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get off和get out of的区别

2023-07-29 01:04:07
TAG: out et ge get off
get out of有逃避,摆脱,改掉,从……出去的意思;
get off有下车,离开,脱下(衣服),开始的意思。
get me out of here.
I told you,Get off my home!


  get off:

  get off意为“下(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。该句的时态为一般过去时,所以get off“下车”用的是一般过去时态的got off;rush“冲”也是用其一般过去时态。冉老师着重提一下,该句是and连接的"两个并列句,这个男子下车的瞬间就冲向了那扇门,动作基本上是一瞬间发生的,所以都用的是一般过去时,这里不需要过去完成时来表示动作的间隔性。

  get out off:

  get out off意为“从(小汽车、出租车、直升机、电梯等上下来)”。该句的时态为一般过去时,且and连接的两个动作几乎同时发生,所以前后时态一样。ran的动词原形为run“跑。”

  get off的例句:

  You need a material with plenty of stretch in it.


  Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.


  I need a job that will stretch me.


  get out of的例句:

  Let"s get out of here.


  Get out of my way! I"m in a hurry.


  You ought to get out of the house more.



get off读音什么意思中文翻译

get 0ff读音什么意思中文翻译
2023-07-27 14:38:485

请问get off是什么意思

下(车、马等); 离开; 发出; (使)入睡
2023-07-27 14:39:175

get off什么意思

英[ɡet u0254f] 美[ɡu025bt u0254f] [词典] 离开; 下(车、马等); 发出; (使) 入睡; [例句]He is likely to get off with a small fine.他可能会逃脱严惩,仅仅罚一点钱了事。
2023-07-27 14:39:501


GETOFF 看看-----------get off1. (从…)下来,(从…)下去:That roof is dangerous, do get off.那房顶太危险,千万要下来。2. (使)下车,(使)下马:Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop.劳驾,我必须在下一站下车。3. (使)离开某地:That grass is newly seeded, please get off!那片草地是新种下的,请走开!4. (使)离开;(使)动身:We have to get off early tomorrow.我们明天一早必须动身。5. (赛跑、赛马等)起跑,出发;(飞机)起飞;(赛艇)划出:The runners have got off and the long race has begun.运动员已经出发,长跑开始了。6. (从…)脱下(衣服等);拿开(某物):Her finger had swollen so much that she couldn"t get her ring off.她的手指肿得很厉害,连戒指都取不下来了。7. 弄干净,清除(斑点、污垢、痕迹等):I couldn"t get the coffee stains off your shirt.我洗不掉你衬衫上的咖啡污渍。8. 【航海学】(从沉船中)救起:The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank.最后三位水手刚刚被救起后,船就沉没了。9. (使)寄出(或发出);出版;发行:We plan to get off 20,000 copies of the book.我们计划发行2万册书。10. [口语](使)免受处罚;(使)逃脱处罚:The lawyer got John off.这位律师使约翰免受处罚。11. 免于(做);摆脱(做):He got off doing the dishes just because he"s a boy.只因为他是男孩就不洗餐具了。12. 未受伤害;未遭伤害:Seven people in the bus were killed but the train passengers got off lightly.公共汽车中的七名乘客被撞死,而火车中的旅客却安然无恙。13. [口语](使)入睡:It took the mother half an hour to get the baby off to sleep.母亲花了半个小时才把婴儿哄睡着了。14. 学会;记住;背熟:I"ve got this poem off by heart already.我已经把这首诗背熟了。15. 停止工作;下班:What time do you get off?你什么时间下班?16. 休假;休息:I get every Sunday off, so the job is satisfied.我每周日都休息,因此这个工作令人满意。17. (使)结婚;(使)订婚:Most parents want to get their children off before they grow old.大多数父母希望他们的子女在自己上年纪之前完婚。18. 停止谈(或写)…;更换(正在谈或写的)主题;(无意中)转入到谈…:Let"s get off the subject of work!Let"s talk about something pleasant!我们别谈工作了!让我们谈些愉快的事情吧!19. [美国口语]说(笑话);讲(话):The speaker got off one or two very amusing jokes.演讲者讲了一两个非常有趣的笑话。20. [美国口语]吸毒麻醉,(服用毒品后)(使)感到飘飘然,感到(药力)发作;为…所激动;因…而兴奋:He gets off on loud music,but I don"t.他一听到喧闹的音乐就兴奋,而我则不然。21. 我不相信!住口!别打扰了![用于祈使句]:Oh,get off!I know better than that!哦,去你的!我不至于蠢到那种程度!22 使感到激动或刺激,使处于极度快感之中23 处于快感兴奋之中(常与on连用)
2023-07-27 14:40:001

get off这个单词的解释

没有;下车。run off有跑掉的意思。
2023-07-27 14:40:346

get off怎么组词组?

