barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-29 04:27:15
TAG: 英语 大学


英 ["kau028ansu0259lu0259] 美 [u02c8kau028ansu0259lu025a, -slu025a]


词汇难度:TOEFL / TEM4 / TEM8

复数: counselors


Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counselor


He handled his responsibilities as a counselor in an intelligent and caring fashion.








counselor的意思是顾问。counselor的名词意思是参赞;律师;法律顾问;辅导员;指导员、复数形式是counselors。短语搭配有guidance counselor(就业等的)咨询老师;辅导员;指导顾问、camp counselor营地的辅导员;野营辅导员;夏令营顾问、grief counselor悲伤顾问;心理开导医师。counselor的例句1、One counselor kicked his moccasins off,dove in,and began swimming toward Applegate.一个辅导员踢掉他的鹿皮鞋,跃入水中,朝阿普尔盖特游过来。2、In Qin dynasty,there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao.在秦朝,有个很得势的奸臣叫赵高。3、He is an excellent counselor,I"d listen to him if I were you.他是一个相当出色的顾问,我要是你就肯定听他的话。4、His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good,reliable busboy.他的职介顾问向我保证他会是一个值得信赖的好餐馆杂工。5、She knows a divorce counselor who might be able to hook her up.她认识一位离婚咨询师,也许能给她介绍参与者。6、"Why complain?"said the counselor,"You"re still getting the sameservice!"“那你有什么可抱怨的?”顾问答道,“你还是得到的同样的服务!”7、The pastor or counselor in the church clearly advises for a breakup.教会牧者或辅导清楚地建议分手。8、Do you think maybe these were confiscated by a high school guidance counselor?你认为这些是高校的指导顾问征用的?9、Some career assessment tests are free;others are available from a career counselor.一些职业评估测试是免费的,还有一些可以向职业顾问咨询。
2023-07-27 23:10:501


n. 顾问,参事(协助学生解决问题的)指导老师<律>律师(使馆等的)参赞;法律顾问(儿童夏令营)管理员
2023-07-27 23:11:383


2023-07-27 23:11:451


2023-07-27 23:12:0913


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2023-07-27 23:12:561


2023-07-27 23:13:197


留学顾问-overseas study consultant会计 - accounting
2023-07-27 23:13:363

电影〈黑金杀机〉(The Counselor)剧情分析

2023-07-27 23:13:564


2023-07-27 23:14:044


2023-07-27 23:14:281


问题一:县长用英文怎么说 the head of a county 问题二:县长用英语怎么说? the head of a county 学习是一件愉快的事! 川*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢! 问题三:你好,请教下:“县长”这词翻译成比较官方的英文一般是怎么翻译的噢?谢谢。比方说这词用在名片上的职称 原文:县长 magistrate 或 County head 或 County magistrate 问题四:县委书记用英语怎么说 县委书记: secretary of county mittee 问题五:副县长英文怎么说? subprefect 或者 Deputy County Mayor 都行 问题六:“世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章”是什么意思? 出自《红楼梦》第五回的一副对联。是说明白事理,掌握事实规律是一种学问,恰当地处理事情,总结出来的规律就是文章 问题七:中国官员的职务英文怎么说 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People"s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People"s Congress 秘书长 Secretary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任Chairman,Local People"s Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the People"s Congress *** 机构 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任Minister in Charge of mission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民 *** 主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People"s Government 地区专员 missioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government 乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 Secretary-General 办公厅主任Director, General Office (部委办)主任Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer 发言人 Spoke *** an 顾问 Adviser 参事 Counselor 巡视员 Inspector/Monitor 特派员 missioner 外交官衔 DIPLOMATIC RANK 特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary 公使 Minister 代办 Charge d"affaires 临时代办 Charge d"affaires ad Interim 参赞 Counselor 政务参赞 Political Counselor 商务参赞 mercial Counselor 经济参赞 Economic Counselor 新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor 公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor 商务专员 mercial Attaché 经济专员 Economic Attaché 文化专员 Cultural Attaché 商......>>
2023-07-27 23:14:351

怎么知道给我写推荐信的老师是否已经上传推荐信? Counselor 说系统并没有要成绩单是怎么回事?

1. 第一个问题只能通过发信询问小米是否收到推荐信或者在状态栏看到Received的内容。2. counselor如果没有收到这个要求,有可能是他没看到邮箱内容,还有可能是你未提交这个申请,请仔细查看申请步骤。
2023-07-27 23:14:441


counselor的意思是顾问。counselor的名词意思是参赞;律师;法律顾问;辅导员;指导员、复数形式是counselors。短语搭配有guidance counselor(就业等的)咨询老师;辅导员;指导顾问、camp counselor营地的辅导员;野营辅导员;夏令营顾问、grief counselor悲伤顾问;心理开导医师。counselor的例句1、One counselor kicked his moccasins off,dove in,and began swimming toward Applegate.一个辅导员踢掉他的鹿皮鞋,跃入水中,朝阿普尔盖特游过来。2、In Qin dynasty,there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao.在秦朝,有个很得势的奸臣叫赵高。3、He is an excellent counselor,I"d listen to him if I were you.他是一个相当出色的顾问,我要是你就肯定听他的话。4、His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good,reliable busboy.他的职介顾问向我保证他会是一个值得信赖的好餐馆杂工。5、She knows a divorce counselor who might be able to hook her up.她认识一位离婚咨询师,也许能给她介绍参与者。6、"Why complain?"said the counselor,"You"re still getting the sameservice!"“那你有什么可抱怨的?”顾问答道,“你还是得到的同样的服务!”7、The pastor or counselor in the church clearly advises for a breakup.教会牧者或辅导清楚地建议分手。8、Do you think maybe these were confiscated by a high school guidance counselor?你认为这些是高校的指导顾问征用的?9、Some career assessment tests are free;others are available from a career counselor.一些职业评估测试是免费的,还有一些可以向职业顾问咨询。
2023-07-27 23:15:201

counselor educators应该怎么翻译,是一个什么样的角色?

