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2023-07-28 08:18:03
TAG: 美女

她是 韩国winktv主播“蜜罐”(uafc0ub2e8uc9c0)。







2023-07-26 14:32:032

WinkTV messenger 是干吗的?

2023-07-26 14:32:101


2023-07-26 14:32:194是什么

================================================================韩*国winKTV 5部合集 需要的发邮件“winKTV”到我邮箱 我已经设置自动回复了 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++即发即得,是 5部合集资源,发送完记得查看收到的邮件,点击即可下。满意请选为最佳,加分也行,谢谢。6##############################################################
2023-07-26 14:32:272


2023-07-26 14:32:3810


2023-07-26 14:34:092


2023-07-26 14:34:181

韩语“uc544uc774ucb48” 翻译成中文人名是什么?还有“ud53cuce58”

只能是音译:uc544uc774ucb48 爱珠ud53cuce58 pitch (这个词也是“桃子”的意思)uc719ud06cud2f0ube44 winktv (额。。。貌似是一个网站。。。)=========================韩语的单词有不同的意思 如果可以的话 最好提供出语境 才能更好的翻译出来
2023-07-26 14:34:251


BJP [词典][医][=Bence Jones protein] 本周(氏)蛋白,凝溶蛋白; [网络] 印度人民党; 人民党; 印人党;[例句]The main opposition party, the BJP, which enjoys the support of millions of stallholders, is doing its best to whip up anger. 主要反对党,BIP党,获得了数百万摊贩的支持,正尽力煽动起他们的愤怒。
2023-07-26 14:34:331