get off -从什么上下来,或离开可以说下车 get off the car,下床get off the bed, 离开椅子get off the chair(中文就是站起来,但英语里并不表明动作,只是说离开椅子),还可以说 get off me (从我身上下去。。。)
2023-07-27 14:40:501

get on和get off中的on off是什么词性

楼上答的不全对,但是提问者扔出这两个词,却不给出上下文,也就无法回答.你要拿出例句来,懂吗?比如说你叫张阳,“太阳的阳”,否则我不知道你名字怎么写.英语问题也是一个道理. on/off可以是介词也可以是副词.看你这个词组怎么用了.如果是上下车,get on! 上车吧,这是副词.get off! 下车!这是副词.但如果说,get on board,也是上车,on就是介词了;get off the car,下车,off就是介词. 本人来美十年,是美国永久居民,英文还可以,望指正.
2023-07-27 14:41:251


几点下班的英文翻译是What time do you get off work ?get off work 中,get是一个动词,off是一个介词,work是名词,这个句子句型结构是动词+介词,get off后面必须加上宾语,以和off形成介宾短语.而且宾语无论是名词还是代词,都必须放在介词off的后面。此时,整个结构为:get ... off ( + 介宾/副词)。例句:I"d like to get this letter off by the first post.我想将这封信在邮局第一次收信时寄出去。扩展资料:英语中表示下班的词语下班 off duty下班 get off work下班 come off work下班后 after working hours下班回家 come home from work下班时间 quitting time ; closing time ; off hours下班以后 after work ; after hours下班女郎 working girl等你下班 so you work ; waiting for you after work下班一族 the working clbumm打卡下班 clock off ; clock out ; punch out
2023-07-27 14:41:512

我要下车麻烦让一下 的英文翻译

I want to get off it, Excuse me
2023-07-27 14:42:295

get off和get out of的区别

含义不同、用法不同。get out of有逃避,摆脱,改掉,从……出去的意思;get off有下车,离开,脱下(衣服),开始的意思。get out of强调的是从什么地方下车,get off强调的是下车本身的动作。 get off的用法 get off意为“下(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。例如:The man got off the bus and rushed to that door.这个男子下了公交,并冲向那扇门。 该句的时态为一般过去时,所以get off“下车”用的是一般过去时态的got off;rush“冲”也是用其一般过去时态。着重提一下,该句是and连接的两个并列句,这个男子下车的瞬间就冲向了那扇门,动作基本上是一瞬间发生的,所以都用的是一般过去时,这里不需要过去完成时来表示动作的间隔性。 get out of的用法 get on意为“上(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。例如:When I got on the plane, I found I didn"t lock my door.当我上飞机后,我发现我没有锁门。 get on意为“上(汽车、飞机、火车等)”其反义词为get off.该句的时态为一般过去时,所以when引导的时间状语从句和主句都用的是一般过去时。老师在这里提一下主句中的found的动词原形find的另一个意思“寻找”经常和look for“寻找”作对比。Find着重指“找到”的结果;look for着重强调“寻找”的过程。
2023-07-27 14:43:401


2023-07-27 14:43:591

get off用法

“get off”是一个常用的短语动词,有多种用法。以下是几种常见的用法:下车/get off a vehicle: “get off”可以表示从交通工具上下车,如公交车、火车、飞机等。例如:“I need to get off the bus at the next stop.”(我需要在下一个站下车。)离开/get off a place: “get off”也可以表示离开某个地方,如办公室、学校、图书馆等。例如:“I can"t wait to get off work and go home.”(我迫不及待地想下班回家。)停止/get off work: “get off”还可以表示工作结束或下班。例如:“What time do you usually get off work?”(你通常什么时间下班?)放下/get off something: “get off”还可以表示从某个物体上下来或下去,如树、梯子、楼梯等。例如:“Be careful when you get off the ladder.”(你从梯子上下来时要小心。)
2023-07-27 14:44:062