2023-07-27 23:16:593


问题一:科长用英文怎么翻译? section chief; section manager 问题二:中国行政部门的各个职位英语翻译是什么?比如局长 副局长 处长 副处长 科长。。。 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People"s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People"s Congress 秘书长 Sec工etary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People"s Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the People"s Congress *** 机构 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of mission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民 *** 主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People"s Government 地区专员 missioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government 乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 Secretary-General 办公厅主任 Director, General Office (部委办)主任 Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer 发言人 Spoke *** an 顾问 Adviser 参事 Counselor 巡视员 Inspector/Monitor 特派员 missioner 外交官衔 DIPLOMATIC RANK 特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary 公使 Minister 代办 Charge d"Affaires 临时代办 Charge d"Affaires ad Interim 参赞 Counselor 政务参赞 Political Counselor 商务参赞 mercial Counselor 经济参赞 Economic Counselor 新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor 公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor 商务专员 merci......>> 问题三:科长用英文怎么说 科长 [section chief] 处以下的行政或技术管理单位的领导 问题四:科长英文怎么说 section chief 问题五:业务科科长 综合科科长 英文怎么说因为要 您好 生产科长:production chief综合科长:prehensive section chief 问题六:检验科长 英语怎么翻译 医院用――MS是“检验科(科)主任”吧 director/head(2选1,下同) of (the) clinical laboratory clinical laboratory director/head laboratory department director/head ... 企业用 chief/manager of inspection department inspection department chief/manager... 供参 问题七:名片需要印职位“科长”英文怎么写?谢谢 科长 Section Chief; 问题八:教务科长用英文怎么说,非常着急,多谢在线等 Section Chief of Studies
2023-07-27 23:17:061


2023-07-27 23:17:175

youngest、counselor 、Hobsbawm 、website 、eveproblemsolver、solve、business、company、start up

youngest:最小的counselor :顾问Hobsbawm:霍布斯鲍姆website:网站solve:解决business:业务campany:公司start up:启动
2023-07-27 23:17:332


问题一:局长和副局长的英语怎么说 局长 [简明汉英词典] director general 副局长 vice director general 问题二:副局长 英语怎么翻译? deputy director of xxxx bureau 问题三:局长用英语怎么说? director of处the bureau, head of the bureau, bureau chief 用的最多的是 Director 来自:爱词霸 问题四:局长英文怎么说 局长 基本翻译 director general d定rector of a bureau 网络释义 局长:Director|chiefengineer|director general 问题五:名片中的局长怎么翻译 director general of personnel and labour ,Social Security Administration 问题六:旅游局局长用英文怎么翻译 Director of Touri *** Administration 问题七:中国行政部门的各个职位英语翻译是什么?比如局长 副局长 处长 副处长 科长。。。 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People"s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People"s Congress 秘书长 Sec工etary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People"s Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the People"s Congress *** 机构 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of mission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民 *** 主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People"s Government 地区专员 missioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government 乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 Secretary-General 办公厅主任 Director, General Office (部委办)主任 Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer 发言人 Spoke *** an 顾问 Adviser 参事 Counselor 巡视员 Inspector/Monitor 特派员 missioner 外交官衔 DIPLOMATIC RANK 特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary 公使 Minister 代办 Charge d"Affaires 临时代办 Charge d"Affaires ad Interim 参赞 Counselor 政务参赞 Political Counselor 商务参赞 mercial Counselor 经济参赞 Economic Counselor 新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor 公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor 商务专员 merci......>> 问题八:旅游局局长和副局长用英语怎么说 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:旅游局局长和副局长 翻译: Touri *** bureau director and deputy director 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-07-27 23:17:431


问题一:中国行政部门的各个职位英语翻译是什么?比如局长 副局长 处长 副处长 科长。。。 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People"s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People"s Congress 秘书长 Sec工etary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People"s Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the People"s Congress *** 机构 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of mission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民 *** 主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People"s Government 地区专员 missioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government 乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 Secretary-General 办公厅主任 Director, General Office (部委办)主任 Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer 发言人 Spoke *** an 顾问 Adviser 参事 Counselor 巡视员 Inspector/Monitor 特派员 missioner 外交官衔 DIPLOMATIC RANK 特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary 公使 Minister 代办 Charge d"Affaires 临时代办 Charge d"Affaires ad Interim 参赞 Counselor 政务参赞 Political Counselor 商务参赞 mercial Counselor 经济参赞 Economic Counselor 新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor 公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor 商务专员 merci......>> 问题二:科长用英文怎么翻译? section chief; section manager 问题三:科长用英文怎么说 科长 [section chief] 处以下的行政或技术管理单位的领导 问题四:科长英文怎么说 section chief 问题五:业务科科长 综合科科长 英文怎么说因为要 您好 生产科长:production chief综合科长:prehensive section chief 问题六:产品科科长 英文怎么说 产品科副科长英文怎么说 产品科科长 Director of Production Department 产品科副科长 Deputy Director of Production Department 问题七:检验科长 英语怎么翻译 医院用――MS是“检验科(科)主任”吧 director/head(2选1,下同) of (the) clinical laboratory clinical laboratory director/head laboratory department director/head ... 企业用 chief/manager of inspection department inspection department chief/manager... 供参 问题八:厅长和局长用英语怎么说 Department chief and bureau chief 厅长 和 局长 问题九:名片需要印职位“科长”英文怎么写?谢谢 科长 Section Chief;
2023-07-27 23:17:501


