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2023-07-29 00:42:04

u3000u3000For astronauts, returning from the Moon wasnu2019t a simple matter of splashing down, handing NASA the lunar samples and material, and going home.

u3000u3000In 1969, the Moon was still unknown enough that scientists worried there might be some scary Moon germs up there that astronauts would bring back with them, possibly infecting and wiping out the human race. So NASA put everything that came back from the Moon—from rocks to hardware to men—in quarantine, and ran tests to make sure they were safe for reintegration into society. There were no exceptions.

u3000u3000The Apollo 12 crew after splashdown. Image: NASA

u3000u3000For the crew of Apollo 12, who splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on November 24, 1969, this forced quarantine meant they had to spend that Thanksgiving in a trailer.

u3000u3000An Apollo-era quarantine trailer, via

u3000u3000NASA wanted characterize everything that came back from the Moon to see whether or not sample had any ability to stimulate biological activity. The agency biocharacterized small representative samples of all incoming material looking for agents that could infect or prove to be toxic to plants, men, and other animals. Samples went through a 30-day test period at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at the Johnson Spaceflight Center, and when everything passed the material was distributed to scientific research centers, dignitaries, and storage units within NASA.

u3000u3000A 30-day holding period is fine when youu2019re a piece of Moon rocks, but for astronauts the quarantine period had a bit of a bigger effect. The procedure for men was a little different. Biocharacterization tests were replaced with thorough medical exams to make sure they hadnu2019t brought anything strange home with them, and the safety measures started as soon as they left the spacecraft. Each astronaut had to don a Biological Isolation Garment, a specially designed suit that prevented the spread of any alien organisms, right after splashdown. They couldnu2019t take them off until they were safely in the Mobile Quarantine Facility.

u3000u3000The Apollo 11 crew in their Biological Isolation Garments, via NASA

u3000u3000A converted Airstream trailer, the Mobile Quarantine Facility was sort of a fancy containment cell. It had living and sleeping quarters, a kitchen, and a bathroom u2013 basically all the things a three men could need without coming into contact with anyone. The air pressure inside the trailer was kept lower than the outside pressure, and the air leaving the trailer was filtered as it was vented out. This careful monitoring of air ensured they astronauts were in a true quarantine for the duration of their stay.

u3000u3000Apollo crews entered the Mobile Quarantine Facility once they boarded the recovery carrier and went through a physical exam. They stayed inside for 21 days, including when the trailer was transferred, by air, to Ellington Air Force Base.

u3000u3000The astronauts" wives outside the MQF. Via NASA

u3000u3000Four Mobile Quarantine Facility trailers were built and delivered to NASA in early 1969. Three housed the crews of the first three lunar missions but the fourth was never used. After the first three lunar missions returned, NASA was satisfied that the Moon was indeed barren of life and the extraordinary astronaut quarantine measures were dropped after Apollo 14.

u3000u3000The Apollo 12 crew in the MQF after splashdown, via NASA

u3000u3000After the Apollo 12 crew splashed down on November 24, they spent four days aboard the USS Hornet in quarantine. Thanksgiving that year was on the 27th, which meant the crew was in their specially converted Airstream trailer on an aircraft carrier for the holiday, and for President Nixonu2019s visit. But quarantine didnu2019t mean they had to eat the prepackaged meals like theyu2019d taken to the Moon. They sat down that Thursday evening to a dinner of turkey with cranberry sauce and a choice of cherry or pecan pie before settling in to watch “Good-by Columbus.”

u3000u3000Quite frankly, that doesnu2019t sound too bad. In my small apartment, my Thanksgiving might be pretty similar.



