barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-28 22:23:52

1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉.

2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思




destroy英[du026au02c8stru0254u026a]美[du026au02c8stru0254u026a]destroy,英语单词,及物动词,意为“破坏;消灭;毁坏”。短语搭配Destroy Huanglong直捣黄龙Destroy Mode独角兽高达 ; 毁灭模式 ; 破坏模式 ; 歼灭模式Destroy them干掉他们destructor Destroy析构函数 ; 实例析构方法destroy kaki摧毁垣 ; 销毁柿 ; 摧毁柿Destroy Targets破坏目标destroy motors摧毁电机 ; 销毁电机 ; 摧毁汽车Destroy Mission破坏任务 ; 灭团DESTROY STRUCTURE拆除星球上的基地设施双语例句We destroy it through the backwards process.我们通过向后的过程破坏它。So I will destroy my destroyers, and go to join you.因此我将破坏我的破坏者,而且去参加你。
2023-07-27 09:52:331


destroy: [ dis"trɔi ] v. 破坏,毁坏 [计算机] 撤消 词形变化: 动词过去式:destroyed 过去分词:destroyed 现在分词:destroying 第三人称单数:destroys 另外通过 可以查阅单词 以后就不用来这提问了
2023-07-27 09:53:013

destroy( )是什么意思?

毁坏i 毁灭
2023-07-27 09:53:113


2023-07-27 09:53:203

请问老师,ruin 和destroy究竟有什么区别

destroy不可恢复. damage和destroy多是客观实物的损坏. ruin程度很强,多是被恶意破坏掉的.
2023-07-27 09:53:392


  destroy表破坏,摧毁; 消灭的意思,那么你知道destroy的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了destroy的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   destroy的同义词辨析1:   break, destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil   这些动词均有"破坏,损坏"之意。   break : 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。   destroy : 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。   ruin : 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。   wreck : 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害。   damage : 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。   spoil : 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。   destroy的同义词辨析2:   destroy, exterminate, extinguish   这3个动词均有"消灭"之意。   destroy : 指通过杀戮或终止某人某物的机能,使之无用或毁灭。   exterminate : 指大量地、成批地杀害、消灭。   extinguish : 原义指灭火,转义后暗示生命、希望等像火一样地消灭、熄灭。   destroy的例句:   1. They can"t destroy truth without destroying each and every one of us.   除非他们将我们赶尽杀绝,否则真理不灭。   2. Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.   青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。   3. After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence.   杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。   4. The dispute could destroy Australia"s hard-won reputation for industrial stability.   这场纠纷可能会让澳大利亚劳资关系稳定这一来之不易的名声毁于一旦。   5. Criticizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure.   批评责备只能破坏关系,让人产生失败感。   6. To destroy 121 enemy aircraft is no mean record.   歼灭121架敌机是一个了不起的纪录。   7. In 1346 a hurricane whipped up the sea to destroy the town.   1346年的飓风引起海啸并摧毁了城镇。   8. Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.   找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。   9. Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.   任何改革都会破坏并歪曲我们的宪法。   10. It is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct.   谁都知道破坏容易建设难.   11. Destroy the old world and build a new one.   破坏旧世界,建设新世界.   12. Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.   理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。   13. They have the capability to destroy the enemy in days rather than weeks.   他们有能力在几天内,而不是几个星期内消灭敌人。   14. The raiders continued on their mission — to seek out and destroy American air and sea forces.   突击队员继续执行着他们的任务——搜寻并摧毁美国空军、海军力量。   15. The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.   该病毒实际上会破坏那些白血球,使身体极易受到其他传染病感染。
2023-07-27 09:54:211

break 和 destroy的区别

DAMAGE和哪个意思更相进一些有什么区别?答:damage是危害的意思,它所形容的事情未必发生,可能在将来,一般都是形容“对。。。有危害”。它与break 和 destroy的意思是不同的,并不是一系列的词,若硬要说和那个相近的话,那应该是break了。 希望帮到你。。。
2023-07-27 09:54:352


2023-07-27 09:54:447


1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉.Why,you may wonder,should spiders be our friends?Because they destroy so many insects,…你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫.As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉.2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了.The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物.3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的.The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失.
2023-07-27 09:54:591

damage `spoil `destroy `break的区别

2.damage 通常表示事物的价值或功能部分受损,如:the ship was damaged in the bottom.那条船的底部被损坏.3.destroy表示事物全部被毁,无法修复的毁坏,如:destroy all of the three enemy warships把3艘敌舰全部歼灭;4.break强调“打碎”之类的毁坏,范围和用法较广,break是破了,不一定指身体上的,可能是没有生命的东西,比如玻璃,汽车EG:My car breaks down.6.spoil意为损坏,破坏,宠坏,溺爱,不仅指美观、价值受到损坏,也指完整性、完美性及整体感受到破坏,如:spoil the party 破坏聚会,spoild her grandson把她的孙子宠坏了
2023-07-27 09:55:271


destroy的形容词形式是destructive,意为:引起破坏(或毁灭)的;破坏(或毁灭)性的。 例句: Guilt can be very destructive. 负疚感会具有很强的杀伤力。 扩展资料   Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm.   严重的`损失表明了这场暴风雨巨大的破坏力。   Some experimental results of destructive tests of structures are presented.   给出了几种热动力失效的结构破坏实验结果。   An Comparative Analysis on the Selection of the Destructive Innovation of New Firms   一个新企业破坏性创新选择的比较分析   The destructive global power of the financial crisis became clear last year.   这场金融危机的全球性破坏力在去年就显露出来了。   It has a destructive power and the power to create great wonder.   有毁灭的力量,也有创造伟大奇迹的动力。   The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver.   肝中毒对肝有毒的或毁灭性的性质或状况。
2023-07-27 09:55:351