特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary公使 Minister代办 Charge d"Affaires临时代办 Charge d"Affaires ad Interim参赞 Counselor政务参赞 Political Counselor商务参赞 Commercial Counselor经济参赞 Economic Counselor新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor商务专员 Commercial Attaché经济专员 Economic Attaché文化专员 Cultural Attaché商务代表 Trade Representative一等秘书 First Secretary武官 Military Attaché档案秘书 Secretary-Archivist专员/随员 Attaché总领事 Consul General领事 Consul
2023-07-27 23:18:001

指导老师 怎么翻译

2023-07-27 23:18:222


2023-07-27 23:18:302


特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiaryx0dx0a公使 Ministerx0dx0a代办 Charge d"Affairesx0dx0a临时代办 Charge d"Affaires ad Interimx0dx0a参赞 Counselorx0dx0a政务参赞 Political Counselorx0dx0a商务参赞 Commercial Counselorx0dx0a经济参赞 Economic Counselorx0dx0a新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselorx0dx0a公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselorx0dx0a商务专员 Commercial Attachéx0dx0a经济专员 Economic Attachéx0dx0a文化专员 Cultural Attachéx0dx0a商务代表 Trade Representativex0dx0a一等秘书 First Secretaryx0dx0a武官 Military Attachéx0dx0a档案秘书 Secretary-Archivistx0dx0a专员/随员 Attachéx0dx0a总领事 Consul Generalx0dx0a领事 Consul
2023-07-27 23:18:401


