资额。
2023-07-26 08:28:381


input:是单行输入框,不会换行。即使设置了宽高,也只是一行。可以通过size属性设置输入字符的长度,但是如果通过css设置了宽高,则size属性无效; 通过value属性设置输入框的初始值,通过maxlength设置输入框可以输入的最大字符数。 textarea是多行输入框,可以换行。可以通过cols和rows属性设置宽高,也可以通过width和height属性设置宽高。通过maxlength设置输入框可以输入的最大字符数。
2023-07-26 08:28:411

dump 是什么意思?

(1) 在特定时刻,将整个储存装置或储存装置之某部分的内容记录在另一储存装置中。倾出的目的通常是为了除错。 (2) 将具备可读格式的数据从主要或辅助储存体复制至外部媒体,如磁带、磁盘或打印机等媒体。 (3) 为收集错误信息而复制整个虚拟储存体或虚拟储存体之某部分的内容。   linux dump  功能说明:备份文件系统。  语 法:dump [-cnu][-0123456789][-b <区块大小>][-B <区块数目>][-d <密度>][-f <设备名称>][-h <层级>][-s <磁带长度>][-T <日期>][目录或文件系统] 或 dump [-wW]  补充说明:dump为备份工具程序,可将目录或整个文件系统备份至指定的设备,或备份成一个大文件。  参 数:  -0123456789 备份的层级。   -b<区块大小> 指定区块的大小,单位为KB。   -B<区块数目> 指定备份卷册的区块数目。   -c 修改备份磁带预设的密度与容量。   -d<密度> 设置磁带的密度。单位为BPI。   -f<设备名称> 指定备份设备。   -h<层级> 当备份层级等于或大雨指定的层级时,将不备份用户标示为"nodump"的文件。   -n 当备份工作需要管理员介入时,向所有"operator"群组中的使用者发出通知。   -s<磁带长度> 备份磁带的长度,单位为英尺。   -T<日期> 指定开始备份的时间与日期。   -u 备份完毕后,在/etc/dumpdates中记录备份的文件系统,层级,日期与时间等。   -w 与-W类似,但仅显示需要备份的文件。   -W 显示需要备份的文件及其最后一次备份的层级,时间与日期。  说明:在这个例子中,系统中有两个文件系统。一个用于 /boot,另一个用于 / ,这是常见的配置。它们必须在执行备份时单独地引用。 /dev/nst0 引用第一个 SCSI 磁带驱动器,不过是以非重绕的模式引用。这样确保各个卷在磁带上一个接一个地排列。dump 的一个有趣特性是其内置的增量备份功能。在上面的例子中,0 表示 0 级或基本级备份。这是完全系统备份,您要定期执行以保存整个系统。对于后续的备份,您可以使用其他数字(1-9)来代替 0,以改变备份级别。1 级备份会保存自从执行 0 级备份以来更改过的所有文件。2 级备份会保存自从执行 1 级备份以来更改过的所有文件,以此类推。使用 tar 和脚本可以执行相同的功能,但要求脚本创建人员提供一种机制来确定上次备份是何时执行的。dump 具有它自己的机制,即它在执行备份时会输出一个更新文件(/etc/dumpupdates)。这个更新文件将在每次执行 0 级备份时被重设。后续级别的备份会保留它们的标记,直至执行另一次 0 级备份。如果您在执行基于磁带的备份,dump 会自动跟踪多个卷。
2023-07-26 08:28:411

可以代替playing cards的单词

2023-07-26 08:28:442


2023-07-26 08:28:454


简介:dmp是Windows蓝屏瞬间建立的文件的后缀名,dmp文件是进程的内存镜像,计算机上称为dump文件。在Windbg中可以通过.dump命令保存进程的dmp文件。命令为:.dump/mac: estdump.dmp使用了/ma参数的命令保存下来的dump文件应该包含进程的完整信息,包括整个用户态的内存,信息量全面,文件尺寸也相应的比较大。如果不使用/ma参数,保存下来的dump文件只包含了部分重要资料,比如寄存器和线程栈空间,文件尺寸会比较小,无法分析所有的数据。作用:可以把程序的执行状态通过调试器保存到dump文件中。Dump文件是用来给驱动程序编写人员调试驱动程序用的。打开方法:这种文件必须用专用工具软件打开,比如使用WinDbg打开。
2023-07-26 08:28:491


法律分析:在工商局网站查询企业是否注册,方法如下:1、在百度输入“国家企业信用信息公示系统”字样,进入国家企业信用信息公示系统官网。2、可以在条框内输入企业名称/统一信用代码/注册号进行查询(以输入企业名称为例)。3、按提示滑动拼图完成拼图验证。4、系统会根据你输入的内容查找出相应企业相关信息,点击查看即可;如若查找结果无,则代表这家企业并没有通过工作局进行登记注册。在工商局网站查不到的企业,可能表示:1、企业不合法,不正规,违规企业;2、企业刚成立,工商局、企查猫等网站还未更新,不代表不合法。3、是政府机关、社会组织机构;4、企业名称或注册号码输入错误,请仔细核对输入后查询。法律依据:《中华人民共和国公司法》第二十三条 设立有限责任公司,应当具备下列条件:(一)股东符合法定人数;(二)有符合公司章程规定的全体股东认缴的出资额;(三)股东共同制定公司章程;(四)有公司名称,建立符合有限责任公司要求的组织机构;(五)有公司住所。第六条 设立公司,应当依法向公司登记机关申请设立登记。符合本法规定的设立条件的,由公司登记机关分别登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司;不符合本法规定的设立条件的,不得登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司。法律、行政法规规定设立公司必须报经批准的,应当在公司登记前依法办理批准手续。公众可以向公司登记机关申请查询公司登记事项,公司登记机关应当提供查询服务。
2023-07-26 08:28:491

TextArea 每一行都显示底线的问题

2023-07-26 08:28:492

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Martha Reeves & The Vandellas专辑:Goldforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand
2023-07-26 08:28:501


2023-07-26 08:28:574

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Adam Faith专辑:The Best Of The Emi Yearsforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand
2023-07-26 08:28:581


你妹 天天在做什么啊
2023-07-26 08:29:012


2023-07-26 08:29:011

they_not_playing cards空里填什么?为什么?

