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2023-07-28 15:13:11
TAG: 英语

蜡笔 crayon

读音为:[ "kreiu0259n ]


蜡笔 Crayon,Pastels,Oiled chalk

蜡笔小新 Crayon Shin-chan,CRAYON,Caduceus

粗糙蜡笔 Rough Pastels





2023-07-27 01:19:053


英文原文:crayon英式音标:[u02c8kreu026au0259n] 美式音标:[u02c8kreu026au0259n]
2023-07-27 01:19:371

pastels neons色卡用在什么地方

PANTONE+ CMYK CoatedPANTONE+ CMYK铜版纸 PANTONE+ CMYK UncoatedPANTONE+ CMYK胶版纸 PANTONE+ Color Bridge CoatedPANTONE+彩色涂层桥 PANTONE+ Color Bridge UncoatedPANTONE+色彩桥梁胶版纸 PANTONE+ Metallic CoatedPANTONE+金属涂层 PANT...
2023-07-27 01:19:551


2023-07-27 01:20:184


2023-07-27 01:20:591

请问做平面设计的话 应该选什么色卡?

2023-07-27 01:21:178


如果是水彩笔,就是watercolor pen如果是菜逼,就是noob
2023-07-27 01:21:433


2023-07-27 01:23:274


2023-07-27 01:24:034


  蜡笔是将颜料掺在蜡里制成的笔,可有数十种颜色,画画用。蜡笔没有渗透性,是靠附着力固定在画面上,不适宜用过于光滑的纸、板,亦不能通过色彩的反复叠加求得复合色。它是儿童学习色彩画的理想工具,一些画家用它进行写生和色彩记录。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    蜡笔英语单词1:   crayon    蜡笔英语单词2:   pastel    蜡笔的英语例句:   她用蜡笔和彩色铅笔画了一幅画。   She drew a picture using crayons and coloured pencils.   这枝蜡笔用得只剩一小段了。   The crayon had been worn down to a stub.   周四买一盒粉笔和一些蜡笔。   Thursday buy a box of chalk and some crayons.   粉蜡笔画由这种粉笔绘制的图画或草图   A picture or sketch drawn with this type of crayon.   他们用彩色蜡笔涂的墙壁的顶部布满了成卷的有刺铁丝。   Their pastels colored walls are topped with large rolls of barbed wire.   所以,就买了些卡片、胶水和彩色蜡笔。   So she purchased the paper and glue and crayons.   一位教你区别蜡笔和香水的人士?   Who has taken you from crayons to perfume?   有人用铅笔和蜡笔将亲人的名字从纪念碑上拓印下来。   Some used pencils and crayons to make rubbings of the names.   这枝蜡笔用得只剩一小段了。   The crayon had been worn down to a stub.   这小孩用他的新蜡笔在厨房的墙上画许多印子。   The child used his new crayons to mark up the kitchen walls.   那个小女孩不善于用蜡笔画画。   The little girl isn"t good at crayoning.   孩子们喜欢用彩色蜡笔画画。   Children love to draw with colored crayons.   于是,她买了纸,胶水和蜡笔。   So she bought the paper and glue and crayons.   他们想用蜡笔把自己的评论加上去。   They wanted to add their own ments in crayon.   使用蜡笔或粉笔、防水彩笔、胶带等工具清晰地标记相关部件。   Identify the ponent clearly, e.g.using a wax crayon or chalk, water-resistant coloured pen, adhesive tape, etc.   我想用蜡笔画,可以吗?。   I want to draw with crayons, can I?   铅笔盒里没有蜡笔。   There aren"t any crayons in the pencil box.   三个小家伙挤在厨柜边,桌面上高高地堆著蜡笔和记号笔。   My three little ones were clustered around the kitchen counter, the tabletop piled high with crayon and markers.   诺罗德称,建立一家公司“只需要一支能够在餐巾纸上画画的蜡笔。”   When you "re building a pany, norrod says, “ you need a crayon drawing on a napkin. ”   以前常用色铅笔作为工具,后来渐渐地习惯用砂纸与粉蜡笔的组合。   I used to use color pencils to draw, and later, I tried to bine oil pastels and sandpapers together.
2023-07-27 01:24:271


2023-07-27 01:24:353


2023-07-27 01:25:231


adj. 柔和的;彩色蜡笔的,粉蜡笔的n. 粉蜡笔;粉蜡笔画例:...delicate pastel shades.…柔和的淡色调。...pastel pink, blue, peach, and green.…淡粉色、蓝色、桃色和绿色。The lobby is decorated in pastels.门厅用柔和的淡色彩装饰。
2023-07-27 01:25:551