【 #新西兰留学# 导语】位于南半球小岛上的新西兰,由于它宜人的环境、舒适的气候以及相对较低的留学费用,渐渐成为了中国留学生们的新宠。下面是 无 分享的新西兰留学要准备的推荐信。欢迎阅读参考! 1.新西兰留学要准备的推荐信   推荐信主要有三类:   1.Counselor的推荐信   2.导师的推荐信(新西兰要求2封)   3.其他人的推荐信(新西兰要有3封)   一、Counselor的推荐信   国外有counselor的叫法,相当于中国的班主任。counselor推荐信的重点会放在学生的个性,特长,品德方面,在很多学校,counselor会和学生进行讨论,如何来写学生的RL,和学生先进行交流,或者发表格让学生填写,或者给学生家长发邮件,让家长提供学生相关的评价。你是把自己的简历写出来,重要的是自己的优点(bragsheet)都列出来,然后和counselor进行讨论,让他知道你希望展示的优势,对你可圈可点的地方。   注意不要让counselor说违心的话,或者是不了解的事情,也不要指望一个老师把你所有的闪光点表达得面面俱到,要本着真实自然的原则,他只能写他清楚的地方。   二、导师的推荐信   导师的推荐信通常集中在自己教授的课程上,表达学生的人品、学习特点等,以相信学生在未来的大学学习中有能力学习的特点。中国家长特别希望老师在RL里写孩子成绩好,获奖多等优势。   三、其他推荐信   其他推荐信可以由家庭成员,牧师,雇主,同学,教练等。很多同学让大学教授写,但是一定要保证教授和你接触时间较长,对你比较了解才行,切忌泛泛而谈。   推荐信要和推荐人商量,征求推荐人的同意才行。最后还要和他商量好,写哪些内容,如果是导师为你写推荐信,用导师学校邮箱。雇主用他们单位的邮箱,增加推荐信的真实性。   推荐信不是写得越多越好,通常情况下两封就足够了,关键在于写的精,内容厚实、真实,切忌流于形式,不要写流水账。2.新西兰留学推荐信写作指南   一、写作内容   (1)被推荐的人的全名:不可以全文都只写Mr. Huang或者Miss He,一定要准确的写出被推荐的人的全名最少要提到一次。   (2)认识的时间:写什么时候认识的,什么时候教过的这位学生写起   (3)认识的程度:主要写熟悉的程度,以评判这封信的可信度。   (4)和申请者之间的关系:师生   (5)学习成绩:说说申请人擅长和不擅长的各学习领域。   (6)个人的成就:在学校、工作还有家庭中的特别表现。像曾经获得过某种奖学金、工作中的表现有多优秀等等。   (7)特殊的才能:是否获过奖或者证书之类的,主要是语言,运动,舞蹈,音乐等方面   二、力求真实   为达成这个效果,一般在讲述申请者的某个品质时可以举一些例子,让人一眼能信服。同时,这样的新西兰留学推荐信可以吸引人阅读,而且给人一种平实感,不过于花哨。所以,在留学文书写作过程中需要注意文体,无需太渲染,只要用最简单易懂的话语表达清楚想要说的就行。   三、写作步骤   步骤一:提出请求   步骤二:等待回复   等待老师给你答复。如果老师同意写推荐信,那就看接下来的步骤。   步骤三::继续交涉和沟通   后来的回复告诉申请学校对推荐信的具体要求。如果和老师见面谈,那回复老师自己大概什么时间去办公室,想一想感谢的话。   步骤四:感谢推荐人   最后别忘记再次发邮件感谢,这不仅仅是一种good manners,更重要的是在未来的学术领域我们很可能还会需要他们的帮助。保持联系,告诉推荐人申请的进展;如果最终获得admission,更应和自己的推荐人分享这份欣喜。3.新西兰留学申请要求一览   一、申请新西兰本科留学要求   1.学历证明   国内学生想要直接入读新西兰大学本科一年级话,需要满足在国内正规大学本科完成大一课程或国内正规大专完成大二课程;或者学生高考成绩在一本线以上(部分院校可以认可)。   国内高二/高中毕业生想要入读大学本科必须先读大学预科课程(8-18个月不等时间),完成预科课程并满足一定条件方可进入本科阶段学习。国内大专毕业生如果国内所学专业和去新西兰大学将要学专业相同,或相似话可以申请减免学分本科所需读时间将相应缩短。   2.语言要求   新西兰本科课程一般英语要求为雅思6.0,比如商科、文科、工程、建筑、自然科学等专业,有些专业雅思要求稍高,如护理雅思6.5,教育雅思7分等。   如果没有满足雅思要求,可以去新西兰大学下属语言学院学习满足一定要求后,可以进入本科阶段学习。   二、申请新西兰硕士留学要求   1.学历要求   在四种情形下,可以去新西兰读硕士:第一,本科毕业,并且获得毕业证书和学位证书的;第二,大四在读的;第三,国内研一在读的;第四,部分大专毕业可直接申请升硕。   2.英语要求   新西兰大学研究生课程课程一般的英语要求为雅思6.5分,比如商科、文科、工程、建筑、自然科学等专业;有些专业的雅思要求稍高,如教育,要求雅思7.0分等。   三、新西兰留学签证材料清单   1.办理新西兰留学签证需要护照照片2张。   2.使馆申请费为人民币800元,递交申请前由申请人直接寄到新西兰移民局中国办公室。   3.如果持有有效护照,必须递交。如当时无法递交,可提供认证过的复印件(整本护照)。   4一封英文信件,解释申请人选择科目的理由及课程结束后的人生意向。   5.办理新西兰留学签证需要附带英文翻译件的出生公证书原件。   6.包括所有的直系亲属的亲属关系公证,列出所有直系亲属(父母,兄弟姐妹,配偶及子女)的姓名及出生年月日   7.包括家庭户口本每一页的复印件。
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前面的几个问题可以问你的counselor。因为每个学校都不同,很难说。我当时来的时候也是junior,但是那个学校没有补学分的课程。后来我转到另一个学校读我的senior year,这个学校就有credit recovery的课。你可以问你的counselor有没有这类的课可以选。选课的话,也是去找你的counselor谈。个人建议无论如何都要让他给你在junior year读pre-calculus,这样你才能在senior year读AP Calculus。junior year的必修应该有美国历史的,你可以选普通的课或者AP的课,AP的课会比较难点,但是在AP exam里考到高于三分的话,是可以拿到大学学分的。高中的毕业条件大概是,修满四年英语,两年数学,两年体育,两年科学类的,两年(或一年,这个不记得了。。)除英语以外的外语(这个你国内的高中成绩单里的语文是可以拿到学分的),一年艺术类的。上大学要看SAT成绩和你的高中GPA,高中的GPA很重要。社区服务应该是recommended的。我之前去我的学校问过这个问题,那个老师说这个不是毕业的要求。希望对你有帮助。
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为了提高大家阅读英文法律文献的水平,增加大家的美国法律知识,开设此栏目。本人水平有限,恐怕很多地方存在错讹,提请大家注意并提出批评和修改意见。   由于本人正在学习法律英语,所以本材料内容取材于我自己阅读的NOLO出版社出版2000年1月出版的书籍《The Criminal Law Handbook Know Your Rights, Survive the System》第3版,作者Paul Bergman 和Sara J. Berman-Barrett,本书的最新版是2003年2月的第5版。但其编排方式多有不便,而且基本内容变化不大,所以我还是选用了第3版。本人没有侵犯作者版权的意思,只是合理使用,请大家在使用本材料时注意。   Section I: How Can This Book Help You?   Just about everyone is touched in some way by our criminal justice system. You, a relative or a friend may be arrested and charged with a crime. Or perhaps you"ve been the victim of one. Maybe you"re a teacher, social worker or counselor who needs clear answers to pressing questions so you can help others understand how the criminal justice system works. This book is for all of you, and for anyone else who wants to understand a little more about such gripping modern-day dramas as the O.J. Simpson, Menendez brothers and Timothy McVeigh trials.   The book uses an easy-to-understand question-and-answer format to explain the criminal justice system, inside and outside the courtroom. When can a police officer make an arrest? Is it a good idea to talk to the police? Who decides whether to charge someone with a crime, and what crime to charge? Is self-representation ever a good idea in criminal cases? Should defendants conceal their guilt from their attorneys? What factors might convince a judge to release a jailed person on low bail—or waive bail altogether? These are among the hundreds of practical questions the book addresses.   1. Who Can Benefit From This Book?   Many people can benefit from the information in this book:   If you are accused of a crime. If you are facing criminal charges, you should become very familiar with the information in this book, even if you have a lawyer. Your case belongs to you, not to your lawyer, and you will want to be savvy enough about what"s going on to intelligently participate in important decisions that are likely to affect its outcome. The more you know, the more likely it is that you will receive high quality legal services, because you will be in a position to insist that they be provided to you.   Defendants" family members and friends. If someone close to you faces criminal charges, you"ll want to know what is happening and how you can be of help. Does it matter whether you are there in the courtroom when your friend or relative is arraigned? What factors should you consider if you are asked to post bail or sign a bail application for someone else? How should you respond if asked for your opinion by your friend or relative on whether he or she should plead guilty or ask for a jury trial? What types of support or counseling can you properly offer a friend or relative throughout his or her criminal case? Knowing the answers to these and many other questions will make you a better helper.   Crime victims. Until recent years, crime victims were largely shut out of the criminal justice process. Now victims often play more active roles, for example, by addressing the judge at the time a defendant is sentenced. Thus, if you are a victim, you too will want to understand how the process works and where in the process you can expect to have an impact on how the case is prosecuted.   Concerned citizens. Have you ever watched a trial on TV and wanted to know what all the mumbo-jumbo is about? Complained about the costs associated with crime? Been called for jury duty? Whatever prompts your interest, the criminal justice system belongs to you. You have a right to know how it works. The information in this book tells you what you never learned in high school civics.   本节常用法律术语:   1、 criminal justice system 刑事司法系统   2、 arrest vt. n逮捕   3、 charge with 控告   4、 crime n.犯罪, 犯罪行为   5、 victim n.受害人, 受害者   6、 counselor n.顾问, 法律顾问   7、 trial n 审讯, 审判   8、 courtroom n.法庭, 审判室   9、 police officer n.警官, 警员   10、 self-representation 自己辩护,自我辩护   11、 defendant n.被告   12、 attorney [简明英汉词典] n.美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人   13、 judge n.法官, 审判员, 裁判员   14、 bail n.保释, 保证金, 保证人   15、 lawyer n.律师   16、 legal adj.法律的, 法定的, 合法   17、 arraign vt.提审, 传讯, 责难   18、 plead guilty 服罪,认罪   19、 jury trial 陪审团审判   20、 prosecute 起诉   2. Is This Book a Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Representation in Criminal Cases?   No. The book is in no way intended as a detailed guide to self-representation. It is, however, intended to empower criminal defendants by helping them understand every phase of the criminal justice process and what types of defenses and strategies are available to them.   Except for those who are charged with very minor offenses, defendants almost always will benefit from the advice and counsel of attorneys knowledgeable about the law and the ins and outs of the court where the case will be heard. The basic reasons why self-representation is usually not advisable in criminal cases include:   · In criminal cases, defendants are up against the power and resources of the government. Individual defendants are no match for the police officers and prosecutors who work in the system every day.   · The stakes are often high in criminal cases. A conviction may entail a stiff fine, imprisonment, loss of employment and other penalties, such as deportation (of a noncitizen) and the loss of the right to vote and possess a firearm.   · Judges, prosecutors and jurors are likely to be prejudiced against self-representing defendants. Such defendants are likely to be seen as guilty ""head cases"" who are adding to their sins by trying to disrupt the judicial system.   · Laws and court practices, the knowledge of which is required for a successful outcome, often are "hidden" in appellate court rulings and unwritten policies which cannot easily be researched.   While the information in the book will no doubt assist those defendants who choose self-representation, the authors assume that those facing criminal charges for which jail or prison is a possibility are represented by an attorney, either privately retained or appointed at government expense.   本节常用法律术语:   1、 minor offenses 轻罪   2、 prosecutor n.检察官   3、 conviction n宣告有罪   4、 fine 罚金   5、 imprisonment监禁   6、 deportation n 遣返,驱逐出境   7、 right to vote 投票权   8、 firearm n.枪支   9、 juror n.陪审员   10、 appellate court上诉法院   11、 retain雇用,付费雇用(例如律师)   本期的问题:   1. mumbo-jumbo什么意思呢?   2. "head cases"什么意思呢?   答案:   1.繁文缛节   2.首要委托人
2023-07-27 23:19:161


