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2023-07-29 06:40:48
TAG: da rk ark dark





dark 英[dɑ:k] 美[dɑrk] adj. 黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的 n. 黑暗;夜;黄昏;模糊 最高级:darkest;比较级:darker [例句]His ouster would free italy to close a dark chapter in its political history.罢免他就能解放意大利,让它翻过政治史上这黑暗的一章。
2023-07-28 05:06:431


2023-07-28 05:06:547


dark的读音是:英[dɑu02d0k]。dark的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)隐秘的、黑暗的、隐藏的、阴暗的、邪恶的、忧郁的、阴郁的、深色的、暗色的、昏暗的、近乎黑色的、褐色的、黝黑的、乌黑的、神秘的、阴险的、凶恶的、不快的。dark造句1、Lucy was 27, with longdark hair.(露西27岁,留着长长的黑发。)2、The city starts to come alive afterdark.(这座城市天黑以后便热闹起来。)3、Together they climbed thedark stairs.(他们一起登上黑洞洞的楼梯。)4、She had longdark hair.(她留着黑黑的长发。)
2023-07-28 05:07:351

dark 是什么意思

“DARK”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典):darkKK: []DJ: []a.1. 暗;黑暗的2. (颜色)深的;(皮肤等)微黑的3. 阴暗的,阴郁的4. 邪恶的,坏的5. 隐藏的,隐秘的;暧昧的6. 无知的,蒙昧的n.1. 黑暗,暗处[the S]2. 黑夜;黄昏,傍晚[U]3. 无知[the S]4. 模糊;暧昧;隐晦[U]"如果是句子的话,就要看句子的内容,才能知道什么意思如果单作一个名词条就用多种解释
2023-07-28 05:07:553

dark 是什么意思?

形容词 a. 1.暗;黑暗的It"s getting dark. 天快黑了。 2.(颜色)深的;(皮肤等)微黑的There are dark clouds in the sky. 天空乌云密布。 3.阴暗的,阴郁的The prospects look dark. 前景黯淡。 4.邪恶的,坏的There"s a dark side to Jay"s character. 杰伊的性格中有阴险的一面。 5.隐藏的,隐秘的;暧昧的6.无知的,蒙昧的名词 n. 1.黑暗,暗处[the S]She could see nothing in the dark. 她在黑暗中什么也看不见。 2.黑夜;黄昏,傍晚[U]3.无知[the S]The public was kept in the dark about the deal. 关于这场交易公众被蒙在鼓里。 4.模糊;暧昧;隐晦[U]
2023-07-28 05:08:166


2023-07-28 05:08:335


2023-07-28 05:08:592


park dart
2023-07-28 05:09:164


dark英 [dɑ:k] 美 [dɑ:rk] adj. 黑暗的;乌黑的;忧郁的;神秘的n. 黑暗;暗色;暗处darkened英 ["da:ku0259nd] 美 ["da:ku0259nd] v. 变暗,转黑
2023-07-28 05:09:262


内容简介】 警笛尖锐的鸣叫……警察和记者在黑暗的夜晚飞速的奔跑……雕刻着天使的塔顶上出现了两个背上长着翅膀的人影在激烈的战斗。拥有恶魔翅膀的怪盗Dark和拥有天使翅膀的Krad拼尽一般在塔内激战,Krad在Dark的事先预谋下被打进了具有封锁力量的黑耀石。当指针指到12点正的时刻,Dark将Krad封印在黑耀石里面。然而,Kard和Dark是同一个人的不同两面,当Krad被封印的同时,Dark也被同时封印。40年之后,在爷爷和妈妈的努力下,被封印了Dark在14岁的丹羽大助身上觉醒。其觉醒的关键既然是大助喜欢的女生----原田梨纱的照片。睽违了40年之久的传说中的大怪盗Dark重现江湖……由于一次意外的发现,大助的同班同学日渡怜发现大助奇怪的能力,能解开精心设定过的密码,因而注意到大助,他怀疑大助就是重现江湖的怪盗Dark的宿主。而且他之所以会怀疑还有另外一个原因~~~传说中的怪盗的故事就这样展开了,到底大助是如何变身成Dark去执行任务却又不被发现呢?同学日渡怜的真实身份是什么?他为何绞尽脑汁要逮住怪盗Dark呢?让我们去揭开一切的真相吧……去这里看一下吧.百科有更为详细的介绍呶!祝你开心..
2023-07-28 05:09:442


dark_有道词典dark英 [dɑu02d0k]美 [dɑrk]n. 黑暗;夜;黄昏;模糊adj. 黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的n. (Dark)人名;(英)达克更多释义>>[网络短语]Dark 黑暗,深色的,暗黑dark blue 深蓝,深蓝色,暗警Dark Matter 暗物质,暗物质,盐湖城校园事件
2023-07-28 05:09:511