n.检疫期,隔离期;检疫所,隔离所;四十天的时间 vt.对…进行检疫;隔离 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-27 13:38:513


quarantine,读音:英[u02c8kwu0252ru0259ntiu02d0n],美[u02c8kwu0254u02d0ru0259ntiu02d0n]。释义:n.隔离;检疫期间;封锁交通;四十天。vt.检疫;停止交涉。vi.检疫。例句:The foreigner was quarantined for a week.这位外国人被检疫隔离了一周。变形:过去式quarantined,过去分词quarantined,现在分词quarantining,第三人称单数quarantines。短语:quarantine station检疫站quarantine period检疫期quarantine area检疫隔离地带animal quarantine动物检疫quarantine officer交通检疫员quarantine的近义词isolation读音:英[u02ccau026asu0259u02c8leu026au0283n],美[u02ccau026asu0259u02c8leu026au0283n]。释义:n. 隔离,分离;孤立,孤独,孤寂,孤立无援;脱离;〈物〉隔绝,绝缘;〈化〉离析(作用);孤立状态。例句:This patient needs to be in isolation for a week.这个病人要隔离1周。短语:isolation period隔离期air isolation空气绝缘isolation ward [医]隔离病房seasonal isolation季节隔离psychological isolation心理隔离protective isolation隔离式防护
2023-07-27 13:38:581


quarantine的常见释义为隔离检疫期。quarantine作为名词解释为,检疫隔离期、隔离、检疫、检疫区、隔离区,作为动词解释为,对(动物或人)进行检疫隔离,quarantine的过去式为quarantined,quarantine的过去分词为quarantined,quarantine的现在分词为quarantining,quarantine的第三人称单数为quarantines。参考例句为The foreigner was quarantined for a week,这句话可以理解为,这位外国人被检疫隔离了一周”,参考例句第二条为The quarantine will end this month,这句话可以理解为隔离期将于这个月结束,希望这些解释对你有帮助。
2023-07-27 13:39:181


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2023-07-27 13:39:4612

隔离 英文

隔离英文如下:隔离的英文就是quarantine。假如你因为某个传染病,比方说新冠肺炎,所以需要被隔离,这里隔离的英文单字就是quarantine,quarantine就是隔离检疫的意思。很多人可能会跟isolation搞混,isolation是隔绝的意思,而隔离检疫则要用quarantine这个英文单字。下面整理了「隔离」的相关英文说法与英文例句1. quarantine 隔离检疫(名词)隔离检疫的英文单字叫做quarantine,quarantine是指你为了怕某个动物或人因为疾病而传染给别人,所以需要隔离检疫。假如你要说某个人或动物被隔离检疫,你可以说in quarantine。例:The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days. 猴子被隔离检疫31天。2.quarantine 隔离 (动词)另外,quarantine 也可以当成动词用,同样是隔离的意思。例:You wouldn"t quarantine cancer patients, would you? 您不会隔离癌症患者,对吗?
2023-07-27 13:40:321


隔离的英语是quarantine。1、quarantinequarantine/kwu0254ru0259n"tin/,是指检疫隔离期;隔离;检疫;检疫区,隔离区,通常是对(动物或人)进行检疫隔离。对疑似的人进行隔离我们可以用quarantinen。Self-quarantinen自主在家隔离。例句:People with highly contagious diseases should be quarantined.患有高传染性疾病的人应该被隔离。2、isolationisolation是指隔离;孤立;指电的绝缘;化学中的离析,也常用于孤立。但更重指心理上的孤立。例句:I"m isolation by my classmates.我被同学们孤立了。3、segregatesegregate和quarantine一样都可用于人与人之间的隔离。它有使隔离;使分开;使分离;对…实行隔离;熔析;偏析;分离的意思。多指种族上的隔离。这里有一个常用的句式:to segregate sb/sth into sb/sth把某人/某物分隔为某人/某物。例句:We must do more to break the barriers which segregate people with disabilities,in many cases forcing them to the margins of society.我们必须在打破隔离残疾人群的障碍做出更多。在许多场合中,这些障碍将他们逼到了社会的边缘。4、insulateinsulate的意思是隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热,通常用于将某物与某物隔开。多用于气体,液体,声音(摸不到)的隔离。例句:As soon as that bitter air hits your face,your body will try to insulate itself by moving blood away from the skin and outer extremities,such as fingers and toes,and toward its core.刺骨的空气一旦触及你的脸,你的身体就会移动皮肤和手指脚趾这些远离中心的四肢的血液,向中心转移,以此隔离冷空气。
2023-07-27 13:41:001