请问injure, harm, damage, hurt,destroy 的区别

1)hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。 注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。 2)injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。 3)harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。 4)damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值,用途,外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成。 5)wound指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。6)destroyvt.1. 毁坏,破坏A fire destroyed the house.一场火毁坏了那座房屋。2. 杀死,消灭3. 打破(希望、计划);使失败What he said destroyed our last hope.他说的话摧毁了我们最后的希望。
2023-07-27 09:55:431

destroy damage和broken的区别是什么?

destroy强调伤害程度的不可恢复而damage就要轻一点了 ,break 只是一般的破坏,指打破,弄坏。
2023-07-27 09:55:521

destroy 造句

i destroy the car。
2023-07-27 09:56:534


2023-07-27 09:57:063


2023-07-27 09:57:152


2023-07-27 09:58:031


destroy常指彻底的,很难或者不能修复的“破坏,毁坏、摧毁”,程度较深,既可表示毁坏具体的物品,也可以表示“毁坏”抽象的东西如“名誉、计划、努力、契约”等。如The big fire destroyed the whole house .这场大火把整个房子都烧毁了。All his hopes were destroyed. 他的全部希望都被毁灭了。ruin意思是“毁灭、毁坏、崩溃、破产”。做名词常用复数指“废墟、遗迹”等。ruin也指严重的以至于不能修复的“破坏”。但这种破坏不指毁灭某物,而是长期损坏的结果,常指对美好的或者希望中的事物的破坏。做名词时常用be in ruins成为废墟。如You"ll ruin your health if you go on like this.这样下去你会毁了你的身体的。I was ruined by that law case; I"m a ruined man.我被那场官司毁了,我破产了。damage意为“损坏、破坏”,它既可以表示“损坏”或“破坏”具体的物品,一般暗示损坏后价值或效益降低,这种损坏是“部分性的”、“局部的”,可以重新修复的。该词也可以表示损坏抽象的东西,有时也用语借喻。The car was not damaged badly in the accident ,but five people were seriously hurt.汽车在事故中损坏并不严重,但却有五人受了重伤。What they said and did damaged the relations between the two countries.他们的言行损坏了这两个国家的关系。
2023-07-27 09:58:174


1.destroy 只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作"破坏"、"毁灭"解,也可以指希望、计划等打破.例如:The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town.地震几乎毁灭了整个城镇.His hope of being a writer was destroyed.他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了.2.ruin则表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题.用作动词时,它作"使毁灭"、"使崩溃"、"弄糟"解;用作名词时,它表示"毁灭"、"瓦解"、"废墟"等抽象概念.ruin也有借喻的用法.例如:The fire ruined the castle.那场大火使城堡夷为废墟.The house has fallen into ruin.房子倒塌了.The company is facing ruin.这家公司面临破产.
2023-07-27 09:58:371


destroy:摧毁;毁灭;破坏;(因动物有病或不再需要而)杀死,消灭,人道毁灭。例句:The building was completely destroyed by fire.这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。They"ve destroyed all the evidence.他们销毁了一切证据。Heat gradually destroys vitamin C.加热会逐渐破坏维生素C。Failure was slowly destroying him (= making him less and less confident and happy) .失败渐渐地把他毁了。
2023-07-27 09:58:451


两者的区别是:"destroy"只能用作动词,常指彻底的,很难或者不能修复的“破坏,毁坏、摧毁”,程度较深,既可表示毁坏具体的物品,也可以表示“毁坏”抽象的东西如“名誉、计划、努力、契约”等,也可以指比较具体的形象。"ruin"意思是“毁灭、毁坏、崩溃、破产”。做名词常用复数指“废墟、遗迹”等。"ruin"也指严重的以至于不能修复的“破坏”。但这种破坏不指毁灭某物,而是长期损坏的结果,并没有失去原来的面貌,常指对美好的或者希望中的事物的破坏。有关这两个单词的例句有:The big fire destroyed the whole house .这场大火把整个房子都烧毁了。All his hopes were destroyed.他的全部希望都被毁灭了。You"ll ruin your health if you go on like this.这样下去你会毁了你的身体的。I was ruined by that law case; I"m a ruined man.我被那场官司毁了,我破产了。The car was not damaged badly in the accident ,but five people were seriously hurt.汽车在事故中损坏并不严重,但却有五人受了重伤。What they said and did damaged the relations between the two countries.他们的言行损坏了这两个国家的关系。
2023-07-27 09:59:131


