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2023-07-28 08:23:57

这两个词的区别我懂,Suspect 表示更强烈的猜想和怀疑,而 doubt 则通常表示更少一些的怀疑和不确定性。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~



1. Suspect意味着有理由的怀疑,而 doubt 则意味着缺乏信心或确信。


- The police suspect that the victim knew the assailant.


- I doubt that he will be able to finish the project on time.


2. Suspect 常用来描述与犯罪、骗局等负面事件有关的怀疑,而 doubt 则可以适用于任何领域。


- The police suspect that the murder was premeditated.


- I doubt that the new restaurant will be as good as the reviews say.


3. Suspect 表示更强烈的猜想和怀疑,而 doubt 则通常表示更少一些的怀疑和不确定性。


- I suspect he is lying about his experience.


- I doubt that it will take as long as they say to fix the problem.


4. Suspect 偏向于基于确凿的事实或迹象做出推测,而 doubt 则倾向于更主观的建议或反思。


- The authorities suspect that the company was involved in illegal activity.


- I doubt that he really loves her.


5. Suspect 更强调怀疑的情况下偏向猜紧,而 doubt 则可能更注重于表达不确定性的推测。


- The investigators suspect that the suspect fled the scene of the crime in a getaway car.


- I doubt if he really knows how to play the piano, considering that he has never taken lessons before.














doubt后什么时候用if 何时用whether?

1.doubt如果是动词引导宾语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,则宾语从句的引导词可用if/whether. 如:I doubt if/whether he is a student. 当然,如果此宾语从句中含有or/or not时,只能使用whether. 如:I doubt whether he is a student or not. I doubt whether he is a student or a teacher. 另:doubt如果是动词引导宾语从句时,如果主句是否定句/疑问句,则宾语从句的引导词只能用that. 如:I don"t doubt that he is a student. 2.doubt如果是名词引导同位语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,则同位语从句的引导词只能用whether. 如:I have doubt whether he is a student. doubt如果是名词引导同位语从句时,如果主句是否定句/疑问句,则同位语从句的引导词只能用that. 如:There is no doubt that he is a student.
2023-07-26 14:54:101

doubt 肯定句否定句

doubt 肯定句否定句肯定句,whether典型句式:There is some/ much doubt whether...否定句,that典型句式:There is no doubt that...
2023-07-26 14:54:231


2023-07-26 14:54:343

suspect 和doubt that的区别

there is no doubt 后面不可以跟to do 或doing,其固定用法如下: 1.There is no doubt that ...,即后面接that子句,如: There is no doubt that she will keep her word. 毫无疑问她会遵守诺言的.
2023-07-26 14:54:422

doubt that...和doubt if/whether 用法有啥区别??举个例子

2023-07-26 14:55:092


doubt多数情况作不可数名词,意思为:怀疑。eg.There is no room for doubt.有时也作可数名词,意思为:怀疑的念头、疑虑等。eg.A sudden doubt came to his mind. 双语例句 I doubt he ever voted for me. 我怀疑他可能从未投过我的票。 Why do you doubt me? 为什么你怀疑我? But I doubt it. 但是我怀疑它。
2023-07-26 14:55:171


在doubt疑问句“有疑问吗”和否定句“没疑问”或肯定句中作不信解时只能使用that Do you doubt that he will win the game?你对他赢得比赛有疑问么? I don"t doubt that he will win the game.我毫不怀疑他会赢得比赛. I doubt that he will win the game.我不相信他会赢得比赛. doubt怀疑的肯定句中用if I doubt if he will win the game.我怀疑他是否会赢得比赛.
2023-07-26 14:55:531


I doubt whether he wants That thing without any doubt.
2023-07-26 14:56:311

英语 uncertain 与doubt有什么区别

2023-07-26 14:56:424


doubt,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“疑虑;疑问;疑惑”,作动词时意为“怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准”。“doubt”的短语搭配包括但不限于:(1)Reasonable Doubt 合理怀疑 ; 合理的怀疑 ; 合理疑点 ; 合理质疑。(2)doubt happy 无疑快乐 ; 快乐的疑问 ; 怀疑快乐。(3)doubt to 无疑给 ; 怀疑自己 ; 毫无疑问。(4)doubt strongly 非常怀疑。(5)little doubt 几乎不怀疑。(6)all doubt 一切怀疑。(7)historic doubt 历史的怀疑。(8)doubt reasonably 有理地怀疑。“doubt”的双语例句:(1)I doubt he ever voted for me.我怀疑他可能从未投过我的票。(2)Why do you doubt me?为什么你怀疑我?(3)But I doubt it.但是我怀疑它。以上内容参考:百度百科-doubt
2023-07-26 14:57:041


