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2023-07-29 11:25:49

1. electric 主要表示由电操纵的、发电的或用于导电的等。如:

an electric fan 电扇

an electric bell 电铃

an electric lamp 电灯

an electric stove 电炉

an electric iron 电熨斗

an electric plug 电插头

an electric motor 电动机

an electric generator 发电机

There"s an electric heater in the bedroom. 卧室里有个电暖器。

A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. 给一块石墨通入强电流。

The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。

Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. 电动汽车迷们说,电动车清洁、无噪音而且经济。

Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy. 汽车禁行,所以运输就靠电动车或马车。

One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables. 有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。

I hope you don"t think I"m extravagant but I"ve had the electric fire on for most of the day. 我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。

A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。

Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. 有些人担心输电线的电磁场可能增加致癌几率。

Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance. 汽车制造商们已经开始生产少量的电动车辆以测试顾客的接受程度。

2. electrical 主要表示与电有关的或研究电气科学的等。如:

electrical work 与电有关的工作

an electrical engineer 电气工程师

electrical experiments 电气实验

electrical equipment 电气器械

an electrical fault 电气故障

An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。

Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。

As you"ve probably guessed, the problem was electrical. 你们可能已经猜测出来了,这个问题与电有关。

The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault. 飞机由于发生电力故障而作了临时降落。

This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。



电的 [英] [ɪˈlɛktrɪk][美] [əˈlɛktrɪk]adj.电的; 电动的; 充电的; 能发电的; 令人兴奋的; 紧张刺激的; 电子扩音的; 电声的n.电路系统; 电气火车; 电气车辆[例句]The electric tramcar was looked upon as the wonder of the age.有轨电车被认为是那个年代的新奇事物。[变形]复数:electrics
2023-07-28 19:40:522


2023-07-28 19:41:021


electric[英][u026au02c8lektru026ak][美][u026au02c8lu025bktru026ak]adj.电的,带电的; 发电的,导电的; 令人激动的; 电动的; n.电动车辆; 带电体; 复数:electrics例句:1.Electric vehicles inch closer to mainstream. 电动汽车迈向主流。2.A gas/ electric hybrid powertrain has been available since 2004, the first for any suv. 自2004年起,该车开始采用天然气/电力混合传动系统,成为首款混合动力SUV。3.And so goes mr. immelt"s general electric. 伊梅尔特领导下的通用电气公司也是如此。4.But electric power still beats gas. 但电动力仍然胜过燃烧汽油。5.The future of motoring, according to political and environmental enthusiasts, is electric. 根据政治和环境保护主义者的说法,未来的驾驶是电动的。
2023-07-28 19:41:091


electric adj.用电的,例如 electric cooker 用电的炊具
2023-07-28 19:41:172


“Electric”是一个英语单词,意思是“带电的”,通常用于描述带有电荷的物体或电力设备。以下是一些与“electric”相关的用法和固定搭配:1. Electric charge:电荷,指物体带有的电性质。2. Electric current:电流,指电荷在导体中移动的现象。3. Electric field:电场,指电荷周围的空间中存在的电场力。4. Electric power:电功率,指电能的转换速率。5. Electric shock:电击,指人或动物接触到电流时受到的伤害。6. Electric circuit:电路,指电流在电器或设备中的路径。7. Electric motor:电动机,指利用电能转换成机械能的设备。8. Electric guitar:电吉他,指用电放大器放大的吉他。9. Electric fan:电风扇,指使用电力驱动的风扇。10. Electric vehicle:电动车,指使用电力驱动的车辆。除了以上的用法和固定搭配,还有一些常用的短语和俚语,例如:1. Electric personality:活力四射的个性。2. Electric atmosphere:充满活力的氛围。3. Electric slide:一种流行的舞蹈。总之,“electric”这个单词在英语中有着广泛的应用,可以用于描述各种与电有关的事物,同时也可以用于形容人或物体的活力和能量。
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2023-07-28 19:42:202

electric electrical用法区别

electrical, electric的用法区别electric指“与电有关的”,即“电产生的”“电带动的”“带电的”;而electrical指“与电学有关的”。如an electrical engineer电机〔气〕工程师; an electrical fault电力故障
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electric表示“电力的,以电为动力的”,而electrical表示“与电有关的”,“电气科学的”。例如: The boy is playing an electric train.那个孩子正在玩电动火车。 Now every room has an electric light.现在每间屋子都有电灯。 Our classroom are now equipped with electric fans. 我们教室现在装上了电扇。 My brother studies electrical engineering. 我兄弟学习电机工程学。 electricity 是名词,意思是:电。
2023-07-28 19:43:491


electric [i"lektrik] 基本翻译 n.电;电气车辆;带电体 adj.电的;电动的;发电的;导电的;令人震惊的 网络释义 electric:电的 | 情歌 | 水蓝
2023-07-28 19:44:101