  destroy表示破坏,摧毁; 消灭的意思,那么你知道destroy的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了destroy的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   destroy的短语:   ~+名词   destroy a building 毁坏建筑物   destroy a dyke 毁坏堤坝   destroy a plan 破坏计划   destroy a puppet regime 摧毁傀儡政权   destroy a stronghold 摧毁堡垒   ~+副词   destroy completely 彻底地毁掉   destroy deliberately 蓄意地破坏   destroy mercilessly 无情地毁坏   ~+介词   destroy by a fire 毁于火灾   同义词辨析:   break, destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil   这些动词均有"破坏,损坏"之意。   break : 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。   destroy : 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。   ruin : 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。   wreck : 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害。   damage : 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。   spoil : 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。   destroy, exterminate, extinguish   这3个动词均有"消灭"之意。   destroy : 指通过杀戮或终止某人某物的机能,使之无用或毁灭。   exterminate : 指大量地、成批地杀害、消灭。   extinguish : 原义指灭火,转义后暗示生命、希望等像火一样地消灭、熄灭。   destroy的短语例句:   1. They can"t destroy truth without destroying each and every one of us.   除非他们将我们赶尽杀绝,否则真理不灭。   2. Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.   青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。   3. After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence.   杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。   4. The dispute could destroy Australia"s hard-won reputation for industrial stability.   这场纠纷可能会让澳大利亚劳资关系稳定这一来之不易的名声毁于一旦。   5. Criticizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure.   批评责备只能破坏关系,让人产生失败感。   6. To destroy 121 enemy aircraft is no mean record.   歼灭121架敌机是一个了不起的纪录。   7. In 1346 a hurricane whipped up the sea to destroy the town.   1346年的飓风引起海啸并摧毁了城镇。   8. Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.   找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。   9. Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.   任何改革都会破坏并歪曲我们的宪法。   10. It is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct.   谁都知道破坏容易建设难.   11. Destroy the old world and build a new one.   破坏旧世界,建设新世界.   12. Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.   理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。   13. They have the capability to destroy the enemy in days rather than weeks.   他们有能力在几天内,而不是几个星期内消灭敌人。   14. The raiders continued on their mission — to seek out and destroy American air and sea forces.   突击队员继续执行着他们的任务——搜寻并摧毁美国空军、海军力量。   15. The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.   该病毒实际上会破坏那些白血球,使身体极易受到其他传染病感染。
2023-07-27 09:59:361


destroy是什么意思,destroy的解释 - 英汉词典 - 单词乎destroy: 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。ruin: 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,destroy是什么意思,destroy的解释 - 英汉词典 - 单词乎destroy: 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。ruin: 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性。
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destroy过去式: destroyed 过去分词: destroyed v.摧毁;毁灭;破坏;(因动物有病或不再需要而)杀死,消灭,人道毁灭 第三人称单数: destroys 现在分词: destroying 扩展资料   The bridge was destroyed so we couldn"t get across the river.   大桥已经毁坏,我们无法过河了。   The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road.   这个城镇的主要特色被这条新公路毁了。   Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire.   那些画有好几幅被大火烧毁了。   The building was completely destroyed by fire.   这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。
2023-07-27 10:01:251


1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉.2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思。
2023-07-27 10:01:331


break,destroy,ruin,wreck,damage,spoil 这些动词均有“破坏,损坏”之意. break〓普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏. destroy〓多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味. ruin〓多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义. wreck〓侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害. damage〓多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果. spoil〓强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭.
2023-07-27 10:01:411


break,destroy,ruin,wreck,damage,spoil 这些动词均有“破坏,损坏”之意. break〓普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏. destroy〓多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味. ruin〓多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义. wreck〓侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害. damage〓多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果. spoil〓强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭.
2023-07-27 10:02:211

ruin damage destroy有什么区别啊

1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。Why, you may wonder,should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects,…你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫。As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉。2. ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了。The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物。3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的。The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。希望采纳哦!
2023-07-27 10:02:291


destroy的形容词形式是destructive。destroy主要用作动词,意思是破坏;摧毁;毁灭;(因动物有病或不再需要而)杀死;消灭;人道毁灭。 扩展资料   1.But for all that, you can destroy my house without destroying me.   即便如此,你可以摧毁我的房屋但无法摧毁我本人。   2.Although not ideal, this attitude is not entirely destructive.   这种态度虽然不够理想,但还不至于消极透顶。   3.He was unable to contain his own destructive feelings.   他无法抑制自己消极的.情绪。   4.Guilt can be very destructive.   负疚感会具有很强的杀伤力。   5.It has a destructive power and the power to create great wonder.   有毁灭的力量,也有创造伟大奇迹的动力。   6.The feature of casualties and ground failure caused by destructive earthquakes in Yunnan   云南破坏性地震的人员伤亡和地面破坏特征
2023-07-27 10:02:451


vt. 破坏,摧毁;消灭,歼灭(敌人);杀死;使失败
2023-07-27 10:02:563

damage destroy和ruin的区别是什么?

