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2023-07-28 08:21:54
TAG: down own do ow wn

  下面是我整理的常用带down的 短语 ,希望对大家有帮助。


  back down放弃,撤诉,食言,打退堂鼓

  bear down v.压倒,击败,(产妇)用力产出胎儿

  beat down v.打倒,杀价,镇压,使沮丧

  bend down 弯下

  break down 损坏,分解,瓦解

  bring down 打倒,挫伤,降低

  bring down the curtain on sth. 结束;标志...的终结

  burn down v. 烧为平地,火力减弱

  call down 祈求;引起,招惹;责骂,斥责

  calm down v.平静下来,镇定下来

  cast down v.使沮丧,使下降,推翻

  choke down v.硬咽,压制

  chop down 砍倒,砍断,砍伐

  come down v.下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,捐钱,流传下来,垂下

  come down on 申斥;惩罚

  cool down冷静下来;冷却,变凉

  copy down 抄下

  cry down 贬低;喝止

  cut down 砍倒

  die down 渐渐消失,平息

  down town(从郊区或郊外高地)进城

  fall down 倒下,跌倒

  get down 从 u2026u2026 下来,写下

  get down to sth. 开始认真考虑或对待(做某事)

  go down 下降,降低,被载入,传下去

  get/go down / fall on one"s knees 跪下

  hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传

  hands down adv.唾手可得地,容易地

  hold down v.压制,抑制,缩减,牵制,垂下

  keep down 控制,压制,镇压,压低

  kick down踢倒

  knock down 击倒;撞倒;击落;使屈服;拆除;拆卸;迫使降低;获得

  lay down 放下,使躺下,交出,献出;规定,制定;兴建,建造,铺好;主张,断言,打赌

  let down 放下,降低,使失望

  lie down 躺下,躺倒

  live down以实际行动洗刷u2026,设法使人们忘掉u2026

  look down upon/on 瞧不起

  look sb. up and down 仔细打量某人

  make down 改小(衣服)

  melt down熔化,熔毁,销毁;变卖

  note down 记下

  play down贬低,缩小u2026的重要性,对u2026轻描淡写

  press down压, 逼迫

  pour down倾盆而下,向下倾注

  pull down 拆毁,拉倒,拉下,降低

  put down 记下,放下,镇压,平定

  quiet down安静下来,平静下来

  rain down v.大量降下

  run down 撞倒,撞沉,追捕,追查

  set down 卸下,放下,记下,记入

  settle down v.定居,平静下来,专心于

  shower down像雨点般地落下

  shout down用喊声压倒,淹没,盖过

  shut down (把窗子等)放下关下,[机](使)机器等关闭,停车

  sit down 坐下,扎营,坐下来商讨,停止,降落

  slow down 慢下来,减速,减慢u2026的速度

  step down v.走下,逐步减低,辞职,下台

  strike down打倒,击毙;袭击,使病倒

  take down 记下,写下

  talk down驳倒;高声压倒

  tear down v.扯下,拆卸,逐条驳斥,诋毁

  turn down (把音量)调低

  turn thumbs down反对,贬低,不赞成,不满意u2026

  up and down 上上下下

  upside down adv.颠倒,混乱

  wash down v.冲洗,咽下,洗清,冲净

  wear down v.磨损,损耗,使疲劳,使厌烦,克服

  weigh down比u2026重,压倒,压弯,压垮,沉重地压在心头

  wolf down v. 狼吞虎咽地吃

  write down 写下,记下



2023-07-26 14:31:3810


2023-07-26 14:32:137


down:[英] [dau028an]、[美] [dau028an]adv.向下; (坐、倒、躺)下; (表示范围或顺序的限度)下至;prep.(从高处)向下; (表示位置)在…的下方; (表示方向)沿着…向下; (表示时间)自…以来;[例句]We"re going down a mountain我们正在下山。[复数]downs
2023-07-26 14:32:291