2023-07-27 01:26:021


2023-07-27 01:26:431


2023-07-27 01:27:274


ps菜单中英文对照一、File文件1.New新建2.Open打开3.Open As打开为4.Open Recent最近打开文件5.Close关闭6.Save存储7.Save As存储为8.Save for Web存储为Web所用格式9.Revert恢复10.Place置入11.Import输入1PDF Image2Annotations注释12.Export输出13.Manage Workflow管理工作流程1Check In登记2Undo Check Out还原注销3Upload To Server上载到服务器4Add To Workflow添加到工作流程5Open From Workflow从工作流程打开14.Automate自动1Batch批处理2Create Droplet创建快捷批处理3Conditional Mode Change条件模式更改4Contact Sheet联系表5Fix Image限制图像6Multi7Picture package图片包8Web Photo Gallery15.File Info文件简介16.Print Options打印选项17.Page Setup页面设置18.Print打印19.Jump to跳转到20.Exit退出二、Edit编辑1.Undo还原2.Step Forward向前3.Step Backward返回4.Fade消退5.Cut剪切6.Copy拷贝7.Copy Merged合并拷贝8.Paste粘贴9.Paste Into粘贴入10.Clear清除11.Fill填充12.Stroke描边13.Free Transform自由变形14.Transform变换1Again再次2Sacle缩放3Rotate旋转4Skew斜切5Distort扭曲6Prespective透视7Rotate 180°旋转180度8Rotate 90°CW顺时针旋转90度9Rotate 90°CCW逆时针旋转90度10 Flip Hpeizontal水平翻转11 Flip Vertical垂直翻转15.Define Brush定义画笔16.Define Pattern设置图案17.Define Custom Shape定义自定形状18.Purge清除内存数据1 Undo还原2 Clipboard剪贴板3 Histories历史纪录4 All全部19.Color Settings颜色设置20.Preset Manager预置管理器21.Preferences预设1 General常规2 Saving Files存储文件3 Display 显示与光标4 Transparency 透明区域与色域5 Units 单位与标尺6 Guides 参考线与网格7 Plug8 Memory 内存和图像高速缓存9 Adobe Online10 Workflows Options工作流程选项#p#副标题#e#三、Image图像1.Mode模式1 Biyesap位图2 Grayscale灰度3 Duotone双色调4 Indexed Color索引色5 RGB Color6 CMYK Color7 Lab Color8 Multichannel多通道9 8 Bits/Channel8位通道10 16 Bits/Channel16位通道11 Color Table颜色表12Assing Profile制定配置文件13Convert to Profile转换为配置文件2.Adjust调整1 Levels色阶2 Auto Laves自动色阶3 Auto Contrast自动对比度4 Curves曲线5 Color Balance色彩平衡6 Brightness/Contrast亮度/对比度7 Hue/Saturation色相/饱和度8 Desaturate去色9 Replace Color替换颜色10 Selective Color可选颜色11 Channel Mixer通道混合器12 Gradient Map渐变映射13 Invert反相14 Equalize色彩均化15 Threshold阈值16 Posterize色调分离17 Variations变化3.Duplicate复制4.Apply Image应用图像5.Calculations计算6.Image Size图像大小7.Canvas Size画布大小8.Rotate Canvas旋转画布1 180°180度2 90°CW顺时针90度3 90°CCW逆时针90度4 Arbitrary任意角度5 Flip Horizontal水平翻转6 Flip Vertical垂直翻转9.Crop裁切10.Trim修整11.Reverl All显示全部12.Histogram直方图13.Trap陷印14.Extract抽出15.Liquify液化四、Layer图层1.New新建1 Layer图层2 Background From Layer背景图层3 Layer Set图层组4 Layer Set From Linked图层组来自链接的5 Layer via Copy通过拷贝的图层6 Layer via Cut通过剪切的图层2.Duplicate Layer复制图层3.Delete Layer删除图层4.Layer Properties图层属性5.Layer Style图层样式1 Blending Options混合选项2 Drop Shadow投影3 Inner Shadow内阴影4 Outer Glow外发光5 Inner Glow内发光6 Bevel and Emboss斜面和浮雕7 Satin光泽8 Color Overlay颜色叠加9 Gradient Overlay渐变叠加10 Pattern Overlay图案叠加11 Stroke描边12 Copy Layer Effects拷贝图层样式13 Paste Layer Effects粘贴图层样式14 Paste Layer Effects To Linked将图层样式粘贴的链接的15 Clear Layer Effects清除图层样式16 Global Light全局光17 Create Layer创建图层18 Hide All Effects显示/隐藏全部效果19 Scale Effects缩放效果6.New Fill Layer新填充图层1 Solid Color纯色2 Gradient渐变3 Pattern图案7.New Adjusyesent Layer新调整图层1Levels色阶2Curves曲线3Color Balance色彩平衡4Brightness/Contrast亮度/对比度5Hue/Saturation色相/饱和度6Selective Color可选颜色7Channel Mixer通道混合器8Gradient Map渐变映射9Invert反相10Threshold阈值11Posterize色调分离8.Change Layer Content更改图层内容9.Layer Content Options图层内容选项10.Type文字1 Create Work Path创建工作路径2 Convert to Shape转变为形状3 Horizontal水平4 Vertical垂直5 Anti-Alias None消除锯齿无6 Anti-Alias Crisp消除锯齿明晰7 Anti-Alias Strong消除锯齿强8 Anti-Alias Smooth消除锯齿平滑9 Covert To Paragraph Text转换为段落文字10 Warp Text文字变形11Update All Text Layers更新所有文本图层12Replace All Missing Fonts替换所以缺欠文字--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11.Rasterize栅格化1Type文字2Shape形状3Fill Content填充内容4Layer Clipping Path图层剪贴路径5Layer图层6Linked Layers链接图层7All Layers所以图层12.New Layer Based Slice基于图层的切片13.Add Layer Mask添加图层蒙板1 Reveal All显示全部2 Hide All隐藏全部3 Reveal Selection显示选区4 Hide Selection隐藏选区14.Enable Layer Mask启用图层蒙板15.Add Layer Clipping Path添加图层剪切路径1Reveal All显示全部2Hide All隐藏全部3Current Path当前路径16.Enable Layer Clipping Path启用图层剪切路径17.Group Linked于前一图层编组18.UnGroup取消编组19.Arrange排列1 Bring to Front置为顶层2 Bring Forward前移一层3 Send Backward后移一层4 Send to Back置为底层20.Arrange Linked对齐链接图层1 Top Edges顶边2 Vertical Center垂直居中3 Bottom Edges底边4 Left Edges左边5 Horizontal Center水平居中6 Right Edges右边21.Distribute Linked分布链接的1 Top Edges顶边2 Vertical Center垂直居中3 Bottom Edges底边4 Left Edges左边5 Horizontal Center水平居中6 Right Edges右边22.Lock All Linked Layers锁定所有链接图层23.Merge Linked合并链接图层24.Merge Visible合并可见图层25.Flatten Image合并图层26.Matting修边1 Define去边2 Remove Black Matte移去黑色杂边3 Remove White Matte移去白色杂边#p#副标题#e#五、Selection选择1.All全部2.Deselect取消选择3.Reselect重新选择4.Inverse反选5.Color Range色彩范围6.Feather羽化7.Modify修改1 Border扩边2 Smooth平滑3 Expand扩展4 Contract收缩8.Grow扩大选区9.Similar选区相似10.Transform Selection变换选区11.Load Selection载入选区12.Save Selection存储选区六、Filter滤镜1.Last Filter上次滤镜操作2.Artistic艺术效果1 Colored Pencil彩色铅笔2 Cutout剪贴画3 Dry Brush干笔画4 Film Grain胶片颗粒5 Fresco壁画6 Neon Glow霓虹灯光7 Paint Daubs涂抹棒8 Palette Knife调色刀9 Plastic Wrap塑料包装10 Poster Edges海报边缘11 Rough Pastels粗糙彩笔12 Smudge Stick绘画涂抹13 Sponge海绵14 Underpainting底纹效果15 Watercolor水彩3.Blur模糊1 Blur模糊2 Blur More进一步模糊3 Gaussian Blur高斯模糊4 Motion Blur动态模糊5 Radial Blur径向模糊6 Smart Blur特殊模糊4.Brush Strokes画笔描边1 Accented Edges强化边缘2 Angled Stroke成角的线条3 Crosshatch阴影线4 Dark Strokes深色线条5 Ink Outlines油墨概况6 Spatter喷笔7 Sprayed Strokes喷色线条8 Sumi5.Distort扭曲1 Diffuse Glow扩散亮光2 Displace置换3 Glass玻璃4 Ocean Ripple海洋波纹5 Pinch挤压6 Polar Coordinates极坐标7 Ripple波纹8 Shear切变9 Spherize球面化10 Twirl旋转扭曲11 Wave波浪12 Zigzag水波6.Noise杂色1 Add Noise加入杂色2 Despeckle去斑3 Dust 蒙尘与划痕4 Median中间值7.Pixelate像素化1 Color Halftone彩色半调2 Crystallize晶格化3 Facet彩块化4 Fragment碎片5 Mezzotint铜版雕刻6 Mosaic马赛克7 Pointillize点状化8.Render渲染1 3D Transform3D 变换2 Clouds云彩3 Difference Clouds分层云彩4 Lens Flare镜头光晕5 Lighting Effects光照效果6 Texture Fill纹理填充9.Sharpen锐化1 Sharpen锐化2 Sharpen Edges锐化边缘3 Sharpen More进一步锐化4 Unsharp Mask10.Sketch素描1 Bas Relief基底凸现2 Chalk 粉笔和炭笔3 Charcoal3 Chrome铬黄4 Conte Crayon彩色粉笔5 Graphic Pen绘图笔6 Halftone Pattern半色调图案7 Note Paper便条纸8 Photocopy副本9 Plaster塑料效果10 Reticulation网状11 Stamp图章12 Torn Edges撕边13 Water Paper水彩纸11.Stylize风格化1 Diffuse扩散2 Emboss浮雕3 Extrude突出4 Find Edges查找边缘5 Glowing Edges照亮边缘6 Solarize曝光过度7 Tiles拼贴8 Trace Contour等高线9 Wind风12.Texture纹理1 Craquelure龟裂缝2 Grain颗粒3 Mosained Tiles马赛克拼贴4 Patchwork拼缀图5 Stained Glass染色玻璃6 Texturixer纹理化13.Video视频1 De2 NTSC Colors14.Other其它1 Custom自定义2 High Pass高反差保留3 Maximum最大值4 Minimum最小值5 Offset位移15.Digimarc1Embed Watermark嵌入水印2Read Watermark读取水印#p#副标题#e#七、View视图1.New View新视图2.Proof Setup校样设置1Custom自定2Working CMYK处理CMYK3Working Cyan Plate处理青版4Working Magenta Plate处理洋红版5Working Yellow Plate处理黄版6Working Black Plate处理黑版7Working CMY Plate处理CMY版8Macintosh RGB9Windows RGB10Monitor RGB显示器RGB11Simulate Paper White模拟纸白12Simulate Ink Black模拟墨黑3.Proof Color校样颜色4.Gamut Wiring色域警告5.Zoom In放大6.Zoom Out缩小7.Fit on Screen满画布显示8.Actual Pixels实际象素9.Print Size打印尺寸10.Show Extras显示额外的11.Show显示1 Selection Edges选区边缘2 Target Path目标路径3 Grid网格4 Guides参考线5 Slices切片6 Notes注释7 All全部8 None无9Show Extras Options显示额外选项12.Show Rulers显示标尺13.Snap对齐14.Snap To对齐到1 Guides参考线2 Grid网格3 Slices切片4 Document Bounds文档边界5 All全部6 None无15.Show Guides锁定参考线16.Clear Guides清除参考线17.New Guides新参考线18.Lock Slices锁定切片19.Clear Slices清除切片八、Windows窗口1.Cascade层叠2.Tile拼贴3.Arrange Icons排列图标4.Close All关闭全部5.Show/Hide Tools显示/隐藏工具6.Show/Hide Options显示/隐藏选项7.Show/Hide Navigator显示/隐藏导航8.Show/Hide Info显示/隐藏信息9.Show/Hide Color显示/隐藏颜色10.Show/Hide Swatches显示/隐藏色板11.Show/Hide Styles显示/隐藏样式12.Show/Hide History显示/隐藏历史记录13.Show/Hide Actions显示/隐藏动作14.Show/Hide Layers显示/隐藏图层15.Show/Hide Channels显示/隐藏通道16.Show/Hide Paths显示/隐藏路径17.Show/Hide Character显示/隐藏字符18.Show/Hide Paragraph显示/隐藏段落19.Show/Hide Status Bar显示/隐藏状态栏20.Reset Palette Locations复位调板位置#p#副标题#e#
2023-07-27 01:28:191