瑧怎么组词?瑧玉 zhēn yù
2023-07-28 19:44:172


electric英 [u026a"lektru026ak]x09  美 [u026a"lektru026ak]x09 副词: electricallyadj.电的;电动的;带电的;刺激的 n.电动产品用作形容词 (adj.) They still live in the houses without electric lights. 他们仍然住在没有电灯的房子里. The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy. 太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能. He uses an electric razor for shaving. 他用一把电动刮脸刀刮脸. He bought an electric hair-drier for Mary. 他给玛丽买了一个电吹风. You will soon get used to typing on electric typewriters. 你很快就会习惯在电动打字机上打字. He put the electric plug into the socket. 他把电插头插入插座. His speech had an electric effect on the audience. 他的演讲令观众震惊不已. The atmosphere here tonight is absolutely electric. 今晚这里的气氛是完全令人兴奋的.
2023-07-28 19:44:381

electric怎么读 electric解释

1、electric,电的。读音:美/u026au02c8lektru026ak/;英/u026au02c8lektru026ak/。 2、释义:adj.电的;电动的;发电的;导电的;令人震惊的。n.电;电气车辆;带电体。 3、例句:My dentist recommends that I use an electric toothbrush.我的牙医建议我使用电动牙刷。
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1. electric 主要表示由电操纵的、发电的或用于导电的等。如:an electric fan 电扇an electric bell 电铃an electric lamp 电灯an electric stove 电炉an electric iron 电熨斗an electric plug 电插头an electric motor 电动机an electric generator 发电机There"s an electric heater in the bedroom. 卧室里有个电暖器。A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. 给一块石墨通入强电流。The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. 电动汽车迷们说,电动车清洁、无噪音而且经济。Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy. 汽车禁行,所以运输就靠电动车或马车。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables. 有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。I hope you don"t think I"m extravagant but I"ve had the electric fire on for most of the day. 我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. 有些人担心输电线的电磁场可能增加致癌几率。Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance. 汽车制造商们已经开始生产少量的电动车辆以测试顾客的接受程度。2. electrical 主要表示与电有关的或研究电气科学的等。如:electrical work 与电有关的工作an electrical engineer 电气工程师electrical experiments 电气实验electrical equipment 电气器械an electrical fault 电气故障An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。As you"ve probably guessed, the problem was electrical. 你们可能已经猜测出来了,这个问题与电有关。The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault. 飞机由于发生电力故障而作了临时降落。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。
2023-07-28 19:44:541


1. electric 主要表示由电操纵的、发电的或用于导电的等。如:an electric fan 电扇an electric bell 电铃an electric lamp 电灯an electric stove 电炉an electric iron 电熨斗an electric plug 电插头an electric motor 电动机an electric generator 发电机There"s an electric heater in the bedroom. 卧室里有个电暖器。A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. 给一块石墨通入强电流。The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. 电动汽车迷们说,电动车清洁、无噪音而且经济。Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy. 汽车禁行,所以运输就靠电动车或马车。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables. 有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。I hope you don"t think I"m extravagant but I"ve had the electric fire on for most of the day. 我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. 有些人担心输电线的电磁场可能增加致癌几率。Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance. 汽车制造商们已经开始生产少量的电动车辆以测试顾客的接受程度。2. electrical 主要表示与电有关的或研究电气科学的等。如:electrical work 与电有关的工作an electrical engineer 电气工程师electrical experiments 电气实验electrical equipment 电气器械an electrical fault 电气故障An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。As you"ve probably guessed, the problem was electrical. 你们可能已经猜测出来了,这个问题与电有关。The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault. 飞机由于发生电力故障而作了临时降落。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。
2023-07-28 19:45:011