doubt,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“疑虑;疑问;疑惑”,作动词时意为“怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准”。“doubt”的短语搭配包括但不限于:(1)Reasonable Doubt 合理怀疑 ; 合理的怀疑 ; 合理疑点 ; 合理质疑。(2)doubt happy 无疑快乐 ; 快乐的疑问 ; 怀疑快乐。(3)doubt to 无疑给 ; 怀疑自己 ; 毫无疑问。(4)doubt strongly 非常怀疑。(5)little doubt 几乎不怀疑。(6)all doubt 一切怀疑。(7)historic doubt 历史的怀疑。(8)doubt reasonably 有理地怀疑。“doubt”的双语例句:(1)I doubt he ever voted for me.我怀疑他可能从未投过我的票。(2)Why do you doubt me?为什么你怀疑我?(3)But I doubt it.但是我怀疑它。以上内容参考:百度百科-doubt
2023-07-26 14:57:241


doubt用法如下:1、doubt的基本意思是对事〔物〕的真实性等表示“怀疑”或“不信任”,有时甚至在调查研究之后仍“难以确定”。也常用来表示对宗教信条等持有疑虑。2、doubt多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-/if从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be+) n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。接that从句作宾语时,that前有时可加but。doubt偶尔也用作不及物动词,常与介词of连用表示“对…抱怀疑或悲观的态度”。3、在疑问句或否定句中,doubt的宾语从句应用that引导;在肯定句中,则应由if〔whether〕引导。4、doubt是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,通常不用于进行体。短语1、doubt sb"s ability 怀疑某人的能力2、doubt sb"s character 怀疑某人的人格3、doubt sb"s consciousness 怀疑某人的觉悟4、doubt sb"s death 怀疑某人的死亡5、doubt sb"s decision 怀疑某人的决定
2023-07-26 14:57:461


2023-07-26 14:58:121

英语单选 疑问句中doubt后面接that还是whether?

B 楼主,你好doubt if 或that的用法1.doubt如果是动词引导宾语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,则宾语从句的引导词可用if/whether. 如:I doubt if/whether he is a student. 当然,如果此宾语从句中含有or/or not时,只能使用whether. 如:I doubt whether he is a student or not. I doubt whether he is a student or a teacher. 另:doubt如果是动词引导宾语从句时,如果主句是否定句/疑问句,则宾语从句的引导词只能用that. 如:I don"t doubt that he is a student. 2.doubt如果是名词引导同位语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,则同位语从句的引导词只能用whether. 如:I have doubt whether he is a student. doubt如果是名词引导同位语从句时,如果主句是否定句/疑问句,则同位语从句的引导词只能用that. 如:There is no doubt that he is a student.,8,B no doubt that...,2,英语单选 疑问句中doubt后面接that还是whether 1.Do you doubt __________ he will e here on time? A.that D.when
2023-07-26 14:58:351

doubt后什么时候用if 何时用whether

2023-07-26 14:58:572


doubt,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“疑虑;疑问;疑惑”,作动词时意为“怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准”。“doubt”的短语搭配包括但不限于:(1)Reasonable Doubt 合理怀疑 ; 合理的怀疑 ; 合理疑点 ; 合理质疑。(2)doubt happy 无疑快乐 ; 快乐的疑问 ; 怀疑快乐。(3)doubt to 无疑给 ; 怀疑自己 ; 毫无疑问。(4)doubt strongly 非常怀疑。(5)little doubt 几乎不怀疑。(6)all doubt 一切怀疑。(7)historic doubt 历史的怀疑。(8)doubt reasonably 有理地怀疑。“doubt”的双语例句:(1)I doubt he ever voted for me.我怀疑他可能从未投过我的票。(2)Why do you doubt me?为什么你怀疑我?(3)But I doubt it.但是我怀疑它。以上内容参考:百度百科-doubt
2023-07-26 14:59:061