draw怎么读音发音 音标

raw读英[dru0254u02d0]、美[dru0254u02d0]例句1、Drawing a landscape scene with colorful pastels is one of my favorite hobbies.绘制彩色粉笔的风景是我的最爱之一。2、The artist used charcoal to draw a detailed portrait of the model.艺术家用炭笔画了一幅模特的详细肖像。3、She drew a picture of a cat with crayons for her little sister.她用蜡笔给妹妹画了一幅猫的画。4、The children were instructed to draw a picture that represented their happiest memory.孩子们被要求画出代表他们最幸福回忆的画。5、The delicious aroma of freshly baked bread drew me into the bakery.新鲜烘焙面包的香气吸引我走进了面包店。6、The magnet drew the metal paper clips towards it.磁铁把金属回形针吸引住了。7、The bright lights of the city draw many tourists every year.城市的明亮灯光每年吸引了许多游客。8、The sound of laughter drew everyone"s attention to the funny joke.笑声吸引了所有人对这个有趣笑话的注意力9、The detective was able to draw important clues from the crime scene.探员从犯罪现场中得出了重要线索。10、After carefully analyzing the data, the researchers were able to draw meaningful conclusions.研究人员在仔细分析数据后得出了有意义的结论。11、She drew the wrong answer from his ambiguous statement.她从他模糊的陈述中得出了错误的答案。12、The teacher asked the students to read the passage and draw the main idea.老师让学生阅读课文并归纳出主要观点。
2023-07-27 01:29:061

