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yours sincerely是什么意思

2023-07-29 01:16:30

  yours sincerely

  n.谨上; (书信结尾用语) 敬启; (书信结尾用语) 鄙人,我;


  [例句]Your support is a foundation of our development, it is the space that

we survive that yours is satisfied, We will serve you sincerely.



yours sincerely


谨上(书信结尾用语); 敬启(书信结尾用语); 鄙人,我


您真诚的; 经常用在信的结尾; 你的真诚的



Your support is a foundation of our development, it is the space that we survive that yours is satisfied, We will serve you sincerely.



Did you write “ sincerely yours ”?



yours sincerely是什么意思

yours sincerelyn.谨上(书信结尾用语); 敬启(书信结尾用语); 鄙人,我; 例句:1.I remain yours sincerely, dr. erwin pollitzer. 您诚挚的尔文波利博士。2.His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "yours sincerely", rather than thetraditional self-abasing deference. 他们注意到哈苏奈的辞职信以一个简短的“此致”收尾,而不是带着传统的自我作践式的顺从口气。
2023-07-27 15:07:302

到底怎么译Yours sincerely/Yours truly

2023-07-27 15:07:462

你好,请问在翻译英文书信时,”yours sincerely“对应的中文”你的真挚的“是顶格写,还是空两格?谢谢

2023-07-27 15:08:123

sincerely yours是什么意思

一般用于写邮件信件的结尾 诚挚问候类似的意思
2023-07-27 15:08:203


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)
2023-07-27 15:08:281


2023-07-27 15:08:567

yours sincerely和yours truly有什么区别?

2023-07-27 15:09:112


1、如果你正在出差或休假,应该设定自动回复功能,提示发件人,以免影响工作。 2、上面是手写签名, 清晰打印签名放手写的下面。你可 以在OUTLOOK 中设置多个签名档,灵活调用。 3、收到他人的重要电子邮件后,即刻回复对方一下,往往还是必不可少的,这是对他人的尊重,理想的回复时间是2 小时 内,特别是对一些紧急重要的邮件。 4、这是经研究证明最适合 在线阅度的字号和字体。) youdo personyou writing22 DearSir DearSir DearMadam endyour letter Yoursfaithfully, followed yourfull name (如果你不知道你去信的人的名字,开头用Dear Sir DearSir Madam或者 Dear Madam,结尾用 Yours Faithfully,然后落款) 同时可参考UsingYours faithfully Yourssincerely. ‘Yoursfaithfully" ‘Yourssincerely" businessletter? When recipient"sname DearSir Yoursfaithfully Dear Madam Yoursfaithfully Dear Sir Yoursfaithfully Whenyou know recipient"sname: DearMr Hanson Yourssincerely Dear Mrs Hanson Yourssincerely Dear Miss Hanson Yourssincerely Dear Ms Hanson Yourssincerely Whenaddressing goodfriend DearJack Bestwishes/Best regards 23 Addressingwhole departments: DearSirs Yoursfaithfully coverletter 一般是第一次和对方(中介或者 hr)联系 开头是Dear Sir Madam,结尾就要对应放 Yours faithfully 接下来可能有过电话/邮件的联系 敲定面试日期 开头是Dear XXX 结尾对应Yours sincerely 入职后,澳洲的人际关系距离变近的很快,日常寒暄 是不用以上正式结尾,Best regards Bestwishes regards随便用,cheers 也见过。 5、YoursTruly 日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,虽然有一点点随意,但还是一种礼貌的方式。 6、”或是“收着! SincerelyYours YoursSincerely 日常交往,商务往来或者正式文书都可以使用,是标准的结尾方式。 7、最好写上来自**公司的邮件,以便对方一目了然又便于留存,时间可以不用注明,因为一般的邮箱会自动生成,写 了反而累赘。 8、不要用稀奇古怪的字体或斜体,最好不用背景信纸,特别对公务邮件。 9、Arial字型,字号用五号或 10 号字即可。最好不要让人家拉滚动条才 能看完你的邮件,千万不要学唐僧。 10、在商务谈判场合,当信件话题很严肃的时候使用。这既显得礼貌,也明确提醒某收件人,此邮件是面向他的,要求其给出必要的回应;在多 个收件人的情况下可以称呼大家、ALL。
2023-07-27 15:09:301

yours sincerely下面要加名字吗

2023-07-27 15:09:403

英语书信作文落款,your sincerely后面加逗号吗?