doubt作名词用时,通常和about / as to sth搭配,而做动词时,是及物动词,不用加介词,因此doubt of的用法较少。 扩展资料   doubt用作动词   1.doubt的基本意思是对事〔物〕的"真实性等表示“怀疑”或“不信任”,有时甚至在调查研究之后仍“难以确定”。也常用来表示对宗教信条等持有疑虑。   2.doubt多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-/if从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。接that从句作宾语时, that前有时可加but。   Maybe he changed his mind, but I doubt it.   也许他改变了主意,但我表示怀疑。   3.doubt偶尔也用作不及物动词,常与介词of连用表示“对…抱怀疑或悲观的态度”。   She said that I was getting into the habit of doubting.   她说我渐渐地好像对什么都不确定。   doubt用作名词   1.doubt用作名词的基本意思是“怀疑,疑虑”,还可表示“未确定”。可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。   2.doubt后可接介词about〔of, on〕引起的短语表示“对…怀疑”。   3.doubt后可接that或if〔whether〕引导的同位语从句。that从句一般用于否定句或疑问句中; if〔whether〕从句一般用于肯定句中。   Is there any doubt that he is a thief?   他是个贼难道还有疑问吗?
2023-07-26 14:59:411

doubt后什么时候用if 何时用whether

1.doubt如果是动词引导宾语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,则宾语从句的引导词可用if/whether.如:I doubt if/whether he is a student.当然,如果此宾语从句中含有or/or not时,只能使用whether.如:I doubt whether he is a student or not.I doubt whether he is a student or a teacher.另:doubt如果是动词引导宾语从句时,如果主句是否定句/疑问句,则宾语从句的引导词只能用that.如:I don"t doubt that he is a student.2.doubt如果是名词引导同位语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,则同位语从句的引导词只能用whether.如:I have doubt whether he is a student.doubt如果是名词引导同位语从句时,如果主句是否定句/疑问句,则同位语从句的引导词只能用that.如:There is no doubt that he is a student.
2023-07-26 15:00:041


suppose和doubt 作动词用 , 都有“怀疑”的意思,但实际上它们的用法还是有区别的: 一 . 如果后面接名词、代词或名词性词组时,两者基本上可通用。例如: I doubt/suspect the truth of her suppose. 我对她那番话的真实性表示怀疑。 He says he can cure me, but I still doubt/suppose him. 他说他能治好我的病,但我仍对他不放心。 二 . 如果后面接 that 从句,意思就截然不同。 doubt 意为“无把握;不相信( question the truth of; don"t believe/think )”,怀疑其无。 suspect 意为“有存在或属实的想法;相信( have an idea of the existence; believe; guess )”,怀疑其有。例如: I doubt that he has stolen my watch. 我不相信他偷了我的手表。 I suppose that he has stolen my watch. 我怀疑 / 猜想他偷了我的手表。 The doctor suspected that he was ill with flu. 医生怀疑 / 认为他得了流感。 这时 doubt 更多用于否定句或疑问句中。如: I don"t doubt that he is right. 我确信他是对的。 I didn"t doubt that he would come. 我当时相信他会来的。 Why did she doubt that they were cheats? 她为什么怀疑他们是骗子? 三 . doubt 用于肯定句中时,多接 whether/if 引导的从句,意义与 that 从句不同,这时意为“不敢肯定( feel uncertain about )”。而 suspect 不可接这种从句。例如: I doubt whether/if he"ll come. 我不敢肯定他来不来。 It"s raining hard. I doubt whether it will be fine tomorrow. 雨下得很大,我不敢说明天会晴。
2023-07-26 15:00:121

I doubt 的用法有哪些?

