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2023-07-29 02:05:30
TAG: 英文


be in hospital; be hospitalized




生病住院的英文:be sick in hospital 一、sick 读法 英 [sɪk] 美 [sɪk]


be sick in hospital



2023-07-27 17:13:231


Being hospitalized
2023-07-27 17:13:348


be in hospital有问题再问吧
2023-07-27 17:13:5211


您好,汉语(我需要住院吗?)翻译成英语是(Do I need to be hospitalized?)其中用到了(动词不定式的被动语态 to be hospitalized)所以(住院)是(被动语态)。
2023-07-27 17:14:311


He need in hospital.
2023-07-27 17:14:435


Diagnostic certificateOutpatient service.Hospital.From..., I division in a clockwise, MianAt sunrise...Our original certificate before... no, hereby certificate
2023-07-27 17:15:063


对不起 有难度 帮不了你
2023-07-27 17:15:143

住院医疗费用 英文翻译是什么

Hospitalization expenses
2023-07-27 17:15:587


You must be hospitalized
2023-07-27 17:16:196


在国外看医生:我觉得身体不舒服。 I"m not feeling well我觉得难受。 I don"t feel well.=I"m not feeling well/ I feel sick.=I don"t feel well.=I feel bad.隐隐作痛。 I have a dull pain.钻心地疼。 I have a sharp pain.一跳一跳地疼。 I have a throbbing pain.我感到巨痛。 I have a piercing pain.像针扎似地疼。 I have a stabbing pain.我拉肚子了。 I have diarrhea.我食物中毒了。 I have food poisoning我头晕目眩。 I feel dizzy.我浑身没劲。 I feel sluggish.=I feel tired.我没有一点儿食欲。 I don"t have any appetite. =I don"t have much of an appetite these days. Answer: You should eat something.我有点儿感冒。 I have a slight cold.我浑身发冷。 I feel chilly.我得了重感冒。 I have a bad cold.鼻子堵了。 I have a stuffy nose.我在流鼻涕。 I have a runny nose. =My nose is running.=My nose won"t stop running.我有点儿发烧。 I have a bit of a fever.我好像发烧了。 I think I have a fever.我在发高烧。 I have a high temperature.我想吐。 I feel like throwing up.=I feel nauseous我需要动手术吗? Do I need an operation?=Will I have to have an operation? Answer: I don"t think that will be necessary. (我想没必要。)我一定要住院吗? Should I be hospitalized? 我觉得好多了。 I feel better.我觉得没什么好转。 I don"t feel any better.=I still don"t feel well你的病好了吗? Are you alright again? =Are you well again?=Are you yourself again?=Are you back to normal again?他去世了。 He passed away. 银行交谈: 能帮我换一下零钱吗? Could you give me change? * change 也有“零钱”的意思。 =Can you change this? =Could I have change?能帮我换开100日元吗? Do you have change for one hundred yen? *change 除了“交换,兑换”的意思之外,还有“零钱,破开的钱”。= Can you break a one-hundred-yen bill? =Can you break a hundred? Can you change this? (能帮我破一下吗?) I"d like to change a hundred-yen note. (我想破开100日元。) Here"s one hundred yen. Could I have change? (这是100日元,能帮我破开吗?)我要存5000日元(在我的账户上。) I need to deposit five thousand yen (in my savings account). *deposit“在银行存钱”。= I need to put ¥5,000 into the bank. savings account “账户,户头”。我要取5000日元(从我的账户上)。 I need to withdraw ¥5,000 (from my savings account). *withdraw“(从存款中)取出,拿出”。 =I need to take out ¥5,000 from the bank.学习(这个比较难去概括吧。。): 我去补习学校了啊。 I"m going to cram school now. *cram意为“填鸭式补习”。作业做了吗? Did you do your homework? =Did you finish your homework?好好学习。 Study hard. Answer:I am. (好好学着呢。)至于生活 这个囊概面也太大了~ 你想知道什么呢比如朋友交谈? 娱乐? 邀请? 等等 想到的话再Hi我好了~~ 到时候我再帮你解决
2023-07-27 17:16:401


I hope you will be better soon.Excuse me ,could you tell me the way to **?The patient needs rest,please keep silent.What"s your matter?I caught a cold/fever/headache/stomachache...My back/nose/head...ache.I have a pain on my back....I cannot sleep well.Take the madicine three times a day.Please come back three days later.You must have a rest.Dont stay up late.Drink more water.
2023-07-27 17:16:533


why are you admitted to hospital again? Suffer from a relapse of illness once again? I am extremelly worry, i have contacted with you mother, she told me that your condition is unpleasant, no matter physically or mentally. I will book the flight ticket as soon as possible, you need to control your emotion, and wait for me come back.
2023-07-27 17:17:014


  当你的朋友告知你她生病了,你想知道英文生病慰问信示范?下面是我为大家整理的英文生病慰问信示范,希望对大家有帮助。    英文生病慰问信示范篇一   Dear...,   I"m sorry to hear that you are ill.Are you getting better now I hope that you will be all right as soon as possible.Take good care of yourself!I think you had better follow the doctor"s advice.Take more water and take a good rest.I belive you will be out of hospital soon.   Best wishes to you!   Wish you good luck!   yours,    英文生病慰问信示范篇二   Dear Mary   Are you better now? We are very concern about you. When we heard you hurt in a car accident, we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears. But luckily you were not badly hurt. We will go and see you after school and please don"t be nervous and worry about you study. We will help you with your lessons. You"d better follow the doctors advice so that you will be better soon. YoursDear Same: I am deeply grieved to hear that that the accident you got in , and I am sorry about your hurted leg, and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days. At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health., and that you will soon be out and about again. With kind regards.   Yours sincerely,   John    英文生病慰问信示范篇三   Dear Xuaying,   I am terribly sorry to hear that you are suddenly ill and hospitalized. I do feel much worried about your helath when I get to know that you received an operation last week. I hope that you have enough confidence to get over the illness since in my mind you are always a girl of strong will.   With the advanced medical facilities and experienced doctors in Xinhua hospital, I am convinced that you will soon recover. You know, your co-operation with doctors will be of much importance. I will come over to see you the other day and send you short messages via mobile phone every day. Wish you a quick and complete recovery.   Yours truly,   Li Ming
2023-07-27 17:17:101

翻译I hate to go to the hospital

2023-07-27 17:17:207


  现在的英语越来越普及,随着英语的不断深入,英文写作变得越来越重要,下面是我为大家整理的英语受伤慰问信,希望对大家有帮助。    英语受伤慰问信篇一   Dear   MaryAre you better now? We are very concern about you.   When we heard you hurt in a car accident, we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears. But luckily you were not badly hurt.   We will go and see you after school and please don"t be nervous and worry about you study. We will help you with your lessons.   You"d better follow the doctors advice so that you will be better soon.   YoursDear Same: I am deeply grieved to hear that that the accident you got in , and I am sorry about your hurted leg, and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days.   At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health., and that you will soon be out and about again. With kind regards,   Yours sincerely   ,John    英语受伤慰问信篇二   Dear Xuaying,   I am terribly sorry to hear that you are suddenly ill and hospitalized. I do feel much worried about your helath when I get to know that you received an operation last week.   I hope that you have enough confidence to get over the illness since in my mind you are always a girl of strong will.   With the advanced medical facilities and experienced doctors in Xinhua hospital, I am convinced that you will soon recover.   You know, your co-operation with doctors will be of much importance. I will come over to see you the other day and send you short messages via mobile phone every day.   Wish you a quick and complete recovery.   Yours truly,   Li Ming   英语受伤慰问信篇三   Dear Amy,   Iu2019m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School of China. Iu2019m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer which brought you great pain.   But you should realize that you are young and have a promising great future. So, stand up and fight against the disease! Iu2019m sure you will win. It is reported that the America anti-cancer association will donate three cents upon every comfort letter you receive.   So I will tell your situation to all my friends and ask them to write to you. In that way, you will get enough money for you to be cured. Hope you can be well soon.   Yours,   Li Hua
2023-07-27 17:17:341


You need to see a doctor.You"d better go to a hospital.
2023-07-27 17:17:542


The school leaves his house not far
2023-07-27 17:18:057


问题一:在医院和生病住院用英语分别怎么说 在医院in the hospita 生病住院in hospital 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题二:生病住院英语怎么说。 be sick/ill in hospital 问题三:生病住院的英语怎么说 生病住院be sick/ill in hospital My mother was ill in hospital and I have to look after her. 我的妈妈生病住院了,我不得不要照看她。希望能够帮到你!! 问题四:“住院”用英文怎么说 in hospital. 例如: my student is in hospital. 我的学生住院了。 或者 My student was hospitalized. 我的学生被送去了医院。 问题五:“住院”与“住在医院”用英语怎么翻译? 住院不就是住在医院吗?应该是in hospital 还有一个应该是“在医院”,这个不一攻是生病住院,也有可能是看望病人而在医院,这是应该用in the hospital 问题六:她住院多久了用英语怎么说 本句是一个现在完成时态的典型考察题目。 How long has she been in hospital ?郸注意的易错点:in hospital是住院,in the hospital 是在医院(可以是工作或探望病人等) 谢谢采纳! 问题七:“门诊”“住院”用英语怎么说 门诊 outpatient 住院 inpatient 问题八:生病住院英语怎么说。 be sick/ill in hospital 问题九:生病住院的英语怎么说 生病住院be sick/ill in hospital My mother was ill in hospital and I have to look after her. 我的妈妈生病住院了,我不得不要照看她。希望能够帮到你!! 问题十:“住院”用英文怎么说 in hospital. 例如: my student is in hospital. 我的学生住院了。 或者 My student was hospitalized. 我的学生被送去了医院。
2023-07-27 17:19:141


诊断证明书 Diagnosis certificate 门诊号 Patient No. 住院号 No.hospitalized 于.在科入院 In the hospital .in Section 于...日在我科顺娩一男婴 In the day ...when I give birth to a child one boy Shun Branch 于...日出院 Discharged on day ... .日前我市无出生证原件,特此证明 Our city a few days ago .no original birth certificate,hereby certify that
2023-07-27 17:19:241

关于住院的英文 1.入院日期,2.出院日期,3.住院天数.

1.入院日期:hospitalized date 2.出院日期:leave date 3.住院天数:hospital day (HOD)
2023-07-27 17:19:321

关于住院的英文 1.入院日期,2.出院日期,3.住院天数.