get on和get off中的on off是什么词性

2023-07-27 14:44:451

get off和get to是什么意思啊

2023-07-27 14:45:082

got out of got off区别

got out of v. 走出(由...逸,离开)例句与用法:I"ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast.我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯.Is Peter up (ie Has he got out of bed) yet?彼得起床了吗?Inflation has got out of control.通货膨胀失去了控制。The model plane got out of control and crashed.模型飞机失控坠落下来。I got out of the bed and had a good stretch.我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。Let"s get out of here.我们离开这里吧.All my friends drought I was so lucky when Nelson and I got married right after I got out of high school.我刚离开中学就和纳尔逊结了婚,那时我所有的朋友都认为我是多么幸运。The cows had got out of the field and were (roaming) loose in the road.牛从牧场窜出, 在公路上自由自在(到处)走动.got off v. 下来(出发,起飞,离开)例句与用法:Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start.他们的婚姻一开始就有些不稳固.We got off immediately after breakfast.我们吃完早餐就动身了.He got off with a small fine.他交了一小笔罚款了事。Steve got off with Tracey/Steve and Tracey got off (together) at Denise"s party.史蒂夫和特蕾西在丹尼斯的聚会中搞上了.Our holiday got off to a flying start because the weather was good and the trains were on time.我们度假一开始就大吉大利,天气很好,火车也都准点。The marriage got off to a rocky start.那婚姻一开始就不稳固。He will do almost anything for the poor, except get off their back.他几乎任何事情都愿意为穷人做,除了从他们的背上下来以外。The bus stopped and we got off.公共汽车停下来,我们下了车。英英解释:动词 get off:leave a vehicle, aircraft, etc. 同义词:get offbe relieved of one"s duties temporarily 同义词:get offtransfer 同义词:send, get off, send offcause to be acquitted; get off the hook; in a legal case 同义词:get offescape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action 同义词:get off, get away, get by, get out, escapeenjoy in a sexual way 同义词:get offget off (a horse) 同义词:unhorse, dismount, light, get off, get downget out of quickly 同义词:hop out, get offsend via the postal service 同义词:mail, get offget high, stoned, or drugged 同义词:trip, trip out, turn on, get offdeliver verbally 同义词:get off
2023-07-27 14:45:212


2023-07-27 14:45:301

get off代词放中间吗

这个是代词放后面。类似于这样代词置后的词组不多,除此以外,还有look after等
2023-07-27 14:45:382


get off the car/bus/van
2023-07-27 14:45:492

take 和 Get 的区别。

进的 同房间的用take 远的 别处 用get
2023-07-27 14:46:194


下车的英文:   debus   let off   step-down   参考例句:   Get off; descend   下车;动身;脱下(of a bus,coach,etc) allow sb to get off.   (指公共汽车、长途汽车等)让某人下车。Shall I get down here for the art Gallery?   去美术馆是在这儿下车吗?( of a vehicle or its driver)stop and allow(a passenger)to get off   (指车辆或司机)停下来让(乘客)下车I can let you off at Fifth avenue.   我可以在第五大道让您下车。I can drop you off at Normandy Ave.   我可以在诺曼蒂大街让您下车。Take bus No.76 and get off at the Prince Hotel stop.   乘76路车,在王子饭店那站下车。The pained animal"s voice rasped on Scarlett"s nerves until she was temped to stop and untie the beast.   那凄惨的叫声使得思卡利特神经一根根地竖起来,几乎要跳下车将这动物放掉。I get off the train.   我下车。Get off, please.   请下车了。debus是什么意思:   vt. 卸下   vi. 下车   let是什么意思:   v. 允许;让;假设;出租   n. 擦网球   Let it be as you desire.   就按照你的意思办吧。Let in sheathing.   镶进夹衬板。He let go of the pole and let it fall.   他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了。off是什么意思:   adv. 掉,下;离开;隔开;切断;停止;;休息;光,完,尽;全部地   prep. 从...离开;从...向下;在...的外面;偏离...;从...分岔;不再从事...;低于...   adj. 关着的;停止流通的.;延期的;取消的;不工作的;处于...境况的;萧条的   v.(用于祈使句)走开,滚开;站开   n. 关掉   Is the water on or off?   自来水龙头开着还是关着?The gilt is off.   幻想破灭了。to nip off; to cut off; to break
2023-07-27 14:46:271