skew twist distort warp有啥区别啊。。

M 是矩形选取 V 是移动 L 是套索 W是魔棒 裁切是C 切片是K 印章是S修复画笔是J 画笔是B 历史纪录画笔是I 橡皮是E 渐变是G 涂抹是R 加深是O 路径选择是A 文字是T 钢笔是P 矩形工具是U 注释是N 吸管是I 抓手是H 缩放是Z是不是要这个?你把鼠标停在工具上一会,他自己不就能显示出来了么?一、File-(文件) 1.New-(新建) 2.Open-(打开) 3.Open As-(打开为) 4.Open Recent-(最近打开文件) 5.Close-(关闭) 6.Save-(存储) 7.Save As-(存储为) 8.Save for Web-(存储为Web所用格式) 9.Revert-(恢复) 10.Place-(置入) 11.Import-(输入) -(1)PDF Image -(2)Annotations-(注释) 12.Export-(输出) 13.Manage Workflow-(管理工作流程) -(1)Check In-(登记) -(2)Undo Check Out-(还原注销) -(3)Upload To Server-(上载到服务器) -(4)Add To Workflow-(添加到工作流程) -(5)Open From Workflow-(从工作流程打开) 14.Automate-(自动) -(1)Batch-(批处理) -(2)Create Droplet-(创建快捷批处理) -(3)Conditional Mode Change-(条件模式更改) -(4)Contact Sheet-(联系表) -(5)Fix Image-(限制图像) -(6)Multi -(7)Picture package-(图片包) -(8)Web Photo Gallery 15.File Info-(文件简介) 16.Print Options-(打印选项) 17.Page Setup-(页面设置) 18.Print-(打印) 19.Jump to-(跳转到) 20.Exit-(退出) 二、Edit-(编辑) 1.Undo-(还原) 2.Step Forward-(向前) 3.Step Backward-(返回) 4.Fade-(消退) 5.Cut-(剪切) 6.Copy-(拷贝) 7.Copy Merged-(合并拷贝) 8.Paste-(粘贴) 9.Paste Into-(粘贴入) 10.Clear-(清除) 11.Fill-(填充) 12.Stroke-(描边) 13.Free Transform-(自由变形) 14.Transform-(变换) -(1)Again-(再次) -(2)Sacle-(缩放) -(3)Rotate-(旋转) -(4)Skew-(斜切) -(5)Distort-(扭曲) -(6)Prespective-(透视) -(7)Rotate 180°-(旋转180度) -(8)Rotate 90°CW-(顺时针旋转90度) -(9)Rotate 90°CCW-(逆时针旋转90度) -(10) Flip Hpeizontal-(水平翻转) -(11) Flip Vertical-(垂直翻转) 15.Define Brush-(定义画笔) 16.Define Pattern-(设置图案) 17.Define Custom Shape-(定义自定形状) 18.Purge-(清除内存数据) -(1) Undo-(还原) -(2) Clipboard-(剪贴板) -(3) Histories-(历史纪录) -(4) All-(全部) 19.Color Settings-(颜色设置) 20.Preset Manager-(预置管理器) 21.Preferences-(预设) -(1) General-(常规) -(2) Saving Files-(存储文件) -(3) Display & Cursors-(显示与光标) -(4) Transparency & Gamut-(透明区域与色域) -(5) Units & Rulers-(单位与标尺) -(6) Guides & Grid-(参考线与网格) -(7) Plug -(8) Memory & Image Cache-(内存和图像高速缓存) -(9) Adobe Online -(10) Workflows Options-(工作流程选项) 三、Image-(图像) 1.Mode-(模式) -(1) Bitmap-(位图) -(2) Grayscale-(灰度) -(3) Duotone-(双色调) -(4) Indexed Color-(索引色) -(5) RGB Color -(6) CMYK Color -(7) Lab Color -(8) Multichannel-(多通道) -(9) 8 Bits/Channel-(8位通道) -(10) 16 Bits/Channel-(16位通道) -(11) Color Table-(颜色表) -(12)Assing Profile-(制定配置文件) -(13)Convert to Profile-(转换为配置文件) 2.Adjust-(调整) -(1) Levels-(色阶)) -(2) Auto Laves-(自动色阶) -(3) Auto Contrast-(自动对比度) -(4) Curves-(曲线)) -(5) Color Balance-(色彩平衡) -(6) Brightness/Contrast-(亮度/对比度) -(7) Hue/Saturation-(色相/饱和度) -(8) Desaturate-(去色) -(9) Replace Color-(替换颜色) -(10) Selective Color-(可选颜色) -(11) Channel Mixer-(通道混合器) -(12) Gradient Map-(渐变映射) -(13) Invert-(反相) -(14) Equalize-(色彩均化) -(15) Threshold-(阈值) -(16) Posterize-(色调分离) -(17) Variations-(变化) 3.Duplicate-(复制) 4.Apply Image-(应用图像) 5.Calculations-(计算) 6.Image Size-(图像大小) 7.Canvas Size-(画布大小) 8.Rotate Canvas-(旋转画布) -(1) 180°-(180度) -(2) 90°CW-(顺时针90度) -(3) 90°CCW-(逆时针90度) -(4) Arbitrary-(任意角度) -(5) Flip Horizontal-(水平翻转) -(6) Flip Vertical-(垂直翻转) 9.Crop-(裁切) 10.Trim-(修整) 11.Reverl All-(显示全部) 12.Histogram-(直方图) 13.Trap-(陷印) 14.Extract-(抽出) 15.Liquify-(液化) 四、Layer-(图层) 1.New-(新建) -(1) Layer-(图层) -(2) Background From Layer-(背景图层) -(3) Layer Set-(图层组) -(4) Layer Set From Linked-(图层组来自链接的) -(5) Layer via Copy-(通过拷贝的图层) -(6) Layer via Cut-(通过剪切的图层) 2.Duplicate Layer-(复制图层) 3.Delete Layer-(删除图层) 4.Layer Properties-(图层属性) 5.Layer Style-(图层样式) -(1) Blending Options-(混合选项) -(2) Drop Shadow-(投影) -(3) Inner Shadow-(内阴影) -(4) Outer Glow-(外发光) -(5) Inner Glow-(内发光) -(6) Bevel and Emboss-(斜面和浮雕) -(7) Satin-(光泽) -(8) Color Overlay-(颜色叠加) -(9) Gradient Overlay-(渐变叠加) -(10) Pattern Overlay-(图案叠加) -(11) Stroke-(描边) -(12) Copy Layer Effects-(拷贝图层样式) -(13) Paste Layer Effects-(粘贴图层样式) -(14) Paste Layer Effects To Linked-(将图层样式粘贴的链接的) -(15) Clear Layer Effects-(清除图层样式) -(16) Global Light-(全局光) -(17) Create Layer-(创建图层) -(18) Hide All Effects-(显示/隐藏全部效果) -(19) Scale Effects-(缩放效果) 6.New Fill Layer-(新填充图层) -(1) Solid Color-(纯色) -(2) Gradient-(渐变) -(3) Pattern-(图案) 7.New Adjustment Layer-(新调整图层) -(1)Levels-(色阶) -(2)Curves-(曲线) -(3)Color Balance-(色彩平衡) -(4)Brightness/Contrast-(亮度/对比度) -(5)Hue/Saturation-(色相/饱和度) -(6)Selective Color-(可选颜色) -(7)Channel Mixer-(通道混合器) -(8)Gradient Map-(渐变映射) -(9)Invert-(反相) -(10)Threshold-(阈值) -(11)Posterize-(色调分离) 8.Change Layer Content-(更改图层内容) 9.Layer Content Options-(图层内容选项) 10.Type-(文字) -(1) Create Work Path-(创建工作路径) -(2) Convert to Shape-(转变为形状) -(3) Horizontal-(水平) -(4) Vertical-(垂直) -(5) Anti-Alias None-(消除锯齿无) -(6) Anti-Alias Crisp-(消除锯齿明晰) -(7) Anti-Alias Strong-(消除锯齿强) -(8) Anti-Alias Smooth-(消除锯齿平滑) -(9) Covert To Paragraph Text-(转换为段落文字) -(10) Warp Text-(文字变形) -(11)Update All Text Layers-(更新所有文本图层) -(12)Replace All Missing Fonts-(替换所以缺欠文字) 11.Rasterize-(栅格化) -(1)Type-(文字) -(2)Shape-(形状) -(3)Fill Content-(填充内容) -(4)Layer Clipping Path-(图层剪贴路径) -(5)Layer-(图层) -(6)Linked Layers-(链接图层) -(7)All Layers-(所以图层) 12.New Layer Based Slice-(基于图层的切片) 13.Add Layer Mask-(添加图层蒙板) -(1) Reveal All-(显示全部) -(2) Hide All-(隐藏全部) -(3) Reveal Selection-(显示选区) -(4) Hide Selection-(隐藏选区) 14.Enable Layer Mask-(启用图层蒙板) 15.Add Layer Clipping Path-(添加图层剪切路径) -(1)Reveal All-(显示全部) -(2)Hide All-(隐藏全部) -(3)Current Path-(当前路径) 16.Enable Layer Clipping