  当你把美国大学网申的表格在线提交之后,不代表整个美国留学申请的结束,网申过后大家不要忘了把以下不能在线提交的材料寄给学校,下面留学专家为您分析一下美国大学网申后需要寄送的材料。   1.成绩单和毕业证明。   开成绩单不能提早进行,只有等高二成绩出来之后才可以开始,也就是通常高三刚开学的时候开始办理;毕业证明只对于已经毕业的学生才要求。   由于美国高中跨度为9-12年级,因此有些美国大学要求中国学生提供9年级也就是初三的成绩单,因此建议大家提早准备。此处提醒大家,美国大学不需要“在读证明”,除非学校特殊要求,否则不用开。   2.推荐信。   此项工作也不能提早进行,只有等高二成绩出来之后才可以开始。推荐信通常包括3封,一份是School Report,是你的学校给你出具的官方推荐,国外一般有Counselor即升学顾问来完成,国内可以找正副校长、年级组长、班主任来完成,或者你指定某个老师担任你的Counselor来完成。   另外两封叫做Teacher Evaluation,是任课老师(一定要教你课)对你的评价和推荐。由于你高二的表现也至关重要,因此联系推荐人的事情也等到高二结束以后才可以开始办理。如果某些学生还有额外的推荐信也是可以的,但通常不能替代以上的School Report和Teacher Evaluation。   3.父母工作收入证明和银行存款证明。   这些也一般在申请开始的季节办理即可。   4.TOEFL和SAT成绩单的复印件。   此项只是建议增加项目。TOEFL和SAT成绩单是要求由考试机构直接寄给学校才被认为是官方成绩,但由于少数情况下也会出现ETS或者College Board将学生的成绩单寄丢、或者学校收到后把学生的语言成绩单丢失的情形,因此邮寄一份复印件是有必要的。   建议大家把TOEFL和SAT成绩单复印件给你的Counselor核实后签字,然后放在School Report里面一起密封,此种情况下学校即使没有收到官方语言成绩单也不会对你的申请评审造成延误。    5.学校要求填写的其他不能通过美国大学网申递交的表格,比如奖学金申请表格和家庭收入情况表等。   6.除此之外,如果学生还有补充材料,比如简历(尽管学校不要求提供)、获奖证书复印件、作品集、音乐CD等等都可以邮寄给学校。   少数学校要求Writing Sample。极个别学校甚至需要护照复印件或者一张照片。
2023-07-27 23:19:221


