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乔丹在名人堂说的 never say never 什么意思?还有谁能给我乔丹在名人堂的演讲啊?中文翻译过的

2023-07-28 15:12:18

谢谢…….谢谢……我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。但是,我不能。我需要感谢很多人。我还要感谢今天的直播,你们不会只看到我,还会有许多熟悉的面孔。在过去的四周里,我收到了很多的问题。他们问:“你为什么会选择David Thompson?”我知道其中的原因,David也知道,可能你们都不知道。我从小在北卡罗来纳州长大,当我11岁的时候,大概是1974年,David夺得了NBA总冠军。我是不支持北卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了我。当我邀请他做我的主持人的时候,我知道我紧张透了,但是他非常高兴地答应了。

我内心深处一直是北卡的成员,他们都知道我是一名真正属于北卡蓝的人。Smith 教练,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。这一切都源自于我的父母。我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的。我们总是打电话,但是我从来不知道他小学一年级到八年级的故事。即便是David Robinson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你们都不知道的?

我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。作为兄弟,我们从小就互相竞争。我的哥哥Larry总是和我争小东西,而我每次都争不过他。我母亲这时候就会叫我们进屋,因为我们争斗的太激烈了。我大哥总是不在家,因为他当兵,一当就是31年。我体内的竞争意识的源泉还远远不止这些。我的妹妹,她比我小一岁,不喜欢一个人在家。她参加了许多额外的课程,最终和我同一年毕业。之后我们都去了北卡罗来纳大学,结果毕业的时候她还比我早一年。你们问我体内的竞争意识,竞争的本能源自何处,这就是答案。(还来自)我的姐姐,她今天没有出席,我的父亲,虽然他已经不在了,但是他的精神一直陪伴着我。我的竞争意识从我第一天从事体育运动就开始萌发,任何运动,棒球,橄榄球,篮球,你们所能列举过得运动我都参加过。

他们点燃了我心中的火焰,从我的父母开始,随着我的职业生涯的发展,这股火焰更加旺盛。比如史密斯教练—我该对他说些什么呢?他是一个有着传奇色彩的教练。Lerold Smiths,你们可能都不了解他,他就是当年我被踢掉的时候进校队的人。他今天也在现场,他还是六尺七寸那么高,一点也没长高,水平也和以前差不多。但就是他点起了我心中的火焰—为什么他可以进校队而我不能,我要证明—不仅仅是针对我自己或者他,我要向教练证明你做出了一个错误的选择

现在我想谈谈Robert Peterson,我的室友,当时我只知道他是北卡年度的最佳球员。但是他从来没和我比赛过。这样怎么可以成为最佳球员。我想可能是因为媒体的宣传和长期的曝光度。我们就像两个互不关联的频道—ABC和NBC,从小到大我都没在那两个台看过NBA比赛,在北卡没有CBS接收装置。于是Peterson成为了我的目标,当我有机会在球场上见到Peterson,好胜的天性使我渴望打败他。当然他本人还是不错的,但是我不认为他可以打败我。后来,他成为了我的室友。从那一刻起,他就是我竞争的目标,当然这一切他都不知道,当然后来他知道了。史密斯教练,在选拔人员的那一天,他挑了4名先发,但是却没有我的名字,这使我火冒三丈。我认为我有资格成为先发。当然他有他的理由,他认为我是一个新人,没有什么经验,这一切我完全理解。但是从一名篮球运动员的角度看,我有资格成为先发。

伴随着我的职业生涯,这种竞争的意识始终陪伴着我。我成为了公牛队的一员,这使我很自豪。Kerry是我的第一个教练,他尝试将我排进了先发名单中,每次当我们战况一片大好的时候,他就会把我换下来。我把这个当做激励我的动力,我知道这是为了历练我,而往往10次里面有9次second team会取得胜利。我很感激Kevin给与我的挑战,他点燃了我心中的火焰,并使这股火焰更加旺盛。第二年,我的腿骨折了,当我从伤病中恢复后,我渴望参加比赛。医生只允许我每天锻炼7分钟,而我每天打2个小时。无论如何,我只是想胜利,想进入季后赛。我想使公牛队保持那股干劲,所以我去了他的办公室,对他说:“Jerry,我不同意每场比赛只打14分钟,每天我可是练习2个小时。他说:“我们对你是长期投资,在你身上我们倾注了很多心血” 那时我的腿伤只有10%的可能性再次受伤。我说:我真的想参加比赛他说:“假如你头疼,有一个盒子里装了10个胶囊,只有一个是有效的,其他的都是毒药,你会怎么选择?”



Jerry对球队进行了很多改善,挑选了许多有潜力的球员,同时让我发挥出更高的水平。为了整个球队的平衡,他们针对我和我的队友做出了很多调整。对于我的队友,我和他们一起打了14年,不论他们是如何看我的,我只是为了追求胜利。当我在夏天训练的时候,他对我说你不应该在夏天练习,我对他说合同中有说我可以在任何地点任何时间只要我想打球,我就可以这么做。Doug Collins说:好吧,你是对的”在这种过程中,我和他更加亲密。有一次Jerry对我说:团队才可以赢得冠军



我还要感谢一些人,这些名字或许你们都没想到。Isiah Thomas,Magic Johnson,George Gervin。在我的新秀赛季,我被你们完全冻结。是你们给我了前进的动力,每天我都需要进步,我要证明我所得到一切成就都问心无愧,无论人们是如何评论的,我从来不把谣言当做真相。你们从来没有把我吓怕,不论如何,我就是要向你们证明我有资格在这个场上打球,就跟你们一样。毫无疑问,在我整个职业生涯中我想我已经证明了这一切,即使是面对活塞,我做到了。

Pat Riley,我想起了以前我把你的球队横扫,第二天你给我的门上留了一个纸条:我很享受与你的比赛,恭喜你,但是我们还会再见的。我想你就和我一样,享受竞争的过程,乐于与我竞争,即便你是从一个教练的角度,无论是尼克斯还是热火,每次我与你比赛,你有所谓的乔丹终结者(无敌的讽刺),你有我所喜欢的John Starks。你还不让我与Oakley一起吃饭,因为我们是竞争对手,(Charles Oakley)是我在联盟中强有力的对手,也是我最好的朋友,Patrick Erving和我一样大,我们也是同一年进联盟的(似乎帮主记错了尤因的时间),但是我却很少和他一起吃饭,这是什么原因?是因为我在场上将尼克斯打得落花流水?我还是一个很友善的人,我热爱与人交往。但是一旦进入球场,我就会全身心投入,争取每一场胜利。我感谢你们给与了我所极度渴望的动力

Phil Jackson,对我来说他就是我职业联盟的Dean Smiths,他磨练了我的意志,强健了我的体魄。他对比赛有很深刻的理解,Tex Wenter也对我做出了很多指导,他对我很严厉,我很少能使他满意。他今天没在现场。我记得有一场比赛,球队落后了5分或者10分,然后我拿了25分并且球队获胜,Wenter: There is no I in team Jordan: but there is I in win


Baron Russel,在1994年我打棒球的时候,他们在一边的篮球场上投篮,我跟他们打招呼,当时我想我没有动力再去追寻篮球的足迹。但是他们走过来问我:你为什么要退役,你知道我可以防住你,别让我看到你再穿上篮球裤,(原话其实语气没这么强烈If ever see you in a pair of shorts)所以当我1995年回归联盟,96年与犹他比赛的时候,Russel坐在我的旁边:你还记得94年的事吗?我想我现在可以轻松地防死你,我很高兴与你比赛 我说:最好你有机会相信我,从这一天,他有了这个机会,我没有问他是否成功,他的确有,从这天起,如果我有穿上篮球裤,我就直接去找他(其实这一段对话我没太听清,帮主语速快而且没有说出是谁讲的话,哪位达人可以再听听大概在20分钟左右)