Path-(启用图层剪切路径) 17.Group Linked-(于前一图层编组) 18.UnGroup-(取消编组) 19.Arrange-(排列) -(1) Bring to Front-(置为顶层) -(2) Bring Forward-(前移一层) -(3) Send Backward-(后移一层) -(4) Send to Back-(置为底层) 20.Arrange Linked-(对齐链接图层) -(1) Top Edges-(顶边) -(2) Vertical Center-(垂直居中) -(3) Bottom Edges-(底边) -(4) Left Edges-(左边) -(5) Horizontal Center-(水平居中) -(6) Right Edges-(右边) 21.Distribute Linked-(分布链接的) -(1) Top Edges-(顶边) -(2) Vertical Center-(垂直居中) -(3) Bottom Edges-(底边) -(4) Left Edges-(左边) -(5) Horizontal Center-(水平居中) -(6) Right Edges-(右边) 22.Lock All Linked Layers-(锁定所有链接图层) 23.Merge Linked-(合并链接图层) 24.Merge Visible-(合并可见图层) 25.Flatten Image-(合并图层) 26.Matting-(修边) -(1) Define-(去边) -(2) Remove Black Matte-(移去黑色杂边) -(3) Remove White Matte-(移去白色杂边) 五、Selection-(选择) 1.All-(全部) 2.Deselect-(取消选择) 3.Reselect-(重新选择) 4.Inverse-(反选) 5.Color Range-(色彩范围) 6.Feather-(羽化) 7.Modify-(修改) -(1) Border-(扩边) -(2) Smooth-(平滑) -(3) Expand-(扩展) -(4) Contract-(收缩) 8.Grow-(扩大选区) 9.Similar-(选区相似) 10.Transform Selection-(变换选区) 11.Load Selection-(载入选区) 12.Save Selection-(存储选区) 六、Filter-(滤镜) 1.Last Filter-(上次滤镜操作) 2.Artistic-(艺术效果) -(1) Colored Pencil-(彩色铅笔) -(2) Cutout-(剪贴画) -(3) Dry Brush-(干笔画) -(4) Film Grain-(胶片颗粒) -(5) Fresco-(壁画) -(6) Neon Glow-(霓虹灯光) -(7) Paint Daubs-(涂抹棒) -(8) Palette Knife-(调色刀) -(9) Plastic Wrap-(塑料包装) -(10) Poster Edges-(海报边缘) -(11) Rough Pastels-(粗糙彩笔) -(12) Smudge Stick-(绘画涂抹) -(13) Sponge-(海绵) -(14) Underpainting-(底纹效果) -(15) Watercolor-(水彩) 3.Blur-(模糊) -(1) Blur-(模糊) -(2) Blur More-(进一步模糊) -(3) Gaussian Blur-(高斯模糊) -(4) Motion Blur-(动态模糊) -(5) Radial Blur-(径向模糊) -(6) Smart Blur-(特殊模糊) 4.Brush Strokes-(画笔描边) -(1) Accented Edges-(强化边缘) -(2) Angled Stroke-(成角的线条) -(3) Crosshatch-(阴影线) -(4) Dark Strokes-(深色线条) -(5) Ink Outlines-(油墨概况) -(6) Spatter-(喷笔) -(7) Sprayed Strokes-(喷色线条) -(8) Sumi 5.Distort-(扭曲) -(1) Diffuse Glow-(扩散亮光) -(2) Displace-(置换) -(3) Glass-(玻璃) -(4) Ocean Ripple-(海洋波纹) -(5) Pinch-(挤压) -(6) Polar Coordinates-(极坐标) -(7) Ripple-(波纹) -(8) Shear-(切变) -(9) Spherize-(球面化) -(10) Twirl-(旋转扭曲) -(11) Wave-(波浪) -(12) Zigzag-(水波) 6.Noise-(杂色) -(1) Add Noise-(加入杂色) -(2) Despeckle-(去斑) -(3) Dust & Scratches-(蒙尘与划痕) -(4) Median-(中间值) 7.Pixelate-(像素化) -(1) Color Halftone-(彩色半调) -(2) Crystallize-(晶格化) -(3) Facet-(彩块化) -(4) Fragment-(碎片) -(5) Mezzotint-(铜版雕刻) -(6) Mosaic-(马赛克) -(7) Pointillize-(点状化) 8.Render-(渲染) -(1) 3D Transform-(3D 变换) -(2) Clouds-(云彩) -(3) Difference Clouds-(分层云彩) -(4) Lens Flare-(镜头光晕) -(5) Lighting Effects-(光照效果) -(6) Texture Fill-(纹理填充) 9.Sharpen-(锐化) -(1) Sharpen-(锐化) -(2) Sharpen Edges-(锐化边缘) -(3) Sharpen More-(进一步锐化) -(4) Unsharp Mask 10.Sketch-(素描) -(1) Bas Relief-(基底凸现) -(2) Chalk & Charcoal-(粉笔和炭笔) -(3) Charcoal -(3) Chrome-(铬黄) -(4) Conte Crayon-(彩色粉笔) -(5) Graphic Pen-(绘图笔) -(6) Halftone Pattern-(半色调图案) -(7) Note Paper-(便条纸) -(8) Photocopy-(副本) -(9) Plaster-(塑料效果) -(10) Reticulation-(网状) -(11) Stamp-(图章) -(12) Torn Edges-(撕边) -(13) Water Paper-(水彩纸) 11.Stylize-(风格化) -(1) Diffuse-(扩散) -(2) Emboss-(浮雕) -(3) Extrude-(突出) -(4) Find Edges-(查找边缘) -(5) Glowing Edges-(照亮边缘) -(6) Solarize-(曝光过度) -(7) Tiles-(拼贴) -(8) Trace Contour-(等高线) -(9) Wind-(风) 12.Texture-(-(纹理) -(1) Craquelure-(龟裂缝) -(2) Grain-(颗粒) -(3) Mosained Tiles-(马赛克拼贴) -(4) Patchwork-(拼缀图) -(5) Stained Glass-(染色玻璃) -(6) Texturixer-(纹理化) 13.Video-(视频) -(1) De -(2) NTSC Colors 14.Other-(其它) -(1) Custom-(自定义) -(2) High Pass-(高反差保留) -(3) Maximum-(最大值) -(4) Minimum-(最小值) -(5) Offset-(位移) 15.Digimarc -(1)Embed Watermark-(嵌入水印) -(2)Read Watermark-(读取水印) 七、View-(视图) 1.New View-(新视图) 2.Proof Setup-(校样设置) -(1)Custom-(自定) -(2)Working CMYK-(处理CMYK) -(3)Working Cyan Plate-(处理青版) -(4)Working Magenta Plate-(处理洋红版) -(5)Working Yellow Plate-(处理黄版) -(6)Working Black Plate-(处理黑版) -(7)Working CMY Plate-(处理CMY版) -(8)Macintosh RGB -(9)Windows RGB -(10)Monitor RGB-(显示器RGB) -(11)Simulate Paper White-(模拟纸白) -(12)Simulate Ink Black-(模拟墨黑) 3.Proof Color-(校样颜色) 4.Gamut Wiring-(色域警告) 5.Zoom In-(放大) 6.Zoom Out-(缩小) 7.Fit on Screen-(满画布显示) 8.Actual Pixels-(实际象素) 9.Print Size-(打印尺寸) 10.Show Extras-(显示额外的) 11.Show-(显示) -(1) Selection Edges-(选区边缘) -(2) Target Path-(目标路径) -(3) Grid-(网格) -(4) Guides-(参考线) -(5) Slices-(切片) -(6) Notes-(注释) -(7) All-(全部) -(8) None-(无) -(9)Show Extras Options-(显示额外选项) 12.Show Rulers-(显示标尺) 13.Snap-(对齐) 14.Snap To-(对齐到) -(1) Guides-(参考线) -(2) Grid-(网格) -(3) Slices-(切片) -(4) Document Bounds-(文档边界) -(5) All-(全部) -(6) None-(无) 15.Show Guides-(锁定参考线) 16.Clear Guides-(清除参考线) 17.New Guides-(新参考线) 18.Lock Slices-(锁定切片) 19.Clear Slices-(清除切片) 八、Windows-(窗口) 1.Cascade-(层叠) 2.Tile-(拼贴) 3.Arrange Icons-(排列图标) 4.Close All-(关闭全部) 5.Show/Hide Tools-(显示/隐藏工具) 6.Show/Hide Options-(显示/隐藏选项) 7.Show/Hide Navigator-(显示/隐藏导航) 8.Show/Hide Info-(显示/隐藏信息) 9.Show/Hide Color-(显示/隐藏颜色) 10.Show/Hide Swatches-(显示/隐藏色板) 11.Show/Hide Styles-(显示/隐藏样式) 12.Show/Hide History-(显示/隐藏历史记录) 13.Show/Hide Actions-(显示/隐藏动作) 14.Show/Hide Layers-(显示/隐藏图层) 15.Show/Hide Channels-(显示/隐藏通道) 16.Show/Hide Paths-(显示/隐藏路径) 17.Show/Hide Character-(显示/隐藏字符) 18.Show/Hide Paragraph-(显示/隐藏段落) 19.Show/Hide Status Bar-(显示/隐藏状态栏) 20.Reset Palette Locations-(复位调板位置) 工具栏是没有英文的吧 呵呵另外,站长团上有产品团购,便宜有保证
2023-07-27 01:29:512