2023-07-26 15:00:233


  doubt是学习英语中的常用词,也是历年高考经常考查的词语之一,也是容易混淆的知识点之一。接下来我在这里给大家带来doubt的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   doubt的用法   1. 用作动词,在肯定句中,其后通常接 whether, if 引导的宾语从句,在否定句或疑问句中通常接 that 从句。如:   I doubt if [whether] that was what he wanted. 不知道那是不是他想要的。   I donu2019t doubt that you are honest. 我不怀疑你是诚实的。   Do you doubt that he will win the match? 你不相信他会赢得比赛吗?   在现代英语中,在肯定句中也可接 that 从句,如以下两例摘自朗文词典:   I doubt that [if, whether] heu2019s coming. ( 我怀疑他是否会来。   I doubt that weu2019ll ever see George again. 我怀疑我们是否还会见到乔治。   2. 用作名词,与用作动词类似,在肯定句中后接whether从句(但不用if),在否定句中或疑问句后接that从句。如:   Thereu2019s some doubt whether John will come on time. 约翰能否按时来还很难说。   There is some doubt whether he will come to help us. 他是否会来帮助我们还有些疑虑。   I have no doubt that you will succeed. 我肯定你能成功。   3. no doubt可用作副词,表示“无疑地”“很可能”;通常用于首,有时也用于句中。如:   No doubt he was just trying to help. 他多半只是想帮帮忙。   The court will no doubt deal severely with the criminals. 法庭必定严厉地处置这些罪犯。   4. 习语without (a) doubt意为“毫无疑问”“一定地”,其中的冠词通常省略。如:   He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 他毫无疑问是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。   Without a doubt these theories are all wrong. 毫无疑问,这些理论都是错误的。   doubt的相关解释   n. 怀疑,疑虑;未确定;   vt. 怀疑,疑惑;   vi. 不确定,不能肯定或怀疑;   doubt的例句   1. There can be little doubt that he will offend again.   毋庸置疑他还会再犯的。   2. They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt.   毫无疑问,他们身上也有人所共有的弱点。   3. This new information does throw doubt on their choice.   这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。   4. There was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious.   在他看来,这个人无疑是认真的。   5. I do not doubt that the bank acted properly.   我毫不怀疑银行的处理方式是妥当的。   6. Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day.   在英国议会中,几乎没有人对政府将会获胜存有怀疑。
2023-07-26 15:00:301

2023-07-26 15:01:101

关于doubt that 和doubt if /whether的用法

2023-07-26 15:01:232


suspect和doubt的区别如下:doubt和suspect的不同主要表现在怀疑的结果与后接从句两方面。怀疑的结果不同:doubt的意思是“疑为非”,suspect的意思是“疑为是”。I doubt that she is the criminal.我不相信她是罪犯。(认为不见得)I suspect that she is the criminal.我怀疑她是罪犯。(认为有可能)后接从句不同:doubt后可接whether或if从句,但suspect则不能。Do you doubt what I say?你怀疑我说的话吗?I doubt whether he will marry her.我怀疑他是否会跟她结婚。doubt造句:his raises doubts about the point of advertising.这对做广告的意义提出了疑问。Others doubted whether that would happen.其他人认为那未必会发生。No one doubted his ability.没有人怀疑他的能力。No one directly involved with the case doubted him.与此案直接相关的人中没有人怀疑他。A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence.全民公决无疑显示选民支持独立。suspect造句:I suspect they were right.我感觉他们是对的。He suspected that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin.他怀疑楼上公寓里的那个女人正在吸食海洛因。Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found.发现可疑包裹后,代表们撤离了这座楼。The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.我想,以上的抱怨只是冰山一角。Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not.女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。
2023-07-26 15:01:331

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较

《高中英语语法-doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较 doubt 与 suspect 作动词用 , 都有“怀疑”的意思,但实际上它们的用法还是有区别的。下面我们就来比较一下: 一 . 如果后面接名词、代词或名词性词组时,两者基本上可通用。例如: I doubt/suspect the truth of her statement. 我对她那番话的真实性表示怀疑。 He says he can cure me, but I still doubt/suspect him. 他说他能治好我的病,但我仍对他不放心。 二 . 如果后面接 that 从句,意思就截然不同。 doubt 意为“无把握;不相信( question the truth of; don"t believe/think )”,怀疑其无。 suspect 意为“有存在或属实的想法;相信( have an idea of the existence; believe; guess )”,怀疑其有。例如: I doubt that he has stolen my watch. 我不相信他偷了我的手表。 I suspect that he has stolen my watch. 我怀疑 / 猜想他偷了我的手表。 The doctor suspected that he was ill with flu. 医生怀疑 / 认为他得了流感。 这时 doubt 更多用于否定句或疑问句中。如: I don"t doubt that he is right. 我确信他是对的。 I didn"t doubt that he would come. 我当时相信他会来的。 Why did she doubt that they were cheats? 她为什么怀疑他们是骗子? 三 . doubt 用于肯定句中时,多接 whether/if 引导的从句,意义与 that 从句不同,这时意为“不敢肯定( feel uncertain about )”。而 suspect 不可接这种从句。例如: I doubt whether/if he"ll come. 我不敢肯定他来不来。 It"s raining hard. I doubt whether it will be fine tomorrow. 雨下得很大,我不敢说明天会晴。 四 . 其他搭配。 doubt 可作不及物动词,用于 doubt of sth; suspect 用于 suspect sth to be, suspect sb of(doing) sth .例如: She never doubted of his success. 她从不怀疑他的成功。 I suspected him to be the spy. 我认为他就是那个间谋。 What made you suspect her of having taken the money? 你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的? 《高中英语语法-doubt 与 suspect 的用法比较》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备
2023-07-26 15:02:021