2023-07-26 14:34:432


2023-07-26 14:35:113


2023-07-26 14:35:271


2023-07-26 14:35:362


2023-07-26 14:35:452


2023-07-26 14:35:546

求助 咋登陆winktv的啊~~ 我按步骤做了,可就是登陆不上啊

2023-07-26 14:36:111

有winktv手机下载在哪下载或者是电脑版 要注册那 怎么用

2023-07-26 14:36:171


2023-07-26 14:36:295

青草直播的平台是winktv 还是aff

2023-07-26 14:37:211打不开 是不是要代理美国服务器? 给我一个简单而且稳定的代理 我会追加100分

2023-07-26 14:37:433

一首歌不知道是什么国家的 肯定不是英语 一男一女唱的 有点类似we no speak americano

《Tu vuò fà l"americano》
2023-07-26 14:37:513


2023-07-26 14:38:012


2023-07-26 14:38:522


2023-07-26 14:39:291


是真的 不用注册 没有账号也可以 下载地址:
2023-07-26 14:39:361


2023-07-26 14:39:421


2023-07-26 14:39:491


有啊,很多的。 POPKONTV,afreecaTV,winkTV和livestar是韩国最大的四家
2023-07-26 14:40:171


这个女的是韩国winktv女主播青草 如楼主满意回答,请及时采纳...
2023-07-26 14:40:261

问下winktv升级成lv1,lv2 是要多少RMB的?什么价格

这个你要去 上去登陆. 其实和迅雷会员差不多. 我记得顶级10级是10W韩币,差不多人民币700 到 800吧
2023-07-26 14:40:331


我有艾琳的 ,要么
2023-07-26 14:40:433


不用的 这个可以的
2023-07-26 14:40:591


2023-07-26 14:41:132


2023-07-26 14:41:212


2023-07-26 14:41:311


2023-07-26 14:40:534

NDS 上 塞尔达传说 那一款 好玩

2023-07-26 14:40:552


2023-07-26 14:40:576


一.本课要点及示例:   在这一课里, 我们要学习助动词 could, c-o-u-l-d, could 和两个助动词短语would like to, w-o-u-l-d l-i-k-e t-o, would like to 跟 ought to, o-u-g-h-t t-o, ought to. 我们也要学习用连接词 because, b-e-c-a-u-s-e, because 作句子.   首先我还是请两位英文老师给你念一段对话,内容是说亨利跟他的同事南希聊天的情况. 我请英文老师先用自然速度念一遍, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和声调.   M: Hello, Nancy! Where were you yesterday? F: I didn"t come in because I was sick. M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed. F: I"m going home now. M: Did you drive today? F: No, I don"t have a car. M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride? F: Yes, I"ll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.   好, 现在我请英文老师再把刚才那段对话用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听:   M: Hello, Nancy! Where were you yesterday? F: I didn"t come in because I was sick. M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed. F: I"m going home now. M: Did you drive today? F: No, I don"t have a car. M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride? F: Yes, I"ll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.   在刚才那段对话里, 有几个句子用了我们今天要学的语法, 也就是 could, would like to, ought to 跟 because 的用法, 现在我请英文老师把这几个句子念出来给你听.   F: I didn"t come in because I was sick. M: You ought to go back to bed. M: Would you like a ride? F: Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?   二.助动词Could   好了, 现在我们来作练习. 首先我们学习助动词 could 的用法. 这个字是 can, c-a-n, can 的过去式, 是用来表示过去有能力作一件事. 不过这个字还有另外一个用法, 就是可以用在问句里表示客气地提出请求. 比方有一句话: "我没有车, 你能开车送我吗?" 用英文可以这样说: I don"t have a car. Could you give me a ride?   好, 现在我们来练习这种用法. 由老师念一些句子, 内容都是说南希病了, 她客 气地请人帮忙. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.   M: I don"t feel well. Could you help me? F: I don"t feel well. Could you help me? M: I am sick. Could you take me to a doctor? F: I am sick. Could you take me to a doctor? M: I don"t have a car. Could you give me a ride? F: I don"t have a car. Could you give me a ride? M: I need to buy some medicine. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? F: I need to buy some medicine. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? M: I need to take the medicine. Could you give me a glass of water? F: I need to take the medicine. Could you give me a glass of water?   下面我们来作换字练习.由老师念一个句子,比方: "我能借你的字典吗?" Could I borrow your dictionary? 然后老师给你一个新词组, 比方: 用你的电话 use your telephone, 请你把新词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.   好, 现在我们开始.   M: Could I borrow your dictionary? M: use your telephone F: Could I use your telephone? M: read your newspaper F: Could I read your newspaper? M: take you home F: Could I take you home? M: see you tomorrow F: Could I see you tomorrow? M: talk to you later F: Could I talk to you later?   三.词组Would like to   现在我们来学另外一种客气话, 也就是 would like to. 这个词组就是 "要" want to, w-a-n-t t-o, want to 的意思, 不过比较客气.   下面我们要作一组练习. 由老师念两个句子, 第一个句子用 want to, 第二个句子用的是 would like to. 这两句话意思一样.   M: Nancy wants to see a doctor. F: Nancy would like to see a doctor. M: Henry wants to watch television. F: Henry would like to watch television. M: Kate wants to buy a sweater. F: Kate would like to buy a sweater. M: Susan wants to visit her cousins. F: Susan would like to visit her cousins. M: Peter wants to become a sport star. F: Peter would like to become a sport star. M: Mary wants to have a weekly allowance. F: Mary would like to have a weekly allowance.   刚才我们学习了怎么用客气话 would like" to 作陈述句, 下面我们看一看怎么用这个词组作问句. 比方有一句话: "你要做一个打字员吗?" 英文可以这么说: Would you like to be a typist? 另外一句话: "你要做市政府工作人员吗?" 英文可以这么说: Would you like to be a city worker? 好, 现在我们来作换字练习. 老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个新词组, 请你把新词组代换进去. 作完之后, 请你注意听正确答案.   