1.入院日期:hospitalized date 2.出院日期:leave date 3.住院天数:hospital day (HOD)
2023-07-27 17:19:401


About the author Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers in 20th century, is the representative of “lost generation” writer. He was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. worked as a reporter after graduating from high school in 1917.,amd served as an ambulance driver in the Italian infantry and was wounded just before his 19th birthday. Hospitalized, Hemingway fell in love with an older nurse. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In his life, Hemingway married four times and wrote numerous essays, short stories and novels. The effects of Hemingway"s lifelong depressions, illnesses and accidents caught up with him. In July 1961, he committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho. About the book The old man and the sea is one of Hemingwayu2019s most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power , it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman ,down on his luck ,and his supreme ordeal ---a relentless , agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream . Here Hemingway recasts , in strikingly contemporary style, the classic theme of courage in the face of defeat , of personal triumph won from loss . Written in 1952 ,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature . About the old man Santiago is described as a failure by other fishermen in the village for catching no fish for a long time . However, he should be regarded as a hero all his life , when he had played the hand game with the great Negro from Cienfuegos who was the strongest man on the docks ;when he fight with that large marlin ; when he struggle with the sharks . You can find his optimism, confidence, wisdom, perseverance and bravery anywhere . I admire him not only because these but also his regarding these as the things he had to do , the rules he had to obey . Such a man is really a man , a marvelous man . All the characters of him is worth being learned not only in Hemingwayu2019s times ,but for ever ; not only for a certain kind of man , but for all of us .Letu2019s always remember his word “But man is not made for defeat,” he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”
2023-07-27 17:21:171


She recovered after hospitalizing a long time.
2023-07-27 17:21:272


生病受伤常用的英语口语   人生在世,免不了有个头疼脑热的。下面是我整理的"关于看医生的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   ●陈述症状   Are you feeling okay? 你不舒服吗?   Do you feel all right?   What"s wrong? 你怎么了?   Is anything wrong?   Are you okay?   What"s the matter?   Is everything all right?   You look pale. 你脸色真不好.   .I"m not feeling well. 我身体不舒服   I don"t feel well. 我觉得难受   You don"t look well.你好像不太舒服.   I guess I"m just tired.   Please sit down for a while.   I have a cold. 我感冒了。   She passed out. 昏过去,失去知觉”   (她昏过去了)   I feel sick. /I feel bad我觉得难受   I have a stomachache. 我肚子疼.   How long have you had it?   Did you eat too much?   My stomach hurts.   I have a dull pain. 隐隐作痛   I have a sharp pain. 钻心地疼   I have a throbbing pain. 一跳一跳地疼   I have a piercing pain. 刺痛、剧痛   (我感到剧痛)   I have a stabbing pain. 像针扎似地疼   I have diarrhea. 我拉肚子了.   I have food poisoning. 我食物中毒了.   I have high/low blood pressure.   血压高./血压低.   I have a headache.我头疼.   What happened, sir? 你怎么了?   I have a headache. 我头疼。   My head hurts.   My head is pounding. 重击   I have a splitting headache. 裂了似地   I have a toothache.我牙痛.   My tooth hurts.   My tooth is killing me. 我的牙疼死了   I feel dizzy. 我头晕目眩   I feel sluggish. 我浑身没劲 /I feel tired.   I don"t have any appetite.食欲   (我没有一点食欲.)   You should eat something.   I don"t have much of an appetite these days.   I have a slight cold. 我有点感冒.   I feel chilly. 我浑身发冷。   Here, wear my jacket.   I have a bad cold 我得了重感冒.   I have a stuffy nose. 鼻子堵了.   I have a runny nose. 我在流鼻涕.   My nose is running.   My nose won"t stop running.   I have a bit of a fever. 我在发烧.   I think I have a fever.我好像发烧了. --Let"s check.   I have a high temperature. 我在发高烧.   I feel like throwing up. 我想吐.   I feel nauseous.   Ouch! 好疼!/好烫!   Be careful!   Ow! /It hurts!   It"s itchy. 痒痒   Bless you. 多保重。   What happened? 你怎么了?   I broke my leg. 我腿骨折了。   How long will the cast be on? 石膏   (要打多长时间石膏?)   One more month.   I burned my hand. 我把手给烫了。   How did you burn your hand?   I sprained my ankle. 我崴(wǎi)脚了。   How? 怎么弄的?   I sprained it playing golf.   I twisted my ankle.   Well, I can call for help.   I caught a cold from you.   你把感冒传染给我了.   I must stay in bed. 我必须静养休息   I have stiff shoulders. 我肩膀酸痛   My shoulders are stiff.   My eyes are tired. 我眼睛发酸   Is somebody hurt? 有谁受伤了?   My fever has gone down. 我退烧了   I can"t stop coughing. 我咳嗽不止.   My throat"s sore.我嗓子疼.*sore火辣辣地疼   I have a sore throat.   It"s bleeding. 我流血了.   I"ve got a cut here. 我这儿割破了   It hurts. 好疼   I got stung by a bee. 我被蜜蜂蜇了   Do I need an operation?   我需要动手术吗?   I don"t think that will be necessary.   Will I have to have an operation?   Will it take long? 要花很长时间吗?   Can I take a bath? /Can I bathe?   我可以洗澡吗?   Is it okay to drink? 可以喝酒么?   Is it all right to drink? /May I drink?   Should I be hospitalized?   我一定要住院吗   Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?   I don"t know. I don"t have a thermometer.   Do you have a high temperature?   How do you feel?   I feel better (now).   我觉得好多了.Thank you.   I don"t feel any better.   我觉得没什么好转.   I still don"t feel well.   Are you alright again? 你的病好了吗?   Are you well again?   Are you yourself again?   Are you back to normal again?   He passed away. 他去世了   ●请医生看病   Do you need a doctor? --Yes, I think so. 你需要叫医生吗?   Do you want me to get a doctor?   Do you need any help?   Please call an ambulance.请叫救护车.   We need an ambulance now.   Please get an ambulance.   I"d like to see a doctor. 我要看病.   I"m not feeling well. 我觉得身体不舒服.   Could you send me a doctor?   你能帮我叫医生吗?   What"s wrong with you?你怎么了?   What"s the matter?   Is anything wrong?   What are your symptoms? 症状   (是什么症状?)   When did it start?   Let me check your temperature.   量一下体温吧.   Did you eat something unusual?   吃了什么不对的东西没有?   Let me check your blood pressure.   量一下血压吧!   Are u taking any medication regularly? *一般把药称为medicine,但医生常用medication。   (你常吃什么药?)   I"m not taking any medication. -Is that so?我没有服用什么药.   What"s wrong with me? 我哪儿不好?   Is it serious?严重吗? ;
2023-07-27 17:21:381


Dear hubby Hello!How are you going these days? Must take care of yourself! My dad got stomach cancer He is seriously ill and hospitalized,come back as soon as possilbe,because dad want to see you the last time. Your dear wife
2023-07-27 17:22:264