2023-07-28 19:45:461


1. electric 主要表示由电操纵的、发电的或用于导电的等。如:an electric fan 电扇an electric bell 电铃an electric lamp 电灯an electric stove 电炉an electric iron 电熨斗an electric plug 电插头an electric motor 电动机an electric generator 发电机There"s an electric heater in the bedroom. 卧室里有个电暖器。A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite. 给一块石墨通入强电流。The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. 转盘由一根传动带与电机相连。Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. 电动汽车迷们说,电动车清洁、无噪音而且经济。Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy. 汽车禁行,所以运输就靠电动车或马车。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables. 有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。I hope you don"t think I"m extravagant but I"ve had the electric fire on for most of the day. 我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. 有些人担心输电线的电磁场可能增加致癌几率。Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance. 汽车制造商们已经开始生产少量的电动车辆以测试顾客的接受程度。2. electrical 主要表示与电有关的或研究电气科学的等。如:electrical work 与电有关的工作an electrical engineer 电气工程师electrical experiments 电气实验electrical equipment 电气器械an electrical fault 电气故障An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。As you"ve probably guessed, the problem was electrical. 你们可能已经猜测出来了,这个问题与电有关。The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault. 飞机由于发生电力故障而作了临时降落。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。
2023-07-28 19:46:101


综述如下:1、electric -电的(形容词)2、electrician -电工(名词)3、electrical -电的,电气科学的(形容词)4、electricity -电(名词)重点词汇:electric英[u026a'lektru026ak]释义:adj.电的;令人激动的;电子扩音的n.电路系统;电气交通工具[复数:electrics;比较级:more electric;最高级:most electric]短语:General Electric通用电气;通用电气公司;奇异公司词语使用变化:generaladj.(形容词)1、general的基本含义是“普遍的,全面的;总的,整体的”,该词侧重牵涉人人或绝大多数地方。引申可表示“非专门的,一般的”“正常的,常规的;通常的”“大致的,笼统的”。2、general也可表示“总的,首席的”,只用作定语,多与定冠词the连用,首字母常大写。3、general在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。
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electric的名词是electricity。Electric英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“电的;电动的;发电的;导电的;令人震惊的”,作名词时意为“电;电气车辆;带电体”。双语例句:1、You, me, all of us, stand in that electric field.您,我,所有人,站在一个导电的领域里。2、Every morning he shaves(himself) with this electric razor.每天早晨他都用这把电剃刀刮胡子。3、At the Paris Motor Show this week they unveiled electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Some go on sale in the next few months.就本周的巴黎汽车展上,发布了各种车型和尺寸的电动汽车,其中一些将在接下来的几个月内上市销售。
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一、指代不同1、electric:电的。2、electrical:用电的。二、侧重点不同1、electric:Electric 的意思为“导电的、电动的、发电的”,由电驱动的机器、用品或能发电的东西都用electric。2、electrical:Electrical 的意思是“同电有关的,电气科学的”。这一点与electric不同。三、引证用法不同1、electric:electric的基本意思是“电动的”“电的”,指以电作动力、由电产生、产生电的、使用电的或用于导电的,作此解时,只用作定语。2、electrical:electrical的主要意思是“与电有关的”,如关于电的知识或电的研究内容等。
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electric, electrical的区别 1. electric为“电的,用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。如: electric light, electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell。又如: Please connect the two electric wires. 请将这两根电线接起来。 With this electric blanket, the grandpa won"t feel cold in winter. 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷 爷就不觉得冷了。 2. electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。 如:electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering。又如: All the electrical work was done by my younger brother. 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。 He buried himself in an electrical book. 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。 electronic是电子的,和电子有关的。 这个区别有的字典说得不是很清楚。 另外,金山词霸采用的字典的解释有时是不准确的。 比如combustible是可燃,inflammable是易燃,两个不同的概念,但词霸把它们意思对调了。Electric: 带电的;通常用于形容带电的能量。e.g. electric power-电源Electrical: 带电的,跟Electric是同义词,但更带科学性,通常用于形容带电的实物(电器)。e.g.electrical appliances- 家用电器Electronic: 电子的;用于形容通过电的e.g. electronic equipment- 电子设备
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综述如下:1、electric -电的(形容词)2、electrician -电工(名词)3、electrical -电的,电气科学的(形容词)4、electricity -电(名词)重点词汇:electric英[u026a'lektru026ak]释义:adj.电的;令人激动的;电子扩音的n.电路系统;电气交通工具[复数:electrics;比较级:more electric;最高级:most electric]短语:General Electric通用电气;通用电气公司;奇异公司词语使用变化:generaladj.(形容词)1、general的基本含义是“普遍的,全面的;总的,整体的”,该词侧重牵涉人人或绝大多数地方。引申可表示“非专门的,一般的”“正常的,常规的;通常的”“大致的,笼统的”。2、general也可表示“总的,首席的”,只用作定语,多与定冠词the连用,首字母常大写。3、general在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。
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2023-07-28 19:48:521