M: Would you like to be a typist? M: be a city worker F: Would you like to be a city worker? M: sing in a concert F: Would you like to sing in a concert? M: live near the university F: Would you like to live near the university? M: sit next to the window F: Would you like to sit next to the window? M: take two suitcases to New York F: Would you like to take two suitcases to New York?   下面我们换一个方式作练习. 老师用 would you like to 作一个问句, 比方: "你要作一个救火员吗?" Would you like to be a fire fighter? 然后你会听到老师说 Yes或是 No, 请你根据你所听到的回答问题. 如果是肯定的, 就用 would 回答, 是否定的就用would not, 也就是wouldn"t 回答. 作了答案之后, 请你听正确答案.   M: Would you like to be a fire fighter? M: Yes F: Yes, I would like to be a fire fighter. M: Would you like to buy this record? M: No F: No, I wouldn"t like to buy this record. M: Would you like to have a glass of milk? M: No F: No, I wouldn"t like to have a glass of milk. M: Would you like to live near the factory? M: No F: No, I wouldn"t like to live near the factory. M: Would you like to play football this Friday? M: Yes F: Yes, I would like to play football this Friday.   四.词组Ought to   下面我们来学一个新词组 ought to. 这个词组的意思等于我们以前学过的助动词 should, s-h-o-u-l-d, should, 意思就是劝人应该作某一件事.比方有一句话: "你应该在银行停一下", 英文可以这样说: You should stop at the bank. 也可以这样说: You ought to stop at the bank.   现在我们来作练习. 由老师先用 should 作一个句子,请学生用 ought to 代替. 请你在学生念句子的时候跟着重复. 现在我们开始:   M: Nancy should see a doctor. F: Nancy ought to see a doctor. M: Kate should stop at the bank. F: Kate ought to stop at the bank. M: Henry should get in shape again. F: Henry ought to get in shape again. M: Peter should take out the garbage. F: Peter ought to take out the garbage. M: Linda should save some of her weekly allowance. F: Linda ought to save some of her weekly allowance. M: Mary should clean up her room. F: Mary ought to clean up her room.   五.连接词 Because   好了, 现在我们来学这一课要教的最后一个语法, 也就是连接词because "因为"的用法. 要是有人问你: "为什么人们给市政府工作呢?" Why do people work for city governments? 你可以这样回答: 因为市政府工作人员退休时候有不少退休金. Because city workers get a good pension when they retire.   下面这组练习, 是由老师根据这一课开头那段说到南希生病的对话提出几个问题, 请学生用 because 来回答问题. 请你注意听.   M: Why does Nancy have to go home? F: She has to go home because she needs to rest. M: Why should Nancy go back to bed? F: She should go back to bed because she is sick. M: Why does Nancy have to stop at the drugstore? F: She has to stop because she wants to buy some aspirin. M: Why doesn"t Nancy drive to work? F: She doesn"t drive to work because she doesn"t have a car.   下面这组练习是由老师提出一个问题. 接着他再念一个短句, 请你用 because跟这个短句来回答问题. 在你回答之后请你注意听正确答案. 好, 现在我们就开始:   M: Why do you study English? M: It"s useful. F: I study English because it"s useful. M: Why is he listening to radio? M: There is a good program. F: He is listening to radio because there is a good program. M: Why can"t we play tennis now? M: It"s raining. F: We can"t because it"s raining. M: Why didn"t she go to the party with us? M: She had to work. F: She didn"t because she had to work.   六.听短文回答问题   今天要听的文章是说到亨利和南希都是市政府工作人员, 谈到了他们两个人工作的性质.   请你注意听:   Many Americans work for city governments. There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers. Most city workers might not earn a lot of money but when they retire they get a good pension. Henry and Nancy are employees of the city of Seattle. He is a fire fighter. He is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm. Nancy is a typist in Henry"s office. She works from 9 o"clock in the morning to 5 o"clock in the afternoon. She works five days a week, Monday through Friday. Her job is to type reports of fire.   等一下我们还会把刚才那段文章用慢速度再念一遍. 现在我们先把今天要测验的三个问题用慢速度念一遍给你听.   第一个问题是: M: What are some of the city government jobs?第二个问题是: M: Why do people work for city governments?最后一个问题是: M: When does Nancy work?   刚才那三个问题你都听懂了吗? 等一会儿我们还会再念一遍给你听. 现在请你先听老师用慢速度再把刚才那段文章念一次.   Many Americans work for city governments. There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers. Most city workers might not earn a lot of money but when they retire they get a good pension. Henry and Nancy are employees of the city of Seattle. He is a fire fighter. He is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm. Nancy is a typist in Henry"s office. She works from 9 o"clock in the morning to 5 o"clock in the afternoon. She works five days a week, Monday through Friday. Her job is to type reports of fire.   好, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答问题之后, 请听老师给你念正确的答案.   第一个问题是: M: What are some of the city government jobs? F: Fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers are some of the city government jobs.第二个问题是: M: Why do people work for city governments? F: People work for city governments because they get a good pension when they retire.最后一个问题是: M: When does Nancy work? F: Nancy works from 9 o"clock in the morning to 5 o"clock in the afternoon, five days a week, Monday through Friday.
2023-07-26 14:41:001

