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2023-07-28 07:52:27
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是围巾而已啦 首先这玩意出现在法国 名为“克拉巴特”(cravate)。从1636年起,克罗地亚骑兵作为路易十四雇用的近卫军在巴黎服役,这些近卫军当时穿的服装为一种名为加斯特科尔(justaucorps)的无领长外衣,这种作为西服始祖的服装领口敞开着,而克罗地亚士兵习惯在脖子上系一条作护身符的色彩鲜艳的布带子,正好在脖子到胸口这个显眼的位置起到了一种装饰作用。于是,这种宽约30厘米,长约一米的克拉巴特开始在巴黎一般市民中普及。这种装饰被贵族采用后,经过不断的改进,克拉巴特开始用细亚麻布、细棉布和丝绸制作,随着流行的发展,克拉巴特的边缘被装饰上了蕾丝或刺绣,长度增加到两米,成为当时贵族社会显现财富、地位和品位的重要饰物,如何系这根带子也成为当时评价贵族男子高雅与否的标准之一。





拉夫领 领部装饰,拉夫领是独立于衣服之外的一种用白色褶饰花边装饰呈车轮状造型的领饰,制作约需3—4米布,要用浆糊使布料变得硬挺,以便成形,还用金属丝做的撑圈托着



2023-07-26 13:30:151


问题一:领带的英文怎么说 necktie[英] [ ??nek??ta?? ] [美] [ ??n??k??ta?? ] n. 领带,领结 tie[英] [ tai ] [美] [ ta?? ] n. 关系; 领带,绳子; 平局; 束缚,限制 vt. (用线、绳等)系; (在线、绳上)打结; 连接; 与…成平局 vi. 打结,系上; 平局; 被用带(或绳子等)系住 复数: ties 过去式: tied 过去分词: tied 现在分词: tying 第三人称单数: ties choker[英] [ ??t????uk?? ] [美] [ ??t??ok?? ] n. 噎住的人,使人窒息之物,宽领带 问题二:"打领带"用英文怎么说 领带:tie / necktie 再给你一些其他表达方式。 tie a tie / neckt搐e = 打领带 put on a tie = 戴上领带 wear a tie = 戴上领带 knot one"s tie = 打领带 问题三:领带用英语怎么表达? tip 问题四:那是谁的领带?用英语怎么说两种答案。 Fanyiw : 那是谁的领带?Whose tie is that? 问题五:系领带用英语怎么说 Tie 问题六:领带的英文怎么说 necktie[英] [ ??nek??ta?? ] [美] [ ??n??k??ta?? ] n. 领带,领结 tie[英] [ tai ] [美] [ ta?? ] n. 关系; 领带,绳子; 平局; 束缚,限制 vt. (用线、绳等)系; (在线、绳上)打结; 连接; 与…成平局 vi. 打结,系上; 平局; 被用带(或绳子等)系住 复数: ties 过去式: tied 过去分词: tied 现在分词: tying 第三人称单数: ties choker[英] [ ??t????uk?? ] [美] [ ??t??ok?? ] n. 噎住的人,使人窒息之物,宽领带 问题七:"打领带"用英文怎么说 领带:tie / necktie 再给你一些其他表达方式。 tie a tie / neckt搐e = 打领带 put on a tie = 戴上领带 wear a tie = 戴上领带 knot one"s tie = 打领带 问题八:那是谁的领带?用英语怎么说两种答案。 Fanyiw : 那是谁的领带?Whose tie is that? 问题九:系领带用英语怎么说 Tie 问题十:系领带用英语怎么说? wear a tie
2023-07-26 13:30:331


2023-07-26 13:30:415


2023-07-26 13:31:369


2023-07-26 13:31:535


回答和翻译如下:He wear prim suit with neckties set primly againest the collar button of his white shirt.他穿着整洁的西装领带,端端正正地穿着他的白衬衫,并且,领口系着扣子。
2023-07-26 13:32:192


领带夹(necktie clip)出现于18世纪,最初只是为了使领带保持「贴身、下垂」的配饰。在正式场合,男士们用它夹在衬衣襟上,这样领带会显得笔直,弯腰时也不会直垂向地面。领带夹背面的链子是扣在衬衣扣子上,起到固定领带夹的作用,以用来保持领带美观,整齐。如果链子不能放不进去,说明你衬衣的扣子不合格,或者是你的领带夹不标准。扩展资料领带夹的用法:应在穿西服时使用,也就是说仅仅单穿长袖衬衫时没必要使用领带夹,更不要在穿夹克时使用领带夹。穿西服时使用领带夹,应将其别在特定的位置,即从上往下数,在衬衫的第四与第五粒钮扣之间,将领带夹别上,然后扣上西服上衣的扣子,从外面一般应当看不见领带夹。因为按照妆饰礼仪的规定,领带夹这种饰物的主要用途是固定领带,如果稍许外露还说得过去,如果把它别得太靠上,甚至直逼衬衫领扣,就显得过分张扬。另外:金正昆教授《现代商务礼仪》中说:领带夹一般只有两种人会用,一种是身份地位特别高的人,另则反之。如果真要用的话也是看不见为宜。领带夹可以体现男士的绅士风采,更加的有品味,更显示出现代人的时尚。参考资料来源:百度百科-领带夹
2023-07-26 13:32:271


哥伦比亚领带大致意思就是:受害者死后,切割开其下吧,把舌头从中拉出来,垂下来像领带的样子。(有时甚至是把男性受害者的生殖器放在嘴里) 原在哥伦比亚某暴乱时期用于恐吓和羞辱 A Colombian necktie (Spanish: corbata colombiana or corte corbata) was a form of post-mortem mutilation consisting of a deep incision under the victim"s chin, through which the tongue is pulled out and left hanging down in grisly semblance to a necktie. A male victim"s genitals are sometimes also severed and put in the mouth. It originated in Colombia during the period of political violence known as La Violencia, as a method of psychological warfare, meant to scare and intimidate.(来自 维基百科)
2023-07-26 13:32:421