我知道你们都需要离开(会场),我也知道我讲了很长时间,我本应该说完谢谢就转身离开。我很感谢你们。我的演讲就要进入尾声,篮球就是我生命中的一切,我心灵的庇护,当我需要信心与内心的平静,篮球总会在那里静静地等待我。它带给过我沉重的伤痛,强烈的喜悦,以及自我的满足感。这种情感是你们无法了解与想象的。这已经有很长的时间了,它成就了我的伟大也带给了我无尽的喜悦。它给我搭建了一个平台来用各种方式释放我的激情。我从来没有期待过这种方式,也无法想象这一切的一切。我希望我能够激励成千上万的人通过自己的努力,坚持不懈以及积极乐观的态度来实现他们的人生梦想。虽然今天进入名人堂是我职业生涯无上的荣耀,但我不希望这是我的篮球情缘的终点。这仅仅是我从小的梦想的一种延续。也许有一天你会看到一个50岁的乔丹在篮球场上追逐他那最初的梦想。不要笑,永远不要说放弃,因为某些极限,比如恐惧,不过是一种幻觉而已。(谢谢…….谢谢……我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。但是,我不能。我需要感谢很多人。我还要感谢今天的直播,你们不会只看到我,还会有许多熟悉的面孔。在过去的四周里,我收到了很多的问题。他们问:“你为什么会选择David Thompson?”我知道其中的原因,David也知道,可能你们都不知道。我从小在北卡罗来纳州长大,当我11岁的时候,大概是1974年,David夺得了NBA总冠军。我是不支持北卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了我。当我邀请他做我的主持人的时候,我知道我紧张透了,但是他非常高兴地答应了。

我内心深处一直是北卡的成员,他们都知道我是一名真正属于北卡蓝的人。Smith 教练,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。这一切都源自于我的父母。我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的。我们总是打电话,但是我从来不知道他小学一年级到八年级的故事。即便是David Robinson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你们都不知道的?

我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。作为兄弟,我们从小就互相竞争。我的哥哥Larry总是和我争小东西,而我每次都争不过他。我母亲这时候就会叫我们进屋,因为我们争斗的太激烈了。我大哥总是不在家,因为他当兵,一当就是31年。我体内的竞争意识的源泉还远远不止这些。我的妹妹,她比我小一岁,不喜欢一个人在家。她参加了许多额外的课程,最终和我同一年毕业。之后我们都去了北卡罗来纳大学,结果毕业的时候她还比我早一年。你们问我体内的竞争意识,竞争的本能源自何处,这就是答案。(还来自)我的姐姐,她今天没有出席,我的父亲,虽然他已经不在了,但是他的精神一直陪伴着我。我的竞争意识从我第一天从事体育运动就开始萌发,任何运动,棒球,橄榄球,篮球,你们所能列举过得运动我都参加过。

他们点燃了我心中的火焰,从我的父母开始,随着我的职业生涯的发展,这股火焰更加旺盛。比如史密斯教练—我该对他说些什么呢?他是一个有着传奇色彩的教练。Lerold Smiths,你们可能都不了解他,他就是当年我被踢掉的时候进校队的人。他今天也在现场,他还是六尺七寸那么高,一点也没长高,水平也和以前差不多。但就是他点起了我心中的火焰—为什么他可以进校队而我不能,我要证明—不仅仅是针对我自己或者他,我要向教练证明你做出了一个错误的选择

现在我想谈谈Robert Peterson,我的室友,当时我只知道他是北卡年度的最佳球员。但是他从来没和我比赛过。这样怎么可以成为最佳球员。我想可能是因为媒体的宣传和长期的曝光度。我们就像两个互不关联的频道—ABC和NBC,从小到大我都没在那两个台看过NBA比赛,在北卡没有CBS接收装置。于是Peterson成为了我的目标,当我有机会在球场上见到Peterson,好胜的天性使我渴望打败他。当然他本人还是不错的,但是我不认为他可以打败我。后来,他成为了我的室友。从那一刻起,他就是我竞争的目标,当然这一切他都不知道,当然后来他知道了。史密斯教练,在选拔人员的那一天,他挑了4名先发,但是却没有我的名字,这使我火冒三丈。我认为我有资格成为先发。当然他有他的理由,他认为我是一个新人,没有什么经验,这一切我完全理解。但是从一名篮球运动员的角度看,我有资格成为先发。

伴随着我的职业生涯,这种竞争的意识始终陪伴着我。我成为了公牛队的一员,这使我很自豪。Kerry是我的第一个教练,他尝试将我排进了先发名单中,每次当我们战况一片大好的时候,他就会把我换下来。我把这个当做激励我的动力,我知道这是为了历练我,而往往10次里面有9次second team会取得胜利。我很感激Kevin给与我的挑战,他点燃了我心中的火焰,并使这股火焰更加旺盛。第二年,我的腿骨折了,当我从伤病中恢复后,我渴望参加比赛。医生只允许我每天锻炼7分钟,而我每天打2个小时。无论如何,我只是想胜利,想进入季后赛。我想使公牛队保持那股干劲,所以我去了他的办公室,对他说:“Jerry,我不同意每场比赛只打14分钟,每天我可是练习2个小时。他说:“我们对你是长期投资,在你身上我们倾注了很多心血” 那时我的腿伤只有10%的可能性再次受伤。我说:我真的想参加比赛他说:“假如你头疼,有一个盒子里装了10个胶囊,只有一个是有效的,其他的都是毒药,你会怎么选择?”



Jerry对球队进行了很多改善,挑选了许多有潜力的球员,同时让我发挥出更高的水平。为了整个球队的平衡,他们针对我和我的队友做出了很多调整。对于我的队友,我和他们一起打了14年,不论他们是如何看我的,我只是为了追求胜利。当我在夏天训练的时候,他对我说你不应该在夏天练习,我对他说合同中有说我可以在任何地点任何时间只要我想打球,我就可以这么做。Doug Collins说:好吧,你是对的”在这种过程中,我和他更加亲密。有一次Jerry对我说:团队才可以赢得冠军



我还要感谢一些人,这些名字或许你们都没想到。Isiah Thomas,Magic Johnson,George Gervin。在我的新秀赛季,我被你们完全冻结。是你们给我了前进的动力,每天我都需要进步,我要证明我所得到一切成就都问心无愧,无论人们是如何评论的,我从来不把谣言当做真相。你们从来没有把我吓怕,不论如何,我就是要向你们证明我有资格在这个场上打球,就跟你们一样。毫无疑问,在我整个职业生涯中我想我已经证明了这一切,即使是面对活塞,我做到了。

Pat Riley,我想起了以前我把你的球队横扫,第二天你给我的门上留了一个纸条:我很享受与你的比赛,恭喜你,但是我们还会再见的。我想你就和我一样,享受竞争的过程,乐于与我竞争,即便你是从一个教练的角度,无论是尼克斯还是热火,每次我与你比赛,你有所谓的乔丹终结者(无敌的讽刺),你有我所喜欢的John Starks。你还不让我与Oakley一起吃饭,因为我们是竞争对手,(Charles Oakley)是我在联盟中强有力的对手,也是我最好的朋友,Patrick Erving和我一样大,我们也是同一年进联盟的(似乎帮主记错了尤因的时间),但是我却很少和他一起吃饭,这是什么原因?是因为我在场上将尼克斯打得落花流水?我还是一个很友善的人,我热爱与人交往。但是一旦进入球场,我就会全身心投入,争取每一场胜利。我感谢你们给与了我所极度渴望的动力

Phil Jackson,对我来说他就是我职业联盟的Dean Smiths,他磨练了我的意志,强健了我的体魄。他对比赛有很深刻的理解,Tex Wenter也对我做出了很多指导,他对我很严厉,我很少能使他满意。他今天没在现场。我记得有一场比赛,球队落后了5分或者10分,然后我拿了25分并且球队获胜,Wenter: There is no I in team Jordan: but there is I in win