You are my sunshine my only sunshine. 什么意思 谢

2023-07-26 14:41:037


推荐你一款不错的3D建模软件,Wiiboox cura。具体详情可以去威布三维官网看一下。
2023-07-26 14:41:043


2023-07-26 14:41:071


在iOS开发中经常遇到两个词Frame和bounds,本文主要阐述Frame和bound的区别,尤其是bound很绕,很难理解。 一、首先,看一下公认的资料 先看到下面的代码你肯定就明白了一些: -(CGRect)frame{ return CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x,self.fram...
2023-07-26 14:41:091


down用英语说:英:[/dau028an/];美:[/dau028an/]一、中文翻译adv. 向下;在下面;下楼;减少prep. 沿着;从...向下n. 下降;软毛;绒adj. 向下的;不高兴的;失败的v. 喝下;击败;放下二、形式现在分词:downing过去式:downed过去分词:downed三、短语搭配1. down to 至于;直到2. down with 摧毁;打倒3. down the line 在未来的某个时间;完全,彻底4. down and out 身无分文的;处境困窘的5. feeling down 感到沮丧6. down payment 首付款四、双语例句1. The ball rolled down the hill.球沿着山坡滚下来。2. Prices have gone down in recent months.最近几个月价格下降了。3. She felt a bit down after failing the test.她在考试失败后感到有点沮丧。4. We downed our drinks and left the bar.我们干完酒离开了酒吧。5. They were feeling down and out after losing their jobs.他们失业后感到非常困窘。6. He made a down payment on the house.他对房子支付了首付款。五、用法1. "Down" 作为副词,通常表示方向、位置或动作,意为“向下”、“在下面”。例如:He fell down the stairs. (他从楼梯上摔了下来。)2. "Down" 作为介词,通常表示运动的方向或位置,意为“沿着”、“从...向下”。例如:She walked down the street. (她沿着街道走过去。)3. "Down" 作为形容词,常用来形容心情低落、病倒或电子设备停机。例如:I felt really down when I didn"t get the job. (当我没有得到那份工作时,我感到非常沮丧。)4. "Down" 作为动词,表示“喝下”、“击败”、“击落”或“放下”。例如:She downed a glass of water after the run. (跑步后,她喝下了一杯水。)5. "Down" 可与其他词搭配,形成各种短语和表达,如 "down to", "down with", "down the line", "down and out", "feeling down", "down payment" 等。例如:He was feeling down and out after losing his job. (他失业后感到非常困窘。)6. "Down" 的过去式和过去分词形式是 "downed",现在分词形式是 "downing"。例如:He downed his opponent in the boxing ring. (他在拳击场上击败了对手。)六、同义词adv. 向下,下去;在下面below,underadj. 向下的descensiven. 软毛,[植]绒毛;[地质]开阔的高地pubescence,furprep. 沿着,往下along withvt. 打倒,击败defeat,floor,fellvi. 下降;下去decline,descend
2023-07-26 14:40:472

you are my sunshine是什么意思

你好。you are my sunshine翻译成中文是:你是我的阳光。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-26 14:40:472