nail [uf06euf065uf069uf06c] n. 钉,钉子 narrow [uf035uf06euf041uf072uf045uf075] a. 狭窄的 nation [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf046uf045uf06e] n. 民族,国家 national [uf035uf06euf041uf046uf045uf06euf06c] a. 国家的,全国性的,民族的 nationality [uf06euf041uf046uf045uf035uf06euf041uf06cuf069uf074uf069] n. 国籍 nationwide [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf046uf045uf06euf077uf061uf069uf064] ad. 全国范围内的,全国性的 native [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf074uf069uf076] a. 本土的,本国的 natural [uf035uf06euf041uf074uf046uf045uf072uf045uf06c] a. 自然的 nature [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf074uf046uf045] n. 自然, 性质,种类 navy [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf076uf069] n. 海军 nearby [uf035uf06euf069uf045uf062uf061uf069] a. 附近的 nearly [uf035uf06euf069uf045uf06cuf069] ad. 将近,几乎 neat [uf06euf069uf03auf074] a. 整洁的; 灵巧的 necessary [uf035uf06euf065uf073uf069uf073uf045uf072uf069] a. 必需的,必要的 neck [uf06euf065uf06b] n. 颈,脖子 necklace [uf035uf06euf065uf06buf06cuf069uf073] n. 项链 necktie [uf035uf06euf065uf06buf074uf061uf069] n. 领带,领花 needle [uf035uf06euf069uf03auf064uf06c] n. 针 neighbo(u)r [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf062uf045] n. 邻居,邻人 neighborhood [uf035uf06euf065uf069uf062uf045uf068uf075d] n. 四邻;邻近地区 neither [uf035uf06euf061uf069uf054uf045uf037] a. (两者)都不;也不 nephew [uf035uf06euf065uf076uf06auf075uf03a] n. 侄子,外甥 nervous [uf035uf06euf045uf03auf076uf045uf073] a. 紧张不安的 nest [uf06euf065uf073uf074] n. 巢; 窝 net [uf06euf065uf074] n. 网 network [uf035uf06euf065uf074uf077uf045uf03auf06b] n. 网络,网状系统 niece [uf06euf069uf03auf073] n. 侄女,甥女 nineteen [uf035uf06euf061uf069uf06euf035uf074uf069uf03auf06e] num. 十九 ninety [uf035uf06euf061uf069uf06euf074uf069] num. 九十 ninth [uf06euf061uf069uf06euf057] num. 第九 noble [uf035uf06euf045uf075uf062uf06c] a. 高贵的,贵族的 nobody [uf035uf06euf045uf075uf062uf045uf064uf069] n. 渺小人物; pron. 没有人, nod [uf06euf043uf064] vi. 点头 noise [uf06euf043uf069uf07a] n. 声音,噪声,喧闹声 noisily [uf035uf06euf043uf069uf07auf069uf06cuf069] ad. 喧闹地 noisy [uf035uf06euf043uf069uf07auf069] a. 喧闹的,嘈杂的 none [uf06euf051uf06e] pron. 无任何东西或人,无一人 non-stop [uf06euf043uf06euf035uf073uf074uf043uf070] a.&ad. 不停的; 不断的(地) non-violent [uf06euf043uf06euf035uf076uf061uf069uf045uf06cuf045uf06euf074] a. 非暴力的 noodle [uf035uf06euf075uf03auf064uf06c] n. 面条 nor [uf06euf043uf03a] conj. 也不 normal [uf035uf06euf043uf03auf06duf05buf06c] n.&a. 正常的(状态) north [uf06euf043uf03auf057] a. ad & n.北(的); 在/朝/从/向北 northeast [uf035uf06euf043uf03auf057uf035uf069uf03auf073uf074] n. 东北(部) northern [uf035uf06euf043uf03auf054uf045uf06e] a. 北方的,北部的 northwards [uf035uf06euf043uf03auf057wuf05bdz] ad. 向北 northwest [uf035uf06euf043uf03auf057uf035uf077uf065uf073uf074] n. 西北 note [uf06euf045uf075uf074] n. 便条,笔记,注释; 纸币;音符,音调 vt. 记下,记录;注意,留意 notebook [uf035uf06euf045uf075uf074uf062uf075uf06b] n. 笔记簿 notice [uf035uf06euf045uf075uf074uf069uf073] n. vt. 布告, 通告; 注意 注意到 novel [uf035uf06euf043uf076uf045uf06c] n. (长篇)小说 novelist [uf035uf06euf043uf076uf045uf06cuf069uf073uf074] n. 小说家 November [uf06euf045uf075uf035uf076uf065uf06duf062uf045] n. 11月 nowadays [uf035uf06euf061uf075uf045uf064uf065uf069uf07a] ad. 当今,现在 nowhere [uf035uf06euf045uf075uf068uf077uf05auf05b] ad. 任何地方都不; 无处 nuclear [uf035uf06euf06auf075uf03auf06buf06cuf069uf045] a. 原子(能)的, 核动力的 number [uf035uf06euf051uf06duf062uf045] n. 数,数字,号码;数量 nurse [uf06euf045uf03auf073] n. 护士;保育员 nursery [uf035uf06euf045uf03auf073uf045uf072uf069] n. 托儿所 nursing [uf035uf06euf045uf03auf073uf069uf04e] n. (职业性的)保育,护理 nut [uf06euf051uf074] n. 坚果,坚果仁(胡桃,栗子等) nylon [uf035uf06euf061uf069uf06cuf045uf06e] n. 尼龙
2023-07-26 13:33:171


在你们所学习过的服装类型的 英语单词 中,有哪些是你经常使用的呢?下面给大家分享一些关于衣服的英语单词整理,希望对大家有所帮助。 衣服的英语单词1 1. V-neck V型领 2. sleeve 袖子 3. cuff 袖口 4. buttonhole 钮扣孔 5. shirt 衬衫 6. blouse 紧身女衫 7. T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫 8. vest 汗衫(美作:undershirt) 9. polo shirt 球衣 10. middy blouse 水手衫 11. sweater 运动衫 12. skirt 裙子 13. divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤 14.  underskirt 内衣 15. underwear, underclothes 内衣裤 16. underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作:shorts) 17. briefs 短内裤,三角裤 18. panties 女短内裤 19. knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤 20. brassiere, bra 乳罩 21. corselet 紧身胸衣 22. stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 23. waistcoat 背心 24. slip, petticoat 衬裙 25. girdle 腰带 26. stockings 长袜 27. anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣 28. hood 风帽 29. scarf, muffler 围巾 30. shawl 大披巾 31. knitted shawl 头巾, 编织 的头巾 32. fur stole 毛皮长围巾 33. muff 皮手筒 34. housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣(美作:duster) 35. short dressing gown 短晨衣 36. bathrobe 浴衣 37. nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 38. pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作:pajamas) 39. pocket 衣袋 40. lapel (上衣)翻领 41. detachable collar 假领,活领 42. wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领 43. short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫 44. roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫 45. round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫 46. suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 47. twinset 两件套,运动衫裤 48. jerkin 猎装 49. kimono 和服 50. ulster 一种长而宽松的外套 衣服的英语单词2 1. jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣 2. cardigan 襟毛衣 3. mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣 4. trousers 裤子 5. jeans 牛仔裤 6. short trousers 短裤 7. knickers 儿童 灯笼短裤 8. knickerbockers 灯笼裤 9. plus fours 高尔夫球 裤,半长裤 10. braces 裤子背带(美作:suspenders) 11. turnup 裤角折边,挽脚 12. breeches 马裤 13. belt 裤带 14. suspenders 袜带(美作:garters) 15. suspender belt 吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt) 16. socks 短袜 17. tights, leotard 紧身衣裤 18. handkerchief 手帕 19. bathing trunks 游泳 裤 20. bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 21. bikini 比基尼泳衣 22. apron 围裙 23. pinafore (带护胸)围裙 24. shoe 鞋 25. sole 鞋底 26. heel 鞋后跟 27. lace 鞋带 28. moccasin 鹿皮鞋 29. patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 30. boot 靴子 31. slippers 便鞋 32. sandal 凉鞋 33. canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 34. clog 木拖鞋 35. galosh, overshoe 套鞋 36. glove 手套 37. tie 领带(美作:necktie) 38. bow tie 蝶形领带 39. cravat 领巾 40. cap 便帽 41. hat 带沿的帽子 42. bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽 43. top hat 高顶丝质礼帽 44. Panama hat 巴拿马草帽 45. beret 贝蕾帽 46. peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽 47. broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽 48. headdress 头饰 49. turban 头巾 50. natural fabric 天然纤维 衣服的英语单词3 1. cotton 棉 2. silk 丝 3. wool 毛料 4. linen 麻 5. synthetic fabric 混合纤维 6. acryl 压克力 7. polyester 伸缩尼龙 8. nylon 尼龙 9. worsted 呢料 10. cashmere 羊毛 11. patterns 花样 12. tartan plaid 格子花(美作:tartan) 13. dot 圆点花 14. stripe 条纹 15. flower pattern 花纹花样 16. veil 面纱 17. wardrobe 服装 18. clothing 服装 19. habit 个人依习惯,身份而着的服装 20. ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 21. garments 外衣 22. town clothes 外衣 23. double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 24. suit 男外衣 25. dress 女服 26. tailored suit 女式西服 27. everyday clothes 便服 28. three-piece suit 三件套 29. trousseau 嫁妆 30. layette 婴儿的全套服装 31. uniform 制服 32. overalls 工装裤 33. rompers 连背心的背带裤 34. formal dress 礼服 35. tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服 36. evening dress 夜礼服 37. dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服 38. nightshirt 男式晚礼服 39. dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo) 40. full dress uniform 礼服制服 41. frock coat 双排扣长礼服 42. gown, robe 礼袍 43. tunic 长袍 44. overcoat 男式大衣 45. coat 女大衣 46. topcoat 夹大衣 47. fur coat 皮大衣 48. three-quarter coat 中长大衣 49. dust coat 风衣 50. mantle, cloak 斗篷 51. poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) 52. sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克 53. pelisse 皮上衣 54. jacket 短外衣夹克 关于衣服的英语单词整理相关 文章 : ★ 超完整外贸服装英语词汇大全 ★ c开头的英文单词和服装有关的 ★ 关于小学生的重点英语单词分类大汇总 ★ 初一到初三的英语重点单词大汇总 ★ 幼儿园小孩子启蒙教育英语单词汇总 ★ 最新小学四年级英语各类单词 ★ 小学英语单词顺口溜大全 ★ 七年级上册英语单词汇总 ★ 关于雅思英语听力中最常考的英语单词汇总 ★ 英语四级词汇速记的三个技巧
2023-07-26 13:33:591