Baron Russel,在1994年我打棒球的时候,他们在一边的篮球场上投篮,我跟他们打招呼,当时我想我没有动力再去追寻篮球的足迹。但是他们走过来问我:你为什么要退役,你知道我可以防住你,别让我看到你再穿上篮球裤,(原话其实语气没这么强烈If ever see you in a pair of shorts)所以当我1995年回归联盟,96年与犹他比赛的时候,Russel坐在我的旁边:你还记得94年的事吗?我想我现在可以轻松地防死你,我很高兴与你比赛 我说:最好你有机会相信我,从这一天,他有了这个机会,我没有问他是否成功,他的确有,从这天起,如果我有穿上篮球裤,我就直接去找他(其实这一段对话我没太听清,帮主语速快而且没有说出是谁讲的话,哪位达人可以再听听大概在20分钟左右)

我知道你们都需要离开(会场),我也知道我讲了很长时间,我本应该说完谢谢就转身离开。我很感谢你们。我的演讲就要进入尾声,篮球就是我生命中的一切,我心灵的庇护,当我需要信心与内心的平静,篮球总会在那里静静地等待我。它带给过我沉重的伤痛,强烈的喜悦,以及自我的满足感。这种情感是你们无法了解与想象的。这已经有很长的时间了,它成就了我的伟大也带给了我无尽的喜悦。它给我搭建了一个平台来用各种方式释放我的激情。我从来没有期待过这种方式,也无法想象这一切的一切。我希望我能够激励成千上万的人通过自己的努力,坚持不懈以及积极乐观的态度来实现他们的人生梦想。虽然今天进入名人堂是我职业生涯无上的荣耀,但我不希望这是我的篮球情缘的终点。这仅仅是我从小的梦想的一种延续。也许有一天你会看到一个50岁的乔丹在篮球场上追逐他那最初的梦想。不要笑,永远不要说放弃,因为某些极限,比如恐惧,不过是一种幻觉而已。(Never say never,because limits, like fear, are nothing but illusion.)


never say never 永不言弃……

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!














"Never say never"翻译成中文是什么意思?

2023-07-27 01:21:124

"Never say never"翻译成中文是什么意思?

2023-07-27 01:22:057

never say never什么意思

2023-07-27 01:22:253

never say never什么意思

NEVER SAY NEVER 永不言败; 永远不要说永不; [例句]Apparently one should never say never, but I did, loudly and often.很显然,一个人永远都不应该说绝不,但是我说了,经常说,还说得很大声。
2023-07-27 01:22:351

never say never什么意思

Never Say Never 永不说永不(歌曲名);永不说不例句1.However, we never say never. 然而,我们没有说过永远。2.Never say never. 永不说不。
2023-07-27 01:23:042

never say never是什么意思

neversaynever 从未说过
2023-07-27 01:23:2210

never say never 的歌词

2023-07-27 01:23:534


2023-07-27 01:24:081

Never Say Never 是什么意思

2023-07-27 01:24:314

Never say Never是什么意思?

2023-07-27 01:24:397

never say never什么意思

2023-07-27 01:25:005

功夫梦片尾曲 never say never 歌词大意

Never Say Never 永不言败   See I never thought that I could walk through fire   我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火   I never thought that I could take the burn   我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来   I never had the strength to take it higher   我以前从没想过我可以更强大   Until I reached the point of no return   直到我被逼到了绝境   And there"s just no turning back   我知道我已无法回头   When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时   Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有   It"s my destiny   这是我的命运   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   I never thought that I could feel this power   我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大   I never thought that I could feel this free   我以前从来没有想过我可以自由   I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower   我已经很强大可以攀登上世界上最高的塔   And I"m fast enough to run across the sea   我可以快跑穿过海洋   And there"s just no turning back   我知道我已无法回头   When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时   Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有   Cause it"s my destiny   因为这是我的命运   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   Here we go!   我们现在就出发!   Guess who   猜猜是谁   JSmith and Jb!   是JSmith和Jb!   I gotcha lil bro   两个铁兄弟   I can handle him   我可以搞定他   Hold up aight   别松懈 好么   I can handle him   我可以搞定他   Now he"s bigger than me   现在他比我厉害   Taller than me   比我高   And he"s older than me   他比我大   And stronger than me   比我强壮   And his arms a little bit longer than me   他的手臂比我长一些   But he ain"t on a JB song with me!   但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!   I be trying a chill   我控制自己冷静下来   They be trying to side with the thrill   他们却充满了激情   No pun intended was raised by the power of Will   我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力   Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove   就像在逆境中 Luke掌握了原力   Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood   就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(根据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的)   I gotta be the best and yes   我要当最好的 并且我可以   We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔   Like David and Goliath   就像David和Goliath一样   I conquered the giant   我可以征服巨人   So now I got the world in my hand   现在世界就在我手上   I was born from two stars   我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来   So the moon"s where I land   月亮是我的降落的地方   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:25:221

never say nerver是什么意思

2023-07-27 01:25:321


贾斯汀比伯的 never say never
2023-07-27 01:25:412

求Justin Bieber的never say never的汉语歌词

Some things we don"t talk about   有些东西我们不去谈论   Rather do without and just hold the smile   只是保持着微笑   Falling in and out of love   爱情在生命中进进出出The Fray 单曲 Never Say NeverAshamed and proud of, together all the while   惭愧和骄傲并存   You can never say never   你永远不能说永不   While we don"t know when   尽管我们不知道什么时候   But time and time again   随着时间的流逝   Younger now than we were before   我们比从前更幼稚   Don"t let me go   不要让我离去 ……   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Picture, you"re queen of everything   美如画的你,是一切事物的女王   Far as the eye can see under your command   是要是能看到的地方,都在你统率之下   I will be your guardian when all is crumbling   当一切消亡时,我会是你的守护者THE FRAYI"ll steady your hand   我会坚定地抓紧你的手  You can never say never   你能永不言败  While we don"t know when   尽管我们不知道什么时候   But time, time and time again   随着时间流逝  Younger now than we were before   我们比从前更幼稚   Don"t let me go   不要让我离去……   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   We"re pulling apart   我们总是被分开   And coming together again and again   并又一次一次地再在一起   We"re pulling apart   我们总是被分开THE FRAYBut we pull it together   但是我们又重新在一起   Pull it together again ,together again   又在一起了   Don"t let me go   不要让我离去……   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go
2023-07-27 01:25:503

never say never justin bieber中文歌词

《Never Say Never》歌词:Justin Bieber&Jaden Smith所属专辑:《Never Say Never》发行时间:2011-02-14歌词:Never say never... 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Never say never... 我永不言败 Never say never... 我永不言败 Never say never... 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 Cause this is my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never!(I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever!(make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 pick it up 继续战斗 pick it up 继续战斗 pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who? 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是JSmith和Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up, aight? 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Cobe with the 4th, ice water with blood 就像Cobe在第4区 靠冰水和血液活下来 I gotta be the best, and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔? Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never!(I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever!(make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up, up, up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never!(I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever!(make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up, up, up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Never say never 我永不言败 ……
2023-07-27 01:26:032

never say never是什么意思?

2023-07-27 01:26:2514

Never Say Never 歌词

歌曲名:Never Say Never歌手:The Fray专辑:The FrayNever Say NeverThe FraySome things we don"t talk aboutbetter do withoutjust hold a smilewe"re falling in and out of lovethe same damn problemtogether all the whileyou can never say neverwhen we don"t know whytime and time againyounger now then we were beforedon"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me gopicture you"re the queen of everythingas far as the i can seeunder your commandi will be your gaurdeningwhen all is crumblingsteady your handyou can never say neverwhen we don"t know whytime and time againyounger now then we were beforedon"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me gowe"re falling apartand coming together again and againwe"re coming apartbut we hold it togetherhold it together, together againdon"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go.don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go,don"t let me go.
2023-07-27 01:26:571


Never Say NeverJustin BieberSee I never thought that I could walk through fireI never thought that I could take the burnI never had the strength to take it higherUntil I reached the point of no returnAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveIt"s my destinyI will never say never! (I will fight)I will fight till forever! (make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up up upAnd never say neverI never thought I could feel this powerI never thought that I could feel this freeI"m strong enough to climb the highest towerAnd I"m fast enough to run across the seaAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveCause this is my destinyI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverHere we go!Guess who?JSmith and Jb!I gotcha lil broI can handle himHold up, aight?I can handle himNow he"s bigger than meTaller than meAnd he"s older than meAnd stronger than meAnd his arms a little bit longer than meBut he ain"t on a JB song with me!I be trying a chillThey be trying to side with the thrillNo pun intended, was raised by the power of WillLike Luke with the force, when push comes to shoveLike Cobe with the 4th, ice water with bloodI gotta be the best, and yesWe"re the flyestLike David and GoliathI conquered the giantSo now I got the world in my handI was born from two starsSo the moon"s where I landI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverAnd never say never
2023-07-27 01:27:082

歌词里有never say never song 是个女歌手唱的很有节奏的!!