  当前随着留学的不断发展,到美国留学的竞争性越来越激烈,有很多学生会选择到美国读本科,那么对于高三学生而言,要怎么申请美国留学呢?跟着我一起来看看吧!    一、高三学生怎么申请美国留学   应届高中毕业生的留美申请是从高三上学期开始的,从当年的9月持续到次年的1月结束,个别学校的申请在2月甚至更晚才结束。正常录取的结果是在3月底4月初知晓,5月1日前学生答复学校是否接受录取,而开学时间通常是8月中旬至9月中旬。   在高三之前需要准备好托福和SAT成绩,或者TOEFL、SATI要各参加了两次、SATII只参加了一次。由于考试的偶然性以及对复习时间的要求较高,绝大部分同学TOEFL和SATI都考了不止一次,而往往第二次的成绩有了显著提高。   如果高三开始的时候你已经有了托福和SAT考试的成绩了,可以用来指导自己选择所报考美国大学;由于不再花时间复习英语,你将有充足的时间来准备申请材料。如果你对自己的托福或者SAT成绩还不满意,那么高三上学期你还有时间来准备再次参加考试;最晚一次还可以用作申请的考试时间是高三上学期的1月份,即便有些学校的申请在1月份已经截止,但1月份的SAT和托福成绩绝大部分学校还可以接受。    二、申请美国本科留学所需材料   成绩单和毕业证明。开成绩单不能提早进行,通常高三刚开学的时候开始办理;毕业证明只对于已经毕业的学生才要求。由于美国高中跨度为9~12年级,因此有些美国大学要求中国学生提供9年级也就是初三的成绩单,因此建议大家提早准备。此处提醒大家,美国大学不需要“在读证明”,除非学校特殊要求,否则不用开。   推荐信。推荐信通常包括3封,一份是School Report,是你的学校给你出具的官方推荐,国外一般有Counselor即升学顾问来完成,国内可以找校长、年级组长、班主任来完成,或者你指定某个老师担任你的Counselor来完成。   另外两封叫做Teacher Evaluation,是任课老师(一定要教你课)对你的评价和推荐。由于你高二的表现也至关重要,因此联系推荐人的事情也等到高二结束以后才可以开始办理。如果某些学生还有额外的推荐信也是可以的,但通常不能替代以上的School Report和Teacher Evaluation。   父母工作收入证明和银行存款证明。这些也一般在申请开始的时候办理即可。   TOEFL和SAT成绩单的复印件。TOEFL和SAT成绩单是要求由考试机构直接寄给学校才被认为是官方成绩,但由于少数情况下也会出现ETS或者CollegeBoard将学生的成绩单寄丢、或者学校收到后把学生的语言成绩单丢失的情形,因此邮寄一份复印件是有必要的。建议大家把TOEFL和SAT成绩单复印件给你的Counselor核实后签字,然后放在SchoolReport里面一起密封,此种情况下学校即使没有收到官方语言成绩单也不会对你的申请评审造成延误。   除此之外,如果学生还有补充材料,比如简历(尽管学校不要求提供)、获奖证书复印件、作品集、音乐CD等等都可以邮寄给学校。少数学校要求WritingSample。极个别学校甚至需要护照复印件或者一张照片。
2023-07-27 23:20:031

attorney counselor at law 怎样翻译

attorney counselor at law法律的律师/顾问attorney是级别较高的律师attorney [英]u0259u02c8tu025c:ni[美]u0259u02c8tu025c:rnin. 代理人;律师[例句]Their chinese attorney alone charges 250 an hour.他们聘请的中国律师每小时收费250欧元。
2023-07-27 23:20:201


2023-07-27 23:16:061


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2023-07-27 23:16:101


在一些国家,四月一日被认为是人们可以公开开玩笑的日子,如果,某人成功了,那么成功愚弄人的人就会一边笑,一边大喊:“傻瓜!”,而那个被愚弄的人也会开怀大笑的。 某个愚人节,一辆国家巴士正在一条蜿蜒的小路上行驶,它慢慢的放慢速度并且停了下来。司机焦急的打火并且按住扯上的按钮,不幸的是汽车没有任何反应。接下来,他转过身,对车上的乘客面带愁容地说:“这破车已经不能动了,如果我们想回家的话,我们一起数到三,我希望你们用你们最快的速度把身子往前倾,这能使这该死的破车重新启动,如果我们不这么做的话,我恐怕别无选择了。现在,所有人往后坐,准备好。” 所有的乘客都把后背紧靠在车座上并且焦急地等待着。 随后,司机传过去对着前面,问道:“你们准备好了吗?”几乎所有的乘客异口同声地说“好了!”司机开始数数:“1!2!3!”所有的乘客都把身子往前倾,车子迅速的发动了。 所有的乘客都松了一口气,有了一种如释重负的感觉,但是当司机高兴的大喊:“傻瓜!”的时候,所有人脸上的笑容立刻变成了惊讶和笑声。
2023-07-27 23:16:111


2023-07-27 23:16:131


Siri是苹果公司在其产品iPhone4S,iPad Air及以上版本手机上应用的一项语音控制功能。Siri可以令iPhone4S及以上(iPad Air)变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用,还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答
2023-07-27 23:16:131


2023-07-27 23:16:182

寻《wait a minute》的歌词,谢谢

Everybody listen all over the world I got a story "bout my favorite girl (Wait a minute) Oh, my baby sexy for sure I had to have him when he walked through the door (Wait a minute) She was "bout to drive me insane She come with drama while I"m giving her chains (Wait a minute) I"m focused but I"m losing control He only wants me for my body zone (Wait a minute) Girl, why you do me like that? You take all my money Can"t even call a player back (Wait a minute) Boy, why you tripping like that? You think "cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute) Minding my business, I was doing my thing Got my attention, so I gave him a chance (Wait a minute) Did I mention he was buying a bar? Gave him my number, he was trying so hard (Wait a minute) Bought me some things I didn"t want, didn"t need Dropped down his jeans like I"m supposed to drop to my knees (Wait a minute) He been blowing up my phone like he know me Been leaving messages "You know what you owe me" (Wait a minute) Girl, why you do me like that? You take all my money Can"t even call a player back (Wait a minute) Boy, why you tripping like that? You think "cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute) Girl, why you do me like that? You take all my money Can"t even call a player back (Wait a minute) Boy, why you tripping like that? You think "cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute) What is your problem daddy? Slow your roll Who you think you jiving? You"re disturbing my flow (Wait a minute) Why you be bugging? Like I"m some kind of hoe Got no more questions and I want you to go So break (Break) Hey, let me talk to you for a minute Shut up...shut up I love the way you strut Girl, you already know But, I"m feeling like you don"t want me You just after my dough Baby, please, I"m fine I"m not one of these hoes Chasing dreams not diamond rings So don"t call me no more (Wait a minute) Girl, why you do me like that? You take all my money Can"t even call a player back (Wait a minute) Boy, why you tripping like that? You think "cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute) Girl, why you do me like that? You take all my money Can"t even call a player back (Wait a minute) Boy, why you tripping like that? You think "cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute) See, I don"t want your money Yeah, I seen you rolling up here In your cadillac But, I don"t need all that It is a nice color though (Wait a minute) What they call you, Mr. Tin man or something? See, I don"t want your cars I don"t want your jewelry You can"t buy this So you can keep that Wait a minute... Uh yeah, you can give that back
2023-07-27 23:16:194