quarantine和isolation区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同quarantinen. 检疫期间;封锁交通;四十天。vt. 检疫;停止交涉。vi. 检疫isolationn. 隔离;孤立二、用法不同quarantinequarantine是从意大利语进入英语的,最初的来源是罗马的拉丁语,和表示"四分之一”的quarter来源相同。Quarantine的原本含义, 是指“40天”。He had been kept in quarantine for a week.他接受了一星期的检疫隔离。isolationIsolation也是来源于拉丁语,原意是"岛屿”,岛屿在海洋中的孤立,来比喻“隔离”这种无法和他人接触的状态。He was put in an isolation ward.他住进了隔离病房。三、侧重点不同quarantine名词含有隔离的意思,对人员或动物,在一定时期内,禁与其人员或动物接触,目的是为了防止疾病的传染扩散。quarantine可以用作动词,通常是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,更多时候,quarantine是以名词形式使用。isolation和quarantine相比,isolation的 “隔离”要更加严格,通常称为medical isolation,接受这种“隔离”的人,需要呆在专用的“隔离”病房、isolation ward,传门的医务人员看护照顾。
2023-07-27 13:41:321


quarantine 中文意思 是指「隔离」的意思,quarantine就是隔离检疫的意思。很多人可能会跟isolation搞混,isolation是隔绝的意思,而隔离检疫则要用quarantine这个英文单字。 下面列举出quarantine的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.quarantine 隔离检疫 隔离检疫的英文单字叫做quarantine,quarantine是指你为了怕某个动物或人因为疾病而传染给别人,所以需要隔离检疫。 quarantine相关英文例句跟中文意思: 例:You wouldn"t quarantine cancer patients, would you? 您不会隔离癌症患者,对吗? 例:The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days. 猴子被隔离检疫31天。 quarantine, quarantine 中文, quarantine 中文意思, quarantine 意思, quarantine 用法, quarantine 翻译
2023-07-27 13:41:581


隔离英语为什么是quarantine:在家里进行的14天“隔离”,在英语中一般称为quarantine。quarantine这个单词源自quarantena,中文意思就是“40天”,而这个用法还要从欧洲的一场瘟疫说起。在14世纪中期,黑死病(The Black Death)在欧洲爆发蔓延,致死率极高,席卷了欧洲近三分之一的人口。于是后来,威尼斯决定实施一些防疫措施,即强制要求所有来自疫区的船只必须在港口外停泊40天才能靠岸。而这段隔离期在意大利语中就称作quarantena giorni(space of forty days)。后来,人们就用period of quarantine表示“隔离期”的意思,而quarantine也就成了“隔离”的意思。词典中的定义是:A period of time when an animal or a person that has or may have a disease is kept away from others in order to prevent the disease from spreading对人员或动物,在一定时期内,禁止其与其它人员或动物接触,目的是为了防止疾病的传染扩散。
2023-07-27 13:42:061

Quarantine 、Terminate分别什么意思?

2023-07-27 13:42:362


您好,很高兴为您解答: 该文件夹是McAfee的隔离区,不是病毒库哦。
2023-07-27 13:42:452


2023-07-27 13:42:542

rex goudie的《Quarantine》 歌词

歌曲名:Quarantine歌手:rex goudie专辑:One Hundred Pages Later〖Quarantine〗〖Rex Goudie〗〖One Hundred Pages Later〗Well i"m digging through my history the bad timesIt"s crystal clear that you were there for every single onePicking up the pieces in my spare timeIt"s crystal clear that i"m the dick that"s fooling everyoneWish you could see me nowWish you could see me nowCause" i"ve been quarantinedNice and clean beneath the rubbleOh i"ve been quarantinedAs a child i settled on the wrong side of everythingI learned about life and loveEvery time i felt a push from your sideYou"d call upon your friends and start a fightI"m so much better nowWish you could see me nowBecause" i"ve been quarantinedNice and clean beneath the rubbleOh i"ve been quarantinedThey scrubbed me clean of all this troubleOh i"ve been yes i"ve beenI wish that you could see me nowI wish your friends could hear me nowI wish that you could see me nowI wishBecause" i"ve been quarantinedNice and clean beneath the rubbleOh i"ve been quarantinedThey scrubbed me clean of all this troubleOh i"ve been quarantinedNice and clean beneath the rubbleQuarantineQuarantineNice and cleanQuarantineQuarantineThe End
2023-07-27 13:43:011