2023-07-26 13:34:091


问题一:系领带用英语怎么说 Tie 问题二:系领带英语怎么说 wear ties 当然这是复数用法,也是通俗的说系领带,如果说是一条,一般都是特指,就用wear the tie 问题三:"打领带"用英文怎么说 领带:tie / necktie 再给你一些其他表达方式。 tie a tie / neckt搐e = 打领带 put on a tie = 戴上领带 wear a tie = 戴上领带 knot one"s tie = 打领带 问题四:那是谁的领带?用英语怎么说两种答案。 Fanyiw : 那是谁的领带?Whose tie is that? 问题五:打领带 英语怎么说 wear a tie 例句 杰克:我喜欢这样。我已厌倦了打领带。 Jack: I like that. I"m tired of wearing ties. 问题六:领带的英文怎么说 necktie[英] [ ??nek??ta?? ] [美] [ ??n??k??ta?? ] n. 领带,领结 tie[英] [ tai ] [美] [ ta?? ] n. 关系; 领带,绳子; 平局; 束缚,限制 vt. (用线、绳等)系; (在线、绳上)打结; 连接; 与…成平局 vi. 打结,系上; 平局; 被用带(或绳子等)系住 复数: ties 过去式: tied 过去分词: tied 现在分词: tying 第三人称单数: ties choker[英] [ ??t????uk?? ] [美] [ ??t??ok?? ] n. 噎住的人,使人窒息之物,宽领带 问题七:系着领带,戴着帽子的英语怎么说 have a tie around the neck and a hat on the head with a tie around the neck and a hat on the head
2023-07-26 13:35:141


Whose necktie is this?Whose this necktie is?
2023-07-26 13:35:225


利威尔为什么佩戴领巾?!这个问题我想了很久,在无悔的选择外传中,兵长是没有佩戴领巾的。并且很多次都没有戴,但是加入了调查兵团就戴起了领巾。可以基本推断在加入调查兵团之前是没有戴领巾的习惯! 那么问题来了,我们主要观察在这段时间里究竟发生了什么。还记得有个贵族交给三个人的任务是干掉埃尔文,可以拥有王都的居住权。当时伊莎贝尔是很开心的,又利威尔其实有一点宠着伊莎贝尔。回过头来,领巾代表着贵族的象征,代表着权利。利威尔想潜意识里让伊莎贝尔安心,同时是对自己的肯定和信心。一定会漂亮的完成这场任务。虽然最后很不幸,利威尔的两位挚友死去。只需三天就可以养成一个习惯。还有一个因素就是利威尔想要缅怀自己的挚友,以及对他们的自责和愧疚。
2023-07-26 13:35:372

利威尔兵长脖子上系的是什么 求科普

首先这玩意出现在法国 名为“克拉巴特”(cravate)。从1636年起,克罗地亚骑兵作为路易十四雇用的近卫军在巴黎服役,这些近卫军当时穿的服装为一种名为加斯特科尔(justaucorps)的无领长外衣,这种作为西服始祖的服装领口敞开着,而克罗地亚士兵习惯在脖子上系一条作护身符的色彩鲜艳的布带子,正好在脖子到胸口这个显眼的位置起到了一种装饰作用。于是,这种宽约30厘米,长约一米的克拉巴特开始在巴黎一般市民中普及。这种装饰被贵族采用后,经过不断的改进,克拉巴特开始用细亚麻布、细棉布和丝绸制作,随着流行的发展,克拉巴特的边缘被装饰上了蕾丝或刺绣,长度增加到两米,成为当时贵族社会显现财富、地位和品位的重要饰物,如何系这根带子也成为当时评价贵族男子高雅与否的标准之一。   法国资产阶级大革命后,贵族中流行高领的衬衣,绅士们将脸颊和下颔深深藏在高高竖起的衬衣领里,外面缠着黑、白或彩色的天鹅绒克拉巴特。随着后来高竖的衬衣领尖逐渐折起来,系在上面的克拉巴特也随之变细。到1830年左右,克拉巴特开始分化,在衬衫领前覆盖面较大的克拉巴特被称为“斯卡夫”(scarf,围巾), 而小型的细带则被称为领带(necktie)。正体名为【克拉巴特】。由于兵长的衬衣领为折领, 而领前的克拉巴特较宽,应称作【围巾】。另外由资料知克拉巴特多用于贵族或军队,为身份象征。前面两张配图分为瑞典贵族和法国皇帝,可验证资料准确性。望采纳!
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关于服装类的英语单词(中英对照)如下:clothes 衣服,服装wardrobe 服装clothing 服装habit 个人依习惯,身份而着的服装ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣town clothes 外衣double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣suit 男外衣dress 女服tailored suit 女式西服everyday clothes 便服three-piece suit 三件套trousseau 嫁妆layette 婴儿的全套服装uniform 制服overalls 工装裤rompers 连背心的背带裤formal dress 礼服tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服evening dress 夜礼服dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服nightshirt 男式晚礼服dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform 礼服制服frock coat 双排扣长礼服gown, robe 礼袍tunic 长袍overcoat 男式大衣coat 女大衣topcoat 夹大衣fur coat 皮大衣three-quarter coat 中长大衣dust coat 风衣mantle, cloak 斗篷poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克pelisse 皮上衣jacket 短外衣夹克anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood 风帽scarf, muffler 围巾shawl 大披巾knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾fur stole 毛皮长围巾muff 皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣(美作:duster)short dressing gown 短晨衣bathrobe 浴衣nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作:pajamas)pocket 衣袋lapel (上衣)翻领detachable collar 假领,活领wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neck V型领sleeve 袖子cuff 袖口buttonhole 钮扣孔shirt 衬衫blouse 紧身女衫T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest 汗衫(美作:undershirt)polo shirt 球衣middy blouse 水手衫sweater 运动衫short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫suit, outfit, ensemble 套服twinset 两件套,运动衫裤jerkin 猎装kimono 和服ulster 一种长而宽松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣cardigan 襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤short trousers 短裤knickers 儿童灯笼短裤knickerbockers 灯笼裤plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤braces 裤子背带(美作:suspenders)turnup 裤角折边,挽脚breeches 马裤belt 裤带skirt 裙子divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤underskirt 内衣underwear, underclothes 内衣裤underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作:shorts)briefs 短内裤,三角裤panties 女短内裤knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra 乳罩corselet 紧身胸衣stays, corset 束腰,胸衣waistcoat 背心slip, petticoat 衬裙girdle 腰带stockings 长袜suspenders 袜带(美作:garters)suspender belt 吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt)socks 短袜tights, leotard 紧身衣裤handkerchief 手帕bathing trunks 游泳裤bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣bikini 比基尼泳衣apron 围裙pinafore (带护胸)围裙shoe 鞋sole 鞋底heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋带moccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 凉鞋canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh, overshoe 套鞋glove 手套tie 领带(美作:necktie)bow tie 蝶形领带cravat 领巾cap 便帽hat 带沿的帽子bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽top hat 高顶丝质礼帽Panama hat 巴拿马草帽beret 贝蕾帽peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽headdress 头饰turban 头巾natural fabric 天然纤维cotton 棉silk 丝wool 毛料linen 麻synthetic fabric 混合纤维acryl 压克力polyester 伸缩尼龙nylon 尼龙worsted 呢料cashmere 羊毛patterns 花样tartan plaid 格子花(美作:tartan)dot 圆点花stripe 条纹flower pattern 花纹花样veil 面纱
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特地整理了以下资料, 记得加分哦!bag-sleeve宽袖(袖口抽摺),袋状袖 balloon sleeve灯笼袖,气泡袖,气球袖 barrel sleeve筒状袖 baby doll sleeve小泡泡袖 ------------------2-way collar敞领 angled shawl collar男用尖角丝瓜领 arched collar拱形领(领尖张开呈拱形)artificial fur collar人造毛皮衣领ascot collar阿司阔领asYmmetric collar不对称领attached collar活领,脱卸领bal collar,balmacaan collar, balayeuse高军装领(扣住可竖起,又可平摊);关驳领Balmacaan collar巴尔玛肯领band collar竖领,中式立领,条领,带型领,一般高领 banded collar立领(可前开钮孔或后开钮孔)basic 1 piece shawl collar一片式基本型青果领basic 2 piece notched collar两片式基本型缺角西装领Belmont collar伯尔莫特领(领座较高,领边较窄,领尖一般为圆形) belt collar皮带领,环带领Ben Casey collar本·凯西领Bermuda collar百慕大领Bertha collar蓓莎领,披巾领
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clothes 衣服,服装wardrobe 服装clothing 服装habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣town clothes 外衣double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣suit 男外衣dress 女服tailored suit 女式西服everyday clothes 便服three-piece suit 三件套trousseau 嫁妆layette 婴儿的全套服装uniform 制服overalls 工装裤rompers 连背心的背带裤formal dress 礼服tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服evening dress 夜礼服dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服nightshirt 男式晚礼服dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform 礼服制服frock coat 双排扣长礼服gown, robe 礼袍tunic 长袍overcoat 男式大衣coat 女大衣topcoat 夹大衣fur coat 皮大衣three-quarter coat 中长大衣dust coat 风衣mantle, cloak 斗篷poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克pelisse 皮上衣jacket 短外衣夹克anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood 风帽scarf, muffler 围巾shawl 大披巾knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾fur stole 毛皮长围巾muff 皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster)short dressing gown 短晨衣bathrobe 浴衣nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas)pocket 衣袋lapel (上衣)翻领detachable collar 假领,活领wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neck V型领sleeve 袖子cuff 袖口buttonhole 钮扣孔shirt 衬衫blouse 紧身女衫T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)polo shirt 球衣middy blouse 水手衫sweater 运动衫synthetic fabric 混合纤维acryl 压克力polyester 伸缩尼龙nylon 尼龙worsted 呢料cashmere 羊毛patterns 花样tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)dot 圆点花stripe 条纹flower pattern 花纹花样veil 面纱short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫suit, outfit, ensemble 套服twinset 两件套,运动衫裤jerkin 猎装kimono 和服ulster 一种长而宽松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣cardigan 开襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤short trousers 短裤knickers 儿童灯笼短裤knickerbockers 灯笼裤plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders)turnup 裤角折边,挽脚breeches 马裤belt 裤带skirt 裙子divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤underskirt 内衣underwear, underclothes 内衣裤underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts)briefs 短内裤,三角裤panties 女短内裤knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra 乳罩corselet 紧身胸衣stays, corset 束腰,胸衣waistcoat 背心slip, petticoat 衬裙girdle 腰带stockings 长袜suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters)suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt)socks 短袜tights, leotard 紧身衣裤handkerchief 手帕bathing trunks 游泳裤bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣bikini 比基尼泳衣apron 围裙pinafore (带护胸)围裙shoe 鞋sole 鞋底heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋带moccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 凉鞋canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh, overshoe 套鞋glove 手套tie 领带 (美作:necktie)bow tie 蝶形领带cravat 领巾cap 便帽hat 带沿的帽子bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽top hat 高顶丝质礼帽Panama hat 巴拿马草帽beret 贝蕾帽peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽headdress 头饰turban 头巾natural fabric 天然纤维cotton 棉silk 丝wool 毛料linen 麻
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Beyonce Knowles ----Upgrade U[Jay-Z]HeheheYeah B!Talk yo shit hehehHow you gonna upgrade meWhat"s higher than number oneYou know I used to beat that blockNow I be"s the block(Partner let me upgrade ya)[verse 1]I hear you be the blockBut I"m the light that keep the streets onNotice you the type that like to keep them on a leash thoughI"m known to walk aloneBut I"m alone for a reasonSendin" me a drink ain"t appeasin"Believe meCome harder this won"t be easyDon"t doubt yourself trust me you need meThis ain"t a no shoulder with a chip or an egoBut what you think they all mad at me for[Bridge]You need a real woman in your life(That"s a good look)Takin" care of home and still fly(That"s a good look)And I"ma help you build up your accountThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood lookLadies that"s a good lookWhen you"re in them big meetings for the mils(That"s a good look)You take me just to complement the deal(That"s a good look)Anything you cop I"ll split the billThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood lookBelieve meLadies that"s a good look[Chorus]Partner let me upgrade youAudmars Piguet youSwitch your necktie to Purple LabelsUpgrade yaI can (up)Can I (up)Lemme upgrade ya(Partner let me upgrade ya)Partner let me upgrade youFlip a new pageIntroduce you to some new things andUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Let me upgrade you(Partner let me upgrade ya)[Verse 2]I can do for you what Martin did for the peopleRan by the men but the women keep the tempoIt"s very seldom that you"re blessed to find your equalStill play my part and let you take the lead roleBelieve meI"ll followThis could be easyI"ll be the help whenever you need meI see you hustle wit my hustle I can keep youFocused on yo focus I can feed you[Bridge]You need a real woman in your life(That"s a good look)Takin" care of home and still fly(That"s a good look)I can help you build up your accountThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood lookLadies that"s a good lookWhen you"re in them big meetings for the mils(That"s a good look)You take me just to complement the deal(That"s a good look)Anything you cop I"ll split the billThat"s a good lookBetter yet a hood look[Upgrade U lyrics on]Believe meI can upgrade ya[Chorus]Partner let me upgrade yaAudemar Piguet youSwitch your necktie to Purple LabelsUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Lemme upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaFlip a new pageIntroduce you to some new things andUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Let me upgrade ya(Partner let me upgrade ya[Jay-Z](Uh HOV, Uh, HOV, Uh huh huh!)I Be the d-boy who infiltrated all the corporate dudesThey call shots, I call audiblesJacob the jeweler, baubles, Lauraine Schwartz sorta dudeIt"s big ballin baby when I"m courtin youI"m talkin spy bags and fly pads and rooms at the BloombergAnd rumors you on the verge of a new merge"Cause that rock on ya finger"s like a tumorYou can"t fit ya hand in ya new purseIt"s humorous to me they watchin andWe just yachtin" island hopping off theAmalfi coastMafiosoHOV baby you ever seen Saturn?No! Not the carBut everywhere we areYou sure to see starsThis is high levelNot eye levelMy bezel courtesy of AudemarsI"ll order yours tomorrow now look at the time I saved yaMama let me upgrade ya[Hook]Just when you think you had it allBig ends, condos, collecting carsPicture your life elevated with meMake you my project celebrityI keep your name hot in them streetsBut it"s that little glimpse of lightThat makes a diamond really shineAnd you already is a star butUnless you"re flawlessThen ya dynasty ain"t complete without a chief like me[WOO][Chorus]Partner let me upgrade yaAudemar Piguet youSwitch your necktie to Purple LabelsUpgrade youI can (up)Can I (up)Lemme upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaPartner let me upgrade yaFlip a new pageIntroduce you to some new things andUpgrade yaI can (up)Can I (up)Let me upgrade ya(Partner let me upgrade ya(partner partner let me up grade ya[Outro]Audemars Piguet watchDimples in ya necktieHermes briefcaseCartier tieclipsSilk lined blazersDiamond creamed facialsVVX cuff links6 star pimp suitesPartna let me upgrade ya grade yaPartna partna let me upgrade ya grade yaLet me let me let me upgrade ya grade yaPartna partna partna let me upgrade ya
2023-07-26 13:37:211