2023-07-28 05:10:011


2023-07-28 05:10:081


dark 的动词是darken
2023-07-28 05:10:163


2023-07-28 05:10:255


white 白色
2023-07-28 05:10:403


2023-07-28 05:10:506


2023-07-28 05:11:222


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2023-07-28 05:11:383


night:n. 夜晚,晚上;黑暗,黑夜adj. 夜晚的,夜间的dark:adj. 黑暗的,深色的;无知的;模糊的;忧郁的n. 黑暗;黄昏;模糊;夜night主要是夜晚的那种黑暗,是比较形象的一个词儿;而dark更多的是指一种抽象的黑暗哈
2023-07-28 05:12:211


2023-07-28 05:12:292


dark的名词是darkness。darkness含义:黑暗;暗色;邪恶;dark,英语单词,形容词(adj.)、名词(n.)。作形容词时,意为“黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的”。作名词时,意为“黑暗;夜;黄昏;模糊;〔英〕达克(人名)”。短语搭配:In Darkness黑暗弥漫;处于一片漆黑Heart of Darkness黑暗的心。When Darkness Falls当黑夜来临;夜幕低垂;黑暗笼罩之时;夜幕降临。Dark City移魂都市;极光追杀令;黑暗城市;危机四伏。dark energy暗能量;黑暗能量;暗物质;隐密能量。Dark Chocolate黑巧克力;深巧克力色;深巧克力;黑朱古力。dark star暗星;暗淡的星;黑暗之星;暗黑之星。Dark River汹涌暗河;黑暗之河;翼;暗流。dark turquoise暗宝石绿;深宝石绿;深绿宝石;暗绿宝石。dark tea红茶;普洱茶。Dark Ambient黑暗氛围;黑氛围;阴暗氛围音乐;阴暗氛围。双语例句1、Darkness spread and enfolded him.黑暗弥漫开来,将他笼罩。2、The huge boat cleaved the darkness.那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。3、The darkness had disorientated him.黑暗使他迷失了方向。4、It depends on the darkness of your skin.这取决于你肤色的深浅。5、There is an extra hour of darkness on winter mornings.冬天的早晨天亮晚一个小时。6、Parking is not allowed during the hours of darkness.夜间禁止停放车辆。
2023-07-28 05:13:381


2023-07-28 05:15:051


2023-07-28 05:15:201


dark[英][dɑ:k] [美][dɑrk]生词本简明释义adj.黑暗的;乌黑的;忧郁的;神秘的n.黑暗;暗色;暗处比较级:darker最高级:darkest
2023-07-28 05:15:351


2023-07-28 05:15:572


n. 黑暗, 夜, 黄昏, 模糊a. 黑暗的, 暗的, 深色的, 隐密的, 模糊的, 无知的
2023-07-28 05:16:052

“ Dark”和“ darkness”的区别是什么啊?

2023-07-28 05:16:121

dark怎么读 dark解释

1、dark,黑暗的。读音:美/dɑu02d0rk/;英/dɑu02d0k/。 2、释义:adj.黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;无知的;忧郁的;n.黑暗;夜;黄昏;模糊;n.(Dark)人名;(英)达克;n.(Dark)《暗黑》(一部2017年Netflix出品的德国惊悚剧)。
2023-07-28 05:16:391