2023-07-27 17:22:536

How long were/do/have怎样区别和它的用法

2023-07-27 17:23:312


医生病人英语会话P: I would like to have a check-up for a driving licence (swiming pass). 我要做驾驶查体(游泳查体)。N: You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pressure checkd. You need to have a fluoroscopy done.  你需要检查一下眼睛、耳朵和血压。你需要做透视检查。P: The doctor needs my weight, pleas weigh me.  医生要我的体重,请给我量一下。N: Please bring a photograph of yourself, we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.  请带一张你的照片来,我们要在它的角上盖个印儿。P: The doctor suggested I have a series of gastro-intestinal tests made. What shall I do?  医生建议我做个胃肠造影。我该怎样做呢?N: I"ll make an appointment for you at once. Come next Friday morning at 8 o"clock. Please don"t eat or drink any thing after midnight. 我现在就给你约定。下星期五早晨8点钟来。到后半夜就不要再吃东西或喝水了。P: Not even water?  水也不行吗?N: A sip of water is all right.  小口水还是可以的。P: Where can I get the certificate stamped?  我这证明在哪儿盖章呢? N: Right here. I"11 do it for you.  就在这儿。我来给你盖。P: If it is an emergency case, we can come at any time, can"t we? Or should we phone first? 如果病情危重,我们随时都可以来,是吗?还要先打个电话不?N: If you have the time better notify us befor you come. 假如有时间,最好来之前打个电话。  Have you had your lungs x-raged this year?  这一年内你照过胸部X线片吗?P: When can I get the result?  我什么时候能知道检查结果?N: Right away.  马上就可以。  In two days.  两天以后。  Next Monday.  下星期一。P: May I ask our interpreter to phone for the result? 可以请我们翻译打电话问结果吗?N: Yes you may. You can have all the results next Monday when you come to see the doctor. 是的,可以。 你下星期一看病的时候,所有的结果都会出来的。P: The paper for the driving licence need my height.   驾驶执照上要有我的身高。N: DO you know your height in centimeters?  你知道你身高多少厘米吗。P: No I don"t know.I measure five feet eleven inches.  不知道,我的身高是5英尺11英寸。N: OK! I"11 calculate it for you. That"s one hundred and seventy-seven point five centimeters.  好,我替你算算。这就是 177.5厘米。 lf the patient is too weak, we can do home visit. Our doctor and nurse can go to the patient"s home by our ambulance. In case the patient needs to be hospitalized, we shall bring him(her) back.  假如病人太弱,我们可以出诊。我们的医生和护土可以乘我们的救护车到病人家去。假如病人需要住院,我们就把他(她)带回医院来。 I"11 take some blood from your arm. Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve. 我要从你的手臂上取点血。请脱掉上衣,卷起袖子。 I"11 take some blood from your ear. Please take off your ear ring. 我要从你的耳朵上取点血。请摘下你的耳环。 Your veins don"t stand out very clearly. I"11 try to do it care.Be patient.Please clench your fist. 你的静脉不明显,我需要仔细找找。请耐心些。请你握拳。 Pleas open your hand. Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while. 请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿。  I"ll do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity. 我要先给你做个皮肤试验看看你有无过敏现象。 Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have to give it to youin fonr doses, at an interval of twenty minutes.  由于你对破伤风抗毒素过敏,我们要分四次注射,每次相隔20分钟。P: How often should I have the injection?  这针多久注射一次?N: Once a day(twice a day). 每天一次(每天两次)。P: Where do you give it?  在哪个部位注射呢?N: In the buttocks(in the arm).  在臀部(在手臂上)。P: I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do? 我昨天发现我的臀部有个硬块。该怎么办呢?N: Let me have a look.Better put hot towels on it. Two times a day for fifteen minutes, If It doesn"t get better, we"11 try ghysiotherapy. 让我看一下。最好用热手巾敷。一天敷两次,每次15分钟。假若不见好,我们可以做做理疗。Patient: How do I take these medicines?  我怎样服这些药呢?Pharmacist: One tablet, threetimes a day.  一天三次,一次一片。  Two tablets, four times a day.  一天四次,一次两片。 two tablets at night.  晚上服两片。 Take one tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but not more than once every four hours.  假如你觉着疼就吃一片止痛片,但每次必须间隔四个小时。 One line (half line) three times a day. Shake it well before taking it. 每天三次,每次一(半)格。服前先摇匀。 Please put it under your togue, don"t swallow it. 把药放在舌头底下,不要往下咽。 Please suck It.  请含服。 Please dissolve the pill in water before taking it. 服前请将药丸放在水中溶化。 One teaspoon three times a day.  每天三次,每次一茶匙。P: How do I use this suppsitory?  我怎样用这栓剂?Ph: Inset one into your anus (vagina) every night.  每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。P: Is this for internal use too?  这也是内服药吗?Ph: This is for gargling only.  这是含漱剂。 This will loosen your stools. Please squeeze it into your anus every night. 这是通大便的。请每晚在肛门里挤一些。  This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every two day.  这是专为止痛用的药膏。贴在痛处,两天换一次。 Apply some of the ointment, and rub it into the skin. 涂一些这种药膏并揉进皮肤里去。 Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this small blush (cotton swab). 用小刷子(棉花棍)把洗剂涂在痒处。 Please dissolve the tablet(powder) in hot water. Soak your hand(foot) in it for twenty minutes twice a day.  请将这药片(药粉)溶化在热水里。将你的手(脚)泡在里面,每日两次,每次20分钟。P: How do I use these eye-drops and ointment?  我怎样使用这些眼药水和眼药膏呢?Ph: Put the eye-drops into your right eye 4-6 tims a day, each time one to two deops. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night. 将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、两滴,每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。P: How do I apply the nose drops?  我怎样使用这滴鼻剂呢?Ph: Bend your head back as far as possible and then put them in.  尽量把头向后仰然后将药滴进去。P: How do I apply the ear drops?  我怎样使用滴耳剂呢?Ph: Turn your head to the side, put one to two drops in your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds.  将头歪向一侧,在耳朵里滴一、两滴药水,再把耳屏按几秒钟。P: How do I take(make) the herb medicine? 我怎样服(熬)中药呢?Ph: Put herbs into a pot. Add about 300c.c.of cold water. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Drain the solution. The amount left will be 40 to 50 c.c.This is the first dose. Don"t throw the heabs away. DO the same in the evening. That is the second dose. Take the first dose in the morning, the second in the evening. 把草药放进锅内。加入 300毫升冷水.用慢(文)火煎 20分钟。将药水滗出,约 40-50毫升。这是头煎。不要将药扔掉。仍照原法下午再煎一次,这是二煎。头煎早晨服,二煎晚上服。 We can make the solution for you for six days. Take one bottle daily, half in the moning, half in the evening. Please put them in the refrigerator or keep them in a very cool place. Don"t take the medicine while it is cold.  我们可以给你煎出六天的药。每天服一瓶上午半瓶,下午半瓶。瓶子要放在冰箱里或是放在凉爽的地方。不能服冷药。P: Must I boil it before taking it?  每次服以前要将它煮开吗?Ph: No. Put it in a glass and warm it in a bowL of hot water. 不必。可以将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温。P: How do I take these big balls?  这些大药丸儿怎么服呢?Ph: Chew and swallow the bits with water or put them in water to melt them. Remove the wax before taking it. 把它掰成小块,嚼后用水咽下,或者把它泡在水里化开再喝。服前把蜡皮去掉。不必。可以将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温。 He feels light-headed.他觉得头晕。 She has been shut-in for a few days.她生病在家几天了。 Her head is pounding.她头痛。 His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. 他的症状有食欲和体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。 He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. 他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。 He has been lacking in energy for some time. 他感到虚弱有段时间了。 He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. 他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。 He feels as though everything around him is spinning.他感到周围的东西都在打转。 He has noticed some loss of hearing. 他发觉耞力差些。 She has some pains and itching around her eyes. 她眼睛四周又痛又痒。 2、伤风感冒 He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. 他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。 His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing. 他眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. 他有发烧,筋骨酸痛和常常咳嗽。 hacking = constant。 He coughed with sputum and feeling of malaise.他咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱。 malaise = debility。 He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. 他伤风咳嗽。 He has a headache, aching bones and joints. 他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。 He has a persistent cough. 他不停地在咳。 He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. 他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. 他声音嘶哑,有时失声。 He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。 His breathing is harsh and wheezy. 他呼吸时,有气喘似的呼哧呼哧作响。 He has a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples. 有时突然间太阳穴刺痛。 He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat.他流鼻水,打喷嚏和喉咙沙哑。 His both hands and feet ache all over.他两手两脚都很酸痛。 He has pain on the sole of his feet.他脚底很痛。 There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot.我右脚底有个像肉疣般的硬块。His ankles look puffy and they pit when he presses them with his finger.他的足踝好象肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕。 pit = small dent form 句里的 they 和 them 都是指 ankles。 The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling. 左脚酸痛,并有红肿。 The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. 指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。 He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers.他的手和指头感到麻木和刺痛。 His legs become painful following strenuous exercise. 激烈运动后,他的腿就痛。 His knee is misshapen or unable to move. 他的膝盖有点畸形,也不能动。 There are some swellings in his armpit.他的腋窝肿大。 He is troubled with painful muscles and joints.他的筋骨和关节都痛。 She is troubled by the pains in the back and shoulders. 她的后背和肩膀都痛。 His knee has been bothering him for some time. 他的膝盖不舒服,已有一段时间了。 5、睡眠不好 He is sleeping poorly.他睡不好 He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate.他不易入睡,也难集中精神。 It is usually hard for her to fall asleep when she goes to bed at night.她晚上就寝,很难入睡。 He wakes during the night or early morning and finds it difficult to fall asleep again.他晚间或清早醒来后,再也不能入睡。He has nightmares occasionally.他有时做噩梦。
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  很多中国考生在雅思写作部分分数并不高,一直得不到突破的一个重要原因就是中英汉表达的差异让很多中国学生在表达上摆脱不了中式思维和中式的英文句型,老师也发现了学生有这样的困扰,因此也针对雅思写作中英汉表达的差异提出了几个方法。   在雅思写作的教学过程中,有机会批改了大量同学的雅思作文,在这些作文当中,有大量的同学并不了解英汉两种语言的基本差别,从而以汉语思维直接照搬到英语上来,写出了很多富有“中国特色”的句子,因此,本文将向同学们简要介绍英汉写作中最核心的表达差异,以期对同学的雅思写作有所帮助。   英语重形合,汉语重意合   英语是一种非常讲究语法的语言,而语法关系则通过一定的外显形态标记来表现;而中文则不用形态变化,靠词序、虚词、上下文关系等来表达语法关系。正如王力先生在《中国语法理论》“欧化的语法”一章中说:中国话里多用意合法,联结成分并非必须;西文多用形合法,联结成分在大多数情况下是必不可少的。” 如:   他正在看这本书。He is reading this book.   他已经看了这本书。He has read this book.   这个例子比较简单,很多同学对此已经比较熟悉了,但是在写作中却经常有同学在这些方面错误不断。   在汉语里,句子和句子之间通过内在的意义而非形式的逻辑关系来连接,因此常常省略连词、代词等成分。如:   要大力弘扬新时代的雷锋精神!   发展体育运动,增强人民体质!   因此我们可以看出,在汉语中,连接手段是非必须的,人们完全可以通过全句整体来判断出词语前后隐含的关系。而在英文中,这种隐含的关系必须被“显性”化。如:   他买了台电脑,花了六千块。   就绝对不能写成:He bought a computer, spent 6000 yuan.   而必须写成:He bought a computer which cost him 6000 yuan.或 He spent 6000 yuan on a computer.   他今天没来,妈妈住院了。   就不能写成:He is absent today, mother is ill.   而要写成:He is absent today because his mother is hospitalized.   这种只求“意思”不讲“形式”的句子在汉语里比比皆是,如:   我们换个地方,教室正在上课呢!   现在很饿了,我们去吃食堂!   十块钱一下子就花光了!   如果不考虑英汉的差别,直接按照中文思维写出:We change a place,the classroom is having a class./ Now is hungry, we go to eat the dining hall./Ten yuan spends finished. 之类则要闹出大笑话来。   英语前重心,汉语后重心   先来看一个例子,一封来自学员的E-mail:   Dear Kevin,   Though I know you are busy, will you give me some minutes, I had to go to work as long as I finished the class today, so I am off duty until now because the problem of double roles made me so boring and tired ,I work in a hospital and it is also teaching hospital ,and I will be a player to attend teaching competition,too much things I have to face and even these days I had to stay up all night. will you do me a favour that tell me how to balance the problem between work and study?Latter I will email the homework to you which you gave me this afternoon .   yours truly   XXX   这是一封非常典型的中式思维的信件。中式的思维是按照自然顺序展开论述,如:按照时间先后,先说先发生的,后说后发生的;按照逻辑关系,则按照事物发展的先后逻辑顺序展开,先说前提、原因、条件、方式、手段等,后说结果。而英文则按照重点顺序展开论述,把重要的观点、态度、结论等交代清楚,开门见山,然后再展开叙述次要信息,如理由、条件、事实、例证等等。即:英文将语意的中心要放在前面,然后娓娓道来,分解叙事。了解这一点,对于同学们展开雅思作文的段落非常有用。   回过头来看这封E-mail,如果一个外国人看到,肯定一头雾水,因为他不知道你这封信的重点是什么,因为信件的开头大段讲述个人的情况、经历等等,而直到最后才提出问题。如果按照英语的思维,应该开门见山的向收信人提出问题,然后再展开细节进行叙述。   1. 英文先结果,后原因。   因为我爱他而不是恨他,所以我才会批评他。   I criticized him, not because I hate him but because I love him.   也许校园生活并非总像想象中的那样,所以很多学生才会感到失落。   Many students feel lost because campus life is not always what they imagined.   2. 英文先结论,后叙事   经过多年的努力,我们终于解决了这个难题。   We have solved the problem after many yearsu2019 hard work.   3. 英语先表态,后叙事   是什么导致了人的犯罪,我们还不能确定。   We are still not sure what causes people to commit a crime   死记硬背有很多的局限性,这一点我们必须承认。   We should admit that rote learning has a number of limitations.   英语多替换,汉语多重复   由于英文重形合,所以通过各种形合手段将比较大量的信息连接在一个句子里,联系紧密,逻辑分明。这种情况下,其代词所指往往比较明确而不易混淆,因此,为了避免单调乏味,英文句子常常采用替换、省略等方式来变换同一个词的表达。而中文则相反,由于汉语主要考意合,考隐含的逻辑贯穿全句,因此为了保持句子的“形散神不散”,就需要通过重复的手段来增强凝聚力,保持读者的注意力。所以,汉语往往不使用同义词等替代手段,因为那样会使得精力分散。如,用代词替代:   他讨厌失败,他一生曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且蔑视别人的失败。   He hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.   而不会写成:   He hated failure, he had conquered the failure all his life, risen above the failure, despised the failure in others.   再看一个用同义词替换的例子:   低分版本:   Think about this situation. A student interviewed another student and many students about what it is like to be an only child. If the teachers in charge of the school paper did not edit names of students from the paper or facts that would give that particular student away to other students, then serious problems could be caused for the students who gave their information.   改进版:   Think about this situation. A reporter interviewed many students about what it is like to be an only child. If the teachers in charge of the school paper did not edit names of the interviewees from the paper or facts that would give each person away to the readers, then serious problems could be caused for the students who gave their information.   第一个低分版本里面用了大量重复的单词“student”,非常枯燥乏味,而改进版将“student”用了“reporter”、“the interviewees”、“each person”、“readers”等词来替代,句子用词富于变化,自然生动得多了。因此,在平时的雅思学习过程中,要注意积累同义词、反义词的积累,这样才能在写作中游刃有余,取得高分。   以上就是针对雅思写作中英汉表达的差异以及学生遇到的困难提出的三个应对方法,同学们如果在雅思写作备考中发现自己的表达上不够地道,有受到中式思维影响的话,就可以认证的参考以上提供的方法。
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情态动词,在英文中主要用来表示说话人的看法、态度等。它很接近中文里的能愿动词。从用法上来说,它有这样几个特点: 1)各个情态动词自身都有一定的词义。   2)情态动词不能在句中独立担当谓语。   3)情态动词在句中不受任何人称,性,数变化的影响。   4) 情态动词后接的不定式(除ought外)都不带to ,即接动词原形。   英文中的情态动词主要有:can , could ; may , might ; must ; ought ; need ; dare , dared ,另外,shall , will , should , would在一定的场合也可用作情态动词。例如:   He can speak five languages .他会说五种语言。   She must have arrived home by now .现在她准到家了。   We should study hard for our motherland . 我们应该为祖国而努力学习。   They needn"t be in such a hurry for there is enough time   for them . 他们还有足够的时间,用不着这么慌张。   1. 常用情态动词的基本用法   can , could 能,会   (could可以看作是can的过去式,这两个词除了时态不相同外,在表达意思的许多方面是相同的。当然could也有自己独特的用法。)   1)表示脑力或体力上的能力   Nobody can stop the development of science .   谁也无法阻止科学的发展。   She can sing that song in English.她能用英文唱那歌。   He can submerge to a depth of about twenty meters .   他能潜入约二十米深的水中。   He could hardly support his family before he found the new job .他在找到那份新工作前几乎无 法养家。   I could not understand the lecture on the computer given by Mr. Smith .   我听不懂史密斯先生作的那个关于计算机的讲座。   2)表示客观上的可能性   You can borrow this useful book from the library .   你可以从图书馆借到这种有用的书。   A more suitable person than him for the job can not be found . 不可能找到比他更适合这份工作的人了。   Now people can skate on the lake .现在人们可以在湖上滑冰了。   When the storm stopped , the plane could take off .   当风暴停下来时,飞机可以起飞了不得。   3)表示主观上的允许   Can I ask you some questions about it ?   我可以问你有关这件事的几个问题吗?   You can not leave here till I come back .直到我回来你才能离开。   Such kind of thing can"t happen any more later .   这类事以后不准再发生了。   Can you tell me how to get to the airport ? 你能告诉我怎么去机场吗?   Could you tell me how to get to the airport ?   您能告诉我怎么去机场吗?   Could I be forgiven my negligence ? 请原谅我的疏忽,行吗?   4)(用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中)表示猜测、怀疑或惊诧   How can / could you be here ? 你怎么会在这儿?   She couldn"t / can"t be so stupid to do that .   她不可能蠢得去做那种事吧。   He couldn"t / can"t be over seventy .他不可能有七十多岁了。   Where could / can the boy be now ? 那孩子现在能在哪儿呢?   另外,could还常用于表示较客气委婉的看法、提问及用于虚拟语气的结构中。这时候,could就不可以看作是can的过去式了。而是could自己独特的用法。如:   Could you speak a little slowly ?   您能稍微说慢一点儿吗?   I"m afraid that we couldn"t give you any definite answer at this moment .   恐怕我们这时候还无法给予您任何确切的答复。   I could come earlier if asked .   如果要让我早一点来,我可以来早一点。   We would appreciate it if you could offer us any help .   如果您能为我们提供帮助的话,我们将不甚感激。   You could have done better if you had worked harder at it .   如果你再加把劲,本来可以干得更好一些的。   may , might 或许,可能,可以   (might可以看作是may的过去式,这两个词除了时态不相同外,在表达意思的许多方面是相近的。当然may 和might又都有一些各自不同的独特用法。)   1)可能性   I may be busy from tomorrow on .从明天起我可能会忙起来。   You may catch sight of the sunrise from here when you get up before 5 in the morning .你在早晨五点钟以前起来,或许能从这儿看到日出。   I wondered if they might agree with the idea .我想知道他们是否会同意这种想法。   She thought it might be wise to try her luck here .   她认为在这儿碰碰运气也不错。   2)表示允许   May I come in ? 我可以进来吗?   I"d like to have a smoke here if I may .   如果可以的话我想在这儿抽一支烟。   The librarian told her that she might return the book to the library in three days .   图书馆理员告诉她说,她可以在三天后还那本书。   At the press conference , a news reporter asked the chairman if she might trouble him with a question about Taiwan issue.   在记者招待会上,一位新闻记者问大会主席她是否能提一个有关台湾问题方面的问题。   3) may间或用来表示祝愿,也常用于表示目的或让步的状语从句中:   May that day come soon .但愿这天早日到来。   May you succeed in winning the first prize in the game .   祝愿你比赛夺冠成功。   May you continue in your efforts and achieve greatersuccesses .   祝愿你继续努力并取得更大的成功。   4) might也常用于表示目的等状语从句中,或用于虚拟语气的结构中:   I could not convince him , try as I might .我无论用什么样的办法也不能说服他。   They left off earlier on that day so that they might catch the first train .   那天,他们为了赶上头班车动身早一些。   He died so that the others might live .   为了其他的人能活下去,他自己牺牲了。   If you had made better use of your time , you might have learned more .假若你将自己的时间利用得更好一些,你本可以学到更多东西的。   One error in calculation might ruin the whole project .   计算中出一点错就可能毁掉整个工程。   注意:在回答以may引导的问句时,一般说来避免使用may,以免显得太严厉、或不太客气,而改用其他方式。例如:   ——May I come in ? ——Yes , please .请进。   我可以进来吗? ——Sure . / Certainly . .请进。   ——Please don"t . .请不要进来。   ——No , you mustn"t .不行。   must 应该,必须,一定   1) 表示出于职责、义务该做某事   We must protect people"s rights .我们应该保护人民的利益。   Everyone must be loyal to his motherland .   每个人都应该忠于自己的祖国。   You must serve the people when you grow up .   你们长大成人时应该服务于人民。   Students must work hard at their study .   学生应该努力学习。   2)表示出于主观意识而必须要做某事   We must speed up the pace of our economic reform .   我们必须加速经济改革的步伐。   We must keep steps to the scientific development .   我们一定要与科学的发展保持一致步调。   You must hurry up or you"ll be late .   你必须得快点儿,不然会迟到的。   在这种用法中must表示出于主观意识而必须要做某事;have to却表示由于某种客观原因而不得不做某事。除此以外,have to自身有时态的变化形式。如:   I have to go now for I"ve got a meeting 15 minutes later.我现在必须要走了,因为我15分钟后有个会要开。   He has to be back home by five to fetch his son from kindergarten .   他必须在五点钟前回家去幼儿园接他的儿子。   Jenny had to tidy up the room before her mother came back .   珍尼不得不在她妈妈回家以前将房间整理好。   We"ll have to reconsider the whole thing .   我们将不得不重新考虑整个事情。   注意:在这种用法中,回答以must引导的问句时,若是否定答复,不可以用mustn"t 而需要用needn"t 或是don"t have to,因为mustn"t意思是"绝不能、一定不要",而没有"不必"的意思。例如:   ——Must we hand in our exercises today ? 我们今天必须交作业吗?   ——Yes , you must .是的,必须交。   ——No , you needn"t (or , you don"t have to )。   不,不必今天交。   3)表示禁止(用于否定句)   You must not speak ill of others .   你一定不要说别人的坏话。   Cars must not parked here . 这里禁止停车。   Smoking must not allowed in the office .严禁在办公室吸烟。   You mustn"t talk to girls like that .你绝不能那样对女孩子说话。   4)表示猜测、推测must常用于肯定句中表示猜测。对现在或未来的事进行猜测时,后接动词原形;对已经发生的事进行猜测时,后接have + 过去分词。例如:   You must be tired after working so long .你工作这么久以后,肯定累了吧。   It must be that naughty boy crying outside .肯定是那个调皮的孩子在外面大叫。   The idea must be accepted by the society sooner or later.   这种想法肯定或迟或早会被社会所接受的。   It must have rained last night for it is so wet outside .   外面这么湿,昨晚肯定下雨了。   I didn"t see you in class yesterday. You must have been   absent .我昨天上课没见着你,你肯定没有来。   Ought (后接带to的不定式构成谓语动词)应该   1)表示出于职责、义务该做某事   You ought not to be so careless in your work .你不应该在工作上如此粗心大意。   We ought to study hard for the sake of our motherland.   我们应该为了我们的祖国而努力学习。   His doctor said to him that he oughtn"t to smoke so much .   他的大夫说他不应该抽这么多烟。   Oughtn"t you to give us a chance to try ?   你难道不应该给我们一个尝试的机会吗?   2) 表示极有可能发生某事   As an auto repairman , Dick ought to know what is wrong with the car .   狄克作为一个汽车修理工总该知道这部车的毛病所在吧。   If we set off right now , we ought to be able to get there in time .   如果我们马上出发,我们应当能够按时到达那里。   Tomorrow ought to be a nice day for we have such a fine sunset today .   今天有这么好的晚霞,明天准是个晴天。   need(用于否定句和疑问句)需要   There are still one and a half hours to go , we needn"t be insuch a hurry .   还有一个半小时,我们无需如此慌慌张张。   I hardly need say how much we missed you .不用说我们是多么想念你啊。   Need you go so soon ?你需要这么早就去吗?   You need have no anxiety on my account .你不必为我而着急。   dare , dared(用于否定句、疑问句和疑问句)敢   Dare you stay here alone in the night ? 你敢在夜里呆在这儿吗?   Nobody dared mention that matter. 没有人敢提那件事。   How dared you say that to her ? 你怎么敢对她说那件事?   Even if you dare do it , I won"t allow you to because it"s too dangerous .   即使你敢做,我也会让你做那件事,因为太危险了   shall 用作情态动词时,适用于第二人称和第三人称。   主要表示下面几层意思:   1)许诺   You shall hear everything directly you come .你一来就可以听到一切了。   "Whatever you want you shall have , "said the Fairy .   仙女说:"你想得到什么,你就可以有什么。"   I don"t want to be hard on your daughter ; she shan"t be pressed .   我不想对你女儿太严厉,她不会太受压的。   I promise that you shall see her again before long .   我保证你不久就能再见到她。   2)命令   You shall come to my office immediately .你必须马上来我的办公室。   She shall not stay in my garden .她不可以呆在我的花园里。   He shall not come into my study . 不许他进我的书房。   You shall do as you are told .按告诉你的那么做。   3)决心(表示某事一定会发生)   That day shall come .那一天一定会到来。   It has been decided that he shall be given the job .   肯定给他那份工作的事已经定下来了。   This law shall come into effect on January 1st 2001   这个法律于2001年元月1日生效。   4)规定   Each competitor shall wear a number .每个参赛者要佩戴一个数字标。   The renter shall keep the house in a neat and orderly state .   租赁者要保持房屋整洁有序。   The supplier shall make shipment before October and the purchaser shall make payment within 15 days after   receipt of the goods .卖方十月以前装运,买方在收到货物后十五天内付款。   should   (用作情态动词时,有时表示具体的意思,有时却没有意义。主要用于下面几个方面。)   1)表示出于职责、义务该做某事   You shouldn"t come to such a decision hastily .   你不应该匆匆忙忙地作出这么一个决定。   You should write to your parents at least once a month .   你应该至少每月给你父母亲写一封信。   We should read English aloud every morning .   我们应该每天早晨朗读英文。   They should do it for their own good .   为了他们自己利益他们应该做这件事。   2)表示对某种情况的估计   She shouldn"t be out in such an early morning .   她不会这么一大早就出去了吧。   The effect of the tax should be felt in higher prices .   人们可能会从各种上涨的物价中感觉到这种税的影响的。   The event should lead them to a even worse economic crisis.这次事件可能会将他们引向更严重的经济危机。   This book should be published in two months at most .   这本书最多两个月后就会出版的。   3)表示惊讶、失望等情绪   I think it is dreadful that anyone should be so miserable.   我认为,竟然每个人都如此伤心就太糟糕了。   Why should I pay him for nothing ? 我干吗要无为地付给他钱?   It seems so unfair that this should happen to me .   这件事竟然发生在我身上似乎太不公平了。   It"s strange that it should be so cold today .奇怪,今天怎么会这么冷。   4)用于某些从句中表示虚拟语气   The doctor insisted that the girl should be hospitalized .   大夫坚持认为那个女孩要住院治疗。   If it had not been for the doctor"s care the girl should not be speaking to you now .要不是由于大夫的精心照料,这个女孩现在就不能与你说话了。   She stood away so that he should enter the room first .   她让到一边,好让他第一个进入房间。   I"ll write it down lest I should forget it 我将它记下以免遗忘。   Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain .   带上雨伞,以防万一下雨。   will , would   (would可以看作是will的过去式,这两个词除了时态不相同外,在表达意思的许多方面是相近的。当然will 和would又都有一些各自不同的独特用法。)   1)用于第二人称疑问句,表示请求(在这种用法中would使语气更为客气、委婉)   Will you tell her that I"ll be back in twenty minutes ?   请告诉她我二十分钟后回来,好吗?   If you want help, just let me know , will you ?   你需要帮助就告诉我,好吗?   Won"t you come in and have a little whisky ?   你要不要进来喝一点儿威士忌?(或是:你进来喝一点儿威士忌,好吗?)   Would you tell me how to get to the shopping center ?   您能告诉我怎么去购物中心吗?   2)用于表示愿望   Go where you will .去你想去的地方吧。   I will pay you at the rate you ask .我会按你要的利率付给你钱的。   He wouldn"t let the doctor take his blood pressure .他不愿意让大夫给他量血压。   They had to obey whether they would or not .他们不得不遵从他们的意愿。   3)表示习惯、倾向(可译成"总是会、老是,等" )   Sometimes the cat will lie there all afternoon .   有时侯,那只猫总是整个下午都躺在那儿。   Oil and water will not mix .油和水决不能调和。   He would sit there for hours , doing nothing at all .   他总是在那儿一坐就是几个小时,什么都不干。   4)表示猜测(可译成"一定是……、想必……,等" )   This will be the house you"re looking for .这想必就是你要找的房子吧。   He will have gone back to New Zealand .他一定是回新西兰去了。   The person you mentioned would be the father , is that right ?   你说的那个人一定是爸爸了,对吗?   That would be in 1999 , I think .那大概是在1999年吧。   5)will用于表示决心(可译成"一定要,决心,等" )   We will never talk about that subject again .   我们决不会再谈论这个话题了。   I will make this computer work even if I have to stay up all night .   我即使整晚不睡觉也一定要让这台计算机工作起来。   6)would常用于虚拟条件句,表示与事实相反或不太可能实现的情况   But for your help we would have been late .要不是你帮忙我们就迟到了。   Well , I wouldn"t worry about it . It won"t do me any good .   好了,我不会担心那件事的,因为它不会给我带来什么好处
2023-07-27 17:24:191


