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2023-07-29 06:51:49
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2023-07-28 05:37:291

《影之刃》入围showgirl 五朵金花皆学霸

《 影之刃 》最终showgirl花落中山大学的校花学霸梁闻美眉,并将cos《影之刃》游戏中的唯一女性职业”媚瞳“。我相信,大家一定很好奇来自中山大学09级医学系校花学霸梁闻,是如何在与众多学霸校花的角逐过程中脱颖而出的,其她的美女又是有何亮点呢?我就给大家介绍下入围showgirl的五朵金花~赵丁箫(清华大学) 来自清华大学的赵丁箫,黑长直气质过人,如此清纯堪当“小奶茶”~孙一茹(北京大学) 来自北京大学的孙一茹,萝莉软妹子一只,还透着些微妙的“人妻”气质是怎么回事…梁闻(中山大学) 来自中山大学的梁闻mm,知性、古典、气质,眼神勾魂,似乎非常契合“瞳媚”~李志萌(南开)毕业于南开大学的李志萌,刚出浴的美人萌萌哒~李颖(民族大学) 民族大学的李颖妹子,明眸红唇,这么可爱一定是男孩子!五朵金花,各有独特魅力,期待梁闻最终的cos造型~
2023-07-28 05:37:381


2023-07-28 05:37:591


2023-07-28 05:38:281


2023-07-28 05:38:506


2023-07-28 05:39:384


2023-07-28 05:39:464


2023-07-28 05:39:553

《小小突击队》8月4日全平台正式首发 ESG电竞大奖赛燃情CJ

作为一款四三九九独立研发的横版MOBA 射击 手游《小小突击队》,自然不能够缺席一年一度的玩家盛宴Chinajoy,在现场,游戏丰富的舞台活动及精彩绝伦的ESG冠军总决赛现金大奖引起了广大玩家的关注,现场惊喜不断,游戏也将于8月4日重磅迎来全平台正式首发,一起来看看吧。 高颜值突击队 绝美showgirl点燃夏日激情 在今年的ChinaJoy上,四三九九《小小突击队》手游为玩家带来最美视觉享受。在《小小突击队》试玩区中,不仅能够提前体验到突击女警夏日系列非常俏皮可爱的史诗皮肤,更有全新帅气英雄-王牌飞行员,肆意享受飞行轰炸的快意,甚至还有美丽的showgirl陪玩哦,玩家可以摆出各种造型与showgirl一同合影留念,与好友分享这份夏日的喜悦。 诚意满满 人气周边送不停 这一次的CJ,《小小突击队》手游可谓是诚意满满,带来了特色表情眼镜、限量周边公仔和创意咸鱼背包以及终极神秘大礼:罗技键鼠套装给广大玩家,可以说是诚意满满的展台。而试玩区外围的水泄不通的玩家也证明了大家对《小小突击队》手游的喜爱。不少玩家在排队进入试玩区后,第一件事就是拿出自己的手机登录《小小突击队》手游和周边的人加起好友果断先来开黑对战一局。对于这样的铁粉,我们也是双份周边奖励! 燃情CJ ESG电竞大奖赛终极决赛打响 除了showgirl和精美周边,《小小突击队》展区最激情四射的莫过于ESG冠军总决赛的火热对战了。本次决赛冠军将四支强队中产生,比赛赛制为排位赛、据点战、歼灭战3场模式积分循环决赛,几种热门游戏模式考验了参赛队伍的团队配合能力,技术更是不在话下。最终“Amors or Mors”战队凭借队员完美的配合和稳定的发挥拿下本次比赛的冠军,获得了3W元的现金大奖,亚军由“乄凌霄”战队斩下,而季军是由“社会人”战队获得!让我们为每一支队伍的精彩表现鼓掌!感谢他们从全国各地远道而来为大家带来精彩的比赛。 今年ChinaJoy,《小小突击队》手游为大家带来了超有诚意的周边奖品,绝美的showgirl以及激烈的赛事,见证了广大玩家的热情。虽然ChinaJoy已经落幕,但是在线上,《小小突击队》手游即将在8月4日重磅迎来全平台正式首发,届时将会有更多的小伙伴一起同台 竞技 ,无论是萌新还是老司机,都能体验到激爽射击乐趣,快来加入吧!
2023-07-28 05:41:121


2023-07-28 05:41:214

lpl2016春季赛we vs ig结束的时候,红衣的美女解说叫什么?