2023-07-26 14:32:543


  down有多种词性,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来down的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   down的英语音标   英 [dau028an]   美 [dau028an]   down的时态   过去分词: downed   过去式: downed   现在分词: downing   down的意思   adv. 向下,下去;在下面   adj. 向下的   n. 软毛,绒毛;[地质] 开阔的高地   prep. 沿着,往下   vt. 打倒,击败   vi. 下降;下去   n. (Down)人名;(英)唐   down的 近义词   under   down的 反义词   up   down的词汇搭配   down on 突然意识到   go down 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受   down with 打倒;把u2026拿下   ups and downs n. 沉浮;盛衰;高低   down through 在整个u2026的时间里 right down [口语] , ◎非常,无限 , ◎十足的,地地道道的 , 明明白白地;无隐瞒地 down to the ground 彻底地,完全;   down的英语例句   1. She dusted herself down and left to build her own career.   她重振旗鼓去开创自己的事业了。   2. Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down.   当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。   3. One of the office girls was down with the flu.   一位女职员得了流感。   4. Rather taken aback by such forwardness, I slammed down the phone.   如此无礼的言语让我火冒三丈,我砰的一下把电话挂了。   5. These will be very constrained budgets designed to get the deficit down.   这些预算旨在减少赤字,将会大大受限。   6. I saw her push the boulder down on you.   我看见她将巨石推下砸向你。   7. He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners.   拐过斜弯时他竭力将自行车把稳。   8. I went down on my knees and prayed for guidance.   我跪了下来,祈求得到指引。   9. Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe.   物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧已不复存在。   10. He closed down the business and went into politics.   他关闭公司投身政治。
2023-07-26 14:33:291

down 意思

2023-07-26 14:33:527


方向键上面的 Page Up Page Down
2023-07-26 14:34:204


你好,我认为这里的march是行军、前进 的意思。march down 就是继续走下去,冲进去的意思。具体看在句子中的含义。
2023-07-26 14:35:2311

DOWN 这个中文是什么意思?

英文 向下 沿着....而下 沮丧
2023-07-26 14:35:575

down 的用法

2023-07-26 14:36:401

down 的用法

down[英] [daʊn][美] [daʊn]adv.向下; 在下面; 由强到弱; 由高到低; 由响到轻; 由好到坏; 由强到弱; 写下; 记下; 初付; 付现; 顺水; 成死球prep.向…的下面; …以来; 持续…时间adj.向下的; 下行的; 沮丧的; 情绪低落的; 暂时无法使用的; 故障的; 赞同的v.击倒; 击落; 喝下; 吃下n.十码进攻; 倒霉事; 不幸事; 挫折; 失败; 不快乐; 沮丧; 丘陵; 唐斯锚地; (Down)唐郡[例句]With more orders expected, the company is counting down to a bumper Christmas.考虑到还会有更多的订单,公司正在为一个“丰收”的圣诞节作好充分准备。[变形]过去分词:downed现在分词:downing过去式:downed第三人称单数:downs复数:downs
2023-07-26 14:36:491


down在羽绒服里是羽绒的意思。例如duck down,“鸭的绒毛”,即“鸭绒”。例句:A down coat is an insulated winter coat that is filled with fine feathers from a duck or goose. “羽绒服”是一种隔绝寒冷的(insulated)冬衣,里面填充了羽绒(fine feathers)。例如duckdown,为鸭的绒毛。羽绒服内充羽绒填料,外形庞大圆润。羽绒服一般鸭绒量占一半以上,同时可以混杂一些细小的羽毛,将鸭绒清洗干净,经高温消毒,之后填充在衣服中就是羽绒服了。羽绒服保暖性最好。多为寒冷地区的人们穿着,也为极地考察人员所常用。鹅绒>白鸭绒≥灰鸭绒鹅绒本身比鸭绒要更密、更轻、更长,因为无论是弹性和保暖度都要比鸭绒高出许多,再加上鹅一年只产一季绒,而鸭一年可以产三季绒,因此鹅绒在成本上也比鸭绒贵出许多。我们都知道的号称全球最保暖的羽绒服加拿大鹅Canada Goose就会利用白鹅绒来制作轻量羽绒服,而虽然它叫加拿大鹅,但也不是全都用的鹅绒!一些将近万元的加大拿鹅羽绒服里填充的依旧是白鸭绒。
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2023-07-26 14:37:132


down是英文单词,意思是“向下;朝下”。1、词性及释义down可作副词、形容词、名词、介词、动词。作副词时,意为“向下;在下面;(坐、躺)下;下降;减少;由上至下”等等。作形容词时,意为“情绪低落的;停止运行的;下行的;故障的;落后的”等等。作名词时,意为“羽绒;汗毛;丘陵;不快乐”等等。作介词时,意为“往下沿着;向……的下游”等等。作动词时,意为“(一下子)喝下、吃下;击倒”等等。2、用法down可以用作及物动词,后接名词、代词作为宾语,也可用作不及物动词。3、短语搭配put down 记下;放下;写下go down 下降;下沉take down 记下;拆卸;取下come down 下来;下降fall down 跌倒;倒塌;落下相关例句:1、The burglars turned the flat upside down. 窃贼把这个单元房弄得一片狼藉。2、The tractor is bogged down in the mud. 拖拉机陷入了泥沼。3、Our car was driving at a breathtaking speed down the expressway. 我们的车子沿着高速公路以惊人的速度行驶。4、He stroked the phoenix, which had fluttered down onto his knee. 那只凤凰已经扑愣愣地飞到了邓布利多的膝头,他轻轻地抚摸着它。5、He put the guitar down and went on with his story. 他放下吉他继续讲他的故事。
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2023-07-26 14:40:124