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医生是人,不是神,更不是神医。在你们眼里,医生就是不收红包不看病的角色么。在你们眼里,医生就必须医治好每一个病人,不能有半点差错的么。 记得我妈从医院回来讲过一个最经典的笑话。家属质疑医生的能力,说患者住院以前还是好好的。真是好笑,好好的来医院干嘛,医院又不是福利院。 中国没有国外一流的技术,没有国外的保护医生的制度,没有健全的社保体系。中国的医生没有得到社会的尊重和他们应有的价值体现,他们的付出,永远被别人忽视。看病难,看病贵,医生无良,长期以往的敌视。The doctor is a man, not God, more than the doctor. In your eyes, the doctor isnot to receive a red envelope is not a doctor"s role you. In your eyes, the doctor will have to cure every patient, there can be no mistake mody.Remember my mom came back from the hospital told a classic joke. Family members questioned the doctor"s ability, said patients hospitalized before or good. It is really funny, well why came to the hospital, the hospital is not welfare institute. China does not have the first-class technology abroad, did notprotect the doctor abroad system, without a sound social security system.Chinese doctors have not respected by the society and their value is reflected,they pay, always ignored by others. Medical treatment is difficult andexpensive, the doctor unscrupulous, long past hostility.
2023-07-27 17:24:341