damage destroy和ruin的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、damage:(有形的)损坏。2、destroy:毁灭。3、ruin:破坏。二、语法不同1、damage:damage的基本意思是“损害,伤害”,主要指自然力或人为地在价值、完整性、效能等方面造成损害,一般是局部地、非彻底地、可修复地,可以用于有形物,也可以用于无形物,还可表示对经济信心等造成坏的结果或影响。2、destroy:destroy的基本意思是用任何力量“破坏,毁坏”,用于物时,指破坏或毁坏有用的事物; 用于人时,指用武力或暴力“杀死”“毁灭”“消灭”敌人等。3、ruin:ruin的基本意思是“破坏,毁掉”,常指因暴力、自然灾害或疏忽等外部原因而造成毁坏,强调倒塌成碎片,也可指健康、声望、容貌、气节、价值等受到严重损坏。三、侧重点不同1、damage:damage一般指“部分的破坏”,通常作“损坏”解,意味着损坏后价值减少或作用减小,有时可用于借喻中。2、destroy:destroy强调“彻底性”。3、ruin:ruin强调不可修复。
2023-07-27 10:03:291


2023-07-27 10:03:572


破坏, 毁坏, 消灭
2023-07-27 10:04:065


2023-07-27 10:04:211

destory destroy 区别

1. destory 没这个字2. destroy 是毁坏,破坏的意思3. 差别在t后面一个是o,一个是r
2023-07-27 10:04:291


2023-07-27 10:04:383


2023-07-27 10:00:153


Unit7SectionA 3a1.Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.He"s tall and he is of medium build.He has short straight hair.Wang Lin is popular.2.Mary is thin and she is of medium height.She has short curly blonde hair.She"s good-looking but she"s a little bit quite.3.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.She"s short and a little bit heavy. She has beautiful long black hair.She never stops talking!4.Mike is a good student.He"s very tall.He has curly brown hair and is of medium build.He likes reading and playing chess.SectionB 3aJohnny Dean"s New Look! Do you remember Johnny Dean ,the pop singer whit funny glasses and long curly hair? Well,now he has a new look.He doesn"t have long curly hair.He has short straight hair.And he doesn"t wear glasses any more.But some people don"t like his new look.“I don"t think he"s so great,”says Ruth from New York.“But my mom does.”Unit8SectionB 3aHouse of Dumplings At the House of Dumplings,we have some great special! Special 1 has beef and onion,and is just 10RMB for 15 dmplings. Special 2 is only 8 RMB for 15,and has cabbage and mutton. Orange juice is only 2 RMB.The dmpling and soup lunch special is 10 RMB.Come and get dmplings today!Unit9SectionB 3aHow Did Kids Spend the Weekend? Yesterday,we asked ten students at No.3 Middle School what they did last weekend.For most kids,the weekend was fun.On Saturday morning,ten kids did their homework or studied.On Saturday afternoon,five kids went shopping,and three went to the library.Tow kids also played computer games. en kids did their homework or studied.On Saturday evening,seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV.On Sunday,two kids visited friends,nine kids cleaned their rooms,and five played sports.Unit10SectionB 3aMonday,July 15th Great weather!It was sunny and hot all day.We went to a beautiful beach.We had great fun playing in the water.In the afternoon,we went shopping.The shops too crowded,so I didn"t really enjoy it.Tuesday,July 16th Today it rained,So we went to a museum.It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner.He was lost and I helped him find his father.It made me feel very happy.I didn"t have any money for a I walked back to the hotel.I was really tired.Wednesday,July 17th Today the weather was cool,so we decided to play tennis.We play all morning.It was really fun.We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!Unit11SectionB 3aWhat"s Cool? This week, I asked the students about fashion.I showed each student six and things and asked them about each one.Some of their answer were interesting.Here are their like and dislike: Judy Smith likes the key ring.Her firend Jeff says he can"t stang the scarf.“It"s for moms!”he said.William Jones loves the wallet,and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch.(Her best friend Ann Rice doesn"t mind the watch,but she really likes sunglasses!)Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses. And the coolest thing was the belt.Everyone loved it!Unit12SectionB 3a Dear Dr Know, I"m not happy.I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at six o "clock every morning.I can"t see my friends because I have to do homework.I can"t watch TV on school nights.And I have to be in bed by ten o "clock.On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes.Then I have to help my mother make dinner.Later I have to go ot the Children"s Palace to learn the piano.I never have fun.What can I do?
2023-07-27 10:00:153

Hands up 是什么意思啊?