2023-07-27 01:27:185

never say nevrer 歌词

Justin Bieber&Jaden Smith never say never See I never thought that I could walk through fire I never thought that I could take the burn I never had the strength to take it higher Until I reached the point of no return And there"s just no turning back When your hearts under attack Gonna give everything I have It"s my destiny I will never say never (I will fight) I will fight till forever (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up up up And never say never I never thought I could feel this power I never thought that I could feel this free I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower And I"m fast enough to run across the sea And there"s just no turning back When your hearts under attack Gonna give everything I have Cause this is my destiny I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up, And never say never Here we go Guess who JSmith and Jb I gotcha lil bro I can handle him Hold up, aight I can handle him Now he"s bigger than me Taller than me And he"s older than me And stronger than me And his arms a little bit longer than me But he ain"t on a JB song with me I be trying a chill They be trying to side with the thrill No pun intended was raised by the power of Will Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove Like Cobe with the 4th ice water with blood I gotta be the best, and yes We"re the flyest Like David and Goliath I conquered the giant. So now I got the world in my hand I was born from two stars So the moon"s where I land I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up, And never say never I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up, And never say never
2023-07-27 01:27:383

never say never - Tyler Ward 的歌词。谢了。

[00:12.22]Some things we don"t talk about 有些事情我们不说[00:16.74]better do without just hold a smile 最好只在脸上挂一丝微笑[00:24.22]we"re falling in and out of love 我们坠入爱河,又最后不得不分开[00:28.65]the same damn problem 都是因为同一个该死的问题[00:31.73][00:32.28]together all the while 我们在一起的时候[00:35.85]you can never say never 不许说没有可能[00:38.06]when we don"t know why 当我们不知道原因的时候[00:40.85]time and time again 随时间流逝[00:44.13]younger now then we were before 我们却比以前更加幼稚[00:48.53][00:48.94]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[00:51.90]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[00:54.86]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[01:00.77]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[01:03.89]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[01:06.92]don"t let me go 不要放开手,让我走[01:12.17][01:12.54]picture you"re the queen of everything 在照片里你就像公主一般[01:16.65]as far as the i can see 这就是我能看到的[01:20.04]under your command 我会像士兵一样服从你[01:24.22]i will be your gaurdening 我会保护你[01:28.62]when all is crumbling 当这些都化为乌有[01:31.95]steady your hand 我会握紧你的手[01:35.19][01:35.81]you can never say never 不需说不可能[01:38.04]when we don"t know why 当我们不知道原因的时候[01:40.69]time and time again 随着时间流逝[01:44.17]younger now then we were before 我们却比以前更幼稚[01:48.49][01:48.89]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[01:51.86]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[01:54.93]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[02:00.30]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[02:03.90]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[02:06.85]don"t let me go 不要放开手,让我走[02:12.39][02:13.27]we"re falling apart 我们正在失去对方[02:16.30]and coming together again and again 却试图去挽救这已逝去的爱情[02:22.30]we"re coming apart 爱情正在逐渐崩溃[02:25.14]but we hold it together 但我们依旧握紧对方的双手[02:28.59]hold it together, together again 握住双手 一次又一次....[02:37.28][03:09.85]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:12.93]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:15.84]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:21.23]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:24.87]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:27.89]don"t let me go. 不要放开手,让我走[03:33.36][03:33.85]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:36.88]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:39.88]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:45.73]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:48.81]don"t let me go, 不要放开手,让我走[03:51.92]don"t let me go. 不要放开手,让我走
2023-07-27 01:27:451

求never say never的英语演讲稿

Ladies and gentlemen:It is my great pleasure to speak here.The topic for my speech is :Never say never.Everybody understands that Goals Can Be Reached No Matter How Many Obstacles Lie in the Way.But it is so hard to realize our dreams.Some people would give up with saying"Never again".It is commonly believed that there must be difficulties for everybody to face in the self-development.The basic reason is that the individual personality,experience and the education background will surely have some conflicts with the social circles and the social development. Therefore,the compromise should be regarded as one the best ways to deal with the problems appearing in the life and work.Sometimes,you will find that you are right with being misunderstood by the people around you,and sometimes,you will find that it is so difficult for the people around to understand your ideas,opinions and suggestion. Then,it depends on your persistence which you should have cultivated during your growth.The persistence will help you to overcome the difficulties,and reach the goals in your mind.Then your dream will come true. So,Never say never.You will make it if you keep on going.So much for my speech.Thank you all.
2023-07-27 01:27:532

英语作文 Never say never 80字左右

Ladies and gentlemen:It is my great pleasure to speak here.The topic for my speech is :Never say never.Everybody understands that Goals Can Be Reached No Matter How Many Obstacles Lie in the Way.But it is so hard to realize our dreams.Some people would give up with saying"Never again".It is commonly believed that there must be difficulties for everybody to face in the self-development.The basic reason is that the individual personality,experience and the education background will surely have some conflicts with the social circles and the social development.Therefore,the compromise should be regarded as one the best ways to deal with the problems appearing in the life and work.Sometimes,you will find that you are right with being misunderstood by the people around you,and sometimes,you will find that it is so difficult for the people around to understand your ideas,opinions and suggestion.Then,it depends on your persistence which you should have cultivated during your growth.The persistence will help you to overcome the difficulties,and reach the goals in your mind.Then your dream will come true.So,Never say never.You will make it if you keep on going.So much for my speech.Thank you all.
2023-07-27 01:28:021

Never say never男人对女人说是什么意思

2023-07-27 01:28:123

neversaynever 的详细歌词

See I never thought that I could walk through fire I never thought that I could take the burn I never had the strength to take it higher Until I reached the point of no return And there"s just no turning back When your hearts under attack Gonna give everything I have It"s my destiny I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up up up And never say never I never thought I could feel this power I never thought that I could feel this free I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower And I"m fast enough to run across the sea And there"s just no turning back When your hearts under attack Gonna give everything I have Cause this is my destiny I will never say never!(I will fight) I will fight till forever!(make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up And never say never Here we go! Guess who? JSmith and Jb! I gotcha lil bro I can handle him Hold up, aight? I can handle him Now he"s bigger than me Taller than me And he"s older than me And stronger than me And his arms a little bit longer than me But he ain"t on a JB song with me! I be trying a chill They be trying to side with the thrill No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove Like Cobe with the 4th, ice water with blood I gotta be the best, and yes We"re the flyest Like David and Goliath I conquered the giant So now I got the world in my hand I was born from two stars So the moon"s where I land I will never say never!(I will fight) I will fight till forever!(make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up And never say never I will never say never!(I will fight) I will fight till forever!(make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up And never say never Never say never Never say never Never say never Never say never Never say never Never say never Never say never And never say never
2023-07-27 01:28:503