完形填空random acts of flowers blossomedin 2008 after a serious开头的

Random Acts of Flowers blossomed in 2008 after a near-fatal accident. Founder Larsen Jay felt the ladder he was standing on give way during a roof repair. His story and a half fall left him hospitalized and wheelchair bound for months. During his recovery friends and family showered Jay with flowers and filled his hospital room. Overwhelmed by their generosity and encouragement, Jay made it his mission to pass on those gifts to other patients in much worse shape on his floor who hadn"t had any visitors. His personal deliveries served as the inspiration for the charity. In a little more than three years" time, Random Acts of Flowers" volunteers now make bi-weekly deliveries to patients across Knoxville, TN and the surrounding community. Partners include seven hospitals, over thirty nursing homes/assisted living facilities and four hospice care centers in the East Tennessee area.“As people make their New Year"s resolutions, I think it"s important to focus on what we can all do for others. I"m constantly amazed how we turn flowers left over from weddings, memorials and other special events into smiles by recycling flowers for patients in need. Every week we see first-hand the power of this simple gesture of kindness. And I know we"ve positively affected that person"s life, if only for a moment.” – Larsen Jay, Founder/Executive DirectorRandom Acts of Flowers is a Knoxville, TN based 501(c)(3) non-profit charity whose volunteers collect flowers from weddings, memorial services, florists, special events, grocery stores and churches – to recycle and re-purpose them into beautiful bouquets for delivery to patients in area hospitals, nursing homes and hospice care centers. The charitable service of Random Acts of Flowers supports mental health, spreads joy, and offers comfort through random, thoughtful, botanical deliveries.Random Acts of Flowers celebrated its 10,000th delivery this month in addition to recycling over 14,000 vases. This not only marks major milestones, but also launches a year of strategic planning to expand Random Acts of Flowers into other cities around the country.
2023-07-27 17:24:561


1.Add up the figures,and you will know the result.
2023-07-27 17:25:045


2023-07-27 17:25:419

中译英 翻译成英文,麻烦啦,真的很急哦

The temperature of the voice That year, a misfortune quietly into my house. First the mother is ill in hospital, the constitution is the father of the weak, because the anxiety much, then fell ill, both parents live into hospital. The sun going down in the west, but fear from my heart rise, that year I just 13 years old. In the night of the village, HeiQuQu distant like a pair of paper-cut ghostly almost in the glass of the window, the entire house, only my sister and I. The mountain of wolves, 1 connect a cruel and sound ai hao will often my sister and I was awakened from the dream. We lived in a mountain village school, Shouting distance of not necessarily what people hear. Suddenly, I remembered the whistling-the mothers with whistle of sports class. Summon up the chest, I tried to let all the air blow out the biggest noise as possible. Gradually, I heard the door in the near and far by the sound of the noisy, loud voice. Woven into the light outside the window of a flashlight. I heard the folks call out my name. The door open, a group of people carried the hoe stood in my front door, they are all familiar with the folks around me. Good black face, eager eyes, a group of heartfelt love, dispels the fear of my heart. "The child, you sleep! The night we don"t go." A big ye said. They passed by in the hoe, sitting, squat down, sucking HanYan, loudly gung white... I was asleep. Until the morning light, and they just carry hoe to leave.
2023-07-27 17:25:594


Known as "Old Blood and Guts," George S. Patton, Jr. was one of the most colorful generals of World War II. Patton went to the Virginia Military Institute and to West Point, where he was an undistinguished student but a remarkable athlete. A cavalryman and swordsman in the U.S. Army, he served on the staff of General John J. Pershing during the 1916 pursuit of Pancho Villa in Mexico, and during World War I Patton fought in Europe and became an early expert in a radical new form of battle machine: tanks. After the war he continued to study tanks, learned to be a pilot and sailor and held administrative posts in the Army. During World War II he served in North Africa and Sicily before becoming the commander of the Third Army. Highly effective, he was also highly unusual: among other mild eccentricities, he wore ivory-handled Colt. 45 revolvers and (late in the war) travelled with a bull terrier named Willie. Toward the close of the war, with Patton using his tanks to their full effectiveness, the Third Army defied the odds and drove the Nazis across France and back into Germany. Patton was not known for diplomacy -- in one famous incident he slapped a hospitalized soldier for what he believed was cowardice -- and his outspokenness caused him to be relieved of command of the Third Army after the war.Actor George C. Scott won an Oscar for playing the general in the 1970 film Patton. The film also won an Academy Award for Francis Ford Coppola, who co-wrote it with Edmund North... Patton finished fifth in the Modern Pentathlon at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. The competition included riding, pistol shooting, fencing, swimming and running.
2023-07-27 17:26:181

英文作文: 爸爸的房间

2023-07-27 17:26:263

用英语翻译 答对给分 不要写与题不相关的,不会的别瞎起哄 懂?今晚就要用,拜托各位大哥大姐了,跪求答案

1 the last school trip we went to the beach2 my mother last month to buy me a new bike.3 of them in the zoo to see a variety of birds and watching the sea lion show.4 this morning I had a hamburger and drank a glass of milk.5 at the end of the concert yesterday when you get Jackie Chan "s autograph?6 year and who you go to Hongkong?7 two days before they play volleyball on the beach happy.The school trip 8 yesterday after you tired?9 in the pool has a goldfish and two octopus.10 last week you visit your aunt? Not11 this morning I overslept, went to school without breakfast.12 on my next day off, I don"t want to go for a drive.In 13 she looks a bit ugly, but her song sounds very beautiful.14 my mother is ill in hospital, I had to ask three days off to take care of her.15 unfortunately, the English teacher asked me yesterday homework copy ten times.16 last night, I was wet from the rain.17 today I shopping fun.18 home the old things too much, let me do a yard sale!19 who also want to take part in tomorrow"s song contest?20 I want to be a reporter.
2023-07-27 17:26:373