b与单词连读发音1、mb如果b后面接元音,m和b被分配到两个音节中,则b发音,例如:embalm,jumbo,chamber。否则b不发音,例如:comb,climb。2、bt如果t后面接元音,b和t被分配到两个音节中,则b发音,例如:subtitle,subterranean。否则b和t属于同一个音节,b不发音,例如:doubt,debt。3、 例外subpoena /su0259u02c8piu02d0nu0259/不属于上述的两种情况,但是b不发音。
2023-07-26 15:02:111

英语单选 疑问句中doubt后面接that还是whether

B no doubt that...
2023-07-26 15:02:242

SAT 语法中doubt that 还是doubt whether?

2023-07-26 15:02:333

a little加原级还是比较级

2023-07-26 14:56:195


  小学英语阅读短文 篇1   It was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under the coat. Soon the snake Began to move and it raised its mouth and bit the farmer. "Oh, My god!" said the farmer, "I save your life, but you thank me in that way. You must die." Then he killed the snake with a stick. At last he died, too.   小学英语阅读短文 篇2   Today is Susan"s birthday. She is nine years old. Her friends are in her home now. There is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music. And Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing cards on the floor. Lily and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking at the door. It"s Henry. He brings a big teddy bear for Susan. The teddy bear is yellow. Susan is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Susan.   小学英语阅读短文 篇3   Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite boy. One day, it was Sunday. Tony, his sister and his mother stayed at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag   of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he wanted   to eat one. His mother gave him four and said, "Let"s share them." "Which pear do you want, Tony?" asked his mother. "The biggest one, mum." "What?" said his mother, "You should be polite and want the smallest one." "Should I tell a lie just to be polite, mum?"   小学英语阅读短文 篇4   One day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream. As he walked along, he looked into water, and he saw his reflection. He thought this was another dog carrying   a piece of meat. And he felt he would like to have two pieces. So he snapped at the reflection in the water, and of course, as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat disappeared quickly.   小学英语阅读短文 篇5   Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute. My father usually reads the newspaper. My mother usually cleans the house. But today my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house. "Sam, can you help me?" "Yes, Dad!" Now, we"re washing the car. Where"s my sister, Amy? She is playing my flute. What a lucky girl!   小学英语阅读短文 篇6   There are many apple trees in a garden. They"re good friends. One day an old tree is ill. There are many pests in the tree. Leaves of the tree turn yellow. The old tree feels very sad and unwell. Another tree sends for a doctor for him. At first, they send for a pigeon, but she has no idea about it. Then they send for an oriole, and she can"t treat the old tree well. Then they send for a woodpecker. She is a good doctor. She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests. At last the old tree becomes better and better. Leaves turn green and green.   小学英语阅读短文 篇7   Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face,close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.   小学英语阅读短文 篇8   When Adam and Eve wereexpelledfrom Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds" nest.   The birds were all burned to death, but a new bird was born from one of theruddilyheated eggs. This means that the unique "Phoenix" was born.   The phoenix builds its nest in Arabia, and there is a myth that it set fire to its own nest once every 100 years. Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.   The phoenix flies as fast as a ray of light, its feathers are ofdazzlingbeauty, and the sound of its voice is very sweet.   When a mother sits next to her baby"s cradle and dandles the baby, the Phoenix comes down to the baby"s pillow, and the glaring feathers of Phoenix make a halo around the baby"s head. The phoenix flies around rooms of poor people,sprinklessunshine, and carries the fragrance of violets into the rooms.   The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.   On the carriage of the Greek tragic poet, Thespis, the Phoenix became atalkativecrow, for the troubadours of Island it played the harp disguised as a swan, and on the shoulder of Shakespeare the phoenix whispered "eternity" as it was the Odin"s crow.   The phoenix sang beautiful songs, and people kissed its shining fallen feathers from its wings. Even though the Phoenix came from glorious Paradise, people may not see the Phoenix because they are busy with seeingsparrows.   The bird of the Paradise! Born once every 100 years, dies in flames! When it was born under the tree of wisdom in the garden of the Paradise, God kissed the Phoenix and gave him a name. That was "Poetry and Art".   小学英语阅读短文 篇9   John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto (多伦多).There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift to go up and down.   John works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day he gets out of the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from his home.   He usually catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes by train. John works in a factory about ten kilometers from his home. He starts working at 8:30, and finishes at 4:45. He gets back home at a quarter past five. He gets into the lift, and he goes up to the twelfth floor. Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to the fifteenth floor on foot.   小学英语阅读短文 篇10   There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don"t like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneer.   小学英语阅读短文 篇11   Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience. At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America."
2023-07-26 14:56:191