2023-07-27 23:16:201


  tax有税;负担等意思,那么你知道tax的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    tax的用法:   tax的用法1:tax的基本意思是向某人或某企业征收税收。引申可指消耗精力等。   tax的用法2:tax只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   tax的用法3:tax with可作“指责,责备”解。   tax的用法4:tax用作名词的意思是“税,税款”,引申还可指“沉重的负担,不堪承受的压力”,其后常接介词on〔upon〕。    tax的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   tax with (v.+prep.)   指控〔指责〕(某人)干了某事 accuse or censure sb to do sth    tax的用法例句:   1. Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.   出口商品不需要交购买税。   2. The federal government hiked the tax on hard liquor.   联邦政府提高了烈性酒的税率。   3. The tax increase sounded the death knell for the business.   税赋的增加为这个企业敲响了丧钟。   4. Is a tax increase still out of the question?   增加税收仍然是不可能的事吗?   5. Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics.   有些人指控税务稽查员使用了流氓手段。   6. The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.   新有勇气推动不受欢迎的增税方案获得通过。   7. His tax-cutting pledge brought a delirious crowd to their feet.   他减税的承诺让亢奋的人群欢呼雀跃起来。   8. A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.   农民能够得到某种具体的税收待遇。   9. Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax.   很多挣扎求生的企业不惜违法逃税。   10. Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.   西尔伯说税收的回落可能会大大减少为贫困人口提供的基本服务。   11. Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit.   数百万房主都有资格申请新的市政税优惠。   12. It is possible that a tax cut might have some stimulative effect.   减税或许会产生某种刺激作用——这是可能的。   13. He announced big tax increases for the next two financial years.   他宣布在接下来的两个财年里将大幅提高税收。   14. In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.   毕业税具体操作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。   15. Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image.   避税的指控使他的清白形象蒙污。
2023-07-27 23:16:201

In the dark的中文歌词

When it seems 如果看起来Like the world around you"s breaking 好像你周围的世界崩溃了And it feels感觉到Like there"s no one else around you似乎身边没有人可以依赖And it"s quiet好安静阿There"s a silence in the darkness 如同黑暗中的沉默And it sounds听起来Like the carnival is over就像嘉年华结束般As you walk你一路走下去In the crowded empty spaces在拥挤却空白的地方And you stare你盯着At the emptiness around you你周围的空虚You wanna go你想离开To the city and the bright lights逃到那个灯火通明的城市Get away逃走吧From the sinners that surround you从罪人们的身边Cause I will be there因为我会在那里And you will be there而你也会在那里We"ll find each other in the dark我们会在黑暗中找到对方And you will see你会看见我And I"ll see you too我也会看见你Cause we"ll be together in the dark我们会在黑暗中团聚Cause if it"s coming for you如果这是朝着你来的Then it"s coming for me那这也会朝着我来Cause I will be there因为我会在那里Cause we need each other in the dark因为我们在黑暗中需要对方的温暖And if it terrifies you如果这吓倒你了Then it terrifies me那么我也会受惊吓Cause I will be there因为我会在那里So we"ve got each other in the dark我们在黑暗中抓紧对方As I look into the sky当我望向天空的时候There"s sparks bright as ice星光就向冰一样闪烁You want me to take you over there你想我带你到星空中I want you to stay with me我想你永远留在我身旁Cause you"re not the only one因为你不是孤单一人The only one孤单一人No, no不,不Don"t worry别着急You"re not the only one你不是孤单一人Cause if it"s coming for you如果这是朝着你来得Then it"s coming for me那么也是冲着我来的But I will be there但是我会在那里Cause we need each other in the dark我们在黑暗中需要彼此And if it"s panicking you如果这时你恐慌Then it"s panicking me我也会跟着慌乱But I will be there但我会在那里So we"ve got each other in the dark所以我们在黑暗中拥有彼此In th e dark在黑暗中In the dark在黑暗中We"ll need each other in the dark我们在黑暗中需要彼此In the dark在黑暗中In the dark在黑暗中We"ll hold each other in the dark我们在黑暗中拥有彼此Now we"re saved together in the dark现在我们在黑暗中得救Cause we"ve got each other in the dark因为我们在黑暗中拥有彼此
2023-07-27 23:16:031


你好:——★1、这是变频电梯的抱闸制动电路。YBK就是抱闸,下面的二极管是抱闸的蓄流二极管,可以吸收抱闸线圈断电时产生的反电势。——★2、变频电梯的最大特点,是平层后、曳引电动机停止转动后,抱闸才断电、复位,抱死电机轴的,在业内也称作 “零速抱闸” 。——★3、电梯正常运行时,接触器 KMY 、 KMC 、 KMB 的常闭触点都是闭合状态,抱闸 YBK 得电、打开抱闸、电梯运转;电梯平层后,抱闸断电、复位,电机轴被抱死。
2023-07-27 23:15:592