To begin with, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work here. I truly appreciate that. Without your help, I would not have the opportunity to enter into this brand new field which I had not been exposed to before.First time when I said I wanted to go, you asked me to stay and you transferred me to this group that did not require overtime. I am very grateful to you. I often said to myself, I must try my best and not let you down.However, I am still leting you down. The reason is my health. In fact, I would like to keep this job, but today my chronicle disease is back. Just when I arrived to work this morning, I had very severe pain in the stomach. The doctor advised me to be hospitalized for treatment.I"m very sorry.I did not finish the work you assigned to me and I cause you this trouble. Since my mom will take care of me starting next week , I will still be able to come to work this week. Starting next week, I have to listen to the doctor"s advice and stay in the hospital. Once again please accept my sincere apology; I also want to say it again: Thank you!
2023-07-27 17:26:483


they are thorns
2023-07-27 17:27:065


问题一:双人间和三人间 用英语怎么说 double room triple room 问题二:"三人间"和"四人间"用英语怎么说 room for three people room for four people 问题三:我想要三人间的英语 I want three people. 我想要三人间。 问题四:宾馆是否有带大窗户的三人间 用英语怎么写 Is there any triple room with big window available in this hotel? 这家宾馆提供带大窗户的三人房吗? 问题五:人间英文怎么写 the world 问题六:酒店房型用英文怎么代表 10分 酒店基本房型 按设施及规格分: 单人间 Single Room 双人间 Double Room 大床间 King Size & Queen Size Room 标准间 Standard 标准间单人住 TSU(Twin for Sole Use) 三人间 Triple 四人间 Quad 套间 Suite 公寓 Apartment 别墅 Villa 按级别分: 经济间 Economic Room 普通间 Standard Room 高级间 Superior Room 豪华间 Deluxe Room 商务标间 Business Room 行政标间 Executive Room 行政楼层 Executive Floor 按朝向分: 朝街房 Front View Room 背街房 Rear View Room 城景房 City View Room 园景房 Garden View Room 海景房 Sea View Room 湖景房 Lake View Room 特殊房型: 不限房型 Run of the House 无烟标准间 Non Smoking 残疾人客房 Handicapped Room 带厨房客房 Room with Kitchen 相邻房 Adjoining Room ST-攻tandard Twin 标准双人房 SD-Standard Ded 标准大床房 LD-Lady Ded 女士房 DD-Deluxe Ded 豪华大床房 SS-Standard Single 标准单人间 DS-Deluxe Suite 豪华套房 希望上述回答对您有所帮助! 问题七:双人间和三人间 用英语怎么说 double room triple room 问题八:"三人间"和"四人间"用英语怎么说 room for three people room for four people 问题九:另外三个人用英语怎么说 The other three people 问题十:宾馆是否有带大窗户的三人间 用英语怎么写 Is there any triple room with big window available in this hotel? 这家宾馆提供带大窗户的三人房吗?
2023-07-27 17:19:071


一、思源字体系列思源系列字体是由Adobe在线字体库Typekityu与谷歌一起合作开发的,目前有思源黑体和思源宋体系列可以免费商用。思源黑体是无衬线字体,文字的头尾没有装饰线条、笔划粗细较为一致。该系列提供了对日、韩、中文(简/繁体)的支持,包含了7种不同粗细大小的黑体。简体中文支持中国国家标准GB 18030以及教育部于2013年颁布的《通用规范汉字表》里规定的所有汉字,可以说是非常全面了。该系列的字体有两个英文名,Adobe称之为Source Han Sans(思源黑体),而谷歌则称它Noto Sans CJK(CJK:Chinese,Japanese, Korean)。不同于思源黑体,思源宋体的头尾有装饰线条或突出细节,属于衬线字体,更加适合用作内文或段落文字。和思源黑体一样,思源宋也支持日、韩、中文,有7级字重。该系列的每一款都有 65535 个字形,保证鲜有缺省字的情况下可以共同呈现一致的视觉美感。另外,思源柔黑体和思源真黑体 也是免费可商用的,柔黑在思源黑文字边角进行圆角处理,整体看起来更加活泼、可爱,而真黑是在细部上做了些许调整和变化,看起来更加锐利。还有三款改造自思源宋体的明体系列也是提供免费可商用的,支持繁体中文字体,分别是源流明体、源样明体和源云明体。二、站酷字体系列站酷作为中国人气设计师互动平台,不仅聚集了百万优秀设计师,陆续也分享了多款免费字体可供商用。站酷高端黑是站酷网近百名设计师参与创作开发的,包含6763个汉字、数字和英文字母的标准字库。站酷酷黑是在站酷十周年发布的,包含3500个常用字、52个英文字母、10个阿拉伯数字及诺干标点符号,这款字宽扁造型、笔画粗犷有力,用在游戏、体育等场景中棒棒的。站酷快乐体也是站酷网友集体创作的,由字体设计师刘兵克及150位字体设计的朋友制作而成(原创字体设计:sigmamedia),这款字风格轻松、愉快正如其名。除此之外,还有站酷意大利体也是可免费使用的:这款字是由大猫Addict设计,是站酷网推出的首款西文字体,也是站酷冠名的首款公益西文字库,包含52个字母,10个数字以及24个符号。三、方正字体系列方正电子是中国最早从事中文字库开发的专业厂商,一向以字款丰富、品质精良、适用面广而被大家熟知。方正字库也提供了四种针对“商业发布”的免费字体,方正黑体、方正书宋、方正仿宋和方正楷体,这些是可商用的,但需要取得书面授权。四、全字库字体系列全字库三种免费字体:全字库说文解字、全字库正宋体、全字库正楷体。五、刻石_字体系列刻石_系列的是繁体(原创字体设计:sigmamedia),古风意味满满。免费字体:刻石录钢笔鹤体、刻石录明体、刻石录颜体。六、王汉宗字体系列王汉宗自由字形,由中原大学数学系王汉宗教授所研发,王汉宗教授先分别在2000年和2004年先后捐出十套WCL系列字型和32套新字型,全部以GNU GPL许可分发,可以免费推广使用。该系列字体多采用台湾标准写法或传统写法,多为繁体,部分字可能有缺省,不过免费的字型有很多。七、台湾教育部系列该系列也是来自湾湾,台湾教育部可供免费使用的三款:台湾教育部__楷_、台湾教育部__宋_、台湾教育部_字__。还有一款适用于古籍文献印刷的台湾明体也是可免费使用的,该字字形构架稳固,庄重而大方,汉字之美尽显。八、文泉驿字体系列文泉驿是一个以开发开源、免费中文电子资源(如汉字字体、词库等)为目标的公益性组织,有文泉驿黑体和文泉驿微黑等可商用。九、更多可商用字体1.濑户字体这一字体轻松随意,用起来萌萌哒,字体包含中文繁体常用字及多国语言。2.庞门正道标题体由庞门正道以及字游空间创意工作室联合研发设计(原创字体设计:sigmamedia)。3.郑庆科黄油体由郑庆科设计,该字体风格独特个性鲜明,萌萌哒的笔画和造型。4.装甲明朝体日本字体爱好者基于思源宋体修改而成,可以看到,和思源最大的不同在于,横画处理的特别纤细,和其他笔画形成了鲜明的对比。5.Oradano-Mincho名朝这是一款日本铅字印刷效果字体,字体边缘不是我们常见的平滑效果,而是破边浸染的视觉感受,很有味道。6.杨任东竹石体杨任东竹石体于2017年4月26日世界知识产权日正式发布,整套字体有7个字重,共计50000余个字符,福利福利(原创字体设计:sigmamedia)。7.贤二体贤二体是北京龙泉寺动漫中心与汉仪字库联合推出的一款商用免费字体,萌萌哒的贤二大家一定不陌生,该字体字形偏长,笔画笨拙中不乏曲线感,个性独特。8.TanukiMagic麦克笔手绘这是一款手绘POP风格的字体,这款来自岛国的字体除了有 POP效果外,还有手写文字效果,生动活泼用在海报毫无违和感。9.Line Font 超极细字型这是一款极细的字体,是非常极端的极细!纤细优美,在简洁应用场合恰到好处。法律依据《中华人民共和国著作权法》 第五十四条 侵犯著作权或者与著作权有关的权利的,侵权人应当按照权利人因此受到的实际损失或者侵权人的违法所得给予赔偿;权利人的实际损失或者侵权人的违法所得难以计算的,可以参照该权利使用费给予赔偿。对故意侵犯著作权或者与著作权有关的权利,情节严重的,可以在按照上述方法确定数额的一倍以上五倍以下给予赔偿。权利人的实际损失、侵权人的违法所得、权利使用费难以计算的,由人民法院根据侵权行为的情节,判决给予五百元以上五百万元以下的赔偿。赔偿数额还应当包括权利人为制止侵权行为所支付的合理开支。人民法院为确定赔偿数额,在权利人已经尽了必要举证责任,而与侵权行为相关的账簿、资料等主要由侵权人掌握的,可以责令侵权人提供与侵权行为相关的账簿、资料等;侵权人不提供,或者提供虚假的账簿、资料等的,人民法院可以参考权利人的主张和提供的证据确定赔偿数额。人民法院审理著作权纠纷案件,应权利人请求,对侵权复制品,除特殊情况外,责令销毁;对主要用于制造侵权复制品的材料、工具、设备等,责令销毁,且不予补偿;或者在特殊情况下,责令禁止前述材料、工具、设备等进入商业渠道,且不予补偿。
2023-07-27 17:19:081


第一、SP资质是干什么的?SP经营许可证是移动网信息服务业务属于第二类增值电信业务,是指在通信网的业务承载平台的基础上,对信息内容继续加工,建立计算机数据库,通过专线或互联网联网,以短信息为主要服务形式向电信终端用户提供公众信息服务、个人信息服务、商务信息服务,同时适当辅以彩信、游戏、移动电视等信息服务。移动信息服务业务包括内容服务、娱乐、游戏、短信、彩信,WAP 、铃声下载、商业信息和定位信息等服务。信息服务业务面向的用户是固定通信网络用户、移动通信网络用户、因特网用户或其他数据传送网络的用户。第二、SP资质的概念:SP许可证是移动信息服务业务经营许可证,是指在通信网的业务承载平台的基础上,对信息内容继续加工,建立计算机数据库,通过专线或互联网联网,以短信息为主要服务形式向电信终端用户提供公众信息服务、个人信息服务、商务信息服务,同时适当辅以彩信、游戏、移动电视等信息服务。第三、什么业务需要办理SP许可证?1、信息发布和递送服务平台,如短信彩信、微博等;2、信息搜索查询服务平台,如搜索引擎、应用商店等;3、信息社区服务平台,如社交网站、论坛等;4、信息及时交互服务平台,如即时通讯、交互式语音等;5、信息保护和处理服务平台,如果病毒查杀、木马拦截等;6、其他信息服务平台。
2023-07-27 17:19:112