Never say never的歌曲歌词

(DANGANRONPA)  Reality slips far away【真相已逝】  Fiction comes alive as we start to play【谎言成真 我们就这么开始游戏】  Hope is no more behind a closed door【真相被打入门后】  As we drift away from what was once before【让我们与曾经的世界渐行渐远】  Hope and hopelessness become one【希望与绝望合而为一】  It"s all meaningless we"ve already begun【但已无关紧要 因为游戏早已开始】  Yap, we are all one in the same【是的,此时我们正同舟共济】  Never opposites when we play the same game【绝不对立 因为我们命运相连】  So I listen to the world I know right from wrong【我大胆聆听 因为我已能明辨黑白】  If I can stay focused then I can stay strong【若我专注于此 我定能更加强大】  If you ever wonder why I"m trapped inside【如果你想知道我为何深陷于此】  It"s really just because I told a pack of lies【只因为我诉说了太多谎言】  Maybe for a dream, or maybe it was pride【或许是为了梦想 或许是为了心中那份骄傲】  Maybe for myself I often wonder why?【也或许是为了我自己 是这样么?我无数次思考】  Until our very last breath【直到我们最后一次呼吸】  We‘re running after life, trying to avoid death【我们都会追求得生 驱散死亡】  We walk a thin line between hope and despair【在希望与绝望间我们寻觅一线生机】  Running from the truth but it"s already here【一味想逃离真相但它却无处不在】  Told so many lies I don"t know if they can find me【诉说了无数谎言 也不知何时会被拆穿】  Only one life to live so choose wisely【生命只有一次 我们必须慎行】  Heads or tails?【正面还是反面】  Do you know what side you"re on?【你又处于哪一面】  Does it even matter if it"s on the same coin?【哪怕我们处于同一枚硬币上 你也无所畏惧么?】  If you wanna achieve you gotta believe【如果你想实现 就必须将其坚信于心】  The time is right now there"s the door here"s the keys【钥匙在此 时机已到 是时候由你打开大门了】  Just gotta chase the pain away【要将痛苦驱出我们心头】  Let it fade away【让它就这么暗淡】  There"s a ray of hope beyond despair【在绝望之间发现那一丝希望】  Move on look for the truth in this world 【去吧 在这虚假的世界中发现被藏匿的真相】  (Only one life to live so choose wisely)【生命只有一次 我们必须慎行】  Break through the confusion【驱散困惑】  Find a solution【找出答案】  Beat the twisted evil things【击败那扭曲罪恶的事物】  Just do it, go for it【去找寻吧 放手干吧】  Never…【永不言弃 我们从未说放弃】  Never say never【永不言弃】  Never say never【我们从未说放弃】  Never say never【我们还未放弃】  (DANGANRONPA)  Don"t be hopeless stay focused【不要让绝望聚集在一起】  Gotta grind every time until they"re open【你要磨得够久才能知道谜团里藏着什么】  Gotta climb real high where the rope is【你要爬的够高才能知道绳子通向何方】  It is written in the sky see the opus【这是一部写在天空中的巨著】  And you know this【而你知道它在讲述什么】  Please don"t lose hope【请不要失去希望】  Try to progress keep your eye on the scope【尝试着前进吧 不要将目光离开你的方向】  For yourself or do it for your folks【这是为了你自己 也是为了你周围的大家】  Dedication gotta swear the oath【每一次献身都必须献上誓言】  (DANGANRONPA)  From this day forth stay on course【从这一天起我们继续前进】  No despair gotta have a heart【绝望不会再占据谁的心灵】  Take no loss every step cost【不让每一步白费】  Everybody wanna see if you"ll fall off【尽管每个人都在等待你的失败】  Keep your eye on the prize【但你的目光应直指最终的大奖】  Been through the worst even cried on the side【跨越那些让人哭泣的悲伤时刻】  No lie never know what you will find【每一句谎言都不会想到会被你戳穿】  Gotta believe let"s keep hope alive!【你必须让希望之火继续燃烧】  【念白】  Don"t throw yourself away【不要放弃自己】  Wipe all tears away【擦干你的眼泪】  Even if the future seems uncertain【尽管未来仍是模糊不清但这也无关紧要】  Survive find true happiness in this world【努力活下去吧 直到找到真实带来的喜悦】  So have a strong intention【明确你的目标】  And change direction【修正你的方向】  "cause the sky is the limit【已经没有什么可以限制你了】  Just do it, go for it【去找寻吧 放手干吧】  Never…【永不言弃 只因我们从未说放弃】  (For yourself or do it for your folks) 【这是为了你自己 也是为了你周围的大家】  Break through the confusion【驱散困惑】  Find a solution【找出答案】  Beat the twisted evil things【击败那扭曲罪恶的事物】  Just do it, go for it【去找寻吧 放手干吧】  Never…【永不言弃 我们从未说放弃】  (Gotta believe let"s keep hope alive!)【你必须让希望之火继续燃烧】  (DANGANRONPA)
2023-07-27 01:29:091

求Never say never英语作文100词

Ladies and gentlemen:It is my great pleasure to speak here.The topic for my speech is :Never say never.Everybody understands that Goals Can Be Reached No Matter How Many Obstacles Lie in the Way.But it is so hard to realize our dreams.Some people would give up with saying"Never again".It is commonly believed that there must be difficulties for everybody to face in the self-development.The basic reason is that the individual personality,experience and the education background will surely have some conflicts with the social circles and the social development.Therefore,the compromise should be regarded as one the best ways to deal with the problems appearing in the life and work.Sometimes,you will find that you are right with being misunderstood by the people around you,and sometimes,you will find that it is so difficult for the people around to understand your ideas,opinions and suggestion.Then,it depends on your persistence which you should have cultivated during your growth.The persistence will help you to overcome the difficulties,and reach the goals in your mind.Then your dream will come true.So,Never say never.You will make it if you keep on going.So much for my speech.Thank you all.
2023-07-27 01:29:252

歌词中有 never say never 女生唱的

brandy的 never say never,sweetbox的these dayz
2023-07-27 01:29:333


这是一个短语never say never中文意思是:永远别说不可能
2023-07-27 01:29:413

求:Justin Bieber的Never Say Never歌词及音标,重点是音标。谢谢!

2023-07-27 01:29:495

Never say Never的中文谐音歌词

怎样,想侮辱Justin Bieber?
2023-07-27 01:30:032


Never Say Never 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不 会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是 JSmith 和 Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和 JB 一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke 勇往直前 Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第 4 节一样冷血(根据视频 里的动作好像应该是这样的) I gotta be the best and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔 Like David and Goliath 就像 David 和 Goliath 一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:30:231

Never say never的完整歌词加翻译。

Never Say Never 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我111ttt.com到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是JSmith和Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我把持自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(依据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的) I gotta be the best and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以翱翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:30:311

贾斯汀.比伯Never Say Never的歌词

See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go!我们现在就出发!Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb!是JSmith和Jb!I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me!但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!I be trying a chill我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Cobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像Cobe在第4区 靠冰水和血液活下来 I gotta be the best and yes我要当最好的 并且我可以We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:30:393

never say never 歌词

Never Say NeverJustin BieberSee I never thought that I could walk through fireI never thought that I could take the burnI never had the strength to take it higherUntil I reached the point of no returnAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveIt"s my destinyI will never say never! (I will fight)I will fight till forever! (make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up up upAnd never say neverI never thought I could feel this powerI never thought that I could feel this freeI"m strong enough to climb the highest towerAnd I"m fast enough to run across the seaAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveCause this is my destinyI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverHere we go!Guess who?JSmith and Jb!I gotcha lil broI can handle himHold up, aight?I can handle himNow he"s bigger than meTaller than meAnd he"s older than meAnd stronger than meAnd his arms a little bit longer than meBut he ain"t on a JB song with me!I be trying a chillThey be trying to side with the thrillNo pun intended, was raised by the power of WillLike Luke with the force, when push comes to shoveLike Cobe with the 4th, ice water with bloodI gotta be the best, and yesWe"re the flyestLike David and GoliathI conquered the giantSo now I got the world in my handI was born from two starsSo the moon"s where I landI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverAnd never say never
2023-07-27 01:30:473

never say never 歌词的汉语
2023-07-27 01:30:556

Never say never的歌词是什么?