belong in 是什么意思?

belong in应归入,属于
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Please keep your belongings with you at all times.
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2023-07-28 19:45:431


Rules of the Library(图书馆规则) Conduct within the Library 1. Noise,disturbance or unseemly behaviour is prohibited,including abusive or threatening behaviour to Library staff or to other Library users. 2. No food or drink (other than bottled water) is permitted in the Library building,apart from the Lobby area to the left of the entrance. 3. Smoking is not permitted in the Library building or outside near external doorways. 4. Disruptive mobile phone use is prohibited:Mobile phones should be switched off or set to silent mode in the Library building.Talking on the phone or letting it ring or beep is prohibited.Texting is permitted but only in silent mode.Outgoing calls may only be made in designated phone zones,currently the toilet lobbies and the entrance Lobby area 5. Library users are asked to treat other users with consideration,in particular those with a disability. 6. No material other than official notices from the Library or the School may be distributed within the Library,without the Librarian"s permission. 7. Library furniture,fittings or equipment must not be misused or their arrangement altered. 8. Library users should not attempt to reserve study places by leaving personal belongings at desks when they have left the building.Belongings may be cleared to allow others to use study places. 9. Note that unattended belongings are left at the owner"s risk and users are advised not to leave valuables even if they will be away from their desks for a short time. 10. Library users may be asked to present their bag for inspection by Library staff,as well as any books or folders they are carrying.
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2023-07-28 19:45:452

联想ideapad yoga 超极本使用说明

尊敬的联想用户您好,下面是为您查询到联想ideapad yoga 超极本电脑电子版用户手册,您可以在这里下载。感谢您对联想的支持,若有任何问题,您可以随时发帖咨询。感谢您对联想产品的支持,祝您生活愉快,谢谢!
2023-07-28 19:45:481


overlook v.t. 俯视、俯瞰 From my study window I overlook the bay and the headlands 忽视、忽察 宽恕 监督指导oversee v.t. look after, control,监察、监督(工作、工人) 很明显 overlook 大多数情况下可以替代 oversee ,但 oversee 很难替代 overlook。
2023-07-28 19:45:481


2023-07-28 19:45:524


2023-07-28 19:45:524


2023-07-28 19:45:581


WinPE是简化版的Microsoft Windows,放在一片可直接启动的CD、DVD光盘或U盘,特点是启动时出现Windows XP或Windows Server 2003的启动画面,以及出现简单的图形接口(GUI),亦能运行Internet Explorer。pe启动就是,用PE来启动电脑比如u大侠pe,用u大侠U盘启动制作工具给U盘一键制作usb启动盘后,再设置bios,开机启动为U盘启动,这样重启后就会进入pe启动界面。
2023-07-28 19:45:591

java 里面的com.sun.media扩展包是从哪里来的?