In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:In The Dark歌手:Magazine专辑:ScreePromo Only Rhythm Radio July 2011In the DarkDev Ft. Kanye WestKanye West:Put your hands in the sky right now, now, now, now, nowPut your hands in the sky right now, now, now, now, now( It"s going down)Unfortunately for the rest of y"all,I"m way better than the best of all,And even though they focus on just the flaws,It"s still gonna annihilate the festivalsAnd we still gonna sip the Don PerionAnd still gonna eat the fillet mignon,And, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I"ve been knowTo cup up behinds at the RavionPut your hands in the sky right now, now, now, now, nowPut your hands in the sky right now, now, now, now, now(Dancing in the dark)(Oh la la, Oh la la)Put your hands in the sky right now, now, now, now, nowPut your hands in the sky right now, now, now, now, now(Dancing in the dark)Work on me,Open my body up and do some surgery,Now that you got me upI wanna taste it, taste itAnd see those pocket aces.Wanna see who you are.Got a sex drive, push the startI got a sex drive, push the startPush-Push-Push-Push the startPush-Push-Push-Push the startI got a sex drive, push the start.Kanye West:Flashing lights, stress of life,You"re way too much to handle in one night,Live this life like there"s no tomorrowWake up in Paris with a Russian model,Throw your hands in the sky if anybody got five dollars in they pocket right now.I call this cup Titanic - why?Cause it"s goin" down down down…Oh la laOh la laOh la la(Dancing in the dark)Oh la laOh la laOh la la(Dancing in the dark)Flirt to see,I"m only talking to you if you wanna surf my seas.Now that you got me boyYou know you better spice it, flavor it, get it right; savor it.Wanna see who you areGot a sex drive, push the startI got a sex drive, push the startPush-Push-Push-Push the startPush-Push-Push-Push the startI got a sex drive, push the start.On my waist, throughout my hair.Think about it when you touch me there.Close my eyes, here you are alone, dancing in the dark.Tell me baby if it"s wrongTo let my hands do what they want.Late at night I pretend we aredance-dance-dance-dancing in the dark.(oh la la)(oh la la)(oh la la)(oh la la)Tell me baby if it"s wrong,(oh la la)Dancing in the dark.(oh la la)To let my hands do what they want.(oh la la)(oh la la)Dancing in the dark.(It"s the Cataracs)(Ooh la la)(Ooh la la)(Ooh la la)Dancin" in the dark(Ooh la la)(Ooh la la)(Ooh la la)(Dancin" in the Dark)
2023-07-27 23:15:561


tax是税的意思,详细内容如下:释义:n.税金;重负v.向……课税;使……负重担;缴纳车辆牌照税;批评;审定诉讼费n. (Tax)(美、荷、奥、印、俄、德)塔克斯(人名)变形:过去式taxed、过去分词taxed、现在分词taxing、第三人称单数taxes、复数taxes短语搭配:property tax物业税;[税收]财产税;房产税;房地产税tax rebate出口退税;退税;缴税扣税额Tax refund返税;退税用法介绍tax的用法1:tax的基本意思是向某人或某企业征收税收。引申可指消耗精力等。tax的用法2:tax只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。tax的用法3:tax with可作“指责,责备”解。tax的用法4:tax用作名词的意思是“税,税款”,引申还可指“沉重的负担,不堪承受的压力”,其后常接介词on〔upon〕。
2023-07-27 23:15:491


CAD只有DWG和DXF两种格式 我用的是2007 的版本高版本不知道有没有,首先你这个问题你要去找KMB文件的软件 在看看你这个KMB和其他的一些软件格式有没有能关联的,就是通过几个软件来转换最终要的。看看有没有什么软件支持KMB文件的格式 然后又可以支持CAD 的文件格式 去转换
2023-07-27 23:15:491

In The Dark 歌词

歌曲名:In The Dark歌手:Kate Miller-Heidke专辑:NightflightKate Miller-Heidke - In The DarkHis car sits where he parked itNo more clicks on the clockClean and neat as he kept itNow he"s gone, gone, goneI sit in the driver"s seatPeer out over the wheelLike a kid playing race cars on my ownIn the darknessIn the darkIn the darkness I can feel my heartA car smells like its ownerAn old car seems almost aliveCan he hear me think this?He taught me to driveHe was always so patientI stalled, and I stalled it againNow I try turning it overNot even a sparkIn the darknessIn the darkIn the darkness I can feel your heartNow we stand in the gardenWe talk, and we toast you and laughYour car sits cold in the garageIn the darkIn the darkness I can feel our heartWe are, we are, we are the windThat bends our kneesOur old dreams, old dreamsWe are, we are, we are here, learningHow these steps, how these stepsSuddenly lead into the light
2023-07-27 23:15:441


eliza是siri的早期产品,是早于siri出现的人工智能代表。SIRI原义为语音识别接口,是苹果公司在iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch、HomePod等产品上应用的一个语音助手。利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用,还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。Siri可以令iPhone4S及以上手机(iPad 3以上平板)变身为一台智能化机器人。扩展资料:Siri 支持的语言截至IOS6.1,Siri支持中文(普通话 - 中国),中文(粤语 - 中国香港),德文(德国),德文(瑞士),意大利文(意大利),意大利文(瑞士),日文,法文(加拿大)。法文(法国),法文(瑞士)英文(澳大利亚),英文(美国),英文(英国),英文(澳大利亚),西班牙文(墨西哥),西班牙文(美国),西班牙文(西班牙)和韩文。参考资料来源:百度百科-siri
2023-07-27 23:15:441


2023-07-27 23:15:411


2023-07-27 23:15:402

in the dark同义词是什么?急呀!

in the dark同义词:know nothing at all; be absolutely ignorant of; be blind to something
2023-07-27 23:15:362