Never Say Never 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我111ttt.com到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是JSmith和Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我把持自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(依据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的) I gotta be the best and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以翱翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:31:101

Never say never歌词中文意思

2023-07-27 01:31:184

Justin Bieber《Never Say Never 》的歌词的中文翻译

Never Say Never  永不言败  See I never thought that I could walk through fire  我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火  I never thought that I could take the burn  我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来  I never had the strength to take it higher  我以前从没想过我可以更强大  Until I reached the point of no return  直到我被逼到了绝境  And there"s just no turning back  我知道我已无法回头  When your hearts under attack  当你的心受到攻击时  Gonna give everything I have  我会付出我的所有  It"s my destiny JB and JSmith这是我的命运  I will never say never! (I will fight)  我永不言败!(我会战斗)  I will fight till forever! (make it right)  我会一直战斗!(战胜他)  Whenever you knock me down  不管何时你打败我  I will not stay on the ground  我都绝不会一蹶不振  Pick it up  继续战斗  Pick it up  继续战斗  Pick it up  继续战斗  Pick it up up up  继续战斗  And never say never (and never say never ,and never say never ,and never say never)  我永不言败  I never thought that I could feel this power  我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大  I never thought that I could feel this free  我以前从来没有想过我可以自由  I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower  我已经很强大可以攀登上世界上最高的塔  And I"m fast enough to run across the sea JB  我可以快跑穿过海洋  And there"s just no turning back  我知道我已无法回头  When your hearts under attack  当你的心受到攻击时  Gonna give everything I have  我会付出我的所有  Cause it"s my destiny  因为这是我的命运  I will never say never! (I will fight)  我永不言败!(我会战斗)  I will fight till forever! (make it right)  我会一直战斗!(战胜他)  Whenever you knock me down  不管何时你打败我  I will not stay on the ground  我都绝不会一蹶不振  Pick it up  继续战斗  Pick it up  继续战斗  Pick it up  继续战斗  Pick it up up up  继续战斗  And never say never  我永不言败  Here we go! JSmith我们现在就出发!  Guess who  猜猜是谁  JSmith and Jb!  是JSmith和Jb!  I gotcha lil bro  两个铁兄弟  I can handle him  我可以搞定他  Hold up aight  别松懈 好么  I can handle him  我可以搞定他  Now he"s bigger than me  现在他比我厉害  Taller than me  比我高  And he"s older than me  他比我大  And stronger than me  比我强壮  And his arms a little bit longer than me  他的手臂比我长一些  But he ain"t on a JB song with me!  但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!  I be trying a chill  我控制自己冷静下来  They be trying to side with the thrill  他们却充满了激情  No pun intended was raised by the power of Will  我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力  Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove  就像在逆境中 Luke掌握了原力  Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood  就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(根据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的)  I gotta be the best and yes  我要当最好的 并且我可以  We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔  Like David and Goliath  就像David和Goliath一样  I conquered the giant  我可以征服巨人  So now I got the world in my hand  现在世界就在我手上  I was born from two stars  我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来  So the moon"s where I land  月亮是我的降落的地方  I will never say never! (I will fight)  我永不言败!(我会战斗)  I will fight till forever! (make it right)  我会一直战斗!(战胜他)  Whenever you knock me down  不管何时你打败我  I will not stay on the ground  我都绝不会一蹶不振  Whenever you knock me down  不管何时你打败我  I will not stay on the ground  我都绝不会一蹶不振  Pick it up  Pick it up up up  继续战斗  And never say never (and never say never,and never say never,and never say never)  我永不言败  And never say never (and never say never,and never say never,and never say never)  我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:31:285


Justin Bieber – Never Say NeverSee I never thought that I could walk through fireI never thought that I could take the burnI never had the strength to take it higherUntil I reached the point of no returnAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveIt"s my destinyI will never say never! (I will fight)I will fight till forever! (make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up up upAnd never say neverI never thought I could feel this powerI never thought that I could feel this freeI"m strong enough to climb the highest towerAnd I"m fast enough to run across the seaAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveCause this is my destinyI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverHere we go!Guess who?JSmith and Jb!I gotcha lil broI can handle himHold up, aight?I can handle himNow he"s bigger than meTaller than meAnd he"s older than meAnd stronger than meAnd his arms a little bit longer than meBut he ain"t on a JB song with me!I be trying a chillThey be trying to side with the thrillNo pun intended, was raised by the power of WillLike Luke with the force, when push comes to shoveLike Cobe with the 4th, ice water with bloodI gotta be the best, and yesWe"re the flyestLike David and GoliathI conquered the giantSo now I got the world in my handI was born from two starsSo the moon"s where I landI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverAnd never say never
2023-07-27 01:31:433

never say never这首歌表达的什么意思

2023-07-27 01:32:033

求弹丸论破OPnever say never中文歌词..

(DANGANRONPA)(弹丸论破)Reality slips far away【真相已逝】Fiction comes alive as we start to play【谎言成真 游戏开始】Hope is no more behind a closed door【希望不再封闭在门后面】As we drift away from what was once before【当我们离开曾经的世界渐行渐远】Hope and hopelessness become one【希望同绝望成为一致】It"s all meaningless we"ve already begun【但已无关紧要 游戏已然开始】Yap, we are all one in the same【是的,我们正同舟共济】Never opposites when we play the same game【绝不对立 因为我们命运相系】So I listen to the world I know right from wrong【所以我聆听这世界 分辨黑白】If I can stay focused then I can stay strong【若我专注于此 必然立于不败】If you ever wonder why I"m trapped inside【如果你曾疑惑我为何深陷这里边】It"s really just because I told a pack of lies【真的只因为我讲述了太多的谎言】Maybe for a dream, or maybe it was pride【或许为了梦想 或许为了尊严】Maybe for myself I often wonder why?【或许为了自己--我想拆下真相的假面】Until our very last breath【直到我们最后一次呼吸】We‘re running after life, trying to avoid death【都在追求希望 躲避死亡】We walk a thin line between hope and despair【走在希望与绝望间的钢丝】Running from the truth but it"s already here【想逃离真相 它却是事件的本质】Told so many lies I don"t know if they can find me【我诉说的无数谎言 不知何时会被发现】Only one life to live so choose wisely【生命仅此一次 请谨慎选择路线】Heads or tails?【正抑或反】Do you know what side you"re on?【你又处于哪一面?】Does it even matter if it"s on the same coin?【若我们在同一枚硬币上 你是否仍脸色不变?】If you wanna achieve you gotta believe【你只有坚信 既然你想实现】The time is right now--there"s the door,here"s the keys【正是此时 那边是门 这是钥匙】Just gotta chase the pain away【将痛苦驱出心间】Let it fade away【令其褪色泛黄】There"s a ray of hope beyond despair【在绝望之间发现那一缕希望】Move on look for the truth in this world 【去吧 在这虚假的世界中发现 被藏匿的真相】(Only one life to live so choose wisely)(生命仅此一次 请谨慎选择路线)Break through the confusion【驱散迷茫】Find a solution【找到希望】Beat the twisted evil things【击败扭曲罪恶的事物】Just do it, go for it【去寻找 去追逐】Never…【永远不说…】Never say never【不说放弃】Never say never【永远不说放弃】Never say never【绝不放弃】(DANGANRONPA)(弹丸论破)Don"t be hopeless stay focused【不要放弃 保持专注】Gotta grind every time until they"re open【磨砺够久才会见到谜底开放】Gotta climb real high where the rope is【攀爬够高才能知道绳子通向何方】It is written in the sky see the opus【看这写在天空中的巨著】And you know this【你知道在讲什么】Please don"t lose hope【请不要失去希望】Try to progress keep your eye on the scope【试着前进吧 目光不可离开前方】For yourself or do it for your folks【为自己 也为周围的人们】Dedication gotta swear the oath【每一次的献身都必须献上誓言】(DANGANRONPA)(弹丸论破)From this day forth stay on course【从这一天起在路线上前行】No despair gotta have a heart【绝望不会再占据谁的心灵】Take no loss every step cost【不让每一步白费】Everybody wanna see if you"ll fall off【尽管每个人都在等待你的败溃】Keep your eye on the prize【把你的目光盯在最终的奖品上】Been through the worst even cried on the side【跨越那些令人哭泣的悲伤】No lie never know what you will find【每一句谎言都不曾料想被你戳穿】Gotta believe let"s keep hope alive!【必须坚信我们能让希望之火续燃】【旁白】Don"t throw yourself away【不要放弃自己】Wipe all tears away【停止哭泣】Even if the future seems uncertain【纵使未来依旧模糊不清】Survive find true happiness in this world【幸存下去 找到这世界真正的幸福】Dedication gotta swear the oath(每一次的献身都必须献上誓言)So have a strong intention【明确你的目标】And change direction【修正你的路线】"cause the sky is the limit【因为只有天空是你的极限】Just do it, go for it【去寻找 去追逐】Never…【永不言弃】(For yourself or do it for your folks) (为自己 也为周围的人们)Break through the confusion【驱散迷茫】Find a solution【找到希望】Beat the twisted evil things【击败扭曲罪恶的事物】Just do it, go for it【去寻找 去追逐】Never…【永远不说放弃】(Gotta believe let"s keep hope alive!)(必须坚信我们能让希望之火续燃)(DANGANRONPA)
2023-07-27 01:32:101

Justin bieber 歌词..