关于 down 的短语

put down记下;放下;镇压;平定 take down记下;拆卸;取下;拿下 go down下降;下沉;下去;被载入 down on突然意识到 go down下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受 down with打倒;把…拿下 ups and downsn.沉浮;盛衰;高低 down through在整个…的时间里 right down[口语] ◎非常,无限 ◎十足的,地地道道的 明明白白地;无隐瞒地 down to the ground彻底地,完全;在一切方面 down and out贫困潦倒的;被击倒不能再战的 down belowadv.在底下 go down with something生(病),得(病),患(病) go down with被接受;染上疾病 down against(股票市场上) 与…相比下跌 get down on something[澳大利亚、新西兰英语](尤指在不需要的时候或抢在别人前面)获得某物 down to the wire等到最后一刻才开始做事,最后关头 have someone down把某人请来作客(从城市到农村,从河流上游到下游,从北到南等用 down,反之 用 up) do down欺骗;胜过;说…坏话
2023-07-26 14:40:221


DOWN,英文单词,副词、形容词、名词、介词、动词,作副词时意为“向下;在下面;(坐、躺)下;下降;(数量、力量等)减少;由上至下;向(或在)南方;(写)在纸上;(列)在表格上;(写)在纸上;失去(钱数);预付;已完成数量(或进度);到;往楼下;在较不重要之处;离开首都(或重要城市);从纵向读;由浓变淡;由多到少;由复杂到简单;从先到后;由好到坏;以(特定的量)输掉”,作形容词时意为“情绪低落的;停止运行的;在附近的;固定在表面的;下行的;故障的;赞同的;处于低水平的;落后的;以后的;吞下的;完成的”,作名词时意为“羽绒;汗毛;丘陵;(美式足球)十码进攻;不快乐,(美)唐(人名)”,作介词时意为“往下;沿着;贯穿……时间;向……的下游;在……的那一端;……以来”,作动词时意为“(一下子)喝下,吃下;击倒”。短语搭配put down 记下 ; 放下 ; 镇压 ; 写下go down 下降 ; 下沉 ; 下去 ; 被载入take down 记下 ; 拆卸 ; 取下 ; 写下come down 下来 ; 下降 ; 落 ; 倒下fall down 跌倒 ; 倒塌 ; 落下 ; 跌到close down 关门大吉 ; 停止播送 ; 倒闭drop down 落下 ; 卧倒 ; 顺着向下移动 ; 倒下jot down 略记下 ; 匆匆记下 ; 草草记下 ; 摘要记载下来shut down(把窗子等)放下关下,[机](使)机器等关闭,停车face down 面朝下 ; 向下 ; 趴着睡 ; 正面向下双语例句That should calm you down.那可能让你们安静下来。Tilt: Down in the back.戴帽倾斜度:在后面向下。So I write them down.所以我把它们记下来。
2023-07-26 14:40:291


down用英语说:英:[/dau028an/];美:[/dau028an/]一、中文翻译adv. 向下;在下面;下楼;减少prep. 沿着;从...向下n. 下降;软毛;绒adj. 向下的;不高兴的;失败的v. 喝下;击败;放下二、形式现在分词:downing过去式:downed过去分词:downed三、短语搭配1. down to 至于;直到2. down with 摧毁;打倒3. down the line 在未来的某个时间;完全,彻底4. down and out 身无分文的;处境困窘的5. feeling down 感到沮丧6. down payment 首付款四、双语例句1. The ball rolled down the hill.球沿着山坡滚下来。2. Prices have gone down in recent months.最近几个月价格下降了。3. She felt a bit down after failing the test.她在考试失败后感到有点沮丧。4. We downed our drinks and left the bar.我们干完酒离开了酒吧。5. They were feeling down and out after losing their jobs.他们失业后感到非常困窘。6. He made a down payment on the house.他对房子支付了首付款。五、用法1. "Down" 作为副词,通常表示方向、位置或动作,意为“向下”、“在下面”。例如:He fell down the stairs. (他从楼梯上摔了下来。)2. "Down" 作为介词,通常表示运动的方向或位置,意为“沿着”、“从...向下”。例如:She walked down the street. (她沿着街道走过去。)3. "Down" 作为形容词,常用来形容心情低落、病倒或电子设备停机。例如:I felt really down when I didn"t get the job. (当我没有得到那份工作时,我感到非常沮丧。)4. "Down" 作为动词,表示“喝下”、“击败”、“击落”或“放下”。例如:She downed a glass of water after the run. (跑步后,她喝下了一杯水。)5. "Down" 可与其他词搭配,形成各种短语和表达,如 "down to", "down with", "down the line", "down and out", "feeling down", "down payment" 等。例如:He was feeling down and out after losing his job. (他失业后感到非常困窘。)6. "Down" 的过去式和过去分词形式是 "downed",现在分词形式是 "downing"。例如:He downed his opponent in the boxing ring. (他在拳击场上击败了对手。)六、同义词adv. 向下,下去;在下面below,underadj. 向下的descensiven. 软毛,[植]绒毛;[地质]开阔的高地pubescence,furprep. 沿着,往下along withvt. 打倒,击败defeat,floor,fellvi. 下降;下去decline,descend
2023-07-26 14:40:472