3D打印技术或增材制造是从数字文件制作三维立体对象的过程。使用添加过程实现3D打印对象的创建。在3D打印添加过程中,3dlabstore通过铺设连续的材料层来创建对象,这些层中的每一层都可以看作最终对象的薄切片水平横截面。与传统的减法(CNC加工)或成形(注塑)制造技术相比,3D打印是生产零件的根本不同的方式。在3D打印中,不需要特殊工具(例如,具有特定几何形状的切削工具或模具)。相反,该部件直接在逐层构建的平台上制造,这带来了一系列独特的优势和局限性 。
2023-07-26 14:56:229

trucking No. 是什么?在快递中~~ 货号?还是卡车号?

你的客户打错了,应该是tracking no.是快递公司的快件单号码,你登录快递公司的网站可以查出这封快递的状态,什么时间,到哪个分拣站了,最后谁签收的都能查到。你问一下你客户用的那家快递,然后可以上快递公司的网站查。我每天收很多快递,经常这么做。
2023-07-26 14:56:271


Harry Potter Hogwarts will soon become the fifth grade students, but it also means that his life will be more difficult.Among them, the greatest threat still comes from his enemy Voldemort Forever. However, the Minister of Magic Fuji view that is rumors, Dumbledore and Harry reason to spread these rumors, the sole purpose of causing all the panic, the Minister took the opportunity to snatch his throne. Dumbledore would be proud of a group called Romania specialized to deal with black magic shaman together to deal with the composition of the Phoenix Voldemort and fresh dead followers of the counterattack. The Forge is still worried that Dumbledore will be plotting to seize, so send a deputy minister of magic to Hogwarts Ms.wuliqi any black magic defense teacher. Harry only ask them to endorse the practice of lessons that are not, because she was afraid of these students will have learned to deal with the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron and Hermione to determine their own learning black magic defense techniques, in order to eat only the arrival time of death to join the fighting. In the shadow of the shadow of Voldemort"s magic community, Dumbledore"s Army and the Phoenix are in combat readiness, and to find organizations also eat dead only too eager World War II failed to be triggered at any moment. In support of friends, formed a secret Harry Dumbledore Regiment, together with you to practice black magic defense operation. Nightmares, Harry always Voldemort appears perspective, it seems that they have some kind of mysterious links. u3002 In Dumbledore is under the direction of Professor Harry to Snape learning sealant technique, but rarely effective. Finally induces in a nightmare, the Harry rushed paranoid Ministry of Magic to rescue a small Sirius, Voldemort did not want to fall into the trap, the Phoenix lead to death and eat only the conflict between the positive. In the melee, the small Sirius died. What Harry and Voldemort the link between how? In grief, the Dumbledore Harry opened for answers, Harry was also longer, more difficult way to go ... ...
2023-07-26 14:56:293