2023-07-27 15:09:524

到底怎么译Yours sincerely/Yours truly

Yours sincerely(用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启yours truly此致;你的挚爱;敬上
2023-07-27 15:10:261

信末写到 Yours sincerely ,sincerely不是副词吗?怎么用在名词性物主代词的后面 了?不应该用sincere吗

singcerely yours 和yours sincerely 都属于remarks,有固定的用法,因此不受一般语法的限制。那个好好学习天天向上是毛主席提出来的,译法是固定的,good good study, day day up.
2023-07-27 15:10:342

英文信件的落款可以用那些句子? 除了 sincerely,yours,还有什么其它的说法吗?

yours lovingly yours sincerely yours fondly yours best wishes best regards kind regards kindly regards
2023-07-27 15:10:421


I"m looking forward to your early regrads.
2023-07-27 15:10:525


2023-07-27 15:11:181

Yours Sincerely 同Yours Faithfully的分别?

letter开始是Dear sir/madam 即是你不知那个人的姓就有Yours faithfully 如果你知那个人的姓什么 eg开始你写Dear Mr Chan..... 就用Yours sincerely 纯粹问问, 其实返工之后问人都说用这两个都没什么分别, 没有特定几时用边个, 什至 *** 信有时有人名 DEAR MR. XXX 之后都用 YOURS FAITHFULLY (我都有收过), 咁点解以前考试用错就又一定要扣分? 正确是DEAR MR. XXX 用 YOURS SINCERELY DEAR SIR/ MADAM 用 YOURS FAITHFULLY, 只是现在大家都唔想考究而随便用? THANKS! 基本上没有任何分别,只是一句恭维语法。
2023-07-27 15:11:261

通过ours Sincerel通过都大写吗

Yours sincerely不用都大写,开头的Yours大写即可,sincerely不用大写。Yours sincerely是谨启的意思,用于英文信件结尾署名前,也可以表示“您非常真挚的朋友”的意思。日常交往,商务往来或者正式文书都可以使用Yours sincerely,是标准的结尾方式。其他英文信件结尾有:1、Yours / Yours truly / Truly日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,虽然有一点点随意,但还是一种礼貌的方式。一般用于你之前见过面的对象。2、Best / Best wishes日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,是一种礼貌的方式。对朋友和陌生人都可以用。3、Regards / Best Regards商务往来或者正式文书。如果你和收信人没有在现实中打过交道,就用这个。
2023-07-27 15:11:331

sincerely yours是否等于yours sincerely ?your faithful是否就是your faithfully???

第1个问题Sincerely yours 你诚挚的, 你真诚的, 你的朋友, 最好的问候 (信件的结束语) Yours sincerely 结尾用语英文求职信的格式问题及常用语言 - 职场技...Yours sincerely,(结尾用语)显然 字典里 是有这么一说的所以第1个问题成立 第2个问题 那是不等于的faithful可以做名词和形容词 而faithfully是副词 肯定就不同啦 词性都不同your faithful你是可以看到 也如你所说的,是口语书上看到的,既然是口语 就不那么强调语法了其次 你只看到your faithful, 可能要拿整一句句子,或者上下文出来分析faithful后的名词 很可能省略了 你注意看下 那句句子 完成的分析下语法
2023-07-27 15:11:491

请问写信结尾时除了sincerely yours,还有词吗?

1、投诉信 投诉信的结尾常用句式和套话 I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of … 2、询问信 询问信的结尾常用句式和套话 Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 3、请求信 请求信的结尾常用句式和套话 I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter. 4、道歉信 道歉信的结尾常用句式和套话 I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. 5、感谢信 感谢信的结尾常用句式和套话 I must thank you again for your generous help. 6、 建议信 表达建议常用句式和套话 I feel that it would be beneficial if … I would like to suggest that … I would recommend that … If I were you, I would … You may consider doing … It would seem to me that you could … As you may agree that … 建议信的结尾常用句式和套话 I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. 7、求职信 求职信的结尾常用句式和套话 Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you. If you need to know more about me, please contact me at … 8、推荐信 推荐信的结尾常用句式和套话 Therefore, I don"t hesitate to recommend … as the right person for your consideration. Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor. 9、 寻找失物信 寻找失物信的结尾常用句式和套话 I would really appreciate it if you could … 10、邀请信 邀请信的结尾常用句式和套话 My family and I would feel honored if you could come. We would be looking forward to your participation in the party. I really hope you can make it. Yours sincerely,原来还有一个「倒装」的版本,就是Sincerely yours。跟上面各种写法一样,第一个字以大草字母(S)开始,后面的字就以小草字母(y)开始。一般来说,Sincerely yours在美国人的书信中较常用。如果嫌Yours sincerely和Sincerely yours太长,还可以用「极简」版本,就是单一个字Sincerely。
2023-07-27 15:11:592

高中英语:书信最后结尾your sincerely和sincerely yours是不是都可以?