2023-07-26 14:41:071

down的英语词组 要翻译

2023-07-26 14:41:385


down[英] [daʊn][美] [daʊn]adv.向下; (坐、倒、躺)下; (表示范围或顺序的限度)下至;prep.(从高处)向下; (表示位置)在…的下方; (表示方向)沿着…向下; (表示时间)自…以来;[例句]We"re going down a mountain我们正在下山。[复数]downs
2023-07-26 14:41:531


down意思如下:adv. 在下方,在低处;由高到低,向下;(坐、躺、放)下;(因破坏性力量倒、垮、塌)下;写在纸上;在南部,向南方;传下去地;(在列表或序列中)处于较低位置,处于次要地位;在较低的位置(或程度、水平、速度等)。adj. 在低处的,在下方的;向下的;便宜的,低廉的;降低的,低于正常水平的;不活跃的,萧条的;比分落后于对手的;不运转的,出故障的;悲伤的,低落的;已完成的,完结了的;完全掌握的;正式签署(或记录)的。相关例句:1·He danced off down the road.他沿着马路蹦蹦跳跳地走了。2·She walked four blocks down High Street.她沿着高街走了4个街区。3·The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.最近的银行沿着这条路要走半英里。4·They set off at a jog up one street and down another.他们跑步出发,沿着一条街跑过来又沿另外一条街跑过去。5·Infantry battalion was marching down the street.沿着街道行进。
2023-07-26 14:42:111


down意思: adv.向下;朝下;在下面;(坐、倒、躺)下;在较低水平;下降;下跌 prep.(从高处)向下,往下;沿着;顺着;朝着;贯穿…时间;遍及…时期 v.(一下子)喝下,吃下,咽下;使倒下;击倒 adj.悲哀;沮丧;情绪低落;停机;停止运行 扩展资料   She looks down on people who haven"t been to college.   她瞧不起没上过大学的人。   We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words.   我们得把这篇文章压缩到1000字。   She could see clear down the highway into the town.   她顺着公路一直望去,能看到远处的那座城镇。   She refused to back down on a point of principle.   她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。
2023-07-26 14:43:431


电脑上DOWN,和UP分别指的是Page UP 和 Page Down。一般来说,这两个键位于右方向键的上方。“page up”是键盘上的一个按键,作用是向上翻页键,在文字编辑环境下,按该键盘可以将文档向前翻一页,如果已达到文档最顶端,则此键不起作用。“page down”:为键盘键,俗称下移键与page up相对。本义是下移。 作用是向下翻页键;在文字编辑环境下,按该键盘可以将文档向后翻一页,如果已达到文档最底端,则此键不起作用。扩展资料page在英文里的解释是“页”,但是在excel和Word中却是一屏,一屏也就是说在电脑的屏幕显示的内容,page up 向上一屏 page down向下一屏。“Page Up”和“Page Down”可以实现在excel中快速切换工作表:随机选中一张工作表使用键盘上的【ctrl】+【page up】可以向上翻页,使用键盘上的【ctrl】+【page down】可以向下翻页目前,微软已经获得了“Page Up”和“Page Down”按键专利。软件巨头在2005年提出了申请,2008年8月19日正式批准。美国专利号7,415,666描述为“一种让文档浏览者精确滚动文档定位的方法和系统,如滚动一页,而不管文档是否被放大,浏览者是否浏览了一页的全部或部分,都可以直接切换到下一页。”专利列出的“发明者”包括了Timothy Sellers,Heather Grantham和Joshua Dersch。参考资料:百度百科 - Page Down
2023-07-26 14:45:331