Get off 3单加s吗

2023-07-27 14:47:071

get in,get off分别什么意思?

get in 进入;到达;陷入;收获 get off v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)
2023-07-27 14:47:191


2023-07-27 14:43:315


2023-07-27 14:43:323


SW:southwest的缩写。Lenovo:联想集团的品牌标识。电脑 power sw的“sw”是 英文 Switch 的缩写。Power sw 的意思是:电源开关。switch[英][swu026atu0283][美][swu026atu0283]n. 开关; 转换,转换器; 软鞭子; [信]接线台;vt.& vi. 转变,改变; 转换; 关闭电流; 鞭打;vt. 转换; 挥动(棍棒、鞭子等); 迅速转动; 鞭打;vi. 交换; 调换;
2023-07-27 14:43:351

古代有一种刑法叫做""笑刑""(Tickle torture)17世纪"欧洲30年战争"期间,有人发明了一种"笑刑":将犯人或战俘的手脚捆得牢牢的,在脚底上涂满蜂蜜、白糖汁或食盐,然后牵来一只山羊,让它尽兴地大舔脚底上的美味涂料,这样,就便得受刑者奇痒难忍,无法克制,终至狂笑不止而死亡。据分析,人体持续狂笑,会使肺里的空气越来越少,失去呼吸能力,于是造成极度缺氧窒息而死。由于短时间内不会造成致命伤害,行刑一般会持续数个小时。在此期间犯人会不断地大笑和求饶,场面十分凄惨。
2023-07-27 14:43:361


little piggy"s wife and fat piggy"s husband
2023-07-27 14:43:382


2023-07-27 14:43:393


1千米=1000米,1米=100厘米,1米=10分米,1分米=10厘米,1米=100厘米,1吨=1000千克,1千克=1000克。 长度单位换算 1千米(km)=1000米(m) 1米(m)=10分米(dm) 1千米(km)=1000米(m)=10000分米(dm)=100000厘米(cm)=1000,000毫米(mm) 1米(m)=10分米(dm)=100厘米(cm)=1000毫米(mm) 1分米(dm)=10厘米(cm)=100毫米(mm) 1厘米(cm)=10毫米(mm) 重量单位换算 1吨=1000千克 1吨=1000,000克 1千克=1000克 500克=1斤 1千克=1公斤 1公斤=2斤 生活中大约1厘米长的物品 图钉的长度 小学语文书的厚度 硬币的半径 铅笔的直径 瓜子的长 生活中物品的重量 鸡蛋:50克 一元硬币:6克 小轿车:2吨 普通胶带:15克 新蜡烛:25克 一袋牛奶:225克
2023-07-27 14:43:411

cock and ball torture 什么意思

cock and ball torture 公鸡和球的折磨cock and ball torture 公鸡和球的折磨
2023-07-27 14:43:432


舌吻。网络上SW是一般常用的几种主要意思:1、SW在网络通信中是switch交换机的缩写。2、SW可以作为SoftWare(软件)的简写。3、SW在网络用语中,也指“舌吻”。其他意思:SW游戏里也是声望的意思。SW是Star Wars(星球大战,著名系列电影)的缩写。SW是Swing Man,某些篮球游戏里的锋卫摇摆人。SW是Sword World(剑世界,TRPG的一种)的缩写。SW是Sakura Wars(樱花大战、サクラ大戦,SEGA的著名游戏)的缩写。SW是Summer Wars(夏日大作战)的缩写。
2023-07-27 14:43:441