clothes 衣服,服装 wardrobe 服装 clothing 服装 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 trousseau 嫁妆 layette 婴儿的全套服装 uniform 制服 overalls 工装裤 rompers 连背心的背带裤 formal dress 礼服 tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服 evening dress 夜礼服 dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服 nightshirt 男式晚礼服 dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo) full dress uniform 礼服制服 frock coat 双排扣长礼服 gown, robe 礼袍 tunic 长袍 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 topcoat 夹大衣 fur coat 皮大衣 three-quarter coat 中长大衣 dust coat 风衣 mantle, cloak 斗篷 poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克 pelisse 皮上衣 jacket 短外衣夹克 anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣 hood 风帽 scarf, muffler 围巾 shawl 大披巾 knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾 fur stole 毛皮长围巾 muff 皮手筒 housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster) short dressing gown 短晨衣 bathrobe 浴衣 nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas) pocket 衣袋 lapel (上衣)翻领 detachable collar 假领,活领 wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领 V-neck V型领 sleeve 袖子 cuff 袖口 buttonhole 钮扣孔 shirt 衬衫 blouse 紧身女衫 T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫 vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) polo shirt 球衣 middy blouse 水手衫 sweater 运动衫 synthetic fabric 混合纤维 acryl 压克力 polyester 伸缩尼龙 nylon 尼龙 worsted 呢料 cashmere 羊毛 patterns 花样 tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan) dot 圆点花 stripe 条纹 flower pattern 花纹花样 veil 面纱 short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫 roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫 round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫 suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 twinset 两件套,运动衫裤 jerkin 猎装 kimono 和服 ulster 一种长而宽松的外套 jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣 cardigan 开襟毛衣 mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣 trousers 裤子 jeans 牛仔裤 short trousers 短裤 knickers 儿童灯笼短裤 knickerbockers 灯笼裤 plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤 braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders) turnup 裤角折边,挽脚 breeches 马裤 belt 裤带 skirt 裙子 divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤 underskirt 内衣 underwear, underclothes 内衣裤 underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts) briefs 短内裤,三角裤 panties 女短内裤 knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤 brassiere, bra 乳罩 corselet 紧身胸衣 stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 waistcoat 背心 slip, petticoat 衬裙 girdle 腰带 stockings 长袜 suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters) suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt) socks 短袜 tights, leotard 紧身衣裤 handkerchief 手帕 bathing trunks 游泳裤 bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 bikini 比基尼泳衣 apron 围裙 pinafore (带护胸)围裙 shoe 鞋 sole 鞋底 heel 鞋后跟 lace 鞋带 moccasin 鹿皮鞋 patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 boot 靴子 slippers 便鞋 sandal 凉鞋 canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 clog 木拖鞋 galosh, overshoe 套鞋 glove 手套 tie 领带 (美作:necktie) bow tie 蝶形领带 cravat 领巾 cap 便帽 hat 带沿的帽子 bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽 top hat 高顶丝质礼帽 Panama hat 巴拿马草帽 beret 贝蕾帽 peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽 broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽 headdress 头饰 turban 头巾 natural fabric 天然纤维 cotton 棉 silk 丝 wool 毛料 linen 麻
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  关于服装的英语单词整理(一)   skirt 裙子   divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤   underskirt 内衣   underwear, underclothes 内衣裤   underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作:shorts)   briefs 短内裤,三角裤   panties 女短内裤   knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤   brassiere, bra 乳罩   corselet 紧身胸衣   stays, corset 束腰,胸衣   waistcoat 背心   slip, petticoat 衬裙   girdle 腰带   stockings 长袜   anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的`粗呢大衣   hood 风帽   scarf, muffler 围巾   shawl 大披巾   knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾   fur stole 毛皮长围巾   muff 皮手筒   housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣(美作:duster)   short dressing gown 短晨衣   bathrobe 浴衣   nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣   pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作:pajamas)   pocket 衣袋   lapel (上衣)翻领   detachable collar 假领,活领   wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领   V-neck V型领   sleeve 袖子   cuff 袖口   buttonhole 钮扣孔   shirt 衬衫   blouse 紧身女衫   T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫   vest 汗衫(美作:undershirt)   polo shirt 球衣   middy blouse 水手衫   sweater 运动衫   short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫   roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫   round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫   suit, outfit, ensemble 套服   twinset 两件套,运动衫裤   jerkin 猎装   kimono 和服   ulster 一种长而宽松的外套   jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣   cardigan 襟毛衣   mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣   trousers 裤子   jeans 牛仔裤   关于服装的英语单词整理(二)   short trousers 短裤   knickers 儿童灯笼短裤   knickerbockers 灯笼裤   plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤   braces 裤子背带(美作:suspenders)   turnup 裤角折边,挽脚   breeches 马裤   belt 裤带   suspenders 袜带(美作:garters)   suspender belt 吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt)   socks 短袜   tights, leotard 紧身衣裤   handkerchief 手帕   bathing trunks 游泳裤   bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣   bikini 比基尼泳衣   apron 围裙   pinafore (带护胸)围裙   shoe 鞋   sole 鞋底   heel 鞋后跟   lace 鞋带   moccasin 鹿皮鞋   patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋   boot 靴子   slippers 便鞋   sandal 凉鞋   canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋   clog 木拖鞋   galosh, overshoe 套鞋   glove 手套   tie 领带(美作:necktie)   bow tie 蝶形领带   cravat 领巾   cap 便帽   hat 带沿的帽子   bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽   top hat 高顶丝质礼帽   Panama hat 巴拿马草帽   beret 贝蕾帽   peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽   broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽   关于服装的英语单词整理(三)   natural fabric 天然纤维   cotton 棉   silk 丝   wool 毛料   linen 麻   synthetic fabric 混合纤维   acryl 压克力   polyester 伸缩尼龙   nylon 尼龙   worsted 呢料   cashmere 羊毛   patterns 花样   tartan plaid 格子花(美作:tartan)   dot 圆点花   stripe 条纹   flower pattern 花纹花样   veil 面纱   wardrobe 服装   clothing 服装   habit 个人依习惯,身份而着的服装   ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣   garments 外衣   town clothes 外衣   double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣   suit 男外衣   dress 女服   tailored suit 女式西服   everyday clothes 便服   three-piece suit 三件套   trousseau 嫁妆   layette 婴儿的全套服装   uniform 制服   overalls 工装裤   rompers 连背心的背带裤   formal dress 礼服   tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服   evening dress 夜礼服   dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服   nightshirt 男式晚礼服   dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo)   full dress uniform 礼服制服   frock coat 双排扣长礼服   gown, robe 礼袍   tunic 长袍   overcoat 男式大衣   coat 女大衣   topcoat 夹大衣   fur coat 皮大衣   three-quarter coat 中长大衣   dust coat 风衣   mantle, cloak 斗篷   poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)   sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克   pelisse 皮上衣   jacket 短外衣夹克
2023-07-26 13:37:371