陈雨涵昵称:猫教主,别名陈纯。国籍中国。1991.02.01出生于中国上海,平面模特 人气ShowGirl 网络红人。所属团队:IS CJ ShowGirl社团成员。个人资料中文名:陈雨涵外文名:CC昵称:猫教主别名:陈纯国籍:中国民族:汉族出生地:中国 上海出生日期:1991.02.01 水瓶座职业:平面模特 人气ShowGirl 网络红人所属团队:IS CJ ShowGirl社团成员身高:165cm三围:85-55-84陈雨涵体重:44KG主要成就:2012年ChinaJoy网易人气Coser多次参与中国国际数码互动娱乐产品及技术应用展览会(Chinajoy),2011年成为网龙展台主推,以她清秀甜美的脸庞,被评为上海19楼社区嗲囡囡人气奖冠军,之后展开了自己的模特生涯,玲珑多姿的形象使她多次为游戏公司拍摄宣传平面以及TVC,还录制了《我为校花狂》并晋级月赛。2012年,她为网易《倩女幽魂》coser女医师,并为《英雄联盟》城市争霸赛拍摄宣传海报,稚嫩又萝莉的外形深入人心。
2023-07-28 05:41:361


2023-07-28 05:41:463


随着2013年CJ脚步的临近,各家展台美艳的ShowGirl阵容也纷纷曝光,19岁嫩模金怡云坐拥千万身家,金怡云还在股市一掷千金。从学生妹摇身变为“白富美”,这样的变化很难不让人怀疑。金怡云的微博展现了这位娱乐圈嫩模不一般的生活轨迹:2012年上半年以前还比较“普通”,发布内容多是参加节目、和朋友聚会逛街等照片,与其他的ShowGirl毫无二致,到了2012年下半年后,她的生活似乎发生了重大变化,奢侈生日派对、价值千万的豪车都在预示金怡云“白富美”生涯的开始。有消息称,金怡云投资的股票盈利超过2800万元。如此神通的赚钱技巧,不是哪个学生妹能HOLD住的。更令人费解的是,早已跻身白富美之列的金怡云忽然删掉了所有的微博。更微妙的是,她如今又做回了模特本行,成为展台上的show girl,这让原本就暗藏玄机的剧情更加扑朔迷离。
2023-07-28 05:42:131


2023-07-28 05:42:251


2023-07-28 05:42:333


2023-07-28 05:42:593


2023-07-28 05:43:191


2023-07-28 05:43:364


2023-07-28 05:43:512

这位百游的showgirl的名字叫什么 2011CJ的 求助啊···

2023-07-28 05:44:071

如何从“拆奶罩”真正变为“CHINAJOY” ?

2023-07-28 05:44:163


这个静态电影的女主有三个,陈佳琪、孙亦文和黄梅梅,陈佳琪是2011CJ、完美世界COS、2012CJ快播展台showgirl、盛大游戏微电影拍摄、"天使园"发布会走秀模特等,而孙亦文是2012CJ索尼展台主推showgirl,2013CJ新浪展台主推showgirl,2013年腾讯超人气美女教官CF GIRL,新浪游戏《圣杯传说》代言人;至于黄梅梅是 游戏COSER 、车模
2023-07-28 05:45:501


搜狐 iPhone 4 中国第一女凤凰卫视及百度实事沸点颁奖典辽宁卫视《谁是主角》骨感美少女《趣街》杂志拍摄第四十九届环球小姐华北赛区三十强《咪咕明星学院》腾讯汽车宝贝中国汽车爱好者汽车宝贝《COCO瘦》减肥奶茶广告拍摄《美容美发化妆师》妆面模特《趣街》专用平面模特。2010年新日世博宝贝宝贝形象大使。《名莲》杂志内衣模特2010年p&e搜狐 狐女郎曾做客《小two星光帮》嘉宾。新京报邀请采访《北京女孩》法拉利发布会三元奶广告拍摄chinajoy游戏展showgirl
2023-07-28 05:45:581


2023-07-28 05:40:581


The Global WarmingPeople around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg.The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风). People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.
2023-07-28 05:40:591


2023-07-28 05:41:001


2023-07-28 05:41:012


C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)RequiredC:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)PresetsRepousseDefault Extrusion Presets.p3e将第二个文件复制到第一个文件夹里
2023-07-28 05:41:042