2023-07-26 08:28:372


2023-07-26 08:28:311


2023-07-26 08:28:301

he is playing cards with his friend改否定句

he isn"t playing cards with his friends
2023-07-26 08:28:284

html 中textarea完整用法

多行输入框(textarea)多行输入框(textarea)主要用于输入较长的文本信息。例句如下:<textarea name="yoursuggest" cols ="50" rows = "3"></textarea>其中cols表示textarea的宽度,rows表示textarea的高度。
2023-07-26 08:28:272


n. 垃圾场vt. 倾倒;倾卸vi. 倒垃圾
2023-07-26 08:28:212

waste time playing cards

答案是wasting 或者to wasting rather than do的结构一般只出现在: would do rather than do,prefer to do rather than do 但是它常规的一个用法就是连词短语,也就是连接两个并列的成分, 原句可以调整为: I devoted every effort to making an advertisement rather than (to)wasting time playing cards as usual.也就是说, making an advertisement 和wasting time playing cards as usual是两个平行并列的短语 并且由rather than 连接. 例子:I want it on the desk rather than in the draw . 我想把它放在桌上而不是在抽屉里.on the desk 和in the draw 是平行结构 ps:本人感觉这个题太冗长,直接改成: I devoted every effort to making an advertisement rather than playing cards as usual. 这样不是更简洁吗?
2023-07-26 08:28:201


浏览器将表单的数据打包后发送给服务器,服务器接收后转由程序处理。 <form>表单元素</form> 表单本身不可见,只是一个区域。 语法: <input /> 属性: 1)type(类型) 可选值: text(文字域) password(密码域) file(文件域,不同浏览器显示不同) checkbox(复选域,同组name值最好一样.以便服务器区分) radio(单选域,同一组的name值要相同) button(按钮) submit(提交按钮) reset(重置按钮) hidden(隐藏域,用户看不到但可传递到服务器) image(图像域,实际是按钮的功能) checked(单选多选设置默认值) 2)name(文字域的名称) 3)maxlength(最大字符长度) 4)size(文本框的宽度,字符个数为单位,默认20) 5)value(文本框默认值,是要提交给服务器的值) 6)placeholder(提示信息) 2)<select>-菜单和列表标签 <option>-菜单和列表项目标签 优点: 节约网页空间。 语法: <select> <option value="">选项1</option> </select> select属性: 1)name(名称) 2)multiple(设置可选择多个,会从下拉菜单变为列表菜单,按住ctrl可多选) 3)size(设置列表可见选项数目,会从下拉菜单变为列表菜单) option属性: 1)selected(默认选中) 2)value(传送给服务器的值) 3)<optgroup>-菜单和列表项目分组标签 语法: <select> <optgroup label="组名"> <option>选项</option> </optgroup> </select> 4)<textarea>-文字域标签(多行) 语法: <textarea>内容</textarea> 注意: 开始标签和结束标签之间不要有换行或者空格。 属性: 1)name(名称) 2)placeholder(提示信息) 3)rows(可见行数) 4)cols(可见宽度,只是大约数据)
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2023-07-26 08:28:142


textarea内的换行便是以换行符的形式实现,换行符也能用于textarea 当我们尝试将 用于一般div eg: document.querySelector(".a").innerHTML= "12 1"; 显示: 未显示换行,这是因为在默认情况下空白会被忽略,所以无论是文本里的空白、换行都会被当做一个空格处理, 若想显示空白,需添加属性white-space: pre; 保留换行和空白 或者pre-line 保留换行,忽略空白 增添white-space: pre;显示: 这时候获取innerHTML,输出: 12 1, / /.test(document.querySelector(".a").innerHTML) // true, eg: document.querySelector(".a").innerHTML= "1 2 1"; 显示: 通过审查元素,可以发现可编辑div自带white-space: pre;属性!因此文本空白和换行符都对它有效 而可编辑div内直接进行换行操作,换行又是如何实现的? 进行换行: 再输出innerHTML 1 2 1 <div>11</div><div>111</div> 因此: 对于可编辑div,换行符有效,但它本身的换行是通过div来实现的,这不同于textarea! 一般pre 对于一般pre,文本空格与换行符都有效,也自带white-space: pre;属性。 可编辑pre 类似于可编辑div,换行符有效,本身的换行通过增添div实现。
2023-07-26 08:28:121

It is said that the early European playing-cards __________ for entertainment and education.

【答案】:D本题考查动词的时态。该句要表达的意思是:据说欧洲早期的扑克牌是为了娱乐和教育而设计的。“the early European playing cards”,欧洲早期的扑克牌显然不是现代的,并且扑克牌是被设计的,所以要用一般过去时的被动语态,故此题选择D。
2023-07-26 08:28:121