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 黑暗在英文中怎么写 解析: 黑暗: 1. darkness 2. dark3. darkly 4. mirk 5. midnight 6. night 7. obscure 8. tenebrosity 9. blackly 10.gloominess 11.gloom 12.murkiness 13.shade 14.murk Examples: 1. 我们在黑暗中摸索。 We groped amid the darkness. 2. 黑暗笼罩着他。 Darkness enfolded him. 3. 你在黑暗中感到害怕吗? Are you nervous in the dark? 4. 我在黑暗中听到奇怪的尖叫声。 I heard weird shrieks in the darkness. 5. 我在黑暗中摸索着门把手。 I groped for the door handle in the dark. 6. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。 A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 7. 黑暗中有些蝙蝠飞翔的鬼影。 There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark. 8. 他在黑暗中只能勉强辨认出道路。 He was just able to discern the road from the dark. 不再怕黑暗 to lose one"s fear of the dark 洞穴中的黑暗 spelaeandarkness 使房间黑暗 darken a room 黑暗的角落 a dark corner. 在黑暗中消失 vanish in darkness 黑暗无边的天空 the dark immense of air 如黑暗中的明灯 like a lantern in the dark 洞穴般的黑暗 cavernous darkness 房间为什么黑暗? Why is the room dark? 黑暗邪恶的力量 The powers of darkness and evil.
2023-07-28 05:16:481


adj. 黑暗的; 昏暗的; 阴暗的; 深色的; 暗色的; 近乎黑色的; 褐色的; 有深色头发(或眼睛等)的; 神秘的; 邪恶的; 忧郁的;n. 黑暗; 暗处; 暗色; 阴影;[例句]He shivered at the thought of the cold, dark sea.那寒冷黑暗的大海,他想想都吓得发抖。[其他] 比较级:darker 最高级:darkest
2023-07-28 05:16:561


dark 黑暗的 反义词是bright 明亮的 深色的 反义词是light 浅色的
2023-07-28 05:17:031


问题一:黑夜的英文怎么写 Night 或者突出黑暗Dark night 问题二:黑夜的英语怎么说 dark night 问题三:在黑夜的英文怎么写 黑夜给我黑色眼睛 Dark night has give me dark eyes. 问题四:黑暗英文怎么写 dark 问题五:在晚上用英语怎么说? 在晚上: 1. evenings 2. at night 3. in the evening Examples: 1. 我妈妈通常在晚上煮一顿热饭。 My mother usually cooks a hot meal in the evening. 2. 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。 We used to hear the train whistle at night. 3. 她经常在晚上看书。 She often reads at night. 4. 约翰常常在晚上看电视吗? Does John often watch television in the evening? 5. 火车站可不是让儿童在晚上独自呆的地方. A railway station is no place for a child to be left alone at night. 6. 要是你在晚上加足煤,炉子便通宵不会熄灭。 The stove will remain in all night if you put enough coal on in the evening. The light house flash es at night. 在晚上灯塔闪光。 She works evenings. 她常在晚上工作。 He drinks habitually in the evening. 他习惯在晚上喝酒。 The gale reached its crescendo in the evening. 狂风在晚上达到 *** 。 They made the experiment at night. 他们在晚上做的实验。 The party was all over by 10 p.m. 晚会在晚上10点结束了。 It occurred on the evening of the5th. 事情发生在五日晚上。 I"ll stay here until night. 我要在这里停留到晚上。 Where were you yesterday evening? 昨天晚上你在哪里? We were at home yesterday evening. 我们昨天晚上在家. 问题六:英语,(我害怕黑夜)怎么说! 我害怕黑夜的到来,讨厌一个人的孤单!: I am afraid 鸡he dark night the arrival, repugnant person"s loneliness! 问题七:“一个美好的夜晚”用英文怎么说? 英语是: a wonderful night或者 a beautiful night。 解释: wonderful 英[?w?nd?fl] 美[?w?nd?rfl] adj. 美妙; 极好的,精彩的,绝妙的; 胜; 神妙; [例句]The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face 雾蒙蒙的寒冷空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。 beautiful 英[?bju:t?fl] 美[?bjut?f?l] adj. 美丽的,美好的; 极好的; [例句]She was a very beautiful woman 她是个大美女。 night 英[na?t] 美[na?t] n. 晚上; 夜; (举行盛事的) 夜晚; [例句]He didn"t sleep a wink all night 他一夜没合眼。 问题八:夜晚用英语怎么说 night呗
2023-07-28 05:17:101