pig. pink. biguff08
2023-07-27 14:43:462


  ram的特点如下:1、随机存取。当存储器中的消息被读取或写入时,所需要的时间与这段信息所在的位置无关。2、易失性。RAM在断电以后保存在上面的数据会自动消失。 3、高访问速度。 现代的随机存取存储器几乎是所有访问设备中写入和读取速度最快的。4、对静电敏感。静电会干扰存储器内电容器的电荷,引致数据流失,甚至烧坏电路。    RAM类别有哪些:   1、静态随机存储器(SRAM)   静态存储单元是在静态触发器的基础上附加门控管而构成的。因此,它是靠触发器的自保功能存储数据的。   2、动态随机存储器(DRAM)   动态RAM的存储矩阵由动态MOS存储单元组成。动态MOS存储单元利用MOS管的栅极电容来存储信息,但由于栅极电容的容量很小,而漏电流又不可能绝对等于0,所以电荷保存的时间有限。    RAM和ROM的区别   1、ROM和RAM都是一种存储技术,只是两者原理不同。RAM为随机存储,掉电不会保存数据,而ROM可以在掉电的情况下,依然保存原有的数据。ROM这种存储器只能读,不能写。而RAM则可以随机读写。   2、在电脑中,大家都知道有内存和硬盘之说,其实内存就是一种RAM技术,而ROM则类似于硬盘技术,两者都是存储器,只是RAM的速度要远远高于ROM的速度。   3、在手机中,RAM是指手机内存,属于手机内部存储器,属于随机存储,速度高于ROM,对于手机配置性能起着重要的决定性。
2023-07-27 14:43:471


2023-07-27 14:43:482


[p] pot pig put [b] bed bag book[t] tooth teacher tea [d] dog dig duck [k] cake keep cat [g] grandpa girl green [f] father fat foot [v] five very vent [s] small study bus [z] jazz zoo zero [θ] eighth forth tenth [δ] those these that [∫] cash shoe ship [з] measure pleasure leisure [t∫]chair chicken lunch [dз] jack job change [tr] tree truck train [dr] dress drink drain [ts] students coats cats [dz] beds odds codes [m] mum moon morning [n] moon nut needle [ŋ] ink link ring [h] hello hurry hey [l] look leg lake [r] rain radio room [w] window wake week [j] yellow yes you 单元音: [e] yes yellow bed [ae] cat bad dad [a:] are car far [כ] pot got dog [כ:] call tall or [۸] cut nut but [ə:]curtain further fur [ə]mother color cooler [i] ink big pig [i:] jeep tea eat [u] good book look [u:] cool zoo tool 双元音: [ei] age eight make [ai] ice bike nice [כi]toy oil boy [əu] old joke gold [au] cloud mouth cow [εə] air fair chair [iə] ear near year [uə] cure dure pure
2023-07-27 14:43:531


这个答案下的各种回答都不够严谨,容易对人产生误导,以讹传讹,所以我来详细介绍rom,ram和硬盘,希望诸位能完整的看完,对于这个问题不同行业理解稍微有点差异,我先来介绍其概念:RAM是随机存取存储器(random access memory),是计算机内部存储器中的一种,也是其中最重要的,计算机和手机中一般把其叫做(运行)内存,它的速度要比硬盘快得多,所以用运行程序在RAM中,而存放运行时不用的数据则在硬盘中,什么时候需要数据,便把数据从硬盘中拿到内存,但同时RAM断电会丢失数据,所以我们电脑如果断电了就会丢失原来正在运行的数据。所以,手机中的RAM和电脑中的RAM的概念是相同的,RAM即内存越大,能同时在内存中执行的程序就越多,性能一般是越好的。ROM是只读存储器(Read-Only Memory),也是计算机内部存储器中的一种,而硬盘是外部存储器,所以对于大学学子来说,考试时你如果把这两个混为一种东西绝对是错误的,当然,如果出选择题让你选,那么BIOS应该是用到ROM的那个。那么ROM究竟是干什么的,ROM和硬盘是否就没有任何关系呢?这就要从其发展历程说起,早期,乃至现在,我们的主要存储介质都是磁性存储,也就是磁盘,分为硬盘和软盘,硬盘不太适合做移动存储,因为其磁头容易损坏,不耐摔,而且体积较大,就算是缩小容量仍然很难缩小其体积,软盘虽然用作移动介质还算方便,但软盘容量过于小,不够用,而光盘虽然容量大但不易擦写,同时体积也不够小,这时就很适合使用半导体存储介质——ROM和RAM,ROM用来嵌入电脑主板或者做移动存储介质就很合适了,其体积够小,提供的容量可以比光盘和软盘的大,速度也更快,但成本相对更高,而且早期的ROM因为技术不成熟所以无法擦写,出厂后就只能读数据,所以叫只读存储器,后来随着技术的发展,在ROM的基础上出现了新的半导体存储介质EPROM和EEPROM,这两种可擦写,这就不符合ROM的命名,但是由于是在ROM的技术上衍变出来的,所以延用了一部分原来的叫法,此时非易失的半导体存储介质开始得以广泛应用,被大量用于电脑主板的bios和嵌入式存储,而后来在这两种技术的发展上又发展出了NAND FLASH闪存,这就是我们现在用的U盘中用到的技术,同样,因为其体积小,容量和速度均不错,现在手机存储中的emmc颗粒也是用的这种技术,所以有手机厂商就把手机的存储容量约定俗成为ROM,其继承ROM断电不丢失数据的特性,而且有着较快的速度。那么电脑硬盘和ROM有什么关系呢?由于ROM和硬盘都可以存储数据而且断电不会丢失,而有都广泛运用于电子产品中,所以有人就对两者产生了混淆。硬盘分为两种,一种是机械硬盘(即磁盘HDD),一种是固态硬盘(SSD),磁盘和ROM没什么关系,但是固态硬盘就不一样了,固态硬盘用到的颗粒也是基于NAND FLASH技术,和u盘以及手机存储有点相似,所以说硬盘和ROM还是有关系的,固态硬盘的存储颗粒是ROM技术发展的产物,但不能说ROM就是硬盘。
2023-07-27 14:43:551