2023-07-26 14:45:502


down的中文的意思是向下。向下;朝下;在下面;(坐、倒、躺)下;在较低水平;下降;下跌;减少,减弱,降低;由上至下;向南方;(写)在纸上;下至,直至;失去(钱数);(钱)先付,运世预付;已完成数量(或进度);到,去,在。prep(从高处)向下,往下;沿着;顺着;朝着;贯穿;时间;遍及;时期。嫌此vt(一下子)喝下,吃下,咽下;使倒下;击倒。adj悲哀;沮丧;情绪低落;停机;停止运行。n(鸟的)绒羽;绒毛;软毛;汗毛;进攻分段,10码进攻(球队可向前推进10码持球进攻的四次机会。球队在连续四次进攻中失球或未能推进10码即不能继续)。put down记下;放下;镇压;写下。go down下降;下沉;下去;被载入。take down记下;拆卸;取下;写下。旁者肢come down下来;下降;落;倒下。fall down跌倒;倒塌;落下;跌到。close down关门大吉;停止播送;倒闭。drop down落;卧倒;顺着向下移动;倒下。
2023-07-26 14:46:081


2023-07-26 14:46:512


write down的用法:write sth down与write down sth都正确。例如,write your ideas down,write down your ideas。 扩展资料   write your ideas down和write down your ideas两个都对。   down是一个副词,这是一个由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,名词作宾语时既可放在后面,也可放在中间;如果是代词作宾语,只能够放在动词和副词之间,不能放在副词后面。再如pick it up;pick the book up,pick up the book都可以。   如果是“动词+介词”构成的"短语,无论名词还是代词作宾语,都应放在介词的后面,如look after your brother,look after him,而不能放在介词的前面。   write down例句:   After you"ve read it, please write down a few brief comments.   看完请签个意见。   Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you"d like to have.   (按照优先次序)写下你想具有的品质。   Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity.   写下有机会的话你想做的事情。
2023-07-26 14:47:381


  down有向下、下去、软毛、沿着等意思,能和down组成 短语 的词汇有很多,你都知道哪些呢,下面是我整理的down的短语,希望对大家有帮助。  down的 反义词   r. up,upward,upwardly,upwards   a. up   down的网络释义   Down   道恩; 下; 羽绒; 方向下键;   bring down   降低,减少; 使落下,打倒; 降低; 打倒,挫伤;   turn down   关小,调低; 否决(提案); 放低(音量); (把音量)调低;   break down   损坏; 损坏,分解,瓦解; 发生故障; 损坏,故障,倒塌;   set down   记下,写下; 记下; 放下; 卸下,放下,记下,记入;   down的短语   break down 损坏,分解,瓦解   bring down 打倒,挫伤,降低   back down放弃,撤诉,食言,打退堂鼓   bear down v.压倒,击败,(产妇)用力产出胎儿   beat down v.打倒,杀价,镇压,使沮丧   bend down 弯下   bring down the curtain on sth. 结束;标志...的终结   burn down v. 烧为平地,火力减弱   call down 祈求;引起,招惹;责骂,斥责   calm down v.平静下来,镇定下来   cast down v.使沮丧,使下降,推翻   choke down v.硬咽,压制   chop down 砍倒,砍断,砍伐   come down v.下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,捐钱,流传下来,垂下   come down on 申斥;惩罚   cool down冷静下来;冷却,变凉   copy down 抄下   cry down 贬低;喝止   cut down 砍倒   die down 渐渐消失,平息   down town(从郊区或郊外高地)进城   fall down 倒下,跌倒   get down 从 u2026u2026 下来,写下   get down to sth. 开始认真考虑或对待(做某事)   go down 下降,降低,被载入,传下去   get/go down / fall on one"s knees 跪下   hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传   hands down adv.唾手可得地,容易地   hold down v.压制,抑制,缩减,牵制,垂下   keep down 控制,压制,镇压,压低   kick down踢倒   knock down 击倒;撞倒;击落;使屈服;拆除;拆卸;迫使降低;获得   lay down 放下,使躺下,交出,献出;规定,制定;兴建,建造,铺好;主张,断言,打赌   let down 放下,降低,使失望   lie down 躺下,躺倒   live down以实际行动洗刷u2026,设法使人们忘掉u2026   look down upon/on 瞧不起   look sb. up and down 仔细打量某人   make down 改小(衣服)   melt down熔化,熔毁,销毁;变卖   note down 记下   play down贬低,缩小u2026的重要性,对u2026轻描淡写   press down压, 逼迫   pour down倾盆而下,向下倾注   pull down 拆毁,拉倒,拉下,降低   put down 记下,放下,镇压,平定   quiet down安静下来,平静下来   rain down v.大量降下   run down 撞倒,撞沉,追捕,追查   set down 卸下,放下,记下,记入   settle down v.定居,平静下来,专心于   shower down像雨点般地落下   shout down用喊声压倒,淹没,盖过   shut down (把窗子等)放下关下,[机](使)机器等关闭,停车   sit down 坐下,扎营,坐下来商讨,停止,降落   slow down 慢下来,减速,减慢u2026的速度   step down v.走下,逐步减低,辞职,下台   strike down打倒,击毙;袭击,使病倒   take down 记下,写下   talk down驳倒;高声压倒   tear down v.扯下,拆卸,逐条驳斥,诋毁   turn down (把音量)调低   turn thumbs down反对,贬低,不赞成,不满意u2026   up and down 上上下下   upside down adv.颠倒,混乱   wash down v.冲洗,咽下,洗清,冲净   wear down v.磨损,损耗,使疲劳,使厌烦,克服   weigh down比u2026重,压倒,压弯,压垮,沉重地压在心头   wolf down v. 狼吞虎咽地吃   write down 写下,记下 猜你喜欢: 1. false的反义词是什么 2. fat的反义词是什么 3. down的短语 4. breakdown是什么意思 5. build的反义词 6. down的反义词是什么
2023-07-26 14:47:441