2023-07-26 14:56:302


2023-07-26 14:56:321


come是这句话的谓语。voices come from many quarters是这句长句的主干。Just as on smoking是前置定语修饰voices,实际顺序应该是 voices just as on smoking now come from many quarters insisting…insisting 引导的是伴随状语;其后两个that引导的都是insist的宾语从句。
2023-07-26 14:56:352


美国空运目的港DDU/DDP费用组成=HANLING FEE(操作费)+MESSENGER(快递支票的费用,类似于国内顺丰)+ENTRY(清关费,如收货人有自己的清关行则没有此项费用)+ISC(air terminal fee机场杂费)+TRUCKING(派送费)+、Single Entry Bond Fee(美国DDU/DDP价格保证金,美国空运目的港费用如收货人公司有ANNUAL BOND则无需此费用)+Duty(关税)+HMF(港口维护费0.125%Min25)+MPF(货物处理费0.3464%)+其他,如叉车费,仓租费,等候费等。以上费用基本上都是实报实销的,当然也要结合货物具体的HS编码和货值决定的
2023-07-26 14:56:361


高山流水、春江花月夜、二泉映月、十面埋伏、梅花三弄、百鸟朝凤、胡茄十八拍翻译如下High Mountain and Flowing Water, Moonlight on the Spring River, Moon, House of Flying Daggers, Three Variations of Plum Flowers, Hundred birds greeting the phoenix, Hu Ke shoot 18
2023-07-26 14:56:391

anna怎么读 anna的意思

1、anna的读音:英[u02c8u028cnu0259],美[u02c8u028cnu0259]。 2、anna,是一个英文单词,名词译为安那(旧时印度、巴基斯坦等国的辅币单位),安娜,欧美女子中常见用名。 3、例句:Anna will drive me home after work.下班后安娜会开车送我回家。
2023-07-26 14:56:401


2023-07-26 14:56:161


2023-07-26 14:56:132


2023-07-26 14:56:091


3D打印是快速成型技术的一种,它是一种以数字模型文件为基础,运用粉末状金属或塑料等可粘合材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体的技术。简单的说就是如果把一件物品剖成极多的薄层,3D打印就是一层一层的把薄层打印出来,上一层覆盖在下一层上,并与之结合在一起,直到物件打印成形。3D打印存在着许多不同的技术。它们的不同之处在于以可用的材料的方式,并以不同层构建创建部件。3D打印常用材料有尼龙玻纤、耐用性尼龙材料、石膏材料、铝材料、钛合金、不锈钢、镀银、镀金、橡胶类材料。3D打印机则出现在上世纪90年代中期,即一种利用光固化和纸层叠等技术的快速成型装置。扩展资料:3D打印机与传统打印机最大的区别使用打印机就像打印一封信:轻点电脑屏幕上的“打印”按钮,一份数字文件便被传送到一台喷墨打印机上,它将一层墨水喷到纸的表面以形成一副二维图像。而在3D打印时,软件通过电脑辅助设计技术(CAD)完成一系列数字切片,并将这些切片的信息传送到3D打印机上,后者会将连续的薄型层面堆叠起来,直到一个固态物体成型。3D打印机与传统打印机最大的区别在于它使用的“墨水”是实实在在的原材料。3D打印的应用目前的3D打印机主要分为桌面级和工业级,前者以民用为主,后者偏向工业应用。在工业上,3D打印多以铝合金、钛合金等作为原料,在智能制造、工业设计、航天、医疗、教育等领域应用前景广泛参考资料来源:百度百科-3D打印参考资料来源:人民网-科普:什么是3D打印?参考资料来源:人民网-3D打印 独一无二
2023-07-26 14:56:051

Just as on smoking...这句话有语法错误么?大虾们帮忙!急!求解答

Just as确实有正如,好像的意思Just as on smoking实际做了前置,实际顺序应该是 voices Just as on smoking now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete就同吸烟问题一样,来自许多领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖的科学研究还不完整完整的句意:就同吸烟问题一样,来自许多领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖的科学研究还不完整,在我们确定此事之前向大气中继续排放废气是没问题的。这个句子的主干是voices come from many quarters ,insisting 引导的是伴随状语,其后that引导的是insist的宾语从句,两个that引导的都是insist的宾语从句,简单说,这些声音坚持的一是全球变暖科学研究不完整,二是因为这个研究不完整,所以还坚持继续向大气中排放废气没问题。:)供参考补充回答你的问题:1.这段话语法没错误。2.just as on smoking中,just as 是副词,固定词组,意为正象,正如;on,这里意为关于、有关;smoking,意为吸烟。 整句这里意为,正如吸烟问题。所以,just as和介词 on没有冲突。3.smoking,本身就有名词词性,这里可以理解为动名词做名词使用。4.原句没问题,不用加and ,两个that引导的都是宾语从句,主干谓语是insist,由于是伴随发生,所以,insist用现在分词形式。这里加上and反而违背语法。5.just as smoking,这种说法可以,但意思有差别。仔细看看就明白了。
2023-07-26 14:56:031