clothes 衣服,服装wardrobe 服装clothing 服装habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣town clothes 外衣double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣suit 男外衣dress 女服tailored suit 女式西服everyday clothes 便服three-piece suit 三件套trousseau 嫁妆layette 婴儿的全套服装uniform 制服overalls 工装裤rompers 连背心的背带裤formal dress 礼服tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服evening dress 夜礼服dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服nightshirt 男式晚礼服dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform 礼服制服frock coat 双排扣长礼服gown, robe 礼袍tunic 长袍overcoat 男式大衣coat 女大衣topcoat 夹大衣fur coat 皮大衣three-quarter coat 中长大衣dust coat 风衣mantle, cloak 斗篷poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克pelisse 皮上衣jacket 短外衣夹克anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood 风帽scarf, muffler 围巾shawl 大披巾knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾fur stole 毛皮长围巾muff 皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster)short dressing gown 短晨衣bathrobe 浴衣nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas)pocket 衣袋lapel (上衣)翻领detachable collar 假领,活领wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neck V型领sleeve 袖子cuff 袖口buttonhole 钮扣孔shirt 衬衫blouse 紧身女衫T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)polo shirt 球衣middy blouse 水手衫sweater 运动衫short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫suit, outfit, ensemble 套服twinset 两件套,运动衫裤jerkin 猎装kimono 和服ulster 一种长而宽松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣cardigan 开襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤short trousers 短裤knickers 儿童灯笼短裤knickerbockers 灯笼裤plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders)turnup 裤角折边,挽脚breeches 马裤belt 裤带skirt 裙子divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤underskirt 内衣underwear, underclothes 内衣裤underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts)briefs 短内裤,三角裤panties 女短内裤knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra 乳罩corselet 紧身胸衣stays, corset 束腰,胸衣waistcoat 背心slip, petticoat 衬裙girdle 腰带stockings 长袜suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters)suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt)socks 短袜tights, leotard 紧身衣裤handkerchief 手帕bathing trunks 游泳裤bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣bikini 比基尼泳衣apron 围裙pinafore (带护胸)围裙shoe 鞋sole 鞋底heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋带moccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 凉鞋canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh, overshoe 套鞋glove 手套tie 领带 (美作:necktie)bow tie 蝶形领带cravat 领巾cap 便帽hat 带沿的帽子bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽top hat 高顶丝质礼帽Panama hat 巴拿马草帽beret 贝蕾帽peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽headdress 头饰turban 头巾natural fabric 天然纤维cotton 棉silk 丝wool 毛料linen 麻synthetic fabric 混合纤维acryl 压克力polyester 伸缩尼龙nylon 尼龙worsted 呢料cashmere 羊毛patterns 花样tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)dot 圆点花stripe 条纹flower pattern 花纹花样veil 面纱
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ip.addr ==可以将源地址和目的地址为192.168.1.1数据过滤出来
2023-07-26 13:33:031


[3Parts]scaleUp = 122scaleMiddle = 130scaleDown = 137[BlendFace]idFaceShape1 = 62idFaceShape2 = 62blendFaceShape = 50[Face]scaleFaceH = 82scaleFaceV = 128idFaceTex = 44[Faling]idFalingSkin = 433idFalingTex = 437[Forehead]offsetForeheadH = 129offsetForeheadV = 128offsetForeheadZ = 134rotateForehead = 128scaleForehead = 128[YokeBone]offsetYokeBoneH = 105offsetYokeBoneV = 113offsetYokeBoneZ = 121rotateYokeBone = 128scaleYokeBone = 128[Cheek]offsetCheekH = 123offsetCheekV = 128offsetCheekZ = 118scaleCheek = 128[Chain]offsetChainV = 128offsetChainZ = 94rotateChain = 128scaleChainH = 92[Jaw]offsetJawH = 161offsetJawV = 128offsetJawZ = 128scaleJawSpecial = 128scaleJawH = 128scaleJawV = 128[Eye]idEyeBaseTex = 50idEyeHighTex = 49idEyeBallTex = 48idEyeShape = 71scaleEyeH = 173scaleEyeV = 255rotateEye = 138offsetEyeH = 139offsetEyeV = 100offseteyeZ = 91scaleEyeBall = 184scaleEyeH2 = 173scaleEyeV2 = 255rotateEye2 = 138offsetEyeH2 = 139offsetEyeV2 = 100offseteyeZ2 = 91scaleEyeBall2 = 184[Brow]idBrowTex = 46idBrowShape = 355scaleBrowH = 116scaleBrowV = 90rotateBrow = 110offsetBrowH = 128offsetBrowV = 126offsetBrowZ = 115scaleBrowH2 = 116scaleBrowV2 = 90rotateBrow2 = 110offsetBrowH2 = 128offsetBrowV2 = 126offsetBrowZ2 = 115[Nose]idNoseTex = 39idNoseTipShape = 58scaleNoseTipH = 107scaleNoseTipV = 119scaleNoseTipZ = 135offsetNoseTipV = 106idNoseBridgeShape = 57scaleBridgeTipH = 128offsetBridgeTipZ = 128 </img>
2023-07-26 13:33:041