1、down on 突然意识到; 2、go down 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受; 3、down with 打倒;把…拿下; 4、ups and downs 沉浮;盛衰;高低; 5、down through 在整个…的时间里 扩展资料   6、right down [口语] , 非常,无限 , 十足的,地地道道的 , 明明白白地;无隐瞒地;   7、down to the ground 彻底地,完全;在一切方面;   8、down and out 贫困潦倒的;被击倒不能再战的;   9、down below adv. 在底下;   10、go down with 被接受;染上疾病
2023-07-26 14:47:541


  1、put down记下;放下;镇压;平定   2、take down记下;拆卸;取下;拿下   3、go down下降;下沉;下去;被载入   4、down on突然意识到   5、go down下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受   6、down with打倒   7、ups and downs 沉浮;盛衰;高低   8、down to the ground彻底地,完全;在一切方面   9、down and out贫困潦倒的;被击倒不能再战的   10、down belowadv. 在底下   11、go down with something生病,得病,患病   12、go down with被接受;染上疾病
2023-07-26 14:48:081


down的短语搭配有Write down写下,Calm down冷静下来。down的基本释义:表示向下的方向或状态。down的词性:1、作为形容词,表示“朝向或处于较低的位置或状态”。2、作为副词,表示“向下”或“朝下”的方向或状态、3、作为介词,表示“沿着”或“往下”的方向。4、作为动词,表示“击倒”、“打倒”、“拆除”等含义。down的短语搭配:1、Write down.写下。2、Break down.分解,拆开,发生故障。3、Calm down.冷静下来。4、Track down.追踪,搜寻。down的双语例句:1、The sun is going down in the west.太阳在西边落下。2、He fell down and hurt his knee.他跌倒了,摔伤了膝盖。3、Please write down your name and address.请写下你的名字和地址。4、The company has decided to cut down on expenses.公司决定削减开支。5、The firefighters were able to put down the fire quickly.消防员们很快就扑灭了火势。6、The old building was knocked down to make way for a new mall.那座老建筑被拆除,为新商场让路。
2023-07-26 14:48:151


I don"t know where I"m at   我不知道现在身处何处   I"m standing at the back   我正站在靠后的位置   And I"m tired of waiting   我已经厌倦了等待   Waiting here in line, hoping that I"ll find what I"ve been chasing.   焦急的等待在队伍中   盼望着能等到追求已久的梦想   I shot for the sky   我曾朝着天空努力飞奔   I"m stuck on the ground   最终却困于地面   So why do I try, I know I"m gonna to fall down   为何我会如此徒劳   为何我会飞蛾扑火   I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?   我本以为我能翱翔天际   却又为何   我只得落水而亡   Never know why it"s coming down, down, down.   我永远不明白   为何我会这样落啊 落啊 落   Not ready to let go   还没有准备好去释然   Cause then I"d never know   因为我不敢想象   What I could be missing   我可能将失去什么   But I"m missing way too much   但我已经失去了太多   So when do I give up what I"ve been wishing for.   那么我又何时有勇气放弃那些梦想   I shot for the sky   I"m stuck on the ground   So why do I try, I know I"m gonna to fall down   I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?   I never know why it"s coming down, down, down.   I shot for the sky   我向天空努力奔跑   I"m stuck on the ground   却永远留在地面   So why do I try, I know I"m gonna to fall down   我也不知为什么 即使一切都不可能 我仍然愿意去尝试   I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?   我坚定自己可以学会飞翔 却反而坠入深渊   Oh it"s coming down, down, down.   潦倒粗疏 我就这么落啊 落啊 落
2023-07-26 14:49:052