2023-07-27 10:00:1515

改注造句 改注の例文

修 改注 册表项,实现开机自启。 要更 改注 册表,删除几个键值。 只能通过直接修 改注 册表来设置 修 改注 册表,实现rootkit的开机自启。 “恶邮差”病毒会修 改注 册表。 修 改注 册表,注册自带的SMTP引擎。 篡 改注 册表对策:不懂就别动! 修 改注 册表,实现开机自启动。 ?绿色的软件,不修 改注 册表。 并修 改注 册表以实现开机自启。 用 改注 造句挺难的,这是一个万能造句的方法 修 改注 册表:以随系统自启动。 修 改注 册表实现程序开机自启。 修 改注 册表,以实现开机自启。 可修 改注 册表,实现开机自启。 修 改注 册表,在KaZaA创建共享目录。 它修 改注 册表使自己能开机运行。 如今石河 改注 汉北河,再入汉水。 也是修 改注 册表、零资源消耗的。 修 改注 册表,躲避Windows防火墻的监视。 修 改注 册表文件,添加启动项目。 修 改注 册表,实现程序开机自启。 修 改注 册表,实现开机自启。 修 改注 册表,添加病毒驱动服务。 2.修 改注 册表,以创建服务ntkrnl。 此种退改制度称为“ 改注 ”。 那么我们怎么样来修 改注 册表呢? 修 改注 册表达到其自启动的目的。 3、修 改注 册表键值,将userinit.exe改为userinit.bat。 修 改注 册表,强行篡改IE默认主页。 侦听黑客指令,修 改注 册表。 用 改注 造句挺难的,这是一个万能造句的方法 修 改注 册表,试图实现开机自启。 指定此选项不更 改注 册表。 这些.reg文件运行后可修 改注 册表。 此时首选修 改注 册表为简体中文。 修 改注 册表,添加启动项目。 修 改注 册表,实现开机自动运行。 修 改注 册表,从而更改控制面板。 2.修 改注 册表,创建自启动服务mysvc。 更 改注 释或将其从任务列表中移除 Worm/Sasser.a修 改注 册表,实现开机自启。 修 改注 册表需要您自担风险。 其四,要以评促 改注 重实效。 更 改注 册药剂制品资料申请书 修 改注 册表,实现“自杀”。 目录中,修 改注 册表实现自启动。 ?绿色的软件--不修 改注 册表! 修 改注 册表,将自身注册为进程。 修 改注 册表,实现开机木马自启动。 修 改注 册表,实现随开机自动启动。 、regini.exe、来修 改注 册表键值。 用 改注 造句挺难的,这是一个万能造句的方法
2023-07-27 10:00:191


2023-07-27 10:00:222


2023-07-27 10:00:238

求个Irreplaceable的歌词 George benson 的?

So, so irreplaceableThis love is so, so irreplaceable(All I need)So, so irreplaceableMy love is so, so irreplaceable(All I need)Everyday my joys are like a waterfallLittle things you do like a simple callAnd my night is something like a miracleBaby girl, you"re feeling me tooHookHad a vision ‘bout the river flowing meIn a clear blue skyThe way you found meAnd wrapped around meAngel you answered my cryWond"rin" to through the searchLonely think of itSearchin" for the bestWith the comfort of your earsRefrainGirl this time there"s no mistakeYou got my heart bangingLike I lead a wayMore than just sensational you areIrreplaceable-Chorus-Think I wanna make you mineTake a vow and dedicate my love to youYou are so simply irreplaceableIrreplaceableLove you till the end of timePromise I"ll be spending all my lifeJust making you happySo irreplaceable you"re all I needSo, so irreplaceableThis love is so, so irreplaceable(All I need)I can see the future as I fantasizeThere"s a baby boy with your pretty eyesAnd the little girl who makes the world of youBaby girl, you seeing it tooHook IIHad a vision ‘bout the river flowing meIn a clear blue skyOh my, the way you found meAnd wrapped around meAngel you answered my cryWith a view form insideWell it must in your eyesGod made you so beautifulWonderin" to the searchLonely think of itSearching for bestWith the comfort and your easeRefrainGirl this time there"s no mistakeYou got my heart bangingLike I lead a wayMore than just sensational you areIrreplaceable-Chorus-Think I wanna make you mineTake a vow and dedicate my love to youYou are so simply irreplaceableIrreplaceableLove you till the end of timePromise I"ll be spending all my lifeJust making you happySo irreplaceable you"re all I needAll I ever wanted was a girl like youSo take this ring and say I do (I do)Heaven must so blessedIt"s ‘cause of love so rareIt"s beautiful, it"s priceless, it"s beyond compare..All I ever wanted was a girl like youSo take this ring and say I do (I do)Heaven must so blessedIt"s ‘cause of love so rareIt"s beautiful, it"s priceless, it"s beyond compare..--Repeat chorus 2x—
2023-07-27 10:00:141


2023-07-27 10:00:132


网- 配词watashi no kawai ningyosuteki na kimono ki se ma shoukira kira kin no kan za shishiawase o a ge ruwatashi no kawai ningyokireina obi mo a ge ma shouakane no sango kazaatautsukushii obi yomegumi ooki yutakana kunihana ga afuremachi kado ni hora kikoeruyorokobi utau koe gawatashi no kawai ningyoyasashiku daite agemashoukurenai iro no kuchibiruase nai younimegumi ooki yutakana kunikaze wa soyogimachi kado ni kikoeru utatowani chikau shiawase otowani chikau shiawase o
2023-07-27 10:00:122


2023-07-27 10:00:071

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Zatox专辑:Hardstyle Vol. 22IrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 10:00:071