2023-07-28 19:46:062


Java自1995诞生,至今已经24年历史。Java的名字的来源:Java是印度尼西亚爪哇岛的英文名称,因盛产咖啡而闻名。Java语言中的许多库类名称,多与咖啡有关,如JavaBeans(咖啡豆)、NetBeans(网络豆)以及ObjectBeans (对象豆)等等。SUN和JAVA的标识也正是一杯正冒着热气的咖啡。 据“java之父”James Gosling回忆,最初这个为TV机顶盒所设计的语言在Sun内部一直称为Green项目。我们的新语言需要一个名字。Gosling注意到自己办公室外一棵茂密的橡树Oak,这是一种在硅谷很常见的树。所以他将这个新语言命名为Oak。(至于这Oak怎么变成了今天Java?因为当时Oak在商标搜索结果中显示,Oak已被一家显卡制造商Cuirco Difffusion公司注册,因此团队找到了一个新名字即Java。) 在命名征集会上,大家提出了很多名字。最后按大家的评选次序,将十几个名字排列成表,上报给商标律师。排在第一位的是Silk(丝绸)。尽管大家都喜欢这个名字,但遭到James Gosling的坚决反对。排在第二和第三的都没有通过律师这一关。只有排在第四位的名字、得到了所有人的认可和律师的通过,这个名字就是Java。 Java 语言自1995年正式问世以来,从崛起、问鼎、睥睨天下到进化、平稳、丢掉兵器谱头把交椅,经历了 Sun 的辉煌与坠落,微软的崛起与纷争,互联网的起兴、泡沫与复兴,移动互联网的大发展和 Android 平台的突飞猛进。Java 语言,就像互联网大航海时代的一艘大船,虽然它的语法没那么灵活,也没那么强大,有时候看起来甚至是滞重的、笨拙的,但是,Java 在二十年来每个浪潮的转折点都恰到好处的站在了浪潮之巅。最后一张图是“java之父”高斯林22年的一段java代码,算是彩蛋! 最全的java起源知识详解,纯手写,望点赞,望采纳,感激不尽!
2023-07-28 19:45:213

vc pe投资是什么意思

VC投资一般指风险投资,简称风投,缩写为VC,又译称为创业投资,主要是指向初创企业提供资金支持并取得该公司股份的一种融资方式;PE投资即Private Equity,简称pe,通常把PE翻译成狭义的股权投资,即“私募股权投资”,是指投资于非上市股权,或者上市公司非公开交易股权的一种投资方式。扩展资料:投资,指国家或企业以及个人,为了特定目的,与对方签订协议,促进社会发展,实现互惠互利,输送资金的过程。又是特定经济主体为了在未来可预见的时期内获得收益或是资金增值,在一定时期内向一定领域投放足够数额的资金或实物的货币等价物的经济行为。可分为实物投资、资本投资和证券投资等。前者是以货币投入企业,通过生产经营活动取得一定利润,后者是以货币购买企业发行的股票和公司债券,间接参与企业的利润分配。投资是创新创业项目孵化的一种形式,是对项目产业化综合体进行资本助推发展的经济活动。投资是货币收入或其他任何能以货币计量其价值的财富拥有者牺牲当前消费、购买或购置资本品以期在未来实现价值增值的谋利性经营性活动。投资这个名词在金融和经济方面有数个相关的意义。它涉及财产的累积以求在未来得到收益。技术上来说,这个词意味着“将某物品放入其他地方的行动”(或许最初是与人的服装或“礼服”相关)。从金融学角度来讲,相较于投机而言,投资的时间段更长一些,更趋向是为了在未来一定时间段内获得某种比较持续稳定的现金流收益,是未来收益的累积。风险投资公司为一专业的投资公司,由一群具有科技及财务相关知识与经验的人所组合而成的,经由直接投资获取投资公司股权的方式,提供资金给需要资金者(被投资公司)。风投公司的资金大多用于投资新创事业或是未上市企业(虽然现今法规上已大幅放宽资金用途),并不以经营被投资公司为目的,仅是提供资金及专业上的知识与经验,以协助被投资公司获取更大的利润为目的,所以是一追求长期利润的高风险高报酬事业。
2023-07-28 19:45:181


Abstract: The matrimonial property system of marital property regime is also called, refers to norms of pre-marital property and married couples from the use of property, ownership, management, earnings, and the repayment of the debt the couple husband and wife and other family expenses, marital property upon termination of husband and wife segmentation, such as settlement and the legal system. China"s existing marriage law and statutory property agreement property of the husband and wife combination of property system. 2001, the newly revised "Marriage" While on the property between husband and wife have a larger sound system, but with the development of China"s market economy, the increasing complexity of the relationship between husband and wife property. Matrimonial property system of the present continuous to show the inadequacy of his: the couple less than the statutory property; intellectual property rights vested; the lack of agreed property; lack of individual-specific property and so on, our country in order to improve the system of matrimonial property, marital property should further improve the system, matrimonial property system of our country and build a complete system.
2023-07-28 19:45:044


java 千篇文章收集
2023-07-28 19:45:027


远眺的英文是overlook。overlook是什么意思:v. 瞭望;监督;忽视n. 眺望参考例句:1、Exclusive plantation house situated in nature reserve overlooking sea.位于自然保护区的独特种植园大楼可临海远眺。2、Martin Liss stood in the room looking north through the sliding glass doors.马蒂利斯站在房间里,透过玻璃拉门向外远眺。3、Love overlooks defects and hatred magnifies shortcomings.爱情忽视缺陷,憎恨放大缺点。4、On the Double Ninth Festival people often climb hills or mountains to look far into the distance.人们经常在重阳节登高远眺。5、Our room overlooked the street.我们的房间远眺街道。
2023-07-28 19:45:001