形容词 黑暗 adjective
2023-07-28 05:17:172


dark 的近义词是 dim , black , gloomy , obscure , vague , grey 这些形容词都含有“完全地或不完全地缺少光亮”之意. dark 最普通用词,指缺乏自然光线或人工照明,使某物漆黑无光或光线十分微弱. dim 指光线不足或视力较差,不能清晰地看见物体. black 侧重颜色是黑色的,有时也指无光的黑暗. gloomy 指光线不足或部分光线受阻而出现的阴暗. obscure 指因光线不充足而使物体灰暗不清,失去光泽或若隐若现.作借喻时指因复杂、深奥或含糊而难于理解. vague 通常作借喻用,形容抽象事物. grey与dark意思相近,但侧重阴暗单调的意味.
2023-07-28 05:17:241


darkness 黑暗
2023-07-28 05:17:493


【背景知识】 美军用语: O 是 0(零)的代用词.zero hour(零点)是指午夜.O"Dark 或 O-Dark 也是指午夜.例:O"dark thirty是指凌晨12:30. 在这里,Wind O"dark 的最合适翻译是“午夜之风”. 多给点儿分吧.好让我这3级快点儿赶上一楼的7级.谢了!
2023-07-28 05:17:581


2023-07-28 05:18:061


1 DARK X 梨红 ,主要出现在漫画中,对梨红一见钟情。在梨红被带到画中的时候2个人有过短暂的相处,而后不得不消除梨红记忆的时候亲吻了梨红为他包扎伤口时用的发带,也说过其实并不想让梨红忘记当时的事2 DARK X 梨纱 ,漫画后期Dark被梨纱感动,从而动心。DARK被梨纱吻后恢复成大助,约会时也有这种现象,可以看出是渐渐对梨纱动心。在学院舞会上曾与梨纱共舞,并询问梨纱是否会选择自己3 DARK X 梨华 ,主要出现在TV动画原创情节中,此女是传说中让DARK唯一动心的女人,最后因为身份的差别而被迫分手。值得一提的是,此情节中,DARK因心痛而流泪,真是稀罕啊……也为TV中的梨纱配打下基础。 1 DARK X 大助 , 激萌……虽然是YY出来的。不过其实是很般配的。(同人文请参看天使怪盗吧中,蓝蝎的作品)2 DARK X 日渡怜, 当然也是YY出来的……同人文比较少见。《三方攻防》是仅有的经典作品3 DARK X KRAD,DK是BL向中最主要的一对CP,KRAD吧中几乎都是此类同人文,属于腹黑攻X女王受类型。4 大助 X DARK , 真的有哦,详情参看……参看很久很久以前天使怪盗吧中蝴蝶猫的作品,据说写过……5 日渡 X DARK, 说实话……我是没见过……6KRADX DARK, 本人力挺的CP,作品有蝴蝶猫的《蜉蝣》以及PO的《黑翼》,属于占有欲超级强的鬼畜M攻X傲娇别扭受。
2023-07-28 05:18:141


it is very dark outside!外面很黑,哈。x希望对你有用
2023-07-28 05:18:362


dim 昏暗(not totally dark)=little lightdark 黑暗=no light
2023-07-28 05:18:455


in dark
2023-07-28 05:19:101


Dark不可数名词1 [the ~]黑暗Cats can see in the ~.猫在黑暗中看得见2 [无冠词]晚上,黄昏after ~天黑以后before ~天黑以前at ~在黄昏 (时候) ,日暮时3 暗色in the dark(1) → n. 1(2) 在黑暗中,在暗处; 秘密地,偷偷地(3) (全然) 不知keep a person in the ~ about something (关于某事) 把某人蒙在鼓里,不让某人知道某事darkness dark.ness[`dɑrknIs; ˋdɑ:knis]不可数名词1 黑暗in the ~在黑暗中2 朦昧,无知; 盲目3 黑心,邪恶deeds of ~恶行,罪恶4 不明,含糊,暧昧
2023-07-28 05:19:191


black 颜色是黑色dark 指黑暗的是天
2023-07-28 05:19:306

有关英语单词 dark和darkened的区别是什么,分别用于什么场合?

dark是形容词其意义是:黑暗的 常常用做以下语境中:dark face;dark night; 但是darkened是darken(dark的动词形式)的过去完成式用做形容词的形式,其意义为:变黑的,被染黑的 比如:darkened eyelid 你可以看看有关构词法的内容``
2023-07-28 05:19:531

英语中 "形容有点黑",是dark 还是dark down?它们有什么区别

It"s just a bit dark here. 对, 你要写a little bit dark也行。The fride of the sunlooksa little bitdark through telescope.用望远镜看,太阳接近边缘的部分显得略暗。Be seeing from the telescopes, the edgeofsunappearsa bitdark.用望远镜看,太阳接近边缘的部分显得略暗。It was dark down there.也是可以的。你可以百度下dark的百科。
2023-07-28 05:20:039