2023-07-26 14:49:151

Down在键盘上是那个键? down?
2023-07-26 14:49:516


[ti:Down][ar:Jason Walker][al:][by:tiredsuddenly][00:00.00]Down - Jason Walker[00:13.13]By tiredsuddenly[00:13.14][00:22.08]I don"t know where I"m at[00:25.07]I"m standing at the back[00:28.09]And I"m tired this waiting[00:35.15]Waiting here in life[00:38.50]Hoping that I"ll find[00:41.44]What I"ve been chasing[00:45.18][00:48.09]I shot for the sky[00:51.52]I"m stuck on the ground[00:55.07]So why do I try[00:57.35]I know I"m gonna fall down[01:01.40]I thought I could fly[01:05.11]So why did I drown[01:08.53]Never know why[01:10.66]It"s coming down, down, down[01:18.52][01:27.90]I"m not ready to let go[01:31.49]"Cause then I"d never know[01:34.77]What I could be missing[01:41.27]But I"m missing way too much[01:45.08]So when do I give up[01:48.13]What I"ve been wishing for[01:53.08][01:54.79]I shot for the sky[01:58.29]I"m stuck on the ground[02:01.70]So why do I try[02:03.99]I know I"m gonna fall down[02:08.11]I thought I could fly[02:11.68]So why did I drown[02:15.16]Never know why[02:17.29]It"s coming down, down, down[02:21.16][02:22.77]Oh I"m going down, down, down[02:29.38]I can"t find another way around[02:36.69]And I don"t wanna hear that sound[02:43.08]Of losing what I never found[02:48.30][02:54.88]I shot for the sky[02:57.94]I"m stuck on the ground[03:01.57]So why do I try[03:03.89]I know I"m gonna fall down[03:07.95]I thought I could fly[03:11.62]So why did I drown[03:14.70]I"ll never know why[03:17.23]It"s coming down, down, down[03:21.53][03:21.75]I shot for the sky[03:24.82]I"m stuck on the ground[03:28.46]So why do I try[03:30.48]I know I"m gonna fall down[03:34.76]I thought I could fly[03:38.32]So why did I drown[03:43.36]Oh, it"s coming down, down, down
2023-07-26 14:50:093


2023-07-26 14:50:1712


set down 和pick up
2023-07-26 14:51:212


1、down on 突然意识到; 2、go down 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受; 3、down with 打倒;把…拿下; 4、ups and downs 沉浮;盛衰;高低; 5、down through 在整个…的时间里 扩展资料   6、right down [口语] , 非常,无限 , 十足的,地地道道的.;   7、down to the ground 彻底地,完全;在一切方面;   8、down and out 贫困潦倒的;被击倒不能再战的;   9、down below adv. 在底下;   10、go down with 被接受;染上疾病
2023-07-26 14:51:281


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2023-07-26 14:52:153


2023-07-26 14:52:584


Jay Sean - DownBaby are you down down down down down,宝贝你心情不好吗Downnnnnnn, downnnnnnn,心情不好Even if the sky is falling down,就算天要塌下来Downnnnn, downnnnn 塌下来Ooohhh (ohhh)You oughta know, 你也应该知道Tonight is the night to let it go,今晚该抛开一切Put on a show, 上演一出好秀I wanna see how you lose control,我想看你失控So leave it behind, cause we, have a night to get away,抛开一切,因为我们又一整晚要度过So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.来吧跟我一起飞 让我们一同完美逃离So baby don"t worry, you are my only, 所以宝贝别担心 你是我的唯一You won"t be lonely, 你不会寂寞Even if the sky is falling down,就算天快要塌下来You"ll be my only, no need to worry,你是我的唯一 没必要担心Baby are you down down down down down,宝贝你心情不好吗Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,心情不好吗Baby are you down down down down down,宝贝你心情不好吗Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,心情不好吗Even if the sky is falling down,就算天快要塌下来Just let it be, 就让它去吧Come on and bring your body next to me,来吧 贴近我的身体I"ll take you away, hey, 我会带你走Turn this place into our private getaway,把这里变成我们的私人地盘So leave it behind "cause we, have a night to get away,抛开一切 因为我们有一整晚要度过So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,来吧跟我一起飞 让我们一同完美逃离(So why don"t we run away)(快跑起来)Baby don"t worry, you are my only, 宝贝别担心 你是我的唯一You won"t be lonely, 你不会寂寞Even if the sky is falling down,就算天快要塌下来You"ll be my only, no need to worry,你是我的唯一 没必要担心Baby are you down down down down down,宝贝你心情不好吗Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,心情不好吗Baby are you down down down down down,宝贝你心情不好吗Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,心情不好吗Even if the sky is falling down,就算天快要塌下来Down like she supposed to be,就像她觉得的那么糟She gets down low for me,她的心情变得糟糕因为我Down like her temperature, 这心情就好像她的温度Cause to me she too raw degree,对我来说她是那么阴冷She crawl all over things,她什么都害怕I got that girl from overseas,我从海外结识她Now she my miss America,现在她想念美洲I can"t help be her souljah pleaser,我不由自主成为她的灵魂支柱I"m fighting for this girl,我正为这女孩奋战I"m in battlefield love,我在爱的战场上Don"t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,这不正像丘比特自云端射来的箭Don"t you ever leave the side of me, indefinitely, now probably, 当你离开我身边时 是否也曾动摇 而现在也许And honestly get down like that, be proud of me, yeahhh 诚实地沮丧就像你现在那样 以我为荣吧Baby don"t worry, you are my only, 别担心 你是我的唯一You won"t be lonely, 你不会寂寞Even if the sky is falling down,就算这天快塌下来You"ll be my only, no need to worry,你是我的唯一 没必要担心Baby are you down down down down down,宝贝你还心情不好吗Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,心情不好吗Baby are you down down down down down,宝贝你还心情不好吗Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,心情不好吗Even if the sky is falling down, ohh 就算这天快塌下来(The sky is falling down)天快塌下来
2023-07-26 14:53:261