歌词:在茫茫的人海里,我是哪一个?在奔腾的浪花里,我是哪一朵?在征服宇宙的大军里,那默默奉献的就是我。在辉煌事业的长河里,那永远奔腾的就是我。不需要你认识我。不渴望你知道我。我把青春融进融进祖国的心中。山知道我,江河知道我,祖国不会忘记不会忘记我。山知道我,江河知道我,祖国不会忘记不会忘记我。在茫茫的人海里,我是哪一个?在奔腾的浪花里,我是哪一朵?在征服宇宙的大军里,那默默奉献的就是我。在辉煌事业的长河里,那永远奔腾的就是我。不需要你告诉我,不渴望你报答我,我把光辉融进融进祖国的心中,山知道我,江河知道我,祖国不会忘记不会忘记我。山知道我,江河知道我,祖国不会忘记不会忘记我。 山知道我,江河知道我,祖国不会忘记不会忘记我。山知道我,江河知道我,祖国不会忘记不会忘记我。不会忘记我。不会忘记我。
2023-07-26 14:56:021


2023-07-26 14:56:025

little和a few有什么区别?

两者意思是不同的,little是否定意义的,表示少得几乎没有,而a few表示“一些”,还有前者修饰不可数名词,后者修饰可数名词。
2023-07-26 14:56:011

windows media player无法播放该文件格式

这是因为没有安装必需的视频解码器造成的,解决办法如下:第一步.首先,在百度上搜索“ Windows Media Player编解码器下载”,然后选择一个安全的网站进行下载,如图所示。第二步.下载完成后,右键单击并选择解压缩以安装压缩包,如图所示。第三步 . 然后,打开安装文件夹,然后双击以安装media.player.codec.pack,如图所示。第四步.接着,选择箭头所指详细安装,如图所示。第五步.单击同意,如图所示。第六步.单击install,即安装,等待安装完成,如图所示。第七步.最后,重新启动计算机,视频可以正常播放,如图所示。文件格式(或文件类型)是指电脑为了存储信息而使用的对信息的特殊编码方式,是用于识别内部储存的资料。比如有的储存图片,有的储存程序,有的储存文字信息。每一类信息,都可以一种或多种文件格式保存在电脑存储中。每一种文件格式通常会有一种或多种扩展名可以用来识别,但也可能没有扩展名。扩展名可以帮助应用程序识别的文件格式。对于硬盘机或任何电脑存储来说,有效的信息只有0和1两种。所以电脑必须设计有相应的方式进行信息-位元的转换。对于不同的信息有不同的存储格式。文件格式也意味着文件的用途。
2023-07-26 14:55:581


2023-07-26 14:55:581


祖国不会忘记 歌词 <BR>在茫茫的人海里,我是哪一个 <BR>在奔腾的浪花里,我是哪一朵 <BR>在征服宇宙的大军里,那默默奉献的就是我; <BR>在辉煌事业的长河里,那永远奔腾的就是我。 <BR>不需要你认识我,不需要你知道我, <BR>我把青春融进祖国的江河。 <BR>山知道我,江河知道我, <BR>祖国不会忘记, <BR>不会忘记我。 <BR> <BR>在攀登的队伍里,我是哪一个 <BR>在灿烂的群星里,我是哪一颗 <BR>在通往宇宙的征途上,那无私拼搏的就是我; <BR>在共和国的星河里,那永远闪光的就是我。 <BR>不需要你歌颂我,不需要你报答我, <BR>我把光辉融进祖国的星座。 <BR>山知道我,江河知道我, <BR>祖国不会忘记, 不会忘记我。满意请采纳
2023-07-26 14:55:552