英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter. The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer, more friendly, more personal. You use it when writing to a friend.总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式) 一个比较 informal。 建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely.希望解释对你有帮助—— u2665
2023-07-27 15:12:102

英语作文的结尾如果是:yours sincerely Mary 是什么意思?

没什么意思 这是写信的一般格式 用于比较正式的场合 非正式场合直接用 yours....就可以了和中文写信时的 此致,敬礼 差不多
2023-07-27 15:12:201


2023-07-27 15:13:001

yours sincerely大写还是小写

总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式);一个比较 informal(非正式),建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,区别就是Yours sincerely 比Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。扩展资料:如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语Faithfully yours或Faithfully。如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely。美国英语是Yours truly 或Sincerely yours或Sincerely,都是“谨启”的意思。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter.The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer,more friendly,more personal.You use it when writing to a friend.
2023-07-27 15:13:441


2023-07-27 15:13:581


2023-07-27 15:14:211

your sincerely 和yours sincerely

2023-07-27 15:14:281


2023-07-27 15:14:361


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)
2023-07-27 15:15:051

yours sincerely和yours sincerely有什么区别?

总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式);一个比较 informal(非正式),建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,区别就是Yours sincerely 比Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。扩展资料:如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语Faithfully yours或Faithfully。如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely。美国英语是Yours truly 或Sincerely yours或Sincerely,都是“谨启”的意思。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter.The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer,more friendly,more personal.You use it when writing to a friend.参考资料:百度翻译-yours sincerely
2023-07-27 15:15:181


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)
2023-07-27 15:15:311


2023-07-27 15:15:467


2023-07-27 15:16:121

sincerely yours是什么意思

sincerely yours你的真诚 拼音 双语对照 sincerely yours英 [su026anu02c8su026au0259lu026a ju0254:z] 美 [su026anu02c8su026arli ju028arz] 词典谨上网络结束语; 您诚挚的; 歧路天堂形近词: Sincerely Yours
2023-07-27 15:16:202

Your sincerely什么意思

n.谨上(书信结尾用语); 敬启(书信结尾用语); 鄙人,
2023-07-27 15:16:413


2023-07-27 15:16:481

yours sincerely的标准译法

2023-07-27 15:17:071


2023-07-27 15:17:161


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)
2023-07-27 15:17:251


前面讲过通过props子组件很容易就可以获取到父组件的数据,但是父组件怎么获取子组件的数据呢?通过查资料,发现可以通过自定义事件来实现父组件与子组件之间的通信。 首先,得创建一个子组件模板文件,子组件在父组件中用的时候,总得有个触发动作可以获取到子组件的数据吧,所以,加个按钮,触发个动作。如下所示:App.vue
2023-07-27 15:12:451