粤语歌曲 女生唱的 歌词let me trust you

2023-07-28 05:41:063


2023-07-28 05:41:071


2023-07-28 05:41:141


GERMANY是德国。德意志联邦共和国德文:Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland;英文:Federal Republic of Germany。德国是位于中欧的联邦议会共和制国家。德国北邻丹麦,西部与荷兰、比利时、卢森堡和法国接壤,南邻瑞士和奥地利,东部与捷克和波兰接壤,由16个联邦州组成,首都柏林,领土面积357582平方公里,以温带气候为主,人口约8293万,是欧洲联盟中人口最多的国家,以德意志人为主体民族。区域位置及划分说明整个德国的地形可以分为五个具有不同特征的区域:北德低地、中等山脉隆起地带、西南部中等山脉梯形地带、南部阿尔卑斯前沿地带和巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山区。德国行政区划分为联邦、州、市镇三级,共有16个州,13175个市镇。各州的名称是:巴登-符腾堡州、巴伐利亚州、柏林市、勃兰登堡州、不来梅市、汉堡市、黑森州、梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州、下萨克森州、北莱茵-威斯特法伦州、莱茵兰-普法尔茨州、萨尔州、萨克森州、萨克森-安哈特州、石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州和图林根州。其中柏林、不来梅和汉堡为城市州。以上内容参考 百度百科—Germany
2023-07-28 05:41:151


2023-07-28 05:41:221


个人收藏 节奏金曲+新曲娜塔莎<How Do You><Unwritten><Pirate Bones ><When You Know You Know >娜塔莎<The One That Got Away ><Still Here> 莎拉蔻曼《Come Together》《Let"s Get Back To Bed Boy》《French Kissing》莎拉蔻曼《Sexy As Hell》《I Believe in You》《I"ll Kiss It Away》玛莉雅.凯莉<Touch my body> 《Fantasy》《Side Effects》《Cruise Control》玛莉雅.凯莉《Bye Bye》《Heat》《Love Story》《Oh Baby》蒂安娜《Umbrella》《Breakin"Dishes》《Say It》《Don"t Stop the Music》菲姬<Fergalicious><Pedestal><Finally><Big Girls Don"t Cry ><Clumsy >碧昂斯<Check On It ><Listen>布兰妮《Toxic》《Baby One More Time》《Lucky》帝朵<Thank You >麦当娜《4 Minutes》菲丝特《1234》珍妮杰克逊《Enjoy》王若琳<Let"s start from here><For No Reas><I Love You>克里斯布朗《Kiss Kiss》《Throwed》《You》《Hold Up》《I Wanna Be》《Down》阿肯《Mr.lonely》《Aint Nothing Changed》《Ghetto Blues》《Look Me In My Eyes》吹牛老爹《I"ll Be Missing You》《Last Night》丹尼尔《Free Loop》《Bad Day》《Whole World Around》《Don"t Give Up On Me》Timbaland 《Give It to Me》《The Way I Are》《Bounce》《Come&Get Me》《Time》Babyface 《Mad,Sexy,Coll》《Not Going Nowhere》《Time In A Botle》Era《The Mass》Noah 《5 Years Time》 这些都是我非常非常喜欢听的R&B、慢摇滚、嘻哈、抒情悲伤类型,希望也正合心意!喜欢的真的很多很多,但好像怎么样写也写不够~~~
2023-07-28 05:41:251


2023-07-28 05:41:261


数字代号:1.4310牌号:X12CrNi177标准:DIN 17400化学成分:碳 C:0.08~0.14硅 Si:≤1.50锰 Mn:≤2.00磷 P:≤0.045硫 S:≤0.030铬 Cr:16.00~18.00钼 Mo:≤0.80镍 Ni:6.50~9.00钒 V:—X12CrNi177不锈钢,德国DIN标准不锈钢。相当于我国的1Cr17Ni7,日本的SUS301,法国NF Z12CN17.07。
2023-07-28 05:41:281