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2023-07-27 13:43:171


这是杀毒软件用来隔离病毒文件或感染病毒文件的文件夹,可以如果系统运行正常,可以删除这个文件夹里面的内容,只是可能需要在PE工具箱里面删除,或者安装unlocker 全部解锁并删除。或者,先卸载杀毒软件,然后删除这个文件夹,然后重装杀软。
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2023-07-27 13:43:521


“商品进出口检验检疫局” 缩写为CCIQ(以前“商检局” 缩为CCIB)全写为:Entry-exit Inspection & Quarantine of the People"s Republic of China(CCIQ可写为:China"s Commodity Inspection & Quarantine)
2023-07-27 13:44:002


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2023-07-27 13:44:241

泰国sha plus和alternative quarantine 酒店有什么区别

泰国sha plus是泰国一家酒店,而alternative quarantine是指泰国的隔离酒店。Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ):替代性自费隔离; Alternative Local Quarantine (ALQ):替代性本地隔离。
2023-07-27 13:44:331


居家隔离英语是:home quarantine。有关的造句如下:1、Globalquarantine would work in theory, but if just one person evaded it the disease would be free to spread again.(这样就在理论上形成了全球性的免疫系统,但是如果有一个人走了出来,病菌就会马上散播开来。)2、She was sent home and put inquarantine.(她被送回家实施隔离。)3、The dog was kept inquarantine for six months.(这条狗被检疫隔离了六个月。)4、Third, further enhance entry-exit health inspection andquarantine measures based upon the epidemic situation development.(加严检疫措施,进一步加大口岸疫病防控力度。)
2023-07-27 13:44:501

C:ProgramDataSymantecSRTSPQuarantine 发现木马

2023-07-27 13:45:165


《隔离区》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:78nb导演: 约翰·埃里克·道达尔编剧: 约翰·埃里克·道达尔 / 德鲁·道达尔 / 豪梅·巴拉格罗 / 路易索·贝尔德霍 / 帕科·普拉萨主演: 詹妮弗·卡朋特 / 史蒂夫·哈里斯 / 杰伊·埃尔南德斯 / 乔纳森·斯卡奇 / 哥伦布·绍特 / 安德鲁·费斯切拉 / 拉德·舍博德兹加 / 格雷格·格曼 / 伯纳德·怀特 / 丹妮亚·拉米雷兹 / Elaine Kagan / 玛琳·辛科 / 乔伊·金 / Jermaine Jackson / Sharon Ferguson / 丹尼斯·欧哈拉 / 巴里·西吉斯蒙蒂 / Rosine "Ace" Hatem / 简·帕克·史密斯 / 道格·琼斯 / John Meier / Troy Gilbert / 罗伯特·霍尔 / 本杰明·斯托克汉 / 迈克尔·海兰德 / 乔·弗里亚类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国 / 西班牙语言: 英语上映日期: 2008-10-10片长: 89 分钟又名: Quarantined / Rec / 致命隔离区 / 死亡直播电视台女主播安吉拉(珍妮弗u2022卡彭特 Jennifer Carpenter 饰)第一次出镜有些紧张,因为她要参加一个在洛杉矶某消防局与队员共度夜晚的节目。安吉拉性格热情开朗,所以逐渐融入了这个团队,她不但了解了每个人的个性,而且还迅速成为了他们的开心果。然而,突然接到911的报警电话,安吉拉随这群消防队员来到了出事地点。在这座阴森可怖的大楼里,不时传出女人凄厉的尖叫,当地警方已经封锁了大楼,消防队员试图疏散被困人群,却无意中身陷困境。在隔离的区域,一个女人不知感染什么病毒,残忍地伤害了许多人。眼看着消防队员惨遭不幸,自身难保的安吉拉被逼上了绝路。
2023-07-27 13:45:441


2023-07-27 13:46:041

Eset 的隔离文件夹Quarantine可以从系统盘移到其他盘吗?