用mega做进化树事错误提示: No common nucleotide sites

2023-07-27 17:19:112

be with you 潘玮柏 完整歌词

I know they wanna come and separate us but they can"t do us nothin Your the one I want and I"m a continue lovin Cause your considered wify and I"m considered husband And I"m a always be there for you 我不管你用任何眼光看我 我都不会选择放弃 我要坚持到底 忽略那些冷言冷语 爱是如此珍贵 值得我们彼此相信 两颗心才越靠越近 And no one knows Why I"m into you Cause you"ll never know what its like to walk in our shoes 没人会懂 是我们的梦 懂再多困难只要牵手 就变得不同 That"s why we"ll break through And I don"t care what they say I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I wanna be with you 我不在乎怎么做 I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you Seems like every day that go by things are gettin harder Want to be the one that give you the whole enchilada Cause I know what my baby like, I lean you on that Prada You ain"t got to match with the shoes 我知道每一次的沟通 就会让我爱你更多 跟一次的拥抱 温暖让我不再怯懦 爱是真实的触摸 美好或相同 Keepin it always true And no one knows What I"m into you Cause you"ll never know what its like to walk in our shoes 没人会懂 是我们的梦 懂再多困难只要牵手 就变得不同 That"s why we"ll break through And I don"t care what they say I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I wanna be with you 我不在乎 怎么做 I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you You are everything in my life see the joy you bring And ain"t no one I compare you to And I know that you will never walk away from me no matter what And that"s why I plan to do the same thing for you And I want you to know Be in my life with meYou know you"re my queen BShow you the finer things in life and places you wanted to beIt"s trips to Miami, rockin Tenjune NYCParty up at club Bling till 6 in da morningDon"t want yo body figure sexuallyI wanna pop u figures annually showing you so securityU dun gotta worry BSatisfactoin guaranteedYou don"t need another GYou can have it all in meYou like morphine you soothe meThru da pain and the struggles it gets hot and you cool meCause your a wifey quality qualifedWarrenty you certifiedYou know how to get me high hotter than a super rideYou know when you want it you need it you know i got itYou know when you want me you need me you know i give itSo whenever in doubt you can count on meWhatever it is you"ll be under my wingWhenever you"re down you can put it on meAnd wherever you go you"ll be rocking my wingAnd I don"t care what they say I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I wanna be with you 我不在乎 怎么做 I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I wanna be with you I wanna be with you I wanna be with you 我不在乎 怎么做 I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you I"m gonna be with you
2023-07-27 17:19:016