2023-07-28 05:41:291

3D高手进 翻译命令的 重赏

Grid selection Patch choice Spline-lane options Polygon selection The volume of choice Edit Patch Delete patches Delete Grid Edit Grid Edit Polygons Surface extrusion Normal Smoothing Thinning STL inspection Fill hole Vertex mapping Optimization Multires Vertex welding Symmetrical Editor normal Skin Deformer Sophie Body Melting Link changes Deformation of surfaces Deformation path Surface deformation Patch deformation (WSM) Deformation path (WSM) Surface deformation (WSM) Skin deformation Skin package Skin patches parcels Uvw mapping Expand Uvw Transform Uvw Map scaler Map scaler (WSM) Mapping camera Mapping camera (WSM) Projection Add Uvw map Clear mapping Uvw According to channel selection Point cache Point cache (WSM) HSDS Mesh Smoothing Turbine smooth FFD2 * 2 * 2 FFD3 * 3 * 3 FFD4 * 4 * 4 FFD Cuboid FFD cylinder Bending Cone of Distortions Noise Tensile Squeeze Thrust Relaxation Ripple Wave Tilt Section Sphere of The impact of regional Lattice Mirror Replacement Transform Replacement Reservations Shell Material By elements of the distribution of material Approximate replacement Replacement Grid (WSM) Into a polygon Into patches Into grid Subdivision (WSM) Subdivision CLOTH Physique Reactor Cloth Reactor Softbody Attribute carrying device Hair and Fur (usm)
2023-07-28 05:40:571


2023-07-28 05:40:531


2023-07-28 05:40:511


2023-07-28 05:40:4712


两者并没有区别,S925是指银含量92.5%的银,925代表银的纯度。是否加S是制造商的设计标准,有些设计商会加S(白银的英文Silver首字母),有些会加Ag(Ag是白银的化学符号)。国际认可的925银首饰一般应打上银的英文缩写(“S”或“Sterling”)的印记。标准银的印记是“S925”、“9·25”或“925”。925银首饰是含量为92.5%的纯银再加入7.5%的合金,加入合金为的是让银的光泽、亮度和硬度都有所改善。扩展资料:鉴别方法:1、看印记银首饰一般应打上银的英文缩写(“S”或“Sterling”)的印记。标准银的印记是S925、 或者是9.25、925印记。足银的印记是S990。但也有许多国家在银首饰上不打印记。 或者是9.25、925印记。2、察色泽银首饰多呈微带黄的银白色,呈柔和的金属光泽。因易氧化,时间久了,色泽会变成暗的黄白色。3、掂重量银的密度为 10.53克/立方厘米。比铂金、黄金小,用手掂无坠手感。钢针可以划出痕迹,也可以折弯。用这种方法可以和铂主、K白金或仿银的德银首饰相区别。4、查硬度白银硬度较铜低,而较铅、锡大,可用大头针划首饰不起眼的地方进行测试,如针头打滑,表面很难留下痕迹,则可判定为铜质饰品;如为铅、锡质地,则痕迹很明显、突出;如实物留有痕迹而又不太明显,便可初步判定为白银饰品。5、听声韵纯银饰品掷地有声,无弹力。成色越低,声音越低,且声音越尖越高而带韵;若为铜质,其声更高且尖,韵声急促而短;若为铅、锡质地,则掷地声音沉闷、短促,无弹力。参考资料来源:百度百科:S925银
2023-07-28 05:40:471