  唯美的老师的英文临别赠言1   1. Qinnengbuzhuo is good training. Moreover, Hello smart! Teachers and refueling with you Oh!   2. Can not learn. Only to do a good job every day, every day to solve every day out of work, develop a habit, so you will get better and better.   3. Qinnengbuzhuo is good training. Believe in yourself, from every lesson every job in a solid walk, will naturally tasted happiness.   4. You always learn in silence, quiet with a perverse, honest among a pragmatic. The teacher knows that you have a lot of hard work behind the excellent results. Hope that after the class can often see you hold high the small hand.   5. "Those who know are not as good as those who are happy, those who are better than music." Interest is the source of power to success, to maintain a strong interest in learning, you will enjoy more fun to succeed.   6. Your calm and practical style makes the teacher smooth. In fact, you are great, but on their own lack of confidence. Believe in yourself, as long as the efforts will be successful!   7. not the best, only better, the pursuit of excellence, not arrogant and impatient. May you learn to taste the sweetness of success in creative learning.   8. "Words do not startle." Looking forward to you more vivid text. That"s the greatest enjoyment of teachers Oh!   9. "Who said the woman non-stunned, every night Longquan wall Ming." In the teacher"s eyes, you are a very cute, very talented girl. Oh, success will be waving to you!   10. Diligence is the passport to the door to success, and "time, just like the sponge of water, as long as you are willing to, there are always." Remember Mr. Lu Xun, for their fuel Oh!   11. read the spirit of the long. Teachers want to see vibrant you can always maintain a strong learning state, the completion of homework on time every day.   12. The book is the world"s nutrition. The teacher how I hope you every day free and happy travel in the ocean of the book. I hope that you as soon as possible "pen if God."   13. You are a clever, sensible, intelligent girl. Is not willing to learn and "careful" and "serious" to make friends. You have to change the Oh!   14. "lazy thinking, do not want to delve into and in-depth understanding, complacency, or satisfied with the insignificant knowledge, are the reasons for the lack of intelligence." To understand the meaning of this sentence is to be more brains!   15. your pearl-like eyes, full of enthusiasm and intelligence. Holding the small hand in class, agile thinking, so that teachers like. The only downside is that you like to make friends with the word "lazy". Smart you, you have to keep your eyes Oh!   16. How high their own requirements, you can achieve high demand, refueling Oh!   17. Teachers like you, like your intelligence, like your studious, like you innocent. You have to believe in yourself! Oh!   18. No effort, a harvest. Efforts, there will be harvest, refueling Oh!   19. Your beautiful eyes tell me you are very clever. Regrettably, your inertia has failed your talent. Remember, a pay, a harvest!   20 first said to myself: "I am great." Then every day to do a good job every day, every day to solve the work, so that your results will be more and more excellent.   唯美的.老师的英文临别赠言2   1. "Aspiring to become a thing." The teacher is very pleased to see your own requirements. "Genius is only one step away from the mortal. This step is hard." Oh remember.   2. Every time you let the teacher praise, after the study, like the same as the value of meticulous, more teachers to praise you, okay?   3. You learn the seriousness of the work of enthusiasm, the class actively raise their hands to speak, so that teachers like it. If you hand in "perseverance" and "attentive" these two friends, then you will be outstanding.   