2.7可以设置3.0 4.0不可以,但你可以在高级显示模式下的工具》隔离 选中隔离的文件 右击移除(即删除)即可!
2023-07-27 13:46:133


C.I.Q.是Custom(海关)、Immigration(出入境)、 Quarantine(检疫)的略称。是通过机场或港口等出入境时,将通常进行的检查细分化的意思。所有国际机场与港口都设有 C.I.Q.地区。在C.I.Q.进行的检查业务,根据国家的不同会稍有差异,但大致都以上述三项(Custom(海关)、Immigration(出入境)、 Quarantine(检疫))为中心。 出入境检查(Immigration)中最基本的是出境许可证即护照,船员手册或旅行证明书等可代替护照使用。国外入境的情况,需要另外的入境签证即VISA,VISA一般印在护照上。但如果与相应的国家签署了免签证协定的情况就无需办理VISA。 海关申报(Custom)时,需提交携带物品搬运申报书与再搬运条件暂时搬入物品申报书等文件。还有,需接受查阅是否所持规定以上的货币、携带禁止搬运的物品、携带征税对象物品等。 检疫(Quarantine)主要是以入境者为对象,大致分为植物检疫与动物检疫。植物检疫范围包括从果实、蔬菜类、谷类到种子类、苗木、木材,植物检疫是为了阻断可能危害到本国国内植物生态界的害虫或微生物等的搬运的措施。动物检疫的范围包括从狗、猫、鸟类等可能乘机的宠物到马、牛、观赏用动物与废尸体、动物皮、卵等,动物检疫是为了防止向人类与家畜传染致命的病原体。
2023-07-27 13:46:261


隔离 英文 应该怎么说呢?假如你因为某个传染病,比方说新冠肺炎,所以需要被隔离,这里隔离的英文单字就是quarantine,quarantine就是隔离检疫的意思。很多人可能会跟isolation搞混,isolation是隔绝的意思,而隔离检疫则要用quarantine这个英文单字。 下面整理了「隔离」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. quarantine 隔离检疫(名词) 隔离检疫的英文单字叫做quarantine,quarantine是指你为了怕某个动物或人因为疾病而传染给别人,所以需要隔离检疫。 假如你要说某个人或动物被隔离检疫,你可以说in quarantine。 例:The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days. 猴子被隔离检疫31天。 2.quarantine 隔离 (动词) 另外,quarantine 也可以当成动词用,同样是隔离的意思。 例:You wouldn"t quarantine cancer patients, would you? 您不会隔离癌症患者,对吗? 英文 隔离, 隔离 英文, 隔离 英文怎么说, 隔离 英文说法, 隔离检疫 英文, 隔离检疫 英文怎么说, 隔离检疫的英文, 隔离的英文
2023-07-27 13:47:091


隔离的英文就是quarantine。假如你因为某个传染病,比方说新冠肺炎,所以需要被隔离,这里隔离的英文单字就是quarantine,quarantine就是隔离检疫的意思。很多人可能会跟isolation搞混,isolation是隔绝的意思,而隔离检疫则要用quarantine这个英文单字。下面整理了「隔离」的相关英文说法与英文例句1. quarantine 隔离检疫(名词)隔离检疫的英文单字叫做quarantine,quarantine是指你为了怕某个动物或人因为疾病而传染给别人,所以需要隔离检疫。假如你要说某个人或动物被隔离检疫,你可以说in quarantine。例:The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days. 猴子被隔离检疫31天。2.quarantine 隔离 (动词)另外,quarantine 也可以当成动词用,同样是隔离的意思。例:You wouldn"t quarantine cancer patients, would you? 您不会隔离癌症患者,对吗?
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2023-07-27 13:48:081