2023-07-28 05:40:461

谁有唐禹哲帅气的图片???!!!在Taiwan Male那里有禹哲
2023-07-28 05:40:434


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Green Olympics. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.现在社会上有很多环境污染和精神污染的现象,提出你对“绿色奥运”的看法。2.为什么要提倡“绿色奥运”。3.提倡绿色奥运,从自己做起。Green Olympics Olympic Games, as we all know, is a historic sports meeting. "Green Olympics", is one of the three themes of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. At present, people"s life is being flooded with exhaust gas from automobile, waste water from factories and so on. Owing to these phenomena, we should advocate "Green Olympics", and I am positive of this point.Two possible reasons are as follows. Firstly, environmental protection benefits people"s health. In terms of increasing number of trashes around us, such as white plastic bags, one-off cups and chopsticks, it is sensible of disposing of them reasonably. So we ought to use clean technology, renewable and recyclable materials. Secondly, environmental protection is crucial to our country, and even to the world. In recent years, natural disasters, like tsunami in Indonesia and snowstorms in China, are partly due to the disturbance of the environmental balance.In conclusion, as college students and the young generation, we should try our best to advocate "Green Olympics". The 2008 Olympic Games will be a green and unique Olympics.1、北京奥运 The Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics logo has a single Chinese character on a traditional red Chinese seal. The English words "Beijing 2008" are written with a Chinese brush below it. At the bottom of the picture, there are the five rings of Olympic Games. The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinese character "jing" which means "capital". The image carries the message that today"s China is not only a nation with a long and glorious history, but also one full of modern dynamics. First and foremost, this logo is a journey to the future, the emblem for China moving towards the 2008 Olympic Games. What is more, it is a symbol of the city"s promise to make the Games a success. Accordingly, this emblem represents the heart of an ancient culture embracing the modern world, the spirit of a people moving towards a new destiny. In my view, first of all, the Olympic Game represents the spirit of sports. Arms flung wide, it invites all people and the world to share in the city"s history, beauty, energy, and its future. In addition, it is a gesture of friendship and hope that the community of nations will unite in peace through sports.2、四川地震(爱心) When we use the word “love”, we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex, which is a very narrow definition of the word. Love is emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. As a matter of fact, throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded love as the most sublime of human emotions. As an illustration of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can——be it money or goods——to help their needy fellow citizens. Furthermore, they do this with no thought of gain for themselves. It is my view that the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are. We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers. Only by doing so can we help to make the world a better place because the darker the shadows of sorrow become, the more brightly the lamp of love shines.3、网络Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Internet. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:1、 互联网使用的现状,2、 大学生是否应该使用互联网,人们的看法不同,3、 我的看法。 In recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with Internet. As is known to all, it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line, either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work"s needs. On the one hand, no one denies that Internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life. As a college student, I get on line every day to exchange information through e-mails with my net friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle. Thus, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all,Internet is invented to enrich our life, and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain.4、考试Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Views on Examinations. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:1)大学都用考试来衡量学生的成绩,2)考生可能带来的副作用,3)我对考试的看法。 In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject. Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormous. To begin with, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. No subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations. In addition, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively. In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students" academic development. If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?5、老师Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Teacher I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:1)我生活中最难忘的老师是……2)为什么他(或她)令我难以忘怀,3)结论。 In my life I have met a great many teachers who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable one I ever know is my English teacher. What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Second, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs. Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.6、求学信Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for admission into a college or university. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1、 入学条件,2、 学费和奖学金,3、 住宿情况。Dear Sir or Madam, I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information. First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a bachelor"s degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, what is the situation regarding accommodation? I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution. Yours sincerely, Li Ming7、邀请信Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually:1) 邀请参加晚会,2) 说明举办晚会的原因,3) 将安排哪些活动。Dear Snoopy, I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr. Guo Jing"s wedding ceremony with Ms. Huang Rong to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 p.m. on April 1, 2007. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o"clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company. Yours sincerely, Li Ming8、投诉信Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college.1)要求下学期换一个新房间,2)解释原因,3)要求单间。Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next semester. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate"s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments. I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Ming9、致辞Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words. In your speech, you should:1) 进行自我介绍,2) 详细介绍大会内容,3) 结束语。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing! To begin with, I would like to make a brief introduction to myself. I am the president of Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. The following is my introduction to the conference. First, it is my great honor to be here with all of you and declare open the Conference of International Trade Cooperation. Second, on behalf of our company, I would like to express my heartfelt welcome to all the guests and delegates. Last, I believe our cooperative efforts are sure to be productive. I wish all of you enjoy yourselves during this conference and hope the above information will help you. If you have any question for me, please feel free to ask at any time. Thank you for your attention.10、告示Directions: The Students" Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information: 1) 比赛目的、时间、地点, 2) 参赛者的要求, 3) 裁判和奖励的细节。 You should write about 120 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.Chinese Speaking Contest February 3, 2008 To improve students" ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students" Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (10 February) at the Students" Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest. The Students" Union Department of Chinese Language and Literature
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be linked 后跟什么介词

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Lost And Found 歌词

歌曲名:Lost And Found歌手:The Saints专辑:Know Your Product - The Best Of The SaintsI sit in your chairYou are aware of me and my lifeYou speak of words that are unheard ofThough many await your timeThe Belgian man with the Dutch accentYou are a shining starYour hands, they reach through all of our livesThis far in the universe you areYou are, you are, you areThe hardest thing in the world is to speak my fearsI am afraid to let goMy beautiful boys, I love you the mostWith you I share my life in joyIn joy, in joy, in joyI sit in your chairThe room that we are in is filled with people from the pastIt"s you who cares and all that I live forIs to have a home that lastsA home, a home, a home
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