是的,蜡笔用英语是 crayon。单词翻译:crayon(蜡笔)形式:名词词组翻译:crayon drawing:蜡笔画colored crayons:彩色蜡笔wax crayons:蜡笔crayon box:蜡笔盒crayon art:蜡笔画术含义解释:指一种用于绘画的色彩棒,通常是由蜡和颜料混合制成,可用于纸张、布料等不同材料绘制。语法详解:crayon 为可数名词,单数形式为 crayon,复数形式为 crayons。可与限制词或数词搭配使用,如 a box of crayons(一盒蜡笔)、20 crayons(20支蜡笔)。具体用法:crayon 可以是作为绘画工具进行使用,如 crayon drawing(蜡笔画)。crayon 还可以用于形容绘画作品的特点,如 crayon art(蜡笔画术)。crayon 还可以作为玩具赠送给儿童或作为工具使用,如 crayon box(蜡笔盒)。用法举例句子:She loves to color with crayons after school.(她放学后喜欢用蜡笔涂色。)The crayon drawing on the wall was made by my daughter.(墙上的蜡笔画是我女儿画的。)He gave his little sister a box of crayons for her birthday.(他给他妹妹的生日礼物是一盒蜡笔。)I prefer to use crayons instead of markers for coloring.(我宁愿用蜡笔而不是记号笔涂色。)The artist used a mix of crayons and oil pastels to create the unique texture in her art.(艺术家使用了蜡笔和油画棒的混合物,创造了其作品独特的质地。)
2023-07-27 01:30:122

photoshop CS4英文版的问题

2023-07-27 01:31:153


你好!彩色蜡笔Coloured crayon
2023-07-27 01:31:262


其中印刷系列包括有:CU色卡、CU可撕色票、金属色卡、金属可撕色票、粉彩色卡、色彩桥梁、CMYK色卡、GOE色卡,而每一种色卡应用的行业各有不同,我们归类总结大概有:塑胶行业、印刷行业、油墨喷涂、五金电子、家居、印染厂;纺织系列包括有:TPX、TPX可撕色票、TCX棉布版(色卡大小不同决定价格高低),主要是纺织服装行业用、皮革鞋材也有用到。 总之潘通色卡的种类依不同应用范围而定,客服在选购时首先告诉供应商说明自己是做什么行业的,或者报一个色号个供应商,供应商也能判断客户所需,由于色卡每年都会更新并更换增添色号,所以新旧色卡的价格是会有所变化的,色谱排列顺序也会有所改变,只能慢慢适应新版。 感谢你的参考,若有不当之处望指教!
2023-07-27 01:31:452


winsome意思为“迷人的,可爱的,引人注目的”。短语搭配:WINSOME GUN 迷人的炮。Winsome Brown 注目啡。Winsome Bluebird 永和蓝鸟。Winsome Think 倩想。Winsome Way 街道地址。Winsome Olivia 迷人的枪。双语例句:1、She gave him her best winsome smile.她给了他一个最迷人的微笑。2、A winsome young lass in a floppy hat, gazing soulfully to the horizon in a windblown field—soft focus, in pastels.一个迷人的带着松软帽子的少女,深情注目着风吹麦田的地平线,伴着粉红色的梦幻柔焦。
2023-07-27 01:32:061