再一次的英语翻译 再一次用英语怎么说

againonce againonce moreone more time都可以
2023-07-26 13:33:101


意思是:见到云就联想到她华艳的衣裳,见到花就联想到她艳丽的容貌;春风吹拂栏杆,露珠润泽花色更浓。为杨贵妃写的。全文:清平调·其一李白 〔唐代〕云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢。译文:你的容貌服饰是如此美艳动人,以至连白云和牡丹也要来为你妆扮,春风骀荡,轻拂栏杆,美丽的牡丹花在晶莹的露水中显得更加艳冶,你的美真像仙女一样。如果不是在仙境群玉山见到你,那么也只有在西王母的瑶台才能欣赏你的容颜。扩展资料:据晚唐五代人的记载,这组诗共三首。公元743年(唐玄宗天宝二年)或公元744年(天宝三年)春天的一日,唐玄宗和杨妃在宫中在沉香亭观赏牡丹花时召翰林待诏李白进宫写新乐章。李白奉诏进宫,即在金花笺上作了这三首诗。《清平调·其一》这首诗就是其中之一。全诗构思精巧,辞藻艳丽,将花与人浑融在一起写,描绘出人花交映、迷离恍惚的景象,显示了诗人高超的艺术功力。
2023-07-26 13:33:111


问题一:请问 龙的英语怎么读。 dragon ["dr?g?n] 汉语读音就是“拽根” 我见你英文名最好别用这个了 太雷了 问题二:龙的英文怎么读 龙 [lóng] 名 [动]dragon; a huge extinct reptile; a surname 形 (属于帝王的) imperial 问题三:龙的英语怎么读 dragon 英[?dr?g?n] 美[?dr??n] n. 龙,龙船; [D-][天文学]天龙(星座); [口语、贬义] 脾气暴躁的人; [例句]No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat. 谁进得龙王庙不捏一把冷汗? [其他] 复数:dragons 问题四:龙用英语怎么说? 虽然dragon翻译成龙的意思,但是实际上英语中的龙给人的印象是凶猛的怪物,不象汉语文化中龙是祥瑞之物,是高贵的象征 问题五:龙的英文怎么说? “龙”不应该翻译成 dragon。Dragon 的本意是凶残的有翼巨兽、恶魔、悍妇等。中国人在外国人面前自称 dragon,是自我妖魔化。“龙”也不应该翻译成 long。Long 的英文处音不是“龙”,而是“狼”,这不是真正的音译。“龙”应该翻译成 loong,它的发音和“龙”相近,在英文中本来就是“龙”字的音译,有些西方人也把龙称为 loong,有广泛的使用基础。Loong 的两个“O”字母象龙的两只眼睛,loong 使人联想到 long(长),所以它也是一个象形文字,和汉字特色相通。而 long 在形象上是独眼龙。 问题六:龙 的英文怎么读? 西方龙:dragon 东方龙:loong 这两个做英文名都不怎么的...比起名字听起来更像代号...
2023-07-26 13:33:111


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[3Parts]scaleUp = 108scaleMiddle = 110scaleDown = 118[BlendFace]idFaceShape1 = 23idFaceShape2 = 23blendFaceShape = 50[Face]scaleFaceH = 133scaleFaceV = 133idFaceTex = 5[Faling]idFalingSkin = 434idFalingTex = 436[Forehead]offsetForeheadH = 128offsetForeheadV = 128offsetForeheadZ = 128rotateForehead = 128scaleForehead = 128[YokeBone]offsetYokeBoneH = 128offsetYokeBoneV = 131offsetYokeBoneZ = 128rotateYokeBone = 128scaleYokeBone = 128[Cheek]offsetCheekH = 126offsetCheekV = 123offsetCheekZ = 124scaleCheek = 126[Chain]offsetChainV = 128offsetChainZ = 128rotateChain = 128scaleChainH = 105[Jaw]offsetJawH = 153offsetJawV = 136offsetJawZ = 128scaleJawSpecial = 128scaleJawH = 128scaleJawV = 128[Eye]idEyeBaseTex = 329idEyeHighTex = 323idEyeBallTex = 9idEyeShape = 36scaleEyeH = 108scaleEyeV = 228rotateEye = 92offsetEyeH = 140offsetEyeV = 128offseteyeZ = 128scaleEyeBall = 177scaleEyeH2 = 108scaleEyeV2 = 228rotateEye2 = 92offsetEyeH2 = 140offsetEyeV2 = 128offseteyeZ2 = 128scaleEyeBall2 = 177[Brow]idBrowTex = 7idBrowShape = 352scaleBrowH = 75scaleBrowV = 110rotateBrow = 102offsetBrowH = 139offsetBrowV = 151offsetBrowZ = 127scaleBrowH2 = 75scaleBrowV2 = 110rotateBrow2 = 102offsetBrowH2 = 139offsetBrowV2 = 151offsetBrowZ2 = 127[Nose]idNoseTex = 2idNoseTipShape = 16scaleNoseTipH = 133scaleNoseTipV = 149scaleNoseTipZ = 128offsetNoseTipV = 135idNoseBridgeShape = 15scaleBridgeTipH = 128offsetBridgeTipZ = 76[Mouth]idMouthUpLipLine = 89idMouthMidLipLine = 86idMouthDownLipLine = 92thickUpLip = 133thickDownLip = 75scaleMouthH = 74offsetMouthV = 128offsetMOuthZ = 128idMouthTex = 14offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 130scaleMouthH2 = 74offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 130[Ear]idEarShape = 22scaleEar = 125offsetEarV = 147
2023-07-26 13:33:131


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大二用英语怎么说 junior大三学生 sophomore 大学二年级学生伐 senior大四学生 大二下学期用英语怎么说?谢谢 Sophomore semester重点词汇释义 学期 term; semester; school term; trimester 你好 请问 在我大一大二期间用英文怎么说啊 during埂my freshman and sophomore 做时间状语就好了呀,你觉得呢?呵呵 大一,大二,大三,大四用英语怎么说 大一:freshman 大二:sophomore 大三:junior 大四:senior 我今年大二了 用英语怎么说啊 I am a sophomore this year. 大二、大三、大四用英语怎么说英语 大学一年级学生: Fresh man 大学二年级学生:Sophomore 大学三年级学生:Junior 大学四年级罚生:Senior sophomore是美国英语。英国英语大学二年级的时候一般说in my second year of university. 请教大家,“从大二到大四” 用英语怎么说? senior year 是大三,一般说毕业生都是the graduate 应丁可以可以直译成from my second year to the fourth year in college/university 大三学生、大二学生用英语怎么翻译 大二学生sophomore, 大三学生junior
2023-07-26 13:33:161


Dragon中文译名“龙”。释义:n.龙;凶狠的人;刺头;(尤指)悍妇;巨蜥;(尤指)科摩多巨蜥;北美天南星科植物;(尤指)龙根天南星;撒旦(或魔鬼)的化身;(国际比赛用的)龙船,龙舟。双语例句:1、The eight dragons ahead of cart fly.手推车前面的八条龙飞过。2、The dragon breathes fire.那条龙口喷火焰。3、Could you tell me the origin of the Dragon-Boat Festival?把端午节的来历告诉我好吗?4、Commonly the evil power was imaged as a dragon or sea monster.邪恶势力通常被想象成龙或海怪。5、the legendary battle between St George and the dragon.传说中的圣乔治大战恶龙。
2023-07-26 13:33:191


1)你连接的是hub还是交换机,交换机的话,需要镜像端口才能抓到一些包。 2)因为广播或者组播包是发到局域网所有机器上的,你可以抓到,其他的交换机会直接交换到对应的端口上。 3)wireshark的原则是 不经过硬件网卡的包是抓不到的。
2023-07-26 13:33:211