只是说法不同. 意义一样.
2023-07-27 14:43:284

谁有Elise Estrada - Torture中英文对照歌词?

《Torture》英文歌词:You know, you knowYou know that it"s tortureThe sweetest words you whisper in my ear"Cause you know what I wanna hearThe way you hold me like it"s something real"Cause you know what I wanna feelIt takes two to lieOne to lie and one to listenEmpty promises are wearin" thinOhhh...StopWhat you"re doin" to meStopLike an arrow through meStopThis is torture to me"Cause it"s gotta be all or it"s nothing at allI"m tellin" you to stopThis is torture to meYou know that it"s tortureI lose control when you"re touchin" me"Cause you know what I really needBut I need more than physicalitySo you know how it"s gotta beIt takes two to lieOne to lie but I"m done listenin"If you"re heart"s half in it then we"re finishedOhhh...StopWhat you"re doin" to meStopLike an arrow through meStopThis is torture to me (Torture to me)"Cause it"s gotta be all or it"s nothing at allI"m tellin" you to stopThis is torture to meYou know that it"s tortureCan"t keep goin" through thisCan"t keep on leadin" me onWhy you bein" so elusive?Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.comYou"re in or you"re outThere"s no middle groundOhhh... noIt"s killin" me, it"s killin" meYou know that it"s torture (This is torture)It"s killin" me, it"s killin" me (It"s killin" me)You know that it"s tortureI lose control when you"re touchin" me"Cause you know what I really needBut I need more than physicalityOhhhh...StopWhat you"re doin" to me (Stop what you"re doin" to me)StopLike an arrow through meStopThis is torture to me (This is torture to me)"Cause it"s gotta be all or it"s nothing at all (Ohhh...)I"m tellin" you to stopWhat you"re doin" to meStopLike an arrow through meStopThis is torture to me (Torture, torture, you know that it"s torture)"Cause it"s gotta be all or it"s nothing at all (Nothing at all)I"m tellin" you to stopThis is torture to me (Torture to me)You know that it"s tortureIt"s killin" me, it"s killin" meYou know that it"s torture (Know that it"s torture)It"s killin" me, it"s killin" me (it"s killin" me)You know that it"s torture (Torture)It"s killin" me, it"s killin" me(This is torture to me) You know that it"s tortureIt"s killin" me, it"s killin" me (This is torture to me)You know that it"s torture
2023-07-27 14:43:222

交易对手风险(Counterparty Risk)和信用风险(Credit Risk)有什么区别?

先说一下【信用风险】信用风险又称违约风险,是指借款人、证券发行人或交易对方因种种原因,不愿或无力履行合同条件而构成违约,致使银行、投资者或交易对方遭受损失的可能性。再说一下【交易对手风险】交易对手不履约的风险,因为交易对手风险的存在,使得信用衍生产品并不能完全消除信用风险。看到两者大概的定义了吧,个人理解“信用风险”比“交易对手风险”的范围大,共同点就是你说的 -----> 都是指不履行合约的风险
2023-07-27 14:43:212