2023-07-27 01:32:332


2023-07-27 01:32:483

Never say never的完整歌词加翻译。

Never Say Never 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我111ttt.com到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是JSmith和Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我把持自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第4节一样冷血(依据视频里的动作好像应该是这样的) I gotta be the best and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以翱翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败!(我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗!(战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:30:311


2023-07-27 01:30:335


2023-07-27 01:30:364

贾斯汀.比伯Never Say Never的歌词

See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go!我们现在就出发!Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb!是JSmith和Jb!I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me!但是他没有像我一样和JB一起唱这首歌!I be trying a chill我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke勇往直前 Like Cobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像Cobe在第4区 靠冰水和血液活下来 I gotta be the best and yes我要当最好的 并且我可以We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔 Like David and Goliath 就像David和Goliath一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight)我永不言败!(我会战斗)I will fight till forever! (make it right)我会一直战斗!(战胜他)Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:30:393


2023-07-27 01:30:411


2023-07-27 01:30:422


先下载固件 再照步骤刷机(关机开机状态都可以)1将手机连接电脑,然后同时按住【电源键】和【HOME键】10秒不放。210秒后只放开【电源键】,继续按住【HOME键】10秒不放。3放开home键 4 打开iTunes,当提示手机成功进入恢复模式时,按住键盘上的“shift”键,同时点击“恢复”按钮,选择下载的相应固件,执行刷机操作。
2023-07-27 01:30:442

never say never 歌词

Never Say NeverJustin BieberSee I never thought that I could walk through fireI never thought that I could take the burnI never had the strength to take it higherUntil I reached the point of no returnAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveIt"s my destinyI will never say never! (I will fight)I will fight till forever! (make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up up upAnd never say neverI never thought I could feel this powerI never thought that I could feel this freeI"m strong enough to climb the highest towerAnd I"m fast enough to run across the seaAnd there"s just no turning backWhen your hearts under attackGonna give everything I haveCause this is my destinyI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverHere we go!Guess who?JSmith and Jb!I gotcha lil broI can handle himHold up, aight?I can handle himNow he"s bigger than meTaller than meAnd he"s older than meAnd stronger than meAnd his arms a little bit longer than meBut he ain"t on a JB song with me!I be trying a chillThey be trying to side with the thrillNo pun intended, was raised by the power of WillLike Luke with the force, when push comes to shoveLike Cobe with the 4th, ice water with bloodI gotta be the best, and yesWe"re the flyestLike David and GoliathI conquered the giantSo now I got the world in my handI was born from two starsSo the moon"s where I landI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverI will never say never!(I will fight)I will fight till forever!(make it right)Whenever you knock me downI will not stay on the groundPick it upPick it upPick it upPick it up, up, upAnd never say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverNever say neverAnd never say never
2023-07-27 01:30:473

baby brother是什么意思?

2023-07-27 01:30:474

shall we是什么意思?

用法用于第一人称,表示将来。用在问句中表示征求对方意见。Shall we和will you的区别举例说明:Susan,let us go to play football,will you?该句中用的是will you,也就是说,说话人在征求Susan的意见,希望她让说话人及说话人的同伴去踢足球,Susan自己不去Susan,let us go to play football,shall we?该句中用的事shall we,也就是说,说话人在征求Susan的意见,希望她和说话人及说话人的同伴去踢足球,Susan自己也去.且此句中,let us通常用let"s代替。例句:Shall we go to play the piano?我们去弹钢琴好吗?Supposing he is absent, what shall we do?假使他不在, 我们将怎么办呢?
2023-07-27 01:30:481


1:DIR 是directory的缩写.是目录的意思.比如新浪的分类目录 是DOS操作系统用来查看磁盘中文件的命令dir有很多的参数,这是在windowsXP中的参数以及说明: 希望采纳 谢谢`
2023-07-27 01:30:531


Guo Jingjing (Chinese: 郭晶晶; pinyin: Guō Jīngjīng born October 15, 1981) is a female diver from the People"s Republic of China and is considered to be the most successful woman diver in Olympic history.Born in Baoding, Hebei province, on October 15, 1981, Guo took up diving when she was six years old at the Baoding Training Base. She started training in competitive diving in 1988, and was selected to dive for the Chinese national team in 1992. Guo first competed at the Olympics in 1996. Her coach leading up to the 2008 Olympics was Zhong Shaozhen.During the 2004 Summer Olympics Guo earned a gold medal in the 3 meter women"s synchronized springboard along with Wu Minxia, before winning her first individual Olympic gold in the 3 meter women"s springboard. After the Athens Olympics, Guo became a Chinese national sports figure in the public eye, with a contract with McDonald"s, as well as multiple other endorsement contracts. She was later banned by the national team for excessive commercial activities, but was later accepted back to the team when she agreed to focus on diving and give up many promotional activities. Guo is the leading member of the Chinese national women"s diving team, and is known in China as "The Princess of Diving". Guo announced on November 23, 2006, that she would retire following the 2008 Olympic Games.Guo won two more gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. At the end of the Beijing Games, Guo became the most decorated female Olympic diver, and tied fellow Chinese athlete Fu Mingxia, and American Greg Louganis with the most gold medals (four).2008 OlympicsGuo Jingjing won the gold medal in the women"s 3-meter springboard with a total of 415.35 points. The silver medal was awarded to Yuliya Pakhalina of Russia, whose score was 398.60, followed by Wu Minxia of China with 389.85 for the bronze medal.In synchronized diving, the defending champions Guo, and Wu, who won the event in the 2004 Athens Olympics and three World Championships, had lead the entire competition in Beijing, winning the gold medal, with Yuliya Pakhalina and Anastasia Pozdnyakova of Russia, who posted 323.61, winning Silver.Personal lifeGuo"s social activities after the Athens Olympics were the subject of scrutiny in Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong media news outlets. Guo made entertainment headlines in China when the paparazzi published a photograph of her dining with Kenneth Fok Kai-kong, the grandson of the late Hong Kong business tycoon Henry Fok. Guo did not deny the relationship, and has been photographed many times with Kenneth Fok in public.Guo suffers from health problems due to diving such as poor eye sight, along with numerous other divers on her team.Major achievements1995 World Cup – 1st Synchronized Platform & 3m Synchronized Springboard 1996 Olympic Games – 5th Platform 1998 World Championships – 2nd 3m Springboard 1999 World Cup – 1st 3m Synchronized Springboard; 3rd 3m Springboard 2000 World Cup – 1st 3m Springboard; 2nd 3m Synchronized Springboard 2000 Olympic Games – 2nd 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2001 World Championships – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2002 World Cup – 1st 1m & 3m Springboard; 2nd 3m Synchronized Springboard 2002 Asian Games – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2003 FINA Diving Grand Prix (Australia/China) – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2003 World Championships – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2004 World Cup – 1st 3m Synchronized Springboard; 2nd 3m Springboard 2004 Olympic Games – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2005 World Championships – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2006 Asian Games – 1st 3m Synchronized Springboard 2007 World Championships – 1st 3m Springboard & Synchronized Springboard 2008 Olympic Games 1st Women"s 3m Synchronised Springboard 2008 Olympic Games 1st Women"s 3m Springboard
2023-07-27 01:30:531