初一上英语期中考试卷 (一)听力部分(20分) 一、选择你所听到的字母组合。5% ( )1、A、CD B、EG C、DC D、GE ( )2、A、MN B、CN C、NC D、NM ( )3、A、EF B、BF C、FB D、FE ( )4、A、WX B、YZ C、ZY D、XW ( )5、A、FG B、XP C、GF D、PX ( )6、A、SU B、MQ C、US D、QM ( )7、A、BR B、PR C、RB D、RP ( )8、A、IV B、AC C、VI D、CA ( )9、A、GF B、GL C、GM D、GN ( )10、A、TV B、TE C、TY D、TO 二、选择你所听到的正确的答案。5% ( )1、A、I"m in Row. B、 I"m fourteen. C、Yes, I am. D 、My name is Gao Hui . ( )2、A、I"m in Class 2. B、I"m twelve. C、yes, it is. D、yes, I am . ( )3、A、I"m Wei Hua. B、I"m in class 1. C、I"m eleven. D、No, I"m not. ( )4、A、I"m in Grade 2. B、I"m in Class 2. C、I"m in Row 2. D、I"m in Number 2. ( )5、A、I"m in Row 6. B、Yes, I am. C、I"m here. D、I"m Li Lei. ( )6、A、It"s a bag. B、It"s here. C、This is a bag. D、It"s Jim. ( )7、A、How are you? B、I"m fine. C、Thank you. D、Hello. ( )8、A、It"s four. B、It"s two. C、It"s three. D、It"s one ( )9、A、Yes, I am. B、How do you do? C、My name is Gao Hui. D、How do you do? ( )10、A、This is “W”. B、It"s “W” C、It"s a pen. D、It"s here. 三、听对话补全对话:5% A: Hello! Nice to meet you. B: Hello! Are Li Lei? A: Yes, I . B: What class in? A: in class ,Grade! B:I"m in Grade 1 ,too .Are 10? A: No, .I"m Number 3. B: Thank you. 四、听短文后选择正确的答案,5% ( )1、A、My name is jim. B、My name is Bill. C、My name is Li Lei. D、My name is Han Meimei. ( )2、A、I"m in Class 1. B、I"m in Class 3. C、I"m in Class 2. D、I"m in Class 5. ( )3、A、I"m Number 4. B、I"m Number 3. C、I"m Number 12. D、I"m Number 13. ( )4、A、I"m in Row 1. B、I"m in Row 2. C、I"m in Row 3. D、I"m in Row 4. ( )5、A、I"m 12. B、I"m 13. C、I"m 14. D、I"m 15. 二、笔试部分(80分) 一、按要求写出下列英语字母的笔画笔顺。25% E(第一笔) ,F(第一笔) ,t(第二笔) ,H(第三笔) ,i(第二笔) 。 二、根据要求正确抄写字母:5% A、用大写字母正确抄写字母f,g,h,i,j B、用小写字母正确抄写字母:P,Q,R,S,T 三、英语26个字母中,有5个字母是二笔完成的,请把这5个字母用小写形式写出来。2.5% 四、通过母宫:5%(从A处入宫,按字母表顺序由Z处出宫,只能横走、竖走,不能斜走,你能在30秒内走出字母宫吗?请用笔将此路线在图上画出来) E D A B E F G H F E B C D E H J E D C H I J L K F E F G L K O L G H S R M L M N H I T Q P O N P K J U V W X Y Q L M O P Q R Z R 五、下列每组词中有3个单词的划线部分读音相同,只有一个例外,请把它选出来:5% ( )1、A、bag B、map C、thank D、class ( )2、A、no B、row C、one D、old ( )3、A、five B、bike C、fine D、English ( )4、A、desk B、yes C、eleven D、pencil ( )5、A、good B、book C、afternoon D、goodbey 六、选择正确的答案填空:5% ( )1、早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“ ”。 A、Hello! B 、How are you? C、Good morning,Mr /Miss…! D Good afternoon! ( )2、假设你叫Lin Lin。当人家问你“Are you Lin Lin?”时,你应该说:“ ” A、My name is Lin Lin. B、Yes,I"m. C、I am not. D、yes, it is . ( )3、当你要向别人打听某事时,你应说:“ ” A、Hello B、Sorry C、Excuse me D、Hi ( )4、当你向别人介绍你的朋友Jim时,你应说:“ ” A、This is Jim B、He is Jim C、You are Jim D、I am Jim ( )5、当你认错人时,你应说:“ ” A、Excuse me B、I"m Ok C、I"m sorry D、Thank you ( )6、How old you ? “I eleven. A、are are B、am are C、are am D、am is ( )7、 ? Fine, thank you . A、How do you do B、How old are you C、Can you spell it D、How are you ( )8、Excuse !Are Miss Han? A、I ,your B、×,you C、me, your D、me, you ( )9、Are you in ? A、Row 4 B、4 Row C、row 4 D、4 row ( )10、What class are you in ? I . A、am in class 2 B、in class 2 C、am in 2class D、in 2 class ( )11、Is this English car? No, it"s Chinese car. A、an, an B、a, an C、an, a D、a, a ( )12、Are those your pictures? Yes, . A、they"re B、they are C、those are D、it is ( )13、Is Lin Ping at school? ,I don"t know. A、Sorry B、Hello C、Excuse me D、Oh ( )14、Is your friend Chinese or English? . A、Yes, he is B、No, he is English C、He is Englis D、He"s Chinese or English ( )15、What"s your name? . A、That"s David B、This is David C、My name is David D、It"s David 七、用适当的词填空,使句子完整正确:10%(数字用英语填写) 1、“ 2 plus 4?” “ ” 2、 3 is 2. 3 is 2. 3、“What"s 8 plus ?” “ ” 4、15 is 3. 5、3 is 11. 八、将下列单词中划线部分的字母换成另一个字母,使其成为另一个单词:5% 1、how 2、ten 3、in 4、two 5、cat 九、情景会话,从所给的答词中选择正确的答案填入括号内:4% ( )1、Is your fried a boy or a girl? A、she"s at school. ( )2、Where is she? B、Han Meimei ( )3、How old are you? C、He is a boy. ( )4、Who"s not here today D、I"m fourteen. 十、连词组句:5%(注意大小写及标点符号) 1、English, that, an, is, car, 2、please, can, it, spell, you, 3、desk, not, is, my, it. 4、a, is, that, pencil, 5、cat, is, this, a, 十一、按要求完成下列各句:5% 1、It"s an old box.(改为一般疑问名) an old box? 2、It"s an English car.(改为复数形式) English . 3、These are rulers.