  可能是AUSTRALIA,CANADA等国家需要的包装的DECLEARATION  如下:  1. Has straw packing  been used in this shipment. No  2. Has Timber packing been used in this  shipment. Yes ( timber packing includes palletts , skids,crates etc.)  3.If timber packing has been used is it free from bark. Yes  4.No sealed plastic has been used in the container above  5.plastic has been holed /penetrated or left open for quarantine purposesCleanliness DeclerationI declare that the contents are clean and are free from material of plant or animal  origin.
2023-07-27 13:48:341


新入手的苹果电脑macbook再安装第三方软件的时候偶尔会碰见打开软件的时候遇见【已损坏,打不开。您应该将它移到废纸娄】,这个时候怎么解决? 解决教程: 1、这个问题,一般不是程序安装包的问题。先打开【系统偏好设置】中,再打开【安全性与隐私】。 2、先点击在下方【锁】进行解锁,输入开机密码进行解锁。 3、打开终端(终端一般在 其他 这个文件夹里面,打开【Launchpad】或者【应用程序】文件夹就可以看见)。 4、输入: sudo spctl --master-disable (复制粘贴进去),再按下【回车键】。 5、然后输入电脑密码(密码输入是看不见的,无视继续输入),然后再回到【系统偏好设置】设置。如果还没有出现,重新启动下Mac。 6、开启【任何来源】完成。 7、回到【系统偏好设置】,设置为【任何来源】即可完成。 Mac OS 10.15 打开软件提示【 已损坏,打不开。您应该将它移到废纸篓】解决方法: 使用 Mac OS 10.15,会出现【打不开“XXX”,因为它来着身份不明的开发者。】遇到这种问题应该怎么办呢? 2、打开终端,输入: sudo xattr -r -d ,然后命令后面输入个空格。(注意:命令后面输入一个空格) 3、命令粘贴后,把应用程序里面的APP拖拽到命令后面回车,输入开机密码,密码不会显示,回车即可搞定,(如果您安装别的软件提示损坏亦可如此操作)。 4、完成后,APP 会自动运行。
2023-07-27 13:48:441


"C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindows DefenderQuarantine"
2023-07-27 13:48:526