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2023-07-28 19:44:591

联想lenovo yoga 710 如何进入 bios

1、首先我们将联想笔记本进行关机。2、然后我们点击右侧的开机按钮,在启动电脑的过程中,一直连续按下【F12】键。3、然后我们会进入初始界面,切换到【App Menu】选项。4、点击【Setup】按钮,就可以进入bios界面了。
2023-07-28 19:44:581

do not forget to carry your thing

2023-07-28 19:44:534

java sun包

2023-07-28 19:44:521


  操作步骤:   1、首先安装Windows操作系统。   2、备份好硬盘数据。   3、在关机时,点击关机键左侧的一键恢复按钮即可。   联想集团是1984年中国科学院计算技术研究所投资20万元人民币,由11名科技人员创办,是中国的一家在信息产业内多元化发展的大型企业集团,和富有创新性的国际化的科技公司。   从1996年开始,联想电脑销量一直位居中国国内市场首位,2014年10月,联想集团宣布了该公司已经完成对摩托罗拉移动的收购。作为全球电脑市场的领导企业,联想从事开发、制造并销售可靠的、安全易用的技术产品及优质专业的服务,帮助全球客户和合作伙伴取得成功。联想公司主要生产台式电脑、服务器、笔记本电脑、智能电视、打印机、掌上电脑、主板、手机、一体机电脑等商品。
2023-07-28 19:44:501


1.定义:“PE”即Private Equity,私募股权是指投资于非上市股权,或者上市公司非公开交易股权的一种投资方式 。从投资方式角度看,私募股权投资是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。2.特点: 私募股权投资(PrivateEqulty,PE),也翻译成“私有权益投资”、“私募资本投资”等形式,这些不同的翻译都不同程度地反映了私有权益投资的以下特点:第一,在资金募集上,主要通过非公开方式面向少数机构投资者或个人募集,它的销售和赎回都是基金管理人通过私下与投资者协商进行的。另外在投资方式上也是以私募形式进行,绝少涉及公开市场的操作,一般无需披露交易细节。第二,多采取权益型投资方式,绝少涉及债权投资。PE投资机构也因此对被投资企业的决策管理享有一定的表决权。反映在投资工具上,多采用普通股或者可转让优先股,以及可转债的工具形式。第三,对非上市公司的股权投资,或者投资于上市公司非公开交易股权,因流动性差被视为长期投资(一般可达3年一5年或更长),所以投资者会要求高于公开市场的回报。第四,资金来源广泛,如富有的个人、风险基金、杠杆收购基金、战略投资者、养老基金、保险公司等。第五,没有上市交易,所以没有现成的市场供非上市公司的股权出让方与购买方直接达成交易。而持币待投的投资者和需要投资的企业必须依靠个人关系、行业协会或中介机构来寻找对方。第六,比较偏向于已形成一定规模和产生稳定现金流的成形企业,这一点与VC有明显区别。第七,投资回报方式主要有三种:公开发行上市、售出或并购、公司资本结构重组。对引资企业来说,私募股权投资不仅有投资期长、增加资本金等好处,还可能给企业带来管理、技术、市场和其他需要的专业技能。相对于波动大、难以预测的公开市场而言,私募股权投资资本市场是更稳定的融资来源。在引进私募股权投资的过程中,可以对竞争者保密,因为信息披露仅限于投资者而不必像上市那样公之于众。第八,PE投资机构多采取有限合伙制,这种企业组织形式有很好的投资管理效率,并避免了双重征税的弊端。第九,投资退出渠道多样化,有首次公开募股IPO、售出(TradeSale)、兼并收购(M&A)、标的公司管理层回购等。
2023-07-28 19:44:484


your belongings
2023-07-28 19:44:384

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2023-07-28 19:44:373