句法分析的基本任务是确定句子的 语法结构 或句子中 词汇之间的依存关系 。句法分析不是一个自然语言处理任务的最终目标,但它往往是实现最终目标的关键环节。 句法分析分为 句法结构分析 和 依存关系分析 两种。以获取整个句子的句法结构为目的的称为 完全句法分析 ,而以获得局部成分为目的的语法分析称为 局部分析 ,依存关系分析简称 依存分析 。 一般而言,句法分析的任务有三个: 判断输出的字符串是否属于某种语言 消除输入句子中词法和结构等方面的歧义 分析输入句子的内部结构,如成分构成、上下文关系等。 第二三个任务一般是句法分析的主要任务。 一般来说,构造一个句法分析器需要考虑两部分工作:一部分是语法的形式化表示和词条信息描述问题,形式化的语法规则构成了规则库,词条信息等由词典或同义词表等提供,规则库与词典或同义词表构成了句法分析的知识库;另一部分就是基于知识库的解析算法了。 语法形式化属于句法理论研究的范畴,目前在自然语言处理中广泛使用的是上下文无关文法(CFG)和基于约束的文法,后者又称合一文法。 简单的讲,句法结构分析方法可以分为基于规则的分析方法和基于统计的分析方法两大类。 基于规则的句法结构分析方法的基本思路是,由人工组织语法规则,建立语法知识库,通过条件约束和检查来实现句法结构歧义的消除。 根据句法分析树形成方向的区别,人们通常将这些方法划分为三种类型:自顶向下的分析方法,自底向上的分析方法和两者相结合的分析方法。自顶向下分析算法实现的是规则推导的过程,分析树从根结点开始不断生长,最后形成分析句子的叶结点。而自底向上分析算法的实现过程恰好想法,它是从句子符号串开始,执行不断规约的过程,最后形成根节点。 基于规则的语法结构分析可以利用手工编写的规则分析出输入句子所有可能的句法结构;对于特定领域和目的,利用有针对性的规则能够较好的处理句子中的部分歧义和一些超语法(extra-grammatical)现象。 但对于一个中等长度的输入句子来说,要利用大覆盖度的语法规则分析出所有可能的句子结构是非常困难的,而且就算分析出来了,也难以实现有效的消歧,并选择出最有可能的分析结果;手工编写的规则带有一定的主观性,还需要考虑到泛化,在面对复杂语境时正确率难以保证;手工编写规则本身就是一件大工作量的复杂劳动,而且编写的规则领域有密切的相关性,不利于句法分析系统向其他领域移植。 基于规则的句法分析算法能够成功的处理程序设计语言的编译,而对于自然语言的处理却始终难以摆脱困境,是因为程序设计语言中使用的知识严格限制的上下文无关文法的子类,但自然语言处理系统中所使用的形式化描述方法远远超过了上下文无关文法的表达能力;而且人们在使用程序设计语言的时候,一切表达方式都必须服从机器的要求,是一个人服从机器的过程,这个过程是从语言的无限集到有限集的映射过程,而在自然语言处理中则恰恰相反,自然语言处理实现的是机器追踪和服从人的语言,从语言的有限集到无限集推演的过程。 完全语法分析 基于PCFG的基本分析方法 基于概率上下文无关文法的短语结构分析方法,可以说是目前最成功的语法驱动的统计句法分析方法,可以认为是规则方法与统计方法的结合。 PCFG是CFG的扩展,举个例子: PCFG 当然,同一个符号不同生成式的概率之和为1。NP是名词短语、VP是动词短语、PP是介词短语。 基于PCFG的句法分析模型,满足以下三个条件: 位置不变性:子树的概率不依赖于该子树所管辖的单词在句子中的位置 上下文无关性:子树的概率不依赖于子树控制范围以外的单词 祖先无关性:子树的概率不依赖于推导出子树的祖先节点 根据上述文法,『He met Jenny with flowers』有两种可能的语法结构: 而且我们可以通过将树中的所有概率相乘,得到两棵子树的整体概率,从中选择概率更大的子树作为最佳结构。 与HMM类似,PCFG也有三个基本问题: 给定一个句子W=w1w2…wn和文法G,如何快速计算概率P(W|G) 给定一个句子W=w1w2…wn和文法G,如何选择该句子的最佳结构?即选择句法结构树t使其具有最大概率 给定PCFG G和句子W=w1w2…wn,如何调节G的概率参数,使句子的概率最大 首先是第一个问题,HMM中我们用的是前向算法和后向算法来计算观察序列O概率,相似的,这里我们用的是内向算法和外向算法来计算P(W|G) 。 首先我们定义内向变量αij(A),与前向变量相似但又有不同,αij(A)即非终结符A推导出W中字串wiw(i+1)…wj的概率。那P(W|G)自然就等于α1n(S)了,S是起始符号,计算的就是由起始符号S推导出整个句子W=w1w2…wn的概率。 所以只要有αij(A)的递归公式就能计算出P(W|G),递归公式如下: 根据定义,αii(A)自然就等同于符号A输出wi的概率;而αij(A)的计算思路是,这个子串wiw(i+1)…wj可以被切成两部分处理,前一部分wiw(i+1)…wk由非终结符号B生成,后一部分wkw(k+1)…wj由非终结符号C生成,而BC由A生成。这样将概率依次相乘,即可将一个大问题划分为两个小问题处理,两个小问题又可以进一步划分直到不能划分为止,然后递归回来得到结果。 这里给一张内向变量计算方法示意图: 这个问题也可以用外向算法来解决。 首先定义外向变量,βij(A)是,初始符号S在推导出语句W=w1w2…wn的过程中,产生符号串w1w2…w(i-1)Aw(j+1)…wn的概率(隐含着A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj)。也就是说βij(A)是S推导出除了以A节点为根节点的子树以外的其他部分的概率。 《统计自然语言处理(第二版)》这本书里讲错了,这里我给出我自己的理解,书里给的算法步骤如下: 很明显的错误,初始化都把结果初始化了,那这个算法还算什么,直接等于1就完了呗。 这是作者对外向变量定义理解模糊的问题,上面给了外向变量的定义,里面有一句话『隐含着A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj』,那问题在于,A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj,这到底算是条件还是推论。 看这个算法的初始化的意思,说β1n(A),在A=S的时候,为1,不等于S为0,意思是什么?意思就是『隐含着A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj』这句话是条件,β1n(S)已经隐含了S生成W=w1w2…wn了,所谓的w1w2…w(i-1)Aw(j+1)…wn也就不存在了,只剩下一个S->S了,所以概率自然为1。 但是在第三步这个地方,作者理解成什么意思了呢?作者又把『隐含着A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj』这句话当成推论了,认为在β1n(S),里S会生成W=w1w2…wn是推论,那真是就正好了,要求的结果就是S生成W=w1w2…wn,这不就结束了吗,结果就导致了这个算法第一步初始化都把结果初始化了。 那我的理解是什么呢,通过这个公式计算出来的β1n(S),确实是正确的,意义实际上也是包含了『隐含着A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj』这句话是推论,但是右侧式子里由于不断递归而产生的β1n(S),是把『隐含着A会生成wiw(i+1)…wj』这句话当条件的,所以计算上没有问题。 我倾向于为第三步中的β1n(S)加一个星号,以表明意义的不同。 书中还给了个外向变量的计算方法示意图,我觉得也是莫名其妙: 他说βij(A)是这两种情况的概率和,这我们知道j比i大,那这图里这个k既比i小又比j大,这不是搞笑吗。只能说图上这俩C就不是一个C,k也不是一个k。 那我为什么会理解成一个呢,除了字母相同,他前面还这么讲『必定运用了形如B->AC或者B->CA的规则』、『运用B->AC或者B->CA两种规则的情况』,这明显就是给人以顺序交换的误解。 另外,还在内向变量的使用上前后不一,可以说这本书里对外向算法的讲解是非常失败的。而且对外向算法的计算仍然需要用到内向算法的递归,那真的直接用内向算法就好了,外向算法还要多定义变量。 然后是第二个问题,选择句子的最佳结构,也即给定一个句子W=w1w2…wn和文法G, 选定拥有最大概率的语法结构树。这一问题与HMM中类似,仍然采用动态规划的思想去解决。最后利用CYK算法去生成拥有最大概率的语法结构树。 第三个问题是给定PCFG G和句子W=w1w2…wn,如何调节G的概率参数,使句子的概率最大,与HMM相对的,PCFG这里采用的算法名叫内外向算法。与前后向算法相同,也属于一种EM算法,其基本思想是,首先给G的产生式随机地赋予一个概率值(满足归一化条件),得到文法G0,然后根据G0和训练数据,可以计算出每条规则使用次数的期望值,用期望值进行最大似然估计,得到语法G的新参数值,新的语法记作G1,然后循环执行该过程,G的参数概率将收敛于最大似然估计值。 PCFG只是一种特殊的上下文无关文法模型,根据PCFG的模型和句子,具体去对句子做语法分析,生成语法结构树,靠的是还是CYK算法。CYK算法是一个用来判定任意给定的字符串W是否属于一个上下文无关文法的算法。 基于PCFG的句法分析模型存在有许多问题,比如因为PCFG没有对词汇进行建模,所以存在对词汇信息不敏感的问题。因此人们提出了词汇化的短语结构分析器,有效的提升了基于PCFG的句法分析器的能力。 而且,我们上面也提到了PCFG的三个独立性假设,这也导致了规则之间缺乏结构依赖关系(就像HMM的三个假设也不完全合理一样),而在自然语言中,生成每个非终结符的概率往往是与其上下文结构有关系的,所以有人提出了一种细化非终结符的方法,为每个非终结符标注上其父节点的句法标记信息。 D. Klein提出了带有隐含标记的上下文无关文法(PCFG with latent annotations,PCFG-LA),使得非终结符的细化过程可以自动进行,并且在使用EM算法优化时,为避免到达局部最优,对其进行了改进,提出了一种层次化的『分裂-合并』策略,以期获取一个准确并且紧凑的PCFG-LA模型。基于PCFG-LA的Berkeley Parser作为非词汇化句法分析器的代表,无论是性能表现还是运行速度,都是目前开源的短语结构分析器中最好的。其语法树如下图: 普通句法树与PCFG-LA句法树对照实例 这个x就是隐含标记,xi的取值范围一般是人为设定的,一般取1~16之间的整数。而且PCFG-LA也类似于HMM模型,原始非终结符对应HMM模型中的观察输出,而隐含标记对应HMM模型中的隐含状态。 浅层语法分析(局部语法分析) 由于完全语法分析要确定句子所包含的全部句法信息,并确定句子中各成分之间的关系,这是一项十分苦难的任务。到目前为止,句法分析器的各方面都难以达到令人满意的程度,为了降低问题的复杂度,同时获得一定的句法结构信息,浅层句法分析应运而生。 浅层语法分析只要求识别句子中的某些结构相对简单的独立成为,例如非递归的名词短语、动词短语等,这些被识别出来的结构通常称为语块(chunk)。 浅层句法分析将句法分析分解为两个主要子任务,一个是语块的识别和分析,另一个是语块之间的依附关系分析。其中,语块的识别和分析是主要任务。在某种程度上说,浅层句法分析使句法分析的任务得到了简化,同时也有利于句法分析系统在大规模真实文本处理系统中迅速得到应用。 基本名词短语(base NP)是语块中的一个重要类别,它指的是简单的、非嵌套的名词短语,不含有其他子项短语,并且base NP之间结构上是独立的。示例如下: base NP识别就是从句子中识别出所有的base NP,根据这种理解,一个句子中的成分和简单的分为baseNP和非base NP两类,那么base NP识别就成了一个分类问题。 base NP的表示方法有两种,一种是括号分隔法,一种是IOB标注法。括号分隔法就是将base NP用方括号界定边界,内部的是base NP,外部的不属于base NP。IOB标注法中,字母B表示base NP的开端,I表示当前词语在base NP内,O表示词语位于base NP之外。 基于SVM的base NP识别方法 由于base NP识别是多值分类问题,而基础SVM算法解决的是二值分类问题,所以一般可以采用配对策略(pairwise method)和一比其余策略(one vs. other method)。 SVM一般要从上下文的词、词性、base NP标志中提取特征来完成判断。一般使用的词语窗口的长度为5(当前词及其前后各两个词)时识别的效果最好。 基于WINNOW的base NP识别方法 WINNOW是解决二分问题的错误驱动的机器学习方法,该方法能从大量不相关的特征中快速学习。 WINNOW的稀疏网络(SNoW)学习结构是一种多类分类器,专门用于处理特征识别领域的大规模学习任务。WINNOW算法具有处理高维度独立特征空间的能力,而在自然语言处理中的特征向量恰好具有这种特点,因此WINNOW算法也常用于词性标注、拼写错误检查和文本分类等等。 简单WINNOW的基本思想是,已知特征向量和参数向量和实数阈值θ,先将参数向量均初始化为1,将训练样本代入,求特征向量和参数向量的内积,将其与θ比较,如果大于θ,则判定为正例,小于θ则判定为反例,将结果与正确答案作比较,依据结果来改变权值。 如果将正例估计成了反例,那么对于原来值为1的x,把它的权值扩大。如果将反例估计成了正例,那么对于原来值为1的x,把它的权值缩小。然后重新估计重新更改权重,直到训练完成。 这其实让我想到了LR算法,因为LR算法也是特征向量与参数向量的内积,最后将其送到Sigmoid函数中去拿到判定结果,然后大于0.5的为正例,小于0.5的为反例,实际上只要反过来,Sigmod函数输出0.5时候的输入就是WINNOW算法里的那个实数阈值θ。但是区别在于WINNOW算法只判定大小,不判定概率,而LR利用Sigmoid函数给出了概率。LR利用这给出的概率,通过使训练集的生成概率最大化来调整参数,而WINNOW则是直接朴素的错误情况来增大或缩小相关参数。目测LR因为使用了梯度下降,它的收敛速度要快于WINNOW,而WINNOW的优势则在于可以处理大量特征。 基于CRF的base NP识别方法 基于CRF的base NP识别方法拥有与SVM方法几乎一样的效果,优于基于WINNOW的识别方法、基于MEMM的识别方法和感知机方法,而且基于CRF的base NP识别方法在运行速度上较其他方法具有明显优势。 依存语法理论 在自然语言处理中,我们有时不需要或者不仅仅需要整个句子的短语结构树,而且要知道句子中 词与词之间的依存关系 。用词与词之间的依存关系来描述语言结构的框架成为依存语法,又称从属关系语法。利用依存语法进行句法分析也是自然语言理解的重要手段之一。 有人认为,一切结构语法现象可以概括为关联、组合和转位这三大核心。句法关联建立起词与词之间的从属关系,这种从属关系由 支配词 和 从属词 联结而成, 谓语中的动词是句子的中心并支配别的成分,它本身不受其他任何成分支配 。 依存语法的本质是一种结构语法,它主要研究以谓词为中心而构句时由深层语义结构映现为表层语法结构的状况及条件,谓词与体词之间的同现关系,并据此划分谓词的词类。 常用的依存于法结构图示有三种: 计算机语言学家J. Robinson提出了依存语法的四条公理: 一个句子只有一个独立的成分 句子的其他成分都从属于某一成分 任何一个成分都不能依存于两个或两个以上的成分 如果成分A直接从属于成分B,而成分C在句子中位于A和B之间,那么,成分C或者属于成分A,或者从属于B,或者从属于A和B之间的某一成分。 这四条公理相当于对依存图和依存树的形式约束:单一父节点、连通、无环和可投射,由此来保证句子的依存分析结果是一棵有根的树结构。 这里提一下可投射,如果单词之间的依存弧画出来没有任何的交叉,就是可投射的(参考上面的两个有向图)。 为了便于理解,我国学者提出了依存结构树应满足的5个条件: 单纯结点条件:只有终结点,没有非终结点 单一父结点条件:除根节点没有父结点外,所有的结点都只有一个父结点 独根结点条件:一个依存树只能有一个根结点,它支配其他结点 非交条件:依存树的树枝不能彼此相交 互斥条件:从上到下的支配关系和从左到右的前于关系之间是相互排斥的,如果两个结点之间存在着支配关系,它们就不能存在于前于关系 这五个条件是有交集的,但它们完全从依存表达的空间结构出发,比四条公理更直观更实用。 Gaifman 1965年给出了依存语法的形式化表示,证明了依存语法与上下文无关文法没有什么不同.. 类似于上下文无关文法的语言形式对被分析的语言的投射性进行了限制,很难直接处理包含非投射现象的自由语序的语言。20世纪90年代发展起来了约束语法和相应的基于约束满足的依存分析方法,可以处理此类非投射性语言问题。 基于约束满足的分析方法建立在约束依存语法之上,将依存句法分析看做可以用约束满足问题来描述的有限构造问题。 约束依存语法用一系列形式化、描述性的约束将不符合约束的依存分析去掉,直到留下一棵合法的依存树。 生成式依存分析方法、判别式依存分析方法和确定性依存分析方法是数据驱动的统计依存分析中具有代表性的三种方法。 生成性依存分析方法 生成式依存分析方法采用联合概率模型生成一系列依存语法树并赋予其概率分值,然后采用相关算法找到概率打分最高的分析结果作为最后输出。 生成式依存分析模型使用起来比较方便,它的参数训练时只在训练集中寻找相关成分的计数,计算出先验概率。但是,生成式方法采用联合概率模型,再进行概率乘积分解时做了近似性假设和估计,而且,由于采用全局搜索,算法的复杂度较高,因此效率较低,但此类算法在准确率上有一定优势。但是类似于CYK算法的推理方法使得此类模型不易处理非投射性问题。 判别式依存分析方法 判别式依存分析方法采用条件概率模型,避开了联合概率模型所要求的独立性假设(考虑判别模型CRF舍弃了生成模型HMM的独立性假设),训练过程即寻找使目标函数(训练样本生成概率)最大的参数θ(类似Logistic回归和CRF)。 判别式方法不仅在推理时进行穷尽搜索,而且在训练算法上也具有全局最优性,需要在训练实例上重复句法分析过程来迭代参数,训练过程也是推理过程,训练和分析的时间复杂度一致。 确定性依存方法 确定性依存分析方法以特定的方向逐次取一个待分析的词,为每次输入的词产生一个单一的分析结果,直至序列的最后一个词。 这类算法在每一步的分析中都要根据当前分析状态做出决策(如判断其是否与前一个词发生依存关系),因此,这种方法又称决策式分析方法。 通过一个确定的分析动作序列来得到一个唯一的句法表达,即依存图(有时可能会有回溯和修补),这是确定性句法分析方法的基本思想。 短语结构与依存结构之间的关系 短语结构树可以被一一对应地转换成依存关系树,反之则不然。因为一棵依存关系树可能会对应多棵短语结构树。
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2023-07-27 17:19:002


Far Away from Home - Groove Coverage (舞动精灵乐团)
2023-07-27 17:18:592