英国宣布对西班牙实行入境隔离 西班牙称本国仍然安全

由于西班牙近期新冠疫情出现反弹趋势,英国 *** 7月25日突然决定,当天午夜开始,将西班牙移出入境免隔离国家和地区名单。对此,西班牙随后发布消息称,西班牙新冠疫情目前处于可控状态,仍然是个安全的国家。 Britain abruptly imposed a o-week quarantine on all travellers arriving from Spain after a surge of coronavirus cases a dramatic and sudden reversal on Saturday to the opening of the European continent to touri *** after months of lockdown. 在西班牙新冠肺炎病例激增后,上周六(7月25日),英国突然宣布对所有从西班牙入境的旅客实施为期两周的隔离。经过数月的封锁,英国对欧洲大陆开放旅游业的政策出现了戏剧性的突然逆转。 The quarantine requirement takes effect from midnight (2300 GMT on Saturday) making it almost impossible for travellers to avoid it by rushing home. 隔离要求从午夜开始生效(格林威治标准时间7月25日晚11时),使得旅客几乎不可能匆忙赶回家来避开这一要求。 The British foreign ministry also advised against all but essential travel to mainland Spain a move likely to prompt tour operators to cancel package holidays and trigger claims against insurers. 英国外交部还建议,除非必要,不要前往西班牙大陆旅行,此举可能会促使旅游运营商取消旅游套餐,并引发针对保险公司的索赔。 Europe"s biggest travel pany TUI said it was cancelling all departures on Sunday to Spain from the United Kingdom and was urgently reviewing future flights. 欧洲最大的旅游公司途易表示,将取消周日(7月26日)所有从英国飞往西班牙的航班,并紧急评估未来的航班。 “We"re incredibly disappointed that we didn"t get more notice of this announcement or that this decision wasn"t made yesterday as many Brits travel on holiday at the weekend ” said TUI"s UK managing director Andrew Flintham. 途易英国总经理安德鲁·弗林特汉姆说:“我们对该公告没有得到更多通知,而且该决定也没有在昨天做出,我们感到非常失望,因为很多英国人周末都在度假。” EasyJet and British Airways said they did not plan to cancel flights over the ing days. 易捷航空和英国航空表示,并未计划取消未来几天的航班。 Spain"s Canary and Balearic Islands are not covered by the advice to avoid travel to the mainland but holidaymakers returning to Britain from the islands will still be subject to quarantine on return. 西班牙的加那利羣岛和巴利阿里羣岛不在非必要不出行的建议范围内,但从这些岛屿返回英国的度假者在返回时仍需接受隔离。 Britain"s government urged employers to be “understanding” towards staff who are unable to return to work for o weeks after ing back from holiday. 英国 *** 敦促雇主要“体谅”那些休假归来两周后才能返工的员工。 Transport minister Grant Shapps himself will be subject to quarantine after a spoke *** an confirmed that he is currently on holiday in Spain. 交通部长格兰特·沙普斯本人也将接受隔离,此前一位发言人证实他目前正在西班牙度假。 The British move followed steps last week by other European countries. On Friday Norway said it would re-impose a 10-day quarantine requirement for people arriving from Spain while France advised people not to travel to Spain"s northeastern region of Catalonia. 上周,其他欧洲国家也采取了类似行动。上周五(7月24日),挪威表示,将对来自西班牙的旅客重新实施10天隔离,而法国则建议人们不要前往西班牙东北部的加泰罗尼亚地区。 But the total collapse of touri *** from Britain would have far more impact. Britons made up more than 20% of foreign visitors to Spain last year the largest group by nationality. Touri *** normally accounts for 12% of Spain"s economy. 但来自英国游客的急剧减少将产生更大的影响。去年到西班牙旅游的外国游客中,英国人占了20%以上,是到访人数最多的外籍游客羣体。旅游业通常占西班牙经济的12%。 Spain had been on a list of countries that the British government had said were safe for travellers to visit - meaning tourists returning home would not have to go into quarantine. 西班牙曾被英国 *** 列入游客可以安全前往的国家名单,这意味着游客回国后不必进行隔离。 The announcement of such lists just weeks ago had allowed Europe"s touri *** sector to begin to revive after the near total shut-down prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 在新冠肺炎疫情导致欧洲旅游业几近全面关闭后,几周前这类名单的公布才让欧洲旅游业开始复苏。 Pedestrians wear face masks in Barcelona Spain. XINHUA 西班牙回应英国隔离政策:疫情可控、仍然安全 Spain is safe for tourists and Spaniards the government insisted on Sunday after Britain abruptly imposed a o-week coronavirus quarantine on travelers returning from there a decision that filled holidaymakers with di *** ay. 西班牙 *** 周日(7月26日)坚称,西班牙对游客和本国民众来说是安全的。此前,英国突然宣布对从西班牙回国的旅客实施为期两周隔离,这一决定让度假者感到沮丧。 The UK move could deal a hard blow to efforts to restart the Mediterranean country"s economy after months of lockdown. 在数月的封锁后,英国 *** 此举可能会对这个地中海国家重启经济的努力造成沉重打击。 “Spain is safe it is safe for Spaniards it is safe for tourists ” Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya told reporters. 西班牙外交部长阿拉查·冈萨雷斯·拉亚告诉记者说:“对西班牙人和游客来说,西班牙都是一个安全的国家。” The Spanish government will focus its efforts on trying to persuade Britain to exclude the Balearic and Canary islands from the quarantine measure she said adding that the prevalence of the virus in those popular travel destinations was much lower than in the United Kingdom. 她说,西班牙 *** 将努力说服英国将巴利阿里羣岛和加那利羣岛排除在隔离措施之外,并补充说,这些热门旅游目的地的病毒感染率远低于英国。 Spain has seen COVID-19 cases rise in the last few weeks and Britain announced late on Saturday it was taking the country off a safe-travel list. The quarantine took effect hours later. 过去几周,西班牙的新冠肺炎病例有所增加,英国周六(7月25日)晚些时候宣布将西班牙从安全旅行名单中删除。隔离措施在几小时后生效。 The measure upset the plans of many people either on holiday or planning to take one and caused more disruption for airlines and tour panies. 这一举措打乱了许多旅行者和计划休假的人的安排,给航空公司和旅游公司造成了更大的干扰。 While Gonzalez Laya avoided directly criticizing the UK move British tourists traveling in Spain were more blunt. 虽然冈萨雷斯·拉亚没有直接批评英国的举措,但在西班牙旅游的英国游客却更加直言不讳。 “It"s a bit crazy considering the restrictions in place in Spain already are really good with the masks with disinfecting everything with hand wash in the shops. That"s better than what we have in London ” Rich Lambert a munications officer said at Barcelona"s airport. “这有点疯狂,因为西班牙的限制措施已经很好了,人们戴口罩,勤消毒,商店里还有洗手液。这比我们在伦敦的情况好”,通信官员里奇·兰伯特在巴塞罗那机场说。 “This is ridiculous. There are almost no cases here and there"s a far higher chance of contracting it when I get back to Britain ” said John Snelling 50 from Stratford-upon-Avon who was on holiday in Menorca. 来自埃文河畔斯特拉特福德、正在梅诺卡岛度假的50岁的约翰·斯奈林说:“这太荒谬了。 这里几乎没有病例,但我回到英国后感染的机率要高得多。” 【西班牙新冠疫情最新数据】 据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学最新数据显示,截至北京时间7月27日8时34分许,西班牙新冠确诊病例累计超27万例,累计死亡超2.8万例。
2023-07-27 13:49:061