2023-07-27 01:30:271


dir命令是显示磁盘目录命令,在命令提示符下输入dir,就会把这个磁盘全部的东西都显示出来,如果是黑客要找肉鸡电脑的资料,都是通过这个命令的查看。 1、开始——运行——cmd 2、输入dir ,就会显示磁盘的整个内容。
2023-07-27 01:30:251


2023-07-27 01:30:252


Never Say Never 永不言败 See I never thought that I could walk through fire 我以前从没想过我可以穿过熊熊烈火 I never thought that I could take the burn 我以前从没想过我也可以像火一样燃烧起来 I never had the strength to take it higher 我以前从没想过我可以更强大 Until I reached the point of no return 直到我被逼到了绝境 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I never thought I could feel this power 我以前从来没有想过我可以这么强大 I never thought that I could feel this free 我以前从来没有想过我可以自由 I"m strong enough to climb the highest tower 我已经很强大可以继续向上攀登 And I"m fast enough to run across the sea 我可以快跑穿过海洋 And there"s just no turning back 我知道我已无法回头 When your hearts under attack 当你的心受到攻击时 Gonna give everything I have 我会付出我的所有 It"s my destiny 这是我的命运 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不 会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 Here we go! 我们现在就出发! Guess who 猜猜是谁 JSmith and Jb! 是 JSmith 和 Jb! I gotcha lil bro 两个铁兄弟 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Hold up aight 别松懈 好么 I can handle him 我可以搞定他 Now he"s bigger than me 现在他比我厉害 Taller than me 比我高 And he"s older than me 他比我大 And stronger than me 比我强壮 And his arms a little bit longer than me 他的手臂比我长一些 But he ain"t on a JB song with me! 但是他没有像我一样和 JB 一起唱这首歌! I be trying a chill 我控制自己冷静下来 They be trying to side with the thrill 他们却充满了激情 No pun intended was raised by the power of Will 我没有别的意思 我只是有意志力 Like Luke with the force when push comes to shove 就像在逆境中 Luke 勇往直前 Like Kobe with the 4th ice water with blood 就像科比在比赛的第 4 节一样冷血(根据视频 里的动作好像应该是这样的) I gotta be the best and yes 我要当最好的 并且我可以 We"re the flyest 我们可以飞翔 Like David and Goliath 就像 David 和 Goliath 一样 I conquered the giant 我可以征服巨人 So now I got the world in my hand 现在世界就在我手上 I was born from two stars 我从两颗耀眼的星星中走出来 So the moon"s where I land 月亮是我的降落的地方 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败 I will never say never! (I will fight) 我永不言败! (我会战斗) I will fight till forever! (make it right) 我会一直战斗! (战胜他) Whenever you knock me down 不管何时你打败我 I will not stay on the ground 我都绝不会一蹶不振 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up 继续战斗 Pick it up up up 继续战斗 And never say never 我永不言败
2023-07-27 01:30:231

求:莱昂纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)全部诗集,小说

《莱昂纳德·科恩之歌(the Songs Of Leonard Cohen)》《来自一个房间的歌(songs From A Room)》
2023-07-27 01:30:201


2023-07-27 01:30:151

baby brother怎么读

贝比 布入啊肉
2023-07-27 01:30:118

求这首歌的歌词Leonard Cohen I am Your Man

2023-07-27 01:30:111


DIR是directory的缩写,是目录的意思。DIR也是是DOS操作系统用来查看磁盘中文件的命令dir有很多的参数,这是在windowsXP中的参数以及说明,也可能是Macromedia Director MX产生的文件。
2023-07-27 01:30:092


你是问单方造价吧~~!一、普通住宅建筑混凝土用量和用钢量: 1、多层砌体住宅: 钢筋30KG/m2 砼0.3—0.33m3/m2 2、多层框架 钢筋38—42KG/m2 砼0.33—0.35m3/m2 3、小高层11—12层 钢筋50—52KG/m2 砼0.35m3/m2 4、高层17—18层 钢筋54—60KG/m2 砼0.36m3/m2 5、高层30层H=94米 钢筋65—75KG/m2 砼0.42—0.47m3/m2 6、高层酒店式公寓28层H=90米 钢筋65—70KG/m2 砼0.38—0.42m3/m2 7、别墅混凝土用量和用钢量介于多层砌体住宅和高层11—12层之间 以上数据按抗震7度区规则结构设计 二、普通多层住宅楼施工预算经济指标 1、室外门窗(不包括单元门、防盗门)面积占建筑面积0.20—0.24 2、模版面积占建筑面积2.2左右 3、室外抹灰面积占建筑面积0.4左右 4、室内抹灰面积占建筑面积3.8 三、施工功效 1、一个抹灰工一天抹灰在35平米 2、一个砖工一天砌红砖1000—1800块 3、一个砖工一天砌空心砖800—1000块 4、瓷砖15平米 5、刮大白第一遍300平米/天,第二遍180平米/天,第三遍压光90平米/天 四、基础数据 1、混凝土重量2500KG/m3 2、钢筋每延米重量0.00617*d*d 3、干砂子重量1500KG/m3,湿砂重量1700KG/m3 4、石子重量2200KG/m3 5、一立方米红砖525块左右(分墙厚) 6、一立方米空心砖175块左右 7、筛一方干净砂需1.3方普通砂
2023-07-27 01:30:072


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2023-07-27 01:30:051

Never say Never的中文谐音歌词

怎样,想侮辱Justin Bieber?
2023-07-27 01:30:032