2023-07-27 01:32:185

Never Say Never lyric?

歌词Justin Bieber  Never Say Never   永不言败   See I never thought that I could walk through fire   我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火   I never thought that I could take the burn   我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来   I never had the strength to take it higher   我以前从没想过我可以更强大   Until I reached the point of no return   直到我被逼到了绝境   And there"s just no turning back   我知道我已无法回头   When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时   Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有   It"s my destiny JB and JSmith这是我的命运   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   I never thought that I could feel this power   我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大   I never thought that I could feel this free   我以前从来没有想过我可以自由   I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower   我已经很强大可以攀登上世界上最高的塔   And I"m fast enough to run across the sea JB我可以快跑穿过海洋   And there"s just no turning back   我知道我已无法回头   When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时   Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有   Cause it"s my destiny   因为这是我的命运   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   Here we go! JSmith我们现在就出发!   Guess who   猜猜是谁   JSmith and Jb!   是JSmith和Jb!   I gotcha lil bro   两个铁兄弟   I can handle him   我可以搞定他   Hold up aight   别松懈 好么   I can handle him   我可以搞定他   Now he"s bigger than me   现在他比我厉害   Taller than me   比我高   And he"s older than me   他比我大   And stronger than me   比我强壮   And his arms a little bit longer than me   他的手臂比我长一些   But he ain"t on a JB song with me!   但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!   I be trying a chill   我控制自己冷静下来   They be trying to side with the thrill   他们却充满了激情   No pun intended was raised by the power of Will   我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力   Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove   就像在逆境中 Luke掌握了原力   Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood   就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(根据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的)   I gotta be the best and yes   我要当最好的 并且我可以   We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔   Like David and Goliath   就像David和Goliath一样   I conquered the giant   我可以征服巨人   So now I got the world in my hand   现在世界就在我手上   I was born from two stars   我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来   So the moon"s where I land   月亮是我的降落的地方   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败歌词  Some things we don"t talk about   有些东西我们不去谈论   Rather do without and just hold the smile   只是保持着微笑   Falling in and out of love   爱情在生命中进进出出 The Fray 单曲 Never Say NeverAshamed and proud of, together all the while   惭愧和骄傲并存   You can never say never   你永远不能说永不   While we don"t know when   尽管我们不知道什么时候   But time and time again   随着时间的流逝   Younger now than we were before   我们比从前更幼稚   Don"t let me go   不要让我离去 ……   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Picture, you"re queen of everything   美如画的你,是一切事物的女王   Far as the eye can see under your command   是要是能看到的地方,都在你统率之下   I will be your guardian when all is crumbling   当一切消亡时,我会是你的守护者 THE FRAYI"ll steady your hand   我会坚定地抓紧你的手   You can never say never   你能永不言败   While we don"t know when   尽管我们不知道什么时候   But time, time and time again   随着时间流逝   Younger now than we were before   我们比从前更幼稚   Don"t let me go   不要让我离去……   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   We"re pulling apart   我们总是被分开   And coming together again and again   并又一次一次地再在一起   We"re pulling apart   我们总是被分开 THE FRAYBut we pull it together   但是我们又重新在一起   Pull it together again ,together again   又在一起了   Don"t let me go   不要让我离去……   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go   Don"t let me go歌词 the prayNever Say Never   永不言败   See I never thought that I could walk through fire   我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火   I never thought that I could take the burn   我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来   I never had the strength to take it higher   我以前从没想过我可以更强大   Until I reached the point of no return   直到我被逼到了绝境   And there"s just no turning back   我知道我已无法回头   When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时   Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有   It"s my destiny JB and JSmith这是我的命运   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   I never thought that I could feel this power   我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大   I never thought that I could feel this free   我以前从来没有想过我可以自由   I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower   我已经很强大可以攀登上世界上最高的塔   And I"m fast enough to run across the sea JB我可以快跑穿过海洋   And there"s just no turning back   我知道我已无法回头   When your hearts under attack   当你的心受到攻击时   Gonna give everything I have   我会付出我的所有   Cause it"s my destiny   因为这是我的命运   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   Here we go! JSmith我们现在就出发!   Guess who   猜猜是谁   JSmith and Jb!   是JSmith和Jb!   I gotcha lil bro   两个铁兄弟   I can handle him   我可以搞定他   Hold up aight   别松懈 好么   I can handle him   我可以搞定他   Now he"s bigger than me   现在他比我厉害   Taller than me   比我高   And he"s older than me   他比我大   And stronger than me   比我强壮   And his arms a little bit longer than me   他的手臂比我长一些   But he ain"t on a JB song with me!   但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!   I be trying a chill   我控制自己冷静下来   They be trying to side with the thrill   他们却充满了激情   No pun intended was raised by the power of Will   我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力   Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove   就像在逆境中 Luke掌握了原力   Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood   就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(根据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的)   I gotta be the best and yes   我要当最好的 并且我可以   We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔   Like David and Goliath   就像David和Goliath一样   I conquered the giant   我可以征服巨人   So now I got the world in my hand   现在世界就在我手上   I was born from two stars   我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来   So the moon"s where I land   月亮是我的降落的地方   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败   I will never say never! (I will fight)   我永不言败!(我会战斗)   I will fight till forever! (make it right)   我会一直战斗!(战胜他)   Whenever you knock me down   不管何时你打败我   I will not stay on the ground   我都绝不会一蹶不振   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up   继续战斗   Pick it up up up   继续战斗   And never say never   我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:32:321

贾斯丁never say never歌词 把英文读音变成中文的 好学的来

2023-07-27 01:32:412

布兰妮的never say never的中英文歌词。

They say in this world 他们说这世上 Nothing lasts forever 没有东西能永恒 But i don"t believe that"s true 但我不相信那是真的 "Cause the way that I feel 因为我感觉得到 When we"re together 当我们在一起时 I know that"s the way 我知道就是这种感觉 I"ll always feel for you 我会对你一直有这样的感受 From now until forever 从现在直到永远 That"s how long I"ll be true 这是我忠诚的时限 I"ll make you this vow 我对你如此誓约 And promise you now 承诺你此刻 Until forever 一直到永远 I"ll never stop loving you 我绝不会停止爱你 There"ll come a day 会有这么一天 When the world stops turning 当这个世界停止转动 And stars will fall from the sky 星星也从天空坠落 But this feeling will last 但这感觉将保持不变 When the sun stops burning 当太阳停止燃烧 All I wanna do is love you 我只想爱你 Till the end of time 直到时间的尽头 From now until forever 从现在直到永远 That"s how long I"ll be true 这是我忠诚的时限 I"ll make you this vow 我对你如此誓约 And promise you now 承诺你此刻 Until forever 一直到永远 I"ll never stop loving you 我绝不会停止爱你 It"s gonna take more than a lifetime 一生的时间不足以给你 To give you all the love 给你所有的爱 All the love i feel for you tonight 今晚我因为你感受到的爱 That"s how long I"ll be true 这是我忠诚的时限 I"ll make you this vow 我对你如此誓约 And promise you now 承诺你此刻 Until forever 一直到永远 I"ll never stop loving you 我绝不会停止爱你 From now until forever 从现在直到永远 That"s how long I"ll be true 这是我忠诚的时限 I"ll make you this vow 我对你如此誓约 And promise you now 承诺你此刻 Until forever 一直到永远 I"ll never stop loving you 我绝不会停止爱你 I"ll never stop loving you 我绝不会停止爱你
2023-07-27 01:32:481