2023-07-27 13:49:131


2023-07-27 13:49:212

sudo xattr -r -d

macOS 10.15应用及插件安装出现移到废纸篓时使用这个命令
2023-07-27 13:49:291


2023-07-27 13:49:471

be released from quarantine是什么意思?

be released from quarantine从检疫期释放
2023-07-27 13:50:021


如果是8.5后的版本有隔离管理器的,你可以去那儿找回,也可以找一下QUARANTINE这个文件夹里是否有隔离文件,扩展名为VIR(要用的改回来就可以了)现在的版本都有隔离管理器的。右键任务栏麦咖啡图标选择virusscan控制台,在新打开的窗口右键单击Quarantine Manager策略选择属性——在新打开的Quarantine Manager策略窗口,单击管理器选项卡,你就会看到删除和隔离的文件,右键选择属性,在打开窗口看隔离项目的详细信息,找到你的那个文件,然后关闭隔离项目详细信息,然后在管理器中右键单击隔离的那个文件的那一项,选择还原,提示还原隔离项目窗口,单击是,然后单击应用确定即可还原。如果想阻止,你可以将这个文件添加到信任,一、打开控制台--按访问程序扫描--所有进程--检测项--排除项--添加要排的除程序或者程序所在的文件夹--进行设置,读写时都要排除。二、打开控制台--完全扫描--检测--添加排除项--添加要排除的程序或者程序所在的文件夹--进行设置,读写时都排除。排除时,“同时排除子文件夹”也要打钩,否则会不成功。按照以上方法设置后即可在麦咖啡(McAfee) 添加信任区或程序。
2023-07-27 13:50:091

赛门铁克 名为 quarantine praperties 文件夹特大170G 里面都是.vbn的文件 可以删掉么删掉系统会蹦么??

2023-07-27 13:50:171


动物实验室:Animal Laboratory 更衣间:The locker room 检疫隔离室:Quarantine room缓冲间:The buffer room 饲养间:The feeding rooms 微生物实验室:Microbiology Laboratory一更:A more 二更:Two more 缓冲间:The buffer room 无菌检查实验室:The sterility test laboratory 微生物限度检查实验室:Microbial limit test laboratory 阳性菌实验室 :The positive bacteria in laboratory 培养间:Culture room 洁具间:Sanitary ware room 洁净物品存放间 :Clean goods storage room
2023-07-27 13:50:251


Animal examination quarantinePlant examination quarantine
2023-07-27 13:50:333