( 用erasers改为选择疑问句) these rulers erasers? 4、I"m in Class 5.(划线部分提问) class in? 5、Li Lei is thirteen.(划线部分提问) is Li Lei? 十二、在空格中填入适当的字母,使横行、纵行都能组成一个英语单词:6% B P A E E O R A 十三、完形填空:5% This is a car. It ( 1 ) my car. That is a ( 2 ) ,too. It is your car. My car is ( 3 )Chinese car. It is a fine(好的)car. ( 4 )car is a Japanese car. It is ( 5 )fine car. ( )1、A、am B、is C、are D、be ( )2、A、bus B、bike C、car D、jeep ( )3、A、a B、an C、the D、/ ( )4、A、I B、My C、You D、Your ( )5、A、no a B、a no C、a not D、not a 十四、看图填词:5% A:Hello! B:My name . A:How are you? B:Fine, and you? ,too. My name is Kate. Nice to . What"s your name? 3What"s this in English? a . 初一下英语期中试卷 Class Name No (一)听力(20%) 一、听录音选择你所听到的单词或词组。5% ( )1、A、sock B、box C、son D、so ( )2、A、mend B、men C、name D、them ( )3、A、wrong B、long C、home D、room ( )4、A、bottle B、broken C、boat D、brown ( )5、A、could B、good C、book D、put ( )6、A、black B、bread C、back D、bed ( )7、A、boat B、bird C、bottle D、ball ( )8、A、on the desk B、in the desk C、under the desk D、behind the desk ( )9、A、look at B、look after C、look like D、look the same ( )10、A、something to do B、something to eat C、something to mend D、something to drink 二、听录音选择你所听到的句子5% ( )1、A、The old man is 55 years old. B、The old man is 65 years old. C、The old man is 75 years old. D、The old man is 45 years old. ( )2、A、How many is eight and eighteen? B、How many is eighty and eighteen? C、How many is eight and eighty? D、How many is eight and eight? ( )3、A、What"s the time? It"s 8∶15. B、What"s the time? It"s 8∶50 C、What"s the time? It"s 8∶55 D、What"s the time? It"s 8∶35 ( )4、A、Our room number is 1117. B、Our room number is 1170. C、Our room number is 2117. D、Our room number is 2170. ( )5、A、Let"s put these books in the box. B、Don"t put these books in the box. C、I want to put these books in the box. D、I can"t put these books in the box. 三、听录音补全对话。5% A∶Look the picture. Where is the pencil-box? Is it the desk? B∶Yes, it is . A∶What"s that the pencil-box? B∶It"s a pen. A∶Is the light the pencil-box? B∶Yes, it is. A∶Where"s the football? B∶ the desk. A∶Look, what is it? Is it yellow? B∶No, it"s black white. A∶Can you find the bag? B∶Oh, look, it"s the desk, Is it ? A∶No, it mine. It"s Li Lei"s. 四、听短文后,判断所给句子的正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”。5% ( )1、Mrs Black looks very old. ( )2、She doesn"t go to the school every day. ( )3、She can"t speak Chinese. ( )4、Mrs Black likes eating Chinese food. ( )5、Mrs Black has two sons. (二)笔记(80%) 一、单词拼写。选出合适的字母或字母组合,使前面的单词完整。5% ( )1、h p A、le B、el C、al D、la ( )2、l t A、igh B、gih C、ghi D、hig ( )3、c k A、olc B、col C、oll D、loc ( )4、k fe A、i B、ni C、ai D、nai ( )5、w m n A、u, e B、u, a C、o, a D、a, o 二、词形变换10% 1、houses(单数) 2、open(现在分词) 3、no(同音词) 4、knife(复数) 5、eat(现在分词) 6、hard(反义词) 7、do not(缩略式) 8、we(形容性物主代词) 9、he(宾格) 10、can(否定式) 三、用适当的代词填空。5% 1、That"s my schoolbag. Give to ,please. 2、A∶Oh, dear! I can"t find bike. B∶Don"t worry. I think I can help . Is that one over there ? 3、A∶Dad, we can"t carry this bag. It"s too heavy. could you come and help ?∶B∶Wait a minute. I can help carry it. 4、They are your new teachers. Please go and say “hello” to . 5、Bob is an English boy. father is all Brown. 四、选择填空。20% ( )1、There is orange in the basket. orange is very big. A、a, A B、an, An C、an, The D、a, The ( )2、 are Jim"s socks, the new ones or the old ones? A、What B、Whose C、Which D、What about ( )3、Is this your eraser? Put away, please. A、it B、them C、this D、one ( )4、He can"t put in the bag. It"s too full. A、all the thing B、all these things C、the all thing D、these all things ( )5、Kate and I doing homework now. A、am, their B、are, their C、is, our D、are, our ( )6、Are there empty cups on the table? A、some B、any C、an D、a ( )7、There a kite and two pictures on the wall. A、has B、is C、have D、be ( )8、The bottle is broken. Could I a good one? A、take B、carry C、put D、have ( )9、 “I don"t like the one on the desk” “ the one in the box?” A、Which B、Whose C、What about D、Where ( )10、 “Are there any boats in the river?” No, there aren"t A、one B、some C、any D、many ( )11、How many are there in the