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泰坦尼克号故事英文:On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, known as a miracle in the history of world industry, sailed from Southampton, England, to New York, USA. Rose, a wealthy girl, boarded the ship with her mother and fiance Carl. On the other hand, Jack, an unruly young painter, won the ticket by a gamble on the dock. Rose had long known that Carl was a snobbish who was unwilling to marry from the bottom of her heart. He even planned to throw himself into the sea.At the critical moment, Jack hugged Rose, a young girl, and the two young people met. To alleviate the sadness in the girl"s heart, Jack and Rose constantly find the joy of life. Soon, Rose, beautiful and lively, fell in love with Jack, who was handsome and cheerful. Rose took off her clothes and put on the necklace Carl had given her, so that Jack could paint her as a witness of their love. When they had sex, the Titanic hit an iceberg.The terrible tragedy happened. The Titanic was in chaos. In crisis, the goodness and ugliness, nobility and inferiority in human nature were more distinct. Jack gave his lover Rose the chance to survive, and he was frozen to death in the ice. After the old-fashioned Rose talked about this sad love, she sank the valuable jewelry into the bottom of the sea and let it sleep with Jack and the love for a long time.泰坦尼克号故事中文:1912年4月10日,被称为世界工业史上的奇迹的泰坦尼克号从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约,富家少女罗丝与母亲及未婚夫卡尔一道上船,另一边,不羁的少年画家杰克靠在码头上的一场赌博赢到了船票,罗丝早就看出卡尔是个十足的势利小人,从心底里不愿嫁给他,甚至打算投海自尽。关键时刻,杰克一把抱住了少女罗丝,两个年轻人由此相识。为排解少女心中的忧愁,杰克带罗丝不断发现生活的快乐之处。很快,美丽活泼的罗丝与英俊开朗的杰克相爱了,罗丝脱下衣服,戴上卡尔送她的项链,让杰克为她画像,以此作为他们爱情的见证。当他俩做爱时,泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。惨绝人寰的悲剧发生了,泰坦尼克号上一片混乱,在危急之中,人类本性中的善良与丑恶、高贵与卑劣更加分明。杰克把生存的机会让给了爱人罗丝,自己则在冰海中被冻死。老态龙钟的罗丝讲完这段哀恸天地的爱情之后,把那串价值连城的珠宝沉入海底,让它陪着杰克和这段爱情长眠海底。扩展资料:泰坦尼克号创作背景:《泰坦尼克号》3D版本工程浩大,不论是时间还是成本,在规格上都堪比制作一部新电影。詹姆斯·卡梅隆参与了每一帧画面的转制过程,有300位计算机工程师为此辛苦了逾60周。他们要画出每一个物体和每个角色脸部的轮廓,放进正确的深度位置,并且通过非常精巧的处理让这些效果完全融入并不留痕迹。因原版《泰坦尼克号》没有数字母带,所以转制3D从修复开始,先清理掉原来2D素材的噪点,尽量让影片像全新的。团队在搭建人工湖、摄影棚的同时,泰坦尼克号巨大的船体模型也在艺术总监Charles Lee的带领下建造着。一开始团队打算用临时的帆布来搭建这些场景,但是考虑到拍摄周期将会很长,最后决定使用钢结构。为了进度,船上的布景建设必须同时进行。还有大部分的内部设施,舱餐厅、那个豪华楼梯等都是在墨西哥城制作完成,再拆开运到罗萨里托,再由工作人员装配起来 。参考资料来源:百度百科—泰坦尼克号
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格瓦斯,是俄罗斯老式小麦发酵汽水,喝起来带有小麦香味,口感和啤酒差不多。“格瓦斯”最早起源于俄国,距今已有一千年的历史。有资料记载,当时的俄罗斯贵族远赴他们神往的上流社会巴黎旅游居住时,竟因为当地没有格瓦斯而感到苦不堪言,甚至打道回府。格瓦斯/克瓦斯(俄语、乌克兰语:квас,“发酵”的意思;波兰语:kwas chlebowy,“以面包发酵”的意思;立陶宛语:gira;爱沙尼亚语:kali) 是一种盛行于俄罗斯、乌克兰和其他东欧国家的,含低度酒精的饮料,用面包干发酵酿制而成,颜色近似啤酒而略呈红色,酸甜适度。由于其酒精含量只有1%左右,所以儿童也可以饮用,是很受大众欢迎的软饮料。另外,在俄罗斯城市,克瓦斯也可以指红茶菌。该饮料后传入我国哈尔滨,吉林,新疆的伊犁,塔城,乌鲁木齐等地区。
2023-07-27 15:12:401

子组件$emit 父组件没有反应 (子组件无法调用父组件方法)

首先检查$emit()中方法名的大小写, 不能使用驼峰式命名,必须全部小写 如果还不行,检查父组件在调用子组件时是否绑定了该事件(v-on:changepage / @changepage)
2023-07-27 15:12:381


The nineteen ninety-seven movie "Titanic" is a record breaker in several ways. Ten years ago, it was the most costly movie ever made. "Titanic" has earned more money than any other movie in history. And, it received eleven Academy Awards.The film tells the tragic story of the huge British passenger ship that sank in nineteen twelve. The Titanic was built to be a fine example of modern technology. It was the largest ship ever made. It was considered unsinkable. It was sailing on its very first trip from England to New York with many rich and famous people on board. The Titanic hit a huge piece of ice near Newfoundland, Canada. The ship sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. More than one thousand five hundred of its two thousand two hundred passengers died. Many movies, books, and plays have been produced about the disaster.The movie "Titanic" is loosely based on historical facts. The director James Cameron worked hard with the movie crew to recreate historically correct clothing and rooms. Experts helped recreate the ship and the action of its sinking in as truthful a way as possible. The images of the shipwrecked Titanic at the bottom of the ocean are real. And several of the people in the movie were real people, such as the boat"s captain and Molly Brown, who survived the disaster. She later became known as the "Unsinkable" Molly Brown. It is also true that the watchman did not see the large iceberg in time to save the ship. And it is true that there were not enough lifeboats on the ship to save all of passengers.What most people like best about the movie is its love story. But the two lovers, Rose and Jack, were not real people. There was also no diamond called the Heart of the Ocean.However, another small love story in "Titanic" is based on fact. The movie shows an older man and woman who chose to die together instead of being separated. Isador and Ida Straus were offered a place on a lifeboat. Isador would not get in the boat as long as there were women on the Titanic who could be saved. So, Ida refused to leave her husband. Witnesses remember hearing her say to her husband, "Where you go, I go." The two were last seen sitting side by side on a chair on the ship holding hands.
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PMS色卡就是潘通色卡 它是英文的简写。
2023-07-27 15:12:351