代码:[3Parts]scaleUp = 118scaleMiddle = 82scaleDown = 93[BlendFace]idFaceShape1 = 62idFaceShape2 = 62blendFaceShape = 50[Face]scaleFaceH = 113scaleFaceV = 136idFaceTex = 44[Faling]idFalingSkin = 433idFalingTex = 437[Forehead]offsetForeheadH = 131offsetForeheadV = 108offsetForeheadZ = 134rotateForehead = 152scaleForehead = 156[YokeBone]offsetYokeBoneH = 115offsetYokeBoneV = 91offsetYokeBoneZ = 102rotateYokeBone = 156scaleYokeBone = 124[Cheek]offsetCheekH = 137offsetCheekV = 134offsetCheekZ = 112scaleCheek = 110[Chain]offsetChainV = 136offsetChainZ = 169rotateChain = 156scaleChainH = 91[Jaw]offsetJawH = 161offsetJawV = 128offsetJawZ = 128scaleJawSpecial = 128scaleJawH = 128scaleJawV = 128[Eye]idEyeBaseTex = 50idEyeHighTex = 49idEyeBallTex = 48idEyeShape = 73scaleEyeH = 163scaleEyeV = 221rotateEye = 128offsetEyeH = 121offsetEyeV = 99offseteyeZ = 128scaleEyeBall = 192scaleEyeH2 = 163scaleEyeV2 = 221rotateEye2 = 128offsetEyeH2 = 121offsetEyeV2 = 99offseteyeZ2 = 128scaleEyeBall2 = 192[Brow]idBrowTex = 46idBrowShape = 355scaleBrowH = 111scaleBrowV = 78rotateBrow = 121offsetBrowH = 136offsetBrowV = 128offsetBrowZ = 161scaleBrowH2 = 111scaleBrowV2 = 78rotateBrow2 = 121offsetBrowH2 = 136offsetBrowV2 = 128offsetBrowZ2 = 161
2023-07-26 13:33:211


圆圈里3个小人是**暇步士**的衣服品牌。该品牌的产品包括鞋、衣、包及其他配件,诞生于美国Hush Puppies,以独特的狗爪印制成标志。
2023-07-26 13:33:242


  1、《清平调·其一》   作者:唐代 李白   云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。   若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢。   2、翻译:   见到云就联想到她华艳的衣裳,见到花就联想到她艳丽的容貌;春风吹拂栏杆,露珠润泽花色更浓。   如此天姿国色,不是群玉山头所见的飘飘仙子,就是瑶台殿前月光照耀下的神女。   3、赏析:   “云想衣裳花想容”起句以重字出现,这在绝句诗虽不常见,但它却是写作七言诗的一种值得效仿的手法,而且也由此更见出诗人举重若轻的笔力。加以“互文见义”的手法在该句子里的运用,更是见出诗人从侧面烘托美妇人杨玉环的技巧和功力,从而也难怪文学素养均为极高的唐玄宗和杨贵妃对此都很为欣赏。宋人乐史《太真外传》就记载了玄宗高兴地亲自吹笛伴奏,而杨氏则被感动得“敛绣巾再拜”;所有这一切,当然是大诗人李白该成功诗作的魅力引导下的现场感所致!
2023-07-26 13:33:281

Again And Again 歌词

歌曲名:Again And Again歌手:Boxing Gandhis专辑:Boxing GandhisI"m frozen as my life is bursting into flames from deep withinI panic, worrying about the futurethen the past begins to chase me downBut this time you"re the only one aroundAnd I"m staring at a photographfrom before I was sick and addicted to youit was a perfect lifewhatever happened to me?I can"t get out of my wayAgain and again‘cause I"m addicted to youAgain and againBecause I"m dead without youHow will I live through today?I"m standing at the edge of my life againAfraid of jumping inAnd you"re there,Covering up the holes I went and carved into myself againWhatever happened to me?I can"t get out of my wayAgain and again‘cause I"m addicted to youAgain and againBecause I"m dead without youHow will I live throughI know that I will find a wayAgain and againAgain and againIf I was born to lose it allI would"ve given upbut there"s a fire in my heartI can"t put it outsometimes the future"s blurry becausesometimes our perfect lives get lostinside ourselvesI can"t get out of my wayagain and again‘cause I"m addicted to youagain and againbecause I"m dead without youbecause I"m dead without youhow will I live throughI know that I will find a wayagain and again‘cause I"m addicted to youagain and againhow will I live through today?
2023-07-26 13:33:001

妻子的浪漫旅行袁咏仪衣服什么牌子的 两款私服经典吸睛

  《妻子的浪漫旅行》中袁咏仪衣服分别是Maison Margiela和Balenciaga品牌的,这两个牌子都是比较出名的,从穿着来看,袁咏仪的品位还是非常棒的,跟得上潮流。袁咏仪这次参加《妻子的浪漫旅行》让人意外,因为很少见她参加真人秀节目,这次袁咏仪在节目中的表现也是很精彩的,下面来了解下袁咏仪参加节目时所穿的两套衣服。  先导片中,张智霖给袁咏仪制造了惊喜烧烤,两人还一起在海边散步,虽然天气有点差,但袁咏仪还是很满足,她很少见张智霖细心为她准备惊喜的时候,两人已经算是老夫老妻了,而袁咏仪的穿着还是很年轻,长款开衫毛衣,上面设计的纹路很吸引人,颜色也是清新淡雅,温柔大方的奶白色,胳膊和开衫处很新颖,简单的白板鞋与毛衣很般配,袁咏仪一下子年轻了好几岁。  袁咏仪所穿的这款开衫毛衣是Maison Margiela品牌的,Maison Margiela是以设计师命名的个人品牌,1988年成立于巴黎,然后在多个国家发展,成为国际经典品牌,Maison Margiela旗下的作品都很有个性,追求消费者的审美观,随着时代进步不断改变,从袁咏仪的衣服上就可以看出,Maison Margiela有独特的设计方式,让人不由自主想要靠近。  袁咏仪在《妻子的浪漫旅行》中还有一件休闲的运动上衣,卫衣款式的,简单大方,不会显得太臃肿,干净利落,很适合秋冬季节穿,穿出去不掉价,在家穿也方便,相信许多人都想要这款衣服。  袁咏仪的这款衣服是Balenciaga品牌的,Balenciaga是具有影响力的国际品牌,懂得时尚的人,都知道这个品牌,Balenciaga创立于1919年,1936年正式在巴黎落户,从衣服设计来看,Balenciaga的特点是大气舒适,难怪受到那么多人青睐。
2023-07-26 13:32:561


[3Parts] scaleUp = 118 scaleMiddle = 107 scaleDown = 95 [BlendFace] idFaceShape1 = 62 idFaceShape2 = 62 blendFaceShape = 50 [Face] scaleFaceH = 121 scaleFaceV = 136 idFaceTex = 44 [Faling] idFalingSkin = 433 idFalingTex = 437 [Forehead] offsetForeheadH = 132 offsetForeheadV = 128 offsetForeheadZ = 134 rotateForehead = 128 scaleForehead = 64 [YokeBone] offsetYokeBoneH = 153 offsetYokeBoneV = 113 offsetYokeBoneZ = 102 rotateYokeBone = 128 scaleYokeBone = 128 [Cheek] offsetCheekH = 123 offsetCheekV = 128 offsetCheekZ = 118 scaleCheek = 128 [Chain] offsetChainV = 128 offsetChainZ = 94 rotateChain = 128 scaleChainH = 80 [Jaw] offsetJawH = 156 offsetJawV = 128 offsetJawZ = 128 scaleJawSpecial = 88 scaleJawH = 128 scaleJawV = 128 [Eye] idEyeBaseTex = 350 idEyeHighTex = 49 idEyeBallTex = 48 idEyeShape = 75 scaleEyeH = 160 scaleEyeV = 229 rotateEye = 122 offsetEyeH = 128 offsetEyeV = 112 offseteyeZ = 149 scaleEyeBall = 192 scaleEyeH2 = 160 scaleEyeV2 = 229 rotateEye2 = 122 offsetEyeH2 = 128 offsetEyeV2 = 112 offseteyeZ2 = 149 scaleEyeBall2 = 192 [Brow] idBrowTex = 46 idBrowShape = 355 scaleBrowH = 102 scaleBrowV = 68 rotateBrow = 123 offsetBrowH = 165 offsetBrowV = 160 offsetBrowZ = 161 scaleBrowH2 = 102 scaleBrowV2 = 68 rotateBrow2 = 123 offsetBrowH2 = 165 offsetBrowV2 = 160 offsetBrowZ2 = 161 [Nose] idNoseTex = 41 idNoseTipShape = 58 scaleNoseTipH = 105 scaleNoseTipV = 124 scaleNoseTipZ = 140 offsetNoseTipV = 124 idNoseBridgeShape = 55 scaleBridgeTipH = 128 offsetBridgeTipZ = 139 [Mouth] idMouthUpLipLine = 80 idMouthMidLipLine = 77 idMouthDownLipLine = 83 thickUpLip = 108 thickDownLip = 95 scaleMouthH = 64 offsetMouthV = 121 offsetMOuthZ = 128 idMouthTex = 52 offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 131 scaleMouthH2 = 64 offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 131 [Ear] idEarShape = 60 scaleEa
2023-07-26 13:32:551