2023-07-27 14:43:202

drawing template是什么意思

2023-07-27 14:43:162


torture 打印此页 歌手:method man 专辑:tical 2000 judgementday Through bein humblesTru Mast" on da track.. LIKE THAT y"know?Been in this rap game for like the past four bullets now, y"know?Doin bids, yea yeaI done peeped a lotta cats come throughCourageous cats, stray cats, hahaTop cats with top hats, yaknowhatI"msayin?But it all boils down to this: we talkin lyricsRhymes, line for line, numero unoWho the best? I don"t knowCheck itFlame on - I rain fire, when Johnny StormI"m shocking like live wire - you have been warnedI prolong this next chamber, to make it strongAnd prove all them doubters wrongKillin Em Softly with this song, addin onLet them toes get they tag on, dead men run no marathonsOn my shift, shootin that gift, knowin he snitchedon the telethon, runnin his lips, sinkin the shipGive back what his mother gave him, mother made himand now she can"t even save him, Johnny Blaze "emMethod ManSend him to his final restinBack to the essence, Faces of Death - The Final LessonTorture Motherfuckin torture, y"all niggaz knowWho got John Blaze shit? Suckin my dick to get famousSo I switch blades to DangerousWelcome to my torture chambersTorture chambers where John Doe"s remain nameless, hear me?I know it"s Def Jam, but think clearlyI made it possible for y"all cats to come near meKeep your enemies, close and your heat closerI slam just like my culture on all theoriesDead that - straight off the meat rack with this oneYou get burned playin Nix-on, Hot BiscuitStand back - don"t make me spit one, and paint picturesOn the walls of your mental, with hot lead from out these pencilsIron Lung since I was young and not knowinwhere the next meal was comin from, been troublesomeTo all those posin a threatIf I go, everybody gotta go next, y"all niggaz knowThe code of the street soldier, I"m watchin timeAnd time watchin me colder, Grim ReaperBreathin death on my shoulderWaitin for the day to take me over (take me over)Torture Motherfuckin torture, y"all niggaz knowThat you can never touch my flow, go ahead and hate meStill tryin to fuck my hoe, Johnny-come-latelys?Got me in a world of shit, and now I"m pissedMama said there"d be days like this, tis the SeaZonfor Ducks and my pen"s bleedinLeavin" kids barely breathin for sneak-thievinFamished from lack of eatin and lack of teachinBanished from Rhyme & Reason for high treason, can it be That the kid with the knot kneesGot G to make a grown man cop pleas, for this trackI got a Lovebug like Starsky, blow backUntil I drop Tical Part 3, ain"t no stoppinwhen you start me, John JayPullin your card, mayday maydayNiggaz owe they life to God, and now it"s paydayTake it how ya wanna take it, fully clothed or butt-nakedI learned the hard way - ain"t nuttin sacredIn this world - time to face it, Johnny BasicInstinct, I"m sure to make itWhile others fake it, fuck the spotlight, G-O-D already got lightSay what you like, just spell my name rightNo doubt, this one goes out, to all you trout-fishcake niggaz, keep my dick up out your mouthTorture Motherfuckin torture, y"all niggaz know
2023-07-27 14:43:142


这是函数模板,就是类型变量作为函数的参数类型(不必全部)或返回类型。如:template<typename TYPE>TYPE add(TYPE a,TYPE b){return a+b;}这就是一个模板函数。
2023-07-27 14:43:072

ordeal torture 区别

2023-07-27 14:43:071

重量单位换算(克,毫克,微克,l.u .单位)这之间是怎么换算的?

2023-07-27 14:43:056


2023-07-27 14:43:033


CRT Monitors Sort for cathode-ray tubes, CRT monitors were the only choice consumers had for monitor technology for many years. Cathode ray tube (CRT) technology has been in use for more than 100 years, and is found in most televisions and computer monitors. A CRT works by moving an electron beam back and forth across the back of the screen. Each time the beam makes a pass across the screen, it lights up phosphor dots on the inside of the glass tube, thereby illuminating the active portions of the screen. By drawing many such lines from the top to the bottom of the screen, it creates an entire screen of images. LCD/Flat panel Monitors Short for liquid crystal display, LCD technology can be found in digital watches and computer monitors. LCD displays use two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. An electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot pass through them. Each crystal, therefore, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light. Color LCD displays use two basic techniques for producing color: Passive matrix is the less expensive of the two technologies. The other technology, called thin film transistor (TFT) or active-matrix, produces color images that are as sharp as traditional CRT displays, but the technology is expensive.
2023-07-27 14:43:025