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2023-07-26 14:50:541


westbound eastbound
2023-07-26 14:50:492

请仁兄帮翻译一下, 非常感谢!

New "English curriculum standards" (hereinafter referred to New Curriculum) clear: English curriculum reform is to change the focus of English courses too much attention to grammar and vocabulary knowledge and teach on, the students ignored the actual language ability of the tendency of training, stress Courses from the student interest in learning, life experience and the level of awareness, advocacy experience, practice, participation, cooperation and exchange of learning and teaching tasks of the way, students develop a comprehensive language ability, the language learning process as students A positive emotional attitude, thinking and bold in practice initiative to enhance cross-cultural awareness and form their own learning process. English teaching in the classroom, the students focus on experience and practice, participation, cooperation and exchanges to obtain and understand English, inspire and train students interested in learning English so that students establish self-confidence, develop good study habits and form an effective Learning Strategy, the development of self-learning ability and a spirit of cooperation, so that students must master the basic knowledge of English and listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, forming a comprehensive language ability, training students observation, memory, thinking, imagination and The spirit of innovation. 2 context of the teaching function is mainly manifested in two aspects: mould functions and implied (or enlightenment) function. 2.1. Situational teaching to cultivate people"s feelings, to purify the soul Mould in terms of educational psychology, which means giving people the benefit or ideology to good effect. The molding on the situation of teaching function, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period of Confucius put it summed up as "words to the" Southern Dynasty scholar Yan Zhitui further pointed out the it in training, educating the young people of important significance. Situational teaching function of the mould Like a filter, purify people"s feelings and get into. It removed the feelings of negative factors, to retain positive elements. 2.2. Situational teaching can provide students with good or enlightenment that is conducive to training students in creative thinking, ability to adapt to the students As we all know, the people of the community that is formed, "the sum of all social relations," the process. This natural persons into the community from the process, is in fact the environment - social, family, schools, and other factors the result. Some of these effects to be our perception, but more is unwittingly affect us. Therefore, Bulgaria hinted G Luozhanuofu of Jurists said: "We are teaching our living environment and education, but also to it only by teaching and education." People to create an environment that people create the same environment. Situation teaching, is living in the community and further refining and processing after the impact on the students. Such as role models, vividly depict the language, Kenei games, role-playing, poetry readings, painting, gymnastics, music appreciation, tourism, etc., are寓teaching content in the concrete image of the situation, which will inevitably exist Subtle that role. 3 In order to make teaching a better situation to play these two functions, the use of the following important principles: 3.1. Joyful experience of the principles of easy According to the principle of experience with cognitive activities and the actions of efficiency and psychological excited by the level. The principle of requiring teachers relaxed and happy in the situation or to lead students in an atmosphere of awareness of the problems have started their own thinking and imagination, seeking answers, resolution is in error, under the guidance of the principle of teaching, thinking of the "process" with the "results" Just as important, aims to enable students to think and to find a happy experience, rather than a forced or burden. 3.2. Teachers and students of mutual trust and respect under the principle of autonomy The principles stressed two aspects: First, a good teacher-student relationship, first in education and teaching students in the dominant position. A good teacher-student relationship is the basic guarantee of teaching situations. Teaching this is a specific situation in interpersonal relationships, teaching more situational stress this point. Teachers and students of mutual trust and mutual respect, teachers to the students to "Xiao with reasons and moving people with feelings." This means that teachers must be fully aware of the students, students must also be fully aware of teachers, the formation of a tacit understanding between each other. And students in teaching the dominant position of the autonomy of the decision to focus on teachers to encourage students to "think independently" and "self-evaluation", the students take the initiative to cultivate the spirit and the spirit of innovation. It means that all teaching activities must be based on students positive, active and happy on the basis of.
2023-07-26 14:50:481

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2023-07-26 14:50:462