组成pcap格式文件,首先按照这个结构写入一个24字节包头:typedef struct pcap_hdr_s { guint32 magic_number; /* magic number */ guint16 version_major; /* major version number */ guint16 version_minor; /* minor version number */ gint32 thiszone; /* GMT to local correction */ guint32 sigfigs; /* accuracy of timestamps */ guint32 snaplen; /* max length of captured packets, in octets */ guint32 network; /* data link type */} pcap_hdr_t;然后是16字节的包描述(注意后面的说明):typedef struct pcaprec_hdr_s { guint32 ts_sec; /* timestamp seconds */ 抓包的时间,可以填0 guint32 ts_usec; /* timestamp microseconds */ 毫秒数,直接以0填充 guint32 incl_len; /* number of octets of packet saved in file */ 文件中的包长,就是(Etherne+udp+snmp)的总长度了 guint32 orig_len; /* actual length of packet */ 原始包长,和上面长度相同} pcaprec_hdr_t;构造好的就是这个然后加入数据包的信息,如此循环...填充的结果类似这种:00000000 D4 C3 B2 A1 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000000010 60 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000000020 3E 00 00 00 3E 00 00 00 <你的数据包内容,长度62(0x3E)字节>然后用Wireshark打开就可以看到数据包了
2023-07-26 13:32:541

Again And Again 歌词

歌曲名:Again And Again歌手:Jewel专辑:Goodbye Alice In Wonderland-AtlanticJewelAgain and Againby N/AListen dearI need you to hear.I cannot disappearI"ve tried again and again and again.I know we saidThat we"d give upYou said we"d had enoughAgain and again and again.But you, you"re always on my mind.It"s like this all the time.Say it"s cause you"re mineAll mine...And if you will, I willTry to let it go.And if you try, I"ll tryTry to let it show us the way"Cause love is here to stayJust look me in the eyeThis is do or dieAnd I will stay in love"Till you say enoughThere is no giving inThere is no giving up in love.Walk down the streetStare at lots of thingsThe fast and steady streamsAgain and again and again.Do what I shouldTry to stay busyYour face is all I seeAgain and again and again.But you, you"re always on my mind.It"s like this all the time.Say it"s cause you"re mineAll mine...And if you will, I willTry to let it go.And if you try, I"ll tryTry to let it show us the way"Cause love is here to stayJust look me in the eyeThis is do or dieAnd I will stay in love"Till you say enoughThere is no giving inThere is no giving up in love.Like a movie I once sawIn the darkness I recallFeeling the beauty and the painAnd when you call my nameSay you feel the same.Cause" if you will, I willTry to let it goAnd if you try, I"ll tryTry to let it show.And if you will, I willTry to let it goAnd if you try, I"ll tryTry to let it show us the way"Cause love is here to stayJust look me in the eyeThis is do or dieAnd I will stay in love"Til you say enoughThere is no giving inThere is no giving up in loveIn love, in loveWe"re in loveI cannot disappear...I"ve tried again and again and again...
2023-07-26 13:32:521


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2023-07-26 13:32:461

again and again歌词加翻译

Jewel Lyrics Jewel - Again and AgainListen dear听着,亲爱的,I need you to hear我要你听着.I Cannot disappear我不会消失I"ve tried again and again and again我尝试了一次又一次.I know we said That we"d give up我知道我们说我们将放弃,You said we"d had enough Again and again and again你说过我们有的已足够,一次又一次.But you.You"re always on my mind可是你,你一直在我心里It"s like this all the time就象这样,分分秒秒 Say it"s "cause your mine.All mine因为你是我的,全部是我的.And if you will, I will Try to let it go如果你愿意,我将让它走,And if you try, I"ll try Tryto let it show us the way如果你想尝试,我将尝试让它明示我们的路 "Cause love is here to stay因为爱情就停留在这里.Just look me in the eye看着我的眼睛, This is do or die选择去或留And I will stay in love我将留在爱里"Till you say enough直到你说足够There is no giving in不屈服There is no giving up in love不放弃Walk down the street走在街头Stare a lots of things看着各种事物The fast and steady streams快速,稳定的水流 Again and again and again一次又一次Do what I should做我应做的, Try to stay busy留下来Your face is all I see你的脸是我唯一所见Again and again and again一次又一次But you可是你You"re always on my mind你一直在我心里It"s like this all the time就象这样,分分秒秒Say it"s "cause your mine All mine因为你是我的,全部是我的And if you will, I will Try to let it go如果你愿意,我将让它走And if you try, I"ll try Tryto let it show us the way如果你想尝试,我将尝试让它明示我们的路 "Cause love is here to stay因为爱情就停留在这里.Just look me in the eye看着我的眼睛, This is do or die选择去或留And I will stay in love我将留在爱里"Till you say enough直到你说足够There is no giving in不屈服There is no giving up in love不放弃Like a movie I once saw象我看过的电影In the darkness I recall象我看过的电影Feeling the beauty and the pain感受到的美丽和痛苦And when you call my name还有当你叫我名字时Say you feel the same你说你有相同的感受Cause" if you will, I will Try to let it go如果你愿意,我将让它走,And if you try, I"ll try Try to let it show如果你想尝试,我将尝试让它明示我们的路 And if you will, I will Try to let it go如果你愿意,我将让它走And if you try, I"ll try Tryto let it show us the way如果你想尝试,我将尝试让它明示我们的路 "Cause love is here to stay因为爱情就停留在这里.Just look me in the eye看着我的眼睛, This is do or die选择去或留And I will stay in love我将留在爱里"Till you say enough直到你说足够There is no giving in不屈服There is no giving up in love不放弃In love, in love在爱情中We"re in love我们陷于爱情之中I cannot disappear...我不会消失I"ve tried again and again and again...我尝试了一次又一次.
2023-07-26 13:32:431


是马丁·马吉拉 (Martin Margiela) 品牌。Maison Martin Margiela于1988年在巴黎成立,再由比利时发展到日本、英国、美国、台湾、韩国、香港、意大利和中国内地。该服饰缝在衣服的卷标都只用白色布片,或圈上0~23其中一个数字的布片来示意衣服所属的设计系列,如0号系列意指Artisanal系列,女装基本衣饰则以6号来示意,10号是男装系列的代号,鞋子便是22号,而印刷品及配件就是13号;随着系列的更新,亦会有更多不同号码的出现。0. Garments redesigned by hand for women1. Women"s collection3. Collection of fragrances4. Garderobe for women8. Sunglasses10. Men"s collection14. Garderobe for men0 + 10. Garments redesigned by hand for men11. Accessories for men and women13. Other objects and magazines22. Shoes for men and women有趣的是,在马丁·马吉拉 (Martin Margiela) 品牌专门店里,店员均穿着白色的实验室工作服 。
2023-07-26 13:32:411


!tcp【4】== 0
2023-07-26 13:32:393

Again And Again 歌词

歌曲名:Again And Again歌手:Samantha James专辑:心灵舞韵Again And AgainSamantha JamesNever really know what"s waitingOn the other sideWhen love grows cold no one can predictThere"s no way to predictHow you"re gonna feel insideWe"ve crossed so many bridgesAnd so suddenly our lives have rearrangedNo answers can bridge this separationBetween you and meI love youAnd I"ll never forget youI still feel youAgain and againWhen the pain subsidesUnanswered questions upon a lifeNow death is shaking your faithDon"t know what to do, what to sayDon"t know how to feelOr what to make of it allYou"ve gotta heal on your ownI love youAnd I"ll never forget youI still feel youAgain and againAs you feel emptySo does the world around youThe flowers have witheredAnd now the loss becomes realWhat cannot be changedMust learn to be acceptedIt"s time to face realityI love youAnd I"ll never forget youI still feel youAgain and again
2023-07-26 13:32:361


向上扩展无论是Scale Out,Scale Up,Scale In,实际上就是一种架构的概念,这些概念用在存储上可以,用在数据库上,网络上一样可以。
2023-07-26 13:32:341

以My new year resolution 为提写一篇80词的作文

The new year is coming. I have made some new plans. The first one is to lose weight. Second, I want to improve my grades. Third, I want to improve my writing. Fourth, I want world peace. This is my new year"s resolution. I hope I can make these decisions
2023-07-26 13:32:332