卡地亚最经典10款戒指为Solitaire Louis钻戒、Honeymoon系列、Cartier女士三环戒指、铂金钻戒、Ballerine系列婚戒、Solitaire 1895铂金戒指、铂金镶嵌钻石婚戒、Pt950铂金镶两颗钻石戒指、Cartier d"Amour系列婚戒、玫瑰金钻石戒指。1、卡地亚Solitaire Louis钻戒:卡地亚Solitaire Louis钻戒的造型设计为C字形的底座中间,镶嵌了一颗圆钻。造型独特高雅有艺术感,是向设计大师Louis Cartier致敬。喜欢浪漫,追求经典的女士可以用作结婚戒指,材质为Pt950。2、卡地亚Honeymoon系列:卡地亚Honeymoon系列钻戒设计为简约的线条加上一颗圆形的主钻镶嵌其上,简单流畅的线条和圆形的主钻构成完美的搭配。适合性格温柔的女性,材质为Pt950,钻石重量0.50~1.00克拉。3、卡地亚Cartier女士三环戒指:卡地亚Cartier女士三环戒指由玫瑰金、黄K金与白金三种颜色的组成,分别寓意着爱情、友情、忠诚,造型独特,寓意丰富。适合性格热情的女性,材质为18K三色金,戒宽在5.4毫米。4、卡地亚铂金钻戒:卡地亚铂金钻戒设计为半铺镶钻戒加上简洁有设计感的线条,钻戒的半面镶嵌了钻石,光彩夺目,散发动人魅力,可以搭配华丽的服饰,材质为Pt950,戒宽在5.4毫米。5、卡地亚Ballerine系列婚戒:卡地亚Ballerine系列婚戒设计为:戒指的接口处为独特的心形,以四爪镶嵌,造型别致浪漫,适合热情张扬的新娘佩戴。钻石材质为Pt950铂金,0.48克拉圆钻,钻石净度IF,钻石颜色D。6、卡地亚Solitaire 1895铂金戒指:卡地亚Solitaire 1895铂金戒指造型为四爪镶嵌的圆形钻石戒指,设计简约,钻石透彻明亮,戒指整体看起来稳妥大气。适合性格稳重大方的女士,材质为Pt950铂金,钻石为51分圆形。7、卡地亚铂金镶嵌钻石婚戒:卡地亚铂金镶嵌钻石婚戒的戒环是由小的圆圈组成,在这些小的圆圈中又镶嵌了钻石。一个个小圆圈相互连接,展示出戒指的欢脱浪漫,性格活泼的女性可以选择,也可作为婚戒。8、卡地亚Pt950铂金镶两颗钻石戒指:卡地亚Pt950铂金镶两颗钻石戒指的设计为戒环上刻着卡地亚的经典标志,标志两侧镶嵌了两颗圆钻,象征婚姻的幸福美满,戒指线条柔和。适合男士作为婚戒,材质为PT950铂金,戒宽3毫米。9、卡地亚Cartier d"Amour系列婚戒:卡地亚Cartier d"Amour系列婚戒的设计为双圆形戒托中镶嵌有大颗的圆钻,圆钻周围有小钻点缀,戒指整体看起来宁静典雅,适合恬静有个性的女性作为婚戒。0.53克拉的主钻,钻石颜色D,纯净度IF。10、卡地亚玫瑰金钻石戒指:卡地亚玫瑰金钻石戒指的颜色为K金的玫瑰色,颜色青春亮丽,体现了年轻人爱情的美好甜蜜。适合性格活泼的年轻女性佩戴,材质为18K玫瑰金,戒指宽2.5毫米。
2023-07-27 14:43:011


Templates文件夹里面的东西不能能删除。除非不要这个应用程序的模板。  XSL样式表由一个或多套被称为模板(template)的规则组成。并且每个模板都含有某个指定的节点被匹配时所应用的规则。xsl:template其实就是用于构建模板的元素。例如办公应用软件offices,Templates里面的文件都是存储由xsl:template定义用于关联XML的元素和模板;亦属于临时数据库模板。  由于XSL样式表本身也是一个XML文档,删除了Templates文件夹,这些XML文档也就被连带清理掉,运行时就无法找到应用程序正常调用。
2023-07-27 14:42:591


2023-07-27 14:42:585