picture? A、childs B、bread C、women D、meats ( )12、Could I drink water? A、any B、some C、a D、an ( )13、There are on the table. A、two bag of rice B、two bags of rices C、two bag of rices D、two bags of rice ( )14、The twins are . They aren"t . A、swim, run B、swimming, run C、swim, running D、swimming, running ( )15、If you want to draw a straight line, you must use it. What is it? It"s a . A、pencil B、pen C、ruler D、knife ( )16、My father a new car. He it very much. A、have, like B、has, likes C、has, like D、have, likes ( )17、-Are you English or American? - . A、Yes, I am B、I"m American C、No, I"m not D、Yes, you are ( )18、It is day. The children are playing in the garden. A、fine B、the fine C、a fine D、an fine ( )19、Are you good at ? Yes, we are. A、swim B、swimming C、a swim D、play football ( )20、My plane is the tree. I can"t get it. A、in B、on C、under D、of 五、句型转换。10% 1、You can"t catch that bird.(改为否定祈使句) that bird. 2、There is some bread for her.(改为一般疑问句) bread for her? 3、I am doing my homework.(对划线部分提问) you ? 4、They are some young women.(改为单数形式) a young . 5、We can see six bags of rice in the car.(就划线部分提问) of rice you see in the car? 6、Give them some cakes, please.(改写句子,使句意不变) Please give some cakes . 7、She is a Chinese baby.(改为复数形式) are Chinese . 8、He can mend the broken bike.(改为否定句) He the broken bike. 9、The boys are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) the boys ? 10、They are jumping now?(改为一般疑问句) now? 六、补全对话。10% A∶There so many things in the supermarket. You want something? B∶Yes, I want eraser, two pencils and pencil-sharpener. A∶Look. There they . B∶Yes. But I don"t enough money with me. May I borrow some from ? A∶Certainly. Here 10 yuan. B∶Thanks . A∶You"re welcome. 七、完形填空。10% Comrade Liu is 1 teacher 2 English. He is not young, but he is not old, too. He 3 a round face hair. He is tall. 4 are fifty students in his class. They 5 him. Now it"s five in the afternoon. 6 , some students 7 in the classnom. Comrade Liu is there, too. He is helping 8 to study English. He is a good teacher 9 a good friend of 10 all, too. ( )1、A、a B、the C、an D、this ( )2、A、in B、with C、on D、of ( )3、A、is B、have C、has D、is having ( )4、A、Here B、There C、Those D、These ( )5、A、all like B、look like C、like all D、all look ( )6、A、See B、Look C、Watch D、Look at ( )7、A、work B、working C、are working D、are work ( )8、A、they B、their C、theirs D、them ( )9、A、and B、but C、then D、or ( )10、A、they B、them C、their D、theirs 八、阅读理解。10% (A) Luck and Kate are English girls. They are twins. They are studying Chinese in BeiJing now. They are in Miss Gao"s class. In their class, there are fifty-two students. There are twenty-eight boys and twenty-four girls. Where are the twins? Look, they are sitting near the door of the classnom. Lucy is wearing a red coat. Kate is wearing a yellow sweater. They are having a Chinese class. They like Chinese. 根据短文内容判断正误。对的在括号里打“√”,错的打“×”。 ( )1、The two girls are twins. They are in a school of China. ( )2、Lucy and Kate are in the same class. ( )3、Lucy is in a yellow sweater. ( )4、Now they are studying Chinese in the classnom. ( )5、There are twenty-eight girls in their class. (B) Jim"s Family It"s nine o"clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim"s father is sitting in a chair. He"s watching TV. His mother is standing near the window. She"s giving some food to Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where"s Jim? Oh, he"s behind the door. Kate is looking for him. They are playing games. They is no homework on Sunday evening. 根据短文选择正确的答案。 ( )1、There are people in the family. A、three B、four C、five D、six ( )2、Who is watching TV in a chair? . A、Jim is B、It"s Jim C、Jim"s father is D、It"s Jim"s father ( )3、Jim and Kate are . A、good friends B、two girls C、two boys D、brothers and sisters ( )4、The children doing their homework. A、aren"t B、isn"t C、don"t D、not ( )5、What"s Kate doing? A、She"s doing her homework. B、She"s standing near the window. C、She"s looking for a pen. D、She"s playing games. 只可惜没有答案....
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