4. You study hard, outstanding achievements, homework neat, so that teachers appreciate it. Sometimes, however, the teacher does not like the little tricks in the classroom. To know a good student, but the comprehensive development of Oh!   5. "Frozen feet of non-day cold, dripping stone wear non-day of work", good results can be hard to come Oh! The teacher believes you can do it!   6. Beauty, is wisdom, is quiet. I wish you wisdom!   7, smart people, to do tomorrow"s things today; lazy people, to do yesterday"s thing; confused people, to yesterday"s matter also pushed to tomorrow. May you be a clever child! May you be the master of a time!   8. Tomorrow, this is a beautiful bright shine with the glamorous charm of the word. Wish your future infinite beauty infinite bright infinite charming!   9. Tiandaochouqin. The world is not without hard work and become a genius. May you work hard day and night, as soon as possible!   10. Sincerely congratulate you, with wisdom and courage and perseverance, open up a piece of your own land   11. Spring is a green world, autumn is the world of gold. May you use the green youth to make the future rich autumn!   You have a pair of wings. Tough to fly, do not be impressed by the wind and rain; sincere to fly it, do not be intoxicated by the sweet honey juice. Toward a clear goal, fly to a better life.   13. Life is a profound book, others can not replace their own understanding of the interpretation, you would like to be found, there is creation.   14. You are a boat in the harbor of youth, a sail of faith, a dream of hope, toward the vast ocean.   In the autumn, give a tree sweet sweet fruit; In winter, do a recharge your dreams! In the spring, spit a mountain faint smell; May you be like that little stream, the high peaks as the starting point of life, all the way to jump, all the way Pentium, bravely brave to the life of the sea ... ...   16. May you, as a seed, bravely break through the sand, and stretch the green shoots out of the ground, pointing to the sky.   17. Child, may you quickly get rid of childish tenderness, raised the sail to create, towards maturity, heading for the golden coast.   18. Dear children, you have the most enviable age, the way you are in front of golden Guangcan Can you grow up quickly to get your bright future.   19. May you be the wind and the white sail; May you be a ship, cut the blue waves. Life is in front of you smile, bravely walked forward, will embrace the color of life.   20. In the short time of this study, may you acquire a superb tenacity of tenacity; like horse racing, cross a high hurdle; let life sail forward, toward the blue sea surging ...   唯美的老师的英文临别赠言3   1. The second half of the teacher saw your efforts, but also to see your progress, continue to work Oh, you will be more than others!   2 teachers feel you smart, very good memory, but you have to remember: hard work is more important than the talent!   3 teachers know that you remember very well, recite the text of a great thing, believe in yourself, do not live up to the expectations of your teacher Oh!   4. Because you are clever, so the teacher will ask you very high, will pay special attention to you, if one day to relax yourself, regress, and I will severely punish you Oh!   5. A person"s happiness is not because he has more, but because of his care less. Open-minded boy is the virtue, I hope you get along with the students in the friendly sweet taste of success.   6. "Choose the good man and pay, choose good books and read, choose good words and listen to, choose a good line from." Savor the parallel, you will gain a lot.   7. Expect the teacher"s love can make you happy to swim in the ocean of knowledge, the help of students can bring you more moved. Applause for your progress in the second semester!   8. dripping through the stone, not the power, but time deep. Diligence is an indispensable element of success. Refuel ah, you will be successful, because you are very smart.   