2023-07-26 14:40:463


1、塞尔达克洛洛森林三个神庙怎么去。 2、塞尔达克洛洛森林三个神庙攻略。 3、塞尔达克洛洛森林神庙怎么过。 4、塞尔达传说洛克森林神庙。1.《塞尔达传说》游戏中迷雾森林的三个神庙(星星图标)对应有三个任务。 2.第一个神庙(左上角)玩家可以穿上潜行服跟随一个小树精,树精会带领玩家进入神庙。 3.左下角那个神庙玩家开磁铁跟着大树嘴里的铁球方向走就可以到达。 4.右上角的神庙玩家在接取任务之后会获得弓、剑、盾三把武器,沿着道路走到神庙,在中途战斗只能使用获得武器。 5.武器被摧毁重新来过。 6.塞尔达传说(日语:ゼルダの伝说,英语:TheLegendofZelda,台港译作“萨尔达传说”)是任天堂所推出的知名游戏系列。 7.最初于1986年在任天堂FC上推出了第一款作品《海拉尔的幻想:塞尔达传说》,之后发展成为系列作品。
2023-07-26 14:40:451


  处方是指由注册的执业医师和执业助理医师在诊疗活动中为患者开具的、由取得药学专业技术职务任职资格的药学专业技术人员稽核、调配、核对,并作为患者用药凭证的医疗文书。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    处方英语说法1:   prescription   处方英语说法2:   recipe    处方英语说法3:   recipel    处方的英语例句:   那这个处方去药店。   D: And take the prescription to the drugstore.   一个医生一天可能要给病人开出30张处方。   In a day, a doctor may write out 30 prescriptions for patients.   医生开处方给病人配药。   The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient.   以针对性的“图书处方”、“音乐处方”去陶冶网路成瘾大学生的情操;   The reading therapy and music therapy help the addicts to cultivate sentiments.   但这是错误的政策处方,针对的是错误的目标。   But they are the wrong policy prescription aimed at the wrong target.   开处方的医生和使用本品的患者均须掌握文中术语。   The prescriber and the user of this productmust master the terms hereof.   这些药片无需处方可直接购买。   These tablets are available over the counter.   你服用处方用药或非法非处方用药吗?   Do you use prescription drugs or illegal nonprescription drugs?   你能替我配这张处方吗?   Can you fill this prescription for me?   请按照这张处方给我配药。   Please prepare some medicine for me according to this prescription.   敏锐的认购者找到处方原稿。   The subtle subscriber found the prescription manuscript.   对于健康生活,现在有了一个全新的处方,基本成分为低脂肪饮食、经常运动。再加上婚姻。   There is a brand-new recipe for a healthy life. The basic ingredients are a low-fat diet, regular exercise-and marriage.   由普通片剂改用口腔崩解片时建议病人维持使用原处方剂量。   Patients should be advised to keep their same prescribed dose when switching from tablets to the new ODT formulation.   斯密正确地注意到,当我们按处方抓药时,并不依赖于药剂师的仁爱。   Smith correctly observed that we do not rely on the benevolence of the pharmacist when we file our prescriptions.   把按处方配的药减半以供两个人使用您的处方共有七味药。我该怎样服用?   Halved the recipe to serve two. Your prescription specifies seven medicinal herbs. How do I take it?   从那以后,尽管公司还是小企业,但在制造高质量的处方药品方面已是声誉卓著。   Since then, while the firm remained *** all, it had achieved a merited reputation for high-quality prescription products.   雷诺的第一个处方是:务必记住,有说服力的故事需要讲故事的人忽略杂音。   Raynor "s first prescription is to remember that persuasive storytelling requires that the storyteller leave out the weeds.   惠滕表示,他在女儿担任自己的销售代表期间,没有为病人开新处方。   Dr. Whitten said he did not write any new prescriptions for patients while his daughter was his sales representative.
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完税,指已经交完税的价格;C3,应该是3C,中国强制性产品认证,英文名称China Compulsory Certification,英文缩写CCC。 3C认证的全称为“中国强制性产品认证”,它是我国政府为保护消费者人身安全和国家安全、加强产品质量管理、依照法律法规实施的一种产品合格评定制度。BOUND,是美国的,类似中国的企业税号,分为按次收费和按年收费。
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