never say never (Justin Bieber)的歌词

2023-07-27 01:32:563

never say nerver是什么意思

never say nerver 永远不要说永远,永不言弃,
2023-07-27 01:33:152

Never Say Never(《功夫梦》电影主题曲)功夫梦主题曲歌词

swhyweshouldhavenever  那是我们应该为什么从不有  Neversaidnever  从不从不说  Whowouldeverthoughtaguy  谁曾经会想了一个家伙  Wouldwantagirllikeme  会想要一个少女喜欢我  WhowouldeverthoughtthatI  谁曾经会想了那我  Wouldfallsoeasily  会如此容易落下  Whowouldeverthoughtthatwe  谁曾经会想了那我们  Wouldfinallycometobe  会最后到达是  Iguesstheyjustdon",从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay;me  他们是什麽嫉妒的或他们hatin",it",yeahyeah  不要从不说;tletthewordsthattheysaid  我们不让了他们说的字  Keepusfromthelovewenowhave  从爱保存我们我们现在有  Neversaynever;dstopourhappiness  我不能相信他们将会停止我们的快乐  Bytryin"llgoonanyway  我们将会无论如何继续  It"回合  Aboutthewaymeandyougettin"togetthebestofme  停止tryin"vebeenneverifIlet  从不would"sokay  它是好的;salotoftalkin",它是好  Takewhatevercomesourway  带无论什么来我们的方法  Togetherwewillstay  一起我们将会停留  Igotthreewordstosay  我得到了三个字说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Nowthere",从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Wedidn"tbelievethat  现在纵容他们不能相信那  Youandmearetogether  你和我是一起  That",是的是  Thereweretimeswhenwethoughtthat  当我们想了那的时候有次  Youandmecouldneverbetogether  你和我一起无法是  That"tknow  我就是猜测他们不知道  Howmuchyoumeantome  你对我意谓多少  Whowouldeverthoughtthatthey  谁曾经会想了那他们  Wouldhavesomewordstosay  会有一些字说  We",neversay  不要说,yeahyeah  不要从不说;llgoonanyway  我们将会无论如何继续  It",它是好  Takewhatevercomesourway  带无论什么来我们的方法  Togetherwewillstay  一起我们将会停留  Igotthreewordstosay  我得到了三个字说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Ican"tknow  我就是猜测他们不知道  Howmuchyoumeantome  你对我意谓多少  Whowouldeverthoughtthatthey  谁曾经会想了那他们  Wouldhavesomewordstosay  会有一些字说  We",从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay,是的是  Simpleformetoseewhen  简单的为我看见何时  Neverwould",it",neversay  不要说,neversay  不要说;s  我全部猜测他们有他们的自己PhD"tbelievethey"sokay  它是好的;goin"llgoonanyway  我们将会无论如何继续  It",从不说  Whowouldeverthoughtaguy  谁曾经会想了一个家伙  Wouldwantagirllikeme  会想要一个少女喜欢我  WhowouldeverthoughtthatI  谁曾经会想了那我  Wouldfallsoeasily  会如此容易落下  Whowouldeverthoughtthatwe  谁曾经会想了那我们  Wouldfinallycometobe  会最后到达是  Iguesstheyjustdon"salright;round  现在有许多talkin"llgoonanyway  我们将会无论如何继续  It"sokay  它是好的,我和你gettin"拿我的最好  Nomatterwhattheysaybaby  无论他们说宝贝什么  Gottamoveoncuzwe"tknow  我就是猜测他们不知道  Howmuchyoumeantome  你对我意谓多少  Whowouldeverthoughtthatthey  谁曾经会想了那他们  Wouldhavesomewordstosay  会有一些字说  We",saynever  不要从不说;salright,it",neversay  不要说;down  有关方法;tletthewordsthatwehad  我们不让了我们有的字  Wedidn",neversay  不要说,从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay,yeahyeah  不要从不说,neversay  不要说;llgoonanyway  我们将会无论如何继续  It"salright,从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay;me  我希望他们会正直的停止sweatin",saynever  不要从不说;我  Stoptryin"我  IguesstheyallhavetheirownPhD"ve是从不是否我让  Nowthatwearetogether  既然我们是一起  Neversaynever,neversay  不要说,从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay,it"sokay  它是好的,neversay  不要说,从不说  Whowouldeverthoughtaguy  谁曾经会想了一个家伙  Wouldwantagirllikeme  会想要一个少女喜欢我  WhowouldeverthoughtthatI  谁曾经会想了那我  Wouldfallsoeasily  会如此容易落下  Whowouldeverthoughtthatwe  谁曾经会想了那我们  Wouldfinallycometobe  会最后到达是  Iguesstheyjustdon"vebeenneverifIlet  从不would"sokay  它是好的;topullusdownwithsuchamess  藉着tryin"tknow  我就是猜测他们不知道  Howmuchyoumeantome  你对我意谓多少  Whowouldeverthoughtthatthey  谁曾经会想了那他们  Wouldhavesomewordstosay  会有一些字说  We",从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Whowouldeverthoughtaguy  谁曾经会想了一个家伙  Wouldwantagirllikeme  会想要一个少女喜欢我  WhowouldeverthoughtthatI  谁曾经会想了那我  Wouldfallsoeasily  会如此容易落下  Whowouldeverthoughtthatwe  谁曾经会想了那我们  Wouldfinallycometobe  会最后到达是  Iguesstheyjustdon"tletthewordsthattheysaid  我们不让了他们说的字  Keepusfromthelovewenowhave  从爱保存我们我们现在有  Neversaynever;swhytheyshouldhavenever  那是他们应该为什么从不有  Neversaynever;用如此的一团乱把我们拉下  Whycan",neversay  不要说,它是好  Takewhatevercomesourway  带无论什么来我们的方法  Togetherwewillstay  一起我们将会停留  Igotthreewordstosay  我得到了三个字说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay,从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay;goin"ttheyletuslivejustliketherest  为什么能不他们让我们活的正直像其馀者  Andkeepusoutofallthiscrazymadness  而且不让我们靠近所有的发狂疯狂  NowwhentheytalkIthinkit",是的是  Simpleformetoseewhen  简单的为我看见何时  Neverwould"salright;sjustashame  现在当他们说话的时候我仅仅想它是羞愧  Thatalltheydoissitandthinkmyname  全部他们做是坐着并且想我的名字  WhenallIdoismainly  当全部我做是主要地  Sitandthinkaboutmybabyandme  坐着并且想我的宝贝和我  Nowbabytheycan"  NeverSayNever  不要从不说  Whowouldeverthoughtaguy  谁曾经会想了一个家伙  Wouldwantagirllikeme  会想要一个少女喜欢我  WhowouldeverthoughtthatI  谁曾经会想了那我  Wouldfallsoeasily  会如此容易落下  Whowouldeverthoughtthatwe  谁曾经会想了那我们  Wouldfinallycometobe  会最后到达是  Iguesstheyjustdon"tknow  我就是猜测他们不知道  Howmuchyoumeantome  你对我意谓多少  Whowouldeverthoughtthatthey  谁曾经会想了那他们  Wouldhavesomewordstosay  会有一些字说  We",它是好  Takewhatevercomesourway  带无论什么来我们的方法  Togetherwewillstay  一起我们将会停留  Igotthreewordstosay  我得到了三个字说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay,it"regonnabehappy  必须继续行进cuz我们正在去快乐  Wedidn"tletthewordsthatwehad  我们不让了我们有的字  Wedidn"ve是从不是否我让  Nowthatwearetogether  既然我们是一起  Neversaynever;下  Whataretheyjealousortheyhatin"s  Iwishthattheywouldjuststopsweatin",从不说  Neversaynever  不要从不说  Neversay;salright
2023-07-27 01:33:221