9. open book useful. Jingjing campus, hoping to always see your assiduous figure. May you write as soon as possible.   10. Wisdom is often hidden in a person every moment of thinking and learning. Only pay will have a harvest. Remember Oh, stop learning lazy!   11. You are serious, hard, open-minded, honest, so get the praise of teachers and students. But as a monitor, but also the "overall" concept, the teacher believes you will do better.   12 "modest benefits, full stroke damage." Small smart never beat the great wisdom, the great wisdom, but hard-working Oh. So a thousand miles begins with a single step. Smart you can understand the teacher"s meaning?   13. Clever, with a strong curiosity, is a bright spot from your flashing. However, "without diligence, there is no talent, no genius." Genius by diligence, remember it!   14. dripping through the stone, not strength, but time deep. Adherence is a must for success. Remember, the teacher has been concerned about every step you walk through the footprints Oh!   15. "Xingjianjian, a gentleman to self-improvement." Jiang Xingjian, remember the expectations of parents, Come on!   16. "Between genius and diligence, I have no hesitation in choosing diligence. She is almost all the achievements of the world"s birth woman." This is the teacher"s favorite celebrity quotes, send you encourage each other!   You are a clever and loving child. Teachers want you to sacrifice for the class at the same time, breathing freely, positive and serious study, with a wealth of knowledge to fill their own.   18. believe in yourself, from every lesson without a homework in a down-to-earth, continuous progress, naturally a matter of course.   19. believe in yourself, over and over again, and adhere to in the end, you will gain more!   20. Only the creation, only happiness. May you enjoy the sweetness of success in your creative learning. There are more problems to mention Oh!
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山东商务职业学院是山东省内最早的商务职业学院之一。学院现有专业涵盖商务管理、会计、金融、物流、人力资源、市场营销、旅游管理、酒店管理、网络通信技术等十大类。学院拥有一支高素质、专业化的教师队伍,其中绝大多数是高级专业技术人员。学院与企业的合作关系密切,培养的学生深受企业的欢迎。 山东商务职业学院联系方式地址:烟台市高新区海兴路15号 (原金海路1001号) 联系方式收集于网络,如果错误,联系本站修改 山东商务职业学院概况山东商务职业学院位于开放前沿的海滨城市——烟台,是经山东省人民政府批准设立、教育部备案的省属公办全日制普通高校。学校现有烟台和济南两个校区。烟台校区坐落于烟台市国家级高新区的中心地带,背靠高新产业,北临大海,风景秀丽,环境宜人,教育文化氛围浓郁;济南校区位于济南市历城区。学校烟台校区占地1418亩,校舍建筑面积42.4万平方米,总投资达10多亿元。目前,学校面向全国20余个省市招生,在校生16000余人。 学校始终坚持与时俱进的思想路线,围绕行业改革发展和当地经济建设需要,不断充实和完善核心教育资源,不断拓展和培育具有特色的办学优势,近年来,根据区域经济社会发展和产业结构调整升级需要,形成以大学专科教育为主体、涵盖“3+2”高职本科贯通培养、校企合作办学、中外合作办学和行业职业技能培训的全方位、多层次的办学格局。 建校四十多年来,学校形成了较为完备的职业技能教育体系和实践性教学设施条件。学校建有2.5万平方米的现代化图书馆,藏书120.37万册。建有9万多平方米的实验实训场地,有中央财政支持建设的粮油质量检测中心和制粉工艺实训中心两个现代化实训基地,并设有国家级职业技能鉴定站14个,建有高标准的专业实验室、实训室200多个,教学仪器设备总值达1.6亿多元。同时,学校借助行业办学优势,与业务部门建立了密切的合作关系,建有372个校外实习实训基地,并聘请了376名具有丰富实践经验的兼职教师。 学校以“严谨、务实、创新”的校风,造就了一大批各行各业的优秀人才,以“好学、慎思、致用”的学风,引导着一代又一代学生成长成才,以“明德、立信”的校训,影响着一批又一批学生的事业和人生。学校是全国粮食行业人才培训基地、国家技能人才培育突出贡献单位、山东省技能型人才培养特色名校、优质省级职教师资培养培训基地、山东省文明单位、山东省文明校园、山东省平安校园、全省职业教育先进单位、烟台市高技能人才培训基地。现为全国粮食职业教育研究会会长单位、中国职教学会商科专业委员会副主任单位、国家粮食局科创联盟首批理事单位、国家示范性职业教育集团(联盟)培育单位。 学校积极面向行业改革发展和当地经济建设主战场,集中研究解决有关的重大理论问题和关键技术问题,充分发挥高校“智囊团”作用,为行业改革发展和当地经济建设提供了有力的人才支持和智力支援。 山东商务职业学院部分专业:序号专业名称所属类别1应用英语教育与体育2市场营销财经商贸3建设工程管理土木建筑4酒店管理与数字化运营旅游5物联网应用技术电子与信息6港口与航运管理交通运输7移动互联应用技术电子与信息8建筑装饰工程技术土木建筑9统计与会计核算财经商贸10国际经济与贸易财经商贸11数控技术装备制造12工程造价土木建筑13建筑工程技术土木建筑14现代物流管理财经商贸15粮食储运与质量安全食品药品与粮食16财富管理财经商贸17粮食工程技术与管理食品药品与粮食18动漫制作技术电子与信息19大数据技术与应用其他20应用韩语教育与体育山东商务职业学院周边环境烟台,地处山东半岛东北部,濒临黄海与渤海,北与辽宁大连,东与韩国、日本隔海相望,南与青岛毗邻。这里山海相映,风光秀丽,物产丰富,气候宜人,素以“黄金海岸、人间仙境、鲁菜之乡、葡酒名城”的美誉著称于世。烟台是首批全国文明城市、中国最佳魅力城市、全国社会治安综合治理“五连冠”城市(烟台为全国仅有的两座城市之一)、中国投资环境“金牌城市”、中国旅游竞争力“百强城市”,先后获得中国人居环境奖、联合国人居奖等。 山东商务职业学院位于烟台市高新区海兴路15号,北临大海,空气清新,环境宜人,是理想的修身治学之地。与中国农业大学(烟台校区)、烟台大学等高校毗邻,风景秀丽,环境宜人,具有良好的科学文化氛围。高新区的快速发展势必为学校发展插上腾飞的翅膀,也为莘莘学子的就业铺平了道路,为人才的发展提供了广阔空间。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
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